Peer Pressure Melissa
- 4 years ago
- 30
- 0
I was in the Lindbergh Westfield Mall, minding my own business and shopping for a gift for my cousin Bobbi for her upcoming birthday. I wasn’t expecting any trouble out in the open, like the mall’s main concourse was, so it was quite unexpected when my front wheels wound up in a flowerbed and I almost tipped over.
“Out the way, crackuh mutha fuckah.”
“Sheeit. Gimpy muh fuckin’ road bump. Move out da way when we ‘round, hessay!”
There were three of them, and I’m not going to disparage anyone’s ethnicity, so suffice to say two of them were brown, but I was pretty sure it was the tall black one that helped me smell the roses. So, I dropped one of my ball bearings into my hand from the dispenser in my pocket and with careful aim, throwing with my ever so slight sidearm throw, very accurately put it into the back of his head. He wasn’t happy.
Now, if he had been wearing his hat backwards, like his brown skinned compadres, it probably wouldn’t have even hurt, but he was wearing it sideways. I just love that. In the movies, the gangbangers hold their guns sideways, too. I wonder how many of them get brass in their teeth. A discussion for later.
He wasn’t happy. As he came back toward me, a mall cop arrived, watching the entire scene and radioing for the real cops. There were generally a couple of them walking the mall. The city did that on purpose. As I watched the three musketeers approaching me, I didn’t even have to wonder why.
“What’chu do ta me, mutha fuckah. You think you can throw shit at Smiles and live through that shit. Naw, naw, mutha fuckah, I’m gonna ruin yo’ mufuckin’ dayee.” He reached for me and looked down the barrel of a 45 caliber Kimber. He had no idea how easy it would have been for me to pull the trigger right then.
“Back off, young man.” The black kid turned to see two of our city’s finest, the big one talking, and tapping a newfangled billy club into his hand.
Just then a young lady came over and told the police to move over, straightened the wheelchair, and pulled me backwards out of the flowerbed.
“Are you OK, sir? I saw that, and you could have been thrown out of that thing into that rose bush. That definitely would have hurt.”
I looked up at her and smiled. “You saw this?” She nodded. “Could you stay here for a bit, please?” She nodded again. I looked at the officer talking and told him I wanted to press charges under the hate crimes statutes, the handicapped protection laws, and the new gang violence protection laws that the city and our state had just passed.
“What, because a few kids were messing around? That’s a crock of crap, mister.” Problem. That was a younger, black officer, accompanying the big one, providing that input.
“Officer, you can spend the evening dusting off your resume. Tomorrow, you’re going to be asked to look for a new line of work. This one is certainly not your calling.”
“Was that a threat?” he asked putting his hands on his hips.
“Oh, God, no. I’m just a crippled old man at the mercy of some young kids having fun in the mall, right?”
He had the audacity to nod.
“That is not going to look good on the video monitor, Officer Temporary. Officer Billyclub, I do want to press charges, so if we can get to the nitty gritty?”
I’d seen the young lady walk over to where I hit Smiley, sorry, ‘Smiles’ with the steel ball. She looked around to where it had rolled, nonchalantly picked it up and put it in her pocket.
“Yes, sir. By all means. Tyrone, read those guys their rights, use nylon cuffs and pat them down. I’m right here if they try anything.” One started walking away, but the mall cop hurried to let him know he was being watched. Two more city policemen arrived and helped Tyrone out.
One of the new ones called back to Officer Belsher, it was Officer Billyclub, but by that time I had seen his name tag. “Sam, this one had a little Keltec three-eighty on him.” He had ‘Smiles’ cuffed, now in chrome steel cuffs and laid him belly down.
“Kids, huh, Officer Tyrone? Like I said, dust off your resume. You’re going to need it.” He looked back over at me and grimaced. I was no longer John Q. Public. I was now Officer Tyrone’s public enemy number one. I didn’t care. Not even a little bit.
Officer Belsher noticed as I put the Kimber away in its shoulder holster under my lightweight jacket. “Sir, can I see your permit?”
“No. I have one, but I don’t need it here, and you know it. He does, unless he’s 21 and has a clean record, and I’ll bet that’s two strikes. Run the serial number and you could probably strike him out, but with Officer Tyrone around, I doubt you will go to that trouble.” I used a whiny voice when I said “Officer Tyrone” then smiled. He frowned then followed me with a much weaker one. The young lady at my side giggled. She had a really cute giggle.
“How about an ID so I can start with the paperwork on Mr. Eldon ‘Smiles’ Bridges over there and his two yet to be identified buddies. By the way, we know the kid, and you are correct. That would be two for two. He’s in trouble. Officer Williams was out of line. I’ll admit that. Really bad time to do it, too, wasn’t it ... Oh, shit. Mr. Allen.”
“Yep.” I grinned up at him.
“Hey, Tyrone. He’s probably got a point about your resume. You just gave a ration of shit and tried to talk down to the mayor’s cousin and our boss’s nephew. You screwed up, young man. I figured it would happen, but not this soon, and not this badly. Oh well, partners are a nickel for six. They used to be a dime a dozen, but the police force is cutting back.” The young lady giggled.
“Belsher, come up with another one. I want to hear her giggle again.” She giggled and covered her face. “You have such a wonderful voice. Please stay until they get this cleared up. Is that OK?” She nodded, uncovered her face and smiled. Beautiful girl.
“Mr. Allen, we’ll need you at the station tomorrow morning, but I need a quick run down.”
I told him what happened and what was said. Then surprised him. “I’ll have a copy of the audio from the time my wheelchair was jostled and pushed sideways and then the video from there out as I turned to face the three amigos. I’m wearing a body camera. You might tell Officer Williams about that later. I don’t think he likes me right now.” The young lady giggled again. I turned and looked at her. She covered her face again but parted her hands at the bottom to show her mouth that she was smiling. “You’re cute. Would you join me for dinner down there at Ruby Tuesday’s when we get done here?” She nodded again. “Thanks.” She patted my shoulder. “Officer Belsher, you’re going to see me do something in the video that you aren’t going to like, so I’m going to tell you now and let the chips fall.” I turned to the young lady and held my hand out. She put the five eighths inch steel ball in my hand. “In an effort to get their attention, and let them know they acted inappropriately, I reached out and touched the one that pushed me. He has a knot on the back of his head about this size.” I showed him the ball. He looked at me with a frown. “Yes, you’ll find it on Mr. Smiles at Bridges if he admits I got the better of him. With a marble. We called them ‘steelies’ when I was a kid.” He shook his head and went over to talk with the others.
