- 2 years ago
- 53
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Author’s Note:
Three years. That’s a long time to wait for a chapter, especially since I ended the last chapter with a devastating cliffhanger. I’m sure most of my readers assumed I lost interest in this story, or that I’m the laziest writer in the history of Literotica. Neither is the case and I actually have a (legitimate?) excuse for the epic lateness of what you’re about to read. The truth is, ‘Savannah’ is the story I’m most proud of. I know that my profile is known for ‘Beauty & the Geek’ and that’s the story most of my readers enjoy the most, but ‘Savannah’ is the story I fantasized about publishing. I wanted it to be my finest example of writing. I took a ridiculous amount of time and care in writing the first two chapters, with a firm story arc in mind (something I never had with ‘Beauty & the Geek’ — a story I wrote basically off the top of my head as I typed the words).
But then something happened.
Grace is based on a real person who was a very close friend of mine until she passed away long before she deserved. This happened not long after I posted chapter 2 of ‘Savannah’. I tried sitting down to write chapter 3 probably fifty times over the last three years, but I just couldn’t do it. It hurt, emotionally. I could hear my friend’s voice in Grace’s pronounced drawl. Eventually I was resigned to the fact that ‘Savannah’ would go unfinished. Time has a way of healing all wounds, however. A scar remains, but it’s finally time to continue this story. I owe it to her, to you, and to myself. This chapter is dedicated to the real Grace and to all my readers who have waited so long to hear her voice again.
Ashlee leaned in close to the surface of a vanity mirror, a strand of her dark shoulder-length tresses clutched between two fingers. She studied the tips of her hair, assessing the split-ends and wondering if she should make an appointment with her stylist before graduation. After careful scrutiny of several more strands Ashlee glanced towards a digital clock beside her bed and realized she had been staring at her hair for nearly forty five minutes.
‘I am so bored,’ she declared to her reflection.
Picking up her cell phone, Ashlee made several swipes against its surface until her contacts list was displayed. She stared at Grace’s name and picture, contemplating calling. The girls hadn’t spoken in two weeks and Ashlee desperately missed talking to her best friend. Grace had lied about her involvement with Chase and Ashlee felt it was Grace’s responsibility to take the first move and make things right between them, but if she didn’t call soon Ashlee feared they wouldn’t make up in time for graduation — only a week away.
Just as Ashlee was about to move her thumb and call Grace she heard the doorbell. Setting her phone aside she hurried out of her room and trotted down a long flight of stairs into a massive entryway. Wondering who would be knocking after eight o’clock on a Thursday night, Ashlee looked through the door’s peep hole.
He was the last person she expected to see.
After working the deadbolt Ashlee pulled the door open, ‘Chase?’
‘Hey Ashlee,’ Chase mumbled in a deadened tone.
‘Jesus,’ Ashley intoned, looking over the boy who had come between her and Grace. He looked terrible, as if he hadn’t shaved or slept in a week. His jeans and light canvas jacket had dirty scuff marks, as though he had been rolling on the ground, and dried blood caked the left corner of his mouth. Chase’s normally-neat brown hair was heavily tousled. ‘Honey, you look awful. What are you doing here?’
Chase leaned heavily against the door jamb as though he was having trouble supporting his own weight. ‘Sorry… I didn’t know where else to go,’ he slurred slowly.
‘Oh Jesus,’ Ashley frowned sympathetically, ‘You’re drunk, aren’t you?’
Chase smirked without enthusiasm, ‘I think so.’
‘Okay,’ Ashlee offered, moving to help Chase by throwing his arm over her shoulders, ‘You are so lucky my parents went to Atlanta for the week. Let’s get you inside.’
Leaning heavily against Ashlee, Chase stumbled into the house beside her. ‘She won’t see me,’ he mumbled in a voiced soaked with self-pity, ‘She won’t even talk to me.’
Ashlee led him towards the closest couch within a sitting room connected to the entry, struggling under Chase’s weight, ‘Who won’t talk to you… Grace?’
Chase slumped into the couch with the strength of a ragdoll. ‘She’s gonna marry some spoiled rich kid,’ he slurred, leaning his head against the back of the couch and closing his eyes.
