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Irresolute Trial By Bill Hart My head throbbed mercilessly as I awoke. Other than being laid out on some large soft bed somewhere, I didn't have the slightest idea where I was. I couldn't think about it; I didn't want to think about anything. Thinking simply hurt too much. My poor head already ached more than enough without adding to it. Two people - I think it was two, but it might have been a few more or even a few less - entered the room. One of them sat down beside me. The other - if there really were another - looked into my eyes. The light from the scope hurt my eyes. And just that little bit of pain made my head hurt even more. I started to complain, but one of them put two fingers across my lips to silence me, while the other's head shook slowly side to side. Why didn't they want me to talk? And then, my eyes widened and my fear grew as I saw that needle one of them was holding up in front of me. It was huge; it looked more like something one might use to inject something into an elephant. My fear grew so great my larynx froze. I couldn't scream, even though I really wanted to scream very badly. Then one of them stuck that monstrous needle, not all that gently, into my arm and swiftly emptied whatever it contained into my system. Just a heartbeat later, I no longer wanted to scream at all. I suddenly felt so peaceful and contented. All I really wanted to do at that very moment was sleep. *** When I woke again, I had no pain whatsoever. My head no longer throbbed in time to the beating of my heart. My mind seemed clearer than it had in ages. I even remembered what had happened to me. I'd been sitting alone in the local bar last night. Was it really just last night or might I have been asleep even longer? Since my divorce - a really messy one - the little bar down the street 'The Watering Place' had become almost like a second home to me. While I was sitting at the counter nursing along my drink, this slinky, hot-looking babe strolled casually into the Place. It was readily apparent - I was neither blind nor dead, although my bitch of an ex might have disagreed on either or both parts - this babe had come to 'The Watering Place' seeking a little action. And I, along with all of the other regulars, was certainly more than willing to help her with her search. Although, to be perfectly honest, I doubted I had any kind of a chance. I was balding and well over fifty. And she was possibly just into her early twenties, as well as stunningly gorgeous. There were several groans, when she sauntered up to the bar and unexpectedly plopped herself down on the stool next to mine. I'd never seen anyone plop so sexily before. I wondered what I'd done to get so lucky, as I finished off the last of my drink. But on the other hand, I wasn't about to complain about some young hot sexy fox sitting down next to me. And just the idea of asking her to move was definitely out of the question. It had been far too long since a real babe like this had paid any attention to me. And it had been even longer since... I didn't want to think about that. Without saying a word, the sultry babe held up a slender finger towards the bartender, then pointed that same delicate finger at me and then back at herself. A moment later, I had another Scotch just like the one I'd just finished drinking. And the sensual young lady had what appeared to be a white wine sitting in front of her. I started to thank her, but she pushed two fingers against my lips and slowly shook her head. She hadn't wanted me to speak. I didn't know why. Maybe she couldn't speak. Or perhaps, she merely didn't want to speak. But to be perfectly honest, it didn't really matter to me if she did or didn't. This was her game and, for as long as she was showing this much interest in me, I could play it any way she wanted it played. Gently, I took her hand. With a small kiss on her exquisitely dainty fingers, I simply nodded my head in agreement. She knew I would not speak now unless she asked me to do so. She smiled at me. And I, of course, smiled back. She leaned towards me, then brushed her soft warm lips briefly across my own. As she slowly pulled back, she was smiling at me with an unmistakable 'come hither' smile. If 'come hither' was what she wanted from me, then 'come hither' was exactly what she was about to get from me. She took a small sip of her wine, as I started to get up from the stool. My action seemed to puzzle her. She looked somehow sad and betrayed, as she put her free hand on top of mine. She pointed at her drink, then took another small sip from the glass. She then pointed at my untouched drink, and smiled widely. All of a sudden, it dawned on me why she'd looked puzzled and sad as I stood. She had chosen me from among all of the bar's patrons. She'd also bought me a drink. And now, after she'd kissed me, it probably appeared to her as if I was refusing her gift and about to abandon her. I smiled, as I picked up my drink from the counter, then finished it off in one swift gulp. I could only hope I hadn't just offended her even more than I already had. I was surprised when she abruptly chugged the remainder of her glass of wine. I'd never seen a girl do that before. But it was also readily apparent that I hadn't offended her after all. She leaned over towards me and kissed me again. Before I even knew what was happening, she had hopped off her barstool, taken my hand, and begun pulling me toward the front door. She'd certainly become an overly eager little beaver now that I'd accepted her drink. There were hoots, hollers and catcalls as she and I made our way to the front door. We didn't move too quickly; I wanted to savor these few moments. And once we finally reached the door, I pulled the girl closer and gave her an impassioned kiss for the benefit of all those poor bastards who weren't going to be anywhere near as lucky as I would be tonight. Together, she and I walked out through the door and into the night. It was the very last thing I remembered doing until I woke up on that large soft bed earlier. Clearly, I must have been drugged. There was simply no other reasonable explanation for my blackout. But that lone reasonable explanation left me with a question. Just how had I been drugged in the first place? The girl had never once touched my drink. But I couldn't believe a real babe like her could have