- 3 years ago
- 24
- 0
‘I am really sorry, Millie. We just have no other choice, sales are down and with all of the new costs piling up….?’ Ben Carter appeared sad as he gave her the bad news.
Millicent did understand but it still hurt. After nearly six months on the new job that had taken her a full two months to find, she had barely gotten her feet back under herself again.
She really liked the job, handling phone calls wanting delivery codes, directing sales calls to the right salesman, filling out forms for them and directing those to the shipment department.
She had noticed that the phone rang less and less, and it had worried her.
Ben Carter was good to work for, there had never been any pressure. He was well into his fifties, slightly balding and a bit chubby, the reading glasses perched on the very tip of his nose constantly.
Millie stood up, Ben held out his hand, wishing her good luck. The promise of a good reference might help some, she knew. A tear slipped out and down her cheek, she turned her head to hide that, reaching up to wipe it away.
Nothing seemed to ever work out for her, she thought as she started her 10 year old Hyundai in the parking lot. She glanced at the gas guage, it read barely 1/4 of a tank. She had meant to stop and fill it just that morning but the sign read $4.29 per gallon, up again from just a few days before.
She had waited to buy some, hoping perhaps it might go down some by weekend. Silly of course, the difference would probably be less than a dollar but every dollar was precious.
At her 3rd floor apartment, she put down her things and sat in her chair, joined instantly by Max, her undersized little white cat.
She remembered the day she had found it near death, huddled cold and soaking wet under the hedge in the parking lot, crying. It was only a baby, no bigger than the palm of her hand. How it got there, alone, discarded, she had no idea.
She was tempted to walk on by, it was not her problem, but then the tiny thing let out a small yowl.
Not really able to afford a pet, she took it inside anyway and dried it, warmed it. Then she shared some of her own precious milk. After, she held the tiny thing closely to her breast so it could feel her heartbeat.
The bond was complete, Max was the only thing in the world that loved her with no reservations.
Now grown, Max curled up expecting to be petted, quite content with it’s own place in the world.
Max did not care that she was broke, alone.
‘Why couldn’t I have been born a Cat?’ Millie thought to herself. They have it made, food always there whenever it wanted, someone to pet it and make it feel good, a warm corner on the soft bed?
Tomorrow. She would go try and find another job tomorrow. Tilting the badly worn easy chair back, she slept right there in her tiny living room.
When her Mom had passed away, that left Millie alone in the world. There were no brothers, sisters. Not even an Aunt or Uncle. She remembered her father barely, a kind man that left every day and came home dirty, exhausted.
Then one day he was gone and she and her mother were alone. When her Mom explained that her Dad had gone on to heaven she did not completely understand until later.
There was the house, and her Mother’s old Hyundai, that was something. Then she discovered that her Mother had mortgaged the house to pay for her trade school. Plus going through the records, there was more debt.
The house which she had thought was an asset was a liability, even if she got it’s full value that would not cover the mortgage.
For several months Millie managed to make the payments, she really did want to keep the small place. It was familiar, home. The carefree early years growing up were spent in that house.
The day came when there was not enough money to cover the payment, that led to a string of letters from the bank, then finally one day it was over. She had already sold everything there was of value, the only thing she had left to sell…was herself.
That actually did cross her mind, she had had sex with one young man about a dozen times so it wasn’t like she did not know what to do.
But Millie could not bring herself to do that, no matter what.
Millie moved to the tiny apartment. About the only good thing was the roof did not leak, even the floors were not level. It took her a dozen serious scrubbings to get the toilet and bathtub clean enough that she could use them.
Two younger men lived directly underneath her, they both sported tattoos and spiked hair, plus one of them had a guitar.
At first she was mildly frightened of them, but then she came to realize that they liked each other and had no interest in her.
They were nice enough to tone the noise down by 10 PM so that wasn’t too bad.
The older woman that lived next door always had a sour expression on her face so they nearly never talked any.
The first of every month the big heavy set man named Carl pounded on her door, she knew when he was coming because he started in 3 doors down and worked his way to her door.
She would answer and hand him the envelope with the $395.00 inside it, opening the door just enough to do that.
That first Month she had answered the door in her robe, the man leered at the few inches of flesh showing at her throat. She had gripped it tightly closed with one hand when she realized.
