Felicity Ch. 51 free porn video

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Chapter 51 Camille

He had apologized for not lasting as long as usual.

‘But most people my age are dead,’ he said in his defense.

She giggled at his statement, kissed him and got out his bed.

‘Whatever you say old man but once again you fucked the hell out of me. I should charge you extra but you are one of the few that make sure I have an orgasm so you owe me the usual.’

‘In the envelope, as usual.’

He got out of bed and took her hand then led her to the kitchen. He took a pork roast out of the oven, sliced two portions off it then put them on plates. He spooned a fair portion of yellow rice with peas on each plate then went to get silverware.

Camille said, ‘This smells delicious.’

Soon after she got her utensils she said, ‘This is delicious.’

It was their usual routine. She would come to his house on Sunday nights, they would fuck, and they would eat dinner, and then she would go home.

He was in fact the lawyer that had defended her when she was arrested for drug possession. His name was Wilson and he was fifty-two and physically fit although his hair was almost all white.

He liked her and kept tabs on her. When he learned she had become an escort he called her and she had been his Sunday fuck for nearly a year.

He suggested that she come on her own and not have to give her agency part of the fee. It had been that way for over six months.

‘So, how are the girls?’

‘Fine, they love living with Mom and Mom loves having them there. They love Felicity but I am afraid I am becoming a peripheral person to them.’

‘You would have become peripheral to them sooner or later anyway. They are teenagers, it happens. The important part is that they are growing up healthy and happy.’

‘You are so smart, you always say the right thing. That really is the important part isn’t it?’

‘Yes, that and always visiting me on Sundays.’

Camille giggled and said, ‘I always leave here in a good mood.’

‘Even last Sunday when I had the malfunction?’

‘Even the Sunday before that when I was having a malfunction.’

‘So, why don’t you come earlier on Sundays? You can help me in the yard, help me at the grocery store, go out to dinner with me.’

She started to laugh but saw he was dead serious.

‘You would allow people see you with a whore?’

‘No. However I would be pleased to be seen with you. We would be in places your clients would be unlikely to be unless their wives are with them. If any one recognizes you they will do their best to ignore you.’

‘But you would still be with a whore.’

‘Or my very naughty daughter. Either way it would make me look good.’

She shook her head and after a couple of bites of food she began to giggle.

‘A very naughty daughter. You are a strange old man.’

He agreed he was then asked, ‘At what time do you leave Felicity to get back to the city?’

‘At two. It takes me a bit over an hour to get back.’

‘So why not come straight here instead of being home alone for four hours?’

‘I go to the Laundromat, clean house.’

‘I have state of the art washer and dryer. You could do your laundry here while naked. If you clean your house and put the laundry in the car before you go south then you can come straight here and it would save you lots of quarters.’

‘You just called me a two bit whore,’ she said with a barely suppressed smile.

‘I would never do that. I know how much you charge.’

She stood to put her dish in the sink then kissed him.

‘Camille, how old are you?’

‘Thirty two but my clients think I am twenty six. No one calls a thirty two year old for sex. Well except for you.

You already knew how old I am, didn’t you. You know everything about me, my Mom, my daughters, the bastard. And yet you want me to spend more time with you.’

He stood and put his plate in the sink then embraced her.

‘I know your husband left you holding the drugs. I know you have never used. I know you spent a year trying to find a job before becoming an escort.

I know you have been beaten up by burglars at home and did not report it to the police because you are afraid they would revoke your probation.

And yet I know you are a good decent woman. I know you are trying to find your way to a decent life.’

She looked at him with affection and almost burst into tears in his arms.

He led her to his bed and tucked her in.

‘Rest a little while before you leave.’

He kissed her lips and left her there.

Fifteen minutes later he saw she was asleep. Two hours later he joined her in bed. She awoke briefly and he said, ‘Spend the night, it’s raining hard out there.’

She kissed him then turned her back to him. He cuddled up behind her and they went to sleep.

He had coffee and toast ready for her when she staggered into the kitchen. He was dressed for work.

‘Why did you not wake me up?’

