Bless Me Father 4 Tribulations
- 3 years ago
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Trials, tribulations and temptations. 1
... OR...
University with my sister.
The folks went back home ... their chicks successfully booted from the nest. They had the two late hatchlings to ensure proper decorum ... no chance of mom spread-eagled on the breakfast-nook table ... or a daddy seeking oral gratification in the hall. Perfection achieved four-fold, there was no need for follow-ons.
However ... were it not for hall monitors ... Ross Hall, student accommodations, would be a positive SEA of experimentation. Young Adults ... released from close parental observation and no longer under the evil eye ... were hunting.
Ross Hall ... the first year one socialization experiment adopted by the Regents and in accord with Federal Mandates ... was positively awash with hormones. Ross was a Freshman Only cooperative coeducational attempt at mainstreaming the student population.
The upper-class monitors were a sop to religion and puritanical mores. And they were compensated employees; Persons in positions of power and authority. No hanky-panky with the monitors.
These monitors were actually Resident Advisors but they were dealing with grade 13 ... straight outta high school ... a great many ... more than 50% ... were still shifting to college student mentalities ... about 3 out of a hundred wouldn’t make the transition and head for home before the end of first quarter.
For the first two weeks, adjustments in housing could be made ... no questions asked ... unless a female floor member wanted to move to a male floor. That’s a No.
David signed up for Fencing Club. There was a real Fencing Team ... but David had the inkling idea that his actual combat experience on Chaos wouldn’t be well received by artists. However ... the first Saturday after official classes began, the new branch of what would eventually be The Society for Creative Anachronisms, a full contact medieval combat group, demonstrated their expertise in the square, a small park across the street from Ross Hall.
While not at all well known, certain funds were placed in successful Heroes bank accounts... (unsuccessful heroes got buried) ... as an incentive to come back ... as if Hero Rewards weren’t enough to insure returns ... sometimes Sam, the healing chamber, couldn’t fix the hero. Retirement often meant a wheelchair.
So ... there were emoluments of a monetary advantage in David’s account.
It is a fact of anthropology that living it trumps ethnocentrism, (evaluation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of one’s own culture.) David had lived there.
When the second meet rolled around, David was dressed for Chaos ... smelly leathers, hand forged sword and all the necessary accouterments.
He was the only NOT a knight. He was authentic ... dirty, sweaty and belligerent towards men. His drink was watered wine. His meal was mystery meat ... probably roadkill. His bread was unleavened. He ate with his Pocket Knife and fingers. His horse ... yes ... horse ... was better cared for than his person. But he was chivalrous. He was respectful, honest and courteous to women.
And Grace was positively mortified.
Oh, yes. Grace was a paid up member of the soon to be SCA.
After watching the posturing and listening to the propaganda spouted by the soon to be SCA Knights, I asked, “What’s your historical reference?”
The list was pretty good. Tapestries, woodcuts, the diarists of the Church, surviving clothing and extant paintings of medieval notables.
I countered with, “To the victors go the spoils ... including the history. The absolutely last thing the winners are going to do is look bad. Artists, the weavers, woodcut carvers, painters and priests were ... and still are ... at the command of the money.”
“What does money have to do with it?”
“‘Paint me in good light ... and make that codpiece bigger, while you’re at it,’ all the while jiggling a leather pouch of gold under the nose or having the headsman’s axe in the background to remind the weaver just who it is that holds the power of life or death,” I said.
“You’re crazy,” I was told.
“No. Experienced,” I said ... and smiled. “You pretend to be heroic ... I am ... twice.”
And, of course, I was reprimanded the next time I took a fifteen minute vacation. Val was pissed.
That was the third time I was tested on Chaos.
Every once in awhile ... I couldn’t take the classes ... the sanctimonious instructors ... the “important” people ... and I’d get the ring from the bank box, slip it on, go home for a laundry weekend. I’d load the washer, hit my room, visit Val and go kill bad guys ... for several years.
Grace ... ah yes ... Grace.
Grace never failed to ride with me when I went home.
“David James Austin ... where have you been?” She accosted me one sunny summer afternoon. She celebrated her seventeenth birthday a week ago. Daddy gave her a car, she wouldn’t be riding with me any longer.
She got in my face and said, “I’ve searched your closet ... pried, poked, sounded and looked everywhere. Where do you go? How do you get there?”
She wouldn’t shut up.
So ... finally ... I confessed, “I go through my mirror to another world.” And I grinned.
I have cornflower blue eyes ... sometimes called Insanity Eyes. I stared at her ... unblinking ... grinning ... until she became uneasy.
“Yeah, sure,” she said.
She huffed and went to talk to mom...
And Mom laughed, pointed in the direction of Ionia and said, “Is he dangerous? Harry is dangerous.”
Harry is mom’s younger brother. Harry was a B-17 pilot during the war. On the very last mission, Harry’s aircraft was shot down just before Germany surrendered ... on my birthday ... by the bye. The surrender ... not the shoot-down. Sole survivor of the crew, he was captured, questioned by the Gestapo and transported to Castle Colditz an Oflag IV-C, an officers prison camp. Before he got there he killed his driver and escorting Gestapo guard. Harry disappeared into wartime Germany and walked into the allies arms ... three or so months after the war ended. Nobody would say what he did in Germany ... but it was bad. Very bad.
It affected his brain.
Grace started hanging out with me ... determined to get to the bottom of my situation. Digging holes.
I spent a lot of time reading and practicing the moves as illustrated in Colin Richards translation of Fiore del Liberi illustrated, and Classical Warrior Traditions of Japan - 3-volume set by Diane Skoss (Koryu Books): that includes Koryu Bujutsu: Classical Warrior Traditions Of Japan; Sword & Spirit: Classical Warrior Traditions Of Japan, Volume 2; Keiko Shokon: Classical Warrior Traditions of Japan, Volume 3.
One could say, I spent more time in the books than I did in college texts ... and one would be right.
