Transformations Nice Guys ClubChapter 18
- 4 years ago
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There were still several weeks of school left when Lindsey moved back home, but the girl who showed up in school seemed like a different person than the one who threw up in the girls' bathroom because of a false rumor. Her friends watched in wonder as she set out to instantly learn and do everything she'd missed the last four years.
Trish, Janie, and Caitlin were more than happy to introduce her to the 'in' stores and to educate her on the clothes that were right for a teen. Still retaining her deeply-ingrained modesty, she drew the line at the racier styles, but still took a huge step forward fashion-wise. Neither did she blow all her new money on clothes. She bought just enough to give her some variety for the rest of the year.
Wearing some of her new clothes was almost a bigger challenge than buying them. One morning, Floyd saw her first as she came down to the kitchen in a revealing new top. His penis was long-neglected for anything but peeing, and because of his dreadful physical condition, his libido had been dampened to the point where lack of sex with his wife was not a big deal to him. Lindsey's sexuality, while never flaunted around her father, was the biggest sexual stimulant in his life, and a source of huge guilt. What he considered his sinful, incestuous thoughts had been manageable until he saw her new outfit. His dormant member moved spontaneously, pushing outward against his slacks. His brain farted, unsure whether to compliment her, scold her, or look away.
Mary suffered no such uncertainty in her reaction. "No! No! No!" she shrieked. "You can't wear that! It's indecent!" All thoughts of their agreement about her free choice of clothes were forgotten.
Mary's reaction was pretty much what Lindsey had expected, and she had steeled herself for it. "No Mother! That's what's indecent," she replied as she walked over and patted Mary's sagging belly.
It was intended to be inflammatory, and it was highly successful. Mary went off, raging about indecency, sin, nudity, and ingratitude of children. Trying not to seem insolent, Lindsey stood and watched her mother with a blank expression. When the woman ran down from exhaustion, she asked, "So, does that mean the deal's off, Mother? Am I moving out this weekend?"
Despite her intention to remain respectful, Lindsey felt a flash of triumph as she watched her mother balance the horror of her daughter's 'indecent exposure' against the ultimate horror of her moving out. It was no contest, and Mary burst into sobs and left the room in as close to a run as she could get. "I hope it makes you happy to hurt your mother like that," Floyd spat out in a feeble attempt at being fatherly and in control.
As soon as Lindsey left for school in her new top, Floyd went upstairs to talk to his wife. He loved his wife, without a doubt. The physical appeal may have died out already for both of them, but the feelings that had grown up over the years remained. It genuinely hurt him to see Mary's anguish over Lindsey's independence. He himself did not see that the things she was doing were that terrible. In fact, when he thought about it calmly, he was quite proud of the way she was still living by the principles they had taught her, by and large.
What bothered Mary, Floyd knew, was the loss of control. He had never reasoned out all the deeper implications of Mary atoning for her own sexual 'failings' by keeping her daughter from them. He just assumed that's the way his wife was. She certainly controlled him, a fact that bothered him surprisingly little. By and large it was comfortable for him to cede the minutiae of family life to her. If she bossed him around in the process, well... To put it coarsely, Floyd was pussy-whipped, with the pussy no longer employed.
Floyd's life had more than its share of minutiae, which he managed very successfully as a portfolio officer at a bank. He had risen to a level where he made a very nice income for the family, leaving Mary's part-time job as a way for her to get out of the house.
The biggest single parental mistake the Halls had made with Lindsey was failing to start the de-parenting process. As with many, many couples, they took the job of raising her so seriously, that they forgot the ultimate objective: to produce a well-rounded, self-sufficient, independent adult who would continue to be a loving part of their lives. To them, signs of independence from Lindsey were signs of rebellion, and thus, sin.
Mary, in particular, did not think fondly of the time when Lindsey walked down the aisle to start her life with another man. Sadly, that seemed to her like the end, rather than a natural progression. Success as a mother involved making sure her daughter always 'did the right thing.' The making sure never had an end, in Mary's mind. College, job, family - those things for Lindsey were for after her mothering job was done. The end of that job was never truly acknowledged by Mary.
Her monomaniacal focus on making her daughter perfect did not make Mary a bad person, just misguided and sadly unbalanced. What it did make her was a miserable person. Her own abuses and excesses had caused what she most feared - her daughter had broken away. The fact that she remained at home kept Mary from a total breakdown, but she recognized and felt the loss of control acutely.
