Transformations DiversityChapter 16
- 2 years ago
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[Brett] Late December
Brett was met just inside the door by Leah, Missy, and Connie. It was surprising how much planning and scheming had gone into his punishment. Given his offense and his attitude toward girls, Julia had decided that his direct supervision would be done by the girls, and all of them would be involved. The boys had been instructed to be friendly and helpful, but not to give him any direction.
Julia had spent quite a bit of time at Lindsey's coaching the kids on how to act toward Brett. It was not just because of Lindsey that Julia was interested in some success with Brett. While something as extreme as Brett's nudity might never be tried again, the idea of letting the regular residents at Lindsey's help in redirecting some wayward kids was fascinating. Julia thought that if the regulars felt that they were contributing in some important way, the unavoidable feeling of being a charity case would be lessened.
What Julia emphasized over and over was that the resident kids were not responsible for Brett's punishment. They were just to make sure he knew how to do the tasks he had been assigned. Also, because there were some very good students among them, they would help tutor him for the time he was there.
The others were never to refer directly to Brett's nudity, but to act as casual and as natural with him as possible. They were not to scold or correct him if he did something wrong or failed to do what was assigned. They were just to report it to Nancy, who promised to stop by at least once a day. She was not nearly as angry with Brett as she appeared, but she was a good actress and had become very sympathetic to the Halls' plight.
"Welcome, Brett," Connie said in a rehearsed greeting. "I'm Connie and this is Leah and Missy. Leah's taken, by the way," Connie was able to add a very convincing little giggle to that. Her time skinny dipping with Dale when she first arrived, being with Ted during his orientation, and the incredible shaving practice with Ray had allowed her to act very casual and at ease.
"We're all sorry you have to be here under these conditions, but we'll try to make sure you're glad you chose this instead of jail. There's a list of jobs that you're supposed to do while you're here, as you know. The first one coming up is dinner. You need to set the table and generally help with serving. It turns out that I'm on with you tonight, so I'll show you what to do.
"For hygiene reasons and for your own protection around hot stuff, you're to wear these while working with food or clean utensils." Connie showed him some standard uniform shorts, which he reached for. "Sorry, we need to do the introductions first. They were very specific that you can only be covered up when absolutely necessary."
Connie and Leah stayed right with Brett as he was led to various parts of the place and introduced to everyone. Reluctantly, Missy backed off after the initial greeting. He was not to know that it had been pre-arranged for him to meet each of the girls separately, as well as Muriel and Naomi. Naomi was overjoyed at the chance to be the assistant housemother, but even after her own stint at the Tee, she did not approve of what was being done with Brett. Because of her gratitude for all that the organization had done for her, though, she had pledged her cooperation to Muriel and Julia.
As many new entrants to the Tee had discovered, the mind can go into a protective 'overload' mode when faced with situations it just cannot deal with. Finding himself suddenly naked, as hard as he had ever been, being escorted by two cute girls, and meeting a string of others, was one of those situations for Brett. He went through all of the motions simply because his embarrassment circuits shorted out somewhere along the way. One thing he did notice that he would recall later was that the other four girls seemed more embarrassed than he was. Well, that was impossible, but the girls blushed brilliantly and were barely able to say 'hello'. He also noticed that the tall one, Missy, he remembered, seemed completely at ease around him.
Speak of the devil: after the last introduction, the tall one, Missy, stepped right in front of him and put a borderline painful squeeze on his balls. Connie and Leah moved in close to shield what she was doing.
"Brett, I'm more than willing to be a real good friend. But I need to warn you: if you say one mean word to any of those other girls, especially Erica, the heavy one, you will leave here singing soprano. Are we clear on that."
Totally caught off guard, Brett nodded his head quickly. When he did, Missy broke into a radiant smile. She released his balls and for just a few seconds, her fingers played on the edges of his glans. She had to step back when he doubled over from the sensation of almost coming. His mind was clear enough to make a note to stay clear of Missy.
Julia, Muriel, and Naomi were watching with some alarm. "Is she touching him?" Naomi gasped.
"I think," Julia answered, "those three girls are just protecting their friends from any insults from Brett. That would be just like Missy. You know, this is quite a shock to the other four girls. They all have zero experience with boys.
Having never had to help in the kitchen at home, Brett was a total klutz. It was all Connie and Alex, the boy working with them, could do to keep a straight face. They had been well drilled, though. He was surprisingly hungry, considering the trauma he had been through. Probably the fact that he wore shorts made a difference.
