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Period Synopsis Walk a mile in my shoes has a whole different meaning when it's a Tampon.... Players Our Protagonist Rick, Jennifer - Rick's sister, Rose - Rick's mom, Susan - Rick's Antagonist. Story "Hey Mom, it's started," Jennifer yelled from the upstairs bathroom after opening the door a few inches to call down. She had felt that odd flutter just below her stomach almost immediately and knew what it was instantly. "Right on schedule isn't it? You know, I thought it might start today. If I remember right, your cramps started Monday. So, it's two days after your cramps. It's okay, I've put a new package of inserts under your sink. They should be right next to a new package of disposables for Rick," Jennifer's mom, Rose, hollered back. "Thanks mom, I just found them," Jennifer answered, "want me to get Rick's stuff ready?" "No, worry about yourself first, I'll take care of Rick," Rose answered as she laid the dish towel down after wiping her hands. Her next batch of cookies would have to wait a few minutes longer to go in. Rick's mother turned the temperature down on the stove and placed paper towels over her third batch of cookies. She was making them for the next school bake sale and only had today to finish. She grew a little frustrated over that part but determination got her past it. She stepped to the basement door, put her hand on the knob and took a deep calming breath. Rick was not going to be happy, but this had to be done... "Rick, honey, are you down there," Rick's mother sang from the top of the basement steps after opening the door. She sweetened her voice on purpose. "Yes," Rick said after an uncomfortable hesitation he felt his stomach twist slightly. He knew why his mother was calling him because he'd just heard his sister's faint voice first. He couldn't believe a month had gone by already, but it had, as he whispered a private, "Damn it." Rick also knew what his mother was about to say next when he answered. He knew what his mother would say because of his sister. He'd seen that mischievous grin on her face at breakfast Monday morning and she'd said she was getting cramps again. Cramps Rick thought in frustration. Cramps meant Jennifer had gotten her period or was about to, and that meant Rick's period was also about to start. This was insane. Boys don't get periods. "Rick, answer me," Rose said after another pause. "I heard you," Rick said letting his anger and frustration saturate his words. "Well, then you know it's time honey," Rose said from the top of the stairs, letting her own anger rise to match his. She had been trying to sound sympathetic, but not too charitable given the crime. As hard as this was on Rick, it was necessary. Necessary because Rick had been very incredibly hard on his sister and very insensitive to girls in general that day and he seriously needed this "Mom, this is insane. You do realize that the first game starts at three," Rick pleaded hoping his new status considering the game might change things. "I know honey, I know. Honey, it's always been a sort of irony that this sort of thing almost always happens on the weekend. Anyway, it can't be helped, Jennifer has started her period," Rose said, "but you already know that now don't you." "I suppose so," Rick said in utter frustration. He cursed under his breath, putting his paint brush in the thinner. He wasn't going to finish painting that wing on the model 747 just yet and, damn it, it was Saturday besides. Oddly enough Jennifer's period started on Saturday the last time looking at his calendar after lifting the page. "The moon, that damn moon," Rick mused under his breath. Rick had learned a lot about a girl's period so far. He hadn't that first time and now he was paying the price for that. He now knew a girl's period had it's connection with the moons cycle going back to ancient times. Something a boy shouldn't know he mused silently as his mind went over that newest bit of information about females and their menstrual cycles. Bad as it was learning this stuff, Rick knew he had to. His mother had caught him off guard with her question last time causing him to do this a second time and he wasn't about to go through this another month. His mother was going to ask. Rick automatically began reviewing what he knew as he climbed the stairs: A woman's body and its 28 day menstrual cycle, or so the theory goes, was connected to or influenced long ago by the moon. Actually it wasn't so much the moon as it was the moons light back when there was no other source of light than moonlight. This was in the days before electricity when women's bodies were influenced by the amount of moonlight available and their hormones corresponded to that moonlight, Rick mumbled as he slowly climbed the steps. All women, almost all women, Rick had discovered in the study his mother insisted on, at one time in their history, actually cycled their periods together. Just like Rick and his sister Jennifer now did, Rick cursed, as he stood to make his way up the steps to his room. "Mom, please," Rick begged. It was futile begging, Rick knew it, but he had to try. "Sorry honey," Rose said firmly. "But the game! Seriously, I'm playing today," Rick said. "I know precious, but that's the way of it isn't it. No matter what the priorities are, nature always demands that she be first. Besides, this shouldn't prevent you from playing baseball anymore than any other girl had to put things off for their own period," Rose said. "Right. Easy for you to say considering I'm not a girl," Rick said in