Marine GamesChapter 5 The Olympic Trials
- 4 years ago
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This is a journey through the intricate channels of a woman’s mind. It is also the other side of the stories, ‘Tradition and Triumph’ and its sequel ‘Tradition and Triumph Again’. The reader is advised to read these first. They are more in line with typical steamy prose. This is an examination of a woman’s sexuality through a story.
We were living the American dream. We had migrated just over a decade earlier with children aged 10 and 6. My husband, Ashok was an Electronics Engineer with an MBA and after the initial struggle for about 4 years his climb up the corporate hierarchy was meteoric, leading up to his position as a senior director with credible visions of a Vice Presidency.
I did what I liked best, writing. I contributed copiously to the local newspapers and magazines and continued my contract with a weekly vernacular publication back in India. My favorite subject was women and their rights and inevitably their relationships and the challenges that go with them got drawn in. I volunteered regularly at the local cancer center and sometimes helped seniors who needed getting things done.
Our eldest was a daughter who was now in University and the son was in high school. Both were good in their studies and were sufficiently involved in sports, dramatics or art to keep them well rounded, busy and out of trouble.
So far so good.
Somewhere with the birth of the new millennium, the mood at home changed. It may have crept in with Ashok’s intense drive to succeed or my overloaded schedule of multitasking or maybe it was the absence of the daughter who was the livewire and calmative force at home. Our son too was grappling with the critical years of high school when parental anxiety is at its pinnacle. Whatever the reasons were, Ashok and I moved away from each other spiritually and physically. We stopped doing stuff together or having those long chats and he lost interest in sex. The nonphysical distancing was more worrying for me.
Then Ashok blew my world apart when he said he was seeing someone else. She was his already divorced work colleague that I had met once before. She was a geek like him and that’s where the chemistry jived. There were a whole bunch of reasons, of which the last was not the least, that we moved apart, didn’t talk for prolonged periods, argued noisily when we did and finally filed for divorce. That left me devastated, sad, confused and lonely. Our kids and far, far away my parents and dear ones suffered with me.
Divorce is, of course a big deal and all the paper, dollars, tears and sweat that went with it was difficult to manage. Ironically, Ashok was rather gracious and even generous in granting my share. It may have been his guilt working for me. All the legwork was tiring and that’s when I often met Chuck, a family friend that offered to help me. His first advice to both of us was to repair the marriage. Somehow Ashok and I agreed on one thing. This isn’t working.
Chuck was a nice, friendly, fun loving guy who was a manager of some sort in a large legal firm. His knowledge of procedures at divorce was quite helpful and we got along quite well. Some of my friends began to suggest that we had something going. Nothing of that sort was on in my mind when one day my teenage son asked me at dinner if Chuck and I were in love.
That shook me a bit as that wasn’t the case but my bringing up and conservative family had somehow drilled it into me that infidelity was an incorrigible sin and this was analogous. My situation as a divorcee apparent still did not make me unequivocally single. So, I guess unconsciously I was making excuses to myself for being with a man often. My young son’s perception of this is what threw me into a defensive mode.
What that did was that we met outside and Chuck would visit at home, say about once a week. We went on long drives in his car and sometimes he would even drive miles out of town just on the highway going nowhere! This happened especially when Ashok was visiting our son. There was still lots of legal stuff to be discussed and there were many domestic and financial issues to decide on and I naturally found him a great help, a companion and someone who would share my burden.
About two months had passed since Ashok and I were separated and Chuck and I had become very close friends. He would ask me about my childhood and my youth and how I met my husband and my married life. He would share his story with me and it was quite obvious by now to those around that we had something going.
Except me.
I still told myself that I was Ashok’s ex-wife. I did not find Chuck behaving anything other than like a true gentleman. There was kindness, consideration, good manners and good deal of knowledge and common sense. That was it, I told myself. Something kept telling me that I should not get any closer than I was to this man. Yet, he was quite open and trusting as he shared some deep secrets with me. He told me about his wife who had a great big appetite for sex. I remember looking away embarrassed when he started this topic.
Apparently that appetite was what made Sandra, his wife date three other men in tandem. We got to talking for hours about relationships both platonic and otherwise. We grew very familiar with ourselves physically and it became regular, normal and even mutually expected to hug when we met and departed. Needless to mention, I guess we got closer as the summer went by and then on a sunny Saturday something happened that changed me forever.