That Lindsey as the firstborn bore the unfair brunt of Mary's control urges should not have been a surprise. Mary knew intimately the 'sins' she had to protect her daughter from. When it came to her son, though, she had no idea what to do. Men being like deities to her, there really were no sins to keep him from, were there? Not knowing what to do, she did nothing but adore him. The recent revelations of Brett's sexual capers should have sent Mary into all-night prayer vigils, and certainly should have caused some clamping down. What they caused instead was confusion, and even more agony over her inability to control her daughter.
Expecting Floyd to take the lead in disciplining his son was one of Mary's bigger mistakes, as well. The dynamics of Floyd's home life had been similar to his wife's except that Floyd's mother did control the boys. He himself had no template for fatherly discipline of male children. Mary was unequipped to do it, so Brett was more or less a free agent and they both focused their warped parenting urges on Lindsey.
The psychology of parenting was not on Floyd's mind as he huffed up the stairs to try and comfort his wife. As her neared the top, he thought once again that they should move to a house with a first floor master suite. They could easily afford it.
Mary was a sobbing mess, and Floyd did not try to talk or reason with her. Instead, he took her hand and prayed, his role as spiritual leader of the home giving her the most comfort of anything he could do. He prayed fervently for wisdom in handling their daughter, for comfort from the pain she inflicted, and for something to jar her from her sinful ways.
Having a fair degree of control over his hours at work, Floyd stayed with his wife and they talked. Once more, he dared to ask "Sweetheart, wouldn't if be better if we just let her move out?" The response had always been the same, and it did not change this time, either. He had come to the conclusion that if Lindsey did leave for good, his wife would end up institutionalized.
It was as if Mary knew in her heart that she was failing. Motherhood, however, was the only truly significant task in her life. Open acknowledgement of her failure as a mother made her worthless as a person. She fought that admission with everything that was in her. Even Lindsey did not realize how deadly the threat of her leaving was.
Getting his wife calmed and minimally functional for the day was all Floyd could reasonably hope to accomplish. When he had done all he could, he headed for the office.
Having quickly acquired a driver's license and a car with her settlement money, Lindsey at least had a means of escape from the turmoil of her home. It only made the situation worse that she spent most of her time at friends' homes, but she hungered for the calm and the honest love and consideration she found at other homes. Whether it was Trish, Terry, Eric, or Mark, she spent a good portion of most school nights with another family, most times for dinner, as well.
Though all her friend's homes were wonderful, her favorite was the Ventris'. The fact that their relationship went back to early childhood had a lot to do with that. It was the least affluent of all the places, but the atmosphere was the most healing for her. Norma was a big reason. Laughter was a constant, and she was the major instigator. Lindsey sometimes just watched Norma in disbelief, so opposite was she from her own mother. It was obvious Norma not only loved but liked her family. They were her friends.
Lindsey had never really experienced silliness from her parents, and it entranced her. The first time she saw Norma on the floor in a tickle fight with Tori, the ten-year-old, she ended up in tears. Norma saw it, understood why, and wrapped the girl in a hug that lasted at least ten minutes. The fact that it was Lindsey's longest hug ever by a factor of ten did nothing to diminish her tears, but helped attach her emotionally to Norma more than to any other person, ever.
Paul Ventri, Mark's father, was terribly overworked, trying to build his own business. Still, he started teasing Lindsey just like his own kids. That relationship with a man was mystifying to her, but he never let up, and little by little she came to cherish it. He was obviously an intelligent man, and that appealed to Lindsey. That he was able to cut loose and be silly with the others was a wonderful revelation.
Mark had always had a special place in Lindsey's heart. He was her old childhood buddy. Someone who knew the struggles she had at home. Someone who had helped her experience as much childhood fun as she could, given the strictures. The image of Mark standing outside the girls' bathroom, face angry and resolute over the injustice done to her, had given him a whole new place in her heart.
Mark was not a boy who was considered macho. Yet, in that one instant in her time of worst distress, he exuded a strength she had never before encountered. And he stuck with it. More than any of the others, he was the one she drew strength from. For a sixteen-year-old girl, that was the perfect mix for first love. Strangely, Lindsey did not fall madly in love. Whether or not it was because of the anti-dating, anti-sex pounding from her parents, her feelings did not evolve into the expected physical passion. Her friendship with Mark was renewed and deepened, becoming the equal of any friendship she had known. But, because the romantic component was apparently missing, they missed a lot of the emotional trauma young lovers had to wade through.
