Trials Of LoveChapter 2 free porn video

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Almost four months later:

I tossed the mooring line to the waiting woman and watched as she efficiently tied off to bow line to the nearby mooring post. I walked back to the stern, jumped onto the bank and tied off the stern line. Jumping back on board, I switched off the main engine. The diesel thudded a last couple of times, then silence fell over the boat.

The port Capitainerie, a very lovely young woman, who I noted with regret was wearing a wedding ring, greeted me. She asked how long I intended to stay and did I want an electrical and fresh water hook up. The medieval town of Bezier, in the south of France, looked a nice enough place, so I decided to stay a few days.

“Trois jours,” (three days) I told her, and yes to the power and water. We went to her office overlooking the lock and I signed the paperwork and paid the fees.

She walked back with me and helped me connect the power and water lines. I offered her a glass of wine, which she accepted. We sat on a bench on the bank and sipped the local red wine. The sunlight, reflected off the surface of the water, danced as the gentle breeze ruffled the leave in the trees. It was late September, and the canal was much quieter now that most of the hire cruisers, the dreaded ‘noddy’ boats, were back at their home bases.

The Nevermore was an eight-year-old steel hulled, 68-foot replica Dutch barge that I’d bought nine months ago as a holiday hideaway for Kay and myself. It was going to be a surprise, so I had kept the purchase a secret. I was now extremely grateful for that fact. I’d seen an advert for her online and had bought her on a whim. I’d had her taken to a boatyard where she’d been fully overhauled and updated.

From Zurich, I’d taken a train to France, making my way to Toulouse, where the boat was moored. I’d spent a couple of days restocking and refueling her before beginning a slow cruise along the Canal du Midi, heading towards the Mediterranean.

There was no radio or television on the boat. Well, there was, an automatic satellite system was one of the updates, but I hadn’t bothered to switch them on since I’d stepped on board. My phone had suffered a similar fate and was languishing in the back of a drawer. I was enjoying the total isolation. I was only travelling a couple of miles each day; I was in no hurry, and most nights I would moor up on an isolated stretch of the canal. I only ventured to commercial moorings when I needed fresh provisions, or fuel and water. Books, music and a rekindled passion for fishing had become my companions.

The woman on the bench stirred, and we talked about the important things; the weather, and which were the best local restaurants. In the background, the rustle of the leaves in the breeze and the metallic clink of Pétanque balls kept us company.

The glass of wine finished, she bid me farewell and made her way back to her office. I filled my glass and sat on one of the chairs on the sun deck. There was enough of a breeze that there was a chill in the air, so I pulled on a hoodie.

You can call me a coward, but I really didn’t want to know anything about Kay. If I knew nothing, then nothing could happen, was my irrational logic. I had severed all ties with my former life. I hadn’t shaved, and I now sported a respectable beard.

I had been at my lowest point that first week. I was so bitter at the blatant disloyalty of a man I’d thought of as my friend. I was so angry that I’d sold my share of the management agency that bore his name to his closest rival. The money had found its way into my French account, and that’s what was providing my living. I touched nothing that linked me back to my former life.

The gates of the lock opened, and a slightly smaller Dutch barge nosed its way out into the basin of the port. I recognized her as the Wizard. She headed for the vacant berth beyond mine. I stirred myself and joined the Capitainerie as she walked along the bank to meet the new arrivals. Between us, we made the Wizard fast to the bank. I acknowledged the owner’s thanks, an Australian couple, Paul and Caroline, who were in their earlier fifties. We had bumped into each other several time over the past few weeks as both boats were heading in the same direction. I invited them to join me for a glass of wine when they were ready.

Twenty minutes later, a call from the dockside drew me from my contemplation and I welcomed them on board. Paul and Caroline are your typical Australians abroad. They were a complete breath of fresh air, and as had happened on our previous meetings, within moments of their company, I’d put my worries to one side as we regaled each other with stories about life on the canals.

They shared the ownership of their boat with three other couples. They would come over for three months each year. Paul was semi-retired and only worked half of the year, so three months each year in Europe suited their lifestyle to a T.

Caroline was a few years younger than Paul, an attractive willowy honey blonde in her late 40s, who was always smiling. She was an excellent counterpoint to Paul, a stern no-nonsense man, a little shorter than his wife was. He seemed to be much like a more refined version of Crocodile Dundee.

We finished the second bottle of wine and I invited them to join me at the nearby restaurant, the one the Capitainerie had recommended earlier. The food was excellent and the company even better.

We were relaxing at the end of the meal when Caroline couldn’t restrain herself any longer. She asked, “You’re wearing a wedding ring, but since we met you, you haven’t mentioned anything about your wife?”

I shrugged, “She found that she preferred another man in her bed. I haven’t spoken to her in months, and I’ve been too lazy to take the ring off.”

“Who was she?”

“Just a musician,” I replied dismissively, hoping that Caroline would take the hint and drop the subject. Fortunately, she picked up on my discomfort and stopped.

“Paul’s baby sister and her boyfriend are joining us tomorrow,” she said, changing the subject.

Paul snorted, “Cassie’s twenty years younger than me. She was a bit of an oops baby. I don’t know who was more surprised, Mum or my dad when they found out that what she thought was the change of life was a baby.”

“She’s a bit of a handful, and her latest boyfriend...” Caroline petered off. “Well, he leaves a bit to be desired if you know what I mean.”

“Let’s be honest,” Paul said, “he’s a total waste of space. He’s a perfect candidate for a Darwin Award. The world would be a lot better if he removed himself from the gene pool. I just don’t know what she sees in him.”

Caroline snorted, “He’s well hung,” she muttered.

“What?” Paul said.

“He’s hung like a horse,” she explained. “Not that I have seen it,” she hastened to say. “It’s just what she told me.”

She held her hands an exaggerated distance apart and grinned at her husband.

“Apparently, he’s a walking dildo, and she loves him fucking her. She always was a bit of a size queen, and he’s a perfect fit, but even she admits that he’s as dumb as a wombat.”