I looked up at the young lady holding my hand out. “Douglas Allen, damaged philanthropist.”
“Melissa Ashton, damaged physical therapist.”
“Shit, and I thought you might be a nice person, so cute, and with that beautiful giggle. Here I find out you work for ... Them.”
“Oh, you’ve had experience with the Pain and Torture Gang, have you, Mr. Allen?”
“Lots and lots and lots, Miss Ashton. I do hope it’s Miss?”
“It is, but I’d rather it be Melissa.”
“Then I’d like to be Doug, unless I ever see you at work and then I’d like to be ... In Nebraska. Anywhere but around your kind.” I smiled at her. “You’re pretty. I’ll bet you have someone telling you that every day, though, don’t you?”
“Not currently. Well before just now, no, not for some time. Uuht, here come the coppers.” We turned toward Officer Belsher as he walked toward us.
“Here’s my card and a case number. If you can check with the desk tomorrow, at your neighborhood substation, there’s the address, I’ll have one of the people there get your statement, and the evidence,” I nodded as he spoke, “and, ma’am, if you saw it, as I think I heard you say, it would be very appropriate for you to be there as well. Nineish tomorrow, for both of you, if that’s acceptable.”
“Please, let me check.” She called someone on her phone, explaining the situation then ended the call. “I’m good, they’ll move my one patient to another tech. Slow day in the dungeon tomorrow.” She giggled again. This girl was a beautiful little giggle puss. I could feel my heart flutter. Not a common occurrence at all.
Officer Belsher continued. “Thank you for standing your ground, Mr. Allen. Regardless of who you are, this was a bit more serious than my short-lived partner gave it credit for, and you hit the jackpot. Three of a kind. We know Bridges. The two with him are new to town. LA Crips, if you didn’t catch the artwork on the one’s neck and hand. In any case, if you file a complaint against my partner, spell my name right. S A M.” He laughed, and as the other three cops wrangled the three desperados out of the mall, he began to follow them. “You two have a good evening and we’ll be in touch, I’m sure,” he said over his shoulder.
“Well, that was fun, Melissa. Still want to join me for dinner?”
“Yes, Doug, I’d like that. What’s this I hear about you being kin to the local government officials?”
“Yes, my uncle is the Chief of Police. He’s been a cop since he got out of community college a hundred or so years ago. Forever, anyway. His daughter was recently elected mayor. She’s a hoot, my best friend, and a wonderful lady, on top of that.”
“May I ask the ultimate poopoo question?” I nodded. “Why is a handsome fellow such as yourself in a wheelchair? I hate to say it, but you look to be in perfect health.”
“You should never hate to tell anyone they look to be in perfect health, Melissa. It’s got to be a compliment unless they’re playing possum.”
“Bad choice of words. Sorry. Spinal?” I nodded. “Have anything looked at recently? Things are changing pretty quickly in medical technology these days.”
“Yes. I’m getting some experimental stuff done soon. Well, I should say I’m being evaluated for some more of it. I have a friend in the business. He wants to use me for a lab frog. You know, dissect it, name the parts, put them all back in and, well, hopefully not throw it in the trash in a plastic bag. He thinks he can have me walking in a year or two. I think he’s nuts, but he says he’s serious.”
“Who and where?”
“Calvin Thomas, Barnes-Jewish Medical Research Center. He’s a professor, research director, and plain old-fashioned neurosurgeon there at the Wash U side. He thinks with his filet knife, a pair of pliers, and some superglue, he can fix me. One thing he told me was that he’d make sure I was no worse off, and that I wouldn’t have to spend a dime for it. Nifty. The one person in the world that needs it AND can afford it, and it’s free. I hope they find someone else like me, if it works, and it’s still an experimental thing, that CAN’T afford it, and help them out. Of course, if it kills me, that wouldn’t be my hope. No.” I smiled up at her as we were moving toward Ruby Tuesday’s.
“And, Doug, you said friend. How do you know Doctor Thomas?” We were just being seated, at a table with only three chairs. I fit right in.
“Childhood friends. Elementary through High School. He went to Wash U for pre-Med, then Medical School, and I went off to the academy and into the service.”
“Oh, which academy?”
“Air Force. I graduated there and went on to flight school and a short career as a fighter jockey. I had a bit of an issue, and when they (I air quoted) ‘stopped the bleeding’ and sent me home, Calvin stepped up and volunteered a lot of time and effort into trying to make me whole again. He’s pretty close, actually.”
“How’s that?”
“I normally walk, with braces. The reason I’m in this chair today is that I’m having some severe pain in my feet, which is actually a Godsend, considering. I didn’t feel them for the first several months. Calvin’s having a field day with his superglue.”
“Doug, can I ask what happened?”
“I was shot down. A missile hit the fuselage right behind me and my lower back caught some secondary shrapnel. I understand it wasn’t pretty, in medical terms. The pictures were kind of ugly, too. I’ve been told I used to be quite photogenic, but now, the area just above my gluteus maximus is not a competitor for any photo contests. One nurse said, ‘night of the walking dead’, jokingly, but she said it was pretty bad, and I was extremely lucky to be alive. That was in Germany. I asked her out for dinner, and she said as soon as I was in good enough shape to ask her husband if she could go, she’d go. She was a card. She kept me in stitches the whole time. Stitches. Melissa, hospital humor?” She finally caught up with the conversation and giggled.
“I’m sorry, Doug, it was funny, but I was distracted. I’m so sorry. I asked and then when you were answering, and all I could think of was the missile and you ... Ackkk. Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. The fact that you’re still here is a plus for me. I get very few second dates. Very few. Will you try to be one? I think you’re a doll, Melissa. Your smile and your giggle, especially, entrance me a bit. Oh, and I was hoping it would be more than just our date at the police station tomorrow.”
She giggled again. “You’re too cute. Yes, Doug, I’ll go out with you. You’re not afraid to be seen with a teeny-bopper? Not going to smear your image as a super hero crimefighter?”