frustration as he passed his mom for the hall leading to his room. "Sorry, but rules are rules and for the next few days you'll have to be at least aware of certain things like a girl," Rose said sympathetically as she fell in behind her son. Rick was quiet on the way up the stairs, quiet down the hall and quiet when he entered his room. He really had no choice in this matter. His period, his mother said, would come at the exact same time as his sister's. His period, she also made clear, would also last exactly as long as his sister's did. There was nothing to discuss and no choices as his mother bent to open the bottom drawer of his dresser. The cloth diapers, two stacks of six, appeared looking like smooth textured towels and his mother took one. Next to those, were his plastic panties, whisper pants his mother called them but they were panties as far as Rick was concerned. Next to those diapers and plastic panties she took up one of three onesies she'd made to hold up Rick's diapers. Panties... Rick mused with disgust but silently. As Rick's mother turned for Rick's bed Rick caught sight of the diapers. She was holding one of his cloth diapers from his dresser he'd worn from the month before and suddenly he remembered he had a game... "No! Mom? The game? Remember, tight baseball pants? Too tight for cloth diapers and definitely too tight for diapers with a booster," Rick said, "you promised to get disposables?" "You're right. Sorry. I did by the way. Okay, go into your sister's bathroom. They are under her sink. Grab one of your new disposable diapers and we'll use those with your diaper cover," Rick's mother said folding the thick diaper back up again. "Do I need those... you know, those panties?" Rick asked. "Only if you want to keep that disposable quiet," Rick's mother said grabbing a pair of Rick's whisper pants. Although those panties were not technically panties per se, his mother had argued. Panties, his mother added, were not lined in plastic like his were. They were a practical addition to Rick's new "wardrobe." The package had read "Whisper Pants." Whisper Pants had a waterproof plastic lining like baby pants, but they also had a layer of lingerie nylon over that to keep the rustling of the disposables plastic down to a 'whisper'. To a boy, to Rick, anything covered in silky white nylon, looked suspiciously like panties was panties and obviously, strictly for girls, and that made those.... his baby pants panties. Period. Rick looked at the shimmery fabric and secretly defied his mother to find a difference between those panties and his sister's, plastic lining notwithstanding. "Come on and lets get you ready honey, I'm baking cookies," Rose said pushing Rick just a little as Rick came back in with the folded disposable diaper. Rick unbuttoned his shirt, then his pants. He had to be down to just his socks for all of this to happen. Rick didn't watch his mother unfold and stretch the disposable diaper open, nor when she laid the panties and onesie down. She had done the same thing a half dozen times a day for six days last month. From below the sink in Rick's bathroom she had gotten his baby powder and oil and those were now on his night stand. "Okay mom, I'm all set," Jennifer said from the other side of the door to the bathroom she and Rick shared. It meant that Jennifer was now amply padded for her period which meant Rick needed to be. "Just give us another minute," Rose said smoothing the diaper as she said it. She realized she'd need to take Rick to the game as well, "honey, go shut the oven and wet a dish towel and cover the cookie dough." "Okay. I'll be downstairs," Jennifer said smiling. She would give anything to see her brother getting pinned or taped into his diapers, but knowing that it was happening was almost as good as watching it. "And don't touch the cookies," Rose yelled as Rick sat over the diaper she'd opened. Rick sat, lifted himself to place himself right over the diaper, sat again. When he was centered he laid back, closed his eyes while covering them with his right arm. He didn't need to see what was going to happen next, he could feel it. "Rick? Remember what we talked about," Rick's mother said. "I remember," Rick said with his eyes still closed. "So... go on honey and start," Rose said turning her attention back to her son and the diaper he was about to be tapped into. Rick cursed under his breath as he began to recite what he had learned about a woman's or girl's menstrual cycle. During his first diapering, and as a reminder over why he was wearing a diaper, Rick had to recite why a woman or girl gets her period. He'd blown it last month and this second month was his punishment. "Egg ripens. Egg leaves ovary. Egg travels down the fallopian tube toward uterus. If egg goes unfertilized, lining of uterus gets shed and girl gets her period," Rick said flatly as he felt the cool baby powder falling over his genitals. "Nice try sweetheart. Now start again and I want the long version or you are going to go to your game in just your diaper without jeans," Rose warned, "and you'll be facing your third month of diapers if you're not careful." Rick had refused only once this recital and that was at the beginning of last month. He was feeling too humiliated to talk about a girl's period not because of the information, but because his mother insisted it be given first person as if he was talking about himself having a period. He'd argued but she wanted first person as if he was getting his period. When he refused she simply left him to spend that day in just his diaper and baby