Realtor Wendy
- 4 years ago
- 36
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"Mmmmm..." I woke up with someone's face in my hair, his breath tickling my neck and morning erection poking against my butt.
"Hmmm..." he sighed as well, squeezing my left breast through the old half-slip I liked to sleep in.
My panties were missing and I spread my legs, lifting the top one and curling it over his. I liked the way he hugged me and I didn't want to open my eyes. The alarm hadn't gone off yet, but how early it might be, I had no idea. I didn't want to know and I'd been having a nice dream, something about horses after falling asleep with Misty of Chincoteague Island. I loved that book.
"Oh!" I gasped as I felt his penis pushing past my dry pussy lips, uncomfortably at first, but inside I was moist and warm.
I smiled and refused to open my eyes as the annoying discomfort went away and my pussy opened around him. I turned my foot downward, playing my toes along his leg while he pushed and pulled his cock slowly, making me wetter with every thrust of his hips until I had to jerk my hips and meet him. I clasped both of my hands to the one holding my breast, holding his wrist and forearm, urging him to fuck me faster and deeper.
We were both grunting softly as my bed started to squeak and the headboard hit the wall with a dull, rhythmic thumping. The juices were spilling out of me and I became warm inside and out. I had to bite my lip to keep the pleasure inside, breathing through my nose as his cockhead found the bottom of my sex. David was fucking me, I realized, and dimly remembered him climbing into my bed. He had a nice cock, long and thin and curving like a banana. It was cute like the rest of him, but better than that, his erection always seemed to find the magic happy button way down deep in my pussy.
"Ussss..." I hissed, shivering as my orgasm burst like balloon between my thighs. My tummy quivered and my nipples popped and my hips went back and forth all by themselves. Uncontrollable, that's the way it felt, and I wanted him to stop moving and hold his prick against my cervix and let me enjoy the moment, but he didn't and that seemed pretty okay too.
David fucked me through my cum and he always lasted a long time in the morning, much longer than he had the night before. Probably because he needed to use the bathroom, I thought, but whatever the reason, he gave me a marathon fuck. A couple minutes later, I had my second cum, a bigger, better orgasm than the first, and I reached back to pinch his hip with my fist. I squeezed him, begging wordlessly for him to join me. My pussy spasmed with joy, squeezing his cock and still he refused to cum.
"Roll over," he whispered. "On your stomach."
"Ummm..." I didn't have a choice as he turned both of us face down on the bed. David straddled my thighs, pressing his chest to my back and holding my shoulders as he started drilling my pussy hard. He couldn't get as deep that way and I missed the sensation of his cockhead kissing my cervix, but I'd opened my eyes and we only had three minutes until the alarm went off.
The old bedsprings were loud and the bed tapped the wall in time with David's hips. I'd spread my legs as wide as possible, giving his balls room to slap my pussy and tease my thrumming clitoris. I felt the stain growing beneath me as our juices leaked from my sex. He had a long cock, but not very a very fat one and our sex always seemed exceptionally messy as he worked my clasping vagina like an overeager plumber. Eighteen-year-old boys are like that though and he rode me for another two or three minutes before finally losing it.
"Ah! Fuck!" he breathed, just that as I felt his cock jerking inside me. David held himself deep, giving me a nice, slow grind while his balls emptied into my hungry womb.
I smiled and opened my eyes as the alarm decided to go off just at that particular second. I reached for it, all hot inside and thinking I could feel his semen mixing with my own girlish goo. David had collapsed on top of me like a heavy blanket, panting into my hair and letting his body relax.
"Nice timing," I said with a grunt. "You're kinda heavy though."
"Sorry," he whispered back. "Thanks, Wendy."
"Anytime," I replied, giggling weakly and drawing a deep breath as he rolled off me.
"I gotta pee," Dave told me and I rolled my eyes.
"That's a little more information than I need."
"You want a ride to school?"
"Nope," I said, rolling over as he found his boxers. "Amy's picking me up."
He gave me a smile, looking flushed and cute with his bed-head hair. It wasn't long and black like mine, but we shared the same blue eyes; a gift from our mother, along with my slender hips, long legs, and generous breasts. She'd been a beautiful woman and I was getting there, but it's hard to be truly beautiful at fifteen. I needed a couple more years, one last growth spurt maybe, and then I'd really turn some heads.
I hoped. I wanted to be a model someday, like Mom had been, or maybe an actress or even a flight attendant would be cool. I knew I could probably do that, but being a model had always been my first choice. I just needed to grow a couple more inches. Nobody likes models who are only five-seven for some reason and I checked my height every morning. They say people are taller in the morning, like they stretch while they sleep or something. Less gravity to pull us down, I guess.
Daddy had built a thing for checking my height, like on the scale at school, except he'd made it out of wood. I got out of bed, making a face at my cum drooling pussy. My labia were all pink and puffy, hanging down and wet with thin, milky sex juice. My thighs were wet and so was my tummy after lying on the wet spot. I didn't care too much though. I stood flat footed against the wall, reaching above me to find the horizontal wood measuring thing, getting it even with the top of my head.
"Shoot." I turned around and looked. Sixty-seven and a quarter inches ... again. I hadn't grown any taller in a month!
I grabbed my bathrobe, putting it on over my satin half-slip, and went to the bathroom.
"Who's in there?" I asked the shadow behind the shower curtain.
"Me," Curtis replied as I dropped my bathrobe on the floor and sat down on the toilet.
"Hurry up," I told him, letting my bladder go because I'd wanted to pee too, but I guess it's different for boys. David had practically run out of my bedroom.
"Just get in," he told me. "I'll wash your back."
"I bet!" I giggled and closed the toilet lid without flushing; the shower gets really hot when someone does that.
I peeled off my slip and stepped on the scale first. If I wasn't getting any taller, I sure didn't want to get any fatter! Except I wasn't fat at all, but still ... One-oh-four and that hardly ever changed either. So, I felt better anyway and I pulled the shower curtain back so I could get in with Curt and he'd been jerking off it looked like.
"Hey," he said, turning his back to the showerhead and showing me his chubby erection. If Dave had a long, skinny dick, my second oldest brother had a short, fat one. Like only six inches long, maybe not even that, but a genuine handful for me. I thought Curt's penis looked pretty cute.
