Walking Around Green Lake free porn video

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I guess this tale came about because I enjoy walking. Actually, it's a lot more than that; however, one of my favorite forms of exercise is walking ... and most of all, I really enjoy walking about the lake. In the North end of Seattle, there is a lake called Green Lake, which is circled by a trail that's about 2+ miles around and I try to walk it as often as I can. My goal is to walk around it every day, but it seems to turn out more like around 5 times a week. I've been doing this for so long now I see regulars who are like me ... regulars who also walk the lake on a habitual basis. When those of us regulars recognize others we know, we nod and smile, and continue with our brisk walks.

And, there are the others ... the ones who have the plugs in their ears and are off in their own little world ... or look like they are from Star Trek with their earpieces sticking out talking to ... well, before there were cell phones people would say they were talking to themselves. Good thing for cell phones. Well, those who wish to tune out have their idea of a walk, and I have mine. Mine isn't anesthetizing myself from the rest of the world and tuning into a recording ... or chattering away on their cell phones ... I enjoy people and I am by nature a friendly person

Between the walks and swimming, I am trying to keep this 40+ year-old body in the best shape I can. I'm told I look like early 30's instead of early 40's, but how much of it is real and how much is just BS I really do not know. I know there are bulges where I didn't used to have any, and even though my breasts have been generous all of my life, at one time they did sit a lot higher on my chest than they seem to now days. Going braless has never been an option for me and at this stage of my life, even more so, but it really doesn't matter. Overall, I feel good and I am comfortable with myself. I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish I was a bit thinner, but I also know myself well enough to understand that won't probably happen and I am at peace with the way I look.

There is nobody in my life right now whom I see as a significant other. I was married right out of high school to my first lover and we had 20+ wonderful years until he passed away from cancer. My husband was also what would have been considered a geek. He fell in love with computers in high school and was amazed there was a way to make a living using computers. I think he would have done everything for free ... he was just so enamored with the concept of computers. When a local software company issued stock, he invested every dime we had ... promising me it would make us wealthy. He was right. Almost every computer uses the software he had invested in and money is not a worry for me.

Since my husband passed away, I have a couple of gentleman friends I see now and then and if I want to attend a function, I have several men I can call on who will gladly take me. I see no reason to just accept any date so I guess you could call me fussy.

On with my story ... as I recall, it was early one week when I was walking the lake when I saw HIM for the first time. I don't know why, but I always like to walk the lake counter-clock wise and he was walking towards me. I belive the correct terms used to describe him now days is he was "a hunk". Normally I am not attracted to younger men, well, at least not that young, but this young man had such a cute smile and with his dark curly hair, I thought, "What an absolute doll." His eyes were brown and looked so full of mischief. I would guess he was over 6 foot compared to my 5'8" and when he smiled at me, I smiled back and nodded my head in return to his greeting.

By the next morning, I had forgotten all about the young man until I saw him again walking towards me. My reaction upon seeing him surprised me as I felt my tummy tightened slightly and my nipples started getting hard. He smiled again and today I bid him a good morning. After we passed by, I happened to glance down at my breasts and noticed both of my nipples were protruding. Since my nipples are rather pronounced to begin with, right now they were really poking out. I hoped he hadn't noticed, but knowing how men are, I was afraid he had.

As I continued my walk, I was puzzled with my reaction to the young man. Granted, I had not had sex in a long time, but I am not the sort of woman who gets all hot and bothered around some cute guy. I also don't go out looking for a man to "scratch my itch" it you understand what I mean. My reaction to the handsome young man is not at all like me and I wondered about my feelings. After all, I am not a cougar!

I had to miss my walk on Thursday but on Friday, I found I'd made sure I was walking around the lake at the same time I had walked it on Tuesday and Wednesday. As much as I didn't want to admit it to myself, I was actually hoping I would see "my hunk" as I was starting to think of him again this morning.

I was over three quarters of the way around the lake when I started to think I'd missed him when there he was up ahead, coming towards me. For the first time in my life, I felt some sort of a twinge in my pussy and my tummy was doing strange things. I thought to myself what a foolish old woman I was by starting to allow this young buck to affect me in such a manner.

I knew as soon as he spotted me because a big grin spread over his face. "Good Morning." He greeted me. "How are you today?"

