Trials Of LoveChapter 3 free porn video

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We sat in silence; Kay had tucked her feet under her and was resting her back against me. I’d moved my hand from her breast and slid it under her dress to rest on her belly. I was amazed that I hadn’t noticed her little bulge. I’d been so wrapped up in what had been going on I’d missed all the clues that had been right under my eyes.

“We are a right pair of idiots, aren’t we?” she murmured. I shrugged slightly; as much as I loved this woman, I still had some reservations over her recent behavior. She said, “The correct response to that is, yes, we are, my love. Then you are supposed to kiss me.”

I grinned and kissed the top of her head. “So, my loving wife became a wanton sex starved hussy in my absence?”

She froze at my words. Then with a degree of forced humor said, “Get it right, old man; that’s drug addled sex fiend to you. All I can say is, thank God for vibrators and dildos.”

She moved back, sliding up onto my lap, turning slightly to face me. “You’re still worried aren’t you?”

“I can’t help it, Kay,” I said. “It’s all well and good to blame it on the drug interaction.” “ I’ve done research on this type of thing for my books, and I know that usually there must be an underlying attraction. Be honest, was there one between the pair of you?”

She sat very still for a long time, I was beginning to think she’d never say anything, but then she said. “As much as I’d love to blame it all on the drugs, I can’t. Yes, I liked him, I never loved him, though; not in the way I love you.”

She carried on, “He was charming, friendly and fun to be with, but that’s all, I don’t love him.”

I interrupted, something I’d realized earlier, was niggling at me.

“If this started several months before I left, how come the first time I remember seeing him was on stage with you at the end of the concert the night I got into town?” I asked.

She gave me a puzzled look, “Was that the first time you saw him? I thought you’d both met at least a few times before that.”

“No, that was the first time I’d seen him.”

“I don’t know then. He just never seemed to be around if you were there. If he was there, it was probably one of those parties, where we were carefully avoiding each other. He would have just been one of the group I was with. You may have met, I just don’t know.”

She paused to think, “It’s odd, though, now that I come to think about it; he always seemed to have an excuse when he knew you were going to be at a party, but he was all over me if I was on my own.”

She paused and thought again, then said, “Do you remember about six weeks before the end of the tour, you were able to change your schedule at the last moment and join me in Los Angeles for a couple of days?”

I nodded. “They called to cancel my appointment when I was about to check in at the airport, so I had a free weekend. I was able to change my ticket and catch a flight to LA with seconds to spare.”

Kayla nodded and said, “The first I knew you were in town, was when you called to say you were at the airport and about to get a cab to the hotel. I told you to drop your bag off and come and join us at the reception in the bar at the Westin. Afterwards, we went on with Stephen and James to that brilliant restaurant for dinner. You were really surprised that they’d been able to get a reservation on such short notice.”

“Yes, I was really impressed that Stephen was able to get us in at such short notice. I’ve been told even VIP’s usually need to book a couple of days in advance.”

“He didn’t get it that evening! It had been on my calendar for at least a week. Nigel had organized the table, and it was for four people. It was supposed to be Nigel, them and me. Afterward, we were all going on to an exclusive club.”

I cursed under my breath, and I felt Kayla tense up. “Nothing was going to happen,” she insisted. “We did that quite often when I was on tour.”

“That’s not making me feel any happier,” I pointed out. “What happened after I called?”

“Stephen was not pleased; he was standing beside me when I took your call,” she replied. “Nigel and James were at the bar. When he asked why I was so happy after your call, I told him you were in town and on your way over. He wanted me to call you back. He proposed you meet us much later at the club, but I wasn’t interested. I just wanted to see you. I told him it was too late, you were on your way and I was going down to the hotel lobby to wait for you.”

“I remember you jumping on me in the lobby. I guess that’s when you were chock full of hormones, because you were very clingy and needy.”

“Christ, wasn’t I. I so wanted to drag you off to a dark corner for a quick fuck. I almost raped you in the taxi back to the suite I was so worked up.” She grinned at me in a happy recollection.

“Anyway,” she continued, “when we got to the bar, Nigel had disappeared. I was going to introduce you to him, but he’d gone. I didn’t think much about it at the time; I just assumed he was going to meet us at the restaurant. He never did, and he’d been going on about how great a place it was for days and how hard it had been to get a reservation.”

“He couldn’t, could he; the reservation was only for four, not five,” I pointed out. “You remember how crowded the place was. There was no possibility he could change the reservation to five.”

Now I thought about it, if he had, I’d have known there was something odd going on. I’d been amazed that we could get a table for four and it had been a good table, a really good one; one I should have realized would never have been available for a last-minute reservation. No wonder Nigel disappeared that evening.

Now my mind was on fire. Something else that had been floating around in the back of my mind coalesced into a solid thought.

“Stephen damn well knew how Nigel felt about you,” I stated. It wasn’t a guess; I was one hundred percent sure. “He was pushing you at him. He wanted you to fall for Nigel!”

Kayla shook her head in disbelief.

I carried on before she could interrupt me. “The drug interaction was just one big bonus because it made his job easier. I’m guessing that he told Nigel that you were unhappy in your marriage, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t actively supporting Nigel’s campaign to win you away from me.”

“He wouldn’t do that: he’s our friend.” She gave me a startled look.

“I think he not only would, but he did. He’s been different ever since we told him that we wanted to take off a couple of years. Hell, he’s always been much more your friend than he ever was mine. I’m not even sure he ever was my friend. If he could put a wedge between us, he would hope that you would carry on touring. That would have benefited both of them. He was pushing the pair of you together and allowing the rumors to start and persist.”

I thought back to that last night; things began to click into place.

“I believe that the whole incident at the night club was staged. Stephen’s idea was for me to get all worked up and leave you. When I finally get inside the place, I was supposed to find you in the arms of another man. I don’t think he knew that Nigel had decided to make such a public display of his love for you; that was just one big bonus.”

“But he wouldn’t.” She repeated.

“Are you sure? If everything went the way we’d planned, you’d have wanted to stop working for a couple of years, maybe even longer. His income would have dropped heavily, and don’t forget, he’s a close friend of your parents and they’ve never liked me. Well, it worked, didn’t it! I walked out.”