He made her very uncomfortable, calling her ‘babe’ or ‘sweetheart’ or something like that every time he saw her. His eyes were always darting to her chest or legs, and he made a few suggestions about how the rent might be ‘discounted.’.
But she could not afford to move, her first job barely left enough for her to buy food, then when she was laid off the unemployment checks were even less.
When she found the job working for Ben Carter, she was beside herself with happiness. The pay there was not much better but after six months, she would get medical benefits and a raise.
Millie worked as hard as she could, doing her very best. Ben was nice to work for and she wanted that job.
But there was a union that took a small portion of her pay each week. Because of that, how hard she worked did not matter, what did was the seniority and she had almost none.
Now? It was back to the streets, knocking on doors. She had enough cash for one more month’s rent and just a few dollars more.
Millie headed out just after 9 AM, carefully locking her door even though she was well aware that by jiggling it up and down the lock would slip.
There was nothing to take, her main worry was that Max would be safe.
By evening she came back home, depressed at her day. One store after another, one place of business then another, all of it was the same.
Checking her mail, she saw the cell phone bill. She knew she could pay that this time, next month would be a problem.
Max slid into her lap again, unconcerned. She could tell from the way he was acting that he wanted food, so she opened the drawer and got out one of the little tins of Salmon paste for him, carefully measuring out two tablespoons.
Placing the tin in the fridge, she saw she had a partial loaf of bread, a small jar of mayonaise and some pickle relish.
There was nothing else.
It hit her how hungry she was, the slice of toast she had for her breakfast did not go very far. She looked again at the tin of Salmon paste, picked it up and smelled it.
It smelled all right.
She got a bowl, mixed some mayo and relish with a spoon full of the Cat food, made a sandwich.
Holding her breath, she took a bite.
It was surprisingly good. Looking down, Max sat there watching her.
‘I’m sorry, but I am hungry too.’ She said to him.
Giggling almost insanely, she went and sat down, turning on her radio. Max climbed
into her lap, giving her what she took to be a disgusted look at the idea of her eating his food.
‘I really was hungry too, honey.’ She said out loud again, stroking the animal which instantly arched it’s back in pleasure.
The last thought in her mind was that tomorrow she would walk the three miles downtown to the welfare office, apply for food stamps.
She hated that, she would much rather work and earn her way if she could. The sad faces of the other people there always depressed her even more.
Millie was six blocks from the government office when she saw the sign.
‘Waitress, good tips!’ It read. Looking up at the neon sign above, it read ‘Girls Girls Girls! All nude!’
The windows were all painted black. Just then an older man walked by and up to the doorway, looking her up and down with interest.
There was a blast of gaudy music as the door opened and he went in.
Lord. No way could she ever wait tables in a place like that. She walked right on down the street.
On the way back with the emergency stipend in her purse, she again saw the sign. Millie stopped, stood there for several minutes, her mind in a turmoil.
The emergency funds she had received were enough for less than a week, and she had nothing else except for the unemployment checks that would arrive in a couple of weeks.
The temptation to go in and see if she could get the job was very strong, but her pride overwhelmed that, so she went home.
The next day, the sign was gone. After that, one day bled into another as she went further and further in search of a job, any job.
The landlord came by to get the rent, she heard him coming a couple of doors away like always.
Millie actually deliberately dressed in her robe, thinking maybe if he wanted, she might let him see something for a discount?
The man had made so many suggestions, what could it hurt? It would be so easy, she told herself.
At the last moment she chickened out, handing the envelope through the door like always.
The next day, she walked by the bar with the painted out windows. The sign was back up.
Taking a deep breath, she walked in.
The blast of music stopped her for a moment, oddly she could barely hear that from outside. It was almost pitch dark except for over in the corner where bright lights flooded a stage.
There was no one on the stage, two men sat in chairs right at the edge of it.
She surveyed the place, it wasn’t much but did look clean. There was an alcove off to the side, a pool table and a row of gaming machines. One older man sat there absentmindedly tapping a button.
The bartender came out of the back room carrying a case of something, he spotted her and grinned.
Millie noticed that he was fairly good looking and well built, perhaps a year or two older than her own 25.
‘Whatcha gonna have, honey?’ He asked, looking her up and down carefully. Millie was dressed in her only gray business suit and white blouse, she was suddenly aware that she probably did not look at all like any of his normal customers.
‘I was…the sign outside..It said you need a waitress?’ She managed to stammer.