"Good Morning." My God, he had a striking smile. I continued on, "I'm doing well. Thank you." And, with that brief exchange, we had passed one another. I am ashamed to admit this, but I do not recall anything about the rest of my walk or the short drive home.

My normal routine is to do my walk and then come home and shower but on Saturday, I showered first. As I stood in the shower thinking about the young man; I kept telling myself what a silly old woman I was and what did I think I was trying to prove. I thought to myself just because he smiled at me and said good morning was not some sign he found me interesting or desired me, but I kept on fixing myself up anyway.

I don't know if I was too early or exactly why, but I didn't see him that day nor on my Sunday walk either. I was a bit surprised with myself at how disappointed I was all day Sunday after not seeing him for two days. I found it strange after only seeing him 3 times, he would have affected me so much and I would feel so down.

Monday dawned grey and gloomy. Those who live in the Pacific Northwest know what I am talking about. I considered not taking a walk, but since I usually felt so much better afterwards, I tried to convince myself I was not taking the walk in hopes of seeing the young hunk, but rather for my health. Even though there was a light rain, it was not really all that cold. I wore a light jacket over a tee shirt and shorts. I like to wear shorts as much as possible as they are so much more comfortable when I walk rather than have long pants flopping around my ankles.

I was just getting started when I saw him walking towards me. My sprits lifted and I was positive I had a silly grin on my face. His face lit up when he saw me and I honestly felt he was pleased to see me. I hadn't seen many people walking and when he was close enough to me, he said, "Looks like we have the lake almost to ourselves."

"I guess we are part of the die hards!" And we laughed at our exchange.

"I just started, do you mind if I turn and walk with you?" He asked.

My heart stopped for a moment and my tummy tightened. It was all I could do to get out my response, "I would love your company." After I made the comment, I wanted to just die. I had not meant to be that forward but he looked at me as if nothing was wrong. He turned and as we started walking together, he looked over at me and said, "My name is Howard. I hate the name so I usually ask to go by my nickname."

"I am Susan, and what is your nickname."

"AC." He replied.

"AC? You mean like the letters A and C but said together?"



"Well, it was my older brother's name. He was named after a great uncle or something and I loved the name. I know it is silly, but I always thought Howard was feminine and his name was so ... well, manly." We both laughed. "My brother was killed a couple of years ago and I started to use it as my nick name, partly because I liked it so much and partly in honor of him."

"What happened ... if you don't mind me asking?"

"He was helping a woman fix a flat tire late one night and a drunk came along and hit him. Killed him right there. The woman was slightly hurt but nothing happened to the drunk. All he got was 6 months in jail!" AC's anger was clearly noticeable in his voice and choice of words.

"I'm so sorry ... I mean, I know it wasn't your fault or anything, but I do feel badly for your loss."

"Thank you. I'm dealing with it the best I can."

As we walked, we discussed all sort of things. He was a senior at the U and really didn't know what he wanted to do with his life. Feeling maternal, I tried to explain to him that the degree was more like a key to life. As things went on, there might come a time when he would be up for a promotion, or was interviewing for a job and a degree was necessary. Eventually I asked him how old he was and he told me he was going to be 23 in a couple of months. I know that I blushed. Here I was, almost twice his age and flirting with him ... I should have been ashamed. But, for some reason, I wasn't. I just walked with AC and enjoyed our talk.

All too soon, we found ourselves at my car and our walk came to an end. He extended his hand and with a smile, said, "Thanks. I really enjoyed our walk. I don't mean to seem forward, but you are a very beautiful woman."

Now I did blush. "Thanks. I must tell you, you have made my day. It's not every day that a woman of my age is complimented by such a stunningly handsome young man."

AC had color in his cheeks as well as he stammered his farewell. I didn't start the car right away but instead sat there car reviewing our walk, I wished I'd made a date for another pleasant walk with AC, but as I thought it over, I realized we would meet again. And that was how it started. Most days when I walked, I would run into AC somewhere along the way and he would usually turn and walk with me. This went on for a few weeks until one day he asked me if I had time for a cup of coffee. I was really bummed because I had something planned for the rest of the day, but I told him how about next time. He agreed but we didn't actually set a date. I guess we both just assumed we would see each other the next day. As it turned out, it was 4 days before I had the opportunity to walk the lake again.