We were laughing so much we had to leave the restaurant. Back on the boat, I offered them a nightcap, and we sat under the stars drinking several brandies. Paul’s head slowly dropped forward, and soon we heard a soft little snore.

Caroline smiled at him, her eyes full of love. “He’s so cute when he’s like this. He had a heart attack two years ago, and I thought I was going to lose him. Fortunately, he made a full recovery, but that’s the reason he’s semi-retired.”

She shook her head, “Christ, I’ve had too much to drink.”

I murmured my agreement and raised the half empty bottle in her direction.

She smiled, held out her glass, and I topped up both of our drinks.

She sipped and then gave me a long contemplative look. Finally, she said, “Your wife really hurt you, didn’t she?”

Emotions I’d managed to bottle up over the past few months shot to the fore, and I could feel the tears welling up. The amount I’d drunk, combined with Caroline’s easy nature made me lose my inhibition and make me talkative.

“I still don’t understand why she did what she did. I had no clue that there was a problem until that last day. Suddenly, I’m watching a stranger propose to her and all the people around her congratulating them.”

“Sorry,” Caroline said, “Did you just say a stranger?”

“Well to me, but apparently no stranger to her.”

“Why would he propose to your wife when he knows she’s already married”

“Most probably because only a few people ever knew Kay and I were married,” I said, as though that explained everything.

“That makes no bloody sense,” Caroline said.

“It’ll make a hell of a lot more sense if you understood the ridiculous relationship we had.”

“Well?” She asked

I sighed, I’d been thinking about this for the past few months and I still couldn’t believe I’d allowed Kay to keep our relationship hidden for all that time.

“I suppose it doesn’t. Remember when you asked what she did, I said a musician?” I said. “Well, she’s a bit more than just a musician. She’s one of the best concert pianists in the world.”

Caroline gave me a surprised look, “Are you talking about Kayla Ortiz?”

“Yes, only she’s Kayla Ryan, or at least she was, maybe still is; I don’t know anymore.”

“But she’s not married.”

I wiggled my finger with its ring glowing in the streetlights. “That’s what she wanted the world to think.”

“I don’t understand; why did no one know that she was married to you?”

“Because that’s the way she wanted it for the past 10 years, ever since we first met. It was a big thing for her. Soon after we first met, her aunt went through a very messy divorce. She, like Kay, was a world-class musician. It turned out her husband couldn’t cope with the endless hounding they got from the press. All the innuendos and speculation about her and other men caused him to have a mental breakdown.”

I paused for a moment. Now that I’d started, it actually felt good to be talking about this. I’d been bottling it up for too long.

“Kay was so afraid that could happen to us,” I continued. “Her answer was to hide our relationship away from the paparazzi. I loved her, so stupidly, I agreed. Only our families and our closest friends were to know about us. For the last couple of years, I’ve been trying to get her to change her mind. I know that we are strong enough to survive any publicity. I really thought I’d succeeded, but obviously, I was too late. She found someone else with whom she could be open to the world.”

I swallowed the last of the brandy in my glass, enjoying the burn as it slid down my throat.

“So, that’s my sorry story, Caroline. I thought I was happily married one day, then humiliated in front of hundreds of her so-called friends the next, as he proposes to her.”

I contemplated the empty glass in my hand, debating if I should fill it with another measure of emotional anesthesia.

Caroline took it from my grasp. “I think you’ve had enough Pete. Have you spoken to her since that night, because if you haven’t, you really need to.”

I shook my head. “It’s still too fresh in my mind, and I might say something I’d regret if I did speak to her.” I lurched to my feet. “On that note, I’m off to bed.”

Caroline stood and gave me a brief hug. As I went below deck, I heard her rouse Paul and then a chorus of good nights as they made their way back to their boat.

I woke in the morning feeling far better that I had any right to feel. Okay, my mouth tasted like something had crawled in and died at some point, but that was fairly usual morning occurrence, nowadays. Showering and cleaning my teeth resolved my body issues, and the first cup of fresh coffee solved my mental ones.

A knock on the wheelhouse door and Caroline’s call was a pleasant interruption.

“I come bearing gifts,” she said as she held out a paper bag from which the aroma of freshly baked croissants escaped.

“My savior,” I said, and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

The croissants went onto a plate, and I asked if they’d had breakfast.

She eyed up the plate of croissants and grinned. “Yes, but I’ve always got room for one more of those and some fresh coffee.”

She called out to Paul, and he waved back, saying he’d be over in a while and to save him a croissant.

“We’re off to pick up Cassie and her walking dildo from the airport in a wee while. You’re invited to ours for a barbeque to meet them this evening if you’re not moving on.”

“Love to join you,” I replied, trying not to smile at her description of Cassie’s boyfriend and failing miserably. “I think I’ll hang around for a few days. It’s not like I’ve got anywhere I need to be.”

She laughed, and a little while later Paul joined us for a second late breakfast. They left for the airport in Marseille at eleven.

I had a lot to think about, but I was kept busy performing the daily chores that living on a boat required. It wasn’t until mid-afternoon that I could relax. I sat down on the sun deck to enjoy a glass of wine with some fresh bread and the local cheese. The conversation with Caroline last night had caused those black thoughts I’d been trying to repress to rattle about in my mind.

Now that I’d had time to think about that last day, very little that had happened made any sense. Yes, we had been arguing. Then there had been that odd phone call from N. I was still guessing that the mysterious N was Nigel, and it was the most logical explanation to make. He’d even wanted to see her the previous evening.

There had to have been something going on between them. They must have been having an affair, otherwise, why would he have proposed. You don’t do something like that in front of all those people unless you are sure of the response. He had to have been expecting Kay to say yes.

It made no sense; why had she threatened to cancel the concert if I wasn’t there? Thinking about it, I knew she’d had the spotlight shine on my seat so she could confirm I was there before she started playing. In fact, nothing had suggested she wasn’t in love with me. There was also something about Stephen’s reaction that kept niggling at me, but I couldn’t work it out.

These, and many other thoughts kept racing through my mind, yet I got no closer to a conclusion, in fact it just made it worse.

