Mysteries Of The Great Lake free porn video

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Hengki rushed out of the classroom. He had enough for today. Especially when the lesson was so gloomy. "How The World Came To An End" had been the name the oracle had given today's part of their education. Outside Hengki had to shield his eyes from the sun. But even that helped only to a degree as the sunshine was reflected on the water around him. Nonetheless, he found his boat soon enough. It was one of about thirty that anchored at the school. It swayed as Hengki jumped down and for a moment he fought to not fall overboard. Like the rest of the village, the school was on a platform that was about three feet above sea level. After untethering, Hengki cast-off. He was quite eager to go to a special place. As he rowed out onto the lake, he saw his classmates heading for their own boats. For a moment his eyes were caught by Tala, the oracle that had just taught him about the gloomy past. Hengki could have sworn he saw disapproval in her gaze to him. As if she knew what Hengki was about to do. Nonetheless, he rowed onward. The village kept getting smaller and smaller. It was one of the few features that broke the wide surface of the lake. Here and there a hut poked out of the surface. Standing on big beams of wood. Each one won the hard way. By going to the shore. As he thought about it Hengki saw something flash at the shoreline. A robot. An animal made purely out of metal. They roamed the land and hunted everything. Even humans. Only one place was safe from them. The lake and the small community that settled on it. As he rowed further he was reminded of today's lesson. It had been mankind that created the robots. With technology too advanced to understand today. At least the Oracle believed in it. Hengki doubted the whole story. They build with wood, leather, and twine. To make something with metal was abstract. Then to get it moving even harder to think of. He would have dismissed the oracle outright if it hadn't been for her uncanny ability to predict the weather. After rowing for most of an hour he arrived at his intended target. One of the forbidden spots. Here the water wasn't as deep. His anchor hit the ground at maybe forty-five feet. After making sure his boat was secured Hengki jumped overboard. As always the water was cold, but not as much as the rest of the lake. This wasn't the only strange occurrence around here. As he dived a few feet down he saw an eerie glow at the bottom of the lake. This was the very reason the villagers were afraid to go to this place. And in their fear, they forbid this place. After a half dozen of test dives, Hengki thought himself ready. He took a last few gulps of air before he committed himself. Diving as fast as he dared. He had trained for it in other spots of the lake, but it didn't make it any easier as the familiar pressure builds around him. He came closer and closer to the glow and it grew in intensity. Now he noticed how strange the glow was. It cut off in the middle. Drawing a strange rectangular shape underneath him. As he hit the ground Hengki pushed himself closer towards the light. He arrived at a cliff. Or so he thought at first. As pushed over he saw the truth. It was a house. Under water no less. He did see light and air on the second story, but not enough walls on the outside. Maybe the villagers had been right. Witchcraft. How else could air exist there without spilling into the lake? For a moment he contemplated abandoning his self-chosen mission. But the notion didn't last long. A few kicks of his legs and he arrived at the barrier. Pushing against it didn't help. There was no way for him to get through. His lungs started to burn and Hengki knew he should surface soon. Just as he was about to swim up a thought came to him. Hengki pressed his face against the barrier and looked sideways. His guess was right. Glass. The whole second story of the house was surrounded by glass. He thought about it as he swam upwards. Glass was rare enough. He had seen a few pieces in his life. A glass mug, some pots, and a bowl. Yet all these had never been this clear. So colorless that one could mistake it for being invisible. The ancients must have had means to produce glass that weren't possible in the era Hengki lived. He broke through the surface of the lake and filled his lungs with new air. Hengki saw his boat not too far away. Yet he didn't swim towards it. What he had seen only fanned the flames of his curiosity. After paddling for five minutes Hengki dived down again. This time he pushed further down. If the second floor of the submerged house was cut off by glass then maybe the first floor was a better option. At first, Hengki found only glass again. He nearly missed the opening as he saw it. The ground floor had no light so it was hard to see that two of the glass panels were shifted to the side. These were smaller two. Maybe they had been doors, Hengki reasoned. As he swam through them darkness closed in around him. Unfamiliar shapes surrounded him. He was about to turn around when he saw a soft glow illuminating a staircase. He remembered seeing the second floor dry. There must be air, he reasoned to himself. Arriving at the stairs he came up to the air. Cautiously he breathed it in. It smelled different to Hengki. Not as fresh as the air above the lake, but not bad like he expected. The stairs and the floor he had swum through was overgrown with algae and plants, yet as he stepped up he saw an immaculately clean floor and walls. As if someone had cleaned them just before Hengki's visit. The walls here were strange. Definitely not wood. Smooth and hard. And quite solid he guessed as he knocked