- 2 years ago
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Author’s note
Thanks to all who added comments on the site and emailed me. Also thanks to those of you who gave the story such high marks.
I have published this second part more quickly than I probably will subsequent episodes, which I aim to submit to Lit every ten days or so.
I am sorry about the errors in the first part, especially literals. Editing is not my strong point, but I have tried harder with this and will continue doing so in future.
Stopping at both Raleigh and Charleston for a night, the four hundred or so miles trip passed quite pleasantly. Adam met her at the train.
‘God he’s handsome,’ she reminded herself, not having seen her brother for three years when he had visited her in London.
Adam had inherited his mother’s artistic side and not the commercial nature of their father. Amanda had more commercial acumen, but was also an artist at heart. Both had taken on the warmth of their mother and not the hardness of their father.
Her brother had left the South, just as Amanda had. Following four years at Harvard, and graduating Phi Beta Kappa in fine arts and history, he could not bear the thought of being ‘culturally buried’ at the plantation. Additionally, he felt little affiliation with where he had been raised.
What with Florence’s ‘Yankee’ propaganda during his childhood and the eight years he had spent in New York and Boston at school and university, his perspective, attitudes and whole range of views were far more in tune with Northern thinking than that of the South. He had never expected to return to the Deep South, other than on visits.
After Harvard, he had worked in an art gallery in Boston for a year or so, before moving to New York to join an eminent firm of artwork auctioneers. With the inheritance he gained when granny O’Rourke, Florence’s mother, had died ten years ago, he set up his own gallery on Madison Avenue right in the centre of Manhattan. Whilst it had enjoyed only varying levels of modest financial success, it had been absolutely fantastic as an entrance to, and a way of maintaining a position in, New York’s social scene.
So, as Amanda and Samuel had been in London, Adam was in New York, right at the heart of the heart of the trendy, sophisticated, artistic and creative set.
He had studied at Harvard for four years from when he was twenty-two. Florence and granny O’Rourke had paid his fees, his father thinking that most education, other than business related subjects, was a waste of time and learning about art and history was totally pointless.
Adam loved the student way of life. The whole idea of education purely for enjoyment and for learning’s sake appealed to his intellectual and creative philosophy. The partying, drinking and mild drug taking played to his hedonistic aspirations and the reasonably ready supply of sex satisfied the constant needs of his flesh.
It was at Harvard that he met Guy, a French Canadian also studying fine art. They got on well, they helped each other with their studies and partied together. They became almost inseparable and a force to be reckoned with by the increasing number of female students at the nearby Lasiter University for ladies. They went whoring together in downtown Boston in the area that later became known as the ‘combat zone’ and to the many opium dens around Quincy Market and the harbour.
They also had sex together!
It had been accidental. Neither had experienced gay sex before. Neither had really thought about it, it just didn’t register with either of them that they would be attracted to another man. And in a way they weren’t. It was the buzz, the turn on, the thrill, the adventure, the taboo and experiencing the forbidden that attracted them.
They were in Guy’s apartment. They were discussing whether to go and smoke some opium or visit a nearby, upscale brothel.
‘It’s very cold outside, I think it might even snow.’ Guy said.
‘Shall we stay in then?’ Adam asked.
‘Yes, shall we?’
‘Why not, we’ve got some booze left.’ Adam said brightly, for they had been drinking brandy most of the afternoon. They were both slightly drunk.
‘No dope though.’ Guy said gloomily.
‘Or women.’ Adam commented.
‘I’m getting fed up with whores, even those at the Craven,’ Guy responded, referring to the brothel they had thought of visiting.
‘I know what you mean,’ Adam replied, walking over to where Guy was sitting on the floor in front of the blazing fire, poured more brandy into his friend’s glass. He stood there in his tight, white breeches, no boots or socks and his lacy, white shirt undone almost all the way down the front, looking down at his similarly dressed friend. ‘They rarely turn out to be as good as they look,’ he added, loving the warmth from the fire on his thighs and stomach.
‘No, but then I can’t be bothered chasing the Lasiter bitches who lead you on then won’t get their drawers off for you,’ Guy sneered.