“Teeny-bopper? You said you were a physical therapist. You can’t be that young. That’s at least a two-year program, right?”
“Yeah. I started early and ended early. I’ll be nineteen in May.”
“You look a lot older than that, but that’s legal, right? I mean, I won’t go to jail for too long, will I?” She giggled again. “Last time I was caught at a movie with a teenager, I was a teenager!” I smiled with a bit of a leer, acting like a dorky stalker.
“Nope, I’m legal. How old are you? Fighter pilots aren’t all that young. Or old either, are they?”
“Most are between the ages of about twenty-four and forty-five. There are a few outliers, generals, wing commanders, and their staffs stay qualified sometimes, but most of the front-line pilots fit in there. I was thirty when I got popped. It’s been about a year and a half. I’ll be thirty-two in May, myself.”
“You’re not tooooo old, I guess. You don’t even look that old, really. What day in May? I’m the twenty- second.”
“We might be long-lost twins, Melissa. Me, too!” She giggled again. We’d been eating this whole time. I just had salad and some buffalo chicken wings, although I did ask the waitress to walk through the garden with me a second time. Melissa dismissed her and did it for me instead, then went back for a bit more salad herself. That’s all she wanted. She definitely looked like she didn’t eat much.
She really was a nice girl, and I was very attracted to her. It wasn’t just her beauty. She was a nice person. She exuded a caring, compassionate, outgoing personal aura. Yeah, strange words from a guy, but she did. I couldn’t explain it then, and I don’t have to now.
“Melissa, I have a problem. I still need to find my cousin...”
“The mayor.”
“Yes, the mayor. I still need to find Bobbi a birthday present. I need to go back out there looking for trouble. You still available?”
She looked at her watch. “Sure. I’ve got some time.” She stood, and I guess that was the first time it dawned on me. She dressed like a teeny-bopper. A cute one, but nonetheless, a teenybopper. She was wearing a little pastel blue miniskirt, a little T top, and light blue Keds with dingle balls on the backs of footie socks. I thought about that for a bit, but it was a Sunday, in October, and it was nice out.
We meandered around a bit looking here and there, and finally, with all of my ideas gone, she asked if Bobbi liked art. We were outside a gallery that had several paintings and some little sculptures and such. I found a painting that looked like Bobbi’s back yard, which overlooked a huge hillside, but there were horses in it. Perfect. She always wanted horses. She also always wanted a husband, children, and a quiet housewife’s life. Struck out there, too. Her husband left her when they found she was barren and she decided to go back into politics, having a staff instead of being the staff. City Councilman, County Alderman, and now, mayor of a pretty good-sized city. In any case, it was perfect. They wrapped it for me and even offered to have it delivered to her office on her birthday.
Leaving the mall, I thanked Melissa for all her help, and let her know how much I was feeling pulled to her for some reason. She admitted she felt the same way, even though she didn’t understand either. She told me she’d not looked for, nor wanted, a relationship after the last two crashed and burned. She just didn’t, but she didn’t think that way now, for some reason. I gave her one of my cards with my personal phone number on it, but I was afraid to ask for hers.
“Melissa, please call me. We’ll see each other tomorrow, but after that, I mean, please give me a buzz. I really like you. Oh, and thanks for pulling me out of the Rose Garden in the mall. This thing wasn’t meant for four wheelin’.” I smiled at her and got one in return.
“I will Doug. I will. And, it was no problem. I spend some time pushing and pulling those things around at work, so it was no big deal. The main thing was to straighten it out before I pulled, or you would have seen the thorns and not the roses, or however that song goes.” She giggled, I laughed.
I reached for her hand and pulled it to my lips kissing it. “Thank you.” She bent over and gave me a peck on the lips.
“You’re welcome. Do you need help to or at your car?”
“No, I’m fine. I’ve kept you long enough. See you tomorrow?”
“Yes, Doug, you will.”
I was lying in bed later, looking up at the ceiling thinking about Melissa when the phone chimed. It was Melissa texting.
Her: You awake?
Me: Am now.
Her: Oh, sorry.
Me: No. Teasing. Lying in bed thinking about this evening.
Her: Me too Why???
Me: I don’t know. For two people who weren’t looking ... I don’t know.
Her: Me neither Dinner tomorrow? Talk? My treat.
Me: Dinner, yes. Talk, yes. I’ll buy. I owe you for the tow job still.
Her: LOL - We’ll decide in morning. Thanks for chat. Good night.
Me: Thank you more (smiley face emoticon) much better night now.
That couldn’t be a bad thing. She’s feeling it, too. I smiled, turned off the TV that had been droning on in the background, and fell asleep thinking about her miniskirt, the cute little Keds, and those gorgeous long tanned legs in between.
I met her at the police station on Broadway in the morning, both of us arriving at about eight forty-five. She saw me getting out of the car and once I was out, and on my feet, she walked over to greet me.
“Good morning, Miss Ashton.”
“Stop! Good morning, Doug.” She used both hands and gently pulled me down by my jaw to kiss me. “I thought about you all night. You need to watch out, or you’re going to have a teeny-bopper stalking you.”
I held her hands out and looked down. She was wearing a similar outfit, only in pink. “I don’t see a down side to that yet. Keep talking.”
She took my hand and we started toward the building. “Ever had butterflies?”
“Yes. Before that kiss last night, it was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.”
“I did last night, too, and just now. I feel them holding your hand. Am I crazy?”
“If they are for me, you might be, but I’m not going to complain.” I stopped, turned, and looked at her. “You are adorable, sweet, charming, and just plain fun to talk to. But be careful, Melissa. I don’t want to turn you away, quite the opposite, but one of the things I thought about on the way here was what would happen IF? What if we did like each other enough to date, and more? Grow to love each other? As I said, I’m not, certainly NOT, trying to talk you out of it, but I’m not the best a beautiful girl like you could do, so be careful. On that note, I want to take you out tonight for dinner and then to dinner and a movie, or a movie and dinner, again on Friday or Saturday. You get to pick. All of it. I’ll pick next week when we go out again.”
“OK. You were scaring me.”
“Not my intention. Melissa, honey, I’ve been hurt very badly. I will act like a man who doesn’t want to be hurt again. I’m sorry.”
