Amity 3 TempestChapter 14 Joining
- 4 years ago
- 24
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by Ms. Michele
(This is an alternate universe set in the future and on another world.This story contains aliens. If there are scenes you'd like to see written,a favorite fantasy, please don't hesitate to email the Author with your suggestions for Her contemplation. No children, no animals, no scat.)
Boots sounded firmly on the brick floor, the echoes bouncing off the wallson their way to the inner chamber of the business office.
?Good morning, Ma'am, there is a new applicant waiting inside,? troy announcedpolitely as he handed her the morning mail. She gave his thick, long brownmane a stroke, igniting a low, rumbling purr.
?Good morning, troy, thank you. The one from New Jeri? Good, I've been expectinghim. First impressions?? She could always count on her assistant for an honestopinion in this atmosphere of courtiers and toads.
?Subby,? he said with a slight twist of distaste to his lips, briefly baringa gleaming white fang. ?I suppose we could use someone to clean the showers.?
Clare chuckled and tsk-tsk'ed. ?They have their uses in other areas,? shesaid with a gentle reprimand to the tip of his nose. ?Yes, Ma'am.?
?The litter-box,? she heard muttered as she went into her office.
Cats , she thought with another chuckle. Such snobs ....
Glancing at the applicant kneeling in the middle of the floor, she could tellimmediately what set troy off; the boy had a definite dog sense about him. Lookslike a boxer , she thought, wondering if this new boy had discovered hisinner animal yet. Probably not, if he came in from New Jerusalem.
?Good morning, boy,? she said, tossing the mail on her desk and turning tostand in front of it, facing him. ?I am Madam Clare. You may call me Ma'am.?
?Yes, Ma'am, good morning, Ma'am.?
He remained in Presentation, his eyes fixed at her feet. Clare gave a smallnod of approval.
?Stand,? she ordered. He stood in one fluid movement, a surprise for sucha compact body. ?Inspection.? His hands went behind his neck.
?Why have you come here? You would fetch a pretty price in a private household.? Shetook a nipple between two fingers and gave it a harsh twist. He grunted butdidn't move. She found it interesting that he wasn't pierced anywhere. Claregave his taunt butt a pat in approval. Nice and round, a good target area....
?My Masters felt that I had too much pride, Ma'am,? he confessed after a moment. Honest. Shenodded. And Troy saw a submissive in this boy? A titanium wall was what shesaw. And a hell of a lot of scars. Whips and thunder sticks, from the looksof them , she thought, running her fingers gently over a few lines. Heflinched slightly at one near his left side. Clare gave his hair a stroke.
She pulled her chair from behind the desk and sat, pointing at her feet. Hedropped to his knees, back into Presentation, hands appropriately behind hisback.
?My boots are new,? she commented. ?They got dusty on the way in. Clean them.?
He hesitated. ?Does Ma'am have a preferred method, Ma'am?? he asked politely. Point ..
?Use your mouth.?
Starting at the tip of the toe, he began with small licks and then extendinginto lapping over her ankles. She could feel the warm moistness of his tonguethrough the new black leather. His lapping grew into slurping as he suckedat the toe of the boot, low growls of pleasure emerging from his throat. Clareraised an eyebrow. What's this? She noticed that his hips where movingin small rutting motions. Reaching over to her desk, she quietly took the newspaperand rolled it up.
He jumped as the paper hit his ass.
?Bad dog!? she snapped. He hid his face in the floor and whined. Thatwas fast , she thought, congratulating herself on the guesswork.
?You were not given permission to hump. Turn.?
He scrambled, keeping his face to the floor as he turned, presenting his buttto her.
She smacked at his ass a few times, the flesh reddening nicely as he whined.He tried to pull away. Clare put her boot against his hole, smashing his ballswith the sole, grinding his hips to the floor and continued to beat his assand the backs of his thighs with the newspaper.
Satisfied that she had his attention, she tossed the shredded paper back ontothe desk and watched his quivering form for a moment.