"Hey," I replied. "Let me under the water."
"Wait. I got shampoo in my hair."
"Is that my shampoo?" I frowned at him, noticing the lilac smell and I hated the way I always ran out of shampoo so fast. "Curt!"
"What?" He grinned and stuck his head under the spray, frisking his fingers through his short black hair so that his cock jiggled up and down.
"You jerk!" I slapped at his dick. "Use your own!"
"I'm out," he said. "I just used a little."
"Hmph!" I snorted and wrapped my fingers around his erection, pulling him towards me.
"You wanna suck on it?" he asked, but I'd only been moving him out of the way.
"Look out." I let him go, trading places and getting under the hot water and that felt pretty awesome. "Wash my back like you promised."
Of course, Curt had other ideas and while I washed my front, he stepped close behind me. I wasn't innocent either. I knew what would happen and a girl doesn't get into a shower with a boy, not even her sixteen-year-old brother, unless she wants to get fucked. Being the only female in a house full of men, I'd gotten used to that early in life. Some people would call it abuse, and maybe it was, but how would I ever know? I liked it and nobody ever hurt me, quite the opposite. Everybody treated me like a princess and compared to a lot of my friends, my family seemed almost perfect.
"Ohhhh ... Uh-huh!" I braced myself against the cool tiles as Curt pulled my hips backward.
"Like this," he breathed, aiming his cock at my already slick hole and pushing into my pussy easily.
"Yeah!" I gasped in agreement, enjoying the way he felt so much different than Dave.
His cock must have been nearly as big around as a Coke can, seriously. I wasn't joking about how thick my brother was and my fingers wouldn't go all the way around the shaft when he got hard, but my pussy could. I felt a pinch, but nothing painful, just a quick, sharp pinch as the mouth of my sex had to open extra wide. The walls of my pussy were shoved aside and I felt a vague throbbing sensation that I always enjoyed. Fucking my two older brothers back to back always begged comparison and I couldn't decide which of them I liked better, at least in the sex department.
I loved them both about the same in the sister department.
"Oh! That feels good," Curt said, grunting the words as he slid his cock in and out of me.
"Uh-huh!" I rolled my hips and nodded. "It feels great."
Curt liked to pull his cock all the way out of me too, letting the smooth glans slip free for an instant, and then driving it all the way inside. It felt completely different than the way Dave fucked me, or anyone else for that matter, and I loved it. Only near the end, after I'd had a sweet, little cum and Curtis had wrapped his arms under my tummy to hold me up, did he finally leave his cock inside. He fucked me hard and fast, looking for his own orgasm and finally finding it with a groan.
"Ohhhh ... Curt!" I winced against the pleasure, definitely feeling it as the boy's semen filled my pussy.
He always came so hard! Like he'd been saving it up for a month or something, even though I knew he hadn't. My brother's couldn't go a day without sex, but who can? Not me! I wasn't quite as fixated on it as most boys seem to be, but teenage girls like to fuck as much as anyone else, believe me. My friends all liked sex and they were either bragging about how much dick they got, or complaining about how little they were getting.
Some people would probably call them sluts, and me too, but we weren't. We were just normal high school girls. Thankfully, we were all pretty enough and outgoing enough to get what we wanted. Maybe every girl is a slut. I mean, if someone's just determined to think that way about girls who like sex. Ugly girls, fat girls and stupid girls, they want sex too, right? So just because they couldn't get any, that doesn't make them any different inside. Or maybe I just felt a little guilty about fucking two guys less than ten minutes apart before I'd even had breakfast.
I have a weird brain.
"Hey, Wendy." Josh grinned at me as I wandered into the kitchen. "You want a pancake?"
"You're cooking?" I rolled my eyes and tied the belt around my bathrobe. "I just want toast."
"What's wrong with that?" he asked, giving me his hurt brown eyes. My twin brother looked nothing like me unless he smiled.
"Everything," I said, bending over to kiss our dad's cheek. "Morning, Daddy."
"Morning, baby." He leaned into my lips and rustled his newspaper. "What was all that noise this morning?"
"David," I told him with a sigh. "He said he had a bad dream last night."
"I did not!" David looked up from his Wheaties.
"Too much pizza," Curt said. "Eat less, bro. You're getting fat."
"Shut-up!" David frowned at him.
"Well, do me a favor," Daddy said. "Move your bed a couple inches, huh?"
"Oh God!" I grinned at him. "It was time to get up anyway. Where's Ashley? Ash! Hurry up!"
"He's probably jerking off," Curt said, pouring a bowl of cereal for himself.
"Be nice," I told him. "He's still growing."
"So?" Curt shook his head. "He needs help."
"You should take care of him once in awhile," Daddy suggested, smiling at me over his coffee.
"I do," I said. "Ashley's fine."
"He's gay," Josh told us, looking over his shoulder as he cooked his pancakes.
"He's just curious," David said. "Leave him alone."
"Faggot!" Curtis giggled and I slapped the back of his neck. "Ow!"
"I don't wanna hear that word," I reminded him.
"Sorry, Wen." He dipped his head and David laughed under his breath.
"Make some toast for me," I told him. "No butter. I'm gonna go see what's keeping him."
The three oldest boys liked to give our youngest brother a hard time, especially Curt. I suspected they blamed Ashley for killing our mom, since she'd died giving birth to him, but that hadn't been his fault. Mom had already been sick and if anyone was to blame it would be our dad. He'd knocked her up, knowing she wasn't supposed to have any more babies.
Mom too; she had to take some of the blame because it had been her body and a girl has to take responsibility for it. After having four kids, she knew where they came from, but she'd let herself get pregnant with number five. I still loved my mom, of course, even though I didn't remember her at all. I'd only been a baby myself and sometimes I almost thought I could recall something, but that's just my imagination.
It sucked growing up without a mom, but I didn't blame Ash. He'd almost died too and our brothers tended to forget that. Not me though, and not Daddy, although this thing about Ashley being gay had kind of put a dent in Daddy's manly pride. I'd talked to him about it, our dad, I mean, and that's all he'd needed. A good talking too, the way a wife might do it, I liked to think. If I played Mommy for my brothers sometimes, and I did, then I had to play wife for Daddy once in awhile too. And not just in the bedroom either, although I liked that part the best.