My musings were disturbed by Caroline calling out a greeting. She and Paul were back from the airport. A man and woman who I assumed was Paul’s sister and her boyfriend were with them. I was surprised that the sun was already dipping towards the horizon. It was gone five, and I had been lost in my thoughts for most of the afternoon.

Cassie was in her early thirties, radiating that uber-confidence that Australian women seemed to have in abundance. She was a light brunette, the same height as her older brother. Her eyes were the same striking blue as his. She had an excellent figure that must have been toned on the Australian beaches, because her boyfriend, who I now could only think of because of Caroline’s comments, as ‘the walking dildo’, was your archetypal surfer beach bum: tall, lanky with long sun-bleached hair and a body honed on a surfboard.

“We are just going to get Cassie and Tom settled in, then you and I need to talk,” Caroline said. “I’ll be over in few minutes.”

As good as her word, she was climbing on board the Nevermore ten minutes later. She wasn’t alone; Cassie was with her. I’d opened a bottle of the local white wine in anticipation, so I poured them a glass each and we sat down on the sun deck.

“So, what do we need to talk about?” I asked after we’d got past the introductions and pleasantries.

“I can’t get your story out of my mind,” Caroline said. “I’m not a great one for the gossip columns. I know who Kayla is, but that’s because I love her music. Cassie here, on the other hand, loves celebrity gossip.”

“I can’t believe that you are married to her,” Cassie said. “It has to be one of the best-kept celebrity secrets ever.”

“We’ve been together for 10 years and married for the last eight of them, but I’ve no idea if we are still married,” I pointed out.

“There was a story on e-news a couple of months ago, that she had pulled out of a record deal for personal reasons. She was also supposed to play at a gala concert for the Queen’s birthday last month, and she cancelled. The gossip writers say she’s moved back to the UK.”

Christ, I’d forgotten about that. She’d been so proud when she’d received the invitation to perform at the gala concert. I couldn’t believe that she’d not played. She must be staying in the place we’d bought in Cornwall.

Caroline reached into her bag and pulled out an iPad. She pointed at it and said. “I was looking while we were waiting for their plane to land and there’s nothing in the news about Kayla Ortiz getting engaged anywhere. There is this, and I really think you need to read it. It’s from a couple of weeks ago.”

She handed me the iPad, open to Kayla’s official fan web page. I think I’d only glanced at it a couple of times before. The site was run by Stephen’s agency, and I had a similar fan page for each of my alter egos.

In the center of the page was a reproduced letter. There was a short paragraph above it written by the woman who looked after the website.

Kayla Ortiz has announced that she’s been in a long-term relationship, that, she’s been married to the author Peter Ryan for the past eight years. She has asked that we print the letter she has written to her husband. There is a second letter addressed to her fans. We have done as she requested and here they both are in all their entirety. Lastly, I’d like to congratulate her on behalf of all her loyal fans. Please read the letters. She’s asking for your help. At her request, we have disabled the comment feature.

Below, in a separate box, were the two letters, both were dated two days ago.

The first was to me

“Peter, my love.

I’ve treated you in the worst possible way. For the last eight years, I’ve hidden the fact that I’ve been married to you. I made you hide in the background and denied you in public because of my own irrational fears. You loved me so much that you were willing to accept my selfish behavior.

You are the only person who has shared my life, my body and my love for the past 10 years. You are the most wonderful and loyal man, and I love you so much that it physically hurts not to have you by my side.

Four months ago, you walked away from me because of my own foolish actions. I met an opportunistic man who briefly made me doubt my love for you. You couldn’t be with me for those last months of my world tour, and this man took advantage of that. He worked his way close to me. I thought he was a business colleague and a friend, and foolishly, I didn’t tell him about you. You were such a special part of my life, Peter, that I selfishly didn’t want to share you.

My husband, my love, I promise you that nothing happened. His proposal was as big a surprise to me as it must have been to you. I can’t imagine what it must have felt to watch him declare his love for me in such a public way after I’d refused to publicly acknowledge our love. I promise you that I wasn’t smiling at his proposal; I was smiling because I’d just seen you enter the room.

You disappeared, and nobody knows where you are. I know you flew to Switzerland, but we can’t find out where you went from there. I don’t know of any other way to contact you, so I’m hoping that you still care enough about me to view this site, and read this letter.

Your loving wife,

Kayla Ortiz-Ryan”

Below was a letter to her fans.

“To my loyal fans

I’m married. I’m sorry that I felt it important to keep it secret, but at the time I felt justified with my decision., a decision I’ve recently realized was a big mistake.

Who is my husband? His name is Peter Ryan. I’ve been in a relationship with him these past 10 years and married for the last eight. He is the most wonderful and loyal man. The rumors of boyfriends, lovers and affairs were just that, rumors; he was my rock.

I did a very foolish thing, I betrayed my husband. I met an opportunistic man who made me doubt my love for my husband. Four months ago, Peter left me and I have no idea where he is. I need to find him to apologize and beg him to come home.

This latest tour was to be my last for several years as we planned to settle down and start a family. Now I’m on my own, and I want my husband back.

To you my fans, please, if you see or hear anything about Peter, I beg you to contact me through the email link on the web page. I have posted a photograph of Peter below. I need to find him and correct my mistake and his misconceptions.


Kayla Ortiz-Ryan”

Below this letter was a photograph of me, cropped from a photo taken at a family get-together earlier this year.

There was a long silence as I stared at the screen. Did I want to believe her that nothing had happened? Something had to have occurred. You don’t just make a public proposal without an assumption that you would get a yes in reply.

As I put the iPad down, Caroline said, “If you hadn’t told me who you are I’d never have recognized you from the photo. That full beard and your longer hair make such a difference to your appearance.”

“Hiding wasn’t the reason I grew them out.”

“I guessed that, the beard suits you, though.”

“So did you?” I asked pointedly.

They both looked at me sheepishly. “I emailed her while I was at the airport,” Caroline admitted. “I must have sounded convincing, as I got a reply within minutes asking me for a contact number. A woman called me and asked a lot of questions and where you were. She was very surprised that you were living on a boat.”

“Yeah, I never told Kayla that I was buying the Nevermore. I suppose I better see if I can find my phone. I guess she’ll be trying to call me.”