‘What?!’ Ashlee’s eyes widened, ‘Grace is getting married?’
Chase nodded, his expression twisting in pain.
‘How is that even possible?’ Ashlee wondered with disbelief, ‘Who is she marrying?’
‘Dylan,’ Chase murmured quietly. ‘Dylan… I forget.’
‘Montgomery,’ Ashlee finished for him. ‘Oh dear. Okay, um, we better get you cleaned up. You stay here and I’ll be right back, all right?’
Chase didn’t reply but also didn’t look as though he was going anywhere. Hurrying back upstairs, Ashley set out to fetch what she’d need. She wanted to call Grace and find out what the hell was going on but sensed Chase needed her attention more urgently. Ashlee collected a washcloth and basin as well as a pillow and some blankets before returning to the sitting room where she left Chase. He remained exactly as she left him.
‘I need a drink,’ Chase complained, barely conscious.
‘How about some coffee?’ Ashlee suggested, setting her items on the floor and kneeling near Chase’s feet. She dipped the washcloth into the water basin before lifting it towards Chase’s face. ‘Were you in a fight? Your lip is swollen and bloody.’
‘Some asshole at the bar,’ Chase confirmed.
Ashlee let out a heavy sigh as she dabbed at the corner of his mouth, ‘You’re a wreck, aren’t you?’
If Chase noted Ashlee’s attentions he didn’t show it, ‘I love her, Ashlee. I’m so in love with her…’
Ashlee winced at Chase’s proclamation. All at once she realized whatever frivolous crush she had on Chase paled in comparison to what he felt for Grace.
‘How is this even possible?’ Ashlee wondered, rinsing the washcloth free of Chase’s dried blood. ‘Grace hates Dylan, she always has. She would never marry him.’
No answer came. Chase had passed out.
‘Okay,’ Ashlee breathed, dropping her washcloth into the basin. ‘This is officially the weirdest night I’ve had in a while.’
Struggling to remove Chase’s Jacket, Ashlee also pulled his shoes off and managed to lay him back on the couch. Covering him with a pair of blankets she assumed he’d be fine sleeping it off until morning. Wondering what would possess Chase to drive to her house, Ashlee assumed answers would come in the morning. In the meantime, she needed to talk to Grace.
‘Honey,’ Branford Lattimore was explaining to his daughter, ‘You have to understand, it’s a different economic climate out there. Paper just isn’t selling like it used to, what with all these computers and tablets and such.’
Grace sat sullenly on her bedroom loveseat wearing a tank top and a pair of flannel boxers, arms curled around her long legs. ‘Ah understand, daddy,’ she said, her tone venomous, ‘Ah understand that you and mom sold me off to the Montgomery family like some kind of prized mare, so they can breed me with their stud.’
Branford frowned at the analogy, standing in Grace’s room wearing a long smoking jacket and playing with his slender moustache. ‘It’s not like that at all, darlin’. Ah’m doing this for you — for your future, and the future of your children.’
‘You know Dylan Montgomery is a vile snake, right?’ Grace scowled at the very thought of him, ‘Ah would rather you marry me to a witless donkey.’
Branford chuckled at his daughter’s melodrama, ‘He’s just young and foolish, like all boys his age. Y’al
l will get on just fine, in time.’
Grace pushed a wavy strand of her blonde hair behind an ear, ‘Please don’t make me do this, daddy. Ah’m never going to fall in love with Dylan. Ah’m already…. ah’m in love with someone else.’
‘The catering boy?’ Branford lifted a brow.
‘He’s not a catering boy,’ Grace growled angrily. She had never viewed her father as a snobbish elitist before that moment, ‘He’s going to school to be a mechanic, he’s going to open his own garage. And his name is Chase.’
‘You’re too young to know real love, Grace. Ah know you think you love this boy, but you’re not considering your future. He can’t provide for you like Dylan can. Just imagine, sweetheart – after you marry Dylan your children will stand to inherit two of Savannah’s oldest and richest fortunes. You and yours will be secure for generations. Now, isn’t that just a little more important than some fling you’re having with a boy in a hot rod?’