possibly had anything to do with drugging me. Maybe I'd been shot with a dart as we'd left the bar. But I hadn't felt anything. And that made me wonder if maybe both of us had been taken. Was it possible aliens from outer space looking for experimental human subjects had abducted us? But where was I now? This certainly didn't look like the insides of an alien spaceship. But to be quite truthful, I've never really been inside an alien spacecraft before. It may or may not have been one. I wouldn't have known anyway. But I simply couldn't discount the possibility this might actually be one. I wasn't on the same bed that I'd been before. I wasn't even on a bed any more. I was on a gurney - at least, it would pass as a gurney until the real thing came along. I don't know how I could have failed to notice that little detail before, particularly since this gurney was so damned uncomfortable. When I tried to get up, I found I couldn't. My arms and legs - another little detail I'd also apparently overlooked - were both strapped securely to the gurney. But who could have done this to me? And an even better question, why had they done it to me? I sure didn't find the thought of being slowly dissected alive by strange little alien creatures overly intriguing or the least bit appealing. But I didn't seem to have another option. Suddenly the gurney began moving. It wasn't actually going anywhere; it was beginning to shift around and take on a new shape. Fortunately for me, it wasn't a jerky kind of motion. It was a slow and smooth, very deliberate change. Maybe they didn't want to hurt me. It didn't take too long - it probably seemed far longer than it actually was - for the gurney to change into what could pass as a chair. It was still fairly uncomfortable. And, in spite of its change of form, my arms and legs remained firmly strapped to it. Unexpectedly, I heard an odd clanky jangling noise. I couldn't do too much to look around. And I was taken by surprise when this huge helmet-like thing came down from the ceiling and slipped over my head before coming to rest on my shoulders. I wanted to scream, but before I could open my mouth, strange music began playing through the speakers in the helmet. I couldn't keep myself from listening. As I became more and more immersed in the strange sounding music, my desire and my need to scream simply melted away. Although it still sounded strangely weird in my ears, the music was also making me feel increasingly mellow. It was eerily beautiful in its own way. I just wanted to listen to the music; I couldn't even think of doing anything else. I didn't even mind too much when I felt another needle being pushed into my arm. But why should I mind? It was just some big old needle with who knew what inside it. And since it didn't really interfere with me listening to the music, what was there to complain about. In fact, once I'd been injected with whatever it was, I became convinced that the beautiful music spoke to me and me alone. *** I don't know how long the strange music continued playing. And quite truthfully, I didn't really care. And yet, when it abruptly ceased I felt an overwhelming sadness begin pervading throughout my entire body. I really wanted that incredible music to start playing in all its glory once again. I was more surprised when the helmet began rising from my head. And once I realized I wouldn't be able to hear the music without the helmet thingy on my head, I became annoyed and then angry. But as the helmet continued rising, it snagged on my hair for an instant. I thought that was very strange. For the last several years, I hadn't had anywhere near enough hair to get snagged by anything. And yet, I could also feel hair settling back onto my shoulders. I had no idea how that could possibly be. What little hair remained on my head wasn't even long enough to pinch between my fingers. However, I simply couldn't deny it was there. The wall across from me began moving slowly. As it moved, the mirror hidden behind it was revealed. I stared in disbelief at the mirror. Or more accurately, I stared at the image being reflected back at me from the silvered surface. What I seeing simply wasn't possible. At least, I didn't think it could be possible. Instead of seeing myself reflected back at me from the mirror, there was clearly someone else strapped into the chair. There was a girl sitting right where I fully expected to see me sitting. She was an overly well-endowed blonde that couldn't possibly be too much older than twenty. Twenty? Suddenly, I didn't mind the idea of being in my early twenties again. It was better than being in my mid-fifties. The apparent return of my youth - albeit as a buxomy female - was a welcome change to my life. I certainly wouldn't miss ordering from the senior menu. And for some strange inexplicable reason being twenty-something, as well as a girl, didn't seem to bother me very much. I shook my head slowly. Something didn't seem exactly right. But I watched in fascination as the girl in the mirror matched my every move. Her blonde hair swirled about her head, just as I imagined my own hair swirled about my own head. I was a blonde now too. Could it be possible? My shoulder-length blonde hair was silky and full. All the other girls would definitely be jealous once they saw me. Even though I was certain I'd never had any thoughts like these before, I suddenly liked the idea of being a blonde. Stereotypical dumb blondes notwithstanding, I knew blondes were always a lot more fun. I also knew blondes had more fun. Although I didn't exactly know where I'd heard those things before, I still remembered hearing them somewhere. And I was becoming increasingly anxious about finding out for myself whether or not those old sayings were true. I tried, without much success, to look down at my chest. All I could tell with any real certainty was my chest was nothing like it had once been. But that girl in the mirror was grinning at me with an unmistakable Cheshire cat smile. But why she shouldn't she smile? She definitely had herself a really nice rack. All of a sudden, I felt somewhat embarrassed. A really nice rack? How gauche of me to think something like that. But what else could I call them? I could certainly call them breasts. But even though that was what they were, the idea of simply calling them breasts just seemed a little too mundane. At the same