The Instagasm Device Chapter 2 Beta Testing
- 4 years ago
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Lizzie had always been a bit of a pervert. Someone who enjoyed watching men jerk off, especially in inappropriate contexts. As a teenager, she once caught her stepfather jerking off in the living room, and it had been a moment of sexual awakening. He never knew that she had seen him, but she had that scene emblazoned on her memory, and it was the subject of not a few late-night masturbatory sessions of her own, even into adulthood.
Another thing about Lizzie, she was quite smart. Having attended one of the most prestigious Catholic girls schools in the Northeast, followed by an accelerated joint Bachelor and Master's degree, she had recently graduated with her PhD in applied biochemistry, and was well on her way to becoming a preeminent researcher in the growing field of human sexual neurochemistry. She had high aspirations, and hoped that one day, every sexual neurochemist in the field would know the name Dr. Elizabeth Bordeaux.
She worked for a big Boston-based mega-corporation with a variety of divisions, from pharmaceutical research and development to investments and acquisitions. She spent most of her nights working in the human sexuality lab with her fellow researchers. Her two lab-mates both only had their master's degrees, and they both clearly resented her for being the lab favorite. One of them, Benny, kept hitting on her. Ordinarily she'd have fucked him immediately and then ghosted him, but she had to work with these people, so she settled for wearing revealing clothing but consistently ignoring him, and then secretly fantasizing that he was jerking off to her.
Over the past several years, their lab had been working on developing the "next Viagra." Always a market for new ways to get off. Not that Lizzie minded. This really was the dream job. She got to use her professional expertise and intelligence while constantly working with penises in various states of sexual arousal. She only wished it was ethical to covertly watch their late-stage test subjects as they attempted to jack off in the sterile room down the hall, dosed with whatever newest drug cocktail the lab had devised.
Their latest trial involved studying the patterns in the electrical signal in people's brains as they became more sexually excited. They had discovered a fairly universal signal profile both upon the initial stages of arousal as well as right before orgasm. It was a fascinating development. But designing a pill to interact with a complex electrical neural signal seemed like an endeavor that was doomed from the start.
Lizzie had been tinkering with the formula on her own for a few months, sneaking into the lab after hours and weekends. She was certain that a pill just wasn't going to cut it if they wanted to genuinely see a breakthrough in sexual pharmacology. It was about electrical signals, so they should be experimenting with the electrical signals in the brain. Sure, plenty of drugs interact with brain chemistry and change the neural structure and function, but she was sure that the effect could be brought about much more quickly and effectively with an actual electrical pulse. But no one was going to sign off on electrical stimulation as a sexual enhancement method. Not outside the kink community, anyway.
But Lizzie didn't care. She was like a dog with a bone. A thick, massive, throbbing bone... She shook her head to bring herself back to her work. Fiddling with some circuit boards and a variety of spare parts she had scrounged together, she was able to finalize the side project she had been working on.
Shaped a bit like a barcode scanner, this little baby she was holding was the key. She was sure of it. But she needed to test to see if the signal it produced actually meshed with the electrical signature the way she had designed it to.
Lizzie fired up the imaging machine, placing their electrically-charged dummy in the center of the field, and turned on her device. By her calculations, it should produce the right signature at a distance of anywhere between 15-20 feet. So, carefully placing her body behind the radiation shield, she aimed the device at the dummy while examining the monitors. Pausing briefly to pray that it worked, she flipped the on-switch with her thumb.
Looking down at the monitor, Lizzie was shocked and ecstatic to see the familiar pattern begin to emit from the electrical dummy. She flipped the switch to its second position, and sure enough, the pattern transitioned into the desired orgasm signature. She had cracked it!
Now that she had nailed down the electrical signature, they should be able to mass-produce this little orgasm generator as the latest piece of sexual pleasure technology. Lizzie was going to be rich! And more importantly, renowned.
They would probably need to hone the design a bit. For one thing, if their clients really only wanted a better version of Viagra, then the first setting should be sufficient. Instant boner. But Lizzie was a bit more excited about the second setting. Instant orgasm. Perpetual orgasm, if you didn't flip the switch back off.
She started thinking about the possibilities for this little miracle cure. Oh, did she have some ideas. It won't hurt to take this for a little test drive, she thought to herself. They'll never know. They don't even know I've been working on it. I mean, yeah, technically it was made with company equipment, and technically, in the legal sense of the word, they "owned" it. But it wouldn't even exist if not for her. And they certainly wouldn't miss it.
