The Trial Of Stewart free porn video

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The Trial -------------------------- Stewart faces a trial he never imagined but with a little help he might be able to get through it. --------------------------- The knock on the door was loud enough that Stewart jumped from the chair where he'd fallen asleep. Another knock followed, much more urgent this time and he quickened his pace. Two policemen were standing outside. Stewart asked, "Can I help you?" "We need to speak with your wife. Can she come to the door?" Stewart sighed. What had she done this time? Her drinking had gotten out of control and he had the bruises on his arms and ribs to prove it. The most recent event was when the bar up the street called a few days earlier and told him if he didn't get her out of there they were going to call the cops. This type of thing was getting more frequent and he'd had enough. Since Tom was born, he hadn't complained that the house was always a mess or that she refused to get a part time job to help pay the bills. The problem was that Suzy was getting old enough to realize that something was wrong with her mom and Stewart knew he had to do something. He called up the stairs. "Tiffany?" His wife appeared almost immediately. That's when he noticed the bruises on her face. She called down, "Oh thank god you're here." Stewart gave his wife a curious look as she walked down the steps with tears in her eyes. She said, "I'm so glad you came. I can't take it anymore. Look at what he's done to me this time." Stewart realized his wife was looking at him, "Me???" "Yes you. I've taken all the abuse I can stand and this time I'm doing something about it." He couldn't believe what his wife was saying, "Honey??? Surely this is a mistake." Stewart took a step towards his wife and she screamed. "Don't you come near me!" One of the police officers stepped in between them. "Sir I need you to step outside." "But...." "We can do this one of two ways sir. I'm sure you'd prefer the easy way." Stewart saw the man had one hand on his gun and the other on his nightstick. "I didn't...." His partner grabbed Stewarts arm and forced it behind his back and he felt the metal close over his wrist. "You have the right to remain silent..." Stewart couldn't believe what was hearing and looked to his wife who stood quiet on the other side of the room. Something was different about her. "Tiff?" She refused to meet his stare and he felt his other arm placed into the cuffs. "You have the right to consult an attorney." The police officer continued to talk but Stewart wasn't listening as he stared at his wife. Despite the bruises she looked good. Really good. Better than he remembered. The room got quiet and Stewart saw the officer staring at him as if he was waiting for a response. "I'm sorry what did you say?" "I said do you understand your rights." Steve nodded and the police officer marched him out the door and into the back of the police car. ***** They processed him quickly and as they marched him to a cell he asked a guard, "Don't I get a phone call?" The man pointed to a phone booth. "Call." There was only one person he could think of to call. Mike Landers. They'd been best friends since college though they didn't talk as much after Tiffany had the kids. Between work and family, he had little time for a social life. "Mike?" His friend answered on the second ring, "Yes????" "It's Stewart. I'm in jail." After letting the news sink in, Stewart explained, "Tiff is saying I beat her but you know me. I don't know what's going on but I need your help." "I'll take care of it buddy." "Thanks Mike." The guard hung up the phone. "That's enough. Better get used to the cell. The judge don't like wife beaters." Stewart later thought of the next few days as an exercise in terrified monotony. Other inmates came and went as Stewart tried to clear the tears in his eyes in the hope that the others would stop staring. On the second day, one man in particular seemed to take a special interest and just before Stewart left for his hearing, the man handed him a card. It read: LILITH STARK THERAPIST 543-555-1532 "Give her a call. She wants to talk to you." Stewart started to respond but the the guard pulled him through the door so he put the card in his pocket. ***** The bond hearing moved fast. A man he didn't recognize stood next to him and Stewart assumed he was his attorney. The judge spoke first, "Mr. Spence?" "Yessir?" "You understand you are being charged with spousal abuse?" "Yes but I didn't..." The judge interrupted, "Is that Mrs. Spence?" Stewart saw his wife stand. One side of her face had turned a dark purple color. She nodded at the judge making sure he had a clear view of her bruises. It looked to Stewart like she had lost weight. Even with the bruises, she looked good in the business suit. "Mr. Spence, is this your attorney?" Stewart looked at the man and he held out his hand, "Ken Simmons your honor. I've been retained to represent Mr. Spence." "And is anyone here that will vouch for your character?" A voice came from the back of the room. "Yes I can sir. Stewart would never do what Tiff is suggesting." Stewart saw his friend Mike standing in the back of the room. Mike started to walk to the front of the court but the judge waved him off, "Good. I see this is your first criminal act so I'm going to make you a deal. I forbid you to approach within 500 feet of your wife or kids without proper supervision. Abuse my generosity and expect a long stay in my jail. Bond is set for $20,000." The sound of the gavel preceded the judge's call, "Next case!" ***** Mike was returned to jail quicker than his speedy hearing. He looked for the man who had given him the card but he was gone. This whole situation didn't make sense. How had everything gotten so messed up? Why would Tiff accuse him of beating her? If anything, he should have shown the judge the scratches and bruises he got when he pulled her from the bar. Stewart thought about his kids. Suzy and Tom were 3 years and 10 months respectively. He hadn't seen them in 2 days and now the judge said he couldn't get within 500 feet of them. The thought of Tiffany taking care of them alone was worrying. It wasn't that his wife was a bad mom, she had just become an inattentive one. Lately he'd become accustomed to hearing the sound of Tom's cries when he got home from work and finding a dirty diaper. The kids were one of the reasons he'd turned down a recent promotion at work. It was more money, more responsibility but it meant travelling, and he couldn't leave the kids for that long. That had started a major argument with Tiffany. Anger coursed through his veins as he replayed the events until a guard's voice interrupted his thoughts. "Stewart Spence?" Stewart rose. "Someone posted bail." The words were like music to his ears. Mike was waiting when he got outside. ***** His friend didn't say a word so Stewart spoke first, "Thanks for your help Mike." He met Mike during their sophomore year at college in a finance class. Now Mike worked for one of the bigger banks in town and was already a senior account manager. Stewart teased him that as a married man he now lived vicariously through Mike who reciprocated with stories of his sexual exploits. "Met any good women lately?" Mike shook his head, "I told you that bitch was no good." "You don't know that." "Yes I do. You should see your house." "I can't go there. The restraining order...." "She's not there. Neither are the kids. Ken told me it is urgent I get you to his office as soon as possible." The thought of talking to the lawyer made Stewart's head ache. ***** Stewart couldn't believe what the lawyer was saying, "She can do that????" "Technically no but the courts will view it that she is protecting herself." "She hasn't had a job since we were married. I bought everything inside the house. How can she take it all?" "It's joint property and will be addressed in the divorce." "Divorce?" "I'd expect to hear from her lawyers soon. I see this type of thing all the time. You better find a good divorce attorney." "Can't you represent me?" "I'm a criminal lawyer. You need someone that specializes in that area. With the criminal case pending, it's obvious she is going for the jugular. I'd bet she's been planning this for a long time." "But I don't understand." "You will. I can get the criminal case knocked down but you need to protect your assets before she gets them all." "What about my kids? When can I see them?" "That's going to take some time." "How long?" "Best case scenario? A few weeks." After the events of the past two days, Stewart couldn't control his temper. "Goddamn her!" ***** After the meeting with the divorce attorney, Mike went with Stewart to see the house. Most of the rooms were empty except for his clothes, which were in a pile in the middle of master bedroom. Everything else was gone including both cars. Stewart shook his head, "What has she done?" "She fucked you buddy." Stewart wanted to protest but he'd already found that the $5,000 in their checking account gone and a series of purchases over the last week had charged the credit cards to the max. A pile of bills lay on the counter. "Everything is in my name." Mike didn't repeat what they both knew. He was barely making ends meet before Tiff pulled this stunt. His friend was right. He was fucked. ***** Stewart had always been a positive person and felt that everything looked better after a good night's sleep. Waking up the next morning, he reconsidered that opinion. Pains shot through his stomach and he felt lightheaded as he stood. The events of the past few days bounced through his head and he laughed maniacally