“Doug, I think that may be my problem here, as well. I’ve been hurt badly, too. Very badly, both physically and emotionally. A couple of times. I’m very leery of people, but not you. I don’t understand that. At all. But I’m letting go, one more time. If I get hurt again, I’ll probably just lock myself in my closet and hide for the rest of my life, but something, for some reason, is telling me to give you the benefit of the doubt, and I hate to be obvious about it, but it hasn’t got anything to do with your predicament.”
“My predicament?”
“Yes. The fact that you’re walking when you shouldn’t be able to and all. I see you as a man, Doug. Not the guy in the wheelchair last night.”
“Good. That’s probably a good way to start out.” She looked at me like I was being a smart-ass. “No, really. I’m not the wheel chair. I’m not the braces. I’m a guy that used to be an Air Force fighter pilot, but I don’t do that anymore.”
“What do you do? You never really said.”
“I’m the sole heir to the Allen fortunes. A few billion dollars that grows faster than I can give it away. I’m what they call a professional philanthropist. I was going to mention last night that we are both a pist. I’m a philanthropist and you are a physical therapist. I make lives better and you make them...”
“Don’t say it you big ... Don’t say it!” She stopped me at the front door on the way in, then looked up at me, with a sincerely solemn expression, directly into my eyes. “Tell me I’m not crazy, please, Doug.”
“I don’t think you are. If you are, then I am, and if I am, they’re going to put me on an allowance and take all my money, so that ... Let’s don’t go there. Melissa, let’s just see, OK. Let’s just give it time and be together and try. If it works, we’re better off for it. If it doesn’t work, I know I’ll still have been better off for it. Somehow, you are a positive force in my life. I just know it, for some reason.”
“Ditto. What the cute guy just said. Come on, let’s get this over with. We have until one, then I have to be at work. We get done here and do lunch? You OK with that? Sorry, I shouldn’t presume.”
“A couple of things I need to say to that. First, and most obvious: You go to work looking like that? Do you need any more patients? Second: Don’t worry. Say whatever you want and ask whatever you want. I’ll let you know, but, and take this carefully, I don’t have any other personal engagements, or entanglements, so you may presume a little, and I may ask you to accompany me to some things, you know, so you don’t get jealous of me running around with gorgeous women in gowns and high heels.”
“First, and the most obvious, yes, then I change into scrubs at the clinic. I would love to have you as a patient, but not at work. We’ll talk. Second: OK, I won’t worry, but I’m limited on cocktail circuit attire. I have one fancy dress, my prom dress, and I was with him, so I will not wear it again, ever, let alone with you. I would burn it, but my foster father told me he’d buy it, if he could take my picture in it. I feel guilty. That, I thought, was an innocent request. Maybe I’ll donate it to Goodwill? Never mind. Did you say you were rich?” I nodded. “I’ll make you a deal. I’m not a gold digger. I really like you, but if you want to take me somewhere nice, and want me to look nice, you’re going to have to dress me. Pretend I’m one of those paper dolls or something, but I’m really what you see. I have a couple pairs of high heels, but they go with my casual clothes. They certainly aren’t satin dancing shoes.”
“You just made my day.”
We spent all of forty-five minutes talking to a woman who introduced herself as a detective. She spent about fifteen minutes with the both of us, ten minutes with each of us, then a few back together. Seems the mall security people were able to provide them a recording of the entire incident that looked like mine from a different angle. When we were on the way out, she told me, “Mr. Allen, your balls are not considered deadly weapons, but they can do a lot of damage. Be very, very careful in the future.” I did my best not to crack up, but when Melissa lost it, I followed. The detective did a doubletake on herself to figure out what was happening, then broke out giggling and told us to get out before she arrested us both for police harassment. It was a really funny situation. She was a really good sport about the whole thing. Melissa and I walked out holding hands.
“Follow me to Denny’s?”
“Yes, hon, lead the way.” There was one right up the freeway, so she led the way, and once there, we walked in together.
We were placed in a booth across from each other. “You walk a bit stiffly, but pretty well considering. Does it feel like it’s getting better?”
“If so, it’s so slowly I can’t tell, but remember, when I got home, I couldn’t lay on my back or even sit on my ass, let alone walk, so yes, it’s obviously getting better.” The giggle. Again. I’ll bet I’m hooked. The whole thing with her was moving way too fast, but I figured I was probably hooked. She was so young, and I was so broken, but she was such a breath of fresh air.
“You asked if I needed more patients. Would you approve of me talking to Doctor Thomas? To see if I can help. It’s a proven fact that the more often people participate in,” she giggled, “organized Pain and Torture, the better they do.”
“I was kidding about the more patients thing. I like seeing you in your street clothes, doll. You’re gorgeous, and an eyeful, and ... Really easy to look at.”
“Thank you, but I was being serious. While maybe a bit pushy and clingy, still quite serious.”
I might have gotten just a bit defensive, but I asked her, “Melissa, do you just want to be around me to see if you can fix me? A work in progress? An experiment just to say you could?”
“No, Doug, it’s because I love you and I want to help you.”
“You love me?”
“I think so. I’ve never felt this drawn to anyone before. This connected.”
That kind of threw cold water on my tantrum. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I didn’t think ... Melissa, it’s only been ... Hell, less than a day.”
“How long does it take to realize water is hot?”
“Wow. I thought I was a romantic.” Her statement threw me. She was serious.
“You are. I want scrambled eggs, toast, and tomato juice. And water.”
“Wow. I want scrambled eggs, toast, and tomato juice with hot sauce, and water.”
“Stop making fun of me.”
“I wasn’t. That’s generally what I order for breakfast when I’m out.”
“Ut Oh.”
“No shit,” I said. Then, I thought knew what was going on. We were made for each other. I hoped. Sounded too simple at the time, though.
We parted ways after eating and talking over brunch. I was quite literally stricken by this doll. We just seemed to mesh. I shouldn’t have questioned her motives like I did, but once we were past it, I’m glad I did. What a revelation! In less than a day, this treasure, this beautiful creature, thought she was in love with me. A lot to swallow, but it tasted pretty good. That didn’t come out right. Still, even though it was a bit scary, I had been scared before and lived to tell about it. At least this one didn’t have a warhead on it.