As it was, it would be months, maybe years, before this went to human trials. Electrochemical stimulation? Didn't sound particularly market-friendly. Plus, the whole "it needs to be fifteen feet away" issue. By the time this went to market, what they were selling would be such a hamstrung version of the amazing tech she had designed. It would be a genuine travesty if this bad boy never got to see the light of day.
Lizzie was rapidly becoming convinced that it was her moral responsibility to the sanctity of science to test the unfiltered device on some actual humans before the quality assurance and review boards got involved. She packed up her bags, turned off the machinery, making sure everything was back in its proper place, and snuck the orgasm device into her purse as she left the lab.
Where should she go, Lizzie thought to herself. It was Saturday, but it was actually pretty late. She hadn't realized how wrapped up she had gotten in her work, and it was already past 2am. Where could she have some fun? As she walked to the nearest subway station, she decided to call it a night and push the decision about what to do with the device to tomorrow, so she got on the T toward her apartment.
This late at night there weren't a lot of people taking the train, so she was easily able to find a place to sit. She could barely contain her excitement, knowing the power she held in her purse. She was desperate to try it out.
Lizzie started glancing around the train. She noticed a few people staring blankly, as well as a young couple that seemed to be headed home after a night in the city. They were whispering to each other, hands roaming over each others bodies, occasionally kissing. The sexual tension was already fairly evident. Realizing that she had a relatively clear line of sight toward the guy, Lizzie impulsively removed her new device from her purse and placed it in her lap. Carefully aiming it so that it was focused only on him, Lizzie got a rush of adrenaline as she flicked the lever to the first setting.
The effect was immediate and obvious. The guy jerked suddenly, bringing his right hand over his crotch as his eyes got wide with embarrassment. His companion pulled back in concern, clearly asking him what had happened. He shook his head, trying to move past the awkward pause, and brushed through the woman's hair with his other hand.
Smooth, thought Lizzie. She held the device steady, knowing that he was still caught in her arousal field and therefore most definitely was still sporting an erection under that hand. The two lovers started making out again, the man getting a bit more comfortable with his raging boner.
Lizzie smirked to herself, getting a little drunk with the power she held at the flick of her thumb. She let the two have a few more moments before she couldn't resist flicking her device up to the second setting.
Just as immediate as the first, the man's expression contorted from casual attraction to that classic grimace that precedes sexual release. His hand still covering his crotch, it seemed that he couldn't help himself from thrusting against it as he spent himself in his pants. His girlfriend observed the entire event with confusion and slight horror as she realized what was happening.
The woman stood up quickly, pulling her hands away from her date. A wet spot was forming at the crotch of his jeans, as the results of his abrupt and extended orgasm seeped through the material. Lizzie released him from the grasp of her device and he slumped over, panting, as Lizzie quickly slid it back into her purse, biting her lip with devious excitement.
Damn, she thought to herself. That was so hot.
The girl was still clearly upset that her date had just jizzed himself on the train-ride home, and he, clearly confused himself, spent the journey past the next few stops apologizing to her. Finally, Lizzie's stop arrived, and she carefully got up, avoiding eye contact as she moved past the aftermath of the chaos she had created. It's fine, she thought to herself. They'll make up, probably have some steamy hot sex, and laugh about this tomorrow. It's fine.
Lizzie made her way home, replaying the events of the subway in her mind as she walked. She was getting more and more worked up as she thought about it. That guy had no idea why that had happened. Replaying it over and over as she walked, Lizzie was fully on autopilot and barely even noticed that she was home. Turning the key to the door of her apartment, Lizzie stumbled inside. Not caring where she put her things, she started stripping and dropping her belongings left and right as she marched directly to the bathroom.
She immediately turned on the hot water in her bathtub, ready for a nice hot soak in the tub. As soon as it was full, she slid into the warm water to relax, her mind continuing to return to the premature ejaculation she had orchestrated on the subway. She found herself beginning to touch herself. First her nipples, then one hand gliding between her legs as she parted the lips of her pussy to begin to stroke her clit.
Still not getting enough stimulation, she grabbed the removable shower head from its dock and shoved it between her legs on the highest setting. She quickly found her stride, rhythmically running the shower head across her pussy in with increasing intensity. With thoughts of the man on the subway and his involuntary orgasm, she pushed herself over the edge. Holding the shower head in place directly on her clit as she reached her climax, she jerked forward in the water as her eyes glazed over. Spasm after spasm followed, until the pressure of the water became too intense and she let go of the shower head, sinking backwards into the water as it convulsed and sprayed against the edge of the tub.
