The Trial
- 5 years ago
- 22
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28-Day Trial Period
F/f, bondage, D/s, slavery, reluctant
The last thing Mika expected to see when she came home from work was anearly naked redhead lying bound to her bed. Eve is a special introductoryoffer for joining a slave club and Mika has her for 28 days before decidingwhether to buy her or not. The trouble is Mika's not sure what to do. Afterall, what possible use can she have for a gorgeous, 22-year old Americanredhead who can't cook, can't clean and keeps losing the post?
The last thing Mika expected to see when she came home from work was a nearlynaked redhead lying bound to her bed. She paused, slightly confused by thesight, and, rather than do anything immediately, she looked closely at theyoung woman.
She would be in her early twenties, probably a few years younger than Mika,who was twenty-six. Her skin was pale and alabaster, her hair a natural andvery sexy red. It was long, too, almost down to her waist, or Mika imaginedit would be when she was standing up. Mika always liked long hair on women.
Her breasts were a very nice and shapely D cup, almost falling out of thefrilly white bra she was (barely) wearing. One pink nipple was just about visible.The girl had long legs, smooth and toned, with not a hint of cellulite, stretchedout to the base of the bed and manacled together by a short length of chain,no more than a foot long.
Her arms were pulled over her head, her wrists linked by a similarly shortchain that ran through the gaps in the headboard. A large ball gag filled hermouth, and a leather collar adorned her neck. Other than the bra and the equallylacey white panties, that was all she wore.
Mika set down her briefcase and looked at the girl admiringly. She was something,all right. A perfect beauty, all natural, even down to the terrified look inher hazel eyes. The only question was, what was she doing here?
Some sort of practical joke? Mika disregarded that. The only friends who knewwhere she lived weren't the sort to come up with something like this. The onlyfriends she had who would come up with something like this didn't know whereshe lived.
Something more sinister? Mika supposed she should be afraid, but somehow shehad no feeling that she herself was in danger. If this girl had been kidnapped,then Mika did not imagine she would be threatened.
It was while she was musing, that she noticed the white envelope on the floor.Evidently the girl had kicked it away from the bed in her futile strugglesto escape her chains. Frowning irritably at her, Mika picked up the envelopeand opened it.
Dear Miss Iwai , it began. Welcome to your membership of theHouse of Chains and Whips. As you know we are Europe's foremost supplierof slaves, both male and female, as well as all the equipment you will needto keep and discipline your slaves.
The full terms and conditions of your membership will be following soon,under plain packaging as is our custom. It will also contain your first catalogue.We should remind you that it is a condition of your membership that you makeat least one purchase from your first four issues. Other than that, you arefree to cancel at any time with notice in writing.
We hereby enclose your free gift for joining. Her name is Eve, althoughyou are of course free to change that at your convenience. She is yours forthe next twenty-eight days. She is a newly captured slave, untrained anduntouched by women. We hope you enjoy her!
If after your trial period with her is up, you wish to return her, youmay do so with nothing to pay. If you wish to keep her, you may do so bycontacting our helpline.
Thank you again for joining Europe's premiere slavers guild, and we wishyou lots of fun with your new slave girl.
"Huh," Mika said, putting down the letter.
She vaguely remembered joining this House of Chains and Whips. She had receivedsomething through the post, a legacy of an old mailing list. It had soundedinteresting and she had decided to send off her name and address. She hadn'treally read it that clearly. Surely it had just been for a mailing list, right?
She certainly hadn't expected something like this.
"You just wait there," she told the helpless girl, who was whimperinginto her tight ball gag.
The letter had a helpline number, which she promptly rang from her main phonein the hall. A helpful sounding woman answered.
"Hello. I think you just delivered a half-naked girl to my house."
"Can I have your membership number, please?" Mika read it from thetop of the letter. "Mika Iwai. Yes, an incentive for joining our club.Is there a problem?"
"No problem. It's just a little... strange, that's all."
"You can return her if you wish..."
"No, that's okay. Can I just check... um... what am I allowed to do withher?"
"Oh, largely whatever you like. She's a slave after all. Legally processedand everything. There should be a copy of her papers in the envelope with yourletter." Mika checked, and there they were. They looked legal enough,she supposed. "Technically, she's on a trial period with you. If you don'twant her, you can return her after twenty-eight days. If she has any permanentmarks or alterations, you will be charged full price for her."
"And that is?"
"One hundred and ninety nine pounds, ninety nine. You can pay in installmentsif you'd prefer. Five, seven or ten monthly payments."
"I see. Well, thank you. This was a little unexpected."
"Everything was covered in your application pack."
"Ah... yes..." Mika had a dim memory of throwing out a large pileof old newspapers a few days ago. There may have been some other things jumbledin with them. "Well, thank you."
"We're open twenty-four hours a day if you have any questions. Is thisyour first slave girl?"
"My first proper slave girl, yes. I had a relationship with a girl whowas a sub for a bit but..."
"It's a completely different experience. Is there anything else I canhelp you with?"
"No, that's fine, thank you."
"We'll be in touch with you in four weeks so you can decide if you wantto keep her or not. Have a good month."
"Thank you. You, too."
Mika made herself a cup of coffee and sat down, reading the slave papers carefully.They all seemed legal enough, and she checked them twice to be sure. It seemedEve was American and had been captured while on holiday in Algeria. Her captorshad sold her on to a slave company, who had properly and legally registeredher as a slave under the UN Human Enslavement and Submission Treaty 1999 (ratifiedinto UK law by the Human Enslavement and Submission Act 2001). The House ofChains and Whips had bought her from them.
Mika was not a lawyer (she worked for an insurance company) and she was noexpert on the laws regarding slavery. While the thought of an almost nakedredhead lying tied up on her bed was definitely a distracting thought, shedecided to go online and check things out a little further.
Half an hours searching later (a good ten minutes of which was spent deletingthe spam from her e-mail) she was satisfied she knew what the situation was.Eve was a legally registered slave. The law allowed her to be used as a slavefor a wide variety of purposes. UK law did not allow the registration or captureof slaves on British soil, but did allow the import and ownership of slavesfrom abroad. There were also limits on the amount of violence permitted toa slave. Killing a slave was still an act of murder, 'excessive' violence couldlead to prosecution for assault. The law seemed unclear there, but it basicallycame down to anything that would require taking her to hospital. An owner couldnot be prosecuted for raping her slave, but anyone else could be if they didso without permission of the owner.
Satisfied with this, Mika returned to her bedroom.
Eve resumed whimpering pathetically when she saw her. Mika looked down ather. She had clearly been struggling, and her bra had become dislodged partly,revealing one flawless, creamy white breast.
"You are a slave," she said. "Do you understand what that means?"
With a whimper, the redhead shook her head. Mika wondered if that was justan expression of denial, or if Eve genuinely didn't know what that meant. Maybethe latter. Americans weren't that bright, and if she had put herself in aposition to be abducted in Algeria, she must be even less clever than mostof them were.
Sighing, the pretty Asian woman removed Eve's gag.
"Please!" Eve screamed. "Please, don't hurt me."
"I'm not going to..."
"Please, don't hurt me! Don't kill me!"
"I'm not..."
"Please! Please, for the love of God!"
Mika had had enough of this. She slapped Eve, a stinging but not patricularlyhard blow across the face. It actually hurt Mika's hand. Eve fell silent, tearsrising prettily to her eyes.
"Okay, first things first. You speak when I say you can, and you don'tinterrupt me. Ever. Got that?" Mutely, the girl nodded. "Good." Mikashook her hand. That slap had hurt. "Second, my name's Mika You call me'Mistress'. Or 'Mistress Mika'. something like that, anyway. Something showingrespect. Thirdly... um... thirdly, you're a slave. Got that? All legal andeverything. Now, I can do some things to you, but I can't hurt you too badly.I'm not going to kill you, or... break your bones or anything, because I can't.That's not legal.
"By the looks of it, I've got you on a trial period, and after that Iget to decide if I want to keep you. If I don't then... well, for all I know,you get sold on to someone else. Maybe somewhere the laws about treating slavesaren't as strict. You with me so far?"
Eve nodded again, her eyes wide and frightened.
Mika sighed. "You can speak."
"Yes... Mistress... Mistress Mika... yes, I... I understand... I..."
"Good. The key to these things should be around somewhere." Aftera bit of looking around, she remembered the keys to Eve's chains had been ina tiny envelope inside the one with the letter. She freed the American girl'swrists, pulled her forward from the bed, and then clipped the manacles togetheragain in front of her.
"Now, be nice, do what I say and... well... I know this might sound harsh,but you should try and accept your new situation. It'll be far better thatway. Hey, maybe you'll get freed eventually. It's possible, I think."
"Mistress! You could... free me?"
"If I wanted to pay two hundred quid for you, then yes, but if I spentthat much money on you, I'd want to keep you, and I'm none too sure about thatyet."
"I can pay. I have money..."
"Actually, no you don't. When your slavery was registered, it was asif you died. Your possessions would have been divided up according to US probatelaw, or the law of whichever state you were from. You've got nothing at themoment."
Mika stretched. She was still in her work clothes. "Now, I'm tired andI'm hungry. I'm going to change and have a bath. When I'm done, I want dinnerready. Can you cook?"
She looked a little puzzled. "Um... a little."
"Pasta, then. The kitchen's through here." Mika showed Eve the way,although it was doubtful she could have gotten lost. Mika pointed out wherethe pasta, the sauces and the pans were.
"You want me to cook like this?" Eve raised her chained hands. Mikalooked at her.
"You should have enough range of movement. It's not exactly brain surgery,after all."
"Wearing this?"
"Hmm... you've got a point." Looking around, Mika found one of herold aprons, barely used. Holding Eve's arms out, she tied the apon around herwaist. It covered her upper body down to her mid thighs. Oddly, she lookedeven sexier in the plain green apron than she had in just the underwear.
"There. It shouldn't be too difficult. Oh, make some for yourself aswell. You're probably hungry."
"Off you go, then."
Mika was deep in thought as she ran her bath, adding the scented oils sheliked. It was one of her favourite ways to unwind after a day at work. Thewater was warm but not too hot and she slid her naked body into it slowly.
She wouldn't be giving Eve a run for her money in the sexiness stakes, butMika was certainly pretty enough. She had a combination of Japanese, Koreanand British ancestry and that gave her an exotic, alluring look. Lightly goldenskin, long dark hair, light brown eyes, a sexy figure. She worked out regularlyat the gym, watched her weight, took care over her appearance.
Now, she thought, relaxing in the hot water, what to do about her new slave?She thought briefly about having Eve in here with her and smiled. That wasa... nice image. But... probably not yet. Eve seemed quite fragile about hernew status. Mika should probably start slow before working up to the full sexthing. Besides, slave or not, Mika would feel quite awkward about actuallyraping her. She would prefer Eve to be a willing sex slave, as much as waspossible.
Also, the bath would be far too small for both of them.
But still... a slave of her own. A hot one at that. There could certainlybe worse ways to come home from work.
She could afford to pay for Eve, but she wasn't sure about the upkeep costs.There would have to be food, clothing (some at least), chains and collars andcages and all that. Mika tried running some figures through in her mind. Shethought she could afford to keep Eve, but things might be tight for a while.She still had loans to pay off.
She couldn't send Eve out to work, because she would have no National InsuranceNumber and couldn't gain one. Prostituting Eve out would be distasteful, andillegal. She remembered reading online that she could be prosecuted for livingoff immoral earnings.
She could use Eve as a model. That was legal, she thought.
Aaaggghh. She was going to have to get proper legal advice, that was all therewas to it. She wondered if there were any solicitors who specialised in slavelaw.
She was just getting out of the bath and towelling herself down when she heardthe doorbell ring. She was about to call out for Eve to answer it when shestopped, wondering what whoever it was would think if a half-naked redheadopened the door.
The ringing became more insistent as Mika pulled on a dressing gown and rushedto the door. She noticed she couldn't hear any noise from the kitchen. Or smellany food either.
Oh no...
"Who is it?" she asked. The door chain had been left off.
"Police, ma'am. I'm WPC Davies." The voice was stern and authoritativewith just a hint of a Welsh accent. "Are you Mika Iwai?"
"Yes." Mika looked through the eyehole and saw a woman who was clearlya police officer standing in the corridor. And beside her... Mika sighed andopened the door. "Come in."
The policewoman entered, Eve following her. The redhead was still wearingthe chains Mika had left on her, and the apron and underwear. Did she reallythink she'd get far like that?
"Is this your slave, ma'am?" WPC Davies asked. She was quite attractive,perhaps thirty, with a pleasant heart-shaped face.
"Yes," Mika said, looking at Eve darkly. "I have the papers,if you need to see them."
"I'd better, thank you." Mika fetched and handed them over. "Theseall seem in order. Ah, a trial period, I see. Ma'am, did you grant her permissionto go outside."
"No. I didn't."
"We caught her a few streets away, begging for money. She's very lucky.Anyone could have found her. Did you know that you are responsible if yourslave commits a criminal offence?"
"But... she ran away. I didn't send her out there..."
"I believe you, but that's a matter of negligence rather than intent.There'll be no charges pressed, given this is your first slave girl and you'veonly had her a few hours. Just to warn you, that's all." She grinned. "Besides,getting a look at her... well, let's just say that made my day. You've gota... uh... very hot piece of property there, ma'am."
