Savannah Ch. 01 free porn video

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The Spring Gala was considered the first important social event of the summer season by most affluent residents of Savannah, a formal dance where young people, usually high school seniors on the verge of graduation, were formally introduced into society and accepted as young adults. In decades past, such galas served as matchmaking events for wealthy families seeking marriage arrangements between a young lady or distinguished suitor. Though arranged marriages were mostly an antiquated notion, the Spring Gala remained a symbolic rite of passage for the young and wealthy elite of Savannah.

For Grace Kelly Lattimore, the Spring Gala was merely one more social event among a never-ending schedule of similar functions which required her to wear a gown.

‘Ah can’t believe m’ah parents paired me with Dylan Montgomery,’ Grace complained in a drawl which was thick even for Georgia. She was tugging at the silken material clinging to her hips in a futile attempt to adjust the fit of her white gown.

Ashlee watched her classmate and best friend fuss over the garment from where they stood at the edge of the ballroom, ‘Would you stop picking at that thing? You look fine, and you should be happy you’re dancing with Dylan, I’m stuck with Connor Wilmington, who I swear hit every branch of the ugly tree…’

Grace continued to wriggle and pluck at her dress as though it didn’t fit right, ‘At least Connor’s a sweetheart. Dylan’s such a pompous ass… he thinks he’s gawd’s gift to the damn world just because his daddy owns half of Georgia.’

Watching Grace, Ashlee decided she couldn’t take it anymore, ‘What is your problem with that dress? You’ve been fighting with it for five minutes!’

‘It’s too tight in the hips,’ Grace fretted, ‘ah feel like m’ah ass is sticking out a quarter-mile.’

Though Ashlee was certainly an attractive girl herself, she had always been jealous of her taller friend. With blonde hair that always seemed to do whatever she wanted, perfect skin, and a 5’9′ body that belonged on a magazine cover, Grace resembled the movie star she was named after.

‘Your ass looks perfect,’ Ashlee assured. ‘Just like it always does. Dylan will be drooling all over you.’

‘Gawd, that’s the last thing ah need. If Dylan hits on me while we’re dancing ah’m going to knee him in the groin.’

Ashlee giggled at Grace’s melodrama, ‘It’ll all be over soon, then we can sneak out of here and grab a smoke. Now come on, they’re about to present us for the first dance.’

Grace finally gave up on her gown as Ashlee grabbed her hand. The two teens hurried in their high heels towards a small podium where a line of their fellow classmates was forming.

At the Spring Gala, young people entering society were formally announced to the gathering by a master of ceremonies before pairing with someone of the opposite sex, for the evening’s opening dance. Grace was fully aware such a pairing was once an indication of marriage arrangement, she was thankful such arrangements were no longer common practice. She couldn’t imagine anything more horrid than being forced to marry Dylan Montgomery, who Grace felt was an egotistical bore. Still, her mother had somehow arranged it with the gala committee that Grace be paired with Dylan and assumed it was because her mother was always mindful of their family’s image, Dylan belonged to a very prestigious and wealthy family.

Grace and her peers were slowly announced, one by one, and paired off to the dance floor amidst polite applause from parents and community members in attendance. Grace did her best to smile and appear lady-like, but once the music started she found herself eagerly anticipating the dance’s finish.

Dylan was at least a competent dancer, leading them in a two-step, ‘You look gorgeous, Grace.’

‘That’s very nice of you to say,’ Grace replied, feigning a smile.

Dylan could sense her cool demeanor, ‘Is something wrong?’

‘No, not especially,’ Grace answered. ‘Ah just get tired of dances and galas all the time. Seems like there’s one every week.’

‘Yes, but this one is special.’

‘Why’s that?’ Grace sounded disinterested.

‘It could be our first official dance as a couple,’ Dylan replied with a smug grin.

Grace rolled her eyes, ‘Give it up, Dylan. You and ah will never be a couple.’

‘Why not? We’re a perfect match, Grace.’

‘How do you figure?’ Grace asked, though she feared his answer.

‘Well, I’m handsome, good-looking, and heir to one of the wealthiest families in Georgia. And you’re the most beautiful girl in Savannah. We were meant for one another.’

‘Y’all are dumber than a box of tacks,’ Grace sighed. ”Handsome’ and ‘good-looking’ is the same thing.’

Dylan smiled, ‘At least we agree that I’m attractive.’

‘Ah agree that you’re arrogant?’