Grace sighed, realizing she had little chance of making her father understand. He was right, she knew, if she married Dylan she would be marrying into the richest family in Savannah. Grace’s father was simply too pragmatic and money-conscious to see the situation any other way, so he did what any shrewd business man would do – he made a deal to secure the financial future of his business and family. As her parent’s only child it was Grace’s duty to heed their arrangement. It may have been an antiquated southern custom, but she was honor-bound to marry a boy she loathed for the sake of her family. At least, that’s how Savannah’s upper society would see it.
‘You’re wrong,’ Grace spoke with resignation. ‘Ah love Chase, and he loves me. Maybe ah’m only eighteen but ah know what love is, daddy.’ She pushed on the same tousle of hair she had curled behind her ear only a few moments earlier, out of habit. ‘But… you’re also right. If ah marry Dylan we’ll get lots of Montgomery money and m’ah children will get to grow up in a big mansion. The only thing is… Dylan ain’t simply young and dumb. He’s a mean, viscous scoundrel who’s had a silver spoon stuck up his rear side for so long he thinks the whole damned world should be kissin’ his ass. If ah marry Dylan Montgomery, ah’ll never be happy.’
Branford sighed. He certainly wasn’t immune to his daughter’s pleas, ‘What would you have me do, darlin’? You want me to call off the deal? We won’t get the contracts and ah’ll be forced to close more mills. Chances are we’ll lose everything. The house, all of our belongings…’
‘Ah would just be happy with Chase, the money don’t matter to me none.’
‘You say that now,’ Branford shook his head, ‘But you’ve never been poor, Grace. You don’t know what kind of struggle that can be. Ah don’t think your mother could take it.’
‘Don’t worry, daddy.’ Grace pulled her legs in tighter and set her chin on a knee, ‘Ah’m a Lattimore and ah’ll do my duty. You won’t lose mama or the business.’
‘That’s m’ah girl,’ Branford reached and squeezed her shoulder affectionately. ‘Trust me, darlin, and give it some time. It won’t be as bad as what you got stuck in your head.’
Grace offered a melancholy nod and waited for her father to leave the room before allowing a single tear to leak from her eye, but as soon as her bedroom door closed several of them streamed downward. She wiped a palm across her cheek and sniffled, telling herself that it would all work out somehow. Grace wanted to be strong, she didn’t want to cry. Girls cried, she told herself, not women, and Chase had made her a woman.
Rising from the loveseat, Grace began pacing in her room — a habit she performed whenever something weighed heavily on her. Her bare feet padded back and forth along the plush carpeting as she contemplated her muddy future. Luckily for the floor, her cell phone began ringing to distract Grace from wearing a path into the carpet.
Distracted, she answered without even looking to see who it was, ‘Hello?’
‘Grace? It’s me.’
‘Yeah. Um, is this a good time?’
Grace pushed a hand through her blonde waves. Her voice wavered from the recent water-works, ‘It’s good to hear your voice. Ah could use a friend right about now.’
‘So it’s true? You’re engaged to Dylan?’
Grace closed her eyes and let herself fall into a sitting position on her couch, ‘Well, no one’s decorated m’ah finger with any stones yet, but ah suspect it won’t take very long. How’d you know about it, anyway?’
There was a pause before Ashlee replied, ‘Chase is here.’
Grace’s eyes popped open and she sat forward, ‘He’s with you right now?’
‘He showed up about twenty minutes ago, drunk and depressed, claiming you had dumped him and were marrying Dylan Montgomery.’
Grace sounded surprised, ‘He’s drunk?’
‘Yeah, he was a mess. He’s passed out on my sitting room couch right now. Don’t worry, though. My parents are in Atlanta so he can sleep it off until morning. Are you going to tell me what the hell is going on?’
‘It’s been arranged,’ Grace sighed. ‘Ah’m such a fool, Ash. Ah should have seen it coming. We were paired up at the Spring Gala, which should have been the first clue. Then when we were dancing Dylan kept going on about what a perfect couple we would make… ah bet that slippery fink already knew about the arrangement the night of the gala.’
