18 Year Old Cassandra
- 4 years ago
- 21
- 0
The bed creaked softly in the otherwise quiet, dark room. Lily's legs were in the air, spread wide, and the wonderful dream she had the previous night was between them, pumping his morning wood into her while he kissed her neck. Her sweet honey pot sucked him in like nothing he'd ever felt before, warm and sticky, wet and open for him. Her "honey" was overflowing, so that it squelched with each thrust, a naughty little sound that only the two of them could hear, one that made both of them dizzy with excitement, knowing no one else in the world knew the mischief and music that the two of them were making with their sex. Lily felt the tight warmth of her orgasm building with each thrust, and Rich made it clear that he wanted her to cum as many times as she could without hesitation, and that she had to tell him when she did, and thank him with word or deed. She knew he was testing the limits of what power she would give up to him, but what she didn't let slip was that the answer was "all of it," so long as he shared her bed and pumped her silly. He held her legs apart and shamelessly looked at where he was pushing her open, and Lily didn't know if it was more embarrassing to have him look there or to look her in the eyes while he drove it into her. In the middle of the night, he'd woken her by flipping her over, having gotten hard against her in his sleep, and when he slipped it into her between her legs, and he noted with some surprise that she was already wet, that was probably the worst of it, as the blood had rushed to her face so quickly she'd gotten dizzy. Now, though, he could look wherever he wanted; Lily's bedsprings were squeaking for the first time in a long time, and there was something delightfully wrong about that. If someone came into the room, they wouldn't be able to see what Rich was doing to her, and they might not realize what was happening at first ... but eventually, they'd see the two lovers wrapped together underneath the sheets as their eyes adjusted to the darkness, and they'd hear the creaking of the bed and Lily's soft sighs and words of encouragement even before that ... but that didn't matter either, right now. It was their little secret.
Lily liked to wrap her legs around him but she knew that Rich enjoyed seeing her legs spread so wide. She had to admit that she was impressed she was still that limber. Rich looked at her so intensely, like she was a goddess, lying there on her back, a sly, shy smile on her face, her heavy breasts shining with sweat, her blonde hair laying across her face and neck and chest, her eyes half-lidded, sultry and loving, emerald crescents twinkling in the dark. Bedroom eyes. Rich had been worried at first that an experienced woman like her wouldn't be interested in his fumblings and hesitations but, to his surprise, greater than anyone else's, there hadn't been much. And now she was underneath him, her arms around his neck, and he didn't need to politely ask her if he could take her, or apologize, or meekly stutter her name to get her attention, just to see her smile. He thrust inside of her, again and again, and it was the most natural thing in the world. He thought he saw a flicker of concern in Lily's eyes, for just a moment, but he recognized now that was just something she did as she realized that her release was building. It was a strange thing, to go from idly doing something that made them both feel good, to working towards something for her, and Rich worried that he would somehow ruin it for her, but Lily didn't seem to share those concerns. She might ebb a bit, here and there, but she enjoyed the feeling of the heat spreading, the tightness growing ... and watching Rich try so hard to make her cum. This time, though, Rich wanted to give her everything he could, and so he found the rhythm that made her look ... nervous? No ... anticipating. Excited. He found what made her blush, and he kept it steady. Before, he'd tried to vary as much as possible, which made Lily writhe and moan, but it also threw her off and made it difficult for her to cum. And he wasn't sure he had it in him for another prolonged ... entanglement. She placed her hand gently on his chest as he thrust, but she didn't push him away. She kept her legs spread, even though he knew she was dying to wrap them around him. He saw her toes curling, and her breaths came suddenly, clipped. The arms around his neck pulled him harder, closer.
"Rich ... I'm going ... I'm ... I'm..."
Lily smiled so sweetly and shyly as she looked into his eyes that he thought his heart would burst. He knew she wasn't cumming yet because she hadn't tensed her body, or pressed her lips together, as she often did, but by the way she scratched his neck, and pushed her body up closer to his, he knew that she was nearly there.
"Hold it!" he said, and immediately, he wasn't sure why.