It was simply a day when we accidentally met outside his home while he was riding back from his health club. He lived three blocks away from me. He was in his usual gym attire with a sleeveless top getting off his bike and I was walking by taking the route past his house, to get some groceries. We hugged as usual and his hard ruggedness and the manly aroma of after exercise sweating got to me. Quite irrationally I felt a new kind of closeness to him all of a sudden. I did not flinch but drew away as naturally as I could.
We exchanged the usual pleasantries but my mind was so full of something else I don’t even recall what transpired. I do remember that we confirmed our plan to meet that evening. Through that day’s chores my mind was racing through the torrential downpour of bizarre thoughts. I was left with more questions by early afternoon.
Why was I suddenly aware of his masculinity more acutely than in the last few weeks? Was it his scant sports attire that gave me that feeling? Do I like this association? Was it right, given the values I was taught and the cultural environment I grew up in? Am I changing from being the traditional conservative woman? Am I actually already single and eligible? Did I not know that when married man meets and spends time with married woman the progression is through physical intimacy?
The evening meeting was a trip to a local village fair and went off quite uneventfully with my somewhat known talent of being able to dissociate mood from face! Then when he dropped me off at the curbside, Chuck suddenly opened his heart out to me. He respected me and was attracted by my beauty and talent and intelligence and blah, blah, blah! He then declared his love!
While I was stunned by this sudden tidal wave of emotions added to the already tumultuous day, I went quiet, thoughtful and was actually left speechless. Chuck added to that by holding my hand and asking to kiss me on my lips. My confused mind was tied up in knots as I shook my head vigorously and showed my left cheek, which he kissed noisily. We said goodnight and I walked into the most disturbed night after my decision to divorce.
That was the day that actually flipped me from what I was to what I am today. I was brought up in a Hindu family with rich familial and community traditions. There was a role and rules for everyone. Disobedience was not an option and even though I nurtured an inherent rebellious streak. My kind h
earted and loving parents made it difficult for me not to toe the line. So I said my prayers, read the scriptures and learnt Carnatic music and Bharat Natyam (the regional dance form) without much fuss. It was also a tradition for the boys to play cricket, the very popular Indian ball and bat game. I played tennis and with my father’s encouragement became quite good at it.
Around pre-teens when puberty came, I had to rethink my life. This was the previous century in South India and coming of age was a celebration with rituals and worship while the subject of that event was put under much duress through embarrassment. After all, this was something happening down there and no one except my adorable sister, Gowri, explained stuff to me. Everyone else went around saying this ‘big girl’ thing which was quite annoying. My mom as sweet as she was, went into protection mode and took great pains to explain how boys can be bad sometimes and touch you and hold you inappropriately. It was when my sister described the actual sexual act to me that I went ‘Yuck!’ I actually started dreading it.
Life as a blossoming young girl was both interesting and difficult. I enjoyed being a female and loved to emulate my mother, sister and older girls and giggled with my friends when they spoke of boys. I was often complemented for my sweet baby face and as I got a bit older they said I became quite shapely. Studies came easy and with my interest to do well coupled with parental support, school work, exams and grades were a breeze. What was a bit dicey was those creepy men on the streets, busses and public gatherings, even places of worship. In crowded public places where hordes were shoulder to shoulder, I felt hands on me which was quite disgusting. I realized how one track minded some men were and avoiding and ignoring their stares and touches was almost an unsavory, weird sport. The relief was that most girls suffered this humiliation and we made it light by sharing some of the more laughable episodes. These were my first lessons in sexuality.
With this backdrop I graduated from high school finished undergraduate studies in science and registered for my Masters.
It was the game of Tennis, though that brought me to Ashok. He too played regularly at the club I practiced. I liked his shy demeanor and elegant footwork and strokes on the court. He had such expressive eyes, fairly good features and an athletic build. He was also a top class student in the university where he was studying engineering. It was a big hurray when our parents realized that we belonged to the same ‘community’ which is a nice way of saying ‘caste’. Though Ashok and I cared less about such things, the sameness helped and we were soon engaged to be married. That, of course put my Marine Biology higher studies on hold.
The impending marriage brought a few doubts to my mind that I needed sorted out and again my dear sister, who was by now married, was my savior. I remembered her talk about sex and mysteriously the act didn’t feel so repulsive anymore! Sweet Gowri explained not only the act but was open enough to discuss variations and what really excited her and very privately what her hubby, Suren liked!