"What are you doing?" I asked, smiling at Ashley after not finding him in his room. "Are those my panties?"
Of course they were! The boy stood in front of my dresser, naked except for a pair of bikini panties, white ones made out of satin. One of my nice pairs too, with a baby blue bow riding the obvious lump of his cute little stiffy as he admired himself in the mirror. At least Ashley looked pretty. I mean, if a boy has to be a queer cross-dressing homosexual, he's better off looking like a girl than a lumberjack, right? I'd never had a sister either, just a house full of raging testosterone, so maybe that explains why I'd decided to encourage my baby brother.
"Um ... Sorry." He blinked quickly and turned pink all over. A head-to-toe blush that made me giggle.
"Are you gonna wear those to school?" I asked him, putting my hands on my hips and trying to look serious.
"Can I?" he asked in his high pitched voice, and I really hoped he wouldn't change too much now that he'd hit puberty. That would have to be a sin, I thought.
"You've got gym class," I reminded him. "Right?"
"Yeah." Ashley cleared his throat. "But, um ... I don't care."
"You don't?" I walked into my room, wrinkling my nose at the smell of sex. David and I had really made a mess on my bed.
"They already tease me," Ash admitted, dropping his head and speaking softly. "Everybody hates me."
"They do not," I sighed, standing behind him and I took my little brother into a hug. "They're just kids."
"But you don't have to give them reasons to be mean either," I said. "Wearing panties to school..."
"I did it before," he said, crossing his arms over mine as I held his flat chest. Ashley seemed so small, almost fragile as he stood there, and I could feel his small heart beating quickly.
"You did?"
"I wore the pink ones yesterday."
"I'm sorry."
"For what?" I kissed his golden hair. "You can wear my panties, I don't care."
"No, I mean because I'm ... you know ... different."
"Gay?" I took a deep breath. "Did Curt tease you?"
"Want me to beat him up for you?"
"No!" Ashley giggled, watching my reflection in the mirror. "What should I do?"
"Just be yourself," I said. "If you can handle the kids at school, then..."
"I think I can."
"You're pretty tough, huh?" I kissed his hair again. He hadn't taken a shower and he smelled like sleep.
"Not really," Ashley sighed. "But if they're gonna tease me anyway..."
"I know," I agreed. "They're not, um ... Nobody hits you or anything, do they?"
"Who?" I narrowed my eyes.
"This guy, Randy, him and his friends kinda..." Ashley frowned. "They gave me a swirly."
"They did?" I frowned at that. "Did you tell anybody?"
"No! That would just make it worse!"
"Don't tell Dad," he said. "Okay?"
"They can't do that to you."
"It's okay," he protested. "I just have to stay out of the bathroom."
"All day?" I rolled my eyes. "How long's that been going on?"
"I dunno." Ashley shrugged. "All year, I guess."
"They call me Assley too."
"Well, you do have a cute butt."
"Heh!" He smiled and I sighed.
"And if you're going to wear my panties, you can't walk around with a boner all day long."
"But..." he made a face. "I can't help it."
I'd slid my hand down, finding his hard penis through the satin and I rubbed it with my fingers. Not even talking about the school bullies had spoiled Ashley's arousal. I wondered if he had a thing for this Randy guy, but only because I remembered liking some of the guys who'd been really jerks when I'd been in seventh grade. I didn't know why I liked them, but I had, even when they'd teased me on occasion. In fact, that had only made me like them more for some reason.
"Let me help," I said, slipping to my knees. "We have to hurry though. Turn around."
"Wendy, I don't..."
"Close your eyes and pretend I'm a boy," I suggested with a smile, pulling the crotch aside to expose his stiff cock and hairless scrotum.
"Ohhhh..." he breathed, going on his tip-toes as I closed my lips around his penis.
"Ummm-hmmm..." I sighed, giving Ashley a lot of tongue as I took all of his smallish dick inside my mouth.
He wasn't very large or anything, being naturally girly like he was. I could push my tongue out and tickle his balls while my hands massaged his small, round butt through the satin. Ashley's fingers went into my damp hair as he began pushing with his hips. My nose flattened against the soft skin just above his cock and below his tummy. His smooth ball sack rubbed my chin and I nursed on his erection the best I knew how. I swished saliva and precum around Ashley's dick, swallowing only when it started to leak from the corners of my mouth.
"Wendy, um ... I'm gonna..." He didn't last but two minutes, if even that long, before he began shooting his sweet cum into my mouth.
Every boy tastes different and I thought Ashley tasted the best of all my brothers. He wasn't sour like David and not as salty as Curt, and his semen wasn't quite as thin as Josh's. Nice and creamy, warm like melted butter as it pooled on my tongue. Mmmm ... Just right, baby bear!
I loved sucking Ashley off and for being as queer as the boy claimed to be, he didn't mind getting a blowjob from his sister every now and again. I just wished I could find a way into talking him into fucking me. I'd taken my brothers' virginity, all of them, except for Ashley and a blowjob didn't count, in my opinion. Oral sex is just good foreplay, handy for taking the edge off a teenage boy's lust before he has to go to school.
"Wow!" He smiled at me as I fixed my panties over his wet penis, tucking him safely away, although his dick hadn't gone terribly soft.
"Mmmm..." I said, covering Ashley's mouth with mine and he knew what was coming. We'd snowballed before.
I pushed my semen soaked tongue into my brother's mouth, along with a nice gob of gooey jism as well. He wasn't really into making out with me, and Lord knows I'd tried on many occasions, but we'd found a good compromise. Ashley hugged me around the waist while we French kissed, swapping his sperm between us and trying desperately to keep our lips sealed. Some of it escaped, but not too much, and I couldn't help but rub my tits against his chest. My nipples burned cold and my pussy had grown hot. I loved kissing and that had long been my Achilles heel. If a boy could kiss me nicely? Yeah, he could fuck me, too. I just couldn't say no.
"Ulp!" Ashley swallowed thickly as I caught my breath and then he smiled, drawing a deep breath himself.
"Feel better?" I asked.
"Yeah," he agreed. "Thanks, Wendy."
"Get dressed for school now," I told him. "Wash your face and brush your teeth."