"O ... okay..." she said, biting her lip. She struggled to contain it, but Rich continued to go at just the pace to make it build even stronger, and stronger, until she wasn't sure how she wasn't cumming, like water gone past the boiling point. Everything became sharper, intense, but nothing else existed but Rich, his cutely smug expression, and his cock, pushing deep inside of her with each thrust. Lily held it, and held it, and held it, until she knew she couldn't hold it anymore, and even if she did, she'd wake her daughter when she finally did let it all out. She looked at Rich with a wary smile, and was about to apologize for cumming, when Rich started to thrust at a slower, but much more powerful pace.
"Okay, Lily ... cum!"
She didn't need to be told twice. Her vision went white, and her whole body tensed, and she couldn't control herself at all. She wasn't sure if she squirted this time, but she had never felt so wet, regardless. She felt Rich, so stiff and hard inside of her as each wave of shock and pleasure crested over her, and she thought that it was a shame that he thought she'd ever let him pull out now. As far as she was concerned, they were going to stay together like lock and key for the rest of time.
She was vaguely aware that Rich's hand was on her mouth, and when finally she blinked and looked up at him, she realized she'd cried out, shattering the relative silence of the bedroom. Rich brushed her hair out of her face as he took his hand away, now that she'd gotten relatively quiet. Unfortunately, he took it away too early to muffle what Lily said next.
"I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you I love you I love you!"
With a twinge of embarrassment, Lily realized that her orgasm hadn't totally subsided, and Rich hadn't stopped thrusting. He looked utterly bemused for a moment, not expecting the outburst, and then his expression softened, and he leaned in close to Lily, and kissed her lips softly.
"I love you too," he said, and then kissed her again, more forcefully, and Lily reciprocated eagerly, even when she noticed that he was cumming inside of her. She smiled in spite of herself, lips still locked with Rich, and finally wrapped her legs around him, holding him close to her, inside of her, her hands holding him tightly about the hips, while he finished filling her up. Lily wasn't sure if it was a loving gesture ... or if her body was betraying her, but she wanted every last drop.
Her tuft of hair between her legs tickled him as he ejaculated, and he worried that Lily was going to be sore with him for doing it without asking. He'd gotten carried away in the freedom she was giving him, and maybe it had something to do with wanting to fill up her pussy while they kissed like lovers in her own bed. Was it his feelings for Lily? A conquest? Something 'wrong' that felt even more right? He guessed it was probably a mix, and he suspected that Lily knew that too. Would she chide him for being so aggressive?
When he pulled his lips away from hers, her eyes told him everything. Whether she was in love or lovedrunk, Lily's green eyes had never been more lusty and fulfilled. He tried to withdraw, but her legs held him tight.
"Wait. Where are you going?" she said, her voice a purr, her eyes mischievous. Suddenly, Rich felt like he was a mouse in a snake's lair, and Lily looked like she wanted to gobble him right up.
"I ... well..."
"You came, didn't you?" she said, more as an assertion than an accusation. "You came inside me, didn't you?"
" ... yeah."
"I felt it. Do you know what it felt like?" He shook his head, unsure. "It felt like ... the time ... that there were roses on the bed." Rich didn't get it at first, but then ... Rosalyn. "I hope you're going to take responsibility," she said, taking his hand, and putting it between them ... on her belly.
"I..." he looked like his mind was caught in a tumble-dryer. "I'll ... take responsibility. I'm sorry ... I didn't mean..."
"I'm teasing you," she said, kissing him on the nose. "Though, good reaction."
The color came back into his face. "Can I pull out, now?" he said, but he still met resistance as he tried to.
"When did I say that?" She held him tighter with her legs.
"I need a ... break. Can we ... talk some more, for a bit?"
Lily consented, and let him pull free. He nearly collapsed on top of her, but instead they ended up in each other's arms. Truth be told, they hadn't gotten much sleeping done, as late as the hour was. No sooner had they fallen asleep, had Rich woken her with a surprise. Afterwards, he'd wanted to talk with her, to know about her past, and she likewise, though for him there wasn't as much to tell. They talked about their families, their childhood dreams, fears (Lily lamented that in addition to her now adult fears, she still had most of her childhood ones), and Rich even prodded a bit about the generation gap, and what their relationship would have been like if it had taken place when Lily was his age and they were as they were now, or if their ages were reversed. Lily couldn't help but worry that at any minute, he'd break down into tears, tell her he hated her, and run home to tell his mother what his friend's awful mom had done to him ... but if Rich was traumatized by their encounter, he didn't show it. He seemed sympathetic to Lily's trials trying to raise Rosalyn alone now, and even reassured her that Rosalyn was old enough to handle her father's death as an adult, even if it would take a few years for her to actually do it. It wasn't what Lily expected, but then again, Lily never would have expected that she'd be woken by one of her daughter's classmates because he wanted to make love again. Such is life.