"Ah... yes... I see that."
"Have fun with her, and be more careful in future. Someone else may havedecided to charge you. Also, if she gets hurt having escaped, you could beliable for her injuries through negligence."
"Oh, don't worry. I'll make sure she doesn't get a chance to go anywhereagain."
Eve said nothing throughout this, waiting until the policewoman left. Mikamade sure to bolt the door and put the chain on, then she turned to the tremblingredhead.
"I see you didn't start on tea. Well, I guess I'm going to have to ordertake out. I really don't feel like cooking. But first..." She advancedon her slave girl.
"You can't do this to me!" Eve cried. "I'm not... not a slave.I'm an American citizen. I've got the right to be free."
"A right given you by people who owned slaves, remember." Mika strippedher apron from the redhead, leaving Eve in just her frilly and dishevelledunderwear. "Besides, America was one of the first countries to ratifythe treaty about slavery. After... um... Japan and France, I think. A lot ofAmericans quite like the idea of owning slaves again, by the sounds of it."
"Shut up!" Mika slapped her again and Eve fell back, tears risingin her eyes. "I told you not to interrupt me." She paused. "Right.Um... What was I...? Oh, yes. I need to order some food and I need to makesure you don't go running away anywhere."
She pushed Eve over to the corner and lay her down, removing the cuffs andthen replacing them so that she was chained to the radiator pipes. She alsoresecured the chains around her ankles. Lastly, she applied the ball gag.
Mika then rang up her local Chinese take away and placed an order. She dressedwhile waiting for it to arrive, just a casual jeans, T-shirt and jumper.
She must have planned to do something tonight, but she couldn't remember what.Oh, well, probably another night spent lounging in front of the telly. Justto think of it, a sexy, almost naked redhead lying chained up and helplessin her living room, and she was just going to sit there and watch TV.
Mika looked at her. Eve was beautiful, no doubt about that. Mika could rapeher. That was perfectly legal. She could touch her, kiss her, wear her strap-onand...
No, she couldn't. Not in her own mind. She had play-acted rape with her lastgirlfriend, but that had just been... playing. This was different. If Eve cameto accept being her slave, that would be another matter.
But she wanted to. Oh, how she wanted to.
She had wanted to own a beautiful slave girl for as long as she could remember.Perhaps as a cruel princess, or a criminal mastermind or a wicked sorceress.Something fantastical, magical.
She had never thought she would own a slave girl as a claims handler for aninsurance company.
There was nothing on TV again, not surprisingly, but she found something towatch while she ate her take away. She would really need to work this off later,but... feh.
She became aware of a whimpering from the corner. Eve was looking at her,eyes large and wide and pleading.
"Oh, you're hungry." The redhead nodded. "Well, I think I'munder a duty not to let you starve to death, but other than that, I can certainlylet you go a few days without any food." Eve whimpered pathetically.
Mika sighed. She really was too nice to be a slave-owner.
She poured some of the food onto a separate plate and placed it on the floornext to Eve. For a moment, she considered the logistics of the situation andfinally decided to remove Eve's gag and feed her like a baby. Eve said nothingand took the food, but there were tears in her eyes.
Mika didn't replace the gag when she was done, but she washed the plates andsettled back down on the sofa. She watched TV for another fifteen minutes orso and the suddenly turned it off.
"What you did was very stupid, you know." Eve said nothing. "Youcould have got me in real trouble, let alone yourself. What if some men foundyou. Dressed like that? A legal slave? They could have raped you and that wouldn'teven have been a crime. At least, I don't think so."
"I... can't be a slave."
"Why not? Did you protest when your Government passed the law makingit legal? Some people did over here, you know. Marches in London and everything.The Bill only just passed through Parliament. They had to add all sorts ofconditions and restrictions to get it passed."
"No," she sobbed. "I... I didn't."
"Let me guess... your family used to be rich."
"They are rich."
"Own a few slaves themselves, perhaps?"
"My... father... has a few. My brother has one."
"So, slavery's okay, as long as it doesn't happen to you."
"No... I... please... don't hurt me."
"I'm not going to hurt you. I could, but I won't. And I'm sorry I slappedyou. That was just... me being angry. But listen, you can't do anything thatstupid again. Not while you're with me. You understand?"
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, Mistress."
Mika frowned. That did not sound as good as she had hoped it would. "Look," shesaid, "there could be worse people to serve than me. A man would haveraped you by now. More than once, probably. Maybe invited his friends aroundfor a gang bang." Her eyes were wide at that. "I'm not going to hurtyou. I'm not going to rape you. If you don't want to serve me, then fine...I'll return you at the end of the twenty-eight days and you can take your chanceswith the next person who buys you."
"You could free me."
"I'd have to pay the company if I did that."
"My father would pay. He can afford it easily. He'd pay you double."
"I don't even know what the law is on freeing slaves. I'd have to check."
"Please... I... I don't want to be a slave."
Mika sighed. She really, really wanted to whip this girl, to sit on her, torape her, to make her scream. In her mind that was all so attractive, so wonderful,but there was a difference wanting to do it and actually doing it.
"Go to sleep," she said, gently.
"Like this?"
"Think yourself lucky I don't buy a dog kennel and make you sleep inthere. Good night, Eve."
"Good night," she said, hollowly. It was only a few moments laterthat she added, "Mistress Mika."
Mika woke up, showered, dressed, had breakfast and went to work. She was justoutside her front door when she remembered about Eve. The American had beenasleep in the living room when Mika had got up and she really hadn't noticedher. Mika was more than half-asleep herself, to be honest. She hadn't sleptwell, being slightly distracted.
She returned home and woke up her sleeping slave.
Eve blinked, revealing beautiful green eyes, still partly stained with tears. "Oh," shesaid, hanging her head. "I hoped it was a dream, but..."
Mika looked at her watch. She'd be late for work at this rate. Well, her companyworked on flexi-time, so she wouldn't be actually late, but she'd have to makeup the time later.
She had a sudden, random thought of when she wanted to get a pet dog a coupleof years ago. She'd decided against it, because she knew she wouldn't havethe time to look after it. Now she owned a slave for the next four weeks.
Her expression obviously changed, because Eve's face twisted with fear. "I'msorry, Mistress," she said. "Please don't hurt me."
"I'm not going to hurt you." She undid the handcuffs and let Evestand up. "I've got to go to work. Look, can you... look after yourselfhere all day?"
"What... what do you want me to do?"
Hmm... Mika hadn't given that much thought. "Clean the house," shesaid. "And... ah... do the washing-up. And the laundry. And... whateverelse needs doing. Ahh... help yourself to some food. You might want to havea shower as well, if you like. Do not leave the flat." She paused. "Unlessthere's a fire or something. You can leave the flat then. Tell anyone you'remy cousin, staying over." Mika paused again. Okay, that was ridiculous.Eve looked nothing at all like her. Tall, white, American, looked like a supermodel.Mika, smaller, Asian...
"Tell them you're my penpal from America. But don't go out unless there'sa fire. Or an emergency. Or something. Don't answer the phone. Or the door.No one ever rings my landline anyway." Mika paused again. God! Owninga slave was such hard work.
Had she forgotten anything? She realised she'd been talking very fast, ramblinga little incoherently. Oddly enough, she found it quite hard keeping her trainof thought when talking with a half-naked, gorgeous redhead.
"Just... use your common sense." Assuming she had any. She had beencaptured as a slave, after all.
"Now, I really have to get off to work. You get all that?"
Eve nodded. She looked a little dumbfounded. This would all be new to her,too.
Mika nodded and then left. She came back a moment later, having realised she'dforgotten her wallet. And then a moment after that for her keys.
Work was a nightmare. It wasn't much fun at the best of times, but she couldn'tfocus at all today. She made a number of little mistakes, time seemed to dragand her boss was being particularly annoying. Finally, she decided to finisha little early. Besides, there was something she had to do.
She'd had a look in the local directory and found a local solicitors who specialisedin, among other things, slave law. They also had a fairly large Consumer Protectiondepartment, so, if anyone she knew saw her going there, she planned to sayshe had ordered a dodgy microwave and the shop wouldn't refund her.
Fortunately, she'd managed to book an appointment for half past four thatafternoon. That would put her a little down on her hours today, but that waswhat flexi-time was for, right?
The solicitor was called Natasha Marshall and Mika was surprised to find shewas quite young, probably no more than 25 or 26. She was blond, quite prettyand very smartly dressed. She had a gorgeous smile.
"How can I help you, Miss Iwai?" she said.
Slowly, Mika outlined her problem. "Basically," she said, concluding. "Iwant to know what my situation is. What can I do, how does the law work? Imean, she almost got arrested last night. What if she sets fire to my apartment,or something?"
"First time slave owner, hmm?" Mika nodded. "Well, to be honest,the law in this area is in a bit of flux. It's all very new and a lot of mattershaven't been really cleared up yet. There's still a lot of cases working theirway up to the House of Lords and they should clarify things a lot.
"The way things stand at the moment, is... Legally, she's not a person.She has no right to vote, to own property, she's not covered by the varioushuman rights conventions, nothing like that. She does have a very limited formof human rights guaranteed her by the various slavery based statutes and statutoryinstruments. You can't kill her, or mutilate her."
"How far can I go?" Mika asked. "I mean, I'm not planning oncutting her arms off, or anything, but what about... oh, I don't know... whippingher, caning, anything like that?"
"That's one of the grey areas. The Act specifically allows... what wasthe wording, ah yes. 'Normal methods of discipline and punishment as wouldbe considered entirely appropriate between Master and slave.' Master includes'Mistress', so don't worry about that. The problem is, of course, what exactlythat means and... well... we don't know. The general legal view is that a caningor whipping would be fine, as long as the instruments used were properly licensedfor the purpose.
"The Act also mentions discipline and punishment, so I'd advise thatif you were to cane her, it shouldn't be just because you feel like it, butin response to her doing something wrong. What that has to be is a little unclear.To be honest, I'd reckon you were all right with anything up to leaving marksthat don't fade after, say, a fortnight. A man was prosecuted for caning aslave girl and leaving marks on her breasts that stayed there for a month,but the charges were dropped."
"So, if I use proper tools and don't do anything too bad, I should beall right."
"Basically, yes. I know I've been a little vague, but I'm afraid thelaw in this area is a little vague at the moment."
"What about if she does something? Breaks the law?"
"You're liable. Totally. She's your property. Anything and everythingshe does is considered to be at your direct order. You would have to proveit wasn't, which obviously isn't easy. And even then, you'd be liable for alesser version of whatever crime she committed, based on your negligence ratherthan deliberate action. My advise, keep her under very close supervision unlessyou trust her absolutely."
"What if she escapes?"
"You have to report her missing, much the same way as you would reporta stolen credit card or car. If you don't, you can still be liable for anycrimes she commits. At the very least, you're technically guilty of encouragingillegal immigration. I mean, she's not a British citizen - she can't be, becauseBritish citizens can't be enslaved in Britain - and you've been involved inbringing her into the country.
"If you do report her missing, then you can in theory be charged withnegligent owning of a slave. You'd get some points on your record - usuallythree. You can get points for various other things as well. Get twelve pointsand you're banned from owning slaves for a year. The ones you have will betaken into custody and sold at private auctions."
"What about releasing her?"
Natasha blinked and looked genuinely surprised. "Why would you want todo that?"
"Just curious. Can I?"
"Well... oddly enough, there aren't any provisions in the Act for releasinga slave. There are sections about slaves whose status isn't properly registeredand so on, but that doesn't seem to be the case here, although I'll need tosee her slavery papers to be absolutely certain on that one.
"Umm... Well, legally there's no framework for freeing her. You couldallow her some autonomy, but she won't be recognised as a legally free individual.I'm guessing that some of the immigration laws would apply. She'd be treatedas an illegal immigrant here if you turfed her loose. She couldn't claim asylumor persecution or anything like that.
"They'd probably deport her back to her country of origin. And I'd imagineshe'd probably just be re-enslaved when she got there. You might get some pointson your slave-owning record as well."
"Oh... uh... thanks."
"Don't worry about it. Anything else?"
"Ah... no. I think that's about it. I just wanted to know where I stood."
"I'll do you a letter within a week or so, just outlining all of thisin writing. We've got a few basic leaflets in reception you can take. There'salso addresses for some local slave-owning help groups. The hold meetings andparties and so on. Help yourself."
"Thank you... Umm... Sorry if this is a personal question or anything,but... do you own any slaves yourself?"
"Not at all. Two. Both girls. One Indian, one American, like yours. Bothof them work here as office juniors. We used to pay our old juniors next tonothing anyway. Now we have juniors we can pay actually nothing."
"Oh... okay."
Mika picked up the leaflets and stuffed them into her handbag, hoping no oneon the bus would notice them. Slave owning was still looked down upon in Britain,even although it was entirely legal. She didn't want anyone knowing she owneda slave any more than she wanted anyone knowing she was a lesbian.
She returned home and no sooner had she closed the door than she smelled smoke.
Oh, no. Not a fire! Oh, God, had something happened? She hadn't been thinkingclearly when she left work this morning? Had she left something on ? Why hadshe gone to the solicitors instead of coming straight home?
The smell came from the kitchen and she sprinted in there. Her eyes immediatelywent to smoke pouring from the oven. Eve was standing against the wall, lookinghorrified.