"You're not gonna wear a dress are you?"
"No!" He laughed.
"Good. You don't have the hips for it."
"But, um ... Can I wear one of your old bras?"
"I kinda borrowed one," Ashley said. "Your little one."
"My training bra?" I rolled my eyes. "Go ahead, Ash ... It's your funeral."
"Yeah!" He grinned at me and I had no idea how he could hope to wear a bra to school and not get beat up.
I had some beating up of my own to do, however; that Randy kid was going to learn what happens to bad boys. I couldn't protect Ashley every minute of the day, I knew that, but he wasn't going to be getting any more swirlies either! If being a teenage girl had taught me nothing else, it's that being beautiful was like being licensed to kill. Girls have superpowers for a reason and maybe it's true that along with great power comes great responsibility, but I'd never liked Spiderman anyway. He was a such a wuss!
"Where's Ashley?" Daddy wondered as I retrieved my toast. My three brothers had already left.
I'd gotten dressed before coming back downstairs and I looked like a zillion other catholic schoolgirls. I wore a plaid skirt, pleated, a white blouse, ironed, and black shoes ... polished, of course. Knee high socks and the silly blue tie that matched the skirt. I'd pulled my hair into a ponytail and used dull, barely red lipstick and hardly any other makeup. The sisters frowned on cosmetics as the devil's own mischief, but I thought they were just jealous. Most of those nuns were nuns for a reason, you know? And not just because they were closet lesbians who believed in corporal punishment.
"He's brushing his teeth," I replied.
"That boy's slower than you," he teased me. "What were you doing up there?"
"He's still part boy, Daddy." I shrugged. "I can't send him to school in pain."
"Huh!" He grinned at me and looked at his watch. "I have to get to work. Don't be late for school."
"I won't," I promised, holding my plate of toast out of the way so he could hug me.
Daddy kissed my mouth and I let his tongue tease mine for a second, feeling his hand on my butt and his hard cock against my tummy. He could have used a little something that morning, too, and I was tempted to make us both late, but it would be the third time that month and we were running out of excuses. Daddy didn't want to let me go, so I had to push him gently away.
"I'll take care of you tonight," I whispered. "Go to work."
"Tease." Daddy grinned and I laughed.
"Me? Yeah right!" I said. "I'll see ya later. Don't forget to stop by the store tonight, we need milk."
"Got it," he agreed, smiling over his shoulder. "Love you."
"I love you, too ... And a loaf of bread," I called after him.
Ouch! My hormones were really wound up and I crossed my legs high as I sat at the table and munched my toast. The tingling in my pussy made me remember my pills, although I never completely forgot them. I'd been taking birth control since my fourteenth birthday, literally. I'd been a late bloomer in the menstrual department, so Daddy had wanted to make sure I was a little older, a little more grown up maybe, before deciding I was old enough to take care of myself. He could be a little strange that way. So, on my 14th birthday, before cake and ice cream, he'd taken me to a gynecologist friend of his. A client, actually, since my dad's a lawyer and he'd handled the guy's divorce.
Apparently there wasn't a big difference between attorney-client privilege and doctor-patient privilege. Doctor Peterson had taken one look at my vagina and asked me how long I'd been having sex. Daddy just shrugged when I looked at him, telling me to answer the man truthfully, so I had.
"And today's your birthday, isn't it?" Dr. Peterson said with a smile, standing upright between my wide-spread legs. He touched my nears and slid his hands along the tops of my thighs.
"Uh-huh," I agreed, wiggling my toes in the metal stirrup things that held my feet.
"I'd like to give you a present of my own," he said and looked at my dad. "Do you mind?"
"Not at all," Daddy replied. "Wendy's been looking forward to it. Haven't you, Princess?"
"Yeah, um ... It's okay," I said, remembering how my dad had explained to me that Dr. Peterson might want to give me something special.
Lots of men, even old guys like the doctor, would want to put their cocks inside me. Just like Daddy did. Just like my three oldest brothers wanted to love me in that special way and there wasn't anything to be afraid of. Sex felt good and after we were done at the doctor's, I had my birthday party to look forward to. I'd invited all my friends from school, a dozen girls and a few boys; their parents would be there too and we'd have lots of fun. Letting Dr. Peterson slide his cock inside my pussy seemed like a small price to pay, but I wasn't as naïve as I pretended to be either. I really didn't want Daddy to go to jail and we needed to trust my doctor.
Like I said, girls have superpowers.
"Just relax," Dr. Peterson told me, smiling as he unzipped his trousers. "I've had a vasectomy."
"Okay," I said, smiling back at him even though I had no idea what that meant.
"You're a beautiful young woman, Wendy," he told me, rubbing his cockhead up and down my slit.
He wasn't much different looking than Daddy, except maybe a lot darker since Dr. Peterson was black. He wasn't circumcised either and I sat up on my elbows so I could see it better, watching as the foreskin slid back and forth over the pinkish glans. That seemed pretty interesting and then I winced, biting my bottom lip as he pushed his cock inside my pussy slowly. I let myself fall back onto the examination table and Daddy stroked my hair, turning my face until his swollen manhood brushed my lips and I opened for him.
The doctor fucked me with slow, deep strokes as if he wanted to make it last as long as he possibly could. I didn't mind at all. He filled my pussy nicely and I felt the butterflies fluttering in my tummy. The room seemed to grow warmer as I nursed on my father's penis, sucking on the head mostly and using my hand to jerk him off the way he liked it. I had a hard time concentrating though; my pussy felt too good and I wanted to wrap my legs around Dr. Peterson's hips, but the stirrups didn't want to let me go.
"Sweet baby cunt," he sighed, holding my thighs with his soft black hands and pumping my pussy at a slow, steady pace.
"Suck it nice, Princess," Daddy whispered. "Use your tongue. That's it. Mmmm ... Such a good girl."
The doctor's black cock made me cum and I moaned around the penis stretching my lips. My butt bounced off the table and I pushed against those stupid stirrups so hard I thought I'd break them, but I didn't. The man held me tightly in place, gripping my thighs down near my pelvis and keeping me on the edge of the vinyl pad. I could feel my pussy clamping down on his dick and I tried to squeeze it even harder, my whole body getting tight as my orgasm seemed to explode deep in my sex.