‘Why would your parents do such a thing? It’s… I mean an arranged marriage? That’s practically prehistoric. No one does that anymore.’
Grace let out a heavy breath, ‘Daddy’s paper company is in trouble but the Montgomery’s are willing to give them some big fat contract if ah’ll marry Dylan. You have to admit — a union between our families would be pretty smart, for both sides. The Montgomery’s and the Lattimore’s are old money in Savannah.’
‘What are you going to do?’ Ashlee sounded doubtful Grace would agree.
‘Ah have to marry him. If ah don’t, Daddy’s company’ll probably go under and send him straight to the poor house. If that happened mother would likely divorce him and ah don’t know if Daddy could take losing her like that.’
‘Jesus. So you’re going to do it? You’re going to marry Dylan?’
‘What choice do ah have?’
‘Chase is absolutely crushed, I could see it in his eyes. I think he really loves you.’
Grace closed her eyes to fight back more tears, ‘Take good care of him, okay?’
‘Is there anything you want me to tell him?’
‘Ah’ve already tried explaining it to him,’ Grace sniffled. ‘Just tell him… tell him ah miss him, that ah think about him all the time, but that m’ah mind is made up. Ah have to do right by the family.’
Chase woke up with a splitting headache and had no idea where he was. Pushing the blanket off he rose on the couch and looked around the spacious sitting room, but the surroundings didn’t become any more familiar. ‘Where the fuck am I?’ he groaned hoarsely, putting a palm on his aching forehead.
Smelling coffee, Chase stood. He realized his shoes were missing. He spotted them by a chair which also contained his folded jacket. Wherever he was, he decided, someone had put him to bed. Following his nose, Chase wandered into a wide hall.
‘Good morning,’ Ashlee greeted him from the kitchen. She was seated at a glass breakfast table situated in front of some tall bay windows, the area bright with morning sun. She had a cup of coffee and was looking at something on her smart phone.
‘Ashlee?’ Chase finally got a clue, ‘Is this your house?’
‘Yep,’ she nodded, ‘Well, technically it’s my parent’s.’
‘Where are they?’ Chase glanced around nervously.
‘How did I get here?’
Ashlee’s gaze narrowed, ‘You came here, last night, drunk and bloody. Don’t you remember?’
Chase shook his head embarrassedly.
‘Jesus, Chase. Are you stupid or something? You could have killed someone driving drunk like that.’ Ashlee stood and mov
ed towards a cabinet, ‘And why are you at bars getting into drunken brawls? You’re not even old enough to be in a bar.’
Chase slumped into a chair as Ashlee prepared him a cup of coffee, ‘I know… I know…’
‘Even if you are crushed because of Grace, there’s no excuse!’
‘I’m sorry I showed up here like that. It won’t happen again, I promise.’
‘I don’t mind that you came here,’ Ashley sat the coffee in front of him and rejoined Chase at the table, ‘But take a taxi next time, would you?’
Chase nodded sullenly and tried a sip of the coffee. It was too hot so he blew on it.
‘I talked to Grace last night,’ Ashley’s voice softened, ‘She wanted me to tell you that she misses you.’
Chase let out an unamused laugh, ‘If she missed me so much she wouldn’t be marrying that spoiled jerk-off.’
‘She doesn’t want to marry him. She wants to be with you. But her parents arranged it.’
‘What is this?’ Chase growled, ‘Medieval times? Who arranges marriages anymore?’
‘This is Savannah, honey,’ Ashlee reminded him, ‘Old money, old customs.’
Chase pulled an old flip-phone from his pocket and checked the time, ‘Shit, I’ve got to be at work in a couple hours. I’m supposed to be serving at some dinner tonight.’
Ashlee asked worriedly, ‘In Ardsley Park?’
‘Yeah,’ Chase quickly swallowed some coffee, ‘At the Event Center ballroom.’
‘It’s a banquet for this year’s graduating seniors and their families,’ Ashlee knew, ‘They do it every year. Which means…’
Chase finished her sentence with no small amount of trepidation, ‘…Grace will be there.’
