My Pig Boyfriend free porn video

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My boyfriend is a pig. I mean, he didn't devolve into one overnight. At first everything was fine. We dated a couple of times, he seemed like a normal adult male. Sure, he was in his thirties and still rented. He worked as a carpenter. I was willing to overlook that by his thirties he should have been on his own or running a small company instead of working on someone else's crew. And of course, his profession was seasonal. So, his company shut down just after Thanksgiving. And he started spending almost every night at my place. Two weeks later I found out that he's lost his apartment for non-payment of rent. I had no idea what he was spending his unemployment on. I let him stay at my apartment during the day, but something had to change, pronto. I was unloading on my friend Monique at work one day at lunch, explaining what a loser I'd hooked up with. Momo had a smile on her face as I complained. I thought maybe she was looking down on me, so I asked her, "Didn't you have a problem with your husband just like this? Shiftless, never wanted to work?" She shifted, tossing her braids over her shoulder. "Girl, you know I did. But I found a way to get him out of my bed, so I could get some fresh meat in there. And I put him in his place at the same time. You want to see?" I was very curious as to how she handled her problem so I said as much. She just stood up, told me to follow her and walked to the customer service department of the bank we worked at. She navigated the cubicle farm until we made our way to the sparse section at the back of the department where the new hires worked. Most of them didn't work out, customer service is harder than it seems. She led me over to this young black woman's desk. She might have been the prime example of 'not going to work out'. Her clothes were a little revealing to be working in a professional environment. Tight, plunging neckline revealing too much of her mountains of boob and the corresponding Grand Canyon of cleavage. She had an impossibly tiny waist, a set of baby-making hips and a bubble butt to match. Her face was well made up, but a tad excessive, with big, pink lips painted on her ebony features. Her hair was piled high in loose black curls that ran down to her mid-back like a refugee from the 1980's. She had dragon-lady nails that were obviously giving her trouble when she used the keyboard and mouse. "Barbeesha, set your phone to not ready after you're done there," Monique ordered. "Momo, what does this have to do with your husband?" I whispered to her. "Baby, this is my husband." I looked at her like she was crazy. "Isn't your husband a steel worker?" "My husband WAS a steel worker. But he kept chasing tail after work. So, I made him over into Barbeesha. Barbeesha is just the type of slut my husband liked. Isn't that right, honey?" Barbeesha blushed so hard I could see it against her dark skin. "No, no, honey. Use your words. I want Judy to hear it from your own lying mouth." "I am Monique's husband. I can't say my name, she won't let me," Barbeesha said in a high, squeaky, baby-doll voice. I was stunned, and lagged behind as Monique walked away. I had to hurry to catch up. "Momo, wait up," I called after her. "Now, I met your husband once, he was like six foot six. There's no way Barbeesha is even five foot six." "Oh, she's surely that in those slutty platform high heels she likes so much." "You know what I mean. No course of hormones, no surgery could make Hank into Barbeesha." "Oh, I didn't do things that way. I used... well, I guess you could call it a type of magic. I'll get it for you by end of day." I went back to my desk in a daze. What in the Hell was going on here? Just as I was shutting my computer down for the day, Monique came up to my desk and handed me a thumb drive. "Here you go, honey. There's a program on this called MasterPC. Just execute it. It'll install on your computer and there's a graphical interface that's fairly intuitive to use. Load your boyfriend into it and play around. Or load your name into it and play. Just remember to back yourself up first so you can go back to being you. Or change the reality setting so that everyone but you conforms to the new you. That's what I did." I looked at Monique, every inch the professional, but statuesque as Hell. Nearly six feet in her stocking feet, a professional heel made her tower over some of the men at the bank. "What do you mean? You turned your husband into a customer service bimbo? And you made yourself into, what? You've always been beautiful." "That's just it, baby. I used to be a frumpy little hausfrau, short, dumpy with nappy hair. I changed myself into this. And I'm going to climb my way up the corporate ladder. And any man who wants to stand in my way is going to wind up like my husband. Soon to be ex-husband. A bimbo on the helpdesk, who only keeps her job because she sucks off the call center manager at lunchtime." I actually gasped a little. "No!" "Yep. I fixed it so that she acts like she loves sucking and swallowing, or having him blow on her face. But he's always inside, and he can't change how he feels about servicing other men." She paused to giggle maliciously. "Sooner or later one of his one-night stands is going to knock him up. I can't wait to see how that works out." "You are so mean," I said. "Or maybe a little crazy. I don't know what I'm going to do if this is real." "Oh, it's real. And you should start by loading up your boyfriend and changing his so he can't lie to you, then asking him who he's slept with besides you." I drove home, distracted by the thought of the thumb drive in my purse. When I got home the apartment hadn't been cleaned like Sam had said he would to help out while he wasn't working. Sam wasn't around either. Furious, I went to my office, opened my computer and slotted the thumb drive. The only file on the drive was something called MasterPC. I ran the program, half figuring it was a virus. In a couple of minutes, the program was installed and it launched itself. There was a graphical interface with dozens of categories. But in front of that was a popup window labelled 'enter subject's name'. I entered my own name. The popup window flashed to 'subject found' and then disappeared. An image of me, in the seated position I was currently in, appeared in a window alongside a screen with four tabs, 'general', 'physical', 'mental', and 'health'. The health tab was strobing red. I switched to it and another popup appeared at the top of the health tab 'cancer warning'. Ice in my veins, I clicked on it and found as I scrolled down to breasts, a breast cancer detected warning. A two- millimeter lump in my left breast. I quickly disrobed and gave myself a breast exam, and sure enough, just where the program said I had a breast cancer, I could feel a tiny, almost imperceptible lump. Just a slight protrusion, almost undetectable. I turned my attention to the program, and figured out how to remove the cancer, hit the execute button and re-examined myself. I couldn't find the slightly harder spot on my breast. I went back to physical and found the breast heading. My breasts were listed at 34B. As long as I was experimenting, I enlarged them to 34DD and clicked on execute. Suddenly I had mountains of tits. They were so heavy, and my nipples had expanded to accommodate the massive mounds. They were much larger than they had been moments before. I admit the change excited me, even as I rejected them as impractical. But the excitement caused my nipples to stiffen, they stood up, protruding nearly an inch. I wondered how they would even fit in a baby's mouth, given their size. I returned my breasts to their normal size and got dressed again. When I sat back down, I noticed at the bottom of the various tabbed pages on the right side of the screen, several pairs of buttons. 'Subject aware', 'subject unaware', 'independent', 'reality adjusted' 'immediate change', and 'delayed change'. 