I loved cumming more than cake and ice cream and presents combined, at least when it was happening. Nothing else mattered and I closed my eyes, letting Daddy fuck my mouth while I watched the red and yellow sparklers shooting through the darkness. What a great cum! I'll never forget that one and somewhere in the middle of it, Dr. Peterson joined me. His semen surged into my pussy as he jammed his cockhead right up to my cervix and that made me cum again! He really knew how to fuck and I choked on my dad's hot spunk when the doctor started thumbing my tiny clitoris.
Multiple orgasms! I'd never even imagined such a thing.
"I'll have the nurse schedule follow-up visits every month," Dr. Peterson told me as I wiped the cum off my face. I'd made a real mess and most of Daddy's load had landed on my nose.
"She can go on the pill, right?" Daddy asked and the doctor nodded.
I’m fairly certain my wife is not cheating on me. I mean, I’m pretty sure she’s not . . . ************************** My wife, Wendy, has always been the flirty type. In fact, her flirty ways are what initially attracted me to her. That, and her incredible beauty and infectious charm. Wendy is one of those women who is ultra ladylike and enjoys such an attractive and easy personality that she instantly invites a lot of attention–from both men and women. Wendy flirts, but that’s it. My...
I'm fairly certain my wife is not cheating on me. I mean, I'm pretty sure she's not . . .**************************My wife, Wendy, has always been the flirty type. In fact, her flirty ways are what initially attracted me to her. That, and her incredible beauty and infectious charm.Wendy is one of those women who is ultra ladylike and enjoys such an attractive and easy personality that she instantly invites a lot of attention--from both men and women.Wendy flirts, but that's it. My friends,...
Wendy knew what she was doing, she had a craving to meet up with young guys, especially young black guys with their rampant sex drive and as she had found more often than not were blessed with big black cocks. Wendy had known for a long time that her husband wouldn’t be able to satisfy her sexual desires and cravings. Wendy had managed to find a style which suited her perfectly as the woman who craved sexual encounters with young men. Most days she would wear a tight fitting vest top, no bra...
In the summer of 1991 I had just gotten out of the army and returned home to Atlanta with the intention of getting my engineering degree at Georgia Tech. I had spent a year in school there before I went into the service and now all I wanted to do was get back to school and finish what I had started, so I enrolled in summer classes that June. I had two goals that summer. The first was to get back into student mode as quickly as possible and the second was to get laid as often as possible. As it...
Guidance Counselor WendyWritten by Izuzu with input from me WendyWendy is a mid-50s auburn-haired bombshell with short hair that works as a college guidance counselor. She counsels first-year students on what classes they need for different majors. She likes her job and gets along with all of her co-workers. However, interacting with young college students is her favorite part of the job.Wendy is married at home with a husband. Wendy's friends and family believe that she is a faithful wife to...
WENDY NIGHTINGALE.???“Wendy's a nice girl.........................” That's what everyone always said. She was the sort of person you liked as soon as you saw her, and so bright and intelligent. Plump, 5'6” and so, so pretty. With the most vivid green eyes, you ever saw. She wore glasses and had the most stunning breasts ever. When she moved to our area on her 50th birthday she always had a smile on her face, and no-one ever saw her husband, so she could be a widow, or divorced...... After all,...
WENDY NIGHTINGALE.???“Wendy's a nice girl.........................” That's what everyone always said. She was the sort of person you liked as soon as you saw her, and so bright and intelligent. Plump, 5'6” and so, so pretty. With the most vivid green eyes you ever saw. She wore glasses and had the most stunning breasts ever. When she moved to our area on her 50th birthday she always had a smile on her face, and no-one ever saw her husband, so she could be a widow, or divorced...... After all...
Wendy squirms. I enjoy watching her squirm. She sits on her own settee in her own living room with bondage tape wound tightly around her ankles, calves and all the way up to her knees, where it meets a black pencil skirt. Her arms are behind her back, bondage tape wrapped tightly from wrists to elbows. More tape is wrapped around her torso, holding her arms in place and wound around a silky forest green, high neck top, forcing her ample bosom to bulge.I sit in an armchair opposite and watch her...
ReluctanceWendyI was walking through the mall and I saw a woman I thought I had seen before, but could not place her. I kept going as I was shopping for stuff for the house. I was furnishing my basement with some furniture and carpeting. I stopped at the food court and she was eating a burger and fries and I normally eat at the same restaurant so I ordered and got my food. I was walking past her and she looked up at me and she said “I think I know you don't I?”I was trying to place her face and then it...
It’s my first day of the creative writing course at college and I am sitting all by myself with nobody to talk to. Everybody is laughing, joking around and engaging with one another. Not me though, I am just too quiet and timid to join in any conversation. All my life I have been shy and to this day I am no different. I thought that college might just be the thing to gain confidence but I feel as anxious as ever. The door opens and this girls comes in and sits next to me. She says her name is...
LesbianWendy cheated was with an 18-year-old young black student. Aunt Wendy was a cougar. Wendy accepted this well before the first time she crossed the line and had sex outside her marriage. She preferred a young man’s hardness, stamina and vitality to her husband. Her husband has no idea that she has been fucking younger men. Wendy’s husband is a good father, provider and companion when he is actually present. Yet he was lacking as a lover. Her sex life had become became ordinary and unsatisfying....
InterracialI was very nervous about tonight.I was going out for drinks and a dance with my friend WendyWe have known each other for years, and that is the problem. I know how she loves young black cock, and the place she has picked for us to go is well known for young black cocks looking for white wives to fuck.I dressed as conservative as I could without making me look like a vicars wife. It was hard to hide my large milky breasts out of site, as they look so big on my small frame.I have to wear loose...
Duke and Wendy sat on a Glider slowly rocking as they watched Carlos and Tom unsaddle their horse's. Duke at 54 and Wendy only 45 were retired Vegas Star impersonators. Duke whose real name was Victor was a dead ringer for John "Duke" Wayne, he had the same size, stature, gravely voice and was a Texas born real cowboy. Wendy was a Dick Girl, a Trans with long black hair, hormone and silicone large breast, hip and ass implants which gave her an incredible shape. She appeared as Cher. They had...
