Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 93 Lily and Pat s First Time Part Two
- 2 years ago
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Friday, April 22, 2005
When I woke both girls were still cuddling me. The bedside clock showed just before 3am, so it was time for me to get up.
The worst thing about threesomes - because it's the ONLY bad thing about them - is trying to get out of bed from the middle position. It'd be trivially easy for either of the girls to get out, but from my position in the middle it's a real nuisance. I can only imagine how 'bad' a fivesome would be. I decided to clamber over Lily, as she was the smaller obstacle, had been the least tired, and was a Liaison so had 'duties', apparently including being clambered over.
[One evening, a few from now, I joked around with Julia and Carol about how I could get out of bed from the middle without clambering over one of the girls. We rejected my idea of a trapdoor that somehow dropped me through the mattress so I could crawl out from under the bed, or some sort of pneumatic rope and pulley system attached to the ceiling which could lift me up and over the girls. Julia rejected my less drastic idea of our sleeping with our heads where our feet would normally be, so I could crawl out straight over my pillow and onto the floor. Julia had pointed out that our pillows would annoyingly fall off the end of the bed during the night, and she didn't want the bedside tables to either be in the middle of the room or remain where they were, which would be inconveniently at our feet. I would have to keep clambering. Much later, I found several very cool ways to get out from the middle, the first - admittedly not as good as later techniques - only a few weeks from now.]
Both girls still had an arm over me, as they'd had when we went to sleep, so I picked each arm up and moved it out of the way, then I gracelessly - because there is no graceful way - climbed out over top of Lily. She muttered something and rolled over, but didn't wake up.
Once I was standing beside the bed, I was tempted to push Lily closer to Pat and put their arms around each other. No doubt they would sleep better that way, now that they were unconsciously used to hugging someone. I enjoyed thinking about my being so considerate, but decided against acting on the idea. I'd be having sex with them again in three hours anyway, and I suspected there'd be a decent amount of girl-on-girl contact then.
I put my robe on, and then went to do my studying via the kitchen, because I was hungry.
The printer had done its thing successfully, so I'd be immediately able to study very productively, two minds reading the lecture notes off the screen, and the other two reading the printed notes. Prof would be very please. I'd had over a year of practice doing this with schoolwork, so I knew the system worked very well.
[[The previous sentence is what I thought at the time, and it is literally true, but some problems with the "Divide and Conquer" system did emerge in a few days. I'll explain my use of the technique a little more fully so when it does go wrong, you won't think I've been deceptive or inconsistent. We didn't actually use the "Divide and Conquer" approach to study discrete subjects at school because we wanted all our minds to be able to 'carry their weight' by contributing to assignments and exam questions. Keeping all of my minds up to date with every subject wasn't difficult: We rotated which of my minds was on duty for each class to minimize our knowledge gaps for each subject, we did a small amount of revision most evenings to spot and fill any gaps, and classwork was slow enough that all my active minds could keep up reasonably well just by tuning into the class occasionally, even if some of us were working on something else in the class (remember that we can 'talk' internally, so if a mind was doing homework for some other subject and only half-comprehended something from the current teacher had just said, he could immediately ask the other minds to clarify the material). The mind that was on centering duty for each class was the most disadvantaged when it came to understanding what was taught that period because although he'd heard and seen it, we'd trained ourselves not to think about anything when on duty. Despite the thoughtlessness, even the on-duty mind had absorbed enough of the material that subsequent revision of it was quickly able to fill in any understanding gaps. In short, we didn't Divide and Conquer entire school subjects for an entire year, but did almost constantly divide up short-term tasks, so we knew the technique worked very well. It was because we employed that technique so constantly for almost everything we did during the day that we didn't make the effort to think about how we were using it for the college courses. Had we done so, we would have realized that there were a couple of fundamental differences in that situation which would later cause us trouble, one of which was our powering linearly through all the lectures as fast as we could.]]
Dividing my minds this way is particularly suitable with a good subject such as Math. It wouldn't matter if half as many minds know how to do something because in math, if you know something, then you KNOW it. Knowing it four times wouldn't make me do any better in exams. The only downside for not knowing something with all four minds is I might have a little trouble leapfrogging questions in a quiz or exam if too many of the questions on a page require the same minds. That's pretty rare and I can always flick ahead a page, so I'm not too worried about it. Certainly not enough to justify halving my studying speed.
I'd started printing this morning's third lecture as soon as I'd arrived in the study, but I discovered that the printer was very fast compared to our one at home, so the printing time for a lecture was considerably less than the time it took me to read one. I changed to printing lecture n+1 just before I began studying lecture n (I'm in the mood to express myself algebraically). I could've printed all the lectures out in one long print run so I wouldn't have to bother with the repetitive little breaks, but I quite liked having several little breaks - I called them "cookie breaks".
During my morning's work, I hit a problem in calculus. The course assumed some knowledge that I didn't have, so it was probably a 12th grade topic. It wasn't explained in the college textbook either, presumably because it also assumed the knowledge. I was meant to leave Prof a textbook 'flag' outside his bedroom to ask him to come and help me when he got up, but I was going to be boinking Lily and Pat at that time. Calculus is fun, but it can't quite compete with having threesome sex. Besides, Julia had told me I had to boink the girls again before breakfast, so I had no choice. For a few seconds I was stumped about what to do, then I thought to google the problem area. This isn't something I do much of at home because I study in my bedroom, and if I do make the effort of going to our PC, our dial-up is painfully slow and we're restricted on how long we're allowed to stay online. It turned out that there's lots of mathematical stuff available online, and I quickly found the solution to my block. Isn't the internet cool? Sex AND math are both readily available; it can't get much better than that!