Dylan chuckled, seemingly immune to Grace’s icy wall, ‘You’ll come around eventually.’

‘Come around to what?’

‘What a fine pair we’ll make.’

Grace snorted, unladylike, but she couldn’t help it. ‘Ah think you better start looking for the second-most beautiful girl in Savannah.’

Dylan seemed oblivious, ‘Let’s go to my parent’s beach house this weekend. We can take my convertible.’

Grace nearly made good on her promise to Ashlee, but restrained herself from placing her knee firmly between Dylan’s legs, ‘Ah would rather French-kiss a crocodile than go anywhere with you, Dylan. Now stop pestering me.’

Finally the song ended, signaling an end to the dance. Grace curtseyed to the crowd, then quickly shimmied off the dance floor to find Ashlee without bothering to look back at Dylan. The cigarette Ashlee mentioned earlier was sounding awfully good to Grace.


Chase hated working the ‘high-society’ events. The people were snobby and he felt like they were always looking down at him, as though he were some form of lower-class worm. But the catering service he worked for paid well and most of the work was on evenings and weekends, freeing up his days for technical school.

‘Hey,’ one of his coworkers approached. Most of the catering employees were on break before the dinner rush, while the guests danced. Many of them had congregated outside, behind the ballroom at a designated area for smoking.

‘What’s up, Tommy?’ Chase lit a cigarette.

‘You going to that party at Gina’s tonight?’

‘I hadn’t planned on it, why?’

‘You should,’ Tommy encouraged. ‘C’mon, it’s Friday night. I heard her parents are out of town and there’s going to be two kegs. It should be a blast. Lots of scattered ass.’

Chase’s reply was non-committal, ‘I’ll think about it.’

The truth was, Chase wasn’t interested in a party. He had recently been dumped by his girlfriend, whom he had been dating since high school, and wasn’t quite ready to move on yet. It was a typical tale: his girlfriend went away for her freshman year of college while Chase stayed home to attend a technical school, she broke up with him less than a month prior, claiming she had met someone else.

‘Maybe I’ll see you there, then.’ Tommy stepped out his cigarette, ‘I better get back to serving the ‘trust-funders’.’

Chase figured to get back to work as well and took one last drag off his cigarette before stepping it out on the asphalt. Just as he was about to go in, he saw Grace come out.

She was laughing at the girl beside her, walking out of the ballroom’s kitchen exit, and her smile lit up the night. Both women were dressed finely in evening gowns, so Chase knew they were part of the trust-fund crowd, most likely slumming out back to sneak a cigarette away from the view of mommy and daddy. Normally, Chase avoided such girls. They were snobby bitches – every one. But for some reason he couldn’t take his eyes off Grace. She was taller than her friend, almost statuesque when adding in the height of her heels. Her blue eyes sparkled when she smiled, tou
ched with just enough make-up to become terrifyingly alluring. Her blond hair was coiled and gathered high, revealing the entirety of her slender neck along with two dangling earrings.

‘Are you sure you don’t have any?’ Grace suddenly sounded distressed.

Ashlee was frantically digging in her purse, ‘I thought I did. I tried to pick up a new pack today, but that prick at the gas station actually carded me and I don’t turn eighteen until next month.’

‘Well ah’m legal,’ Grace lifted to her toes and looked beyond the parking lot, trying to remember if there was a convenience store nearby where she could buy cigarettes.

Chase watched the whole conversation, noticing that none of his fellow co-workers were paying any attention. It wasn’t unusual for the working-class and upper-class to maintain a mutual distance at these types of events. That was the established social order, one Chase normally adhered to, but he couldn’t take his eyes off Grace.

‘Hey, you girls need a smoke?’

Grace turned to notice Chase holding out a pack of cigarettes, ‘Oh darlin, y’all are a life saver.’

Chase thought his ears were going to melt at the sweet sound of Grace’s thick drawl. He wasn’t from Georgia originally and found he enjoyed the way girls spoke in the south. Grace’s accent seemed unusually heavy and seductive, even for Savannah. After the girls plucked a cigarette from his package, he flicked his lighter and cupped his hands, lighting them both.

Ashlee bumped her elbow against Grace’s and quickly waggled her brow, indicating she thought Chase was cute. Grace stifled a smirk, hiding it behind her cigarette. Chase certainly was good-looking, with short brown hair neatly trimmed at the sides. He seemed fit too, though it was difficult to tell beneath his loose-fitting catering uniform.