My friendship with Wendy goes way back to our childhood together. We have known one another since grammar school. Like all children we hated each other back then. Wendy was always the tall skinny black girl that was soft spoken and reserve, probably because she was the only black in the school. I, on the other hand, was quite the little butterball with a reputation for being very outrageous. I could pull it off because I was considered a tomboy and the all the boys were my pals. Time though...
"Thanks for doing this, Luke! I'll make it up soon." "No worries, Wendy. Just let me win this time." "No chance, sweetie. You'll see my backside from start to finish. As always." "Then I demand a compensation fuck afterwards," he pouted, his eyes sparkling with lust. "With pleasure, Luke, with pleasure. Let's find a place to park, we have only 10 minutes left." "Are you sure you'll manage the 50 miles this time without embarrassing yourself?" Wendy smirked, patting his bum...
Our sweet little adopted daughter was only 6 years-old so she couldn't possibly have a devious plan to reshape our entire family, could she? WENDY by BobH (c) 2012 -1- "Oh, honey that was just what I needed!" said Mel, as she rolled off me to lay panting at my side. "Glad to be of service," I said, giving a thin smile and thinking that 'service' was exactly the right word for what I'd just done for Melissa. I was really low on...
Wendy leant on the door bell again. She’d been ringing the bell for several minutes and was getting somewhat annoyed; she knew Susie was at home so why wasn’t she answering? She heard shuffling on the other side of the door which finally opened a crack to reveal a pale sunken eyed face. “Christ you must have tied one on over the weekend.” The face dissolved into tears, the shoulders heaving with deep sobs. Wendy pushed the door open and entered. “What the hell has happened? You didn’t turn...
A dark haired girl came running when the nun called her name. She had hair so dark it looked to be black, and her skin was so pale I instantly thought of how I must have looked when Ann had found me passed out on the kitchen floor. "Wendy, this is Patricia," said the nun. "It looks like you two have a lot in common." I looked at Wendy and thought, not likely. She was about 5 foot 5 and still had baby fat on her. She did have bigger boobs, but that could have been from the extra weight....
"Damn, the in-laws are coming over tonight," I thought to myself as I was driving home from work. I really didn't want to have to entertain them tonight. I just wanted to go home and get some rest, It was a warm evening, and when I got home, my wife, Arielle, wanted to bbq out on the deck, so I got the bbq fired up and awaited my in-laws, Jim and Wendy. As I waited, Arielle opened the door from the living room and told me that Jim and Wendy had called, and that they would be spending the night....
I got out of the truck kicking the dirt off my boots and running a hand through my thick gray hair. I looked at her standing there, with her skirt and black stockings displaying her legs, and the light breeze making her nipples press against the thin cloth of her shirt. She blushed while stealing glances at the way my jeans revealed my muscular thighs and the broad shoulders under my t-shirt. Saying little I helped her into the truck and began to drive out of town. As we drove for over an...
Todd and Wendyby AbeOrlando, in summer, is a humid hell, so Todd andWendy were happy to accept when some friendssuggested they meet for a night out at CocoaBeach, where the Atlantic Ocean moderates theweather and provides good views, too. It was a funnight, drinking and dancing at a couple of placesalong old route 1. About midnight, they left theirfriends and headed for home, choosing to drivealong route 528, avoiding 407. Unfortunately, therewas a jack-knifed semi, and police waved them...
Hi. I'm Bill telling this part of the story. I was worried and I wanted some time alone with Wendy to talk about what was worrying me. I invited Wendy to walk down to the nearby surf beach. She put on very short shorts and a skimpy top, and was ready to go. In those days, all of Wendy's tops were skimpy; they still are, today. I pulled on running shorts and was ready too. Suzie was out by the pool, breast feeding her new baby. They were a beautiful sight, both naked. We called out that...
This is my first short story, any feedback would be welcomed. I’m planning on writing more so let me know how to improve. Hope you enjoy. ***** Harold Thompson has woken up promptly at 8 o’clock every morning for the last six months and sees nothing but an empty side of the bed where his wife used to sleep. Her name was Deanna. He thinks about her every day how she’d always smile as he woke up and tells him good morning. Now there are no more good mornings for Harold. At age 56, Harold was...
So far...this ahs been the worst day! No one at work remembered her birthday, there was no singing, no cake, no congratulations. Everyone just acted like it was a normal day! Wendy checked her voice mail about a thousand times. No one called to leave a message. Her e-mail was filled with the usual junk, and work related topics -- no wishes for a happy birthday. At least she knew she could rely on her friends at xhamster.Nothing. In fact her messages icon was blank. No one had even...
Sunday, November 7 (After Chapter 25 of Triptych) WENDY: [to security desk] This is Mr. aroslav. He's visiting me for an hour or so. He's writing an article. [A bored hand is waved.] WENDY: I've wanted to tell people about this for a long time. Thank you for visiting, Mr. aroslav. aroslav: It's a pleasure, Wendy. But I have to say that I'm still pretty shocked. [sigh] WENDY: I know. Kate's the only one who knew before this morning. Now I guess everyone will know. Are you going to...
WendyAs I drove to pick up my thirteen year old daughter Wendy from School I thought back to the visit from my Wife now my ex Wife who called to clear out her wardrobe and tell me she wouldn’t be home for Christmas or anytime after as she was moving in the her Girlfriend there would be no custody battle as Wendy was an inconvenience and she would be better with me. I work from home as a writer my ex wife worked away and was never home so by default I became a house father.We have always had a...
Growing up I had only a few close girls as friends. Even though I was a pretty girl I never bonded much with the other popular girls in high school. I was a cheerleader for a year in 9th grade and then over the next summer a new girl moved in down the block from me her name was Wendy and she was in the same grade as I was. She was a tall girl taller than most girls her age maybe 5'8" or 5'9" and was still growing. She was athletic whenever I would see her outside she was either dribbling a...
LesbianI am a early riser due to my army training, by 5 am I was up to take a piss. I was still tired from last nights activities, so I went back to bed, besides I was on R&R. Peg hardly moved an inch all night, and when I got back into bed she cuddles up next to me. I woke up at day break, feeling something strange going on. There was a warm wet mouth on my pecker. I knew it was not Peg, she was still curled up next to me. My eyes got adjusted, and I looked down to see Wendy sucking on my...
