LaDonna and Sparky
- 4 years ago
- 24
- 0
“Rain!” She said, talking to Sparky.
It had indeed begun to rain. It was one of those ‘out of nowhere’ kind of showers that came and dumped a ton of rain and then left the area.
But right then, Allura, Allura Cain, was out walking her ‘Sparky’, her ‘pal’.
Allura, who was 24 at the time, had always lived with her Mom, until her brother, the only other family member, moved back to the area, after a hitch in the armed forces. He settled in and got himself a job, living with Allura and their Mom.
Allura, talking to her lovely Mom, had taken it as an opportunity for her to get out on her own for a bit. She was anxious to try that, and her Mom, May, agreed that it might just be a good idea.
Allura was about 5’4” and always had been a bit heavy. She struggled, really pretty successfully, with her weight and kept a weather eye on it.
There had been, of course, a side effect of her constant struggle with weight: she never really had that many dates. She took her place, during school, as the ‘best girl friend’ of a number of other girls, who were normally quite active socially. But Allura wasn’t one of those who were ‘active socially’.
She tried, of course, not to complain but talked to her wonderful Momma about it any number of times.
May’s advice was always the same, and that was that Allura’s ‘time’ was certainly coming.
She was out of school now and Allura had had a job interview as an assistant to a CEO in a manufacturing business. She had been pleased with the initial interview and had had a follow up and actually got the job. She was pleased. Her new job was scheduled to start the following Monday, and Allura was looking forward to it. It also gave her a week to get herself settled.
It was about then, with the new job opportunity on the horizon and once Ray was back home, that she went out on her own, in a kind of an adventure in living.
It was quite an adventure for her and for her Momma, getting the apartment ready and getting settled. She worked at doing that about every night and was pleased to settle in, once her Momma had gone back home, which was about and hour and a half away.
But once Allura was her own boss, she decided on a ‘friend’. She went to the local shelter and adopted a small, raggedy ball of white fur and named him ‘Sparky’. Sparky was her pal and she walked Sparky every day, as a part of her own regimen and his also.
It had been a kind of a whirlwind week for Allura, getting moved, getting ready for the new job and having such a pal in Sparky. They bonded well immediately.
Today they were out and had just gotten caught in a cloud burst.
“Oh, Sparky,” she said, when both of them were getting wet, “I’m sorry. I didn’t expect the rain at all.”
At that point, she turned around and they began to walk back toward her apartment building. Sparky kept shaking himself off, to get rid of the water that was cascading down from the sky.
John Stennerd was out that morning for a kind of a constitutional. He loved the neighborhoods of the town, always had and, when he managed to get back ‘home’ moved around, getting his exercise in the process.
John’s family had had bad ‘luck’ with heart incidents and John was determined to not go that way. He exercised and made sure, wherever he happened to be, that he went out walking and looking around.
Even though it was raining, he was out today, ready for the weather in his trench coat and umbrella.
It was precisely then that John Stennerd came across Allura and Sparky.
He just stared, as he approached them. Allura had a purse that she was holding over her head but the rain had already soaked her white tee shirt, and despite the logo on the shirt, Allura’s lacy bra was on display and her nipples, from the chill, were hard and erect.
That’s when the unexpected happened. It was Sparky who did it. The little dog stopped every few feet to shake off. But, when they came across John Stennerd and his umbrella, Sparky simply jumped up into John’s arms, surprising both John and Allura.
“Woah!” John said, explosively but holding onto Sparky, who was busy making himself at home in John Stennerd’s arms.
“Oh,” Allura said, dismayed, “Sparky!”
“Wanted to get in out of the rain,” John said, with a grin on his face, still holding onto Sparky but now covering a shivering Allura with his umbrella.
“Looks like you need it too,” he said, smiling.
“Oh,” she wailed, as she looked down her front. “Look at me!”
Then she reconsidered, realizing the state of her now see- through tee shirt and engorged nipples and again wailed: “No, don’t look at me.”
John realized that she was close to tears. He simply handed Sparky back to Allura and then took his own trench coat off, juggling the umbrella in the process, and put it around her shoulders, and letting it fall together down her front.