Adam nodded as he slid down beside his friend on the floor, feeling an unexpected thrill as their legs touched. ‘Fucking women,’ he muttered, sipping his brandy and not moving away even though their hips were now also pressed together. He was well aware that he’d instigated the physical contact, but wasn’t sure why. The trembling he felt inside also told him that Guy had made no effort to move away.
Instead, he laughed. ‘That used to be my hobby.’
‘What did?’
‘Fucking women of course,’ Guy told him, flashing his eyes across at his friend. He and Adam often had this sort of cosy chat, but not with any physical contact between them.
‘Who needs ’em?’ Adam slurred, reaching up and pushing away the thick lock of black hair that continually fell over his eyes.
‘Not us, mon ami,’ Guy said, casually resting his hand on his friend’s leg, midway between his knee and groin. He hadn’t meant to, had he? It was as if some sort of external force controlled it.
Adam shivered. It was as though a hot poker had been placed on his thigh. His whole body was tingling at the contact. Did Guy feel the same? Was his friend’s cock beginning to lengthen, just like his own? What the hell was happening?
For a while, neither spoke. Only the sound of their heavy breathing filled the otherwise empty air as they sipped their Cognac. Both of them jerked and then remained still. Neither wanted to disturb the other. Neither wanted the feelings to go away, but neither felt able to say or do anything. Something was happening between them, and neither would or could admit it.
They remained like that for some time, leaning back against a chesterfield, their legs stretched out towards the fire, their tight trousers emphasising their respectable bulges, their shirts open almost to their waists.
Guy’s hand almost imperceptibly moved on Adam’s leg, and then stopped. The sound of their heavy breathing increased as the possibilities being presented to them slowly dawned on them both.
They both turned their heads at the same time. Their eyes met. They simply looked at each other, enquiringly on one hand, invitingly on the other. They didn’t speak, neither could find the words to express their feelings, but somehow they communicated the same message to each other.
The feelings were not like those when with a girl. They didn’t feel tenderness, they weren’t seeking a sensitive, caring relationship. It was purely sexual.
But sexual of a sort neither had experienced before. They couldn’t understand it nor could they explain it. That didn’t matter. All that was of concern was satisfying this new found sexual inquisitiveness, giving vent to the adventure they felt and experiencing the buzz of going outside their sexuality comfort zone.
Guy’s hand moved again, softly sliding up Adam’s leg. Not all the way, not to where he wante
d to put it and not to where Adam wanted it, but far enough to indicate his intent, sufficient so that, with just the merest further movement, the side of his hand would nestle against the bulge of his friend’s balls. Adam’s leg began to shake uncontrollably under his friend’s touch.
In a croaky voice that Adam had never heard before, Guy suddenly broke the silence. ‘Would you like to remove your shirt, Adam?’
His words burst over Adam. They were simple words, but meant so much. They carried a reassuring message, telling his friend that their feelings, needs, desires and lust were in tune with one another.
‘Why don’t we both undress?’ was Adam’s reply. It surprised Guy. It surprised Adam, too. With it, he was accepting Guy’s invitation to experiment with their sexuality.
‘Hello darling,’ Amanda said, as she stepped down the steps from the train at the main station near to River Street, in Savannah.
‘Amanda, it’s so wonderful to see you. You look fantastic,’ Adam gushed to his sister.
She really did look wonderful, too. Her long, thick, chestnut-coloured hair that was piled up on top of her head, with ringlets falling down by her ears, neck and forehead was so different to the parted in the middle, austere look that was still popular in Boston and New York and of course around dreary Georgia.
The pale blue, silk dress with a wide hoop accentuated both her beauty and her body. The bodice was tight with a high neckline and a frilly collar that touched the bottom of her chin. It was pushed out in such erotic curves by the fullness of her breasts and by the way that her usual twenty-six inch waist was pinched in by her corset to a highly fashionable twenty-three inches.
That, together with the very upright posture encouraged by her corset, exaggerated the size of his sister’s breasts and the flair of her hips. My God, her figure looked so amazingly feminine. As they embraced and kissed, her full breasts squashed against his chest.