Prologue By Wendygyrl And Hungry Guy Hey! I just wanted to tell you that I LOVED your stories. Also the ones you wrote with Romangirl. They are very hot! DEATH BY EMAIL was definitely my favorite so far, but I really liked DEATH WISH as well. They got me very aroused. Ever since I was raped, I've had this shameful fetish and can't seem to get it out of my mind. -Wendygyrl Hey, Wendy! You know the kind of stories I write. Your email really turned me on! I've never raped anyone, and I never...
In an earlier post I told how I discovered masturbation and got together with my first “wank buddy” Andrew. Another thing no guy ever forgets is his first encounter with a real live naked woman, and it was through Andrew I had that that. Through my late teens Andrew and I continued our wank buddy relationship, largely because in our all boys school and neighbourhood there wasn’t much opportunity to meet girls. During school holidays we would go to each other’s house while our parents were out...
Aunty Wendy David knocked on the front door, after a few seconds, he knocked again. His phone buzzed in his pocket telling him he had a message.He opened the message, it was from his auntie Wendy.“The doors unlocked, come in I’m busy upstairs.”David open the door and went in. walking through the house, he headed for the kitchen. He stood at the bottom of the stairs and called up to his aunt Wendy, he heard nothing apart from a slight noise from somewhere.He headed upstairs, the sounds were...
One never expects disaster when they are at a party having a good time, but it does occasionally happen. It was my parent's fiftieth wedding anniversary and my brother Paul and I had thrown them a surprise party at Paul's place. It was a large affair with over seventy people attending and near as I could tell everyone was having a great time. In fact, some of them were having too good of a time and my wife Wendy was one of them. Not that she was doing anything wrong, it's just that she likes...
I had been on the sex site for a few weeks (myfunbuddy) when I found wendys profile she was a single mum just looking for a little fun, so we started to message each other having little chats about what we were doing on the site and how things were going, talking about the nice people we had talked to and about the total creeps that were just weird, we were getting on well so decided to swap mobile numbers so we could chat more easily.We would text each other and flirt getting each other worked...
Barbra becomes Wendyby BrilligA work of fiction. Get a grip folks, none of this happened. But boy, do I wish it did. Warning, contains sexually explicit material, etc. Starts out very slow. Not for everyone. If you want real hardcore, look elsewhere. This is more psychological.====================================I'm into my late 50's now. All of this happened several decades ago when I was in my late 40's. Call it my last fling.I met Barbra in a neo-biker bar. I mean, it was a kind of edgy...
A hand delivered letter was waiting for me when I got home on the day the company broke up for the annual summer holiday. “I don’t believe this shit,” I looked again, but I’d read it right, I’d been made redundant.Without speaking I handed it to Wendy my wife. “Oh for God’s sake,” she raged, “The bastards, the absolute bloody bastards.”“Everyone’s out,” I said, “They’ve shut the bloody place down.”“The house,” she gasped, “We’ll lose the house.”“Oh fuck.” I poured myself out a drink and took...
CuckoldPLEASURE ISLAND: THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 2A Go Get A Drink With Wendy You hand the box back to the bar tender and can't help but notice how long his eyes linger on you. You blush and feel an erection start. Wait, that doesn't happen anymore. "I suppose it's just getting happy in the pants," you say to yourself. You smile and step into the water to come up to the bar. "Miss, I'll hold onto your bag so that it doesn't get wet." the bar tender offers helpfully. Oh crap. The...
Wanking pals with Wendy Wendy was my latest special babe. She was my slave in love and I was going to share her with my ugly wanking pal Martin. His best asset was his cock and I would make sure that was the first thing she saw of him . I had taught Wendy my kinky ways and if she hadn’t enjoyed it I would have ended it. In fact she had learned to turn the tables on me and she knew I was as willing to take as I was to give. Tonight though she would play the sub, it would be the first time I’d...
Wanking pals with WendyWendy was my latest special babe. She was my slave in love and I was going to share her with my ugly wanking pal Martin. His best asset was his cock and I would make sure that was the first thing she saw of him.I had taught Wendy my kinky ways and if she hadn’t enjoyed it I would have ended it. In fact she had learned to turn the tables on me and she knew I was as willing to take as I was to give.Tonight though she would play the sub, it would be the first time I’d shared...
Adventures of WendyPart I: The HookIt was a sundrenched Thursday in southern California. A somewhat uneventful week was slowly but surely grinding to its end. As I was expecting my husband’s return from his job in the Texas oil fields on Friday, I was feeling miserable this week, simply because I didn’t get to enjoy some young cock. My usual boy toys were all unreachable. Some were out of town, some had found girlfriends and were trying to be Romeo (how lame is that), while some others were...
It was a normal Thursday working day, time passing by, sales getting done, admin work all coming through, and the type of day were your thinking 'Nearly ***** Friday'!Anyway, Went to my last appointment, 3pm, last appointment of the day. Wasnt expecting much, until the lady with whom I had the appoitment with cme along, and asked for me, 'Adam'.Looking up, I couldnt stop starring, up appeared a stunning, gorgeous blonde lady, aged between 35-40 yrs, slim sized between 8-10, and a black dress...
When I was still at school we had a lot of fun with the girls. Some were complete sluts and had several boyfriends at the same time. The dirtier and sluttier they were the more fun they were to be with. The naughtiest of all was Wendy. With long shiny black hair and a fringe which hung over her forehead to partially cover her sexy black eyes, she was a nymphomaniac who liked to be fucked by several boys at the same time, and would often manage to corrupt the teachers – both men and women – when...
We had been out for a few drinks, more than a few really. I invited Wendy back to mine and to my surprise she said yes. After making her wait while I went for a pee, checking myself in the mirror, I found I had lipstick around my mouth and on my chin. Attractive. After combing through my hair with my fingers and reapplying my lipstick, I opened the door and crept down the corridor. I had reached the door to my room now, and after just a second of hesitation I opened it. She was sitting...