Now Sparky’s head was just barely sticking out of John’s trench coat, which Allura was wearing.
“This is so nice,” Allura said. “Thank you.”
“Welcome,” John said, “I’m always ready to help a lovely lady and any friend of my pal Sparky is certainly a friend of mine.”
She grinned at him and giggled, with a corresponding bark from Sparky.
John saw the two of them home.
Allura, still flustered by the attention of the, she thought, gorgeous man, was almost tongue tied, as they got to her apartment building.
“My name is Allura,” she said quietly.
“I’m John,” he said, and shook her proffered hand, adding: “What a lovely name.”
It all left Allura giggling, as she and Sparky went into the apartment building. She even turned at one point and saw him still watching her. She waved her fingers at him and grinned. He gave her a huge smile, watching as she lifted Sparky’s front paw and waved it at the nice, handsome man.
She dried Sparky with a big fluffy towel, once they were back in their apartment, and did spend some time talking to Sparky about the handsome man, named John.
She spent time that day on the phone with her Momma, describing her encounter with the handsome man and how Sparky acted, as they were out in the rain.
“Sounds like our Sparky has a good head on his shoulders,” her Momma said and they both laughed.
Then her Momma went on: “New job starts tomorrow?”
“Yes,” Allura said, “And I’m kind of nervous, although they were very, very nice to me at both interviews.”
“You are excellent for the position,” her Momma said. “Please call me and tell me how it goes.”
“I will,” Allura said, and then rang off with: “I love you, Momma.”
“I love you too, my darling,” her Momma said, before hanging up.
Allura was indeed a bit nervous. They got her oriented and showed her where her office was located. Her secretary, which she shared, named Margie, greeted her very warmly. Allura felt comfortable with her immediately.
“A bit nervous,” Allura said.
“You’ll be fine and more than fine,” Margie said, exchanging a hug with Allura.
After just a little bit, Margie mentioned to her that the staff meeting would begin in about 15 minutes.
“I think that all they want to do is introduce you today,” Margie said. “And the big boss is here today for the meeting. He’s been away now and again but I guess he plans to be here for a good long while.”
“Well, wish me luck,” Allura said, getting a reassuring hug from Margie.
She went into the meeting room, there were about 7 of them at the meeting. She was greeted very cordially by everyone. There had been a memo about Allura being hired and all were anxious to greet her and make her feel at home.
Then, as they waited, the door at the end of the room opened and the ‘Big Boss’, the CEO and owner of the firm, entered the room.
Allura almost cried out, when she saw John Stennerd enter the room. She was, for some reason, nervous right away. But that was mainly just Allura and some of her insecurities. In this instance the one thing that gave her some comfort was the fact that she was sure that he wouldn’t remember her.
John made his way around the room greeting each of them individually. Allura waited.
Then, when John got to her, he said very cordially:”You must be Allura, our new shining light.”
She beamed at him, and he said quietly, to her alone:”How’s my pal Sparky?”
Now, simply taken over by his kindness, she beamed at him and said: “He sends his love.”
John Stennerd grinned at her, saying: “Hi! from his buddy John.”
“Thank you, sir,” she began.He held up a hand and said: “Please, just John.”
“John,” she added, with a grin.
She found herself being tingly for the rest of the morning.
She also quietly chided herself to not get adolescent about John Stennerd. That struggle caused some consternation for her but she kept insisting with herself.
She spent her lunch time with others from her own section of the company. Gradually, all of them went to do some little errands, before work in the afternoon.
As she ate, reading a book that she had, she noticed someone standing next to her table. When she looked up, she was surprised to see John Stennerd standing there with his own tray of food.
“May I join you?” he asked quietly.
“Please,” she said putting the book away.
“What reading?” he asked pleasantly.
“Harry Potter,” she said, blushing, “I’m a fan.”
“So am I,” he said, settling in.
She got quiet then. It was her normal reticence taking over. Allura had such a kind of knack for such reticence for herself over a short lifetime of not being with the ‘in’ crowd.
He noticed. “Allura,” he said pleasantly. “I’m not trying to make you nervous by sitting with you. Do you want me to go?”