‘I did but you threatened to kill me so I let you lie.’

‘So now I’m a dog.’

‘Pure bred,’

She kissed his lips and fixed her coffee.

‘Well I have to go. Lock the door on your way out please.’

‘You are leaving me here? What if I stole you blind?’

‘Anything in here that you prefer more than me please go ahead and take it.’

Her expression was exactly what he hoped. He kissed her and left.

Two hours later she called him at work. She was crying.

‘They broke into the house again last night. They trashed the place, they think Randy hid money here.’

‘Stay there until the cops arrive. Tell them what you suspect. As soon as they leave the house pack what you can in twenty minutes and go to my house. There is a key in the mouth of the guard frog.’

‘Thank you, thank you.’

He called the cops and sent them to her house. He explained she was a parolee and would be terrified of them but she was not a criminal.

When Wilson got home that afternoon he saw she had cleaned the house and was doing laundry. She smelled a delicious dinner.

He went to his room and changed to gym shorts and t-shirt.

As he walked past the spare bedroom she was coming out wearing only a t-shirt. She jumped into his arms and kissed him.

‘Thank you, I was getting ready to do some laundry when it crossed my mind I did not have another place to go except here.’

She kissed him again and led him to the kitchen table.

‘It has been a while since I cooked a full dinner. I took this out of my freezer this morning after I packed my clothes.

I hope you like it.’

It was a whole roasted chicken and it was delicious. He praised her cooking and helped her clean up.

He filled a glass of wine for her and got a beer for himself and walked her to the living room. He sat on the recliner and she curled up on the couch and they watched the news.

During a commercial he asked her how the cops had treated her.

‘With respect and concern. One was a woman and she hugged me when I couldn’t stop crying. I think she had been a client of mine but it is hard to tell when they are in uniform.

They had dusted for fingerprints before I left.

I did not tell anyone where I was going except the lady cop.’

‘Good thinking. I don’t want anyone trashing my place. So, how much money was it?’

She began to claim ignorance but saw in his face he already knew.

‘Almost ninety thousand.’

‘And you gave it to your Mom.’

‘Yes, I did when I took the girls to her.’

‘Have you told any of what happened to your Mom?’

‘No, she thinks it is bonuses I got at work for bringing in new clients. She thinks I am a sales rep. I suspect she knows better. She had never trusted Randy and is very glad he is gone.’

‘You do realize that Randy is probabl
y dead.’

‘Yes, they did look where I found the money. They knew where to look. The police didn’t when they searched when I was busted. They apparently were looking for drugs and after they found them they stopped looking.

I figure the bad guys beat the location out of him. I am sad that he is likely dead but when I asked him if he was dealing drugs he always told me no. He was a distracted husband and father.’

‘Where was it?’

‘In the oven under the aluminum foil placed there to catch drippings from going on the coil. He told me that the bottom coil did not work, that only the top one did.

While he was in hiding and I was alone in the house I went to see if I could replace the coil and found his treasure. There were stacks of twenties, fifty’s and hundreds.

‘Give me the card that the lady cop gave you.’

She did and he called her. He left a message identifying himself as Camille’s lawyer. He told her that there were complications on what appeared to be a simple case and asked her to call him back.

Her name was Darby and he knew her well. It was she who told him that Camille was clean and simply married the wrong guy.

Wilson was a member of a big firm and the firm volunteered their lawyers for pro bono cases once a month. Camille was his pro bono client.

He had managed to settle Camille’s case in the judge’s chamber with time served and two years probation. Her probation would be completed in two months.

Her mother and most of the money were waiting for her in a small town by the Gulf.

‘How often do you do escort work?’

Again she though about it and decided to tell the truth.

‘Just enough to pay the bills, three or four times a week at most. If I need extra money I bring some back with me from Mom’s.

Most of my clients are regulars, three are women. As I am sure you already know Darby is a regular. She does not go through the agency either.’

‘So you are more of a fuck buddy to people and not a whore.’

‘I get paid, I am a whore.’

‘Do you enjoy it?’

