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Slypher hugged the shadows well away from the nameless tavern's broad hearth, nursing his cheap mug of sour ale. The day had gone badly. There had been no fat purses in the milling throngs. People were tense and nervous in Pordigran, the Most Holy City. Their thoughts had jangled madly, spurred by rumors of approaching armies, making his head hurt and his fingers tremble. Once, he had even had to drop a pilfered purse and run for his life, the shouts of the Guard in his ears, images of blood behind his eyes.

The shadows danced as torches wavered in a gust of wind from the opened door. A dozen armed men! No, their thoughts were peaceful enough. Thoughts of food and ale, of women and song.

Slypher sat up straighter, his ale momentarily forgotten. Behind the thoughts of ale and women ran the gleam and luster of gold, the glitter of jewels! There had always been rumors in The City, whispers of riches awaiting those brave enough, skillful enough, lucky enough to seize them. He listened, his pointed nose twitching avidly above his carefully waxed mustache.

"Drinks for my friends!" The spokesman for the band smote a rough hewn table with his massive fist. Clad in gleaming chain mail, he looked every inch the leader of men. "Ale, and be sure that it's your best!"

Borulph served them himself, waddling back and forth from behind the bar, his tray laden with mugs of ale from his own personal keg. Not the slop he'd served Slypher! He snatched up the coin that was thrown to him, biting it doubtfully before hurriedly tucking it away beneath his apron. Slypher again caught the luster of gold, this time from the innkeeper's slimy mind.

"What brings you here, good sirs?" Borulph wheezed, puzzled. These were not the kind of customers he was comfortable with; none of them looked to be thieves, bullies, broken men.

"Treasure!" The leader's booming laugh echoed from the tavern walls, mocking the suddenly fearful innkeeper as his mug was set down empty. The tavern was suddenly dead quiet for the space of two breaths, every ear caught by the magic word. "Treasure, and your good brown ale! No, Arcbant seeks not to rob your poor till. You need not think to summon the City Guard to protect the few coins in your hoard. The treasure we seek lies well beyond the walls of The City. We follow a rumor, the barest whisper of a dream, but this tale tells of riches beyond the scope of any man's dreams. By the Eighty One Deities of Orris Kayn, we seek riches indeed! One or two more companions added to our number, and in the morning we set forth..."

Slypher settled back on his bench with a sneer, raising his mug of ale to hide his expression. Treasure, indeed! Rumors were perpetually afloat in Pordigran, washing back and forth inside its walls like turds in a farmer's pond. Fighting men had always followed them, panting their lust for those imagined riches only to return from their quests with dulled weapons and empty pockets. If they returned at all.

Well, he at least hadn't seen any signs of sudden riches from these quests, and he of all men would have known. Last year the rumors had been of green sea pearls from along the shores of Orris Kayn, and the year before that...

"Ho, thief!" He looked up to see the leader, Arcbant, motioning to him. "Come on over here. Drink our host's good brown ale, and hear my tale."

His own mug was as empty as his pockets. Slypher shrugged his acquiescence and reluctantly crossed to Arcbant's table, his soft half boots making no sound on the littered floor. He perched on the end of a wooden bench, uncomfortably aware of being where unfriendly eyes could see his back.

"You have need of a Thief?" His voice would not have reached across the room even if it had been quiet in Borulph's tavern, it was never quiet in Borulph's tavern for long at a time, and Arcbant leaned forward to hear. "What would you have poor Slypher do, pick the locks of a dream?"

"It is no dream," Arcbant rumbled. "We have a map..."

"I have seen maps before," Slypher chuckled slyly. "Even drawn a few myself. 'Ancient Treasures Buried by Orc bands' and 'Remnants of a Forgotten Dragon's Hoard' have always been two of my favorites."

"Orc bands? Dragons? No, nothing of that sort." A fist closed on Slypher's wrist. The Thief tensed, but there was only an answering flash of humor, not malice in Arcbant's mind. "Listen to me. No buried treasure, but something far better. The map that I... found shows where a Darvish Sorcerer's tower once stood."

