Trial of the Century
- 4 years ago
- 36
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The champion was looking daggers at me.
A day ago, that’s all it was. I was standing in the crowd as Lady Seen pleaded for her life. This was the way it was now, the rich got richer, the less rich got fucked, and the poor were just grateful to wake up the next day. Lady Seen was one of the less rich. Her father had died, her brother had got himself killed in the crusade against the infidel. So she had inherited the estate. She was half-Saxon, so it was said, mixed race crap, I heard one soldier say. He was probably 9 parts in ten a Saxon, but he had joined the Earl’s force, forcing peasants to pay all their profit to him, and then some. But he was still willing to bad mouth a Lady when he could see which way the wind blew.
I felt sorry for her. She was rich, well-dressed; and I was a freeman, that was as far as I’d ever get, and I was sorry for her. Having been left to inherit the estate – a woman alone; the Earl had chosen to accuse her of witchcraft. She had to be a witch to have arranged for her father to die – he had caught the pox from a doxy in a brothel, how was that witchcraft? - and her brother to die in the Holy Land – where almost all the knights had died, had she arranged for them all to die? So she was accused; and because he was an Earl, the accusation was not dismissed out of hand.
Oh, it helped that his brother was the bishop. They had, no doubt, cooked up the charges together. The Earl would get the port, the church would get the lands, donated by the humble and religious brother. All he wanted really was the port. This sea coast had only one inlet, a crack in the cliffs. The Earl’s lands reached the sea, but the cliffs were 100 feet, and the rocks offshore were, in one place, called the ‘widow makers’ - that sums them up.
Lady Seen’s lands were a crescent around the mouth of the River Afonbouche. What a name! River mouthmouth! I speak Norman, Latin, and some Celtic. I’m blessed by God, the people say, because I taught myself. Those lands encompassed the town of Afonton. Ships could get in to the narrow river mouth at most states of the tide; there was a tight turn behind the cliffs and a wide beach hidden from the sea. A safe place to pull up onto the sand and unload. And it was the only place for twenty leagues in either direction along the coast. The only safe mooring. One or two other cracks in the cliffs worked for small fishing cobles, but not for trading ships. It was a very attractive place to own; but the Earl would never have challenged her father, or even her brother; the family were related to the king, via a cousin. But a woman? She was fair game. If he had been unmarried, he would have forced her to marry him, probably. But his wife was Esmeralda deToughton, and he couldn’t afford to lose that family’s support at court, so he chose the second approach, if a woman was unmarried, she must either be a nun (and couldn’t inherit) or a witch (and could be burned).
“Will no-one stand champion for me?! For the sake of the Blessed Virgin! I plead with you.”
The assembled group of soldiers and knights stayed silent. Her own retinue had been spirited away (some killed, some bribed, some simply sent on missions whilst his accusation was heard). No-one raised a voice on her behalf. She was accused of witchcraft and her ‘trial’ was to be – so the church, in the form of the bishop, said – was to be trial by combat; an eminently fair way of settling a case. If God was on your side, then he’d let you live, stood to reason. But she couldn’t fight herself, so she needed a champion.
Otherwise, she was guilty. The estate was forfeit to the Crown, and the church would lobby the king for it to be given to the Earl, who would give the lands to the church and establish an abbey (and the people who lived on the land could go to hell; literally, since they would starve to death). At least, that’s what I assumed; maybe I’m just a cynical git; or maybe the world is cruel, evil and in need of salvation. Maybe I should have become a monk, as some people say.
Trouble with the monks is they are as bad as we are. Worse. A young girl – thirteen – was waylaid by a man of God in the woods last year. The church condemned her for a harlot for leading a monk astray. The monk got off Scot-free. Not subject to the law see? Not our laws, anyway; only church law. And that doesn’t seem to have laws against fornification, drinking, theft or buggery. No, I couldn’t be a monk; I believe in God too much.
She was pleading with the knights, and not one stood for her.
It was unfair, it was unjust.
I don’t know why. Why did I? “I’ll fight for you, madam.” I heard my voice say. It was as if I was Moses, the crowd parted like that sea and I was left standing alone. I repeated my offer, bolder, I’d started, so... “I WILL FIGHT FOR YOU MY LADY!”
The earl looked bug-eyed at me, then burst out laughing. The lady walked down to me. “Don’t be foolish. Have you seen his champion? Why should two of us die?”
“My lady, it is unjust that you are not allowed to take this trial as the law allows. And, if the Godly law allows, I should win, should I not?” She looked at me, as if I was stupid. I know. It was stupid.
The Earl intervened “I am very sorry, my Lady Seen, but my champion, Sir Magnus can hardly fight a commoner, it would not be right.”
The Bishop, Earl Blaine’s brother, joined in: “Oh, no indeed, that would be contrary to the law.”
The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. “But, my Lord Bishop, church law is above the law of the country, is it not? You do not allow your monks or nuns to be tried by the state commissioners. Surely, since Trial by Combat is deemed to be the chance for God to decide who is right, then the church should stand above such petty restrictions as you mention? And I may be a commoner, but I am a freeman; may that not be enough for God to decide for me ... or for My Lady Seen?” I thought, ‘and anyway, I’ll lose, what do you care?’, but even in death, one has to maintain standards.
“These are theological matters that are too complex for you. It would not be right for a noble to fight a commoner. No no, never.”
“Except in a battle?”
“Yes, yes, quite so, except in a battle.”
“Or to defend himself against attack?”
“Yes, quite. Obviously.”
“So if I was to attack Sir Magnus, then he could defend himself and we could have Trial By Combat.”
The Earl came back now: “No, you maggot. If you attacked Sir Magnus, then he would kill you and if he did not, then I would; and Lady Seen would still be under the charge.”