against one. The house was big, maybe even larger than the school building. It was filled with walls made of glass and whatever that other material was. It filled him with wonder. Many of the furniture was made of glass too. That and metal. So the oracle had been right. Once mankind had the knowledge to form metal. He explored room by room. Their purpose eluding him. But they all were illuminated by lamps without flames. Had the ancients mastered magic? The Oracle always told him and others that there was no magic. Only advanced technic. "Science" she called it. For Hengki it always had been just another word for magic. At last, he arrived at a room that was surrounded by glass walls tinted in the color of fresh milk. Within he found a bed. A rather strange one too. Much of it was below some glass. Stepping closer, Hengki saw the bed itself was made of leather. But one so strange he had never seen before. Under his hands, he felt no creases or folds. Not even pores. What animal was large enough to provide this much skin that didn't show folds where muscles stretched beneath it? As strange as the bed was, Hengki knew he had to try it. To lay on something the ancients made. He stripped most of his clothes. Then crawled into this strange bed. It felt strange. Too soft beneath him. Not bad and kind of relaxing. For a moment he closed his eyes. Then there was a hiss. Hengki opened his eyes and they widened in panic. The glass had closed around him. He pushed against it, but it didn't budge. Then lights appeared around him. Some even floating in the air around him. They took the form of symbols. So foreign Hengki couldn't decipher them. Some changed constantly. Repeating the same ten symbols over and over again. One place moved fast, and every time it had gone through all ten symbols, the symbol next to it changed. Was it counting down? Hengki pushed stronger against the glass. Leaning with all his strength against it. Then the symbols flashed. Hengki held his breath, but nothing happened. It took him a few moments to relax. With the panic gone, a tiredness overcame him. His last thought was that he shouldn't fall asleep here. But the pull was too strong. Darkness claimed him. * * * * * * * * * * Hengki slowly woke up. Feeling refreshed as if he had slept in. One of those times his mother wouldn't wake him up early for school or to go fishing. As he opened his eyes that relaxed feeling vanished. His eyes took in his surrounding. It all came back to him in a rush. The submerged building of the ancients. The strange sight of what was in it. The bed that trapped him. Now he saw it open. As he shifted to slip out of it, he felt wrong. As if his very own body felt different. He lifted his hand so he could see it and started to scream. That his scream was wrong made it only worse. It was too high pitched. Wrong. Just like his arm. Too slender. Not his own. He took a few panicked gulps of air before looking down his body. What he saw made him scream again. More in confusion than in panic. He had breasts. And hips wider than his own. His whole body was different. It was if the ancients had punished him. Robbing him of his maleness and giving him the body of a girl. It took a long time for him to calm down. Only one reason made him not spiral out of control. The ancients had punished him. Maybe he did something wrong. Offended them. There could be a way to appease them. Earn his old body back. As he slipped out of the bed his first steps were unsteady. Hengki needed a moment to find his balance. It was a new one. This body didn't behave like his old one. Close, but not quite right. The most obvious change that bothered him was his new breasts. Hidden underneath some strange clingy material. They shifted slightly with each step he took. He paced around the room slowly. Trying to get used to them. There he discovered the next surprise the ancients had in store for him. As he stepped close to some sort of commode a mirror extended. One so clear unlike everything he had ever seen. The reflection showed him a girl that could have been his sister if he had any. She looked remarkably like him, yet subtly female. But that was not what threw him off. It was the garment he was wearing. He recognized it. It was the clothing of the Oracle. The very one that hung framed in her home. His head spun with thoughts about what it might mean. It filled him with new panic, but also hope. Maybe the Oracle knew more. As he stepped out to the corridor new strangeness threatened to overwhelm him. It was the same corridor, but there were a lot of new lights floating around. Many of them the same strange ciphers he had seen in the bed. He even saw pictures. They usually floated near entrances to rooms. Showing people in such details that no human hand could have drawn them. Slowly he made his way to the stairs when he noticed something else. One of those symbols followed him. It was always there. Wherever he looked it was in the top left corner of his sight. As he thought about it, others like it appeared. More symbols that affixed itself to Hengki's view. Concentrating on the wrong one brought more light. More confusing symbols and pictures. He closed his eyes. Willing them away, but even there he saw them. Haunting him. Then he found one symbol. It was like a cross. It made the lights vanish. He hunted for it and slowly the lights vanished. Until only one remained. The one in the top left corner. There was no cross for that one. Truly freaked out by now he ran to the stairs. He didn't take long to get used to the water. It felt strange to him anyways. As if it was different for his new body. Nonetheless, he pushed forward. Taking some deep breath before diving into the water. Hengki just