When I got out of bed, I was totally frustrated. The day was worse than any other day I had walked around the lake. The rain came in sheets and the wind was howling across the lake. The trees whipped back and forth and leaves were being ripped from their branches. Normally I would have just skipped the walk, but after not walking for four days, I had a bad case of cabin fever and I wanted to get out and walk. I didn't expect to see AC due to the weather and after walking almost all the way around the lake, I had only seen one other person out walking, and from the look on their face, I could tell they were wondering what they were doing walking on such a crummy day.

Suddenly a new cloud opened up producing a hard driving shower of rain which poured down on me. Next to the trail was a small building with an awning protruding from the front and I quickly ducked under the awning to wait for the rain to let up a little. Tucked under the overhang, I watched as the rain poured off the front of the awning in a solid sheet and I was still being hit with raindrops. I tried to step a little further back away from the cascading rain when I heard a voice behind me, "We need to stop meeting like this." And I heard AC's chuckle.

I spun around, startled to find I wasn't alone under the awning. "You startled me," jumped out before I had a chance to think. I ended up with, "Good Morning. I am surprised to see you this morning."

AC was quiet for a moment and then speaking in a low tone, said, "Well ... I am surprised to see you out here as well. Good morning Susan. I was hoping to see you ... I thought this morning it wasn't gonna happen ... me seeing you I mean."

For a while, the only sound was the falling rain. Finally, I asked, "Why? AC ... what's going on?"

Another long pause and finally he replied, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. Just forget I said anything..."

"AC ... what's going on ... talk to me."

"I'd rather not say ... if you don't mind."

I noticed his head was down and he was looking at the ground. My heart raced. My mind was spinning. I wondered, "What was going on with him today? Was this beautiful young man interested in me?" I mused. "No stupid ... there's no way he's interested in a woman my age." I concluded. Finally, I told him, "AC ... that's not exactly fair. You brought it up, and now you got me wondering and then you stop. I don't understand."

There was another long pause. The rain continued to beat down on the awning, making a drumming noise. Finally, he started to speak; he spoke so softly I could hardly hear him over the noise of the falling rain. "This is so difficult ... I've thought about what I wanted to say for the past three days and I'm no closer to knowing what I wish to say. Oh shit Susan ... I may be out of line here, but I think you are beautiful." I swear to God my heart actually skipped a beat. AC continued, "Each day I see you my day goes better and I'm happier after I've seen you. I can't believe I'm telling you this ... I don't want to frighten you and I'll stop with this kind of talk if you want."

I was stunned. I was extremely pleased and to honest, I could feel I was a bit aroused as well, but I also knew I needed to stop this now. "AC, that's very sweet ... and you're very sweet as well. But do you have any idea how old I am?"

"No, and to be honest, I don't care and I don't see how it matters." AC paused and then I noticed a twinkle in his eyes as he asked, "Does your age keep you from having sex?"

"AC!" I exclaimed. I was a bit startled at his boldness. I did have to admit however, my pussy clenched because of what he asked. "How can you ask that? We hardly know each other." I made sure my words didn't really portray my feelings.

He laughed softly as he replied, "Well ... I guess the damn is broken, I've said too much already. Susan, I know you well enough to know I feel you're very erotic ... very sexy ... very desirable. Why can't I tell you I want to make love to you? I want to spend some time with you ... as a man and woman!" AC paused and even though his voice was already very soft, his next words were almost a whisper, "And I've seen you look at me ... are you telling me that you've no desire to be with me?"

This was going way too fast and I felt I needed to gain the upper hand, right now, "That's not the point..."

AC interrupted me, "Excuse me, but that is exactly the point. I've seen you look at me and I can feel your desire. Do you deny it?" He waited until I finally dropped my head. He must have known that meant yes, as he continued on, "I see you here all the time, we walk together... , and when I look at you I feel desire. I know you're not in a relationship. You know I'm not in one. I am tired of seeing you walking around the lake for a little while and then spending the next few days wondering if and when I will get to see you again. The one thing I know is that life is short and I don't want to wonder what it would have been like to have been with you..."