“Haven’t you been checking your messages,” Cassie exclaimed.

“Not since the night I heard Nigel propose to her. I switched it off when I got on the plane and I haven’t switched it back on since. I threw it in a drawer when I got on board, and it’s been there ever since.”

Cassie looked at me in shock, she couldn’t contemplate a life without a phone permanently attached to her hand. I retrieved my phone and switched it on, amazingly, there was still a half charge after all these months.

Once the phone had connected to a carrier and found a signal, it was constantly pinging and chiming for the next five minutes.

I groaned as I looked at the list of missed calls and texts. It looked like I’d pissed off a lot of people with my disappearing act and probably lost a few friends as well.

I left Kay’s texts to last, I’m not sure why. I suppose I didn’t want to read anything that would make me doubt her sincerity.

Stephen was really pissed off with me. In his first messages, he was insistent that he knew nothing about what had gone on between Kay and Nigel. Considering what I’d seen, I wasn’t convinced of his innocence. When he discovered that I’d sold my share of the agency, his texts became ballistic. Then I found one from him that said that he and Kayla had convinced my buyers to sell my share back to me. ‘You owe us a lot of money’, was the gist of his last text.

What I did note was that while he adamantly denied knowing anything about a relationship between Kay and Nigel, at no time did he confirm Kay’s claim that she and Nigel didn’t have a relationship. Again, I couldn’t help thinking, regardless of Kay claim about her innocence, a person just doesn’t propose marriage unless they expect a positive answer. Something must have happened between them.

I looked at Caroline and Cassie, then switching it off again, I put the phone into my pocket. “That’s enough for tonight,” I said in a jaunty tone. “Didn’t you offer to feed me this evening Caroline?”

“Yes ... but don’t you want to talk to your wife first?”

I shook my head, “No, not now, there are just too many inconsistencies in the stories. I can only conclude she was having an affair, and I just don’t want to deal with the consequences of that tonight. Hey, Caroline, I’m hungry, and I need time to think about my next move. Cassie, I don’t know Tom, so I’d be very grateful if you don’t discuss my situation with him.”

The two women gave each other a look, then agreed. Caroline said, “Come on then, we’ve got steaks to grill and wine to drink, and we need to save Paul from the walking ... err Tom.”

Cassie gave her a funny look and then they headed back to their boat. I had a quick wash and changed into clean jeans and a t-shirt. I almost left my phone to charge, but at the last moment put it in my pocket.

I almost felt sorry for Tom when I met him; the aroma of ‘big brother does not think you are worthy of dating his little sister’ was heavy in the air. Tom was a pleasant enough man in his mid-thirties. What he lacked in brains he sure made up for in looks, damn him!

He was British, much to my surprise. I’d always assumed that all surfers were American or Australian. I was partially correct, he had grown up surfing the waves of Cornwall, before moving to Australia to chase the bigger ones. It was there that he’d met Cassie the previous year.

Tom and Paul were on deck trying to have a conversation as Paul was preparing the barbeque. I was treated as Paul’s savior. He waved me aboard and I greeted both of them.

“The women are down below, they’ll be up in a moment,” he said. “What do you want to drink?”

“Beer would be nice,” I replied, as I settled down on one of the chairs on the aft deck.

Paul called out, “Caro honey. Peter’s here, and can you bring him up a cold beer.”

There was an acknowledgement, and a couple of minutes later Caroline and Cassie came on deck, carrying the meat for the grill and a handful of beer bottles. After placing them on the table, I was greeted with a hug and a kiss from both of them.

Cassie gave me a long expectant look. “So, has she called; have you called her?”

“No and no, and let’s leave it please,” I said. “You know what I think, and I need to be in a right frame of mind before I talk to her.”

Cassie wanted to say something else, but Caroline hushed her. There was an uncomfortable silence for a moment. Tom was looking from Cassie to me, then to Caroline and Paul. It was evident that he desperately wanted to know what was going on, but we ignored him.

Paul, trying to change the subject to a safer one, broached a subject we hadn’t gotten into the evening before. He asked me what I did, because as he said, “You’re too damn young to be retired!”

“I’m an author,” I admitted. “Not a very good one but I sell enough books to make ends meet.”

“That’s not true,” a voice from the dockside behind me declared. “He’s a brilliant writer.”

I knew that voice, it sent shivers down my spine. A shot of adrenaline pulsed through my body as I went on alert. I shot Caroline a sharp look.

“You couldn’t leave it alone, could you?” I muttered.

“You need to talk,” she replied without any hint of embarrassment.

“Maybe, but I needed to do to in a time and a place of my choosing. I’m not ready to deal with this. This isn’t the time or the place. You had no right to interfere Caroline.”

I slowly turned to confirm my worst fear, Kayla was standing on the dockside. She looked somewhat forlorn. She was wearing a loose blue cotton dress, an old favorite of mine. For a moment, I thought she’d put a bit of weight on, then dismissed it. On her hand, our rings glinted. Beside her, there was a black roll-on flight bag. On the road behind her, a taxi was pulling away.

“Am I welcome?” she asked in a voice laced with uncertainty.

After a moment while I just stared at her. Caroline said. “Of course you are.”

At the same time I said, “No.”

Caroline shot me a disappointed look, “Paul, take Kayla’s bag and put it on Peter’s boat. You, young lady, come here and let’s get you freshened up after your trip.”

“To hell with that, if you want her to stay, she can stay with you! You and I need to talk.” I took Caroline by the arm and led her over to the Nevermore. We went below decks

Caroline rounded on me as soon we descended the steps. “What the matter with you; can’t you see she’s hurting.”

I was beginning to understand that Caroline was the human equivalent of a Force of Nature. Nothing was going to stand in the way of her attempt to get us back together.

“She’s hurting!” I snarled. “She’s the one who had a fucking lover, not me. Caroline, you’re a nice woman but this is too much.”

“Peter, I’m sorry but you should have heard the longing in your voice when you talked about her last night. You think you hate her, but you don’t. You two need to talk, even if it’s just so you can get some resolution.”