There was no question Mark would have willingly endured the young lovers' struggles. He was well and truly smitten with Lindsey. He had, however, the rare ability to sense where she was coming from, what she needed, and respond to her properly. Unlike many boys, who needed the romance to validate their status with women, Mark was surrounded by female affection. His mother and both sisters were open and lavish with touches, hugs, kisses, and cuddles. It was not that he didn't crave lovers' things from Lindsey, he just was not devastated because he didn't get them.
Of all the things Lindsey strove to catch up with, sports sat at the top of her list. When they were children, Mark and Lindsey had joined in neighborhood baseball games, unbeknownst to Mary. Mark remembered that Lindsey did not throw like a girl at all, and encouraged her to sign up for a summer softball league team. She was way behind most of the other girls in everything but natural ability and determination.
Largely at Mark's doing, Lindsey's athletic career became a community project, with Eric, Terry, Trish, and Jordan all pitching in. It turned out that Lindsey got on Jordan's team, so practicing together was a natural thing. Every night, right after school, one or more of her friends would practice with Lindsey for at least an hour, hitting, throwing, fielding.
One day when Terry was working with Lindsey in the Torvolds' huge yard, Alex came home early and was watching them. Looking at her with his practiced trainer's eye, he commented that she had a swimmer's build. Thinking about swimming, maybe competitively, made Lindsey nervous because of the tanks suits. They showed everything!
Modesty had been pounded into her for too long, and it was not that easy to recover. No sooner had the worry flitted across her mind than she mentally slapped herself. That was her mother's thinking! If swimmers all over the world wore those suits, what was wrong with them? She probably could not catch up with the other girls, but she wanted to try everything, and that was something she loved. By the end of the next day, Lindsey was enrolled in a swimming club.
Mark benefited from Lindsey's passion for sports. He was certainly no klutz, but sports for him had been fun, rather than a serious pursuit. Despite Paul's dedicated exercise routine, Mark had never gotten into it. At sixteen, he had passed his biggest growth spurt, which was exclusively vertical. At 5'10', he had wide shoulders and a fairly deep chest, but zero fat covering and not too much muscle, either.
Trish had been running for most of the past school year, and Lindsey decided to join her. At Mark's house, she had learned of Paul's running regimen, and in an unusually forward move, decided that Mark needed to run, also. Over time and because of the summer heat, her two running companions talked Lindsey into sexy running shorts and a jog bra as her standard outfit.
Naturally, Mary discovered the running outfit in the wash, as well as the tank suit for swimming. After the inevitable explosion, Lindsey started wearing the running outfit when she left the house. She also made it a point to don her tank suit at home before a session and take her clothes with her. Knowing she was twisting the knife a bit, she made it a point to be seen around the house in just the suit, or with only her upper or lower half covered by anything else.
Recognition and compliments are wonderful things. Lindsey received them in profusion from her friends, and particularly from Mark. A big reason for her more revealing garb at home was to see if she would get any positive comments there about her looks. It never happened.
When Brett was around, Lindsey made very sure to cover up. He had always been arrogant around her, but he blamed her for his name showing up on the website, and he became insufferable. Even though he was openly disdainful and cutting, her parents never corrected him.
By August, Lindsey had become a very good softball player, and was improving her times weekly in swimming. She had decided not to work during the summer, instead making workouts and practice her job. After the years of denial, she reveled in the exertion. She was also learning to be a competitor. Her naturally sweet nature was not conducive to winning, so she had to develop a 'game face.'
Because of his frequent runs with her, Mark was in much better shape than when school let out. He was still very thin, but his endurance was much better. Lindsey had started working out with weights to improve her swimming, and finally cajoled Mark into starting, although he was nonchalant in his approach.
Things at home were so bad that Lindsey and her friends all wondered why she stayed. Disapproval hung in the air whenever she was there. She spent as much time as possible away from home, and that generated more disapproval. The only thing keeping her from moving out was the certainty that her mother would suffer a complete collapse if she left.
Also by August, things were moving rapidly at Transformations. Some significant changes in strategy had occurred after more discussion and analysis. One big change was the decision to have only a women's facility and a men's facility. Both women's and men's programs would be run, accommodating all ages and needs together. It was decided the diversity would be a positive factor.
Originally, it was thought only a complete live-in approach would work. Recently, it was decided to take clients who would be away for work every day. There was considerable debate about loss of effectiveness because the immersion was not complete. With nothing else to base a decision on, a limited number of work-release clients was considered a valuable test.