In fact ... I spent an amazing amount of my University study time reading those four books and practicing in the park across the street from Ross.
A college degree wouldn’t save my life ... my sword play would.
Finally Grace ... you remember Grace ... my sister bugged me enough that I handed her a practice sword and told her,
“Do what I do.”
She did.
Well ... she tried.
She was clumsy for a bit and then she managed to include her dancing with her sword play.
After working on her forms and feet Grace got pretty good. Better than most Chaosans. I couldn’t trust her to watch my back ... but she’d do.
The day she slipped my guard and poked me a good one in the ribs, she said, “Prove it.”
“Take me through the mirror,” she said. “I dare you to.” It was the smugness that got me ... Grace knew how to wind me up.
“Come on,” I said. Finals were over. We were marking time waiting for the summer break. When you have a meal plan you have already spent the money. Going home early is a needless expense. We went to my car and drove home. It’s only 23 miles ... we can always drive back to school.
“Kids are home from college!” We shouted as we slammed into the house.
“Hi!” Mom said. “Just in time ... we’re having crockpot pork roast for dinner.”
Mmm ... pork roast ... potatoes, carrots, celery and pork gravy ... simmered all day ... Mmmm. Mom always made enough for pork sandwiches the next day.
The rugrats, just home from school, mobbed us. Dad arrived from court, pleased to see us.
The obligatory greetings, school gossip and folding of last weeks laundry done, we made our excuses and headed upstairs to nap before dinner. Dinner was always fashionably late. Never before 7:30. Plenty of time for our siblings to finish homework or terrorize the neighbors for a few minutes. They had four more weeks of school.
Secure in my room I said. “You wanted it ... you got it.
“Wait here,” I said. “I’ll be back in fifteen minutes.”
Val was pleased to see me ... I performed to standard. The damsel was definitely in distress ... and pregnant when I left ... with a Heroes Companion Rule Book in my hand I stumbled through the closet. Grace had moved a chair and was waiting in my closet.
“What the fuck? I took my eyes off the mirror for a second and here you are ... how did you do that?”
“We’ve been through this before. Read this.” I handed her the Rule Book. “We leave three weeks from today.”
I can only thank Ceiling for that last glass of Restorative. I wouldn’t fall asleep at dinner. We ate ... discussed what we were going to do for the summer and drove back to MSU. We were in our respective rooms by 10:30.
The next day, Grace handed me the Rules for Heroes Companion book back and smirked.
“Cute, David. I don’t know how you got this book printed ... it’s certainly not from any publisher I know ... and I know the feel and smell of every book-bindery in the Western hemisphere ... but it’s well done.” She said, “Very professionally written and produced ... I still think it’s bull-shit.”
“Twenty days and counting, Grace,” I said. “Good Night.”
“Good Night?” She checked her watch and looked at the sunlight in the bedroom, “It’s twelve thirty-six in the afternoon.”
“I’ve been busy,” I yawned. “I’ll just catch a nap.”
When I went to Crossroads, all I wanted was a Rule Book for Heroes Companions. What I got was an ecstatic Val Heroes Caregiver.
“A Companion? Wonderful! Who is he?” She spouted.
“She,” I said.
“She ... a girl.”
“A woman?” Val pondered, “Let me check.”
“Ceiling,” she tilted her head ... it’s only polite to look at whomever you are speaking to ... which gave me an insight to how Cassandran women think about Artificial Intelligence.
“Ceiling ... are there rules for woman Heroes Companions?”
“There are precedences for such persons in the past ... and future,” Ceiling said.
“Why were the Caretakers not informed?” Val was feeling put upon.
“The presence of preferred females on the account of heroes has been known to cause strife with the Hero and Caretaker.”
“Oh,” Val said. “Well ... I think it’s a great idea.:
She turned to face me, “What’s she like? Are you lovers? Is she pretty?”
“She’s my sister, she’s pretty in an artificial way. No ... we are absolutely NOT lovers ... although...” I shut up.
“Although... ?” Val made that hand motion that signifies, Tell me more. Drat her pretty hide.
“She was my Senior Prom date...”
That hand motion, again.
“Mom decided that it was time my sister was without a totally useless piece of flesh.”
“Ah ... the ENTIRE Prom date ... hotel and all.”
“Yes.” I concluded with, “But Not my idea.”
“She went along with it?”
“I think it was her idea all along.”
Well ... when that rescue was over and the reward received, Val handed me a book and booted me out the door. Grace got the book ... I got a nap.
She ... Grace ... decided she’d better not take any chances and stepped up her training.
She got better ... I got bruises.
At one day to go, she asked me ... finally... “Why aren’t you packed? Where’s your kit?”
“You read the book?” I asked.
“The part about nothing metal? Or plastic?”
“That was serious?”
“No zippers, rivets, hooks, underwires. No knives, no forks no spoons ... no needles ... no nothing,” I said. “That huge backpack you’ve been assembling will be left on the closet floor.”
“Oh shit!”
The day finally arrived. Grace was still skeptical right up to the moment she was holding my hand and watched me disappear through the mirror ... the wench gave a squawk and tried to let go. It was too late ... the mirror dragged her through.
We both were in the hall ... the door to Crossroads was before us. I looked down at her ... have I never mentioned Grace is short? Not just short ... but... SHORT ... and Tiny. When I looked, Grace seemed to have developed an excess of skin.
Recall ... Most of interior of exterior Grace is silicone. I had no idea that was included in the plastics ban. Her marvelous breasts, her symmetrical ass were gone.
I hustled her through the door to meet my Caretaker before my sister noticed.
Val was shocked. Grace had the secondary sexual attributes of a 90 year old. She sagged ... if the foundation was plastic ... it was gone.
“AWK!” cried Grace ... one of the twentieth century great problems was the replacement China made clothes had ... plastic ... artificial thread ... it was gone. Grace’s clothes were on the hall floor. When she tried to cover up she grabbed flab.
Ceiling was totally up for it.
“Stick her in Sam,” he said. “Sam can fix almost anything.”