'Subject aware', 'independent', and 'immediate change' were highlighted. I retrieved my purse, and pulled out my driver's license. Alongside my other physical statistics, it listed my hair and eyes as brown and brown. I used the program interface to change my hair to blond and my eyes to blue. I left 'subject aware' highlighted but changed the other pair of buttons to 'reality adjusted' and clicked execute. When I looked back at my driver's license the hair and eyes were listed as blond and blue and the picture of me had blond hair and blue eyes. I ran into the bathroom to confirm, and sure enough, my hair was blond and my eyes were blue. Even if I wasn't angry with Sam Miller, I think I was going to need an upgrade in the boyfriend department. I went back to my computer, and in a few minutes of poking around, figured out how to enter a different subject's name. The program prompted me, 'Do you want to save changes to current subject?'. I clicked on yes, then entered Sam Miller in the subject name. The program flashed 'subject found' and the avatar displayed on the right side of the screen changed to a picture of Sam. Only he was seated on standing. His avatar was in the push up position, had an erection and was making pelvic thrust motions. I could feel my face burning with embarrassment and anger. That son of a bitch! Momo's warning to back yourself up came back to me at that moment. With a moment of sick realization, I recalled that I hadn't backed myself up. My changes to my body were now my reality. Easy enough to remedy. I changed the subject back to myself and backed my new, blond haired, blue eyed reality. Thank goodness I hadn't left myself with balloon boobs. Switching back to my good for nothing boyfriend, he was still pumping away. In one of the menus at the top of the screen, I found a 'locate subject' selection. I clicked on it and the screen changed to a map, with a pin and a thumbnail of Sam less than a mile away. I zoomed in and discovered the address where Sam was at. I switched screens and found the county records for that address. It was a property built in 1890, 4,500 square feet of space, with 8 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms. It owned by a couple, Tookta and Kom Mahidol. I switched back to MasterPC and switched back to myself. There was an edit window under the mental tab. I switched back to myself and edited my mental info to know all there was to know about Tookta and Kom Mahidol. When I hit execute, I reeled in my desk chair. It was like getting a two by four to the head, but the feeling passed quickly. Tootie and Kom, as they were known, owned a mansion, and ran it as a cathouse. They had contacts in Thailand, where they were from and got a fresh string of girls sent to them frequently on tourist visas. They had a neat gig going. The girls came on tourist visas, stayed for six months and went home. In the mean time they consumed mass amounts of American culture. Some of them skipped their visa expiration, but for the most part, customs had bigger fish to fry. Local officials got a nice payoff and free hooker service whenever they wanted. That gave me a wicked idea. Switching back to Sam, I made some mental changes to him. I set it so he couldn't lie to me and had to obey whatever command I gave him. I executed the commands, saved and backed up his profile. I added a password to my computer, and shut it down. Then I waited for him to come home. While I waited, I picked up a little bit, and started dinner. About an hour later, Sam came home. "Hi, honey. I'm in the kitchen," I called to him. Sam walked into the kitchen a grin on his face. He came over to give me a welcoming kiss but I turned my face at the last minute so his kiss landed on my cheek. "So, where've you been?" I asked. "Oh, I've been over at the Thai house," he replied. A look of horror spreading on his face as he realized he had just told me the truth. "And what were you doing over there?" I asked, shutting the range off so that dinner didn't burn. "Banging this hot little Thai whore that just came in." He looked panicked and confused at this point. "Don't even try to lie to me, Sam. You can't." Sam backed up and glanced toward the front door, trying to decide if it was time to run for his life, but I cut him off at the pass. "No running, Sam. As a matter of fact, sit down right now and stay seated until I tell you that you can move." Sam obediently slid a chair out from the dining room table and sat down. His forehead was covered in sweat and his eyes flashed around the room, but his body was stock still. I went upstairs to my office and retrieved my laptop. I started it and carried it back to the dining room while it booted up. I put my computer down and sat at the opposite end of the dining room table from Sam. "So, Sam. How long have you been going to the Thai house?" "Six years," he replied. "Oh, God. What's happening?" he whined. "You may only talk in response to my questions, Sam," I ordered. He immediately shut up. "Now, when you lost your apartment, was it because you were spending all of your money at the Thai house?" "Yes." "While we were dating and having sex? You're a worm," I said. I wondered if I could actually turn him into a worm? I started typing in his physical profile. I left 'subject aware' and 'independent' but changed the last button to 'delayed change'. A popup appeared to ask me how long I wanted to delay the change. I set the start time to five seconds and stretched the changes out to five minutes so I could enjoy it and he could experience it slowly. It took me some time to input all the changes I wanted him to go through, but I was finally able to hit the execute button and get up to finish cooking dinner. "You can speak freely, Sam. But you may not move," I ordered him. "Oh God, honey, I'm so sorry," he began. "Not as sorry as you're going to be," I replied. "How are you doing this?" he asked. "You don't need to know that, Sam," I looked over at him and saw that his brown hair had turned black and started growing out. He was already a few inches shorter. I turned the range back on and started working on the chicken and vegetables I was cooking to go with rice in the rice cooker. "It didn't mean a thing; all those girls were just... just a way to get my rocks off." "Oh? What sort of things did you do with all those girls that didn't mean a thing?" "Blowjobs, boob jobs, anal, missionary of course, doggy. Sometimes I'd let them give me a massage and a hand job," He was sweating again. His lips were noticeably puffier and his five o'clock shadow had disappeared. His hair was down to the collar of his flannel shirt, which had changed texture to something less rough. His jeans were much baggier as his frame shrank. "So, you had all this energy to bang whores, but you couldn't even help out by cleaning up around here?" "I'm sorry. It'll never happen again, honey. I swear." "Oh, I know it'll never happen again, Sam," By now his hair had developed a set of bangs ending just at his very feminine arched eyebrows. His skin had taken on a sunny olive tone. His jeans were tightening up and climbing his legs as they changed into a different article of clothing. Even his work boots were changing, the rough leather was refining and becoming darker and shinier. He looked down at his hands, now much smaller and with slender fingers tipped with long, impractical nails. "Oh God! What's happening to me?" "Well, since you like visiting the Thai House so much, I figured I'd arrange it so that you don't have to visit. You can live and work there. After all you are Tooti's niece, Sami, aren't you?" "No, I'm not Sami. I'm Sami. No, I mean I'm Sami. My name is Sami!" he shouted in a much higher, slightly sibilant voice that was having some difficulty pronouncing English words. "Oh, you're not losing anything important, Sami. I mean, yeah, your ability to read English, yes. But you can read Thai now. And you speak fluent Thai too. Of course, you don't speak perfectly fluent English any more. But that should be normal Since you were born in Bangkok." "No, prease don't do this to me, lady!" she shouted. Since there was no way Sami could pass as male any longer. Breasts were pushing out from her chest as her t-shirt had changed to a scoop-necked halter. Her red and black checked flannel shirt was now a midriff blouse, still in red and black, but a slightly shiny fabric. Her jeans had turned into a black mini skirt, her tube socks were thinning and darkening as they