Caving free porn video

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Hannah’s insufferably girly script stared at me from the slip of paper in my hand. There was only one word on it.


Followed by a heart with a toothy smiley-face in it which I couldn’t easily look away from. It was the eyes. They were following me when I moved the paper around in my hand, like those of a haunted painting.

Ugh. I gave the back of Hannah’s head another glare and, for the hundredth time, mentally repeated the argument we’ve had over and over this last month. Only this time I won and ended up happily going to IKEA to buy some scented candles like I had originally planned instead of caving and going… well, caving with Hannah and her entourage on the occasion of her 23rd birthday in a “Party Cave” (which, Hannah reassured me repeatedly, was not a euphemism for a certain body orifice but a trendy party location some fifty miles north in the hills which she had booked for that night).

My aunt Mel, Hannah’s mom, had pleaded with me. She was worried for her wild child of a daughter – who was not a child child any more (at least legally speaking) – and I was so responsible and mature and could I please just go to the party to keep an eye or two on Hannah for her and I was literally the only person on this whole planet who could help her out and so on and so forth.

Mel was the kind of person you couldn’t say ‘no’ to without feeling guilty about having made her sad. It was a quality she had passed on to Hannah, except that Hannah had weaponized that shit. Hannah already somehow managed to make you feel guilty if you didn’t enthusiastically say ‘yes!’ to all of her suggestions right away.

Still, being so mature with full 29 years under my belt and having been subjected to my cousin’s (and aunt’s) psychological warfare for decades already, I had stood my ground for quite some time. Five weeks, to be exact.

“But it’s going to be so much fun, Peepee!” Hannah had repeated over and over until the most offensive word in the sentence wasn’t the nickname-atrocity she had made of my real name (Piper), but the word ‘fun’.

We were spending a day and a night in a goddamn cave. Under a mountain. Like the dwarves in Moria, and we all know how that ended, didn’t we?

We cannot get out. We cannot get out. We hear drums, drums in the deep. They are coming…. through the main entrance because there’s no emergency exit in this cave.

Fun. So. Much. Fun.

I mean, yes, the "Party Cave" was furnished and stocked, equipped with all the necessary amenities because it served as a location for social events such as this one quite frequently, so while there was still plenty of natural cave-ness to it, it wasn’t exactly a dirty hole in the ground and the likelihood of encountering Balrogs was, frankly, very small. There were natural pools full of crystal clear mountain water that painted shivering bands of reflected and refracted light onto the cave walls, stalactites and stalagmites around them, which was indeed very pretty to look at. There were steaming hot springs and vast domed halls with amazing acoustics and everything, and not a single bar of reception on your cell phone – an unforgettable location for one’s birthday for sure.

It almost made me forget how I was ever so slight (read: very) claustrophobic and generally didn’t do too well thinking about how there were millions of metric tons of porous soil, stone and earth with several more millions of tons of timber perched precariously above us, and definitely not as many millions of cubic tons of breathable air down here with us. I was also not a fan of bats (or, more specifically, of rabies and/or histoplasmosis – yes, I googled that), spiders, pill bugs and all the other millions of creepy crawly critters, both seen and unseen, whose domestic peace Hannah’s party was disrupting.

Most certainly, the creepiest, crawliest critters were the guys Hannah had invited to her party, though. And - lucky me! - I’d get to bunk up with them in one of the “sleeping nooks”, because pairing random strangers up to spend the night uncomfortably closely together was Hannah’s idea of “fun”.

My critter of choice was Logan, apparently.

Was it just me or did the smiley in the heart look a lot like Pennywise?

I mean – speaking of Pennywise – I should probably be glad I hadn’t drawn Mitch from the hat. Or Brent, for that matter (shudder). But Logan was also a complete stranger in whose uncomfortably close proximity I didn’t really want to spend the night. If I were a lucky person, I would’ve ended up with Kayleigh, or Soo-Lin, or any of the handful of other girls.

But no. Logan.

He caught my eye over the hubbub of Mackenzie revealing that she’d pulled Jackson out of the hat – the girls were location-appropriately making noises that came close to bat frequency, and I winced – and grinned into his bottle of beer.

That grin made him look five years younger than he was – therefore he landed on roughly 16. Good grief. I wondered if he had finished kindergarten yet, and exactly when I had become an adult-y sort of adult who wanted people off her damn lawn.

For reasons unknown to me, Hannah had thought it necessary to invite a dozen kids. Maybe that was just the veritable Methusela in me talking but even Hannah seemed positively pubertal to me – and then she surrounded herself (and, by virtue of invitation/coercion, me) with boys and girls who were two, three years younger than even her…? Made me wonder whether she was trying to compensate for something.

In any case, I felt like the only grown-up at summer camp, if summer camp had a mini-bar.

Granted, all the boys of said summer camp, including my designated sleeping nook partner, were taller than me by six to twelve inches, wide enough in the shoulders to be forced to enter this cave sideways, and weighed about fifty to a hundred pounds more than me. Which begged the question how I could possibly honor Aunt Mel’s request and do something in the (likely) event that any of them did something really stupid.

I had a brief idea of stripping naked in front of them, thereby bringing the brawl to a comical screeching halt. Yeah, right. I sipped on my own beverage and smiled to myself.

As the evening progressed (at a crawl, accompanied by music that was too loud in these acoustics and forced you to yell and repeat your words all the damn time, and alcoholic beverages that were either too thin or too sweet for my taste), the host and guests started to become shouty for no reason other than their being drunk, and the cringey party games began.

That was when I finally reached my limit.

Between twister and beer pong to the beat of some current R’n’B-Pop-star whose name I didn’t know, I extricated myself from Sarah (a newly minted political science student who was totally into ‘edgy things’ (Ayn Rand, disestablishmentarianism) and the music of ‘my’ generation (Dishwalla, Eels)), went to get my overnight bag from where we had stashed all our stuff and headed into the showers. They were functional if a bit drafty, and too small for comfort. I may have left the door unlocked and a little ajar as I quickly cleaned up, changed into my nightclothes, brushed and flossed my teeth, and then found myself the sleeping nook that was farthest away from the party and closest to the nearest exit.

Let them figure out where I went.

The nooks were basically additional little caves carved into the main cave structure and equipped with a large, heavy curtain in place of a door – and bunks that could’ve passed as bookshelves.