?Hips in the air,? she commanded, removing her boot. ?Not that high.? Sheslid her boot under him, digging into his spongy balls. He yelped into thefloor. ?You will come when I want you to come. Your cock and balls belongto me. Under no circumstances are you to masturbate without my permission.You should have learned all that under your previous owners.?
?Ma'am, yes, Ma'am,? she heard muffled from the floor. His previous ownersprobably didn't know there was a dog lurking inside of him , she thought.
She rubbed her boot on his balls, stepping a little more firmly to get herpoint across, and he grunted with a small quiver of his hips. Suspicious, sheused her boot to flip him over. His belly and her boot were covered in a stickywhiteness. He whined, paws in the air as he presented his belly to her.
Clare sighed, looking at her new boots.
?Clean my boot, dog.?
She patted her long black braid made a mental note to herself to tell Troyto order more newspapers.
A gag, she thought, definitely a gag . That annoying womanwith the equally annoying laugh was back, Clare noticed as she went for a walkout into the Grand Hall. The energy was high, a fine hum underlying the atmosphereas people talked, laughed, and danced to the band. It was impossible not tonotice her, with that air-head braying sounding through the room. Clare hada fairly high tolerance for most people but a certain leggy blond simply rubbedher fur the wrong way.
?What are you growling about?? she heard in her ear. Was she growling?
?Her,? Clare said in a low voice, jutting her chin in the direction of herire. Every time the woman visited, Clare was inundated by employee and customercomplaints about her. She invited herself to scenes, tried to push a No intoa Yes, which got her kicked out. She got back in despite the warning by smilingsweetly at the Reservations clerk who didn't understand why everyone ignoredhim for weeks afterward.
Dark Star glanced in that direction and arched his whiskers in agreement.His iron gray fur gleamed as a back drop for a dark spot in the middle of hischest, earning him his nickname which was just as well since most Humans couldn'teven begin to pronounce his Chosen name. Clare had a sore throat for days aftermaking repeated attempts at the snarls and growls it took to get out the appropriatesounds. Her own attendant, Troy, was relegated to a shortened version of hisown name, Hssioteroynio. Clare immediately called him Troy. Most Thayans hadpronounceable names, but a few had to be difficult....
?Yes, I've been avoiding her. Don't tell management.? Clare smiled a little,she being one of the owners of Crossroads. Dark Star was one of the seniorassociates of Crossroads who was usually training new-comers when he wasn'tentertaining himself with the customers. He was high-priced, being a Thayan.Most Humans referred to them as Cats. Last she knew, his appointments werebooked solid months in advance, which irritated her slightly; it meant thathe wasn't home as much as she liked him to be.
The high stone walls of the Grand Hall, the main meeting area of the Crossroads ,was alive with activity. The restaurant was doing a brisk business, a waitingline for seating was being set up. It looked to Clare to be about a thirtyminute wait. Assignations were being made, trading going on.
An off-duty Master and several slaves were being introduced to the woman.She held out a hand to Jordan. He barely glanced at it. Clare stiffened asdid several employees and locals who sent quick looks her way. Could the womannot see by his clan marks that he was House Alexander? No woman in the roomwould have presumed to place herself as his equal.
?Master Jordan, who doesn't shake hands,? the woman commented, withdrawingthe untouched hand. She went on to speak animatedly with the others.
Clare's new pup, marc, came up and held out the ordered glass of iced tea.She swore silently to herself; the last thing she needed was for House Alexanderto be in a snit over an off-worlder's mistake in her establishment.Most Masters from that particular House would have taken a finger off the offeredhand, and that was just for starters. She gave a small nod to Master Jordanwho looked her way with a disapproving scowl before snapping his fingers, callinghis slaves to his side as he moved away from the woman.
?Fetch that paddle,? she quietly ordered marc, gesturing toward the decorationson the outside of the Dungeon's entrance. The ?decorations? were real. marcreturned with the requested item which Clare hung from her belt. Looking overto the Monitor, Clare signed a discrete question. The Monitor checked the logand gave a nod; the woman had signed all consents and releases, and had beenOriented. She wouldn't put it past Alexander to inundate her establishmentwith an unauthorized slave raid.