Mika grabbed a towel and made for the oven. Eve had evidently been tryingto grill something. Whatever it was, it was now unidentifiable, blackened andcharred, smoke coming from it and from the tin foil used to cover the grillpan.
Wincing, for she could feel the heat clearly even through the towel, Mikahauled the grill pan and 'food' to the sink, dropped it in and turned on thetap. There was a rush of steam and a hissing noise, but the flames went out.She then turned off the grill and dropped the singed towel.
It was only then that she turned to Eve. "What did you...?" Shestopped.
Her slave was not dressed as she had been this morning, in very skimpy underwear.She was wearing one of Mika's shirts, one of the ones she had dropped in thelaundry basket. Only, Eve was quite a bit taller than her Mistress, and theshirt only came down to her midriff, revealing a perfect belly and those long,long legs. The shirt was only partly buttoned up, as Eve evidently couldn'tbutton it up past her breasts, and so her cleavage was incredibly pronounced.
She didn't wear anything below the waist (probably because Mika knew she wouldhave absolutely nothing to fit her there) save for some white socks, whichonly came just above her ankles.
"What are you wearing?" Mika asked, slightly nonplussed. Oddly,the redhead looked even sexier dressed like that than she had in just her underwear.
"I'm sorry," Eve muttered. "I'm sorry, Mistress... I didn'tmean to."
"Calm down. I'm not annoyed." She was, a little, but the way Evelooked...
"I took a few things from your laundry. I just wanted something to wearduring the day. The laundry was full and there were a few things left and Iwas going to put them in the second basket, but I forgot..."
"That's all right. Don't worry about it. Really. What about trying toburn my kitchen down?"
Her eyes widened. "I wasn't. I swear. It was an accident. Mistress, I..."
"It was a joke." Eve looked at her blankly. "Never mind. Itake it you've never actually cooked before." Eve shook her head. "Ohwell, take out again tonight. I'm going to go and change."
"Yes, Mistress." Eve began to undo the buttons on her shirt.
"No," Mika said. "You can keep that on. Really. I don't mind."
She really didn't. Eve did look very hot like that.
That was the problem. The more time Mika spent with her slave, the hotterEve looked.
It wasn't just her appearance. It was everything about her. After that firstnight, Eve seemed to have picked up obedience. The thought of being sold tosomeone else obviously awoke something within her, and she was determined toserve her new Mistress as well as she could.
Unfortunately, that wasn't very well. She learned, eventually, to use themicrowave. Mika decided against letting her loose on the oven and grill, notthat she used either herself much anyway.
Eve was able to do the laundry and cleaning. She managed to do them withoutany real difficulty (although she did once shrink one of Mika's favourite T-shirts).She did prove to be a helpful and useful slave girl.
Neither of them spoke anything about any other type of service. Eve seemednot to notice Mika's attention of her. It was possible she didn't realise Mikawas a lesbian. She certainly seemed to be rather unself-conscious about paradingaround half-naked. She'd evidently gotten used to it.
Eve got to be easier around her. She still called Mika 'Mistress', but onlywhen she remembered, which was about half the time. The fear left her eyeswhen she realised Mika wasn't going to hit her again. Mika even let her sleepon the sofa, unbound.
One night, Mika, unable to sleep, went to the kitchen to get some water andnoticed her slave asleep. Eve was wearing another of Mika's shirts and thesame underwear she had been delivered in. One of her legs was propped overthe armrest of the sofa, long and white and soft.
Mika stared at her. Eve looked so helpless. A lock of her long hair trailedover her shoulder. The only light was that from the bedside light in her bedroomand the moonlight through the half-drawn curtains. Eve looked pale and gorgeousin that light.
Mika could rape her. That wasn't a crime. Eve was her slave. She could tieEve up, whip her, force her to do things. She could put on her strap-on andfuck her hard. Eve was a slave. There was nothing she could do about it.
Nothing at all.
Mika stood there for a long time, watching the rise and fall of her slave'slovely breasts. To touch them, hold them, crush them in her hands, rain kisseson them, take those pink nipples between her teeth...
Mika's hand clenched into a fist. Her knees began to tremble.
How long since she'd had sex? Months. Oh, she had a vibrator and some booksand videos but she hadn't used anything recently. Not since... not since Evecame...
What was the point in having a sexy slave girl if you didn't put her to theuse intended? Eve would never make a good cleaner or cook or anything likethat. But as a fuck toy, she would be superb...
Mika remembered the way Eve had looked when first delivered...
Just take her. Tie her up and fuck her senseless. Rape her. She's a slave.Your slave. For 28 days and you still have at least 14 left. 14 days of rapingher, then you could return her and not pay a penny.
Oh, God...
Mika turned away and stumbled down the corridor back into her room. She didn'tbother closing the door properly. She didn't even bother reaching under herbed for her long abandoned box of toys. She simply lay out on the bed, pulleddown her panties, lifted up her nightshirt and slid her finges into herself.
She was wet and hot.
She thought about different things while masturbating. Usually it was aboutholding a slave girl hopeless prisoner, about whipping and torturing her. Herfantasies were usually exotic and fantastical - being a beautiful and cruelprincess, or a sorceress able to command obedience over mind-controlled victims.
This time, she was nowhere near as subtle. She simply thought of Eve, of rapingher, biting her, hurting her...
Her right hand moved inside her, thrusting in and out, brushing her hardeningclit. Her left kneaded her breast, imagining Eve kissing her there.
Oh, oh...
She bit her lip to stifle the first moan, but didn't bother after that. Itwas as if Eve did not really exist any more, was no more real than the fantasyslaves she dominated and mastered in her dreams. A fantasy figure of her ownmind, a creature to use and abuse at her will. Eve would not be real, not havefeelings, would react and respond in precisely the way she wanted...
"Ooohhhhh!" she moaned, panting.
She would put on her strap-on and thrust into Eve's writhing body, again andagain, would violate her tight arsehole, make her scream and moan, make herhelpless slave girl come with the furious passion of what she was doing toher...
"Ah... ah... aaaahhhh! Oh, God!"
Mika was not usually loud, certainly not this loud. But this time, somethingwithin her broke and she cried out, her body arching, moaning loudly, cryingout, almost screaming.
There was a gasp, a soft sound when compared to the noise of her orgasm, butshe heard it, aware it was a real sound and not a fantasy of her own mind.Already tired and drained, Mika sank down to the bed and turned her head, herright hand still at her groin.
Eve was standing in the doorway, a horrified look on her face. "Please," shewhispered. "I didn't mean to... I didn't know... I..."
Shaking, she turned and fled. Mika did not go after her. She simply lay there,eyes closed, remembering the Eve that had existed in her mind.
After a long time, she simply wiped her hand on her bedcloth and rolled over,trying to go to sleep, feeling guilty and embarrassed and still horny. Sheremained awake most of the night.
Mika couldn't even look at her the next morning. Eve kept her eyes away fromher Mistress. Neither of them spoke and Mika left for work in a foul mood.
She came home in an even worse one. What a day! Sometimes she really hatedher job and that was... The fact she had spent the whole day trying to thinkhow she would explain that to Eve didn't help.
What was to explain? She was... enjoying herself, that was all. Plenty ofwomen did that. Probably even American women.
A sudden thought struck her. Which part of America was Eve from? Was she oneof those Bible-Belters who thought masturbation was some disgusting sin? Thename was certainly Biblical.
Mika thought about that on the way home. No, Eve was meant to be the motherof sin, wasn't she? Surely a really religious family would have named theirdaughter something else, like... like... Ruth or... Mary or... Emmanuelle...
Besides, a religious girl wouldn't be so used to wandering around the househalf-naked all the time.
Two more weeks, that was all. She would have to decide then. Keep Eve, orsend her back. She was still a member of that club and had to buy stuff fromthe next four catalogues, but that was a later problem.
What to do about Eve? What to do?
A helpful suggestion came to her when she returned home and found the post.It seemed Eve had tried to be helpful and stored the post somewhere safe, onlyto forget where that was. Evidently, she'd finally remembered.
One of the items of post - the only interesting one - was the letter fromNatasha, her solicitor. She had promised to write a letter summarising theirmeeting. Mika had completely forgotten about that.
Eve was quietly cleaning and so Mika sneaked past her into her bedroom toread the letter.
Most of it was just a summary of what they had covered in the meeting. Therewere also a few leaflets. One of them was for a local Slaves and Slavers Society.It promised
Friendly and regular gatherings for slaves and slave-owers alike, in discreetlocations -
Advice for first time slave owners and experienced Mistresses -
Frequent updates on the swiftly changing nature of slave law
Absolute discretion guaranteed
Natasha's solicitors firm were named as providing cheaper legal advice tomembers. Best of all, the society was free.
What the Hell? Mika could do with some advice. Talking with a few other slave-ownersmay help her out. As long as they were careful, then she should be fine.
She filled in the application form and sent it off.
There was a phone call the next day, just after Mika had gotten home fromwork. She didn't recognise the number.
"Miss Iwai," said a faintly familiar voice. It took her a momentto remember it. "It's Natasha Marshall, your solicitor."
"Oh, yes. Is there something wrong?"
"No, not at all." Her voice was as pleasant as Mika had remembered.She could imagine the blond woman smiling - that gorgous smile... "I wasjust concerned you may have decided against becoming involved in the slave-owningcommunity. But I received your application today."
"No, it was just that my slave lost my post and... You received the form."
"Yes, my firm organises the local Slaves and Slavers Society. We handlemembership and all that. We're having a gathering this Saturday and I was wonderingif you wanted to come and bring your slave girl. I'll be there, and some othermembers."
"I... I don't know..."
"Complete discretion, I promise. A women only night, and in a very well-concealedarea. You can wear a mask or hood if you like. I was remembering some of theproblems you were having with your slave and I thought you might like her tobe around other slaves. My two will be there."
"How... where is it? How will we get there? What do we... wear?"
"You can wear whatever you like. Generally, we wear fetish clothing,but leather, goth, appropriate fancy dress is all fine. You won't be kickedout for breaking the dress code as long as you're not... you know... completelyvanilla. Your slave can wear any of those, or just underwear, or be completelynaked. That's your choice. We have changing rooms and lockers and we can evenarrange taxis there and back, if you're interested."
"Well..." Mika was sounding interested. She couldn't keep actingand feeling like this. She had to do something about her feelings for Eve.Maybe being around other slavers and slave girls would help her get used withthis situation.
"What about... ah... what about Eve?"
"Oh, if you don't have a collar for her, we'll provide one. We have anumber of different coloured collars, indicating her level of vulnerability.If you don't want anyone else to touch her without your express permission,that's fine. No one will go against that."
"Ah... good." Mika nodded. "Good. Yes... I'll be there."
She was smiling again, Mika knew. "Great. I'll send you the details.Give me a ring if you have any questions. I'll see you there."
Mika switched off the phone and thought for a moment, wondering what exactlyshe had done. Go to a slave party? She'd never been to one of those before.Never. She'd always kept her fantasies strictly between herself and her girlfriends.
Now this...
The door to the living room opened and Eve walked in from the bathroom, wearingjust the underwear she had been delivered in, looking sleepy and gorgeous andincredibly sexy.
"Who was that?" she asked.
"No one," Mika said.
"No one important."
"Where are we going?"
"Just to see some people I know."
"But..." Eve looked confused, as well she might. Mika had not allowedher out of the flat since she had tried running away that first night. Mikahad not introduced her to anyone, not even told anyone she was there (apartfrom Natasha, of course).
And now they were going out.
"Enough!" Mika snapped, and Eve fell obediently silent, her headdown. "The taxi's here."
Natasha had, as promised, arranged everything. The taxi was there on timeand drove off without needing to ask where they were going. The driver wasa woman and didn't pay any attention to the two beautiful women, or what theywere wearing.
Mika didn't have much in the way of fetish clothing, but she was wearing herbest outfit beneath her baggy jumper and long, shapeless skirt. No one wouldbe able to see what she was really wearing and she hoped to keep things thatway until she arrived. She was thankful her colouring meant her blushes werenot easily detectable.
Eve, on the other hand, would draw attention whatever she was wearing. Mikahad bought her some clothes not long after first acquiring her. Nothing special,just casual things she could wear if she ever did need to go out. But then,Eve looked gorgeous in anything.
Currently, she looked shocked and upset. Whenever she saw Mika looking ather, she turned away. Her eyes were red, as if she wanted to cry.
Mika just wanted to reach out and kiss her so badly...
The place was inconspicuous. A small door down a dark alley several streetsaway from the main road. Mika would have been worried, but she saw a smartlydressed woman waiting just outside the doorway.
"What is this place?" Eve asked, sounding very frightened. Mikadidn't answer. She just walked forward and approached the woman, handing overher tickets.
Eve hesitated on the threshold of the building, looking up. There were nowindows, no noises to be head, nothing.
"What is this place?" she asked again.
Mika grabbed her hand roughly and pulled her inside. The redhead followedher in and up the stairs, stumbling and bumping against the walls.
"What is this place?"
Mika froze. Oh, for... She turned around and made to say something. She pausedand sighed. "Just a... just... nowhere."
Eve's eyes widened. "Oh," she breathed, shaking. "This is a...One of... those places."
Mika sighed. "It was a mistake. Come on. Let's go home."