The Transformations facility was within weeks of completion. The final design was very house-like, with men's and women's sides visually separated from each other. All services and utilities, such as kitchen and laundry, were positioned between the sides. Each side had a complete health club with Olympic pool, complete exercise room, basketball, racquetball, tennis, and running track. The clubs were enclosed with glass ceilings for sunlight penetration.
Three three-bedroom homes and four staff apartments were positioned near, but not attached to the main buildings. A variety of office and resource rooms were built in on each side, as well as small but nicely appointed sleeping rooms for twenty clients each.
Transformations was truly on the fast track, now. It was going to happen! Despite skepticism and concern from all involved, there was a waiting list of way more than a dozen. That's right. Almost twenty women were waiting to spend a pile of money to run around naked for a few months with boys and men supervising their makeover. Go figure!
Only a few of the waiting women were from Julia's practice, and most were from out of town. When she had spread the word, the inquiries, then the deposits, came rolling in. She had reasoned that there was a need. Was there ever!
The current challenge was staffing, and Julia was taking the lead, there. The management team had decided to concentrate on the younger men for attendants and fill in with older staff and women as specific needs were identified. The little Nice Guys Club had been a natural starting point, and that was why Julia had just entered the Ventris' modest home.
Mark had spent a good deal of time describing his parents to Julia. She had purposely delayed meeting them, wanting to compare his description to her own impressions. When Mr. Ventri, Paul, opened the door, Julia reminded herself not to be too obvious in scoping them out.
It took an effort of will not to view this is a wasted visit. From Mark's description, she thought the chances were nearly zero. There had been a lot of discussion about just going on to another prospect, but on his own, Mark was a perfect candidate. It was decided to go ahead and try.
Mark and his sisters were specifically excluded from this meeting, and once the three adults were seated, Julia dove right in. "Please don't think me rude for getting right into the subject, but it has been a long day. As I told you on the phone, Mrs. Ventri, I am a practicing psychiatrist, an M.D. With a small group of extraordinary people, I am launching an innovative and controversial center to help people make drastic changes in their lives."
"The concepts we are implementing have been tested very successfully last year." At this point, she handed them a picture of Shannon in the swim suit from her first measurement session. After a pause, she gave them a wedding shot of Shannon and Alex, an oblique view that showed off Shannon's new figure to the maximum.
"Those pictures are of the same woman. A year ago May, she was a dropout, unmarried, addicted mother of two teenagers. She weighed 200 lbs, and had not held a job for more than four months. The wedding picture is from the following October. She weighed 128, could run three miles in under 30 minutes, and could bench press 100 lbs. She now has a G.E.D, and is enrolled in an on-line college degree program. She is why we believe our programs will work."
"Now, the reason I am here. We want to hire several High School or College aged guys. Friends of his recommended Mark, and we interviewed numerous other friends as well as teachers. There are several reasons we would like to hire him. First of all, he is totally friendly, courteous, and respectful, particularly to women and girls. He is an excellent conversationalist, knowledgeable on a surprising number of subjects for his age. He is a hard worker and honest to a fault. We know about the website, too. I can see your looks of pride, and you are completely justified in them."
"We are being extremely choosy in building our staff. The ones we hire will be paid very well. Once hired, they can be assured of a job during school, and during all breaks. That includes during college, if they attend a local school. We will invest a lot in training, and we want it to pay off for a long time." Julia paused to let the couple absorb the pay rate, which had obviously stunned them.
"Two other benefits you should be aware of: each new employee can have a relative or friend enrolled in one of our programs for free. Also, a foundation will underwrite partial scholarships at Addison University for our employees. The scholarships are designed to bring the cost of attending Addison down to the cost of attending the State U extension here. As you know, Addison is way up in the rankings in nearly every subject."
After that disclosure, Julia waited for the Ventris to digest the incentives. She knew that paying for their children's education was the major future concern for the couple. Paul had lost his accounting management job in a corporate merger. He had started his own CPA firm, but it was a struggle. Mark was an excellent student, and they longed to see him get a good education. His dream was to keep living at home and attend Addisson, but even the cost of tuition was beyond the family's current means.
"What is the job?" Julia asked rhetorically after a suitable pause. "Essentially a skilled attendant at one of our units where women will stay for a number of months while undergoing the changes they seek. I will talk more about specifics later. Are there any questions so far?"
Norma Ventri asked Julia if she would like something to drink, and Julia asked for water before continuing. There were a few questions about when the job would start, would Mark be paid during training, etc.
"Now comes the difficult part. From what Mark has told me of your family and your values, I believe it is highly doubtful you will let him take the job. My first inclination was to not even bother with this interview. However, we all believe he is perfect for the job. It would not be fair to prejudge your reaction."