Ashlee bit her lip nervously, ‘Yeah. And Dylan Montgomery, too.’
‘M’ah gawd,’ Grace tried getting out of her father’s Cadillac, ‘This dress is tighter than a virgin on prom night.’
Branford couldn’t help but chuckle at his daughter’s comment. He didn’t criticize her vulgar phrase because he knew Grace had learned it from him.
The two had arrived to the Event Center together, Grace’s mother was already there setting up, as she had been on the banquet’s planning committee. ‘You look beautiful,’ he said after walking around the car and helping her out, ‘Just like your mother when she was your age.’
‘Ah bet she never wore anything so slinky,’ Grace took a moment to tug at her gown. It was a red thing that clung to her body like a second skin, covering her slender frame from ankle to breast. It had a low back and sparkled with silvery glitter, a slit up the left side revealed her leg to mid-thigh. Grace’s accessories included a silver pendant necklace with matching bracelets that hung loosely from her wrists, red heels, and a white clutch purse. Her blonde hair was gathered up into a coil at the back of her head revealing the soft, pale skin of her neck.
‘You picked the dress out,’ Branford reminded her, offering his elbow as an escort, ‘Ah don’t know why you fret so much about it.’
Grace swapped her purse into her other hand before slipping an arm around her father’s, ‘It looked good on that mannequin in the store…’
Before they reached the entrance of the Event Center Grace spotted a familiar face at the far edge of the parking lot, where Ashlee was stealing a cigarette away from prying eyes. ‘Look, there’s Ash. Ah’ll meet you inside, okay daddy?’
‘Don’t be long,’ Branford agreed, ‘Your mother will be waiting for us.’
Trotting in her heels, Grace hurried towards her friend. ‘Ash!’ she called with a wide grin.
Ashlee discarded her cigarette, beamed a smile, and closed the distance between them, ‘Grace!’
The two friends embraced tightly. Even though it had only been two weeks, they hugged as though they hadn’t seen each other in years.
‘I missed you so much,’ Ashlee clutched.
‘Me too,’ Grace reciprocated.
‘Do you have any more of those smokes?’ Grace wondered when they finally separated.
Ashlee nodded eagerly and began fishing in her purse, which was silvery and matched her leggy mini-dress. Her own darker hair was coiled up in a similar fashion to Grace’s.
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We spent much of the remainder of the day, re-working Roger's report into a draft article for the magazine. I felt we needed more background information on the life style of those who lived in the community and those who had houses of their own. Sumala's knowledge provided some of the answers but always they were from a man's point of view. "What would if be like if I had gone instead of Roger? Would one man have picked me out and taken me for the night or would I have to submit to the...
I walked in to a adult book store where I was heading for the glory hole in the back I have been there be for and know its safe.. I walked to the tooth I normally take and found it locked and some one was in there. So I walked to the one that had the x on the door wonder why did not hit me yet. I closed the door and popped my 20 bucks in the player and pulled my pants off I did not want cum or lube to be on them and hung them on the door. I picked anal blowjobs for the movie and lubed my self...
She MalesI have to thank him for the situation I was in. He humiliated, cheated and threw me away like a dirty oil rag. To prove him wrong I decided to do something I would never have done in a million years. I was really a shy, reserved person that believed that a woman’s sexuality is holy, only to be exchanged for security by marriage to a wealthy man. He called me prudish because I would not wear a bikini, calling me a cold fish when I refused to let him stick his finger in my vagina. He said I was...
The set up: Long lost friends reunite after several years apart; only to find they have more in common than they’d thought. So Armando boards a plane to visit his friend Sarah. Sarah… We decide to go out to a nice restaurant to eat for dinner. The hostess sits us in a secluded corner booth. As we look at the menus you slide over so that you are sitting right next to me. I lean into you, pressing my body against your side. You move your hand down to my thigh and slowly slide it upward. ...
NovelsKaty Harrison was 23 years old and about to get married. Her husband to be, Tony, was the only man she had ever loved and she couldn't be more happier. She had met Tony when she was only 18 and he was the only man she had ever slept with, indeed the only man she had ever done anything of a sexual nature with. It didn't bother Katy though, Tony was kind and a gentle, caring lover. Katy felt fulfilled and excited about her big day. Katy's best friend was Leanne, it was strange that they were best...