“But I didn’t go back to work,” Kay said “I found out I was pregnant, and I was cancelling everything. I even pulled out of the concert for the Queen.”

“He couldn’t have known that you would be pregnant that soon; it was unexpected. If you hadn’t been pregnant, what then?” I asked. We both fell silent as we pondered the implications of those thoughts.

“My publicist, she works for the agency,” Kay said suddenly with a hint of anger. “When I first mentioned that we were going to go public, she was all for it. Then, in those last few weeks, she flipped 180 degrees and was adamant that it was the wrong time. She’s the one that came up with the whole magazine reveal proposal and convinced me that it was the only way to go. I told her you wouldn’t be happy about the decision, and she said something I didn’t understand at the time: that she had her orders, and it had to be this way.”

“Ah.” I was left in no doubt about my suspicions.

“So, you think that Stephen was manipulating both of us.”

“Don’t you? One thing I don’t understand is why he convinced my buyer to sell my shares of the agency back to me. I’d have thought he’d be much happier if I were out of the way.”

She gave me a surprised look at that statement. “He didn’t, it was nothing to do with him; I did all of that. Your buyers contacted me to see if I wanted to sell my share, as well. That was the first I knew about you selling. I let them know you had no rights to sell your shares, since we owned them jointly. Neither of us could sell without the other’s approval. They weren’t happy, but they cancelled the payment. I got my bank to send the same amount to the account you’d given them. I guessed you didn’t want to touch any of our joint accounts, and I didn’t want you to not to have any access to cash.”

I showed her the text from Stephen, where he claimed to have talked the buyers into selling back to me.

“Shit, the bastard.” There were tears in her eyes, and I pulled her into a long tight hug.

It was late, very late: we’d managed to talk our way through the whole evening and into the witching hours. Both of us were trying to stifle our yawns. I’d have picked up my wife and carried her to the bedroom, only the design of the boat precluded such shows of gallantry. I led her to the bedroom, showed her the bathroom and briefly explained the differences between this and a land based one.

She pushed past me and pulling her panties down, and sat on the toilet with a sigh of relief.

“I needed that, the baby is starting to squeeze my poor bladder,” she sighed gratefully. “Can I have a shower please?”

“Sure.” I turned the shower and the drain pump on for her.

She wiped herself and standing up, undid the last of the buttons on her dress and let it slide down her body to pool at her feet. She hadn’t bothered to pull up her panties, and she stepped out of both items to stand naked and vulnerable in front of me. My eyes were drawn to her belly, and there was a sensual curve that had never been there before. We really were going to have a baby!

“I need you to wash me,” she told me, and I knew instinctively it wasn’t just the dirt she wanted me to wash off her.

I stripped off and followed her into the shower, grateful that the previous owners had installed an extra-large shower cubical. Kay stood facing me under the hard stream of water, her arms crossed over her breasts.

“I haven’t felt clean in months,” she whispered, and I could barely hear her over the pounding of the water. I believe she held back another sob.

I took the shampoo and worked it into the strands of her long blonde hair. She moaned softly, turned and rested back against me. The curves of her buttocks provided a natural channel for my semi-turgid cock. I rinsed off her hair and found the bottle of my least manly smelling shower gel and a sponge.

She took the bottle from me, looked at it and shook her head. She found the bottle of my favorite shower gel. “I love this stuff; this is my memory of you, and I’ve missed you so much,” she said as she squirted a generous dollop on the sponge.

I took it from her, and she shuddered in pleasure as I carefully soaped every inch of her. I took my time, knowing I had plenty of hot water, working the suds with the sponge and my fingers. At her insistence, I paid extra attention to her breasts. No dirt, imagined or real, stood a chance against my hands.

She was whimpering as I teased and caressed her long hard nipples, pulling and rolling them between my fingertips. Her whimpering grew louder and her hand slid between her thighs.

“Oh fuck, fuuuck,” she cried out, bracing herself against the wall as she came, surprising both of us with the speed and intensity of her orgasm. She pushed against the shower wall, which forced the luscious curves of her ass into my groin. My cock made a final twitch and stiffened to his full seven fat inches. I may not be as impressive as Tom apparently was, but I’d never had a complaint.

She spun around, sinking to her knees, her hands drawing my throbbing shaft close to her mouth. Her tongue slowly slid over the purple crown, causing me to gasp with the delicious sensations that shot down my cock. Christ, for almost four months the only attention he’d had was from my hand. He was quick to remind me that my hand was no substitute for Kay.

“Fuuuuuck,” I groaned, bracing myself against the wall as she swallowed the head into the warmth of her mouth. She sucked, licked and stroked, and in moments, I was close to the edge. No lover for the last few months meant I was far too worked up to be able to control myself.

“Oh fuck ... I’m gonna cum,” I gasped as the incredible urge centered in my groin burst past my barriers, exploding in my cock.

Kay never paused, her mouth like a limpet on my quivering cock. The dam broke and with a deep growl, I came, pulsing my essence in long streams into her waiting mouth.

She wouldn’t stop until she was sure I had nothing left to give, and then she reluctantly let my softening cock slide from her lips. I helped her to her feet and drew her into a long kiss, our slick wet bodies sliding against each other as the warm water continued to fall on us.

“Take me to bed, please,” Kay said.

I wrapped her in a soft towel as she wrapped her hair up in a second. The bedroom was only a couple of steps away, and I led my tired wife to the bed and tucked her in. I spent a couple of minutes making sure that the Nevermore was safe and locked up before crawling into the bed behind Kay’s naked body.

I thought that she was asleep. She was quick to prove me wrong, pushing her ass against me, wriggling as my cock grew again and found a temporary home in the cleft between her cheeks.

Soon, Kay was holding my turgid throbbing cock against her slit as she languidly rocked her pelvis back and forth. She began to give little sighs of pleasure as my shaft slid across her sensitive, intimate flesh. Her movements slowly sped up and she tightened her grip on my cock.

I kissed and nibbled the soft skin on the back of her neck. My fingers pulled and teased her nipple, and she groaned and then gasped as a little orgasm caught her by surprise.

After a moment, she moved slightly so that the head of my cock was nestled between her plump pussy lips. With a roll and a push of my hips, I slid into her wet and tight heat. Both of us groaned in pleasure. We rocked in unison, my hand moving down the soft skin of her body, over the slight curve of her baby bump until I felt the soft springy curls nestled at the top of her slit. My fingers delved lower and she gasped and shuddered when I pressed on her clit.