as he thought about it. At least it couldn't get any worse. Mike had let his boss know what had happened and he was nice enough to give him the rest of the week off to settle his affairs. Stewart had no idea what to do next. He took a hot shower as he considered his options. The divorce attorney explained it would take the court months to settle everything and that was the best-case scenario. In a case with a wife that wasn't willing to cooperate, it could last years. The hot water from a shower usually soothed his nerves but everything seemed on edge today. As he dried himself, he felt his nerves tingling. He had to do something. He pulled a spare set of keys from his pocket and remembered Steve had loaned him his sports car. Maybe a nice ride would take the edge off. The car flew down the highway and the wind whipping through his hair seemed to help. Stewart remembered the man from the jail cell. He pulled out the card from his pocket: LILITH STARK THERAPIST 543-555-1532 "What the hell. It can't hurt." He dialed the number. ***** A young sounding woman answered the phone with a chipper voice. "Lilith Stark!" "Um... Miss Stark. You don't know me." "Is this Stewart?" "Yeah." I was expecting your call." "How did....." "A friend told me you might be in touch. I've seen cases like yours before. I'm sure I can help." "But you don't understand." "I know enough." Lilith gave Stewart directions to her place and five minutes later, he arrived at the address. The sign on the large building said, "Stark House". Soon he was sitting in her lobby though that wasn't an accurate description of the room. It looked more like a living room next to a bedroom that someone had turned into an office. A cute twentysomething woman entered wearing a tube top, high heels and a short skirt. "Stewart?" Lilith wasn't what he expected of a therapist and he stared for more than a few seconds until she spoke again, "I'm not one of those stodgy old therapists but I'm sure I can help you. Trust me. The first session is free." Something felt off but Stewart had little to lose. After all, the first session was free. Paintings of abstract images with symbols covered Lilith's walls. They combined in a way that made the room feel uneasy. Lilith spoke, "So what happened to land you in jail?" "I thought you said you understood my case." "I do mostly. I want to hear your version." Stewart explained everything and while he spoke, Lilith took his hand. It felt calming. When he stopped, Stewart thought Lilith summed up his case perfectly, "What a bitch! Do you know if she's cheating on you?" "Maybe. I don't know." "I hate women like her. It gives the rest of us a bad name." "Do you think you can help?" Miss Stark stared across the table, "I can get your money, I can get your wife to cooperate in the divorce, and I can get your kids back." "Really? How soon?" "Probably today." Stewart couldn't believe what he was hearing. Could it be possible? "I don't care about the other things that much but my kids....." "Just how far are you willing to go to get your kids back?" "I'd do anything." "Are you willing to die for them?" "Isn't any good parent?" "So you agree to accept my solution? It might take you into some pretty dark places." "If it will protect my kids. absolutely." The room felt colder. "I need something your wife gave to you. Do you have anything like that?" Stewart shook his head. Tiffany had cleaned him out but he looked to his hand. His wedding ring! He showed it to Lilith, "Will this work?" "That's perfect." She placed her hand on Stewart's and the odd sense of calm returned. "I am going to place a spell on you. You can see but you cannot move." Stewart tried to laugh at her joke but found his mouth wouldn't form words. "Let me explain. I am a Witch of the Fifth Order. That's not important but what you need to remember is that I'm a good witch. Mostly. This spell is a little dark and you are going to need to find yourself to escape. I sense you are a good person but to succeed you will need to be brave and true." Fear coursed through Stewart's body as he tried to move but he couldn't break away from Lilith's stare. He wanted to ask what she was doing but the words wouldn't come. Lilith spoke in a language he didn't understand and everything went hazy. He felt his body pulled towards the table and to the ring which now was glowing as if it was on fire. His last thought was to try to scream as the fire engulfed his body. ***** Stewart woke to the feeling of someone pulling his arm. "Get up bitch!" He turned to the sound of the voice and saw a large man that with an annoyed look on his face. "You are the only one here for the afternoon shift. Get back out there." Stewart shook his head to clear his thoughts. "What happened?" "How should I know? You passed out. Get stoned on your own time. Now get out there, I need less talking and more dancing." Stewart tried to stand but everything felt awkward. He crawled to the edge of the bed and his hair draped his shoulders as it hit the blanket. He thought, "What was going on?" He'd always kept his hair cut business short. He felt that his underwear had ridden up and he reached back to find his bare ass. He wasn't wearing underwear anymore. This was too weird. His head was pounding but he crawled to a sitting position and felt a bounce on his chest. He looked down and the sight made him jump from the bed as he shouted, "What the fuck?" Thoughts streamed through his head. What was going on? He had to get to a mirror but he felt dizzy. There wasn't a mirror in the room so he tried to walk. His shoes pulled his feet in a weird angle and with every step his ankles twisted but he managed to get to the door. Once outside he headed for the door marked 'Bathroom' but a large man pushed him towards a platform covered in light. Over the loud speaker, he heard a voice call out, "....and welcome to the stage.... Desiree!" Stewart looked over the room and saw 10 guys staring at him. The large man pushed him from behind, "Move!" A few men started to clap as Stewart took a step. Mirrors surrounded him and he saw Tiffany's face staring back. He passed out again. ***** Stewart woke to the sight of a bunch of faces staring down at him. The large man who'd originally woke him pushed through the crowd. "Get her off my stage. Someone call Roxie." A big man picked him up and carried him to the bedroom. "Get dressed. Boss wants to talk to you before you leave." Stewart saw a bag he'd given Tiffany lying next to the bed. Inside he saw sweatpants, sweatshirt, and a pair of flats. He put them on top of the clothing he was already wearing and walked to the bar. The large man scolded, "Don't show up here stoned again or you're fired. And tell your boyfriend to stop by. We need to talk." Stewart thought, "Boyfriend?" Everything was confusing but walking outside Stewart felt a sense of sanity return when he saw his car. At least that was familiar. He pulled the purse from his shoulder. 'When did I put that there?' He hadn't even noticed it. A click of the button on the remote unlocked the door and soon he was on his way. He had no destination but knew he had to get away from the club. The conversation with Lilith came back to him as he drove. She said she was a witch and now he seemed to be in his wife's body. It seemed impossible but it was hard to argue with the evidence. As reality settled, he realized that Lilith had kept her promise. In this body, he could get the money Tiffany stole. He could get the charges against Stewart dropped and he could stop the divorce. Best of all, he didn't have to wait a few weeks to see his kids! A phone rang in his purse. His wife's phone had ten missed calls all from the same number. It looked familiar. "Lilith?" "Yes. Get over here as soon as you can and I will explain everything. Do you remember how to get here?" Stewart remembered. He got on the freeway and set his GPS. It was half hour to Lilith's office. As he settled into the drive a nagging feeling rose in his body. Without thinking, he reached into his purse and pulled out his cigarettes. But I don't smoke. Tiffany smoked. His wife had smoked occasionally when they'd first met but quit when she got pregnant. She started again after Tom was born and one of their biggest fights since was the amount of money she had started spending on cigarettes. Stewart couldn't ignore the pack lying on the seat next to him. It called to him and he couldn't help himself. He watched as placed one in his mouth and tried to find his lighter. The though flashed through his head, 'This is my car. Tiffany knows better than to smoke in my car. There's no smoking in my car. I can't do this.' That's when he realized the odor. He hadn't noticed it before but it must have been what triggered his desire. It was odd. Instead of smelling stale as he remembered, the tobacco that lingered smelled delicious. He put his purse onto his lap and took a quick look inside to find the lighter. It only took a few seconds but his hands shook as he flicked the button and a flame appeared. He touched the flame to the end of the cigarette and inhaled. Daggers of pleasure exploded throughout his body. "Oh wow!" He held the smoke inside for as long as he could then exhaled. A stream of milky white smoke filled the car and he quickly took another drag. It felt amazing. He'd experimented with cigarettes like most teenagers but it never felt like this. He took another drag. It tasted .... delicious! By the time he reached Lilith's place the car was filled with enough smoke that all he needed to do was breath. He stepped from the car and realized he already had his purse on his shoulder. Something weird was definitely going on. Lilith was