‘Yes, most of the time. I enjoy Darby, two of the men and you. The four of you make love to me. The other women do too most of the time. The others fuck me, pay me, and open the door for me to leave. Easy money.’

His phone rang and he asked Darby to come by his house. She asked if it was police business and he said yes. She said she would come by towards the end of her shift. She was waiting for the results on the fingerprints.

She was in full uniform and in official business mode when she walked in. That ended quickly when Camille wrapped her in her arms around her and gave her a long kiss.

Darby looked at Wilson and he nodded with a smile and invited her into the kitchen. Camille fixed her a plate from her dinner. Darby was famished.

When done with dinner she asked, ‘OK, what do you suspect?’

‘We suspect they found her husband, beat information out of him and went to find something. We think they knew were to look.’

‘The stove,’ Darby said.

‘Yes, the stove. They probably tore up the house in anger. We suspect that if her husband was alive this morning he is not alive now. The only place they have left to look is to Camille’

Darby said, ‘I fear for her safety. The fingerprints we took are from killers. They are arrogant so finding them will not take long. We hope to find her ex husband before he is dead or at least before they get rid of the body. A murder conviction will keep them in jail.’

Darby and Wilson saw that Camille had not fully understood the peril she was in until that moment. She was shaking and had a tear sliding down a cheek.

‘Are you off the clock now?’

Darby looked at her watch and nodded yes.

‘Why don’t you take a shower and get comfortable. Camille, show her where everything is and help her. I am going to the computer and snoop around.’

Darby understood and took Camille’s hand and allowed her to lead her to the spare bedroom.

Two hours later he found that they had arrested one of the guys. He also noted that the ladies had not left the bedroom.

‘They likely will not be out until morning,’ he thought.

Wilson went to turn all the lights out and saw a black SUV coming slowly down his street.

He went to his bedroom and got his gun then opened the guest room door. Camille was sleeping as Darby caressed her. Both were nude.

‘Get your weapon, we are about to have company.’ he whispered to Darby.

Darby crawled out of bed leaving Camille asleep, got her weapon and followed him to the living room still naked.

‘Nice tits,’ he said.

She gave him a small smile and said, ‘Thanks’.’

They knelt behind the sofa and waited.

The door was kicked in and two guys hurried in.

‘Police officer put your weapons down!’ Darby hollered.

The two guys shot wildly and one was dead ten seconds later. The other was still conscious but would likely die that night.

Darby called it in and picked up their weapons. She returned to the bedroom and consoled the panic stricken Camille.

Wilson went to the one still alive.

‘How did you know we were coming?’ the guy asked.

‘Your friend is talking. He wants leniency. He claims he does not know where Randy is. If we don’t find him we will not be able to charge him with murder.’

The guy understood and gave me an address.

‘Randy told us his wife would have told her lawyer where she was. Elvin shot him then. He called us later and gave us the address and urged us to go through the plan. He was going to get rid of the body.’

Sirens were fast approaching.

Darby came out of the bedroom in full uniform and greeted the officers coming in.

Wilson told her where to find Randy and they called that in.

The guy that had talked to Wilson had lost consciousness by then.

Four hours later Wilson was at last alone in his house. The forensics team and the clean-up crew had gone.

He went to the spare bedroom and picked up a still nude Camille and took her to his bed. He took his clothes off and joined her.

Her panic had passed and she was on a mostly on an even keel.

Wilson said, ‘The guy they arrested is now talking. He is ratting out his bosses, the one’s that ordered them to get their money back.

You will probably be called in to testify that you have no idea if there ever was any money in the house. Give your old address and phone number but you will be here with me until your parole elapses. Then you will introduce me to your Mom and daughters.’

Camille hugged him with her whole body and gave him a long kiss. She felt his cock signal its want.

He continued, ‘Darby will be coming back tomorrow to officially ask me where you are. After she writes down my attempts to find you have not yielded results yet she will take off her uniform and try to get you to forget tonight. When she leaves I will do my best too.’

Camille began to caress his dick.

‘Start now,’ she said.