“Feels sooo good,” she murmured, and then gave a little cry. “Ohh fuck that feels so good, “ as I rolled the hard nub of her clit under my finger.

“Fuck I’m going to come again,” she whimpered, and she pushed hard against me. Her pussy spasmed and tightened around me. She shuddered and her hand caught mine.

“Oh God, give me a moment,” she gasped, and rode out her orgasm with a series of soft grunts; then, she was pushing back against my rigid throbbing cock, trying to match the increasing vigor of my thrusts as I sought my own happy ending.

That deep primeval urge grew in my belly, and I was squeezing her breasts as I pulled her hard against me with each thrust. My world shrank to the sensation of my cock sliding in and out of her slick silky glove, her cries of pleasure spurring me on.

My orgasm burst, hot fire surging through me to paint the welcoming center of her body. With a final long drawn out cry, Kay came as well, her body shuddering in pleasure.

“No more,” she gasped, and in seconds relaxed in my arms, fast asleep.

She was shifting only slightly to settle against me as I slid out of her and spooned up behind her. Tired as I was, I found it difficult to fall asleep. My mind kept racing with dark thoughts. There was no doubt that Kay was still in love with me, but I kept feeling that far more had happened between them than she was admitting to.

I’d seen Nigel’s face as he’d proposed, and I knew that expression. It was the same one I had on my face when I was with her: total love! That smile she gave him while he offered her the ring ... I couldn’t get it out of my memory. He was certain of her favorable response to his proposal.

I’d listened to all the excuses, but I kept coming back to one salient point. If she loved me as much as she said she did, why didn’t she talk to me when she realized something wasn’t right. One simple phone call and I would have dropped everything and gone to her.

She was adamant that the baby was mine; but if she was telling the truth about the dates, we’d only made love one evening that was in the right time window. I struggled to work out her cycle in my mind, but I drew a blank.

Her need to convince me that she and Nigel hadn’t made love before she’d told me she was pregnant disturbed me; surely the first thing she should have told me was about the baby. Had there been other men as well as Nigel? I loved the woman, shit, I’d just proved that, but was it enough?

I grew cold at the realization that if the baby wasn’t mine, there was no way I’d be able to bring it up. It would be a constant reminder, and I couldn’t live with that.

Fuck, it was no good. I slipped out of bed, tucking the covers back around Kayla. I pulled on a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. In the galley, I made a hot chocolate drink with a splash of Rum, then made my way to the rear deck. I settled down in a comfy reclining chair and let the night sounds embrace me.

I woke when the first glimmers of the dawn touched the eastern horizon and the town began to wake up. A couple of early morning joggers gave me a wave as they passed by. The occasional gusts of wind wafted the aroma of baking bread to my nose. I stretched, trying to ease the kinks.

My watch said it was almost six, which would make it midnight on the east coast of the United States. It was late, but not too late, I hoped, to call probably the only person who would know the truth.

My phone was charging in the salon. Walking back on deck, I called Laine.

After a moment, a sleepy voice said, “Yes.” Then more urgently, “Peter is that you?”


“So I guess she’s found you then. She called at the crack of dawn yesterday to say she had a hot tip that you were in the south of France.”

In the background, I heard an indistinguishable second voice, then a muffled Laine saying, “Shush, go back to sleep, it’s Kay’s husband.”

Then she said to me, “Hang on a moment, I need to move to the lounge.”

There was a series of rustles and scratches then she said, “I guess this isn’t a social call, what do you want, Peter?”

“I need to know the truth, Laine, not Kay’s rose colored version. She’s insistent that the baby is mine and she never slept with Nigel.”

There was a sigh from Laine, “Pete, she’s not only my boss, but she’s also my best friend. You’re putting me in an impossible position. If, and I’m not saying she did, but if she did tell me anything in confidence, I can’t tell you, can I?”

“Laine, I always thought we were friends, as well. If it helps, remember you work for the agency and not Kay. I co-own it, so you work for me, as well. Also, if you don’t say anything, I’ll assume the worst, and it’ll probably be the end of our marriage.”

“You bastard,” she hissed.

“I know I am, but I’m fighting for the truth about my marriage. I need to know what she was up to in those last few months. If it helps you make your mind up, it’s the, ‘not knowing’ that’s the real big issue here. I can forgive and live with it if I know the truth, and now, she’s only telling me what she thinks I’ll accept.”

“But you’ll divorce her if you don’t find out the truth; is that what you are saying?”

“Possibly, probably, hell, I don’t know; but I do know the uncertainty is chewing me up. We promised each outer that we’d always be honest with each other. It’s the trust issue; she needs to tell me the truth.”

There was a soft sigh and then a harsh, “No.”

That was followed by a quieter, “I honestly don’t know how much she did. All I know is she went out numerous times with Nigel in those last few months. I’ve no fucking idea if she slept with him. She seemed to have a good time, that all I know. She’s the only person who can tell you what went on. I do know that she didn’t understand what was going on with herself. She cried on my shoulder about how much she loved you after every date she had with him.”

“Was Nigel the only one?”

“Fuck Pete, leave it alone.”

“Was he?”

“Christ, there were a couple of others she went out to dinner with, but I don’t think anything went on between them; they were just dinner dates. Is she still with you?”

“Yes, she’s asleep now.”

“That is where I’d like to be. I’m going to call her. If I must suffer, so can she. Peter, I’ll tell her that she needs to tell you the truth, and then I’m done with it.”

With that, she rang off. A few minutes later, I heard Kay’s phone playing Laine’s custom ring tone in the distance.

It was a good half an hour before Kayla appeared in the wheelhouse looking around for me. The sun had risen above the horizon, and the deck was bathed in a golden glow.

She’d obviously had another shower and was wearing a pair of old jean shorts and a t-shirt. The yellow ‘baby on board’ sign you see in car rear windows was emblazoned on the front. Her hair was still damp and pulled back in a ponytail. She came and sat down beside me, giving me a desperate look.

“Are you actually considering divorce?” her voice was scared.

“What did we promise Kay, that we’d always be honest with each other. I know you too well; I don’t think you’ve outright lied to me, but I do believe that you’ve been very economical with the truth, I’m sure a lot more happened than you’ve admitted to.”

