Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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Role Playing II - Star Lily and the Temple of Horrors
F/f, bondage, D/s, gothic, romantic, slavery
The temple was dark and cold, the trail of spiders clearly visible in shadowedcorners. The stone ceiling was so low that a tall man would have to crouchto walk around. The floor was covered with dust and crawling insects.
Deep in the bowels of the earth, it had been forgotten for long aeons. Scholarsmight recall the foul rituals once carried out here, the summoning of monstrousdemons and foul abominations from beyond the stars. Such deeds were so longpast that the evil reputation of this place was now lost to history and dustytomes.
Even the altar was gone. The place where so many lovely, writhing, screamingmaids had been led to a horrifying ordeal had been removed. The golden chainsthat had shackled their naked bodies in place were long gone. The blood stainshad been scrubbed from the floor. Even the echo of the screams had faded.
All was quiet and still, the temple abandoned to the ravages of time.
But it is the nature of secrets that they be uncovered. And so it was here.
With a crack, and the creaking of a door opening that had been closed forso long, there came a flicker of light, and human footsteps walked in a placethat had not known them for millennia...
"Here's the cellar," said the landlord, a bored expression on hisface. "Plenty of room for storage. It might need a bit of dusting. Thelast lot never came down here much."
Bloody students. He hated them. All of them. If they weren't spending alltheir time out drinking and throwing up in the middle of the street, they wereringing him up moaning about something in the house.
The last lot had been here three years, and they had always been complainingabout something or other. It had taken him weeks to clean up the place whenthey had finally left, and if they thought they were getting their depositsback, they could think again.
Still, as much as he hated students, he had to admit there was a lot of moneyto be made in renting property out to them. More and more coming every year,and all of them looking for somewhere to live. For all that his house was quitesmall, it had one particular advantage in that it was close to the Union building.Made getting back from all those long nights of drinking that much easier.
These two didn't seem like the usual type, he had to admit. Both girls, althoughhe knew from experience that didn't mean much. They were just as bad when itcame to drinking and moaning. There was just something... some vibe there...
The first was called Becky, and she was a looker, and no mistake. One ofthose Goth birds. Black hair, lots of jewellery, wearing black with bits ofred. Strange symbls on the T-shirt, not that he looked at her clothing much.Nice tits, though. And legs. Very nice legs. She knew it too, he could tellthat much from the skirt she wore. She did most of the talking.
The other one was a lot quieter, although when she did speak, it was to askthe more intelligent questions. Things like how to contact him, how to paythe rent, making sure they were exempt from Council Tax. She'd be the annoyingone of the two.
Her name was Holly, and she was from some Asian place. He thought she saidMalaysia, but it didn't really matter. Small, petite, shy looking. Pretty enough,if you liked them thin. Not much in the way of tits, although she covered up,so he couldn't see much. Nice face. She'd be the one doing all the work whilethe other was out partying it up.
He hoped they wouldn't want to see the cellar, because he hadn't botheredhaving it cleaned. It wasn't as if they'd want to go in it, or anything. Beckyhad asked, though. Looking at her, the landlord thought she might be a paganor Satanist or something and want to do weird rituals down here. That didn'tbother him, as long as they cleaned up after them.
"Perfect," Becky said.
Yep, he confirmed to himself. A pagan. Ah well, at least that was the housetaken care of for another year or two.
The lovely Star Lily lay helpless in her bonds at the foot of her Mistress'bed, her mouth forced open by a cruel leather gag that parted her red lips.The rest of her gorgeous golden body was naked, slick with sweat, her round,voluptuous breasts heaving with fear and exertion.
She was tied cruelly and efficiently in a tight hogtie, her wrists boundsecurely to her ankles, rope around her thighs and elbows, binding legs andarms together. She could rock from side to side, but no more than that. Already,her muscles were burning from the agony of the position, and she had been init less than an hour.
Her Mistress, the cruel and beautiful sorceress Senyakhaz, was pacing backand forth, deep in thought, the sheer, tiny black night gown that was the onlygarment on her magnificent body, caressing her curves lovingly.
The terrified girl both longed for and feared the drawing of her Mistress'attention on to her. The former, because she had come to desire the caressof the evil sorceress. For all Senykhaz' wickedness, she was beautiful, andStar Lily responded to her touch easily. She had lost count of the number oftimes she had screamed in helpless ecstacy before her cruel captor. But forevery time she had been allowed release, there had been ten or twenty timesshe had been forced to beg, on her knees or her belly, shamefully and humiliatinglyproclaiming herself nothing more than a slave.
And the latter, because the sorceress was evil. Star Lily had borne manytorments at her hands, from the cruel lashings of the whip, to the agony oftight bondage, to the humiliations of being forced to serve her as slave, tothe sexual frustrations of being drawn to near ecstacy and then denied it.
A cruel and manic fervour had seized Senyakhaz since she had found the longabandoned temple earlier that day. Star Lily had been with her as the guidehad shown them the forgotten shrine to evil Gods. A shiver had run throughher as she had looked upon that foul place.
Senyakhaz had been delighted. Star Lily had once foiled her attempt to summonan ancient demon lord, saving this world but dooming herself to slavery inthe process. Sometimes, she had thought that a worthwhile sacrifice, but nowit seemed Senyakhaz had found some new way to serve her demonic masters.
Dark eyes flaring, the sorceress spun on her feet and stared at her helplesscaptive.
"Soon," she said. "Soon, all will be ready."
Then she advanced on Star Lily, and in no time at all, the room was markedwith the poor girl's anguished screaming.
The house was perfect. Affordable, near to the university, in a reasonablynice area. It was small, but there were only the two of them.
And, most importantly to Becky, it had a cellar.
Holly did not say so, but she was secretly thrilled at the prospect of thetwo of them having a house of their own. It was customary for students to rentprivate accommodation after the first year of their studies was over. For most,this was a source of panic, as they looked frantically for housemates and triedto arrange somewhere to live, trying to reconcile different lifestyles, financialsituations and living habits. For Holly and Becky, it was easy.
They were roommates in their Hall of Residence and had discovered a delightfulpastime quite by accident one night. Becky was very outgoing and gregarious,Holly much quieter and shy.