passed the door to the building of the ancients when he noticed the next mistake. His lungs burned. This was not the body he was used to. The one he and trained to endure long dives down the lakes. Panic filled him and he pushed towards the surface. He didn't come far when the burning got worse. He wanted to breathe. His body needed to. Desperate he looked up and frowned in confusion. He saw his boat and many others. There might be every boat of the village there on the surface. And divers. They gestured towards him. New hope filled him and he gave a few kicks. THen his lungs gave out. He breathed in water. Struggled not to. It was in vain. In his panic, he nearly didn't feel the hands grabbing him. Dragging him upwards. Then there was air. He tried to breathe, but something didn't allow it. Someone heaved him onto a boat and there turned him to the side. He threw up water and gulped for air. That was all he could do for a moment. Only when he calmed down he heard the many voices around him chanting in celebration. "A new Oracle was chosen. Blessed be the Oracle." Hands lifted him up. Carried him from boat to boat until he saw the weather aged face of the old oracle. "Rest my child," she told him gently. "I will tell you all, but for now rest." That sounded heavenly to Hengki. He fell unconscious a moment after they sat him down. * * * * * * * * * * Hengki woke to the sound of a fireplace churning on wood. For a moment he was confused where he was until his eyes found the framed clothes of the Oracle. The same one he still wore himself. With it, he knew. It hadn't been a dream. He was a girl now. "You must be confused." The voice made him look around and he found the Oracle sitting at a small table. Sipping tea of all things. "Come sit," she offered. "Have some tea and I explain everything." Hengki nodded. What else could he do? Standing up he decided to keep the blanket around him that he woke up with. It took him only a few steps to reach the offered chair. "Why did the ancients punish me like this?" he asked as he sat down. The Oracle laughed sharp and loudly. It made Hengki cringe. "They didn't. You did," the Oracle said after calming down. "Ever heard the saying 'Curiosity was what the catfish got caught'? It was your own curiosity that led you down this path." "I don't understand," Hengki truthfully admitted. "The ancients had a word. 'Transgender'. Do you know what it means?" the Oracle asked, but continued in the same breath. "Of course you don't. You see one of the pearls of wisdom of the ancients was the fact that they knew that some souls were born in the wrong body. One with the wrong gender. Those souls they called transgender." "Why would the ancients think I was this- 'Transgender'," Hengki asked. "You most certainly were not," the Oracle admitted. "Though now you might be. You see the building you found was a 'clinic'. Their word for a healer's hut. This 'clinic' was built to help those they called 'Transgender'. They build two devices. Looking like beds. One to change a woman to a man and one to change a man to a woman." "And I found the wrong one. It was my own curiosity that doomed me-" Hengki mused out loud. Then he jumped out of the chair. "Then I need to find the other bed." "Sit down," the Oracle said softly. "The other bed- It is on the ground floor and doesn't work anymore. Believe me. I tried." "Why did you-" Hengki started to ask, but then his eyes caught the Oracle's garment on the wall. "You are like me." "A long time ago, yes," the Oracle agreed. "I too was once a young boy. My curiosity stronger that the warnings of my elders. I too laid on the bed. As did every other oracle before us." "That's why the village was chanting," Hengki mused. "My 'implant' alerted me of your change," the Oracle explained. "So I prepared the village to welcome you appropriately." "What's an 'implant'?" Hengki demanded to know. "A small machine. One inside of me. And inside of you. Don't worry. They are harmless. They talk to other machines and allow us access to a wealth of information." "Can it control the robots that roam the land?" "Sadly no," the Oracle said with a deep sigh. "Those are broken. Mankind couldn't fix them in time. But there are other machines." She pointed upwards. "High up in the sky there are those the ancients build to predict the weather. With their help, I make my prophecies. A duty that will soon fall to you." Hengki gave a sad nod. "So that is how it is. No way for me to become a boy again and now I have to assume the role you lay before me." "I understand your bitterness," the Oracle admitted. "I was once like you. Curiosity led us down this path. Now we are cursed with more information that we would have liked. It is our duty to keep the knowledge of it alive. When mankind fell they shunned technology. It is our duty to erode that superstition. To one day lead mankind back to its former glory. It might still take generations." "There will always be that one boy to curious for himself, right?" Hengki asked. "It did so far. Well, now. There is a lot more to teach. In time we will get to know each other well. You can call me Tala," the Oracle offered. "That was the name I have chosen for myself. You should choose a new one for yourself soon too. Then I can start teaching you the language of the ancients. They called it 'English'." Hengki nodded. Didn't like it one bit. But Tala was right. He had chosen it at the moment he gave in to his own curiosity and ignored the warnings about the forbidden places. Before him lay a long road. One that might become lonely. Yet he saw no way around it. It was what it was. He was now a girl and the Oracle's apprentice. And with that, he had to live with for the rest of his life.