Most of the woman's friends scurried off at the sight of Clare approaching.She recognized a few as having visited the Dungeon in the past. The woman blithelyrambled on, her high-pitched voice grating on Clare's nerves. Clare contemplateda gag once more. Veronica, that was her name , Clare remembered.
?Oh, hi!? the woman sparkled with high animation at seeing Clare steppingup to the table. ?Am I ready for my close-up, Ms. Demille?? A couple more friendsmoved away hastily.
?It's Ms. Clare, girl,? Clare forced herself not to snap out. ?I believe youhave signed all the paperwork and you've had your introduction to the Dungeon?Procedures, accountability, rules ?? Veronica nodded at all the points,blond hair flying prettily.
?You understand that you are under my temporary Ownership for the next 24hours?? She got another flying nod. ?Good. Stand.? Veronica stood quickly,breasts that were too perfect to be real were thrust out, hands at her sides,shoulders back. Clare pulled the chair away from the table and sat down. Shereached up, grabbed a lock of golden hair, and yanked the girl down. The girlstumbled, yelping, and fell across Clare's lap. Screams of dismay echoed throughoutthe Grand Hall as the paddle landed on the girl's perfect butt. Everyone stoppedwhat they were doing and turned to watch, silence reigning except for yelps,screams, and the sound of a paddle on flesh.
?Now hear this, girl,? Clare said over the screeching. ?You will NOT reprimanda Dom. You will NOT hold your hand to your betters. Shaking hands is a signof equality. you are equal to none here. When spoken to, you WILL answer ?Yes,Ma'am? or ?No Ma'am?. I don't hear heads rattling. You WILL crawl, that meanson your hands and knees, over to Master Jordan, and there you will prostrateyourself at his feet, wait for him to notice you, and beg his forgiveness atyour rude assumption. If he cares to do so, HE will be your Owner for yourtime here.? She shoved the sobbing girl off her lap, taking a deep breath anda sip of her iced tea which marc had placed before her on the table.
It took the girl a moment to gather herself together enough to begin to crawl,her bright red ass quivering in the air. A bruise was already beginning toform on one high cheek.
?The other way,? Clare murmured. The girl hesitated, confused, and then turned,heading off once more. People quickly pulled back, a passage opening up forher to crawl through, leading directly to the booted feet of Master Jordanwho stood waiting.
The girl remained on her hands and knees, breathing hard. His alpha slaveput a bare foot on her back and shoved, sending the girl to her belly.
?Prostrate means on your stomach, girl,? slave martin growled.
The girl sobbed quietly, her face pressed into Master Jordan's boot. He waiteda good few minutes, standing patiently as he lovingly stroked his alpha's hairand face. His two other male slaves stood nearby, looks of disgust on theirfaces, lips sneering at the thing at their Master's feet. Clare worriedfor just a fleeting moment about putting the girl with a Master from HouseAlexander where females are little more than dirt under their feet. Clare gaveherself a mental shake; she trusted Jordan or he wouldn't be working in herHouse. slave martin, Jordan's alpha slave, was harsher than some of Alexander'sMasters but he was also an excellent trainer, if one liked humorless soldiers.
?Speak, girl,? Jordan acknowledged the girl.
She took a gulp and raised her head enough to talk.
?Sssir, I bbbeg your forgiveness for my my rudeness, Sssir,? she stuttered.He looked over at Clare who nodded and made an offering gesture. She mentallycrossed her fingers and sent up several quick prayers to which ever gods werelistening.
?On your knees,? he ordered the girl. She got to her knees, approximatinga Present position. Master Jordan unbuttoned his pants and took out his thickcock. He grabbed a fistful of blond hair and shoved his cock into her mouth.Deep in her throat, he let loose a hot stream of urine, emptying his bladderinto her stomach. She opened her eyes wide, gagged slightly, and swallowed onautomatic reflex what seemed to be gallons of the hot acid.
?Lick it clean,? he ordered, pulling his cock out and holding it before hermouth. ?Suck it, make sure it's empty.? With a trembling chin, she sucked atthe spongy head, getting the last few drops of piss from his urethra beforecleaning him off with her tongue.