climbed her legs, chasing the hem of her miniskirt, and her work boots had nearly finished changing to oxblood platform stiletto pumps. "Tell me Sami, you've been a whore since you were fifteen. What's your favorite thing your customers ask for that gets you hot?" "Ah, I love i' when tey ask me for brwowjob," She replied, her eyes flying open in horror when she realized what she had said. "Blowjobs get you off?" "Nah, not get off on brwowjob, but i' get me all hot," Her face was a mask of distress, even as she had to answer me honestly. Heavy makeup had appeared on her face and her boobs had pushed out even further, nipples prominent. Her waist was tiny, an exaggerated hourglass and her hips and ass had spread out on the chair in what would be a fine bubble ass when she stood up. "How do you feel about anal?" I asked innocently. "I no like backdooh', but if dey pay extra, I do," Her eyes were brimming with tears. "Oh no, don't cry Sami. You'll ruin your makeup. And you always want to look your best in case you encounter a man who wants to get off. Because you're a girl who can't say no. Anytime a guy propositions you, you're going to fuck him. It's up to your pimp or the house madam to handle the money, right?" "Ri' I just a whohre. I no handle money. Sometimes my johns give me tips. Tha' my money." The changes had stopped by now. Sami sat at the table, still unable to move. A tiny Thai girl in the US on a tourist visa set to expire in six months. The ID in her purse hanging from the back of her chair said that her name was Samilhwan Mahidol, Sami for short. She'd been a prostitute in Bangkok for her uncle's whore house until she had turned 18 and her uncle had loaned her out to her aunt Tootie. Tootie was going to be quite pleased with her niece Sami. She had big tits, a tiny wasp waist and wide hips with a round ass. Her face was a pleasing oval, with high cheeks, big brown eyes. Her hair was a satin waterfall down to mid-back and aside from her eyebrows she was completely hairless otherwise. The rice cooker clicked to indicate it was finished cooking. I poured Sami a glass of water, and myself a glass of wine. I grabbed two plates, dished up some rice, added the Asian chicken and vegetables I'd prepared in the skillet. I put it all down on the table at our places, took my seat and told Sami, "You can move now. Dig in. This is the last meal I'm ever going to cook for you." Sami's face was a mask of distress. Humiliation, fear, and yes, anger were at war there. She had the memories of 3 years of being a whore in Bangkok dumping into her brain and they had to be playing out. And the bad experiences were the ones that always jumped out at you. "Prease..." she began. I jumped in to cut her off. "No. You need to be taught a lesson. You think it's okay to lie to me? To use me? And to use those whores? Shit, Tootie's day is coming too. She's using those girls worse than you ever did. But for you... let me ask you. How much did each go with one of the girls at the Thai house cost you?" "Fouhr hundreh dollah," she said, in her thickly accented English. "Jesus Christ. Four hundred dollars? How often were you there?" "Fouhr, mebee fihve times a wreek." "You spent two thousand dollars a week at the Thai house?" Her head hung so low that she was staring at the floor. "Look at me and answer the question." Sami looked at me and said, "Yah, sometime." I took a bite of dinner. The vegetables were a little soft from sitting in the pan while I'd programmed Sami's changes. I thought over her punishment while I chewed. Sami hadn't touched her meal. I finally came to a decision. There'd be no point in punishing her if I was just going to send her to Bangkok, back to Bangkok. She had to work to earn a redemption though. "Eat your dinner," I ordered. Sami obediently spread her napkin on her lap, picked up her fork and began eat, face still wrecked with distress. "At four hundred dollars a pop, on a six month visa," I said, doing the math in my head. Minus the time you're going to be off and unable to fuck your customers because your friend's in town... Sami's head popped up at that one, still chewing, her eyes registering shock. "What? You didn't think I was going to make you a real girl? Yeah, periods, fertility, the works. So, you'd better use protection, unless you want a bun in the oven. So, anyway, that's about 130 days of working time. If you fuck one guy a day, average, that works out to fifty-two thousand dollars. But you've got to want it. So, if you make your aunt Tootie sixty thousand dollars by the time your visa expires, I'll change you back." Sami's eyes bulged and she swallowed the food in her mouth. "Tha's like one hundre' and fidy guys!" "See? I didn't take away your math skills. Of course, you probably won't earn as much on a blowjob or a boobjob or massage with a happy ending. But, on the plus side, you'll earn more doing anal." Her head fell again, and she took a big, ragged, sobbing breath, followed by a bite of food, since I'd told her to eat. She still had to obey me. "Of course, you could resist. But then instead of being a whore in America, you'd be a whore in Bangkok. You remember what that's like, right?" Sami never made eye contact, but she said, "Yes, I remembeh." At the end of the meal, which passed in stilted silence, I called her an Uber. She paused at the door to ask me a question. "Ca' I come visit you on Chhristmas?" "Why would you want to do that?" I asked. "They don' celebra' Chhristmas at the Thai House." "I don't think that'd be a good idea, Sami," I said, escorting her outside, and closing the door behind her. I check in on her later that night using the program. She was lying down, huddled in the fetal position, crying. *** The next months flew by. I made a bunch of changes. I had figured out a good way to monetize the program, and in a way, Sami was the genesis of the idea. Besides, Momo and I had come to an agreement. She wholeheartedly approved on what I'd done to clear up the Sam problem. She even said she was going to use it to deal with her ex-husband. But, in the end, we decided that there wasn't room enough for both of us at the bank. So, I quit. I also figured out how to password protect my profile in the program. First, I made multiple backups of the program, some on other laptops in safe deposit boxes, all of them password protected. Some of the copies were held by attorneys, with instructions to release them to whoever showed up and gave a password. Then, I used the program to make myself taller and much more statuesque. A female figure that demanded respect and authority. I then began travelling around the country, visiting different cities and in a wealthy part of town. I gave myself the information of who had specific kinks and how to contact them. I found that the program had a bit over a mile of range. So, scouring the wealthy neighborhoods took some doing. In time I had a client list and I took them for a ride. I'd make a simple, but very noticeable change to their bodies, and then contact them via e-mail. A single man who wanted to be a woman, I'd give female nipples to. A single woman who wanted to experience being male I'd give a three-inch penis to. Others required more delicate handling, but word of mouth would take over. I used the email address and working name of 'Fantasia'. Some very wealthy and powerful men wanted to be women. Some wealthy and powerful women wanted to be male. Some wanted to be animals. Some of them wanted to be someone else, so they could victimize or be victims. I had no problems with any of them, except the ones who wanted to victimize others. I'd gleefully take their money, and turn them into the victims to get a taste of what they wanted to do to others. Of course, it didn't hurt that I always left them relishing being the victims after I'd changed them back. Hell, I even had a couple that wanted to gender swap so the husband was the wife. The other usuals applied. They wanted to be younger, very sexy male body was to be virile and well hung, the female body a virtual porn star. Then the wife contacted me privately and wanted to know if, while they were gender swapped, I could arrange it so her husband, as a woman, would get pregnant. I had to wrestle with that one. I