pants and worse, she had doubled the cloth diapers plus a soaker. That had been a very bad day. With every knock at the door he'd jumped in absolute and total panic and he'd had to hide when his sister's friends came by. "Go on," Rick's mother insisted. Rick hesitated only for a moment, then felt his face flush as he began, "For several days I will have cramping as my body attempts through muscle contractions to shed the lining of my uterus. On the first day, day one is when my period actually starts. Day one of my cycle is counted as the first day when I see that telltale spot of blood in my panties. That means that my egg didn't get fertilized by sperm and my egg has disintegrated. My period is when my body expels my egg, and the nutrients meant to feed the egg from my body." "Excellent. Very good," Rose said as she sat the baby powder down. She always used too much baby powder Rick thought. She tugged at the front of Rick's diaper sliding it between his legs as she added, "And why do you have cramping during your period?" Rick tensed over the contact of his diaper now filling the space between his legs as he swallowed to wet his mouth. "My uterus is contracting and pushing out the egg and material which often gives me the sensation of cramps," Rick said as the diaper started moving between his thighs. It caused him to stop for a second. "Go on," Rick's mother said. "My uterus is pushing the egg along with the blood that nurtured and fed my egg as it grew. My body is cleansing itself to prepare for the next cycle and possible fertilization of another egg." "That's right," Rose said as she began to tape the right side of his diaper. She did the left causing it to gather around him snugly as she asked, "And what about the changes in your body right now?" Rick, feeling the diaper growing snug, added, "When I get my period my body's estrogen level is at its lowest but starts to go up again. My brain is sending signals to my pituitary gland which releases the hormone FSH or Follicle Stimulating Hormone." "And what is a Follicle?" Rick's mother asked as she smoothed the edges around Rick's diaper. "A Follicle is a small group of cells forming a cavity for the egg. When my body starts producing FSH, that makes my ovaries start to produce more estrogen and estrogen makes one of my eggs start to develop again," Rick said. "Excellent. Very good precious now lift your feet," Rose said as she took up the nylon covered plastic panties Rick would wear over his diaper. Those damn whisper pants. Panties! Plastic lined panties covered by a layer of white nylon made them more like sissy pants, but at least they did keep the plastic part of his panties quiet. The panties, at least the plastic part, were also a necessity to help keep him dry. Like his sister his mother intended that he would be wetter in the beginning days of her period to better appreciate what she went through. Those whisper pants also helped keep the noise down, but they were still panties as far as Rick was concerned. He also knew, thanks to his sister's comments, that if they had ruffles at the back they would be just like a baby girl's little ruffled rumba panty. Part of her teasing she had shown him a pair of rumba panties on one of her old dolls. A Betsi Wetsi baby doll Rick mumbled. Although she said she hadn't teased so much as just lifted the dolls dress to show Rick the dolls panties with the ruffles. She never said they were like his with out ruffles. He said that. Like it or not, Rick knew, he would wear these panties and his diapers till his sister's period ended. Rick also knew it would be at least six to seven days for his sister's period to end and his time in diapers didn't end till her period did. Rick lifted his feet together watching the panties slip over them. "OK, let's get you into your onesie," Rose said as she fitted Rick's panties over his diaper. Rick would have no control over when he would get changed next. That was actually up to his sister. Until his sister came in and changed, Rick couldn't change and last time, he'd had to stay in a wet diaper for too long, on at least three different occasions and all of those times were in one day. Rick raised his arms to slip his hands into the baby style onesie his mother held open, it was another necessity. His onesie kept his disposable or cloth diapers and baby pants up and in place, as they grew heavier with urine, or so his mother had said. He also knew it kept him from taking his diaper off. Thankfully that baby style onesie, at least from the waist up, looked like a normal tee- shirt. From the waist down it was strictly meant for a baby or, in this case, a boy that had to suffer though his sister's period while wearing diapers like a baby. Rick was also thankful that his mother was using the thinner cloth diapers without a soaker at night and disposables during the day. Thin didn't show as much although his bottom got bigger even with the thinner diapers. The onesie went over Rick's head. Rick put the onesie on like a tee-shirt then laid back down again. He lifted his padded bottom, clad in the white nylon and plastic pants so his mother could draw the onesie snug and snap it closed between his legs. After that was done Rick could wear his jeans. Thankfully, so far, no one noticed how snug his jeans really were during these times, or what might be causing that snugness. "All done," Rose said snapping the last of four buttons that closed the onesie over Rick's diaper and baby pants. Rick got up feeling the diaper firmly set in place as his legs and bottom moved. It wouldn't get fully