During our conversation, after I was a jerk, after I was told she loved me, and after I came to my senses, I told her that if she wanted to talk to Cal, she should do just that. She explained her motives. Me walking was secondary. Me happy was primary. I had already caved and texted Cal about her and her intentions that afternoon.
I picked her up for dinner, parking just outside her apartment. It looked like an old two-story motel building renovated so that every two rooms were made into a single apartment. Pretty sensible idea. It wasn’t much, but she was young, on her own, and just starting out in the world. She let me in when I knocked, pulled me down for a kiss, and showed me around. A bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, and living room. Period. But, unlike the area around it, or the building itself, the inside of her apartment was very nicely done, very well organized, and clean as a whistle.
She looked even better. The skirt was a touch longer than the previous ones, and a darker blue, the blouse a bit dressier and white, and the heels, strappy stiletto sandals, made her legs look divine. A second look showed she was wearing hose. A really flattering color of a light brown with a reddish tint. She was an absolute wonder.
Claiming Melissa H. Dean? Copyright H. DeanThe right of H. Dean to be identified as the author of this book has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 and 78 of the Copyrights and Patents Act 1988.All rights reserved.PrologueMelissa was a tiny thing. Her hair was a lustrous, Stygian black that fell nearly to her waist. She was busty for her size; muscular but curvy in a sort of Marilyn Monroe kind of way. When she smiled her full lips parted to reveal the most perfect set of teeth. I was...
kissed and felt up her girlfriends as a curious child but never thought much about sex. It was mostly just a natural curiosity to inspect other girl's bodies to see if they were like her or not. Her family lived in Birmingham, England. Her parents bought a semi-detached home in a nice residential neighborhood. The homes were the latest thing in their day. She was an only child. In every way she was an average sandy haired blonde child. She was proud of her hair and kept it...
The Mall By the end of my sophomore year I had been dating Jamie for a full six months. Surprisingly I had been totally faithful to her the entire time, with the exception of one night with Katie at the beginning of the summer, but no one ever needs to know about that. It was now summer and to my utter disappointment, Jamie was planning to spend the summer at camp! How could she do that?! She’s going to leave me here alone all summer? There’s no way I’ll ever survive that long without...
Ted loved his afternoon jog. Not only did it keep him in shape, but the path he usually took was always filled with gorgeous young women and girls, most of whom used jogging as an excuse to show off their firm, sexy bods. They were invariably clad in tight, skimpy running shorts and even tighter tee-shirts, leaving little to the imagination. The sight of so many pretty young things bouncing along the path usually made Ted hotter than the exercise itself, and by the time he got home to his wife,...
"The Running of Melissa" Melissa couldn't believe it. There was no way ? no fucking way ? Jeff couldbe this crude, this insensitive, this fucking rude! Here, in front ofall her friends, her jock ex-boyfriend was acting like all other jocks andignoring her while he ?hit on' one of the slutty cheerleaders. He actuallyhad his hand under her top, visibly fondling her breasts! And, not thatjust her friends were here to see this spectacle ? oh no. He had to pullthis juvenile, macho stunt right...
In the shower that morning, she was having a fantasy about Jordan (again). This time he was in the shower with her. The hairbrush she was using to penetrate herself was his dick. He was moaning and talking dirty to her, ramming her tight pussy from behind. Too soon, Melissa’s mother yelled upstairs for her to get out of the shower. She was still wet and hadn’t climaxed. She dressed in a provocative outfit, booty shorts that said “Juicy” on the butt and a low cut purple tube top that...
This episode deserves a brief setup. If you have been following the Boy Toy series, you know who the women are. If this is a new read for you, this will be helpful. Veronica is my wife of 30 years now. She is, was, the niece by marriage to Melissa Thompson. She is the only niece or nephew of any form to Melissa Thompson. Even though not blood related, Melissa still took her under her wing and treated her like a daughter- niece employee friend...if that makes any sense at all. Melissa inherited...
MatureJoan was an executive lady at the age of 42 and never been married. She was totally successful in her business life but at a cost of social life. She had no sex life at all. Her young secretary Lucy said she was always too tight and gave an address to a nightclub she said would help her loosen up. She liked Lucy but at the time she just stuck it in a drawer and ignored it. Today however, she was really tired of work and didn’t want to go home for another sandwich and TV so she decided to...
It was the first apartment they moved into. Carrie and Jay were way too excited. After they got all their stuff into the apartment they began to kiss very sexually. Jay’s hands were in over-drive with taking Carrie’s clothes off. Carrie was pulling at his hair and biting and licking his neck. Once Carrie was fully naked, Jay got on his knees and ate Carrie’s pussy. She was slightly pressed against the wall and sweating as he licked fast but gently. Her hips automatically...
DRESSING FOR MELISSA - by: Cissy Gale It was the early 1970's, the height of the glam-rock era, when I let a girl named Kim dress me up in drag. The events of that evening spiraled hopelessly out of my control when I was publicly humiliated by Kim, then locked out of her house still in drag. This led to her friend Angela seeing me in my ridiculous outfit, an event Angela confessed she hoped to see repeated. Kim had already promised to dress me up again to surprise and amuse...
At about the same time two hundred fifty miles north Nathaniel Michael Knight across the long corridor in another estate ('shelter') almost replica of his brother's 'Refuge'. The purpose was again to use and maintain the Greenland to give employment to local villagers and both succeeded big times. Any neutral observer would have seen a very tall heavily built man about six foot four inches moving like an athlete. He was dressed in white cotton summer holidays trousers and loose long...
Melissa There are moments, in an otherwise unhappy life, when it all seems to go right. Perhaps the stars and planets align just so, or fate’s roll comes up a double six, or it’s just plain dumb luck, but it seems that at certain moments the world just arranges itself so that, for once, I win. The day I met Melissa was a day like that. She was absolutely stunning, she was absolutely fascinating, and best of all she was absolutely interested in me. That last is rare indeed for me, but the...
Dominic had always been a bit of a heart-throb; six foot four, good-looking, well-built and well-endowed; he had it all. And he was still only in his mid-twenties. Julie adored him. She was two years younger, and petite by comparison; they were well-matched. They had been together for five years and married for three. They had both been around a bit before they had met and neither had a problem with the other’s history. Julie had often joked that he was hornier than a goat, could get a...