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Foster home 4 Fun at the lake

The girl that seemed in charge in my group was a girl named Erika. Erika had beautiful black long hair and dark brown eyes. Her skin was a natural beautiful olive color. It didn’t take me long to realize she was in charge because she told other girls what to do. Within moments of me being there she met me at my bed and gave me my new name. “So Blondie, what do you have there in your bag that belongs to me,” she asked. Now I was stunned by this question as I had just arrived so I...

2 years ago
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The Girl By The Lake

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t shake off of that nauseating smell. She rubbed her hands one against the other, scratching and crossing her fingers, then she washed them under the stream of water before sniffing her hands again. No, the smell was still there, she couldn’t get rid of it. She lowered her sight, staring at her hands. A teardrop fell on her open hands and only then she realized she was crying, drops where blurring her sight. Jane was crying. She stared out of the...

2 years ago
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A bumpy ride to camp Crystal Lake

------------------------------------------------------ "Have fun," their mom shouted. "Be nice to your sister, Tom." Tom grinned and waved goodbye to his mom as he walked down the footpath. He couldn't wait. Nearly a whole week of fun at school camp. As soon as they turned the corner his sister punched him in the arm. "You wouldn't be mean to me, would you Tom?" She pushed her bottom lip out into a pout, her sparkly green eyes wide open and her face split in a giant grin,...