Armed with this knowledge and with my natural instincts but with some trepidation I took the important step into marital union.
Our honeymoon night was a simple affair in his family home in the village. No luxurious suite in a hotel or anything even close. His grandparents’ fairly large airy bedroom with vintage furniture and an attached bath had to do. I was a virgin, hadn’t even kissed a boy while Ashok had confessed to having girls and it was after our first night when I realized what ‘having girls’ meant.
We retired to our room after dinner and the flower decked bed stood in the center like some awkward stage for me to perform on. That was the problem. I had put too much thought into my role and didn’t have much left for spontaneity. I was also terrified of the unknown and scared if I would fail to please my new husband. There was also a great big load of shyness. No one had seen my body after I was about nine or ten. Ashok, on the other hand was so sure of himself. He hugged and kissed me and with brief preliminaries he had me naked while my hands covered my face in shame. He made love to me with his fingers, lips and tongue before he expertly yet gently laid me down. I used my newly acquired knowledge and attempted to match him for expertise sans experience and failed. He laughed and asked me what I was doing and then without waiting for an answer moved over me positioned himself precisely and confidently entered me. I didn’t know what hit me but the searing pain made me go ‘ouch!’ and my hand flew to my mouth. There were people in the house! Contrary to what I had learnt, the entry was quite quickly and proficiently done.
I also knew nothing of the male body and especially about erections. I made a note to remind Gowri that she forgot that piece!
He slowed down only because the old bed began to creak in protest and then as he moved more gently I felt the bliss that Gowri promised I would. I curled my hand around his shoulders and flexed my thighs more as my knees parted involuntarily. My pelvis tilted to receive and I matched his thrusts with little feminine pushes of my own. His bushy mustache tickled my neck as he flexed to kiss my shoulder. His hot breath touched me to kindle my own fire. The sounds of his pleasure in panting and grunts and the slapping of bodies, provoked a soft moan in me too. It certainly felt good. It felt good to feel the carnal pleasure of sexual union and to feel wanted and be pleasing the one I loved.
That was the beginning. I learnt a lot over the next two years about sex, men and my own sexuality. Somethings never changed and some others took an about turn. I never failed to be extremely shy of my body. I was assured by Ashok that it was beautiful to look at and it turned him on. He loved the shape of my breasts, the colour of my nipples, the curvature of my hips and the texture and softness of my skin. Those were his words on many occasions but I could not feel the same about myself and that somehow some deficiencies or imperfections would show. I was particularly shy below the waist and covered up soon after lovemaking. I also had this perhaps unhappy trait that my desires were deep within me. It took a lot to make me want sex. The wedding night was different as the strong anticipation drove the libido. On subsequent occasions I needed the mood, the ambience and the stimulus to get me going.
That was another thing I learnt. I was different. My loving sister, even though she was much more conservative than me in appearance and behavior, confided in me that she loved sex and had often coaxed Suren into it. That was certainly not me. Quite peculiarly, when I was turned on I was a healthy participant, but I needed that persuasive prod. I found that many of my friends were like Gowri in their views and attitudes, derived largely through oblique references to their individual sexuality. I wondered if I was some kind of freak!
Given the above private profile it may be confusing to know that I had a very healthy marriage. Hubby and I had similar interests and had discussion on these but he wasn’t that interested in the deeper stuff. We hardly ever dwelt on relationships and psychology or personalities and social exchanges largely because Ashok would simply dismiss such topics with a shrug. Some women may have been upset with his inability or refusal or even callousness in not being romantic before intimacy or the lack of serious foreplay. Not me. Though the drive and arousal were deep seated, when intimate approaches were made, I was reacting and ready for sex though never the initiator. I was young and somehow there was physical arousal that was automatic and involuntary. We had our share of watching pornography and kinky behavior too. Ashok would ask me to imagine being torn apart by those giant penises on screen and fantasized so
many of those porn stars being me when we made love. I played on, as all this was gratifying for him and I, as a typical Indian woman had his pleasure foremost in my mind. What I did enjoy of the weird stuff we did was to have sex in different places in our home.