waiting in the lobby when he entered. ***** Stewart saw his body sitting motionless in Lilith's office. Lilith pointed him to the other seat, "I've never played marriage counselor before but you left me no choice. I told you when we made our deal that I don't like liars." Stewart noticed that Lilith wasn't talking to him. He turned to his inert body, "Tiffany?" It was the only thing that made sense. Lilith waved her hands and Stewart saw his body answer. "Stewart?" "Yeah it's me." A question formed and he asked, "Why'd you do it Tiffany?" He saw his body shrug, "I don't know." It felt weird to talk to himself. Lilith interrupted their conversation, "Yes you do Tiffany. Or do I need to remind you that I don't like liars? I'd hate to think of a different punishment." Tiffany responded with a voice that quivered with fear, "I've been cheating on Stewart. It started right after I had Suzy but didn't get serious until recently. I was frustrated that you weren't taking care of me so we decided to take your money and leave town." Lilith interrupted, "You are forgetting a few important parts to the story." "I've been dancing part time since before I met you but to go full time I needed some improvements. Someone at the club told me about Lilith. It wasn't cheap but it's much more effective than plastic surgery." Lilith interrupted again, "And what was your lie?" "I told her I paid you with my own money." "Not's not the problem and you know it but it's close enough for now." Stewart was furious. "You stole our money, took my kids, and put me in jail all so you could become a stripper? Why would you do that?" Stewart watch a smile curl on his lips, "I don't have a lot of skills but I was bored and needed to have some fun. We are planning to strike it rich in Vegas." Stewart remembered the situation and smiled back at his wife. "When I woke up this morning my first though was... I'm so screwed but you know what? Now you are the one that's screwed. You are S40,000 underwater on our house and another $30,000 in credit card debt you ran up. You have an empty bank account and you are the one that's been charged with domestic abuse. All it would take is a single phone call to the police and they'd haul your ass off to jail for being this close to me." Lilith interrupted, "You have the kids too." Stewart added, "Yeah, and I have the kids too." Tiffany pleaded, "I'm sorry Stewart. I just couldn't take it anymore. I had to get out." "Screw you." He pulled the phone from his purse. Lilith held his hand, "Think about what you are doing Stewart. You both have the other's body. I only put you in your wife's body so you could fix things not take revenge. This action will put you on a dark path. Are you sure this is what you want?" Stewart dialed 911. Lilith smiled. ***** Stewart stood on the corner smoking a cigarette and watched as the police carted his wife off to jail. It felt good after the events of the last week to see her in handcuffs. Lilith approached and snagged one from his pack. "You really shouldn't have done that." "Why?" "You will understand but I warn you that the path to redemption lies in forgiveness and not in anger. I know this is hypocritical to say as I am rather fond of chaos." "You are fond of chaos? Why's that??" "Because my magic is based in chaos. The changes I made to that body means you are brimming with chaotic energy too and it bears your wife's imprint. I really do try to be good, but anyone touched by my power has to overcome its nature." "I'm not seeing the problem." "That's my point but you will." ***** Lilith's words repeated in Stewart's mind as he got in the car. It didn't make sense. Why shouldn't he get back at Tiffany after everything she had done? So she'd sit in jail for a few days. It served her right. It wasn't like she had a job. "Oh wait." He remembered his job but even if he lost it, he could always find another one. That job was boring. He needed to find something more fun. The car pulled into a parking lot and he realized he had driven back to the strip club and the ashtray was full. That's funny, he didn't remember pulling the pack out of his purse. He entered the club and saw a tall man sitting by the bar. A funny feeling hit his stomach as the man looked in his direction and smiled. "Hey Tiff!" Stewart felt himself running towards the man and jumped into his arms. "Pete!" How did he know this man's name? It didn't matter. Stewart turned his head slightly as they embraced. Pete turned his head for a kiss and something in Stewart's brain told him to pull away but he couldn't. Pete's tongue entered Stewart's mouth and he shivered at the taste of the tobacco-scented kiss. They continued to grope one another until Stewart heard a familiar voice. "What are you doing here?" He turned to see the club's owner. "I thought I told you I didn't want to see you here tonight." "I'm sorry. I wasn't feeling well earlier but I feel good now. Can I go on?" "No. You aren't good enough for the night shift." "Just give me one dance. That's all I need. You'll see." Stewart saw the owner give his boyfriend a glance. "Oh all right. I'll think about it but if you get stoned again you are working next week for free." Stewart smiled, "Deal." The boss walked away and Pete asked, "What happened?" Stewart wasn't sure how to answer so he lied. "I got stoned." "You can't do that. We have to make a lot more money before we leave for Vegas." "I know. I'm sorry." ***** Stewart sat at the bar with Pete as the lights went down and the announcer's voice cracked over the speakers, "I'd like everyone to welcome Roxie to the stage!" A buxom redhead appeared and began to strut around the floor. The evening crowd was beginning to show up and Stewart saw about 30 men sitting in the chairs around her. He even recognized some of the regulars. A stray thought appeared, "How do I know them?" The hypnotic beat of the music filled the room and his body began to move to the rhythm. A few minutes later, the boss appeared and shouted over the music. "It's your lucky day. Jade called in sick. You want to work the floor?" He looked to Pete who had a big smile on his face. "Will I get a turn on the stage?" The owner shrugged, "Sure." "Then I'll do it." Stewart walked to the dressing room and past the catcalls from the audience. In response, he unzipped his top and flashed the group to a chorus of cheers. One guy even tried to put a hand down his shirt until the bouncer pushed him back into his chair. The cheers grew louder and Stewart gave them a big smile. He said to the group in a voice he barely recognized, "I'll be back soon boys." They showered him with dollar bills, which caused Roxie to give him a cross look before he exited the room. Stewart sat on the bed and recent events raced through his mind. What was he doing? He wasn't Tiffany. He wasn't a stripper. This wasn't his body. Why was he acting like her? She'd never acted like this around him. Was it Lilith's chaotic energy? A knock came on the door. "There's a bunch of guys out here that are calling your name!" He called back without a thought, "Five minutes!" What am I doing? I can't do this. This isn't me. A nagging thought hit him. I need a cigarette. He opened his purse, pressed one to his lips, and extended the flame to light it. His mind screamed but to no avail. He felt his lips draw on the cigarette, the smoke enter his lungs, and travel into his bloodstream. As the chemicals rushed to his extremities, he could have sworn he heard a female voice say, "Delicious!" Stewart opened his clothing bag, got out the makeup kit, and opened his mirror. His face needed a touch up and he spent the next few minutes putting on a thick layer of eyeshadow and mascara knowing it would pop under the stage lights. He topped it off with cherry red lipstick that he hoped might get him some private dances. He thought about using one of the wigs but there wasn't time for that. The men were waiting and he was getting anxious. Was he excited or was it fear? He could barely walk the last time he'd been on stage so it was probably both. He took one last look at the makeup to assure him it was perfect and started to get dressed. He threw everything on the bed and put on a short skirt over the thong. A pull away jacket covered his shoulders and a tube top left his midriff bare. 5-inch heels slid on his feet smoothly. It was time to walk but this time he found it easy. As he moved across the floor, he saw that the skirt was barely mid-thigh but it didn't seem to bother him that at least fifty men would soon be staring at him. He'd be exposed to them in a way he'd never previously thought possible but it made his heart race. His tanned stomach was showing but he couldn't wait to get on stage. It felt like he'd waited his whole life for this moment but first he wanted a quick check in the bathroom mirror. A stray thought crossed his mind, 'How'd I know there's a full length mirror in the bathroom?' An answer came back, 'It's been there since before I started working here.' He spent a few minutes in the bathroom as he couldn't get enough of the way he looked. This was not the wife he knew. Her hair was wilder, her lips poutier, her boobs bigger, the stretchmarks nowhere in sight, and her body seemed in perfect proportion. He'd always thought Tiffany was beautiful but this was something else entirely. He heard someone call his stage name. When the bouncer opened the door, he heard the crowd. "Des-ir-ree, Des-ir-ree, Des-ir-ree!" That was him. He WAS Desiree. ***** The next thing he remembered was walking offstage. It seemed the set couldn't have gone better. Bills with pictures of Lincoln, Washington, and Hamilton littered the stage and he gathered them up. He