Seriously, this party cave had a goddamned high-end Bluetooth stereo system. Why were the beds little 175x40cm chipboards, screwed to a hollow in the cave wall, with barely one-inch-thick mattresses on them? Did they get them from an Alcatraz yard sale or something?

The lower bunk was installed at knee height, the upper at shoulder height. The space between them – i.e. the breathing room for the person in the lower bunk – seemed ridiculously small to me (or maybe that was just my claustrophobia talking). Meanwhile, there was no obvious way to get onto the top bunk, except by stepping onto the lower one and hoisting yourself up on like you’d jump on a horse’s back without a saddle. Conversely, there was also no obvious way to get down again, except for jumping down onto the pitch-dark cave floor and hoping for the best, I supposed.

I regarded both bunks by the dim light of my cellphone’s glow – because there were also no lamps – and chewed my lip. I didn’t want to be boxed in, and I really didn’t want Logan’s 170 pounds balanced on a flimsy piece of driftwood above me, but I also didn’t want to be stuck on the top bunk. If I fell off, it’d be a good sight more awful if it was from the top.

It was choosing between cholera and the plague and I wished I could turn back time and bring my sleeping back and yoga mat - or, you know, just call aunt Mel and Hannah last minute and pretend I had caught some awful stomach bug and couldn’t come caving with the kids due to projectile vomiting and bloody diarrhea.

I sighed wistfully and chose the bottom bunk, curled up and tried to ignore the slightly musty smell of the sheet and the way the blanket always left one foot cold. I closed my eyes and let my mind drift.

Or I tried to.

I caught myself listening to the music that vibrated eerily through the cave system, and to the steady creak of the mattress below me caused by the rise and fall of my own ribcage. I sighed and huffed, tossed and turned, boxed the too-limp pillow and ended up glaring at the underside of the bunk above me with an annoyance-induced headache pulsing between my eyebrows. My shoulders and neck felt like there was a too-taunt piano wire running through them. The air felt so tight against my face, it made me nervous.

Luckily, it occurred to me, there was a cure for headaches, tension and sleeplessness.

So I turned onto my back and got as comfortable as possible, then let my legs fall open just a little, nudging my mind into a certain direction.

Years of doing this practically every night before bed like a ritual had primed my brain. I barely had to recall a feeling, a touch, a look, an idea I had in the past few days, and the gentle heat began to stir and rise. I slid a hand into my panties and touched myself right there, just once. My pussy clenched once in response, waking up quickly. I focused on my breath.

Alright. I was in a cave. I could work with that.


Caves had… cavemen.

Cavemen fighting for the last female they had caught – me.

I smiled into the darkness. Silly, but also… kinda hot.

I could imagine myself having been dragged into this cave by the ankle by a hulking, hairy guy with flinty eyes – oh, the eyes were so important – only to be surrounded by a handful of other men. They communicated with aggressive grunts and menacing body language. Loincloths came off as they apparently compared cock sizes.

I bit my lip and stifled another smile, huffing a laugh through my nose. 

I would get up from where my first captor had deposited me and walk right into their midst, quickly shedding my own clothing as I went.

No need to fight, boys. There’s enough of me for everyone.

The tallest of them would step forward first, touching my hair. I would turn to him, only to whirl around when another touched my lower back, and then my shoulder, and my ass, and my flank, and my tits…

I sighed silently. Many hands touching me, many bodies pressing into mine – eventually, many mouths nipping and kissing my skin, hot breaths tickling the fine hairs on my neck – was a recurring motif. Usually, those hands were not gentle but rough and big and sure. They grabbed firm hold and squeezed and slapped and pulled and pushed me.

I slid a hand underneath my sleepshirt and grabbed my left boob, hard, then pinched and twisted the nipple between my thumb and index, just a little painfully. My cavemen would bite me there, I was sure, and they would suck so vigorously my skin would be mottled with red marks… My mouth fell open on a soundless moan.

And the curtain of the sleeping nook slid to the side and the dim glow of a cellphone display illuminated the bolt hole. Logan shuffled in and pulled the curtain shut behind him.

I quickly turned my head on my pillow so my face was toward the cave wall and lay absolutely still – except that my heart was hammering loudly enough to drown out the beat from the music still thumping through the cave, and that I was breathing way too hard. Shit. Shit shit shit. Was the blanket thick enough to conceal the fact that my knees were splayed wide, one hand was on my tit and the other in my panties? God. Embarrassing. Despite the cool air, sweat was breaking out on my upper lip.

Mouth dry as a desert, I tried to listen for Logan through the panicked beat of my pulse. He lurched around in the half-dark just as I had a couple of hours before – except that he was probably a bit more drunk than I was – and deposited his overnight bag somewhere near the wall with a dull thump. Through my eyelashes and behind my closed eyelids I registered the way his phone light swung around this way and that, skimming over my body and then away. Eventually, he stood right by our bunks – a cloud of shower smell wafted over me – rummaged around on top with the pillow, blanket and sheets, and then hopped and pulled himself up with a low grunt of effort.

The bunk creaked under his shifting weight and I swallowed nervously, momentarily doubting the wisdom of picking the bottom bunk after all. Then again, if someone had died a horrible bunk-squashing death in this cave before, the yelp reviews wouldn’t have been that good, surely? And bigger people must’ve spent the night here already, too. Logan wasn’t fat or anything, just--- tall, wide and heavy because all those muscles had a certain weight.

My sleeping nook partner audibly arranged his body on the narrow cot above me for quite some time. I didn’t envy him. The bed was almost too small for me, and I was basically a standard-sized human being. Then again, young whippersnapper that he was, he could probably sleep on a spiral staircase and wake up well-rested and fresh as a flower.  

Finally, after a couple of minutes, he stilled and silence fell in our little nook. Only the party sounds that went on and on and on could be heard.

I dared to turn onto my side and take my hand off my boob even though I kept cupping my pussy with the other for sensitivity reasons. I closed my eyes and tried to find a way to relax in spite of the presence of my newly acquired upstairs neighbor-with-the-shittiest-timing and the way I thought I could hear him breathing.

“So,” his voice suddenly rang out from above, so loud and rich and seemingly close in the echoing cavern that I flinched violently. “You gonna finish? Or, like, should I wait for you…? We can finish together if you want. Y’know, I can hold back for quite a long time.”

I stupidly held my breath for several long seconds – as if he’d think I was sleeping if I didn’t make a sound. Gosh, this night was bringing out the very best and brightest in me, wasn’t it?