I was about to shout at her again, then I stopped. Caroline was right, as much as I didn’t want to see Kayla at this time. I also needed to understand what the fuck had happened to my life. I desperately wanted to know why Kay had done what she had. She was also right about my feelings for Kay, I still loved the woman; but was that enough to get us through this?

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Author's note: A sincere thanks to all those who comment on my stories, I appreciate the advice and the criticism. Hopefully my work is improving, despite how quickly I write most of these things. Chapter V: The March West Kardan and Bethany paused on a rocky ridge that overlooked the small town they had just abandoned. From their perch on the wooded outcropping they could see the smoke rising as the last remnants of Bethany's old life smouldered and turned to ash. The erstwhile...

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Trials of a Slave Girl

Fuckmeat        The slave girls were brought in that night wearing only the tattered white shifts that the caravan master had allowed.  They had been traveling for the past ten hours, and were worn out and exhausted.  Every so often the truck that they were all crammed into would stop and one of the guards would pull a girl out, the others would hear her terrified screams, a few hours later they would throw her back in with the rest of the girls, covered in cum.  Bailyn, a fit blond with a 32 D...

1 year ago
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Trials of an Obese Wife

Chapter 1 Rude Awakening Chapter 1 Maurice ???? ?Ouch, you nicked me.? Be more careful, dammit.? Get a fresh blade,? said Maurice not trying to hide his irritation.? ?That one?s dull.????? ?Sorry, but it?s new,? said Christine looking up at her husband from her position kneeling between his outstretched legs.? She was holding his cock in one hand and a safety razor in the other.?? A pillow elevated his rear off the bed.? She had agreed to shave his cock and balls in return for the...

3 years ago
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Trials of Wendy

"Mmmmm..." I woke up with someone's face in my hair, his breath tickling my neck and morning erection poking against my butt. "Hmmm..." he sighed as well, squeezing my left breast through the old half-slip I liked to sleep in. My panties were missing and I spread my legs, lifting the top one and curling it over his. I liked the way he hugged me and I didn't want to open my eyes. The alarm hadn't gone off yet, but how early it might be, I had no idea. I didn't want to know and I'd...

2 years ago
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Trials of a Desi Housewife

Chapter 1: The Problem When Manu got home his wife was beside herself. Dinner was not ready and her sari wasn’t even fastened properly. Her hair was a mess too. “Oh my dear, what has happened?” he exclaimed, putting his arms around the pretty and busty woman he had recently married. When he kissed her he recognized the taste of semen. He released her and opened her sari. There were love marks all over her body and semen was running down her legs from her reddened pussy. She sobbed, “At first...

3 years ago
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Trials and TribunationsChapter 3 Tuesday Tribune William Whitefeather

The Fleet Auxiliary rating entered Tribune Whitefeather's office, bearing blessed gifts from ground-side. "One double-double ... whatever that is ... one black no sugar ... one tea, bag in ... and one sour cream glazed, one toasted whole-wheat bagel with butter, and one maple cream glazed." As they thanked the woman, Major MacAllistor observed with a jaundiced eye the sugary delights his fellow officers were enjoying. "Healthy breakfast," he remarked sarcastically, biting into his...

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Trials and TribunationsChapter 5 Tuesday Major James MacAllistor

The Major and his friend Commodore Richard Cuthbert, RN, approached the trim little cottage in this small northern English town. A short, spare man in his 50's, trim of moustache and military of bearing, was crouched over doing something important with a spade and flowerbed. When he saw he had visitors, he arose to greet his guests. "Commodore, fancy meeting you here, and whose this with you? James? Is that you? You look so ... different. Say, I'd heard you'd been picked up." "Do you...

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Trials and TribunationsChapter 6 Extraction

Tribune William Whitefeather stood in the middle of the Washington, DC restaurant, having just given more-or-less the same lecture as his underling Sub-Decurion Anthony Chan had given to his charges in Florida and at approximately that same moment Major James MacAllistor was giving his lecture to the audience at the school concert in England. A quick survey by the AI had assured him that he didn't have any extractable volunteers aside from his old friend Henry Hollister. At his feet, three...

2 years ago
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Trials and TribunationsChapter 7 Wednesday

Major MacAllistor reflected that it was certainly easier, post-extraction, to get up and moving in the morning: no need to shave. The nanites kept facial hair under perfect control. Still, it did take some effort to kick-start oneself if you hadn't gotten enough sleep, and thanks to the previous day's combination of sixteen special extractions and his two horny concubines, he was running on empty. He blearily glared at the platoon of Marines preparing for the morning's extraction in this...

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Trials and TribunationsChapter 11 Saturday Pickup

Extraction Day, or "E-Day" as the Haywood daughters had been referring to it, dawned cool but clear. By 9:00, Marianne had finished with the checklist, confirmed that all members of all the families were present and accounted for. By 9:30, everyone was hearing the momentous news: a scoop type extraction. Everyone who wanted to go was going immediately, without the usual "cattle call". The sorting out of which concubine belonged to which sponsor would be done in orbit. A quick poll...

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Trials and TribunationsChapter 12 Saturday Afternoon Orientation

The first meal on board a colony ship is always a memorable one. The replicators are a complete mystery and the food choices are often overwhelming. The clothing is new, the ship is confusingly laid out and the colours in your pod are very alien, and in general there's a lot of getting used to things going on. Ben started taking charge immediately after he came out of Medical. He instructed the AI to restrict the food choices to four kinds of pizza (pepperoni and cheese, vegetarian,...

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Trials and TribunationsChapter 13 Week 2 Sunday Atlantis Bound

As they were now on official business, the newly-extracted sponsors on board Princess Sophia were dressed in the transportation uniform of one-piece overall, to distinguish themselves from the Fleet Auxiliary crew manning the ship. Also in the meeting were Decurion and Sub-Decurion Whitefeather, Sub-Decurion Chan, Decurion Price from the City of Paris, and Major MacAllistor. "Issue number one is space, as in the acute shortage thereof," Ben announced. "We are an unusually high CAP-scoring...

