Chapter 1 My Best Friends Wife
- 2 years ago
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I did enjoy refreshments at the eatery, even if my late lunch turned out to be a rather noisome affair. Don't they keep pupils at school any longer? Rude crowds of them, screaming, shouting, slamming chairs about. Great fun to them, tolerated by the suffering waitresses because of the lots of easy cash they had to spend.
At home I retreated to my office and used my small unit with its Heavy Matter to chat with Alfred.
"Alfred, can you spare some time for a little talk?"
"Yes, Bert, I can do with a break in any case. The work never stops around here. I take it you have a problem?"
As always, Alfred got straight to the point. Since we spoke via our bio-feedback and saw each other regularly on the Island, I knew that he was still engaged doing heavy labour on his large estate. Just as he knew that I spent many of my leisure hours as man about town. I told him of my talk with Karla, told him that I would not think of interfering, were it not for the sake of the two girls.
"I do not want to do anything in the open. Do not want to expose our stuff. She would have to know that I am doing something, but not how. At the same time, I think that bio-feedback could be employed here for good effect. I don't want to punish the man, rather guide him to see the error of his ways. After all, the woman must be responsible for some of his misbehaviour. Nothing is as one-sided as she depicted it, don't you think?"
"Bert, I agree. I can make up some special kind of Heavy Matter for diagnostic use. But will you be able to get into their home and apply it? I will do it for you, if you would prefer that."
"Thanks for offering, Alfred. I feel that I should be doing this, since I decided to become involved. However, I insist that you will be my guide in each instance and will not do anything without your and Jake's approval. Of course, everything depends on her trusting me enough to call. If she doesn't contact me, the whole thing is off."
We discussed the options open to us but agreed that we had to know more about the situation before deciding on the appropriate action. In the meantime, he would prepare a few small discs of Heavy Matter with an adhesive backing, ready to be tacked on to any surface unobtrusively.
"There is a woman on the phone for you, Berthold," Elise, my wife, informed me. "She won't give her name, but says you are expecting her call."
It was now nearly a week after that first chance meeting and I had already accepted that Karla would rather forget we ever met.
"Hello, Karla, what can I do for you?"
"Look, I don't know if anyone can help me, help us, at all. But will you try? Will you listen once more, really listen, and not drown me in mumbo-jumbo? I could not take that. Please, Berthold, please."
"Karla, what you call mumbo-jumbo is essential if I am to do any good. I will listen, am prepared to help. But first, you must be willing to listen too. What I will tell you will be difficult to understand. Even harder to accept. Let's not talk on the phone about it. Where and when can we meet? I am free with my time. You decide."
She told me that her husband would be away on business for the remainder of the week. The girls had a full day of school on the morrow, her day off work. Would that suit me? If I was agreeable, we could meet in their out-of-the-way holiday chalet, rarely used of late, but fully furnished and stocked. She gave me directions, it was less than a two hours' drive away. It would do.
"Berthold, if I did not know and trust you, I would say that this sounded very much like an amorous assignment. Is there something you would like to share with me?"
Elise had a good point there, of course, and I did tell her the basics of the situation. Told her that the only reason I was even attempting this was the threat to the children. She pointed out to me that a call to Child Welfare would bring results immediately, but agreed when I said that this would destroy the happy family for once and for all. Shouldn't we aim to fix things first? So far, Karla hadn't even hinted at divorce. I would try salvage first.
"Alright, go saddle your old horse and ride on to save the world. I shall be ready to pick up the pieces."
Before I set out on my mission I had to replenish my supply of no. 2 and 3 potion at the Island and inform Alfred of my intentions. The jump to the Island was as quick as ever. After filling two litre bottles from ponds two and three, I called Alfred.
He joined me immediately, not without dropping off a nice parcel of goodies, solids and liquids, and listened to my story during our impromptu lunch.
"Berthold, first of all, you would have to gain insight into the workings and interactions of the whole family. The man at work and at home, what stresses are bearing on him, what flaws he may have in his make-up. Likewise his wife. Check whether he has beaten her recently. If he has, this may give you a chance to earn her trust by healing her superficial hurts gently. Do you want to bring her here?"
"No, Alfred, not at all. This Island shall remain our private place. Moving her would take the relationship to an undesirable level. Much too personal, intimate even. I want to avoid that. She is a highly-strung woman, ours should be a strictly professional association."