‘Hi, I’m Ashlee. This is my friend Grace.’

‘I’m Chase.’

Grace inhaled delicately from her Marlboro, ‘Ah don’t recognize you, do you go to school near hear?’

‘I graduated last year,’ Chase replied. ‘From St. Vincent’s. I take it you two are seniors?’

‘Yeah,’ Ashlee answered. ‘Our parents are trotting us out and ‘presenting us to society’, which is even duller than it sounds.’

‘At least you didn’t have to dance with Dylan. He was all over me again, telling me we’re the ‘perfect couple’ for each other.’ Grace stuck her tongue out, showing what she thought of Dylan and his advances.

Chase raised his eyebrows, silently praying Grace didn’t have a snotty trust-fund boyfriend.

‘Yeah, well, Connor stepped on my feet,’ Ashlee exhaled a plume of smoke. ‘Twice.’

Chase suggested, ‘You two sound like you need a little excitement.’

Ashlee replied dully, ‘You have no idea.’

‘I know of a party later tonight,’ Chase suggested. He had quickly changed his mind about going to the soiree his co-worker had mentioned, as it presented the perfect means to get to know Grace better. He certainly didn’t want their chance meeting to be the last time he ever saw her.

‘What kind of party?’ Grace wondered.

‘You know, the standard ‘parents-are-out-of-town’ kegger. It’s at this girl’s house who I know from school, not too far from downtown. Might be a lot of fun.’

Grace and Ashlee both looked at each other to gauge the other’s opinion, both girls were smiling at the prospect of a party downtown. There weren’t many kegger parties in Ardsley Park, the affluent neighborhood they both grew up in.

‘Ah’m in,’ Grace suddenly decided.

‘Me too,’ Ashley beamed.

‘Yeah?’ Chase smiled, attracted to Grace’s sense of spontaneous adventure.

Ashlee wondered, ‘Any chance you could pick us up? We’ll have to go home and get out of these clothes.’

‘Yeah it’s no problem,’ Chase said. ‘I can change here, so just tell me where to be.’


Located at a large two-story house not far from the downtown core of Savannah, in a neighborhood of old homes, the party was already in full swing when Grace, Ashlee, and Chase arrived. The house was packed with high school and college-aged kids drinking beer out of plastic cups. Loud music thudded from the basement while the sound of things breaking could be heard every few minutes.

Grace had never been to such a rough party, as everyone seemed incredibly drunk or stoned. She even saw some people snorting lines of cocaine as she followed Chase and Ashlee towards the keg. Her friends rarely hosted such visceral bashes – they were too stuck up. In fact, the boys at her school actually thought it was cool to sit around drinking brandy and smoking cigars, just like their stuffy fathers.

‘This place is wild,’ Ashlee yelled excitedly as Chase poured from the keg tap, raising her voice in order to be heard.

‘Yeah,’ Chase agreed loudly. ‘I didn’t realize there would be so many people here. This is cool though, right?’

‘It’s great,’ Grace replied, accepting a glass from Chase.

Once they had their beers secured, Ashlee grabbed Grace by the wrist. ‘Come on, let’s go mingle. I saw some cute guys as we came in.’

Grace looked over her shoulder towards Chase as Ashlee led her away, feeling bad that they were abandoning him so soon after their arrival, even though he was already talking to other people whom he obviously knew.

‘Why did you do that?’ Grace asked once Ashlee found some space to stand in another room. ‘Chase was nice enough to invite us to this party, we should hang with him.’

Ashlee grinned, ‘I’m trying to act disinterested, silly.’

Grace quickly connected the dots and leveled an amused gaze towards her best friend, ‘You’re into him?’

Ashlee nodded with a bright smile, ‘He’s cute, and he’s not a total stuck-up jerk like most of the guys at our school. Do you think he’s into me?’

‘Ah don’t know,’ Grace answered honestly. ‘You want me to go find out?’

Ashlee bubbled out a nod, ‘Would you?’

‘Give it a couple minutes.’ Grace took a swallow of her beer, which wasn’t much colder than room-temperature, ‘Then ah’ll go talk to him.’

‘Make sure you find out if he has a girlfriend.’

‘Don’t worry, ah think ah know how to reconnaissance a boy – ah’ve been doing it for you since middle school.’

‘Oh!’ Ashlee looked towards the keg over Grace’s shoulder, ‘It looks like he’s going outside for a smoke, now’s your chance!’