barely remembered anything. The music started and he just danced. All he knew was he'd walked out of the bathroom and the next thing he knew he was hanging upside down on the pole wearing only a thong. The crowd loved it. Once he'd gathered all the money and retrieved his clothes, Stewart went back to the dressing room to refresh. Pete was the first to arrive with a big smile and the owner was right behind. "Amazing! Beautiful!" "I'm putting you on two more times tonight. You up for that?" Stewart felt himself nod as he lit another cigarette. It felt like he was having an out of body experience. His body was on autopilot and he was just a passenger. He didn't mind. He was having fun. Pete took the money and reminded him. "You're on the floor next shift." Everyone in the club hated working the floor but he didn't mind it. It was better than staying at home all day taking care of two kids. Most of the guys were dull but they were harmless and working the floor was the best way to get private dances where the real money was made. After a quick touchup, Stewart made his way around the room. He had almost closed on a lapdance when he saw a face that caught his attention. He approached their table instead. Something in mind screamed in his ears and suddenly Stewart felt naked as he approached. He turned to leave but had no choice when Lilith held up a hundred dollar bill. He couldn't say no to that. Pete would kill him. Stewart tried to treat them like they were any other customer, "Are you having fun?" Lilith had a big smile on her face, "Of course. I'm having a great time. I don't think Mike is having nearly as much fun. You remember Mike? He's Stewart's best friend. He came over to my place to pick up his car after you called the cops on Stewart." Stewart saw the crazed look in Mike's eyes. "You stupid bitch! I've always known you were trouble but I didn't think you would sink this low. That was some slutty performance you gave up there." Stewart saw Lilith laughing at every word. Mike continued, "I can't believe you had Stewart arrested. You know he's going to lose his job. That means the house gone too and it's only a matter of time before he has to declare bankruptcy. Was it you goal to destroy him? You've done a damn fine job if that was your plan." "Mike I ....." "Save it. I really don't care what you have to say." He turned to Lilith. "Are you ok by yourself?" Lilith's smile seemed permanent, "I'm fabulous." "Mike ...." "Fuck off." With that, Mike turned and left the bar. ***** When Mike was gone, Lilith couldn't stop laughing and Stewart stated the obvious. "I see you've met my best friend Mike." That comment only seemed make her laugh harder so he added, "I think I understand better what you meant about not encouraging the chaos but I thought you said you were a good witch. How is what has happened here tonight good?" That comment brought Lilith out of her laughing fit. "It's not my job to help you, I only advise you. I came tonight because chaos feeds my magic and I wanted to see your show. The best part was your boyfriend Pete pretending to ignore the whole thing while sipping his beer. It was ... delicious." Delicious! That word! Was it Lilith's voice in his head? That made sense. "Are you some sort of demon?" "Demon? Witch? Angel? Devil? I've always thought the difference between them all depended on your point of view. I do try to be good but I fail so often because people never listen. You earned every bit of this." Lilith passed over a hundred-dollar bill. "But why?" "All you needed to do was follow my instructions. It's pretty simple really." Lilith pulled out a big cigar, lit it and blew a perfect smoke ring at Stewart's head. "I think other tables are ready for your services. I'm going to watch from here." ***** For the rest of the night, Stewart felt like a helpless passenger as dozens of men in various shapes and sizes took his body into the back room and groped him in every way possible short of penetration. At the end of the night, his garter was full of money and he handed it to his boyfriend. "You had a good night. A few more weeks like this and we will be ready for Vegas." Stewart was too tired to care. ***** He woke up the next morning at Pete's house but Pete was nowhere in sight. Stewart's head spun as he considered how much his life had changed in last 24 hours. One day earlier he thought his life couldn't get any worse. A day later and he knew better than to tempt fate. His head felt clearer than it had the previous day and his first order of business was to call Lilith. She picked up her phone on the first ring. She said, "How's it going?" "I'm ready to do what you want. I've learned my lesson." "That's nice." "Aren't you going to give me a new task for the day?" "No." "Why not?" "Because you failed. It's someone else's turn and the lucky guy is pulling into my driveway right now." "Mike?" "Good guess." "Leave him out of this! He's innocent." "That remains to be seen. He seemed adamant when we spoke last night that he'd do ANYTHING to get you out of jail. Since that's already happened, my part is done. Of course he doesn't know that. I just need to come up with a suitable challenge so he can fulfill his part of the bargain. I hope he's better at following instructions than you." Stewart screamed into the phone. "Don't you mess with him!" but he realized Lilith had already hung up. ***** Stewart ran through Pete's house but had trouble getting around as he could see the furniture and electrical equipment they stole from his house piled in every room. A memory flashed in his mind of putting everything for sale online and his anger returned. "Goddamn her!" His thoughts felt cloudy and he reached into his purse for a cigarette. His mind screamed, "No! Not again." His hand stopped and he put the pack back in his purse. He corrected his thought. This was Tiffany's purse and he was stuck in her body. As he stood, everything felt foreign. Stray memories flashed through his mind as he struggled to keep control. It seemed as if the body wanted him to remember. He remembered sitting down with Pete and the divorce attorney to put together a plan to steal everything that Stewart owned. The next memory was of a police car as it drove off and he saw his daughter's tears as she watched her father ride off from her bedroom window. "Goddamn her to hell!" Stewart felt himself falling. He watched helplessly as the out-of-body experience returned and he showered then dressed for the afternoon shift at the club. The outfit he picked out wasn't much different than the one he'd worn the night before. The only difference was this one was red. He put everything he needed into his bag and sat down to apply makeup. He started with a thick coat of eyeliner and watched as his wife's face began to look like someone he didn't recognize. The blue eyes brought him back. Tiffany's blue eyes were what attracted him to her in the first place. She waited tables at a diner near campus and he kept coming back just to stare at those lovely eyes. He asked her out a few weeks later and it wasn't long after that before they were a couple. They were deciding what to do after graduation when Tiffany let him know she was pregnant. They married a few weeks later. The layers of makeup hid the tiredness that surrounded her eyes and when he finished applying eyeshadow and mascara, they popped just like he remembered from when they first met. His daughter had the same blue eyes. The thought of his daughter shook him to the core and in his mind he shouted, "Suzy! Tom!" He hadn't seen his kids in three days and he had no idea where they were. The image of Tiffany giving them to Lilith two days earlier flashed through his mind. Was it possible that Lilith had them this whole time? Anger rose and his mind clouded again. He had been through this pattern of anger and the loss of control enough that he made himself a bargain. He had three hours to get to work. He would search for his kids until then. His mind seemed to clear. ***** The trip to Lilith's didn't take long as he drove well over the speed limit. He shook his head at the image staring back in the rearview mirror, ashamed he was going to see his kids looking like this. Lilith was standing on the front porch when Stewart arrived. "You missed Mike." The building's sign above the porch read: STARK HOUSE Home for Wayward Children Stewart shook his head. He hadn't noticed that before. Was Lilith behind that or did he just not read the whole thing? He didn't know. "I'm not here for him. Where are my kids?" Lilith smiled. "They're In the back of the house. You've got beautiful children." Stewart ran past her into the lobby and to a door he hadn't noticed on his previous visits. When he opened it, his daughter greeted him with a big smile. "Mommy!" and she ran into his arms. His tears flowed freely and he realized his makeup was ruined. It didn't matter. A young woman standing nearby holding Tom asked, "Do want to hold him?" Stewart didn't trust his voice so he nodded. He cradled his son's tiny body in his arms and sat down on a nearby chair. His son instinctively moved his head towards Stewart's breast and he pulled his top down to accommodate. Stewart watched in amazement as his child nursed from his breast and the experience sent waves of happiness through his body. It was almost more than he could handle but as he continued to nurse memories of the last few days flashed in his head. An image of Lilith feeding Tom from a bottle. The young woman playing with Suzy and laughing at the images on TV while Tom watched from the crib. Lilith changing his diaper. Relief flowed thought him. It seemed Lilith had taken good care of his kids. He