Eventually, I exhaled explosively. Actually, fuck this night. Fuck this day, and this night, and this guy. Starting tomorrow, I vowed to myself, I would avoid Hannah and aunt Mel for the rest of my life, and any of these crazy party kids by default.

“What’re you talking about?” I all but growled. My voice was already deep and rough with sleep even though I hadn’t slept a wink yet, and my words slurred a little, contributing nicely to the general attitude I was trying to convey. I actually sounded like his noisy ass had just woken me up.

Logan huffed a laugh. “You know ‘what’, Peepee.”

I rolled my eyes at the nickname and his lame attempt to goad me with it – like he could hold a candle to Hannah in that department. Amateur.

“Go the fuck to sleep, Logan.” 

“I can’t,” he drawled and audibly shuffled around, stretching his body out on the too-small cot. “I got a boner.”


“Fascinating,” I replied drily. “I’m sure it’s happened to you before. It’ll go away soon.”

“So long as I can smell your pussy from up here, it won’t.”

My eyes and mouth flew open as a heated flush shot through me and into my cheeks.

Wow. What a douche!

“Breathe through your mouth, then?” I suggested testily. “Like you do every day.”

That made him laugh, which intensified the warmth in my cheeks for no apparent reason. Using his noisy guffawing as a cover, I pulled my fingers out from between my legs and surreptitiously brought them to my nose.

Well. Uhm. There was definitely a smell. The usual, really. It wasn’t exactly perfume, but it wasn’t rank and fishy, either. And it certainly wasn’t poignant and intense enough to carry through several feet of earth-and-stone-and-salt-scented mountain cave air. Logan, I decided, was just egging me on.

Logan stirred above me and suddenly his voice rang out even louder. “You’re smelling your fingers right now, aren’t you?” he chuckled as he poked his head over the edge of the bunk.

His voice in the almost pitch-dark, right behind and above me, so loud- I whirled and pressed myself against the cavern wall and suddenly couldn’t breathe from claustrophobia.

“Get the hell away from me!” I hollered and was shocked how loud and high-pitched my voice was.

To his credit, he immediately retreated again as if I had slapped him. “Alright! Alright. No worries. I’m staying right up here. Not going anywhere. No look, no touch. That’s fair enough.”

All was quiet after that for a bit, except for the muffled noises of the continuing party somewhere down-cave, and the sound of my own blood rushing through my head at elevated speed after that short lapse in judgment and general sense-making. God, Piper, you chicken. Hannah was right, you’re a paranoid worrywart. I grimaced in distaste at that realization.

“Seriously, though,” Logan started again just as I was starting to relax again, voice much softer and sounding just a little cautious, like he absolutely knew how much he had rattled me. “D’you mind if I take care of this?”

This being, apparently, his non-flagging erection.

I heaved a long-suffering sigh, quietly grateful for his consideration, awkward as it may have been. Maybe there was something salvageable underneath all that douchey-ness.

“I mean, you could just go to the bathroom like a normal person…?” I suggested

“I could,” he said and nothing more. I rolled my eyes again, and rolled them hard. I remembered being 13 and thinking that interpreting the semantics but ignoring the pragmatics of a question was somehow cool, too.

“Look, I’ll give you some privacy-“ I began and made to get up off my bunk. Might as well take an early toilet break, maybe change my panty liner, wash my hands and generally freshen up while I was there and he could, uh, finish what he’d started, and then I could come back and act like none of this had happened and we could (pretend to) sleep for five miserable hours and finally go home.

“I’d rather you wouldn’t,” he interrupted me.

Again my mouth dropped open. The nerve of kids these days!

“You mean,” I drawled, “you want an audience, and you don’t really care that your audience is really not into-“

“Oh, I do care very much about my audience and what they’re into,” he said.

I heard something rustle, punctuated by the creak of the mattress. That better not be the sound of your underwear sliding down, boyo.

Then again, what did I care? I was reasonably certain that he would stay put exactly were he was after my earlier freak-out, plus I was basically already on my way to the toilet. I just needed to de-tangle my legs and the blanket and-

“Would you tell me what you were thinking about?” he asked. There was a curious evenness to his tone of voice all of a sudden that stopped me in my tracks.

When I didn’t react – too stunned – he added a small “please?”, obviously not really used to the word.

“Are you… really just asking me what I’m masturbating to?” I clarified, suddenly feeling defensive. And overheated, but mostly defensive. The idea that he was recording this conversation on his phone crossed my mind.

“Yes.” He gave a sigh and I had the strong suspicion that that was the sound he made when he finally wrapped his hand around his cock. “Yes, I am.”

The most intelligent reply that came to me that instance was “Why?”

“Are you kidding me?” Logan asked, deadpan. “It’s fucking hot. Knowing what gets a girl wet? Hearing her say it? Fuck. Miles better than porn.”

“Really.” I was doubtful. And suddenly intensely dry-mouthed, too. And I was still leaving. I was. Good as gone.

“Really really,” he assured me.


“So?” he prompted.

“I-“ My voice dried up and I cleared my throat, embarrassed about the situation for no good reason. After all, we were both adults (one more so than the other), we’d never cross paths again after tonight (if I had any say in it) and nothing at all had happened yet.

I mean, nothing had happened, scratch the ‘yet’. Nothing would happen, at all, ever. I’d sooner change my legal name from Piper to Peepee than tell him about my caveman fantasy, that much was clear.

“I’ll just leave you to it, I think,” I mumbled and swung my legs out of the bunk.

“Mine’s massages,” he all but blurted, stopping me in my tracks yet again.

Okay, not what I had expected. He sounded sincere enough, too. And desperate.

“Sensual massages and such, with oil and lotion and shit. Like, I know most people think that’s girly. Even pornhub thinks that that’s for women.” He coughed, clearly a little embarrassed. “I just think it’s hot.”

“Sensual massages,” I repeated and nodded to myself. “I mean, yeah. That’s…” Definitely not a turn-off. “Yeah.” I had nothing.

“I don’t even care who’s massaging who and who’s getting massaged,” he went on. “Guy stroking girl. Girl stroking guy. Girl stroking girl… Guy stroking guy… Doesn’t matter, so long as there’s hands and skin and plenty of oil and lube.”