We pushed her through the Healing Chamber door.
“Finally,” Sam said. “Something new!” And the door swung shut.
Val and I went about our business ... said business being our business and none of your business. I do not kiss and tell. I am a gentleman. Well ... not on Crossroads or Chaos ... I might mention a thing or two when I publish.
Of course I’ll publish ... as science fiction ... I’d be fitted for a long sleeved canvas jacket with brass buckles in the back if I tried to pass this off as True.
Val and I sojourned to the seraglio ... did I not mentioned the story about Val’s fetish dream?. Her chamber is now all breeze stirred multi-colored silk panels between marble columns with a pool under a domed ceiling in the middle of a marble floor. She had a book from Earth that featured stills from 1930’s Hollywood movies about middle eastern Sultans and Arabian Sheiks ... and you know how often the movies portrayed those ... in Technicolor ... impossible colors along with impossible plots and improbable heroes.
She took it as gospel. How she got the idea to wear authentic belly-dance ... clothes? ... I’ll never know.
Not that I’m complaining. Val in see-through silk is a wonder to behold.
Sam spoke, “You want her fixed? or just fill out the sags?”
Grace hollered... “Just the sags, David.”
“You heard her, Sam. I have to live with her ... make her happy.”
Four hours later, Grace was a natural work of art ... and she knew it.
“Thank you, Sam!” Grace and I spoke as twins.
Sam said, “Thank you, Grace. First time for everything. I never did anything like that before. I polled the other chambers and, Grace ... you’re the first.”
“David,” Grace bounced. “You have to feel these. Plastic is so fake. These are So sensitive,” she pinched a nipple ... it stood. She shuddered.
“Real ... these are real. If I never thank you for anything again ... David ... thank you for this.”
She kissed me.
Val kissed me ... kissed Grace ... and said, “Come with me, Grace ... we’ll fix you up.”
Ten minutes later, I had two dancing girls ... and things went up from there.
Ceiling said, “There goes the Restorative surplus.”
We had a great time for a week ... the three of us. Natural Grace, Val and I explored the heights and depths of each other. Grace discovered she liked women ... and men ... we discovered Grace could be likable.
I think it was the relationship Grace had with Sam that changed her.
“Nice girl, that,” said the Healing chamber.
“Grace?” I said.
“Yeah,” Sam replied, “There was more wrong with her than her body. She had several blocked arteries in the brain. Cleared up the incipient cancerous cells too. And she was a carrier.”
“Carrier?” I asked.
“Kind of like your Typhoid Mary, infected people but doesn’t get sick herself.”
Sam wouldn’t say what Grace had ... exactly ... but Val and I took a turn in the box ourselves, Sam insisted.
“Chaos is bad enough without adding that to it, Cassandra doesn’t need it either,” Sam said.
When I say, Natural Grace, I mean that she looked exactly like she did at the prom, but it’s easy to tell it’s adipose flesh and not plastic. There is a certain jiggle, sway and bounce to the real thing that the surgeons don’t seem to be able to duplicate.
How does one make five pounds of fat look good?
Put a nipple on it.
It was certainly an attention getter: I didn’t think we were going to make it from the Bank in Fisher’s Bay to the Fish Inn. Grace is no beauty (says her prejudiced brother) and she’s not even in the running for Miss Cassandra, but she is, hands down, the prettiest woman these country bumpkins have ever laid eyes on.
They wanted to lay more than eyes on her ... for sure.
It seems I was destined to lower the population of each town we visited ... Grace has that effect on Chaos. I can’t say as I blame them.
We entered the Fish Inn. Dinner was in full song. Well ... full noise.
There were two slatterns serving and doing their level best to avoid hands.
Mine host, a greasy looking villain, presided over the bar.
“What can I do for you?” he asked.
“Room for two,” I replied.
“Three pinches room and the meal,” He replied, eying Grace. “Come morning there’s porridge supplied. Watered wine or beer?”
“Watered wine, and what ever you have.”
The stew was NOT fish ... or chowder ... nor pickled, smoked or dried fish. I suppose it reflected the attitude of the local population.
We might have to live with the stink but we don’t have to eat it too.
Instead of fish ... the meal of the day ... and the last several days by the looks of it ... was mystery meat and soggy vegetables. I thought I recognized a pea ... maybe. With enough salt and ... surprise ... pepper ... it was sufficient unto it’s purpose ... it made a turd.
The bread was hot, fresh and dripping butter ... heaven.
Getting through the meal without interruption, I enquired about the possibility of a bath.
“Two pinches for first water, a pinch thereafter ... each. If she,” he nodded at Grace, “so much as touches the water it’s a pinch.”
“So, three pinches if she gets in the first water tub with me?”
He looked at Grace again. He shuddered.
“That vision is beyond fair,” he said.
“You’re going to use your spy hole ... instead, I should charge you to watch me wash her.”
His eyes rolled back and a wet spot formed on his cod.
“Enough,” I said. “We’ll seek our baths in the river.”
And that’s what we did. Walking up stream until the first tributary, we bathed in the first wide spot we found, walked back to the inn and slept until morning. The pease porridge in the morning was better than the nights before stew.
Our damsel was in durance vile at a small fenced multi-family complex about 4 hours west of the harbor.
Well ... shit fuzzy... 4 hours west is an island. I suppose the four depends on the boat. Not that Val had mentioned an island ... all she had said was, “This should be an easy one, the damsel is just four hours out of town.”
The next time I saw her, I was going to ask Val where she got her information ... and who. I wanted to speak to the informant ... severely.
Now we had to find transportation. Row or sail. There were no pleasure craft. Sailors sail ... civilians don’t swim, they avoided the monsters of the deeps whenever possible. Passengers? Ha!