looked to the doorway and saw Lilith smiling back. She closed the door and Stewart fell asleep. ***** He woke with start a few hours later and looked at the clock. He had fifteen minutes to get to work. Stewart gently placed Tom back in the crib and kissed Suzy on the cheek. When he opened the door to leave, his daughter woke up. Tears starting to form in his daughter's eyes but Stewart knew he had no choice, "I'm sorry baby. Mama's gotta go to work but Aunt Lilith will take good care of you." His daughter ran up to him and gave a big hug. "I will see you later, Mommy." Stewart hoped that was true and forced himself to walk away. Lilith stopped him on the porch. "I don't have time. I'm late for work." "You need to hear this." Thoughts of the previous night flashed through Stewart's head. "All right but make it quick. I'm barely holding on here and I don't want my daughter to see me like that." Lilith smiled. "I want to tell you a quick story." She pointed to the chairs on the porch and they sat down. "A few weeks ago a woman approached me that wanted some enhancements done to her body. This place is expensive and I have become a bit of local legend to the people in her line of work. It works well for me because they have the cash and the effects of my magic can actually be helpful to many of them. I wasn't lying when I said I try to be good but we are all captive to our circumstance." "But why punish me?" Lilith raised her hand to let her finish, "I have one rule to which all must agree. My magic can't hurt kids. When I found out what your wife did I was furious and I've done what I could to help." "But last night?" "I needed to teach you a lesson. You didn't listen to me and you forgot about your kids for the whole day. I wasn't sure if you were going to fight my power so you needed to see what your life might become if you didn't." "I still feel it pulling on me. I'm not sure how long I can do this." "I sympathize as my power feeds on corruption. That is what is affecting you but it can be overcome." Stewart looked at his watch and saw he had five minutes to get to work. "I need to go." Lilith put a hand on his arm to give him one last message, "You will fall again but you must get up." Stewart waited to see if Lilith would say more but she stood silent and he ran to his car. ***** Knowing what faced him at the club, Stewart tried to get ready for what awaited him. He gave himself to his righteous anger at his wife's selfishness and fell into the darkness. The closer he got to the club the more comfortable he felt about what he needed to do and as he strutted through the parking lot he knew he was ready. At least he thought so. Pete was sitting at the bar and Mike was sitting next to him. They seemed to be laughing when Stewart approached. "What's going on?" Pete answered, "You're late and the boss is pissed. Get changed and up on stage bitch." Both men laughed. Stewart looked at them without comment and decided not to press his luck. Something was going on but he had little choice. The afternoon crowd saw him arrive and was already calling his name, "Des-ir-ree! Des-ir-ree!" The power of the moment washed over him and he walked to the bedroom to put on the rest of his outfit. Once he fixed his hair and refreshed his makeup up he strutted out to the stage. The power of the moment felt delicious and he had to admit a part of him enjoyed it. Things were different this time as he found he could control his actions but somehow he knew exactly what to do. There were only 8 guys in the club but it didn't matter. He started by strutting from side to side of the stage as a power anthem blasted over the loudspeakers. He struck a pose and reveled in the power as all eyes in the place focused on him. The skirt was the first thing he removed as he watched himself in the mirrors. Lilith's powers had done quite a number on his wife. She had always struggled with pockets of fat on her thighs but he couldn't see any flaw. He smacked himself and heard enthusiastic cries as he tossed his skirt to the side. He swung his head from side to side and his long hair flipped wildly around his body. As he balanced on his 5 inch heels, he knelt so he could use his mouth to grab a five-dollar bill off the crotch of one of the customers. Others followed this example and soon the garter on his thigh was full of cash. Stewart felt his breasts gyrate as the improvements Lilith had made caused them to be impossible to ignore. The men in the audience stared as if in a hypnotic trance and that's where Stewart went next. The jacket went flying into the crowd and bills flew back from the audience. He did multiple poses along the outside of the stage to encourage them and when the shouts got loud enough he removed his top and most of the men stood. He grabbed the pole and surprised himself with his dexterity as he pulled himself around it like a gymnast. The tassels on his chest were moving in rhythm as he heard the music starting to wind down. He pulled himself to the top of the pole then spun down in circles hitting the floor just as the music ended. Stewart lay there in darkness until the lights came on to a chorus of catcalls and whistles while the men threw what remained of their lunch money on to the stage. ***** Stewart gathered the wads of cash and walked to the bedroom. He did a quick count. $68. Not bad for an afternoon shift. Pete entered the room a few second later and grabbed the cash. Stewart lit a cigarette and asked, "What did that guy want?" "He wanted you." The way Pete said it, made him nervous, "What do you mean?" "You aren't that stupid. You know exactly what I mean." "I thought the boss didn't allow that sort of thing here. Couldn't it cause big trouble with the law?" "The boss isn't here and the guy gave me $1000." Pete grinned. Stewart felt his chaos rise and knew he was about to lose control. "I don't want to do it Pete. I can't believe you'd want me to prostitute myself." Stewart saw the distain in Pete's eyes as he answered, "It's not much different than what I watch you do every night." Stewart watched as Pete continued to count the money and it saddened him. This man never cared for his wife. He actually felt a little sorry for her. "I'm not going to do it." Faster than Stewart could react, Pete's hand struck him square on the side of the face and he fell to the ground. The chaos took over and he watched himself as he apologized and followed Pete upstairs. Stewart remembered this wasn't the first time Pete had hit his wife. Mike was waiting at the upstairs bar and Pete took Stewart into one of the nearby private rooms. "Do whatever he wants or there'll be more of what I gave you earlier." Pete closed the door. Stewart was rubbing the bruise that was forming on his face when Mike came in the room. "Hi bitch." "Mike, it's not what you think." A crazed look came over his friend and a wicked grin appeared. "Take off your clothes." Mike had regaled Stewart with hundreds of stories about his sexual exploits but he never expected to star in one of them. The difference between the stories and today was palpable feeling of anger flowing from his friend. He'd never seen him this mad though Stewart understood why his friend was upset. "Please Mike. You don't understand." He laughed. "Whatever bitch. Just lay back and take your clothes off. I'm going to take my time with you. You've caused my friend a lot of pain." "You don't want to do this. This isn't like you." "How would you know bitch? You are the key to getting Mike out of this mess." Stewart remembered something, "What did Lilith tell you?" Mike stopped at the mention of the witch's name. "What do you mean?" "What did she tell you?" "She said the key to getting you to talk was Pete. When I approached him about purchasing your services he offered to sell you to me for $1000." This admission saddened Stewart more than he expected, "Pete doesn't want me anymore?" "He said you've become unreliable and he has dozens of women waiting to take your place." That sounded like something Pete would say. "I'm sorry Mike." "It's too late for sorry. I've paid for you. Now take your clothes off." Darkness streamed from his friend, "You don't want to do this." The crazed look in Pete's eyes said otherwise. "Yes I do." Stewart felt his own chaos build and the energy flowed between them. It wouldn't be long before he wouldn't be able to stop himself. "You don't understand Mike. I'm Stewart. Lilith switched our bodies." That comment only made things worse. The swirling chaos exploded around Mike and Stewart closed his eyes as the delicious energies streamed into him. As it coursed through his veins, he considered that the difference between wanting to do something and being controlled by it were razor thin. His pulse quickened as Mike took off his shirt. Mike's pecs stuck out prominently and his stomach rippled with muscles. The sight brought out unexpected feelings and Stewart fell deeper into the darkness. Mike answered the question, "What are you trying to pull? Stewart's in jail." Stewart knew he had lost control as the pull of the chaos was too much. He removed his top, threw it on the floor, and pulled his friend on top of him. The anger in Mike's face seemed to subside as they kissed. The swirls of chaos engulfed them and the look on Mike's face changed from one of hatred to one of desire. Neither was in control as they explored the other's body and when Mike thrust into Stewart, the chaos became too much and he blacked out. ***** When he woke, Mike sat at the end of the bed with tears in his eyes. Stewart stood to gather his clothes and Mike said, "What have I done?" Stewart wasn't sure how to respond, "It's not your fault Mike. It's