‘Oh. You a waitress?’ He got a suspicious look on his face, turned around and began stacking bottles.
‘No, I am a recept…yes, I have worked as a waitress.’ She told him. She had once, behind a cafe counter when she was in school.
She knew she was very close to turning and running.
‘Yea? Well, you are cute enough, maybe a little skinny. The job pays minimum wage plus tips, half the tips go to the bartender.’
‘That’s me!’ He grinned when she didn’t answer.
‘I see. Are the tips usually pretty good?’ She asked.
‘Yea, a hundred a night, maybe more if you flirt and show a little tit.’ He looked at Millie’s chest.
‘Hard to tell in that outfit if you even got any!’ He laughed like that was funny, Millie blushed at his inspection.
‘I’ve…I have…’ She started to protest, then closed her mouth.
She really was not used to discussing her body with strangers at all, her face flushed furiously and she could not meet his eyes.
‘Bashful, huh? That’s cute as hell, the guys just might love it if you can keep that act up. Hey, ya have some skimpy panties, shortie shorts, a pushup bra, some shit like that? Assuming ya got anything to push up.’ He laughed again at his wisecrack.
‘Ya can wear anything ya want but when on the floor ya gotta wear bottoms. It’s the law.’ He added.
Millie stared at him.
‘Health rules.’ He said.
‘I see.’ Millie just stood there.
‘Well?’ He asked, then he smiled like he was amused at her reaction.
‘I am…I have…yes, I have other clothes.’
‘OK.’ He turned and yelled.
‘Sally! Get yer dead ass out here and back to work, this ain’t yer god damn vacation!’
A woman came out from the back, she had on a nearly sheer tube top and a pair of white shorts that were the smallest Millie had ever seen. She glanced at Millie with disinterest and went behind the bar.
‘Come on.’ The man turned and headed for the back, Millie followed along reluctantly. Once inside the tiny office, he reached around her and shoved the door shut. That mercifully blocked out most of the overly loud music, but now she felt trapped.
‘So. What’s yer name?’ The man plopped himself down in an overstuffed chair behind a battered wooden desk.
‘Millicent.’ She told him. The man looked at her and mouthed the word ‘Millicent.’
‘Man, that is a fucking mouthful, how about I call you Sissy? My name is Jay, by the way. The Pink Pussycat is my joint.’
‘I see. Well, can I try the job?’ Millie asked.
‘Yea, sure. Maybe. Let’s see yer tits.’
‘Yer tits! I wanna to see yer tits, hell, if they ain’t cute I can’t use you and I can’t tell with that outfit you got on.’ He reached into a box and pulled out a crooked looking cigar.
‘I thought you wanted a waitress?’
‘I do, but if you wanna make any money, ya gotta show a little skin. Let’m peek out for the guys that tip good.’
‘You want me to…take off my..blouse?’ Millie felt her face flame again.
‘Yea! God that is cute, hey, can you turn all pink like that whenever ya want to? Man, that would be great.’ He took a puff off of his smelly cigar, leaned back.
‘Look, I need work but…I have never…’ She looked down. She was very close to crying.
‘Well, I ain’t got all day here. If ya want the job I gotta see them, so either whip them out or take off.’
‘I don’t want to be a…dancer.’ She told him, almost in a whisper.
‘Yea, waitress. That’s what the sign says. Ya bend over and serve drinks, guys get a peek at yer boob and they tip. That’s where the money comes from. So you need to have nice looking titties!’ His jaw clamped down on the cigar.
Millie sighed and steeled herself, reached up and took off the gray vest. Then she began to undo the buttons on her blouse. She peeled that back, revealing her white bra.
Looking at him he motioned for her to hurry up.
Taking a deep breath, Millie unclipped the bra.
Only two men in her life had ever seen her naked breasts except for the old Doctor her Mom took her to.
He must have been seventy at least. She had been mortified when the old Doctor had felt her breasts all over, even using his thumb and forefingers to roll her nipples.
Then she had to lay there on the table while he felt her insides, too. She had barely resisted the sudden urge to clamp her legs together when he stuck his head under the sheet, but it was too late for that by then.
She had tried as hard as she could to think of something else while the man was doing that, but she couldn’t. She was completely aware of the touch, she could feel his finger as he slid it completely insid
e, and thankful that it was brief.