‘Okay, okay, simmer down.’ Grace rolled her eyes at Ashlee’s excitement, setting her glass down on a nearby table, ‘Watch my beer.’

‘You’re just going to leave it? We have to catch up with everyone.’

‘At least it can’t get any warmer,’ Grace replied dryly. She didn’t care for the taste of beer.

Slipping through a crowd of people in the kitchen, where the keg was, Grace moved outside through a sliding glass door and onto the back porch. It was much quieter outside, though the music and crowd of voices could still be heard through the windows.

Chase was standing by himself enjoying a smoke, wearing a light brown leather jacket over his tee shirt, the evening air carried a bit of a chill.

‘Mind if ah have another one of those?’

Turning around, Chase smiled at the vision of Grace. She wore a pair of white jeans and heels, with a thin yellow spaghetti-strapped top which clung to her slender torso and revealed her mid-riff. Normally such an outfit would appear slutty to Chase, but Grace somehow appeared as elegant as she did at the dance. Maybe it was because her hair was still coiled up so enticingly, he thought.

‘I didn’t know girls from Ardsley Park smoked,’ Chase teased, offering out his pack.

Grace blushed just a little, ‘Ashlee got me started during our last finals. Ah usually only do it when she and ah are together.’

Chase made sure to make eye contact when he lit Grace’s cigarette.

Grace exhaled, ‘So, you got a girlfriend or anything?’

Chase shook his head, ‘Nah. We broke up recently… actu
ally, I got dumped. You know how it is, she’s away at school with a new boyfriend, I’m here at home hundreds of miles away. I guess she couldn’t handle the distance.’

‘Well, ah wouldn’t fret too much. There are plenty of other trout in the pond.’

‘I like your attitude,’ Chase smiled.

‘What’s your policy on high school girls?’

‘I’m okay with them,’ Chase joked. ‘When I went to high school I had to sit next to them all the time.’

Grace smiled brightly at his humor, clasping her bare arms close to her chest. She didn’t realize how chilly it would get and didn’t think to bring a jacket. Grace silently chastised herself for not knowing better, it was only April after all.

‘Here,’ Chase said, taking his jacket off.

‘You’re a doll,’ Grace replied thankfully as Chase draped the jacket around her shoulders. ‘Thank you.’

‘No problem. So, um… why’re you asking me about high school girls?’

Grace ashed her cigarette over the railing of the porch, ‘Well, ah’m supposed to be more sneaky about this, but Ashlee thinks you’re cute.’

Chase hadn’t seen that one coming, ‘Ashlee?’

Grace made a slight wince, ‘Yeah, she kinda sent me out here to find out if you had a girlfriend.’

‘Ah, I get it now.’ Chase felt like a complete ass, thinking even for a moment Grace was interested for herself.

Grace breathed out an uneasy laugh, sensing a sudden distance from Chase, ‘Sorry, ah guess it’s kind of juvenile.’

‘No, it’s cool. I’m flattered, actually.’ Chase tried to think quick and come up with a reason as to why he wasn’t interested in Ashlee. He didn’t want to admit he was far more curious about Grace, ‘It’s just that… I mean, I just got out of a long-term relationship. You know how it is.’

‘That’s totally understandable,’ Grace replied. She deposited her cigarette into an empty beer bottle sitting on the porch rail before offering Chase his jacket back, ‘Don’t worry sugah, ah’ll break it to her gently.’

Chase nodded, indicating that he planned on staying outside a while longer.

Upon reaching the sliding door Grace glanced back over her shoulder, ‘Thanks for inviting us, by the way. Ah’m having fun.’

‘Cool, I’m glad. I’ll be in soon, we can have another beer.’

Grace smiled, ‘Okay.’

Ashlee looked like she was already on her second beer when Grace returned and several guys were standing around the petite brunette. Grace smirked, Ashlee had always been skilled at gaining male attention.

Ashlee quickly noticed Grace’s return and unceremoniously parted from the boys she was talking to. She hissed urgently, ‘Well???’

‘Well what?’ Grace teased with a smile, sipping from her still-warm beer. She knew what Ashlee wanted to know, but enjoyed getting her friend worked-up.

‘C’mon! What did he say?!’

‘He said he doesn’t have a girlfriend, but he just got out of a relationship. Sounds like it was pretty major, ah’m not sure he’s over it, hon.’

Ashlee made a pout.

‘He’s a real gentleman though,’ Grace added. ‘He saw that ah was chilly when we were standing on the porch and offered me his coat.’