Eve hesitated. "Mistress," she said quietly. Mika looked aroundfrantically. Was there anyone around who could have heard that, who could haveseen her? She couldn't see anyone. To have Eve speak to her like that in public...
"Mistress, am I...?" She was shaking. Tears began to sparkle inher eyes. "What is going to happen to me here?"
"Nothing," Mika sighed. "Nothing you don't want to happen."
Eve breathed out in relief and stepped forward. She paused at the door, decidingwhether to knock or simply open it. She did nothing for a while, still thinking,until she finally simply pushed the door open. Mika stared as she entered andthen hurriedly followed.
Neither of them were thinking clearly but somehow Mika managed to negotiateher way past the lady on the door. She eventually found the tickets and managedto obtain keys for the locker and a collar for Eve. There was a choice of colours,each one signifying different options available for the slave girl - from white(no sexual contact at all) to polka dots (anything goes, with no legal limits).Mika selected a white collar.
The locker room was large and well lit and entirely empty. There were soundscoming from the door just beyond, muted and indistinct.
Mika wondered if they were late. She had tried to get here in plenty of time,but maybe not... She had expected some other people to be here changing.
Her heart was pounding faster. What if this was all some mistake? What ifthis was a joke? She shouldn't be here. She didn't belong here. She'd neverbeen this involved in the fetish community. She just liked having sex withwomen, play acting and indulging in a little light bondage and role play. She'dnever been interested in joining a 'community'.
"Mistress?" Eve said, a little more confidently.
Mika breathed out slowly and forced herself to see this through. She had toknow if she could keep Eve or not and that meant she had to go through withthis. Slowly, hands trembling, she pulled her jumper over her head and steppedout of her baggy trousers.
She didn't own much in the way of fetish clothing and what she did have wasn'tthat impressive. It was a simple one-piece corset and skirt garment, that camedown to her upper thighs and moulded tight against her body, with a circlecut-out that enhanced her cleavage. She had black stockings on beneath high,black, stiletto heeled boots that came up to mid-shin.
Nervously, she placed her outer clothes and purse into the locker. The keysto the locker and Eve's collar clipped onto her belt.
Ready to enter, she turned and looked at Eve. Her slave girl was staring ather, eyes wide, an expression that seemed a strange mix of wonder and awe.Eve swallowed.
"What about me?" she asked.
"Umm..." What had Natasha said about the dress code for slaves?Mika had meant to get some fetish clothing for Eve, too, but had chickenedout. Mika didn't want her slave to go naked and she didn't think Eve couldgo in there fully dressed.
"Just your underwear," she said, as firmly as she could. Then, toruin the effect of the stern Mistress, she added, "If that's all right."
Eve did not seem bothered. She stripped off qute casually down to her bra,panties and stockings. She made to remove the latter, but then stopped, lookingat her Mistress for appoval. Stunned and distracted, Mika managed a brief nod,then shook her head, then wondered exactly what question Eve had been aboutto ask.
"Leave them on," she said.
Eve smiled and put her clothing in the locker.
"Are you all right like that?" Mika asked.
"Yes. I used to sunbathe in less than this. Umm... the collar... It meansthat... no one is going to..."
"No. No one's going to touch you. No... sexual contact at all." Justsaying the word 'sexual' gave Mika pause. She wanted to scream. Who was theMistress here? She was more worried about this than Eve was.
Eve nodded, looking relieved.
Mika looked at her. If she went sunbathing in less than that... The bra waslacey and delicate, her nipples just barely visible through the thin fabric.The panties were fairly plain, but the stockings displayed her long legs tothe best advantage, held up by a suspender belt that Mika hadn't known Evehad put on.
"Come on," she said. "Follow me, slave girl." She wishedshe felt as confident as she sounded.
The two of them headed through the door and into a new world.
It was dark, lit like a nightclub with pale, flickering coloured lights. Mikahad a feeling the whole place was a nightclub at times, or had been one inthe past. The main room was huge, with a high ceiling, various small alcovesand a bar at one end. Soft music was playing - 'chill-out music'.
The place was not full, but there were a surprising amount of people here,all women as Natasha had promised. Mika was not sure where to be looking. Someof these women...
She felt incredibly self-conscious and very embarrassed. What if she met someonewho knew her? She should have worn a hood or a mask, or someone to hide herface.
And some of these women. They were gorgeous. Mika felt so... plain by comparison.
This was a mistake. This was all a big, stupid mistake.
She glanced away and saw a cage in one of the corners. A woman was insideit, her arms pulled above her head and fixed in place. She was completely naked.
Mika was so glad she did not blush easily.
She glanced at Eve. The American girl's eyes were wide. She was shaking slightly.One hand reached up to touch her collar, which she must know was the only thingkeeping her from being thrown to the ground and raped repeatedly, or wrappedup in chains and whipped...
Mika heard the sound of a whip crack and a scream over the soft music andshe winced.
A woman walked by, all but naked save for strips of black latex and a longdildo strapped around her groin. Her head was completely concealed by a blackhood, with holes for her eyes and mouth. She glanced at Eve, staring at heradmiringly. She paused.
"Miss... Iwai?" she said. "Mika, wasn't it?"
Mika didn't recognised the woman's appearance, but the voice did sound familiar.She tried not to look at her breasts, naked except for a golden ring in eachnipple. The voice did sound familiar.
"Oh," she said. "The policewoman. Miss... Davies... wasn'tit? I mean, WPC Davies." It was the accent, a lilting Welsh sound.
"Please, call me Gwyneth. I didn't quite recognise you at first, butI remembered your slave girl. A tough one to forget, her."
Mika turned to Eve, only to see that she had sunk to her knees, head bowed,long hair falling over her face.
"Got her trained well, I see," WPC Davies... Gwyneth... chuckled. "Itake it she hasn't tried running away again."
"Uh... no," Mika said. This was not the strangest conversation shehad ever had, but it had to be in the top five.
"A good whipping usually sorts things like that out."
"Oh, yes. Anyway, I'll see you around. There's a free-for-all slut girlin one of the side rooms. She annoyed her mistress and she's now being leftopen for anyone who wants her. I'm going to have a go early, before her Mistresschanges her mind. See you later."
"Uh... yeah."
Mika watched the policewoman walk off, staring after her as she went. Sheshook her head and glanced down at Eve.
"May I get up now, Mistress?"
"Sure... Why did you...?"
Eve stood up in an impossible graceful motion Mika would never have been ableto emulate with a million years of yoga. "It seemed like the right thingto do. Was I right, Mistress?"
"Yeah, sure." Mika paused. "I need a drink. Do you want one?"
Eve fluttered her eyelashes - a gesture Mika didn't think anyone actuallydid - and looked down. "If my Mistress will allow me one."
Mika had no idea of what to say to that one and she just walked across the room to the bar, careful not to look at anyone or anything on the way.
Even the barmaid was half-naked, topless save for long, red nipple tasselsand a slave collar of a colour that might have been grey, but Mika couldn'tsee clearly in the light.
"Can I serve you, Mistress?" she asked in a tone so wonderfullysubmissive it had to have been practiced.
"Uh... vodka and coke, please. Lemon, no ice."
"I'm sorry, Mistress, we have no lemon. I have a break in just over anhour and will be in the punishment room. You can whip me then, if you like."
"I... ah... thank you." Was everyone here crazy? Mika ahd the feelingshe was playing some game where she didn't know half the rules. She probablyshould have read that information pack a little more closely. "I mightdo that." The barmaid was very cute, but Mika had no intention of doinganything to anyone here.
She handed over the drink. "Anything else?"
Mika turned to Eve. "Did you want anything?" She paused. "Doyou drink?" Did Americans drink? You had to be twenty-one to drink there,didn't you? Was Eve twenty-one? Mika thought so, but she wasn't sure. The slavepapers had her date of birth on, but Mika hadn't read them that closely. Weren'tsome states completely teetotal, anyway?
"That will be fine," Eve said, "if my Mistress pleases."
The barmaid prepared another, although this one seemed to be in a high-brimmedsaucer rather than a glass. Mika paid, thankful she could clip her purse toher belt and headed off, holding both drinks and looking for a place to sitdown.
There were a number of couches around and Mika found one in the farthest cornerfrom anywhere else. She saw doors, obviously heading into other rooms, butshe dared not try any of them. This room seemed strange enough to her.
She sipped at her drink and set it down on the armrest, handing Eve her drink.The redhead set it on the floor and bent over, lapping at it as if she werea cat.
Not very well, either. Mika remembered reading that cats had quite adhesivetongues, that meant the liquid could stick to them. Eve, however, was splashingit everywhere. There was no denying it was an inetresting sight, however.
But what was she doing? Okay, this was the sort of thing Mika would expecta slave girl to do, but Eve had no clue of what it meant to be a slave girl.Mika didn't think so. She had certainly been pretty abysmal at it so far, butthen Mika wasn't a terribly adept Mistress either.
What now? Mika had no idea of what to do. She had no idea what she was evendoing here. She didn't go to regular nightclubs much and she had certainlynever been anywhere like this. Was she meant to just stick around for a whileand then sneak out?
Eve seemed to be enjoying herself, though. Now that she had gotten over thefear that she would be gang-raped and left for dead in an alley, she seemedvery at home here. It obviously did not hurt that she was one of the most beautifulwomen here in a place full of beautiful women.
Mika was unsure how much attention people would pay to her slave collar, butthere had been no trouble at all. There were plenty of signs posted aroundgiving the code for the different types of collars and what they meant. Mikasaw one girl in a polka dot collar chained against the back of a couch andnumerous women simply walk up to her and rape her from behind with their strap-ons.From the sounds she was making, the girl seemed to be enjoying it.
However, no one had so much as touched Eve, or even approached her. a numberof women, including slaves had stared at her, but no one had done anythingmore than look.
In fact, no one had approached either of them. Until Mika heard a soft, quietvoice from her side.
"Pardon me, Mistress," came an American accent.
She turned and saw a young, blond, pale, entirely naked girl drop to her knees,long hair falling over a sweet and almost angelic face. Mika tried to stareat her collar (she would be too embarrassed to stare anywhere else) and sawthat is was polka dotted. The girl could not be older than twenty and perhapsnot even that. It was illegal to enslave anyone below eighteen, Mika recalled.Or was it sixteen? No, eighteen. It had been deliberately made higher thanthe general age of consent as a compromise to certain groups.
"Yes?" she said.
"Would be you Mistress Mika Iwai?" The girl kept her head down.
"Umm... yes?" Mika realised that sounded more like a question thana statement. "I mean, yes, I am. Who are you?"
"I am b. My Mistress is the Golden Lady, Queen of My Heart, Owner ofmy Soul, Dominatrix of my Spirit..."
"...Commander of my Every Aspect, Whose Word is my Law..."
"...Whose Glorious Feet I Consider it an Honour to Kiss..."
"...Beneath Whom I am Small and Insignificant, Whose Shadow Exposes Meas the Wretched and Worthless Creature I Am."
"And her name is?"
"Oh. To other Free and Glorious Mistresses, Her name is Natasha, Mistress."
"Oh, yes." Mika was relieved. Natasha had said she owned two slaves,one of whom was American. "Is she here? Where is she?"
"She has instructed me to bring You to Her, Glorious Mistress. If thatis You wish, of course. You may use me as You desire first, of course."
Polka dot slave collar. Of course. Sexually available at all times to allpeople. Mika deliberately did not look at Eve and tried not to imagine theexpression on her face. "Thank you. Um... maybe later." Was it rudeto turn her down? What were the rules of etiquette with something like this?
"As You wish, Mistress." She looked disappointed. "WheneverYou are ready, Mistress, I am to lead You to Her."
"Now's good." Mika finished her drink and looked down at Eve. Herslave girl was trying to keep a calm and submissive expression on her faceand failing quite badly. She was looking at the blond girl with a look of pureanger. "Off you go... uh..." What had her name been?
"I am b, Mistress. But You may of course call me as You wish." Mikawas only just picking up the extra capital letters there.
"B? No, B's fine." Well, that should make it easy enough to remembertheir names. Mika supposed the other one would be called A.
b set off across the room, looking back every few steps to make sure Mikawas following, smiling and biting her lower lip and generally doing everythingshe could to look coy and innocent. Mika in turn looked back to make sure thatEve was following.
She was, but for some reason, she was walking on her hands and knees, headbowed submissively. Mika was about to say something but realised she had noidea what and so just carred on, following the blond girl.
b led her to one of the doors. None of them were marked at all. She openedthe door with a brazen confidence Mika could never have managed and just strolledin. Mika followed more nervously, Eve still on her hands and knees. Mika almosttripped over her and stumbled in.
"I found Her, Mistress," b said with just a hint of self-satisfactionin her voice. "Aren't i a good little slave?"
"That remains to be seen," Natasha said, standing up and steppedforward. Mika stared at her, trying to separate the calm, professional solicitorwith this... stunning... erotic... beautiful...
Natasha was wearing a very strange costume that seemed a mass of leather strapsand a half push-up bra that left her breasts entirely bare. Her groin was alsobare and completely shaven. Dark stockings ran up to her mid thigh, supportedby a suspender belt that seemed tied in some way to the leather straps thatran around her taut midriff. High black boots came up to her mid shin withincredibly high heels. Natahas seemed able to walk in them without any problem.