The other man was actually just a boy, she had allowed him to touch and play with her on their senior prom night. She had on pantyhose and panties and the boy was trying to figure out a way into them. That actually had felt sort of good, but then she made him stop when she realized he had his zipper down and his thing was sticking out.
She had wanted to reach out and touch it, it looked so hard. But she didn’t have the courage.
Then there was a young man Millie had dated when she was in trade school.
That young man had pressed the issue of sex, telling her he loved her until finally she had given in and he took her virginity. That was very quick the first time.
After that, there had been a dozen or so sessions of sex, Millie found that she really did enjoy it and she finally got to touch one.
But one day he had become bored with her and moved on.
That was very close to the time when her Mother had passed, all of that had strangely helped in a way for her to survive the broken heart.
She had made up her mind after that, she would never again give herself to any male unless she was completely sure.
Now here she was baring her breasts to this crude man, just to get a job.
She looked up to see his reaction.
‘Damn! You sure don’t need to go hiding those, Honey! They ain’t very big but man are they pretty! Yea, you got the job, you start tonight at 7, OK?’
She had expected him to demand to see the rest but he didn’t and she was glad. She was fairly sure she would not have done that.
Back at home, Millie sat and petted Max, her mind in complete turmoil.
She even went so far as to apologize to the cat, explaining out loud that she had to do what she was going to do so she could feed him, too. Max seemed to understand, turning to place his front feet against her belly and begin pushing.
‘It’s just for a little while, honey. Until I can find a real job.’ She said out loud.
A few minutes befere 7 PM, Millie walked in the door at the Pink Pussycat. She wore a pair of dark shorts, they were only a little bit snug but the closest she had to anything sexy. She also had on a halter top she wore to the beach and the park on sunny days.
She had practiced at her apartment in front of the mirror, if she pushed her shoulder forward while leaning over, she could get just the upper edge of her nipple into view.
Lord. Millie could not believe that she was even doing that. Plus that man, the man who owned the bar? He had sat there looking at her naked breasts like he was inspecting a car for sale.
She had worn her coat over the outfit for the walk to work even though it was hot outside.
‘Hey, Sissy! On time, too? The last girl thought she could come and go whenever she wanted to. This is Carla, she will show ya the ropes and where I keep all of the shit, OK?’ Jay called out over the music when he saw her.
The day shift bartender she knew was named Sally walked by, giving her a glance as she left.
Carla was a short and very busty little brunette, her face had a big smile on it all the time. The first shock was when Carla served a table and one of the men reached out and rubbed her fanny, Carla didn’t even flinch. She did squirm away with a laugh when the man tried to slip his fingers up the front of her shorts.
‘There is a reason you want the shorts real tight, Sissy. If they aren’t, you might end up with some jerk’s finger up your snatch.’ She laughed like that was a joke.
‘You need to get some better tops too, honey. You look like a Nun.’ Carla added with a grin.
The 2nd shock was when a tired looking woman came out on stage and wandered around for the first couple of songs in a tiny G-string. She was topless, her heavy breasts sagging quite a bit.
Then she lay down on her back, unclipped the G-string and spread her legs as wide as they would go. The display was extremely blatant. A man sitting in the front row tossed a couple of dollars onto the stage.
Millie steeled herself to that, did her best to ignore everything that was going on. By the end of her first shift she knew most of the drinks, by the end of the first week she was very good at slipping sideways out of the reach of groping hands.
There seemed to be a solid string of men coming in and leaving, the small place stayed very busy.
At home the first night, she petted Max and counted and recounted the $56.00 that was her half of the tips.
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ExhibitionismBreck, Bobbie, and their parents were out the door heading to the family car for a long trip out to the campground for the summer. Breck hadn’t really wanted to go, as it was always the same old boring thing. But Bobbie had convinced him otherwise. Standing next to the car as he was complaining she whispered in his ear “if you promise not to complain or tell I’ll make it worth your while” in a sexy voice ending with a nibble on his ear. The two were brother and sister, but as Bobbie was the...
"I, Nicola Christine Thomas," I whisper as tears start to trickle from my eyes. "Take you, Sarah Jennifer Phillips..." "Beep," the minister says, derailing my train of thought. "Beep, beep, beep, beep...." I let out a long sigh as the pristine white veil of my wedding dress is replaced by the dark brown veil of my hair, which had flopped down in front of my face whilst I was sleeping. "Morning," I whisper to the beautiful girl whose face is the first thing I see every morning when I...