Ashlee grinned brightly, ‘Aw, that’s so sweet! Maybe he’s looking for a rebound? I’d be cool with that…’

Grace laughed.


Just over an hour later, Chase was standing outside yet again, talking with some people he worked with, when a frantic looking Grace came out to the porch.

‘Chase, have y’all seen Ashlee?’

Chase shook his head, ‘Not in a while, why?’

‘Ah can’t find her anywhere and it’s not like her to just suddenly up and vanish.’

Chase noted the concern in Grace’s voice and could tell she was upset. He cast his cigarette butt away, ‘I’ll help you look for her. Where’d you see her last?’

‘She was talking to some guys,’ Grace explained as they moved back into the house. ‘A couple of them were getting real familiar with her, too. She’s had a lot to drink and ah’m scared one of them might try to take advantage of her.’

‘We better check upstairs,’ Chase suggested.

Grace followed Chase up a steep stairway to a stretching hallway, the large house had several rooms on the second floor. Chase started opening doors but didn’t find Ashlee in any of the rooms they investigated. When he reached a locked door, Chase knocked loudly on it.

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Show MomsChapter 4

Trying not to cum was a difficult thing to do with my cock in Robin's mouth. For a thirty-eight-year-old mother of two teenagers who'd spent the last twenty years in Christian land, that woman knew how to give head. And as much as I'd like to take credit for it — and I like to think I played at least some role in Robin's having gotten this far — I had nothing to do with that part of it. Absolutely nothing. Wally and I graduated on the Saturday after my talk with Robin. Wally was the...

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FantasyMassage Saya Song Princess Massage

Saya Song has to get a job thanks to her loser dad. He’s got a gambling problem and now, the spoiled Princess, has to fend for herself. Not wanting to leave the house, she figures massaging people from home might be the best play for her. But when her first client walks in, she gets a blast from the past she wasn’t expecting. Matt Sloan walks in and recognizes Saya immediately: he went to high school with her and remembers how she treated him. She tells him that she’s changed...

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…..She didn’t talk much, but her eyes told me she was wanting my attention. She liked to stand real close to me and almost whisper any talking we did. She liked to touch my chest and arms. ….. I started returning the touching. Her breathing increased every time. The touching increased. It was quiet affection, except for her panting breath. Slowly we were hugging and feeling a lot. My cock got hard quick now, and she pushed her pussy into it each time. …..I gave her a piggy back ride to...

4 years ago
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How Far Would I Go For Love 6

For the fourth time, Jake Kruthers watched the DVD of Lt. Jerry Ranthom winning his second straight Foreign Legion Savate championship. It had been two weeks since the incident at the club. There were several reports on his desk-notes in the margins, highlights, dog-eared corners and an empty pizza box.One on one I don’t stand a chance. He’s a trained killer, I’m not. How to even the odds? Hanna and Julie have potential. Master Himerous would not take kindly to that. I need to make sure he...

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Blind Ecstasy

Samantha unlocked the door to the house after a long day of coaching gymnastics, intent on only one thing—sitting down in the recliner and doing nothing for at least half an hour. She took a step inside and was surprised to see a paper bag at her feet. A note is pinned to the side, so she reach down to remove it. The note is short and to the point. A smile crosses her face as she scanned the page.After reading the instructions, Samanthas slid her leotards to the floor and stepped out of them...

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sisterinlaw fun

My wife has always been jealous of her younger sister's 44 DD chest, and I guess you could say I am jealous as well. Comparing a B cup to a D cup is like apples and oranges, though I do love to titty-fuck my wife's. But I've always hoped to catch a glimpse of my sister-in-law's body nude. My perfect chance came a few months back while she was visiting with us for the weekend, and it ended up going a little farther than I anticipated. Here goes... Michelle came to visit us for the weekend. She,...

2 years ago
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Naughty Stepdaughter p3

"I've got it" whispered Stacey, my hot blonde eighteen year old stepdaughter as she sat down beside me."What?" I asked curiously."For my next web cam show, I'm going to invite Kelly over" she whispered"Whose Kelly?" I asked "You know, she's tall, has brown long hair, really hot, and does some modelling for catalogues and stuff!" replied Stacey."Okay" I replied still not sure which of her hot brunette friends she was actually talking about.Then she quickly headed back up to her room, and as...