The only other noteworthy point is that I achieved an excellent rate of "lectures per hour". It looked like it'd only take me about a month to get all the posted lectures done, depending on how much time I 'lost' to sex. During that month the live class would have a few more lectures, increasing my target slightly, but it'd only take me one or two more nights to knock the new ones off. If I finished the two courses in a month, then the last month before exams (they were two months away) would be boring because I wouldn't have enough to do. I wondered whether there'd be any merit in starting a third course. I'd talk with Prof about it over breakfast.
I studied until a natural stopping point, at about 6:10. I figured a few extra minutes of sleep for the girls wouldn't cost me anything, as I didn't think they'd have enough stamina to last through to breakfast time anyway.
Back in the bedroom, I removed my robe and enjoyed the sight of the two girls cuddling in their sleep. Some time since I'd left, Pat had moved into the middle of the bed, and both girls now had their hands on each other (I'd lifted the covers to check).
I had to walk around to Lily's side of the bed to grab some rubbers out of that bedside drawer, it being 'my' side when just Julia and I sleep here. I grabbed several packets and carried them around the other side of the bed, putting them in Julia's drawer so there'd be some within easy reach in the future. I put one on too, as I was already hard in anticipation of what was shortly to follow.
I chose to snuggle in behind Pat, for a number of reasons. That it was side of the bed with the most room was a good reason, but I also wanted to wake Pat first so she'd discover that she and Lily were cuddling. If she was embarrassed about that, it was better done while Lily was still asleep, but if it pleased her, then it was best to let her see it. Lily was so cooperative I didn't have to worry about - what Julia would call - "manipulating" her, whereas I did need to "encourage" Pat to get into girl-on-girl sex.
Pat was sleeping on her side facing Lily, so I could spoon with her very nicely. If, after I started kissing and fondling her, she got wet enough for my hard cock to slide into her, then so much the better. That was, in fact, my plan. One of the advantages of this position (and there are many) is that it's initially very romantic, as everyone seems to love spooning, and then - once the right mood has arrived - it also permits very sexual contact.
It also makes it very easy to caress the girl's breasts - another good reason for me to get into the bed behind Pat - so it's a good position, and one I was soon in. I inserted my cock through Pat's upper-thighs, laying it alongside and against her pussy so I could stimulate that with small hip movements later. My top hand gently caressed one of her breasts, and my other hand stroked her hair. I lightly kissed and licked her neck and shoulder until she awoke.
As soon as she started waking, I gave her a welcoming squeeze, saying, "Good morning, beautiful."
She wasn't in a hurry to wake the rest of the way up, feeling warm and comfortable, and perhaps still somewhat tired. But after a few seconds, Pat said, "Mmm. I'm still here. This is nice."
"I think so. It's also nice to see you and Lily so comfortably holding each other." I had recentered, and could just discern Pat's attention move to her hand and to Lily's hand on her hip.
Pat said, "It IS comfortable. I didn't know I was doing it, but I feel good about it. Not as good as I feel in your arms, but still good. You're on the other side of me, so did you get up in the night?"
"Yes, I did some studying, like I said I would."
"Oh. Lily and I thought you might be too tired, because you fell asleep so quickly last night."
"I always," for the last three weeks anyway, "fall asleep instantly. It doesn't matter whether I'm tired or not. I would've explained that to you last night, but I thought both of you were too tired to talk anymore."
"Yeah, you tired us out pretty good. Lily tried to say something to you but you were already asleep. We joked about tiring you out, then we fell asleep."
"I hope you're rested now, because I'm feeling very 'romantic'."
Pat wiggled her hips then said, "Yes. I can feel your romance sticking between my legs."
She wiggled her hips again, which I chose to interpret as body language for, "Go for it, Big Boy."
My top hand was on her breast, which I thought was a perfectly good place for it. My lower hand was stroking her hair, which was a silly waste of a hand, so I pulled it back to push under her waist. I bent my elbow around so my hand was on her pussy, and so both my arms could hold her tightly to me when we get more vigorous.
Pat put her left foot flat on the mattress, and bent that knee upward so that leg's thigh was now well separated from her lower leg's thigh, giving me very good access to her pussy. We initially couldn't kiss easily, but with her twisting her upper-body and head, and with my leaning over her somewhat, we were able to kiss well. (It really is a very good sexual position, being one of my favorites.)
I threw most of the covers down the bed so I could see what was happening. If Lily got cold, and woke up, then that'd save me from having to make enough noise to wake her. Because - for sure - she was going to be woken very soon. I wanted Lily to join in, especially as Pat's body was facing her making girl-on-girl action very easy (it's a VERY good position). I was caressing Pat's breasts and pussy, eager to get through the foreplay preamble quickly. I could see that Pat's hands were under-employed, so I told her, "Play with Lily's breasts. She'll wake up soon, and she'll enjoy doing so with you touching her." (I hoped.)
Pat moved to do so, which was very easy because the girls were an ideal distance apart. She asked at the same time, "Are you sure?"
Was Pat asking whether I was sure Lily would be waking up soon, or whether I was sure she would like to wake with Pat touching her breasts? Lily WAS going to wake soon. I'd start hitting her with a pillow if necessary. Whether she'd like the breast contact I was less sure of, but I was sure she wouldn't complain about it, so I said, "Absolutely."
It took an unsurprisingly short time for my hand to feel that Pat was getting wet. I hoped part of the reason was her emerging bisexuality. Only my hand could feel her moisture unfortunately, because of the damned rubber. Making love to Julia is SO much better, including because no rubber was needed. Carol would be starting her pills in about a week, and I was eagerly looking forward to going rubberless with her too. I wished there was a way to do without rubbers, but unwanted pregnancies and various horrible diseases are pretty effective inducements to be sensible. And pretty good things NOT to think about at times like this, so why am I?