time, something just sounded awfully wrong about calling them jugs, knockers or hooters like I had in the past. And then the perfect name for them came to me. Boobies. I'd call them boobies. I really liked the sound of that. It just sounded so right. That girl in the mirror hanging on the wall had beguiling bountiful bouncy boobies. I just loved the alliteration of beguiling bountiful bouncy boobies. I also loved all those images it brought to my mind. And if that wasn't enough to make me smile, I just knew that if the girl in the mirror had such blissfully bewitching beauteous boobies - so shoot me over the alliteration already - then, in all likelihood, so did I. I wished my arms and legs weren't bound to this damn chair. I'd never liked being tied up. And I really wanted to stand up so I could get a real good look at myself in the mirror. Clearly, the busty girl I saw in the mirror was somehow me. And I, at the same time, had also somehow become her. I didn't know how it could have happened, but I sure as hell wasn't about to complain. There was just something about being such a babe I found appealing. As I struggled against my bonds, that young woman I'd first seen as she'd entered 'The Watering Place' came into the room. At least, I thought it was she with me. And yet, there seemed to be something subtly and inexplicably different about her. I had truly thought I would have recognized that young woman anywhere, but now I wasn't too sure about that. And yet, I doubted there could many like her. But, very strangely, this girl seemed nowhere near as enticing as she had when I'd first met her. I wondered what might have been done to her. At the same time, I simply couldn't take my eyes off her, as she strolled casually to my side. Before I could even think to ask her a question - or, for that matter, even think of a question to ask - she placed two fingers across my lips and slowly shook her head. She still didn't want me to speak. And even though I didn't know why I should or even if she were the same girl, I still felt somewhat honor bound to uphold my earlier promise not to speak to her unless she asked me to speak. I nodded my head in agreement as best I could. With a playful smile on her lips, she let her fingers slide slowly across my lips. Before I realized what was happening between us, her soft lips ere gently pressed against my own. And it wasn't long after that - I didn't know which of us had actually initiated it - before our casual kiss turned steamy and passionate. I felt my nipples and boobies tingle with excitement. I felt my crotch dampen. For a moment, I wondered what might be wrong with me. With such a pretty young girl being so sensually attentive to me, I should have had a raging boner. But then I realized I simply couldn't get it up for the simple reason that it was something I no longer had. As the mirror had constantly told me, I was a girl now. And proper young girls like me simply didn't get woodies. My mind was spinning madly as she stepped back from me. I just wished she had continued kissing me. I didn't really want her to ever stop kissing me. Not that I could have - or would have - stopped her, she slipped a pair of earphones over my ears. And no sooner were they in place, then the music began playing through them. Just as before, the music was incredibly beautiful. And just as it had been before, the bewitching music seemed to be speaking to me and to me alone. But that was certainly all right with me, because I didn't want to share my music with anyone else. And yet, this music was very different from the music before. The earlier music had made me calm and mellow. This new music I found exciting and exhilarating. It made me feel the same way I'd felt when that girl had been kissing me earlier. But as this music continued playing in my ears, this sense of excitement and exhilaration I was feeling increasingly intensified. My mind and thoughts swirled madly. I had become so sexually aroused; I didn't have a clue what was happening to me. But the compelling music played on and on. Until finally my body was jolted by an intensely pleasurable sensation unlike anything I'd ever felt before. And that jolt was quickly followed by another. And still another. And yet another, before I, fully spent, passed out from total physical exhaustion and an overload of pleasure. *** When I awoke again, they gave me new clothes to wear. The clothing they gave me clung tenaciously to my every curve. Just wearing these new clothes made me think sensual thoughts about several things I'd never dreamed of thinking about in that way. They made me feel hot and incredibly sexy. And in light of just how my hot and sexy new clothes made me feel so absolutely wonderful, I couldn't imagine why I'd never thought about wearing something like them before now. While I'd dressed, they'd explained everything they wanted me to do. What they wanted was so very simple that any fool, even the most naive male one, could have done it for them easily. And then, they'd put me into the cab that would take me to the place where I needed to be. The cab had only traveled a few miles, when the cabbie stopped to let me out. And once I climbed out of the cab, I carefully surveyed my surroundings before paying the cabbie what was owed him. It simply wouldn't do for me to be in the wrong place. How could I ever give them what they wanted if I was somewhere other than where I was supposed to be? I knew exactly what they wanted; they'd certainly made that perfectly clear. I also knew exactly how I could get it for them. I was, after all, a very clever girl. They didn't need to worry about me. I was sure they knew I'd come through for them. Besides, I wouldn't get my reward if I failed them. And I sure as hell wasn't about to miss out in getting my just reward. As I reached the front door of the local bar - I couldn't actually see its name, not that it really mattered - I stopped for a moment to gaze upon my reflection in the window. I was a blonde busty babe, plain and simple - well, hardly plain and far from simple - and I needed a man. Or rather, they needed a man to continue with their experiment. I was simply a means to that end. But that didn't really bother me. As I entered the bar feeling much like a hunting tigress in search of her prey, I looked quickly around the room in search of my likely victim. Not that I was in the least