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The Girl from JuarezChapter 4

Back home, I took the trailer directly to my cargo's destination dock, had it unloaded, and headed for home. Margarita again took refuge in the sleeper compartment. Her presence in the truck wouldn't have been so remarkable as to draw the attention of the truck terminal's crew, but Margarita and I were both still behaving with some caution. At the house, I parked the rig and called the girl out. We went directly to the house, where I unlocked the door and showed her inside. "You have a...

3 years ago
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A Trannie takes her first big black cock

Sitting on the lounge at my local sex club I was watching the guys go by. You get to notice certain guys going past trying not to look like they are checking you out on the sly (and vice versa) thinking how they can approach me.Normally it’s just the usual crowd of guys but several weeks ago a big heavy set African guy in his mid 30’s kept going past me and looking at me out of the corner of his eye. After about his third walk past I gave him little smile. When I could see him coming down the...

3 years ago
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AddictedChapter 20 Helen of Troy

Fate happened when I was walking home from Shannon's. I walked past a strip mall and as I was looking inside, like I had been doing to most of the stores I passed, I thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye and stopped to look back for a closer look. There before me through a booking agent's window sat an angel of beauty like I had never seen before. Shaking my head and squeezing my eyes shut, I looked at upon her again to make sure I saw what I saw. I did. She was the most...

2 years ago
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Jerking for the Boss Part I

It was a Tuesday night and my whole work team was out celebrating the completion of a big project. About 10 of us were at the bar celebrating on the company dime so liquor was flowing and everyone was finally able to relax after about three straight months of chaos. The night started with shots. Two rounds off the bat, one tequila the other rum, all high quality stuff. Everyone is fairly tipsy for a Tuesday night and upon realizing this most of the party eventually disappears. I lived right...

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Rock and Water Chapter 1

For some it’s the desert, for others it’s the ocean. Myself, I find solace at the end of my weekly hikes. My destination is always the same, a waterfall. I’m blessed to live in the Pacific Northwest where there are no shortages of hikes or waterfalls. Alone with my dog, I can take in the sight, sound, smell, and even the taste of the air as water crashes off the rocks around me. It’s here I can clear my head and breathe deep. Most days I allow myself to linger just a short time before turning...

1 year ago
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AdultTime Kyler Quinn Just A Harmless Prank

Ok, so, I don’t know WHO posted this video I’m sharing with you but you have GOT to watch it. So you know that cute chick Kyler who does that prank show where she goes into random people’s houses that leave their doors unlocked and leaves weird little items for them? Yeah, TOTALLY stupid show I know loll but trust me, THIS episode is worth watching. Anyway, in this clip, she goes to this one house and when she sees that the door’s unlocked she goes inside. She creeps...

1 year ago
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Sex With My Aunt In Bangalore

Hi everyone this is amol from Bangalore. 23years old 6ft and this is a wonderfull site. This is my first story so please forgive me for mistakes. and I am going to tell a real sex incident that happened in my life with my aunty. Her name is rachitha. 5.6ft with a perfect body. If any aunties and girls wanted to have fun with me in Bangalore can mail me I was having only the basic knowledge about sex and that entire thing’s.I use to masturbate daily imagining many aunties I came across. I was...

3 years ago
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Fucking on The Ice part 11

I lay there slowly waking up and thought I was dreaming. My cock was getting sucked and swallowed like nobody’s business. I looked down and Celeste was bobbing her little brown head up and down the shaft of my cock, licking and kissing the tip, while teasing my balls with her hot little hands. My cock woke up and instantly came alive and started getting hard. I leaned my head back with my eyes closed, in heavenly bliss. Her hot, wet mouth felt so good on my dick. Moaning and hissing, I...

2 years ago
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My Mother and I Get Taken

I was 13, almost 14, that spring when Mother suggested we take a trip to New York City after school let out for the summer. She had been there while she was pregnant with me when my father was in the Army Air Force and was stationed near there and had always wanted to go back for another visit. I had grown up in Chattanooga and had never been out of the South so I thought it sounded like a neat idea. In mid June, Mother, who was 40 at this time, got a good round trip rate so we flew to New...

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Andy and Me First Time Part 2

After deciding to stay overnight, I picked myself off the floor and sat next to Andy on his couch, still in a haze of orgasmic bliss. We sat there for what was probably only twenty or thirty seconds but felt much longer. I didn't want the silence to start getting awkward so I spoke up. “Well since i'm staying here tonight, how about a drink? For some reason, I am really warm all of a sudden.” He smiled slyly at me before answering. “Sure thing. What do you want?” “Just water will...