I bowed low to the ground. I knew the ice I was on was so thin as to crack at any moment. If the Earl or the Bishop thought I was being disrespectful, then a good whipping would be in order. Flesh stripped from my back, left to live or die (and it usually meant die) in the castle yard overnight. “Forgive my temerity. I was seeking to give a noble lady the opportunity to have a fair trial.” I emphasised the word ‘fair’, whether they thought I was being sarcastic was up to them. “My Lord Bishop, one further question, if I may? The Trial By Combat allows our sovereign lord to decide who is in the right doesn’t it?” he nodded “Then surely the Earl could put forward his weediest, meagre soldier as champion and the miracle would still allow him to win for the Earl would not have raised this issue if he did not believe with all his heart the Lady Seen is a witch. Is Sir Magnus the champion to help God make the right decision?” Sir Magnus was well over six feet tall, built like a bull (with the brains to match), and skillful in battle. He had killed two other people in such ‘trials’ when they were in the way of the Earl’s ambitions.
I knew I had gone too far. The crowd were laughing in spite of themselves. They didn’t want to annoy the Bishop or the Earl, but the thought of a small, slight champion was too good an image not to laugh it. The point was, nobody believed God got involved. The Earl used his best fighter because he knew that was the way to win.
The Bishop said nothing, he was not used to being questioned, and I was cleverer than him, he knew that to engage in a debate would mean he would look even more of a fool than we knew him to be. A fool and a hypocrite, it was well-known that two nuns had been sent away to have his children in secret. If two were known about, there were probably more. And I bet he ate meat on Fridays!
The Earl looked at me with a fixed and evil smile. “I think, My Lady, that I see a possible solution. My Lord Bishop, there are none other to champion the lady’s cause, is that not so? And this guttersnipe is not able to fight my champion because he is too lowly born. -”
“Then I shall knight him!” shouted out Lady Seen.
“- ahh, would that you could. But a man can only be knighted by a knight, and it has to be as a result of combat. So, if he was to win against Sir Magnus, then I would willingly knight him and thus he would have the noble qualifications to fight Magnus. But since he cannot be knighted before the fight, he has no nobility and so cannot fight. But, if I may continue?” We all looked at him and waited. “I see a solution. If he was to marry a member of the nobility, then he would be, de-facto, nobility himself; and therefore he could fight for your cause.
What say you, Lady Seen, would you marry your would-be champion?”
Lady Seen was a beauty, everybody knew that. Her high forehead was adorned with thick locks of golden hair, her blue eyes shone like the jewel that Earl Blaine wore on his right hand, whilst her cheeks had the lustre of a maid’s blush on her wedding day. I should not have noticed the rise and fall of her bosom beneath her linen dress (unlike the Earl, she did not flaunt her wealth with silk and satin, she was plain and simple; and yes, perhaps I was in love above my station), now the perfectly rounded haunches lower down that walk like the most noble horse in Christendom. She looked from Earl to Bishop and then Bishop to Earl. She was trapped, if she accepted, she would marry a man not fit to wipe her boots (well, maybe just her boots), if she refused, she would be burned summarily on the grounds that no-one would defend her because all knew the truth of the accusation.
“I cannot marry you.” She said to me quietly “Though you show nobility beyond any other here. But would just mean we both die.”
Equally quietly, I replied “I have pulled the Earl’s beard and – forgive my language – kicked the Bishop’s backside in my speech. I have shown no respect. I will be dead before or after you, it is no matter. And perhaps God will protect me?” She still looked at me as if she pitied me. “But I would not have you stoop so low as to marry me, My Lady.”
“Oh, all very touching. But time passes. What is it to be? Must we prolong this ridiculous pantomime until tomorrow? If you refuse to marry him, then justice can be dispensed today. See? The funeral pyre is prepared, ready and waiting.”
She raised her voice “Before God, and before you My Lord Bishop, and before all the assembly here, I proclaim my innocence. I will marry this, my only protector. And do you, before all these witnesses, My Lord Earl, accept that if my husband-champion wins, then God has issued his judgement, and you will accept it and seek no more intrusion on my rights or my people?”
It was a bold move, in the very unlikely event that I won, the Earl would have publicly sworn that he would accept the judgement. To seek vengeance on me or her or her lands or her people would be to put himself outside secular and church law. He would be excommunicated, the Bishop would have no choice with so many witnesses. But he happily swore, after all, Sir Magnus was taller, stronger and fitter than me; I was going to lose.
And that was how I came to be married by a Bishop to a noble lady. Not something that a commoner, the son of a commoner with rights of pannage, estover, agistment, and turbary in the local forest, would have dreamt of happening in his wildest dreams. They were the reason for my being there that day. The Earl was seeking to curtail our rights, saying we had none, he wanted to fence the forest and drive out our pigs and cattle. I had come to the hearing to explain and show our ancient charter. Others were there for the same reason. My father had not come, he said that what the Earl wanted, the Earl would get and we should accept it and leave. Ironically, now I had made his statement true. Whatever happened tomorrow, the Earl would have his revenge on my family; they would have to leave anyway.
We had to be married that day so I could be a ‘Sir’ tomorrow. Apparently it only takes place after midnight. So marrying on the day I was to die would not be enough. The wedding was a brief and brusque affair. “Will you sleep in my guest chamber? You lovebirds.” The Earl cooed. He was enjoying his joke. It was too far to return to her lands, even if he would have let her, so she agreed. I was sure he would do her no harm under his own roof.
“Thank you my lord, but I must pray before retiring. And collect my weapons.” Such as they were. There isn’t much call for a sword when you are cutting turf.
“I can furnish you with armour and a sword. I should hate to feel it was not a fair fight. But use the chapel, by all means. You may wish to scurry home in any case, to say goodbye.” he added with the kind of grin that the Carpenter’s Guild put on the Devils face for their mystery play at Easter.
I did, indeed wish to scurry home. I wished to run as hard as I could and not stop. What had I done? Why had I done this stupid thing? Surely not only because of the tear in her eye and the shape of her calf? No, I told myself, it was a noble, honest act. But I knew it was tainted a little.