Holly's one secret pleasure was her books - fantasy tales of lesbian bondageand rape and torture. She liked to act these out, tying herself up and pretendingto be the helpless heroines of these books, including the lovely, Asian StarLily. Becky had returned home early one night and caught her.
Something had happened between the two of them, and ever since, they hadcarried out their private role playing games together. Becky enjoyed beinga cruel Mistress every bit as muh as Holly relished being the helpless slavegirl.
The only problem was that they lived in a Hall of Residence, with countlessother students coming and going. They had to keep their games quiet, and werelimited in their room only.
Now, they were moving out, and had a whole house to play their games in.
"I have to clean up that cellar," Becky mused.
"Hmm?" muttered Holly, drifting into a very pleasant sleep, thelight handcuffs holding her wrists behind her back.
"I have some ideas as to what to do there. I think you're going to likethem, Hol." She caressed Holly's side tenderly.
"Mmmm," purred the slave girl.
"Soon," Becky said, kissing her. "Soon."
Senykhaz spent weeks in frantic study, paying little attention to her lovelyslave girl. Oh, she took Star Lily to her bed often enough, had the girl serveher in all the ways a slave girl did, but there was little more than that.Gone were the cruel tortures, the agonising bondage, the inventive humiliations.
And that more than anything else caused the golden-skinned beauty to fear.Whatever her Mistress had uncovered in that abandoned ruin, she pursued withfurious vigour. Ancient tomes and old histories she perused, everything elsesecondary, even food and drink.
She had been a priestess once, in service to foul demonic entities. StarLily still sometimes dreamed of the monster that had almost killed her. Shehad managed to drive it away in the end, incurring Senyakhaz' eternal hatredas a result. The thought that there might be more...
One night, the raven-haired sorceress came to her, eyes flashing.
"I have it!" she declared with drunken fervour. "I have it.Soon, all the power I once had will be mine again. And you... the slut whotook it all from me... you will be the vessel through which my power is restored!"
Long rituals followed. Star Lily was dragged naked from Senyakhaz's mansionhouse, to the structure over the abandoned temple. Senyakhaz had ordered someof the building made habitable, some of her books and tools being transferredto a study, and the fineries of her bedchamber likewise transported.
From the moment she set her bare foot across the threshold, Star Lily couldfeel the malevolent power pulsing beneath the ground. Foul, ancient forceswaited there, waited to be called, beings far removed from humanity, whosevery presence brought madness and death. She wailed involuntarily.
"Silence, slut!" snapped her Mistress.
Fortunately, she was not immediately dragged to the temple for sacrifice.Star Lily understood enough of magic to know that the more powerful incantationsrequired preparation and ritual. While that did not ease her terrified mind,she knew at least her ultimate fate would be some way off. The more powerfulthe sacrifice, the longer the ritual.
Anything could happen in that interim time. She could escape, or be rescued.Senykhaz could discover an error in her studies, abandon the idea, change hermind, be brought down by her enemies.
Anything could happen.
But it did not.
The preparation began with the naked girl being bathed in warm, oiled water,anointed with various herbs. Senyakhaz performed this herself, and the presenceof her naked, ravishingly beautiful captor, sent Star Lily's mind reeling withdesire. Her body burned with passion, and she twitched, shamefully. Senyakhaznoticed her arousal, and merely laughed, doing nothing to sate her, nor evento make Star Lily serve her own.
Bathed and dried, the slave girl was then led to another room, where fiveropes were bound to her body. Four were the length of a man's arm, thick andrough. The fifth was much longer.
They were tied to her wrists and ankles, the ends trailing loose, not securedto anything. The fifth rope, the longer one, was looping around her neck toform a noose, and the trailing end stretched down the front of her body, rubbingpainfully sore between her delectable breasts, between her legs, itching againsther throbbing womanhood, and up her back, where it was tied again around herneck, in a second noose.
None of these ropes were bound to anything, but Senyakhaz ensured her slavewould not flee by chaining her in a small cage, no more than a few feet inheight. Star Lily had to remain in an agonising position, crouched over, burningwith desire, but unable to reach down with her hands to sate herself. She triedrubbing the rope hard against her cunt, but that only provoked a painful itchingthat raised her desire, rather than sating it.
Each day, she was removed from the cage and bathed. The ropes were removedand symbols painted on her body in a thick black liquid. Senyakhaz explainedin a matter of fact voice that the paint contained the blood of a virgin girlpainfully flayed to death over a period of months. The symbols burned the slavegirl's golden skin. They were left there for hours, and then washed away. Theropes were then re-applied and Star Lily was returned to the cage.
Always, she could feel it, but most especially late at night, listening toSenyakhaz's cries of pleasure. She had bought a new slave girl, an plump, ebonyskinned beauty with large breasts and long, toned legs. Her own body burningwith unsated desire, Star Lily could feel the temple awaiting her below.
Anything could happen. She could be freed. She could escape. Senyakhaz couldbe deposed.
Anything could happen.
But it did not.
And then, one day, she was led from the cage. The rope around her neck wasremoved and replaced with a shorter one, tied into a noose, the end danglingin the delicious valley between her breasts. A blindfold was placed over herdark, sultry eyes, and she was led down. The stone steps were cold and dustybeneath her bare feet, and she cried out as the foul air of the unholy templewelcomed her, caressing her naked body.
The new house was wonderful, but Holly could not avoid a nagging feelingof disappointment. After so long limiting their games in the Hall of Residence,to finally have somewhere all their own, without worry of the fire alarm goingoff, or nosy neighbours hearing...
She had been expecting the wildest, most imaginative games, and yet... nothing.
Oh, she and Becky still slept together, still had sex, but it was generallycalm and mundane. Some ropes and little more.
She had complained to Becky once, and her dark Mistress had smiled.
"Patience, Holly," she said. "I'm working on something, trustme. A proper christening of the place, so to speak."
Holly did trust her, and she was content to wait, however much she grumbledabout it privately. The truth was, she had a lot to do. The first year wasover, and it was the summer, but that was not a time for laziness. She hadgot a temp job and applied her usual work ethic to it. She was also alreadyreading up on her course books for next year.