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How I Feel About Dad

As you have read from Jack’s posts, I have been in a sexual relationship with my dad for several years. Jack told me there has been requests for my point of view on our relationship and I know that Jack wrote about how it all started in “Visit From Her Dad”. My sister, step-sister, and myself all have been intimate with him at some point, but I think I’m his favorite because I am the baby of the 3, and I enjoy having his seed buried in me trying to create another life. As you know, he and...

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THE GOING-AWAY PARTY Several weeks had gone by since the last get-together. John and Mary, their toys James and Kelly had not met lately. Additionally, Kelly’s roommate Terri was now scheduled for her final gender-change operation, which she eagerly awaited. A trip to Branson, Missouri, by the married couple halted the “regular” Saturday night meetings. Taking advantage of a “celebrity auction”, they had bought a bargain weekend stay at a Branson resort. On the first night in the...

4 years ago
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The House at the End of the StreetChapter 8

Heather was so upset over what had happened that she had to cancel her "date" with Brad. She simply was not in the mood anymore, not after this. She couldn't believe it. She actually had that stupid dork's dick in her mouth. She actually sucked it. And swallowed. And she liked it! Even now, with whatever they had done to her -- or whatever the house had done to her, if their ridiculous story was to be believed -- had worn off, she could not convince herself that she had not liked it. Or...

2 years ago
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Cheerleader Sleepover The Judge and Jury EditionChapter 4

It all happened very quickly, so quickly, in fact, that Brad's head was swimming almost from the second his body landed on top of the soft warmth that was his sister's nakedness. Her hands came to grip his hips and she pulled, and then pushed, signifying what she expected him to do. His frazzled brain recognized that part, and he started simulating coitus. "Kiss me!" she hissed, as she spread her legs and wrapped them over the back of his thighs. She had seen a woman do that on the...

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The Ex colleague 3

As the drink flowed the idea of the threesome became hotter and hotter. I had no idea what Gerri would think but surely this was an opportunity not to be missed.i found Mark, gave him the most seductive glance, rubbed my hand on his cock and whispered in his ear, if Gerri is game, so am I, before sloping back to the dance floor. His face lit up and although you couldn’t see it, inside he was fist pumping. I imagine his cock was hard as nails. I hadnt seen Gerri but I wanted to catch her gaze,...

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Slowly Moving On Chapter 13

I paced in the gigantic living room and came to a stop near the almost full wall window overlooking the city.  She had a million-dollar view of the skyline and the harbor beyond.  It almost distracted me from what was happening to my life for a brief second.Thinking back on everything that had happened to me since Friday afternoon, I realized I was exhausted, physically, and mentally.  Two late nights in a row with a super long run yesterday morning sandwiched in-between.  I’d gone from...

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Accidental WerewolfChapter 11

Wayne was not looking forward to this. After the big “fuck-buddy” blow-up, Sara seemed really hurt and had insisted that he come over for dinner and be introduced to her parents. She also told him this was a really bad idea and that her father might forbid her from seeing him ever again. Wayne had tried to point out that this presented a contradiction and maybe he shouldn’t meet her parents, but Sara argued that it was his fault he had to meet them in the first place. This reasoning made...

2 years ago
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Sins Of The Father Chapter Three

Friday: Ten Days laterTen days… ten days!That’s a long time to be away from your new lover. What made it worse was that my new lover was so close by, so very close. The only thing that stood between us was my wife. And my two sons. And the civilized world, too.If I could just hang on a few more hours.Last Tuesday was supposed to be our day, we were both counting on it. But I had an issue at work that had to be attended to, and Ashley and I missed our window of opportunity.Fortunately, we had...

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The Bookstore

Route 1 south was relatively empty for a late Saturday afternoon. True, it was the long way home, but nonetheless it was on the way home and not too unusual from our normal drive around Saturday routine. This week’s fruitless adventure was to find a nice table fan at the large hardware store on the east edge of town. I soon discovered it’s easier to find moon rocks at a flea market then it is to find a table fan at a giant category killing retail store in Maryland in the middle of January. With...

Group Sex
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My SexPacked Holiday Part 8 Taking it Up the Arse

Back from our visit to the cider farm, I left my mum and dad to look after our purchases, and went back towards my room. I was feeling a bit sticky between the legs after my impromptu fuck, and felt the need to wipe myself down a bit, especially the trails of pussy juice down my thighs. But I didn’t actually make it, since as I was turning the corner I bumped into Abi coming out of her room.“Mmm, hello gorgeous,” she said, putting her hand round my waist and squeezing my bum. “Been out...