Sisterhood III: Emily's First Cock Sucking Session!Emily, a nubile, virgin sixteen year old girl had been caught by her eighteen years old sister Grace, a total slut who was sucking off John, a man she had invited over to her parents house while they were out. Grace had decided, that so she couldn't tell on her to their parents what she was doing, she would then turn her younger sister into a total slut like her, and have John be the first.Already she had caught Emily masturbating while...
Oral SexChap 3 The doctor left leaving a small box with the woman. "Now we can start making you look good." the younger woman smiled "My name is sonya we shall get to know each other a lot over the next few weeks." She sat me in the chair before the dressing table opening a drawer she pulled out a chest which when opened revealed makeup. She took some sponges out first and a small bottle. For the next 90 minutes she walked me through applying makeup. When we had finished I looked very...
i'd been going to the nearest state park for a few weeks just to get out of the house and get some sun. i still didn't go out dressed except for having my bits taped flat and in a bra and panties. i was wearing a pink lace matching bra and pantie set with a masculine shirt and jean shorts. The day was warm, sunny with a nice breeze.i had been reading in my usual spot when i heard the familiar rumble of Johns' Harley-Davidson coming up the road. We'd met about month before. i was reading as...
My friend, Adam and I went home to him. He is three years older than me. I´m 19, we work at the same company. A oil pipeline company. We have been busy lately with work so now it was our week off. We have been planning this week for over three months. We wanted to spend at his house and with his family. I have my family that lives far, far away from where I was working. “ We are almost there,” he saidAs we got closer, I saw a big villa just outside of the city. He was driving the car. A BMW X5....
My ex husband and I had been divorced for about three years. We managed to stay civil when we were around each other although I still had some bitter feelings about the break up. But I knew that I would always care about him and he about me so there was a bond there even though we had moved on and were both remarried. He had settled down with a much younger woman who was probably able to satisfy him physically and emotionally because he could be very dominating and I married an older gentleman...
Shower Fantasy I just got out of the shower, having spent about the last half hour in there by myself and thinking of you. You were there with me, in my fantasy only, but still very much there and we had a wonderful time. A very much needed time...I got into the shower and fel the hot water streaming down over my body. As hot as I was, I could still feel it's heat on my skin and felt my body come alive as my hands moved over it, washing my skin with the bar of soap. I always loved the feeling...
Jefferson McElroy silently stole down the path to his favorite fishing hole. He had cut school to engage in his number one hobby. If his dad or mom caught him skipping school, it would probable cost him a little hide, but it was a nice spring day and he didn’t really care. Like most fourteen year old boys he wasn’t interested in the future. Today is what he lived for. He rounded the bend around a thick brush patch two hundred yards from his spot. A faint mewling sound like a wounded cat...
Marie had shoulder length brown hair, was less than five foot tall and had an innocent air about her that I found really appealing. When she was embarrassed her face just looked so angelic and she would flush bright red, looking at the floor. She had a great figure for such a small girl which she inadvertently showed off when she wore low cut tops, not really low but they would show a fair portion of her breasts. She was 15 when she met my son Lee. They had been going out for a while before...
She took it too far! I was in my room one night, just lying in bed lightly petting after watching my neighbor slowly undress herself, she always knew I was watching, but still she pretended to be oblivious. It became a weekly ritual, my very on peep show as it were.All of a sudden, we were interrupted by a phone call. I knew straight away it was my mistress. You would never think to look at her that she was capable of such a role, she was quite petite with big blue eyes, long blonde hair and a...
I’m surprised by what flows out as I write the story. Yes, it started out being a very autobiographical account, however has now crossed in to a strictly fictional space. I’m sure a few years of analysis will help me sort it all out! You’ve almost got to read the first parts of this story to understand what’s going on, but for those with short attentions, I’d suggest starting at chapter 7 and reading from there… The next morning I woke to the smell of bacon and eggs. Matt had ordered room...
At this hour, the hotel bar is almost deserted, has the air of a third world airport V.I.P. lounge. Its lingering weekend clientele consisting of couples bored with the night, bored with each other. They are refugees from their rooms awaiting an intervention, some miracle to airlift them from the tragedy of their lives. Clare eases herself onto the barstool and tries to settle her bum. But it still hurts down there, the aching a nagging reminder of James's cock and the protracted pounding she...