Slypher smiled appreciatively. The Darvish Empire lay millennia in the past, long before the appearance of the Orcish Invaders, a fabled time when magic had been the heritage of all men and the many regions of Orris Kayn were closely linked by swift couriers on magical steeds.

"And what leads you to believe that any of this fabled treasure still remains?"

"It may not," Arcbant admitted easily. "But even a scrap of the treasure that was Mardelant's would make all of us rich men a dozen times over."

"Mardelant?" Slypher drew back, made suddenly nervous by the certainty in the other's mind. "His lair? I've heard the old tales. Mardelant was no mere Sorcerer, but the last of a line that stretched back to the Priest Kings of the Klaamett Theocracy itself!"

"Mardelant is dead, his shade long departed. Has been, for two and a half millennia or more. No ghosts, no guardians left at his death could remain to guard his treasure after this long. Well? Are you with us?"

"What's your offer?" Slypher winced at his own rashness, regretting his words as soon as they were out of his mouth, but it was too late to call them back. Arcbant smiled down at him as though knowing just how he felt, but he held his own gaze steady under the big man's inquiring eyes.

"One hundred gold pieces now, against one quarter of a full share of the value of what we find. As leader, I get two shares, my companions one share each."

"Not enough." Slypher rose to his feet, no longer young, unimposing at only four and a half feet of bone and lean muscle. "My life is worth far more to me than that. A full share, and two hundred gold pieces."

"A quarter share is enough!" A swarthy mercenary whose hawk like features were twisted in a scowl spoke up from Arcbant's right. "We twelve are enough to take the treasure without the help of this sniveling Thief."

"Softly, Padnor. A Thief could well be useful, and this one comes well recommended." Arcbant's gaze flicked toward where Borulph lounged behind his bar, and Slypher spared a moment to think up a suitable revenge on the innkeeper for getting him into this. Something worse than dropping a rat's carcass into his cask of ale. That sort of trifle had never bothered the fat innkeeper in the past. "A half share, then. A half share, and one hundred gold pieces. No more."

Arcbant's resolve was as unyielding as a quenched sword blade, and Slypher reluctantly nodded. "A half share, then. Show me your gold, and the bargain is sealed."

The coins spilled from a bulging pouch out onto the table. Slypher scooped them up almost before they touched the scarred wood. This was no place to show off riches!

"Come along." Arcbant rose to his feet, followed by his men. "You'll bed down with us, this night. We can't have you muzzy with drink when we set out at first light. Too muzzy, perhaps, to even find our party before we leave."

Surrounded by younger, stronger men, he swallowed the protest that rose to his lips and went meekly with them out into the night. And it was a fine spring night, clear and still, with only the hint of a breeze to clear away the stench. The familiar night sounds of Pordigran echoed down empty streets, drunken laughter and a woman's screams a fitting counterpoint to the marching feet of City Guards.

The Rau Gate opened for travelers at the first light of dawn. Ahead and behind them caravans of wagons and pack beasts spilled out through the brazen portals, anxious for an early start on their way to the town of Raief, whose markets lay a full two days' travel from Pordigran at their slow, plodding pace.

"And just where is this treasure we seek?" Slypher crooked his neck to peer up at Arcbant. "How far do we have to walk before we reach our goal?"

"Not far, even on foot. We seek a hill called by the name of Kadath, where long ago the ancient nobility dwelt."

"I know the place. It has an evil name among the peasants." He shivered, pulling his cloak about his thin chest though the morning's chill was fast fading. The unaccustomed weight of the borrowed short sword at his belt only made him feel more uneasy, though he knew how to wield it well enough, and he darted quick glances at the greenery to either side of the road. "Nothing there for your efforts but a few scattered ruins, thoroughly plundered during the Times of Troubles. You did say something about having a map?"