comfortable, but after a time the diaper would mold itself a little and almost be tolerable. Tolerable enough until his sister gave him the high sign that she was going to change herself. When he got that sign he had to get changed as well but by then he was often desperate to be changed. Jennifer and he would be on the same schedule for the next six days and it didn't matter what he was doing when his sister said it was time, it was time. That's how it had been the last time which was the first time this was done to him. It was his second set of six days. The first six, a month ago, or almost twenty eight days now because he wasn't sure. It actually started a couple of days before Jennifer got her period last month. His mother had been so furious that day and his father, to his shock, agreed completely with his mother's idea for his punishment. His sister started her period over a panic. It was her first time. Rick remembered his sister freaking out and the flurry of mysterious activity surrounding the event. At the time, Rick wasn't sure exactly what was happening, but his sister was very upset. His sister upset for any reason was always fun to watch, but even a brother could have some, albeit not much, sympathy. At least at first. "Your sister is getting her period," his mother had said leaving it at that. Only Rick hadn't left it at that because his sister getting upset was one of those things a brother also looked forward to enjoying. Like her mother, Jennifer flowed heavily in the beginning and like her mother, she couldn't simply get away with just a pad. Jennifer, also like her mother, would have to tolerate a special pair of panties that held a large insert in place against her. Something more substantial was how her mother had put it. To Rick, already at odds most times with his sister, also saw what she had to wear and they were as close to diapers as one could get without wearing a real diaper. That insert looked almost like a diaper but without the wings to tape it closed. So too those panties partially lined in plastic. They were almost like baby pants when he saw them sitting on the kitchen table new from the pharmacy. They were not fully lined but there was plastic inside nonetheless. As far as Rick was concerned, it was another thing to tease his sister about, and he did exactly that till his mother caught him. There was a veiled warning to stop his teasing and he almost did. He should have listened, he thought now as he grabbed his jeans. It wasn't that teasing that had gotten him so deeply in trouble, but the teasing in front of the other kids later that did him in. Jennifer and he had been arguing over chores or something. It really didn't matter what started the argument because they always argued. They always argued with each of them finding insults to toss back and forth as they typically did and their argument escalated. As far as Rick was concerned everything he could use in their verbal fights was fare game. Rick, in an effort to best her, since it was clear he was losing, called her a baby, and then went on to explain why he'd said that of his sister to his buddies. Telling them that her "rags" were so big they were practically diapers. He had scored big on that argument, and knew it when the laughter started. It was great until his sister began crying. He also knew he was in trouble when his sister ran home hysterical. His mother yelled out his full name furiously minutes later. She never used his full name. Rick's mother was beside herself over his lack of discretion and angry beyond words over his insensitivity. There was no justification for what he had done, none whatsoever, she'd yelled. He had taken something very private, very personal, and turned it into something very public and worse, he had humiliated his sister in front of everyone they knew. It was inexcusable, she had said, sending him off to his room. His father agreed when he came home and was told what had happened. The really bad thing was he'd humiliated women in general. Bad, very bad. Rick was still in his room when dinner started and when his father called him down to eat his mother and sister were gone. Rick had no idea where they had gone, nor did his dad say much as he read the evening paper while Rick ate alone. Rick returned to his room when he finished and he was still there when his mother opened his door. Rick's mother was holding two very large bags from their local pharmacy when she came into his room. Rick had no idea what was in those bags and no clue why his mother wanted him out of his clothes, but he knew he had better do as she said and did. What shocked him beyond words was seeing that package and on that package it read "diapers" Not one but several it seemed and then he saw the words "sample package." It simply got worse as all the other items come out including, of all things those baby pants. Baby pants which was a box holding those whisper panties. Everything went on his bed and then suddenly she was pulling out a tape measure from the pocket of her apron, the tape she often used when she sewed. Without a word she brought the tape around Rick's waist, read it and then, to his embarrassment went between his legs to measure from the small of his back, through his legs to near his navel. She read that and then took up her cell phone. "Ms. Ames, hi, it's Mrs. Rose Evans, Rick's mother. Yes, I've got his measurements! Ready? OK, for his waist size I'm getting 19 inches and for length also 19 inches," Rose said. Obviously she was talking about the diapers because she opened the bag and was laying out a square diaper on Rick's bed. She took the tape between his legs again, looked at the numbers, then measured the diaper. "I'm still surprised but you're right, the diaper should fit. You're kidding? 