The solicitor stepped forward and gave Mika a long hug and then a kiss onher cheek. Natasha's lips were very red and her eyes were sparkling.
"You made it, I'm so glad." She looked at Eve, still on her kneesat Mika's feet. "Wow," she said. "She's gorgeous. If you don'twant her, can I have her?"
Natasha waved the suggestion away. "Don't worry about it. That's probablya breach of solicitor - client relationship there. Besides, I can't see youwanting to get rid of her. I certainly wouldn't."
b was pouting. "i found Her for You, Mistress. Wasn't that good of me?"
Natasha frowned. "Yes, it was. Did you offer yourself to her?"
"Of course."
"And did you tell her I hadn't given you permission to come?"
"Of course i did... Mistress." She glance at Mika and then sankto her knees, her posture mirroring Eve's. "i forgot, Mistress, i've beena bad girl."
"Yes," Natasha said, acidly. "Well, your punishment can waituntil later. you didn't see a on your travels, did you?"
"No, Mistress. Maybe she wasn't looking properly. she might be beingraped right now."
"Take my advice," Natasha said to Mika with a sigh. "Stickto the one slave girl for now. Two are sometimes more trouble than they'reworth."
"Did she say the other was called 'a'?"
"Oh, yes. a and b, my slave girls. It's easiser that way. I change thenames around sometimes, depending on how good they've been." She glaredat b. "I'm tempted to move this one's name lower."
"i'm sorry, Mistress."
"She sent the wrong letter out to one of our client yesterday. And brokethe photocopier. I would whip her, but she just enjoys that. Anyway, enoughof my slave girls. Grab a seat. Do you want a drink?"
"Yes, please," Mika said, slightly shell-shocked. She looked around,taking in the room for the first time. It was fairly small, no larger thanthe bedroom of her apartment. There were two couches, a table...
Chains hanging from the walls and ceiling, a rack of whips in one corner,a small cage...
The music was stil audible, but much quieter in here.
Mika dropped down into one couch, relieved to find out it was soft and comfortable.Eve curled up at her feet, still silent.
"b. Go get her..." Natasha looked at her.
"Vodka and coke, please. Er... two."
"And you know what to get me."
"Yes, Mistress." b looked downcast as she left. She was obviouslyhoping to get some reward for finding Mika first.
"Is your other slave girl going to be all right? You're not worried abouther?"
"Oh, no," Natasha replied. "She's probably just being tiedup and raped." Eve let out a little squeak. "Maybe whipped a little.No one's going to hurt her. But a polka dot collar does mean she's fair game.Just as long as she remembered to tell them she's not allowed to come."
"Not her, either. What did she do?"
"Oh, nothing really. She laughed a little when I punished b, that's all.So, what do you think of the place?"
"It's... ah..." Mika paused, trying hard to think of what to say. "Um..."
Natasha laughed. "A bit overwhelming. I was worried you might think that.Don't worry. I thought this meeting might be better for you. We do have smallergatherings, but they're a bit more intimate. People would be asking you questions,that sort of thing. You can keep a much lower profile here. I thought thatmight be easier for you."
"Yes, thank you. The truth is... I feel... I don't know." She lookedat Eve, who was still quiet.
"Ah, I see. Hold on a minute, and I'll arrange things so we can talkquietly, just us dommes."
A few minutes later, b returned, carrying a tray containing their drinks.Behind her walked an exceptionally pretty Indian girl, equally naked save forthe polka dot collar and no older than b. Her head was down and she lookeda litle upset.
"And where have you been?" Natasha asked her, taking her drink fromthe tray and handing Mika's over to her. There was ice in it. Mika sighed.She hated ice in her drinks.
"i'm sorry, Mistress," whispered a. "i was stopped by MistressGloria and her friends. They made me lick them all out. Twice each."
"you did tell them about your punishment, didn't you?"
"Yes, Mistress. None of them touched me."
"i could have pleasured them all in five minutes," sniffed b contemptuously. "Itwouldn't have taken me half an hour."
"Enough," said their Mistress. "Girls. you see this beautifulredhead here, the one who is sexier than both of you put together."
Both of them turned to look at Eve. Neither looked happy at Natasha's assessmentof their respective looks.
"Give her a tour of the place. Finish it up at the mirror room. She'swhite collar, remember, so no liberties. Nothing. I'll expect the two of youto put on a performance at the mirror room. I'm sure I don't need to remindyou of the restrictions you are both under."
"No, Mistress," they said in unison, each trying to outdo the otherin sounding more miserable.
"Ah... the mirror room?" Mika asked tentatively.
"I'll show you later. Don't worry. Nothing bad is going to happen toyour slave girl. I mean... you can keep her here if you like."
"No, that's okay. Eve. Go with these girls. Do what they say."
"b, stop grinning. You too, a. Remember what I said. She's white collar."
"Yes, Mistress," they chorussed again.
"As You command, Mistress," said Eve, managing the same inflectionof the capital letter. She got up and, on her hands and knees, headed off afterthe two naked slave girls.
Mika waited until the door had closed after them and then turned to look atNatasha. "I'm not sure about any of this," she said. "I mean...I'm grateful to you for inviting me here, I really am... but I just don't feellike I... fit in..."
"Talk later," Natasha said, putting her drink down and stridingacross the room.
"What do you...?"
And then Natasha kissed her, her hand sliding up Mika's leg. She pushed Mikadown onto the floor. The Asian girl did not struggle, did not say anythingand just let her mind wash her away.
It had been incredible.
Mika slumped back, with no clue of how much time had passed, of what had beengoing on around her. Nothing else had mattered.
Natasha had touched her and kissed her and stroked her, had managed to touchher through the tight fetish clothing, had used her lips and tongue and fingers...
Mika sighed. Her throat was dry. Oh, how much she must have screamed.
"Sounded like you needed that," the solicitor said with a chuckleand a grin, a lewd expression completely different from her usual, gorgeoussmile.
"Yeah," Mika said. "Ah... yeah. But... uh... but..."
"How am I so good?" Natasha laughed again, standing up and adjustingthe complex network of leather straps wound around her gorgeous form. "Ihave to be. I have to keep those two little sluts of mine aroused constantly.Trust me, sweetie, orgasm control. The best tool of discipline a Mistress haswith her slaves."
"But why?" Mika stretched and tried to get up, but her legs shookand seemed utterly incapable of bearing her weight. She stayed where she wasand tried to pull the skirt down from her waist.
"You're not a slave. You're a Mistress and we need to be kept constantlysatisfied. I take it you haven't been using that cutie of yours in the waythat God and Parliament intended. No, of course not, I could tell that fromlooking at you. What was the problem?"
Mika managed to crash down into the couch. The two of them had ended up onthe floor at some point. "Um... I don't know..." It had been hardfor her to articulate these thoughts in her mind earlier but now, some of thatconfusion had gone. She felt more awake, more alert. She just had to expressthe realisations that were now in her mind.
"I feel a little awkward actually owning a slave, you know. I never mindedplay acting or fantasising but actually having one... being completely responsiblefor her life. Having all this power over her. It feels... just a bit strange.I know I could rape her and I want to. Oh, I really do... but I... I want herto want me to. Does that make any sense?"
"Sure it does. Liberal guilt, right. Were you one of those who protestedagainst the slavery laws?"
"No. I didn't really notice, to be honest. I never thought it would affectme."
Natasha sat down beside her, wrapping one arm around her. "Look. It'snot surprising you feel this way. You're not alone. Most of our first-timeslave owners feel the same way. That's good. You don't want to be one of thosepeople who are comfortable with owning someone in that way, or having thatpower over someone. The people who are comfortable with it are just the peopleyou don't want actually doing it."
"I slapped her," Mika said. "Twice, I think. Maybe more. Shewouldn't shut up, kept interrupting me."
Natasha shrugged. "A little discipline. Nothing wrong with that. Perhapsa bit crude and trust me, there are better ways to discipline your slave girl.You'll find them out in time."
"I shouldn't have done it."
"Then don't do it again. Unless, you know, she likes that sort of thing."
"Do you hit your slave girls?"
"Oh, yeah. I whip them, spank them, tie them up and leave them in a cage.They like it, the little sluts. I swear, half the time they screw up on purpose,just so I'll punish them."
"Eve kept burning my cooking. And losing my post."
"Maybe she wanted you to punish her." Natasha paused. "Or maybeshe just can't cook. Look, there's a lot who'll treat her far worse than youwill. I see them a lot. I've brought prosecutions against people who misusetheir slaves and sell them on as damaged and broken goods. Look after her andeverything will be fine."
"What about...? Um..."
"What about what?"
"You want to have sex with her?" Mika nodded. "Of course youdo. I certainly do. Calm down, gorgeous, I don't touch another woman's slavegirl without permission and she's still white collared here."
"What if she isn't... ah... into women? If she doesn't like me? Whatif she doesn't even believe in sex before marriage?"
Natasha looked at her and then laughed. "Oh, sweetie... I didn't thinkyou were that bad. Of course she's in to women and she's definitely in to you.Firstly, I know the House of Chains and Whips and they wouldn't have givenyou some homphobic religious fanatic as your introductory offer. They're prettygood at profiling their slaves for things like that. Mind you, some peoplelike that sort of thing."
"And she likes me?"
"I saw the way she was following you, the way she looked at you. Trustme, she's in to you."
"Oh... oh..." Mika smiled. "So... what do I do about it?"
"Trust me, I have this all under control."
"Is this legal advice? Will this be showing up on my bill?"
"No," Natasha chuckled. "Strictly personal. And I'd ratheryou didn't tell the Law Society about this. They might not approve. In fact,I know they don't. Bunch of stuck-up old men."
"Oh," Mika said, suddenly realising something. "You won't getstruck off or anything, will you? I mean... for sleeping with a client?"
"Still panicking? No, firstly because they won't find out and secondlybecause you don't get struck off for that sort of thing. It's not recommendedbut as long as it doesn't impair the legal advice I give you or the qualityof service I provide, it's not an offence."
"You've been providing a very good service," Mika said, meekly.
Natasha lent over and kissed her, slowly at first, but then passionately.Her lips tasted of Mika's own arousal. Mika clung to her, her hand reachingfor Natasha's pale thigh.
"Uh uh," the solicitor said, pulling back. "I think there'ssomeone you'd rather be doing this with and we'd better go and get her. I needto collect my two sluts as well, make sure they haven't ben carried off byhorny women they forget to give certain important information to."
"Where are they?"
"The mirror room."
"And where's that? And why's it called the mirror room?"
Natasha laughed. "Come on, beautiful. I'll show you."
"Is she all right?" Mika asked, staring.
She was not the only one. There were six or seven other women standing inthe small, dark room, staring through the window into the room where Eve andNatasha's two slave girls were.
Eve was at the back, placed against the wall, her arms pulled high above herhead and manacled in place. She was just balancing on her tiptoes; a shortergirl would have been hanging in mid-air. Mika vaguely noticed other manaclesfixed to the far wall and hanging from the ceiling, but Eve was the only girlsecured there. A large ball gag filled her mouth.
Mika was quite surprised to see that Eve did not look scared. Her gaze wasdirected downwards at the floor, where a and b were kissing and stroking andgenerally caressing each other.
"I really hope they haven't let each other come," Natasha muttered. "they'llbe in a lot of trouble if they have. they make a game of it sometimes, tryingto get the other one in trouble by forcing an orgasm on her. Oh, what was thatyou said, sweetie? Yes, your Eve's fine. That position gets a little painfulafter a while, but she'll only have been there for an hour or so. No one'sgoing to hurt her."
Mika turned away, oddly embarrassed to be watching this. She could tell fromthe lack of recognition on Eve's face that the window was a mirror on the otherside, hence the room's name. This would be a place for exhibitionists and humiliatingpunishment of slave girls.
Most of the audience seemed focussed on Eve. Mika realised how much that wouldannoy a and b if they knew that.
"Look at those tits," purred one of the women, wrapped head to toein skintight black latex save for a hole over her crotch.
"White collar," muttered another, a naked Asian slave girl wearinga blue collar, clinging to her Mistress' leg.
"More's the pity," said the woman in latex.
"Natasha!" said one of them. Mika saw Gwyneth step forward fromthe darkened corner of the room. She was stroking her long dildo. She lookedat Mika and winked lewdly. "Been having fun?"
"It's been... an enjoyable experience," the solicitor replied, glancingat Mika. She was suddenly very glad of her colouring, or she would have blushedbright crimson.
"Those are your two putting on the performance in there, aren't they?" Natashanodded. "Mind if I go and have some fun with them?"
The blond Mistress shrugged. "Polka dot slave collar. Do what you like.But they're meant to tell you they get punished if they come."
"I might make them."
"I think either of them has more self control than that. Or more fearof me, whichever. they'll resist whatever you do to them."
Gwyneth smiled. "Sounds like a bet to me."
"Sure. What did you have in mind?"
"What say if I win, I get them both for a weekend?"
"And if I win... I get you for a weekend, gorgeous?"
Gwyneth hesitated at that one and then glanced around, aware that she andNatasha had briefly drawn attention away from the show. Mika could see doubtflicker across her eyes followed by the knowledge that she dare not back down.Finally, she nodded.
"Usual terms?" asked Natasha. "You get half an hour with one?"