The available boats resembled the Viking Knarr. Knarr is the Old Norse term for a type of ship built for long sea voyages. The knarr was a square sailed single masted open hold cargo ship; the hull was wider, deeper and shorter than a longship, and could take more cargo and be operated by smaller crews. They were built with a length of about 50 feet, a beam of about 15 ft, and a hull capable of carrying up to 20 or so tons. Clinker built, with a stern rudder, they were primarily used to transport trading goods like walrus ivory, wool, timber, wheat, furs and pelts, honey, and iron. They were also used to supply food and drink to traders and villages. Although the technical term is Knarr, the Chaosans referred to them as boats. Small oared boats were called curricles.
Approaching the harbor area was interesting. It was guarded.
We were confronted.
“State your business.”
“Transport to the island.”
“You want what?” asked the guard.
“To find a captain who will take us to the island.”
“Which island?”
“There’s more than one?”
“Seven,” he said.
“Islands,” again and then, “Seven Islands, that’s the name for it.”
“A cluster?”
“More like a chain,” the guard said, “Somebody said they’re Barrier islands.”
“Low lying sand islands with sea grass covered dunes?”
“You been here before?” he said, “I never seen ‘em ... but, yeah. The guy I talked to said that.”
“Never been here ... but we have them at home. Kinda long and narrow and they change in storms.”
“Yeah,” I said. “The waves wash away parts and move the sand elsewhere.”
“Oh, really?” he asked, “Where?”
“Where what?”
“Does the sand move.” It was a question but not really.
I took out my dagger and crouched down, drawing in the dirt of the street. I drew what I remembered of the Gulf Coast.
“There’s gaps between the islands and the sand fills a gap here and opens one someplace else in the chain.” I erased parts of the islands and added parts to ‘em.
“Here now, pull the other one,” he said. “Islands don’t move.”
“How about in your grand da’s time?”
“Don’t know ... the gaffer is from the mountains,” the guard said. “Here comes Captain Igor ... ask him about the islands.”
Captain Igor didn’t walk ... he rolled. No doubt about it. The man was a seafarer.
The guard stopped the Captain and said, “This man and his woman are looking to get to the islands. Can you help?”
“William, nobody goes there.”
He turned to me, “What’s your business on the island?”
I figured a partial truth was better than a lie. “My sister,” pointing at Grace, “Is looking for her friend. The trail leads here.” Ok ... a total lie.
He looked at Grace, “She a beauty like you?”
“No,” said Grace. “She’s way prettier.”
“How do you intend to get back?” He asked.
“Steal a boat?” I said.
The Guard looked shocked.
The captain grinned.
“You know how to sail?” He laughed.
“Well, yeah ... grew up on a big lake. My dad had a 26 foot boat.”
The guard butted in, “Captain, he says those islands change when it storms. Is that true?”
“Yup ... doesn’t have to be a big storm, neither. You mind big John?”
“Him?” he said, “Yes.”
“He sailed behind an island during a storm and couldn’t get out because the inlet sanded over.”
“Well, I never...” said the Guard. “How did he get out?”
“The next storm opened a different channel.”
“Learn something new now and again,” said the Guard. “I don’t like it. Things shouldn’t change.”
“Well,” said Captain Igor, nodding at me, Grace and the Guard. “You coming or not?”
“Coming?” asked the Guard, and he shook his head violently.
“Coming?” asked Grace. She had found a stray kitten and was loving up on it.
“Yes, sir,” I said. I picked up my pack, shouldered it and gathered up my weapons. Grace set the stray down and picked her pack. We ... the three of us, Igor, Grace and myself, headed through the gate ... the kitten followed.
The harbor area was two Chaos blocks long and three wide.
I should probably clear that up. A block in Chaos is what ever it was between two groups of buildings. Someone might put a street where ever he needed it. At home, the streets between a group of houses is an alley. Organized like. Chaos doesn’t have that ... streets are where ever needed ... chaos ... you know. The street might not even be needed ... a whim works as well as a need.
The Mary and Rose, the ship, wouldn’t make a decent yacht. About 50 odd feet on deck and 15 or so wide, the Knarr was typical of the times. Open decked with a platform at either end ... crew forward, Captain aft. There was a steady stream of men unloading sacks of something from a high-wheeled wagon. They were mounting a gangway and storing the sacks in the hold. When we got close I could smell wheat ... but I also smelled coal.
“Almost done, Captain,” shouted a man carrying a rod ... he applied the rod at need to the bottom of a shirking crewman ... bosun? Cargo master? ... the rod was his badge of office.
The coal was loose ... not bagged. The wheat was stored on top ... lighter, I supposed.
The men doing the loading weren’t crew. Probably farmers or slaves.
The crew was singling up lines and preparing the spar and sail tor hoisting.
The last sack was situated ... the carriers off the ship. The tide turned. Lines were loosed, the spar and sail hoisted, slanted to catch the wind and the small ship tugged the stern to follow the bow and slowly moved off the quay.
The change in the ship from static to alive affected the crew and they gave a shout.
I turned to the Captain, “Nicely done, sir. Very smooth.”
“Tell me about your fathers boat.”
“Well, sir. It’s 26 feet on deck and 8 feet wide. The mast is about thirty feet ... something?”
He had that look... You’re shitting me.
“How do you keep it from turning over?”
“You have ballast?”
“Couldn’t keep a course without one.”
“Dad’s boat has a lead keel and no ballast.”
“Never heard of such a thing.”
He handed me a stick of charcoal and a sorta white scraped piece of deer hide. “Show me.” He said.
I did.
“Can I keep this?”
“Don’t see why not. You got an idea?”
He carefully put the hide between two boards. “Yup.”
We were at the bay mouth ... it got a little lively. The wind picked up and we nosed into the waves.
“Well, you ain’t sick. You done this before.” He gave me the eye, and said, “ Now ... tell me what you’re really doing.”
“Well...” I started.
Before I could come up with a believable lie he said, “You one of them Heroes?”
“Yes,” I confessed.
“You after that cockburner?” he asked. “The one on Fair Island.”
““Wendy Stage-manager,” I said.
“Pretty thing, she is.”
“They all are.”
“There’s more?”