“Okay,” was all I could come up with. I was suddenly very certain that Logan was really quite drunk, and that I was taking advantage of him just by letting him talk. So I spoke up - “Logan, uh, you shouldn’t-,” but he didn’t hear me or ignored me.

“Best to start with the upper body…”

I couldn’t help but imagine his hands roaming up to his own wide – naked – chest and rubbing it. Suddenly, the party noises were quite annoying indeed. If it were quieter, maybe I could hear that whisper of skin against skin…

“Nice long strokes down the pecs and belly, and up to the shoulders and down the sides…” He trailed off and made a low humming noise, a luxurious sound that made me bite my lip because it tickled at my neck.

“Maybe give the nipples some attention…”

Oh, he was definitely touching himself. Pinching his own nipples right now.

Faintly, I wondered whether men liked their nipples pinched as hard as women did.

Or as I did, in any case.

I shook my head, trying to shake the inappropriate nonsense loose. “Logan-“ I said, but my voice came out somewhat hoarse.

“Yes,” he said, but I couldn’t tell if he was responding to his own name, or just encouraging himself – or the fantasy person that was currently giving him a massage, whoever they were.

“You’re drunk and I should-“ I started, but he interrupted me again.

“Hottest thing ever would be to get a massage from three people at once,” he said, his words more quiet and more agitated now. “Two to hold down my arms and legs and one to touch… hah…”

A whispered “fuck” slipped from my lips. This was surreal. Parts of me tingled in time with the creak of his bunk, no doubt caused by the pumping of his hips into his fist, and heat suffused my chest and cheeks as thoughts rose, unbidden and wild, featuring a very naked, very helpless Logan, skin glistening and twitching as he strained against the ministrations of three pairs of hands.

Three people, huh? All women? Men? Alien monsters that are bigger and stronger than him?

Does he get off on the same general idea as me with my caveman gangbang?

Does the idea of being smaller and at someone’s mercy get him off, too?

Logan groaned low as, apparently, another thought occurred to him and he blurted his words again. “Oh God, please… please, may I cum?”

“Not yet,” I heard myself say before I could think about it. I sank against the cave wall, suddenly feeling exhausted and woozy. My head was spinning. My back felt hot and sweaty against the cool stone. “Not yet, Logan.”

He exhaled shakily and the creaking of his cot quieted momentarily. He had stopped.

He had stopped jerking off because I said so.

Holy shit. Heat rolled through me in a wave at that realization.

I licked my lips and dug my fingers into my blankets as a drop of liquid spilled into my panties, a leftover from my caveman session earlier, surely. The feeling made me shiver all over.

“They…” I cleared my throat which felt strangled tight with tension. “They’re just teasing you, Logan. Barely touching you.”

There was a muffled moan. Maybe he was biting his fist. “Where?” he asked, then hurried to repeat, “Where?” as if he were afraid that I had gone away or wouldn’t answer him.

“Your thighs,” I told him. “The insides of your thighs.”

He warbled a moan.

“The crease of your hips.”

“Ah, fuck,” he hushed out and I heard the rustle of the blanket and sheets as his deliciously ticklish body jerked.

“The… the base of your cock.”

“Not the tip,” he almost whined, and I had to bite back a wicked smile. Fuck, this was so wrong.

“No, not the tip,” I confirmed.  “Not yet. They’re only touching you so gently.”

“Please.” He sounded heartbroken in the way only a desperate drunk man could.

“No.” I had never heard my voice sound like that. It was almost scary. “And slower.”

He panted through his nose like he was in pain and squirmed on his cot but I had no doubt that he was following my order no matter how much he had to fight himself to do it. Such a good boy.

“You said you could hold out for a long time, Logan,” I reminded him, feeling just a little bit evil.

“Fuck, please,” he repeated again, sounding very sorry indeed that he had been so cocky before.

“They want to see how long you can hold out,” I told him. “And how hard you can cum at the end of it.”

He moaned something about the ceiling from between clenched teeth, and after that, all he did was mewl curses and gibberish for quite some time. I kept reminding him where his imaginary masseurs were putting – and not putting – their hands, and how excruciatingly slow and gentle those hands were.

Stroking. Petting. Tapping. Barely grazing. I marveled at how each of these had its own soundtrack, how Logan’s moans and gasps and sighs changed depending on where I ordered his fingers to wander.

“How are you feeling, Logan?” I asked him after maybe ten, fifteen minutes. I was certain it felt a lot longer for him.

He choked out a miserable sort of laugh. “Please, may I cum?” he begged. “God, my balls are killing me, please…!”

I bit my tongue to keep myself from caving in all too quickly, and from breaking into hysterical, megalomaniacal giggles. 

To be fair, he begged so sweetly, it sent more heat to my core and my nipples, and he had been such a good boy. He deserved leniency.

However, the hours before that, he had been such a douchebag. And he had interrupted me. It was only fair to make him wait just a bit longer.

“You may not, Logan,” I said, and he groaned in displeasure. “But don’t you worry. They will take good care of your sore balls.”

He shuddered and moaned an “oh fuck” once he understood just what I wanted from him.

“They’ll massage them, nice and hard…”

“Please,” he gasped, and then his voice slipped into almost hilarious soprano. “Please?”

“Just a bit harder than that.”

“No, please-“

I bit my lip. “And they’ll take care of your prostate, too. They’ll massage that spot for you.”

“Ahh-oh, G—od!” He was really fighting now and it was the hottest goddamned thing I had ever heard.

“Are you going to cum, Logan?” I challenged. “Are you going to cum from stroking your balls?”

“Please!” he almost shouted and for a second I feared the others might hear him – and then I almost found myself hoping they would. They would think that I – boring “mature” wet blanket Piper – was showing this boy the time of his life behind the drawn curtain.

“Say it,” I demanded.

“I wanna cum from stroking my balls, please,” he pleaded. The visual of him on his bunk, bare from neck to knees, both hands clutched to his sac while his thick cock was lying neglected, fat and red and twitching, dripping pre-cum onto his stomach, was enough for another drop of juice into my panties. I knew I would only need to dip one finger between my legs to go over right along with him.

But not here. This was not about me. And I enjoyed the swollen, pulsing heat at my middle and how my heart raced and all my thoughts were light and fast. It was a rush. I didn’t want it to end, not for me, not yet.

“Do it,” I said, and listened with my eyes closed.