Master Jordan looked over to Clare and inclined his head. Her gift was accepted.Clare felt a momentary pang of pity for the girl and hoped that Jordan wouldremember that the girl was a customer who did sign a contract stipulating oneday of service.
troy approached as Clare greeted several new people to Bavel. She noted thattroy had changed into a maid's outfit.
?Dahl-mai is here, Ma'am,? troy informed her. ?She said to ask you if you'dcare to join her for dinner this evening.?
Clare felt the weight lifting from her shoulders. ?She is? Where is she now??
?Cathartic flogging, Ma'am.?
Probably with Nathan, she thought. ?When she's ready, inform her that I amat her service.?
troy inclined his head.
?This is cute, is it new?? she asked, gesturing to the black and white outfitthat was barely long enough to cover his crotch.
?Ma'am,? troy curtsied.
Clare walked around him. He had black stockings on, attached to garters, hisfeet stuffed into high-heels. She lifted the hem of the skirt. Crotchless pinkpanties. Pink bow around his cock. Clare smiled slightly; had she been overlookinghim lately?
?Very pretty,? she said. troy's skin reddened with pleasure.
?Thank you, Ma'am.?
?Fetch me a switch.?
troy curtsied and hurried off, an excited hop in his steps. He was back withinseconds, falling to his knees and offering up the switch with outstretchedhands, his head bowed. His owner took the switch and held it out to a nearbyslave who took it with her mouth, holding it between her teeth.
?On that table,? Clare said, using the stick to point to a large, round coffeetable that was quickly cleared as the surrounding occupants noticed her interest.troy was on his knees in the middle of the table in an instant.
?Shoulders down,? she said. he lowered his torso until his shoulders lay onthe table-top. He spread his knees to her usual preference, his ass high inthe air.
?Good boy, very nice,? she said, lifting his skirt and baring his ass. Clarepatted the cheeks.
?Pretty ass, isn't it?? she casually asked on-lookers. Several people cheeredwith a few whistles.
Clare took a leather glove from her belt and slapped it against the back ofhis balls. troy spread his legs slightly wider as a quiver ran through him. ?Areyou a slut, boy?? she asked him.
?Yes, Ma'am, I'm a slut!? his voice muffled against the table.
?Whose ass is this?? she demanded, striking him again.
?Your ass, Ma'am!?
?What may I use this ass for?? Slap!
?As Ma'am wishes, Ma'am!?
Clare walked around to his head, lifting it by the hair. She slowly lickedhis cheek. ?You are beautiful with your ass displayed, boy,? she whisperedto him. ?I'm going to make you even more beautiful.?
?Madam,? he acknowledged softly.
She walked around to his raised ass again. Using the leather glove, she slappedat his balls which were beginning to swell as was his cock. The sound of leatheron flesh continued for several long minutes, moving from his balls to the backof his thighs and ass cheeks until his skin was nicely red. Clare put gloveback into her belt and took the switch from the girl's mouth.
The sound of a cat growl was heard at the first strike. As the first weltappeared across troy's thighs, more growls were heard interspersed with purrsand yowls as more welts appeared. The swish of the switch send puffs of breezethrough the air each time Clare swung. Pausing, carefully aiming, the sticklanded directly against his hole. troy took a deep breath before screeching.
Clare reached up and took him by the hair, giving a yank. He fell sidewaysand quickly turned onto his back. Clare struck his cock which was strainingagainst the little pink bow. troy was loud in his snarls, purrs, and growls,wiggling and pushing his hips up to meet the switch. Drops of blood appearedas she continued to strike.
?You may cum, boy,? she said, giving his balls a savage twist. troy yelledas he rained white milk upon himself and his new uniform. She gave the switchto the slave girl and sent her off to take it back to Clare's office. Clareknelt at troy's head and kissed his cheek. ?Good, boy,? she whispered, crooningto him as they both took deep breaths. ?You are beautiful, such a good boy.Madam loves you.?