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Trials of LoveChapter 3

We sat in silence; Kay had tucked her feet under her and was resting her back against me. I’d moved my hand from her breast and slid it under her dress to rest on her belly. I was amazed that I hadn’t noticed her little bulge. I’d been so wrapped up in what had been going on I’d missed all the clues that had been right under my eyes. “We are a right pair of idiots, aren’t we?” she murmured. I shrugged slightly; as much as I loved this woman, I still had some reservations over her recent...

2 years ago
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TrialsChapter 3

“Wakey, wakey, boys and bitches.” “Fuck of ... Ow.” Helen went to sit up and leaned on her hair. “Goddess of the Stars! What did you do to me, you Fucking Cripple??? What’s this, you... (the following five minutes were censored by the universal proclamation of the author’s brain cells. As ‘Subject Helen’ discovered her new wardrobe and hair style, the full-length mirror in the closet was put to good use.) Puma was not as much of an early riser as her nemesis and was woken from her slumber...

1 year ago
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TrialsChapter 4

“Morning, Ladies. I brought homemade blueberry pancakes and fresh squeezed orange juice ... And coffee.” “Coffee?” perked Stacy. Helen was awake and waiting to see what disaster befell her rival. “Are you sure you are only fourteen?” A vastly amused and satisfied Villainess asked upon seeing Stacy’s new outfit. “EEK! ... What the hell?” Sydney ignored the byplay and pushed the trolley to the center where the card table and chairs were set up waiting. “Closet has a mirror, Ms. Lacey...

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TrialsChapter 5

“Morning, Ladies. I brought breakfast: French Toast, coffee, orange juice and extra bacon for Helen.” Stacy, clad in a skimpy pair of lace panties, sat up and looked at the changes in her. It was exactly as everyone expected. An increased cup-size, from a moderate C to a firm D. Added to an unnaturally wet-looking honey-golden-skin, the former Heroine crashed back down on her bed groaning in despair. At least they weren’t huge, just larger and firmer. “It looks like you bathed in honey and...

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TrialsChapter 6

“Morning, Helen. Morning, Stace. I have coffee and blintzes.” With a smile, Sydney woke her subjects from their two month long stasis. “Do they hurt?” Sydney asked quietly at Helen’s approach. Stacy was in the bathroom, having not woken up until Sydney’s arrival giving the two a few minutes of private time. “Dey itch.” Scowling at the distortion that the tongue piercing created with her speech, “especially the one in my pussy.” She added for shock effect, which worked, if my student’s...

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TrialsChapter 7

Sydney spent countless hours during the following weeks in Stacy’s cell, with Helen kept in stasis, sleeping the time away. Pleasure, obedience, teasing, binding, restraining and pleasantly tormenting, borderline torturing the poor woman into acceptance of her new fetish. I believed that the only pain inflicted during the week-long training sessions were from the light application of Sydney’s favorite instrument, a soft riding crop. Aside from when the pleasure became unbearable to the...

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TrialsChapter 8

Round seven was anticlimactic. The bikini clad wrestling match between the two women was a complete domination by Helen. In more ways than one. Stacy’s new passion for restriction and bondage was used against her ruthlessly by the taller, angry woman. Those that took an interest in that competition were sorely disappointed in the contest. Clarence in particular had a displeased expression and words for his unrepentant student. He was so looking for a good slippery mud fight. With two pretty...

2 years ago
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Trial by Combat

The champion was looking daggers at me. A day ago, that’s all it was. I was standing in the crowd as Lady Seen pleaded for her life. This was the way it was now, the rich got richer, the less rich got fucked, and the poor were just grateful to wake up the next day. Lady Seen was one of the less rich. Her father had died, her brother had got himself killed in the crusade against the infidel. So she had inherited the estate. She was half-Saxon, so it was said, mixed race crap, I heard one...

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Trial of the Century

Trial of the Century By Cassandra Morgan The sound was shrill and painful, horrible on the ears. It was the cry of a wounded animal, the shriek of pain and torment, the bray of loneliness and agony. It was the sound of a woman in a horror movie, seeing the monster for the first time. There was desperation in that sound, and torture, and fear. It was the sound of a one person's world being ripped from her heart, of life itself being destroyed, of a world coming to an end. Angela...

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Trial Run

Trial Run "So what you're telling me is that this flat would be the perfect place to live with a hot little slut who wanted to grind her juicy round arse into my crotch on the dance floor, before following me home for a fuck on the balcony, and who would then wake up early to bring me breakfast in bed?" Pete stood, stunned into silence at this extraordinary interpretation of his own words. As far as he was concerned he was just showing a potential buyer around his flat. He couldn't...

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Trial of the Century Part II

H. Bart Darrow, II was the last to enter the crowded, wenge wood veneer paneled judge’s chambers. The tropical tree, rich in color & native to West Africa, was chosen by an interior designer hired by the State in consultation with Jeanne Albritton. He took a seat on a navy blue upholstered French-style chair beside Judge Albritton’s desk. On one side, Chancellor Griffiths and the paralegal were seated. The 28 year-old staff attorney had not taken the time to commit her name to memory....

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Trial of the Century Part I

The imposing man flashed his bleached smile. He offered his photo ID to the uniformed woman seated behind the glass. She was an attractive sort he thought. Minimal makeup. Wet lip gloss. Sleek, pixie haircut. Decent tits. Not quite 40 years old. Probably never married with two k**s. Her face was gentle, but stern.“I’m here to see D’Clinton Lewis. I’m his lawyer,” the suited up guy declared.“Oh you are, Mr. Goode,” she quizzed looking up at him briefly from the computer screen.“Yes ma’am!”“Don’t...

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Trial By Sperm

Dan had a trial in the morning. He had to figure out how to defend some stupid kid who broke into an old woman’s apartment and then got conked over the head with a frying pan. But it might as well have been him on trial, sitting in that chair next to the judge, trying to explain to his wife and three sons how he violated the same rules he had imposed on them. Dan tilted his head back and rubbed his eyes. It was late, past two in the morning. The rest of the house was asleep and he was alone...