I slid the hand I had on Pat's pussy a little deeper between her legs, and used its fingers to angle my cock straight at her pussy. I moved my hips forward, until my cock was just entering her.
"Oh yes!" Pat exclaimed, answering my unvoiced concern about whether I was going to fast. I slid all the way into her and Pat repeated herself even louder.
My head was lying on the pillow directly behind Pat's as I nuzzled her neck, but I was close enough to Lily to proximity sense her waking up. To repeat the little tease of last night, I said, "Good morning, Lily."
Pat looked at Lily, who only then opened her eyes. Pat said, "You did it again!" Although Pat was looking at Lily, the "you" was obviously me.
Lily smiled, then looked down at her breasts, seeing Pat's hands on them. Looking back at Pat, Lily said, "GOOD morning, {giggle}. Why your hands stop, Pat?"
Pat started moving them again, saying, "Mark surprised me. He knew you'd woken up again. How do you do that, Mark?"
"I notice things." Which is true, I'd just failed to specify which sense I notice them with. "I thought I'd greet her this time, as I was too busy to go get my shoe." I gave Pat a couple of particularly hard thrusts, to remind her of what we were doing. It's not good for my ego when the girl forgets that I'm boinking her!
Lily had been happily positive about Pat's touching her, so I invited her to participate in something I've done a couple of times with my two wives. I said, "Lily, lean forward and give us a three-way kiss."
I kissed Pat on the corner of her mouth, while Lily moved forward to take me up on my invitation. Pat's head shrank back a little, but I considered it mostly from surprise. I kept my mouth in contact with hers, and in a couple of seconds Lily's lips met ours. Three-way kisses are silly as you can't get a real kiss out of them. They are fun occasionally though, and - more usefully this time - a good way to break the ice. We played around with it for a few seconds, then I gave Lily a serious one-on-one kiss, then I pulled back, and left it to the two girls.
Lily looked at me, then Pat, then me again. I smiled and nodded toward Pat. Lily looked back at Pat, then moved forward to kiss her. Pat accepted it, and within a few seconds both the girls had entered into the spirit of the occasion. I closely watched the serious kissing that the girls had going. My cock lurched, which reminded me of this morning's agenda. I didn't have a lot of time to play around, so pulled my head back, grasped both of Pat's hips, and went for it.
Lily's kisses and caresses of Pat's breasts were VERY helpful, and Pat's climax only took a few minutes. As soon as Pat had cum, I leaped over her, pushed Lily onto her back, hoisted her legs over my shoulders, and started hammering her.
Pat recovered from her climax a few seconds after I'd started on Lily. Pat was still on her side and close to us, so I put my right hand around Pat's shoulders and pulled her closer and downward. Pat rotated as much as slid, as intended, so her head ended up lower than Lily's. I told Pat, "Suck on Lily's nipples."
Pat's eyes opened wide at that.
Lily exclaimed, "Yes! Please, Pat."
Pat's mouth didn't have far to go, but she closed the distance slowly. If she was slow because she thought either of us would object, then she was very wrong. As with the kissing, once things got going and Lily was making appreciative noises, Pat became more enthusiastic, which made Lily even more appreciative, which... (you get the idea, including that I was getting quite appreciative myself).
Neither girl had done these sorts of things before. Lily didn't hesitate to do anything I wanted, but Pat found each new escalation scary, and had to be gently pushed into it. As much as I like obedient girls - which is a LOT - I found Pat's slowly crumbling reluctance much sexier and more exciting than Lily's immediate obedience. Don't ask me why. Clearly there has to be an explanation, the only other alternative being that guys are illogical, but I'm too busy to work it out now.
Both girls were enjoying themselves, especially Lily. Very soon Lily was well on her way to her climax. Near the end she grabbed Pat, and pulled her up so they could kiss while Lily came.
Immediately after that, I pushed Pat onto her back, and repeated the same position I'd just finished with Lily.
Pat said, "Oh." She can't be very smart if she was surprised. She should've known me well enough by now to expect this.
I said, "And now Lily can return the favor, by sucking your beautiful breasts, Pat."
Lily took the hint and started doing so. Soon Lily was using her mouth on one breast and her hands on both. Pat was having another good time.
After about ten minutes of this, when Pat's body was starting to twitch and she was moaning more than talking, Lily took her mouth off Pat's breast, started sliding her right hand down Pat's body, and told Pat, "I touch you down there."
"Ohhhhh," groaned Pat. Lily's hand reached its destination, and Pat's hips rose to help reinforce her contact with Lily's hand.
Lily started stroking Pat pussy. I reached down and corrected Lily's finger positions, and moved her hand a few times for her, to show her what Pat liked best at this stage of her arousal. Pat moaned, "Yes. Like that. Just like that." I let go of Lily's hand and she continued unassisted, to Pat's verbal encouragement. Lily put her mouth back on Pat's nearest breast, and that was how we all were when Pat's climax hit her a couple of minutes later.
I placed Pat's legs back on the mattress to either side of me, then reach across and put a hand around each of Lily's hips. I lifted her, and pulled her hips back toward me, laying her down so her body was on top of Pat's. After a little adjustment, Lily was perfectly lined up, lying face down on and face to face with Pat. Actually more like face to neck because I'd lined up their hips and Lily was shorter than Pat. I had already spread Lily's legs to the outside of Pat's so it was very easy for me to slide my cock into Lily's pussy. I was holding Lily's hips up, to take most of her weight off Pat, so I had all the control I needed to start giving Lily another good 'seeing to'.