She had even, at Becky's suggestion, tried writing some stories of her own.The two of them had come up with enough fantasies to fill a small library oferotica. Holly had tried getting some of them down on paper (or on computerdisk). She had stopped that very quickly, realising that reliving all her oldgames only made her more want to play new ones.
And of course, there was the organising all her stuff. Moving in had takena long time, but even longer was the constant reorganisation of everything.The desk in her private room (her study, they called it, because she usuallyslept in Becky's room) had to be moved three times to catch the light properly.The wardrobe needed repeated organisation. She had had to find three secretplaces to hide her growing collection of erotica, the first two not being quitehidden enough.
Becky, meanwhile, was just as active. She had a job herself, although witha much more casual attitude to hers than Holly had. She hadn't begun to lookat next year's work, and she had dumped most of her things in a pile, sortingthem out as and when she felt like it.
Most of her work was done in the cellar. She had expressly forbidden Hollyto go down there, and the Asian girl, ever obedient to her Mistress, had not.She had heard banging and occasional swearing, and she knew that Becky hadbeen spending a lot of money. Partly at the well hidden fetish shop in town,but also at DIY and gardening shops.
Holly finally found out what one Friday evening, about four weeks after theyhad moved in. She had returned home from work tired and depressed, angry atthe poor money and the abysmal treatment of the temps.
A note was waiting for her on the living room table.
Slave. I expect you to be ready for me when I return. Just thecollar. Nothing else.
Holly read it three times, the note shaking in her hand. All thoughts ofwork or study or anything else fled her mind instantly.
Then, realising she had been standing there for ten minutes reading it, shelet out a yelp. She had been home late for work. It was gone six o'clock now.She had no idea what time Becky would be back, or even where she had gone.She most definitely did not want to disappoint her Mistress.
She ran upstairs and quickly removed her clothing, throwing it most uncharacteristicallyon a pile on the floor. She stood there naked, avoiding the full-length mirrorBecky had insisted they get. Not yet. She could not look at herself yet.
Digging in the bottom of her wardrobe, she pulled out a cardboard box, andremoved a thin, leather collar. Her hands shaking, she fixed it around herneck. It was tighter than was comfortable, but she could breathe.
Then and only then, did she look in the mirror.
It wasn't Holly that was staring back at her. It was a slave girl. Hollywould never stand naked before a mirror admiring herself, wearing only a collar.Holly's nipples would never be hard and dark with arousal. Holly would neverbreathe faster at the sight of herself like that.
She wondered idly who she was to be tonight. Star Lily was her favouritecharacter, but she had been others. The spoiled noblewoman Tarilanna; the paleand tormented spy, Chase; Kara the space wanderer; Miria, on an endless questto save her lover from slavery; Druuna, Sweet Gwendoline, Liu, Princess Alana,Cleopatra...
She swallowed and padded barefoot downstairs, to Becky's room. That was whereshe knew she had to wait. Gently pushing the door open, her heart poundingat the slightest squeak, she knelt down in the middle of the room, her legsspread wide, her hands on her soft thighs, her head down.
And she waited, her heart pounding, remembered all the games they had playedbefore and all the ones she hoped they would play again. Wrapped up in a straitjacketand cruelly tormented by evil nurses; mind controlled and made to dance nakedfor her sadistic sister; drugged and tormented.
Time passed, Becky's alarm clock ticking away regularly, each tick soundingin time with her heartbeat.
She thought she heard the front door open many times, her breath catchingin her throat, wondering if Becky had at last returned, but a long silencefollowed and she knew that she had imagined it. When would she arrive? Whatwould she want to do?
Holly was so preoccupied that she didn't notice when Becky stepped behindher and smoothly slid a thick cloth over her eyes. She gasped and shivered,losting her flawless slave position. Becky tutted, but did not stop tying theblindfold tightly around Holly's head. When she was done, and with a few experimentalflicks at Holly's eyes to be sure she really could not see anything, she steppedback.
"Stand up, slave," she ordered, in her haughty, Mistress voice.Holly obeyed, thinking she smelled alcohol on Becky's breath. That, and somethingstranger.
"Legs spread."
Again Becky, obeyed. She remained as still as she could while Becky fixeda leash to her collar.
"Follow me."
Holly's heart caught in her throat. Her knees felt weak and she almost fainted.
"Yes, Mistress," she breathed, the only thing there really wasto say.
The lovely Star Lily found herself to be moaning uncontrollably as she wasled into the dungeon. The air was cold and chill against her luscious, nakedbody, and it carried with it the promise of foul and terrible things. The smellof death hung in the air.
The helpless girl found her bowels loosening in terror and it was all shecould do to keep from voiding herself on the floor beneath her. As it was,she was shaking. Goose bumps rose all over her nude form, and her dark nippleswere sharply erect.
Some way into the room, she was stopped and turned around. Unable to willherself to resist, she was positioned properly by Mistress Senya. There wasa structure there. She could not know what it was, but it seemed to be somekind of stocks.
Her legs were spread wide, and the rope attached to each shapely ankled wastied to a metal ring embedded firmly in the stone floor. Her body was tiledbackwards at an angle, her arms pulled back, stretched as far as her wearymuscles would allow, and they were bound to similar rings fixed to posts. Theleash around her neck was pulled up and tied to a ring in the ceiling. StarLily could not see any of this, but she could hear. She had been trained tobe observant in all things and some residue of her training still remained.Besides, she had been tied up often enough to know what it felt like.
Her lovely body pulled taut, her proud breasts high and round against herchest, her dark nipples hard and rigid, her mouth dry, Star Lily hung there,terrified. Around her, the darkness had taken on a malevolence she could feel.There was an evil in this room, an evil that had consumed the lives and sanityof many before her and would, if Senyakhaz had her way, of many after her.
But, as selfish as it might sound, Star Lily did not care about the poorgirls that might follow her. For now, she cared only for her own survival,and that looked bleak. A grim certainty settled over her: that she would notleave this room alive. Tears began to soak her blindfold.