all mine. You just got caught in the middle." "He's my best friend. How could I do this to him? You're his wife." Stewart struggled to keep his composure as thought about what Mike would think when he knew what he'd really done, "Why don't we talk to Lilith? I think she can explain." That comment seemed to work. As Mike dressed, Stewart closed his eyes and tried to erase the memory of Mike's body that seared his brain. When he opened them, Mike was again on the bed with his head in his hands. "He's the best friend I've ever had. I just wanted you to suffer." It took all Stewart's will not to hug his friend but he knew that would only make it worse. "I know and for what it's worth, I don't blame you." Mike's eyes began to clear. "Perhaps you are right. We should talk to Lilith." Stewart nodded and gathered his things. They walked out the door together and when they passed Pete at the bar, he never bothered to look up. ***** Stewart followed Pete to Lilith's house. She was waiting on the front porch when they arrived with a smile on her face. "It's good to see you both made it. I assume Pete has been taken care of?" Mike nodded. "Good. Let's go inside." ***** Lilith pointed to her office and they took a seat. "It's good to see you back so soon. I feared it might take a lot longer, which would have complicated things a lot. That happens too often in my world." Mike spoke, "So now we force Tiffany to tell the truth so we can get Stewart out of jail?" Lilith answered, "That's up to her." Mike protested, "But I bought..." Lilith raised a hand and Mike's voice cut off. "It's Tiffany's decision." Stewart thought about it for a few seconds and gave his answer, "Of course I will." Lilith smiled, "That's a delicious decision but before we call the cops we probably should tell Mike what is really going on....." ***** Stewart found the life in prison for women was much the same as it was for men. The judge sentenced Tiffany to 30 days for making a false statement, which was fortunate because it could have been much worse. After Lilith convinced Mike of the truth, his friend was inconsolable at what he'd done. They tried to explain to him that the nature of the chaos inside Tiffany's body was to blame but it did little good. Mike wanted Lilith to switch his friend immediately. Lilith said it was a complicated matter and not wise to do at this time. Stewart was ok with it. The truth was he was enjoying the time alone. The kids were safe with Lilith and it gave him time to make peace with the chaos that still coursed through his veins. Mike stopped by the jail every few days and the two friends tried to reconcile what they'd done in the club. The thirty days ended soon enough and Mike met Stewart at the gate. They agreed to meet with Tiffany at Lilith's place to decide what to do next. Tiffany was on the porch smoking a cigarette when he arrived which annoyed Stewart more than a little as he hadn't considered the damage his wife could do while he waited to get out of jail. Dark circles were under her eyes and the clothes she wore looked like he'd been sleeping on the street. The four of them sat and Lilith spoke first. "In situations like this I like to look forward. There is enough blame to go around but if we are all honest with ourselves, we all made mistakes." Stewart wondered what Lilith meant with her comment. There was little doubt that his wife was the catalyst to this mess but he was willing to let go if that's what Lilith wanted. After all, his life was literally in her hands. While he was in jail, it took a while to be able to control the chaos inside and he found that negativity only made it worse. Lilith continued, "We have a messy situation. Money was squandered, reputations were ruined, and young kids put in the middle. I take my share of the blame but that's part of life for a witch. Magic is not for the faint of heart and the people touched by it are changed forever." Stewart got the feeling that Lilith was speaking directly to him, "What are you saying?" "I'm saying Tiffany has already proven she can't handle the darkness in the body you now possess. She wants her freedom but she will always be a slave to her passions if I move her back. On the other hand, Stewart, you want what is best for your kids. There's only one way for your kids to be raised with both a mother and a father that will care for them. The answer is obvious but I will not force it. You need to agree." Mike put his hand on Stewart's and he turned to see his friend blushing, "I thought you didn't want to settle down." "Those stories were mostly bullshit meant to impress you." A warm feeling came over Stewart. He had given the situation a lot of thought in the past 30 days. His biggest struggle in controlling his passions was whenever he thought of Mike. His mind, like Tiffany's had changed in the darkness and he emerged from prison a new person. Neither dark nor light. Neither Mike nor Tiffany. Like Lilith said, no one was unchanged by the darkness but he did know who he was and what he really wanted. "I'm willing to stay as I am if Tiffany agrees." Tiffany laughed, "I always thought you two were queer for each other but I want something in return for my agreement. How about enhancements to this body and another $20,000 in cash?" Stewart shook his head in amazement at his wife's selfishness. How could he have been so blind all these years? He started to say something but Lilith spoke first. "The lawyers have finished the divorce agreement and the bankruptcy is almost final. I will give you $10,000 in cash right now if you promise never to come back to this city or interfere with your kid's lives. That's the best offer you are going to get and I will hold you to it." Fear crept into Tiffany's eyes but she nodded. Lilith opened a briefcase full of cash and pushed it across the table. "I think that settles our business." Stewart watched as Tiffany shut the briefcase and ran out the door before he had a chance to say goodbye. He heard her car start a few seconds later followed by the squeal of tires. She didn't even hesitate. Stewart looked across the room and saw Mike waiting by the door looking unsure of himself. Stewart took the initiative, jumped into Mike's arms, and kissed him full on the lips. "I could say it but I've been wanting to do that all month." Mike looked embarrassed. "Me too." Stewart felt the chaos grow inside as they kissed and it continued to grow after they stopped. Stewart said, "I'll call you later. I need to talk to Lilith alone." Mike turned to leave but Stewart grabbed his hand, "Thanks for everything Mike. You really are one of the good ones." Mike's face flushed and as he left the room, Stewart felt the chaos swirl around him. Like he practiced in jail, he closed his eyes and pulled it back in. Lilith said, "You have the makings of a fine witch." The comment surprised him, "What do you mean?" "Not many people exposed to chaotic energy are ever able to control it. Most end up like Tiffany. It's sad but it's a part of the bargain people accept when they want something for nothing. I had a feeling you might be different." "I'm not sure what I've agreed to. Am I stuck living a life of corruption and sin?" "Only if that's what you want though I will be disappointed if you do." An image flashed through Stewart's head of a young girl abandoned at an orphanage who bore a striking similarity to Lilith. Lilith said, "We all have gifts and it is our choice what we do with them. You for instance have proven adept at handling chaos but you need training. I happened to have an opening for a new apprentice. Would you like a job here?" Stewart hadn't given much thought to his options as he'd just made the decision to stay in this body, "Considering I'm unemployed and have a criminal record, it sounds great." "Then you're hired." Something bugged Stewart, "Why do I feel like you planned this whole thing?" Lilith feigned an innocent look. "Me?" "Yes you. Today's answers are all too convenient. You already had rescued my kids when I was in jail. You didn't need me for that. Why put me through all of this? You could have made Tiffany tell the truth at any time if that was your goal." Lilith shrugged, "I needed a new apprentice and my associate in jail felt you had potential. The only way to know for sure was to put you through a trial run." "So you put me in my wife's shoes to see if I could handle the chaos." "It was always your choice." "But why involve Mike?" "Someone needed to save you from Pete." "That's bullshit. You could have saved me at any time if you wanted. You just wanted to give me another reason to stay as your apprentice." Lilith smiled, "Are you complaining?" Stewart sighed, "No. I made my choice and I'm happy with it. So where'd you get the money to pay off my wife. You seemed ready for her demand." Lilith replied, "Some things in life are very predictable and I owed Pete a visit. I've worked with him in the past but he'd gone too far this time. That was the remainder of the money he'd stole. I think you'll see he is accommodating the next time you see him though I doubt very much he'll be happy to see you." Stewart smiled at the thought, "I thought you didn't use your power like that?" Lilith smiled, "I've only claimed to be good most of the time. We all have bad days." Stewart laughed. Lilith place her hand on Stewart's back, "We can go over the details later. I bet you want to see you kids." "More than anything." Stewart and Lilith walked to the next room where the kids waited with a cake to celebrate their mom's homecoming. Suzy ran to the door when she saw Stewart enter and shouted, "MOMMY!" Stewart smiled as his daughter jumped into his arms. His mind was clear.