Jessica and Abigail arrived right on time. That was no surprise, they had been programmed to do so. How? We'll get to that later. Jessica was a new entry level lab tech at the firm, 30 years old, and just out of college. College can take longer than expected when you become a mom at 18. Abigail (Abby) was that daughter, She already possessed the beauty and grace of a model, but was almost pathologically shy. They entered with few words, the cool fall weather outside blew in, and I quickly...
Introduction: Ryan gets me aroused then sends me to expose myself My Boyfriend likes to expose me or perhaps it should be called The exhibitionist in denial by Vanessa Evans All characters involved in any sexual activities in this story were over 18 when the events took place. Background The main characters in this fictional series are Tanya and Ryan who are both in their early / mid-twenties. They met at university and have been together ever since. Tanyas body stopped developing when she...
The warmth of day bleeds its last sunny residue into the night as he silently slips through the dark. Summer is ending but there are still things to do, tables to turn and amusements to have. A late game of hide and seek with the neighbours girl and her visiting friends are turning out more interesting that he first suspected. One of the girls is hiding in the old tool shed and he enters it stealthily, like a hunting predator, led there by muffled giggles. He was already adjusted to the gloom;...
The next week I walked into the salon and told the receptionist that I had an appointment with Jessie. She directed me into the salon where I found a woman that I can best describe as a spinner. As Jessie and I introduced ourselves I found myself face to face with a gorgeous little brunette about 5’ 1” and 100 lbs. She was about 27 or 28 years old with a pretty face, beautiful brown eyes and lips that were made to be wrapped around a hard cock. My best guess is that she is 32-24-32 with...
I thought we loved each other.But, she cheated on me. I found out about it through a friend who saw her at a hotel bar in our neighboring town. I started paying closer attention to her comings and goings and times she was out of the house. I actually followed her one time and saw first hand for myself.It shook me to the core. I initially just wanted to divorce her and be done with it all but I thought about my anger. I had to have retribution to feel whole again.I never confronted her about it...
Lara was 28 and it had been four years since her life was changed forever. She had just finished her master's degree at the young age of 24 when the most dramatic thing happened to her. Even four years later, the event was still in her everyday thinking. Lara was brought up very protected and in a family that loved her dearly. She was a very beautiful young woman who was lucky enough to possess a body that left a permanent impression in every man's head. She was sexy by all standards and two...
I drove home from the bookstore with a smile on my face. Spunky hadn't changed a lick. To Spunky any guy who was getting any, was 'The Man'. He really was all about sex. I felt funny leaving my step mom there in the glory hole room but I figured she was getting just what she wanted. She wanted me to screw her on the side and I was all right with it as long as I didn't hurt my dad. She was in heaven sucking the cocks as they stuck them through the wall so I didn't feel bad about it but just a...
SRU: Killer By Julie It was one of the loveliest spots in the area. The black tarmac of the road wove around the gentle hills. Their slopes were scattered with trees. Newly foliaged with the advance of spring, the trees were covered in dogwood blossoms. The open spaces were filled with a profusion of wildflowers; their colors pleasing to the eyes and their aromas, the nose. The birds were singing their mating songs since spring is a time of rebirth. The rest stop is...
genre: ass worship,ass kissing, fondling, licking, butt sniffing, facesitting and facefarting._________________________________Allen and I had several things in common which drew us into friendship early in college. We were both from small towns and we fell somewhere between the labels of "dweebish" and "geekish". Throw in a little "nerdish" and I think you get the idea. We weren't bad looking. Just skinny and socially awkward, especially when it came to girls. If one looked our way, we...
This is a fictional story based on complete family swap sex. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story, leading to sex, rather than stories with just wild sex. My stories are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at [email protected] So far, we have seen how Rahul and Akram reveal their...