Pat joined in, leaning forward enough to start kissing Lily. I lowered Lily so the girls' clits came into contact with each other, my thrusts into Lily causing her to rub back and forth on Pat. Their moans and cries of "God yes!" telling me what they thought about that.
I didn't have such a good angle into Lily anymore, but sliding my knees back farther improved that, and soon I was thrusting at a more downward angle into Lily. The angle, making Lily and Pat even happier. They were repeatedly informing me of that fact, when they weren't too busy kissing.
Fortunately, for my ego's sake, Lily came first, otherwise I'd have been questioning how effective my cock-work was. Lily came first, and she came MOST. She REALLY let loose. The girls were getting each other very excited (I like to think I was helping too), so each of their orgasms was getting more and more impressive. This one blew Lily's fuses, and part way through her screaming, she suddenly decided to have a little nap.
When Lily collapsed on Pat, I pulled out. Pat moaned at the cessation of activity. I ignored her moan, knowing that she'd be back in action in a few seconds.
Then Pat noticed that Lily was totally limp. Pat said, "Has Lily passed out again?"
"Yep. She denied it last night, but I think she must be the fainting type."
Pat and I joked around about that while I picked Lily up and turned her around so I could put her on the bed, on her back and with her head toward one of the bottom corners, so her body was diagonally across the bed. Lily was still out of it, but Pat was excited and fully aware, although getting tired. I could see her trying to puzzle out what was going to happen next. I'd been faithfully alternating orgasms between the girls, so it was Pat's turn now but I'd taken quite a lot of time to arrange Lily. I walked back around the bed to Pat's side, climbed on and walked on my hands and knees over to her. I kissed her a couple of times, then asked, "Having a good time?"
The poor girl visibly struggled for words. Her mouth opened, and for a second nothing came out. She eventually decided on, "God yes! Last night was the best sex I've EVER had, and this morning's is EVEN better! When Lily and you are both doing me, it's AMAZING! I can't BELIEVE how..."
She'd had trouble starting her answer, but once started, I thought she'd never stop. I jumped in with, "We've got time for one more cum for each of you, so I want to make it the best I can." Actually we had more time than that, because we'd been very quick this morning, largely because the girls were turning each other on so much. I only wanted one more each mostly because I thought the girls needed some quality hugging and chatting time, to finish on a good emotional note. The physical side of things had been a great success, and I was going to build on it. I'd seen enough romantic shows on TV - the penalty of living in a family with so many females in it - that I knew females like that sort of stuff. I wouldn't normally talk to girls about emotional stuff, because I'd be certain to mess everything up, but I actually felt quite confident about my little plan. I had a good idea what sort of thing to say, and I could keep the focus very narrow and on a subject I felt comfortable talking about. But for now, on with the sex! I explained to Pat how I wanted her to move.
When she finally grasped what I was suggesting, she was shocked. "I've NEVER done ANYTHING like that before. I don't think..."
Before she got all negative on me, I asked her, "How many other things have you done in the last twelve hours that you'd NEVER done before?"
Her mental wheels spun, going nowhere, so I helped her out, "Have you ever rubbed another girl's breasts before?"
"How about had another girl rub yours?"
"Have you ever kissed a girl passionately before? Or sucked her nipples? Or had her suck yours? Or had her rub your pussy while a guy was screwing you? Or rubbed clitties with another girl while she was being fucked? Have you done ANY of those things?"
"No. Nothing like any of those."
"A minute ago you were saying that this morning's sex was even better than last night's. Ask yourself how that's possible when I'm doing the same stuff I was doing last night? The difference now is that I've been encouraging you and Lily to have sex with each other at the same time as I am. Last night you were having sex only half the time because you were waiting to have turns with me. This morning you're having sex ALL the time with TWO people, so it's FOUR times better than last night. Trust me on this. I know a thing or two about good sex, don't I?"
"I'll say! But I don't know what to do. I've never done that before ... Oops, I said that already, didn't I?"
"I've watched you have sex with Lily so far this morning, and you've got a good touch. You're careful, and you try to give her pleasure. You're not like some guy who grabs and squeezes without regard for the girl. You're a good lover, and so far Lily has thoroughly enjoyed everything you've done, so this will be no different. Trust me, okay?"
"I do trust you. I've never met anyone who knows as much about this stuff as you do." It truly is amazing what you can learn in three weeks, when you've got my advantages: four minds, near infinite endurance (I still don't understand how that can be possible), go-soft commands, superb physical coordination, and even enough strength to pick up and hold girls. Forgoing further conversation, I started pulling Pat into the right position. She chose to cooperate with the person that she trusted so much: a horny, 15-year old boy. I hoped her degree of trust didn't extend to everyone in that demographic.
Lily was already well positioned, so it only took a few seconds to get Pat on her hands and knees above Lily, facing in the opposite direction. I kissed Pat on the lips, saying, "I'm going to slowly fuck you until Lily joins us, which shouldn't be long. You can do whatever you want at this end, but I suggest some simple rubs and licks. Listen to Lily, she'll tell you what she likes. You can ask her now, if you like, because she just woke up."
Pat said, "You can't POSSIBLY tell that by looking at her legs!"
Lily had a different subject on the tip of her tongue, "Mmm. Pretty view."
The next sound I heard was that of Lily licking Pat's pussy. It was VERY closely followed by Pat saying, "OH!"
For what I wanted to do next - which was to 'do' Pat - I was at the wrong end. I started walking around the bed, leaving Pat to puzzle out how I could possibly know when Lily was awake. I didn't think she'd figure it out, partly because Lily's actions were HIGHLY distracting. I grabbed a pillow and folded it under Lily's head, then slid myself into Pat. I started slowly and didn't speed up, mostly because I was REALLY enjoying Lily's licking of my ball sack. I've recently formed the impression that Lily is a VERY nice girl. Lily also licked the base of my cock, and around Pat's pussy, which Pat verbally appreciated very much.