This time, the conversation didn't start nearly as heavy in theme.
"I can't believe you made me hold it in," she said, cooing in his ear, wrapping her thighs around his leg so that her warm, wet crotch rubbed against him in a way that would keep her pacified ... for a bit.
"I actually wanted to cum at the same time, but it's kind of hard." Hard, Lily thought, but she kept it to herself.
"Is that the only reason?"
"Well, maybe not," he said, grinning, looking down at her face, so close to his,
"maybe I wanted to tease you a bit."
"That was more than a bit ... I was pretty loud that time, wasn't I?"
He snickered. "All that running has kept your lungs in pretty good shape. I hope Rosalyn didn't hear..."
Lily panicked. "What did I say?"
"Oh, uh ... you didn't say anything..."
"Oh." She relaxed. If Rosie heard her moan, it could have been anything. At least, that's what she told herself. She hoped Rosie couldn't tell the moan of a woman having a soulful, violent orgasm from any other.
"Did you really mean it, what you said?"
Lily had almost forgotten. She feigned ignorance, just to see his reaction.
"Said what?"
"That you ... loved me. Isn't it ... too early?"
She put her fingers through his hair, and then started to idly stroke his chest, like she was petting a cat. "It's never too early to tell someone you love them," she said, and Rich saw that there was a sadness in her voice, and just the hint of a memory in her eyes. "But ... you're right ... there are so many things that can happen..."
Rich clutched at his chest. "If something happened to you..." he said, and Lily was stunned into silence when she saw that he had tears in his eyes. What a sensitive boy he was. Was that a good thing, or bad?
"That's love," she said, nuzzling under his chin. "When you can't even think about a person ... dying ... without feeling like it would tear a hole in your heart. I never thought he'd..." she started, but just as Rich's tears had caught her by surprise, Lily's own crying stole her words away. She felt Rich grip her shoulder, holding her close to his chest, where she could hear his heart beating.
"I'm sorry. You ... must have really loved him."
"I hated him," she said, suddenly, and Rich listened, patiently. "When he died, I hated him ... for leaving me alone with a teenage daughter that ... that loved him more than me. I hated him for leaving so many plans undone ... I hated him for leaving me. I did love him, Rich ... we spent so many years together, I forgot what it was to be ... not alone ... but ... without. Without a part of me..."
Rich didn't know if he understood, but for a moment, he felt a surge of pride, when he realized that even though he could hear the pain in her voice, he wanted to understand. He hoped that one day, he could feel the same pain ... because he knew that if it hurt that much to lose something, it meant that it was something worth having.
"Would you ... would you do it again? Knowing what would happen?"
Lily looked at him with the face of a girl in love ... but it wasn't love for him, he knew, and she wasn't the girl. At least, not anymore she wasn't. He was seeing into the past, for only an instant, and then her eyes moistened, her cheeks pulled tight, and Lily started to bawl, equal parts anguish and remembrance, and she pushed her face into his chest and curled her fingers against him, and in between sobs, she said, "I would ... I would ... even if I'd known ... if I'd known..."
Rich wanted to know more, but he didn't think it was fair to ask any more of her. Sometimes he felt like true sadness was something that happened to other people, and all he ever felt was a pale imitation, a simulacrum of true emotion. But that was wrong. He knew how to feel it, and he knew, now, how to feel happy, as well.
"Lily ... is there anything ... I can do?" he asked, and even as he said it, he regretted it. He could imagine Lily's face growing stern, her lips pressed into a thin line, as she lashed out at him ... what could he do? What right did he have?
But that's not what she did, and that's not what she said. "I love you, Rich. It may be too early, but I don't care," she said, wiping her tears on her wrists. "Thank you. You're ... the first person I felt I could ... talk to about it. You didn't know him ... you never met..."
He interrupted her. "I wish I could ... meet him, I mean." Rich suddenly felt hurt, and couldn't explain why.
Lily shook her head, confused. "Why?"
"Because ... he was someone important to you."
"See? That's love too," she said, kissing him lightly on the cheek. "But if he were ... still here, we wouldn't be ... like this."