Incest"How was that, baby," Vern asked his wife, Pam as he rolled of her rolled off of her after an almost one hour fuck-a-thon!?! "Oh, honey," she cooed softly while stretching her sleek body, "it was really wonderful, I came at least a hundred times!!!" "Good," he said with a laugh while leaning over and kissing her on the cheek, "cuz if you need anymore you're outta luck, I'm one dead puppy!!!" A few minutes later the only sound you could hear was Vern's soft even snoring as he...
I’ve been working with Lauren and Julia’s story for a year now and it’s been a pleasure sharing their story with you. Because of a personal choice, I’ve not posted much of Lauren’s and Julia’s story online. However, I hoped they, as characters, resonated with readers. I know I’m far from done with Lauren and Julia’s path, but I do want to have readers here to find some safe haven with Lauren and Julia’s future–I chalk that up to being a part of the ‘Disney Generation’. Lauren has come quite...
I did a bit more work, preparing for the new boat and spent a fair few hours out and about with my faithful collie. I had never done so much walking before, nor had I taken so many photographs either, even taking one from the same spot as earlier but with different light. {!Al_8HgVUN9_pjRKVX5tTD5doQr3V?e=BL8TsH} I didn’t get to see Ginny again until Friday afternoon when she called around, ostensibly to check what time we were going to the whisky tasting. When I told her...
As the ferry ploughed on through the fog, Nate's phone buzzed again. He slipped it out of his jacket pocket; the second-to-last bar winked out, as they had been doing steadily since departing from the terminal. Jessie: i miss u He thumbed past the lock. i miss u too. i can't believe i have to do this. Jessie:its ok. just try to have a good time!!!! :-) middle of nowhere. not even any signal out here :-( this place better have wifi. i'll text u when i get there. Message not delivered....
The morning after the road trip Jill could not look at me without shaking her head and smirking. “What! Do you have something on your mind?” I said “I can’t believe what goes on in your head. You are such a pervert, making me do all those crazy things!” “You are right I have always had a perverted side. I think everyone does… You do too! It’s just all about chemistry. One little chemical in your system, and you are even more perverted than me!” Jill just smiled and shook her head. “I...
Mission Log: Summary Cornerstone is complete. With the defensive asteroid platform fully operational, my game theory sub-routine's next priority project is building chaff grenade dispensers. Their purpose is to confuse and divert missiles from their targets as the fragile nature of the spy platform is a concern. It is my best resource for timely data from the planet, therefore a defensive mechanism to protect the array from space borne attack is necessary. Of course, a chaff defense is...
Messin' With The Wrong Trannies By Texzilla Milo Schullenberg stumbled into the apartment first, followed by his equally tired and sweaty roommate, Dave Angelo. The two athletic young men drop their racquetball paddles and head towards their living room area. "Not on the couch!!" Dave yelled. "Use your video game playing chair. It already smells like your sweaty ass." "Good point," Milo said falling onto the couch anyway. "I'll do that next time." "What were the advantages...
Explorer Leader Thelt begins by saying, “Alright, people, find a place to sit, and no chit-chat. We have a lot to go over.” As the Patrol Group members take their seats, Relpt asked, “What’s this about, Vert?” “I don’t know, but we are about to find out.” Thelt begins his briefing with, “Ship Commander Shimlt, the First Offspring, Soldar Tomrd, and Adviser Xlau have been notified of several problems with our current plan. They decided it needs to be revised. These changes will impact our...
Introduction: Hello and thank you for coming by to read. Once again, this story is completely fictional. I have never nor do I know anyone who has ever experienced anything like this. This is purely a fantasy based story. There are sensitive subjects such as slavery, sexual abuse, and rape in this story. If youre uncomfortable with that, please turn back now. Hope you enjoy! The blonde girl slept for most of the day after her session with Kurt. Her body ached from his abuse and longed for more...
Note : This story is completely fictional! It’s been two weeks since my family reunion god was that an eye opener. I just finished my last shift at the hospital for two whole weeks of blood free bliss, I was looking forward to the break. I was intending to go to Italy with my roommate but I pulled out after my uncle Steve asked me to spend the two weeks in his villa in France to give me a chance to meet my 18yo cousins John and James the twins. It was the night before my flight I was so nervous...