"I am going to ask you to listen and ask questions as if Mark was going to take the job, even if you are shocked or offended at the conditions or requirements. Can you do that?" After several concerned, questioning looks between them, both parents nodded.
"Just remember, I am a well-regarded professional, not some shyster. If I introduced you to the others involved, you would see that they are legitimate, as well. Some of what I say will go very much against your beliefs. I just ask you to put those beliefs aside for a while."
"Our programs are based on what is called 'immersion therapy.' This involves keeping the clients in an isolated environment for a significant period of time. They are 'immersed' in the objective they are trying to achieve. Everything is designed to promote total concentration on the primary goal."
"We are starting with the program we can most easily fill with clients - women desperate to change their physical appearance. As you see in those pictures, results can be dramatic, but are not limited to bodily changes. Self-image and awareness of the world around them are also things we work on."
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[Jessica] Early July In an unrecognized form of self-punishment, Jessica resisted the urge to call Julia after she moved out. In fact, she resisted for almost a week, until the day the case documents arrived at the lawyer's office. During that week, Jessica hardly left her room. Her landlady was a kindly woman with strong mothering instincts. Like almost everyone, she felt the urge to help Jessica, and after a few days, she had the whole story. Jessica found it surprisingly therapeutic to...
[Missy] Mid July The Farnsworths arrived at the main entrance of the Tee on Saturday morning. After considerable discussion, Andy and Andi had been chosen to be their greeters and escorts. They were clad in standard staff shorts and shirt. "Mr. and Mrs. Farnsworth," Andi said as Andy opened the door. "Welcome to Transformations. I'm sure Missy will be happy to see you." That, of course, was a blatant lie, and both parents' expressions showed that they realized the falsehood....
[Erica & Julia] Late February "Is it OK if I start wearing clothes again?" Erica asked Julia after dinner one night. "Of course it's all right, Erica. As a matter of professional interest, can you tell me why you don't want to be naked any more?" "I guess it's because I don't need it any more," Erica answered. "In fact, it's starting to make me feel different from the other kids. No, wait - that's not right. I felt different from everyone from the first. I thought I could...
It has often been said that Christmas amplifies emotions like no other event in the year. It was hard to imagine how the emotional level for the Halls could get any higher. Mary had been a complete basket case since the kidnapping, and the supposed joy of the season had hardly dented her anguish and depression. Officially losing her daughter through manumission was a far more cruel blow than Lindsey realized. Despite all her hangups, motherhood was still the cornerstone of Mary's existence....
Saturday morning was not a happy time for Mary and Floyd Hall because it marked the end of their five days together and the beginning of two or more months of separation. Mary had checked in to the Tee in a hurry and there had been no time for lengthy goodbyes. Of course, they had known it was coming, but had refused to face up to it. Back then, the loss of physical contact did not seem like major deprivation, either. In the last five days, under Barbara's tutelage and insistence, they had...
Sarah had quit her job and moved back to room with Sonja. They would be getting a place together as soon as she found a new job. She arrived in town at the time Judy's piece on Transformations was getting wide exposure. As soon as she arrived at Sonja's, Sarah called Lindsey and Mark and asked them to come over Sunday afternoon. She told them that she and Sonja had worked out the perfect way to deal with their brother Frank Schermer. The plan required a great deal of work, but Sarah...
[Caz] Late August It was through his close surveillance of the Reverend William Matthews that Caz became aware of Transformations. When Matthews began his harangues from the pulpit against Transformations, Caz was notified by his 'inside' contact and immediately sought to find out more. If Matthews was so vehemently against the organization, it might be something that Caz should support. Or perhaps, it could somehow aid Caz in his long-sought revenge - 'the enemy of my enemy is my...
[Caz & Cy] Early October "Counsel for Reverend Matthews called and they want to negotiate," Caz's lawyer told him over the phone the morning after Marty dropped her bombshell. "I will give the Reverend the same opportunity to negotiate that he gave me," Caz said sharply. "Absolutely none." "I was hoping you would say that." Caz could hear his lawyer grinning over the phone. "I still have someone on the inside," Caz replied. "Is it all right to refer to absolute turmoil...
Not again! Her parents wanted to go out for pie and coffee with their friends again after choir practice. Lindsey Hall really did have homework to finish that night, but that wasn't the only reason she was upset. It was just so typically inconsiderate! When she turned sixteen, the stated minimum age for the church choir, it was just assumed that she would join. Her parents never asked her. Lindsey had a very nice voice and liked to sing, but with only a few young people among the thirty in...