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My Sexual Autobiography 8211 Part XXX 8211 Trial Room To Bedroom

(IMPORTNANT INFORMATION – Dear Readers, I wish to inform you that I have started my own group MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY GROUP in yahoo groups, where you can read all parts of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY alongwith a lot of sexy materials. You all are invited to join my group. It was not any special occasion but my husband wanted to buy a sexy dress for me. After his return from office in the evening, we went to nearby shopping mall which is situated at walking distance from our home. He was holding...

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Trial By Sperm

Dan had a trial in the morning. He had to figure out how to defend some stupid kid who broke into an old woman’s apartment and then got conked over the head with a frying pan. But it might as well have been him on trial, sitting in that chair next to the judge, trying to explain to his wife and three sons how he violated the same rules he had imposed on them. Dan tilted his head back and rubbed his eyes. It was late, past two in the morning. The rest of the house was asleep and he was alone...

First Time
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DeannaChapter 20 The Trial Begins The Nightmare Continues TDpt4

The legal system in this country sure doesn't give a shit about the victims of the crime. The victim seems to have no rights at all. It seemed like every week the trial of Tara's husband was scheduled, some lawyer would get a continuance and have the trial postponed for another week or two. The defense knew it was going to get its ass kicked, and that the shithead was going down for a long long time, so they just tried to delay the inevitable. It didn't delay much. Because of the...

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Risk Free Trial revised

"It's 5 bucks if you want it!" I was in the second hand store, on my way home from high school on a Friday afternoon. I stared at the small chest in front of me. It looked really old, like at least 100 years old. But it was locked, and didn't have a key. So buying it was a gamble, and five dollars is a lot of money for a student. But I fancied my lock-breaking skills, and there was a small chance that something valuable was inside, or that the chest itself was valuable once the lock...

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The Trial

The Trial My wife of 2 years and I are very fortunate because we are financially independent. Neither of us will ever have to work. We are very sexually active with each other and are always trying to experiment. One day we watched a movie that showed a guy being transformed into a female and how he/she adapted to living as a woman. During the movie Mandy took out my dick and began to play with it. She said that the thought of my swapping sex turned her on so much. We had to stop the...

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The Trial Part 3

The Trial Part 3 I continued checking myself several times a day but didn't really notice anything else in the short term. Was this good news, I wondered? I suspected it wouldn't last, but didn't have any idea what would happen anyway. It was no consolation whatsoever that Claire didn't either! There was no visible change at the moment so I concentrated on going out as often as I could to carry out one of my favourite pastimes, photography. I either walked locally or took a bus or...

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On Trial

The trial Me and Al had nothing better to do so we went down Weatherfield Assizes where they had the trial of the Weatherfield eight going on. The Judge looked a right twat with a grey wig looking like it were full of dust and robes like something out of King Dick three by Will Shakespeare what we done for the end of term play at Weatherfield comp years ago. Angie one of the local tarts was giving evidence. She usually worked viaduct street from the Wethy Arms to Timothy Whites. Peroxide...

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Mom And Son8217s Hot Trial Room Experience

My mom works for a corporate firm and she has been supporting our family ever since she was married. My dad travels mostly on business. I have just entered collage and have difficulties with relationships. There are times when I feel disgusted about the fact of me still being a virgin. I have had girls in my arms but none to my bed. I crave badly for my arousing sexual desires to be satisfied. I am sure, time had been bad until very last week. Last week on the Wednesday, I was home after...

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The Trial My wife of 2 years and I are very fortunate because we are financially independent. Neither of us will ever have to work. We are very sexually active with each other and are always trying to experiment. One day we watched a movie that showed a guy being transformed into a female and how he/she adapted to living as a woman. During the movie Mandy took out my dick and began to play with it. She said that the thought of my swapping sex turned her on so much. We...

3 years ago
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Trial By Sperm

Dan had a trial in the morning. He had to figure out how to defend some stupid kid who broke into an old woman's apartment and then got conked over the head with a frying pan. But it might as well have been him on trial, sitting in that chair next to the judge, trying to explain to his wife and three sons how he violated the same rules he had imposed on them. Dan tilted his head back and rubbed his eyes. It was late, past two in the morning. The rest of the house was asleep and he was alone...

2 years ago
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Risk Free Trial

"It's 5 bucks if you want it!" I was in the second hand store, on my way home from high school on a Friday afternoon. I stared at the small chest in front of me. It looked really old, like at least 100 years old. But it was locked, and didn't have a key. So buying it was a gamble, and five dollars is a lot of money for a student. But I fancied my lock-breaking skills, and there was a small chance that something valuable was inside, or that the chest itself was valuable once the lock...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 23 The Trial of Pain

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Lasla – Ankush, Queendom of Naith I fought so hard against my fear as we were led to where the Trial of Pain would be held. My stomach was a maelstrom of fears,...

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The Trial Part 2

I had missed it at first even though, after Claire's warning, I had been carrying out a very detailed watch over my body. You know how quite often, when a man wakes up in the morning, he can have a really rigid boner, despite not having had any sort of erotic dream before waking? It's not something that happens every morning, at least for me it didn't, so its absence wasn't something you really noticed. Unless the bed was co-occupied, it was something which tended to subside fairly...

2 years ago
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Lawyer And Criminal A Sensuous Trial

Thanks for the appreciation for my last story. Your wishes encourage me to write better. The next story is of a criminal under trail and his lawyer. Amol was an honest salesman working for a hardware company. His honesty and integrity were never questioned until he was charged with raping a woman from his neighbourhood. He was arrested immediately upon a complaint from his next building neighbour. Amol was 29 living in Solapur for his job. He was tall, about 6.2, he had a slim frame and used to...

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South of Bikini 3 Trial of the Century Broken Rules

Alexander Steinert and the new sisters travel to 'her' private domain and instead find themselves in a 'Wonderland' of sorts were Cmdr. Steinert is on trial for her recent actions. Can the new Empress understand the twisted charges and defend her sister before the four most revered figures she's ever known? What rules have been broken in order to save a life? Copyright 2012 R.G. Beyer Episode 5 "Trial of the Century? Broken...