One of the things I thought about was that when I'd grabbed the pillow for Lily, I'd almost starting using TK to fetch it. I use TK a lot with Julia and/or Carol. We all enjoy it. Not just for touching, such as rubbing the girls' nipples when my hands are elsewhere, but also for fetching things like pillows or another rubber. Julia especially gets quite a thrill out of seeing my power in action. There'd been three or four times since Lily had arrived yesterday that I'd nearly used TK. I hadn't been in as much danger of revealing it by flying something as you might think. First, using TK is a VERY conscious action. A hundred times more complicated than picking something up with a hand (I'll wildly estimate). Second, even if I had STARTED using TK to move a pillow (say), the pillow would have barely moved before I realized that I shouldn't be doing it and canceled the fingertips. If I made a mistake with TK, it was much more likely to be in touching one of the girls, such as squeezing a nipple. Perhaps this was another reason to favor group sex - as if it needed additional reasons! - as it made it easier to excuse touches in funny places provided the recipient wasn't looking at the invisible touch at the time. Threesomes also made it easier to keep the girls 'blissed out' so they might not notice, or be able to think about, impossible touches.
My mind was just wandering, while I was enjoying myself slowly screwing Pat during her 69 with Lily. When I paid more attention, I could hear Pat making lots of appreciative noises, which I always enjoy hearing. After another couple of minutes of my nice, slow pace, Pat said, "Faster please, Mark."
I realized that Pat had been making a lot of verbal noise, fairly continuously, and therefore probably not doing a lot of pussy licking. It was a terrible waste of a good 69 position, and it inspired me to have an evil idea, "Oh, Pat. Did I forget to tell you the rule before we started?" It seem as if I'd 'forgotten' to mention it, since I'd only just invented it.
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"Alright..." alex said. "Follow me" Lily said and grabbed alex's hand and dragged him onto the dance floor. "I'm not much of a dancer" lily said. Alex was felt his heart race as he looked at lily. "just follow my lead. i'm trusting you" Lily said. lily grabbed alex by his hips and pulled him in close cuasing alex to take a quick breath in out of nervousness. Lily grabbed alex's hands and put them on her hips and began to move her hands all over alex's body. "You're a great...
It was still early on Sunday night and I had the urge to talk to Marcie. She was comically critical of my commitment to get Smyth laid. "What made you volunteer for such an enormous feat, Sammy?" "I don't know." I did know, but I wasn't ready to admit to Marcie that I had heard Shirley tell me to turn the tables on Smyth for spying on me and my guests. "How do you plan to carry it out?" "I don't know." I really didn't know, but my sub-conscience was working on a plan. "Who...
Introduction:Jeremy takes a new job and rents an apartment from the mother of a friend of his mother's. He finds some old photos of her stashed away in his apartment which leads into a relationship like none he'd ever hadJeremy was only a few months out of college when he finally landed a decent job. He’d been working part-time and living at home while he was job-shopping for a ‘career’ position that was somehow related to his studies as a Marketing major.He had been applying for many positions...
Jeremy was only a few months out of college when he finally landed a decent job. He’d been working part-time and living at home while he was job-shopping for a ‘career’ position that was somehow related to his studies as a Marketing major. He had been applying for many positions in different locations, and it was a great relief when he’d been offered and accepted a position in the marketing department for a large pharmaceutical company. It was a great load off his mind for a number of...
***Propped up on one elbow her smile undulating on her lips, on her mouth, on her face, the pleasure of touching herself sweeping through her in little waves, shy but turned on, Daddy watching, Lily nodded, his question alone making her draw in her breath in heated, lovely excitement.Her eyes half closed dreamily, her knees wide apart, her fingers slowly, softly touching between her legs, her satiny soft pussy glistening under her fingers delicately drawing circles over and through her...
Slowly, I looked at myself in the mirror, fresh out of the shower, still wrapped in towels. For 43 years of age, even though I say it myself, I’m still in great shape. Never having had c***dren helps I suppose, although I’ve wanted them in the past. Just HE couldn’t get it up enough to breed me. It’s not been a bone of contention, just a slight regret on my behalf. But then, as a result, we have the funds to live a life my friends can only wish for, as their money is tied up their c***dren,...
Jeremy was only a few months out of college when he finally landed a decent job. He’d been working part-time and living at home while he was job-shopping for a ‘career’ position that was somehow related to his studies as a Marketing major.He had been applying for many positions in different locations, and it was a great relief when he’d been offered and accepted a position in the marketing department for a large pharmaceutical company. It was a great load off his mind for a number of reasons,...
MatureWhen the early morning light crept in through the windows, Jeremy was the first to wake. His dick was long and hard. He molded his body behind Lily and held her. She woke and felt his hardness against the crack of her ass.“Good morning,” she said.“Good morning,” he said.“No regrets?”“Nope.”Lily spun her body to face him and they kissed. She rubbed her pussy against his cock.“I can’t believe I’m in bed with you, waking up with you, I know I’m too old, and you’re too young, but…”“But, what?”“But,...
MatureRole Playing II - Star Lily and the Temple of Horrors F/f, bondage, D/s, gothic, romantic, slavery The temple was dark and cold, the trail of spiders clearly visible in shadowedcorners. The stone ceiling was so low that a tall man would have to crouchto walk around. The floor was covered with dust and crawling insects. Deep in the bowels of the earth, it had been forgotten for long aeons. Scholarsmight recall the foul rituals once carried out here, the summoning of monstrousdemons and foul...