Having not visited or talked to his wife since she checked in to Transformations did not make it any easier for Floyd, now that he was about to check in himself. After all the preparations that had been made so he could work from there, he had almost lost his job anyway, just from distraction and inattention. It had been hard enough just existing for the four weeks that Mary had already been gone. He had completely lost track of how much he just depended on her for everything around the...
Hector could not figure it out. She was no virgin, not by a long shot. When she got going, she was a fucking machine. The friends he had invited to help 'break her in' were all begging for return engagements. His 'brainwashing' techniques seemed to be working well until he tried to get her to turn tricks. Then, it was like a stone wall came up. In all the girls he had broken in, he had never run into one like Gem (the name he had given Andi). Usually, they became attached, even devoted...
Andy and Beth waited in Andi's room while she was checked out, then walked beside the mandatory wheelchair as she was taken to the exit. Andy had parked the company van nearby, and before long they were on their way to the Tee. Conversation was sparse, with Andi obviously nervous about what she was getting into. During the night, she had tossed a lot with many misgivings about what she was doing. Ridiculous as spending a couple of months naked seemed to her, the stark reality was that she...
[Cy & Leah] Late September Friday had been an impossible day at school for Cy. His mind could not get away from thoughts about the next morning. Over and over he had decided what he was going to do, and over and over he had changed his mind. As it turned out, Saturday afternoon was just as bad. As it drew near to dinner time, he realized that what he needed was someone to talk to, someone to tell the incredible things that had been happening to him. Dr. Waxman would certainly take the...
[Julia & Ray] Early November Julia was hopeful that Janice was approaching the turning point, so she kept one midday open to talk to Ray. That day, Ray should have realized that something of import was about to happen because Norma and Muriel were waiting for him once again. Missy was also there. Including Missy had taken some thought on Julia's part. On the one hand, Missy was way too young for the upcoming discussion. On the other hand, she was very close to all of the Ralstons. She...
[Erica] Early December Genetics or environment? It is often very difficult to tell which is the primary cause. For a teenaged girl like Erica McCann, the cause did not matter. All she knew was that she was fat, she was a disgrace to her parents and her siblings, and she absolutely hated her life. In the McCann family, style was everything. Both parents, her older sister, and her younger brother were examples of physical perfection, and that seemed to be the most important thing in their...
[Rachel, Cy & Leah] Early January One day as Cy was working right after school, Julia came in and pulled him aside. "I want you to work the early morning tomorrow. Naomi will not be with your mother when she greets you." "Is something wrong?" "Not at all. Things are going well. Up until now, your mother was almost non-functional without her mother. She is ready to do some things on her own, now." "Is Grandma sad about that?" "Oh, no. She is thrilled. Much as she loves your...
[Leah & Julia] Early March "This is probably the question you've been dreading," Julia said to Leah as the girl held Cy's hand tightly. "If your mother follows through with Bradley, and if you can be convinced that home is much different, will you move back?" "If the reason for my being here no longer exists, it would be selfish to take up a spot, wouldn't it?" Leah answered. Julia should have expected that, perhaps, but it still brought moisture to her eyes. With a sigh,...
Even if Mark had been sound asleep, the sight of his fourteen-year-old sister, Becks, standing naked in the door of his room would certainly have roused him. She was still developing, but her body showed the promise of nice, womanly curves. Because of her interest in sports, she was tight and muscular, but it looked very good on her. He did not have to force his smile of appreciation, and could do nothing to stop a vigorous salute from his cock. "D... do I look OK?" she asked with honest...
Mark had flown a few times, back when Paul still had the good job. That had been before 9/11, though, and he was unfamiliar with all the new rigamarole. This was a first for Lindsey, but there had been so many firsts lately that she took it pretty well in stride. Being with Mark made it all more exciting than frightening, and she was able to get into the spirit of adventure. The relationship between the two teens had changed dramatically, and it was not just Lindsey's long-overdue...
When the boys left Dex's Friday night, he immediately called Marty, his lawyer, and outlined the plan. She had driven right over, and after more discussion, insisted on monitoring the polygraph session. Like everyone else, she was absolutely enthralled with Mark's idea, and wanted to make sure there were no legal problems to damage its impact. The polygraph session for Lindsey went extremely well, with a confidence level well above established minimums. Mark spent the rest of Saturday...