She crawled up onto the table, stretching out beside him. He turned and buriedhis face in her breasts as he sobbed. Clare held him tight.
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September 25, 1994, Amsterdam, the Netherlands “Steve? Steve?” I heard Karla say through the fog that clouded my mind. Fortunately, when my knees had gone weak and my head had spun, there had been a low wall just to my side. I’d sagged onto it just as my knees would have given out. I fought the effects by doing my best to regulate my breathing and allow the adrenaline surge to run its course. “Steve?” Karla said, now sounding very worried. “I’m fine,” I said slowly. “You almost passed...
Sunday, August 8, 2010 Jake shuddered and then lay still, smiling. Jan slumped down onto him, laying her head on his chest, breathing heavily. Jake had always felt privileged when he was with her. It was not just because their relationship had started with her being an unobtainable object of desire, or because of their easy camaraderie, or because of the respect and admiration he felt for her. It was also because she made him feel wonderful when they were together. She loved him ardently,...
I don't know how many time I've heard the phrase, "What if..." or "I wonder what it would be like if..." or "If only I'd ... Sometime you can sit and wonder about these things. What if the South had won the Civil War? I wonder what it would be like if England had put down the rebellion. If only I'd bought those shares of Microsoft in '87, or Apple in the 90s when it hit $7.00 a share. What if Klara Pölzl had an abortion in 1888. I wonder what it would be like if none of the Panzer...
Been a while since I last submitted stuff... real life got in the way... I'm a college student again || Anyway, hope to get things out on a regular schedule again soon. The Life and Times of Bethany Clark by LaMystika ([email protected]) Chapter 4 - Leon After we got back home, Will immediately collapsed on my couch, and comically let out his belt. "Man, I forgot how good IHOP's French toast was," Will said, trying to stick out his belly. "Hmm, I suppose you haven't...
I sometimes write for a local amateur dramatic company. My aim is to write for the available cast, rather than script a play and for them, then, to find people to play the parts. This isn’t as easy as I had hoped but it seems to work sometimes so I probably write something for them once a year. The process is simple, however. The group arranges a meeting, usually in a room in a pub so everyone can get drunk, and we discuss what sort of show they want to put on. It it’s musical I may be asked to...
The BBC that changed my lifeby kerriluvscumI walked into the video room of the sex club hoping to find some cock. It was early but so far i hadn’t seen many guys cruising the play areas. As i got to the top of the stairs i saw a few guys hanging around the door to the video room looking in. As I got closer I realized there were a lot of guys crowded around. They were looking in. some were playing with themselves thru their pants, some were full on naked and stroking their cocks. Still others...
She Flashed Me Her Panties I was lucky to have a girlfriend as smart and pretty as Amy was. She let me do a lot more than feel her up on our first date. I had taken her to a movie. Her mother had offered to drive us there so all I had to do was walk a few blocks to their house. As I sat on the couch waiting for Amy to come down her mother sat down in a big chair opposite of me. She started asking me questions about myself as she kept opening and closing her knees. She was not even...
Present – Mira – In their room We perceive a knock on the door and we all gather our weapons. I nod at Alexi, he stands to the side, opens the door and Ms. Morgan, Ms. Donaldson and Mr. Reynolds enter our room. I deduce that Ms. Donaldson is extremely agitated about something so my hand signal communicates a situation of alertness to the others. We are shocked at what Ms. Donaldson says next! She elucidates, "I have had my damn fill of you three, even if you are Liz's body guards. You are...
Die Bilder im Fernsehen aus Chemnitz, wie Kameraden Kanaken jagten, hatten sie geil gemacht. Als Kind war sie schon viel geschlagen worden und dann ging es weiter mit den Uwes. Rücksichtslos hatten sie sie durchgefickt und sie hatte es genossen, so hart durchgenommen zu werden. Beate hieb sich den körperfarbenen Gummischwanz immer wilder in ihre gierige Votze, die ihr schon mit 18 den Titel "Nazibraut" eingebracht hatte. Alle, die nicht schwul waren, hatten sie gefickt ... Zu den Erinnerungen...