I was stunned by this young mans comments. I was a little embarrassed and I hated to admit it, I was getting turned on. I had to get control of the situation. "AC ... look ... look at me! I'm an old woman ... and you ... you are a young sexy man ... and"

"Stop!" AC interrupted me. "You're not an old woman ... anyway, what does age have to do with anything? And since you brought it up ... I will tell you a secret ... I prefer older women." AC chuckled as he continued, "I'll admit you're a bit older than women I normally seek..."

I interrupted him now, "Older? Older... ? AC ... I'm at least twice your age.'

"So like what are you? 35... 36... 37? Anyway, that's what really turns me on..."

That stopped me cold. I had to admit, I didn't have a come back to his comment. Eventually I asked, "Is it my age ... and by the way, I am in my 40's ... so, is it my age or is it me that turns you on?"

"Both! Since we are being honest. I like your mature body."

I couldn't help, but I laughed at his comment, "You mean old fat bodies turn you on?"

Looking at the hurt on AC's face made me feel bad because of my smart remark. Finally AC continued, "Susan ... you turn me on ... both who you are and the idea you are as old as you are also excites me. Call it my little fetish ... but the idea of making love with you really excites me. But, more than that, you're fun to talk to. I look forward to our walks and getting to know something more about you each time we are together. Everything about you excites me. Look ... if I didn't care for you the way I do, I don't think I would want you as much as I do." AC reached out and took my hand. I relaxed my arm and he placed my hand over the front of his pants. I didn't mean to, but I gasped at how hard he was ... and how big it was. "See ... this is what you do to me."

I noticed the rain had let up and even though I didn't want to, I pulled my hand away. I suggested we continue our walk. As we walked, we both walked in silence lost in out individual thoughts. Finally, AC spoke, "Have I screwed things up between us by being so forward?"

"No AC ... I'm pleased you felt comfortable enough with me to be honest. I'm just very torn. On one hand, I'm very flattered you would find me desirable. On the other hand, I'm so embarrassed I'd even entertain the thought of having sex with ... with ... well, somebody almost half my age. If I were the man and you were a young woman, I would be considered a dirty ol man. I have no idea what people would think of me now."

AC grinned at me, "If the rolls were reversed, people would think the man was lucky to score with such a young lady. And ... more important, why are you so concerned what people think? Isn't it what you and I think the most important thing?"

"Well, yes ... but...

"How about this ... you let me take you to dinner? We can discuss this more then."

I looked at his handsome smiling face and I knew I had to say yes. If there was to be more, I had no idea, but I did want to get to know him better away from our walks. "Yes ... I will have dinner with you. I'm not saying I'll have sex with you ... but I would like the opportunity to see you away from our walks. However ... since you're a student and I'm sure your funds are limited, will you allow me to cook dinner for you?"

"You meant have dinner at your home?" The look of shock on his face was priceless.

"Yes ... why ... is that a problem?"

"Well ... no ... but..."

I cut him off quickly, "There's nothing intended here. You're coming over for dinner ... and we will TALK!" I made sure that I emphasized the word "talk".

"Susan, I'd love to have dinner at your home." As we stood next to my car, we arranged for him to come over the next evening and I game him my address. Just as I opened my car door, AC asked me, "May I have a hug?" I wondered if it was really such a good idea, but once I felt his arms around me, it felt so nice it really didn't matter what kind of idea it was. He squeezed me once and kissed my forehead. "Until tomorrow..." He turned and I watched as he walked away. Damn that boy was good looking.

I didn't get out of the house for my walk around the lake the next day. I wanted to make something AC would like, but I also didn't want to have to spend the evening in the kitchen. I decided on spaghetti and a small salad with bread. At the appointed time, my doorbell rang and when I opened the door, AC stood there with flowers in one hand and a couple of bottles of red wine in the other. How he knew the dinner would be best with a red wine I'll never know. I took the flowers from him and placed them in a vase and as I was fixing the flowers, AC went through the kitchen and found an opener. By the time the flowers were fixed, he had poured two glasses of wine for us. As he handed me my glass, he leaned forward and kissed my cheek. "Hi!" He whispered. "You look wonderful."

I put my hand on his chest and gently pushed him back, "AC ... I'm way too old to lead you on. I'm so confused right now. I will not lie to you; I do find you arousing ... what woman wouldn't feel that way? But you're so young ... and where would any relationship lead for us. When we are out in public, people are going to think you're my son ... and I just don't know I..."