By this time and after about 6 years of marriage both my children were born and were in either daycare or nursery in the daytime when we would have the only time alone. Ashok would come home taking a few hours off flushed and excited and all set to go and we would make love in the living room, on the dining table, on the kitchen table, in the bathtub, in the kids’ rooms and even in the car in the garage! Once when we were really into it, he had a call from a female office colleague. He put her on speaker phone and we continued to make love while he struggled to sound normal and carried on. Then a few months later, again we were alone at home and I had gone down on him orally on the living room sofa, when he called the same woman again and spoke for what I thought was about ten minutes. There was an element of titillation for me as well. He told me that the woman’s name was Elisa and that she was also an Indian from the state of Kerala. She was a computer systems manager. When asked why he liked to talk to that particular woman, he nonchalantly replied that she was proud and wanted to humiliate her!
I couldn’t understand how she would be humbled on the other end of a phone line but I buried that incident among the ton of other stuff that men feel about sexual arousal. Ashok was pretty focused on the job at hand when he was ready for physical love and never dwelt on romanticizing and other sundries but hardly missed out on imagining other men and women in our bedroom. After much concerned reading and introspective research I concluded that this came from our ancestors and their community living. Societal rules were nonexistent and the gene pool had to be variant and resilient. The male, remember, in nature ensures survival through numbers while the female seeks procreation through quality. I concocted some theories for myself that kept me from wondering too much.
I met Elisa many months later at a party in the home of a common friend. She was tall and very slim and had a matching longish face with shoulder length hair that she kept bobbed to make her face more rounded. She was well endowed in the breast department but rather flat below her waist and I dismissed her as no competition. Ashok showed no hint of appreciation of her but mentioned two other women whose looks he liked. There was a Japanese woman called Kim and Carla, a local and both were executive assistants. Then there was Kamal, from Egypt whom Ashok thought fancied me. Our bedroom fantasies were constructed around these three characters. I had to play that I liked Kamal and that was challenging as even though he was a nice looking guy I couldn’t think of him in that way. The role play was thrilling and harmless and with numerous such incidences in intimacy I reclassified that as normal couple behavior.
A few years later, Elisa was the one that stole my husband away when I was least expecting it! I am still debating if fantasies are a good thing or not.
Back to my current dilemma and looking back to see the many changes in my outlook and attitudes, I realized that I was bold enough to be pragmatic and realistic and was courageous enough to talk about my inner feelings and desires. I was also a very cerebral and cause and effect analyzing person and I was left with this rather intense emotional few hours of recollection and decision making.
No, I will never fall in love with Chuck. Maybe he just wants sex. Besides, these men sometimes consider their women as trophies won and boast about their exploits to their friends. Ugh! There was no future in it. He is so different. My children will be upset. They will think I was the cause for Ashok to leave me.
TransformationFran Avatar Damn, that hurts! And it stinks too! No escaping either of it. The painand the smell don't seem to be affecting my cock though, my meat isrock hard. So's my master's, buried deep within me. He's enjoying this.Probably more than I am - and I'm about on cloud nine! With every touchof that electrolysis wand I keep going further onto that cloud. Myreaction and the fact that it's him who's holding that damn thing iswhat's keeping him hard inside me even with his moving...
Transformation By Fran Avatar Damn, that hurts! And it stinks too! No escaping either of it. The pain and the smell don't seem to be affecting my cock though, my meat is rock hard. So's my master's, buried deep within me. He's enjoying this. Probably more than I am - and I'm about on cloud nine! With every touch of that electrolysis wand I keep going further onto that cloud. My reaction and the fact that it's him who's holding that damn thing is what's keeping him hard inside me even...
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Here is my second part to the Transformation Rock series. First I would like to thank everyone who placed comments all were positive and very helpful. I would like to give a special thanks to ZeDD who actually wrote a review and that to me was the best thing of all. Could not have asked for a better review then from this individual. And to those that didn't like the fact it was too long and only three paragraphs, etc "it was a first time for me". Regardless here is the second...
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To perhaps alleviate some of the confusion of many, many names, here is a list of some that are mentioned, but were introduced in previous episodes of the Transformations series. Dr. Julia Waxman, Psychiatrist, Director of Transformation Frank Waxman, Julia's husband, General Manager of Transformations, former fashion exec, General Manager of Magnuson Foundation. Gerald Magnuson, wealthy philanthropist, primary backer of Transformations. Paul Ventri, CFO of Transformations and president...