"That's okay. I think ... even if that were the case, I would still be happy. To see you two together..."
Lily smiled, and for a second, Rich thought it was day already. "You're so sweet ... it wasn't all roses you know. But ... it never is. Like I said, so much can happen ... but ... if you want to do something to comfort me..." she said, and then giggled, and kissed him. "Let's not worry about the future ... not tonight. If the world is kind ... we'll have plenty of nights to worry, together."
It was Rich's turn to smile. He nodded his head in agreement; they could worry in the morning. Tonight, they were too people newly in love, in bed, naked together, and that called for making some memories. He pulled the sheet over both of them and then tilted Lily's head up, and kissed her, and felt the warmth of her breath. There was a wicked gleam in her eyes even in the dark underneath the sheet, and he knew she'd been waiting for him to catch his second win. Even as the tears were drying on her cheeks, her heart was already pounding.
"Isn't it nice to be alone together, hidden under these sheets?" she asked, breathily.
"It is. It's just the two of us."
"But ... you know, it'd still be just the two of us ... we could let the darkness be our blanket. It's nice and warm under here but ... I'd like to feel the cool air on my skin, wouldn't you?"
What he wanted was to see the moonlight reflecting off of her naked body, but he didn't have to say that. She threw off the sheet and climbed on top of him, and for a second, he thought she was going to mount him like that, but then both of them realized that there was a factor missing in their fucking equation.
"Do you need some more time?" she asked, casually.
"Ah, no, just, we changed gears pretty fast."
"Oh. I guess we did ... sorry, I guess I got too excited. But ... I think I know how to get you to catch up," she said, running a finger down to the tip of his nose. "I figure if we're going to be out in the open air, we should throw caution to the wind," she said, smirking, kissing Rich one last time, and then turning.
She threw herself onto all fours, and her knees and elbows sunk into the mattress, spread hip length apart. Rich was stiff instantly when he saw her naked body in full view; her heavy breasts hanging freely, her back moist with sweat glistening in the moonlight, and, most prominently, her big, smooth, "Lily"-white rear, and her wet, eager sex. He climbed onto all fours himself, and pressed his face between her thighs.
"Anh!" she cried out, in surprise. " ... so you like the view?"
Rich didn't respond. Not with words, anyway. Just like that, he reared up, lined himself up behind her, and tried to mount. 'Tried' being a crucial helper verb, because he found it difficult to find the opening to her vagina from behind in this position, but it didn't take him long to find it and get purchase. Lily sighed as he did, content now that he was back inside of her. She knew that Rich liked the view from behind, and she'd already embraced him plenty. Now, she just wanted him to do her, without hesitation.
This was something for younger girls, she knew. He should have a girl his age on her hands and knees, going wild and throwing her hair around the way that young girls do. Instead, he had Lily on her hands and knees, wiggling her butt at him, one stiff drink away from barking for him. She felt wonderfully demeaned, but when he pushed forward and she took him in, her pussy was spread too wide by his cock for her to care. He put his thumb on her balloon knot to remind her that he owned that too, but Lily knew that he had every intention of seeding her womb from the back like a bitch in heat.
"Rich ... you can ... spank me, if you want to..."
He had to hold back a chuckle. "'If I want to'? That sounds like a request," he said, and she looked at him over her shoulder.
"And if it is?"
"Request granted," he said, and Lily felt the sting before she heard the slap.
Rich swatted at her when he wasn't resting his hands on her sides, and he varied how hard he did it. He seemed reluctant to spank too hard at first, but Lily realized he was toeing the line slowly, pumping her from behind while he experimented with her thresholds. Finally, he lifted his hand high into the air, and Lily made the mistake of holding her tongue, and a second later she had tears in her eyes and red welt where Rich had branded her. Her peripheral vision faded, and her legs trembled.
"Was that too hard?"
Lily couldn't bring herself to admit that she'd just cum wildly when he did it. Hoarsely, she said "no, that was ... good ... but ... not too much..."
Rich seemed to understand. He avoided the right cheek, which he could see was a little raw, and spanked lightly at her left. "Do you ... want to try spanking some time, when we're not..."
Lily was glad he couldn't see her blush. What a naughty thing to ask ... still, she couldn't hide her intrigue. "Why, have I been a bad girl?" she said, shaking her rear, pushing back onto him.