Lily shoved her already sexually satisfied body, which still yearned for more, a little further upon her bed. Her pussy yielded a tiny trail of her lingering orgasm, a product of having Logan’s mouth stimulate it, as she dragged her body up to rest her head on her pillow. Lily’s pussy anticipated her twin’s eighteen year old long thin erection with enthusiasm. She knew that their respective sexual sizes were perfect for each other. Why else were they made the way they were?Positioning herself,...
IncestFourteen year old Adam writhed in pain. He was lying on his bed with nipple clamps attached firmly to his chest and handcuffs securing him to the bed frame. Intermittently his 17 year old step brother Callum whipped him across his bare chest with a flogger further increasing his discomfort. I should say at this point the story isn’t going to be about the bondage games Adam and Callum played together. You see, when Callum and his mother had first moved in with Adam the two boys discovered they...
…Our bags are packed and we are ready to go but instead of heading out to the airport to see our f****y for Thanksgiving we are sitting in the living room watching the news. Of course a once in 100 year snow storm has landed smack on top of us. As the snow accumulates by the hour our prospects of getting on the plane diminish. The news eventually tells us that the airports are closed. Nicki and I decide to brave the storm and head to the grocery store and make it back with a turkey and all the...
…Our bags are packed and we are ready to go but instead of heading out to the airport to see our family for Thanksgiving we are sitting in the living room watching the news. Of course a once in 100 year snow storm has landed smack on top of us. As the snow accumulates by the hour our prospects of getting on the plane diminish. The news eventually tells us that the airports are closed. Nicki and I decide to brave the storm and head to the grocery store and make it back with a turkey and all the...
The furious sounds of a chained animal fighting her bindings started up as soon as I touched the doorknob. I opened the door, the chain links rattled, and the large wooden board with the three holes in it, one for her neck and one for each of her wrists, slammed repeatedly against the brick wall. But her efforts amounted to nothing except making sparks fly and tiny wood chips and specks of sawdust glue themselves to her sweat, born of frustration and anger. Her eyes, her non-human eyes of...
Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: mf, grope, hp, magic, oral, unif Harry Potter: Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts Part 3 – Lily Evans Is A Slut! by Avatrek ([email protected]) Hogwarts of 1976 was a very different Hogwarts of what Harry and Hermione had ever experienced. It was probably in large part due to the fact that both Harry...
They cuddled on the bed for a bit, with Rich running his fingers through Lily's hair and Lily kissing Rich on his neck, Rich wondering if the older woman had, in fact, an even more charged libido than he had. Lily, for her part, liked having someone else in the bed to kiss ... although she found it awkward to continue when Rich called home. She sat up on the bed and watched him, and they listened to the rings together with anticipation so thick it was edible. When Lily heard a man's voice...
The main outcome, the way I saw things with Ruby, was that my confidence in my bedroom skills, meager as they still were, was growing. It was eleven o'clock before I'd gotten back from Ruby's apartment. Breakfast had been good, and instructive. But, I was still on a mission. I had to get back to my place. **** I was sure that Lily would be home at night. She wasn't going to be shoving it in my face if she was still doing the cop or anyone else as I was sure she was. No, if I wanted to...
CuckoldLily was exhausted and content when she and Taylor returned home. She ran her fingers lightly over the sparkling new chain around her wrist. "Lily." Taylor called from the bedroom. "Yes Love?" she answered. She had reclined on the sofa, relaxing finally, after her long day. "Lily!" Taylor yelled. "What Taylor?" She called. Taylor appeared in the doorway, obviously annoyed. He looked at her with smoldering eyes until she finally looked up at him. "Is something wrong?" she asked,...
The bed creaked softly in the otherwise quiet, dark room. Lily's legs were in the air, spread wide, and the wonderful dream she had the previous night was between them, pumping his morning wood into her while he kissed her neck. Her sweet honey pot sucked him in like nothing he'd ever felt before, warm and sticky, wet and open for him. Her "honey" was overflowing, so that it squelched with each thrust, a naughty little sound that only the two of them could hear, one that made both of them...
Lily slowly rolled her nude body off the bed and began stripping it of the sexually soiled sheets. She could not believe that she had forgotten the towel, but her twin brother, Logan, was so far embedded in her brain and making her so horny, she gave no thought about having the one item that would soak up her inner core as it was expelled from her tiny opening. Lily balled the sheets up in her arms and almost walked out her room, naked, with them to go to the laundry room. That would have been...
IncestLily woke to find that Rich's seed was still sticky between her cheeks, and that Rich had buried his face into her bosom at some point during the night. She felt his breath on her chest, his hand on her hip, and his hard-on pressing against her thigh. Rich woke to find that something was moving under the sheets, and that his cock was in something wet, and warm. He subtly shifted his leg, not wanting to let her know that he was awake, and he watched the figure bob up and down underneath the...
I saw her standing at the bar and I knew she was the one I wanted tonight. Slowly I made my way over to her and with each step I wanted her more. I stepped up to the bar and ordered us both drinks. She looked at me and gave me a sweet smile. I looked into her eyes and introduced myself as Mike. Another sweet smile followed by her name, Lily. We spoke for a little while and exchanged compliments about our appearances. I told her I liked her hair and that she had great eyes. I could see Lily...
EroticDaily Prophet HeadlinesNovember 1st, 1981You Know Who Dead! James Potter Killed, wife, son surviveDark Lord’s body found at sceneMultiple Deaths reported throughout Wizarding World December 31st, 1981Albus Dumbledore Announces RetirementWill step down from Headmaster Position effective the end of the School Year September 1st, 1996Harry Potter starts Hogwarts‘Boy Who Survived’ Hopes to Join Gryffindor HouseExclusive Interview!July 31st, 2003Harry Potter Announces His Lady PotterCho Chang will...