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Rent A Cabin On A Lake

Rent A Cabin On A Lake I inherited a rather large chunk of land completely surrounding a large lake. I also inherited more than enough money to do anything that I wanted to do with it. So I started building cabins to rent out. I hired two young local guys to help me with the grunt work. With their help I was going to build seven cabins near the main road coming into the lake. We put in a nice long dock with a large deck on shore to sunbathe or sit on. They both had young wives that...

4 years ago
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Party at the Lake

Once there was a girl... No, that's not a good way to start, because it leaves out a lot of the real story. I'm a sixty-one year old man. The real story begins when I was seventeen. It was my last year in high school and I was looking forward to leaving for college in the fall. I had a part time job at a local grocery store, a car (of dubious value), a few good friends and what seemed like a perpetual hard cock. I wasn't (and I'm still not) a giant in the penis department, but the girl...

2 years ago
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Weekend At The Lake

After I'd spent time in Illinois and lost my virginity to the nympho next door whose Air Force hubby was in Germany, I went back home and renewed my acquaintance with an old girlfriend, Pam. Her parents and mine, I honestly believe, had ideas that she and I would end up married. Even though we liked each other a lot and had great times together, at eighteen, we really didn't see that in either of our futures.  For one thing, the Vietnam War was in full swing and I had to either enlist or be...

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Such Good Friends Chapter nineIncident at the High Lake

Chapter nine—Incident at The High Lake It was August and the day was going to be another scorcher. Mark was planning to hike up to the lake located high in the hills east of town. The “Terrific Trio” was coming with him and they planned on a whole day of swimming and sunning in the remote wilderness area. It was about an hour’s drive and a three mile hike, but they were counting on much cooler temperatures and sunny skies. Mark had finished his breakfast and was packing food and drink...

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The Lake

The story I am about to tell happened last summer. It was a hot day in June so we decided to go to the lake for the day. I talked my wife into wearing a sheer summer dress that at the right angle of the sun, you can see right through it (she’s not aware that the dress is see-through). I knew there were going to be lots of young guys at the lake sure to be eyeing up my wife all day. We packed up our SUV and started to head to the lake for what turns out to be a fantasy-come-true day for...

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Golden Lake

John saw a familiar sign on the side of the road. “Hey, honey. We’re coming up on the last store till we get to the trailhead. You should use the restroom and make sure you have everything you need for the weekend.” Mary nodded, “Yeah, yeah” and she went back to fidgeting with her phone, Tommy hadn’t texted her in the last day and Mary wasn’t sure what that meant. She’d seen him earlier that Friday and he seemed distant but he’d said he’d see her later. As the car came out of the foothills...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 4 Betrayed

Roy followed the living legend, he knew very little about. He remembered of course what Stahl did for him at Belle Station. He also remembered the tough questions after the pirate attack on the Silver Swan. Now he was actually walking right next to him towards a waiting D-20 shuttle, that had made landfall right in the middle of a sports field with a red track surrounding it. The shuttle was not the usual kind, but a tough-looking Lister-Class with fixed forward-facing guns and a small gun...

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Weekend at the Lake

This is a longer story than those I’ve written lately. It is not a love story, not an incest story, and not a gay story. Is it a story with a grain of truth in it? That is your call. For me, it is just a fantasy. Weekend at the lake I began loading the car with weekend essentials for a planned escape to the lake. I enjoy a trip there every three or four weekends just to unwind and be foolish for a couple days. My career is in college classrooms teaching college freshmen students their core...

4 years ago
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The Cabin by the Lake

My husband Abe had been gone for six weeks when Jake came to live with me. Abe had gone hunting on a cold December morning to add to our supply of meat for the winter. We lived in our remote cabin by the lake for our entire marriage struggling to return to nature like our forefathers endured for generations. We were surviving the brutal winter of 2014 – 2015 at our one-bedroom Lake Indian cabin nestled in the Adirondacks, about 25 feet from the water. We had stored plenty of food to survive the...