surprised, every eye in the place quickly turned in my direction. I'd always enjoyed being the center of attention. It made me feel sexy and wanted. Besides, it wasn't as if I'd always been the buxomy blonde goddess I was now. It had taken me several years to grow into the part. And even though it inexplicably felt a little strange thinking of myself that way, I was thoroughly convinced I'd grown into the part quite well. And then, I spotted him sitting alone at the counter. He was balding and easily well into his fifties. I wouldn't be surprised if he'd figured he had no chance with a stunningly hot babe like me. And even if something seemed oddly familiar about this whole situation in which I found myself, I just somehow knew he'd be absolutely perfect for their needs, whatever they were. I approached the counter with the grace of the slinkiest of felines. My intended prey - apparently oblivious to my advance - just continued sitting there sipping his drink. I began hearing moans and groans from those poor unfortunates who only now were beginning to realize I'd made my choice. And it wasn't one of them. As I plopped down onto the barstool next to him - I had developed this special way of plopping that was just incredibly sexy and drove men to distraction - I watched my victim finish off the last of his drink. How fortuitous for me that he'd finished his drink. It would all be so very easy now. I lifted a slender finger towards the bartender, before pointing next at him and then myself. It was a special signal that they had arranged. After all, the bartender took their bribes without a moment's hesitation. How else would he know to whom to slip the activator for the drug incorporated into my lipstick. As soon as the bartender set another of the drinks he'd been consuming beside him, my intended target turned slowly towards me. I thought he was about to thank me for the drink, but I needed no thanks. I simply placed two fingers across his lips and slowly shook my head. I didn't where I'd learned to do that. He gently took my hand in his own. And then he kissed my slender fingers one after the other. He seemed to be such a gentleman. He nodded his head towards me. I suppose he wanted to tell me that he wouldn't speak unless I bade him to speak. Men could be such boys at times, especially where a pretty girl was concerned. I leaned over in his direction and brushed my lips against his. I smiled at him; I was certain he thought he knew exactly what I had on my mind. And if I knew the male of the species as well as I thought I did, I was thoroughly convinced he wouldn't object to anything I wanted him to do. I took a sip of the white wine the bartender had served me. I hoped he would follow my example. He only needed to partake of his drink - a small sip would be sufficient - in order to activate the drug he'd already taken into his system from my kiss. And yet, without taking even the smallest of sips, my target started to stand. I was suddenly very confused. Had I somehow done something wrong? Could he have somehow guessed that I - that is to say, they - had an ulterior motive? But how could that possibly be? He didn't even know about them. And how could possibly think something like that - even if it were the truth - about me? All of a sudden, he smiled at me. He picked up his drink from the counter and finished it off in one swift gulp. I felt so relieved. It would be only a matter of time now before he fell under their control. I didn't know why, but I lifted what remained of my wine to my lips and tossed it down my throat as if I were some vulgar sailor. It certainly wasn't a very lady-like thing for me to do. But at the same time, I had these vague and fading recollections of doing that very thing many times before. However, I needed to make sure there was more than an adequate amount of the drug coursing through his system. I kissed him again, even deeper and more passionately than I had before. It hadn't been my initial intent, but I wasn't overly sure which of us enjoyed it more. I now had what I came inside for. He was mine now. And he knew it. But he didn't know and I wasn't about to tell him that he'd soon be theirs. I hopped off the barstool, then took his hand in mine and headed for the front door of the bar. There were hoots and hollers and catcalls as he and I made our way slowly to the front door. The poor fools were so jealous that I'd selected him over any of them. And yet we moved towards the door far more slowly than I thought wise. My fool of a potential lover wanted to luxuriate in these moments he apparently thought made him superior to all these other fools who wanted me. And when we finally reached the door, he pulled me closer to him. I was sure the impassioned kiss we exchanged was solely for the benefit of all those poor luckless bastards that he clearly considered far less fortunate than himself. Even though I enjoyed the kiss immensely, I still considered him a total asshole. And, even if something still seemed oddly familiar about him, he was still a fool. But he was also a man, not that I had ever thought there was too much difference between the two. And yet, I still couldn't get over how strangely familiar he somehow seemed. But I was certain I didn't know him. We certainly didn't hang out with any of the same people. As we walked through the door, he took a long deep breath. A moment later, he stumbled. And a moment after that, he slumped against me. He was definitely a lot heavier than I expected he'd be. But somehow, I kind of thought I should be stronger than I was. I was glad when they finally arrived to take him off my hands. I neither needed nor wanted any further entanglements with him. And in delivering him to them, I'd earned my reward. I was free of them now and forever more. However, as they put him into their car, I began feeling a little bit sorry for him. But I wasn't exactly sure why. At the same time, I was glad I wasn't him. He was going to be the subject of their next experiment. I didn't really know what they had planned for the poor fool. Nor was I overly eager to find out. It was his problem now, not mine. And yet, as I watched their car speed away, I was definitely relieved to be finally free of them. According to what they'd told me, they could only perform their experiments, whatever they might be, on men. And that made me very happy I wasn't one. The End