Finally able to move, Lizzie finished up her bath and got ready for bed. She couldn't wait to see what else she could do with her little "instagasm device" over the next few days. And tomorrow was a brand new day. She was sure she would be able to find something fun to do on a crisp autumn Sunday.
Growing up in a Catholic family in Boston, Lizzie had been raised fairly religious, but had gotten in trouble a few times as a teenager for some... sinful behavior. She had once gotten caught masturbating in Sunday school, and had given more than her share of blowjobs in the choir loft.
As she grew out of her teenage years and into adulthood, Lizzie became a bit more discreet about her sexual perversions, but had definitely entertained some fantasies while giving confession.
These days she didn't go to mass too often. She was busy with her job, and generally found church services rather boring. But not today. Today, she was shivering in anticipation at the thought of bringing her instagasm device into the house of the Lord. How many pious minds could she corrupt today? How many men could she bring to their knees as they praised God for the gift of pleasure she would give them. Oh, just the thought of it was getting her going, and she wasn't even at the church yet.
Dressed in her most modest Sunday dress, complete with a ruffled bodice buttoned all the way to the neck, long sleeves, and thick woolen tights covering her legs, Lizzie examined her slight frame in the mirror. She tied her long curly blonde hair into a neat braid, the picture of propriety, and prepared herself for her newest adventure.
The walk to the church was a blur. In her black Mary-Janes, she felt the same thrill she had experienced as a Catholic teenager when she had sat through an entire Wednesday mass with a tall and narrow votive candle clenched inside her vagina.
Finally, she reached the heavy wooden doors to the main church. Walking with her head bowed in reverence, her hand tightly clenched on her delicate purse, she made her way to the front of the church and found a seat on the third row, near the right edge.
Knowing the kind of power contained in her small handbag was causing Lizzie to practically buzz with anticipation. She held her legs tightly together as she observed the other church-goers filter into the pews, feeling her pussy tingle at the thought. Who was going to fall to their knees at the glory of God during today's sermon? So many options, Lizzie felt like she'd never be able to decide.
After most of the congregation had taken their seats, the deep notes of the organ began to thrum through the church, indicating the beginning of the processional. Lizzie stood with her head bowed in reverence, matching the postures of those around her despite the tingling she felt between her legs. She watched as the deacons and alter boys made their way through the church, her eyes finally settling on the middle-aged balding priest. Bingo. There was no other option. It had to be him. She just had to find the right moment.
All through the service, Lizzie kept her demeanor stoic. Pious. But all she could think about was what was coming. Who was going to be coming.
Finally, the moment arrived. The priest opened the large Bible at the lectern in the center of the church and began to read from the scripture.
"Luke 6:37," the priest began. "Do not judge, and you will not be judged." Lizzie was already bored.
She knew this one. Forgive and be forgiven, do unto others, or was that a different verse? It had been a while and she was a little rusty on her scripture. Ugh, fine, she thought to herself. I guess I owe him a little listen before I ruin the passage for him forever. Or who knows, maybe it'll become his new favorite. The corners of her mouth turned upward at the thought.
"And do not condemn, and you will not be condemned," she heard him continue. But just the act of listening, knowing what she was about to do was too much. She slipped her hand into her purse, and discreetly extricated her new toy from its confines, aiming it toward the priest. "Pardon, and you will be pardoned," he droned on.
Closing her eyes, simultaneously chastened and aroused, Lizzie gave a silent prayer that she might be forgiven for what she was about to do, her breath coming ragged as she tried to stay quiet. Her thumb trembling above the switch, her hand hovered, waiting for the next word.
"Give," the priest began. Lizzie opened her eyes and flipped the switch at the word. And what a gift she was about to give him. Already there was an instant erection hiding under those robes. The priest lurched forward, clutching the Bible, his eyes closing in a wince. Lizzie could see a few faces in the crowd look up in concern as he paused for longer than usual. With a slight groan, he managed to continue, "and it will be given to you."
Oh, don't worry, it will be given, Lizzie thought, her thoughts getting dirtier by the minute. His eyes stayed closed as he recited the verses from memory, clearly trying to force his arousal away. "They will pour into your lap," Lizzie felt herself flush with arousal, her chest heaving in times with the priest's words and her legs pressed tightly together. "...a good measure, pressed down, shaken together..." Oh, god, Lizzie couldn't stand it any longer. She readied her thumb for the second setting.