Just then, the kitten ... Grace’s kitten ... made a mighty leap and nailed a rat. Not just any mouse but a rat twice the size of the kitten. Teeth sunk into the neck of the rodent, the feline gave the rat a great shake and broke its back. The crippled rat, rear legs useless, tried to dislodge the kitten but it was no use. Another shake and the neck broke ... then the kitten released its prey ... blood sprayed from the neck wounds. The kitten made a second prodigious leap and caught another rat. So far ... Cat- 2, rodents- 0.
We enjoyed the spectacle for about an hour. The cat laid 19 dead rats in a row at Grace’s feet ... and two small but deadly snakes.
Purring loudly, the tiny animal wound around and between Grace’s ankles. Grace picked up the cat and bumped noses.
“Aren’t you just the sweetest thing,” she said. The cat purred louder.
The Captain said, “I’ve never seen the like.” He shouted to the rod carrier, “Smith ... why don’t we have a cat in the crew?”
“Never considered it, Captain,” and he sneezed. Smith, the second mate, was allergic to cats.
“I’ll give a quad for that cat,” said the Captain.
“Not mine to sell or give ... you’ll have to ask the cat,” Grace replied.
“Ask the cat?”
“Yes. Cats are very finicky,” Grace said. “If a cat doesn’t like you there’s nothing you can do to keep it.”
“Lock it up?”
“You want the cat to catch rodents?” Grace said. “Can’t catch rats in a cage.”
“What do I do?”
Grace ruminated for a minute or two, then she said, “You need to find your own cat. The best way to do that is to go someplace that has a lot of cats and sit down.”
“Remember ... this little darling came to me. You need one like that. How about your fellow seafarers?”
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Synopsis: Jim discovers he’s being blackmailed by his new ‘partners’ but despite their offer to release him, he elects to continue the relationship. The gloves are off! Carol tells him his first assignment is to ‘turn Bette and Sandy out,’ meaning force them to become his prostitutes. Bette agrees to give prostitution a try. Bette make a connection with a hotel whore named Su Lin. Jim follows up to learn as much as possible by hiring her. They have just completed his ‘short arm’ inspection. ...
Author’s note: I wrote this novel out of sexual frustration during the months I spent working on an A.I.D. project in Oman, an extremely conservative Islamic state (no bars, movies, or extra women). It is copyrighted and is intended only for the private use of the readers. I would enjoy hearing from you. Chapter 1 – Bromfield’s Temptations Louise’s bra had disappeared while she was in the kitchen freshening our drinks. Her swollen, shapely bosom had come alive, jiggling and swaying under an...
Chapter 3 — Bromfield’s Temptations A Real Swap I reached for the little woman. She came easily, even eagerly, into my arms and raised her pouty mouth for a warm, wet, open-mouthed kiss. I hugged her close, my partly erect cock pressing into her soft belly. She squirmed against it. Then she pulled her head back, and looking up at me she said softly, ‘Hi.’ ‘Do you want to stay here, or should we go in the other room?’ I asked. With a final glance at the crouch where my wife was...
Jayden's POV When I came to, I had no idea where I was or how much time had passed. The last thing I remember is standing outside watching a storm coming in in the distance. After that—nothing. I scan my surroundings. I'm in a room with black walls, contraptions and vulgar toys strewn about the area. Panic surged through me as I realize Rin isn't with me. Last I'd seen of her she was fast asleep in the master bedroom and that had been before I was knocked out. Where was she now? Trying to get...
SupernaturalIt was Saturday afternoon, and I was hearing confessions as always. And as always, there hadn't been much traffic. I'd had a lot of time to think, to reflect on last weeks happenings. How did I let myself be drawn into having sex with a parishioner? Could I face this woman again, and be stronger this time? I looked at my watch: a quarter to five, I'll be closing up and going to dinner soon. Perhaps last week was an aberration and I had nothing to worry about. Then I heard the soft footfalls...
TabooAll of them overslept following morning. Devyani couldn’t sleep properly after the incident. She slept much late. She woke up around ten in the morning. With heavy heart, she went downstairs… To the living room. Both the boys were sitting in the living room watching television. Ashim greeted her with a mischievous grin, but she didn’t answer. She looked at her son… He was looking at her curiously. Sameer was trying hard to keep his face straight. Mother and son looked into each other eyes…...
IncestTimmy came from a family where brain cells were in short supply, and to put it mildly, they were a bunch of dumb-fucks. Timmy had three siblings, two older brothers and one a year younger than him. The two older brothers were both plumbers, and his younger brother was so stupid that Timmy’s parents even believed that he wouldn’t even be able to get a job sweeping streets.Unlike his brothers, who all looked like their dad, Timmy was the best looking of the bunch and took after his mother....
Gay MaleLast night's party was pretty wild. Dancing, drinking, even some "action". Not for me though. Although I like to hang out with my friends in these parties, I do not particularly enjoy taking part in the more erroneous activities. My Name is Jasmine, currently in High School. I'm still a virgin. I do think erotic thoughts sometimes though, can't help it. My hormones are at the peak in this point of my life. My appearance? Picture me as whatever you want, that's not what's important. What's...
All mammal embryos in early gestation are female. This is an established fact of biology. Regardless of genus and species, EVERY mammal from Aardvarks to Zebras is female BY definition until a specific male developmental hormonal catalyst is added to make them develop as a male. Even in an adult human male, there are vestigial traits of the female. Nipples and continued estrogen production being just two of them. The diagnosed condition of Gynecomastia Also known derisively as...
My wife and I used to have a very adventurous sex life. We attended swinger parties, did erotic photography and videos, included other partners and made all manner of other wild lifestyle choices. As we've gotten older and our lives have become more full, that adventurous nature has slowly faded away. I won't bother you with too much detail, but I should give a bit of context. Thirteen years ago, I married my beautiful 18 year old fiance. I was 29 at the time and very well established in a...