She looked up, alarmed. “No, please!” she said quickly. “It’s only me. I never, ever learned to really be calm and at home with people.”
He simply smiled as he looked on. He let her talk.
“I was always the chubby girl, maybe a friend, maybe, not ever a close pal or anything like that. No dates for me.” She chuckled at that but the chuckle ended in a kind of a muted sob.
He put his hand over hers; it calmed her.
“Don’t know why,” he said, “You’re so beautiful! But I don’t want to be saying things that make you feel awkward.”
She kind of giggled, fighting through her insecurity and taking a good look at what he’d just said.
“I’ll buck up and take such compliments,” she said. She giggled.
He grinned. “Good for you, Allura!”
She was astonished at how much at ease he made her feel. She mentioned that.
“Good for us!” he said then.
“I’ll tell Sparky tonight,” she went on.
“Aha, my pal!” he replied.
“And probably my Momma,” she said next. Then wanting to explain that, she went on: “We’re close; we talk all the time. She tells me to be patient, that my time is coming.”
“Ohhh,” she almost wailed then, “I shouldn’t maybe have told you that.”
He grinned. “Of course you should; we’re friends and friends talk to each other and tell each other things.”
“Yes,” she said, “Friends.”
Then he rocked her boat by adding, with a smile: “At least friends.”
“Ohhhhhh,” she almost moaned. “At least.”
She said that as though taking it out and looking it over.
“You’re so nice, Mr John Stennerd,” she said then. “Boss.”
“No,” he said, “No ‘Boss’ for us. It’s just John and Allura, Momma of my pal Sparky.”
“Yes,” she said, feeling even more relaxed with him, “Momma of your pal Sparky.”
She was silent again then for many minutes. It was not anything really new for Allura. With friends, mainly girls, she was out-going and active but in such situations as this, with a guy, she more than often simply froze with little or nothing to say. She realized that it was causing her reticence right then.
He smiled at her and said, softly: “Allura, is anything wrong? I don’t want to intrude if you’d really rather I didn’t.”
She held up a hand and said, with difficulty: “No, no, it’s me; that’s all. I get all tongue tied, when I try to talk to guys. I always have.”
“Well, Sparky told me to be nice to you or he’d get me!” he said, with a grin.
She grinned back at him. “That’s my pal Sparky; has my back.”
“Yes, he does,” John said.
He continued to make her feel at ease; they both realized it and their eating together lapsed into a kind of pleasant chatter about work and general life issues. Allura was taking part in the conversation without really realizing it or becoming tongue tied or awkward about it.
After a bit, when they’d both finished, he said: “Allura, I’m sorry but I have a meeting in about 20 minutes and I have to pick up some things for it. Thank you for allowing me to lunch with you.”
She gave him a broad smile. She fully realized that she felt at ease with this man.
“I’ll give a good report to Sparky about you,” he said, and she covered her mouth with her hand and giggled, as he grinned at her, before walking away with his tray.
The sense of it, the feel of that lunch stayed with her. She made sure, that evening, when getting ready for a walk with Sparky, that she told Sparky all about it. She was home from work, still wearing the skirt and blouse she’d worn to work.
The weather was really nice for this walk, as they strolled their usual route.
In fact, John Stennerd, was out for a walk too, and, not fooling himself, he was more than half hoping to run into Allura and Sparky.
And there they came, down the sidewalk.
It wasn’t raining; it wasn’t wet but Sparky again simply jumped into John’s arms, when he and Allura were close enough.
“Oh, Sparky,” she said but John was grinning and she began to giggle.
“He’s really taken a shine to me,” John said, with a smile, scratching Sparky’s head, as he talked.
“Are you free to get a drink?” he asked.
“Well, yes,” she said, “Can it be at my place? I have to take his majesty home.”
“Your place,” John said, “Grand.”
They walked along companionably, with Sparky now walking with them, instead of being carried.
“He is very well behaved,” John said.
“Yes,” she answered. “I take him out for walks all the time. You’re the only person that he’s ever jumped up on though.”
“Knows quality,” John said with a grin.
She giggled and said, in agreement: “Yes, I think that he does.”