Connie was good. She managed to look genuinely sorry when she came up to Brett when he had finished cleaning up from dinner and asked for the shorts. In truth, she could have stared at Brett's nicely muscled athlete's body and nice-sized, well-formed cock all day long. She was already regretting that she would only be Brett's main 'handler' through the weekend before one of the other girls took over.
Whatever composure Brett had gained during supper disappeared when he had to again bare his penis to Connie. He already had to stretch the waistband to get the shorts down over it. The only salve to his ego was the way Connie's face flushed a little.
Julia had waited out of sight until Brett was once again naked. She really did need to talk to the boy, but she wanted to put the most possible pressure on him. The decision on how to dress had taken some thought. Julia was very well aware of the effect she had on men. In her professional mode, she tried to downplay her voluptuous figure. There was little she could do about her beautiful features, her auburn mane, and her dazzling eyes.
Julia thoroughly enjoyed spending time with the kids at Lindsey's. It was a form of downtime for her. Earlier that day, she had met with them to warn them about how she would be dressed. She wanted them all to greet her warmly, as they always did when she visited, but she did not want any reaction to her attire. She warned that she would look rather slutty.
Brett had not recovered from the embarrassment of stripping a second time in front of Connie when he turned to see the mature wet dream that was Julia walking toward him, greeting and hugging the other kids along the way. She had chosen a 'standard' staff uniform. It was one, however, that would have fit a woman with much less expansive curves. She wore no panties or bra, so every feature of her anatomy was clearly outlined by the tight fabric.
The women's uniform shirts were distinguished from the men's by a Vee neckline that showed some cleavage. Some quick work with a sewing machine had made the one she wore then show a LOT of cleavage. Of course, knowing what Julia had in mind, there had been no end of suggestions from the other staff women. She was not particularly fond of her belly, since it was no six-pack. The other women nearly mutinied, though, until she agreed to cut off the top so it showed a wide strip of her midriff. Carol had mischievously turned under the waistband of Julia's shorts as she left, as well, exposing the first swelling of her luscious hips.
If Brett had not already been hard, the first sight of Julia would have taken care of that. Her breasts swinging hypnotically, she walked right up to him and held out her hand. "Hello, Brett. I'm Dr. Waxman, the director of Transformations. You're the last of the Hall family that I have not met before. Let's move over to that seating area. We have some things to discuss."
When Julia casually put her hand on Brett's bare back to guide him, he very nearly came on the spot. When he sat in a chair and tried to cross his legs to hide his cock, it was ineffective and Julia chided him. "Brett, just sit naturally and let it show. By now, it's no secret to anyone in the place. I imagine this has been the strangest day of your life, huh?"
"Shit!" was all he could say.
"I suppose I should apologize for keeping the nudity from you until it was too late, but I was afraid you would foolishly choose jail."
"Might have been better," he groused. Apparently, he had decided that Julia was the first person he could vent some of his frustrations on.
"Better for what?" Julia demanded. "Better for your future, or better for the macho stud big-man-on-campus image you've been working so hard to build?"
"But why naked?"
"So the real Brett Hall has to deal with real people and the real world for a while, not the asshole Brett Hall you project to the world." Seeing Brett's jaw drop at the directness of her statement, Julia piled on. "Of course, maybe the real Brett Hall truly is an asshole. If so, we'll hand you your clothes, boot your ass out the door, and everyone, including your parents, will do their best to forget about you."
Nobody, but nobody had ever talked to Brett this way. He was so stunned that his dick started to wilt. "Well, that's good!" Julia said cheerfully. "Your dick tells me that at least what I said made some impact. Maybe you can remember that when you want it to go down. Just think about something serious. Of course, maybe you want to keep a hardon the whole time you're here. You've been trying so hard to convince everyone that you have big balls. Maybe you don't want the girls here to know that your dick isn't really seven inches all the time."
Julia was already ad-libbing, but she could see from his face that she was having the desired effect. She had decided beforehand that it was not important for Brett to like her. She would likely have to be the heavy in this situation. "Terry's your teammate, right? Well, I will tell you that I've seen his dick lots of times, and that boy is impressive everywhere. Know what else? Terry is one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. Why the hell couldn't you try to be like him instead whoever else you're trying to suck up to? Isn't a future All-American a good enough role model for you?"
The funny thing was, Julia was not having to fake most of what she said. It was easy to get the right edge of emotion into it. Softening her voice noticeably, she went on. "It's no secret that this is not all your fault, Brett. Your mom and dad will freely admit that they screwed up parenting you kids, big time. Unfortunately, you're the one who's going to suffer the most. From what I can tell, you're a spoiled rotten little shit who thinks he can do no wrong.