3 years ago
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Losing the cherry at Cherryville Lake

(Fictional story. None of the characters are real.) It was summer time and the Boy Scouts from Cherryville where packing up to go on a camping trip at the lake for a week. The scouts where from the ages of 12-14. They were all excited about going because they heard the rumors about the Girl Scouts from their town where going as well and setting up camp on the opposite side of the lake. As the boys are loading the vehicles up the camp counselors are discussing the plans for the week and which...

2 years ago
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Cabin By The Lake

THE CABIN BY THE LAKEBy Sam DarquesiedCopyright ? Sam Darquesied 2008The form letter flatly stated that my grade point average had fallen below the University?s prerequisite for living on campus, so it was either apply for special dispensation, or find an apartment. I decided that four years in residence was more than enough for this girl, and hit the want ads that very afternoon. My friends thought I had lost my mind when I soon chose to move into an apartment with two roommates; both of them...

3 years ago
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Visiting the Lake

My thanks to michchick98 for assistance with editing, and patience with my double spaces. A few words of explanation, I grew up within walking distance of one of the Great Lakes. I love the Lake in all its moods, from calm, quiet lady to furious angry tiger, and everything in between. The following is from my imagination pulling on memories of storms I have watched. If the storms aren’t like that on the Lake you know, visit another, there are after all 5 major, and several smaller, lakes. ...

4 years ago
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Mysteries Of The Great Lake

Hengki rushed out of the classroom. He had enough for today. Especially when the lesson was so gloomy. "How The World Came To An End" had been the name the oracle had given today's part of their education. Outside Hengki had to shield his eyes from the sun. But even that helped only to a degree as the sunshine was reflected on the water around him. Nonetheless, he found his boat soon enough. It was one of about thirty that anchored at the school. It swayed as Hengki jumped down and for...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 19 Next Stop Green Hell

Geha felt almost as miserable as she had in the Portel room on Lorman’s Starbase. While she was free of the tormenting mocking of that infuriating woman calling herself Jane Smith and was no longer compelled to betray the ones she loved, she knew her life was a lie and that her real name was Sybil Putnam. Her body was perhaps not even the one she had been born with. Geha only knew for certain that she wasn’t the girl she always thought she was and that her existence was based on deceit. She...

2 years ago
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The Girl By The Lake

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t shake off of that nauseating smell. She rubbed her hands one against the other, scratching and crossing her fingers, then she washed them under the stream of water before sniffing her hands again. No, the smell was still there, she couldn’t get rid of it. She lowered her sight, staring at her hands. A teardrop fell on her open hands and only then she realized she was crying, drops where blurring her sight. Jane was crying. She stared out of the...

2 years ago
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A bumpy ride to camp Crystal Lake

------------------------------------------------------ "Have fun," their mom shouted. "Be nice to your sister, Tom." Tom grinned and waved goodbye to his mom as he walked down the footpath. He couldn't wait. Nearly a whole week of fun at school camp. As soon as they turned the corner his sister punched him in the arm. "You wouldn't be mean to me, would you Tom?" She pushed her bottom lip out into a pout, her sparkly green eyes wide open and her face split in a giant grin,...

3 years ago
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Foster home 4 Fun at the lake

The girl that seemed in charge in my group was a girl named Erika. Erika had beautiful black long hair and dark brown eyes. Her skin was a natural beautiful olive color. It didn’t take me long to realize she was in charge because she told other girls what to do. Within moments of me being there she met me at my bed and gave me my new name. “So Blondie, what do you have there in your bag that belongs to me,” she asked. Now I was stunned by this question as I had just arrived so I...

3 years ago
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Foster home 4 Fun at the lake

Introduction: This is the forth chapter in my Foster Care series as our heroin continues to struggle to believe if this is a good home for her or not. Judge for yourself. Besides the homes with the neglectful foster parents that exist there is an even worse alternative, at least in my eyes, that thank God I only had to experience it once. That home is called a group home. A group home is run like a business with the adults coming on and off duty like in any job. A group home is where they can...

4 years ago
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Broken Hearts The Lake

After meeting Bill at a mutual friend's party today, Karen immediately felt comfortable and at ease with him. Earlier, in response to her dare, Bill exposed his cock to her, and Karen reciprocated by showing him her perky breasts. They laughed like teenagers in the front seat of his classic car before he drove off, relieved no one observed them flashing each other. "Have you ever gone skinny dipping?" Bill asked as the momentum of turning a sharp corner forced Karen to lean into him. "We...