I should say before I begin that these events actually took place as described during my tenure as editor of the ill-fated e-zine Living On Land. One evening, browsing the week's submissions, I came across the following: ME I used to dress in my sister's clothes when she was out, wear them while I did my homework, watched TV. Mum knew, I know, guessed, but turned a blind eye, never saw me posturing and pirouetting in front of a mirror, pretending I was a model. When my sister caught me,...
Well for starters, Fenoxo is a fucking gaming blog probably named after its developer, MR Fenoxo, Fen, Fenny, or Fenfen. And while there is evidence of multiple individuals posting on the blog as long as there is an awesome interface and a fancy sex game to dip some nasty claws into, who fucking cares about that shit anyway? After all, Fenoxo is one Pervy Writing Minotaur, the coder, and brains behind a number of sexy games including Corruption of Champions which seems to have won a...
Free Sex GamesIt’s my first day of the creative writing course at college and I am sitting all by myself with nobody to talk to. Everybody is laughing, joking around and engaging with one another. Not me though, I am just too quiet and timid to join in any conversation. All my life I have been shy and to this day I am no different. I thought that college might just be the thing to gain confidence but I feel as anxious as ever. The door opens and this girls comes in and sits next to me. She says her name is...
Nurse Wendy wheeled the gurney into the ward. He had been the only man left in there. She drew the partitions around for privacy anyway. The life support machine had been wheeled away and she had been asked by the young man's doctor to wheel him down to the morgue as the other assistants were busy or had left the hospital, but she stood there for a while. Was it his silence that made her stay and draw the partitions? Was it him not knowing of her presence anymore? She could not wheel him away...
It was a recurring vision and for reasons unknown the young man in my mind would always be either a black guy or a well-hung Hispanic. I had no idea where that came from but for sure it made my fantasies even more intense. If I’ve learned one thing, just one thing, in life it’s be kind to people when you’re on your way up because you never know if you might meet them again when you’re on your way back down! It’s a philosophy that has always stayed with me and...
AffairGrowing up I had only a few close girls as friends. Even though I was a pretty girl I never bonded much with the other popular girls in high school. I was a cheerleader for a year in 9th grade and then over the next summer a new girl moved in down the block from me her name was Wendy and she was in the same grade as I was. She was a tall girl taller than most girls her age maybe 5’8′ or 5’9′ and was still growing. She was athletic whenever I would see her outside she was either dribbling a...
At quarter to eleven, two friendly familiar faces showed up in my room. "How do you feel, Patti?" asked Linda. "Just a little sore, but nothing worse," I said. "We'll be in shortly," said Julie. "The ward is nearly empty because of the weekend, so let us do our rounds and then we'll both be back." The candy striper who had sat with me since Einstein left was clearly pleased to be able to move on to something else. I hadn't been much company for her, as my thoughts had been...
THE TRIALS OF KARDAN Chapter One: Capture Kardan's capture had not been an easy one. The fabled warrior had been cornered in a rocky canyon in the southern lands, and six men were pitted against him. Kardan had despatched four of them in the space of a few breaths, and would have slain the remainder had the drug-tongued art not found it's mark on his neck. Reeling from the narcotic, he still hurled himself at his opponents, finally succumbing as his blade dug into the belly of...
The Trials of Tannen 01: The First Adventure By Light Clark Synopsis: It was just a regular game night for Elizabeth, Claire, Mark, and Anthony until, suddenly, the lights went out. The next thing they knew, they were in another place, facing an annoying little boy. Strangely enough, the boy claimed to be a god, and that the only way for them to get home was to champion his cause by winning a grand contest. Like that, a very different game from the one they'd intended...
Trials, tribulations and temptations. 1 ... OR... University with my sister. The folks went back home ... their chicks successfully booted from the nest. They had the two late hatchlings to ensure proper decorum ... no chance of mom spread-eagled on the breakfast-nook table ... or a daddy seeking oral gratification in the hall. Perfection achieved four-fold, there was no need for follow-ons. Parents... Sex... Yuck! However ... were it not for hall monitors ... Ross Hall, student...
Friendly WendyIf I've learned one thing, just one thing, in life it's be kind to people when you're on your way up because you never know if you might meet them again when you're on your way back down! It's a philosophy that has always stayed with me and I've applied in whatever walk of life or job I have been in and it has served me very well. Not for nothing am I known by many who I have met on life's journey as 'Friendly Wendy'. Indeed a lot of them will also remember me affectionately as...
FRIENDLY WENDYBy: Curt B., Julie V.If I've learned one thing, just one thing, in life it's be kind to people when you're on your way up because you never know if you might meet them again when you're on your way back down! It's a philosophy that has always stayed with me and I've applied in whatever walk of life or job I have been in and it has served me very well. Not for nothing am I known by many who I have met on life's journey as 'Friendly Wendy'. Indeed a lot of them will also remember...
When I was in my early 20's some 2 decades ago, I worked with this hot 17 year old named Wendy. From our first meeting she made it clear she wanted me to fuck her. I made it clear that I was going to wear her out with my cock & make her my little slut, but not until she was 18. She took that as a challenge, & teased me relentlessly for the next few months. My shift was after hers, she would fuck her boyfriend in his van in the parking lot & come back in to tell me about it, & do...
I had been chatting with Donna for days now .......she was very hot and the more we chatted the hot things became between us ............. Donna want her first lesbian experience and although I had only had mine last year I was more tha willing to help her............We start off with the normal chat Me - hi your a stunning stylish women if you fancy finding out more about me let me know WendyDonna - hi there thanks for the message !!:) if u wanna chat then feel free do Me- so how you liking...
Milhouse walked across the school yard to meet up with Bart; he felt Lisa’s eyes following him every step of the way. When he finally reached Bart he smacked him High Five. Bart and Milhouse had been experimenting with different things and they had finally decided that it was time for them to experiment with one another. Milhouse had watched plenty of gay pornos in preparation for their new experience. ”Are you sure we won’t get caught? We are still on school grounds and this is...
When Manu got home his wife was beside herself. Dinner was not ready and her sari wasn’t even fastened properly. Her hair was a mess too. “Oh my dear, what has happened?” he exclaimed, putting his arms around the pretty and busty woman he had recently married. When he kissed her he recognized the taste of semen. He released her and opened her sari. There were love marks all over her body and semen was running down her legs from her reddened pussy. She sobbed, “At first...