- 4 years ago
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Melissa's Story
It was my duty, but I really did not want to do it, however I had no choice, and besides, it would, I was sure, have a very pleasant result in the long run. But I hate crying women, despise them. I knocked on the girl's door and let myself in without waiting. She was still in her bed, the covers loosely bunched about her hips and her luscious body nearly bare, dark hair spread widely across her pillows. But then the sun was barely up, painting her gold and red. I felt the beginnings of arousal.
"Melissa," I said loudly.
She sat up quickly, shaking her head and then raking back her lustrous hair with her fingers, her high breasts nearly bared to my eager eyes. "Uncle," she cried, "what time is it? What are you doing here?"
"I have bad news girl, I'm sorry, very bad news. I know it's early but I just found out by telegraph messenger. I felt you should know at once." My eyes devoured her, her youth and beauty. I could hardly wait to pin her to a bed with my hard prong, to have her writhing beneath me, begging and moaning.
She licked her lips, lips I would soon own and savor. "I don't understand." Her hard little nipples were clearly defined beneath the thin material, her long legs bare to the hip.
"Your parents, my dear, are dead, drowned. Their ship foundered off Nova Scotia two nights ago. Only one seaman survived and he brought the news. A man from the newspaper came out and told me an hour ago."
"Dead, both of them. I can't believe it." She let the gown fall off her right shoulder to bare her round breast. It was lovely. My palms itched and I felt myself salivating and hardening. She wept into her hands, deep sobs, just as I had feared. I hardened anyhow, painfully.
I tried to look mournful and stepped forward to pat her shivering back, and look down her gaping gown. "I'm sorry, but it is true. Now we must prepare." Her nipples were berry like. The death of my stupid brother and his beautiful doxy would make me richer as well as give me this lovely little bitch to warm my bed, but I tried to look sad.
"Prepare, prepare for what?" She sniffed and looked up at me, tears on her cheeks, so young and lovely
"Your father died deeply in debt, Melissa. There will have to be a sale, a sale to pay his debts."
"Father? In debt? I can't believe it."
"Sadly it's true and the bank will demand payment from his estate, payment at once I fear. He also owed several men, gambling debts I'm sorry to say. And he owed me, owed me a great deal, several thousand." I did not tell her that I planned to foreclose and take the land, all of it, nearly a thousand acres, as soon as he returned from England. I would have made him my tenant farmer and used his wife as well as his daughter for my pleasure. My late brother was a sniveling fool.
"Let me get dressed," she said, pulling her nightgown up on her shoulder and nearly freeing her other lovely mound with its pink tit. Melissa Wessex at barely sixteen and without a corset had the best pair in the county. She was a little more than five feet tall and probably weighed a hundred pounds or so, all of it prime. I could hardly wait to skewer her, and I felt my groin trembling. I adjusted my trousers.
"Of course," I said and sat in a soft chair and crossed my legs, repressing a smile, my cock well down my thigh.
"Uncle, please," she said, wiping her face with her hands, "give me some privacy." She swirled her nightgown about her legs.
"Oh I think not," I said with a smile. "Now you are just property, my girl, goods and chattels, simply another slave, one of his three dozen or so. Slaves do not get privacy as you call it. Slaves must not conceal anything."
She spun from the bed and put her feet on the floor, her light gown flowing about her lush body. My cock jerked.
"What! You're mad. What are you talking about?" She was angry and her color rose.
"He didn't tell you? Pity. My brother was such a fool. I suppose he was waiting until you were older or engaged to be married, then he would have to tell. Damn'd shame." I was enjoying myself, I must admit, watching her mystified face.
She found a blue robe at the foot of her bed and shrugged into it, covering my delighted view of her wonderful body. Since I was sure I would soon own that body, I resolved to be patient. Curiously, I had seen no sign of pubic hair. There should have been at least a shadow. She was surely nubile, wonderfully nubile, ripe, ready for plucking. I had poked enough black striplings to know the signs.
"Let me explain, my dear. You are a nigra, some say nigress I suppose, an octoroon although not exactly that, and you are a Wessex slave just as was your mother, your grandmother and your great-grandmother who was probably the offspring of some vile slaver or overseer long, long ago. She was the first, old Philip's wife if he actually married her, the original African bitch's bastard child. Her picture's on the stairwell, isn't it? The family claims she was some sort of princess." I chuckled. "But look at her. She's a nigra for sure."
"My mother. Lord, she was fairer than I am, and I am whiter than you are."
'We are not talking about color, Melissa. We are talking about blood. You are part African, a mulatto. We really do not have a term for your pedigree. Your grandmother, Patricia wasn't it, was one-fourth black, a quadroon is the word; your dear mother an eighth and you are one-sixteenth, but that is enough. It would be enough if you were only one-sixty-fourth. You will be sold with your father's other possessions."