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Ambassadors DelightsChapter 26 Trial

The Deputy Head of Mission was despondent as they prepared for the trip to the Palace for her trial three days later. For her trial she had decided to wear a severely cut dark blue business suit with a high necked white blouse. Her underwear was deliberately sexy in a brave attempt to bolster up her nerves. Lacy knickers and matching brassière were worn with a garter belt and fully fashioned stockings. "These Emirs are known for their cruel and unusual punishments," he said, relishing the...

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Guilty or Not GuiltyChapter 6 The Trial

Monique woke me when it was time for dinner later on Friday evening. Svenda joined us for our meal and we had a nice conversation. I explained our dilemma regarding our upcoming marriage vow renewal. Monique said, "I don't care what they think. I love you and I want you back so that we can make babies together." "Ja, ju make goot babies Mr. Bill. I take care off little ones for ju, ja?" "As long as you don't torture them like you have me, Svenda, we would be honored for you to be...

1 year ago
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Loosening Up Book 7 Younger CrowdChapter 9 Sixty Day Free Trial Starts

JR walked with Dave, Jack Anders, Ty Winter, Aaron, and Nikky Thomas along Circle Road. Just past the home belonging to Dev and Wendy Connor the old road had been dug up and turned to dirt. Drainage and utility extensions were installed between the original construction and where some of the original homes had been relocated. The five older homes that had been relocated to the far end of the ‘racetrack’ were in place, but not yet completely hooked into the utilities. Water and sewer were...

4 years ago
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Trial By Sperm

Dan had a trial in the morning. He had to figure out how to defend some stupid kid who broke into an old woman’s apartment and then got conked over the head with a frying pan. But it might as well have been him on trial, sitting in that chair next to the judge, trying to explain to his wife and three sons how he violated the same rules he had imposed on them. Dan tilted his head back and rubbed his eyes. It was late, past two in the morning. The rest of the house was asleep and he was alone...

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Trial of the Century Part III

Theresa considered what the defense team just revealed. She looked at Jessic and then the D.A. She crinkled her nose. She cleared her throat melodically and asked, “Miles, have the police questioned this officer in connection to this murder? Was he even been on their radar?”“I don’t think so.”“What?”“I mean. No. None of this was known until this point.”“Why don’t you get the chief on the horn and have him get his ass over if he isn’t already lurking around? I know word tends to travel in this...

2 years ago
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Shellys Trial

For those readers who missed the first installment: First, PAY ATTENTION. I'm working my ass off writing this shit and you're off somewhere getting laid or going to the Spring Auto Show or something. Get your priorities straight. Second, you need a synopsis, which means I have to write the whole fucking story over again and bore the shit out of people who've already read Part 1. Have a little consideration. SYNOPSIS: Shelly was an uptight bitch who was married to an investment banker....

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Cuckolding The Married ManChapter 3 The Trial Begins

As the trial began emotions were high. I didn't want my family there. Not because of me but I didn't want them to hear what their mother had done, the sexual acts that made her a slut, the things she did with those men. It made me look like a wimp, a cuckold. I didn't want my family thinking of me this way. I called Mary. When she answered the phone and said, "Hello," I paused. In fact she had to say it twice, "Hello, hello." I said, "Mary, this is Dan." She said, "Dan, oh, my...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 52 Trial By Fire

November 25, 1981, Rutherford, Ohio “Family Court for Harding County is now in session, Judge Martha Lee, presiding. You may be seated.” The small courtroom was packed with doctors, lawyers, and our family. Nobody from the general public was permitted because Liz was a minor. “Ladies and gentlemen,” Judge Lee said, “this is a status hearing on an emergency custody petition which I signed on Sunday evening. The procedure is a bit less formal than in a normal courtroom. That said, please...

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Loosening Up Book 4 RevelationsChapter 4 Just Whats On Trial

Joan Paige, previous Joan Coswell, sat with Dave Prentiss, Dale Harnett, and Emily Wilson, in the spectator seat of the court room at the Sarasota County Courthouse. The sheriff’s deputy called out, “All rise for Judge Margaret Hernandez.” The portly female judge whirled out the side door at the front of the courtroom and took up the position on the bench. She looked to her left, “Foreman, is the jury ready.” “We are your honor.” She looked at the two attorneys. “Is the prosecution and...

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Loosening Up Book 7 Younger CrowdChapter 15 Trial Periods End

Dave escorted JR into his home. It was a night when there was not a communal dinner on the patio in the new dining room. Instead, they were doing a special dinner of sorts at home. The weather was on the cool side; January in Sarasota was not always the warmest month. The dinner for the party was the doings of Cricket, Alice, Nikky, and Scarlett. Besides Dave and the other wives, Bridget was there along with JR, Larry Wainwright, Jenny Harvest, Deborah McKinley, and Ross Buchman. The dinner...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Marine GamesChapter 5 The Olympic Trials

Once we had qualified for the trials the extensive training began. The Trials were being held in April and May of this year. Both Bob and I received received large amounts of paperwork. There was information regarding where and when the trials were to be held. Information regarding available room and board that they supplied, as well as available hotels, if desired. Since both Bob and I had low enough qualifying times they were going to arrange our expenses. There was information on meetings...

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The Valley Clan Saga Part 1Chapter 6 The Trial Initiations and Changes

We awoke then next morning at 0600 hours. My ladies were told that they should spend most of the day in the sleep trainers to learn first what was usually taught after a pickup then do some special modules. The teenagers were going to be using modules that should help them become sponsors. Helen had some lead concubine lessons and Joan some chief mother lessons. The AI would watch the dependents. My day was set aside for the trials planned for the Earth Firsters. I asked my ladies to be...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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The Life of Simone Stewart

Simone's tale started in the excellent story "The Casting Couch" by Dark8264 ( I did her casting here ( if you want to catch up but it didn't feel right to carry her story on there. She met the objectives of that story and I thought I would carry it on here. I'm a very hot and cold writer. I hope to write at least two or three entries a week. We'll see how it goes....

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A Trial of Fantasy Chapter 2

I have edited the grammatical errors that caused my tale to be withdrawn, and hope it will now be found worthy of posting for your enjoyment. Another day closer to the exam; the stress was really getting to Neotha as she sat in the typical chair, reading and searching the vast library of legalese still yet to be filtered through before the trial yet to come; the dread New York State Bar Exam.   She had been at it for almost seven hours today; her twelve hour study sessions had drawn out to...

Straight Sex
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Earths CoreChapter 9 High Rankersrsquo Trials

“High Rankers’ trials?” Zax probed. “For the sake of being accepted into a Geared mercenary band and gaining proper status.” Xinia proceeded. Mendor also mentioned to him about being a Ranker mercenary, but that was as far as their conversation on the matter went. “On the twenty eight of every fourth month the Mercenary Association upholds trials for mercenaries to improve their rank through special assignments or tests. It is up for you to choose, but to participate in the trials you...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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The Tournament 04 The Trial

copyright Nora Quick 2012. As always, I welcome comments and feedback! ______________________________________________ Time was not the same between the two planes. Morrigan sighed, knowing that what passed for her as mere months was going on two and a half years on her champion’s Earth. Time was inconsequential to immortals but Keelin had been abandoned for too long and she’d barely survived three challenges. The first was in violation of the agreement of the tournament, so Morrigan’s...

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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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A Trial of Fantasy Chapter 2

I have edited the grammatical errors that caused my tale to be withdrawn, and hope it will now be found worthy of posting for your enjoyment. Another day closer to the exam, the stress was really getting to Neotha as she sat in the typical chair, reading and searching the vast library of legalese still yet to be filtered through before the trial yet to come, the dread New York State Bar Exam.   She had been at it for almost seven hours today, her twelve hour study sessions had drawn out to...

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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites

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