Adam was horrified to find himself becoming erect – surely that was all behind them?
They took a carriage to the Eliza Thompson Guest House in what had become known as the Garden District of Savannah. With the price of cotton on a seemingly endless upward trend, until the very recent slump, which most were terming a ‘blip’, Savannah had been booming. The cotton barons had latched onto the elegant squares and beautiful gardens of, what was considered to be, America’s first ‘planned’ city and had built impressive mansions in the area.
Oglethorpe had set the scene well all those years ago.
They went to their rooms to rest after their travels and agreed to meet for dinner at seven. Right on the dot, Adam tapped on his sister’s door. She was waiting for him in a similar style gown to that she’d worn on her arrival, but this was a pale, smoky pink.
His gaze immediately went straight to her magnificent, half uncovered breasts.
In America, such a sight was something only shared by husbands and wives, and then usually with the lamps out. Yet for some time in Europe, the necklines of gowns, in the evening especially, had been dropping. In the set where Amanda had moved it was often only a few ruffles of lace that prevented the tops of a woman’s areola being seen.
Adam had heard and had seen lithographs of European fashions, but had not realised just how extreme it had become.
Meeting his sister’s eyes, it seemed she was almost flaunting her well-endowed swells at him. The familiar stirrings in his tight, tailored grey pin-stripe trousers returned and his mind went back to the times he had seen those breasts in all their wonderful female glory.
‘As we have so many confidential topics to discuss Adam, I thought it would be preferable to dine in a private room, I hope you agree,’ Amanda said as she walked out onto the landing in her voluminous hooped skirt. The bulk made it difficult for her to get through the door of her room and she gave one of her delightful giggles.
‘Of course Amanda, whatever you say,’ he replied, smiling at her laugh. He remembered it so well, and it put him at ease, so he easily fell into the older sister, younger brother roles they had shared most of their lives.
They had a delightful dinner catching up on their lives, before moving onto discussing the plantation. Both were agreed that they did not want to stay there permanently and would prefer to sell it as soon as possible.
‘But can we with all that’s going on?’ Adam asked, swilling back more wine.
Amanda had no answer to that. They both knew how difficult that could be. ‘Let’s wait and see when we get to Selby shall we?’ she eventually replied. It was a problem for tomorrow, not now.
‘Yes of course,’ Adam replied, dreading the prospect of living on the plantation. The damn thing was miles away from anything he would consider as ‘civilisation.’
And that, of course, meant away from a social scene of parties, drinking, dope, girls, hookers and now, occasionally other men. Although he knew he was not homosexual, he was well aware he needed the buzz of a variety of sexual opportunities. His appetite for sex was huge and he was greedy, he was adventurous and he just could not get enough, of both men and women.
Yes, he knew that he could have an almost endless supply of black, slave women, but like the Boston hookers, they did not appeal.
He needed other things. The forbidden. Just like the one he’d found with Guy that marvellous snowy night all those years ago, but which he could recall as if it was yesterday.
Without breaking eye contact, Adam and Guy lifted their long, baggy muslin shirts up and over their heads. Dropping them on the floor they stared hungrily at each other’s chests. Adam may have been slimmer than Guy, but both had well-formed muscles and neither carried much excess weight. Guy was fairly hairy, Adam had little bodily hair.
‘Everything?’ Guy said in a thick voice, pushing himself up on one elbow as he lay on the floor. His face came close to the kneeling Adam’s waist.
Adam felt his heart pounding. He knew where this was heading and was powerless to prevent it. ‘Yes, shall we?’ he croaked.
He watched breathlessly as Guy’s fingers reached down to the drawstring at his waist. He silently followed his friend’s lead. They both undid the buttons and studied each other intently as they slid their trousers down and off. Now, just in the long pants both of them could see that they were as erect as the other. It was as if someone had switched on an electric current, a force field of desire circling the room. Both pairs of eyes homed in on the other’s rampant form as they removed their pants.