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FORWORD This is a sequel to my story "The Road to Transition." Hope you enjoy it. This story may not be re-posted without the permission of the author. TRANSFORMATION RETRIBUTUION By Lana B. PROLOGUE Danny Goldman pulled her silver Accord into the dimly lit parking lot and guided it into an empty parking space on the lot's fringe. She watched as the black Mercedes she'd been tailing proceeded on and pulled to a stop in the fire lane adjacent to the registration office of...
TRANSFORMATION By Bea CHAPTER 1 Enid uncoiled from her chair and sauntered over towards me. She still held the half finished drink in her hand. Concentrating on my embroidery I didn't look up right away, but could hear the tinkle of the ice cubes as she neared me. "Like another drink dear?" I asked, suddenly afraid that she would think I was ignoring her and raising my eyes. "No thank you pet," she replied. "Just thought I'd see how your needlework is doing. Let's see,...
(Note to the editor, please add the links of my previous stories above this current story as this story is a continuation of the previous parts. The stories are “TRANSFORMATION FROM LESBIAN TO STRAIGHT- PART 1 AND PART-2”, Thank you) Hi readers, its Nithin again with the third part of the story TRANSFORMATION FROM LESBIAN TO STRAIGHT, hope you had enjoyed the first two part of the story. Let’s get into the story without wasting much time. Paru became more comfortable with me after sharing her...
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Sleep came only in frustratingly short bursts for Barbara that Friday night before she checked in to Transformations. Remembering the one big erotic adventure of her life had not made sleep any easier. Oh, it was a wonderful memory, but it was another time, and she wore another body then. Her ex, whom she had been so in love with, had taken the last vestiges of pride in her body with him when he abandoned her. After several short, unrefreshing snoozes, she went to the bathroom, then rummaged...
I’d like to take you back to the late eighties. I had been dressing off and one for several years by this time but had never had a professional make over. A business named Transformation had started such a service and they had a place near Euston Station. I had been in the shop to buy things before but never for a make over. I decided one Saturday I would pamper myself I take up their offer of a 4 hour make over dressing experience for £50. After telling the sales girl what I anted I...
This isn’t a story. It is a guide dedicated to cataloging various tropes that fall under Transformation erotica. Additionally I have plot examples listed which if get liked a lot might result in me turning it into an actual story on this site. This will focus on Terminology, Transformation Types, Mental Change Types, and other aspects of the genre. If you like this this please take a look at my stories that can be found under my author profile (just click the author name above). Thank you so...
Non-EroticI'd like to take you back to the late eighties.I had been dressing off and one for several years by this time but had never had a professional make over.A business named Transformation had started such a service and they had a place near Euston Station.I had been in the shop to buy things before but never for a make over.I decided one Saturday I would pamper myself I take up their offer of a 4 hour make over dressing experience for £50.After telling the sales girl what I anted I whisked off to...
After fainting on her date with the doctor, which was definitely going to be her last date with him, Chelly had a day off and called in sick the following day. With what was going on in her head, she was not safe around patients. The emotional drain from finally admitting that her whole sexual life had been spent seeking the wrong kind of man was devastating. She could not get the restaurant manager's words out of her mind when she came to in his office. He had assumed she was a hooker....
[Missy] March Missy should have felt frightened, or miserable, or something. Instead, she felt mostly numb. Truthfully, she felt a little bit of satisfaction, too. Melanie Farnsworth, her mother, actually looked like she had tears in her eyes! Of course, those could not be tears of sorrow for her daughter. They would be tears of frustration that her efforts to make something of the girl had taken a major setback. Missy's father, James Farnsworth, just looked grim. James Farnsworth looked...
[Rachel & Naomi] Early September The late evening was not at all the usual time for new residents to enter the Tee. Norma was waiting, naked, to meet Rachel and Naomi, as she usually did for new entrants. She had also recruited Mary Hall to join her. It had been decided that the two newcomers would just be taken to their rooms, leaving all of the introductions and the tour until the next day. With a little shuffling of room assignments, mother and daughter were able to be housed next to...
[Jessica] Early July In an unrecognized form of self-punishment, Jessica resisted the urge to call Julia after she moved out. In fact, she resisted for almost a week, until the day the case documents arrived at the lawyer's office. During that week, Jessica hardly left her room. Her landlady was a kindly woman with strong mothering instincts. Like almost everyone, she felt the urge to help Jessica, and after a few days, she had the whole story. Jessica found it surprisingly therapeutic to...