"I don't know, have you?" he said, playing along.
Lily knew she'd been a very bad girl, and being on her hands and knees with him behind her probably wasn't helping matters. Maybe she did deserve a few well-placed spanks. "So bad," she said, and Rich hastened his rhythm, totally overstimulated by the display Lily was putting on for him.
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LesbianThe party was kind of dull until Allen asked me to dance. He was a big black athlete, but what the hell, I thought. At least he's probably a good dancer. Most white guys can't dance to save their lives. If they knew how sexy girls find it when a guy is a good dancer, they would all learn, for sure. I had always avoided black guys. It always seemed like they just wanted to score with a white girl, especially a pretty blonde, like me. My parents had always made it clear that they thought a...
Alecia Fox wakes up to find herself alone in bed with a note on her pillow from Max Dior that lets her know it’s over. Weeping, she tears the missive to pieces and commits to spending the day moping around the house. As she’s lounging in a chair wearing only a thong and Matt’s open shirt, Matt returns with flowers and a sweet apology. Alecia can’t do anything but take him back. Max knows he’s fucked up, so he commits himself to Alecia’s pleasure. Starting...
xmoviesforyouLynda Curtis had realized the night she almost took advantage of her best friend’s husband that she had to let go of her feelings for Charles Richards. She didn’t want to ruin her friendship with Diana. A little over a week later, they had let her know that she was forgiven. Diana had even made that crazy offer to let her kiss and touch Charles…as long as Diana got to watch! There’s no way I could ever do that… Lynda still found Charles sexy as hell! And it was hard to try to tell her heart...
Mary's legs and arms began to ache from her stretched position. Her feet hurt and her neck stiffened from being immobilized. She lost all track of time and was completely unaware of what was going on around her. The ring gag stretched her jaws painfully open and the spittle ran down her chin, dripping on to her bare breasts above the tight corset. Her mind was free to wander through all that had happen, what was currently happening and what the future would be. Her nipples hardened and her...
The Model irishmik60 I've been a freelance photographer now since I was in my late teens. I am now 61 and have had many interesting shoots over the years. From your normal studio high school shoots, to glamours, nudes, erotica, outdoor, weddings, etc. Keeps life interesting to say the least. About a year ago a new restaurant opend in my home town. I live in a small agriculteral community in eastern Michigan. This was but a small mom and pop eatery. One of the waitresses (I'll call her Anne...
First TimeAfter I managed to seduce my soon to be ex the first time, it became a little less challenging although I still had to work at it. It turned into sort of a game but the results were always worth it because the sex was incredible, probably due to the fact that usually several weeks would pass between episodes. He came home one morning after a six day road trip and hadn’t been to see his little slut girlfriend. He was only in for the one day because his band was heading back out in the...
We just moved in our new house in Connecticut. My husband and I loved it, 5 acres with a pool and sauna. The house was in the middle of the land and the houses were spaced so there was privacy. Our dream. My high school friend Kathy was just down the road, Kathy was a bit of a slut in her youth. Kathy and I were together all the time, shopping, etc. We were both trying to get pregnant her husband’s sperm count was low and my hubby’s job requires that he travel…. a lot. Sucks big time, but it...
"You look beautiful Kate," Dylan said as he brought his girlfriend in closer. Kate blushed and felt as Dylan pulled her in closer as they slow danced. As Kate snuggled close to her man, feeling his strong arms around her waist she couldn't help but think how perfect tonight had been. It had been quite the few weeks for Kate, on top of a bad breakup she had to endure the stress of preparing and planning her senior prom. Despite the stress of the last few weeks everything had turned...
Kodaco found some signs he had been told to look for, and lead us on a side journey of a week's travel, but was well worth it. The destination was a series of hot springs, in a creek bottom, protected by treaty and custom that no warfare or raiding happened on the trails or in the pools. It was a sacred healing place for many tribes, and much visiting of otherwise hostile groups was permitted in this neutral ground. It felt heavenly to relax in the slightly sulfureous waters, cooled by...
Kadin is a 22 year old white male, standing at a height of 5'2. For being so short, he is pretty good below the belt, his penis a somewhat solid 7 inches. He is having a friend over named Willow. She is a 23 year old white female who stands at 6'3, she has Triple D titties, and an ass that can kill. She is coming over to with Kadin. They have been friends sense 7th grade. Somewhere around that time Kadin found his ballbusting fetish. He tried to get some girls to do it with him, but they all...