"That's plenty." She bowed mockingly as Mika tried not to stareat her bare breasts and she left the room.
"We have a bet like this every time," Natasha explained to her obviouslyconfused companion. "She usually wins. In fact, she always wins, but Ilive in hope. She won me once, kept me as her slave girl all weekend."
"Really?" Mika couldn't imagine the sexy, confident solicitor servinga a slave girl. "You... ah... How was it?"
"Awful. Bitch kept me tied up all weekend and wouldn't let me come once.I must have licked her out a hundred times. Well, all right, maybe twenty.I'll get her one of these days and when I do..."
"You were a slave girl?"
"Just play acting. A lot of us like to switch for a time, give our slavesa litle extra power. I don't with my two. Heaven knows what those sluts woulddo with me if they had me tied up. Some of us are quite comfortable with it,though."
Mika tried to imagine Eve as her Mistress. It had its appeals, but she justwasn't interested in things that way.
The door to the mirror room opened and Gwyneth strode in, instantly becomingthe focus of attention and dominating the room. There was something in hersense of confidence and power that Mika doubted she would ever be able to emulate.The audience even tore their attention away from Eve and a and b's floor showin order to cheer the policewoman's entry.
Without a word, Gwyneth grabbed a handful of a's long blond hair and wrenchedher to her feet. The American slave girl had been on top of b at the time,licking her breasts and seemed to have missed the new arrival. She cried outwith shock and pain and what sounded like a little disappointment as she wasthrown across the room and then forced up to a standing position while herhands were pulled above her head and secured into one of the sets of manacles.
She hung there, her feet dangling above the floor, whimpering and mewing likea pussy cat.
b, meanwhile, had remained absolutely still, cringing on the floor, lyingthere naked, making an uncharacteristicaly modest attempt to cover up her nudity,closing her legs and placing one arm across her breasts.
"she always does that," Natasha remarked waspishly. "Tryingto look sweet and innocent."
Mika glanced away to look at Eve. Her slave girl's eyes and widened and nowbore the look of fear more than curiosity. Her breathing had gotten fasterand faster and her breast threatened to pop free of her flimsy bra.
Gwyneth advaned on a, stroking her long strap-on. The Indian girl obviouslyknew what to do, for she rose up onto her knees and opened her mouth wide,taking the long dildo into her mouth, sucking and licking and deep-throatingit with considerable expertise. Mika tried to imagine fitting something thatsize into her mouth and she had to resist the urge to retch.
She looked at Eve again and was overcome with an urge to protect her, to strokeher long hair and tell her everything would be all right, that she would notallow anyone to hurt her and that she would never be humiliated the way thata and b were.
She didn't, partly because she was, like everyone else, interested in theoutcome of Natasha and Gwyneth's bet, and also because she could not bear thethought of walking in there under full view of all these women. They mightexpect a similar sort of show.
Mika jumped backwards as her attention was drawn back to Gwyneth and a. TheIndian slave girl had finished taking the dildo in her mouth and had now beenthrown against the window, that must be a mirror on her side. Gwyneth had cuffedher hands behind her back.
Seeing them now like this, Mika realised that the policewoman towered overher helpless victim. The high heels of her boots obviously had something todo with that but her sense of confidence, of dominance, of power. a lookedlike a slave girl, her face pressed against the glass, eyes wide with impendingterror and pain, mouth open to moan.
Mika wondered if she would ever be able to carry that air of confidence withEve, if she could ever dominate Eve in that way.
a screamed loudly as Gwyneth thrust the wet dildo into her from behind. Herbody slammed against the glass again as the dominant policewoman thrust intoher again and again, brutally and hard. Mika thought at first that a was simplybeing taken normally but then she looked down and saw that Gwyneth's handswere in the girl's pussy, fingers roughly invading her, squeezing and partingher lips, mauling her, exposing her for the audience.
Mika winced, her stomach turning as she continued to watch Gwyneth anallyrape a while simultaneously masturbating her.
The noises were muffled by the glass, but there were speakers in the mirrorroom and everyone watching could hear the slave girl's sounds. To Mika theysounded horrible, anguished cries of pain and ear.
But as she glanced at Natasha, she noticed that she was alone in that one.
"Bitch," said the solicitor, clearly unhappy. "she's enjoyingthat. Just listen to her."
Mika did and it seemed to her now that the cries of pain were perhaps notas pained as she had at first thought. Some of the nuances in the moans andthe sobbing...
She couldn't be enjoying that, could she? Being treated like that? Abusedlike that?
Natasha looked her eyes and sighed melodramatically. "I'm going to loseagain," she said. "At least I'm not the prize this time."
Was she really going to lose? Mika was struggling to grasp what everyone elsehad clearly identified. If a was trying not to come, she was not trying veryhard. she cried out louder and louder and the forcing of her lithe body againstthe glass seemed at least as much her now as it was Gwyneth.
She cried out again and again and again and then she sank forward, pressingherself hard against the glass, sobbing and glowing with the aftermath of herorgasm.
"I bet that wasn't even five minutes," muttered Natasha. "Thatlittle whore is in trouble, believe me. Oh, Gwyneth is not going to let meforget this."
"She enjoyed that?" Mika whispered, still unable to believe it,despite the evidence sticking to the lower portion of the window.
"Course she did, little slut. Didn't you hear her?"
"But how...?"
Natasha shrugged. "Some slave girls do. Your one might enjoy it as well.Or she might learn to enjoy it. Or you can treat her a little more gently thanthat. Whatever floats your boat. You're in charge of her, remember."
"I don't want to hurt her," Mika whispered.
"Then don't. The slave police won't come round to your house to makesure you're whipping her every night. Although that one in there might wellwant to."
Mika looked through the window at Eve. She was still hanging there, gaggedand helpless and looking so incredibly adorable and vulnerable. This must behow men felt when they saw a damsel in distress, someone they could rescueand protect and keep safe.
But Eve really was hers to keep safe. For now, at least.
After the twenty-eight days were up, she could be sold to anyone else, tosomeone who would treat her the way Gwyneth had a, or worse. To some who could...
"I'm going to get her out of there," she announced. She made forthe door, but then stopped. "How do I get her out of the handcuffs?"
"Hmm?" Natasha asked, distractedly. She had been watching a, onher knees before Gwyneth again, cleaning the strap-on with her mouth. "Oh,there's a catch on each cuff. You just press it. They're all easy enough tolet someone out of, just impossible to get out of yourself."
"Thank you." She headed for the door again.
"Oh," Natasha added. "The other doors on this corridor. Theylead to private play rooms. Feel free to use them. They can be locked frominside. No one's going to come in and disturb you."
Mika trembled slightly and then went to get her slave girl.
The door closed behind them with a bang and Mika jumped, almost dropping herlovely burden. She was not carrying Eve - she had nowhere near the strengthto do that - but the gorgeous redhead was leaning against her, supported byher and would likely have fallen to the ground had Mika let go.
The private play room was dark, lit by low wattage bulbs giving a red hueto the hard cold floor and the soft curtains draped here and there. Mika lookedaround for a chair or a couch and found nothing. The nearest was a raised cross,cuffs dangling from each corner.
She rested Eve against the cross, allowing the American to slide from herarms and stepping back, shaking slightly, trying to calm her breathing. Shecould not believe she had actually done that.
Walking into that room had been the most terrifying thing she had ever done.She had to resist the urge to glance sideways, knowing she could feel the womenthere, looking at her, wondering what they might be saying.
She had ignored a and b and Gwyneth and gone straight to her slave girl. Thecuffs had proved to be as easy to undo as Natasha had promised, but Mika stillfumbled with them, her hands shaking too much to find the catch and press it.She had finally managed it and Eve had slumped forward, falling into her arms.
Eve looked drained and Mika tried to think of how long she had been hangingthere. It must have been agonising for her. At least she was tall enough toreach the ground, albeit just. To stand there on tiptoes...
How much time had passed while she had been with Natasha? How long had Evebeen dangling there, in agony, waiting for her Mistress to come and save her?
Mika looked at her lovingly, overcome with a sudden and powerful urge to protecther slave. She could not be like Natasha, and allow Eve to be hurt or abused.
She remembered slapping her and reached up to stroke Eve's cheek.
Her eyes opened and Mika gasped.
"Are you all right?" she asked, a moment later, her heart pounding.
"You came for me," Eve whispered. "My Mistress came for me."
"Yes," Mika replied, a little nonplussed. "I'm sorry. I nevermeant to... I..."
"They were going to torture me. They said they would rape me and whipme and that you would never come, but I knew you would."
Mika made to say something but then stopped, her mind wandering. Had she heardthat right? Natasha might be cruel with her own slaves and Gwyneth might havebeen rough with a, but she could not imagine either of them abusing anotherslave girl without permission. Not one who wore the white slave collar anyway.Natasha had been very clear about the importance of respecting a slave's boundaries.
"I knew you would come, Mistress. I knew you would come and save me."
Mika hadn't really done much saving, really. It wasn't as if she had marchedinto a castle full of soldiers and fought her way to free her true love.
Eve stretched, raising her pale arms high above her head. Her breasts roseand her bra seemed to fall, revealing pale pink nipples and soft, creamy flesh.
"I love you, Mistress," she said, in a voice that was part-purrand part-little girl lost and part-wonderfully sweet.
"I love you too, slave," Mika said, without truly realising whatshe was saying, or what she was doing, or what was happening.
Eve leaned forward, staring directly at Mika, her eyes soft and adoring andadorable. She parted her lips slightly, her arms still raised high above herhead.
Did she want Mika to kiss her? Mika wanted to, oh, how she wanted to, butcould she do that? Well, yes of course she could, but did she have the moralability to do so? She hesitated, unsure, doubting.
Eve rested her head back and Mika silently cursed. The moment was lost.
"I have displeased my Mistress," she said in that same dreamy voice. "Youmust punish me, Mistress."
"Must I?"
There was a click and Mika lookde up to realise Eve had cuffed her wristsinto the two cuffs fixed into place at the top of the cross, and she had doneso with considerably more elegance and grace than Mika had managed gettingher out of the other ones.
"I am your slave, Mistress."
"Yes," came the reply. "You are."
"You can punish me, hurt me, abuse me, do whatever you wish with me.I only ask that you do not stop loving me, Mistress."
Mika stepped back, still shaking, looking at her gorgeous slave girl. Whathad come over Eve? What was this? The voice... that didn't even sound likeher.
Eve was trembling, her breasts entirely free of the flimsy bra, her long legstaut and strained, her mouth trembling, tear rising in her eyes. Mika lookedat her, looked at her eyes.
There was some game here, but Eve was beginning to doubt. That look in hereyes, that sense of fear... that was genuine, Mika was sure of it. Reject hernow and she would be rejecting her for good.
Mika could not do that.
She stepped forward, balancing on her tiptoes, leaned against the lusciousbody of her slave girl, and kissed her.
It was a soft kiss, loving and erotic and wonderful. Eve's lips were softand sweet. The feel of her body against Mika's was blissful, everything Mikahad hoped it would be. Eve responded, her body straining against the self-imposedchains.
Mika pulled back. Eve was crying.
"Not a word," she whispered, in a voice trying to be stern and severeand failing quite badly. "This is your punishment." She knew whatto do now. Natasha had given her the idea, of sorts. "Do not speak."
She knelt down, gently taking Eve's ankles and pulling them to the other cornersof the cross, where more manacles dangling. She cuffed them into place, asgently as she could. She stroked Eve's legs, running her hands gently up anddown the pale expanse of inner thigh.
Shifting her position slightly, she kneeled foward, her head level with Eve'sgroin. She placed a soft, momentary kiss at Eve's frilly, lacey, white panties.Her hand slid up Eve's leg and gently pushed beneath the delicate fabric, brushingagainst the edges of her sex.
Eve moaned. She cried. She let out wonderful sounds. She sighed. She wept.She may have said words in defiance of Mika's order.
Mika did not care. She was in bliss, on her knees before her sexy, lovelyslave girl, kissing and caressing and coaxing her. Any doubts she may havehad about whether Eve enjoyed sex or liked women or was some puritan fanaticwere all dispelled as her slave cried out in a rapture that could not havebeen faked.
When she was done, and she again had no clue as to how much time had passed,she lay back, as drained as if she had been pleasured herself. The floor wascold and hard against her back, but she would rather have rested there thanon any silken sheets.
She wanted to close her eyes and rest, allowing sleep to take her into blissfuldreams, but she also wanted to stay there, staring up at her beloved slavegirl, fixing this moment in her mind forever, for she doubted anything likethis would ever happen to her again.
But she stopped and sat up and then stood up.
Eve was crying. Genuine tears, genuine sobs, her body racked.
Sudden guilt filled Mika. What if Eve had not truly wanted that? What if shewas not a lesbian or did not like sex or was some puritan? Had her slaveryjust been brought home to her? Had she expected something more from Mika, somekindness or mercy that Mika had just taken away from her?
All those thoughts came at once, and Mika stepped forward, standing as closeto Eve as she dared without actually touching her.
"What is it?" she asked. "Eve... did I hurt you? Are you...?Eve... please..."
Eve was trying to say something, but she could not speak through the tears.Mika was torn behind holding her and backing off.
"Please," Eve finally rasped. "Please..."
"Please what? Eve..."
"Please don't sell me."
Mika started. "Eve, I..."