mean, it was involuntary. I didn't know if I could alter a pregnancy and ultimately, I decided to not try. I told her that I could arrange it, for a modest fee, that when he was a woman, she would be fertile. Extremely fertile, she countered and I agreed. The rest was up to the man and nature. That particular couple went missing after that. I never found out what happened to them and I reluctantly crossed them off my client list. At Christmas time, Sami sent me a card. I was travelling and didn't get it until after the New Year. It was a really nice card, and very thoughtful. I felt bad because I hadn't reciprocated. But, down in the lower left-hand corner of the card she'd written '$49,400'. I checked in on her that night. She was kneeling, on hands and knees, rocking back and forth slightly, mouth in an O shaped rictus, occasionally reaching one hand up to stroke something in front of her mouth. I panned around her avatar and could see her vagina gaping, the labia majora drawing into her and then splaying out as her john thrust in and out. She was being spit-roasted and the look on her face was half- professional, but I could also see that she'd react with obvious pleasure to what was happening. I admit, I went to a dark place after seeing that. I was already wallowing in filth. Sure, making ridiculous amounts of money, always written up as 'consultation fees', which I paid ridiculous amounts of taxes on. In three-months I'd cleared three million dollars, and that included setup time to find clients. I was on the road constantly and had decided that every two weeks I need a couple of days to come home, relax and de-stress. Some of my older clients had been inquiring about permanent changes. Becoming younger and disappearing. I still hadn't decided how I was going to handle that. I needed a break. I couldn't sleep that night. Around three am I got up and went into my office. I opened my laptop and looked in on Sami. She was lying down, alone, rubbing her belly and crying. She looked miserable. After a while she rolled over, and went to sleep. I was worried about her. I'd put her in this situation and she was apparently as miserable as I was. I felt sorry for her. I couldn't do anything about my situation, but I could do something about hers. I edited my profile in the program and gave myself the knowledge of how much money Sami had made for Tootie. I was shocked to discover that Sami had already made seventy-thousand dollars. I made another editing pass and found that at Christmas Sami had already exceeded sixty-thousand dollars. But she'd written that she'd only made forty-nine thousand. I smelled a rat. In any event I programmed Sami to come see me in the morning. At nine am the doorbell rang. I answered, and Sami was standing there. She looked really good. Her breasts were high and firm, bigger than I remembered. She'd obviously been taking care of herself. The smile on her face was apprehensive. "I hop' dis is wrigh'," she said. Her Thai accent had gotten thicker. "It is, Sami. I wanted to see you," I said. I'd also forgotten how much shorter I'd made her. Or was it that I had made myself taller? As she stepped into the house I swept her into a hug and she giggled, her face pressed into my cleavage. "I always like it in dere. An I not like girls anymoh'," she laughed. I showed her to the living room, invited her to sit and got her a bottle of water. "So, you make me wan' come see you?" Sami asked. "Yes, I wanted to thank you for your Christmas card and I also wanted to see how you were doing on your earnings." "Oh, I doin' grea'. Tootie tell me I earn fihty-two t'ousan'. I make sixty easy, mebee three, fouhr weeks early." "Well, I have good news for you, Sami. You've made seventy-thousand dollars for Tootie already. If you like, I can change you back whenever you want." A litany of emotions passed across Sami's face, relief, uncertainty, anger and finally, they boiled over and she burst into tears. I grabbed a box of tissues off the end table and moved next to Sami on the couch to console her as she wiped her eyes and blew her nose. "Come on, Sami. It's a good day. You did great. And yeah, it's natural to be mad at Tootie." "I mad a' Tootie, suhre. But... I'm so happy I not have to go back to Thailand. I can stay in America. Prus, I not have to be whohre any mohre," she looked at me apprehensively. "Righ'?" "No whore no more," I confirmed. She wiped at her eyes again. "I figure out somethin' else to do." "You could always go back to being a carpenter," I suggested. She frowned at me like I was crazy. "I no have strengt' to be cahrpentehr." "Yeah, but I can change to back, you can go on and lead your own life now that you've learned your lesson." She slid apart from me slightly, worry clear on her face. "I can no be cahrpentehr. I can no be Sam. I Sami now. I like guys. Studs get me hot. Girls, eh-" She made a dismissive wave of her hand to accentuate how little she cared for women. "Well, yeah, I can change that too." "No. You can'," she said, taking my hand and pulling it down to her lower abdomen. "Not wi'out taking my baby." I grabbed my laptop and confirmed. I hadn't noticed last night that all of her physical traits were locked out and there was a pregnancy duration counter running on her physical tab. Of course, I'd never switched to that tab last night, I'd only been looking at her crying in bed. And she was crying because she was worried that her baby would be born in Thailand when her tourist visa ran out. We celebrated, of course. We tried to, well, you know. But Sami really doesn't like having sex with women. She's straight heterosexual. Of course, when I gave myself a dick, she kept encouraging me to make it bigger, until I put my foot down because I thought it would hurt her. She dove on it like it was a water fountain and she was dying of thirst. She took all ten inches down her throat and I could hear the sound of her other hand working her pussy even as she milked my cock for all she was worth. Finally, when I didn't think I could take much more, she climbed on top of me and started pumping away furiously, screaming in Thai as she came. It seems that making her a fluent Thai speaker and cutting her English in half, then dropping her into a house full of Thai speakers, sort of stunted her English even more. All of the websites she used were Thai. She couldn't even read English. I reversed that right away. But she stopped me from changing the way she spoke. She said if I changed that she might stop being Sami. Strange, but not worth fighting over. We had to settle up with Tootie and Kom. Tootie and Kom quickly became Tootie and Komon both eighteen-year-old working girls with exaggerated figures. And I did it in front of all of their working girls so they knew who had been responsible for their lot working at the Thai House. Then I picked out the one that would be hardest and most fair to the girls, a girl at the end of her visa named Wayo Na Songkia. I used the program to fix their visa statuses and changed their arrangement with the Thai House so that they worked the house for a year, got a bigger slice of the pie and left at Christmas time. A new crop of girls would come in with the New Year. The departing girls had a choice of going back to Thailand with a nice bankroll or getting an immigrant visa and staying in the US. Sami joined me on the road, travelling around to help clients work out their fantasies. I wouldn't have agreed to it if it had any contact with the clients. It's been good for her to travel and being in different situations as Sami. Her English has improved remarkably and her accent is diminished, even though I think it's one of her cutest features. She's really starting to show the baby bump. In a couple more months she's going to have to stay at home. I mean it and I had to put my foot down on that point. She still doesn't like girls. She had some bad experience at the Thai House with some of the other girls. She won't tell me what happened and I don't want to push. I get the feeling that it was a kind of initiation for new working girls. I don't mind having a dick, and she doesn't mind that I have boobs. I guess we'll have to see how things work out. It's not like I can't change it. We'll make it work.