Alfred was doubtful whether I would be able to stick to my intentions. We knew that the bio-feedback would work in its entirety or not at all. How would I be able to avoid any personal involvement?
"Well, for one, Elise knows and you do, too. I depend on you not only for your help but also your guidance – and, if necessary, to stop me. I will not proceed otherwise."
No more needed to be said. Alfred handed me a small box and showed me the ten tiny round skin-coloured slivers of Heavy Matter.
"I prepared a few spare ones. You will have to get close to each person. I suggest a Sunday afternoon when they are all at home. Let her describe the house to you, become as familiar as possible. When you are there, you need to shift the time for only a few moments to give you a different phase to work in. There, I have re-activated the feature on your unit. You will be able to walk amongst them and place the Heavy Matter somewhere on their bodies, where it will work best.
"Yes, Bert, I know. This is a bit distasteful, but it cannot be helped. The tabs are so thin and small, the adhesive works so well that they will not notice them at all. Put them behind their ears. You can do that without fear of them seeing or feeling anything. They will disintegrate after about four weeks. Are you certain you can do it? My offer to do it for you still stands..."
But I knew that the responsibility had to be mine alone. I made him show me how to apply the stuff. It was very easy. Press down a finger on one little speck and it came off its backing, ready to be transferred to any surface. Alfred made me practise with time shifts too. He stood there as I made a small shift of only five minutes and was able to touch him, move him, turn him around, without he showing any sign of feeling anything.
"Alfred, this must be the most deadly feature of the Heavy Matter, by far. It would be devastatingly easy to get carried away by the power it gives you. Can you change the healing liquids in a way that they only work when applied by me? As a safety measure? You and Jake have to be ready to assist at all times, please. It scares me almost beyond reason, especially since I never wanted to have this particular ability."
"Bert, Jake knows about this caper of yours. He was very much puzzled about why you went back on your waiver in this instance."
"Hell, I don't know, Alfred. I don't even like the woman very much, don't know the rest of her family at all. Maybe her husband is right, those eyes of her gripped me. She looked so haunted, so full of despair that I had to reach out to her. Still, it's the daughters I'm worried about. Maybe I am a softie at heart, who knows?"
The potions were altered to make them exclusive to me. Alfred was very happy with my decision. We agreed on extremely close monitoring during all stages, though I asked Alfred to not use his bio-feedback with me during the time. I would report back to him frequently, would plan my actions according to the advise I got from him and Jake. Once we had decided on this I wanted to go home immediately. Alfred had other plans.
"Bert, you are in too sombre a mood right now. Let's go to the gym and get rid of a few cobwebs. You have become lazy and are getting fat as well."
We ran, we swam, pushed the trees in the gym around, and feasted as usual. Alfred was right. The exertions and banter cheered me up sufficiently to face my task more optimistically.
I took my leave from Elise after packing my precious bottles and arrived at the chalet well within the agreed time. Karla opened the door before I had a chance to ring the bell. It was obvious that things had taken a drastic turn for the worse. She moved like an old woman, in shuffles and tiny jerks. Holding on to the bannister next to the few steps, she flinched when I put my hand on her arm in greeting, inviting me inside with just a nod.
The chalet was quite pleasant: a bright room with large windows and comfortable-looking furniture with an open kitchenette on the left side and two doors leading to, presumably, bedrooms on the far right. The other door, off the hallway, would lead to the bathroom. No secrets, nice and simple.
"Karla, I can see you are not well. You are hurting terribly. Whether I can be of any use with all your big problems remains to be seen. But this I can help you with. While we do this, we shall talk. Do you have any milk here? Condensed milk perhaps?"
"Berthold, what..." Her lips quivered, her eyes watered once more.
"Please, trust me. We have to start somewhere. Quite simple, really: I need some milk."
Without another word she went to the fridge and took out an opened milk container, showing it to me questioningly.
"Yes, this will do. Please warm up about half of it, body temperature more or less. It is not crucial, we are not going to drink it."
I am certain that I lost her completely by now, but bewildered as she was, she took out a small saucepan, poured the milk, and set it onto the gas cooker. When done, I went over to her and asked her to show me her arm. Damn, more tears as she turned her sleeve up to show me the large bruises, the older ones yellowish and fading, the fresh ones purple or almost black, lots of them all over her bare arm.