20 to 35 pounds is not very close at all. My son is 110 pounds, at least," Rose said. There was more talking from the other side of that phone connection as Rick's mother sometimes nodded or said, "I see." "Interesting. And thanks once again for your help." Rick sat there trying to understand what his mother was talking about. "Well that's good to know. Absolutely and thank you. A considerable difference buying diapers for babies than for teens or adults. After I try these I'll swing by tomorrow for the rest. That is if I can decide on the style. I'm going to diaper him in all of the styles right after I hang up and thank you again." "What are you doing?" Rick asked. "Amazing! Just for the record honey, you fit into an extra large 'baby' diaper and baby pants! That's real baby diapers and panties, surprisingly. The width, as it happens, is times two which makes this particular diaper suitable for a 20 inch waist with six inches of extra on either side for pinning it on," his mother said fusing with the diaper she had removed. "What are you doing?" Rick said insisting on an answer. "You're going back into diapers for a while. I was worried about getting a size to fit you but these will. Going to be nice and wide and high as well in spite of the fact it's meant for babies. Both measurements are good. So too those Whisper pants," his mother answered. "Diapers," Rick asked and then yelled, "what are you doing with these?" "You know what makes this so great? If and when this punishment ends, we'll be able to donate them to charity," Rose said and added, "Because I'll be able to buy you diapers any time I need them." "Mom, what are you talking about?" Rick said almost on the verge of fainting. "Sweetheart, your thin waist is about the same size as a baby weighing 20 to 35 pounds. While your torso is larger, longer that is, obviously, your measurement between your legs, as far as diapers goes, is the same as a baby. Honey, you can walk into any store and buy diapers and plastic panties that will fit," Rose said and added, "Isn't that amazing?" "Mom, you're not making any sense," Rick begged. "I'm talking about your period honey and how you are going to be managing it," Rose said. "My period? Mom, have you gone mad? I'm a guy," Rick said. "Nope! That is no if you're asking if I'm crazy or not? On the other hand, I'm mad as hell over what you did to your sister. I've spent half the day calming her and trying to decide on how to punish you. Then I realized that the most poetic form of punishment was right out of your own mouth," Rise said. "Me? What did I say that deserves this?" Rick asked. "When you told your friends that your sister wears diapers," Rose said. "I was teasing her! OK, fine, so it wasn't very nice and I should be punished, but this? Not this? This is way over the edge," Rick said. "Over the edge? I don't think so! A few days in diapers and some time spent on learning why women have periods is exactly what is needed here! Firstly the diapers will be a constant reminder that there are some things we can't do anything about. You'll simply have to adjust like your sister must. That in itself should give you pause and an opportunity towards understanding girls more," Rose said. "Mom, this is way over-the-top, way over," Rick said. "You mean you wearing diapers?" Rose asked. "Yes," Rick answered. "Honey, you said it yourself! About your sister! Come on, your sister wears 'diapers' so why can't you," Rose asked and then added, "Of course, she's not as thin as you, at least not in the hips, so she's never going to fit into actual baby diapers. Not like you will that is. Speaking of which, lets go ahead and start testing that theory right now, shell we?" "No. There is no way I'm going to wear diapers," Rick said as his mother patted the soft rectangle of cotton opened on his bed. "Didn't think so. Wait here and I'll be right back," Rose said. "Where are you going?" Rick asked realizing his mother was too calm. "First I'm going to get your father and then I'm going to ask Mr. Beckman to come over and lend a hand," Rose said, "I suspect you'll be fighting this the whole time, but I think the two men can hold you long enough for your sister and I to diaper you. Oh, and since you'll be fighting these, it's going to be necessary to keep your hands in fingerless mittens so the diapers stay on. Now wait here while I go and get Mr. Beckman." "Beckman our neighbor," Rick asked as his mother reached for the door as he added, "Mom, what's he going to think?" "At first? He's going to think this is a pretty weird family I suspect. At least until I explain why I'm doing this and then I'm not sure what he's going to think. You're welcome to ask him when he gets here," Rose said as she started turning the door knob. "Wait," Rick said and quickly added, "Wait! Okay! Please, wait! Okay, if I agree to do this how does this work?" "If you agree? Honey, you don't have a choice! So, how does this work? Well, for as long as your sister manages her period, you'll be managing yours," Rose said. "I mean what about going outside? Mom, I've still got school, baseball practice, that sort of stuff. You're not going to make me wear those things outside are you?" Rick asked. "Honey, you're going to be wearing diapers from now until your sister's period ends. As for school? Yes, of course you'll be wearing these to school, and to