Wife LoversI adopted the French manner, purchasing a fresh baguette and some cheese for my mid-day meal and wandering down to the quay of the island to eat and reflect or simply watch boats on the Seine as life went on. It was on a fine spring day that I sat eating cheese and still warm bread and espied a young lady watching me from another bench. When I looked up, she held my eye and said, "Bonjour." "Bonjour," I answered. She paused and smiled, then switched to English, "Ah, I think from your...
Slim, tattooed brunette Victoria Sunshine has long legs and a fit, petite frame. She shows off her body in lingerie through a sensual opening tease, stripping and playing with herself. Before long, the newbie nympho meets up with director/stud Mick Blue, opening up with him about her love for sodomy. Mick eats her soaking wet cunt and then slides a dildo into her sphincter. When she’s ready, he subjects her to a serious anal dick-down! Victoria masturbates as Mick plows her asshole,...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: This is a continuation of My First Experience with Josh please enjoy My continuing exploration After that night with Josh we both got up at around nine and had to be ready by ten. So we each quickly took a shower and decided to grab something from the continental breakfast. We were the only ones down there at the time so Josh decides that this is a good time to have a talk. So, Dan, I didnt sleep well last night thinking about what we did. It wasnt right. I am not gay. I know I...
Chapter 51 Camille He had apologized for not lasting as long as usual. ‘But most people my age are dead,’ he said in his defense. She giggled at his statement, kissed him and got out his bed. ‘Whatever you say old man but once again you fucked the hell out of me. I should charge you extra but you are one of the few that make sure I have an orgasm so you owe me the usual.’ ‘In the envelope, as usual.’ He got out of bed and took her hand then led her to the kitchen. He took a pork roast out...
Hey readers, this is Atul once again from Mumbai and I will be narrating the third and final part of sex with 2 virgin sisters. I am sure you all must have read my earlier two parts and liked it as well. So without wasting much time, I will start my story after a hectic but a fruitful day and I came back to my dealer’s office around 6:30 pm. We were tired but obviously happy that it was a successful day for us and I then asked my dealer as how to go to bungalow, since he was staying exactly...
March, 1985, Chicago, Illinois I was getting a bit antsy about Callie’s lawsuit. I hadn’t heard anything from my attorney, and decided to call his office on Monday at lunch. Mr. Klein wasn’t in, but his secretary said that he would be in court on Tuesday morning for a hearing on the motion to dismiss. “Is that something I could attend?” I asked. “You could, but trust me, it’s likely to be the most boring thirty minutes of your entire life. Both sides submitted written briefs. The judge...
After our romantic weekend, I decided to stay in Paris with Sarah for a few more days. One afternoon, we stopped at a sidewalk café for an afternoon drink. As we enjoyed our wine I told Sarah that I had invited Kat for dinner. “Kat is going to treat us,” I explained. “Well, you dropped enough money in her store the other day.” “And you loved every minute, didn’t you? We’re meeting her tonight at 8.”I knew what the evening would bring and dressed accordingly: a sheer see-through blouse and one...
This story is based on the "Chronicles of Gor" novels written by John Norman. I claim no rights to these characters, ideas or specifics listed here. This story is a work of fan fiction. Chapter Twelve Fifth Hand, First Day of the Month of Camerius Four Months Ago It seemed as though we would never arrive at the Slave Bells. The trip took months. We stopped often to pick up additional slaves that Master had...
Drops of hot water splashed against my skin, washing away the herbal soap along with dirt and sweat after a very long workout. Turning of the water, I almost turned it back on. The warmth and wetness felt safe, and somehow comforting. Looking into the mirror, I could still manage to feel pleased by the sight of my own body. Shaped by countless hours of running and training martial arts, muscles are clearly defined and complemented by the pale and naked skin. It had been a long journey to this...
BEYOND HUMILIATION Chapter 1 - Holiday Planning Back in November 2012 I wrote a story called "How Humiliating". It told how Stephen, an occasional and secret cross-dresser, was caught out by his wife Sandra and forced, through a series of humiliating experiences, to confront and come to terms with his obsession. Although angry with Stephen for him not being open and honest about his desires, Sandra found the whole idea of cross-dressing strangely exciting and...