His Mom had been prophetic, Andy mused as he drove home after his shift at the store. Back in March, she had started a commercial cooking course at the U Extension. The schedule was terribly hard on her, but she had been certain the department store where she had worked for years was on its last legs. She had been right. The closure announcement came the day before Memorial Day. There were some attractive bonuses offered to keep employees until the doors were shut, and his mother was...
Ryan was on his way from the timeclock to see the first of his 'special' patients. He chuckled to himself that he still thought of it as a 'timeclock, ' even though the terminal that scanned his ID badge and requested his PIN was a long way from what he clocked in and out of at the factory during his summer job. There were only three special patients tonight, one having checked out that day. The three women were special because they had the least visitor activity, and because their...
In the girls' bedroom, just a wall away from the bathroom, Lindsey had definitely been affected by the sounds of Norma and Paul frolicking in the shower. She had just gotten in bed when the couple giggled their way into the bathroom. Just the fact that they might use the toilet with the other present was a jolt to the sheltered girl. When the shower started and it became obvious they were in it together, she could not suppress a gasp. Tomboy that she was, Becks was still imbued with her...
[Julia & Staff] Mid-January "I know you hate to have this subject brought up, but is Phyllis going to have to be a freebie?" Frank asked in the staff meeting the next morning. "Not a problem, this time," Julia answered. "Caz Calloway is covering her for as long as necessary. He offered as soon as he heard what had happened. "On another matter," Julia went on. "I guess you are all aware of the extreme deviation from normal admittance. I could make a joke and say 'Extreme...
Transformations A Love Story I felt a wave of pleasure shoot through me as her lips touched my right nipple... instantly as she touched me, then more as she began to kiss my right breast. Next, her right hand slid to my left breast and she slowly started to circle my nipple with her index finger. My eyes shot open and I let out a sigh - having never been awoken to anything like this. I heard a subtle "mmmmm" come from Danielle acknowledging my sigh, but the vibration of her...
It was the third night of the Transformations team's stay in paradise, following the second full day. Mark had watched with pride and enormous satisfaction as Lindsey's confidence grew by the hour. The previous day, her first day naked, she had not been able to go to breakfast, and had visibly recoiled each time she encountered a stranger. He and her other friends had kept a constant escort, or shield, around her the entire day. When the afternoon team meeting had finished on that second...
Norma let Mary nap as long as she wanted to. She either stayed in the room with her, or was close by for the three hours that Mary stayed in bed, trying to sleep, but mostly tossing restlessly. When Mary's bladder forced her to get up, Norma scurried out to fetch Ryan while she was still in the bathroom. She timed it just right, and Mary screamed when she walked out of her bathroom to see Ryan standing there. Norma was right at her side to make sure she did not faint, but otherwise did a...
Andi still cried a lot. But more and more, they were tears of happiness, or just a reaction to the kindness being shown to her. This place was unbelievable! It was exactly what she needed. She was actually starting to worry a little about having to leave some day, but mostly she just basked in the security and the care. And most especially in the presence of Andy. Her days were very full. She had never exercised vigorously in her life, but she had found what Shannon Torvold told her was...
Julia had been spending almost every evening at the Tee since Mary checked in. She had a strong desire to pull off some kind of miracle for Lindsey. Now, she had given Barbara free rein to work with the Halls together. She still found it hard to believe she had agreed to take such a risk. She had told Barbara not to tell her what was going on. Sill, she needed to be close by in case something blew up. Lindsey had been on pins and needles since coming back from dinner over on the men's side....
After Dottie had finally stopped sobbing and regained some of her composure, Andi and Andy took her on a tour. Again, she was greeted warmly by all of the women, with everyone anxious to show her what they were doing. It was almost as if they were trying to sell her on the place. There was an unexpected crisis when she first saw the hot tub. She started crying again, and almost collapsed. The whole way, Andi and Andy had been holding her tightly, so she did not actually fall. "Th......
In the planning stages for Transformations, there had been a log of concern about transferring the the effects of Immersion Therapy and re-birthing, as experienced by Shannon and Kathy at Greg's house, to a larger group of people. There was considerable doubt that the same kinds of effects could be achieved when the subject was one of many naked people. The concerns were correct, but not in a negative way. In fact, in a development that should not have been surprising, the group had its own...
The timing was perfect. Andy had worked long hours at the Tee since it opened, forgetting about school in the interim. On days when the high school guys were at school, he and Ryan were the daytime staff, along with Gretchen and Carol. Paul was on site a good deal of the time, but between operational details of the Tee and his growing outside business, his time with the residents had decreased over the months. One mid-morning, as Paul came into the office after breakfast with a new client,...