[Missy] Mid July The Farnsworths arrived at the main entrance of the Tee on Saturday morning. After considerable discussion, Andy and Andi had been chosen to be their greeters and escorts. They were clad in standard staff shorts and shirt. "Mr. and Mrs. Farnsworth," Andi said as Andy opened the door. "Welcome to Transformations. I'm sure Missy will be happy to see you." That, of course, was a blatant lie, and both parents' expressions showed that they realized the falsehood....
Sunday proved to be very interesting at Fran's house. Melanie (Mel), Fran's doctor, was a former dorm mate and casual sex partner. When Carson talked her through the plan, she was enthusiastic, but had a great many questions. When she ran out of questions, she insisted it be tried out on someone besides Fran first. To no ones surprise, Carson volunteered. They decide just to do his elbow as a test, in case they ran into a problem. They also did not want to use up too much of the supply of...
Your name is Charlie Bale and you really wanted to go to the convention in Manitoba but you just couldn't afford it. However, you planned on sneaking your way there using a very neat trick that you learned that you had about a year ago. You have the ability to transform into anyone and anything. The only limitation that you have found to this ability, is that you can only transform 3 times in one day. On your 3rd transformation of the day, you are stuck that way until midnight. So far the only...
A man travels on business to San Francisco and through the inadvertent misuse of a male enhancement cream is transformed into a woman.Okay, I shouldn’t need to say this, but this is a TOTAL fabrication and it is not my fantasy. I was asked by a reader of my stories to write a story where a man is transformed into a woman in a “magical way”. The reader was not specific on the method but insisted that the transformation must be unexpected as it occurs to a guy that had no advance desire for the...
Part two of three to my Innocence Game series. Please read Chapter One before reading this. While this chapter is certainly much more entertaining than Chapter One, Chapter One is a prologue that explains everything leading up to present day. If you have read Chapter One, enjoy Chapter Two! ———————————————— I told Emily’s mom everything about my plans. She thought it was a beautiful idea but she gave me a few pointers on how to make sure Emily didn’t freak out. Once I wrote those down, she...
© 2004 - All rights reserved. Please do not repost without permission Chapter 1 My Dad was my best friend. It might not have worked out that way if he and my Mom hadn't divorced when I was 12. My parents married too young, right after WWII. Early on they were blessed with two daughters, and to all the world it looked like an ideal family. Much later I came along, a 'surprise' as Mom so diplomatically put it. No Dad ever loved his girls as much, but he was still thrilled to have a son...
[Erica & Julia] Late February "Is it OK if I start wearing clothes again?" Erica asked Julia after dinner one night. "Of course it's all right, Erica. As a matter of professional interest, can you tell me why you don't want to be naked any more?" "I guess it's because I don't need it any more," Erica answered. "In fact, it's starting to make me feel different from the other kids. No, wait - that's not right. I felt different from everyone from the first. I thought I could...
My wife Neha was very conservative in nature. She always preferred to wear Saree or salwar suit. I insisted several times to wear Top with jeans or some other modern dresses, but she always refused to. It took me two years to convince to wear occasionally top with skirt or jeans. But whenever she used to wear modern clothes I can see that, she is not very comfortable. Her uneasiness can easily be readable on her face. But my wife when ever wears such dresses she really looks gorgeous. With her...
Transformation in Reno - Part 2 By DeeWet As I lay at John's feet on the floor, I worry about what I just did. Dressed in a red dress and petticoat, my feet in ruffled socks and black Mary Jane shoes, my white satin panties are wet and sticky between my legs. I had sucked my friend's cock. I can still taste his cum. The most worrisome part to me is that I loved it and can't wait to please him again. I can't describe the feeling of helplessness as I lay there with my wrist...
Hi Readers, My name is Nithin and this is my second story here .I would like to thank all the people who gave feedback to my first story. For those who don’t know me, I’m Nithin, currently living in Tamilnadu but I’m from kerala. As far as my physic is considered I’m tall and fit as I play football, I’m on the fair side. Let’s get into the story without wasting your valuable time. It’s May 2013 and I’m on my semester break enjoying my time home. By the mid of my semester break one of my cousins...
IncestWow I can't believe this I have "the rock". And before you get any ideas it's not a wrestler or some kind of drug. Several internet stories revolving around a simple looking yet highly magical rock that can alter everything and anything to the users desire even the user themselves! Here it was just sitting on my desk this whole time. I hadn't even touched the thing when one day I was thinking about what a coworker of mine would look like with a larger bust and the next thing I know I...