"... and running over," the priest finished, just as Lizzie pushed the button on her device. The priest let out a low grown straight into the microphone as his body spasmed and he climaxed to the word of God in front of his entire congregation. Lizzie smiled to herself knowing how ashamed he must feel, continuing to cum in such a public and holy place. She was desperate to touch herself.
But apparently the other church-goers reacted differently. It seemed they perceived the priest's reaction as godly praise, and she saw them nodding their heads in approval. Had this been an evangelical service, the room would be filled with shouts of "Hallelujah", but as it was it was a fairly subdued and appropriately Catholic response to the priest's display of devotion. Lizzie flicked the button back to its off position and returned the device to her purse, wishing she had the stones to keep it going just a little longer.
To his credit, after Lizzie released him, he actually managed to continue his reading, despite the fact that the insides of his robes must be coated in wet hot priest cum. "For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return."
The priest paused for a moment as he exhaled and slowly recovered from his rapturous experience, his eyes gazing out across the crowd. Lizzie felt his eyes scan her section, and couldn't help but make eye contact. Was it just her imagination or were his eyes lingering on her? Her clit spasmed and she bit her lip at the thought of him knowing she had something to do with it. "Amen," intoned the priest, which was repeated throughout the church in a sonorous chant.
Lizzie sat through the rest of the service, her panties completely drenched and her knees weak from being constantly tensed. At the end of mass, she waited at her pew, kneeling in reverence and silent prayer as everyone made their way out of the church. Alone in the church, Lizzie finally allowed herself to breathe, replaying the priest's orgasmic sermon over and over in her mind. She reached her hand between her legs and started to rub herself from outside her thick tights. Suddenly she was a schoolgirl again, just learning about her own body, able to cum simply from straddling a pillow. Wrapped up in distant memories and surrounded by images of God, it didn't take long before she was throwing her head back in ecstasy as the waves of pure devious pleasure overwhelmed her.
She smiled contentedly and the perverse form of sacrilege she had just engaged in. What a wicked little toy she had made. So much power, right at her hands.
Lizzie sat at her pew for a while, contemplating handing over the tech to her boss. She didn't love the idea of giving up her new favorite toy, though. But just think of how much of a boost it would give her career! Maybe she could keep this one for herself, but keep working a bit on the prototype that she actually submitted. Something a little more marketable. Yeah. No reason she shouldn't keep this baby for her private collection. No one else even knew it existed.
End of Chapter 1
Author's Note: Thanks for reading! If you have any feedback, comments or questions, I would love to hear from you! My contact information is available in my bio.
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Dean Michael I needed coffee. “Have fun,” Kimmie said, wrapped up in her house robe, her face flushed. I had just made love to her. She wanted to have my cum in her pussy. My wife had a naughty grin on her face as she watched us heading out the door. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do with that.” I had the new mind-control device slung under my arm. I grinned at her as I glanced at the coffee table where her laptop was set up. The original mind-control device was installed down in the...
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Kimberly “Kimmie” Michael I pulled my car into the parking lot before the Pink Pussycat. The sex shop didn’t look too sleazy. It had a bright, neon sign with a cat perched on the end of the sweeping cursive words. There was something bold and suggestive about the pose of the mascot. “I can’t believe we’re going in there,” Natalie said. My friend was a more strait-laced Christian than I was. I had been into the sex shop a few times to buy the naughty schoolgirl outfits to wear in the bedroom...
Vivian Bailey My freshman concubine, Michelle, was happily munching at my pussy. Under the mind-control device, she was thrilled to be my lover. I had a harem of sexy girls. They were all around my loft. My girlfriend, Britney, was having fun on the bed getting fucked by both our mothers. Those two sexy women loved coming by to visit. They got to have so much fun eating out underage pussy, including their daughters. Other girls in the harem were busy doing programming. They had all been...
Chapter Seven: Waking up to Daughter Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Dean Michael There was a warmth around my cock. A weight on my chest. That was different. I felt exhaustion on my mind as I climbed out of sleep. I groaned awake. I could feel that I hadn't gotten anywhere near enough sleep. I should go back to bed, but there was the feeling of a naked girl on my chest. Kimmie? Who else would it be but my petite wife? Those...