Except on the evenings when Darby spent the night she spent the two months sleeping in his bed. They made love several times and so did she and Darby. On a few occasions the women joined him in his bed.

He and Darby fucked.

‘Nice cock,’ she had said.

When her probation ended Wilson drove Camille and Darby to her mothers.

That was when they learned her first name was actually Sarah, which was what her mother called her. Camille ceased to exist that day.

Wilson and Darby stayed the weekend then left.

Darby came back to the coastal town a week later and applied for a job with the police department. She was hired immediately at a lower pay but as the second assistant chief.

She loved the job and the town, and Sarah lived there.

Sarah’s Mom and daughters sensed the love between her
and Darby and had absolutely no reservation about it.

The two moved in together into a townhouse in a nice neighborhood.

Sara bought a Laundromat nestled between the towns apartment complexes and after sprucing up the place she made a lot more out of it than she had as an escort.

Wilson gave himself three day weekends every six weeks or so and came to see them.

Or rather, came to see Sarah’s mother Cynthia. They went out on dates and he took her to Playa del Carmen for a week.

Cynthia liked to fuck.

He retired to Felicity two weeks after returning from Playa and moved in with Cynthia. Sara’s girls had gone on to college.

No one questioned Sarah’s background although many of the most important people in town including the police chief knew.

That became important after they met some aliens and moved when the town did.

All lived happily ever after.

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Pumped-Up TeachDESCRIPTION:A female student gets down and dirty with mature, hot female teacher in an all-girls' school. Contains schoolgirl, stockings, shaving, high-heels, female ejaculation, and pussy-pumping fetishes. BODY:Alysha is the sexiest senior (just turned eighteen) at her private school for girls. She has a slender, athletic body (mainly from the field-hockey she plays), with a mane of platinum-hued hair that always seems to be perfect; it cascades down to the mound of her...

4 years ago
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a slut and a nerd

It was 11 a.m. and every one was having fun; playing, talking, eating and just staring at me and other girls in the bikinis. Almost all the boys and girls of my class were on this trip to this island and we all were having great time. I couldn’t find some people on the beach with us, I guess they would be making out somewhere behind the trees. Adam wanted to fuck me too while I was thinking to tell him that I no longer wanted to have his dick in my ass. Adam was the guy with whom I was going...

Straight Sex
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The war with Pakistan had ended. I had enlisted three years earlier and was taken in as a lieutenant. When i came out i was a major. The active role i had played had been reported and i was asked to get absorbed into the army, with a promise of a higher rank. I had had enough. The killings, the blood, the war cries, all had made me sick. My conscience was hurting and was overflowing. How many soldiers had i killed. I went into a total guilt complex. I could not find any answer to my thoughts...

5 years ago
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Pyx 4 VacationChapter 2 Fun in the Snow

The flight from Tulsa to Denver was a short one, about an hour. We spent more time going through check-in and security than we did in the air. Neither Vonda nor Pyx had ever flown before. They were both excited at the prospect; and not the least bit afraid, like I had feared. The flight was about a fourth full, that allowed them to sit where they wished. They both were glued to the windows, watching the take off, the land fall away, and the clouds float by. When we came in for a landing, and...

2 years ago
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Annes Confession Part Three

I woke just after 6:00 a.m. on Saturday morning and cursed my internal alarm clock. For years, the simple pleasure of sleeping in on the weekend eluded me. Whether I went to bed early or was up half the night, I was no more capable of sleeping the morning away than I was of flying to the moon. I rubbed my eyes and surveyed the scene in my bed. On the far side, our friend Linda slept peacefully on her back. Her long blonde hair was splayed all over the pillow. The duvet covered her taut body...

4 years ago
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Luck By Chance With Friend8217s Sexy Wife

Hi readers. I’m Sarfaraz Khan a 23 year old male from South India, single. Those girls and guys who haven’t read my previous stories are requested to read them and enjoy. I’m sure you’ll enjoy shagging. So coming straight to the incident that happened a few months ago. It involved me and my friend Salman’s wife. Her name was Rizwana (name changed) aged about 26 years. They were newly married around 8 months back. It happened when all of a sudden me and Salman bumped each other at a mall. We...