It was Guy who took the lead, reaching out to slide his hand, which was damp with perspiration, onto Adam’s trembling hip. The pressure his fingers applied indicated that Adam should come nearer and lie beside him. As nervous as he was, Adam responded instantly, matching Guy’s posture as they lay on their sides facing each other, hungrily staring into each other’s eyes.
Neither could help it as their eyes occasionally left one another’s to run, almost apprehensively, up and down the other’s body. As neither was a particularly strong or dominant character when it came to sex, they were unsure what to do next. How could they be? Neither man had been in such a position with another male before.
But as is so often the way, their instincts took over. Their intuitions, which had been tuned by so many women and honed by the desire for experimentation clicked in. They forgot they were men. As their bodies touched and as their arms instinctively went round each other, they pushed the taboo thought of forbidden male on male sex out of their minds.
Their cocks touched, like two swordsmen engaged in a duel. Their entire focus was on sex. Not hetero, gay or bi, just sex. Just the need for it, for adventure, for the buzz and
for something different.
Sex is sex, does it have to be genderised they were thinking, as they felt for the first time a hard cock pressed against their bellies?
Instinctively, they ground their bodies together, just as they would with a woman. There was no disguising the difference. There were no curves, smoothness or soft flesh. Instead, there was the slight roughness of the other’s hairs, the firmness of their bodies and the sensational hardness of their, soon to be, lover’s prick.
Without even thinking, both pairs of hand slid downwards. They found what they were seeking and revelled in the arousing sensation of holding another man’s hardened cock in their hands.
Their faces closed as they both held their partner’s dick in one hand and cradled their balls in the other. It just came so easily and naturally, as if they had both read the same instruction manual. Stroking and gently squeezing the other’s scrotum they started to slowly masturbate each other.
As experienced as they were, and as sophisticated as they thought themselves to be with women, they were rank beginners with each other. With women, they could last for ages, often giving their partners many orgasms before they eventually came themselves. This was different.
Hardly had they started masturbating each other when both knew they would cum very quickly. The tingling in their balls, the pressure in their cock and the need for release, both physically and emotionally, combined to send a surge through their bodies that couldn’t be resisted.
‘Oh God,’ Adam groaned, thrusting his cock hard in Guy’s hand, the bulbous end pushing through it and pressing on his friends stomach.
Guy knew immediately what was happening. He was moments away, too. ‘Mon dieu, oh yes. Oh, Adam,’ he moaned, thrusting back. Maybe they could cum at the same time?
‘Oh fuck, I’ve never felt anything like this,’ Adam grunted. His head moved involuntarily. So did Guy’s. Then they were kissing, full on the lips. Both stopped for a second, wondering if they may have gone too far. The other’s lustful gaze reassured them and in an instant they were kissing again, lips squirming against each other’s and their tongues sliding into one another’s mouth.
Aroused and reassured that the feelings were totally mutual, they surged their cocks harder and faster in the other’s hand. The kiss deepened, becoming stronger and more urgent, until they were grunting and pushing their tongues deep into the each other’s mouth. Now it was just like being with a girl. Not just the kissing and the tonguing, but also the thrusting and surging, the rush of sensations all over their bodies and, mostly, the way that their stunningly hard cocks were fucking the surrogate cunt provided by the other’s inviting hand.
They exploded simultaneously, their spunk splattering onto the other’s cock and belly.
For a moment they stared at one another, wondering at what they’d done, but almost instantly they fell onto their backs panting and started giggling.
‘Well, well, well, young man,’ Guy breathed heavily. ‘That gives us an alternative to whores and Lasiter bitches doesn’t it?
In the pleasant low eighty degree temperature of Georgia in November, the thirty miles or so ride in the open top carriage to Meldrim was very pleasant, particularly as much of the way was alongside the lovely, slow flowing Ogeechee River with its abundance of birds and wonderful trees and plants.
‘Mmmmm, maybe it’s not so bad,’ Amanda found herself thinking, reluctantly.
Amanda and Adam arrived at the plantation just before six in the evening, their excitement building as they drove up the oak lined half mile drive from the road. It was, after all, where they had been born and had spent their childhoods.
Their earliest memories were mainly warm and comforting, but as each had developed more sophisticated approaches to life, so Selby Bluff had become somewhere they resented. And now they were back there!
