Allison Part 1
- 1 year ago
- 25
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Lily woke to find that Rich's seed was still sticky between her cheeks, and that Rich had buried his face into her bosom at some point during the night. She felt his breath on her chest, his hand on her hip, and his hard-on pressing against her thigh.
Rich woke to find that something was moving under the sheets, and that his cock was in something wet, and warm. He subtly shifted his leg, not wanting to let her know that he was awake, and he watched the figure bob up and down underneath the blanket. He felt a strong suction on his shaft, and he also felt that whenever the figure moved down, he didn't feel much at all; Lily was opening her mouth wide enough so that her lips only made contact again once she'd gone down on him. The resulting effect was that he felt a pull upwards, but never anything downwards, so it was obvious what Lily wanted. Without letting her know that he was awake, he relaxed, letting his face rest against the pillow (he seemed to remember that the pillow felt different when he was asleep ), and let it slowly build. When Lily had pulled it one too many times, he released into her mouth, and she squeaked in surprise. Still, she continued as she had before, opening wide to take him deeply, and then sucking tightly as she ran her lips up the shaft. After four or five more pulls, Rich had finished completely, and Lily very simply brought her lips off of him, climbed forward, and let herself fall into place next to him.
"Morning," he said, grinning, but Lily didn't reply, which is when he realized her mouth was still full of cum. She made a big show of gulping, and Rich felt himself stirring again already. She showed her empty mouth, and grinned right back.
"A good one, I hope?" she said, and he gave a wide-eyed nod.
"Sometimes I forget that you're ... experienced."
"Hmm? Well, I do know a thing or two," she said, full of faux-innocence. It amused Rich that she was innocent in some ways, and not in others, well-versed in oral and not-so-much in anal. At times, she was a blushing maid, and others, a fiery sex kitten. He supposed it was the result of being mostly with one man only, for such a long time. She had some thorough experience ... but enough blind spots that it was easy to take her by surprise. He had the opposite problem: absolutely no real experience, but he'd seen enough on the internet that the only thing that really surprised him was how it actually felt, both in terms of tactile things that the internet couldn't show, and in that immediate, emotional sense that could only ever be felt when you were personally there, with someone. Lily slyly watched his face, and then gave him a peck on the lips. "What are you thinking?"
"Just ... about you."
She purred. "Good answer. But ... I think we've got a few more pressing concerns, don't you?" His brow furrowed, and he looked at her quixotically. "Remember ... Rosie?"
His eyebrows shot up, like he'd just remembered something important. "Oh! Right. Uh ... she said ... breakfast?"
"Do you have somewhere to be today?" said Lily, curling her hair around her finger.
"No ... do you?"
"Not especially. So ... do you want breakfast?"
Rich wanted to avoid the incredibly awkward thing that was about to happen, but he knew that it was best if he didn't. "Sounds good."
"Coming right up," said Lily, lightly kissing his lips again, before she slung her legs off the bed, propped her naked self upward, and graciously stood on her feet. "Er, still a little sore," she said, stretching her legs, pulling her shoulder back with her arm in the air, yawning. He watched her pale, smooth body moving through the cold, golden-streaked air of the room, her skin catching wayward dust motes as she walked to and fro, collecting some clothing. He watched with amusement as she put on her underwear: the sizes were rather large, particularly her bra, which despite being as wide across as his hand, was still restrictive as she shifted it into place. She threw on a robe, last of all, and offered the same to Rich. Well, not the same, it was clearly a man's robe, and he didn't need two guesses to figure out who it belonged to. Lily apologized that he'd have to wear his own underwear again, which was fine with him.
Rich debated his shoes, but decided that it would be more appropriate if he wore slippers, like Lily did. They were still in the bathroom when he checked ... the slippers he was wearing before. He slipped them on, and then went to join Lily in the kitchen, passing Rosalyn's closed door. He sighed with relief, and saw that the glass he'd dropped had been cleaned up; Rosalyn's doing, he assumed. When he stepped into the kitchen, his spirits fell.
Lily had seemed to have the same reaction, and she was frozen in place. Sitting at the table in a high chair was Rosalyn, sipping a glass of orange juice.
"Oh, hi Rich. What are you doing here so early?" she said, the cruel mockery of a smile on her lips.
Rich didn't have a response for that. It was Lily who spoke. "Well, since we're all here ... what do you two want to eat? I'll ... cook something up."
"Thanks, mom. I'm glad you're so hospitable to my friends," said Rosalyn, still smiling that same plastic smile.
Rich butt in. "Uh, do you have eggs?" He figured eggs would be easiest, and that was the customary thing after a night like the previous one, right?
"Sure, how do you like them?" said Lily, trying to ignore Rosalyn's attempts to enrage the elephant in the room.
It was Rosalyn that replied. "I see that Rich has taken an interest in your eggs, has he? So Rich, how do you like them? Hopefully not fertilized," she said, her lips pulling back to reveal her teeth in a way that could never, under any circumstances, be called a smile.
"Scrambled it is, then," said Lily, and then she disappeared into the refrigerator. She considered just staying that way until it was all over, but her nipples were already sensitive enough after what she'd done with Rich when she woke up.
Lily cooked up the eggs, and Rosalyn stared at Rich with no simple animosity. "So, are you still going to help me study?" she said, pointedly.
"Yeah, sure," said Rich, not sensing the trap.
"Are you really sure? Seems you already have one over-eager student."
Rich swallowed, and laughed nervously. After a long, awkward pause, Lily gave a plate to Rich, and a plate to Rosalyn, and then stood, watching her daughter, suspiciously.
"Come on mom, have a seat. Unless you'd prefer to stand." Indignantly, Lily took her seat. She only squirmed a little.
"You're up early," she said, and Rosalyn raised an eyebrow.
"I was hungry. I was going to make toast, but someone used all the butter."
Lily's ears turned red. Rich made deep and meaningful glances at his eggs, which made for more pleasant conversation.