There was a heartbeat of silence, an inhalation of breath, and then Logan groaned and grunted like his orgasm was sending him momentarily back through evolution, turning him back into something that was more animal than human, wild and raw and purely a slave to its bodily functions. It was glorious.  
Even after his moaning had stopped, he kept twitching and breathing audibly for quite some time. Occasionally, he would sniffle like he’d been crying, like he had spilled some tears in his ecstasy and was wiping them away. I couldn’t help the self-satisfied smile and the deep, warm glow of satisfaction that overtook my body when I heard him mumble ‘Jesus, fuck’ with a sort of unbelieving awe, followed by a deep, content sort of snore.

Apparently, I had worn the kid out, without laying a finger on him. I chuckled to myself.

Eventually, I got up and finally went to the bathroom as I had planned earlier. A bright-eyed Piper was staring back at me in the mirror. Her face was flushed and her hair was disheveled.

She looked like someone who’d had a good time with a caveman or two. I smirked at my reflection. As it turned out, caving was fun after all.


Hello! Thanks for reading this ridiculous little short story!
I’m currently spending a lot of time in the lower bunk of a bunk bed in a room that has distinctly cave-like characteristics (think cold and drafty with bathroom acoustics), reading an unhealthy amount of alpha male romance novels (don't judge me, a girl needs to get warm somehow) – et violà! Inspiration! Hope you liked it, even though I didn't go right for the low-hanging fruit...
Leave a comment to make my cave feel a little warmer still
xo cydia


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I want Her so Badly Part 1

She is the epitome of sexy; her short black hair, those piercing light green eyes, her thin 5"8 frame with soft subtle curves at her ass and chest. I want to ravish her. She looks over at me and smiles. "Hey, Em, I'm gonna go take a shower, I'll be right back, 'kay?" "All right," I say smiling back. I watch as she walks towards her bathroom, that cute ass swaying. It kills me knowing I can't have her. We are friends, plus I have a boyfriend. But most of all, I'm a girl. But nights like these,...

4 years ago
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When Fantasy Meets Reality Part 2

It was about three months and many wonderful sessions later when Michael really rocked Sarah's world. The pair had had many sexy and exciting adventures, and Michael had made sure that his new slave didn't go unfulfilled either. In fact, she had more sex since meeting him than she ever had before! Granted, it was self-pleasure, but that didn't seem a concern to Sarah... she just thought of it as her Master commanding her to perform. And as long as she was serving him, nothing else...

1 year ago
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My Life as a Shemale Part10

Suzi and I started spending more time together as the weeks past by. I think she might have fallen in love with me but I knew little of these things. My focus was on my studies, I found that I excelled in school and it pleased me to do good. She had heard about me possibly liking sexual arousal through pain and made a plan for that. Tim was not happy but it was something I wanted to discover before I turned my back on it, even Sam had concerns but could see benefits in mental health coming from...

2 years ago
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Millies Western AdventureChapter 9

Originally, Millie intended to spend perhaps half an hour teaching Boots how to dance. What actually happened was much more complicated than that. Boots demonstrated what she knew of dancing, which consisted more of stomping and clapping and singing at the top of her lungs. Millie joined in and the natural production of endorphins began. Within a few minutes of starting, both women were laughing and panting. Boots, being energetic by nature, enjoyed the rhythms of dance though, as Millie...

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Ask Me If Im Ready Part 2 The Next Morning

The growing sunlight in Jake’s bedroom woke him gently.  He awoke feeling more contented than he had in months.  As his mind slipped from the embrace of his slumber, he felt a soft, warm, and very feminine body pressed closely against him. At first, he thought, Meredith… but she was gone.  He’d sent her away. Then who… as he came fully awake, he remembered.  This was Darby.  Darby, his precious little girl.  His daughter who he’d - and then he remembered.The guilt crashed on him like a physical...

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Experience My Nigerian BBC

My name is Rasika (name changed). I was working as an Asst Manager (Marketing) for a Bank in Kolkata. I was married which was unsuccessful. I was 28 years, very fair, with stunning looks and a perfect figure of 35-24-38. I possessed one of the best well rounded buttocks. Every man who would pass by me was bound to give me a back stare admiring my buttocks. Even at 35 years I had maintained my proportions through regular jogging and yoga exercises.It so happened that a huge export order was in...

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Ravaged in Broad Daylight At 18

Mark frowned while looking in the full length mirror. After growing a lot this past winter, none of his old clothes fit. His father, taking pity, had given him a pair of old jeans which Mark promptly cut into shorts. But, as his reflection in the mirror made startling clear, he'd cut the shorts, well, too short. His dick and balls dangled free of the denim. Discouraged, he continued looking in the mirror. He was the only boy in high school with hair on his chest, light brown like his...

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The Proposal Chapter 2

After I finished cleaning up from dinner, I went to our home office where Allie was doing paperwork. She looked up and I gave her a kiss.“Busy?” I asked.“Just paying some bills. What’s up?”“Since we have this pool, what do you think about partnering with a therapy organization to give them access for water aerobics and therapy?”“It just so happens that we’ve been contacted by a major hospital wanting to do that very thing, but they want more than pool access, they want to use our exercise...

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Tara 4 AntsChapter 10

Gazza had to smile at Bette on their first day of school. While he hadn’t attended a university back on Earth, the only real difference he could discern was that the kids were older here. Although, with the range of heights, the younger looks and slower maturity of some of the races, this too was debatable. The first-year students were herded into a large auditorium. Here they were told how privileged they were to be attending Ant University, (even if no Ant had actually ever attended as a...

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Immediately as the cloaked figures drew steel, Voss had his longsword in hand and his shield at the ready. Surprisingly, Calliope drew her own weapon- an ornate dagger from a sheath just inside her sleeve. The cloaked figure chuckled. “Little girl, you don’t thin-” So I threw a trio of darts at him to shut him up. Calliope chanted and gestured, just barely casting a Shield spell in time to deflect the enraged stranger’s counterattack. Meanwhile behind me I heard Voss and the other three...

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Cyndi, taking the reins, being the most assertive of the girls, nevertheless looked at Chuck for approval, subconsciously recognizing that it was likely up to the two of them to set the rules and limits, if any. “We all know why we are here ... anyone that wants to change their mind, ... leave now ... as, like last time ... no one is to talk about anything that happens here, except with someone that is here right now. And no cameras, no recording.” Turning to Amber, and then Rachel and May...