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The Trial

The TrialAn excerpt from the legend of Johnno Allthwaite.=================================== "Order in court!" the Clerk to the Court ordered, "This is a serious matter.""Bloody farce mate," I said, "If you ask me.""No one asked you Mr Allthwaite," the Clerk continued."That's Councillor Allthwaite to you mate," I says, "I been elected proper, not like you lot what just happened to go to the right school and that."The Clerk started looking a bit nervous as one of the skinheads in the front row...

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My Reluctant Wife on the Appalachian Trial

Many years ago, when I was thirty-five years old and my wife Joan was thirty-two, we decided to hike a section of the Appalachian Trial; starting in Hot Springs, North Carolina, and heading north. We lived in Knoxville, Tennessee at the time, so it was only a short drive to our Hot Springs starting point. It was the beginning of the summer, and our two kids, ages eight and six were at summer camp, and we were both able to take two weeks off from work for this adventure.We had done some camping...

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Shilanas Trial

Author’s Notes: This is the sequel to “Leo and the Dragon”, which you can also find here on StoriesOnline. To fully enjoy this story, you might want to go back and read that one first, although I’ve tried my best to make this as accessible as possible. Be warned, there will be dark depths of depravity not everyone might find appealing. A huge “Thank you” to all the people who helped refine this tale. You know who you are. As always, there are only adult beings having sex. “Nothing better...

4 years ago
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Cutters CreekChapter 9 The Trial

Alice sat impatiently in the steamy courtroom, already starting to fidget. Apparently Ruth was letting her "preparations" in the judge's chambers with her hunky young clerk take longer than she had expected. Alice could hardly blame the horny woman; the boy had a prick like a donkey and must fuck like a dream. Her own pussy juiced at the memory of seeing that long, thick cock rapidly disappearing over and over again deep into the hungry wet cunt of his sex-addled older lover. She had seen...

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The TeacherChapter 26 Trial

The next day, Sunday, Beth and Joe brought some kiddy furniture and some organizers and some tables and chairs. Cathy and her boyfriend brought up an old carpet remnant and a white board from an old office. Another family brought up an old bunk bed. Venera volunteered to stock the refrigerator. (She had also discovered that oven worked). After about 4 or 5 days of work, the classroom was set. Over the next two months the old clubhouse had completely grown into its new role as a day-care, a...

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Jasons TaleChapter 18 Sea Trials

Bridgetown was said to have a shipyard, which told me that they had all the skills and materials needed to build and outfit a ship. I was pretty sure that, between the fishermen and sailors, and the town’s blacksmiths and carpenters, we could make almost everything we needed, but we had no way to make lines. I knew what a rope-walk was, but I didn’t understand it well enough to build my own. In this case, it might be better to buy from the experts. As soon as we had proven that we could...

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Prince Achmads Trial

The Prince donned the regal blazing purple that proclaimed his status in the world. He was on the Observation Platform, and before him was a throng of his subjects who were all crying and cheering and clapping in their own way. The heavy, gold clasp at his neck closed with a satisfying thunk, which allowed him to raise all four of his arms to wave at his people. Seeing his acknowledgement stoked their cries causing their sounds to swell to a fever pitch. He then lowered his arms, holding them...

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Futa Triggers Trials

As always like any other ignorant human, I thought that nothing out of common sense or bad would happen to me… of course, only until it happened. By what I could remember I was just finishing complaining in the phone because I was three days without internet in both my cellphone and notebook, making me lose the encounters I had marked with a friend of mine in a game forum and a work of mine for college. When suddenly my front door was opened and my stepmother surged incensed at discovering I...

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The Instagasm Device Chapter 1 Clerical Trials

Lizzie had always been a bit of a pervert. Someone who enjoyed watching men jerk off, especially in inappropriate contexts. As a teenager, she once caught her stepfather jerking off in the living room, and it had been a moment of sexual awakening. He never knew that she had seen him, but she had that scene emblazoned on her memory, and it was the subject of not a few late-night masturbatory sessions of her own, even into adulthood.Another thing about Lizzie, she was quite smart. Having attended...