First Time
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The Trial My wife of 2 years and I are very fortunate because we are financially independent. Neither of us will ever have to work. We are very sexually active with each other and are always trying to experiment. One day we watched a movie that showed a guy being transformed into a female and how he/she adapted to living as a woman. During the movie Mandy took out my dick and began to play with it. She said that the thought of my swapping sex turned her on so much. We...

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Trial By Sperm

Dan had a trial in the morning. He had to figure out how to defend some stupid kid who broke into an old woman's apartment and then got conked over the head with a frying pan. But it might as well have been him on trial, sitting in that chair next to the judge, trying to explain to his wife and three sons how he violated the same rules he had imposed on them. Dan tilted his head back and rubbed his eyes. It was late, past two in the morning. The rest of the house was asleep and he was alone...

4 years ago
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Trial By Sperm

Dan had a trial in the morning. He had to figure out how to defend some stupid kid who broke into an old woman’s apartment and then got conked over the head with a frying pan. But it might as well have been him on trial, sitting in that chair next to the judge, trying to explain to his wife and three sons how he violated the same rules he had imposed on them. Dan tilted his head back and rubbed his eyes. It was late, past two in the morning. The rest of the house was asleep and he was alone...

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Trial of the Century Part III

Theresa considered what the defense team just revealed. She looked at Jessic and then the D.A. She crinkled her nose. She cleared her throat melodically and asked, “Miles, have the police questioned this officer in connection to this murder? Was he even been on their radar?”“I don’t think so.”“What?”“I mean. No. None of this was known until this point.”“Why don’t you get the chief on the horn and have him get his ass over if he isn’t already lurking around? I know word tends to travel in this...

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Trial of the Century Part V

Joe Edd rolled over in his sleep. He dreamt:“Bite that goddamn pillow,” ordered the 33 year-old Joe Edd as he plowed the whimpering 8th grader with his thick 8-inch cock.“Unh...Unh...Unnnnh,” moaned Rosie.His large, brawny & hairy body rested on the back of the femme bottom’s smooth as silk skin. He pounded furiously. It was not their first time and would not be their last. He flipped over the bubble butt twink and plowed him. Joe Edd held the faggot’s ankles as he delivered mighty strokes...

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Trial and Error

This is my first attempt ever to write a story, so it may not be as good as you would think. A couple of months ago, I decided it was time to get myself a few luxuries in life. Until now, I had been unable to act upon that decision because of work, school and family. However, today i am able to start acting on that decision. I thought it to be a good idea if I were to go to this new hotel in town. This new hotel was rumoured to give "extra special services" to the ones who asked for it. Nobody...

3 years ago
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Trial by Fetish

You've spent months planning this and finally she walked into your trap. She's your neighbor's 18 year old daughter, the little tramp who's been tormenting you for years by sunbathing naked right in plain view. She deserves to learn a lesson and you're the one who's going to give it to her. When she got home from class that afternoon and went out to sunbathe, you were waiting for her behind the bushes and grabbed her. You knocked her out, then dragged her back to your house and now you have a 6...

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Trial By Gang Bang

How my wife and I could have gotten into such a thing would have been beyond me if not for the odd chain of events that had led up to where we were now.My wife Sherry had been less than faithful a year or so ago, bringing us close to divorce with a short separation.During that time we both had a lot to think about; she with her brief affair and I with my neglect leading up to what was most likely inevitable.I say inevitable only now after learning that a woman with her looks is short on the...

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Trial Run

What am I doing in a secluded car park waiting for some one I hardly know who wants to play with my cock Im a straight guy I love women every sort prefer older prefer well built love having oral love pretty much everything about them But - ther is an itch that needs to be scratched The feeling that sucking and wanking a nic smooth cock could be fun Then there is the fact that looking at videos of guys wanking alone and together is a big turn on Looking in the mirror I see the blue saloon...

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Trial Run

Hi! This is Siddharth from Mumbai. I’m 24 years old and mariner my profession. I’m huge fan of ISS. Reading stories before on this site gives me a good night’s sleep. I’m going to post my first incident which happened to me a 2 years ago. The story 100% real and it’s about a girl next door, Neha. She is 3 years younger to me. I was 22 and she was 19 at that time. She’s a typical Indian girl, with perfect figure, curves and assets to die for. This is a bit long story as I’m narrating it right...

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Trial Separation

Hi Folks, Another tale of woe and love gone wrong here. And as requested last week, this one is much shorter. SS06 As I looked around the church, I felt useless. The flowers were beautiful. The decorations were beautiful. The architecture of the hall was exquisite. Great care had been taken with every detail of the wedding and I hadn't had a God damned thing to do with any of it. It was crazy. It was embarrassing as hell. I don't remember ever going to a wedding where the mother of the...

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Demigod of WarChapter 20

Day 26: The End’s snow-covered tundra flashed into existence once Veronyka made her decision. In a blink, she was a couple inches taller, several pounds of muscle heavier and wearing what John thought of as ‘Valkyrie standard armor’. The only difference in what she wore was the complete lack of wings sprouting from her helmet. A shield and spear appeared in her hands as she flashed him a grin and a wink. John meanwhile was checking out the area. He spun around, so she could access his...

2 years ago
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A Second ChanceChapter 16

"David, you surprised me," Mr. Arthur said. "I did?" We were using the TBP (Talk between Pilots, although they should have named it Talk Between Crew (TBC) because there was only one pilot ... me. There was already a TBC.) The TBP was just for the officers. "Yes, you did." "Why?" "When I said, 'Fly this bastard, ' you did." "CharlieB was coming." I did a one eighty and overflew the strip. CharlieB was laying on the ground, kicking his feet and voicing his displeasure. "I...

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I wasn't looking forward to going home.  Don't get me wrong, I love my fiance (she's just as warped as I am)., it's just that ever since her sister moved in with us, our lives have been a living hell.  She is the biggest bitch I've ever, ever had to deal with, a true hapa princess, sweet sixteen and as sour, sarcastic, and foul as any girl or woman I've met.  Her mother and father, while treating my fiance like the proverbial worthless daughter they wished they had killed at birth,...