BDSMWatching the sun rise over the mountains in Afghanistan is normally a thing of joy, because it meant two things: you had survived the night, and you had time to appreciate the beauty of the scene. This probably was more important to those of us grunts who were from the West, but even the Easterners could see our point when we mentioned it. I was the squad leader in a mortar squad, usually one of the choicer assignments in the Army when we were on deployment. It did have some bad points, like...
I was shopping in my local grocery store last week around 10:30 at night...about 1/2 hour before close. I was in the produce section looking for some fresh basil for some pasta sauce I was making. Of course there was no basil on the shelf where it should have been, so I looked for someone working in produce. No luck. There was hardly anyone in the store, but it was the only grocery store anywhere near me that was open this late so I went to the door to the back room to see if anyone was...
I have been married for 5 years and the whole time i have had the hots for my wifes 16 year old sister. She is adorable. Around 5'-5", shoulder length dirty blonde hair, 34c breasts (i know this cause i peeked at her bra tag in the hamper), cute little bubble butt and very nice legs. She has been a bit of a tease for the past couple of years. Never being over the top sexually teasing, but she started dressing a lot more provocative. Her parents are divorced so she lives with her mom in the...
I arrive early at our hotel suite because I want to have things just perfect for our first meeting. I am nervous, but so very anxious to finally have a chance to enjoy all the wonderful things we’ve talked about in our letters and over the phone. Every possible scenario runs through my mind and I am getting so aroused it’s hard to keep my mind on what I am doing. I am just finishing my preparations when I hear you enter the sitting room. The lights are off and you fumble for the light switch...
I will never leave my wife of 30 plus years we have sex maybye 3x a year she wants her pussy fingerd but complains about me fucking her, sooooo i kinda met a women, a big women who does not mind if i make love to her instead. it started out as an occasional bj in return she got her pussy ate well i got caught after 2 days of cryin me on the couch she started kissing me (i figured i would never be able to have any sex) but next thing i know my wife is grabbing my cock begging to fuck me and suck...
My mother remarried about a week before I started 11th grade. Her new husband’s name was Aaron, and he was a pretty nice guy. His wife had died about 6 years earlier, and my dad was a deadbeat who split when I was really little, so I think both Aaron and my mom were ready to try marriage again. Even though I grew up essentially without a father, the really tricky thing about moving in with Aaron wasn’t actually Aaron himself--it was his daughters. Aaron had 3 from his original marriage: Marisa...
Clare - The love trianglePart 4, there are two sides to each storyI just fancied Zac and nothing would come in my way.I was a little jealous when I saw Zac leave my birthday party with another woman and the way she behaved she should be on her knees with a mouthful of cock in no time. I know I would be. Mind you he fucked me in the toilets only one hour ago and not her and after all I could still feel some of his cum in my panties. My name is Clare and I take over the story from here on, I...
No traveling for a change, I was having a very lazy weekend. I had arrived Friday evening from Barcelona. My trip had been successful business wise as well as sex wise. In a small city near Barcelona called Sitges, I had spent a wonderful night with two girls. My memories still made my dick swell a little. Saturday I spent in making my house my home again. Groceries, washing my clothes, opening the mail. All the normal chores I always have to do when I get home. Saturday evening I watched TV...
Group SexHannah wanted to do something special for Emma’s birthday. It wasn’t every day her best friend turned twenty-one. Emma had just broken off a toxic relationship, so Hannah planned a ‘girls only’ surprise party. Hannah had already booked a home sex toy party. Emma’s invitation to that event would get her to the surprise party at the correct date and time.The sex toy party would also put all the girls in the horny, and no guys needed frame of mind to help Emma recover from her breakup.Hannah had...
ExhibitionismMy Sexual EvolutionBy Christine [email protected] 1 – The BeginningHi, my name is Christine. I have already written and posted 8 stories on this website, about my bondage sex adventures, but I’ve been going through my diaries and journals, and have decided to write this multipart story about my sexual evolution, from the beginning. My diaries begin when I was in 6th grade, and first became interested in boys. Before then, I only have memories. Prior to starting my high school...