"There- there might be more butter in the freezer downstairs. Rich, can you be a dear and go find it?" said Lily, and Rich nodded his approval so quickly that his neck hurt afterward. "The door to the basement's right there by the back door."
"You're familiar with my mom's back door, right?" said Rosalyn, as Rich rose to his feet. He nearly choked on his last bite of egg. "Here, I'll help you, so you don't make a wrong turn and end up in my MOM'S ASS."
"Rosie!" Lily said, but Rosalyn ignored her, and grabbed Rich's arm to escort him down into the basement. Rich was under the impression that it was going to be a one-way trip, and he wondered how many pieces Rosalyn was going to cut him up into. He had no delusions about whether or not she'd let him keep his little Richie.
Before they got to the door, though, Rosalyn spun on her heel and confronted her mother.
"Hey, mom, I was thinking of having a guy stay the night. Or six guys. Do you have
anything to say about that?" she said, and Lily had tears in her eyes. "No? I didn't think so."
"Rosie ... I'm so sorry..." said Lily, full of remorse and regret. Seeing her like that, Rosalyn's expression softened.
She clicked her teeth. "Whatever. At least if you're doing it abstinence-education style, I don't have to worry about a new little sibling."
Lily and Rich exchanged a look. Rich thought it'd be a good time to go into the basement, and pulled the door open, but Rosalyn's grip on his arm stopped him.
She looked between the two of their faces, as guilty as a fox in a chicken coop. "What, you ... okay, I'm not going to think about that. Please tell me you at least used a condom." The two of them were silent. Neither could lie convincingly. "Okay, no. No, no, no," she said, and stomped off into her room. A few seconds later, she emerged, holding a little plastic package in her hands, which she thrust into the hands of her mother, who was so taken aback she nearly dropped them. " Start taking these. I have another pack that'll get me through the rest of the month. There are no sugar pills,
so just take any of them, once a day."
Lily looked at the packaging, dumbfounded. When she realized what they were, she gasped. "Rosie! Are these... ?!"
"Oh, no, okay, no, you don't get to scold me right now, Little Miss Anal Queen. If you haven't noticed, I'm not pregnant. And right now, my concern is making sure you can say the same thing. Rich, put on your shoes."
"But, I..."
"Put on your fucking shoes, before I put them on for you."
Rich double-walked to Lily's bedroom, where he'd left his shoes.
"What ... where are you going?" said Lily, "Little Miss Anal Queen," sticking to her like a wet t-shirt.
"To the pharmacy."
"What ... for?"
"First, Plan B."
Lily bit her lip. "I don't know if I'm comfortable..."
"Woman, I will spike your coffee. And second, condoms. I'll make sure to get the jumbo-sized ones, because he must have the biggest dick in the world for you to have lost your mind."
Lily wanted to say that he was pretty big ... but that was the wrong thing to say. "But, what about the pills?"
"They won't work for a few weeks. For now, you're going to need the condoms."
"We won't ... it's okay..."
"Oh? Planning to just take it in the butt? How responsible of you."
"Rosalyn," said Lily, with as much stern resolve as she could muster. Rosalyn bristled, but then she relented. Lily's tone became deferential again. "I know that you miss your father..."
"Not the point, mom."
"Listen. Okay, fine, if you don't care ... about me and Rich..."
"I do care. About both of you. But..."
"Listen. Can we, as a family, sit down and talk about this sometime? It doesn't have to be today ... but I just want to know what you're thinking."
"I'd love to know what you're thinking," Rosalyn snapped, but then she saw her mother's hurt face, and calmed herself. "Okay. Not today though. And probably not tomorrow. I don't know when."
"Just ... sometime is fine. And if you mention one more thing about my butt, you're grounded, I don't care how wrong I was!"
Rich returned, dressed in his clothes, and at the mention of Lily's butt, his ears turned red. "Um, got my shoes."
Rosalyn snickered. "I can see what she sees in you. You can perform simple tasks that are requested of you."
Lily gave her a glare, but when she saw that Rosalyn smiled back at her, she smiled as well.
"You're coming with me, Rich," she said, walking to the front door. Rich followed behind her, and she opened it and let him through, before turning back to Lily. "Hey, since you used to change my diapers, will you let me change yours?" she said, before slipping through the door, letting it slam shut behind her. Lily frowned.
Rich turned to see where Rosalyn was, but she was already in front of him by the time he did, leaving a trail of dust, and him, in her wake. He hurried to catch up with her, and he opened his mouth to speak, but she cut him off.
"I literally feel like I'm going to throw up," she said, and then glared at him. "Nobody hears about this. Got it?"
Rich nodded, solemnly. It wasn't exactly his plan to go around shouting it to the world, but he didn't need to say that to Rosalyn. When she saw his capitulation, she turned away from him, and walked on ahead, as if he were a puppy on a leash, following behind her with his head down timidly.
As it happened, that put him in a good position to watch her swagger, so he did. He couldn't help it that her mother had put him in an incredibly ... observant state. His eyes followed her hips as they swayed in what he assumed was an unintentional sashay, the swish of her hair, her weight shifting from one side to the other. She wasn't nearly as full-figured as her mother, but she was still scorching hot in her own, petite way. Though she'd come to school the previous day looking two points higher on the "typical" scale, today she was wearing faded, shredded denim jeans and a tight black t-shirt with some pithy slogan written on it. Without any make-up, she looked more like her mother than ever, and Rich had to repeatedly remind his little friend with an awkward push that no matter what she looked like, Rosalyn wasn't Lily. For one, Lily wouldn't look at him with that mix of loathing and contempt, and she wouldn't force him to walk behind her like a slave; although, now that he thought about it, he wouldn't mind that at all.
They walked along the road as the occasional cars passed by, but other than that and the sounds of birds in the morning, they walked in silence, until Rosalyn turned to him again.
"What the hell do you see in her?" she said, out of the blue.
Rich hesitated. Why was she asking him this? "Lily?"
She laughed. "Yes, her. Who else? I'm kind of surprised you didn't call her my mom."