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Misstrial (c) 2003 by Nom de Plume FORWORD: The missing months of the "Foul Boy" saga are revealed by the parties to a tumultuous divorce proceeding. *** "Ruth, we have your husband dead to rights on adultery and abandonment. If it weren't for what you did to your son, he wouldn't have a leg to stand on." Dexter Boyd looked across his cluttered desk at his client, wondering how she would respond. He had kept her off the stand during her criminal trial, but her divorce proceeding...

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Gas The Early Trials

‘You never said why.’ Sarah C. said to Dr Tilley from her comfy chair. Sarah idly flicked back an errant blonde hair as she looked across at the slightly greying, ageing man before her. Dr Tilley had begun to sport a neat little salt and pepper goatee of late, which framed his face in a slightly satanic cast. ‘Why what?’ Dr Tilley replied, sitting across from her in a relaxed slump. Above them, there was a soft chime. ‘We are coming in to land,’ said the voice. ‘Please extinguish all smoking...

3 years ago
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Columbus Trials

“Ah yes. Please come in Christopher,” she said and patted the bed beside her. “I assume you are still intent on leading an expedition for this supposed western route to the orient?” “Yes!” I said excitedly and sat where she had indicated. For ten long years I’d been petitioning the courts of Portugal and now Spain, trying to obtain ships for such a treacherous journey. Excitedly I repeated, “Yes your majesty!” “Good, then you shall listen to my proposal and on agreement I shall...

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Columbus Trials

Introduction: Columbus petitioned the court of Ferdinand and Isabella for years, always being told his estimates of the size of the globe were far too small, that he was a fool for thinking he could cross to the Orient by sailing into the endless great Atlantic Ocean. Then suddenly he had hi ships and the rest is history. What changed? Heres one fun idea… Your majesty? You called for me? I asked as I entered the very small bedchamber, more suitable for a servant than the queen of Spain. Ah...

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Curious Clients Ariels Anal Trials

Awesome Ariel consults us in Amsterdam with several questions. She can come easily from fingering, fucking or love lips licking, but her tasty tight teenlike cute cunny stays as dry as a desert. She has several secret fancies, but wonders whether and how to integrate them into her regular love life of a shy sweet young woman with the looks of a teen. Alone at home, she spices up her rubbing of private parts by watching porn of peculiar scenes of degrading: often anal, and spitting or pissing....

5 years ago
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The Trial

An excerpt from the legend of Johnno Allthwaite. =================================== "Order in court!" the Clerk to the Court ordered, "This is a serious matter." "Bloody farce mate," I said, "If you ask me." "No one asked you Mr Allthwaite," the Clerk continued. "That's Councillor Allthwaite to you mate," I says, "I been elected proper, not like you lot what just happened to go to the right school and that." The Clerk started looking a bit nervous as one of...

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Salems Trial

I got into the car, Pizza in tow, just like she wanted it. I turned the CD player on, and played The Ramones. I switched it to "Poison Heart". After a few minutes, I arrived at her apartment, 2021 5th street. She was on the second story, and her door was still decorated with the "Happy New Year" crap. She seemed to know when I'd arrived. "Give me the damn pizza and bugger off, Yank." She was beautiful. "Man... you Brits are very... hmm. How to put it....conspicious..." I said,...

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Susanne Submits 5 Tasty Trio Trial

Susanne is silent, while I talk and interrogate the teen, who rode up to us to intrude our privacy for spanking.She listens to our talk. I explain our relation of Professor and student, who happens to be his temporary slave.I am immediately drawn towards that teen, who offers us room for our 'studies' on only one condition. She insists she can always take a look what we are doing and ask questions why. To Susanne: Why she accepts to be my submissive. To me: For the reasons why I treat her so...

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The Trial

                                  The Trail My god how could this happen to us. This was just to be a week of hiking for us as part of our attempt to complete the whole trail in the next few years. Here we were naked, our wrists bound by a course and heavy rope, and a rope around our necks from one to the other as the bushes and brambles scratching or bodies. Where was he taking us and what was he going to do to us? This all started just 2 days ago as we had left on our vacation to hike about...

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Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Virgin BrideChapter 3 The Trial

I brought my chair over to the edge of the bed and guided Victoria to lay back down. Incredibly, she chose not to pull up the sheet and left her breasts exposed for me to gaze down upon lovingly. It would have been the simplest matter to lean forwards and kiss them as I had fantasised doing; to take a nipple between my lips and feel it harden beneath my tongue while I cupped the other tenderly in my hand and teased the same response with my fingertips. "Shut your eyes please, Lady...