"Tell me, Karla."
She was very succinct. An important deal had fallen through for her husband. A bid for a housing development to be built by his company had been rejected at the last moment. Nobody knew the reasons, yet he was blamed, he in turn venting his frustration on her, practically raping her on a few occasions and hitting her whenever the children were not around. She was close to breaking.
The milk was warm enough now. I took a bowl, poured some of the milk and added water from my bottle of no. 2, mixing the emulsion with a table fork. I had found out that milk was the ideal carrier for the liquid. It mixed well and felt good on the skin. After washing my hands at the sink, I took Karla's hand and smoothed my concoction over her bruises and abrasions. She gasped as her arm healed before her eyes. She turned into my arms and cried her heart out. Gently I led her over to the large leather couch and made her lie down.
"This, Karla, is what it is all about. By helping you first you will be able to once again think clearly. We can then plan what should be done to protect your daughters, and, perhaps, help your husband and save your marriage. If you want that.
"The stuff I added to the milk is the healing potion I told you about. The mumbo-jumbo, as you called it. It works beautifully, doesn't it? In the other bottle is more of the same, but a much stronger formula. That is for really serious stuff: fractures, organic disorders, even cancer. I used up a whole pond-full of this to get healthy again when it was my turn."
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The Tylers and the Heislers had to leave not long afterward; they'd left their four preschoolers with their respective Bradford parents, and they had to be getting back to the Lansing area. There was nothing wrong with sitting and talking to Emily and Kevin; while they weren't dinner-party-type friends, Jason knew both of them pretty well. The Spee-D-Mart Emily managed was like the Chicago in that everyone in town stopped in there sooner or later, and Jason was no exception. Jason ate...
Chapter 1 "Aren't you ready yet, Bett?" "Jack, this is the first time I am meeting the boss and his family! Don't you want me to make a good impression?" "Sorry dear, of course I do. I guess I'm just very nervous about it. You know he is going to announce the winner for the best newsstory for the paper and one of mine is nominated for the award." "Darling Jack, you have only told me four times before. Thank you for telling me again. I have such a poor memory. Maybe I'll forget...
At the LD dog show, there seemed to be more men there than women. As I wander around the show with you at my side I am already getting lingering looks, my thin backless sundress doing nothing to hide my curves or the unfettered state of my breasts. My heels only actuating the bareness of my legs, and lower thighs. My red hair was brushing against the top of my buttocks…as I walked. We end up in a pavilion, almost a dog house really. It had a low canopy and 15 stalls. Each stall held a...
Kasey, Zoe, and Brandon don't usually go to parties. This is actually the first one ever for the triplets. These siblings aren't exactly party animals, but all of there friends convinced them to go. They figured that since it is Halloween and the biggest party of the year that they should go. This party features 6th through 10th graders, them being in 9th grade they felt like they would be more comfortable knowing they were older then most there. The three all looked similar, all pale,...
I was in the stationery cupboard getting some paper when the bulb blew. I opened the door a crack to let in some light and picked up a new bulb. I was reaching for the light to replace it when I heard noise like a gasp. I turned and poked my head out the door. Imagine my surprise when I saw Mr. Connor, my boss, in a tight embrace with Rose his secretary. I drew back into the shadows of the cupboard and watched. After a passionate kiss they drew apart. Mr. Connor looked like he was panting. "Go...
BDSMThis is Sarojini again. I would like to share my experience with Sweta’s father along with her mother after my first encounter with him.One evening I received the call from Sweta’s mother, Aruna. After the formal inquiries she asked me “Saro, when is your weekly off? I said “Tomorrow”. She asked me “Can you come here tomorrow morning? I asked “Why Aunty? She said “There will be a small pooja at my house in the morning around 10 a.m, since Sweta has to go for duty, so I want you to be here”. I...
Don't be afraid to send me a note - if you want the whole story. Yes, yours free for staying with me this far. At 55 chapters, this is a full novel. Find me elsewhere on the web. Search my name, then email me. Mention you come from here and I'll hook you up. ----------------------------------- Chapter 7 I don’t know just how long I stood staring at that damn thing, but my legs started aching, so I figured it must have been a considerable length. I couldn’t process my...