Tears began to track down her cheeks and her shoulders shook as she sobbed and bowed her head.

I was aware that she was emotionally exhausted, I realized that I shouldn’t have walked away, but at the time, I wasn’t thinking rationally.

“Kay, look at me,” I said. Her head rose. “I love you, but not knowing the truth is eating me up and destroying what love I have left for you. What did Laine tell you?”

“That if I don’t tell you the truth, you will probably divorce me. Please, Pete, don’t, I’m so sorry I lied; I promise I’ll tell you everything. She said you are sure that I slept with Nigel and he wasn’t the only one. You’re not even sure that the baby’s yours. It is; I promise you. You were the only person I made love to that month, and there’s been nobody since. It can only be yours.”

“That month?” I had noticed the way she’d phrased her statement.

“I went a bit further with him than I told you, but only with Nigel, the others were just dinner dates. At best, I’d give them a goodnight kiss when they dropped me off and then rush off to find George.”

“Okay, so then, just how much further with him?”

Her voice was a soft whisper, “We never fucked...”

I grunted in disbelief, and she hurriedly continued. “Not in the biblical sense of fucking, that is. He gave me what I was craving, going down on me and I would give him blowjobs in return. We 69’d a couple of times, but he only ever came on me, not in me.” Her hands gripped mine as she urged me to believe her.

“Did you love him?”

“No,” she cried out. “If it hadn’t been for my stupidity with the drugs, the best he would have got was a kiss goodnight. He’s a nice person, and under other circumstances, I guess I could have fallen in love with him ... but I already loved you, so he never had a chance.”

I hissed at that, and she hurriedly continued, “I mean if I’d never met you, but because I was so needy he filled that need. George was good, and I used him a lot, but there were times I wanted someone real to hold and touch me and you weren’t there.”

“When was the last time?” Then a sickening thought hit me. “Or are you still seeing him?”

“No, no, no, I’ve only seen him once since, and that’s when I apologized for misleading him and told him I could no longer work with him. The last time we were ... well you know ... together, had been over two weeks before that evening. By that time, the effect of the pills had almost worn off.

“That evening wasn’t good for either of us; at least I didn’t think so. I knew I’d been using him and my guilt at betraying you was overwhelming me. I was able to control my urges by then, but he was expecting me to act the same as usual. It was easier to give him a quick blowjob, then I faked a headache and got him to go. I tried never to be alone, socially, with him after that.

Nigel’s proposal was his way of trying to make me commit to him. He thought I’d been suffering from cold feet, but I still loved him. He’d kept dropping hints about me leaving you and us getting married, but I had been ignoring them. He honestly thought I’d say yes. That’s why there was such a mix up over your invite. He didn’t want you around when he proposed.”

“Fuck, I knew it.”

“I was with the three of them when Gavin appeared to tell Stephen that you were outside and were spitting blood because you couldn’t get in. I don’t think Stephen wanted me to hear, but the music was loud and Gavin had to shout to be heard. I heard him say your name and I insisted he tell me what was going on. I’d been worried because I couldn’t understand why you weren’t there. When I heard what Gavin said, I told them to let you in, or I was leaving.”

Ah, so the lackey’s name was Gavin, nice to finally to know his name. It’s funny how finding out little facts like that can be so satisfying.

Kayla carried on, “Nigel told Stephen to deal with it. It must be a mistake, and if he, Stephen, that is, would wait a few moments, a club official would go with him to sort it out. The next thing I knew Nigel was dragging me onto that stage and starting his speech. Stephen was looking confused, but I was able to tell him to go and get you. I said that if you weren’t there in a couple of minutes, I was leaving. At the time, I had no idea what Nigel was about to do.

“No sooner had I seen you in the crowd, Nigel was making his crazy proposal and then you were gone. Nigel was on his knees holding out a ring, and the audience was applauding. Apparently, I slapped his face while screaming that he was delusional and that I was already married. I couldn’t get through the crowd fast enough. By the time, I got to the front of the club, you’d gone. It took me a few minutes to get a taxi.”

She gave a little sad smile, “He dropped the ring when I slapped him, and it rolled off the stage. Someone must have pocketed it because it hasn’t been found. It was worth over $50,000.”

“It’s no more than he deserved,” I said, with a wry smile.

“Not really, I’m the one at fault. I was the one who sent him all those confusing body messages. He really thought that we were falling in love. The truth was, I just saw him as an easy and safe way to relieve my sexual frustration.”

She looked over at the boat moored behind us. “I was a bit like Cassie, I needed a walking George, a Tom who could give me some affection and make me orgasm when I need to get rid of the pressure that was constantly building up. You don’t know how sorry I am that I didn’t call you and tell you what I’d been doing, but I was so scared that you would hate and reject me when you found out what I’d been doing. The longer it went on, the harder it became to even think about telling you.”

She still didn’t get why I was so upset. “It’s not finding out what you did, that hurts so much. It’s the fact you felt that you needed to keep on lying to me about it. That’s what hurts.”

Her face fell, and she looked down at her hands and the rings on her finger. “I was so embarrassed that I couldn’t control my emotions,” she murmured.

“I didn’t want you ever to find out how foolish and disrespectful I’d been. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I just couldn’t seem to stop myself. Laine could tell that something that wasn’t right, but it took her a long time to convince me to go and see a doctor. He worked out what I’d done and why I was the way I was.”

“Why didn’t Laine call me?”

“Because I begged her not to and threatened her. I hoped that if I could get through those last few weeks without you ever finding I’d betrayed you, I’d be safe. I would have the next couple of years to earn your trust again. I was going to tell you, but I wanted to pick my moment. We’d have been a family, and you would have been much more likely to understand how stupid I’d been.”

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TRAILS OF KARDAN IV Kardan took her time walking down the hill towards Dirk. The information she had received from Graff was encouraging, but it left her a little bothered. The foremost issue in her mind was her arrangement with Dirk. Their business was now concluded, and she had to decide how to handle that. If she was going to be reverting back to her former self she definitely didn't want to explain that to him. She made her decision by the time she reached him at the bottom of the...