2 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 86 The Trial

At eight o'clock in the morning Albert had arrived at Beauchamp's door. The valet de chambre had received orders to usher him in at once. Beauchamp was in his bath. "Here I am," said Albert. "Well, my poor friend," replied Beauchamp, "I expected you." "I need not say I think you are too faithful and too kind to have spoken of that painful circumstance. Your having sent for me is another proof of your affection. So, without losing time, tell me, have you the slightest idea whence...

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The Trial

It is the year 2311 and recent advances in technology mean that a human mind can be upload to a mechanical or "mech" body. Those bodies are immune to the ravages of aging but only available to the super rich.

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The Innocence Game Ch 02 The Trials

Part two of three to my Innocence Game series. Please read Chapter One before reading this. While this chapter is certainly much more entertaining than Chapter One, Chapter One is a prologue that explains everything leading up to present day. If you have read Chapter One, enjoy Chapter Two! ———————————————— I told Emily’s mom everything about my plans. She thought it was a beautiful idea but she gave me a few pointers on how to make sure Emily didn’t freak out. Once I wrote those down, she...

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Time and Trials

© 2004 - All rights reserved. Please do not repost without permission Chapter 1 My Dad was my best friend. It might not have worked out that way if he and my Mom hadn't divorced when I was 12. My parents married too young, right after WWII. Early on they were blessed with two daughters, and to all the world it looked like an ideal family. Much later I came along, a 'surprise' as Mom so diplomatically put it. No Dad ever loved his girls as much, but he was still thrilled to have a son...

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Transformation by Trials

This is a journey through the intricate channels of a woman’s mind. It is also the other side of the stories, ‘Tradition and Triumph’ and its sequel ‘Tradition and Triumph Again’. The reader is advised to read these first. They are more in line with typical steamy prose. This is an examination of a woman’s sexuality through a story. ***** We were living the American dream. We had migrated just over a decade earlier with children aged 10 and 6. My husband, Ashok was an Electronics Engineer...

2 years ago
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The Reward Ch 1 Olympic Trials

By Jax_Teller For many years training in martial arts had been at the center of my families’ activities. This year was different for now I was 18, and was nearing the top of my class in FaQ. I was competing at the age of eight but now ten years later I was fighting the elite of the elite. This was a chance to go beyond the local tournaments, state, regionals and past the nationals which I had won the last 4 yrs. running. Now I was in sight of the Olympics. If I could just keep this up I...

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Family Trials

Family Affairs Victoria - Mom (Blonde) Jessica - Older Sister (Brunette) Kelli - Younger Sister (Blonde) Family Matters Allison - Mom (Redhead) Erica - Little Sister (Redhead) Family Frustrations Elizabeth - Mom (Brunette) Katherine - Little Sister (Brunette) ATTENTION: Rape is wrong, immoral, and illegal. Please don't do it! Fantasizing and reading about it is merely the sign of a healthy imagination. Over 2 MILLION views can't be wrong!

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Elven Trials

My name is Kaitlin. I was always a natural in physical battle, built tougher than most, with a toned body I use my agility and flexibility to my advantage rather than strength. For the uneven fights I was trained to have a golden tongue and quick wits to buy myself time to find a weakness or an escape. When all else fails being a woman has its advantages at times, being an elf I'm widely regarded as stunningly beautiful even amongst my own kind. I was trained to be the ultimate fighter for my...

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Aurelies Trials

"Make sure all the documents are backed up on drives," Aurelie's boss told her as he passed by her desk. "Of course M'sieur," the petite redhead answered with a nod. She glanced after him as he went into his office, still wondering at his change in attitude to her. A month ago he had made a very blunt sexual proposal to her, telling her that she could earn a raise by providing him with blowjobs on demand. She had scornfully rejected him and stormed out of his office, fully prepared to quit. To...

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Julia Goes Black Part 3 The Anal Trials

Leroy sat in his new leather chair he had bought the previous day. In his left hand, he held a Cuban cigar that was one out of a box of fifty a friend of his had smuggled in. In his right hand, he held a glass of Château Margaux. At $1,200 a bottle, he had bought a case. On the table in front of him sat a tray with cheeses and crackers and across from him in the white leather sofa laid Jenny and Julia. Jenny was on top and her pussy hovered just above Julia’s mouth. He watched as Julia licked...

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Debbies Trials

It was a month after graduating from eleventh grade that my world turned upside down. I had just turned eighteen and was enjoying the summer with my friends. We would hang out, talk about boys, turn catty about some of the other girls from our class, but most of all I enjoyed going to the lake. The lake was where we went to swim and get tan. Over the last few months my body really changed. I went from an almost flat chest to having a bosom. It seemed that every month my mother would have to...

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Lottery winner 4 love and trials

Johnson smirked and said to Jeffery "if he had put the towel on like a woman I would not have been forced to do this but as you can see he didn't and now he will have no choice or be forced to be indecent. Remember he asked for his feminization. He truly is a strange man." He never saw it coming. Standing over Johnson, after slapping him so hard he fell to the floor, my wonderful man told him "She is a woman. One day she may have opted for implants, but this way was wrong. She is...