"Your mom and dad have changed unbelievably, and not just in looks, but there aren't many re-dos in life. They spoiled you badly, and it looks like it may be too late for them to correct that right now. But you can change yourself. That's what this time with nothing disguising any part of the real Brett Hall is all about. You don't have to change anything. If you want to come out the same asshole that went in, it's up to you. You will eventually get out of here, no matter what.
"OK. Enough preaching and time for some detail stuff. You won't be naked quite all of the time, at least not in public. You already know about working in the kitchen. This place has free access for friends and approved family. It would not be good for outsiders to see you here naked. At certain times, you will be told to go in your room, and it will be locked from the outside. At other times, you will be asked to dress. One other time you will dress will be for church."
"Yes, you will be going to church Sunday mornings with your parents. That is not optional.
"Now, you will probably figure out that you can shut this place down just by walking out and waving your dick at the wrong person. If that happens, you're back in the DA's hands, and believe me, I will find other ways to make your life miserable. Sure, it would get your dick covered faster, but it would be covered by a jail suit, and only when Bubba wasn't trying to shove his in your ass." Julia almost winced after unleashing that crudity, but she was quite sure that it would take that kind of talk to get through to the boy.
"Besides the threat I've just made, I hope you will take time to figure out that the kids here all deserve a break. In fact, you have an assignment for next Friday when we talk again. I want you to be able to tell me the stories of every other kid here. If you don't, a bad mark goes to Nancy, and you don't want that. At best, bad marks mean longer bare-assed. At worst - off to jail. Do you have any questions I can answer right now?"
Julia saw Brett shiver a little, and it was not at all chilly in there. She believed that she had succeeded.
"Isn't she unbelievable?" Connie said as she joined Brett as soon as Julia had left.
He was cranky, to say the least. The woman had made him feel like a little kid, or worse yet, like a lab specimen. "What's with you?" he snapped at Connie. "Can't get enough of my dick?"
That stung, but they had all been warned, and Connie was his first 'handler' because of her quick wit and naturally sharp tongue. It was hoped that despite her severely repressed home life, she would be able to hold her own.
"That, too," she said with a cheeky grin. "At home, I was deprived. I never got to watch nice, strong dimpled asses and swinging meat any time I wanted to. Yeah, I haven't had nearly enough of it yet. Is it gonna get hard again soon?"
Brett made a quick decision that this chick was not one to fight with.
"Besides normal teenaged lust for hunky bods, it's my job," Connie went on to say, "so don't get too big a head - except the head of your cock." When she broke into all-out laughter, Brett really decided to watch it with her.
"So, you're like my jailer or something? How long?"
"I only get you through Sunday, so you should survive that. Really, Brett, try not to think of this as jail. None of us want you to feel that way."
"Why should you care?" he blurted out, forgetting his vows of caution already.
"You idiot? Don't you even know who your sister is? Lindsey started this place, and some of us are sure she saved our lives. For some unknown reason, she cares what happens to you. From what your mother has said, she ought to hate your guts for the way you treated her. You want an honest answer? I don't give a shit whether you rot in jail or not. But I would crawl through broken glass for Lindsey. If she's asked me to help save your sorry ass, then I'm damned well going to do it even if it kills you. Does that answer your stupid question?"
'Why couldn't I just keep my mouth shut and get through this', Brett was asking himself. 'Stupid lippy cunt' were the words that formed in his mind. He was a very long way from apologizing for anything, so he kept a sullen silence. Meanwhile, his penis had done its best to retreat inside of him. His reaction to a forceful female was not at all like his father's.
Realizing that she had let the emotions get too cranked up, Connie took a deep breath, then said. "Let's get an early start on evening cleanup."
His mouth was still just as out of control. "Clean up. I don't see anything that's dirty."
Connie had had about enough, but before she lashed back at him, all of the years of biting her tongue and keeping silent at home paid off. After a deep breath, she was able to joke "Typical male. If you can walk on it or through it, you don't see any need to clean it up. It's on the list, so here's what we need to do..."
After spending about an hour dusting, mopping, vacuuming, and generally picking up, everything was ship-shape for the night and it was still quite early. On her own, Connie could have done it in half the time. "Let's do a hot tub," she told him. "You go ahead and I'll be right out."