"I'll do anything. I'll work. I'll learn how to cook. I'll clean yourclothes properly. I'll sleep in a cage in the shed." Mika didn't havea shed. "Just... please don't sell me."
"I won't," Mika whispered. She could afford Eve. Just. She wouldcome up with something. That was a problem for another day. "I won't sellyou." She began to stroke Eve's lovely, long hair. "Please stop crying."
"Yes, Mistress."
But she didn't. Not until Mika unbound her from the cross and held her tightlyand stroked her hair and kissed her breasts and laid her down on the cold floor.Eve's cries were just as loud and just as wonderful the second time.
"My first time," she whispered afterwards, slumbering in her Mistress'arms.
"The first time you had sex?" Mika asked, horrified again. "Youwere a virgin?"
"No. The first time I ever... felt like that." A long pause andthen a soft purring. "Thank you, Mistress."
Mika did not know what to say to that, so she said nothing at all and driftedaway to sleep, holding Eve tightly and praying she would never go away.
A loud knock on the door woke her. Her head was pounding and her mouth wasdry and sweet. The room was full of her own sweat and arousal.
"Wake up, lover girls," called Natasha. "The place is closingsoon-ish."
Mika blinked, staring around the dark room and slowly disentangled herselffrom the lovely mass of limbs and soft, creamy flesh. She stretched. Her fetishdress may look sexy, but it was definitely not very comfortable to sleep in.
She hobbled to the door, ankles aching from the pain of her high heels, wishingshe could take her boots off. She slid back the bolt and opened the door, blinkingat the sudden onrush of light.
Natasha was standing there, arms folded under her shapely breasts. "Thoughtyou'd have fallen asleep," she said. "The place shuts down in aboutan hour. The cleaners'll be coming in."
"Oh," Mika whispered. "What time is it?"
"Just gone six."
"In the morning?" Mika had not stayed out all night since she hadbeen a student, and not often then. "Oh, God."
"Did you two have fun?" Natasha glanced past Mika and saw Eve stillslumbering on the floor, in a state of very attractive deshabille. "Lookslike it." Mika was well past blushing. "So. How was it?"
"It was..." She paused. "It was wonderful," she finallysighed.
"No doubts?"
"Told you," said the solicitor, taking Mika in a swift hug. "Anyway,you'd better get dressed again properly and make your way out. Taxis are allarranged. They'll take you two straight home."
"I feel exhausted."
"I bet you do."
Mika looked away, biting her lower lip. A giggle sddenly escaped her and allher fatigue and incipent hangover faded. Oh, she felt so... She looked at Eveagain and her heart swelled with love and admiration and so many other thingsshe had not the words for.
"She's gorgeous. You're a very lucky woman."
"Yeah." Mika sighed. Could she not have a moment's blissful happinesswithout reality coming in? A treacherous thought reminded her that she hadhad several moments of blissful happiness last night. "I've no idea howI'm going to be able to afford to keep her. She begged me not to sell her.I don't want to, but..."
"Ah! That reminds me. I meant to mention this to you last night but...what with one thing and another, I forgot completely. We're looking to expandour slavery law department. We should have some vacancies. You interested?"
"I'm not a trained solicitor."
"Don't worry about that. We can take you on as a paralegal, set you onthe Legal Executive Course. Oh, it's not guaranteed. I have to run everythingby my partner and you'll probably have to attend an interview or two, but I'llput in a good word and I'm sure you'll do fine. The money isn't great but it'llbe better than you're on now and I can promise you a number of... ah... perks.We'll even hire Eve as well."
"I thought slaves couldn't work."
"They can't, but she can be an asset you bring to the firm. Sort of likeusing your own car instead of a company car, that sort of thing. You'll beentitled to an allowance."
"Um..." Mika tried to think of how to phrase this. "Ah... she'snot very... um..."
Natasha nodded. "I see. Don't worry about that. We can stick her on reception.All she has to do is answer the phone and draw in prospective clients. Look,we really have to go. I can contact you to arrange an interview... if you'reinterested?"
"Yes! Um... I mean... yes, of course. That would be... ah... yes..."
"Well, don't get too excited. As I said, I have to run it by my partner.She might think I'm only hiring you because we're sleeping together." Natashagrinned, leaned forward and kissed her, a loving, tender, passionate kiss thatleft Mika gasping and knees buckling.
"Go home," Natasha whispered. "Take your gorgeous little slavegirl to bed. You might even want to sleep there. It's Sunday, after all. Everythingelse can wait until Monday."
Mika smiled weakly and stepped back, turning to her beautiful, sleeping slavegirl.
A simple touch to her shoulder woke Eve up. She looked up. "Oh," shebreathed. "I had a strange dream."
"I'll bet you did," Mika breathed. "Come on. It's time to gohome."
"Yes, Mistress," she purred.
Mika dressed shyly, looking away from Eve, the normal environment of the changingroom casting a pall over her mind. She pulled her jumper and trousers overher fetish dress, the fabric itchy and awkward against the sweat tricklingacross her skin.
She turned around to see Eve dressed, still looking sexy and wonderful. Evegently took her hand as the two of them left.
Neither said anything on the taxi ride home, although Eve did rest up againstMika, one arm around her, resting her body against hers, breathing softly andslowly onto Mika's neck. The taxi driver said nothing.
Mika fumbled with her keys and finally managed to open the door to her apartment,stumbling in. She wanted to flop down on the sofa, or better yet the bed, butshe could not. Not yet. She could barely move in this thing.
She stripped off her outer jumper and struggled with the laces for her corsetdress. Her fingers were tingling and seemed incapable of obeying her instructionsbut she finally managed it, forcing herself out of the tight top. She rememberedNatasha managing to get inside her earlier, hoisting the skirt above her waistand using fingers and tongues and...
Oh, my.
She kicked off the high boots slightly more easily and at last accomplishedher aim. Naked, able to breathe easily, she fell down on the couch with a satisfiedsigh.
She suddenly sat up, realising she was completely naked. And in front of Eve,too. It sounded strange, after all they had done last night, but that had beenlast night and things had been different then and this was her apartment, herhome and...
She need not have bothered. Eve was kneeling obediently and shyly on the floor,hands on her thighs a patient expression on her face.
Mika could not help herself. She laughed and gestured for Eve to join heron the couch. All her tension had faded from her and she held her slave girltightly and affectionately.
"I'm not going to sell you," she whispered, head resting on Eve'sshoulder.
"Thank you, Mistress," came the reply. Mika chuckled.
They stayed like that for a long time. Mika may even have dozed off for awhile. She finally stirred and stretched and got up. A shower, first. Maybesome coffee. After that... she had no idea. Maybe visit the cinema, or juststay in and watch TV, or take Eve to bed, or read a little, or take Eve tobed, or go and rent a DVD, or take Eve to bed.
She thought taking Eve to bed might be a good idea. In fact, she might justskip out the shower and coffee.
A thought came to her.
"Yes, Mistress?" she said in a delightful purr that sent tinglesrunning through Mika's body.
"Why were you acting so... ah... well... strange last night?"
"'Strange,' Mistress?"
"So much like a slave girl. All that kneeling and submission and... Youseemed so embarassed before."
"I am your slave girl. I came to realise that if I had to be a slavegirl, I was really lucky to be a slave girl here. I knew you... liked me...after I... ah..." After she saw Mika masturbating. "And I wantedto be your slave girl. I didn't at first but the more I found out about it,the more I realised just how much I wanted to."
Mika paused, unsure of what to say. "Found out about it? Were you talkingto Natasha?"
"No, Mistress. I didn't know about her until last night. I went onlinewith your computer and found some slave chatrooms and forums. I got advicefrom there."
"You know how to use a computer?" Mika asked, momentarily surprised.
"A little. I went to college back home. I dropped out after a semester,but I learned how to use a computer."
"Well, wonders never cease," she joked. Then she stopped. "Youwent online?"
"Yes, Mistress."
"During the day?" Mika nearly shrieked.
"Yes, Mistress."
"For how long?"
"Most of the time while you were out."
"Every day?"
"When you were at work, yes. Mistress, is there something...?"
Mika let out a low moan. "My phone bill," she whispered. "It'sgoing to be huge." She put her hands over her eyes. "Massive."
"I'm sorry, Mistress. I didn't know."
No, she wouldn't. Going online during the day. Fifteen pence a minute. Mikadid not want to think what her phone bill was going to be.
She sighed. One of the many pitfalls of owning a slave. She could see thewisdom in keeping Eve tied up very tightly all day when she wasn't around.
"Eve, listen to me..." She stopped. Eve had sunk to her knees, adoptingthe slave posture again. Somehow she had shed her outer clothes in the meantimeand was now in just her underwear again.
"I'm sorry, Mistress," she said, pouting. "I've been a badslave girl. Perhaps you should punish me."
Mika made to say something and then stopped. Yes, perhaps she should. Shewished she now had a whip or a flogger or some sort of lash. She had seen loadsof them at the party. Perhaps that could be her first purchase from the slaveclub.
If she could afford a purchase. Keeping slaves was expensive. She had betterhope she got that job Natasha had been talking about.
In the meantime... looking at Eve kneeling there, she could not stay angrylong. But some punishment was definitely in order. What had Natasha said aboutthe best way to discipline slaves?
Mika smiled.
"Yes, I will punish you," she said. "I'm going to take a shower.Wait here for me. Don't move a muscle."
As she walked towards her bathroom, still completely naked, she imagined takingEve to bed, tying her down as tightly as possible with the feeble tools shehad available, playing with her, toying with her, watching her writhe and trembleand beg for release.
Denial. That was what Natasha had recommended. Mika would see if that worked.
She stopped at the door to the bathroom, a tingling spreading all over herbare skin. She turned back. The shower could wait.
Barely forty-five minutes later she succumbed to Eve's pleading and poutingand moaning and let her cum. Mika knew she was just too nice to be a slaveMistress.
Two weeks later:
Dear Miss Iwai,
Thank you for confirming your membership of the House of Chains and Whips,Europe's foremost slave and tool supplier. We note you have elected to keepyour new slave girl and we enclose our invoice for her.
It is part of your membership that you make at least one purchase fromeach of the first four catalogues you receive. Our first catalogue is enclosed.
The Editor's Pick of the month is the set of slave manacles, which includeswrist cuffs, ankle cuffs, collar and leash. We guarantee that no slave willbe able to escape from these once securely tied up and they are speciallylined with a patented synthetic material to ensure no marks or bruising toher soft skin.
Order these manacles within twenty eight days and you can take your pickof the chastity belts displayed on page five for only half price.
We want you to feel that you can order from us in perfect confidence.All of our items are subject to a twenty-eight day trial period. Simply returnthem within twenty-eight days if you are not satisfied and we will replacethem for any item of equal or lower cost at your choice.
We hope you enjoy your membership of the House of and we will try anddo all we can to make sure your life as a slave owner is as simple and enjoyableas possible.
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Copyright 2001, 2002 swl all rights reserved except as follows: 1. Permission is given to download one (1) copy for personal use only. 2. Permission is given for Fictionmania to post this story. Other free sights are welcome to request permission to post this story. 3. As some of these characters are real people, permission is given to them to use these characters in a story provided the same veto rights are given to them as I gave them. Also, this copyright includes the...
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The Trial My wife of 2 years and I are very fortunate because we are financially independent. Neither of us will ever have to work. We are very sexually active with each other and are always trying to experiment. One day we watched a movie that showed a guy being transformed into a female and how he/she adapted to living as a woman. During the movie Mandy took out my dick and began to play with it. She said that the thought of my swapping sex turned her on so much. We had to stop the...
The Trial Part 3 I continued checking myself several times a day but didn't really notice anything else in the short term. Was this good news, I wondered? I suspected it wouldn't last, but didn't have any idea what would happen anyway. It was no consolation whatsoever that Claire didn't either! There was no visible change at the moment so I concentrated on going out as often as I could to carry out one of my favourite pastimes, photography. I either walked locally or took a bus or...
Dan had a trial in the morning. He had to figure out how to defend some stupid kid who broke into an old woman's apartment and then got conked over the head with a frying pan. But it might as well have been him on trial, sitting in that chair next to the judge, trying to explain to his wife and three sons how he violated the same rules he had imposed on them. Dan tilted his head back and rubbed his eyes. It was late, past two in the morning. The rest of the house was asleep and he was alone...
"It's 5 bucks if you want it!" I was in the second hand store, on my way home from high school on a Friday afternoon. I stared at the small chest in front of me. It looked really old, like at least 100 years old. But it was locked, and didn't have a key. So buying it was a gamble, and five dollars is a lot of money for a student. But I fancied my lock-breaking skills, and there was a small chance that something valuable was inside, or that the chest itself was valuable once the lock...
Thanks for the appreciation for my last story. Your wishes encourage me to write better. The next story is of a criminal under trail and his lawyer. Amol was an honest salesman working for a hardware company. His honesty and integrity were never questioned until he was charged with raping a woman from his neighbourhood. He was arrested immediately upon a complaint from his next building neighbour. Amol was 29 living in Solapur for his job. He was tall, about 6.2, he had a slim frame and used to...
The Trial -------------------------- Stewart faces a trial he never imagined but with a little help he might be able to get through it. --------------------------- The knock on the door was loud enough that Stewart jumped from the chair where he'd fallen asleep. Another knock followed, much more urgent this time and he quickened his pace. Two policemen were standing outside. Stewart asked, "Can I help you?" "We need to speak with your wife. Can she come to the...