It wasn’t a long walk to the apartment building where Allura and Sparky had their apartment. As a matter of fact, Allura had selected it precisely because she could have a pet/friend like Sparky there with her. She had been determined about that.
They had a rather small but very nice ‘garden’ apartment. But then ‘small’ was what she could afford. She patiently explained that to John, as they got to the apartment building.
The three of them, Allura, John and Sparky, were there in a matter of ten minutes or so. She let them into the apartment.
Sparky barked right away, expecting the treat that he always got, when they returned from their walk.
She turned then, and it was, quite suddenly, a time for an explanation of reality for Allura. She was so unsure of herself once again in that moment. It seemed the very best thing to do.
She reddened, as John continued to pay some attention to Sparky and then turned to her.
“I don’t just know what to do here,” she admitted. “I mean, growing up, I was always the plump friend. Never seemed to mind but, you know, it meant that I always looked on, dances, parties whatever. I just looked on.”
He surprised her then, and in one movement broadened her world and, as the Spanish say, remade it ‘de colores’.
He reached for her, putting his arms around her, and, humming into her ear, began to dance with her.
She sighed, only sighed, and put her head against his upper chest and shoulder. the loveliness of it caused her to shudder just a bit, as she matched his dance steps and settled herself against him.
“Allura, Allura, Allura,” he whispered to her. “You are so well named. You allure me; holding you and dancing with you is the very world.”
She sobbed then, and began to apologize immediately for being so emotional.
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Tuesday late evening I was leaving work about two hours behind everyone else. I had always hated walking through the darkness in that lonely parking lot. Even though nothing had ever happened there, I still did not feel safe. The dim lighting and confusing echoes made me nervous. Walking quickly with my head up, I clutched the car’s keys tightly in my hand. Suddenly someone grabbed me from behind, pulling me off my feet. I dropped my purse and keys while I struggled with him. His strong hand...
The beach was deserted and lonely, the sand cold and damp. Even the waves looked frigid as they broke across the dark, hard packed sand. The skies were slate grey with low clouds scudding across the horizon and my footprints were the only ones in the sand; solitary dents trailing behind me as I trudged along. The winter wind was brisk, tearing at my clothing, seeking for any gaps between my coat and my body so it could whisk away what little warmth was trapped inside. I leaned forward a bit,...
Your all alone and sacred in the woods. It's been days since you got separated from your group. Your hungry, scared and and being followed by 3 walkers. As you try to run you trip over a fallen tree, you look up and a walker is almost on top of you. You close your eyes and wait for the bite the will turn you into on of them. Just as you have given up hope a gunshot rings out in the quiet forest and the walkers head explodes covering you in zombie filth. You turn to see who save you and there...
Anyway to cut a long story a little bit shorter, we met quite regularly at the same time so decided to walk the dogs together as they seemed to get with each other, we chatted and talked and became very friendly, it got that I used to look forward to going round there as we enjoyed each others company, as we talked we started telling each other a little more about ourselves getting to know each other, he was married but I was single and it got to the point where a mutual trust had developed...
The week after I had been her sissy puppy Mistress completely ignored me. I looked longingly at her but she simply stared ahead imperiously. Once again I was longing for her to use and abuse me but she would not be swayed by my longing looks. Finally she broke this impasse in the most humiliating way. I was waiting whilst the couple who had witness my humiliation a few week back crossed the stile. The woman gave me a withering look that had me blushing bright red, then behind...
Staring at the photos on the side table Jessica saw a fairly recent one of a marine, a very hot marine. Her eyes widened even as her stomach dipped. Rolling her eyes at the response her body gave she turned yelling toward her friend who happened to be in the kitchen. ‘Hey Marty, whose the ‘walking wet dream’ in dress blues?’ Marty burst out laughing even as someone cleared their throat directly behind her, a very male someone. ‘Most people just call me Gage.’ Every ounce of color fled her...
It was completely deserted when I pulled into the parking lot alongside the Metal Arts building, but at eight on a week night that wasn't surprising. The majority of campus classes ended by five, so even the most devote students had given up on their masterpieces for the night and gone home, leave the entire area quiet as a graveyard. Come Friday and the beginning of the weekend, this lot would be packed end to end with beat up old cars like mine, as students swarmed to the bars...