We arrived at the club to find a queue snaking around the corner. “Crap, maybe we should just head back to yours?” I suggested hopefully. “Don’t be daft! I know the doorman...Or rather I will do in a minute!” Lily said with a cheeky wink. I watched as she walked towards the front of the line, her slinky white dress riding further and further up her tanned legs. The lace of Lily’s thong was starting to irritate my pussy as I became more turned on, and I contemplated taking it off inside the...
LesbianFor the first time, Lily found out what it actually felt like to get wet from the actual touch of a man. And the man that was doing it was her own eighteen year old twin brother. Something about that made her even wetter.She could feel her sexual freshness flow out of her tiny opening and onto the sewn crease of the boy shorts she was wearing. Lily knew she had already soaked them. She had not anticipated being sexually aroused, so she had left off the underwear on purpose. Now her brother was...
IncestTiny Lily Larimar was born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, on June 30th, 1998. Lily doesn't give too many details about her youth, probably because Pennsylvania is one of the worst states in the union. I'm sure it wasn't a fun experience.Pride in a Job Well FuckedOne thing we do know is that Lily lost her virginity to a boyfriend in his parent's basement. Classic. In interviews, Lily has explained that she felt hyper-sexual from a young age. It's part of what inspired her to enter the industry. If...
Twitter Porn AccountsWith that said I hope you enjoy the story and that I might have inspired someone else to write. I was in my early twenties when these events took place. I’d finished school and took a couple of gap years before pursuing what might be next. I mainly worked but occasionally caught up with my friends to see what they were doing. After finishing school my social life had slowly diminished. It was a shame, but I didn’t have anyone to blame for it. I had a few friends who I still kept in contact...
Lily untangled herself from the cotton sheets. Her sleep had been restless, and frequently interrupted by intensely vivid dreams. She sighed deeply in the grayness of predawn. She squinted at the red glow of her alarm clock, slowly focusing on the digital display. 'Only five-thirty' she realized. She clamped her eyes shut, and reluctantly decided that chasing sleep for another hour would likely be a waste of her energy. Lily sighed in mild frustration as she crawled out of bed. She slid her...
I walked into my lecture theatre, sitting heavily in the seat that my arse instantly recognised. I was early; a usual habit of mine on the first day. It doesn’t do to be late and the first day back is always the hardest. I was a bit too early, though, honestly. I found the idea of forty minutes waiting a little distasteful, but I was already committed. I stretched back in my seat, scratched myself and kicked my feet up on the table. I figured a bit of relaxation before another manic semester...
BDSM"I've got a date," she said. "A date? Where are we going?" I said. "Not we honey, just me. Don't wait up," she said. "Huh? What? What are you talking about?" I said. She put on her most exasperated look, and leaned back against her vanity. I must have looked the total wimp to her as she prepared to unload on me. "I'm going on a date. I have a date with a man. He will buy me drinks and dinner and maybe take me dancing. After that he will get us a hotel room and do me. Then, I will come home...
CuckoldShe couldn't understand how all at once a feeling could be so wonderful and so terrible. Wonderful in the way she felt so sexual, so sensual, able to attract anyone she wanted and give them pleasure like nothing they'd experienced. Terrible in the way she was constantly, desperately aroused; frozen on the brink of orgasm in a way her fingers could do nothing about. She'd used her fingers, and her new toys, over and over in the hours since her friends had left, but it hadn't helped. If...
"I've got a date," she said. "A date? Where are we going?" I said. "Not we honey, just me. Don't wait up," she said. "Huh? What? What are you talking about?" I said. She put on her most exasperated look, and leaned back against her vanity. I must have looked the total wimp to her as she prepared to unload on me. "I'm going on a date. I have a date with a man. He will buy me drinks and dinner and maybe take me dancing. After that he will get us a hotel room and do me. Then, I...
Well, the shower in a baseball locker room after a victory is always a happy place. When you beat a team you haven't beaten in six years, it's a particularly happy place. What I found out that day was, when your girlfriend is there and asks you to help wash up-it's a very happy place. Of course, it would've been happier if said girlfriend was asking me to help wash something other than some pretty nasty cuts. But, hey, you can't always get what you want, right? What was a bit strange...
I guided her through my room towards my bathroom. Once in the bathroom, I started the shower. As I pulled my shirt off, Lily grabbed my shorts and pulled them down sliding her tongue over my cock as she did. She stood up after slipping my shorts off and started kissing my chest. I lifted her chin up with my hand and kissed her on the lips. I stood back and admired Lily’s body, now that the shock had worn off. I must have been blind to never have truly noticed her before. The top of her...
By: D.Alexin Hello, I am Alex, am back to narrate my sexual experience with my maid. Her name is Lily, she is a bit dark and her size is 36-28-34. I was staying in the outskirts, 40 Km away from Chennai with my collage mates and we rented a double bedroom house since we were 6 of us. We enquired our landlady for a maid to take care of our daily needs. That’s when we were introduced to Lily. All of us liked lily much because she looked beautiful and pleasant even though she was a bit dark she...
My wife and I are just sitting down in front of a movie.It has been a long time since we had this opportunity. Our schedules are frantic at best. I work in Environmental Health and Safety. My wife is an RN going to school to become a Nurse Practitioner. Little did we know that our lives are to be turned upside-down by a knock on the door.With drinks in hand, we nestle on the couch. Just as I touch the 'play' button there is a knock on the door. It is a resolute banging by the time I open the...
IncestShe felt the smooth wood stroke across her face as I let her know my weapon of choice. Her head tipped back to feel it touch her warm skin. She wiggled her ass, impatiently. She wanted more. I shook my head, almost disbelieving, knowing that this little slut was never going to be happy until she couldn’t walk any more. I pulled my arm right back and swiped the stick across her red, welting skin. Just in time to see, my classroom door opened. A head peeked around the door as the ruler connected...