The three storey, ten bedroomed mansion house had lain empty for several months and as the carriage pulled up outside they felt mixed emotions. Neither spoke as the driver opened the door and placed the steps for them to climb down. Both of them had been away so long they didn’t know the man who had driven them, nor the footman who opened the door to the house.
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IncestJames sat on the ground, his butt throbbing with pain and red hot as if it was on fire. His mouth was wide open in disbelieving shock. His brain sizzled with uncertainty as his mind was blown beyond all imagination. He was frozen, speechless by a staggering level of extreme embarrassment. James had been thoroughly embarrassed by Garima and Nuzla more times than he could count. But this level of embarrassment had never been achieved by any human in the history of the world. As Garima and Nuzla...
Gay MaleIt was 9:45 on a Thursday morning and Scott couldn’t wait for the weekend. He was looking forward to parties, drinking, and the possibility of getting laid. His dick must have thought it was Friday because it had been in a horny throb all morning. Unable to get his mind off of sex, Scott decided to browse through the Casual Encounters on Craig’s List. There were always some interesting and stimulating postings to read. After several minutes of clicking ads, Scott saw a headline that really...
During the dinner hours Jerry Smith just played soft music that complemented the food and table conversation. When the tables were cleared following the main course, he changed tempo and went into the band's dance music. His eyes had been locked on the large table directly across the dance floor from where he was conducting and he had recognized Ken Carlson the instant he appeared. Jerry silently whistled as he got a good look at Hank Conroy. He had never seen her look so beautiful. Then he...
This is a "true" story, which began when I was 35 years old, just divorced. The divorce cost me everything; house, car, bank account, leaving me with the clothes I packed in my suit case.Thinking, that there was nothing else that could happen was a mistake ... the job I had for almost 10 years, gave notice that they were going out of business. The company gave everyone 2 weeks pay and I was out of work. Finding a job was impossible, no one was hiring ... I finally found a job, but the company...
Gay MaleHere it is, I am about to turn 30 and I think I can honestly say that I can remember every single sexual experience I have had. Almost. By the way, this is the first story I have ever submitted online, and I doubt it will be the last. Both her and I were shall we say, quite young for sex but that didn’t stop us. Her family had moved in next door a couple years before and being that me and her where the same age, and I also think because she was kind of a tom boy, me and her “got along like peas...
First Time“Ah.. ah.. yes.. yes.” a woman was moaning and screaming under the onslaught of her lover. A proper lady should not act like this, it seemed highly inappropriate. But they did not care because this was their rendezvous secret place and nobody would come here. But they did not know that a young girl was watching them. She was shocked to see the woman’s actions. The woman was her mother. The second wife of the general. The general of the Eastern River Kingdom had two wives. The first was gentle...
IncestOne evening my friend took me out to a party that was near by. When we got there he gave me a cup and i started drinking from it. My head started to feel fuzzy and i felt someone pushing me upstairs. I was in a room and i found myself naked. I opened up one of the drawers and pulled out a pair of pink panties and black leggings. I found a black shirt and stubbled out of the room. I could feel someone was grabbing my ass. I found myself laying down on bed and closed my eyes for a bit. I woke to...
We rode in silence for a little longer before I hurried Polia quicker to ride along side her. Rayne didn’t even give me a sideways glance as I came up beside her. “So how long will it take to get to my sister?” I asked, trying for small talk. “Around three, maybe four days,” She simply replied. We trotted along a little further. “If we are going to be traveling together for that long we could at least get to know each other?!” I offered. “I’m not the sentimental type!” “Well... I think...
I've been at my job for a few years and everything has been good. I have heard rumors of lay offs coming and that the boss has been randomly calling people into his office but none of my co-workers is willing to share what was discussed. I finally got the call and as I approached the office I began to get really nervous. About 3/4 of my co-workers have been laid off right after their meetings. As I went in I noticed the lights were dimmed a bit but not to the point you couldn't see. I thought...