Senykhaz had begun to chant, dark and inhuman words, each one ringing insideStar Lily's mind, carrying with it the sense of madness. She knew there werethings in this world that were not human, that had predated humanity, thatwere so terrible and foul and hideous to look upon that their very presencereduced the strongest-willed men and women to madness. She had once encounteredsuch a beast and had only just emerged intact. She knew that would not happenagain.
The air swished above her and something cracked against her lovely breasts.For a moment there was nothing, and then... pain. Her head fell back, her hairflying loose about her face, and she screamed.
"Nnooooo!" she cried, her voice filled with despair and terror. "No!Please, no! Ple... Please!"
Senyakhaz kept chanting.
A moment later, Star Lily was whipped again. This time across her flat torso.
The third blow was directly between her legs.
The cellar steps were cold on her bare feet. Becky was obviously wearinghigh heels. Holly could hear them tap gently on the stone steps. She wonderedidly if they were the stilettos, or the shin-high black boots, or the longred boots that went up to her thighs or...
She moaned involuntarily and bit her lip to stifle the sound.
What had Becky been doing down here? Holly had been forbidden to look andalthough she had been curious, she respected her lover's wishes. Becky hadput a lot of work into this, and Holly did not want to spoil the surprise.
Only now, with the secret about to be revealed, did her curiosity threatenedto overwhelm her. She wanted to know. She wanted to see. How did Becky look?What she was wearing? What did she have planned?
"Almost there, my pretty Star Lily," Becky said, in her MistressSenya voice, arrogant and imperious and mockingly cruel. So, that at leastsettled ho she was to be tonight. Where had they left Star Lily the last time?She was still Senya's slave, Holly thought. They had been busy with other fantasies.
To be Star Lily again... The thought excited her. Sexy, helpless, poor littleStar Lily. Erotic and voluptuous and the prisoner of a cruel, sadistic, powerfulwoman.
Holly shivered.
They reached the bottom of the stairs and turned right, Becky gently leadingHolly through the archway and into the cellar proper. Holly ducked, even althoughshe was short enough to pass under the archway easily, especially in bare feet.Becky would have to duck, she knew.
In the centre of the room was a structure of some sort, where Becky boundHolly securely, spread-eagling her at an angle, her body tight, ankles boundto the floor, wrists to something wooden near the ceiling. Nothing else supportedher, only the tightness of her bonds.
Becky stepped up near to her, touching her lovingly in all the places shemost liked. "Are you okay, Hol?" she asked, as herself.
"Yes, Mistress," she whispered, breathlessly. Her head was swimmingwith the anticipation.
"Okay. The safeword is 'Jade Pavilion'. You might not be able to speakit. Your mouth might be... ah... full later on."
"I hope so," whispered the suspended girl.
"We'll see about that. If you can't speak, and you want to get out,drop this." Becky pushed something into her right hand. It was small andcold, no larger than a ping pong ball. "It'll break if you drop it. I'llhear and let you out, straight away. Got it, Hol?"
"Yes, Mistress."
"Good." There was a pause, and Holly knew Becky was putting onher Senyakhaz persona. A hand ran slowly across her belly and up her smallbreast, caressing her dark nipple, erect with desire. A hot mouth closed overthe nipple, nibbling furiously.
Holly moaned. When Becky's hand reached her groin, she began to scream.
Star Lily's luscious body burned all over with pain, invisible red linesrunning criss-cross over her. No part of her had been spared the mercilesslash. Not her lovely, rounded breasts, her flat, toned torso, her long thighs,not even the special place between her legs.
A thin film of sweat clustered across Senyakaz' magnificent body, her paleskin glistening in the faint light of the temple.The sorceress had been chanting,occasionally pausing in the whipping to utter words in a language entirelyalien to the poor young girl so hopelessly trapped.
The words spoke to her of something so totally alien, so utterly wrong, somalevolent and inhuman that they ripped through her. Screams came from hermouth that had nothing to do with pain or fear, although they were the causeof many cries also.
Something was rising within the unholy shrine. The shadows became darker,the echoes of Senyakhaz' chanting and Star Lily's screams became more distant,as if the sound was traveklling farther before returning to them.
Something was coming, something terrible, in answer to the sorceress' summons.
The girl's lovely face was twisted into a visage of mind-numbing terror,while that of the sorceress was consumed by a sexual charge of power. Senyakhazthrew her head back, her long hair writhing about her face as if alive.
She called out something, a single sound, a word...
Perhaps a name.
Star Lily felt it, and with a strangled gasp, she closed her eyes. Anythingthan see what it was. The girl who had shown such courage in her actions, displayedresilience in her slavery, who had endured torments that would have drivenothers to insanity, that girl closed her eyes for terror at what she wouldsee.
Something long and wet slid up the inside of her leg.
Holly's whole body was tingling, vibrating with the delicious sensation ofBecky's fingers crawling slowly all over her. Bound as she was, no part ofher was protected from the roaming touch of her lover. The blindfold only heightenedthe experience, her other senses enhanced by the loss of her sight.
When Becky stopped, Holly moaned, twitching in her tight bonds.
Come back. Don't stop. Carry on.
She knew better than to actually say those things aloud, though. She wasa helpless slave girl at the mercy of her cruel Mistress. Asking Senyakhazanything would lead to some dire punishment.
Then again, it might be worth it...
No. Star Lily was scared, terrified. Some of that fear was seeping throughHolly, although in a delicious, exciting way. Star Lily's Mistress had somehorrible fate lined up for her. In her mind, Holly was already received cruelblows across her exposed body, although she wondered if Becky's slow touchingof her might be crueller than any whipping.
Becky returned, and by the sound of it she was carrying something quite long.She ran one finger up the inside of Holly's mooth thigh, stopping just belowher throbbing pussy.
She then began wrapping something around Holly's leg. It was long and hardand slippery. The coils slid up and down Holly's leg, rubbing against her.Becky carefully rose it higher and higher, up to Holly's groin.
Holly cried out loudly as something long and throbbing entered her pussy.It felt like a vibrator, but surely not long enough to reach up her leg? Unlessit were fixed to something. What was it? What was happening to Star Lily now?
Holly moaned, panting loudly, her hand closing tightly over the glass ballin her hand.