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Outdoor Fun

I think we all know where the cruising spots are in our local areas. There was one such place near me, maybe a half hour's drive away, frequented by gay men and kinky dogging couples. It was a secluded lay-by that contained a toilet block, well hidden from the main road and plenty of surrounding forestry for outdoor fun! I had heard about this place from overheard conversations, and my mind immediately wondered what happened there after dark.So, one weekend I decided to take a trip there to...

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The incest video interviews chapter 15A

I did my last interview, and those three became a little clingy. They began texting me, and calling nonstop. They didn't mean to make me uncomfortable, but they did a little bit. At the same time, I was about three months pregnant with the baby. Ted, and I needed to be ready to bring a baby into the world, and that didn't include interviewing incestuous couples. I couldn't have been happier with the results of where the experiment got me. I found the love of my life was a hell of a lot closer...

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The Trip Chapter Six

“This isn’t the way to the cabin?” I enquired“We have a little business to take care of first” Joe Replied.After all the activities I’d been through so far, working a shift at the bar had seemed almost as good as a holiday, but now I was tired and just wanted to get some sleep, but I knew enough not to vocalise my protest.We arrived at a non-descript building as Joe led me through the door and up the stairs, where we were met by Kate.“Oh good you’re here, welcome to my studio” Kate beamed“looks...

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Block Party

My wife had always been the life of the party. She could knock back the drinks with the best of the men, and always stayed out way past the rest of the wives. The only down side of having such an otherwise perfect wife, was that she was not very adventurous sexually. And unlike most people, when she drank she really lost interest. I had always fantasized about seeing her fuck other people. Swinging, cuckhold, her licking pussy or having her pussy licked. Hell if it were up to me, we would be...

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Tomorrow Idin Noah Book 2Chapter 3

"Will you look at the time, wow I have to go meet the wife, Hey Idin Ill talk to you later about the funding, Jen" Phil said nodding as he made a quick exit. Morgana seemed to get the hint to. "Yeah I got mage stuff to do, bye Jen, guys." Morgana said and in a flash she was gone. Jen watched Phil leave and Morgana teleport away, Lillian was watching her with a small frown on her face. "Sorry Jen it was there idea, they had already started this when I got here, couldn't help...

1 year ago
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Masturbation in the Park

This very evening, I was late leaving my place of work in the CBD. I had been playing an Android game called Ingress, and I had finally finished what I had wanted to do, and made a path for the train station. Because it was past 6PM, I couldn't enter from underneath the station. So instead I headed for the altenerate route, which cuts through a small park in the CBD which frequents considerable passers by.I was walking around the concrete path at the edge, mostly looking at my phone and playing...

2 years ago
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The Cosca Episode 2 Changing PrioritiesChapter 4

Two weeks after his meeting with the cosche bosses, Joe stood once again in the same conference room. This time he was addressing members of Phil's cosca. Ostensibly, as far as the outside world knew, Phil's family was holding a reunion in the space so generously donated by his good friend, Joe Fanelli. In all, there were thirty-two adults to transport to the primitive colony, including boys fourteen or older. The three women between fifteen and twenty, and the seven children under...

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Darkness and LightChapter 36 Psychological Warfare

Roban rose from the floating bed and cast a last self-satisfied view down at the unconscious figure of the naked goddess. Esthera lay, spread out and limp, on drenched clumps of her gauzy veils. Her breathing was slow and deep, and a little smile graced her slightly swollen lips. Roban swaggered down the stairs to the ground, head held high and feeling extraordinarily smug. His feet, unused to this type of movement, made him stumble and he reached the ground rather undignified. When he stood...

4 years ago
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Devilish cruelty

Introduction: How my wife became a pain slut It all started when my wife and I were watching television one night, it was one of those police detective shows that proliferate across the weekly viewing, in this one the villain had a sadistic kink and was capturing young girls and tormenting them. We watched it through and then went off to bed. We talked of the show and agreed that the plot had been rather stupid. Somehow though, we began talking of the kink the guy had towards girls. I cant see...

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Turning PointsChapter 16

Kerri had taxied to the hotel and intended to return home via the same medium. She was in luck as a cab pulled up to discharge a passenger just as she approached the curb. She stood back to allow the man in the rear seat to exit. They glanced as he grabbed his briefcase and she prepared to enter. Two mouths dropped open at the same moment. "Kerri?" "Kevin? Is it really you?" Her eyes misted. "It's... It's wonderful to see you again," he stammered awkwardly. "And you. How have...

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Our First Meeting

We've talked about it, and it is finally happening. It works out that you will be in the same city that I have to fly to for work. We know this may be our only chance and we have to take it. You will be there ahead of me and you tell me you will meet me at the airport.I wake up, nervous but so excited. I get myself to the airport and on the plane, settled in, I can't get you off my mind.Thoughts are occupying my mind. How I want to see the way you lust for me, I want to see how your eyes want...

1 year ago
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Discovering watersports 6 and last

“Have another glass of wine”, Andy offered.“Thanks”, said Teresa, my mother. Quite how we got to this point in the evening I’m not sure, but there she is in my sitting room, definitely in a taxi-home state and showing no signs of going. I’m convinced this is some weird pay-back for seeing me and Andy fucking this morning when she arrived early with the k**s. There was definite eye contact as she parked the car, and I’m sure she saw Andy behind me, fucking me. Just because I’m paranoid...“Anna,...

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Transformations Nice Guys ClubChapter 7

His Mom had been prophetic, Andy mused as he drove home after his shift at the store. Back in March, she had started a commercial cooking course at the U Extension. The schedule was terribly hard on her, but she had been certain the department store where she had worked for years was on its last legs. She had been right. The closure announcement came the day before Memorial Day. There were some attractive bonuses offered to keep employees until the doors were shut, and his mother was...

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Just a red thong

Hubby had invited some guests to spend a couple days at home.They were two old friends from a former office.Both guys were living now in California and were there at Savannah on a boring business trip. They were younger than Victor, handsome black guys.On Sunday they all were free from work and we spent a nice sunny day at our back yard, enjoying a barbeque, nice red wine and the pool.The next afternoon I came from my office and found out Victor and his friends were at the golf club; all of...

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