3 years ago
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Summer Fun at the Lake

[My story depicts my true experiences during the beginning of a loving relationship that continues today. I was young, barely of legal age, but not experienced. There is no intercourse in this story, just the foreshadowing of erotic pleasures that I would experience in the following years. A note here to dispel confusion later in the story: Woody is the nickname of my boyfriend, but Jack is his Christian name used in dialogue when speaking with his family. I always acknowledge proofreading...

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Meet at the lake

Adam had never been to the lake at this time of year. Normally he only came to the cabin in the early summer, enjoying the sunshine and the people playing in the water. However, after everything that had happened he needed some time away, and the cabin was the perfect place to find that solitude. The lake was quiet this time of year, with few travelers coming so far after the Thanksgiving season. Adam made sure there was plenty of food in the kitchen, firewood by the side of the house,...

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Fun on the Lake

Vincent pushed his Laser off the wooden launch plateau into the water and as soon as the little boat was afloat, he jumped onto the fore deck. He grabbed the mast and skillfully balanced his weight, so the boat started to turn while moving backwards away from the pontoon. When it was in a sailable position, Vincent jumped passed the mast into the small cockpit and grabbed the rudder tiller. He pulled the tiller towards him, which caused the Laser to turn even more. When Vincent started pulled...

3 years ago
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A Summer by the Lake

Judging by the sound of the stream, she really, really had to go. I actually heard her before I saw her. Over the last two years, I had developed the habit of walking quietly. I had also started carrying a camera, taking pictures of things that appealed to me. I found if I walked quietly, I was more likely to get a good nature shot, catching the odd deer, squirrel, or turtle. Once I came up on a bear, boy were we both surprised. He took off one way, I took off the other. I came around the...

2 years ago
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A Summer By The Lake

This story took a while. My biggest flaw is impatience, so I’ve decided to slow down and try to give you a better product. There isn’t a lot of sex in this one. There is some religion mixed in this, because I based part of it on people I know, and they actually met at church. You’re supposed to write about what you know, and I was raised in Southern Baptist and Methodist churches. I’m not trying to influence or convert anyone. It’s just part of the story. I myself don’t endorse any brand of...

2 years ago
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Love in the Lake

I finally booked the rustic little cabin in the Gunflint wilderness in northern Minnesota. It had been seven years since I had taken a vacation, and I was looking forward to the peace and quiet of complete isolation. The only sounds I wanted to hear for the next week were the cries of the loons and the distant howls of the wolves that inhabited this piece of heaven. I packed a couple of knapsacks and loaded up my car. I headed north up I-35 out of Minneapolis to one of the last little pieces of...

Love Stories
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The Cabin By The Lake

My boyfriend Mark was getting his things ready to go to his family's cabin at Douglas Lake, which was about an hour and a half's drive from Asheville Tennessee, where we both lived.He had shown me pictures of the small cabin his family had at the lake and I had always thought it was so beautiful there. Especially this time of year with all the fall colors on the trees... it was like a picture postcard."Oh Mark, I wish I could go with you. From the pictures you've shown me it must be just...

1 year ago
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Cabin by the Lake

Note : This story is completely fictional!!!  Natalie entered the living room only to find her two children just lounging around. She immediately realized that they were extremely bored. Kimberley, her 18 year old daughter, was reading a book. However, Natalie realized that she had read it before and that she had been on the same page for five minutes. Mark, her 18 year old, was laying in the recliner staring into space. And this was only the second week of summer vacation. If this continued...

4 years ago
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Interview With the BimboChapter 5 Escape from Emerald Lake

The next morning I left the house two hours earlier than normal, my handbag packed with as many essentials as it could carry without arousing suspicion. My heart was beating faster than it ever had before as I slowly walked down the road to work hoping for opportunity to strike. Thankfully, before too long a red pickup pulled beside me and a young early, probably in his early twenties stopped to say hello. Naturally I accepted his unspoken invitation and got in the passenger seat, placing my...