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Benefits Of Being A Samaritan Part 3

I had rung Jean to arrange a time and date to pick her up. We worked out a solution to leave her car at the airport, where it was unlikely to be seen. She had also made arrangements to have a meeting in Germany, which now covered all bases. My work was happy with the arrangements, her job was happy and her husband was happy since Jean was away. We had checked the weather and it was going to be hot, which worked out well since we had booked the tunnel to cross to France, to then drive to...

4 years ago
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my BF wife deserves me

This is more an anonimous confession of my heated lust than a story of fiction. I introduced them. He was and is my best friend. some 25+ yrs to date. She is a curvy and voluptious blonde.... no makeup, no perfume, just a purely simple hottie with a body only a hungry slutdog like myself could ever worship. Sure as shit he doesn't, and she tells me. Oh, let's go back a tick. I hooked 'em up, she needed his good italian family values (and $$$$) and he was in a downward spiral from a previous...

1 year ago
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Behind The Waterfall

You are wearing your flowing white sun dress and walking barefoot on the white sand beach... There is no one else around... as I approach, I see your womanly figure walking towards me... you are lost in thought and haven't yet recognized me... your lovely smile appears at the instant you realize that it is me... As we reach each other, embrace, and kiss, I notice that your white dress is quite translucent and the white bathing suit that you have underneath accents your figure in a most...

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Helping A Friend 8211 Dream Come True 8211 Part 3

Hello sexy people, I am Manas and I am back with the next part of the story. In the previous parts, I narrated my experience where in one of my friend’s asked for my help to fuck her as she was sex addicted and deprived for a month now. You can read the stories from the links given on top. Coming to this part, I was at sonam’s house since morning and I had fucked her 3 times till evening. We made dinner and were watching TV and drinking beer. I called my GF and spoke to her while she went out...

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My hubbys return

My hubby returned from his business trip the Friday afternoon, he came staight home. Walking through the front door greeting me with a kiss. We chatted a lil before heading off together to pick our daughter up from crèche. It was still freshly in my mind that I had cheated on him with the neighbors son Nick. I was in debate if I should tell him, but was scared to what the consequences will be. We arrived at the crèche and I decide I wasn't going to mention anything in front of our daughter. My...

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My name is Deana, I'm a sixty year old sexy redhead with an insatiable appetite for fun and sex. When I have my sexy fun I am usually accompanied by one of my friends; Clay or Kyle. We often talk about having a threesome plus some hot fun in a Jacuzzi. When a friend of mine named Denise, who manages a posh hotel in Nashville, told us they had a weekend special going on, I couldn't pass up an opportunity for another hot encounter. I first called Kyle. He's fifty eight years old. He also has...

1 year ago
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Michael and Ellen the next time

She thought about it all as she drove home. The first thing she saw in her mind was that cock of his and its size but Ellen still could not believe she let herself offer her cousin to slide it inside her. But boy, when it went in her it felt soooo good. Yes it did. That cock, as thick and big boned as it was when it was hard, it felt great! And Ellen could not believe she had asked for it to be put inside her but she did. A few hours earlier she and her cousin had had actually done it with one...

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Impressions Ch 02

Aren stared mindlessly into the pot of soup he was cooking. He couldn’t believe he had kissed Gin. It had been on his mind the whole weekend so he had been trying everything imaginable to occupy himself. That included gourmet cooking. Normally, he settled for preparing things like spaghetti or a toasted sandwich for meals, but he was a fantastic cook. He only enjoyed it sometimes, though the results nearly always pleased him. Today he had prepared tomato Florentine and homemade breadsticks. ...

1 year ago
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Meri choti virgin cousine

Hi i m vicky..frm sialkoat(pak) ye meri 2nd story hay,meri 1st story isect me “meri 19 saal ki behan ki seal”or desi me “my 19year old sis” k name say hay app log usay b zrur perna or mje mail kra ager koi anti,behan ,bhabi chudna chahti ho wo b mail kr skti hay;) Me apni story ki terf ata mri real story hay jo k 1 mnth pehlay meray sath paish ayi mere mamoo ki 3 baitiya hay sub say beri 20 saal ki maria hve beautiful figure us say choti 19 saal ki ainey or us say choti noor 18 saal ki...

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