"I did. You'll see it when the time is right."

They held to a steady pace, quickly drawing away from the caravans that kicked up dust behind them. The road was level, its ancient hexagonal stone blocks patched with pockets of crushed rock where uncounted centuries of wear and weather had taken their toll. For a short distance, walled estates had lined their path, but these soon dwindled to ragged farms until even they were replaced by tangled woods.

Finally, standing all by itself amidst diligently tilled fields, there loomed a well fortified monastery. With its many buildings and spired roofs enclosed within stout walls, it ranked as a village in its own right. Cowled figures, unheeding of mere passers by, tended herds and prepared fields for planting.

The sun was high in the sky when at last they left the road, pushing aside a screen of brush to follow a faint animal trail. There were few farms on this side of Pordigran, most such lying to the south and west of The Most Holy City along the river. Slypher had spent much of the morning studying his companions, using with some care the Talent that had kept him alive all the precarious years of his life. The thoughts around him were for the most part simple and straightforward, concerned with their bodies and their simple pleasures, the give and take of their rough fellowship.

He flinched aside from one mind among them. A mind icy cold and clear, its thoughts wandering down paths of arcane wisdom, disdaining common pleasures of the flesh. Slypher contrived to stay well away from the hooded Magician. Such a one might well discern his long held secret, his Talent for eavesdropping on the thoughts of others. He had no wish for notoriety, no stomach for the dangers such chancy fame would surely bring. The Most Holy City had too many secrets in the minds of its people for his particular Talent to be welcome. Too many men and women, rich and powerful, who would seek to use him. Use him, and then reward him with poison or knife or strangler's noose for the secrets he'd unearthed at their bidding.

The sun was warm, here on the hill called Kadath, the fresh green of newly budded leaves a startling contrast to the drab back alleys of Pordigran. They paused close to the crest of the hill, standing among ancient trees whose roots thrust deep into crevices between the stones of crumbled foundations.

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 Well let me start by saying that it wasn't one of the things I wanted to get involved with. Mom and her friends met once a month to play cards, and it was moms night to host the games. I always made sure I was out of the house for the evening it was her turn. It was like all the ladies got together and talked about who knows what and they always dressed up to try to out do the others. wearing jewelry, perfume and really tight cloths. They were all married except for mom and they would try to...

4 years ago
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To Whom It May Concern

Tom McGee sat at his computer, contemplating some of the feedback from some readers regarding his most recent story. He had developed a pretty good relationship with a few of his readers and was enjoying using his abilities to keep them happy. He wasn’t quite sure what he did with all this creativity before stumbling across Literotica a few months ago. Now he was quite thankful for those wonderful people who created this venue! The new friends he had made through his writing was worth every...

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Guests part 2 Chapter 10

We continued with the idea of Monday through Thursday I would fuck the girls and Friday 5 PM the girls would  tie me down, ankles/wrists,  put the gag on my mouth and blindfold my eyes. Once again I was at their mercy. Although their mercy was my sexual pleasure. This Friday, as it was with so many other Fridays, the girls put a vibrating butt plug and I would go into this sexual pleasure that would have me thinking of sexual heaven. I do not know how long they were out but I fell them coming...

Group Sex
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Municipal BlondesChapter 11 Perfection

LAST NIGHT, I did something I never do: I slept in all my makeup. This morning, I woke up to see what I would have to do if I maintained a disguise overnight. The morning after It was hard enough to be with Angel while she flirted with me. It was scary as hell to run into Jordan and deflect his interest. The two encounters left me in such a serious panic attack after I escaped from them, I practically ran back to my car jumped in the back seat, curled up into a little ball and rocked back...

3 years ago
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Daddys little sweetheart is a whore

Introduction: Clarke finds out about the secret of his daughter, 15, whos inviting customers over to her bedroom for years. Info: The story came up to me while I was writing the next part of my Jenny wants to be a slut-stories. The characters of this storyline are mentioned in this story as well. May in one of the next parts, I will merge the storylines. Notice: This story is about incest and sex with young girls. If you dont like it, dont read it. ...