Of course, her lust-addled mind realised.
A tentacle.
Star Lily let out another scream as the thing forced its way brutally intoher soft womanhood. She had issued many cries thus far during this nightmarishritual, but none like this. It was a primal, agonising cry, born of violationand shame and a mind-consuming terror.
Still, she kept her eyes closed, mercifully for the frgaile threads of hersanity. The thing thrust up inside her, swelling andforcing apart the soft lips of her sex. A foul slime dripped from it, mixingwith her own juice of arousal.
A violent thrust forced up deep into her, jerking her body in the tight bondage.Still, she kept her eyes closed.
At first she wanted to believe that the second tendril writhing beneath herwas nothing, just a figment of her increasingly deranged psyche. But she knewit was not.
Initially, it was just a small, thin point, nudging at the tight hole ofher nether crack, proding slowly and cautiously. Such a light touch, from howeverfoul a thing, was easily unnoticed with a vile phallus raping and violatingher womanhood.
Then, with one sharp, wicked motion, the other tendril drop itself up intoher back passage.
Again, she screamed. An anguished cry more animal than human.
And this time, her eyes opened.
Holly's cries were far more frequent than that of the lovely Star Lily hermind's eye conjured, but very different in tone. Hers were the clear criesof a woman filled with ecstacy. The vibrator was humming inside her wonderfully.Her head rocked back and forward, the only part of her body that could movewith her bound as she was.
She could feel Becky's presence beside her, doing something. Holly did notknow what, and she did not care. This was just...
This was...
Becky kissed the side of her face.
Then she slowly and delicately pushed something inside Holly's arsehole.Smaller than the vibrator inside her pussy, and very well lubricated, it wasmoving at a slower rate. There was a moment's pain, and then a gentle throbbing.
Poor Star Lily, Holly thought absently. To have to endure this...
The thing was half-hidden by the shadows and the thick cloud of smoke thathad arisen in the centre of the chamber, which was fortunate. If Star Lilyhad been able to see it clearly and unobstructed, then her sanity would havefled, never to return, leaving her an empty husk.
As it was, the sight was monstrous and hideous, a thing that did not belongin the natural world.
Tentacles writhed here and there, twitching in the air, as if sampling thenew world within which it had found itself. They were of different lengthsand widths, but all were black, dripping with a slick slime, that like of slugsgliding across grass, each tendril ending with a thick, rounded point.
A number were writhing across the floor beneath the helpless girl, slidingrandomly this way and that, their roots lost in the mass of black smoke.
And somewhere in there, lost in the centre of the chamber, lost in whateveralien and unnatural world Senyakhaz had summoned it from, was the centre ofthe beast. A malign and cruel intelligence. This was no mindless beast. Thiswas a creature that had lived when this world had been just dust and dreams.This was a being that saw humanity as nought but insects. This was a creaturethat could quench all life from this world with but a thought.
Star Lily screamed and screamed and kept screaming until her throat was hoarse.She would have continued even after that, had not one of the tendrils, as thickas a strong man's arm, forced its way into her open mouth.
The other members continued their violation of her holes, thrusting mercilessinside her. More and more of them began to clamber over her body, caressingher thighs and belly and breasts and arms, swamping her with their mass, entwiningthemselves around her glorious body.
But not her eyes. They were left clear, allowing the anguished and half-madgirl the opportunity to see what was being done to her naked body.
And having opened them once, she could not close them again.
Holly likewise found herself incapable of rational thought, but for a verydifferent reason. Her first orgasm had come crashing down upon her like wavesupon a rocky shore, but that had not ended the feelings of pleasure ripplingthrough her. It only heighted them.
After the tentacle had been inserted into her arse, where it still hummed,not pleasant but not painful either, Becky had turned her attention to Holly'sother orifice: her mouth. She prepared that hole with kisses and touches andsomething above them. Then, another tendril was trailed down, a vibrator slickwith some slimy substance.
Holly did not need any encouragement. Her mind awash with desire, she openedher mouth, stretched her head up as far as she could, and took the phallusinto her.
Poor Star Lily.
Poor, helpless, Star Lily!
Tied up so... raped by some foul monster... cursed to be the slave of a crueland demonic Mistress...
Poor Star Lily!
But lucky, lucky Holly.
They wrapped around Star Lily now, almost crushing her with the pressureof their grip. Tears filled the girl's soft, brown eyes, the only expressionof the torment she was now feeling. Another tendril had joined the first inher mouth, stretching her jaw. She could barely breath, and the air she couldwas tainted by the odour of this monstrosity.
Star Lily had often been afraid she would die. That had been a fate she hadbeen willing to accept at times, but she knew this would not lead to her death.That would be a blessed relief.
This... thing would take her. This monster. This demon. This...
She saw Senyakhaz then, walk slowly through the mass of writhing tentaclesto stand before the black portal to the home of this beast. The raven-hairedsorceress' face was twisted in a mask of sexual ecstacy. Her clothes were tornand ragged and dishevelled and she was slick with sweat.
"I call you!" she cried. "By the sacrifice I have offered,I call you!" She then said the creature's name again, a sound Star Lilycould not imagine, but that sent feverish throbbings through her mind.
"Do you hear me? I call you!"
A voice replied.
Star Lily's lovely eyes widened and her body shook with the fury of a violentorgasm, the vile things inside her trembling and thrusting harder and harder.A sickness rose within her, a nausea, a violent sensation. Pain and sicknessand arousal all at once.
And she came again, the things still inside her, her lovely body their toy.
Holly swallowed the vibrator above her, sucking on it furiously, imaginingit to be some evil phallus violating her mouth.
Tentacles. Some demonic entity raping her helpless body. She didn't havea book on the subject, but she had found enough pictures online, and knew ofthe infamous anime videos.
Hentai. Tentacle rape.
Perhaps next time they tried this she should dress up as a schoolgirl.
Poor Star Lily...
In her thrashings, in her desperate attempt to keep the vibrator in her mind,Holly's blindfold slipped. A few shakes of her head, and it fell away. Thecellar was dark and whatever the tentacles were made from, they seemed realisticenough. The one above her was suspended from the same pole that her hands werebound to.