Room 1408 Part 3 Ron and his girlfriend, Jane, decided to make a fateful trip to New York City and stay at the Dolphin hotel. Ron was a white tall bald muscular man wearing a suit while Jane was a very slender, short, tan-skinned Puerto Rican wearing a black dress and high heels. Ron motioned for Jane to stay behind with the suitcases while he went to the check-in desk. The hotel was as elegant and busy as usual despite the horrors that lurked in one specific room. "Welcome to the...
“You’re the sexiest Mom I know.” “If Frank could make me feel the way you do, he and I might have gotten along better all these years.” “If I ever meet a girl who makes me feel the way you do, I’ll marry her.” “If you ever meet that girl, all you’ll have to do is give her what you have given Leslie and Debra. Both of those sexpots would marry you tonight.” “How did you know I had any thing to do with the way they look?” “They spent one night in your bed, and both of them came down stairs...
Fuck, how she hated working rainy Saturdays. Rainy weekend afternoons were always so slow. Hua — known as Ann to her friends — was the manager of a mailbox and delivery store, and disliked downtimes. An energetic person, she hated being bored. Like now, when she was alone in the store. Still, it gave her plenty of time to read. She was a big reader, sometimes had ten or more books on her nightstand.She loved the customer service aspect of her job. She loved people, and loved to have fun. She...
ToysThe Accident We were a happy family, me, my father and my mother. My parents had a healthy income and we lived in a nice little place. But it all changed one day in a sudden accident. Our wonderful paradise came crashing down upon us. Both my mother and father are dentists who had their own private practice. They attended various conferences around the world and it was one such occasion when the accident occurred. On that...
Hi my name for story is shiburascal.Me shuruwat krta hu story se .Me ek normal ladka hu with a normal height or normal physique.Meri ek gf thi sushma jisse me ek party me mila or me uski khubsurati ka dewana ho gya or vo bi mujhse attract hone lagi hm logo ne baten ki or mobile no. Exchange kiya.Ap ye khanai indian sex stories pe padh rhe h .Agar ye kahani achi lge to email me Pir hmlogo ki mobile pe late night tak baten hone lagi .Hm log ek dusre se bhut pyar krne lage .Bt milna kbi ni ho...
I suspect my sexy wife Skyla Sun might be cheating on me. She is always talking to her friend ‘Shelley’ and busting a gut but then tries to act all casual as soon as I’m around. She’s been distant, sex is non-existent. Suspicious, for sure. Then I find a video of her fucking some stud. Knew it! Looked like she wanted a take-charge kinda man. GI Joey ate her pussy as she moaned and then seemed too eager to take the stud’s fat cock down her throat. He penetrated her...
xmoviesforyouThe time passed quickly after the first two days. Those days I was depressed because I was in constant pain. I had no real plan, until I got this message from the Geek on my phone on the third day. ‘Check your email’. The geek’s text message said. ‘It’s a get well soon message.’ I checked the email expecting a personal email. Instead it was a veritable list of the who’s who of Henrico County Virginia. It detailed the cops, DA’s, Public defenders, and even judges, who had been involved with...
Maxie is nuts. I swear the thought rattled around like a billiard ball for about twenty seconds, while I stood there staring at him. He sat astride the motorbike like he belonged there and started at me with the stupid sexy lazy sort of smile. All I know about our day is that we are going to an art show later, that we now have a bike to ride around on and that I won't be home tonight. Maxie said it was our anniversary, the day we'd sat on the hill and kissed and meant it. So much had...
Our love is deep and true; strong, and unbreakable. So many times our love has been challenged; but never has it been damaged; never has it been broken. Never will it be bent; never will it be broken. We may have begun as two individuals, but now we truly are one, inseparable, confident, comfortable, and safe in the knowledge that nothing has ever come between us (there was a LOT that could have done so on both our parts but did not), and nothing ever will.Like every good life-long marriage, we...
Wife LoversHello ISS readers. Thanks for the feedback on my previous stories. Following is a story which happened in my high school, hope you people will like it. Let me start by introducing myself. I’m Kishan, height 5.10 feet weight 78kgs with dick size 6 inches. I studied in an English school away from Bengaluru till my 12th class. As part of results improvement program in my school, they bought a bunch of new teachers when we were in 8th class. One of them was our headmistress Shalini who used to...