Dean Michaels I pulled my SUV into the garage a changed man. It worked! My mind-control device worked. I had used it at the park, controlling hundreds of people. Most I just made disinterested. They didn’t care what was going on while I had my perverted fun. Receiving a blowjob from a beautiful woman while watching a pair of twins stripping, then fucking said twins and taking both their cherries, before ending up with a threesome with the blowjob woman and her teenage daughter. It was...
Monday morning I was ready for work. I went through the usual routine and returned to bunker 7. I made a sweep through the lab area, working my way down the corridor past the conference room and into the supply area. After a few hours of searching to satisfy my taskmasters, I returned to the file room. Using the list I had prepared, I selected several files on the Mind Control Device. Brantwell had been careful to mix real information in with false leads, so it took me a while to assemble the...
Dean Michael I pulled my truck into the parking lot of the Church of God Assembled. I turned it off and grabbed my cup of coffee, those thoughts of leaving a device at the Stay Awake Cafe burning through my mind. I shook my head. Had to get those ideas out of my mind. This was church. My wife parked her car a few spaces down from me. She climbed out and shot an exasperated look at me. One I knew all too well. Our girls were fighting. They were out of the mind-control device, their memories...
Dean Michaels I arrived at the Wholesome Food, the grocery store my wife liked to shop at, eager to pick up the milk she wanted. I wasn’t excited to pick up the milk but to have the chance to do another test of my mind control device. The works of the last six months had its first test in a park two hours away. An amazing test. It had worked with flying colors. It had done everything I wanted. I learned a few things, tested out some of the features, and had myself a good time. There was...
John Preston I couldn’t believe I just ordered a mind-control device from the very man I was investigating: Dean Michaels. $10,000... I just spent $10,000 on what had to be a hoax, but my fellow U.S. attorney, Gina Brand, was right. How else to explain what was going on around this man. FBI agents didn’t march into a police precinct and come out thinking that a man could do no wrong. That he could break any law. My phone buzzed on my hip. I pulled it off the plastic case on my belt. A new...
Dean Michael Vivian grabbed the hem of her t-shirt, pulling it up her body. She exposed her flat stomach and an outie bellybutton. I grinned, reaching into my open fly to pull out my cock. Vivian had scored the highest on the pop quiz I’d given my students. Now she was eager for her reward. The sixteen-year-old stared at my cock with brown eyes hungry for it. Then her t-shirt blocked her gaze for a moment. Her black hair swayed short around her face when her top came off, her glasses...
London, March 1809 For the third time, Tony was reading the order he had received that morning. Sir Anthony Carter, KCB, Captain, HMS Asia Sir, you are hereby requested and required to appear before a Court of Inquiry on the 20th, on board HMS Asia, to give testimony as to the circumstances that led to the grounding of HMS Asia on the 24th of January, off Santandér, Spain. You are furthermore requested and required to present said Court of Inquiry with any such evidence as will shed light...
Christmas this year we stayed at home visiting Cat’s two families, one adoptive and one biological. Moria was in the Alps skiing for two weeks. She needed the vacation after spending two hours on the phone being badgered by my current student who tenaciously refused to drop a certain subject until my former student agreed. After spending the rest of December ‘fixing’ the Extruder from its ‘God Awful’ performance, Cat made her first coil. Frankly, the projections worried me. EPI was closed...
Dean Michaels “My daughter?” asked the woman as she finished masturbating on the park bench. She’d given me a blowjob and I didn’t even know her name. “Yeah,” I said. “Mind pointing her out for me.” “Um, sure,” she said, trembling. “Oh, my, I feel good.” She pulled her fingers from between her thighs. They were drenched in her pussy juices. The tangy aroma filled my nose. I knelt naked before the park bench, my cock soaked in the pussy juices of the teenage girl locked in a sixty-nine with...
John Preston I sat in my office in the federal building with my associate, Gina Brand, going over the strange activities in a nearby town. We were both U.S. attorneys. Federal prosecutors. We had been tipped off about some heavy level of police corruption going on. “I can’t believe this town,” said Gina. She shook her head. “How does this get allowed to happen. A cop car drove by in the footage.” We were watching the cell phone footage of our suspect, Dean Michaels, having sex with a...
Dean Michael June’s open mouth while sleeping on the couch sent such a wild lust through me. My cock throbbed hard as I sat down on the edge of the recliner, my laptop perched on my knees. I frantically started typing commands to my wife and sleeping daughters. I had gone way farther than I ever intended to this night, succumbing to my lusts for my daughters. Already, I had used my mind-control device, located down in the basement, to take the virginity of my eldest daughter, Dusk (real...