“Will you return and join me in my chamber?” Asked Lady Seen. She was offering her untouched body to me in gratitude. At least here, my reply was genuinely noble.
“No, my lady. I must collect the weapons I know how to use, and warn my family. Then I shall pray in the chapel until dawn. Fear not, I shall not desert you.”
“I should not blame you if you did. You are brave and foolish. Just such as we read about in Morte d’Arthur; but that do not exist in reality. Run whilst you have the chance.” At that moment I loved her completely. She was trying to save my life which would make her life forfeit. And I was bound to her by that love. I would return no matter what the consequences.
My journey home was uneventful, though when I reached home (ten miles from the castle), my family had already heard. Good news travels fast, bad news travels faster. “Come, pack your things, you fool. We must fly.”
“No, father, I have made a promise. Foolish as it is, I shall stick to my promise. I am married -”
“Not consummated I think? Then it counts for nothing my son.” my mother said. “Please, come with us.” but I could tell from her tone, she knew I would not. My brother, I hugged and kissed and told him he would soon be the heir to his father. Then I went to collect my tools and my thick leather jerkin. Not a chain mail coat, but good protection against the thickest brambles, and, once, against a mad dog that attacked my in the wood.
I told my family to head for the port, there to wait for news and take the earliest ship if news came of my death. I expected the news would travel quickly. Then I returned, laid my armoury, such as it was, wrapped in a canvas bag near by and knelt and prayed for hope and a swift death for myself and my new lady wife. This latter I had taken some precautions to procure.
At dawn, I moved to her chamber and gave her a hurried and whispered conversation: “Here, this pouch contains mole killing powder. You put it in the worms and the moles eat them. If ... when ... I lose, take it all. You will die with some pain, but not as much as the flames. And it will anger your enemies that they have missed their prey.”
“You are a good man, Silas. Thank you. God grant you a swift death, husband” I already knew that was unlikely, a sympathetic guard had warned me that Earl Blaine had told his champion to slice me slow and prolong my death. Apparently Sir Magnus knew much about where to stab to cause much pain but not immediate death. I liked that she had finished with that word ‘husband’. Me, a simple forester; not even that, only allowed to cut turf in the bog and take fallen branches. But now I was husband to a noble lady not that far removed from the king (if fifty two other cousins were to die, so I had heard once), albeit only for a day.
I walked with a beautiful lady on my arm to the great hall where the trial would take place. People were already claiming places, everyone likes a good killing. It’s entertainment for the boring days between holy days and celebrations.
The Bishop arrived with his retinue and took his place on the throne. So like the humble nature of the son of God that we follow, I thought sarcastically. I bowed to him and held my peace, I was in enough trouble. The Earl arrived fashionably late, I could see the irritation on his brother’s face. Then the champion, Sir Magnus, strode in.
I had to admit, he looked impressive. Dressed in his chain mail suit that reached his knees, with a breast plate with his lord’s crest on it, a back plate of dulled metal, half cylinders of plate mail on each arm, connected at the elbow to give plenty of manoeuvrability. His neck was protected by a high collar of steel, and under his arm he carried a helmet with long cheek and nose guards. A lucky strike under the cheek guard might ram up into his skull, but I’d have to be so close that I’d almost certainly already be dead. His chain mail protected all his vitals. His two squires carried shield and sword. The sword was long and heavy. This man must be strong as an ox, I thought.
But even an ox gets tired, and surely he could not run with all that on? We bowed to each other; did I detect a small hint of respect for me the brave challenger? No, I don’t think I did.
“Approach” said the Bishop, and we advanced for his blessing. “Oh Lord! Give us the grace of your perfection. Let us learn the truth of the accusations in this trial to the death, may the miscreant fall and the pure be saved. Amen” And, I thought, bear in mind, Lord, that the Earl will give your church substantial lands when he wins. “Whomsoever fights, fights for their name contestant in this trial. Whomoever wins, wins for God and Truth.” We were sent to our corners, the Bishop sat in the centre of the hall, at the side. The Earl and his champion were at one end, in one corner, Lady Seen and her poor champion (me) diagonally opposite. I unwrapped my weapons, and the champion looked and shouted.
“What is that?”
“This? This is a pig sticker.” I replied.
And that’s why he was looking daggers at me. He saw this as an insult. He thought I was saying he was a pig to be stuck. I sent a boy to explain that it really was a weapon for sticking pigs. It was all I had. Broad and strong for two thirds if its length, it then narrowed to pointed stick that was as sharp as a boar’s tusks. For that was what it was really for. Not the pigs we kept, they were dispatched with a lump hammer to the head, haul up and slit their throats and bleed them. But if you were in the forest and a boar took exception to you, this could save your life. The long steel point could break the boar’s tough hide and travel far enough to rip open its heart. I was good with it, I’d killed a few in my time. The alternative was to climb a tree; Billy Walnut did that when he was attacked by a large male with two sows and their young. He was kept in that tree for three days.
There were wild cattle in the woods too, this might save your life; though I’d climbed a tree when threatened by a cow and her calf one summer’s day the previous year. I’m not fond of false bravery; and it seemed unfair to kill the cow for protecting its young.
Besides the sword and my leather jerkin, I had a billhook in a sling on my back; a long flensing knife for stripping the skin, or bark; and a whittling knife with a six inch blade. I wasn’t very good at whittling, I had discovered, but I kept the knife for sharpening stakes for rabbit snares or wattle fences.
I don’t know if Magnus understood, or just hated me for being lowly born, but he looked no happier when we were given leave to begin the fight. He took four steps, and then broke into a charge. I had a vision of that female cow charging me last year. He was like a bull, roaring and shouting and clumping towards me in his long steel toed riding boots. It made it oddly familiar. I had never been in battle, but I had been charged before, and I could see that he would turn less easily than a boar or a bull.