"It can't be," the girl cried, backing up to the wall and looking horrified, her comfortable world of luxury collapsing around her. I stood, crossed the room, opened her robe and tore off her fancy nightgown, stared at her bare body, tossed the gown on the bed and then left to see my attorney about confiscating my brother's land before the sale.
As I had predicted so it was to be, and on sale day after the house, the furniture, pots and dishes, paintings and carpets, farm equipment and stock were sold, the slave auction began. Some of the older ones found no buyers and were turned out; most brought a good price for my brother took care of his animals and his people being very sparing with the whip, fool that he was.
Then, as the last piece of property, Melissa mounted the platform wearing only a plain shift, barefoot, black hair hanging loosely down her back, nearly to her wonderfully rounded buttocks, her eyes red from crying, mouth pouting nicely I thought. She had watched her comfortable world, as well as most of her clothes and jewelry, being swept away to strangers' hands. By damn but she was a shapely wench for one so young. I was sure there was not a limp cock in the crowd.
"Take it off," said Tom, the auctioneer. I must admit he leered at the lush youngster. I couldn't blame him. He had sold off some good-looking black girls during the past hour, and stripped all of them, but nothing like this piece of ass, this lovely chattel, this shapely child, this breathing property.
She shook her head and he grasped her flimsy garment between her firm breasts and tore it from her and tossed it to the ground. She yelped. The crowd sighed. Melissa put a hand between her legs and her forearm across her breasts, one shoulder strap hanging from her elbow. Disbelief filled her pretty face.
"Turn about," said Tom gruffly. Melissa had almost as good a backside as she did a front. Her hips were not very wide but her butt was quite shapely and her spine wonderfully curved and deeply trenched. I was sure I could bounce her on that fine ass and longed to feel it pressed against my belly.
At that point the best price yet for a Wessex slave was $2,100 for a farrier-blacksmith who was barely thirty, a skilled workman. The bidding on Melissa quickly passed $2,500. I waited. Because the estate owed me, I could bid recklessly.
When I said, rather loudly, "Three thousand," Melissa glared at me. It was the winning bid. She stepped down from the stage, and I handed her the torn shift. She threw it down and stepped on it. Her nipples were hard and jutting. I was tempted to have her then and there, to rip her open on the platform so everyone could hear her scream.
"You bastard," she hissed at me as I led her to my rig where two naked fieldhands waited wearing neck halters. I watched their young pricks start to harden as we approached, the girl's lovely jugs jiggling nicely. I was sure that they were, as advertised, good breeders and they surely had first class equipment. I slipped a halter on Melissa, tied her hands behind her with a strip of rawhide, and we were ready to travel, the small, white-skinned girl between the two large, ink-black bucks, both sporting hard pricks, jutting horns.
I mounted to the driver's seat, made sure the family pictures I had bought were secure and then clucked at my horse. The three slaves roped on behind had to trot to keep up, hard to do with their hands behind them, but I never went faster than a rapid walking pace although I must admit I was tempted to canter. It was about five miles, and I turned now and then to admire Melissa's bouncing boobs and stricken face, her hair streaming out behind her like a flag. The boys seemed to be enjoying themselves. I let the horse trot as we turned into my long drive, and the slaves had to run up the path of crushed shells. I am sure it was painful, but the boys' feet were hard.
I reined up at the shed behind the house with the three naked people behind me panting and gasping for breath, Melissa sobbing. My black slave-driver took the two young men away, and I led Melissa into the house, feeling my cock throbbing in anticipation. She had been in my home several times previously, but always before in a fine dress and wearing dainty slippers, her waist tightly cinched, an honored and coddled guest. Now she was naked and barefoot, a piece of property like a desk or chair.
I untied her hands, told Amos to take her to the back bedroom and warned him not to harm her. He smiled at me, showing his filed teeth as he stroked her arm. Amos was, by far, the most sadistic black men I've ever known as well as one of the biggest. I had no slave problems, mainly because of Amos. I have no runaways because he always caught them and brought them back begging for forgiveness, flayed skin hanging from their beaten backs. He had throttled one trouble-making young buck with his hands, twisting his head as one might kill a chicken. The man lacked both pity and mercy, and he had trained my slave-driver and overseer. I had absolutely no worries bout my slaves, and I fully intended for Melissa to become one with them, one in fear and subservience.
I saw to the stowing of the art and then mounted my wide stairway to claim my prize possession. "Melissa," I said as I closed and locked the door behind me, "did your late father deflower you?"
She shook her head, standing by the window and holding a lacy curtain before her strong, young body.
"You are a virgin then?" I asked.
'Go to the devil," she cried. "Leave me alone."
"Those boys you trotted here with, shall I give you to them. You know how they looked at you."