BDSMI was barely awake the next morning when I heard Mom call. "Lily, are you and Mike awake?" "I am," I said as soft as I could. "OK. Your Dad had to go to the office for a couple hours, and I need to hit the grocery store. It's eight o'clock, I won't be back for an hour or so." "OK." I lay back down where I was-with my face all snuggled into Mike's chest-but he had heard the exchange. "Mmmmmmm?" he said. "Hi, sexy," I giggled. His eyes flew open. "Well, hello. What a...
Friday, May 13, 2005 (Continued) I called Lily. "Hi Lily, it's Mark here. It's half an hour later than I thought we'd start, so do you still want to have your sex celebration?" "YES! I outside Julia's now. Very hope you come soon." "Haha. Okay, I'll come now. See you in a few minutes." I hung up, started the car, and sped toward Julia's. I was feeling horny from all the pretty girls at the pipeline date, the cock sucking talk with Kaiya, anticipation of the flying bed fun in a...
Lily was in 18 first year of highschool. Lily had golden hair with black highlights, nicely tanned body and was very fit. Lily was somewhat of a good student getting mostly A's and was very active in sports . Lily seemed to be perfect, perfect body, face,grades, and her voice was one of an angel. So anyway, Lily went to dance with her bestfriends, at the dance was a mix of schools all private. Lily went to an all girls school so she didn't meet many guys and chose this dance as a good way to...
“Oh my God! You must be the new girl! Thank God you’re here, we’re rammed and it’s not even dinner time yet! I’m Lily.” Lily ran over to me and grabbed both of my arms just above the elbow, smiling at me as though I’d just made her cum a thousand times. I stood there, shocked at how familiar she was being. Oh if only she’d put those hands somewhere else. Vaguely aware that I was drooling, I introduced myself. “Hi ,I’m Emma.” I only hoped that my answering smile was just as dazzling as hers....
LesbianShe looked back in the mirror. She considered herself quite plain. A little over 5’3” with ginger hair. Not dark red but actual ginger. A few freckles too but her concealer managed to cover those. She wore the pale red lipstick he requested and the blue eye shadow. She was wearing the drop earrings he had sent her. She thought she look okay. She had picked a light blue skirt – that was about the only thing he had left as her choice – but even that had to be the right length. Just...
She entered the room and he could see why she was glad Rosalyn wasn't home ... her new "nighty" was made of a diaphanous material that, for all intents and purposes, left her completely exposed. It was utterly pointless for modesty, and merely owning it meant that Lily needed something to wear when she was cold, but still absolutely wanted for someone to gawk at her naked body ... and Rich knew that someone was him. She turned around to give him the full view, and he saw that it rose to...
I was still out of sorts the next morning. I tried to calm down, but it wasn't working all that well. Especially when I got to school, and there he was. At the entrance, ready to do the get naked thing. He flashed me a big smile. I forced one back, and we stripped. Then I headed for my first class. In a hurry. The more I thought about it, though, the more I realized I was being silly. Hey, if he wasn't attracted to me, I can't blame him, can I? Plus, we needed to get along. He was my...
"It begins the same way every night. I'm in a caf?, chatting with a bunch of high school girls. My voice is high pitched, and my articulation is on there level. I move my hands about as I speak, and they appear small and dainty. Though I never see my face, it is implied that I'm one of them." "Wait, you mean in this dream you're a girl." "Yes." Robin took a minute to absorb this, and then told him to go on. "I hear this ring tone, and reach into my breast pocket to pick up a p...
I am an only child. My mother died during child birth and my father never remarried. My father died in a car accident the summer after I graduated; a drunk driver crossed the double lines and hit him head on. I sold the house and his business. Between the money from the sales and his life insurance, I was able to buy a house close to the college I was to attend and have plenty of money left over that I wouldn’t have to worry about money for a while. It was a nice little neighborhood;...
"So what is it that he does that's so great?" My daughter was sitting at the breakfast bar in our kitchen. We'd been planning her big engagement party. She and her fiancé had been going together for years and had been engaged for nearly the last three. We had been having some "girl talk" about sex -- specifically the married kind. I had, as usual, been bragging about how great my husband -- her step dad -- was in bed. "Well, Honey, he just turns me on like I've never been turned...
As I drove we discussed what to expect at the club we are going to. I explained to Aimee “in your state of arousal, you walking in will be like blood in the water for sharks. Whenever you are separated from me, guys will circle and try to get you to join them.” Aimee responded “they have never done that before, it’s like I am not even there.” I replied “I bet you have never gone out dressed like you are or in the state of arousal that you are right now.” Aimee looked down at herself and...
Knowing what you want and getting it are two very different things. Lily has known this all her life. She doesn't get discouraged by it. She accepts each thing she wants to get as a challenge and then sets out to surmount the hurdles. The first time I saw it was in our rental in Mindanao when I had convinced Jake to kiss Rose and Lily. It was Lily who at age 12 grabbed Jake's dick when he showed some wood. That is a remarkable thing for a 12 year old to do under any circumstances. And even...
"Oh...oh...mmm...fuck me, oh, yes!" Lily moaned, imaginging she was the pornstar in the video getting her pussy reamed by the thick cock.The top part of a brush was held between the heels of her feet, the rounded 5 inch handle in her hairless 14 year old pussy as she bounced on it. She was naked, glistening with sweat with her head thrown back, her long blonde hair swishing from side to side.. Her pert Bcups were bouncing wildly as she fucked her hairbush like an a****l. The handle was coated...