baseball practice, and out to dinner and anything else this family does together. I've got some thinner diapers for you to wear outside," Rose said and added, "In fact, I'm trying the disposable baby diapers." "Mom, what about gym?" Rick wailed. "Well, like your sister, you'll be taking a note excusing you from gym which eliminates the need to take your clothes off. As for that, I've got two types of diapers for you to wear: One is slightly thinner, the other thicker. The thin ones you'll wear outside for the social side, the thicker ones around the house. If you're careful you should be able to keep these thin ones to yourself," Rose said. "But how am I going to go to the bathroom?" Rick asked. "You're kidding right?" Rose asked and added, "You'll be wearing diapers and baby pants under a onesie for school. Unless you can get your girlfriend or the nurse to take those things off and put them on again I'm afraid you'll be using them." "You want me to soil myself?" Rick asked. "Honey, unless you can hold it for the entire day, yes, you'll be soiling yourself and your diaper," Rose said. "But what about an emergency? How am I going to change?" Rick asked in a panic. "For the first few days, a couple at least, you'll do like your sister and give the nurse a note I'm going to write that tells her you need to medicate yourself, in private, and take a quick shower. That will allow you to come home and I'll change you here. On the other hand, if it's not an emergency you'll be coming home at lunch time to get changed," Rose said and added, "you don't really have much choice." "For how long?" Rick said before a soft moan. "Like I said, till your sister's period ends," Rose answered. "How long is that?" Rick asked. "Just under a week if she's like me," Rose said. "And then that's it?" Rick asked. "That's it. That's it if you can answer the questions I ask," Rose said. "Questions? What sort of questions?" Rick asked. "Oh, I didn't tell you that other part did I? Sorry. OK, so while you are sharing time with your sister learning to cope with a period, you'll also be learning, like her, why and what transpires during the menstrual cycle. At the end of these six days I'll give you a little test. Pass the test and this ends. Fail the test and you'll have to repeat the 'class'," Rose said. "How do I repeat the so-called class?" Rick asked. "You do this again next month. And if you can't answer the questions again that second time, you'll do it the following month as well. Understood," Rose said. "Mom, I don't know the first thing about a period," Rick said. "Neither does your sister, although she's learning, so you'll be doing what she does by learning about it. There is a lot of information from companies that make products for girls that you can use. Your sister can help you with that or you can go to the library or on-line," Rose said. "So what kinds of questions are going to be asking on this so-called test?" Rick asked. "Now if I told you that, it wouldn't be much of a test," Rose said and added, "Now then are you going to cooperate or should I get your father and Mr. Beckman?" "Okay, I'll cooperate," Rick said. "Excellent and that begins by taking those clothes off and laying over your cute little diaper," Rose said as Rick began undressing and added, "Been a while since I've diapered you and they've changed the diapers a little which is why I've got the sample pack. Okay, for this first stay at home set we'll be using the pre-fold pin-on diaper under a pair of nylon covered vinyl plastic panties." "Mom what about the game?" Rick said. "Just before you go, I'll change your diaper and use the thinner one. For now let's see how the thicker ones work. Whenever you're ready," Rose said. Rick hadn't been naked in front of his mother for a long time and that was the hardest part until he suddenly realized that she would be using that baby oil and powder, on him, naked. "Mom?" Rick asked. "What honey?" Rose asked. "Can I do the oil and powder myself?" Rick asked hesitating to remove his shorts and cursing his inability suddenly to get rid of the erection that had suddenly sprung up. "Honey, when you were a baby, you used to get an erection every time I changed you so I'm not seeing anything new," Rose said and added, "It's perfectly natural for a baby to have an erection. Part of the bonding process came from you being diapered so it's simply more of the same." "This is insane," Rick mumbled as he slowly removed his shorts. "This is life," Rose said as she patted the diaper she wanted Rick to lay over. Rick moved to the beds edge and was about to sit when his mother added, "Wait, I forgot the soaker." "Soaker?" Rick asked. "It's actually a doubler since this is going to be for bed. The woman suggested a soaker since it's going to be the longest amount of time between diaper changes so I'm going to double what you wear," Rose said. "Can you hurry! Please," Rick begged. "Of course," Rose said grabbing another diaper from the package of samples. She brought both sides towards the middle, then overlapping the edges so there was now three very thick layers resting on the already thick diaper she had open as she added, "The diaper is a 2-3-2 or two full layers and a third for the middle. The triple soaker will give you three layers once plus two twice not counting your other diaper. That's what in total?" "What's what?" Rick asked. "How many layers of diaper will be covering you?" Rose asked. "I don't know? I don't care! Mom," Rick said realizing his mother wasn't going to do anything else till he answered as she added, "OK, fine. That's