I had missed it at first even though, after Claire's warning, I had been carrying out a very detailed watch over my body. You know how quite often, when a man wakes up in the morning, he can have a really rigid boner, despite not having had any sort of erotic dream before waking? It's not something that happens every morning, at least for me it didn't, so its absence wasn't something you really noticed. Unless the bed was co-occupied, it was something which tended to subside fairly...
Alexander Steinert and the new sisters travel to 'her' private domain and instead find themselves in a 'Wonderland' of sorts were Cmdr. Steinert is on trial for her recent actions. Can the new Empress understand the twisted charges and defend her sister before the four most revered figures she's ever known? What rules have been broken in order to save a life? Copyright 2012 R.G. Beyer Episode 5 "Trial of the Century? Broken...
The Deputy Head of Mission was despondent as they prepared for the trip to the Palace for her trial three days later. For her trial she had decided to wear a severely cut dark blue business suit with a high necked white blouse. Her underwear was deliberately sexy in a brave attempt to bolster up her nerves. Lacy knickers and matching brassière were worn with a garter belt and fully fashioned stockings. "These Emirs are known for their cruel and unusual punishments," he said, relishing the...
Monique woke me when it was time for dinner later on Friday evening. Svenda joined us for our meal and we had a nice conversation. I explained our dilemma regarding our upcoming marriage vow renewal. Monique said, "I don't care what they think. I love you and I want you back so that we can make babies together." "Ja, ju make goot babies Mr. Bill. I take care off little ones for ju, ja?" "As long as you don't torture them like you have me, Svenda, we would be honored for you to be...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Lasla – Ankush, Queendom of Naith I fought so hard against my fear as we were led to where the Trial of Pain would be held. My stomach was a maelstrom of fears,...
JR walked with Dave, Jack Anders, Ty Winter, Aaron, and Nikky Thomas along Circle Road. Just past the home belonging to Dev and Wendy Connor the old road had been dug up and turned to dirt. Drainage and utility extensions were installed between the original construction and where some of the original homes had been relocated. The five older homes that had been relocated to the far end of the ‘racetrack’ were in place, but not yet completely hooked into the utilities. Water and sewer were...
Dan had a trial in the morning. He had to figure out how to defend some stupid kid who broke into an old woman’s apartment and then got conked over the head with a frying pan. But it might as well have been him on trial, sitting in that chair next to the judge, trying to explain to his wife and three sons how he violated the same rules he had imposed on them. Dan tilted his head back and rubbed his eyes. It was late, past two in the morning. The rest of the house was asleep and he was alone...
Theresa considered what the defense team just revealed. She looked at Jessic and then the D.A. She crinkled her nose. She cleared her throat melodically and asked, “Miles, have the police questioned this officer in connection to this murder? Was he even been on their radar?”“I don’t think so.”“What?”“I mean. No. None of this was known until this point.”“Why don’t you get the chief on the horn and have him get his ass over if he isn’t already lurking around? I know word tends to travel in this...
For those readers who missed the first installment: First, PAY ATTENTION. I'm working my ass off writing this shit and you're off somewhere getting laid or going to the Spring Auto Show or something. Get your priorities straight. Second, you need a synopsis, which means I have to write the whole fucking story over again and bore the shit out of people who've already read Part 1. Have a little consideration. SYNOPSIS: Shelly was an uptight bitch who was married to an investment banker....
As the trial began emotions were high. I didn't want my family there. Not because of me but I didn't want them to hear what their mother had done, the sexual acts that made her a slut, the things she did with those men. It made me look like a wimp, a cuckold. I didn't want my family thinking of me this way. I called Mary. When she answered the phone and said, "Hello," I paused. In fact she had to say it twice, "Hello, hello." I said, "Mary, this is Dan." She said, "Dan, oh, my...
November 25, 1981, Rutherford, Ohio “Family Court for Harding County is now in session, Judge Martha Lee, presiding. You may be seated.” The small courtroom was packed with doctors, lawyers, and our family. Nobody from the general public was permitted because Liz was a minor. “Ladies and gentlemen,” Judge Lee said, “this is a status hearing on an emergency custody petition which I signed on Sunday evening. The procedure is a bit less formal than in a normal courtroom. That said, please...
Joan Paige, previous Joan Coswell, sat with Dave Prentiss, Dale Harnett, and Emily Wilson, in the spectator seat of the court room at the Sarasota County Courthouse. The sheriff’s deputy called out, “All rise for Judge Margaret Hernandez.” The portly female judge whirled out the side door at the front of the courtroom and took up the position on the bench. She looked to her left, “Foreman, is the jury ready.” “We are your honor.” She looked at the two attorneys. “Is the prosecution and...
Dave escorted JR into his home. It was a night when there was not a communal dinner on the patio in the new dining room. Instead, they were doing a special dinner of sorts at home. The weather was on the cool side; January in Sarasota was not always the warmest month. The dinner for the party was the doings of Cricket, Alice, Nikky, and Scarlett. Besides Dave and the other wives, Bridget was there along with JR, Larry Wainwright, Jenny Harvest, Deborah McKinley, and Ross Buchman. The dinner...
Once we had qualified for the trials the extensive training began. The Trials were being held in April and May of this year. Both Bob and I received received large amounts of paperwork. There was information regarding where and when the trials were to be held. Information regarding available room and board that they supplied, as well as available hotels, if desired. Since both Bob and I had low enough qualifying times they were going to arrange our expenses. There was information on meetings...
We awoke then next morning at 0600 hours. My ladies were told that they should spend most of the day in the sleep trainers to learn first what was usually taught after a pickup then do some special modules. The teenagers were going to be using modules that should help them become sponsors. Helen had some lead concubine lessons and Joan some chief mother lessons. The AI would watch the dependents. My day was set aside for the trials planned for the Earth Firsters. I asked my ladies to be...
I have edited the grammatical errors that caused my tale to be withdrawn, and hope it will now be found worthy of posting for your enjoyment. Another day closer to the exam; the stress was really getting to Neotha as she sat in the typical chair, reading and searching the vast library of legalese still yet to be filtered through before the trial yet to come; the dread New York State Bar Exam. She had been at it for almost seven hours today; her twelve hour study sessions had drawn out to...
Straight Sex“High Rankers’ trials?” Zax probed. “For the sake of being accepted into a Geared mercenary band and gaining proper status.” Xinia proceeded. Mendor also mentioned to him about being a Ranker mercenary, but that was as far as their conversation on the matter went. “On the twenty eight of every fourth month the Mercenary Association upholds trials for mercenaries to improve their rank through special assignments or tests. It is up for you to choose, but to participate in the trials you...
copyright Nora Quick 2012. As always, I welcome comments and feedback! ______________________________________________ Time was not the same between the two planes. Morrigan sighed, knowing that what passed for her as mere months was going on two and a half years on her champion’s Earth. Time was inconsequential to immortals but Keelin had been abandoned for too long and she’d barely survived three challenges. The first was in violation of the agreement of the tournament, so Morrigan’s...
I have edited the grammatical errors that caused my tale to be withdrawn, and hope it will now be found worthy of posting for your enjoyment. Another day closer to the exam, the stress was really getting to Neotha as she sat in the typical chair, reading and searching the vast library of legalese still yet to be filtered through before the trial yet to come, the dread New York State Bar Exam. She had been at it for almost seven hours today, her twelve hour study sessions had drawn out to...
Period Synopsis Walk a mile in my shoes has a whole different meaning when it's a Tampon.... Players Our Protagonist Rick, Jennifer - Rick's sister, Rose - Rick's mom, Susan - Rick's Antagonist. Story "Hey Mom, it's started," Jennifer yelled from the upstairs bathroom after opening the door a few inches to call down. She had felt that odd flutter just below her stomach almost immediately and knew what it was instantly. "Right on schedule isn't it? You know, I thought...
Karen arrived next Friday evening. She was not expected until Saturday, but both Lucy and Jo were very pleased to see her."Right, I have a print out of all your expected expenses and income. I have made lots of enquires about some things, so please raise any queries you have," said Karen.The girls looked at the printout and most of it did not mean much to them, it was just a whole lot of figures.Karen saw that the two girls were looking a bit confused."Let me go through the list with you,"...
SpankingWell... that summer, right near the end of the year, maybe a week after the last day a car pulled up to my house around 8pm. I went outside to see who it was, because the didn't seem to be getting out of the car but it was parked. Once I got about 5 feet out of the house I heard the popping of a car door, and soon three others. With that, each door of the car openned and 4 people got out. I could tell there was someone else in the car, in the back seat, but they stayed put. I struggled...
Many years ago, when I was 35 years old and my wife Joan was 32, we decided to hike a section of the Appalachian Trial, starting in Hot Springs, North Carolina, and heading north. We lived in Knoxville, Tennessee at the time, so it was only a short drive to our Hot Springs starting point. It was the beginning of the summer, and our two kids, ages eight and six were at summer camp, and we were both able to take two weeks off from work for this adventure. We had done some camping with the family,...
Joe Edd rolled over in his sleep. He dreamt:“Bite that goddamn pillow,” ordered the 33 year-old Joe Edd as he plowed the whimpering 8th grader with his thick 8-inch cock.“Unh...Unh...Unnnnh,” moaned Rosie.His large, brawny & hairy body rested on the back of the femme bottom’s smooth as silk skin. He pounded furiously. It was not their first time and would not be their last. He flipped over the bubble butt twink and plowed him. Joe Edd held the faggot’s ankles as he delivered mighty strokes...
This story is not an erotic story I'm afraid so if you are looking for sexual stimulation I'm sorry. Instead it is simply an extract from the third volume of my novel "Slaves of the Amethyst" It recounts the story of the character Julie who faces a crisis in her life and becomes suicidal. In desperation she runs to the extraordinary Oriental gardens in the parklands of Mathom Hall to take counsel of their mistress Shiro-san. This is the trial though which that lady puts her. I post this story...
Irresolute Trial By Bill Hart My head throbbed mercilessly as I awoke. Other than being laid out on some large soft bed somewhere, I didn't have the slightest idea where I was. I couldn't think about it; I didn't want to think about anything. Thinking simply hurt too much. My poor head already ached more than enough without adding to it. Two people - I think it was two, but it might have been a few more or even a few less - entered the room. One of them sat down beside...
Larry's Trial. Larry is falsely accused of a rape, and Nicole with the help of Billy Bonnie aides Larry. Peace. Belle. Hello every body. This is Nicole again with a very painful tale. My brother Larry was accused of a rape that he did not do. It almost killed him. It started when a local female claimed that she was raped at the Salem Brewery. The only trace of the attacker was a brewery ID card that had Larry's name on it. There was nothing that I could do about that. My...
The Trial Part 4 It turned out to be far simpler than I had expected. "Are they a better fit, Peter?" She already knew I was in panties from her weekly examination of the ruins of what were originally my reasonably well-filled sack. My Blush Index went up slightly, but only slightly, this time. "Yes, Claire, they are. They are very different from my Y-fronts but I can't say they are at all uncomfortable under the circumstances." She smiled. "Well, they are made for the...
The Trial Part 5 The Conclusion "How would you like some good news?" My ears pricked up at that question! For so long, I had had nothing but bad news; disappearing tackle, bigger bum and hips, ever-growing tits! Any good news had to be worth listening to, didn't it? "Go on then! Tell me." "Your Factor 29 seems to be slowing down. We weren't sure for a few days, but the curve is now definitely flattening off! We don't know what it means for certain yet, but..." "...but it...
With winter closing in, Etu, Aponi and Machk begin their trek for the Oneida village. Meanwhile, Max and Elise make a decision that may affect them all. (This story has been released in chapters because of its length. It is complete.) A Quiet Strength - Trial and Tribulation Part Three - Conclusion By Anon Allsop -Part Three- -One- There was a hint of curl to the leaves that they passed, once vibrant greens were withered slightly from the touch of frost. The air was crisp and...
The TrialAn excerpt from the legend of Johnno Allthwaite.=================================== "Order in court!" the Clerk to the Court ordered, "This is a serious matter.""Bloody farce mate," I said, "If you ask me.""No one asked you Mr Allthwaite," the Clerk continued."That's Councillor Allthwaite to you mate," I says, "I been elected proper, not like you lot what just happened to go to the right school and that."The Clerk started looking a bit nervous as one of the skinheads in the front row...
Many years ago, when I was thirty-five years old and my wife Joan was thirty-two, we decided to hike a section of the Appalachian Trial; starting in Hot Springs, North Carolina, and heading north. We lived in Knoxville, Tennessee at the time, so it was only a short drive to our Hot Springs starting point. It was the beginning of the summer, and our two kids, ages eight and six were at summer camp, and we were both able to take two weeks off from work for this adventure.We had done some camping...
CuckoldA TRIAL OF TIME.. BYLC. The darkness beginning to crush me, my face was getting torn as I ran throughthe thick dense woods, I slipped and my shoe came off but I could hear thembehind me so I carried on stumbling through the darkness as their voices justgot louder and louder as they drew ever closer. All I remember is a heavy blow to the back of my head and then waking uphere, well just know where was here. I looked around the room and noticed it was a very plain small dark rooma dirty...