I moved towards him, but leaped sideways as he swung his sword. He roared angrily, swinging his sword round behind him, which was a neat trick for allowing him to spin surprisingly quickly. I jumped back; and the battle was on. I had been relying on the idea that I could out-manoeuvre him, keep out of his way until he was exhausted. After all, he was weighed down with armour. It was my only chance.
Now I discovered two things; one that he was much more agile than I would have imagined. All that metal work was carefully crafted to allow him to twist and turn with relative ease. I suppose it was obvious; a man wouldn’t want to trust to being encased in a castle, he had to be able to turn to face any enemy from any direction.
Second, Sir Magnus really was strong as an ox, and though I’d known that, I hadn’t realised that he would have stamina too.
My choices seemed to be to stay well clear of him, or to get in close so I could jump clear. Staying well clear allowed him to block off parts of the hall and herd me to a corner, then I had to jump past an increasingly angry man. And the onlookers weren’t above shoving me further into the combat zone if they could. Seems everyone was allowed to give God a helping hand in killing me. But being close was exhausting. I had to jump and skip around his whirling sword. I even had to parry blows away with my weapon. The trouble with that was it had no guard, it wasn’t designed for combat with another sword wielder, but for stabbing hard and deep onto an animal. When Sir Magnus’s sword started sliding down mine, I had to move fast to avoid losing fingers. His sword wasn’t as sharp as mine, but its ragged edge would slice my flesh easily.
I twisted away from him and heard his heavy weapon clang on the flag stone floor behind me. Turning to face him, I heard as ‘swish’ and the sword swept past my face. Damn me! He was much faster than I’d expected, even dressed in his metal coat. Seconds later, I realised that the sword hadn’t entirely passed my face. The tip of my nose has been torn open and, being the nose, was bleeding heavily. I was starting to tire and lose focus. The sword came back and, this time I just managed to lean back enough. There was a gasp from the people watching as the draught from the sword caught blood and swept in across my face. They thought I had been slashed open; Sir Magnus maybe thought that too, I don’t know. I stepped back and swung my much lighter, less dangerous weapon, connecting to his and making him stagger slightly. At least that gave me respite.
Now it seemed to be a matter of time. He was still strong and capable, and I knew my gamble was failing. I was losing my strength, becoming fatigued faster than he was. Then he stopped, leaning on his sword. Inside he must have been sweating like a hog, so overdressed he was. Outside in the fields, fine, but in the great hall, with a fire at one end for the lords and ladies (well, two lords – the earl and bishop, and two ladies: the earl’s wife and Lady Seen. Earl Blaine’s son was there too, a weasel look on his face. He was the proof that nobility doesn’t breed noble bearing). Pulling out my whittling knife, rushed in and sliced up. It was razor sharp and cut one of his leather ties holding the upper arm plate armour protecting. I could not cut the other, nor penetrate the chain mail, but, actually, this was to the good. As he swung his sword at me, the piece of armour swung round and hit him, it was a nuisance now. If only I could cut the left one too.
He charged forward, and we had the unedifying spectacle of a run around the hall a couple of times. Still he didn’t seem to tire. I realise now that a true warrior takes rests when he can, but can summon up reserves for new efforts when called upon. I am not a true warrior. I can walk the hills all day without rest, but this fighting to the maximum is something I cannot do. We ended up back at the same spot.
What I hadn’t realised, as he swung his sword, loudly uttering oaths as the plate mail came round to hit him again – oaths that I feel the blacksmith would blanch to hear, I jumped back and my footing slipped on the stone floor; wet as is was with my blood. I fell back and cracked my skull on the floor. I even saw stars!
Now, surely it was all over. He strode towards me, lifting his heavy sword high to cleave my head in twaine, standing over me like a Hercules. In one, desperate, move. I stabbed up with my pig sticker. Standing as he was, his nether regions were exposed. His chain mail skirt reached his knees, providing ample protection from a standing enemy, but one beneath him had access to the open bottom of this chain mail. My sharp pointed sword went up and connected with his vitals, I pushed hard. Normally I would hesitate to kill another, but this was kill or be killed (probably kill and be killed, I thought, even as I stabbed up). The pointed third travelled deep into his body, and then the broader blade stuck firm and would not travel up or down. Wedged into his bone I think.
He roared! Not like a stuck pig at all, which squeals in pain and fear. He roared in pain and anger. I think he knew he was dead. The injury I had delivered was too great for the nuns of St Breda to cure. He would bleed out and die. But he would kill me first.
I could not retrieve my sword, I slid away and stood, he stepped back – which must have been agony – bent down and yanked out the weapon. I hated him with a desperate and unChristian hatred, but I respected him, nevertheless. But he still had his sword, and I had only a flensing knife, a bill hook and a whittling knife. Painfully, he approached, leaving a streamlet of blood (and brown fluids from his ripped bowels – I knew this from poor butchery in the past). I drew my flensing knife, ducked under his less accurate sword stroke and stabbed his right arm. The flensing knife was strong and broke a ring in the mail. His arm fell as the knife cut into his flesh.
But he transferred to his left arm, dropping his shield. A good warrior can use either arm. Magnus was the best. I just had to survive, I told myself, he would die soon. Then I saw it! The gap between helmet and chain mail collar. Before it would have been impossible to reach, but now, the slower enemy made it a possible target. He pulled out the knife from his arm and flung it away with the same disdain he had showed for my sword. He was bleeding profusely as I opted to attack rather than wait for my enemy to bleed to death. Perhaps I had some nobility of spirit? Charging in, I leapt and dropped the knife into the narrow gap with all my weight behind it. A bubbling, frothy, second stream appeared; but still he stayed standing, swearing that he would disembowel me and see the dogs lick my bones.