The first thing Holly did with the renewed gift of sight was to look forBecky. She was sitting on the floor, cross-legged, the thin black strip ofcloth around her waist lifted up. One of the tentacles was inserted into herand her face had a blissful expression.
She noticed Holly's eyes were open and a smile crossed her face. "Lostyour blindfold, hmm? Naughty Star Lily. Mistress Senya will have to punishyou for that."
One hand still holding the vibrator inside her, she awkwardly walked overto Holly, the tentacle trailing along the ground behind her.
She kissed and nibble Holly's breast, licking her slowly, causing the boundgirl to twitch with peaking ecstacy.
Then, Becky bent down, lowering her hands in something. When she stood backup, they were covered with a thick, lumpy green slime. Crushing Holly's breastsin her hands, she soaked the slime across them, trailing it down her belly.
Holly closed her eyes as her next orgasm struck, just as Becky trailed theooze at the tentacle inside her groin.
"I demand power!" Senyakhaz called out. "I offer you a sacrifice,as is the custom."
"Just as I demand that power now!"
"And now I make an offering to you."
"I obeyed the laws. I followed the ritual. called you, and I gave youa sacrifice."
"SHE IS NO VIRGIN, BUT HER MIND IS STRONG. SHE STRUGGLES STILL." StarLily revolted as the creature's attention turned to her. "BUT HER HEARTIS GOOD. SHE IS A HEROINE."
"She is a suitable sacrifice. Nowhere was it said the sacrifice hadto be a maiden. Many of those give to you were not."
"What do you mean, Great Lord? I will find another. One worthy of you.Will you take this one freely?"
One of the tentacles curled around Senyakhaz's leg.
Becky kept touching her and caressing her, and sliding the thick slime acrossher body. And Holly came, again and again, her body bursting with passion.
Finally, when she could bear no more, her head dropped back, exhausted. Thetentacle above her slid from her mouth, and her head lay limp.
"Jade Pavilion," she whispered, letting go of the small ball shehad been holding for so long.
Gently, Becky removed the tentacles from inside her, and then helped herdown from the chains. Holly almost collapsed, as weary as if she had run amarathon.
Tenderly, Becky helped her upstairs.
The sorceress screamed as the member curled around her fleshy thigh. Shetried to break free, but another slid around her neck, jerking her backwards.More and more took her, claiming another limb.
"No!" she screamed. "Great Lord! No! You cannot... you..." Butthen her words died and all that remained were insensate screams. Star Lilywondered idly if they sounded anything like hers had, that cry of animalisticterror.
The tendrils began to pull back from her tortured body, crawling over, eitherback to the portal, or to the trapped sorceress. More and more of Star Lily'sviolated form became visible. The ones inside her mouth slid free, leavinga silvery trail across the perfection of her face. The one inside her nethercrack pulled free. Then, only the one still pumping inside her sex remained.
Senyakhaz was dragged, slowly, inch by inch towards the portal. Her mindlesscries had become lost in the mass of tentacles around her, but as with StarLily, her eyes were visible. They shone of utter despair, of anguished terror.
Finally, the last tentacle inside Star Lily slid free, returning to the portal.Senyakhaz was pulled inside.
With a distant scream, coming from somewhere a long, long way away, the blackcloud vanished and the portal closed. The room was returned to darkness, inhabitedonly by the gentle girl who had just experienced a hideous violation that hadpulled her close to madness.
There was a long silence, broken eventually by Star Lily's wretched sobbing.
Becky knew it would take a long time to clean up the cellar. For all hergood intentions, she finally decided to leave it until tomorrow. It had takenlong enough to clean up herself and Holly. The goop had been mercifully easyto wash away in the shower. Becky's clothes, however, were probably lost forgood. Ah well, it wasn't as if there had been much of them.
The sorceress garb peeled off, and her own shower done, Becky joined Hollyin bed. The Malaysian girl was sleepy, but not asleep. She reached out andtook Becky in her arms.
"Worth it?" Becky asked.
"Oh, yes..." Holly purred, her naked body delightfully warm andsoft and just... nice, next to Becky's own. "How'd you do it?"
"Some garden hose, vibrators of different sizes. The goop was... youreally don't want to know. Harmless, and even edible if we get really hungry.It all took some time getting together."
"I know."
"The frame's still there. I've got a lot of ways to tie you to it."
Holly smiled, her face lit up. "'love you," she murmured. "Ilove you."
Becky kissed her girlfriend's forehead, thinking back to that first night.Neither of them had any clue of this side of themselves before that. Not abit. That had been a revelation, and not one she would abandon for anything.She had never put this amount of effort into anything in any of her previousrelationships, but then she had never felt the same about her previous boyfriendsas she did about Holly. Nowhere close.
"Whabout Star Lily?" Holly asked, half-asleep.
"Hmm..." Becky paused. "I don't know." Then she smiled. "I'msure we can think of something."
Time passed in that foul temple, and Star Lily's fractured mind began torestore itself. Her body still ached with the violence of her repeated andmultiple rape, but the greater wounds in her psyche were slowly healing.
The memories of what it was were fading, some self defence mechanism in hermind activating to spare her the worst of it. She remembered well what hadbeen done to her, but the actual feeling, the sight of that thing, the feelof its voice... That was all going.
Food and drink would be her problem now. She had tried to free herself, butto no success. The ropes held her body too tight. Her muscles ached from herlong bondage and she simply was not strong enough to manage to tear herselffree.
Who knew where she was? Who even knew this place existed? Had she escapedthe hideous ritual only to starve to death here?
If she did, then that would at least be better than the fate which now befellMistress Senya. Star Lily should hate her cruel Mistress, and she knew sheshould be happy that she had received a just punishment, but she could not.
Senya had been the first woman to truly dominate her, to show Star Lily whata slave she was. For all her cruelty, for all her sadism, for all her brutalities,Star Lily could not forget the many ecstacies she had known in the sorceress'arms.
She could not live free again, not having known this, not having experiencedthese things.
She actually found herself pitying Senykhaz.