Incest"You heard me!" I angrily exclaimed. "You take our little games for granted, my little Sissy Hubby! You think that I just go along with your "I don't want to dress and look like a woman" and "I don't REALLY want to suck a dick" and your "Please don't make me swallow cum" and all the scenarios we play at. Let me tell you that it's not the easiest thing in the world to find guys who are willing to let a good-looking woman's sissy husband suck their dicks, when what they really want, is...
An inconspicuous vehicle is traveling down the back roads of a nameless city. It's 5:30 PM. A man- Joe Smith- is driving the Dry Cleaning Pick-Up Truck. A mysterious moaning is coming from the back of his truck. He pays it no heed. He pulls off of the main road and into the South side of town. It's not a place that many people like to go to. A few minutes later, he pulls his truck up to an abandoned warehouse. The place has seen better days- at least twenty years ago. He leans his head out of...
BDSMSandra smiled when she came to a decision. She looked at Nico and noticed how tense he was. He was staring at her with eyes that told her that he was hoping for her to obey him. The moment Sandra started to move on her bed, the sexual tension between them intensified. Sandra took her time, but eventually, her legs were hanging over the edge of her bed, with her toes pointing at Nico. He leaned in closer. He swallowed when Sandra slowly started to open her legs for him. He couldn't believe...
“Damn girl, that walk up and those titties bouncing with your panties showing and that dress hiked up so high. Em, Em, Em,” is right says Jake Adams of today’s exploit who is just so excited to be here. We’re excited for you Jasmine Wilde and I don’t think we’ve ever had such an enthusiast girl who just can’t wait to take her clothes off and suck someone’s, anyone’s dick more than this girl. I’m surprised she didn’t get molested walking thru the pool area of the hotel on her way to the front...
xmoviesforyouNurse Heidi looked down at the flyer dropped from the American bomber only a few short days ago. It had listed twelve Japanese cities and there was no mention of Hiroshima on the flyer. It seemed a bit unfair to be dropping such flyers and then dropping bombs on places not mentioned. Of course, she knew that Hiroshima had a lot of military activities unlike Nagasaki and she was glad the General had chosen the out of the way place to bring the prisoners. The Japanese laborers gossiped about...
So mere ghar ke side wala ghar khali tha or vo rent ke liye available tha.. To ek din ek new couple waha shift hue larka to chutiya sa tha or vo kisi mnc me kaam krta tha or vaha kisi bohot hi aachi post pe tha or oski wife to maa kasam kamal thi osse dekh ke to koi bhi keh de ki mujhe wife chaiye to aaisi… Ab vo yaha new the to vo jyada logo se baat to nahi krte the oska pati to din bhar office rataha tha or raat ko 9-9:30 ke aas paas ghar aata tha to vo bhi thora sa insecure tha to osne humse...
[Opening Theme: “Violet Skies” by In This Moment] “Flashback! A Magical Girl is Born! Two Guys at the Same Time?” “Oh God! Yes, fuck me Wade, yes, oooohhh!” screamed Jennifer as her pussy was pounded from behind by the football player’s rock hard dick. “Yeah, take it babe, take it! I’m cumming! Aaaaahhh!” Wade yelled in return, as his jism unloaded into her. He pulled out of her and lay back onto her bed. She turned around on her hands and knees and...
I climbed into bed after taking the mandatory pictures for Brent of my holes being full. I tried to get comfortable with all 3 toys deep in me. As I would move my legs the vibrator in my ass would move in deep and then slip out. The two toys in my pussy rub against each other and fucked me to the point of tears. About 2 am my mom came in without knocking and ripped the covers from me. “mom what the hell!” I screamed “wanted to make sure you still had them in” she smirked “I do ok!”...
Hey friends its me Karthik and I had written stories in ISS before and this time I will Write u a story about a time I had a sex session with my wife Saranya. She has a beautiful structure of 34-26-34. And she loves to have sex with me. She has a hairy pussy and she was a virgin when we were married. I Had experience in sex with my teachers and she didn’t know it until later in my life. This happened when I was 27 years old and I was married to Saranya. She was a computer engineer and now looks...