3 years ago
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Dysfunctional Lustful Incest 8211 Part 4 Guilt Feeling

After having an erotic and intense moment with my sister-in-law Raadha, I desired her more and more. I reached home. I wanted to share the erotic situation with my wife as she had always been my partner in crime. But I couldn’t because the situation was about her own elder sister. I shared with my wife the good news of purchasing a new shop for business. I even revealed the thought of inviting her sister into the business. Meena got really happy with both news – especially with the idea of...

2 years ago
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Wifeys Panties

Our phone sex is always so hot; you egg me on in so many ways. My wife has no idea how much I wear her panties not to mention her lingerie, stockings and dresses. We talk about what I'd wear when we get together as I suck your cock. You always have me send you pictures of me dressed in panties, stockings and high heels, telling me how perfectly stunning my penis looks in silky panties and you tell me what a hottie little sissy bitch I have become. I tell you when I'm lucky and find a perfectly...

1 year ago
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Gamer Girl Chronicles

"Argh!" Suzy yelled at the screen as she died yet again. Just as she fought the urge to throw her wireless mouse across the room, she heard chuckling in her ear. "I told you that you wouldn't be good as a Tank, babe. You're better off as ADC. Now stay in your lane and go make me a sandwich." One of her guy friends, Jake, had wanted to play Mob of Myths (or MoM for short) and she wanted to try playing a tank character rather than an ADC like usual. "The day I make you a sandwich, bitch, is the...

2 years ago
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On Your Knees Surrender

“On your knees.”The command in your voice is unmistakable, as is the firm downward pressure of your hand on my shoulder. A shudder runs through my body as I slowly sink to my knees before you.I look up to see you towering over me, gazing down at me. I recognize the smile on your face. It is the smile of one who knows that his word alone is enough to put me on my knees. My eyes fix on yours. I hear the sounds of buckles, cloth, and zippers in motion. When the sounds finally cease my eyes drift...

3 years ago
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Card Game

I'm a late forties married milf with an overactive sex drive. I have a job that takes me out of town some with overnight travel. That's my playtime. I had been playing some online card games for a few years on a site where you can chat with other players during the games. I'd been flirting with a man named Jerry for a couple of years. We'd always talked about what it would be like if I traveled to his town and the things we would do; flirtatious sexy talk. So when I found out I would be going...

4 years ago
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GF Pegged Me

It all began when Cindy stuck her finger up my ass. She was running her tongue lightly up and down the shaft of my cock, but paused for an instant to gauge my reaction. I moaned slightly, appreciatively. It felt good. She smiled and began slowly moving her finger in and out.We were naked on her bed in her apartment on a Saturday morning, the sunlight streaming in through her bedroom windows. At first, I wasn't fully awake, although Cindy did a fine job of waking me up. She had started nibbling...

1 year ago
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Stocks BlondesChapter 3 I hate funerals

I don’t want to ever lose a friend again. I don’t want to have my heart pulled out through my throat again. I don’t want to watch them die again. Please, God, is that too much to ask? I feel so miserable. It’s not enough that I had to go say goodbye to Angel, I had to deal with all the drama, too. Two jerks at a funeral The funeral was at one o’clock. I guess they set these times so people can take a late lunch and still get back to work for most of the afternoon. I went into the office...

4 years ago
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About me

Would you like to know a little bit about me? Okay, my name is Nikki and I am a 5’4” TS/CD (5’8” in heels LOL). I weigh about 145 lbs, have brown eyes, brown hair, and am pretty fit (at least I'd like to think I am; I play indoor soccer during the winter and baseball during the summer). I am also d**g and disease free and very discreet. Oh yeah, I am also very meek and very submissive (kinda like a little school girl)!As far as my appearance is concerned, I wear make-up (including lipstick and...