Rich still hesitated, as Rosalyn scrutinized him carefully, and he knew he had to choose his words the same. "She's ... eager," was what came out of his mouth, and of all the possible words with all the possible connotations they could have, Rich realized immediately that he had chosen the worst possible one. In his mind, he had already slapped himself in the face long before Rosalyn's palm connected.
"You fucking asshole," was what she said over the ringing in his ear where she'd caught him. For a second, he thought that she was doing one of those 'that was unkind, sir!' slaps, but then she rose her hand a second time and he realized she was going to beat him unrecognizable.
"Wait! That's not what I meant!"
Rosalyn balled her hand into a fist ... and then let it fall to her side. "No, it wouldn't be, would it," she said, sounded strangely disappointed. "That's not like you."
Rich felt his face, which he knew had turned red. "I just meant that ... she really wants..." he started, and Rosalyn's hand curled into a fist again, so he quickly added " ... to be with ... someone..." he finished, and he anticipated the blow, but it never came. Rosalyn stood, listening intently, her feet planted. If she wanted to hear the worst in everything he said, she would have already let her fists fly, he realized. "I mean ... I feel ... safe, with her. She doesn't judge me, or ... I can't put it into words ... she's kind and clever, and strong, and ... she made you, so..."
Rosalyn blinked. "Th ... thank you," she said, and then paused, unsure. "You're such a sweet guy, I don't get how ... how you could do something like this."
He knew he was walking on thin ice. "Rose, I ... I lo—"
"Don't say it," she said, cutting him off. "You don't. You don't even know ... my dad loved her. You're just a kid, you don't know what love is and ... and..." she hesitated, sniffling, " ... neither do I."
"Rose?" he said; it was all he could say.
"Maybe ... maybe you will ... we'll see. You think she's kind, huh? More like her tits are kind of huge. I'm sure that has nothing to do with it," she said, her tone snappish again, though still considerably lighter. Whatever it was that was going through Rosalyn's head, her anger at least was cooling.
"I ... I mean, she's really good looking, uh, you look like her!" he blurted out, and Rosalyn snickered.
"I look nothing like her," she said, in a strange, low tone. She took a step toward Rich, who instinctively took a step back. She took another step to close the distance, and put her hand on his face. "Maybe you can't tell one pretty face from another?"
His heart raced. He'd completely forgotten ... that he had a crush on Rosalyn before he even met Lily. Everything that had happened with Lily had pushed that completely out of his mind, but now ... he couldn't say she had her mother's smile, but if there was one thing she had inherited from her, it was her ability to turn men into puddles of goo at a touch. And unlike Lily, Rosalyn's nature didn't keep her from using it for evil.
"What's the matter? If I really do look like her..." she said, and her other hand fell down, and down, and down, until it cupped his crotch, lightly at first. "Seems I was right," she said, her eyes narrowing, her stare enough to sear flesh.
"Wait, what are you ... this isn't right..."
"Oh?" she said, almost sounding like her mother, but so much darker, "Did you raise that complaint before you fucked my mom, a grieving widow? Or when you fucked her ass with her daughter in the next room? Hey, she's not the only one with a little anal experience..." she said, suggestively, and Rich could feel his pants getting tighter.
She leaned in for a kiss, a knowing smile on her lips, but Rich pushed her away. "What is wrong with you?" he said, suddenly emboldened.
She looked stunned, like she'd forgotten where she was. "I'm not sure," she said, sullenly, her arms falling limp to her sides. She looked back up at him, her expression also hardening. "But I don't want to hear that from you of all people." She turned and started to walk again, and he followed. "You know, you had a shot with me," she called over her shoulder after a few paces of denouement. "I mean, I have this thing going on with a guy in my band, but it's nothing serious. I wouldn't have minded ... going out with a dork like you."
He felt the cut of her words, but he got the feeling she wasn't trying to hurt him. She was just being ... informative. They travelled the rest of the way in silence once more, and arrived at the pharmacy in a thoroughly dour mood.
The pharmacy had trees growing almost right up to its rear and side walls, so Rich didn't see it until they were standing almost directly in front of it, its small parking area that fit three cars at maximum between them and its front door. Rich was used to going to the large chain drug store in the town proper, so he was surprised to see how small it was. If he made a habit of staying at the White family house, he realized, he'd probably need to run at least a few errands to it now and again, so he drew himself up to his full height and brushed his bed hair with his hands in the hopes of making a good first impression on the clerk.
... who, he discovered upon following Rosalyn in after she pushed open the heavy glass door, was a fellow student at their school. He recognized the face immediately, but he'd only seen him around the campus, so he was pretty certain he'd never known his name.
"Rose! Up early on a Saturday?" he said, sounding more than a little nebbish, "If you wanted to see me so badly, you could have just called."
"Shut up," she said, but it was more playful than terse.
The clerk looked Rich up and down. "Who's your boyfriend? I thought you and Travis were going exclusive?"
"This is Rich. He's a senior, but you wouldn't know him. Did Travis tell you that? Yeah, right, sure," she said, waving her hand dismissively. Rich followed Rosalyn over to the counter, and the clerk extended his hand for a handshake.
When Rich took it, he said "Reggie. This is my uncle's place. I man the counter on the weekends. On schooldays I'm involved in ... other pharmaceutical businesses," he said, giving Rich a knowing glance. If everything that had happened last night hadn't happened, Rich would have saw that as a perfect opportunity to spend some personal, inhibition-suppressed time with Rosalyn, but he doubted Lily would approve. Or that Lily would use ... or would she?
While he was lost in thought, Rosalyn disappeared, so he found himself face to face with Reggie, who was giving him a queer expression.
"So what's your story? Playboy? Rock-star?" he said, grinning. "Well, Travis is a rock-star, and that didn't seem to impress Princess much."
"Shyeah. Rose always used to call herself 'daddy's little princess, ' up until she got into that fight freshman year. You're in her class and you never heard of the time the Princess got her dress dirty?" he leaned over the counter, as to be conspiratorial. Rich leaned in, reluctantly.
"I ... our paths never really crossed. I didn't have class with her until this year."