More time passed. Just when she had begun to accept her fate, she heard anoise. The sound of footsteps outside. At first, she thought it was nothingbut her imagination, but then she became more and more certain.
Who was it? Some of the city guard perhaps? Colleagues of Senyakhaz'? Othersorcerors investigating the ruins here? Someone who might intend to subjecther to the same fate she had only just narrowly avoided.
It did not matter.
"Help!" the luscious slave girl called out. Her voice was dry andhoarse and the cry barely audible. She swallowed and called out again. "Helpme! I'm in here!"
A figure came into view, moving through the dark shadows of the twisted chamber.Star Lily could not see her face but from the curves of the silhouette it wasclear this was a woman. A warmth began to spread through her sore body.
"Well," said the newcomer, a cruel and dominant tinge to her voice, "whathave we here?"
The End
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Jeremy was only a few months out of college when he finally landed a decent job. He’d been working part-time and living at home while he was job-shopping for a ‘career’ position that was somehow related to his studies as a Marketing major. He had been applying for many positions in different locations, and it was a great relief when he’d been offered and accepted a position in the marketing department for a large pharmaceutical company. It was a great load off his mind for a number of...
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***Propped up on one elbow her smile undulating on her lips, on her mouth, on her face, the pleasure of touching herself sweeping through her in little waves, shy but turned on, Daddy watching, Lily nodded, his question alone making her draw in her breath in heated, lovely excitement.Her eyes half closed dreamily, her knees wide apart, her fingers slowly, softly touching between her legs, her satiny soft pussy glistening under her fingers delicately drawing circles over and through her...
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Jeremy was only a few months out of college when he finally landed a decent job. He’d been working part-time and living at home while he was job-shopping for a ‘career’ position that was somehow related to his studies as a Marketing major.He had been applying for many positions in different locations, and it was a great relief when he’d been offered and accepted a position in the marketing department for a large pharmaceutical company. It was a great load off his mind for a number of reasons,...
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LesbianFor the first time, Lily found out what it actually felt like to get wet from the actual touch of a man. And the man that was doing it was her own eighteen year old twin brother. Something about that made her even wetter.She could feel her sexual freshness flow out of her tiny opening and onto the sewn crease of the boy shorts she was wearing. Lily knew she had already soaked them. She had not anticipated being sexually aroused, so she had left off the underwear on purpose. Now her brother was...
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Twitter Porn AccountsWith that said I hope you enjoy the story and that I might have inspired someone else to write. I was in my early twenties when these events took place. I’d finished school and took a couple of gap years before pursuing what might be next. I mainly worked but occasionally caught up with my friends to see what they were doing. After finishing school my social life had slowly diminished. It was a shame, but I didn’t have anyone to blame for it. I had a few friends who I still kept in contact...
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BDSM"I've got a date," she said. "A date? Where are we going?" I said. "Not we honey, just me. Don't wait up," she said. "Huh? What? What are you talking about?" I said. She put on her most exasperated look, and leaned back against her vanity. I must have looked the total wimp to her as she prepared to unload on me. "I'm going on a date. I have a date with a man. He will buy me drinks and dinner and maybe take me dancing. After that he will get us a hotel room and do me. Then, I will come home...
CuckoldShe couldn't understand how all at once a feeling could be so wonderful and so terrible. Wonderful in the way she felt so sexual, so sensual, able to attract anyone she wanted and give them pleasure like nothing they'd experienced. Terrible in the way she was constantly, desperately aroused; frozen on the brink of orgasm in a way her fingers could do nothing about. She'd used her fingers, and her new toys, over and over in the hours since her friends had left, but it hadn't helped. If...
"I've got a date," she said. "A date? Where are we going?" I said. "Not we honey, just me. Don't wait up," she said. "Huh? What? What are you talking about?" I said. She put on her most exasperated look, and leaned back against her vanity. I must have looked the total wimp to her as she prepared to unload on me. "I'm going on a date. I have a date with a man. He will buy me drinks and dinner and maybe take me dancing. After that he will get us a hotel room and do me. Then, I...
Well, the shower in a baseball locker room after a victory is always a happy place. When you beat a team you haven't beaten in six years, it's a particularly happy place. What I found out that day was, when your girlfriend is there and asks you to help wash up-it's a very happy place. Of course, it would've been happier if said girlfriend was asking me to help wash something other than some pretty nasty cuts. But, hey, you can't always get what you want, right? What was a bit strange...
I guided her through my room towards my bathroom. Once in the bathroom, I started the shower. As I pulled my shirt off, Lily grabbed my shorts and pulled them down sliding her tongue over my cock as she did. She stood up after slipping my shorts off and started kissing my chest. I lifted her chin up with my hand and kissed her on the lips. I stood back and admired Lily’s body, now that the shock had worn off. I must have been blind to never have truly noticed her before. The top of her...
Hey readers, this is my 4th story here in ISS. I am a fair-skinned bisexual male. I usually write erotica partially based on things that happen in real life. Let’s jump into my story. This is a story of a shy South Indian girl with a pretty face, fair skin, big natural Indian boobs, and a juicy bubbly ass. She meets a natural Indian pretty shemale to realize her wildest dreams come true! So the story is being narrated in the South Indian girl’s point of view. Her name is Lavanya or Lavi for...
By: D.Alexin Hello, I am Alex, am back to narrate my sexual experience with my maid. Her name is Lily, she is a bit dark and her size is 36-28-34. I was staying in the outskirts, 40 Km away from Chennai with my collage mates and we rented a double bedroom house since we were 6 of us. We enquired our landlady for a maid to take care of our daily needs. That’s when we were introduced to Lily. All of us liked lily much because she looked beautiful and pleasant even though she was a bit dark she...
My wife and I are just sitting down in front of a movie.It has been a long time since we had this opportunity. Our schedules are frantic at best. I work in Environmental Health and Safety. My wife is an RN going to school to become a Nurse Practitioner. Little did we know that our lives are to be turned upside-down by a knock on the door.With drinks in hand, we nestle on the couch. Just as I touch the 'play' button there is a knock on the door. It is a resolute banging by the time I open the...