3 years ago
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Summer Fun at the Lake

[My story depicts my true experiences during the beginning of a loving relationship that continues today. I was young, barely of legal age, but not experienced. There is no intercourse in this story, just the foreshadowing of erotic pleasures that I would experience in the following years. A note here to dispel confusion later in the story: Woody is the nickname of my boyfriend, but Jack is his Christian name used in dialogue when speaking with his family. I always acknowledge proofreading...

1 year ago
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The Cabin By The Lake

My boyfriend Mark was getting his things ready to go to his family's cabin at Douglas Lake, which was about an hour and a half's drive from Asheville Tennessee, where we both lived.He had shown me pictures of the small cabin his family had at the lake and I had always thought it was so beautiful there. Especially this time of year with all the fall colors on the trees... it was like a picture postcard."Oh Mark, I wish I could go with you. From the pictures you've shown me it must be just...

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Meet at the lake

Adam had never been to the lake at this time of year. Normally he only came to the cabin in the early summer, enjoying the sunshine and the people playing in the water. However, after everything that had happened he needed some time away, and the cabin was the perfect place to find that solitude. The lake was quiet this time of year, with few travelers coming so far after the Thanksgiving season. Adam made sure there was plenty of food in the kitchen, firewood by the side of the house,...

2 years ago
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Love in the Lake

I finally booked the rustic little cabin in the Gunflint wilderness in northern Minnesota. It had been seven years since I had taken a vacation, and I was looking forward to the peace and quiet of complete isolation. The only sounds I wanted to hear for the next week were the cries of the loons and the distant howls of the wolves that inhabited this piece of heaven. I packed a couple of knapsacks and loaded up my car. I headed north up I-35 out of Minneapolis to one of the last little pieces of...

Love Stories
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A Summer By The Lake

This story took a while. My biggest flaw is impatience, so I’ve decided to slow down and try to give you a better product. There isn’t a lot of sex in this one. There is some religion mixed in this, because I based part of it on people I know, and they actually met at church. You’re supposed to write about what you know, and I was raised in Southern Baptist and Methodist churches. I’m not trying to influence or convert anyone. It’s just part of the story. I myself don’t endorse any brand of...

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Fun on the Lake

Vincent pushed his Laser off the wooden launch plateau into the water and as soon as the little boat was afloat, he jumped onto the fore deck. He grabbed the mast and skillfully balanced his weight, so the boat started to turn while moving backwards away from the pontoon. When it was in a sailable position, Vincent jumped passed the mast into the small cockpit and grabbed the rudder tiller. He pulled the tiller towards him, which caused the Laser to turn even more. When Vincent started pulled...

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Wilderness Lake

The warmth of the day was just starting to ebb away as I lounged in an Adirondack chair in front of my cabin. The local insect life was in full chirp, and the last of the sunlight was dappling the lake's surface.I was watching a shoal of fish; don't ask me what sort they were, but they were breaking the surface to snatch flies from the air before sinking back into the crystal-clear water. Large ripples spread out to lap at the lake's edge.My family owned the cabin for generations, and I sat...

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A Summer by the Lake

Judging by the sound of the stream, she really, really had to go. I actually heard her before I saw her. Over the last two years, I had developed the habit of walking quietly. I had also started carrying a camera, taking pictures of things that appealed to me. I found if I walked quietly, I was more likely to get a good nature shot, catching the odd deer, squirrel, or turtle. Once I came up on a bear, boy were we both surprised. He took off one way, I took off the other. I came around the...

4 years ago
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Interview With the BimboChapter 5 Escape from Emerald Lake

The next morning I left the house two hours earlier than normal, my handbag packed with as many essentials as it could carry without arousing suspicion. My heart was beating faster than it ever had before as I slowly walked down the road to work hoping for opportunity to strike. Thankfully, before too long a red pickup pulled beside me and a young early, probably in his early twenties stopped to say hello. Naturally I accepted his unspoken invitation and got in the passenger seat, placing my...