When Matt picked up Beth on Sunday afternoon to drive back to school, the mood between them was very strained. Other than a few polite questions and short answers, there was silence until they were several miles down the freeway. Suddenly, Beth started giggling uncontrollably. Matt first looked at her in puzzlement, then in disbelief. When she did not stop, he startled to chuckle, carried along by the musical quality of her laughter and his own guess at what she was laughing at. "Beth...
[Julia] Late May "What we're talking about, here," Gerald Magnuson said in his most forceful manner, "are kids who would not fall under the legal definition of abuse, but whose home situations are intolerable." He was addressing a group that included Julia, two other local psychiatrists, the director of County Children's Services, a lawyer for the county, and two counselors from regional school districts. One of the counselors spoke up immediately. "Mr. Magnuson has identified a very...
His parents and Marty were not the only people who cared about Caz. He had become one of those very successful people whose success almost no one begrudged. His long-burning hatred had been unable to kill the basic respect and care for people that had been a trademark of young Carter Calloway. Within his MLM company, there were literally hundreds of people who thought he walked on water. From the many under him who had earned enough extra to stave off bankruptcy, to those who had...
[Janice & Ted] Late November Julia gave it a few weeks before trying what she hoped would be the deciding move. It was a Saturday, and Janice usually exercised late morning, then got her massage. That morning, with her usual pro forma show of reluctance, Janice got on the table and Mark started working on her shoulders. For whatever reason, she always turned her face away from whoever was working her, so it was relatively easy for Ted to slide in and take Mark's place. The first...
[Faith] Early December "I appreciate your calling me first, Mr. Charles," Julia said after taking a call from Max. "Max, please," he said quickly. "I didn't know how Faith would take the news. I don't think we should keep it from her, but I'm concerned." "You're right to be concerned," Julia assured him. "She needs to know, so I will tell her, and I'll be sure that Dale is with her. Max, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your willingness to forgo the visits. I did not...
[Brett] Late December Brett was met just inside the door by Leah, Missy, and Connie. It was surprising how much planning and scheming had gone into his punishment. Given his offense and his attitude toward girls, Julia had decided that his direct supervision would be done by the girls, and all of them would be involved. The boys had been instructed to be friendly and helpful, but not to give him any direction. Julia had spent quite a bit of time at Lindsey's coaching the kids on how to act...
[Nancy, Ron & Julia] Late January "We certainly didn't plan for anything like this," Ron Merker lamented. "I couldn't believe it when the Halls did it to Brett," Nancy admitted. "When I threatened Chelsea with the same thing, I wasn't serious. I'm afraid I am, now." "Brett's punishment was supposed to be a one-time thing," Julia said to the Merkers as they sat in her Transformations office. Julia had come into the office that Saturday morning after her breakfast with...
[Erica & Dozer] Late April She had talked about it with Julia several times. She never knew whether she hoped Julia would talk her out of it or talk her into it. It had been very frustrating when Julia would do neither, only ask probing questions. Finally after six dates with Dozer, the last three ending with very warm kisses, she made her decision. There had never been any question, but Julia had agreed immediately. Dozer had agreed to come over right after school, bring his books,...
[Bryan] Mid May There had been no commitment from the DA people when they left after discussing more naked 'sentences' for troubled kids, but none had been expected. About three weeks later, Julia's admin caught her between appointments and said "A very distraught woman called. She said she was given your name and number by someone in the DA's office." Five days later, there was a replay of Brett's entrance into Lindsey's. There were some differences, though. Only a mother stood...
Denice Jenning’s Week, Friday My week had been crazy at Rogers High School. I was chosen for the Program because was I was in the running to be my school’s homecoming queen. The naughty futa-principal, Ms. McTaggart, thought it would cute to have my rival, that slut Umeko Himura, and me go naked for the entire week. That was the point of the Program, to encourage young people to embrace their bodies and sexuality. To not be ashamed about anything. It was part of a new-wave of laws sweeping...
Although sixteen now, Denice had never been camping before. I enjoyed camping; it was a way of escaping my home-life, where the wife doted only on the dog. Denice was my sister Cathy’s daughter; a single mom whome I visted rarely. Denice had lately become very tempting. Her brown hair seemed to kiss her beautiful neck and her big brown eyes danced every time I took-in her yummy figure. Visits to Cathy’s place became more frequent; and I found Cathy good to chat with before Deniece came in...