Dean Michaels “We have to use this to help fathers breed their daughters,” my wife, Kimmie, said. A look of absolute excitement crossed her face. Her red hair swayed about her shoulders. Her green eyes sparkled. Freckles danced on her features as she beamed at me, cuddled on the couch with our youngest daughter, June. The pair had just had sex, their bodies flushed. The incest command I had used at church was still active in them even though the device was off. They believed that it was...
Dean Michaels My cock spurted into my student’s hot, tight, young pussy. “Mr. Michaels!” Amanda howled, her convulsing cunt wringing out the jizz flooding her underage twat. The redheaded cutie shuddered, bent over my desk and receiving her reward for getting the top mark on the test in my second class of the day. I loved being a teacher. To touch young minds—and young cunts—was a privilege. My mind-control device was giving my students the encouragement to excel in my classes. To try with...
Eve “Dusk” Michaels I had the best day at church. It was something I never thought I would think. Fun? At church? Those were places and concepts that did not go together. Unless you made love to your daddy in the nursing room while your mother and little sister were having lezzie sex nearby. Then church was fun. Hot. Exciting. My pussy ached in memory of losing my virginity to daddy’s cock. I sat beside him on the bench seat of his truck as we were driving to the computer part store. He...
June “Junebug” Michael Excitement rippled through me. Daddy was having more fun with his mind-control device. And I got to enjoy the aftermath. It was so exciting. And it was my best friend that he controlled. He used my friend Britney for his pleasure. Daddy was amazing. I led my naked friend across the cafeteria. Every girl kept looking at us in envy. Jennifer was so amazing. Who else would go naked at school? Not me. But she had the courage to do it and everyone just accepted it....
Eve “Dusk” Michaels Mom’s idea for live porn was just so kinky. I stared down at my app, at all the dots moving around on representing all people shopping at the mall, and found the ones we needed. I tapped the woman’s dot and labeled her Hot Wife One and then the guy Black Stud One. The husband I titled Cuckold One. I didn’t need to give them creative nicknames like my younger sister was doing. I tapped the woman as she walked with her husband, moving further away from me. My fingers...
I got home that night with my head swimming from my newfound power. Digging out the schematics of the Mind Control Device, I set about figuring them out so I could build my own. My degree was in electrical engineering so I dug out my old textbooks and got to work. Drunk with the knowledge that electronics technology had exploded in the last 30 years, I was confident that I could build, if not improve upon, Brantwell's design. It was like doing an obscure homework problem. I identified the...
A Real Head Ache I had been playing around with an electronic device that I hoped would stimulate colors in the visual center of the brain. Unlike the device I had read about this one was intended to not require wires. I carefully began tuning the two frequencies involved and began to notice an minor irritating sensation somewhat between a buzz in my head and the feeling in my ears when changing altitude. Thinking I might be on to something I kept tuning trying to increase the...
Author's Note: Hello again! I've only got two chapters left to write at this point, so I figured I'd try to increase the pace at which I'm posting these here in an effort to catch up. I have several more chapters of this story posted at and at Warning: This wham-episode chapter includes, but is not limited to, a reality blind protagonist, short skirts, exciting plot twists, boobs, body swaps, strap-ons, clothing swaps, oblivious swap...
Hello everybody. Here it is at last! The climax! It's a straight shot from here to the finish line and I think you've had enough waiting, don't you agree? Expect the next one very soon! If you don't want to wait, I've got it free up on and you can see the first half of my next (short) story Slut High up on ! Enjoy! Warning: This climactic chapter includes betrayal, drama, heartbreak, breasts, body swaps, cheerleaders, blowbangs, tits,...
Synopsis: My wife puts me in a chastity device.Chapter 1My wife of 10 years likes to tie me down to the bed and play-torture me with different whips, a paddle to my butt, and that sort of thing. It isn’t that painful and gets her ready for our weekly sex. One time she tried a clothespin on my nipple but that hurt like hell and I immediately screamed the safe word so she took it off. I don’t mind this playtime because without it we’d have even less sex. Weekly isn’t enough for me so I masturbate...