"Is that supposed to get me hard again?" Brett asked with a sneer when she appeared in her bikini. He felt a thrill of victory when he saw the flash of pain in her eyes. In truth, she was a nice-looking girl. He had no way of knowing how she had been beaten down and ridiculed by her parents and her two older brothers. She had been almost a scullery maid in her own home, very much a cinderella type of story.
"Nah!" she managed to say brightly. "I'm sure it takes cheerleader bimbos with at least 38Ds to get your motor going. I'm just enjoying being able to show some skin for the first time in my life. Even if it doesn't excite you, I like my body. I know you don't really care, but I also know you have to hear all of our stories, so I'll get mine out of the way first."
Brett was not yet at the place where he could let himself feel remorse for what he had said to her. Still, her story made enough of an impression that he remembered it.
Saturday, things did not let up for Brett. He worked breakfast with Connie and Alex, and had to shed his shorts right away. That took care of the familiar part. When Connie said "Time to clean the toilets, now," he began to get an idea of what the work part of his sentence might be like.
Connie managed to keep it humorous as she tried to beat his ineptitude into something productive. When they were finally on the second bathroom, she sat on the edge of the tub while he worked and talked to him. "We usually do our own, but they decided that this was a good thing for punishment, I guess." He just grunted.
"You know why they made me your escort first? They figured I was the mouthiest and I could handle all of your shit. I'm also the best housekeeper, and you sure have a lot to learn. Actually, you only have to do four this morning since you're just learning and you're pretty slow."
He eventually did finish four well enough so Connie grudgingly accepted them. "Well, time to start your workouts, now."
"Workouts? I don't need to work out. I'm in good shape."
"It's in the deal. Besides, you really do need it," she told him.
"Hey, I play football."
"Is that what you call it?" she said sarcastically. "I thought that was dancing."
"What do you know about it, anyway?" he snarled.
"Let's see. Number twenty-seven - running back. Quick feet, good first step, OK speed. A strong breeze will knock him down. Yards after contact negative since he usually gets knocked backwards on his ass if someone touches him."
"Wha... ?!"
"Duh, I go to your school, and I went to all the games this year, home and away. If you start working hard right now, you might get strong enough by next year to actually hit someone and squeeze out an extra yard here and there."
"You're full of shit!"
"I never denied that," she laughed, "but you're the pansy back. They never use you when they really need a few yards."
More even than going bare-assed, her comments hurt because he had heard the criticism before. "Do you think Terry just loafs through the off-season?" she demanded. "We'll get your progress chart started right now," she told him as she grabbed his hand and dragged him toward the exercise area.
All through the early part of the workout, she kept needling him that she could push more than he was doing. When she proved it twice, he went sullen.
He was on the bench press with his legs spread on either side of the bench when Nancy's voice said "Could you leave us alone for a few minutes, please, Connie?" When Brett tried to get up to hide his crotch, Nancy snapped "Stay right there!" Her voice had such authority that he sank right back.
"Now, you had better tell me exactly the same thing I'll hear from Connie when I ask her. Have you done anything that violates the deal?"
"N ... no."
"Have you been belligerent or disrespectful to anyone?"
"Well, I, uh..." she made him tell it in detail.
"I see your erection finally went down. When did that happen?" she asked in a sudden change of subject - a self-correcting subject as it turned out. "Ah, it's back again. I was all for castration, you know." Nancy was a very, very good actress. Like her husband, she was aware of what Chelsea was like. She was joining the hazing because of the poignant way that the Hall's had pled for their help. Not that it wasn't fun.
Brett had never really had the upper hand since walking in the door the day before, and he was sick of it. "She dropped her pants and she was strutting and dancing her bare, uh ... all over the place," he almost shouted.
"I think 'pussy' is the most common term," Nancy said conversationally. "She sure wouldn't flash those dinky little tits. They're smaller than mine. You mean you saw that scrawny ass of hers and you lost your head?"
"Well, I..."
"It was her bare pussy, wasn't it. Have to admit it's probably her sexiest feature," Nancy said.
"It wasn't that bad," Brett whined.
"Bullshit," Nancy snapped. "You tried to fuck her and she said 'no'. That should have been the end of it."
"I was ... was pretty drunk."
"Yeah, well, it should have been attempted rape instead of sexual assault. I'll be back whenever. No schedule. Just don't screw up or I WILL send you to jail."
Brett did not realize that the women were carefully staging all of these encounters. Mid afternoon, he was using the vacuum cleaner when he spotted Lindsey approaching him. She had a straight shot toward him. There was no way he could cover up without it being obvious what he was doing. If he did not just stand and face her, he would appear to be a body-shy kid. That is exactly what he felt like.