IncestShe felt the smooth wood stroke across her face as I let her know my weapon of choice. Her head tipped back to feel it touch her warm skin. She wiggled her ass, impatiently. She wanted more. I shook my head, almost disbelieving, knowing that this little slut was never going to be happy until she couldn’t walk any more. I pulled my arm right back and swiped the stick across her red, welting skin. Just in time to see, my classroom door opened. A head peeked around the door as the ruler connected...
BDSMI was barely awake the next morning when I heard Mom call. "Lily, are you and Mike awake?" "I am," I said as soft as I could. "OK. Your Dad had to go to the office for a couple hours, and I need to hit the grocery store. It's eight o'clock, I won't be back for an hour or so." "OK." I lay back down where I was-with my face all snuggled into Mike's chest-but he had heard the exchange. "Mmmmmmm?" he said. "Hi, sexy," I giggled. His eyes flew open. "Well, hello. What a...
Lily was in 18 first year of highschool. Lily had golden hair with black highlights, nicely tanned body and was very fit. Lily was somewhat of a good student getting mostly A's and was very active in sports . Lily seemed to be perfect, perfect body, face,grades, and her voice was one of an angel. So anyway, Lily went to dance with her bestfriends, at the dance was a mix of schools all private. Lily went to an all girls school so she didn't meet many guys and chose this dance as a good way to...
“Oh my God! You must be the new girl! Thank God you’re here, we’re rammed and it’s not even dinner time yet! I’m Lily.” Lily ran over to me and grabbed both of my arms just above the elbow, smiling at me as though I’d just made her cum a thousand times. I stood there, shocked at how familiar she was being. Oh if only she’d put those hands somewhere else. Vaguely aware that I was drooling, I introduced myself. “Hi ,I’m Emma.” I only hoped that my answering smile was just as dazzling as hers....
LesbianShe looked back in the mirror. She considered herself quite plain. A little over 5’3” with ginger hair. Not dark red but actual ginger. A few freckles too but her concealer managed to cover those. She wore the pale red lipstick he requested and the blue eye shadow. She was wearing the drop earrings he had sent her. She thought she look okay. She had picked a light blue skirt – that was about the only thing he had left as her choice – but even that had to be the right length. Just...
She entered the room and he could see why she was glad Rosalyn wasn't home ... her new "nighty" was made of a diaphanous material that, for all intents and purposes, left her completely exposed. It was utterly pointless for modesty, and merely owning it meant that Lily needed something to wear when she was cold, but still absolutely wanted for someone to gawk at her naked body ... and Rich knew that someone was him. She turned around to give him the full view, and he saw that it rose to...
I was still out of sorts the next morning. I tried to calm down, but it wasn't working all that well. Especially when I got to school, and there he was. At the entrance, ready to do the get naked thing. He flashed me a big smile. I forced one back, and we stripped. Then I headed for my first class. In a hurry. The more I thought about it, though, the more I realized I was being silly. Hey, if he wasn't attracted to me, I can't blame him, can I? Plus, we needed to get along. He was my...
"It begins the same way every night. I'm in a caf?, chatting with a bunch of high school girls. My voice is high pitched, and my articulation is on there level. I move my hands about as I speak, and they appear small and dainty. Though I never see my face, it is implied that I'm one of them." "Wait, you mean in this dream you're a girl." "Yes." Robin took a minute to absorb this, and then told him to go on. "I hear this ring tone, and reach into my breast pocket to pick up a p...
I am an only child. My mother died during child birth and my father never remarried. My father died in a car accident the summer after I graduated; a drunk driver crossed the double lines and hit him head on. I sold the house and his business. Between the money from the sales and his life insurance, I was able to buy a house close to the college I was to attend and have plenty of money left over that I wouldn’t have to worry about money for a while. It was a nice little neighborhood;...
"So what is it that he does that's so great?" My daughter was sitting at the breakfast bar in our kitchen. We'd been planning her big engagement party. She and her fiancé had been going together for years and had been engaged for nearly the last three. We had been having some "girl talk" about sex -- specifically the married kind. I had, as usual, been bragging about how great my husband -- her step dad -- was in bed. "Well, Honey, he just turns me on like I've never been turned...
As I drove we discussed what to expect at the club we are going to. I explained to Aimee “in your state of arousal, you walking in will be like blood in the water for sharks. Whenever you are separated from me, guys will circle and try to get you to join them.” Aimee responded “they have never done that before, it’s like I am not even there.” I replied “I bet you have never gone out dressed like you are or in the state of arousal that you are right now.” Aimee looked down at herself and...
Knowing what you want and getting it are two very different things. Lily has known this all her life. She doesn't get discouraged by it. She accepts each thing she wants to get as a challenge and then sets out to surmount the hurdles. The first time I saw it was in our rental in Mindanao when I had convinced Jake to kiss Rose and Lily. It was Lily who at age 12 grabbed Jake's dick when he showed some wood. That is a remarkable thing for a 12 year old to do under any circumstances. And even...
"Oh...oh...mmm...fuck me, oh, yes!" Lily moaned, imaginging she was the pornstar in the video getting her pussy reamed by the thick cock.The top part of a brush was held between the heels of her feet, the rounded 5 inch handle in her hairless 14 year old pussy as she bounced on it. She was naked, glistening with sweat with her head thrown back, her long blonde hair swishing from side to side.. Her pert Bcups were bouncing wildly as she fucked her hairbush like an a****l. The handle was coated...
This was a roleplay my boyfriend and I did many years ago. Of course, my boyfriend did not go as far with me as Peter certainly would with Lily, but he did enjoy giving me a few slaps and I let him maul my breasts and my labia much more than I would have otherwise. I certainly bore him an unreasonable grudge for a long time after this. Like Lily, I was too proud to cry, and too proud to chicken out using the safe word as he taunted me (unlike her, I had a choice). We are now thankfully past...
I’m Danny, six years after I was born my parents had Lily. I think it was an attempt to save their relationship and thankfully for me having a new baby around the house worked for a little while but I left home, then for the military as soon as I could. My little sister would call me and send me letters. We were always close. She had gray eyes and was so caring. She would sit on my lap and I wouldn’t be able to see her face through her long brown curly hair, it was beautiful. I was always tall...