BDSM[Sandy writes] Twenty minutes later, David rang the doorbell and Chastity let him in. The door was barely shut before she plastered her body against his and kissed him firmly. She said, "I'm glad you're here." He gave her a gentle smile and said, "I'm glad to be here." He grinned. "If I get that greeting every time, I may step out and come in again." Chastity said, "You don't have to waste time on the door." She plastered her body to his again and kissed him for an even longer...
So before I tell you how my "arranged" date night went I thought I would tell you what my sweet Cuckold did. On Friday evening he took me shopping for a new sexy outfit and took me to a nice restaurant. He started to tell me all the things I should and Couldn't do. I pretty much told him that I would do anything I wanted to do and he didn't have to go with me. This pretty much put him in his place and set how the date was going to go. Finally Saturday evening arrived and I was getting so horny...
Please give feedback if you have a moment. I’m very keen to improve this story. Public comments or Anonymous feedback using the ‘Send Feedback’ button are both great :). I relish critical comments and am not at all sensitive about having weaknesses in my writing pointed out. ***** Anna! Anna!’ a quick husky voice was saying in her ear. ‘Mm-mm?’ she murmured, turning her head in her pillows and opening one sleepy eye. ‘O-oh Tashka! What time is it? It is still dark.’ Tashka’s lean tanned...
"Who she belong to" one of them asked. I thought "What ? What the hell was that supposed to mean"? My hubby said I was an old ex-girlfriend who wanted to get into the business and he thought this would be were a good intro would be. I whispered "what business"? He looked at me and said not really a business but the pleasure of trying some black. I was horrified. How could this be happening? I asked him if we could be excused a minute and he took me towards the bathroom. Before we actually...
I woke up feeling warm and cozy and happy, like you feel when you drink a cup of hot chocolate when it's 25 degrees outside. I had a dream about my mom. A dream in which, we had the whole day to ourselves on a beach and drank some beer. It was a happy dream.All I could think about for the next few days was my mother. I loved her with all my heart. But not a traditional love, it was romance. She never felt it. Or so I thought. My mom is by all means, perfect. Her body is slim as a garden hose...
IncestIt was another Tuesday poker night at home.I had been lucky this time, since I had collected every bill from my friends’ hands in less than two hours playing. So, we sat down on the couch to chat and share some drinks.Jonas was a bit tired and upset by losing his money; so he made some dumb excuses and he left. But Carl and Ned accepted to share the drinks…While we were sitting there, my sensual wife came from downstairs.My buddies had met her years ago; but their jaws dropped to the floor as...
Knock, knock, knock. There was someone at the door. Lauren’s head whipped around in fear, the silhouette of a person cast on the blinds. ‘Fuck, Ian! Quick, hide me,’ she said urgently through clenched teeth. There wasn’t much he could do. Lauren was standing in the middle of the room butt-naked and desperately looking for a place to conceal herself. ‘Quick, hide in the bathroom!’ he commanded. Lauren frantically dashed towards the bathroom and opened the door. She stepped into the...
Hi dosto main bahot saalo se ISS ka reader reh chuka hu mera favourite topic hai incest aaj main apko haal hi mein hui ghatna ke baare mein batauga meri bhanji ka naam ayesha hai waise to woh Lucknow ki rehne Wali hai par padhai ke liye woh hamare saath pune mein rehti hai uski umar 20 saal hai mein 27 saal ka hu bahot parties mein jaate rehta hu baat bus pichle mahine ki hai mere mummy papa kisi shaadi mein mumbai gaye the Bahot dino se main ye mauka dhoond raha tha ki kaise ayesha ko choda...
Narrated by Bhawna Hi, main Bhawna, aaj ki kahani meri zubani. Pichle baar apne dekha ki kaise sham ki daaru aur pizza ke baad main Shobha aur Akash living room mein ek choti si sex ka khel khele. Living ki floor par hum teeno teen kutto ki tarah sex ka maza le rahe the. Is choti si khel ke baad main aur Shobha ek bar jhad chuke the. Lekin shayad us tablet ka sachme asar tha jaisa ki Shobha ne batayi thi. Meri choot mein ajeeb si aag ubal rahi thi. Mann ho rahi thi ki aaj raat se kal subah tak...