2 years ago
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Tales of Feminization

In a seemingly normal town, a new social movement is taking place. White boys are encouraged to act, dress, and be feminine. You are a student at this school, and this is story of how you become a dirty sissy slut. Choose a boy to play as and be feminized. (All characters in this story are of legal age) (I'm only working on Mark's story right now, but feel free to add more characters) (Tags on this page are tags for all the threads in the story) I decided to start playing around with variables...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 191

Lewinsky and Kaczynski The Washington Post runs a weekly contest in its Style section called the 'Style Invitational'. The requirements this week were to use the two words 'Lewinsky' (the Intern) and 'Kaczynski' (the Unabomber) in the same limerick. The following winning entries were actually printed verbatim in the newspaper, no bleeps or xxxs: Third place: There once was a girl named Lewinsky Who played on a flute like Stravinsky 'Twas 'Hail to the Chief' On this flute made of...

4 years ago
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My Memorable Journey

Hello Friends This is Saumya par log mujhe Simmi bulate hai. mai 31 years old hu. meri marriege ho chuki hai 3 years pahle. Par abtak hamne baby plan nahi kiya hai. So we are still enjoy our marriage life. I am 5’ 3’’ tall and my complexion is milky white. My figure is 36-26-36 and weight is 50kgm only. My hubby loves me very much because I am very much pretty & broad minded girl. Jo bhi mujhe dekhta tha tariff kiye bagair nahi rahta tha. Last year ki bat hai mujhe apne mom-dad ke marriage...

2 years ago
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Return From The Dark SideChapter 16 School Days

"What about us?" Megan asked. "Are we staying? I mean, school will start in a week." They were having supper, and the events of the day were weighing heavily on them. Ellen had stayed to give moral support. "Give me the address of your school. I'll send a note that your mother had a medical emergency in Europe and that your return will be delayed," Henry answered. "Mr. Jennings will go ballistic," Pat threw in. "I can already hear his rant. 'No extra tours, young ladies, just...

3 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 9

Stepping into the Druid College brought back memories of times spent with John. Ed paused, finding it hard to believe that only a month had passed since his husband had given up his life to sanctify the glade. He looked over at the large photograph of John hanging next to the entrance. It was a color picture that showed John standing along one of the paths into the woods near the school. In it, John looked regal wearing his robe and cloak as he held his staff. A tear slid down Ed’s cheek as...

2 years ago
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Great Sex With My Junior

Her name is Sowmiya and she is a good looking girl with good assets. This happened when I was in class 12. Well sowmiya is actually not a girl with whom you can have fun. She is a bit of a nerd type. And she doesn’t have that much attitude also. I never used to talk to her that much because I never found her attractive until this incident. So one day we had games period. Even the juniors had games. So sowmiya and her friends were playing basketball and I was just watching them play standing in...

3 years ago
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Seth a Civil War StoryChapter 19 Into Action

The President joined his wife and the other sightseers in a place of relative safety behind the fort's thick wall, and General Wright went back to his troops. Seth left the fort and crossed the crowded turnpike. The eager spectators pressed forward, excited by the increased activity. Seth elbowed his way through the mob, most of whom seemed to be in a holiday mood. He moved into the scrubby woods and past the piles of cleared brush where he had seen the New York soldiers disappear. He wanted...

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My first time

So this story is before my previous 3, set over 9 months.I had started a job, and met a girl who worked there. We did a few of the same shifts and became friends, one night she said she was gonna walk home and i said i'd walk down with her. After some brief chit-chat, we exchanged numbers and began texting. She invited me round to her house to watch a film with her bf who i became friends with. It was somewhat evident they weren't happy together at the time, and may have been on the verge of...