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PIG The first time I felt it happen, to control the reaction to save myself from embarrassment was all too hard. But damn didn’t that cum feel good! The way it splattered and splashed so hot over my face, neck and chest. Only a man could ever provide me with such a hot, carnal and slightly fetishistical type of pleasure. In fact, it took two humpy guys to shoot those massive loads over me like that. But a lot has changed since I was eighteen, except one thing. There’s still days when I’m...

2 years ago
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PIG The first time I felt it happen, to control the reaction to save myself from embarrassment was all too hard. But damn didn’t that cum feel good! The way it splattered and splashed so hot over my face, neck and chest. Only a man could ever provide me with such a hot, carnal and slightly fetishistical type of pleasure. In fact, it took two humpy guys to shoot those massive loads over me like that. But a lot has changed since I was eighteen, except one thing. There’s still days when I’m...

3 years ago
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PIG The first time I felt it happen, to control the reaction to save myself from embarrassment was all too hard. But damn didn’t that cum feel good! The way it splattered and splashed so hot over my face, neck and chest. Only a man could ever provide me with such a hot, carnal and slightly fetishistical type of pleasure. In fact, it took two humpy guys to shoot those massive loads over me like that. But a lot has changed since I was eighteen, except one thing. There’s still days when I’m...

2 years ago
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Pignose Petunia From Lookout MountainChapter 2

I guess if you are reading this personal discourse about my family life with my first cousin Petunia and our five pig-nosed little ones, you must have liked my account of my sinful ways with my close blood relative on the down low. My own legal spouse, the hypocritical little bitch is probably down at the church on her knees taking care of the parson’s deprived parts rather than praying good and proper like a respectable female. I suspect with some deep reservations that the last of my...

1 year ago
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Pigging Out

Hi, my name is Helen and I have a story to tell I'm 35, a bit on the plump side and blonde. 10 years ago I was neither 35, plump or blonde. I also wasn't single and that's how my story begins. My boyfriend, whom I loved very much, was a guy out of the ordinary. Fit, smart, an enthusiastic and inspiring lover, well mannered, well spoken and, to say the least, well hung. My parents owned a dairy farm in the southernmost part of Sweden. They also bred pigs, since the yield from the cows alone...

1 year ago
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Pig learns to serve

Learning to Serve: The Meeting     Sara stood looking over the crowd. It wasn't particularly hard, since the crowd consisted mainly of fourteen and fifteen year old girls. Most did not reach her five foot seven inch height.     The school planning committee was used to seeing Sara there. She often volunteered to chaperone at these events, despite having no children of her own. The other woman accepted eagerly since being around a bunch of teen girls and boys was hardly their idea of fun.     ...

3 years ago
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Nazoo aur Indian shemale and boyfriend

Heloo meri lesbo friends!mera naam nazoo khan hai.main 28 saal ki bahut gori chiti sehathmand sexy badan wali behad khubsorat larki hon.meri figure size 38 28 38 hai.mera aik boyfriend hai jis k 9inch lamby aur 2.5inch motay goray lund ki main dewani hon. Wo main usse khub chudwati hon,hum dono na bahut se khubsorat larkion aur jawan sexy aurton k sath sex ka maza liya hai.muhje yaqeen hai k ajj ki story ko read kar k mero lesbo dosto ki chuton se bahut pani nikle ga.ab ap meri real story ko...

2 years ago
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Veronica Cheats on Her PassedOut Boyfriend

Veronica met up with Ryan after work. He had been promising to grab a drink with her for months now, but their schedules never seemed to match. However, they were both available on this particular Thursday as Friday was a furlough day, so they met at an upper scale pub downtown and sat down at the bar.Even this early, it was crowded in the bar, so it was difficult to catch up with all of the noise. Eventually a booth in the back opened up and Ryan and Veronica practically ran to get it before...

2 years ago
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Mom joins in on the fun with cousin and boyfriend

Introduction: This is the 5th and last part of a 5-part series. if you havent read the previous stories, click on my profile and do so. There was no possible reasonable explanation as to why my 14-year old cousin was laying naked on my bed. Trust me, within a matter of a minute my mind had tried to figure out numerous ways to which I could explain the situation, but alas, none were worth the exertion. It was around 5:12pm now. How the time had slipped away, I wondered. Mom stood in the...

1 year ago
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Having Fun With The Babysitter and her Boyfriend

“Okay, Samantha, we’ll be gone for about four hours. Once you put Lauren to sleep you can call your boyfriend to come over. But, I don’t want him here until our daughter is asleep.” “Don’t worry about anything. Everything will be fine.” “If you want to go into the pool, just bring the baby monitor outside so you can hear the baby in case she wakes up.” “I have your phone number in case of a problem. Go have some fun you both deserve it.” My husband Jerry and I left to go out to dinner with...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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My best friend fucked my boyfriend

Thought I'd share something that my ex and I tried that was hot fun. When I was with my ex, once, I had him go online and talk to a best bud of mine who I thought was hot and would have my man tell him that I was out of town and that he shouldn't be meeting anyone, that we've always been monogamous, but that he was horny and asked him to come over and hang out. Of course, my best friend, knowing that it was his best friend's man he was talking to and had met before at a get together, he was...

3 years ago
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Joannes Summer Job Joanne witnesses the caning of her boyfriend

Peter Mitchell placed the key to the front door in lock and turned it slowly. He hoped to avoid waking his girlfriend Joanne and then having the unpleasant task of explaining to her where he had been and why he was only arriving home at eight o’clock that Sunday morning, long after he had promised he would be home. Peter pushed the front door open gently and removed his key. He stepped into the hallway and turned around, slowly closing the heavy door behind him.He winced as it clicked loudly....

3 years ago
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Disclaimer: this story is entirely fictional, and describes events that would never be condoned in real life. If you have trouble distinguishing between reality and fantasy, please seek help. If you find this material shocking or disgusting, I sincerely apologize for the unpleasant experience, and wish you well in the future. This writing was never intended to horrify, only to provide enjoyment for those of us who are into this sort of thing.First InterludeIt was a beautiful Saturday afternoon,...

2 years ago
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Piggy gettin down again

So little piggy got a new celly. While on the tier these two bear types called piggy over to check out the newest prints being added to his album. Piggy knew they would only buy one or two each. These two guys were picky and hardly ever stayed on the tier long. They just happened to be sitting at the table that gave a clear view in Piggy's cell, and saw Piggy with the prints. Piggy wanted their to hurry so he could shower and wash what ever cum he missed that dried on him from his other...