Author's Note: This is part six of my smutty romantic comedy series. This chapter is the final chapter of the Mall Arc, and while it's not the sexiest, its got lots of crazy swaps going on. The next chapter marks the beginning of the Strip Club arc, where things start to get way sexier. If you'd like to see more, I have several additional chapters available, please come check me out at or Warning: this chapter is rated a swap-happy R...
Author's Note: Hello again! If you'd like to see what happens next, I have up to chapter 22 currently on my deviant art with chapter 23 now available on my patreon! I've also still got my poll for the next story ongoing at be sure to let me know what you want to see! For more details - as well as the aforementioned other chapters - you can go check out and . Thank you so much for reading! Warning: This...
Author's Note: I apologize about the wait everybody! I've got a new job and it doesn't give much time to work on this sort of stuff. Please enjoy party 8! If you'd like to see more, I have much more available, please come check me out at or Warning: this chapter is rated a stripperific R and includes, amongst myriad other things, bouncing boobs, jiggling tits, heaving breasts, merry melons, stripping strippers, annoying best friends,...
Author's Note: This is part seven of my ongoing epic. This is the start of the strip club arc! The strip club arc is where stuff really starts to take off. Expect lots of fun sexy hijinx ahead. If you'd like to see more, I have much more available, please come check me out at or Warning: this chapter is rated a lustier-than-normal R and includes, in part, boobs, easily distractible narrators, jiggling tits, lascivious bisexual besties,...
Author's Note: Hello again. I hope you're enjoying the story. I'll be posting a little more frequently so that I can time the posting of the final chapter (chapter 24) on my deviant art closer with my posting of it here. I've just posted chapter 22 over there, and I've got everything up to 23 on my patreon, so if you don't want to wait to find out what happens next, go check them out at and Warning: This sexy, swappy chapter includes...
Hello again! Things are heating up fast. Remember, if you'd like to see what happens next, I have chapter 22 currently on my DA with chapter 23 now available on my Patreon! You can go check them out at and Thank you for reading! Warning: the following chapter features boobs, emotional confrontations, dramatic reveals, coffee, unusual newcomers, tits, self sacrifice, restorations, devastations, reparations, repeated unexpected nudity,...
Author's Note: Sorry for the long delay! Life was kicking my ass. Let's get back into it shall we? If you want to see more, I have everything up to chapter 15 posted at and chapter 16 or Warning: this chapter is rated a lusty, boobier-than-normal R and includes boobs, tits, melons, pancakes, betrayal, romantic changeroom sex, boob swaps, oblivious friends, oblivious boyfriends, slutty drinks, strippers, girls with dicks, girls without...
Author's Note: Okay, let's get back into this for reals this time. If you want to see more, I have everything up to chapter 17 (!) posted at and chapter 18 on Warning: The following chapter is rated a sexy R and contains boobs, tits, forbidden fruit, lusty stares, venus envy, handsome ladies, sexy dudes, cheerleaders, stripping, job swaps, crossdressing, makeup, motivational speeches, body swaps, more boobs, jealous friends, amateur pole...
Author's Note: Hello! As always, if you'd like to see more of this, I have up to chapter 22 currently on my deviant art with chapter 23 now available on my patreon. Also, since chapter 24 is the last planned chapter, I'm planning ahead to the next thing I'm going to write and I want your help to decide. I'll be taking a little break from longer stuff to focus on shorts and one-shots until I've got my next long story all planned out. Some of these one-shots will be swap, some won't....
Author's Forwrad: Hello! This was the winner of my second Story Poll. It's a sillier, sexier and more over-the-top fetishistic story in rough cannon with Girlfriend With Testing Device, though you don't need to read that to make sense of this. If you'd like to help decide what I write next you can take part in my current story poll by going to Warning: This one is all about big weird swaps and reality manipulations. It contains boobs, tits and other...
Author's Note: This is part three of my smutty little romantic comedy series. This chapter starts off the Mall Arc, which runs until chapter 6. One of the longer chapters, it's a little lighter on the smut, but a little heavier on the swaps, and I hope you'll find it no less sexy. If you'd like to see more chapters, please come check out me out at or Please leave a comment! I really do love hearing from readers!...
Almost there! After this, there's only one more to go! Remember, if you hate the wait, I've got it free up on and you can see the first half of my next story Slut High up on ! Enjoy! Warning, this chapter includes the second person, topless waitresses, ironic reveals, resets, rollbacks, coffee, anger, justice, mercy, vengeance, truth, confrontations, further hard decisions, mysterious benefactors, opportunities, and a bright light shining...