1 year ago
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Spring Break

I knew it was going to be a different Spring Break when I saw the 6'3" 250 lb guy climbing onto the balcony of our second-floor room at the Holiday Inn. My two buddies, Jeff and Rollie, and I were heading out for some food, but I figured we might want to check on the action outside. The big guy waved at us and proceeded to look up. I headed over, opened the sliding glass door and asked him what was going on. Big grin. "I'm tryin' to climb to those chicks on the 6th floor." I looked up. There...

2 years ago
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A Reluctant HeroChapter 5

November 10, 2013 – 3 Miles west of Baker Lake Josh stirred while it was still dark outside. His bladder was full, so he had to go outside to relieve himself. Clouds had rolled in overnight. The soft, damp ground now crunched when Josh walked across it. The temperature had dropped below freezing overnight. Josh hustled back inside and burrowed into his warm sleeping bag. The sun was up over the mountains on the far side of Baker Lake when Molly woke up. Josh was softly snoring. She pulled...

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Sometimes You Just Want to Fuck

Sometimes You Just Want to Fuck By Brindle Chase Life gets so hectic at times, that I forget to relax and enjoy it. I’d stop to smell the roses, but it seems like there is a bill collector behind every bush. Work and no play, makes me cranky, and I didn’t have time for relationships. We all feel that need to get laid, to let off some steam. I’m not a slut, but I can be, when I need it badly. Like everyone else, I have a threshold and when I hit that cap, I need to get some. This was one of...

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 19

"You ran your own business? I had the impression you worked for a bank on Earth!" "Not quite. I saved most of my pay during enlistment, so I had a basis for starting a business operation. I set myself up as a money-lender at reasonable rates, to be a benefit to the community I came from. I undercut all the commercial competition and became the lender of choice for practically everyone in the area. Once I could afford to branch out, I helped people to set up their own local businesses, and...

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The Beauty And The King I

Carol King was the lesbian who used to pass as a man. Big Bro procured call girls for her every week. One night, however, he demanded a raise in his commission for obtaining the call girls as her sexual partners. Carol reluctantly made the deal with him before taking Dee as her girlfriend for 72. The prolonged GFE session turned out to be a momentous opportunity for both the girls to accept each other as life partners. Cast of Characters:Title Characters:Carol Maxine King AKA Carlos Maxwell...

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Finally I moved in with Ray

Hello people, this is Rajesh, a 25-year-old Bisexual boy from Hyderabad living in Melbourne. If you have , you must know that Ray and I are in a relationship. But we live in different houses (neighbors). Finally, we have decided to move in together. My readers, you must have also known Selina (Ray’s mother). She’s a real estate agent. We somehow conveyed our idea to Selina. She was ok with it and agreed to find us a place in a neat and quiet suburb. One day I invited Ray’s parents (Selina and...

Gay Male
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Dangerous Paths Ch 04

“You ready, baby?” Rob asked when he walked inside Trinity’s apartment. It had been three days since he last fucked her and could feel his dick harden just by being inside her house. Rob couldn’t go more than a few days without some sort of sexual release, but he knew he would have it once he got her to the guesthouse. “Yeah Rob I’m ready. This is my last bag. Fingers got the rest of them yesterday.” She gave him a small fake smile. “It isn’t going to be so bad. Damn you act like it’s the end...

1 year ago
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GirlsOnlyPorn Alex Coal Freya Parker Jessie Saint Come Out And Play

Jessie Saint has two roommates, Freya Parker and Alex Coal, who are in an open relationship. Freya and Alex suspect that Jessie bats for their team, too. Their feelings are confirmed when they are doing yoga in the yard and realize that Jessie is watching them. Freya and Alex try to invite Jessie to join them, but she makes a hasty retreat. Later, when Jessie is in the kitchen, Freya and Alex try again. They wait for Jessie to get settled with her tea, then they strut out to join her wearing...


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