4 years ago
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My Cuckold Boyfriend

Most of the black guys I meet are through my girlfriends or are friends of those guys, sort of like a “snowbunny” referral network. ;o)However, when I’m craving a little more excitement, I hit up Tinder and it usually doesn’t take long for me to set something up. One day I was with my boyfriend and a couple of his friends at his house playing video games when a message popped up from a guy that I had been crushing on hard. He had sent a few pics including one of his “prized possession” as he...

2 years ago
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Unplanned And Best Fuck With Hot ExBoyfriend

Hello everyone, I am new here and this is my first submission (definitely not my last). I got to know about this sex story site from my ex-boyfriend, who is a frequent reader and blogger here. Also turns out, he is the main reason I am submitting this today. A little something about me. My name is Fiona, I am 24 years old and live in Mumbai. I am a girl with average height but with a good figure (at least that’s what guys say). My measurements are 36-28-36. I love to keep myself fit so I guess...

1 year ago
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first threesome with my boyfriend

Me and my boyfriend first met to have threesome with a mutual friend. They had had sex a couple of times and wanted to explore more. They ask me and I joined. We did just about anything three guys can do together completely naked. A few days later he called me and invited me on a date. We did, more dates. After a few months we got together and moving together.The first year we had an incredible amount of sex. We could fuck up to three times a day, in the morning, on the bus, at malls, in the...

1 year ago
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The New Boyfriend

Chapter 1 Roy knew that he and Karen had gotten themselves into something that was going to take a lot of work to continue without their being caught. Roy was naked and he was leaning over his stepdaughter, Karen, as she lay there on her back on the couch underneath him. His big horny cock was buried halfway inside Karen's tight young teenage pussy and he was flexing his ass muscles and his legs as he held her ankles firmly, spreading her legs out to be side of her body as he fucked Karen...

2 years ago
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Wanting Sex more Than Boyfriend

After a longer day of meetings with customers at various locations and logging more miles than usual, he was looking forward to a relaxing night. His girlfriend called after his last customer meeting and asked if he would be interested in stopping at the local Chinese place for carry out. He told her yes, but would rather spend the night at his apartment. He wanted to change clothes and have a relaxing evening, nothing special. She said she would meet him at his apartment, since she had access....

3 years ago
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I entered the room with low expectations for satisfaction. The profile that was given to me was not that of a woman. But of an ssbbw, foul, and ugly creature with a cunt. However in order to fuck the beautiful super model in the next room I had to make this fat cow bitch cum. I pushed the door to the side only to reveal my worst nightmare. A fat white female wearing only a huge pink thong. Her huge belly drooped down all the way to her knees. Her navel resembled a huge crust filled crater. Her...

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Beta Boyfriend

BETA BOYFRIEND by Throne Let me tell you about life with my girlfriend Maggie. I'm like a love- sick puppy around her. She's a few pounds overweight, with a soft face and substantial curves. She has glasses with big round frames. Her honey-colored hair is shoulder-length and cut in bangs. I am soooo smitten with her. Despite everything that's happened recently, I know I won't leave her. When we first met she invited me out instead of the other way around. I've always been...

1 year ago
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Hot MILF Gets Fucked By Daughter8217s Boyfriend

Hello everyone, I am Sonia from Mumbai here with a real story of mine, or rather I should say my confession. So I would begin by describing myself. I am 44 years old working in a bank, married at an early age, and have kids 1 daughter who is 20, and 1 son who is 16 years old. I have a good figure and looks despite my age as I like to maintain myself. My husband Ashok is a businessman and is 48 years old. We are happily married and are quite open-minded and have raised our kids the same way. My...

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Threesome with a bigger guy than my boyfriend

The first time I ended up in bed with two men I couldn't have imagined how far it would go. Just twenty minutes earlier we had been in the local pub garden chatting and drinking on a warm July evening. My boyfriend had said the night had been a lot of fun (and it had) but the pub was closing and it was time to go home."Or I could come back to yours and we could have a threesome" whispered Chris in a shocking display of nervous courage.Well I was taken aback; I had only been with my lovely new...

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My cousin and I and her boyfriend

My name is Jack, and I've been a virgin since I was 21. The reason is, I'm a very shy man. It seems the cause is the death of my parents when I was young, which made me afraid of others. Since then, I've been living with my aunt and uncle, and their daughter who's two years older than me, Jennifer. I've barely talk to any other women than my cousin and her mom, and never had what you'd call real friends.One day that I was alone at home (or so I thought) and about to do some homework for...

2 years ago
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Piggy Pig

Dust covered everything, fine gritty sandy dust,  The dark brooding mountains surrounded us but the yellowish dust covered everything, yellowish dust stirred up  by everything that moved except the Camels as they glided along loaded down with drugs and explosives and turbanned killers with Kalashnikovs, and sugar and fertiliser for their improvised explosive devices IEDs. It was an IED that killed my friend "Toby" Judge and led to the Regiment dragging me away from the lush green fields of...

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ExClassmate And Drunk Boyfriend

I have an erotic experience to share, But before that I would like to describe my life. If God gifted anyone a good life, it was me. Son a rich arab businessman, studying for my MBA in Pune India and owned an apartment in Bramha Exubarance the most expensive apartment block at the time ( All the places in the story are real and you can google it). My nterior decoration was all imported from Saudi Arabia and I owned my own Mercedes which was an added perk in those days. So I was well known among...

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Nisha8217s Gift To Her Boyfriend

It’s me Rajiv again. First of all, I would like to thank this website for creating a new phase in my life. It has helped me meet many amazing people, win new friends and changed the way I think about relationships. After writing several stories, I am trying to come up with a sex story from a women’s perspective. This sex story is purely based on imagination and I only wish that it comes true one day. This sex story is about Nisha. After going through a couple of my stories Nisha dropped a note...

4 years ago
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The Best friend and the Boyfriend

The best friend and the boyfriend We met on the first day of seventh grade in the girl’s washroom. She told me she liked my headband and asked me where it was from. I gave her the name of the store, a snobbish little girl look through the bathroom mirror, and walked out through the swinging door. Lauren Styles and I had been best friends even since. It was a friendship based on similar tastes, similar backgrounds, and rivalry. Both natural blonds, when we turned 16 Lauren convinced me to dye...

Oral Sex
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Delhi Girl Imagines Colleague8217s Dick While Fucked By Boyfriend

Hi, my name is Richa Arora. I am a 22 years old working girl. I live away from my parents, with my boyfriend Anshu in Delhi. I have an active sex life with Anshu. I do most of my work from home and rarely need to go out. My boyfriend Anshu on the other hand has a 10 to 7 job and he is rarely at home on weekdays. But the weekends are amazing. We go to different places, eat outside and fuck each other. The sex was good. One Wednesday, I needed to visit one of my colleagues for official work. I...