2 years ago
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BrutalSessions Maya Woulfe Sneaky Slut

Maya Woulfe was sneaking around thinking that no one would know, but Eddie Jaye caught her and now it’s time to pay. Maya is strung up, her hands are pulled above her head and Eddie begins to inspect his new toy. Eddie shoves his cock deep inside her wet pussy. Maya gets bent over a wooden box, right at cock level, so Eddie fucks this slut hard and fast. Maya takes it all with a smile and begs for more. Eddie flips her over onto her back for full access to her wet pussy. He continues to lick...

3 years ago
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The Baroda Pearls

A tale of war, murder, greed, lust and romance… and a famous string of pearls. 1/8 The tumultuous 20th century was fizzling out, like a spectacular fire-cracker spewing out the dying embers of its explosive payload. Sergei Androvich was enjoying a life of self-indulgent decadence at his luxury villa in Odessa, on the Black Sea. Like several other fabulously rich high-profile Russians, he had made a staggering fortune out of the collapse of the Soviet Union through cheap acquisition of...

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Women Who Perform With AnimalsChapter 9

As they walked along the street toward Lenny's apartment, the Englishman questioned her further. "The thing I don't understand, Lenny, is this..." he spoke in a soft voice, "why is it that I haven't been able to have a real thing with a woman since the war, then all of a sudden everything clicks with you?" Lenny stopped and pulled his raincoat more tightly about her well-shaped body. He eyed the jutting of her indescribable breasts, beneath the stretched cloth. "I think I have an...

1 year ago
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Shy girl dominant fantasy

I can just imagine pushing you, face down into the bed, pinning you down. You struggling to turn your head to catch your breath, trying to push yourself up. My nails are digging into you, and I'm holding you still. I slap your ass, stinging, and sharp. Leaning over you, biting your neck, your shoulder as I tie your hands behind your back. I run my hands lightly down your neck to your back, tickling you, teasing you. I can just imagine pushing you, face down into the bed, pinning you down. You...

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The Passion Of Art Version DeltaChapter 3D

Megan's head came up and her book went down. "What?" she responded. "Well, some of the classic paintings of all time are of two people... a man and a woman... together..." She didn't want to actually say "naked" in this situation. Megan's voice sounded like she needed to clear her throat. "You mean me and... Robby... together?" "Well, yes, that's what I was thinking." said Valerie. "But you're not finished with this painting are you?" asked Megan. "No, but I can work on...

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Me and my bf a poem

Tender fingers traveling slowly in the direction of my burning core with each inch a fever controls me I cannot help but beg for more Sweet love turns into a filthy game Letting the inner b**st swiftly out To be relaxed or to feel ashamed? Oh, forget the bl**dy questions for now! I turn my head and see your eyes burning An innate man’s thirst for my petite curves Next thing I know, I find myself swerving To face you backwards, a little treat I’ve learned You are my one and only, my gentle...

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GoldChapter 19

Only about four things are worth mentioning between when we had everything we brought in by tractor stored, and our preparing to leave to return the tractors, a few days before Thanksgiving. First, it was determined the biological weapon had been released by China at the Russians, a week before the world knew of it. It had a 40% survival rate and lasted for a total of three weeks counting the week it went unreported. Three weeks after its initial report, no new cases were reported. China was...

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Just for fun, I though it might be nice to share some of the experiences I went through on my way to becoming the sexy slut I am. Before I had the confidence to fully dress and go out, and to go on the few dates I've been on, I was completely closeted. The only way I could express my girly side was through playing on the phone and all alone. I loved dressing up a few times a week. I collected sexy underwear from ex-girlfriends who left stuff behind, and from a few rare shopping trips where I...

4 years ago
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No Accounting for TastesChapter 2 A Review of the Files

Although thoughts of Erica made it difficult for George to concentrate for the remainder of the afternoon, he finally finished the tax return forms that he was working on for Allison Callow. He'd called her to say they were finished and she'd offered to come around and pick them up. George, wanting to spend his time thinking about the work for Erica, put her off. "No," he said, "don't worry. I'll post them." Allison had seemed disappointed for some reason but George didn't really...