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Trials of Kardan Chapter V

Author's note: A sincere thanks to all those who comment on my stories, I appreciate the advice and the criticism. Hopefully my work is improving, despite how quickly I write most of these things. Chapter V: The March West Kardan and Bethany paused on a rocky ridge that overlooked the small town they had just abandoned. From their perch on the wooded outcropping they could see the smoke rising as the last remnants of Bethany's old life smouldered and turned to ash. The erstwhile...

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Trials of a Slave Girl

Fuckmeat        The slave girls were brought in that night wearing only the tattered white shifts that the caravan master had allowed.  They had been traveling for the past ten hours, and were worn out and exhausted.  Every so often the truck that they were all crammed into would stop and one of the guards would pull a girl out, the others would hear her terrified screams, a few hours later they would throw her back in with the rest of the girls, covered in cum.  Bailyn, a fit blond with a 32 D...

1 year ago
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Trials of an Obese Wife

Chapter 1 Rude Awakening Chapter 1 Maurice ???? ?Ouch, you nicked me.? Be more careful, dammit.? Get a fresh blade,? said Maurice not trying to hide his irritation.? ?That one?s dull.????? ?Sorry, but it?s new,? said Christine looking up at her husband from her position kneeling between his outstretched legs.? She was holding his cock in one hand and a safety razor in the other.?? A pillow elevated his rear off the bed.? She had agreed to shave his cock and balls in return for the...

3 years ago
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Trials of Wendy

"Mmmmm..." I woke up with someone's face in my hair, his breath tickling my neck and morning erection poking against my butt. "Hmmm..." he sighed as well, squeezing my left breast through the old half-slip I liked to sleep in. My panties were missing and I spread my legs, lifting the top one and curling it over his. I liked the way he hugged me and I didn't want to open my eyes. The alarm hadn't gone off yet, but how early it might be, I had no idea. I didn't want to know and I'd...

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Trials of a Desi Housewife

Chapter 1: The Problem When Manu got home his wife was beside herself. Dinner was not ready and her sari wasn’t even fastened properly. Her hair was a mess too. “Oh my dear, what has happened?” he exclaimed, putting his arms around the pretty and busty woman he had recently married. When he kissed her he recognized the taste of semen. He released her and opened her sari. There were love marks all over her body and semen was running down her legs from her reddened pussy. She sobbed, “At first...

3 years ago
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Trials and TribunationsChapter 3 Tuesday Tribune William Whitefeather

The Fleet Auxiliary rating entered Tribune Whitefeather's office, bearing blessed gifts from ground-side. "One double-double ... whatever that is ... one black no sugar ... one tea, bag in ... and one sour cream glazed, one toasted whole-wheat bagel with butter, and one maple cream glazed." As they thanked the woman, Major MacAllistor observed with a jaundiced eye the sugary delights his fellow officers were enjoying. "Healthy breakfast," he remarked sarcastically, biting into his...

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Trials and TribunationsChapter 5 Tuesday Major James MacAllistor

The Major and his friend Commodore Richard Cuthbert, RN, approached the trim little cottage in this small northern English town. A short, spare man in his 50's, trim of moustache and military of bearing, was crouched over doing something important with a spade and flowerbed. When he saw he had visitors, he arose to greet his guests. "Commodore, fancy meeting you here, and whose this with you? James? Is that you? You look so ... different. Say, I'd heard you'd been picked up." "Do you...

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Trials and TribunationsChapter 6 Extraction

Tribune William Whitefeather stood in the middle of the Washington, DC restaurant, having just given more-or-less the same lecture as his underling Sub-Decurion Anthony Chan had given to his charges in Florida and at approximately that same moment Major James MacAllistor was giving his lecture to the audience at the school concert in England. A quick survey by the AI had assured him that he didn't have any extractable volunteers aside from his old friend Henry Hollister. At his feet, three...

2 years ago
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Trials and TribunationsChapter 7 Wednesday

Major MacAllistor reflected that it was certainly easier, post-extraction, to get up and moving in the morning: no need to shave. The nanites kept facial hair under perfect control. Still, it did take some effort to kick-start oneself if you hadn't gotten enough sleep, and thanks to the previous day's combination of sixteen special extractions and his two horny concubines, he was running on empty. He blearily glared at the platoon of Marines preparing for the morning's extraction in this...

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Trials and TribunationsChapter 11 Saturday Pickup

Extraction Day, or "E-Day" as the Haywood daughters had been referring to it, dawned cool but clear. By 9:00, Marianne had finished with the checklist, confirmed that all members of all the families were present and accounted for. By 9:30, everyone was hearing the momentous news: a scoop type extraction. Everyone who wanted to go was going immediately, without the usual "cattle call". The sorting out of which concubine belonged to which sponsor would be done in orbit. A quick poll...

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Trials and TribunationsChapter 12 Saturday Afternoon Orientation

The first meal on board a colony ship is always a memorable one. The replicators are a complete mystery and the food choices are often overwhelming. The clothing is new, the ship is confusingly laid out and the colours in your pod are very alien, and in general there's a lot of getting used to things going on. Ben started taking charge immediately after he came out of Medical. He instructed the AI to restrict the food choices to four kinds of pizza (pepperoni and cheese, vegetarian,...

3 years ago
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Trials and TribunationsChapter 13 Week 2 Sunday Atlantis Bound

As they were now on official business, the newly-extracted sponsors on board Princess Sophia were dressed in the transportation uniform of one-piece overall, to distinguish themselves from the Fleet Auxiliary crew manning the ship. Also in the meeting were Decurion and Sub-Decurion Whitefeather, Sub-Decurion Chan, Decurion Price from the City of Paris, and Major MacAllistor. "Issue number one is space, as in the acute shortage thereof," Ben announced. "We are an unusually high CAP-scoring...

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Trials of LoveChapter 2

Almost four months later: I tossed the mooring line to the waiting woman and watched as she efficiently tied off to bow line to the nearby mooring post. I walked back to the stern, jumped onto the bank and tied off the stern line. Jumping back on board, I switched off the main engine. The diesel thudded a last couple of times, then silence fell over the boat. The port Capitainerie, a very lovely young woman, who I noted with regret was wearing a wedding ring, greeted me. She asked how long...