Hai this is shailendra again. Now I would like to explain u about my affair with gayathri bhabi. If u feel to reply mail me at We all had dinner . 2 new companies to be started . Father was asking gayathri bhabhi about the design and bhabhi said that an outline of the design was ready if he okays it she could finalise it . He said that he will see it later. We finished dinner , it was about 8.30 pm .Mother went to her room ,shalini bhabi went to her room father was reading newpaper gayathti...
IncestMy ring tone sounded for about a second before I had snapped up my mobile. I had been keeping it close for almost two days now, taking it with me everywhere just in case. Just in case He called.“Charlotte,” said such a beautiful and familiar voice from the other end. Christian. I melted as soon as I heard him say my name.“Hey,” I said, at a complete loss of what else I should say. “I trust you are well? Ready for tonight?” he asked. My heart rate quickened.“Yeah, um, tonight, er great,” I...
BDSMSix days after my birthday Ffion and I were sat together at a table in the opulent surroundings of the Officers Mess dining room in Trenchard Barracks. We had met on every one of the intervening six days, taking foolhardy risks of discovery as we made love where ever and whenever we could. We had even made love in Ffion's house, when Gareth and Geraint were away for the night at some motor cycle rally. I had crept into the house through the garden, after Ffion had left the gate in the panel...
‘Mummy, let’s go.’ The kids were getting restless. As much as they had enjoyed the party at Sharon’s house, they were looking forward to the trick or treat bit. Sharon smiled somewhat exasperated. I suppose she was happy that her contribution to the day was coming to a close now also. It had been a long day already, a long week for that matter. Halloween was an imported holiday I still couldn’t relate to properly, but of course the kids loved it. It had been not been easy to make a proper...
In the morning Jake and I had made love again. We dressed and were kissing goodbye. He held me between his hands and said, "I have another proposition for you. There's a man, a business associate." He'd also secreted another stack of ten $100 bills in my purse. God, I'd been paid for sex twice now. A year ago and today. A married woman. A mother of 3 lovely children. God, oh God. "I have another proposition for you, Emily. There's a man, a business associate." "What!?" I couldn't believe what I...
Cheating Wifes"Over the desk, you naughty little girl!" Cheryl smiled and leaned over at the waist placing her hands on the cold desk in front of her, her firm rounded bum stuck out under the little schoolgirl skirt she was wearing, the thin grey material dropping just below her bum on the top of the backs of her thighs."I'm sorry Miss" she said with a grin as she felt a soft hand rub over her firm bum then slip under her skirt, rubbing the white cotton panties that were covering her skin, the touch sending...
I am at my friend Andy's house and we are working out on a weight bench in his garage. We have been best friends forever and brothers-in-law for years. I am on the weight bench lifting and Andy is standing on the side watching me. I notice that he is looking up my shorts at my bald cock & balls, so I make a small adjustment. As I am lifting I cannot help but expose a little of myself. Andy and I have shared sex stories all our lives first about our girlfriends then our wives’. Now it is his...
BisexualAs I walked away from the two corpses at my feet, I couldn’t help but sigh. This was already the third attempt at such a trick this week. I just wished that people would be innovative in their attempt to kill me. Sadly, that wasn’t to be. Everyone had more or less had the same trick up their sleeve. You would guess I would be tired of such tedious attempts at my life almost every other day but you would be very wrong. I loved it. The shot of adrenaline that burst through my veins when...
She was a work of art in her youth. After her 18th birthday her brother ask me to date her. Her mom told me how great my ass was, and yes she supported me dating her. I found her lacking skills in bed. Yet she made up for it with sexual drive and desire. Was not bound by any hang ups, and very rarely told me no. In bed my view is this 5-5 blond with a Huge tits. Stand firm and not sacks covered in skin. Was pin up big tit mag prime candidate. She could have done well modeling. Had and...
The Undercover Detective part 5 28th May I awoke alone in bed and was disappointed that Sue was already up and about. When dressing, my corset got my waist down to 27 inches without too much pain. What to wear was a problem. I was running out of clean panties, gaffs and bras. I had been wearing hold up stockings, but I was running out of them. My legs were too pale to go without stockings, so I put on some lightweight tights. I needed to think about getting some sun on my legs....