"How bad has it been, Brett?" Lindsey said when she reached him.
"Probably not bad enough as far as you're concerned," he said sourly. "What do you care, anyway?"
"I care because you're hurting Mom and Dad."
"Well, I'd think you'd want to hurt them - get even."
"I've been all through that. They've changed. What would be the point? They're very concerned about you."
"Funny way of showing it."
"Let's see how you feel in a couple of weeks. Think your hardon will go down by then?" Lindsey had affected the best smirk she could. The strategy was that the resident kids would make no reference to his body parts but that family, the Merkers, and Tee personnel would pour it on. That Connie had already violated her end need never be known.
Sunday morning, Mary and Floyd arrived early with clothes for Brett. It was the first time in church for him in quite a while. He was very relieved that it was quite different from their old church.
After church, Lindsey and Mark and Mary and Floyd stayed for dinner. They waited around until Brett had to strip again, but did not stay long after that.
Extra pressure was put on him Sunday by a visit from Michelle. Just talking to the lovely nurse, who was definitely out of uniform and dressed very provocatively, was more than he could stand, and he spent most of the question and answer time with his hardon waving.
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Saturday morning was not a happy time for Mary and Floyd Hall because it marked the end of their five days together and the beginning of two or more months of separation. Mary had checked in to the Tee in a hurry and there had been no time for lengthy goodbyes. Of course, they had known it was coming, but had refused to face up to it. Back then, the loss of physical contact did not seem like major deprivation, either. In the last five days, under Barbara's tutelage and insistence, they had...
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There were still several weeks of school left when Lindsey moved back home, but the girl who showed up in school seemed like a different person than the one who threw up in the girls' bathroom because of a false rumor. Her friends watched in wonder as she set out to instantly learn and do everything she'd missed the last four years. Trish, Janie, and Caitlin were more than happy to introduce her to the 'in' stores and to educate her on the clothes that were right for a teen. Still...
Lindsey spent a very fitful Friday night. She again slept on the hideabed in Sonja's apartment, and Sonja could here her tossing several times during the night. Sonja felt sorry for her, but there was not much she could do but be a friend. The hardest part for Sonja was that she knew exactly what Lindsey was feeling. At Dex's holiday party, Amy had pulled Sonja into the singing, and she had been 'discovered.' Her parents were there, and their anger at her performance had taken a lot of...
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Hector could not figure it out. She was no virgin, not by a long shot. When she got going, she was a fucking machine. The friends he had invited to help 'break her in' were all begging for return engagements. His 'brainwashing' techniques seemed to be working well until he tried to get her to turn tricks. Then, it was like a stone wall came up. In all the girls he had broken in, he had never run into one like Gem (the name he had given Andi). Usually, they became attached, even devoted...
Andy and Beth waited in Andi's room while she was checked out, then walked beside the mandatory wheelchair as she was taken to the exit. Andy had parked the company van nearby, and before long they were on their way to the Tee. Conversation was sparse, with Andi obviously nervous about what she was getting into. During the night, she had tossed a lot with many misgivings about what she was doing. Ridiculous as spending a couple of months naked seemed to her, the stark reality was that she...
[Cy & Leah] Late September Friday had been an impossible day at school for Cy. His mind could not get away from thoughts about the next morning. Over and over he had decided what he was going to do, and over and over he had changed his mind. As it turned out, Saturday afternoon was just as bad. As it drew near to dinner time, he realized that what he needed was someone to talk to, someone to tell the incredible things that had been happening to him. Dr. Waxman would certainly take the...
[Julia & Ray] Early November Julia was hopeful that Janice was approaching the turning point, so she kept one midday open to talk to Ray. That day, Ray should have realized that something of import was about to happen because Norma and Muriel were waiting for him once again. Missy was also there. Including Missy had taken some thought on Julia's part. On the one hand, Missy was way too young for the upcoming discussion. On the other hand, she was very close to all of the Ralstons. She...
[Erica] Early December Genetics or environment? It is often very difficult to tell which is the primary cause. For a teenaged girl like Erica McCann, the cause did not matter. All she knew was that she was fat, she was a disgrace to her parents and her siblings, and she absolutely hated her life. In the McCann family, style was everything. Both parents, her older sister, and her younger brother were examples of physical perfection, and that seemed to be the most important thing in their...