My wife and I used to have a very adventurous sex life. We attended swinger parties, did erotic photography and videos, included other partners and made all manner of other wild lifestyle choices. As we've gotten older and our lives have become more full, that adventurous nature has slowly faded away. I won't bother you with too much detail, but I should give a bit of context. Thirteen years ago, I married my beautiful 18 year old fiance. I was 29 at the time and very well established in a...
January, 1985, Chicago, Illinois Tuesday was my first day back to work at Nuvatec since the fall semester ended, but it was going to be a short one. Scott and I had to leave the office about 1:30pm to go to IIT to participate in Charlie’s disciplinary hearing. We arrived just before it started, and I took my place in the chairs reserved for character witnesses. Dean Stauffer began by reading Charlie’s confession, then read the IIT rules about cheating, and then the procedure for the...
THE TRIALS OF KARDAN Chapter One: Capture Kardan's capture had not been an easy one. The fabled warrior had been cornered in a rocky canyon in the southern lands, and six men were pitted against him. Kardan had despatched four of them in the space of a few breaths, and would have slain the remainder had the drug-tongued art not found it's mark on his neck. Reeling from the narcotic, he still hurled himself at his opponents, finally succumbing as his blade dug into the belly of...
The Trials of Tannen 01: The First Adventure By Light Clark Synopsis: It was just a regular game night for Elizabeth, Claire, Mark, and Anthony until, suddenly, the lights went out. The next thing they knew, they were in another place, facing an annoying little boy. Strangely enough, the boy claimed to be a god, and that the only way for them to get home was to champion his cause by winning a grand contest. Like that, a very different game from the one they'd intended...
‘I am really sorry, Millie. We just have no other choice, sales are down and with all of the new costs piling up….?’ Ben Carter appeared sad as he gave her the bad news. Millicent did understand but it still hurt. After nearly six months on the new job that had taken her a full two months to find, she had barely gotten her feet back under herself again. She really liked the job, handling phone calls wanting delivery codes, directing sales calls to the right salesman, filling out forms for...
The exhilarating sound of giggling teenage girls interrupted the otherwise lazy spring Tuesday evening, but I remember it like yesterday. I opened the curtains and looked out of my second-floor bedroom window to watch the half-dozen pretty teen girls doing mock gymnastics in the backyard. Jenny, one of my daughter’s classmates, did the splits. Her skirt rode up and her white panties were displayed delightfully.The thin fabric hugged the pronounced shape of her tasty pubic mound perfectly, yet...
IncestDevyani Dutta was furious. She had just received a phone call from the detective agency that she had hired to spy upon her husband. An agent from Delhi just informed her that a girl had been visiting her husband in his hotel’s room for the last two nights. This night as well she was there… For more than two hours.“Sonofabitch… !” She fumed with anger as she cut the phone. “The bastard is busy screwing a bitch on his wedding anniversary.”She lay on her bed trying to control her rage. She looked...
My plans with Rachel are frustrated but another temptation arises.StephanieAlthough Rachel was an attractive girl and was pretty sociable she did not have a large group of friends, she tended to socialise with the c***dren of her parent’s friends. Mom and Dad had a wide group of friends most of whom had c***dren in their teens so there were plenty of people her age to be with.She did have one particular friend outside this group and that was Stephanie. She went to Junior High with Rachel...
All of my life, except for the first eight years, has been devoted to serving 'holy mother church' starting as an altar boy and progressing through the ranks until I took my vows. I was very sheltered as a child, and was guided in this path by my very Irish, very Catholic, parents. I attended all boys schools, and, as a result, I became somewhat awkward in the presence of women. Don't get me wrong! I know that they are different, and I can carry on a conversation with a woman on nearly any...
TabooDevyani Dutta was furious. She had just received a phone call from the detective agency that she had hired to spy upon her husband. An agent from Delhi just informed her that a girl had been visiting her husband in his hotel’s room for the last two nights. This night as well she was there… For more than two hours. “Sonofabitch… !” She fumed with anger as she cut the phone. “The bastard is busy screwing a bitch on his wedding anniversary.” She lay on her bed trying to control her rage. She...
IncestIt was too soon yet to know if mom had actually mentioned anything to Steven yet about what we'd done. But I figured she would eventually, if and when she finally decided. In the meantime, it was time to put another aspect of my dirty little plan into effect, especially as she was primed for it. I once again waited until I was sure that both Steven and Danny had left for the day, and then made my way down to the kitchen area. It was early yet, so I knew mom would no doubt be relaxing over an...
A chime rang out - awakening Oliver and his wife, Holly. Holly rolled with a groan and fumbled with her phone to shut off the alarm. Oliver sat up, stretching and rubbed his eyes. He looked over at his beautiful bride as she laid facedown in her pillow, shielding her eyes from the morning sunlight coming in through a skylight. Oliver smiled, feeling lucky to wake up to a girl he adored, every morning. He pulled the blanket off, revealing both their naked bodies. Holly shifted and sleepily...
Oliver 'Ollie' Jones took a deep breath, he was sitting at his desk in his home office. He took another sip of coffee, cringing at the temperature, as it had cooled down more than he expected. He hated cold coffee, he set the mug down further away, so he wouldn't make the same mistake. Ollie blinked, rubbing his strained eyes and focused back on his computer screen. Oliver was a freelance graphic designer that worked from home. He was mid twenties. Him and his wife, Holly, who was 21,...
We pulled into the driveway and Ani jumped out before I could even put the car in park. “Umm alright then. See ya!” Hoping she heard me. I wonder what’s suddenly wrong with her? Maybe her and Lindsey were having friend issues and had to talk it out, but she seemed fine up until we left the store. An image of her staring at the magazine rack flashed again in my head. Was she embarrassed that I caught her staring at the half-naked guys? Or was she traumatized that she had just seen her...
She hates me picking her up around our classmates because my car is the old family car. So, instead she walks 3 extra blocks from the school’s normal pickup area over to to the local pharmacy and waits for me to pick her up there. My friends had new SUV’s or cars, at least new-er, so I definitely felt her pain. Her long brown hair smacked me in the face as a huge gust of wind hit the car. “You should cut your hair a little, Ani” I said rolling the window back up. She turned to me and...