Melissa By Margaret Jeanette Mary and Jim Simon were making love. It was an ecstatic time. Mary achieved orgasm and Jim came almost immediately after. Mary said, "That was good enough to do again!" Jim answered, "Yes, that was super. The timing was almost perfect." They continued their play. Mary worked Jim's penis but it wouldn't get hard. Finally Jim said, "It's no use, I guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow night to try again." Mary told him she had an idea. She...
Melissa Won't Let Go. By Tanya H. -5- MELISSA. Hello knees. I said that a lot, on the train to York - but only inside my head and only every time I looked down and saw my knees bared by that dress. Bared knees didn't really sit within my lexicon of smart, or even smart-casual; which man would wear shorts to something where a smart dress code applied? Though my knees weren't actually bared - in case you disapprove of bare-legged women - they were demurely concealed by the fine...
The Greyhound bus was only half full as it made its way into Iowa from Illinois. Most of the passengers were riding alone and stared out the windows at the fields of corn and soybeans that stretched to the horizon. Melissa Lockheart sat by a window toward the rear of the bus. She watched the farmers toiling in the fields as the bus cut through the vast countryside. This was Melissa's first visit to Iowa. She was headed to her Aunt Ruth and Uncle Ben's farmstead near the town of Bentonville. Her...
Melissa Melissa is a sweet girl who finds herself paying for the actions of her father in the most brutal way. She is kidnapped, tortured, and gang-raped on camera before meeting her end. More parts to come..Description The Blue Dragon was an organization that made its money by kidnapping innocent victims, raping, torturing, and finally killing them on tape then selling these films to the rich perverts of the world. Jack Crane, a distinguished detective has been chasing after this...
A lost lover, Changes for Melissa by MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. I appreciate the editing assistance of Santacruzman There is an inspiration for this tale and the character Thom in the film directed by Jean Negulesco: "How to Marry a Millionaire". I love the three women characters, Shatze, Pola and Loco and their manipulations. This tale does NOT follow that plot though. I hope you enjoy this story. MQ Part ONE Being...
The short blonde with the legs of a dancer ans slightly exaggerated breasts stood unsure and naked within the cone of bright light. It's heat made her skin feel like the beginning of a sunburn. Her hands crept, shakily toward covering her private parts.„Don't even think about it,“ Madame Loraine commanded, looking right trough Melissa.Her hands fell, helplesly at her sides. She opened her mouth to plead, but she was so frightened nothing came out.Madame's deep green eyes took in every curve and...
Melissa was a truly sexy woman. At just 5 feet tall, and 22 years old, she was a reasonably successful account rep who moonlighted as stripper for extra money. She loved the attention from men, as well as the money, but by now she took them for granted. She could be a slut or a tease, depending upon her mood, and she despised men, because they were willing to give up so much money for the faint hope that she would sleep with them. This added up to an arrogant attitude, which ill became her...
FetishAs I pulled into her drive, there she stood in the doorway, wearing only panties. Gypsy practically bounced out the door and jumped into my arms, wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. We shared a deep hot kiss to celebrate our first day's success. Then we walked hand in hand back inside. She poured us a Tequila shooter as we settled in to talk about the appointments. "Howdy," Gypsy started, "where have you been all my life? We made nearly a thousand dollars today! We...
MatureSeries 4, Episode 11: MELISSA We’re looking at the beautiful English countryside – fields, stone walls, a few cows grazing ... Then we’re looking at a built-up inner-city street – big shop windows and hundreds of people walking by ... Then we’re looking down at a crowded street market – barrows selling everything from fresh fruit and veg, to handmade jewelry and knock-off designer handbags. Then we’re on a busy street in an old English city - not a lot of food traffic, but plenty of cars...
Melissa's Story It was my duty, but I really did not want to do it, however I had no choice, and besides, it would, I was sure, have a very pleasant result in the long run. But I hate crying women, despise them. I knocked on the girl's door and let myself in without waiting. She was still in her bed, the covers loosely bunched about her hips and her luscious body nearly bare, dark hair spread widely across her pillows. But then the sun was barely up, painting her gold and red. I felt the...
At eighteen, Melissa was hardly sexually experienced. This was a small college town in a state in which abortion was not legal. A girl of her age couldn’t just walk into the family doctor’s office and say, ‘Hey, I really want to fuck! Put me on birth control pills.’ When she started college in the fall in the big city, she was sure she’d be able to get on the pill. Her first, ‘lover’, if you could even call him that, had been an upper classman at the university in town. They’d really only had...
Taken me a little while to get around to writing this, but... for those of you who have read the first 3 parts of The Family Arrangement, you’ll know that a few years ago, me and my then girlfriend Carol, had a couple who were regular play partners (Steve and Brenda) and that they got us into playing along with their k(id)s, Debbie and James. You’ll also know that we ended up at a party at their house where they’d invited a few more people more in their k(id)s age group – two lads from Steve’s...
Breaking your leg has got to be one of the most painful experience’s imaginable. Not to bad if you have a partner to help you get around, otherwise, like me. You end up hobbling around, banging into everything. Bathing or taking a shower was a nightmare, you have to put you leg into a plastic bag, to stop the plaster getting wet, but trust me, trying to stand in a shower with one foot covered in a plastic bag is not easy. I even tried having a bath with my broken leg hanging over the side of...
"Dad, I have to make a confession, but I believe something good will come of it.It really is no secret that your marriage to Melissa is in shambles. You even sleep in separate bedrooms. This was such a happy house in the beginning. You married a vivacious, beautiful young lady who could easily be my sister and I was looking forward so much to a cheerful household again after Mom had passed away. It is so obvious that your relationship has soured, that Melissa is unhappy, and that you are...
IncestMelissa punched in as usual for her day job, yawning in spite of the energy drinks that she guzzled to stay alert. Her other profession was an open secret, but as long as it didn't interfere with her performance at this one, none of her supervisors would take any notice of it. She was popular with many of her colleagues, after all. There were exceptions, of course. Crystal, for example, hated Melissa. She viewed blondes like her as the deadly enemy of the rest of womankind. Heather had a...