I need to acknowledge the many people who have been reading and reviewing these stories and it feels great to have such great feedback such as this. Hopefully this will get the ball rolling on more ideas for other stories. For now enjoy this third installment. Transformation Rock: A New Tale - Claudia gets into shape. A few weeks ago I recently discovered a magical rock. A rock so powerful that it can change the very fabric of reality to the user's will. Now you're probably...
Welcome to my first story. Firstly I’m no writer if you think this is a load of crap. Your feelings are probably correct. The TL;DR here is I like gender transformation stuff, and I like bimbo stuff. Weirdly hard to find that stuff I so I thought, “fuck it, I’ll throw this together and upload it, what could go wrong”. Basic idea here is you wake up, then slowly get transformed. Not much here, at all, as of right now. Maybe I’ll add more, maybe this whole thing will die quick?. Who knows. You...
FetishIt has often been said that Christmas amplifies emotions like no other event in the year. It was hard to imagine how the emotional level for the Halls could get any higher. Mary had been a complete basket case since the kidnapping, and the supposed joy of the season had hardly dented her anguish and depression. Officially losing her daughter through manumission was a far more cruel blow than Lindsey realized. Despite all her hangups, motherhood was still the cornerstone of Mary's existence....
Saturday morning was not a happy time for Mary and Floyd Hall because it marked the end of their five days together and the beginning of two or more months of separation. Mary had checked in to the Tee in a hurry and there had been no time for lengthy goodbyes. Of course, they had known it was coming, but had refused to face up to it. Back then, the loss of physical contact did not seem like major deprivation, either. In the last five days, under Barbara's tutelage and insistence, they had...
Sarah had quit her job and moved back to room with Sonja. They would be getting a place together as soon as she found a new job. She arrived in town at the time Judy's piece on Transformations was getting wide exposure. As soon as she arrived at Sonja's, Sarah called Lindsey and Mark and asked them to come over Sunday afternoon. She told them that she and Sonja had worked out the perfect way to deal with their brother Frank Schermer. The plan required a great deal of work, but Sarah...
[Caz] Late August It was through his close surveillance of the Reverend William Matthews that Caz became aware of Transformations. When Matthews began his harangues from the pulpit against Transformations, Caz was notified by his 'inside' contact and immediately sought to find out more. If Matthews was so vehemently against the organization, it might be something that Caz should support. Or perhaps, it could somehow aid Caz in his long-sought revenge - 'the enemy of my enemy is my...
[Caz & Cy] Early October "Counsel for Reverend Matthews called and they want to negotiate," Caz's lawyer told him over the phone the morning after Marty dropped her bombshell. "I will give the Reverend the same opportunity to negotiate that he gave me," Caz said sharply. "Absolutely none." "I was hoping you would say that." Caz could hear his lawyer grinning over the phone. "I still have someone on the inside," Caz replied. "Is it all right to refer to absolute turmoil...
There were still several weeks of school left when Lindsey moved back home, but the girl who showed up in school seemed like a different person than the one who threw up in the girls' bathroom because of a false rumor. Her friends watched in wonder as she set out to instantly learn and do everything she'd missed the last four years. Trish, Janie, and Caitlin were more than happy to introduce her to the 'in' stores and to educate her on the clothes that were right for a teen. Still...
Lindsey spent a very fitful Friday night. She again slept on the hideabed in Sonja's apartment, and Sonja could here her tossing several times during the night. Sonja felt sorry for her, but there was not much she could do but be a friend. The hardest part for Sonja was that she knew exactly what Lindsey was feeling. At Dex's holiday party, Amy had pulled Sonja into the singing, and she had been 'discovered.' Her parents were there, and their anger at her performance had taken a lot of...
THE SISSY TRANSFORMATION PROCESSHow “Straight” Men Become Women.Here are the 11 phases of Sissification, which are currently floating around on some online sissy communities, such as New flap chan.Phase 1: Softcore, then hardcore vanilla porn is discovered. Nowadays, it begins at an extremely early age thanks to the Internet (fortunately… or unfortunately)! Phase 2: Shemale porn is discovered by happenstance. Nowadays, the popularity of Shemale porn increases one’s chance of exposure to it....