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TrialsChapter 3

“Wakey, wakey, boys and bitches.” “Fuck of ... Ow.” Helen went to sit up and leaned on her hair. “Goddess of the Stars! What did you do to me, you Fucking Cripple??? What’s this, you... (the following five minutes were censored by the universal proclamation of the author’s brain cells. As ‘Subject Helen’ discovered her new wardrobe and hair style, the full-length mirror in the closet was put to good use.) Puma was not as much of an early riser as her nemesis and was woken from her slumber...

1 year ago
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TrialsChapter 4

“Morning, Ladies. I brought homemade blueberry pancakes and fresh squeezed orange juice ... And coffee.” “Coffee?” perked Stacy. Helen was awake and waiting to see what disaster befell her rival. “Are you sure you are only fourteen?” A vastly amused and satisfied Villainess asked upon seeing Stacy’s new outfit. “EEK! ... What the hell?” Sydney ignored the byplay and pushed the trolley to the center where the card table and chairs were set up waiting. “Closet has a mirror, Ms. Lacey...

1 year ago
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TrialsChapter 5

“Morning, Ladies. I brought breakfast: French Toast, coffee, orange juice and extra bacon for Helen.” Stacy, clad in a skimpy pair of lace panties, sat up and looked at the changes in her. It was exactly as everyone expected. An increased cup-size, from a moderate C to a firm D. Added to an unnaturally wet-looking honey-golden-skin, the former Heroine crashed back down on her bed groaning in despair. At least they weren’t huge, just larger and firmer. “It looks like you bathed in honey and...

3 years ago
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TrialsChapter 6

“Morning, Helen. Morning, Stace. I have coffee and blintzes.” With a smile, Sydney woke her subjects from their two month long stasis. “Do they hurt?” Sydney asked quietly at Helen’s approach. Stacy was in the bathroom, having not woken up until Sydney’s arrival giving the two a few minutes of private time. “Dey itch.” Scowling at the distortion that the tongue piercing created with her speech, “especially the one in my pussy.” She added for shock effect, which worked, if my student’s...

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TrialsChapter 7

Sydney spent countless hours during the following weeks in Stacy’s cell, with Helen kept in stasis, sleeping the time away. Pleasure, obedience, teasing, binding, restraining and pleasantly tormenting, borderline torturing the poor woman into acceptance of her new fetish. I believed that the only pain inflicted during the week-long training sessions were from the light application of Sydney’s favorite instrument, a soft riding crop. Aside from when the pleasure became unbearable to the...

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TrialsChapter 8

Round seven was anticlimactic. The bikini clad wrestling match between the two women was a complete domination by Helen. In more ways than one. Stacy’s new passion for restriction and bondage was used against her ruthlessly by the taller, angry woman. Those that took an interest in that competition were sorely disappointed in the contest. Clarence in particular had a displeased expression and words for his unrepentant student. He was so looking for a good slippery mud fight. With two pretty...

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Trial by Combat

The champion was looking daggers at me. A day ago, that’s all it was. I was standing in the crowd as Lady Seen pleaded for her life. This was the way it was now, the rich got richer, the less rich got fucked, and the poor were just grateful to wake up the next day. Lady Seen was one of the less rich. Her father had died, her brother had got himself killed in the crusade against the infidel. So she had inherited the estate. She was half-Saxon, so it was said, mixed race crap, I heard one...

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Trial of the Century

Trial of the Century By Cassandra Morgan The sound was shrill and painful, horrible on the ears. It was the cry of a wounded animal, the shriek of pain and torment, the bray of loneliness and agony. It was the sound of a woman in a horror movie, seeing the monster for the first time. There was desperation in that sound, and torture, and fear. It was the sound of a one person's world being ripped from her heart, of life itself being destroyed, of a world coming to an end. Angela...

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Trial Run

Trial Run "So what you're telling me is that this flat would be the perfect place to live with a hot little slut who wanted to grind her juicy round arse into my crotch on the dance floor, before following me home for a fuck on the balcony, and who would then wake up early to bring me breakfast in bed?" Pete stood, stunned into silence at this extraordinary interpretation of his own words. As far as he was concerned he was just showing a potential buyer around his flat. He couldn't...

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Trial of the Century Part II

H. Bart Darrow, II was the last to enter the crowded, wenge wood veneer paneled judge’s chambers. The tropical tree, rich in color & native to West Africa, was chosen by an interior designer hired by the State in consultation with Jeanne Albritton. He took a seat on a navy blue upholstered French-style chair beside Judge Albritton’s desk. On one side, Chancellor Griffiths and the paralegal were seated. The 28 year-old staff attorney had not taken the time to commit her name to memory....

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Trial of the Century Part I

The imposing man flashed his bleached smile. He offered his photo ID to the uniformed woman seated behind the glass. She was an attractive sort he thought. Minimal makeup. Wet lip gloss. Sleek, pixie haircut. Decent tits. Not quite 40 years old. Probably never married with two k**s. Her face was gentle, but stern.“I’m here to see D’Clinton Lewis. I’m his lawyer,” the suited up guy declared.“Oh you are, Mr. Goode,” she quizzed looking up at him briefly from the computer screen.“Yes ma’am!”“Don’t...

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Trial By Sperm

Dan had a trial in the morning. He had to figure out how to defend some stupid kid who broke into an old woman’s apartment and then got conked over the head with a frying pan. But it might as well have been him on trial, sitting in that chair next to the judge, trying to explain to his wife and three sons how he violated the same rules he had imposed on them. Dan tilted his head back and rubbed his eyes. It was late, past two in the morning. The rest of the house was asleep and he was alone...

First Time
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The Trial My wife of 2 years and I are very fortunate because we are financially independent. Neither of us will ever have to work. We are very sexually active with each other and are always trying to experiment. One day we watched a movie that showed a guy being transformed into a female and how he/she adapted to living as a woman. During the movie Mandy took out my dick and began to play with it. She said that the thought of my swapping sex turned her on so much. We...

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Trial By Sperm

Dan had a trial in the morning. He had to figure out how to defend some stupid kid who broke into an old woman's apartment and then got conked over the head with a frying pan. But it might as well have been him on trial, sitting in that chair next to the judge, trying to explain to his wife and three sons how he violated the same rules he had imposed on them. Dan tilted his head back and rubbed his eyes. It was late, past two in the morning. The rest of the house was asleep and he was alone...