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The Quantum Slut A Love Story Part 2 Hidden Identities

Overnight Expression: SirI was exhausted and exhilarated after fucking Marta to the point where we both reached shattering orgasms, but I was also aware that I was crushing her. Her knees were up by her ears, and even though she was still holding me firmly around the neck, her breathing was labored. Slowly, I started to lift my weight off her with the intent of moving to a more comfortable position.“Please don’t go,” she said in a small voice. “I want you inside me. Please.”I smiled at her....

Love Stories
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Indias Daughter Ch 02

Note from author – In the first chapter, we met Nidhi Sinha, an 18 yr- old Indian girl, blessed with looks as well as brains. We tried to understand how the socio-cultural environment she was brought up in left her in a limbo between modernity and tradition. Before we start the story proper, I feel it is necessary to first explain a bit about the various aspects of Indian life, which will have a bearing on the story. ************** Along with the Egyptians and the Greeks, India is believed...

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Honey Girl

Honey Girl By Marci Manseau Chapter One - Missing Mom Hi! I'm Andy. I bet you don't know many boys who like to be girls. I'm going to try to tell you all about me here. I hope you like my story. -~- Linda, my best friend, and I were at my house after school and we were bored, as thirteen year-old kids frequently are, so we began to roam around the house. We were in my dad's bedroom when Linda opened the closet that used to be my mom's. "How come all your mom's clothes...

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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 20

I sat across from Laura and Mom at the kitchen table; the same position I had been in just a few hours earlier when I told my mom the truth about Amara and my new ability. I was filled with trepidation then, but I was even more nervous now about telling Laura. Of all the girls in my harem, Laura was the only one I had directly commanded to have sex with me. I had made Laura break up with her boyfriend over the phone while fucking her. When she returned home to collect her belongings, her...

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Maggie And LaShawn Chapter 2

"Mmm, I've been thinking about this since yesterday baby," she told him and leaned forward to kiss the head of his huge cock. "I can't wait to feel this big, fat cock in my pussy!"Still kneeling in front of him, between his legs, Maggie held his massive cock; examining it, getting to know the huge tool that would very soon be learning her as well. With one hand wrapped around the base of his cock as much as she could and her other hand cupping his big black balls, she reveled in the size...

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Evi Rei got a visitor at her door, a police detective investigating a case in her neighborhood. She invited him in to ask her some questions. Evi thought that this would be a great opportunity to come on to him. She began flashing him her tits as he questioned her. He was not able to see it the first couple of times but eventually, he caught her in the act. From there, things escalated quickly and sooner rather than later she had his cock far down her throat. Evi Res got fucked by the detective...

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Felicity Ch 21

Chapter 21. The Sisters Bond Nearly a month had passed since the late Angus MacDuff’s eightieth birthday party. He had been born on the Fourth of July and had always said the fireworks displays were in his honor. That Fourth of July they were. He had died on his seventy fourth birthday, right after the fireworks show that night. Rosa had been in bed with him when he died. Rosa died in her sleep a week after Angus’ eightieth birthday party. She was seventy-eight. All knew she was close...

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“Judy told me me we can have our way with him as long as I tell her all about it on the phone next day. “Might be a fun way to spend a holiday afternoon baby? “You and and I make love together, and we do it beautifully. When we have a third person that is just sex for sexual pleasure. “Remember outer sex only, no intercourse.” When Monday came around we were both determined to make the most of a new sexual opportunity. From the moment Jean Pierre walked into our condo we were both...

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Mothers Migraine

Jane, my mother suffers from severe migraines, during the day she would soldier on after taking medication, hoping it would suppress the pain. In the evening she would go to bed early, close the curtains, change into a nightdress, taking at least one sleeping pill, depending on the severity of the migraine, spend all night lying on top of the bed. She always left her bedroom door open I assumed a habit from listening out for me when I was a baby. Before getting into bed I would stand at her...

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New Family Secrets

New family secrets My name is ryan and this is my story. When i was fifteen my mother and step father were killed in a car accident. My aunt (my mother's youngest sister) took me in and adopted me. My aunt and uncle were welthy due to them being big time investers. Okay now that you have the rundown of how i got there I feel that i owe it to you to describe my new family. My uncle Derrick is fourty-nine stands about six foot three with salt and pepper hair and looks like he works...

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Two Moms Two Sons 30 Sandra Proves How Much She Loves Her Son And Daughter

POV Sandra We all went into the bedroom, shut the door, and I yanked Pete right to me. "How do you feel about having two wives?" I giggled, before a gap where I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm sorry, I'm trying to lighten the mood. Are you okay, son?" "Yes, Mom, but it’s kind of been that way for a while now. You're not a mistress. Gia knows all about you, and she does it with you too." "Fair enough, but I want you to always treat her as your number one, Pete. You and I have had...

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My Mom the minger

Preface: Incest stories really get me horny but every time I think about MY involvement then its an absolute turn off! Here's why... I came home from a hot afternoon trying to get layed by a new girlfriend. She had let me finger fuck her until she came but was not interested in returning the favour or any other form of sex that involved me! I had come home as horny as hell and was thinking about laying on my bed and wanking off to get some relief. I slumped down in the armchair opposite...

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The First Time Never Comes Twice

This is my story as I remember it!  A few details have been left out, but this is basically what happenedEver since I had my first period, I began thinking about sex in new and different ways. To make it simple, I was curious and wondered what it was like to have sex with a guy. By the time I was seventeen, I had blossomed physically and my new hormones took me in unexpected directions too. It's just that I didn't quite know how to deal with my newly formed assets. I was unsure of myself and a...

First Time
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African Prince 2

Chapter 2"I'm going out tomorrow evening Mikey, so you're goingto have to make dinner for yourself." Mikey's Mom saidas she scooped a big spoonful of mashed potatoes ontohis plate. As always the dinner table was set for two.The size of the house seemed so excessive to Mikey'sMom, especially since Natasha, Mikey's older sister,went away to college. Regardless, she did a good jobmaintaining it, made easier as much of the space wasnever used."You got a hot date Mom?" Mikey joked. He was...

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The Retreat Ch 06

Jess woke up late the following morning. Her body was glowing, and she grinned as she stretched carefully and became aware of tiny aches and twinges. Nick was still asleep. She watched him for several minutes before blowing him a kiss and slipping silently from his bed. She tiptoed across the hall to her own bedroom and made a beeline for the shower. She adjusted the water to her liking and stepped beneath the spray, letting it trickle over her head and face. Her giggle was girlish, as she...