Devin Dixon walked outside of his townhouse apartment. It was a nearing dusk on this particular March Saturday and the temperature was just a hair above 70-degrees. He was out walking his black and tan Manchester Terrier, named Duke. The dental hygienist wore a red tank top and a pair of black women's Canari Cycling shorts. The skin-tight bottoms showed off his gigantic booty. Devin had received his third round of ass injections four months ago. And, his derriere was something serious. He...
It was January once again as I was driving home. I was remembering the short conversation I had the day before with my ‘walking girl’. The storm as she had predicted was here along with it once again growing colder. Though I wasn’t expecting the torrent that we’d had the year before. Though no closer to discovering who she was, I was content with the memories we’d made last year. I had watched many of my co workers as they left early afraid they’d get trapped. I wasn’t that worried I knew I...
This morning I took my dog for a walk in the local forest. Whilst walking I saw another man, also walking his dog, except he was looking around him, acting suspicious, so when he turned in my direction, I pretended not to observe him, instead I started calling for my dog and looked the other way.Not surprisingly as I neared where he originally was, he was gone, or so I thought, he in fact had ducked ahead, took all his clothes off and was masturbating as I drew level with him.He was off the...
When I was first married my wife and I would go for a walk in a nice warm summer rain. She was eighteen, tall, thin, and had the cutest 32-A titties you ever wanted to see. And I always wanted to see them. Like they say more than a mouthful is a waste! Back in those early days of marriage she would wear one of my white T-shirts without a bra and go for a walk with me. It wasn’t a downpour by any means, it was just one of those light rains on an eighty degree evenings. We would hold hands...
Walking the dog My dog Skippy is going on two years old this year and I've been taking him down to the local park just about every morning for all of that time. I usually get to park around 6 AM to get Skippy in a quick walk before I get ready for work. I rarely see anyone else at all at the park except for the occasional jogger. On the weekends and holidays, of course I sleep in a bit and I have to share the beautiful park with many other folks. This particular week, I was on...
Working from home was a new experience for me, and I loved every minute. My boss had given me a new territory that was well established and covered an area close to my home. It was perfect. Little did I realize just how perfect, but I'm getting ahead of myself.After my divorce I found my little house after an exhaustive search. I knew that it would be the ideal house for me and didn't haggle over price as I normally would. I used the spare bedroom that faced the street as an office and every...
Li drove us away from the house, back to China Town. The mansion and grounds were very impressive. I sat on the edge of my seat, looking out the window as we slowly pulled away, along the long driveway to the gate. Then I sunk back into the seat, put on the belt, and sat thinking about everything that was happening to me. The chat with Zhang left me feeling much better. My memory was still fuzzy, but it was believable that I jumped at the opportunity to transition, regardless of the...
I was eighteen and a loner or I thought I was. The largest continent of Mist was Elacon and I had grown up in the largest city. I guess it started with guys bragging about what they were going to do when they finished school. I was not thinking when I said I was going to walk around Mist to find a place to settle. That turned into a big thing as it was repeated and then changed to I was going to walk completely around the planet. To say I was embarrassed would be polite. When Candy and Megan...
Edited by Isaac Newton, circa 2006, Revision 1.4 A romantic attraction has clung To a chap of whom damsels have sung: "'Tis the Scourge from the East, That lascivious beast Who was known as Attila the Hung!" To say that I felt like a fish out of water is an understatement. These guys wanted something from me, and so I had been invited. They were looking at me like I was shit on the bottom of their shoe, but normally they never looked at me at all. They were the cool crowd at school...
My name is Pierce Chase, and I am 22 years old. I am the first one to admit that I'm not a very social person. It's not by choice, it's just the way I am. I don't have many friends, who am I fooling?, I don't have any friends. The only people in my life seem to be the people I work with, and they all talk about me behind my back. Of a night I find it hard to get to sleep. The doctor said my insomnia was most likely stress related. I've never really thought about it. To pass time I often walk...