three layers on the one that's open. Three on the folded one plus the two layers on the sides you've folded over. Three plus three plus four. That's ten. Okay?" "Ten. That should be enough layers to hold you till breakfast," Rose said as she added the soaker to the open diaper. "Except I'm not really going to be using the diaper when I'm home, right," Rick asked and added, "You know what I mean. Okay, so I'm wearing them but I'm not actually using them, right?" "Actually honey I'm afraid it's a yes, you'll still be using the diapers even at home. Especially at home. Wetting is necessary because you're substituting your sister's period for your pretend period - remember? Sweetheart, when you're in your diapers, you'll be required to use them," Rose said. "Seriously?" Rick asked. "Afraid so. At least for number one. I'll allow you time to do number two in the toilet. I mean as long as you're home. Can't help you when you're at school," Rose said and added, "The thing is precious, there is only one way you can appreciate what it feels like when you've really got your period and this is the best way I know of." "This is insane," Rick said. "You've said that. I know it is honey and it must seem that way but it's really not from my perspective. I tried explaining why what you did was bad but you wouldn't listen. I just wish you had thought about what you were saying when you said it but unfortunately you didn't," Rose said stroking the diaper flat as she prepared it for Rick. "I will listen. I promise," Risk said watching the diapers being made ready. "I'm sorry, but no. It's too late and that's all water under the bridge. Come on precious and lay down over your diapers and lets get this started," Rose said softly as she patted the open now laid open on Rick's bed. Rick's mother went as slow as she dared beginning with the gloves. That was her only change considering his age. She was also less aggressive with the baby oil and avoided too much direct contact. When that was done she removed the gloves and used the baby powder. Rick kept his eyes closed waiting once again for the soft choosy press of the cotton against his privates just after the touch of the gathered leg edges. In his disposable there was the ruffled effect of the diapers that created a kind of dam against his wetting. That ruffled edge was caused by the elastic sewn into the disposable but it made it girlish looking. So much to think about Rick Mused as his mother worked the diaper taut. Rick wasn't sure if it was necessary or not the way she diapered him. He was positive tugging the diaper left and right wasn't required. Rick was right but he didn't know it. Rose was taking her time and she did move the diaper around as she readied it. Those gentle tugs were reminders of what he was wearing and why. She smoothed the front, that too on purpose, then either pinned the cloth closed or taped the left side before the right. "Ready?" Rick's mother asked as she stood patiently waiting while Rick pulled up his baseball pants. Normally he'd tuck his shirt in but with the diapers and baby pants on he opted to wear it out. Fortunately it was an option for the team as he grabbed his cleats and glove bag. "Hi Rick," Rick's sister said standing at the door. Rick didn't respond. His father was already in the car as they filed out. Rick got into the back seat with his sister as him mother climbed into the front. His father turned his head to back the car but in doing so made eye contact with his wife. When their eyes met she nodded a yes. Rick's father shook his head slightly glancing down at Rick's crouch hoping his diapers didn't show. They didn't to his relief. They all settled in the stands as Rick joined his team members in the dugout. Jennifer's friend Susan came over and sat next to Jennifer saying, "Hey," as she plopped down. "Hey back," Jennifer said offering her popcorn sold by the booster club to gain funds for the new grass when the season ended. "Can I ask you a question?" Susan whispered leaning close to Jennifer. "Sure," Jennifer said. "Does your brother wear diapers?" Susan asked. "What? No! I mean what makes you ask that?" Jennifer said. "My mother gets my brother's diapers from Ms. Ames because he's so heavy and she overheard Ms. Ames talking to your mother about your brother's diapers. Does he really fit in actual baby diapers and baby pants?" Susan asked. "Susan, you can't say a word about this! Seriously, you can't," Jennifer said. "Hey, my lips are sealed," Susan said drawing her fingers across her lips as if they were a zipper. "I'm serious," Jennifer said. "Butt why? Like... What is it about? Is he like medical or what?" Susan asked. "Susan, seriously we can't talk about it," Jennifer said and added, "Not here, not yet!" "Okay. Look, I won't say a word. It's just that I think it's so cute to imagine him in diapers. Wait a second? Is he diapered now?" Susan asked. "Susan please," Jennifer said just as the loud speaker started to announce the teams roster. "Promise to tell me later," Susan said. "Promise," Jennifer nodded. Jennifer's mother bent down and told the girls to stop talking till the announcer was done after saying hello to Susan. Susan greeted Jennifer's mother back and turned back to the game. She began sharing popcorn with Jennifer while trying desperately to judge if Rick was diapered or not. "I'm going to see you in your diapers Ricky... baby," Susan whispered, or thought she did. "What? What did you say?" Jennifer asked. "What? Oh, it was nothing, just talking to myself," Susan said licking her lips. The end. Period.