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New BeginningChapter 11 Closer

“Thanks for watching the girls, mom,” Cathy said, as she came into the apartment. “So how did it go dear?” Judy asked. “Okay. He’s playing hard to get. He said something at the end about not seeing each other again. I’m sure we’ll get over it,” Cathy explained, off-handedly. Judy looked at her daughter with a confused look on her face. Cathy walked over to the girls and kissed each of them on the head. She started to pick up their coloring and puzzle books. “Come on girls, let’s go home,”...

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Our first sexy adventure part 1

My senses explode as you lie naked on the bed before me. You’re on your side on the hotel bed and I’m kneeling behind you, gazing down and loving what I’m seeing and feeling. Your body’s sensational curves shimmer in the candle light and throw erotic shadows across the room. They excite me on a daily basis but tonight your perfect breasts look better than I’ve ever seen them, so full and shapely. You really are a vision of beauty. You are, without doubt a visual and sensual treat. My eyes are...

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Alodies Dog Revelation

Alodie is just like any other 15 year old girl you might meet. Perhaps prettier than most, she had a pretty that's quickly developing into sexiness as she develops. Her small nose, bright skin, and raven black hair made the boys her age really want into her pants. Not that she would let them though. Having been on a few dates, she was rather repulsed by the total immaturity of the boys. Her C-cup breasts were almost always being stared at by the boys, who were awful at hiding their watchful...

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Watching ManonMan

When I was in high school, I considered myself bisexual. I hooked up with a lot of guys as well as girls, and what I remember from those years is that everyone was horny as hell all the time. We had all had to cope with parents, and most parents were telling us, “no-no,” while our bodies were telling us, “yes-yes!” Discovering girls’ bodies and boys’ bodies was a thrill, an endless pursuit. Not only did each one look different in some amazing way, but each felt different and tasted different....

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My Amazon Lover

I am a thirty six year old housewife, who keeps herself in excellent shape, I'm five foot one inches tall, Italian with black hair, brown eyes and I have a B cup, my tits stand up without any help, which enables me to go braless whenever the mood strikes. I am also totally frustrated, as my husband is climbing the corporate ladder and has been working weekends for the last year on various important projects, which is why I am sexually frustrated, he hasn't touched me in about a year. One of my...

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Dagger Of KijaChapter 3

Nestled in the corner of the Kugnae Palace grounds was a small stone building. Although less than half the size of the Library, almost everyone in the Kingdom thought it was remarkably large, considering that its building was entirely privately funded. The PteriDae Magic Research Facility or Pteri's School, as it was known amongst the students, was two small lecture halls and four tiny laboratories, separated by a row of offices. Tonight, the whole building was dark except for one lantern...

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My Asian Girlfriend Gangbanged by Rednecks1

As we drove farther and farther out, we saw less and less buildings until it was purely the woods. Eventually a few small houses popped up, along with some small local businesses surrounded by trees and hills. Finally, we made it the “Bubbas BBQ” in what seemed like the middle of nowhere. As we got out of the car, I kind of started to feel nervous because everyone in the parking lot that I saw was white and looked like the stereotypical "redneck". I was certain they were not used to seeing...

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Danielle friends and family 3

At noon, Kayla stood outside Danielle's house, wondering what was going to happen. Her dad had left for work before she got up and her mom had gone out so she'd busied herself round the house till it was time to visit her aunt. Because of the hot weather, she'd dressed in just shorts and a T-shirt that was stretched tight over her impressive rack."Kayla!" Billy said as he answered the door."Hi Billy. I thought you were going back to university today?" she asked stepping inside."Yeah, but mom...

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Emma Watson The Fishermans Friend

It was one of the most surreal experiences of my life. It had started off as a relaxing day of fishing out in the Bristol channel on Rory's boat. Work had been a nightmare lately and I needed to just unwind a little. I had no idea of what was ahead of me that day. We had come back into the harbor and moored up before saying good bye to James and Michael who had accompanied us out. As usual they were the first to disappear to the local pub once we were back leaving me and Rory to tie up the boat...

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Kink Scarlit Scandal Scandalous

Jake Adams is home working by himself when Scarlit Scandal shows up at his front door unannounced. Jake’s wife calls him while Scarlit is still there and Scarlit talks in the background to get him in trouble. When Jake hangs up the phone, he gets raging mad and gives Scarlit the punishment that she was asking for. He dunks her head in a fishtank, bends her over his knee, and spanks her bare ass. Scarlit gets hogtied on Jake’s couch. He pulls out his hard cock and uses Scarlit’s mouth for his...

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Beautiful Girls Come to Me ndash P1

I’m a popular hairstylist in L.A. and I style some of the most beautiful women’s hair.I love my job because I get to shampoo gorgeous women’s hair, then run my fingers through it as I style it. I never fail to get a raging hard-on, so I always wear loose-fitting pants.I’ve had blondes with long hair and short hair. I’ve had redheads with long hair who always give me fantasies of them giving me a blowjob while I shampoo their hair.But there’s one particular brunette, Julia, who has very long,...

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Sex Wanted

She needed sex bad. She advertised and met a man and they had talked about their likes. she wanted a man who could go for hours and many times and he wanted a gal willing to do what he wanted. She loved all sex and he was amazed they had connected. He would be at her house in about one hour. She met him at the door wearing a see thru nitie that showed her body perfectly. When she saw him, she was amazed as this man was her friends husband. She had made a deal to fuck him for hours. He grabbed...

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Couples Sharing in the FaithChapter 11

1965 would be the happiest, most eventful Christmas at the Hargreaves residence in years. Paul’s wife Polly died in 1961. Penny graduated college in June 1962 and was married a week later. Paul married Alice Wilcox in October of the same year. Alice had lost her husband the year before. The Hargreaves, the Wilcox, and the Cosgroves were friends since college and had swung together since the War. But after a misunderstanding dropped Aggie and Corwin Cosgrove from the group the joy of Christmas...

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DR QUINN Colleen Gets EducatedChapter 1 The Heist

The forest had been ablaze a few miles away from Colorado Springs for weeks now. All of the men and some of the women have been gone just as long fighting the flames in an attempt to save the town from destruction. Horace continued manning his telegraph, calling out on a regular basis for more manpower to fight the fires. Thanks to his diligence, over fifty new bodies have shown up in town in the past week. Some from the U.S. Cavalry, the others from mines and the railroad workers. Dr. Mike,...