[Rachel, Cy & Leah] Early January One day as Cy was working right after school, Julia came in and pulled him aside. "I want you to work the early morning tomorrow. Naomi will not be with your mother when she greets you." "Is something wrong?" "Not at all. Things are going well. Up until now, your mother was almost non-functional without her mother. She is ready to do some things on her own, now." "Is Grandma sad about that?" "Oh, no. She is thrilled. Much as she loves your...
[Leah & Julia] Early March "This is probably the question you've been dreading," Julia said to Leah as the girl held Cy's hand tightly. "If your mother follows through with Bradley, and if you can be convinced that home is much different, will you move back?" "If the reason for my being here no longer exists, it would be selfish to take up a spot, wouldn't it?" Leah answered. Julia should have expected that, perhaps, but it still brought moisture to her eyes. With a sigh,...
Mark had first gotten naked in front of his family on a Monday night. Going to school the next day had given him a break, but as it turned out, stripping when he came home was almost as hard as the first time. Since his ten-year-old sister Tori had been waiting all day for an explanation of erections, it was doubly trying. Norma decided that when it was her turn, she would do it Friday afternoon. Staying unclothed through the whole weekend should force her to get over the worst nervousness...
When Beth led Andy down the stairs naked that Sunday morning, he saw Julia, and tried to retreat, but Beth was having none of it. Julia's reassuring smile and Beth's firm lead somehow got him to the living room. Seeing his mother lying on the sofa with her arm over her eyes was enough to force the thought of his nakedness from his mind. One of Andy's biggest recent fears was Gretchen's health. He did not think he could have kept her schedule, and did not understand how she could. He had...
[Julia & Staff] Mid-January "I know you hate to have this subject brought up, but is Phyllis going to have to be a freebie?" Frank asked in the staff meeting the next morning. "Not a problem, this time," Julia answered. "Caz Calloway is covering her for as long as necessary. He offered as soon as he heard what had happened. "On another matter," Julia went on. "I guess you are all aware of the extreme deviation from normal admittance. I could make a joke and say 'Extreme...
Transformations A Love Story I felt a wave of pleasure shoot through me as her lips touched my right nipple... instantly as she touched me, then more as she began to kiss my right breast. Next, her right hand slid to my left breast and she slowly started to circle my nipple with her index finger. My eyes shot open and I let out a sigh - having never been awoken to anything like this. I heard a subtle "mmmmm" come from Danielle acknowledging my sigh, but the vibration of her...
It was the third night of the Transformations team's stay in paradise, following the second full day. Mark had watched with pride and enormous satisfaction as Lindsey's confidence grew by the hour. The previous day, her first day naked, she had not been able to go to breakfast, and had visibly recoiled each time she encountered a stranger. He and her other friends had kept a constant escort, or shield, around her the entire day. When the afternoon team meeting had finished on that second...
Norma let Mary nap as long as she wanted to. She either stayed in the room with her, or was close by for the three hours that Mary stayed in bed, trying to sleep, but mostly tossing restlessly. When Mary's bladder forced her to get up, Norma scurried out to fetch Ryan while she was still in the bathroom. She timed it just right, and Mary screamed when she walked out of her bathroom to see Ryan standing there. Norma was right at her side to make sure she did not faint, but otherwise did a...
Andi still cried a lot. But more and more, they were tears of happiness, or just a reaction to the kindness being shown to her. This place was unbelievable! It was exactly what she needed. She was actually starting to worry a little about having to leave some day, but mostly she just basked in the security and the care. And most especially in the presence of Andy. Her days were very full. She had never exercised vigorously in her life, but she had found what Shannon Torvold told her was...
Julia had been spending almost every evening at the Tee since Mary checked in. She had a strong desire to pull off some kind of miracle for Lindsey. Now, she had given Barbara free rein to work with the Halls together. She still found it hard to believe she had agreed to take such a risk. She had told Barbara not to tell her what was going on. Sill, she needed to be close by in case something blew up. Lindsey had been on pins and needles since coming back from dinner over on the men's side....
After Dottie had finally stopped sobbing and regained some of her composure, Andi and Andy took her on a tour. Again, she was greeted warmly by all of the women, with everyone anxious to show her what they were doing. It was almost as if they were trying to sell her on the place. There was an unexpected crisis when she first saw the hot tub. She started crying again, and almost collapsed. The whole way, Andi and Andy had been holding her tightly, so she did not actually fall. "Th......
In the planning stages for Transformations, there had been a log of concern about transferring the the effects of Immersion Therapy and re-birthing, as experienced by Shannon and Kathy at Greg's house, to a larger group of people. There was considerable doubt that the same kinds of effects could be achieved when the subject was one of many naked people. The concerns were correct, but not in a negative way. In fact, in a development that should not have been surprising, the group had its own...