Melissa grew up in Baghdad by the Bay (San Francisco). She had a normal c***dhood, all the normal sc****s, bruises, victories and disappointments. The geography of San Francisco eliminates back yards and playing with wagons and bicycles as a c***d because the hills are so steep. The climate is cold and damp enough to require everyone to dress up more. Hairstyles suffer because thick hair goes straight and fine hair curls up. You see far more hats and gloves in the Bay area than any other area...
Melissa grew up in Baghdad by the Bay (San Francisco).She had a normal c***dhood, all the normal sc****s, bruises,victories and disappointments. The geography of SanFrancisco eliminates back yards and playing with wagons andbicycles as a c***d because the hills are so steep. The climate iscold and damp enough to require everyone to dress up more.Hairstyles suffer because thick hair goes straight and fine haircurls up. You see far more hats and gloves in the Bay area thanany other area of...
I’ve been sitting here crying for the last few hours. I know a man isn’t supposed to cry but I just can’t help myself. You see I love my wife very much. I love her with every fiber of my being and that is why I can’t understand why I make her do what I do. I met Melissa my junior year in college. She was just a freshman and we met at a fraternity mixer. I saw her the moment she came through the door. She had an innocence and a vulnerability that made we want to hug her...
I love crystal glasses. The sound of crisp clear ice cubes ringing into a tall, heavy-bottomed cut-glass tumbler is as sensuous as nylon-covered legs whispering against each other. The feeling is rendered even more delightful on a sunny Saturday afternoon fresh from a round of golf. The pristine sound of ice dropping into a glass on this particular afternoon was overwhelmed by a staccato of conflicting sounds. Garage door opening, car driving in, garage door going down, all heard through a...
Ben Holden fumbled with his key ring as he exited the building where he was a paralegal for Milford and Saxe. He had thought to go directly home, but was eyeing the donut shop across the street. It was 6:00AM and he was flat burned out and hungry. He'd been up all night with some of the rest of the M&S high priced staff preparing documents and making last minute calls overseas for the firm's top litigator Dirk Grimes. To say it had been a long night would be an understatement of heroic...
Melissa made her way through the thick foliage and found herself at the edge of a pristine lake, the gorgeous crystal water surrounded by a clearing of soft deep green moss. Shaking, she removed her clothing and, taking a step up onto a rock that bordered the waters, dove in to the cold haven, shivering at its icy temperature. Floating in the water, she let her outer protectiveness melt away and began to sob. It was hard to believe the plane had crashed over 3 days ago. It felt like just...
EroticI've been sitting here crying for the last few hours. I know a man isn't supposed to cry but I just can't help myself. You see I love my wife very much. I love her with every fiber of my being and that is why I can't understand why I make her do what I do. I met Melissa my junior year in college. She was just a freshman and we met at a fraternity mixer. I saw her the moment she came through the door. She had an innocence and a vulnerability that made we want to hug her and protect...
"Yes! Yes! Give it to me!" Melissa Miller urged the man sprawled on top of her as he drove his cock in and out of her pussy. "Make me cum! Make me cum!" Jay Wood was in no hurry to reach that point, admirable though it was. To do what she wanted, he would have to keep fucking Mellie until she was close to an orgasm and he was also ready to cum. Then, at the right instant, he would yank his cock from her pussy and finish by stroking it with his hand until he sprayed his semen on her face. That...
"You no good fucking cunt! How dare you?" I'm rarely that loud. I had rung Melissa's bell, perhaps a little too insistently, but I didn't think so. After the Venetian blinds rustled at the window alongside the door, it had opened to reveal Melissa Johnson, with her grandmother standing near her. Her eyebrows went up and her mouth opened when she heard my opening tirade but she said nothing. Emily reacted in similar fashion. Melissa looked past me to note that I was alone, then spoke...
Christopher Richman. He was without a doubt the most irascible, intractable man she had ever known. Why else would he persecute her so, skulking around her stage door, always with that same amused smile lifting the corners of his immaculately trimmed mustache? They’d hardly spoken in over a year, so what had excited this new attention, this grand patronizing between the dark, dusty curtains of Booth’s Theatre? Why her, why now, she wondered, as night after night she recovered from the...
Melissa and I had become firm friends, you could even say we had become boyfriend and girlfriend. I had just turned eighteen and we spent most of our spare time together. Our parents seemed thrilled that their children seemed to get on so well. We had started messing about more often and had sex a few times. She loved to tease me and we often ended up having sex. Most of the time we hung out my parents were out. This time was different, my parents were just downstairs. We were sitting in my...
AnalThis story took place a few years ago when I was 18. Up until that day, I had thought I was just a normal girl with an average heterosexual sex drive but it all goes to prove that if you allow yourself not to be tied to what is considered normal, then, anything can and will happen. My name is Joanna, I’m from central England, I’m about 5’6 tall, with shoulder length dark hair, hazel or green eyes, an English size 10 in clothes, with 34 ‘b’ cup boobs. I was on holiday in West Australia,...
I have written this quickly because I just have to get it out and I am horny and find it difficult to type while masturbating. One hand typing is not easy!I took a trip to a small town called Lillooet. There is a gorgeous lake called Seton where I spent all day Saturday of my visit soaking up the sun and enjoying the views. One view that I really enjoyed was a young First Nation girl who was beating the heat while swimming in the cool water. I watched her for a while, she appeared around 18...
This story took place a few years ago when I was 18. Up until that day, I had thought I was just a normal girl with an average heterosexual sex drive but it all goes to prove that if you allow yourself not to be tied to what is considered normal, then, anything can and will happen. My name is Joanna, I'm from central England, I'm about 5'6 tall, with shoulder length dark hair, hazel or green eyes, an English size 10 in clothes, with 34 'b' cup boobs. I was on holiday in West Australia,...
ExhibitionismChapter 1 It had been a long and frustrating day at my stand in the vast exhibition hall, lots of enquiries but not one firm order! I'd counted at least fourteen invitations to dinner, twelve requests for a drink that evening and at least two blatant, "come with me and I'll show you a good time" offers. I'd responded to the second one from a middle aged man with a paunch that looked like he was pregnant by asking politely, "Why, is there someone else coming?" Jenny, the girl on the...