3 years ago
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Wilderness Lake

The warmth of the day was just starting to ebb away as I lounged in an Adirondack chair in front of my cabin. The local insect life was in full chirp, and the last of the sunlight was dappling the lake's surface.I was watching a shoal of fish; don't ask me what sort they were, but they were breaking the surface to snatch flies from the air before sinking back into the crystal-clear water. Large ripples spread out to lap at the lake's edge.My family owned the cabin for generations, and I sat...

2 years ago
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You caress your pussy at the mountain lake

Relax and lean back with pleasure.Maybe you will watch a heated video of me beforehand ;-)Make yourself comfortable and cozy and take plenty of time to read.I wish you a lot of joy with it.You caress your wonderful pussy close to a beautiful mountain lake!The clouds moved like sheep in the sky.You were on your way.To the small crystal clear mountain lake not far from the mountain hut.Up here at over 1500 meters you rarely met hikers and you enjoy thiswonderful warm day. The sun shines...

3 years ago
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Watching Having Sex While Camping on the Lake

We live in the Southwest and love to take a vacation to Lake Powell (in Page, AZ) at least once a year. This is an opportunity for just Nick and I to go on our boat and enjoy several days camping on the lake and exploring different bays and canyons.If you’ve read either of our stories, you’ll know we love to get naked. So when we find a private area in a cove or bay, which isn’t difficult since the lake is so massive, we strip off our suits, go skinny dipping, sunbathe and spend a lot of time...

2 years ago
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CadeChapter 22 A Day at the Lake

Jessica woke up early Saturday morning, "It's time to go." She said as she entered her parents' bedroom. She yanked on Cade's arm. "Wake up daddy." Cade opened his eyes and looked at his six-year-old daughter. "Didn't anyone ever tell you that Saturday mornings were for sleeping in?" He grumbled. Jessica backed away sheepishly. He looked at her through half-open eyes and her pouty expression made him smile. "Come 'ere," he reached out and yanked her onto the bed, pulling her...

4 years ago
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The Lake

On one hot late summers afternoon we're taking a long walk through the countryside hand in hand and I'm carrying a picnic basket. We come to a vast lake and decide to have a picnic next to it under a big tree. After eating our picnic you cuddle up in my arms against the tree looking out at the lake the sun setting on it. The field is completly emoty it's ony us here and the a****ls of the field and from the woods near by. YOU Fancy a lil swimYou...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

3 years ago
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Convict Lake

Convict lake is nestled in a moraine crotch of the Eastern Sierra. Formed millions of years ago, the valley slowly filled in by sediment from melting ice sheets known as glaciers. Over thousands of years, the shifting ice ground away granite and left it as the only evidence of their titanic forces. When the valley tail filled with moraine a lake basin formed capturing the runoff from the high mountains. Now a vacation spot for valley folks looking for quiet and a place to escape the valley...

4 years ago
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On The Lake

It was about midday when we pulled up to the holiday house after a very long drive. We had set off a good three hours beforehand and had only just arrived. We being myself, both parents and my younger brother. Following Finch, my dad’s friend, our cars rolled carefully down the dirt path and curved at the bottom around the side of the huge building that was going to be our home for the next couple of days. My dad parked up next to Finch's and pulled up the handbrake on the Vauxhall swiftly. My...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

4 years ago
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My New Career Part VI An Orgy On The Lake

For the first time, my life had leaked into my secret porn life on a side job that paid very well. I must admit that side jobs are a huge turn on for me.I do so love to be fucked and get off on the fact that men pay to fuck me. In addition, they pay to watch videos of me fucking. It keeps me in a constant state of whoredom.An “investor” had hired me to be the entertainment for his son’s bachelor party. He also paid to have me in a one-on-one for himself. When I met him at Mr. Malone’s studio,...