4 years ago
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Trial By Sperm

Dan had a trial in the morning. He had to figure out how to defend some stupid kid who broke into an old woman’s apartment and then got conked over the head with a frying pan. But it might as well have been him on trial, sitting in that chair next to the judge, trying to explain to his wife and three sons how he violated the same rules he had imposed on them. Dan tilted his head back and rubbed his eyes. It was late, past two in the morning. The rest of the house was asleep and he was alone...

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Trial of the Century Part III

Theresa considered what the defense team just revealed. She looked at Jessic and then the D.A. She crinkled her nose. She cleared her throat melodically and asked, “Miles, have the police questioned this officer in connection to this murder? Was he even been on their radar?”“I don’t think so.”“What?”“I mean. No. None of this was known until this point.”“Why don’t you get the chief on the horn and have him get his ass over if he isn’t already lurking around? I know word tends to travel in this...

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Trial of the Century Part V

Joe Edd rolled over in his sleep. He dreamt:“Bite that goddamn pillow,” ordered the 33 year-old Joe Edd as he plowed the whimpering 8th grader with his thick 8-inch cock.“Unh...Unh...Unnnnh,” moaned Rosie.His large, brawny & hairy body rested on the back of the femme bottom’s smooth as silk skin. He pounded furiously. It was not their first time and would not be their last. He flipped over the bubble butt twink and plowed him. Joe Edd held the faggot’s ankles as he delivered mighty strokes...

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Trial and Error

This is my first attempt ever to write a story, so it may not be as good as you would think. A couple of months ago, I decided it was time to get myself a few luxuries in life. Until now, I had been unable to act upon that decision because of work, school and family. However, today i am able to start acting on that decision. I thought it to be a good idea if I were to go to this new hotel in town. This new hotel was rumoured to give "extra special services" to the ones who asked for it. Nobody...

3 years ago
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Trial by Fetish

You've spent months planning this and finally she walked into your trap. She's your neighbor's 18 year old daughter, the little tramp who's been tormenting you for years by sunbathing naked right in plain view. She deserves to learn a lesson and you're the one who's going to give it to her. When she got home from class that afternoon and went out to sunbathe, you were waiting for her behind the bushes and grabbed her. You knocked her out, then dragged her back to your house and now you have a 6...

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Trial By Gang Bang

How my wife and I could have gotten into such a thing would have been beyond me if not for the odd chain of events that had led up to where we were now.My wife Sherry had been less than faithful a year or so ago, bringing us close to divorce with a short separation.During that time we both had a lot to think about; she with her brief affair and I with my neglect leading up to what was most likely inevitable.I say inevitable only now after learning that a woman with her looks is short on the...

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Trial Run

What am I doing in a secluded car park waiting for some one I hardly know who wants to play with my cock Im a straight guy I love women every sort prefer older prefer well built love having oral love pretty much everything about them But - ther is an itch that needs to be scratched The feeling that sucking and wanking a nic smooth cock could be fun Then there is the fact that looking at videos of guys wanking alone and together is a big turn on Looking in the mirror I see the blue saloon...

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Trial Run

Hi! This is Siddharth from Mumbai. I’m 24 years old and mariner my profession. I’m huge fan of ISS. Reading stories before on this site gives me a good night’s sleep. I’m going to post my first incident which happened to me a 2 years ago. The story 100% real and it’s about a girl next door, Neha. She is 3 years younger to me. I was 22 and she was 19 at that time. She’s a typical Indian girl, with perfect figure, curves and assets to die for. This is a bit long story as I’m narrating it right...

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Trial Separation

Hi Folks, Another tale of woe and love gone wrong here. And as requested last week, this one is much shorter. SS06 As I looked around the church, I felt useless. The flowers were beautiful. The decorations were beautiful. The architecture of the hall was exquisite. Great care had been taken with every detail of the wedding and I hadn't had a God damned thing to do with any of it. It was crazy. It was embarrassing as hell. I don't remember ever going to a wedding where the mother of the...

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Meri Wife Ka First Threesome 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Sandip hai, aur meri wife ka naam Ruhi hai. Hamari shaadi ko 4 saal ho gaye hai. Hamari sex life kaafi achi chal rahi hai, aur hamne bahut sex kiya hai. Meri age 35 hai, aur meri wife ki 33 saal ki hai. Meri height 5’4″ hai, aur body average build hai. Ruhi ki height hai 4’8″ hai, aur wazan 68 kg hai. Uski body kaafi bhari-bhari hai. Uske boos 34D” ke hai, Kamar 32″ ki hai, aur butts 36″ ke hai. Uski gaand kaafi badi hai. Jab wo chalti hai, to uske butts bahut hilte hai. Dekhne mein...

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A Square Peg

They called themselves the Magnificent Seven, but only among themselves. They consisted of four guys and three gals, all in their late twenties. They had met in college, some as roommates, some as classmates, a couple as former sweethearts. Now they were a tightly knit group of friends. Some of them roomed together and others lived nearby, so they were constantly together in the roommates’ apartment or their favorite hang-out joint – a Starbucks.Over the years lovers have come and gone, but if...

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JAS In Dubai

This is an incidentally happened to me a. I am Jas , a 35-year-old married woman, mother of a 3 year daughter and I have been married for the last 6 years and I stay at Kerala, MIG 75, Gandhinagar, Kadavanthara, Basically I am graduate and working in Dubai alone in small private company. I left My husband last 2 years back because as per my knowledge he has an affair with someone. He use to sleep with me Once in a month or he used to come home after 3 months. Since my daughter is growing I...

2 years ago
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Aladdin and the Magic LampChapter 6

Now that she had made up her mind she was looking forward to the experience. Aladdin was the only man she had ever had and a little forbidden thrill ran through her at the thought of taking Salman's cock inside her wet little pussy. "After the last meal come to my chambers, I feed Prince Jumah soon after that and he sleeps for a good amount of time, I think that would be the best time. We must be discreet Salman, no one must ever know." Jasmine cautioned the Djin. "My Princess I can...

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The AcademyChapter 13

Beth: Momma surprised us at the door in her new black nightie -- but not as much as we surprised her, I think. She was wicked embarrassed -- and Frieda was wicked about teasing her, "Nice outfit, Mrs. H!" As if she wasn't embarrassed enough, Jack pulled the rug right out from under her! "Vera is no longer married; she became a concubine this morning." Frieda misunderstood, thinking she was Jack's, but Jack explained that she was Daddy's. Then Frieda asked me if I'd brought my...