"Not a social butterfly, are you? Listen, that girl couldn't be more daddy-issue. I'm not saying she's damaged goods or anything, but, she's in a bad state. She might not look it, but ... do you see what I'm saying?" he said, polite and deferential, like they were talking about someone with a handicap.
"Uh, not really. What are you saying?"
His expression grew dark, and he leaned closer. "If you hurt her, I will fuck you up. It won't be the first time. That's a promise."
Rich shook his head. Up until exactly that moment, Reggie had been light, almost airy, but suddenly he had a heavy presence, and there was nothing friendly about the way he was baring his teeth. Rich couldn't parse the transformation, and barely stuttered a response.
"H-hold on ... I'm not..."
Before he could pull away, Reggie reached across the counter and grabbed hold of his collar. It was then he realized that the guy looked small and nebbish in his manner and his stance, but he was no weakling; his forearms were wiry with muscle, and he could see the iron in his chest. Whatever Reggie appeared to be, Rich had no doubts he could make good on his promise.
"You better plan to stay, or you would best leave now. Rose doesn't need another love-sick boy playing games with her because that's all he knows how to do, fuck around."
Rich worked up the resolve to grab Reggie's arm, and gripped tightly. He never liked to start conflicts, but he wouldn't shy away from one if the opportunity presented itself. He'd never bullied anyone, but despite his nature, he'd never been bullied himself. At least not for long, anyway.
"I'm not fucking around with ... her. I'm serious. She's not some delicate flower that needs your protection," he said, and he wasn't sure who he was talking about anymore, "now let go of me," he said, bending Reggie's arms outwards in his grip. He wasn't sure if he could actually break Reggie's grasp, but it didn't matter, because Reggie let him go after a second of effort anyway ... which is when Rich realized his feet hadn't been on the ground. He stumbled.
"Oh, that's for sure. Rosie has her thorns. You'll find that out first, but even if she cuts you, you have my word, I'll be the one to make you bleed."
And just like that, Reggie smiled, and reached over the counter again ... to pat Rich on the arm. Rich felt like he'd entered into the Twilight Zone, but he was saved from having to respond when Rosalyn appeared, items in hand.
When Reggie saw what she put on the counter, he looked back up at her, and then did a double take.
"Jumbo condoms," he said, as if it was a can of spaghetti, " ... and Plan B. You went behind the counter again."
"You told me I could," she said, almost flirtatiously. Rich wondered if she'd been leading Reggie along, and that's why he was so ... protective.
"Yeah, but, what's that for? You?"
Rich grew tense, but Rosalyn simply smiled. Rich felt his right side go on fire, and then it hit him that Rose had clung to his arm. "You weren't open. We couldn't wait."
"Is that so?" he said, shooting an almost imperceptible glance at Rich that could have curdled milk. Rich shook his head to deny it, but Rosalyn gripped tighter onto his arm. "I know you didn't run out of condoms. So what's this, they didn't fit? What kind of monster are you packing, dude?"
Rich's cheeks went from go to stop. Rosalyn answered for him. "Oh, it's huge."
Rich tried to hide his obvious discomfort. Rosalyn had no idea if it was true or not; she'd never seen his junk. Her mother had, but he couldn't say that.
"Is that so? What are you doing tonight, handsome?"
Rich was nearly knocked off his feet when he figured out what Reggie said. Again, Rosalyn answered for him. "He's MY boy-toy, not yours."
"Hey, hey, don't just out me like that," said Reggie, defensively.
"Oh, it's fine. Do I keep any secrets from you?" she said, deftly. "I've kept all your secrets well enough, I'd think."
"You and half the football team," he said, slyly. He rang up the box of condoms and the contraceptives, glaring at Rich for a moment as their price registered, and Rosalyn paid for the little care package. Rich bought a stick of gum, and tried to plead innocent, but Rosalyn pulled him away, and the last image of Reggie he had was him standing behind the counter, watching them leave, his jaw gripped tight.
Rosalyn let go of Rich's arm when they were around the bend again, and Rich felt like she'd surrendered a hostage.
"That guy," she said, shaking her head, "he fucks one quarterback and suddenly he's done half the football team."
Rich blinked. "So he's... ?"
"Yeah, but don't go around telling everyone now. That'd be bad times for you. He's stronger than he looks," she said, and Rich held his tongue before he replied 'I know' automatically. "Him and me have been friends since elementary school. He's cool."
'He and I' Rich thought, but he wasn't about to start correcting her grammar after someone threatened to give him a beatdown for something he didn't do. "Why'd you make it sound like we ... needed that stuff?"
"You mean like I needed it? Because otherwise, he might put two and two together and realize that I didn't need it. And he's not the only one. As far is the world is concerned, from here on out, we fucked like rabbits last night. What we did in my room isn't legal in thirty states. Got it?"
Rich felt the heat in his ears again. The idea that he spent the night with Rosalyn ... was really only underscored as a fantasy by the fact that he'd actually spent the night with Lily.
"Why?" was what he said.
"Why what? Why did we fuck? I'm wondering that myself."
"Why would we tell people that?" he said, showing her his palms in a gesture of confusion.
She stopped walking, and rounded on him. "Because it's true, stupid. And because if we didn't, people are going to get suspicious as to why you stayed over, and they're going to know at least that much from little miss gossip back there."
He couldn't imagine the guy that just put him in a chokehold as 'little miss gossip, ' but he knew that was a tangential issue. "I don't think people would assume that I'm ... with your mother..."
"Right, because you fucking aren't. Stop saying things like that. I don't want anyone to pop up from around a tree that you and I have will have to bury."
He ignored the implication. "Why would someone be behind a tree on the side of the road?"
"Because they're taking a leak, and you're missing the point."
He became indignant. "Do you really think people's first thought is going to be, 'yeah, Rich totally banged Lily's... '"
His face hurt. He stumbled back, tripped over his own foot, and fell on his ass in the gravel. When he put his hand to his face, his nose was bleeding, and it occurred to him that she'd punched him in the face. She was nursing her hand, and the knuckles looked cracked and sore themselves.