The timing was perfect. Andy had worked long hours at the Tee since it opened, forgetting about school in the interim. On days when the high school guys were at school, he and Ryan were the daytime staff, along with Gretchen and Carol. Paul was on site a good deal of the time, but between operational details of the Tee and his growing outside business, his time with the residents had decreased over the months. One mid-morning, as Paul came into the office after breakfast with a new client,...
When Matt picked up Beth on Sunday afternoon to drive back to school, the mood between them was very strained. Other than a few polite questions and short answers, there was silence until they were several miles down the freeway. Suddenly, Beth started giggling uncontrollably. Matt first looked at her in puzzlement, then in disbelief. When she did not stop, he startled to chuckle, carried along by the musical quality of her laughter and his own guess at what she was laughing at. "Beth...
[Julia] Late May "What we're talking about, here," Gerald Magnuson said in his most forceful manner, "are kids who would not fall under the legal definition of abuse, but whose home situations are intolerable." He was addressing a group that included Julia, two other local psychiatrists, the director of County Children's Services, a lawyer for the county, and two counselors from regional school districts. One of the counselors spoke up immediately. "Mr. Magnuson has identified a very...
His parents and Marty were not the only people who cared about Caz. He had become one of those very successful people whose success almost no one begrudged. His long-burning hatred had been unable to kill the basic respect and care for people that had been a trademark of young Carter Calloway. Within his MLM company, there were literally hundreds of people who thought he walked on water. From the many under him who had earned enough extra to stave off bankruptcy, to those who had...
[Janice & Ted] Late November Julia gave it a few weeks before trying what she hoped would be the deciding move. It was a Saturday, and Janice usually exercised late morning, then got her massage. That morning, with her usual pro forma show of reluctance, Janice got on the table and Mark started working on her shoulders. For whatever reason, she always turned her face away from whoever was working her, so it was relatively easy for Ted to slide in and take Mark's place. The first...
[Faith] Early December "I appreciate your calling me first, Mr. Charles," Julia said after taking a call from Max. "Max, please," he said quickly. "I didn't know how Faith would take the news. I don't think we should keep it from her, but I'm concerned." "You're right to be concerned," Julia assured him. "She needs to know, so I will tell her, and I'll be sure that Dale is with her. Max, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your willingness to forgo the visits. I did not...
[Nancy, Ron & Julia] Late January "We certainly didn't plan for anything like this," Ron Merker lamented. "I couldn't believe it when the Halls did it to Brett," Nancy admitted. "When I threatened Chelsea with the same thing, I wasn't serious. I'm afraid I am, now." "Brett's punishment was supposed to be a one-time thing," Julia said to the Merkers as they sat in her Transformations office. Julia had come into the office that Saturday morning after her breakfast with...
[Erica & Dozer] Late April She had talked about it with Julia several times. She never knew whether she hoped Julia would talk her out of it or talk her into it. It had been very frustrating when Julia would do neither, only ask probing questions. Finally after six dates with Dozer, the last three ending with very warm kisses, she made her decision. There had never been any question, but Julia had agreed immediately. Dozer had agreed to come over right after school, bring his books,...
[Bryan] Mid May There had been no commitment from the DA people when they left after discussing more naked 'sentences' for troubled kids, but none had been expected. About three weeks later, Julia's admin caught her between appointments and said "A very distraught woman called. She said she was given your name and number by someone in the DA's office." Five days later, there was a replay of Brett's entrance into Lindsey's. There were some differences, though. Only a mother stood...
The next evening, both Norma and Paul seemed distracted, so much so that Mark commented on it. Assuring him that nothing was amiss, the whole family watched a couple of shows together, then the kids went up to finish the last homework before bed. Left alone in front of the TV, Norma said "Penny for your thoughts." "Oh, I guess I've just been thinking too much. When Dr. Waxman talked about the pay and the college benefits, it just made me depressed that I can't give him the college he...
Over the next few days, Mark experienced a lot of that same feeling from the first night in his parents' room. He was naked, and everything else about the world seemed to go on as if nothing was wrong. It didn't make sense! How could everything be so... normal? Of course, he didn't really know what disaster he was expecting. His family, even Tori, would never ridicule him, even the frequent times he was erect. No one else but the family would see him. It was just... he couldn't even...