As the frothing blood bubbled up, be removed his helmet. Was it an invitation? He leant on his sword and looked at me. Close too, I heard him say “You have won, finish it.” All I had was my billhook. It wasn’t the best death for a brave – if despicable – champion; I stepped in and swung; and his body collapsed with his head only half attached. The crowd were shouting, some in anger, some in disgust, one or two in triumph.
I stood and looked at the body, then bowed low to him. It seemed the least I could do for a champion who had simply been unlucky on this day. I could not believe that God had given me this victory, even though that was what the law said, it just didn’t seem that God would want to make choices like this. Still ... I’d won!
I bowed to Bishop Blaine, and then to Earl Blaine. I had no smart comment to make. The earl had publicly stated that he would respect God’s decision in choosing the winner; he could hardly have me clapped in irons now. Lady Seen stood “My Lord Earl, now that our own dear Lord has seen to bless my side in the case with victory, I trust there will be no bad feeling?” The Earl looked angry, but said nothing, he couldn’t disagree with her in such a public space. Even the bishop would have to back her up now. “I wonder if, as neighbours, we might start on good terms by you doing me a small favour? Now that my husband has fought in battle, since I am not able to knight him, perhaps you would? I realise he is a knight by marriage, but a knight by noble right would, I am sure, be preferable to him.”
And that is how I came to be knighted by my recent enemy. It was elegantly done, I have to say. He might have let the sword slip, he might have slapped it hard on my shoulder. But no, there and then, as I continued to seep blood from the open wound on my nose, he knighted me. We rode away, husband and wife Sir Silas Malchester and Lady Seen Malchester – I had opted to take her name since the estate was hers; that seemed right.
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Dan had a trial in the morning. He had to figure out how to defend some stupid kid who broke into an old woman's apartment and then got conked over the head with a frying pan. But it might as well have been him on trial, sitting in that chair next to the judge, trying to explain to his wife and three sons how he violated the same rules he had imposed on them. Dan tilted his head back and rubbed his eyes. It was late, past two in the morning. The rest of the house was asleep and he was alone...
Dan had a trial in the morning. He had to figure out how to defend some stupid kid who broke into an old woman’s apartment and then got conked over the head with a frying pan. But it might as well have been him on trial, sitting in that chair next to the judge, trying to explain to his wife and three sons how he violated the same rules he had imposed on them. Dan tilted his head back and rubbed his eyes. It was late, past two in the morning. The rest of the house was asleep and he was alone...
Theresa considered what the defense team just revealed. She looked at Jessic and then the D.A. She crinkled her nose. She cleared her throat melodically and asked, “Miles, have the police questioned this officer in connection to this murder? Was he even been on their radar?”“I don’t think so.”“What?”“I mean. No. None of this was known until this point.”“Why don’t you get the chief on the horn and have him get his ass over if he isn’t already lurking around? I know word tends to travel in this...
Joe Edd rolled over in his sleep. He dreamt:“Bite that goddamn pillow,” ordered the 33 year-old Joe Edd as he plowed the whimpering 8th grader with his thick 8-inch cock.“Unh...Unh...Unnnnh,” moaned Rosie.His large, brawny & hairy body rested on the back of the femme bottom’s smooth as silk skin. He pounded furiously. It was not their first time and would not be their last. He flipped over the bubble butt twink and plowed him. Joe Edd held the faggot’s ankles as he delivered mighty strokes...
Well for starters, Fenoxo is a fucking gaming blog probably named after its developer, MR Fenoxo, Fen, Fenny, or Fenfen. And while there is evidence of multiple individuals posting on the blog as long as there is an awesome interface and a fancy sex game to dip some nasty claws into, who fucking cares about that shit anyway? After all, Fenoxo is one Pervy Writing Minotaur, the coder, and brains behind a number of sexy games including Corruption of Champions which seems to have won a...
Free Sex GamesMy family and I lived in a comfortable home on the tree lined street in a small rural town. Next door lived a single Mom who must have been in her mid thirties. She had a son who was born with cerebral palsy and was now 18 years old. His condition was such that he needed constant care. For some reason which I never understood, she was unable to get governmental help in taking care of him so she had to assume the full responsibility for his care herself , though she did get financial assistance....
MasturbationTHE TRIALS OF KARDAN Chapter One: Capture Kardan's capture had not been an easy one. The fabled warrior had been cornered in a rocky canyon in the southern lands, and six men were pitted against him. Kardan had despatched four of them in the space of a few breaths, and would have slain the remainder had the drug-tongued art not found it's mark on his neck. Reeling from the narcotic, he still hurled himself at his opponents, finally succumbing as his blade dug into the belly of...
The Trials of Tannen 01: The First Adventure By Light Clark Synopsis: It was just a regular game night for Elizabeth, Claire, Mark, and Anthony until, suddenly, the lights went out. The next thing they knew, they were in another place, facing an annoying little boy. Strangely enough, the boy claimed to be a god, and that the only way for them to get home was to champion his cause by winning a grand contest. Like that, a very different game from the one they'd intended...
Trials, tribulations and temptations. 1 ... OR... University with my sister. The folks went back home ... their chicks successfully booted from the nest. They had the two late hatchlings to ensure proper decorum ... no chance of mom spread-eagled on the breakfast-nook table ... or a daddy seeking oral gratification in the hall. Perfection achieved four-fold, there was no need for follow-ons. Parents... Sex... Yuck! However ... were it not for hall monitors ... Ross Hall, student...
A half moon after Legios had encountered the two women and their "heirloom" carriage, he stood before the Duke and the Duke's wife to make his report. "Aside from the one brush, everything was quiet," Legios concluded his verbal report. "A 'brush' that was the most serious border incident since the war," the Duke mused. "Yes, sir. We fired a single volley from our rifles and one round, each, from the mortars and they stopped." "Well, Captain, I'm pleased to tell you that Lady...