He wasn't sure why she punched him. For saying what he was about to say when she'd just warned him not to, for fear of eavesdroppers, or for saying it that casual, irreverent way he was saying it, or for doing what he was about to say he'd done to begin with; he couldn't decide. It didn't matter. She reached out her hand to help him up, and he took it, and didn't say another word about why he was on the ground in the first place.
Rosalyn picked up where they left off, too, like nothing had happened. "Yeah? You've never heard guys talking about my mom on campus, have you?" she said, somewhat awkwardly, as she'd clearly stored up her response and used it after her initial response came out in its violent, non-verbal form. "That's the type of rumor that would spread because, if it were true, it'd make you a school legend. And people love being a part of history."
"Why would ... doing ... that ... make me a school legend?"
Rose laughed. "What, you think you're the only guy that saw my mom and ripped a hole in their jeans?"
"It's not like that," he said, in tempered indignation. It wasn't; it was her smile that did it, not her boobs, but he had to admit that the boobs helped.
Rose nodded. "Fine, fine. But you said it yourself. She's really good looking. And even worse, she's my mom," she said, and pricked gingerly at her swollen, split knuckle with her nail, wincing.
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xmoviesforyouMy name is Betty and I am a proud Mother of a hansom boy and a pretty girl. They were born only a year and a half apart. My husband was an army office killed in Iraq three years ago. Between my job, insurance and some help from my parents we are scr****g by. When my husband was alive we enjoyed a vigorous sex life. At the time we thought we were adventurous with various roll play. Like I would wear a cheer leader’s uniform and we would eventually making out in the back seat of our car or after...
Author’s Note: Sorry for the wait, yet again. I hope you readers can forgive me. I’m not sure if I’ll add another chapter to this or not, it depends on the feedback I get. As always, please comment, VOTE, and/or send feedback. Thanks, and happy reading! — Gabe lunged at Brandon and caught the man by his shirt with one hand while the other swung in for a blow. Brandon tried to pull back, but Gabe’s fist still grazed his jaw. Raine had never seen Brandon move as quickly as he did now. He...
Friends this is a story about my wife Supriya we had been married for 1 and half years. Our marriage was arranged marriage. On the day of our suhaag raat my wife made fun of n=me because of my penis size was very small. Aur mujhe sex k bare mein bhi utna pata nahi tah kyunki koi meri gf bhi nahi thi. Main apni biwi ko satisfy nahi kar sakta tha. Jiske karan woh mujhse. Nazar rahti thi aur mujhe bohot bura bhala kehti thi. Ab meri biwi ka description. Rang uska dusky hai aur slim hai. 36-26-35...
I was younger, when my interests in a same sex gangbang got the best of me. I new a couple guys who knew some friends that were interested too. I was told to meet at a local motel room.So I showed up I knocked on the door,it opened up I walked in it was shut and locked behind me I was sourounded by 6 guys taken down to the floor my clothes taken off I was then stood up handcuffs were put on my wrists behind my back walked over to little round table bent over it face down my legs spread wide...
It was a long weekend and my gym was open till 12 pm. I went to the gym around 10 am. Unlike the other days, the gym was not crowded with people. None were there, not even my gym trainer. The gym was open and anyone with a membership card can just go in and start doing the workout. I started the treadmill and ran on it. I heard the door open and turned my head to see. It was Santha. Santha was above 45 years but by looking at her, one will say she is in between 35-38 years. The hot lady was...
“Mr D’arcy how delightful!” Mrs Bennet simpered as her new neighbour arrived on horseback quite unannounced one spring morning. “Indeed Madam the pleasure is all mine!” Mr D’arcy replied airily, “Tis a pleasant enough little place you have here, quite like my lodging at Manderly but somewhat smaller I fear.” “Oh Mr D’arcy you are too kind,” Mrs Bennet smiled through gritted teeth, “Come you must meet my girls,” she added, seeing an opportunity to marry one off, and called upon them to come...
Now I should describe my wife. She is a grade three teacher, is 5'7", 115 pounds, brunette, blue eyes, 32A breasts, and very, very sensitive nipples. She's in amazing shape for a 48 year old woman as she works out daily with Zumba, piloxing and yoga.At school she dressed as a professional to all who saw her, but underneath her conservative teacher attire, she wore a garter and stockings, lace push up bras that enhanced her small breasts, and thongs.Although we have a great sex life, I get head...
Today turned out pretty boring. My brother was on his laptop for the whole day, so I stayed in my room as well.But it's getting late and neither of us has had dinner yet. So I go to the kitchen to make my famous Thai Noodles. As I am almost done, my brother arrives at the kitchen.-Hey, yesterday I rented a Freddie Kruger movie, want to see it?-Sure. Why too scared to watch it all on your own?- I ask.-No.-he laughs- Want to see if you can handle it.-Fine but not while eating. Lets watch Friends...
It had been two weeks since I made my mind up to visit Jen and Doug before I actually did it. Logistics got in the way. I needed transport and that meant a horse. Fortunately, one was on hand; loaned to me by a neighbouring farmer. I was not sure what they thought they were going to get for it in return, but I promised to bring it back in one piece and thanked them kindly. Directions were the next thing I needed and Emily was quick off the mark to show me how to get there.And so it was, that on...
Novels(Fuck world is an alternate ‘time line’ just like ours but with one major exception, in fuck world there are no STD’s or aids or any other type of disease that might be harmful to a person that has sex with multiple partners who exchange bodily fluids.) Safe sex is an orgy in a bank vault. Point of view distressed mother Everyone has their own opinion as to which are the most difficult to raise, boys or girls, and each individual has very good reasons why their choice is the worst, but as a...
This is a written continuation of a comic I commissioned: Page: 1: 928837628 Page 2: 928837795 Page 3: 928837902 Story Part 1: =1675571577190418415 Part 2: When Ka-Tar Lost His Virginity Clementine ran through the jungle, faster than she...