MY SISTER, THE MILF....Part 1 To say my family is dysfunctional would be a huge understatement. My father is a three-time divorcee who cheated on every woman he ever knew. My mom remarried after dumping him and started a second family that gave her three more kids in addition to the three boys she already had. I went to live with my dad in a larger town when I was 12 and never really got all that close to my second set of siblings. Not living with them plus an age gap of between 15 and 23 years...
IncestWelcome back, my dear readers. 17 June 1985 Like in a dream, Kareema felt the bus is stopped. Her being taken away, and being undressed, as she laid back, unable to resist. Then, she stopped feeling anything. Kareema woke up, feeling a flow of way we hitting her face. “Wake up, bitch!” A man said as he put away the bucket. Kareema noticed the man. It was the bus driver. She then noticed that she was in a bed, somewhere that looked like a garage. She sat on her bed and looked around. Other...
My Grandfather had a job working in the Gents Loo on the far side of town and on this day in particular I was asked to drop off his sandwiches, as he had forgotten to take them with him.On arriving at the toilets, I surveyed the area and was happy to it deserted. I nervously poked my head into the opening and called out to my grandfather, but no reply.I went in a little deeper and saw that no one was at the urinals and looking back over my shoulder, noted the area deserted, went in and knocked...
Life with Lyla as Her Housewife jennifer517 [[email protected]] Standing in the kitchen of the small house, almost a large cottage, I chop mushrooms, onions, and green peppers for an Italian dish I've learned to make recently. I hear a rumble in the driveway and realize that she must be home a little early. She would be Lyla, my husband. We have a very alternative relationship and have been together for about a year. I call her my husband. You see, I used to be more of a man....
Her New Pet - or Whatever Happened to Neptune? When Alice first heard the whimpering sounds she thought she was only hearing things. At her age, 84, she thought her hearing was acting up again. She continued to hang her clean, wet laundry on the only wire strand, strung between two posts set in concrete and spaced about 20 feet apart, for them to air out and dry. While she did have an old dryer in the back of the house she still preferred to hand her laundry outside, especially when the...
I am the warden of a special prison complex in central South America, and my prisoners are of a unique category owing to the nature of their crimes. The prisoners here are all attractive females...and have been given the option of serving three months here doing filthy porn videos...or serving ten years in the government prisons...an unpleasant alternative at best. The government prisons are overcrowded...and mismanaged, and corrupt...and women who serve time there are unavoidably...
Tall babe Fiona Frost loves how your lust after her and watches your eyes move so slowly up her long legs resting on her pussy before continuing up to lock on to her own. Fiona knows what you desire and crave. This girl can be a tease but is here to please! Watch as she takes out her beautiful natural tits teasing her little nipples and pinching them so wishing it was your teeth biting down on them. Fiona wants to feel you kiss up her body and feel your cock as it penetrates her. Lucky for...
xmoviesforyouCHAPTER 8: DP VARIANTHome Sweet Home. The loving, safe place. Tensions can evaporate. The body can re-energize. A place to be yourself without fear. A place where airs, image, and pretending can be left behind.Right. It wasn’t my home, either. Growing up certainly wasn’t. There were always the expectations for school and performance in whatever other activities there were. Marriage … it seemed pretty good but … what did I know. A lack of conflict means everything is good? What we found was...
I hugged Justin and asked him what Lora had said. He chuckled and said, “That she can make a guy’s cock go up without even using magic.” I had to chuckle, “I find it’s far more fun to touch and feel the effect.” I then demonstrated. Justin groaned, and I found myself being stripped, and my bare arse being sat on the table were Justin proceeded to show me how he liked to reverse the effect. I must say that I do like his procedure. My fascination for Justin hadn’t waned one iota. It didn’t...
Diane looked up from her computer screen when the APC started to chirp and noticed that the second hand on the clock wasn't moving. "Not again" she groaned as she shut down her computer. It was the third time in six months that the power had gone down. When was the landlord going to get his head out of his ass and do something about the problem? She got up from her desk and walked down the hall to Mike's office. He was on his cell phone and she waited for him to disconnect. He finished his...
This started as a short story on here, but I have tweaked it and improved the plot and it has the makings of a great series! Hope everyone enjoys! TC Ardress wasn’t afraid anymore. The prince had spent much time wooing her. His favor upon her had been unprecedented. Not in the history of his people had a common woman been so pursued by royalty…not for marriage anyway. Fear had been her first concern when her guardians had informed her of his interests in her a year ago. She was only a girl...