This is my first attempt ever to write a story, so it may not be as good as you would think. A couple of months ago, I decided it was time to get myself a few luxuries in life. Until now, I had been unable to act upon that decision because of work, school and family. However, today i am able to start acting on that decision. I thought it to be a good idea if I were to go to this new hotel in town. This new hotel was rumoured to give "extra special services" to the ones who asked for it. Nobody...
MatureYou've spent months planning this and finally she walked into your trap. She's your neighbor's 18 year old daughter, the little tramp who's been tormenting you for years by sunbathing naked right in plain view. She deserves to learn a lesson and you're the one who's going to give it to her. When she got home from class that afternoon and went out to sunbathe, you were waiting for her behind the bushes and grabbed her. You knocked her out, then dragged her back to your house and now you have a 6...
FetishHow my wife and I could have gotten into such a thing would have been beyond me if not for the odd chain of events that had led up to where we were now.My wife Sherry had been less than faithful a year or so ago, bringing us close to divorce with a short separation.During that time we both had a lot to think about; she with her brief affair and I with my neglect leading up to what was most likely inevitable.I say inevitable only now after learning that a woman with her looks is short on the...
What am I doing in a secluded car park waiting for some one I hardly know who wants to play with my cock Im a straight guy I love women every sort prefer older prefer well built love having oral love pretty much everything about them But - ther is an itch that needs to be scratched The feeling that sucking and wanking a nic smooth cock could be fun Then there is the fact that looking at videos of guys wanking alone and together is a big turn on Looking in the mirror I see the blue saloon...
Hi! This is Siddharth from Mumbai. I’m 24 years old and mariner my profession. I’m huge fan of ISS. Reading stories before on this site gives me a good night’s sleep. I’m going to post my first incident which happened to me a 2 years ago. The story 100% real and it’s about a girl next door, Neha. She is 3 years younger to me. I was 22 and she was 19 at that time. She’s a typical Indian girl, with perfect figure, curves and assets to die for. This is a bit long story as I’m narrating it right...
Hi Folks, Another tale of woe and love gone wrong here. And as requested last week, this one is much shorter. SS06 As I looked around the church, I felt useless. The flowers were beautiful. The decorations were beautiful. The architecture of the hall was exquisite. Great care had been taken with every detail of the wedding and I hadn't had a God damned thing to do with any of it. It was crazy. It was embarrassing as hell. I don't remember ever going to a wedding where the mother of the...
Misstrial (c) 2003 by Nom de Plume FORWORD: The missing months of the "Foul Boy" saga are revealed by the parties to a tumultuous divorce proceeding. *** "Ruth, we have your husband dead to rights on adultery and abandonment. If it weren't for what you did to your son, he wouldn't have a leg to stand on." Dexter Boyd looked across his cluttered desk at his client, wondering how she would respond. He had kept her off the stand during her criminal trial, but her divorce proceeding...
It was late one night and I was driving to get home. The night seemed more spooky than usual in our town. I'd grown up in a small farm town just outside of Del Rio Texas where everyone knows everyone and you actually trust your neighbors. The wind was brisk and the sky was covered with bright stars. I drove listening to "Here with me" by Dido playing quietly on my car radio. I felt the tears just stream down my face as I thought about the events that had happened in the last six months....
It was late one night and I was driving to get home. The night seemed more spooky than usual in our town. I'd grown up in a small farm town just outside of Del Rio Texas where everyone knows everyone and you actually trust your neighbors. The wind was brisk and the sky was covered with bright stars. I drove listening to "Here with me" by Dido playing quietly on my car radio. I felt the tears just stream down my face as I thought about the events that had happened in the last six months. It'd...
EroticMilhouse walked across the school yard to meet up with Bart; he felt Lisa’s eyes following him every step of the way. When he finally reached Bart he smacked him High Five. Bart and Milhouse had been experimenting with different things and they had finally decided that it was time for them to experiment with one another. Milhouse had watched plenty of gay pornos in preparation for their new experience. ”Are you sure we won’t get caught? We are still on school grounds and this is...
When Manu got home his wife was beside herself. Dinner was not ready and her sari wasn’t even fastened properly. Her hair was a mess too. “Oh my dear, what has happened?” he exclaimed, putting his arms around the pretty and busty woman he had recently married. When he kissed her he recognized the taste of semen. He released her and opened her sari. There were love marks all over her body and semen was running down her legs from her reddened pussy. She sobbed, “At first...
The city of Absalom, also known as City at the Center of the World and the Jewel of the Inner Sea. One of the largest cities on the planet of Golarion with a population of over three hundred thousand, 64% of them human but it was not unheard of to see other races present in the grand city. There is much trade to be had at the port city, ships coming and going at all hours of the day. The city is ruled by the Grand Council chaired by the primarch, currently Lord Gyr of House Gixx. However, it...
FantasyTRAILS OF KARDAN IV Kardan took her time walking down the hill towards Dirk. The information she had received from Graff was encouraging, but it left her a little bothered. The foremost issue in her mind was her arrangement with Dirk. Their business was now concluded, and she had to decide how to handle that. If she was going to be reverting back to her former self she definitely didn't want to explain that to him. She made her decision by the time she reached him at the bottom of the...
Author's note: A sincere thanks to all those who comment on my stories, I appreciate the advice and the criticism. Hopefully my work is improving, despite how quickly I write most of these things. Chapter V: The March West Kardan and Bethany paused on a rocky ridge that overlooked the small town they had just abandoned. From their perch on the wooded outcropping they could see the smoke rising as the last remnants of Bethany's old life smouldered and turned to ash. The erstwhile...
Fuckmeat The slave girls were brought in that night wearing only the tattered white shifts that the caravan master had allowed. They had been traveling for the past ten hours, and were worn out and exhausted. Every so often the truck that they were all crammed into would stop and one of the guards would pull a girl out, the others would hear her terrified screams, a few hours later they would throw her back in with the rest of the girls, covered in cum. Bailyn, a fit blond with a 32 D...