GayWalking on the Wild Side by Nikita Snyder©2005 Synopsis: When two beautiful roommates explore the wild side of life, they meet with unexpected consequences.Kymber gets swept away by Michael, an older man who sees her as a challenge to control. She turns into his sex slave and the training is brutal. The arrogant Cindy, a human Barbie doll, meets her match in Patrick. He makes Cindy debase herself in a place where she is the queen, turning her into a slut. He told me I was to...
Sixty-three-year-old Emily Wagstaff walked her elderly neighbour Janet's dog and got into the habit of walking the same route at approximately the same time each day. As other people tended to do the same thing, she often saw the same people each day.One such person was fifty-nine-year-old Trevor Hinton and over a short space of time, the two progressed from nodding or smiling at each other to saying, "Good morning," to actually stopping for a brief chat. The two of them took a liking to each...
MatureIt was mid-afternoon and a hot summer’s day, a man walking along a country road heard a noise sounding like an animal in pain. Calling his dogs to heel he went into the bushes with the intention of helping the poor creature. As he blundered around he came upon a bright sunlit clearing where the grass was quite short and in the middle of which lay a beautiful woman on a chequered car rug. Eyes popping he stopped short, lying supine with her top pushed up above her breasts she fondled the right...
I met Tracey as we both returned to the school we thought we’d left for ever. “Hi Tracey. Sorry you didn’t get the grades you wanted, if anybody should have done, it was you” “Hi Dave, Well, it was my own fault. I let Mark distract me. He and I ... well you know” “Yes; I thought you were a well-made couple” “Nice of you, after you and I split. Except he got to Bristol and I didn’t get my grades. He didn’t let me get in his way. He’s doing medicine” “I can guess what he’ll specialise in....
Walking into the woods, she is wondering what she could do today to make it exciting since she hasnt had anything for a long while. She noticed the wind was making her nipple hard when she took her shirt off, would rub up against a tree once in a while where her nipples would feel it rub them. When doing this she was feeling her clit tingle, wonder what in the world she could do to find something to lick her clit. She takes her skirt of, is walking only with her boots. She heards noises which...
EroticWe talked of this and that, university and grandparents and stuff. Then I found the phone box and made the five minute (less!) call. Mum just liked to know I hadn’t fallen over a cliff, or been eaten by Welsh Cannibals (she didn’t have much idea about Wales apart from the fact they were small, wide and mined coal as a hobby). Fiona waited, laughing at the answers she could hear “Yes, Mum, I still have a pair of clean socks” (which was actually a lie, and I knew she knew it was, and she knew I...
Leslie leaned against the bedroom door and watched Brian’s chest rise and fall slowly under the blanket, his face flushed but peaceful under the light from the living room. She had mixed feelings about him now, and instead of the giddy lust and passion that she had felt a few weeks ago, and even that morning, she now wondered why he hadn’t been able to trust her with his problem back on the trail. She recalled watching him walking in front of her, swinging a stick at the long grass and...
I think I’m different to most of my friends. My guy friends are all dating beautiful, young women and I’m just not comfortable dating those types of women. I really get turned on by older more mature women. The first time I realized this was when I was a teen. I was spending the week over my friend’s grandmother’s house and when I looked at her I just felt a stirring in my pants. Looking at his grandmother actually got me very excited. Now, she wasn’t and old wrinkly type of a woman. She was...
TabooWe agreed to meet on the foot paths near her house... she usually walked the dog alone,. so there was no fear of her husband showing up.... Earlier on that day, I told her to show up on the paths at 5 pm... Other instructions were, not to wear a bra and no panties. She showed up on time with her dog, out for their evening walk. The paths behind her house were not busy, but at the same time not deserted, many of the people in the suburbs used them for exercise and to walk their dogs. At this...
Cheating WifesLast summer, I decided to go on a walking holiday for single people in Italy. On the day of departure, my flight was at 3pm. I arrived at the airport early to get some late breakfast/early lunch so I wouldn’t need to eat the food they give you on the 'plane. At about midday I checked in, went through to the departure lounge and got a drink. I sat enjoying a cold beer and reading from my ipad, until my flight was called. The flight was fine, not a long flight to Italy from the UK. I collected...
Straight Sex