My name is Gretchen and I am almost 21. I am not very experienced sexually and am not really sure about my sexuality My roommate Darlene is always trying to hook me up with some guy or girl and this night was no different, We had gone out to a local bar where all sorts of people hung out, gays, lesbians and heterosexuals. While there, Darlene and I met these two women, Ellen and Diana. The four of us got to chatting a bit. One thing led to another and I soon found myself leaving alone with them...
Max sighed. He had just gotten off the phone with Mitch, who had been screaming about how two miserable lowlife's, who should have been dead, had waltzed right into the clinic and broken into his office. The footage from the hidden video cameras, mounted in several of the trophy animals, revealed that Liv and Finn had stolen the map depicting the next day's operation. Now, the two were missing and carried potentially damning evidence. Suddenly, the alarm tied to his phone buzzed. This time,...
Month -2: Dolores, as Terry's logistical deputy, met with Mike Lifton, the designated head of construction for Midway Base. Terry's unit was a planned major tenant at that base, but, like Terry, Mike reported directly to the 17th Naval District. Mike, a medically retired lieutenant commander in the U.S. Navy Seabees, had been selected by people in the Confederacy who knew him personally, and, when he volunteered, been regenerated in a medtube. Fully physically capable again, he was now a...
I shared a secret story with my best friend. She thought it so hot I was told to signup and post here. Yes we were dirnking wine and I was talking in great detail when half way through she tells me she's getting all wet and horny. This was before the parts I find the juciest and relive in my memory. Throughout, names are changed too protect the guilty, of which I am one.Nick & Gus are 1st generation American Greek's whose parents came over after WWII. Both are military via Annapolis...
Jackie came home from a long day to see a note hanging from her front door. She walked into her apartment, sat her belongings on the table and then sat down on her couch to read the note. Inside the folded note read: Miss Jackie Quinn, it seems to appear you are three months behind on your rent. You will have thirty days to find a new place to live or to pay your rent. If you have any questions please feel free to call me or come to my office. Thank you, Henry Jansen.Jackie sighed and...
As I drove to work, I knew she would be waiting for me and what she’d do as soon as I arrived. The bad news hadn’t bothered her one bit because we already figured out the solution to this whole problem. While I continued my drive with a smile on my face and a rapidly growing erection, my mind wandered back to when it all began. At twenty six years of age, I was the head coach of an all female, small college softball team. It consisted of fifteen players and one team manager. All the players...
Mai Aap Ko aagai bi sex stories baij chuka hoon or muzai responce bi mila.Yai baat kafi purani hai jab mai B.A Paas kar kai apnai chacha kai saath kaam karnay laga tha.Unki saadi huai koi 7-8 mahinay hi huai thai.chachi ki umar lag bag meri hi umar ki thi.Woh bahut hi khoob surat thi or 5ft8inch height ki slim nd sexy bi thi.36 29 36 ki figure hogi.Kafi gul mil gai thi woh muzsai kyun ki hum dono humumar jo thai.Chacha kafi chodu kisam kai thai or chachi ki khoob chudai kartay thai.Ek raat ko...
One morning after we returned from all our trips to see the family, Ben and I woke up in the mood for some hot raunchy sex. It'd been too stressful in the last few weeks! As we lay in bed, our doorbell rang so Ben went to answer it, to find our neighbor Julia, an exotic dancer by night (I prefer the term stripper :D) at our door. "It's Julia!" Ben said, "She came to eat you!!" Julia bounced into our bedroom where I still was, sat next to me and we proceeded to catch up on the events in our...
My friends and I had arranged to go meet up at a bar then go out clubbing. It was a warm summer evening so over my black lacy underwear I wore a tight little white skirt that stopped an inch higher than mid-thigh and a sleeveless strappy white top, which showed through my black lacy bra. I knew the bra pushed up my boobs making them look larger and sure to draw the eye of the any guys! I brushed my shoulder length dark hair until it was straight and glossy, did my makeup and grabbed my white 2...