Back when her parents tried to get her to attend the Schermer retreat, Lindsey should have been more suspicious when her father caved so easily. Suspicion, however, was not yet a big part of her nature. She had no reason to suspect her parents of doing anything drastic to her, certainly nothing physical. They were closed-minded, mean-spirited, suspicious, paranoid - the list of their passive faults was very long. But there was no reason to suspect them of any form of violence. What had...
After dinner at the Waxmans', Jeanine was subdued, but not hostile. Carol was pleased that there did not seem to be a rift developing between her and her mother. Julia, of course, was a genius, and as Carol thought back on the conversation at their house, she remembered specific things Julia said to Jeanine that must have made a huge impact. The next day, Jeanine acted in a surprisingly normal way, although Carol noticed a definite flush and an occasional recoil as she looked at her...
High School is one of the most transformative times in the life of any teenager. Boys start to sweat more. Underarm hair starts to grow. The penis and testicles grow and the scrotum gradually becomes darker. Most girls gain weight – and it’s normal for this to happen – as their body shape changes. Their breasts continue to grow and become fuller. Pubic hair becomes coarser and curlier. Only all of the above are quite normal changes. But what if by some strange twist of magic or technology there...
TeenMonth 6... It was a good thing that Erin Hunter saw Andy on a regular basis during the month. Because what walked through her office door that Saturday morning looked and carried herself like a totally different person. "Got your latte, babe," Andy said as he handed Erin her Starbucks and gave her a sweet kiss on the cheek. Dani smiled and sat. "Let me look at you," Erin said to Andy. Even though Erin had witnessed the progress, she was amazed at what stood before her. In...
[Floyd] June As Julia went about the mechanics of shutting down the men's section, the one man she thought most about was Floyd. There was no doubt that the Tee had given the Hall family a chance at a time when they were absolutely doomed. Of course, the circumstances were unique. Never again would a husband and wife have an entire section to themselves as Mary and Floyd had been able to do. In future years, Julia was sure that she would look upon Mary as one of the Tee's crowning...
19 year old Ash Ketchem found himself in a white room filled with legendary pokemon. He knew something was up. He didn't know if he wanted to be a part of it. 'Ash, my chosen one.' Ash turned around to see Arceus, the creator of all Pokemon. "Arceus!" Ash quickly exclaimed, falling to the floor, bowing. 'There is no need, Ashura. Please, get up.' Ash quickly got up. "Ummm... why did you bring me here?" Ash inquired, suddenly noticing a blush from some of the Pokemon behind Arceus. 'You've saved...
Through Month 4... Dani woke as the sun started to shine through the drawn curtains in their bedroom. She looked across the bed at the clock. Just after 7:00. Andy lay there on his back, sheets lightly across his chest. His left arm was up over his head, curled around his head. He had always been a stomach sleeper... but there he was in a more feminine pose. To Dani, his face had softened slightly. And while his facial hair still grew, it was substantially less... and...
Month 5... Over the last month, Andy had made big strides to come to grips with his developing feminine shape. But during their private sessions, he admitted to Erin that he was still extremely self-conscious about hiding his shape in public... but around Dani he was more comfortable. While comfort at home around his loving and supporting wife was easy, from a psychiatric perspective, Erin knew that Andy had to progress outside of the house. The physical changes were increasing and...
Epilogue... Andi's eyes slowly fluttered open. She felt Dani gently squeeze her hand - sitting next to the bed. Giving her wife time to focus, Dani asked, "how do you feel?" Andi thought about her answer for a few moments, then lightly chuckled under her breath as she answered, "I feel like someone kicked me in the balls." The path to get here had been unexpected... unimaginable less than a year before. Need had turned to curiosity. Curiosity to...
Because of Warren's vasectomy, Dottie had not worried about pregnancy for twenty years. In her mid forties, she was not yet menopausal, but her cycle had become very erratic and the doctor had not thought it worthwhile to put her on birth control to regulate it. The chance of pregnancy had occurred to her a few times on her weekends with Court, but had never occupied much of her attention. Since the last trip, she had noticed some morning problems, and had begun to fear the truth. When the...
"Aunt Barbara! Aunt Barbara!" Tori shrieked, and did a flying leap into the woman's arms. When Barbara reached the group, Paul said "Floyd, this is my sister Barbara. She's going to start you on your aerobic routine." He managed to shake hands, half surprised not to get a bone-crushing grip from her. His other hand attempted to shield his crotch. Very quickly, the others took showers, dried, dressed, and left. He was then alone with the daunting woman, not at all sure what to expect....