Eva awoke at her normal hour for a weekday. It was 4 am and as she did every morning, Eva lightly kissed her husband, Mike, as she rolled out of bed to change into her running gear. She was proud of her body, at 36 and after 2 c***dren, running had helped her maintain her shape. She was tall, 5 feet, 10 inches, but only weighed 125 pounds. As she stood in front of the mirror, she admired her large, 38C breast.The c***dren had not taken any of the firmness from them; her waist was still very...
I was sitting home on my day off and she "T" came in to the house. Being who she is to me of course she never knocks. She's fam right? So I'm in front of the tv with my dogs on my lap and stomach all crashed out. She comes over gives me a hug and a kiss and says she's glad to be a grad and thanks for all the support all these years. I tell her that she's the first in the line of g-c***dren to be a grad and that it's been a long 18 yrs and now she's a member of the adult world and all that. We...
For Sophie one of the pleasures of holidaying in Cornwall was the opportunity to take early morning walks along the cliff tops before everywhere became too busy. This morning she was out even earlier than normal after a restless night’s sleep in the unusually high temperatures. As she set out at 6.30 a.m. the thermometer was showing 24 degrees. Deciding it was certainly not going to get any colder she set off wearing only a short pair of denim shorts and a little white crop top. Strolling along...
LesbianTheo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiMargaret looked up from the bed. She was still panting a bit, slightly out of breath from the last 30 minutes of sex with her husband Rick. Her chest was still rising and falling and it made her already large breasts look bigger. She and Rick have been married for 18 years and early until just a year ago the sex was ok, yes, just ok, but Rick is a good man, a good father, a good provider and sex had never really been a priority for her. She enjoyed it but since it was pretty much the same each...
MasturbationVanakam. Enathu peyar Thanish, vayathu 24, naan Chennaiyil vasithu varugiren. Ippozhuthu oru software niruvanathil velai paarthu varugiren pothumaana alavu samabalam irupathaal enathu vazhkai santhoshamaaga sendrathu. Enathu pen thozhigalukum panjam illai niruvanathil sunniyai umbi sex seiya. Naan parka azhagaga irupen enathu sunni pengaluku niraiya pidikum pazhaga aarambitha udan avargal muthalil enthu sunniyai idithu thaan kaama sugathai anubavaipaargal. Enathu veetil yaarum illatha...
Finding Wade in the main terminal of the Dallas-Fort Worth airport was like looking for a needle in a haystack. I never saw so many men wearing black cowboy hats in one place. My eyes were scanning over the throng of people when I saw a handsome young man running toward me. A black cowboy hat was shading his handsome face but it was unmistakably Wade!“You made it!” He shouted, scooping me up in his arms. We held onto each other like we were never intending to let go. Wade’s heart was pounding...
This story and all my upcoming stories are completely true with that being said, here we go. I was in my final year of college and life was good. I had a lot of very attractive female friends, but never really had any sex. I had only once before this time and I was so drunk my dick could not feel shit and it was not even enjoyable. One of my best friends Christy, was dating another friends of mine, and we would often go to the same parties and hang out a lot on the weekends. We would get high...
Life's all about choices. And about the errors we always seem to be making. Not always of course, but there's that second thought, the correction to be made, sometimes causing a lot of unnecessary work. Like now, when I'm thinking of changing my porn-site user fucking what ? You're dead right of course. It doesn't matter a fuck. Look at all the weird combinations our friends and colleagues put together for their porn-site names. Amazing collection of the weird and the...
Story taken from forum!I'm relaxing in a luxurious motel room in Northern Florida, watching out the window every now and then and wondering what the hell I'm doing here. I realize what brought me south; a holiday trip to visit a relative in Georgia, but what made me stop here in this five-star motel on my way home? I recognize what I'm doing isn't right, but, this time, I’m just out of control. Or I must accept that I want to be out of control. And then again, my deviant mind...