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Incest Fun 4

The school year flew by. Susan gave birth to a little girl, and DNA tests showed it was her father’s. She was auctioned off to the highest bidder, giving Susan the freedom to concentrate on her own happiness, which made some of the other girls in class jealous. There were now a total of 47 parents participating in the incest/group sex orgies sponsored by Woodrow Wilson High, as well as more than 123 students. There were few rules laid out, but there were rules. Rough sex was encouraged, but...

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A Morning In Bed

When I awoke that morning, I could feel his breath on my neck as he spooned me. After laying awake for a little while, appreciating his warmth, I gently lifted the covers and slipped out from under his arms and watched as he stirred without waking and rolled over back into a deep sleep. I grabbed a shower, and as I ran my hands over my body, lathering up, it reminded me of how his hands had softly caressed me the night before. I quickly scurried to the kitchen wrapped in my towel to bring some...

3 years ago
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sex with asst manager and married woman

this story is true and happened long ago during the late 80's. I was working at Lyons restaurant in Chico Ca. the new assistant manager was a short blonde woman and she wore glasses too. I am a student going to Chico State and I worked graveyard shifts and try to study when their wasn't a whole lot of customers to take orders and serve their meals and refresh their glasses. This was summer of 1987 at that time Playboy picked Chico State as the number 1 party school and I just went through...

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Daughters DelightsChapter 32 My Turn

“Nicola, I have been told to prepare myself for the Emir,” said Gwennie, a couple of days later. “Mam!” said Nicola, shocked. “I did agree; you were there. After all, if I’m in a harem, I can’t be held responsible for what the Master orders, can I?” “Mam!“ said Nicola again. “Well if that’s all you can say, I’d better go and get myself shaved, and oiled front and rear,” her mother said, and sashayed away singing The Hills Are Alive With The Sound Of Music badly out of tune. “Oh, mam,”...

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Holiday with Mum chapter six

I went outside to breathe some fresh air and saw the girls walking arm in arm across the car park, wicked grins on both their faces."What're you two up to?" I laughed, but they just laughed and told me I'd find out later.I did too.At their request, I sat in the garden drinking a beer and thinking about my encounter at the bar while I rolled a few joints.I really didn't know how mum would react, when and if the gorgeous little teen did actually arrive with her girlfriend the following night, but...

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Union RebellingChapter 15

Kat hesitated, her mind flashing through different options. She briefly considered turning around and going back towards the passenger elevators, but rejected that option as too revealing. She didn't want Paron to know that she was aware of his spying. She was more interested in why he would be so blatant, so obvious about his interest in her. If he was a spy for InterSys, then he shouldn't have been so clumsy. Kat entered the elevator, nodding at Paron but not saying anything. They had...

1 year ago
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Giving up my virginity

This is a true story, a bit long but worth a read, I am 31 now and happily married, however when i was 25 I had just got a job at one of the reputed firms here in Goa where I stay, i was always interested in sex although i told everybody that i had sex i secretly knew that i was still a virgin. I go to the gym everyday and i can say that i have relatively good physique (6ft 2in Tall) and i have been told that i am good-looking by quite a few ladies. I used to live in a flat with my mother who...

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Orgy idea

This an idea I had based on a dream. First you sign up for the orgy then you are sent details of the next meeting giving you a time slot to arrive. On arriving you are met by the hostess who is the only person to know the identity of the people invited, she then guides you to a cubical where you can wash and undress, in the cubical is a tube of clear liquid with instructions to rub the clear liquid on your hands, feet and cock if male and your hands, feet, pussy, tits and lips if female. The...

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just do as you are told

It was only a slight sound, but enough for Jan's trained mind to know something was wrong. Ten years as a Royal Marine Commando had honed her senses, and even though she had been a civilian for two years now, they were in no way diminished. Still superbly fit she worked as a personal fitness instructor and was as hard as nails.Another sound was enough for her to know there was someone in her house. Jan slid her lithe five foot nine body from her bed and quietly opened her bedside table...

Group Sex
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The Day I Decided To Fuck My Neighbor Lady

Friends, this is my true story ,has been thinking for some time to share About me .My name is Akash hail from a small town in AP living in Chennai for quite some time.Once I visited my native to attend my niece marriage.there use to be a lady Nirmala who used to be a neighbor to my sisters house.She use to come to my sisters house very often but I never used to care about her though i had seen her many times. As part of the custom the bride has to come to uncle ( mama ) house to wear saree and...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14 E06 Grace Wong Pei Qing 33 from StokeonTrent with Dennis

We open this week’s show with a dreary, rain-soaked, grey-skied scene ... An establishing shot of a wide street, an industrial district on the edge of a large city. Long car-park/fore-courts, leading back to unexciting, single story industrial units ... Car dealerships, mechanics, etc. A large caption fills the screen, telling us that we are in: “STOKE-ON-TRENT, ENGLAND.” The caption fades as we come to rest on a car rental yard. Signage out front in green and black reads, “Enterprise...

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If you dont make mistakes you dont make anything

If you don't make mistakes, you don't make anything... My friend Steve made a mistake that got him a wardrobe full of girl's clothes. It happened at the beginning of the summer before our final year at school. We needed more money to do what guys our age do, so we both tried our parents. It felt to us like they had discussed it and made a joint decision on how to respond to us. When Stevie told me what his parents said: "It's time you learned that money doesn't grow on trees, get...

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The Things We Do For Love

The things we do for love, by Dorothy Colleen You want to hear about my first love dear? Well, I guess we know each other well enough for me to share it with you. You could say I was a late bloomer. I was 18 before it happened to me. Really? You were that young? My goodness me. You will have to give me all the juicy details soon. But you wanted to hear my story. When I first saw him, I was not really impressed. But somehow he managed to get me over to his house with some others ,...

1 year ago
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Being Caught

 The summer after Stacy and I started our relationship behind her daughter and husband's back it got more interesting. Stacy's family had a vacation house about three hours from where we lived, it was right near a river so we could spend weekends boating and tubing and just having a grand time. One weekend I had convinced Ashley to let me bring my video camera for her and I to make an amateur porno just for something to look back on and enjoy watching together. The long four day weekend came...


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