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Sheela aur beena

Hi friends,yeh kahani do aurtoo ke beech hui baat chit ke baare me hai.baat us samay ki hai jab me gaon(village) me rata tha. Gaon me makan kafi ek dusre se sate hote hai.mere ghar ke thik sate huye ghar me shadi hui thi .aunty sheela sawli lekin khubsurat thi.unki ek nanad beena jo 1 saal se wahi thi.beena bhi sawli thi.uncle ki suhagraat kafi achi hui hogi aisa mera bisvas tha.ab me kahani ki ur le chalta hun.shadi ke 2-3 week baad sheela aur beena bate kar rahe the. Unki baat mere room me se...

2 years ago
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Mudu Ratrulu Naa Chinnapati Classmate Tho Telugu Story

Hi guys. I am Nagu fromRajahmundryy and living in Hyderabad. This is my experience. If you would like give your valuable feedback. Ee Telugu story naaku oka pelli ayina ammayiki madhya jarigina real story. I love to read real stories. So I want to share my experience to people like you. Edhi 2010 lo jarigina story. Aa ammayi naatho 5th varaku chadhivi manesindhi. Thanaki pelli ayyindhi pillalu kuda unnaru. Nenu hyderabad lo java nerchukune vadini. Okasari maa ooru chudataniki vellanu. Maadhi...

4 years ago
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Sexyana Auntyai Office Roomil Oothen

Vanakam enthu peyar Krish muzhu peyar Krishna vayathu 24, naan Chennai yil oru office il vellai seithu kondu irukiren. Thinamum athu 6 maiku mudinthu vidum ulle AC athigamaaga irukum suriya velichan athikamaaga irukaathu. Office ulle sendru vittal iravu pagal ethuvume theriyaathu enathu office il veelai seibavargal mothamaaga 20 nabargal irupaargal. Athil 10 pengal irupaargal aanal avargalil ennaku oru penai matume pidikum avargaluku 35 vayathu aagugirathu. Naan avargalai paasamaaaga aunty...

1 year ago
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My dog and my dad make me their bitch Part 1

Inside of me and when I woke up about 15 min later i felt and heard a huge plop and a huge sense of pain and looked back at rocky pulling out his cock and my mind was in shock his cock was at least 9 inches long and super thick. as i saw it slide out my now wet and expanded ass i was in awe how it all fit inside of me and has his last inch left his new bitches asshole his doggie cum just pored out making me knock out again. When i woke up rocky was liking my asshole cleaning his bitch his...

2 years ago
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OSL FeliciaChapter 1 Meeting

"Flip your hair, Felicia!" James said as he circled me. "Toss it nice and high and give me a -- yes! That look!" James' camera clicked rapidly, a sound I was used to hearing. A sound that, on a good day, gave me a small buzz. I gave him my most sultry look and winked at him. The winking would never make it into a take but the before or after shot might. Winking has an effect on my face, James often told me. He thinks winking puts me in a higher mood. I stood in a small set in James'...

1 year ago
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Fucking Ryan

Like a fair number of the guys I’d had sex with, Ryan’s head dove straight for my cunt. We’d barely taken our clothes off and he began to lick my clit. I think they saw this on TV, Cinemax I guessed, softcore porn where the man almost always pleasured the woman before himself. Although, come to think of it, on Cinemax movies he always quit doing his work down there before she came and proceeded to fuck her in various positions for ten or fifteen minutes before he came. Although generally his...

Straight Sex
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Staceys Date Night

Stacey stood in front of the full length mirror having just come out of the shower. Her red locks looked even darker by the wetness, and she could not help but notice the puffiness under her eyes and what looked like a plethora of wrinkles and fine lines crisscrossing her features. She felt old and thought she looked older without the concealment her makeup offered.Eyeing her reflection, Stacey’s scanned downwards to her tiny breasts. Though her nipples still looked appealing and were firm and...

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Pulley Passion

It was a warm summer evening and I felt a shiver of excited anticipation in the gentle grip of your hand as we approached the house whose address had been given at the top of the letter we’d received from the lady who’d answered our advert in the contact magazine. In my other hand I was carrying a discreet bag with our usual set of toys and lubricants. “I’m submissive”, the lady had written, “with my own toys and playroom”. That had decided us as we were keen to try out someone’s dedicated...

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The Hydrant aka Squirter Slut Annette Vuygent

The HydrantAnnette Vuygent turned forty-three about two months ago. She was Italian/Jewish/Irish mix and she would claim which ever ethnicity was convenient for whatever situation she was in. When she met her first husband who was Italian, she was Italian. When she met her second husband who was Jewish, she was Jewish attending Temple with him and the 'whole nine yards'.Annette stood 5'11" tall and had DD's that hadn't really been affected by gravity in the thirty one years she had them....

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the First Part 5

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 5 We had certainly been but a few instants away from it, and yet on our return we saw everything in good forwardness for recommencing the tender hostilities. The young foreigner was sitting down, fronting us, on the coach, with Polly upon one knee, who had her arms round his neck, whilst the extreme whiteness of her skin was not undelightfully contrasted by the smooth glossy brown of her lover’s. But who...

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Wifes best friend moves in 2

After getting what we needed from the d**g store we headed home and Arlene decides to blow me as we drove through the center of town. Now I know there's no way that Faye would ever do something like this, and I'm really getting into being blown as we go from light to light. I hear ' go girl ' and as I look up there's a maybe 20 something red head looking down from a SUV with her middle finger going deep in her mouth as Arlene takes me to my root. Fuck I'm getting close to blowing down her...

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Gunslinger a Somewhere in Time NovellaChapter 3 The Unexpected

The world turned upside down overnight. Nothing looked familiar to Clint. As he rotated in a circle, there stood a forest as far as he could see. The organizers took a huge section of land, cleared it and made it an almost flat parcel with a gentle up-slope at the Western edge. Now trees pushed in close to a small glade that held their campsite. Both tents still stood, with the rain-soaked fire ring between them. The sky looked a more brilliant blue with white fluffy clouds gently floating...

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