After our perfect day at the beach, we returned to Emma's house. We were full of sand, so we decided we should shower, and then go out somewhere. Emma showered first, so I kept myself busy waiting for her to get out. I sat on her couch, browsing the internet on her laptop. A few minutes into her shower, I heard her moaning softly. I lost interest in whatever website I was on, and walked down the hallway towards the bathroom. I noticed that she had left the door open a little, and as I...
Love StoriesKim could not help but thinking about the other night, being tied up and at her husband, Bob’s mercy. Her pussy would still get wet thinking about that day. She wanted to experience this again, but this time she wanted to be in control. She was going to tie him down to the bed. She just had to convince him to participate. Kim new tomorrow, Saturday, would be the perfect day for her adventure. They had the house to themselves, and the weather was going to be terrible and they had no plans but...
Harmony Wonder was lucky enough to have her laundry done by her father. He was about to throw in a load and told her to get anything she had ready together. The only thing she really needed washed was what she was wearing, so she stripped quick in the living room and covered herself in a towel. Hurray for clean clothes! Stepbro saw her walking by to go to the bathroom and decided to follow. Harmony was looking so hot naked in the restroom. Her nipples were so perky and her ass perfectly curved....
xmoviesforyouViolet Star is a young girl but her body is all grown up. Her Mommy has walked out on her and her step daddy and so it’s now time for her to take on some of the responsibilities of her Mother. At first the teenage girl thinks she will be cooking and cleaning, but her step father has other plans in mind. He has watched her run around the house showing off her big natural boobs for months. The older she gets the sluttier she dresses, and it’s now time for her to fulfill the...
xmoviesforyou"The Scandalous Stewardess"Chapter 1 The Bahamian island of Eleuthera is a saber-shaped spit ofglistening white coral sand in the crystalline waters of the CaribbeanSea. One can get there by boat or by plane. It was on such a shuttleflight from Nassau that Davie Knight sat and breathlessly looked out ofthe narrow window on December 20th. The sixteen year old kept knottinga silk scarf between her hands, a gesture which could not escape thewatchful notice of the striking older blonde woman who...
There is only one thing that teeny brunette Lola Heart loves more than having breakfast with her beloved boyfriend before work, and that is passionate morning sex in the kitchen. So, when she goes to the kitchen to have breakfast, she meets her boyfriend and her appetite instantly shifts to his dick. Without spending the time, Lola kneels down, takes his hard cock into her mouth and begins to suck it sensually. Then they fuck in various positions all over the kitchen until the boyfriend finally...
xmoviesforyouI walked into the pancake house and looked to see if there was anyone I knew before asking for a table. I didn’t see anyone right off, so I motioned to the hostess indicating an open table by the front windows. This particular hostess just happened to be a senior at the high school I attended and one whom I only spoke to briefly between classes. She worked at the pancake house part-time to put away spending money for college.She was very cute, even in the hostess attire. She wore light makeup,...
TeenThe wedding was three days away when Richard decided he'd waited long enough for Brenda to bring him his money. We had Phil, Claire, and Thelma staying with us over the Christmas holidays. It was Phil who answered the front door, after Richard's loud banging interrupted a small family meeting we were having. Not knowing who he was, Phil led Richard into our living room. That's when all the fireworks got started. Richard started right in, yelling at Brenda for her failure to bring him the...
I hate it when the doorbell rings. Between breakfast and lunch, I am alone. One of the things I did have, was a cordless phone. If I was in real need I could call and get help, but let's face it, all I was doing was lying around. I can hold it three hours. It's the only time I'm really alone. Of course, that led to an embarrassing conversation. As I have to rely on everyone to get and take away just about everything I have, I have no privacy. Even being here alone for three hours, I have...
CHAPTER ONE BETH "Aw. Don't worry Rich. It doesn't matter." It had happened again. I'd been seeing Beth for a whole year. And we'd been trying to have sex for a month. In all that time we'd not once actually managed. Beth is so understanding. And beautiful. "Seriously babe. Please don't worry about it. I have to get to work anyway. Important meeting today." Beth smiled sympathetically as she spoke. I just looked embarrassed again, glowing red. There was nothing more I could...
FragebogenName: Fitschi 41Geschlecht: MannAlter: 32Augenfarbe: BraunHaarfarbe: Dunkel BlondGröße: 196cmGewicht: 92kgPenis: 28 x 7Bist Du dominant: unterschiedlichBist Du sadistisch: neinBist Du devot: neinBist Du masochistisch: neinWen würdest Du suchen?:FrauenBist Du rasiert: JaWie rasierst du dich: NassWie oft rasierst du dich: täglichBist du gepierct: neinBist du tätowiert: neinRauchst Du: neinWelche ist deine Lieblingsstellung: Doggy,ReitenWo hast du am liebsten Sex: unter der DuscheWo...
It was my own fault I was trying too hard to be an adult at a party full of men eyeing me up as I pranced around thinking I was the star attraction especially as wives were not present, just girls like me enjoying their friends sixteenth birthday party.Beth was a daughter of a single parent, a daddy's girl and daddy threw the party and invited all his mates without their wives to come to the party especially since she had invited all her friends, including myself, and the men supplied the booze...
Hello guys, this is Naresh from Bangalore. I’m 23 years old and with slim-athletic body. I’m currently working in a private firm and I mostly travel a lot. Any lady from Bangalore can get in touch with me for better sex- life. This incident happened a month ago on my birthday. I have never celebrated my birthday since high school. I just stopped spending money on lavish parties. Few friends would gather for dinner & drink and we chat a lot on my birthday, that’s how birthday used to be. But my...
Two days after the wild party with Amber and the guys, I call her up from my phone at work. I own a surf shack down the road from my house, but we usually don't get much business. My hope is that Amber can fix that. "Hello?" I hesitate a moment, not sure if she will even remember much of the night after the amount of alcohol she had. "Hey Amber, it's Gary, how are things goin?" She laughs a moment, her voice ringing out across the phone, "I'm great! Although I am still a little sore from the...