4 years ago
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Aliens and CowboysThe High Lake

Mark woke up at 6am to find a naked Annabelle in his bed. She pulled down the sheets and proceeded to lick his cock. After the first lick, she looked at him and said, “There’s a different flavour on your cock, it’s very sweet!”, and then went back to licking his cock to attention. Mark just smiled, with a very satisfied look, “So, it wasn’t a dream!” Annabelle looked at him, as his cock steadily grew in her hand, “What wasn’t a dream?” Then Mark looked at the clock, “I promise I’ll tell...

2 years ago
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Cousin Fun at the Lake

Introduction: This is a story of underage cousins going through their sexual education with one another. Most of us experimented with someone close when we were young so dont call me sick for doing so. It had been tradition for all the seperate parts of my family to camp at the same campsite at the lake that lies about an hour and a bit from where we live. Most weekends spent at the lake consisted of my entire family sitting around a single campfire chatting and enjoying each others company. I...

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A Summer at the Cabin By the Lake

You're asleep, gently being rocked back and forth. The dreams are pleasant, you've just killed the bad guy, saved the day and gotten the girl. "John," you hear a female voice say distinctly in the background, yet you ignore it for the sake of your dream. The girl, a busty brunette with a torn shirt reaches up to you and pulls you into a passionate embrace, getting ready to kiss. She practically crawls up your shirt, planting her lips over- "Hey, John Doe, WAKE UP!!!" Suddenly, you're back in...

2 years ago
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Lizzies Day at the Lake

Lizzie was in a mood, she decided to make a trip to the local lake to calm down. The water was always a source of comfort for her and today she really needed comfort. She finally arrived at the lake, after driving down the winding road to get to her destination. Lizzie parked her truck near the water’s edge and just relaxed looking at the lake. The calming nature of the lake brought about another issue for Lizzie. She began getting aroused, there was a slight moisture building between her legs...

4 years ago
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The Lake

Rob knew his friend Jake often came down to the lake woods in the warmer weather for nude dip in the water, among other things. Once certain that he was alone, Jake said, he would strip down completely and enjoy a swim, then masturbate naked in the open air while he dried off on the rock. “No one’s ever there.” he told his buddy."And it keeps me from going crazy in this world", Jake smiled, "Especially when I don’t have a lover to help out with those fundamental release kinds of things. You...

1 year ago
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Lady of the Lake

"Sit down and relax! Want a beer, on me! Glad you could come by here tonight. I wanted to talk to you about this and.....well I am not sure how to start" he said as I walked into Clancey's Bar. I was heading for my usual table in the back corner, you know the one. This guy was sitting in the booth just before my usual nesting spot. He was a nice looking man, in his mid-thirties I guess. Clean cut sort of a fella, in fair shape with dark eyes, dark brown hair and looked like he weighed in at...

1 year ago
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A Weekend At The Lake

Stephanie and I headed out to the lake on a Friday afternoon, after I had gotten off of work. I stopped at the liquor store on the way and picked up a case of beer for myself and a six-pack of Seagram’s strawberry daiquiri wine coolers for my stepdaughter. I also stopped at the grocery store and picked up the usual camping/picnic fare, hotdogs, chips, hamburger patties and buns, etc. Then I topped off my gas tank and off we went. The lake we went to was about an hour and a half from home....

3 years ago
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Brandy by the Lake

Ah, Brandy, let me take you back to that first summer by the lake. I know that a memory of every pleasure that we shared is burned indelibly into your mind and your body, as it is with me. But just indulge me now and lets go back there together in our minds. Feel free as the memories come flooding back to slip your slim, pretty fingers into your panties and tease your clit as it stiffens. As your pussy wettens, slide your fingers into its slippery depths to your heart’s content, knowing that...

3 years ago
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Teenolivia and Amanda at the lake

Hi everyone, This whole story started out as a dirty comment I left for an xhamster user, teenolivia on one of her photos. I decided to make it an entire story based on that one photo in her profile which is this one: story is told to Olivia, from me. I meet you and Amanda at the park near the lake in this photo. I can’t take my eyes off of your hot little bodies and both of you girls keep looking down at my hardening cock in my shorts and...

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