--- Deep beneath the snowy landscape, down beneath the dirt and the earth and the roots of tall trees. Past layer upon layer of rock, there is a cavern. Not any ordinary cavern with stalactites and cave bats and salt. No, this cavern was a throne room. Intricately carved and pillared with giant formations of dark crystals. Any sound in this cathedral-like crypt would echo broadly around the chamber. The chamber was full of people, and yet it was totally and utterly silent. Not one person...
Finally turning in my direction, Joe just gave me a confused look. “Ummmm, 7?” The girls he had just been talking to burst out laughing. Joe turned back to talk to them, and I tried to hold back my anger. In as calm a voice as I could manage, I announced, “Office.” Joe turned and looked back at me, confused again. Regaining at least a semblance of my composure, I stated, “Go to the office now.” Joe still looked confused. Then smiling he hooked his thumb over his shoulder pointing...
As my eyes opened, I stared at the unfamiliar ceiling above me. Remembering where I was, I turned my head to look at the other side of the bed. All I saw was a mass of light brunette hair, as the girl in my bed (our bed!) was still asleep, on her side facing away from me. Somehow, despite the mess the hair was in, it was still beautiful to me. She had managed to pull the single sheet completely onto her side and was now cuddling it, leaving her naked back and the top of her butt visible to...
Synopsis: The last chapter opened with Sandra telling Jim and Bette that Jeff had ‘come out,’ and given over to his homosexual instincts. Jim and Bette have gone to a party at Satin Studios. Su Lin and Stick are there, as is Cynthia, Hollywood’s ‘most famous madam’ who is eager to obtain Bette for her stable of working girls. Feeling cornered, Jim decides to look around. He believes this is the moment of truth. Chapter 14: Paying the Piper I laid in that rumpled bed for a long time, trying...
Synopsis: Jim and Bette have enlisted Sandra and Jeff to attend the swing parties at Satin Studios. During the latest party, one of the call girls (who works part of the time at Carol’s direction) tells Jim what she knows of the true nature of Satin Studio’s business. Jim has left her and is looking for Carol to demand an explanation. Chapter 9: On the Job Training Steve and Carol were in the office. Steve was seated at a small electronic console watching a TV screen, while Carol watched over...
Synopsis: Jim seems to be getting in deeper and deeper. At the last meeting at Satin Studios, Carol tells him that Carmine knows he saw the tape where Carmine was sucking Jeff, and isn’t pleased about it. After taking his two ladies downtown, Jim stops at a topless bar where he meets a stripper with an unusual background. He takes her home and discovers she was a virgin. The Last Party I was shocked and suddenly very concerned. I couldn’t remember anything she had said that would have given...
Chapter 7: In For a Penny Our second night at the studio was much like the first, except that nobody had to disrobe since none of us had dressed. We gathered again in the room furnished with tumbling mats and soft furniture, and watched another tableau. I suppose it was a variation on an old theme — the family that plays together stays together. In this case, the family consisted of mother and son. Blair led his mother out on the stage and showed the audience how rewarding it could be for...
Synopsis: Jim has been forced to push Bette into prostitution. She goes reluctantly, but quickly discovers there’s real money in sex. She’s just made her first really big score, and has brought another prostitute home with her — who turns out to be Louise! Working Girls I whirled. It was Louise! I saw at once that she had changed. She was heavier, had another line or two in her face, and she sported one hell of a black eye. But the real change was in her eyes and the shape of her mouth. ...
Synopsis: Tonight, the girls have gone downtown to try their luck. Jim followed them into the hotel and watched as they picked up their first customers of the night. Meanwhile, someone was standing behind Jim. Chapter 12: The Virgin Stripper Su Lin stood behind me, a happy, welcoming smile on her face. She looked good. The form fitting red minidress she wore complemented her honey complexion, vivid makeup and black hair. I invited her to sit down and signalled to the waitress. ‘I’m glad to...
Synopsis: In the last chapter, Jim and Bette accepted an invitation to a weekend swing party. The party continues: * * * * * Bridget grinned at me. ‘I do love to pet a man’s bum, I do,’ she said in her lilting accent. She was lushly, gloriously, naked. She happily crawled up my body and offered her right breast to my mouth. ‘Is this what you wanted, then?’ she asked. ‘Yes, dear,’ I said, ‘but let me catch my breath, first. That little girl drained me.’ ‘Yes, she does that,’ Bridget agreed....
Synopsis: Jim’s having second thoughts about his impulsive agreeing to become a partner in Satin Studios, mainly because of two strangers, men with many gangster characteristics who had attended Jim’s first board meeting. Carol gave him his first assignment. He (and Bette) were to recruit another attractive couple to join the Satin Studio swing parties. They have invited Sandra and Jeff to dinner. ***** After returning with the drinks — wine for Sandy, a liqueur for Jeff, and highballs for...
You unlock the door as you come home from work. As you walk in, closing the door behind you, you notice that there is a light on down the hall. Did you leave a light on? You put your keys down and start down the hall to find where the light is coming form. You notice that the bathroom door is pulled almost closed but there is a glow behind it. You slowly push the door open. The smell of vanilla greets you as candles burn softly from various spots around the room. The bathtub is full of...
Now that Sister Katherine and I had mated several times, Magdalene had informed me that her work here was done. Since I had now accepted and embraced physical pleasure as an important part of my life, She felt compelled to seek out others and leave me to explore the depths of my feelings. Last night, I received a phone call from the convent on the other side of the church. Apparently there were some plumbing issues and, since it was after hours, could I come over and snake out some pipes,...
It was Saturday afternoon, and I was hearing confessions as always. And as always, there hadn’t been much traffic. I’d had a lot of time to think, to reflect on last weeks happenings. How did I let myself be drawn into having sex with a parishioner? Could I face this woman again, and be stronger this time? I looked at my watch: a quarter to five, I’ll be closing up and going to dinner soon. Perhaps last week was an aberration and I had nothing to worry about. Then I heard the soft footfalls...