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Jobs Trials

"Seriously? You are firing me? You have got to be kidding." My soon to be ex-boss was sweating a bit around the bald spot on his head as he stared at my wife Mary and me in the back office of his restaurant. "Job, look I am sorry, but business is business. I am confident traffic will pick up once more word gets around about Chef H.P. Charles." I was still in a state of shock. "Oh so I see now. You are letting me go so you can keep that fool in the Kitchen." My boss raised his...

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Product Trials

1.01 Introduction: 1.02 Jessie and the Sybian: 1.03 Jamie and the Extractor: 1.04 Susan and the Robotic Lover: 1.05 Mary and the Recliner: 1.01 Introduction: The leading manufacturer of sexual toys was about to unveil their newest additions to their product line. As is their custom, they announce 'new' products six months in advance and randomly select volunteers from their global list of members to demonstrate the new devices. The volunteers are given an all expense paid trip to...

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Lisas DilemmaChapter 6 the Saturday trials

Jenny and Sally actually met up on their naked run home and after several near misses of running into passers by; they eventually made it home by 9 pm. Both were dirty from the narrow escapes and through clambering through bushes and mud heaps to avoid being seen, so with out much persuasion they slipped under a hot shower together. The warmth of the water revived them but their tired and bruised bodies were still too exhausted to do little more than wash each other clean, there was no sexual...

1 year ago
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High School Trials

One great part of high school is everyone's desire to experiment. We all want to do something that will make the rest feel little. We've all done things like make out in the janitor's closet and movie theater, and has wet dream about slutty teachers, and all that bullshit, but I'm talking about the stuff you don't want teachers and administrators knowing about... It was a day, the same as any other, 1st period science, then to accounting, then dumbass world lit, but I was late to my social...

First Time
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Julie was sitting on the couch when Pam walked in the door. Pam walked to her and sat beside her and grabbed her face and kissed her. She said "Did you miss me?" Then she undid Julie's shirt and kissed her nipples. She looked at Julie and told her "I have been thinking about these big tits all day. I just need to lick and suck them." As she sucked each nipple she undid Julie's pants and put her hand down them. She found the clit and pinched it then began to rub it. Julie then told her "Let's...

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A Family Vacation

(Author's note: Even though the main category is listed as Incest, there will be many opportunities for storylines and branches featuring other themes and categories.) A pair of electric-blue eyes slowly fluttered open as the dark brown-haired young man got up from his bed. Normally, Josh Blake would have been very happy with the dawn of a Saturday morning, especially the first one of his first summer back home from college, but this year, he had a rather good reason to be even more excited....

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Wife Dominates With Help Of Her Boss

It is happened and still happening at my place. I am a guy working in a private firm. I married and brought my wife to my work place. She worked earlier with some company as receptionist cum secretary. She was little extrovert and I am not. To support family, I told her to look for some job. During that time I happened to meet my boss in some shopping mall, he saw my wife for the 1st time. Our firm is a proprietary firm and he is the owner of the firm. We chatted for some time. He was speaking...

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PornstarPlatinum Joslyn James Bathroom Cock Sucking

Oh there is that cock of yours, hard & hanging out in the bathroom. Let me suck that cock while u sit on the toilet. Watch my beautiful face as I take your cock down my throat. I use my feet too, cause I know you love that! It’s not father day right now, but since your a dad, well happy father day! I guess with me taking care of your hardon, it’s like father day once again! So, we are going to play a game, just before you cum, I’ll let go of your cock so you don’t...

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Me My Teacher After Holiday 8211 Part I

Hi friends this is Vikas again with my new story. I got some comments for my first story so I thought to share some of my experience with you people. For new viewers let me introduce myself Vikas (NC) of 22 Doing engineering and 5.7” of height having a broad shoulders and arms with my workouts and a 5.7 inch shaft I really don’t need to say lie to you people which is much thick the shaft really have a great stamina of minimum of 40 min even in heavy banging and great recovery power of max of 1...

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As It Was Told To Me

The other night a friend of mine needed to ‘de-stress’ so we went out on the town. When we got back to my place we talked for a while and he ended up telling me a story. It is a wonderfully sensual story so I decided to share it with everyone. I hope he doesn’t mind. Here’s the story as it was told to me: They arrived at the party a little late, they were making out in the car. It didn’t matter since it was an eighteenth birthday surprise party for him. He knew all about the party and was not...

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My Wife Does A Young Biker

How we ever got ourselves messed up with this I still don’t know. My wife had a few lovers over the years, but nothing like this. She is somewhat conservative at the age of 49, but one day something had gotten into her that I had never seen before in her. We had a guy name Derek contact us one day. He had seen a few pics of my wife on a site and really wanted to fuck her. He was a biker and was part of a group called the Outlaws. He was in his twenties and had plenty of tattoo’s strewn across...

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