It was an early summer evening. I had been out with some friendsfor a late dinner when suddenly one of them became ill. So ourplans fell through and I returned home earlier than expected.As I entered the front door, I noticed that the TV in the den wason. The den is accessible from the hall via an open door and fromthe kitchen via a swinging door. A shuttered "window" also lookedin on it from the kitchen. It was originally supposed to be adining room, but with k**s formal dining rooms are...
MEDDLING WITH MANDY By ANNE GRAY This is a work of fiction. The author does not condone or promote any activitythat is not entirely consensual! I waited, watching closely as Mandy's chest rose, straining against the multiplerestraints, to inhale air through the hollow nostril tubes. As soon as I judgedher lungs were as full as they were going to get I abruptly hit the computerkey that activated the program and closed the air intake of the gas mask clampedover her face. No air could pass through...
Introductions were made over drinks at the small bar that came with the suite. I forgot their names almost immediately. I didn't give a fuck about their names. I'd brought them up here for two reasons. The cocks between their legs and their help in beginning the process of turning my new girlfriend Carol into a slut. I'd chosen Larry and Curly for their lean, athletic bodies that promised stamina for long, hard fucking. Probably close to my age in their twenties. Mo... I'd chosen Mo because of...
My mother an I were close , mom was 45 . Not a bad look.n lady , short, small tits, wide hips. Fat flabby ass,I loved to check out my mom , up skirt , undressing , pante shots etc. one afternoon I went to the bathroom to J/o I found a pair of moms dirty panties . I picked them up they were so soft an I could smell Her pussy an ass sweat , my dick was getting hard . Her panties were light pink , sheer ,nylon briefs. I pull down my pants an I just had to try on Moms underwear , the crotch was...
Hi all. Aman this side. I’m 5″11 and my penis(lund) size is a nice 7.6 inches.. Really hard and deep slow fuck is my fav from delhi :) contact me on pe.. So aaj ki story 16 aug ki hai.. 13 aug ki raat ko merepass ek mail aaya urvashi ka asking for if I wanted a good time? I said ofcourse I would. Fir humne contacts exchange kiye.. And whatsapp pe thodi baate ki.. She told me she’s from rajouri and wanted to be fucked nicely.. Btw letme tell you about her.. Name- urvashi Age- 19 Skin – milky...
It all began one afternoon while I was sitting reading in the students’ union coffee shop. I heard a voice I recognised. ‘Hi, Annie! Do you mind if I join you?’ I looked up and saw Adam, a guy I knew vaguely through some other friends. I knew he was in his third year of a music degree, and he’d been to a party at our place a couple of weeks ago, where we’d had quite a long chat in the kitchen about the sort of music we both liked. He was doing a dissertation on dissident music in the Soviet...
Arriving home after school I was still ticking like a bomb, images of Liz, bent over her desk with her skirt around her waist kept flashing through my mind. I'd had an erection all afternoon even though I'd had a wank after we'd finished. I'd had another one between lessons and it still hadn't helped. I dumped my bag next to my desk and stripped off my clothes, I needed to get ready for this evening so I was going to have a shower. Naked I slumped down on my bed, my hard dick waving...
Chapter 4 A Hero’s New Purpose This story is a work of fiction only. Any chance resemblance to actual people or events is purely accidental. The first couple of weeks with Dar there were hectic. He was always polite and he seemed to be getting better with his periods of talking like a little boy, and he was very fun otherwise. He never argued or complained either. All in all, he was what I would have wanted for a brother if I’d had a real one. Don’t get me wrong, though, because I loved...
Kimber Woods runs out of gas on the wrong side of town. She stops at a warehouse, hoping for help, but she’s stumbled on a horny gang of dudes that take her down and fuck her hard. Kimber goes wild for their huge cocks, sucking and gagging on all of them, taking them deep into her hungry throat. The guys tie her up and make her squat in bondage and heels, face fucking her to her limit with their thick dicks. She’s put on a fuck bench and they guys all take turns fucking her tight...
xmoviesforyouI woke up because of the movement in my bed. I took me a minute to remember that Ross had spent the night. We had stayed up late, drinking beer. As a senior in high school, I couldn't handle too many. We split a six pack and pretty much crashed in my bed. I was in a deep sleep when his movement in my bed brought me to near wakefulness. What happened next got my full attention: his hand slid over to my crotch. I was all ready hard. I began to realize that he hadn't just been restless. When we...