Chapter 1 Rude Awakening Chapter 1 Maurice ???? ?Ouch, you nicked me.? Be more careful, dammit.? Get a fresh blade,? said Maurice not trying to hide his irritation.? ?That one?s dull.????? ?Sorry, but it?s new,? said Christine looking up at her husband from her position kneeling between his outstretched legs.? She was holding his cock in one hand and a safety razor in the other.?? A pillow elevated his rear off the bed.? She had agreed to shave his cock and balls in return for the...
"Mmmmm..." I woke up with someone's face in my hair, his breath tickling my neck and morning erection poking against my butt. "Hmmm..." he sighed as well, squeezing my left breast through the old half-slip I liked to sleep in. My panties were missing and I spread my legs, lifting the top one and curling it over his. I liked the way he hugged me and I didn't want to open my eyes. The alarm hadn't gone off yet, but how early it might be, I had no idea. I didn't want to know and I'd...
Chapter 1: The Problem When Manu got home his wife was beside herself. Dinner was not ready and her sari wasn’t even fastened properly. Her hair was a mess too. “Oh my dear, what has happened?” he exclaimed, putting his arms around the pretty and busty woman he had recently married. When he kissed her he recognized the taste of semen. He released her and opened her sari. There were love marks all over her body and semen was running down her legs from her reddened pussy. She sobbed, “At first...
The Fleet Auxiliary rating entered Tribune Whitefeather's office, bearing blessed gifts from ground-side. "One double-double ... whatever that is ... one black no sugar ... one tea, bag in ... and one sour cream glazed, one toasted whole-wheat bagel with butter, and one maple cream glazed." As they thanked the woman, Major MacAllistor observed with a jaundiced eye the sugary delights his fellow officers were enjoying. "Healthy breakfast," he remarked sarcastically, biting into his...
The Major and his friend Commodore Richard Cuthbert, RN, approached the trim little cottage in this small northern English town. A short, spare man in his 50's, trim of moustache and military of bearing, was crouched over doing something important with a spade and flowerbed. When he saw he had visitors, he arose to greet his guests. "Commodore, fancy meeting you here, and whose this with you? James? Is that you? You look so ... different. Say, I'd heard you'd been picked up." "Do you...
Tribune William Whitefeather stood in the middle of the Washington, DC restaurant, having just given more-or-less the same lecture as his underling Sub-Decurion Anthony Chan had given to his charges in Florida and at approximately that same moment Major James MacAllistor was giving his lecture to the audience at the school concert in England. A quick survey by the AI had assured him that he didn't have any extractable volunteers aside from his old friend Henry Hollister. At his feet, three...
Major MacAllistor reflected that it was certainly easier, post-extraction, to get up and moving in the morning: no need to shave. The nanites kept facial hair under perfect control. Still, it did take some effort to kick-start oneself if you hadn't gotten enough sleep, and thanks to the previous day's combination of sixteen special extractions and his two horny concubines, he was running on empty. He blearily glared at the platoon of Marines preparing for the morning's extraction in this...
Extraction Day, or "E-Day" as the Haywood daughters had been referring to it, dawned cool but clear. By 9:00, Marianne had finished with the checklist, confirmed that all members of all the families were present and accounted for. By 9:30, everyone was hearing the momentous news: a scoop type extraction. Everyone who wanted to go was going immediately, without the usual "cattle call". The sorting out of which concubine belonged to which sponsor would be done in orbit. A quick poll...
The first meal on board a colony ship is always a memorable one. The replicators are a complete mystery and the food choices are often overwhelming. The clothing is new, the ship is confusingly laid out and the colours in your pod are very alien, and in general there's a lot of getting used to things going on. Ben started taking charge immediately after he came out of Medical. He instructed the AI to restrict the food choices to four kinds of pizza (pepperoni and cheese, vegetarian,...
As they were now on official business, the newly-extracted sponsors on board Princess Sophia were dressed in the transportation uniform of one-piece overall, to distinguish themselves from the Fleet Auxiliary crew manning the ship. Also in the meeting were Decurion and Sub-Decurion Whitefeather, Sub-Decurion Chan, Decurion Price from the City of Paris, and Major MacAllistor. "Issue number one is space, as in the acute shortage thereof," Ben announced. "We are an unusually high CAP-scoring...
Almost four months later: I tossed the mooring line to the waiting woman and watched as she efficiently tied off to bow line to the nearby mooring post. I walked back to the stern, jumped onto the bank and tied off the stern line. Jumping back on board, I switched off the main engine. The diesel thudded a last couple of times, then silence fell over the boat. The port Capitainerie, a very lovely young woman, who I noted with regret was wearing a wedding ring, greeted me. She asked how long...
We sat in silence; Kay had tucked her feet under her and was resting her back against me. I’d moved my hand from her breast and slid it under her dress to rest on her belly. I was amazed that I hadn’t noticed her little bulge. I’d been so wrapped up in what had been going on I’d missed all the clues that had been right under my eyes. “We are a right pair of idiots, aren’t we?” she murmured. I shrugged slightly; as much as I loved this woman, I still had some reservations over her recent...
“Wakey, wakey, boys and bitches.” “Fuck of ... Ow.” Helen went to sit up and leaned on her hair. “Goddess of the Stars! What did you do to me, you Fucking Cripple??? What’s this, you... (the following five minutes were censored by the universal proclamation of the author’s brain cells. As ‘Subject Helen’ discovered her new wardrobe and hair style, the full-length mirror in the closet was put to good use.) Puma was not as much of an early riser as her nemesis and was woken from her slumber...
“Morning, Ladies. I brought homemade blueberry pancakes and fresh squeezed orange juice ... And coffee.” “Coffee?” perked Stacy. Helen was awake and waiting to see what disaster befell her rival. “Are you sure you are only fourteen?” A vastly amused and satisfied Villainess asked upon seeing Stacy’s new outfit. “EEK! ... What the hell?” Sydney ignored the byplay and pushed the trolley to the center where the card table and chairs were set up waiting. “Closet has a mirror, Ms. Lacey...