Group SexI’m not the kind of person to regret any decision I have made in my life so far. I put thought into my words and calculate my actions carefully before I proceed in any situation; but what happened last night with Christina was totally unplanned. I have been with quite a few girls in my life so far, but this one had a certain element to her that unsettled me, made me wild and angry, pissed off at how much she could get away with. She was one of those girls who thought men were her playthings and...
College SexAthena Faris knew just what she was doing when she picked Codey Steele to fuck for her Cherry of the Month. Codey works his magic kissing all up and down her body making sure to take her sweet time once he gets that pussy of hers bare. She tastes so sweet as his tongue works all around that sensitive clit. Athena can only take so much before she needs that hard cock of his deep down her throat! She takes him all down enjoying the feeling of every inch being within her mouth. Athena really wants...
xmoviesforyouJacob let out an awed gasp, shocked to see his mother’s dark--greasy--log-of-a-cock still hard after spraying such a massive amount of cum across his naked body. Breathing in raggedly through her delicate (if flared) nostrils, his progenitress leaned down, rubbing her swollen-pink glands against his small cock-head rhythmically; smearing some of her seed across his sensitive frenulum. He involuntarily arched his back at the intensity. The overwhelming intimacy. She smiled down on him...
Hi dosto, mera naam Sameer hai aur mein Ranchi, Jharkhand se hun. Ye meri pehli kahani hai to agar koi galti hui to maaf kariyega. Maine waise apne life mein bohut sex kiya hai par ye incident kuch different hai. To main iss incident ko aapke saath ek story ke roop mein share karna chahta hu aur ye 100% real hai. Main 24 saal ka jawaan ladka hu. Meri height 5’11” hai. Aur 8 months pehle maine ek bhabhi ki paiso ke liye chudai start ki thi. Fir dhire dhire mere 7 clients ban gaye jinhe main...
Day 45 Jon's alarm jolted him out of slumber with its hateful buzz. Blinking his eyes into focus, he rolled away from his wife to slap the darn thing off. Whether he really wanted to be, he was awake right now; the adrenaline coursing through his system guaranteed that. It was the same alarm clock he'd had back home, and all through college and most of high school: a good ten years now of following him around and waking him up. By now the sound was hard-wired into his brain—and, evidently,...
It's always a challenge to get to know someone, but getting to know Lauren Halperth, riding in silence in the back of that black sedan, would have been a particular challenge. She could have told you about herself. That she was forty-three, a Provence native, married twenty-two years, had a daughter who had just been accepted to Haverford, and a son who had just taken the MCAT in the top 2%.But beyond that, Lauren would have had difficulty introducing herself. Up until yesterday, she was very...
MILFCat walked around with a big grin on her face, or rather a bigger one than usual. No one knew why, except for Cat. Beck had intervened and helped her get over her Sky Mall addiction, but she managed to find another version of Sky Mall, except this one was for adults. "Sex Mall" was that it was called and it was a sex toy catalogue and she loved it. She consistently bought several things out of there on weekly basis and now owned the top 50 female toys in the list and had even lent some out to...
Friday came, and before I knew it I was getting ready for my 3 o’clock appointment. I took a shower and groomed myself a bit, brushed my teeth, put on some makeup and did my hair. I wasn’t trying to look too attractive, but I didn’t want to make him think that I didn’t listen to his request. I then put some underwear on. I decided to go with a thong (nothing too fancy, just black cotton) and a black bra. I really didn’t have any so called “sexy” undergarments, but my butt stood out in any...
This happened around 40 years ago when I was in my mid-twenties. My girlfriend had thrown me out over my drinking and I found myself sleeping on friends’ sofas but I was quickly running out of sympathetic friends. One evening I was in the local pub (drinking as usual) when Edward sidled up to me and asked if he could buy me a drink. Now Edward was a local businessman who everyone knew to be gay but was without a partner and at fifty+ was struggling to find one even though he was considered to...
Hi main pinky apni ek aur new story lekar aa gayi hu kyuki ye meri sacchi kahani h main kaise apne hi bedroom me chudi main delhi ki rahnewali hu aur main call center me job karti hu. Ap mujhe mail jarur kariyea main raat bhar whatsapp par online rahti hu ap sab mujhe karke batayea meri story kaisi lagi ap sabko ab main apni story par aati hu apni story suru karne se pahle main ap sabko bata du main dikhne main bahut hi sexy hu aur meri figure h 36 30 38 ab ap sab hi batayea main kitni mast...
I am 5 foot 6 and 129 lb with a pretty fit body so I couldn’t help but notice men, particularly younger men, looking at me in a lustful way. Wendy At The Start I first started cheating on my husband maybe four years after we were married. As he is and engineer in the oil business it soon settled into him working away maybe 60% of the time. The loneliness of course led to me using dildo at first which seemed to ignite my sex drive. I am 5 foot 6 and 129 lb with a pretty fit body so I...
First TimeThe moon shows its soft light on the world as I walk the streets. I listen to your voice as you call out to your friends who are leaving your party to return to their homes. The light of the full moon catches your face and I see its beauty from down below. I slip into the shadows as your guests pass. You watch them go before turn to return to your room closing the door to the balcony that you were just using. You turn up the lamps in the room and pull the drapes closed, but I can still see...
There had been many occasions in Creed’s soon to be extinguished life, where prior to his acquirement by Julia, he’d deliberately avoided the urge to masturbate, enjoying the self-denial as his eyes teased his mind to fantasies, on the day to day, passing encounters with women of a sterner appearance. The yearning the build-up of submissively erotic passion it had awarded him, would then be rewarded with the blissful release of his seed after a week or so, the lush orgasms accompanied by the...
Chance encounterAs I round the corner to the elevators, I see you standing there in front of the doors with a luggage cart and a cart with boxes loaded on it. As I step up near the doors, you look at me and half smile. You are dressed in business attire however I have to admit your shape is very attractive, not to mention your half smile.The door opens and you try to drag both carts into the elevator, the bigger cart gets caught in the door so I help you get it into the elevator. The door...