1 year ago
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Cabin by the Lake

Note : This story is completely fictional!!!  Natalie entered the living room only to find her two children just lounging around. She immediately realized that they were extremely bored. Kimberley, her 18 year old daughter, was reading a book. However, Natalie realized that she had read it before and that she had been on the same page for five minutes. Mark, her 18 year old, was laying in the recliner staring into space. And this was only the second week of summer vacation. If this continued...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 2 A Prelude

The United Stars of the Galaxies, more commonly and simply referred to as the Union, was as societies went, still young, and had only existed for about 2700 years. This was not a very long time even in human terms. There had been empires and societies existing for much longer than that. Compared to other galactic societies and empires past and present, the Union had not even really started. In this short time, however, it managed to spread over a considerable region of space and even into...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 5 ReAnimated

McElligott was not certain what talents the Glou might have, but he was pretty sure they were based on Psionics, and this latest Union shield technology was not only opaque to it, but an effective way to isolate a psionic user from accessing that trans-spatial condition where Psions could be accessed. The small humanoid, sure enough, fell to the ground, no longer able to levitate himself. The Old Highlander got up and gestured towards a visitor chair that established itself. “As I said,...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 17 Reunited

The Saran woman entered the hotel room she and the Saresii had occupied since they arrived in Montreal. They both were working for the Kermac Ministry of Information and thus for the enemy. She had been a member of the Black Cat society and like all Black Cats very opposed to the Gray Cat society, a rivalry as old as time. The Gray Cats had become the dominant group and influenced everything in Saresii life, while all the other societies, like the Red Cats or the White Cats, withered away to...

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Convict Lake

Convict lake is nestled in a moraine crotch of the Eastern Sierra. Formed millions of years ago, the valley slowly filled in by sediment from melting ice sheets known as glaciers. Over thousands of years, the shifting ice ground away granite and left it as the only evidence of their titanic forces. When the valley tail filled with moraine a lake basin formed capturing the runoff from the high mountains. Now a vacation spot for valley folks looking for quiet and a place to escape the valley...

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Watching Having Sex While Camping on the Lake

We live in the Southwest and love to take a vacation to Lake Powell (in Page, AZ) at least once a year. This is an opportunity for just Nick and I to go on our boat and enjoy several days camping on the lake and exploring different bays and canyons.If you’ve read either of our stories, you’ll know we love to get naked. So when we find a private area in a cove or bay, which isn’t difficult since the lake is so massive, we strip off our suits, go skinny dipping, sunbathe and spend a lot of time...

4 years ago
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The Lake

On one hot late summers afternoon we're taking a long walk through the countryside hand in hand and I'm carrying a picnic basket. We come to a vast lake and decide to have a picnic next to it under a big tree. After eating our picnic you cuddle up in my arms against the tree looking out at the lake the sun setting on it. The field is completly emoty it's ony us here and the a****ls of the field and from the woods near by. YOU Fancy a lil swimYou...

2 years ago
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You caress your pussy at the mountain lake

Relax and lean back with pleasure.Maybe you will watch a heated video of me beforehand ;-)Make yourself comfortable and cozy and take plenty of time to read.I wish you a lot of joy with it.You caress your wonderful pussy close to a beautiful mountain lake!The clouds moved like sheep in the sky.You were on your way.To the small crystal clear mountain lake not far from the mountain hut.Up here at over 1500 meters you rarely met hikers and you enjoy thiswonderful warm day. The sun shines...

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CadeChapter 22 A Day at the Lake

Jessica woke up early Saturday morning, "It's time to go." She said as she entered her parents' bedroom. She yanked on Cade's arm. "Wake up daddy." Cade opened his eyes and looked at his six-year-old daughter. "Didn't anyone ever tell you that Saturday mornings were for sleeping in?" He grumbled. Jessica backed away sheepishly. He looked at her through half-open eyes and her pouty expression made him smile. "Come 'ere," he reached out and yanked her onto the bed, pulling her...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 10 Deepa

Martha tapped the activation sensor and established connection. Geha did not use an Avatar connection. “Martha, I managed to get away from the ones that tried to capture me again, but this is not why I am calling. I wanted to let you know that I am trying to get back into Freespace.” “Geha, Sister is alive.” “I am glad, it appears I gathered enough of her and it appears there was enough life in her for them to keep her alive. What will they do to her once she can be regrown?” “Geha, she...

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