3 years ago
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Piggy and the Repairman Ch 1

Piggy and the Repairman I was a very bad girl today. That is why my Mistress has had me blindfolded and my ankles secured to a spreader bar locked to the rings in her basement floor and my arms stretched above me and secured to another spreader bar. I have been in the basement for what seems hours, naked and cold and undergoing all sorts of punishments. But I know these punishments are well deserved for how badly I acted today. She has left me alone for now and I can hear her moving...

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Piggy Pig

I am absolutely sure the British Army would never behave like this. Any similarity between any characters and anyone living or dead is probably unavoidable though unintentional. PIGGY PIG[ The scene, somewhere in Afganistan. Dust covered everything, fine gritty sandy dust, The dark brooding mountains surrounded us but the yellowish dust covered everything, yellowish dust stirred up by everything that moved except the Camels as they glided along loaded...

4 years ago
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A Fantasy Roleplay Game With My Boyfriend

A role-play with my boyfriend.. (RAPE) I have gotta say, the actual reality of being raped, whether you're a real woman, a TV, or even a guy, is pretty horrific. If it was being done by several men, it would be a very painful, potentially physically damaging, unpleasant experience. It sounds horny and slutty, the ultimate submissive position to be in, but by the third or fourth hard fucking, it would be all pain and no pleasure for me. So I can't say I like the idea in reality,...

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Hes Only My Boyfriend

It was the first time I dined at her Y. Actually, it was the first time I’d seen any of her female parts. I’d had lunch with Marnie a few times but this was the first on a Saturday. After we finished our repast, she casually said, “I’m horny. Let’s go to my place.” Who would refuse an invitation from a pixie cute, short haired blonde with nice tits? She lived a couple blocks away and we were soon naked in her messy bed. I did notice quite a few cum stains on her sheet that didn’t look very...

4 years ago
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I my sister and my boyfriend

I once again met a guy named Pape, a peddler senegale's,  whom I met on the beach a few days  At the first meeting I made ​​a blowjob to guy. Everything seemed to end well. It seemed a pleasant encounter that promised future ?     I never imagined that after the blowjob did to the boy are become his whore. So Pape believed A whore of his property. When I met for the second time Pape, a meeting that I really wanted and tried, I also suffered the devastating consequences of his...

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Horny boyfriend

My boyfriend has been really horny for the last three weeks. We've had morning sex, he's gone from work to fucking some of his girls, and come home late because he's stopped by someone on the way home. just over a week ago he met his ex girlfriend from high school, with whom he has a daughter. They start having sex again this past week.She has stayed with us this Friday to Sunday. first on friday you didn't know any feelings until i went to bed at night. They were sitting in the living room for...

2 years ago
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Fooling around with her sisters boyfriend

I guess I was a bit of a late bloomer; I didn't have my first orgasm until I was eighteen years old. I had never been particularly interested in boys and sex and all that. My family wasn't well off, and if I was going to get into a decent university (unlike my sister Valerie who was still living at home and going to community college), I would have to get really good grades. I had tried masturbating before. Everyone said there was nothing wrong with it, that it's totally natural, etc etc. It...

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Getting a Boyfriend

Getting a Boyfriend Transexual fiction by [email protected]. The following story contains descriptions of sex between young men and transgendered men. If you are offended by such things, or live in an area where such things are illegal to read about, or you're too young to be reading adult fiction, please stop now. I was born in San Jose, California. My name is Sam. I have two older (by 3 years) sisters, twins, named Melissa and Miranda. My parents are both engineers....

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Hermaphrodite Hotel 12 Charlis Gets a Boyfriend

HH12: Charli's boyfriend TG adult fiction by talltglover. If you are offended by men or women having sex with transgenders or hermaphrodites, or live in an area where such activity is illegal, or are too young to be reading adult erotica, please do not continue. This story is unlike most of my other fiction, which concerns men turning into women (conceptually) or hermaphrodites and having sex with other men. This story was written as a special request, and is about women becoming...

4 years ago
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My Black Boyfriend

"My Black Boyfriend ""He snaps his fingers and I hungrily crawlacross the floor "My Black Boyfriend "??? "??? ??????????????????????????He snaps his fingers and I hungrily crawlacross the floor toward him. He sits casually naked in his chair, hischocolate brown muscular body relaxed, and his strong legs spread wide sothat I can see the object of my love, my life. Some of you will think I amperverted, and others of you may even suspect I am mentally ill, but I tell? you I am not. I have...

1 year ago
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Moms New Boyfriend

Mom?s New Boyfriend ? Chapter 01 By Tappy McWidestanceMy name is Brittney. I am 19 and your average California teenager. I was raised on the beaches near LA, was into sports (and boys) and ended up going to UCLA on a swimming scholarship. That made my mom, Cathy (43 years old), very happy. She is a casting agent and divorced my father six years ago. While she is involved in the film industry and makes enough for us to live comfortably, we are by no means rich and not having to pay for college was ...

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Piggy Gets Pounded Part One

“Piggy open those legs wider” His voice makes me jump. He is standing right in front of me. I open my legs wider and I can hear him step back and the camera taking more photos. After a couple of more snaps I can hear him putting down the camera on the nightstand. He stands behind me and places my collar around my neck. He leans into my right ear and whispers “Oh daddy is going to really have fun with piggy tonight. What’s the point of having a piggy whore if daddy can’t get to destroy her...

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I like to expose myself for my Boyfriend

by Vanessa Evans All characters involved in any sexual activities in this story were over the legal age of consent when the events took place. How I discovered that my boyfriend loves it when I expose my body to others; and so do I. Part 01 ===== It all started one night when we were at university party where the booze was flowing freely and one of the spaghetti straps on my strappy V-neck tank got ripped off in a silly drinking game. For the rest of that night I struggled to keep my...

1 year ago
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A sexy woman plans a birthday party for her boyfriend

“Miranda, please don’t spend any money on me. I don’t need a gift.” Tom argued with me. “But Tom, I want to make your birthday extra special. This is the first time you’ve had a birthday since we started dating.” “Miranda, I’m serious. Don’t waste any money on me. My dream birthday is just having over three or four friends, watching the Heat play basketball, playing poker, and drinking beer.” “That’s it?” I...

3 years ago
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Dear Boyfriend

(Of course, everyone here is over 18. He was 22. I was 21. So, it’s okay to talk about sex. He agreed to share these letters we saved with you.) * Dear Boyfriend, Don’t think because I don’t use your name that I’m recycling this letter. I have only one boyfriend, you, and I know your name. I said it in your ear last night, just before I bit your earlobe when you made me come. Thank you, BTW. Also, I think it was a good idea that we adopted the rule that we thank each other when we give...