This is Holly. I'm 19 years old, married and kind of sheltered in my husband's world. Last week my husband went out of town and I slumbered up for 5 days with my girlfriend Melissa. She's also married. Her husband is off fighting the war in Afghanistan. That's me sitting on her husband's bed. Oh, and I should say off the top that, yes, Melissa and I have made up after she betrayed my trust and told my husband that I had dumped his cum in her pussy. My husband made my life miserable after...
'Mel stands for Melissa' I could tell this plump, chubby cutie was just starved for attention - sitting there at the bar in a tight fitting skirt - edge of her pink thong clearly visible - black thigh-high nylons with her legs crossed. She had glanced over at us a few times, smiling and looking away - tending her drink, which looked like a tequilla sunrise. The bar was mostly empty that time of night around closing time - and my two buddies and I only shared a few...
Chapter 1It had been a long and frustrating day at my stand in the vast exhibition hall, lots of enquiries but not one firm order!I'd counted at least fourteen invitations to dinner, twelve requests for a drink that evening and at least two blatant, "come with me and I'll show you a good time." offers.I'd responded to the second one from a middle aged man with a paunch that looked like he was pregnant by asking politely, "Why? Is there someone else coming?"Jenny, the girl on the next stand to...
LesbianMelissa who's old enough to be my mother, I always thought she was an austere lady, evaluating by the non-pornographic sites she attends. I thought she was a woman of the kind who goes to church, and about sex she would be a lady who only fucks with her husband but with lights off and dressing her blue sleeping shirt up to her feet. In fact, Melissa was exactly the opposite of all of these pubic woman conjectures, and I found that in a curious way.I was working as a plumber when I was called to...
For four months now we had been going out, and I knew that she was the one. Melissa was her name, although I called her Lissa. I was dating the most beautiful girl I had ever laid eyes upon - shoulder length deep brown hair, auburn eyes, a slender and delicate body. It was late, and we were cuddled together on my couch watching reruns of the old comedy series Get Smart. I asked her if she wanted anything in the kitchen, she replied no, but I went up and started striding toward the kitchen...
First TimeMelissa, who was a student. She had a good looking appearance with black hair, standard body and pretty face. She was sitting in her class, listened to the teacher talk about Math. However, her’s mind thought about something else. That day was her birthday,which she reached the age of 19. She was unimaginable thoughts about the event she did on her birthday, that was her secret. “ Mrs. Susan “ , Melissa said. “Melissa, don’t you understand anything ?” The teacher asked. “ I’m tired, I want to...
Chapter 1 Growing up, I had an older cousin, Hank, who taught me some things about life. Maybe not the meaning of life and all that but, well, he taught me about sex. Since I'm a guy, named Richard by my parents, but, of course, called Dick or Dickhead, or Dickwad or Dickbag, or Dickbeater, or Dicklick, oh, you get the picture, you may wonder but Hank and I were and are straight. There was never any stuff going on between us even though he was the one that first told me about masturbation. I...
Working on an ambulance provided me with an opportunity to get lots of women into bed. I'm not saying that working on an ambulance is cool (it wasn't), and I'm not implying that I walked around with a hero complex (I didn't) - it was just that I constantly came into contact with hot female nurses, doctors, paramedics, respiratory therapists, ER techs, etc., so there were a lot of fish in that particular sea. This is a story of a girl whom I dated for a short period of time. I'd been...
This episode deserves a brief setup. If you have been following the Boy Toy series, you know who the women are. If this is a new read for you, this will be helpful. Veronica is my wife of 30 years now. She is, was, the niece by marriage to Melissa Thompson. She is the only niece or nephew of any form to Melissa Thompson. Even though not blood related, Melissa still took her under her wing and treated her like a daughter- niece -employee- friend…if that makes any sense at all. Melissa...
Ah, Melissa. That’s a name that brings back fond memories of a time of passion and illicit romance. Even now, I can taste the hint of cinnamon on her lips and sense the subtle fragrance of an obscure flower that was the essence of the perfume she wore. Melissa and her husband, a stoic and foolish man whose unpronounceable name I have chosen to forget, lived in the same apartment complex as I. Even so, she might never have come to my attention if not for the fact that we did our laundry at the...
Finishing Melissa By Apathy Lush The rhythmic abrasive sweeps of the nail file drummed a tempo above the shock I swam in. A bank of glossy red hair fell in front of my face as Veronica removed one of the big pink rollers, it looked pretty. I'd never considered myself pretty. The tugging soreness at my ears kept nagging for my attention too, the huge gold hoops swaying in tune with the slight movements of my head. They'd done things to my face. Veronica said something, I didn't...
I approached the counter and asked the clerk if there were any messages for me and he checked the box for room 305, took out a slip of paper and handed it to me. As I was reading it two men who had been sitting in the lobby when I walked in got up and headed for me. I read the note. It simply asked me to call Detective Howard Miller and gave me a phone number. The two men walked up, one to either side of me, and the one on my right asked me if I was Frank Thomas. "Yes?" He flashed a badge...
Wednesday, June 17, 2015 It happened again today! This is the third time! What is going on! It was lunchtime and I was rushing across the intersection to get to the bodega. I suddenly yanked off my jacket and just let it drop to the pavement behind me. All around, woman began stripping off their clothes and just tossing them aside, as if undressing in public was natural as texting on your cell phone. Unlike any of the others, I knew what I was doing but couldn't stop. The other women were...
They had kidnapped the colonel's wife. That was all we heard. The staff officers did not say who had done the kidnapping or which colonel had lost his wife; they simply said to Foster's company: go fetch her back. So we dispersed after a glance at the oval miniature of the dark-eyed lady and a brief description of a twenty-some-year-old who stood about this high (the vain captain held his hand shoulder high) and weighed perhaps eight stone or so, so he said. There were likely ten thousand...
Staging ambushes became our specialty. Since most agreed that I had the best Pennsylvania rifle in the company, I was often the bait in our trap. Once we had spied a small camp of the enemy pickets or a foraging party at work, my job would be to step out in the open, fire at them a time or two, aiming for the officers of course, and then run for it once they got moving toward me. If we worked it right, we could bag up to a dozen men and horses that way, replenish our supplies and send a...