3 years ago
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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 39

I woke up in bed with a groggy recollection of how I got there. Turning over the clock read 10am. Getting out of bed and dressing, I was still a bit drowsy even with getting up so late. Walking in the kitchen, mom and Erin were sitting at the table. “Barnim, I thought you were going to get me a present?” “Well, seeing as you have no patience whatsoever, let me go get it for you.” Mom took a long hard look at me, then said “I’m going to make you some pancakes, then we’re going to have a...

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Anniversary Waltz 3 Darkness Considered as an Elemental Plot DeviceChapter 3

The rain swept in from the ocean, a gray shroud, spattering on sand and stucco. Inside the condo, the sizzle of the first drops landing on hot glass had changed to a drumbeat. As the rain continued, water cascaded off the roofs, splashing down the architectural obstructions. Lucy was the first to wake up. She smiled when she turned over to see Steve sleeping next to her, still unaware. But she didn't tarry, speeding to the master suite's bathroom. At the same time, downstairs, Sam rolled...

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Demonology part 2

Wake up. She heard his voice call to her. Opening her eyes she looked around. The room was a small dark cell and she was alone. Can you hear me? He asked. Yes, where are you? She said. Nearby. You will be prepared and presented. Do not be afraid. Presented? To whom? She asked, but there was only silence. The door opened and she was led out of the room by two reptilian looking women. Each woman held tightly to an arm, leading her down a dark corridor and through a non-descript door....

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Wifes submission by servant and watch

I had bought a new web camera and it came with sophisticated software. I was eager to try it out. After installing it, I discovered that it had many security features too, for instance the web camera could also be used as a CCTV, but recording only when it would detect a movement. I am not very tech-saavy, so I was astounded. “Have your breakfast” I was brought to reality by the sound of my 35 year old wife Sandhya.”You are going to get me late today.”It was 9.30 am .Not too late for me, but...

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The Groomsman

Alexa rolled over onto her stomach. Spreading her legs wide for him, she came up on her hands and knees and stuck her round bubble butt out. She loved it when she got fucked from behind. Doggystyle was her favourite position. They seemed to be the perfect height for each other. Her pussy at just the right angle so that every thrust of his pressed his gorgeous hard cock against her G-spot. Neither of them could hold off on their orgasms when they switched to this position. Alexa would cum almost...

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This is based on a game of the same name. Made by a user named DeeDee. Enjoy!Chris Kelly, a young male. He’s about 170 cm tall and weigh around 63 kg. Till last week his life was still enjoyable. He had a beautiful girlfriend, Sensi Saber, whom he loved, a job he liked and some hope for his future. He’d even promised his girlfriend, that they’d both remain virgin until marriage. Turned out only one of them two took that oath to heart. He’d always been kind of tense because of his penis size....

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He fuck my girl

Hey need to talk about what happened yesterday has never been so horny in my entire life.Me and two friends where at the pub we are 20 years and then at 3am we decide to have an afterparty. At my apartment. We sit down to listen to music and drinking whiskey, one of my friends passed out on the couch and fell asleep.I felt tired and fell asleep in the other couch, but wake up after maybe 30 minutes of my other friend was moaning.I now remembered that i forgot my inflatable lovedoll in my...

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Lola Leashed

Last night, April 2, 2018, daddy Mike took me to his house around 11PM. I was already drunk, and covered with hot cum from earlier in the night.Daddy Mike had picked me up from another daddy’s house where I was being passed around.When we got to Daddy’s house, he took me inside, gave me two shots of vodka and told me to swallow the drinks, which I did.I was sooooooo drunk.Daddy Mike then took out my SLUT collar from my purse, put it on me, an leashed me like the bitch that I am. Daddy then told...

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Corruption of Innocence ReduxChapter 3

The white haired executive picked up the ringing phone. "Lawrence, it's..." "Yes Andrea," he interrupted, "after seventeen years, I think I'd recognize your voice. You know I'm not supposed to even talk to you." Lawrence Whitcomb was a long time member of the board of directors for Beaumont Investments and the only member who had expressed reservations about dismissing Andrea Beaumont as CEO and hiring her teenage niece in her place. "Yes, I'm aware of what a pariah I have...

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