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Cheating Rajasthan Housewife 8211 Part 1 Purane Boyfriend

Hi dosto, mera naam Rizwana hai. Main 41 years ki housewife hu. Main Udaipur, Rajasthan ki rehne wali hu. Mere husband ka exports ka ek bada business hai, jiske silsile mein unko maheene main 15-20 din out of India rehna padta hai. Zyada baat na karte hue us waqt pe aati hu, jab main sirf housewife thi. Waise shaadi se pehle mera boyfriend tha, aur usse main kayi baar chud chuki thi. But shaadi ke baad maine apne boyfriend se koi rishta nahi rakha tha. Suhagraat ko hi mujhe pata chal gaya ki...

2 years ago
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Piggy poo play

Today she asked a question, “How do you feel when you play with your pig shit?” I couldn’t believe she asked but I guess I always wanted to answer. “I am so turned on and excited. I want to be clean but at the same time I want it smeared on me. I want to be made to show, and told where to put it. When I rub it on my tiny dicklet I could almost cum immediately. However, doing it for you is the real excitement, imaging what you think of me, imaging you tell all your friends what a nasty pig...

2 years ago
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Surprise Cuck Boyfriend

I tucked my boyfriend into a bed in the back room at the house that we were at. His friends had carried him back for me, so that he could sleep off the booze. He had been hard at it with some of his friends since noon, and was so drunk I knew I wouldn’t see him again until late the next day. I put a glass of water next to his bed and shut the door and went back out to the party. The party had gone from around 75 to about 30 as all the drunks left. The only ones left were my boyfriends friends...

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Jennifers New Boyfriend

(MMF, MM, forced, inc)Jennifer was any man's dream. At 20 she was the perfect specimen of a female, a petite woman whose blonde hair and blue eyes reminded one of her Viking heritage and lustful play in bed. And David was no exception when it came to appreciating her charms. Their relationship had been a little lopsided from the beginning. Since he'd met Jennifer about four weeks earlier, she'd pretty much run his life for him. Telling him what to wear, and were they were going to eat, and what...

3 years ago
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Tinas Boyfriend

My best friend growing up was Tina, anyone who has read my stories already knows that but if you haven’t, now you know. Her first love was Mark. Mark was also the first guy I was interested in, mainly because Tina was. It wasn’t like I wanted to do what you are about to read, but I wanted what Tina wanted. Here is that story. I woke up Saturday morning and trudged my way into the kitchen to get some juice. Not expecting anyone to be home since my Mom was over at some guys house the night...

4 years ago
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Crossdressing with my Girlfriend and Boyfriend

Cross-dressing Days with my Girlfriend and Boyfriend By Cindybelle "Come into my room Timmy, it's time to start getting you dressed," said Cathy my eighteen year older sister. It was the day of Janette's wedding -- she is my eldest sister, twenty two years old and she is marrying her college boyfriend Mike at 2 o'clock this afternoon. I'd better explain that I'm Timothy, eleven and a half years old and I'm going to be the ring bearer at the wedding. It...

3 years ago
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My Wife Manisha Her Boyfriend

HI I am Sumeet 31 yr old married to 28 yr old girl. My wife’s name is Manisha. We are very much settled down in Mumbai. We both are working class people. We got married 2 years back. We are very good couple as having much better understanding in between us now rather than the initial stages. The time we got married my wife was very conservative and shy about the things to be expressed. Whereas I m very open minded person in that sense in every way of my life. I take life positively and love to...

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Tinas Boyfriend

My best friend growing up was Tina, anyone who has read my stories already knows that but if you haven’t, now you know. Her first love was Mark. Mark was also the first guy I was interested in, mainly because Tina was. It wasn’t like I wanted to do what you are about to read, but I wanted what Tina wanted. Here is that story.I woke up Saturday morning and trudged my way into the kitchen to get some juice. Not expecting anyone to be home since my Mom was over at some guys house the night before,...

3 years ago
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Piggy Gets Pounded Part Two

“You made quite the mess, piggy” daddy smiles as he bends down to take my face in his hand. His thumb grazes my lips and he slowly outlines them. I can feel my breathing beginning to steady, coming back to normal. In these tender moments, I know that daddy does care for me. Even if at times he treats me like his fucktoy. “You know I like things nice and clean, don’t you piggy. There’s only one filthy thing allowed in this house and that’s you.” He stands back up and removes his hand from my...

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In front of my sleeping boyfriend

- " im in your neighborhood, ill be parked outside your house in 15 mins.. Dont leave me waiting, and dont wear any panties. You know what i want" I hadn't spoken to shane in nearly 4 months. We were never a couple, but the sex was always amazing. There's something about him that i just cant seem to resist. I turned over to make sure my boyfriend Daniel was still asleep. This was so wrong. I had been faithful Daniel for our entire relationship although we've only been together for 2...

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Abby Fucks Mommys Boyfriend

After her visit to the dirty old man's house, Abby was satisfied, but a little embarrassed that she had let the old man Ray fuck her and cum inside her. She also worried a little about becoming pregnant, so when they were finished with the sex, she had gone to Ray's bathroom and tried to clean up and had done her best to squirt a bit of water inside her pussy, to flush out as much cum as she could.But as she got dressed, she was still a little sweaty, and her red hair was limp and stringy...

4 years ago
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Date With Boyfriend

I am Pooja Chaudhary. I am 21 years old. I am 5’5” tall with big breasts and big swaying ass. Fair color. I have firm breasts and I am very proud of those globes. They make every male look at me twice. I have good figure 36-26-36. I Have light brown color pointed nipples with big areola. Sameer, my boyfriend, had bought the car only a couple of weeks back and he had invited me for a ride. One day, late in the after noon, we took off on the Merc. After the car left the city limits far behind,...

2 years ago
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BadGirl I Fucked her BoyFriend

"Oh my God!" she yelled at the top of her lungs "we should not be doing this" as her best friend's boyfriend pounded his eight inch dick into her tight 23 year old pussy. Jane buried her face into the pillow as she accepted a serious pounding as he continued to crash into her from behind, pounding her relentlessly despite her weak protests for him to stop. He couldn't help but admire her young tight body. She was quite the site to see bent over - even better than he had imagined.Jane had just...

3 years ago
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Amber fucked in front of boyfriend

“Nooo don't stop! You can't leave me like this!” Amber stayed laid flat in her back with her legs spread as her boyfriend Nathan climbed out from between them. “We have to get going. We are already late.”Tonight Nathan was taking Amber to a party thrown for his bosses birthday at a local pub. Nathan had recently been promoted and was desperate to make a good impression. “But my pussy is soaking wet! You can't start eating me out and then just stop. You've been teasing me all day. I'm going to...

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