All of my life, except for the first eight years, has been devoted to serving ‘holy mother church’ starting as an altar boy and progressing through the ranks until I took my vows. I was very sheltered as a child, and was guided in this path by my very Irish, very Catholic, parents. I attended all boys schools, and, as a result, I became somewhat awkward in the presence of women. Don’t get me wrong! I know that they are different, and I can carry on a conversation with a woman on nearly any...
I received a call late last night from the convent on the other side of the church, something about a plumbing problem. Could I come over and fix it? I was met at the door by Sister Katherine, who led me downstairs to the basement. Katherine led me trough the cellar door, only to be confronted by a bright red curtain. Katherine leaned up and kissed me as her hand caressed my cassock covered cock and pulled the curtain aside. I had never been here before and you can imagine my shock as I saw...
It has been over a month since the young slut named Magdalene entered my confessional, changing my life forever. I have become addicted to the scent and taste of her sex. When she appears, all I want to do is please her, knowing that my reward will be a glorious orgasm, in her mouth, on her breasts, or in her pussy. Feeling her warmth and wetness as I explode inside her luscious body. I look forward every Saturday to our unholy meetings, my cock hard and ready, anticipating another depraved...
Tommy was shattered. At eighteen, you expect to have enough energy for anything and everything, so it comes as kind of a shock when you find yourself worn out. Okay, so he had had a long day today. Well, yesterday technically.Stacking shelves at the store from six until noon, his regular Saturday job, followed by a football game in the afternoon, then a few drinks with the guys, then helping Mom with the birthday party for little sis and cleaning up after it.How the hell did a bunch of...
IncestMy Name is Monica Rodriguez; I’m currently a senior in high school and at the top of my class. I’ve always been school first as in regards to my social life but now that high school is coming to an end, I’ve been branching off into the social world being that it’s a house party, bon fire, or even the occasional club scene (Thank you fake I.D). Now as for my appearance I’m original from Puerto Rican and have the darker skin to prove it, have long dark hair stopping just before my lower back and...
FetishA week had passed after I had held my first private English lesson. I had swapped careers, moving from my steady job in engineering to pursue my vocation as an English teacher. Now, I was reconsidering the wisdom of the whole thing, given the lapse in judgement with my first student. Emily was due for her second tutorial in the afternoon, and I was anxious about how things would turn out after her first visit. I would be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about her. I had relived that moment when...
TabooI was never cut out to be a tutor in the traditional sense. Standing up in front of a class of students, attempting to keep them engaged isn’t how I roll. I know my subject inside out and back to front. English grammar, literature and style is my thing and I enjoy imparting my knowledge. But writing on a blackboard – that wasn’t me. So, after 20 years in engineering, I decided to switch careers and turn my hobby into a job. I did the course in teacher training – I already had my BSc and set...
SeductionRin's POV Jayden and I had been staying at Reid's penthouse for a couple of weeks now. We'd had sex nearly every day for the first week until Jayden said we needed a break from it, saying he worried my pussy would get used to his dick and it wouldn't feel as good. I found it funny. I could never get used to Jayden's dick. I awake in Jayden's bed alone. There are no windows in the room counting on the fact a vampire owned the home. The only way to tell what time of day it is, is by looking at...
SupernaturalTraveling mainly by night, I manage to bring Rin and I to Cancun. With it being sunny in these parts Jasco and Draven wouldn't dare search for us here, though it isn't impossible. I figured we'd be safer here since even I feared going out during the day. Rin hadn't said much since we escaped. Even when I got us a hotel suite with only one bed, Rin hadn't said a word. We'd been here for three days and I feared I'd never hear her voice again. Whenever I heard her stomach growl and asked her if...
SupernaturalJayden's POV Why had Draven sent Lennox with me that night? If it hadn't been for my ex watching from a distance under Draven's orders, Rin wouldn't be a prisoner now. All because we danced, we kissed, and Lennox could not handle that. Jealous over a mere mortal, yet being my elder brother's mate. Rin had not minded spending her eighteenth birthday a prisoner, though a sadness swept over her at times. I had tried to make her birthday as decent as manageable, but after being stuck twenty for a...
SupernaturalI was 23 living with my beautiful girlfriend Kourtney (20), we’d been lucky in life, I had been left a pot of money which put us higher up the property ladder amongst giving us other luxuries.That’s where this story started, we came into some money, not enough to support our lives forever, but certainly enough to give us a foot up. Kourtney was ambitious, she immediately wanted to sell up and start looking into becoming a property developer.She looked like the type of person that was able to...
My name is Jim. I love fucking white femboys and crossdressers with my black dick. I first saw porn when I was way too young, thanks to a step brother. I grew up watching girls scream and moan from hard anal. Soon anal was all I wanted to watch. When I was a teen, we got the internet. I first saw transsexual porn then. I loved to see their big tits and nipples, their made up faces and long hair, their asses and sexy legs, their high heels, and their big cocks. When I was young, I...
Being the relatively new girl in the office, Camila presents a demeanour of shyness that is tantalising alluring. There is a mystique about her that beckons to be discovered. I would guess her age at mid to late thirties and although I am some fifteen to twenty years older than her, I do look much younger than my actual age, so many people tell me. For that reason I live in hope that she might still consider me as mate material.Oh how I long to hold her in my arms and feel her slender hips...
Then: Induja Nair, Mrs. Nair’s sister-in-law, gave in to Prof Jayant’s advances and both of them made out in the penthouse while Mrs. Nair was in Baba Sadachari’s ashram. Aamir, the 18-year-old son of Junaid Khan, who had a crush on his teacher Induja, witnessed her in bed with Prof Jayant and was filled up with rage. Aamir was escorting Mrs. Nair home when it started to rain. Now: Mrs. Nair and Aamir were rushing to the penthouse of Prem Nivas while it rained and by the time they reached her...