“Morning, Ladies. I brought breakfast: French Toast, coffee, orange juice and extra bacon for Helen.” Stacy, clad in a skimpy pair of lace panties, sat up and looked at the changes in her. It was exactly as everyone expected. An increased cup-size, from a moderate C to a firm D. Added to an unnaturally wet-looking honey-golden-skin, the former Heroine crashed back down on her bed groaning in despair. At least they weren’t huge, just larger and firmer. “It looks like you bathed in honey and...
“Morning, Helen. Morning, Stace. I have coffee and blintzes.” With a smile, Sydney woke her subjects from their two month long stasis. “Do they hurt?” Sydney asked quietly at Helen’s approach. Stacy was in the bathroom, having not woken up until Sydney’s arrival giving the two a few minutes of private time. “Dey itch.” Scowling at the distortion that the tongue piercing created with her speech, “especially the one in my pussy.” She added for shock effect, which worked, if my student’s...
Sydney spent countless hours during the following weeks in Stacy’s cell, with Helen kept in stasis, sleeping the time away. Pleasure, obedience, teasing, binding, restraining and pleasantly tormenting, borderline torturing the poor woman into acceptance of her new fetish. I believed that the only pain inflicted during the week-long training sessions were from the light application of Sydney’s favorite instrument, a soft riding crop. Aside from when the pleasure became unbearable to the...
Round seven was anticlimactic. The bikini clad wrestling match between the two women was a complete domination by Helen. In more ways than one. Stacy’s new passion for restriction and bondage was used against her ruthlessly by the taller, angry woman. Those that took an interest in that competition were sorely disappointed in the contest. Clarence in particular had a displeased expression and words for his unrepentant student. He was so looking for a good slippery mud fight. With two pretty...
Riya is the name I have used multiple times over casual hookups and erotic encounters. For obvious practical reasons, I can not share my real identity here. This is a new experience with no continuity links to my earlier stories. If interested, my previous story can be found here: After discovering my seductive side in the experience shared in my previous story, I realized that I could get any guy to do anything for me with those abilities. And when it came to my sexual fantasies, that...
Riya is the name I have used multiple times over casual hook-ups and erotic encounters. For obvious practical reasons, I cannot share my real identity here because most of my stories are based in real incidents with dramatized narration for erotic effect. This is the third experience in the “Industrial Visit” series of stories. You should be able to enjoy this story without a lot of continuity overlaps except knowing that Rohan and Neeraj were my ex-boyfriends at the time of these stories. If...
Riya is the name I have used multiple times over casual hook-ups and erotic encounters. For obvious practical reasons, I cannot share my real identity here. This is the second experience in the “Industrial Visit” series of stories. You should be able to enjoy this story without a lot of continuity overlaps except knowing that Rohan is one of my ex-boyfriends. If you want to enjoy it fully with all continuity and references, please go through the 1st part before this one. From Ambala, we went to...
Amanda was sitting at her lab balance when all of a sudden, the whole lab shook. She heard her supervisor Mary ask ‘What was that?’ Amanda told Mary ‘Sounded like an explosion.’ Mary asked ‘So what do we do?’ Amanda thought for a moment. ‘Well, if anyone is hurt, they might appreciate having wet towels to clean their faces. Let’s prepare some wet white towels and put them in bags so they stay clean until used. We’ll put them into a bucket.’ As she was talking, Amanda was starting to do what...
Stella shuffled her papers into a neat rectangle and slid them into a leather portfolio. Around the table, the other members of her team were doing the same. They were all locals, but Stella had flown in from headquarters on the East Coast for the meeting. Now she was ready to be gone. Nobody really knew what to expect ahead of a kick-off aquisition meeting like this but, from Stella’s point of view, it had not gone well. Ero-Tech’s technologies were certainly interesting, but they had...
Leak 'Em Up! You have to thank the Internet for giving us all kinds of great porn genres. If humans had to settle for whacking off in adult movie theaters – while avoiding stray jizz splashing all over their faces – there wouldn’t be nearly as many genres as there is today. Among the many genres that wouldn’t exist is the ‘leak’ genre. And no, I’m not talking about watching fat bitches squatting and pissing down your throat. Rather, I’m referring to the kind of content that seems like it was...
Free OnlyFans Leak SitesHi main aditya noon. Main Bihar ka rahne wala hun. pe aap apna response se sakte hain. Main abhi Delhi me rahta hun. Ye story tab ki hai jab main gaon me rahta tha. Ye meri pahli kahani hai ummed hai aap ko pasand aayegi. Aapke response ka wait rahega. An main pahle apne physique ke bare me bata doon. Main avg fig ka ladka hun. Jab ye ghatna hui thi tab mera age 18 saal tha. Main bakiyon ki tarah ye nai kahunga ki mera Lund 10 inch ka 12 inch ka hai. Ek Indian ka jaisa normal Lund hota waisa...
Cassie and I sit there, on my bed, frozen to the spot. Our father is just staring at us, veins are popping out of his neck, and I swear steam is coming from his ears. We’re all silent, waiting for someone to say something and break the awkward silence that has fallen upon us. I decide to be that person. “Dad, it’s just… we were…” but before I can finish my sentence he’s yelling, “You two sluts just stay here. I need to fucking think!” And with that he walks out, slamming my bedroom door behind...
IncestI don't know about anyone else but a woman with a nice figure and a nice set of big tits gets me going every time. Susan is one of those kinds of women. She's cute. She's probably in her early 30s and I know she's the mother of a teenage boy, but Susan drives me wild every single time I see her. She's the kind of woman that you don't know what's in her mind until you get close to her, but she's one fucking hottie. If you see Susan from behind, no matter what she's wearing, you love...