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An Honorable Union

An Honorable Union by Will Buster This story is an experiment. The English Norman period is one of my favorites and I hope I’ve captured the spirit of the times. Let me know if you like my depiction of this courtly age. I have other novels that deal with this long past world. So feel free to send comments and by all means vote. W.B. ******** “I thought it would be a good idea for you to meet your betrothed.” Young Brian Fitzgibbon raised his eyebrows ever so slightly as...

3 years ago
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One Fantastic Ride

I was looking through my wallet, doing a bit of house cleaning and saw a business card of a woman I will always remember fondly with very happy emotions. It took me back to a day I was walking down the road. My car went on the fritz. Not concerned about a ride, as the weather was nice, I just enjoyed the fresh air and the exercise. I then heard a car pull up and it was a new SUV with a very attractive woman in her late forty's, early fifty's, Much along the lines of Raquel Welch or Angie...

3 years ago
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The Ring of TruthChapter 4

When Mrs. Troy walked into my room she was still wearing the almost micro bikini she tanned in. She had slipped an almost transparent wrap around her before she came to the house. The woman was fantastically attractive. My eyes glued themselves to her tits. With no prompting from me, she let the wrap fall to her feet. The bikini top followed immediately. In mere moments, I was tit fucking the trophy wife from next door. Life was grand. Unfortunately, the next day was a school day and despite...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Brynn Tyler Office Sex Fantasy Cum True

Naughty secretary Brynn Tyler has been teasing boss Danny Mountain with views of her all-natural tits and pantiless pussy since she was hired, and in today’s racy premium Penthouse porn video the blonde nympho finally makes his taboo office sex fantasies cum true. The blonde temptress gets up on the stud’s desk and lays back to give him full access to her cleanly shaved pussy which he hungrily devours. After an amazing blowjob, watch them fuck until her juicy titties are spattered...

3 years ago
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My first night with a man

This is the true story of how I lost my virginity. It happened a few weeks ago.It was Wednesday morning and I was sitting in my car after having purchased a new bottle of nail polish at my local Walmart. I nervously hit submit on my phone, reserving a hotel room for later that day. I had made up my mind that it was time for me to truly live out my sissy girl fantasy to the fullest, and to me that meant being with a real man while I was as feminine as possible. I could hardly think of...

1 year ago
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America Mein Bhabhi Ko Pattakar Choda

Hello everyone, how are you guys doing? This is flyerking and it is my first story hope you guys like it and it is a true story, which make sit a bit more interesting. If you girls want to message me message me at “” toh shuru karte hai Me 21 saal ka ladka hoon aur apne mami papa ke saath rehta hoon. Hamne niche basment mein ek nahi jodi ko floor rent pe di thi kuch 5 maine pehle, mein tubhi yaha nahi tah mein college mein tha kisi aur state mein. Woh ek 23 saal ki bhabhi thi aur unka pati 25...

3 years ago
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Bethanys Sins

Bethany's Sins (Pride and Greed in too great a measure) Bethany knew beyond doubt that she was the best. Today, she had waltzed outof her low-paid job with the DeMoeira Investments Company with a cool halfa billion dollars to her name (or rather, names, for she used several to claimit all), and to really prove how good she was, she even managed to carry tenmillion in notes right past the security men. Not all the hundreds of millionshad come from this one operation, of course: she had pulled...

2 years ago
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A Year of Firsts Ch 04

One lazy Sunday, I went to Anna’s house to swim and study, although we quickly decided to do more swimming than studying. It was a blisteringly hot day and we alternated between sitting on sun lounges in the shade and diving into the pool to cool off. I was wearing my blue one-piece, cut high on my legs. I always made sure I shaved very carefully before I wore it and I had spent an hour in the bathroom the night before making sure that no stray hairs would be visible at the sides of the lycra....

1 year ago
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PR9117 CHP1 - Learning the rules Amanda look around the room, there were six girls there, each clutching their files and small bags with their possessions inside.  She was scared, but she didn’t want to show it. She wanted to appear disinterested, like the situation didn’t bother her. Prison had a formidable reputation and she didn’t want to be eaten alive. When the door opened, two male and two female guards dressed identically in thick black trousers with starched white shirts contrasted with...

2 years ago
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Dont Do The Crime If You Cant Pay The Fine

Thanks go to my editor for this story, VampGirl1991. * On Tuesday’s, the local movie cinema has discounts on movies and popcorn. It’s only $5 for the movies, except 3D, and $2 for small popcorns and small sodas. Not a bad deal. The cinema is only 7 blocks from my house, so if it’s nice out I usually walk there and back home again. Tonight I met 2 friends there for a sci-fi movie around 7:30PM. I wasn’t impressed with the movie, it was kind of lame. We hang around after the movie and...

1 year ago
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My Wet Dream 3 Under the Oak Tree

... I remember that special day on our farm like it was yesterday... I love horses, and I love taking care of them. Riding my horse over our farm was probably the most satisfying thing I have ever done. I especially love riding my horse, wearing a dress with no panties. My pussy is always wet, with the hard leather seat of the saddle pressing against me until I was slick with my own cum. In the hot afternoons, I like to sit in the pasture, under a tree and watch the horses running around...

4 years ago
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Aunt had no idea ch 2

I was really disappointed when I found out my uncle did not have to work Friday night. My cousin had noticed my boner and he knew why I had one. When we went to bed he was full of questions again and wanted to "make his squirt like mine did". He had a nice boner going but just could not get it to squirt. I tried to tell him how it felt and what to do as it started “feeling better”. I tried to explain the process of getting the timing and speed, but he just could not get there. At that age I...

1 year ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 113 Ambivalence

How long she was unaware Nagi never precisely discovered, even in the intervening years since. Remembering only her next sensations were that of hands moving along her skin. Large hands, undeniably masculine yet deft and gentle as they messaged and soothed tracing the gentle flair of her adolescent hips, sliding under lifting and firmly cupping before kneading the muscles of her posterior. Extracting a gasp from her at such contact with her most intimate of areas. 'Naked.' Nagi thoughts...

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