Back to School Badly By Ingrid Halb Bunnie Toy sat scowling, looking at her shoes. She had wanted to get the calf-high boots with the three-inch heel. At 4'2 and 55 lbs, she was the smallest person in her class, and wanted the extra height to make herself taller. Her foster mother on the other hand had wanted to get her patent leather mary janes and white ruffle socks, which would have made her look like a total baby. In the spirit of compromise, her foster mother had bought her...
I was twelve years old when tragedy struck. My grandparents were killed in an airplane crash returning from Las Vegas. Mom really took it hard, she was their only child, and getting the funeral arrangements all together, liked to have killed her.....I remember hearing her cry for weeks after the funeral.. and she would always say to me ,"Well Cody, it's just you and me honey, just you and me." I had my times too, but I didn't want Mom to see me cry, I had to be tough, I don't...
Flashback – Ben – Back at the formerly captured hospital Colonel Maggie called George back and ordered, “George, make sure you do whatever it takes to keep that prisoner alive.” George relayed the command to me and I said, “Fine with me.” And I promptly tied the fucker to one of the support columns in the hospital. Then I explained, “Now he can’t jump out a window.” George asked, “Do you think we should remove the tazer probes?” I shocked the fuck out of our prisoner and he passed out...
Becky was bent over the bed with her dress pushed up around her waist and my face mere inches from her exposed body. Everything about that moment was intoxicating, the sight, the smell, the feelings washing over me and dragging any self control I had far away. At that moment there was nowhere else in the world I wanted to be. "Waiting for a written invitation?" She asked with a gentle undertone of urgency. I gave no verbal reply, only placed my hands on her firm ass and spread her...
A rush of noise and motion shattered her final rest. She felt hands gripping her unresisting body. Water rushing past her face. Humid air filling her unwilling lungs. Do they now defile my lifeless body? “Do not do that again!” In her deathly sleep she registered both the words and the voice that authored them. They’d been spoken out loud. She’d heard them. So ... I’m not dead after all? With great reluctance she opened her eyes. Her blurred vision rendered him an indistinct silhouette,...
April and I were in the housing planning section. We were going over the plans for the incoming contractors and new crew members when the receptionist interrupted us. “Ma’am, Commander Sullivan?” Looking up from the documents we were going over, she said, “Yes? What is it?” “Ma’am, there’s a delivery boy out here. He says he has something important for you. I tried to tell him that I would deliver it, but he insists that he has to hand-deliver it.” April looked at me, I shrugged. “Don’t...
Hi mera naam shefali hai. Ye meri indian sex stories par pehli sex story h. I hope aap logo ko pasand aayegi. Ye sachi kahani nahi h bas ek kalpanik kahani h. Kaise maine apni 45 yrs old maid ke sath lesbian sex ka anand uthaya. Mere ghr me main aur mom hi rehte h. Dad ne 6 saal pehle mom ko divorce de diya tha. Lalita sunty humare yaha 4 saal se kaam karti h. Vo roz subah 9 baje aati thi aur lagbhag 12 baje chali jati thi. Aur shaam ko bhi 4 baje se 6 baje tak humare yaha kaam karti thi....
Background info If you haven't read the first 2 chapters of this story, i think you should to get a better understanding of the situation. But anyway i am a 26 year old masculine bi-sexual black dude, i have fucked 100s of female, but secretly desired men, recently i engaged in gay sex with the guy of my dream. He's tall very very muscular thuggish he looks like a hoodish younger version of Michael Ealy( Ricky From Barber Shop) with baby dread locks. His Name is Jay( as far as i know). He...
I stand completely naked; waiting. I’m waiting to give myself to you. I feel you come up behind me. You don’t say a word; we don’t need words. Even though we have never met before this moment, you know me so well. You slip your arms around my waist. Your strong, domineering grip of my body lets me feel your power, but it only makes me feel safe and happy to finally be in your embrace. Your fingers glide lightly across my pale, white skin, which sends shivers of delight around my body. (Sound...
Straight SexIn the last game of the season Tommy scored twice, once on a short run up the middle and the second time on a forty-yard return of an intercepted pass. Winning their game against the school’s traditional rival led to a huge celebration, and Tommy collected many hugs and kisses for scoring the winning touchdown. The dance in the decorated gym was also traditional and Tommy found that some of the cheerleaders had forgiven him for his boorish assaults of the month before. He danced with several...
As I drove to mom's house, I'm not sure if I saw the road. All I could picture was her in those see-through panties. I already knew what her pussy looked like. I don't know what the allure was to seeing it in those panties. Whatever it was, my mind was a lust-filled fog and my cock was painfully hard.I got to her house, turned off the engine (I think) and almost ran to the front door. I stopped and opened it slowly. I saw clothes strewn about the living, skirt, top, bra. I saw her...
Incest"Don't get hung up on this situation." For a good length of time Lily and I were peeking in on the "situation" progressing in the kitchen. Nick had one hand down my mother's pants and was now kneading her ass. I held the door open just enough for us to see within. Lily was leaning down over my and her breasts were flattened against my back. I could feel her hot breath tckling the little hairs on the back of my neck, but my legs were starting to cramp and I knew that I could not maintain this...
“Dad.” “Yes, Babies.” “Erin Mom is hurting.” “Do you know why?” “Erin Mom has been watching.” “What has she been watching?” “We don’t know.” Suddenly, I was falling! “Huh!?” I woke with a start. “Paul! What are you doing?” Erin asked, looking down at me. “Apparently, I’m lying on the floor, half in and half out of the guest room and looking up at a beautiful blonde pussy in the front and two soft flesh pillows in the back. Beyond that a wonderful belly and two mounds of soft...
Although Carla had been out with Joel several times, this was the first time he had been mysterious about where they were going. She had only known him for a few weeks, but already she knew he was someone special. As a matter of fact, she had just finished speaking with her best friend, MD, on the phone and told her just that. ‘When he is with me, he makes me feel like I am the only woman in the world’, she had gushed. Even though she was on the phone, MD could see the smile on her friend’s...