"They said terrible things to me. Told me what they wanted to do. Showed me their, their awful members, spiking out like they were. Rubbed them on my legs."
"Perhaps Amos, my house servant, the man who brought you up here, shall I let him have you?" By then I had removed my coat and weskit. My shirt was next. "Come here," I demanded rather loudly when I had stripped to the waist. "At once." I showed her the short riding crop that was dangling from my wrist and popped it against my high boot. "You know what happens to disobedient slaves. You've seen them beaten I'm sure."
She nodded and stepped from behind the drapery. My heart leapt and my cock stirred. She was the very picture of innocent beauty with her tiny waist and sloping hips. I could now see that she did have a small tuft of pubic hair beneath the soft puff of her belly, just a few dark curls above her hidden treasures. Her thighs were a bit heavy perhaps, but her legs were long and well formed and her ankles quite thin as behooved a well-bred animal. I longed to have those legs about me.
"I am sorry your father did not take your maidenhead, my girl. He should have done so several years ago. But, no mind, I shall do it for you. Come, pull off my boots. Be useful."
I sat and crossed my legs, had her step over my extended leg and pull at the heel. While she did that, I poked with my quirt and examined her tight-lipped cunny and her tiny wrinkled anus while she shuddered and mewled. Both were lovely, barely pink but I knew that within waited darker colors and incredible pleasure. I switched legs and she yanked off the other boot while I probed between her narrow labia. Then I pulled her down on my lap, grasped her full breasts and squeezed firmly as my hard cock rubbed her bottom.
She squealed and I squeezed harder, pinching out her small nipples.
"What's that? You are sixteen years old, girl. Don't tell me no man has fondled your boobs. Good lord."
"Please uncle," she begged, falling to her knees before me. "I pray you. Don't make me a slave. Please, please." Tears flowed down her pale cheeks and she put her hands together as if in prayer. Her gray-green eyes were beseeching me. I could not recall a more touching scene. I nearly laughed aloud.
"But you are. Don't you understand? You were born a slave just as your mother was, and unless I free you, a very unlikely occurrence, you will die a slave and your get, if any, will, of course, be slaves. Your father could have freed your mother, but he did not. In fact he let many other men use her and he sold off all the boys she bore, the three that lived. You were the only girl child. She provided him many benefits, many privileges; even I had her two or three times when he wanted to settle a debt. I shall use you in the same manner, as a treat for my friends and business partners."
I freed my aching rod from my foreflap and it jumped out in her face, its head a reddish purple. "I may even let you marry one of the cousins unless I decide to wed you myself. We shall see." I considered whether or not my fat wife might have an unfortunate accident, perhaps in the river, the barren prig.
She shook her head and whimpered, her eyes very big, unable to look away from my impressive phallus as it throbbed and jerked before her nose. She was surely going to have to open wide those pretty lips for my thick manhood.
"I suppose you've never done this either," I said, burying one hand in her dark hair, grasping my gnarled shaft and rubbing my domed cockhead across her shocked face, back and forth over her lips, pushing them open over her clamped teeth. "Your father should have taught you years ago. Open your mouth and keep your little teeth to yourself."
"No, no," she sobbed through barely open lips, shaking her head. I hit her flank with my quirt, just one sharp blow. She whinnied but still refused.
I backhanded her across the face and she gasped. In went my aching ram, nearly half of it, and she gagged and gulped.
"Now suck, suck and lick and cover your teeth. I'll show you how to use them later. Move your head to and fro, up and down, keep licking, girl, and keep your lips sealed about my prick. That's good, nod and suck." I made a series of short jabs, all very pleasant, bouncing my pride off the roof of her mouth, holding her hands until I was sure she was going to do as I demanded.
It was wonderful to have my cock in such a beautiful girl's mouth and her tongue was pleasantly rough. She would learn, I was sure. An excellent investment, I concluded.
She was horrified, obviously, but soon she was doing a creditable job of cocksucking even if she did gag now and again. I reached down with one hand to tweak a nipple while I kept my other hand behind her head, tangled in her hair. She was making very odd sound each time I went deep, sort of an "owk." Her look was of complete disbelief.
I praised her efforts but did not try to enter her throat after she gagged and choked several times. I brought one of her hands to my thick shaft and had her dandle my swollen balls with the other. She was gentle from the first and I praised her.
As I felt myself nearing my peak, I debated ejaculating out the window but decided she should have the taste of my spew so I grasped her head in both hands and fired into her mouth, demanding that she swallow. She did as she was told and when I was spent, I pulled free and let her collapse at my feet, moaning, thick globs of white on her lips and chin.
"A good start, Melissa," I said, patting her back and caressing her buttocks, "after we eat, I shall deflower you and continue your education."
I had Amos take her some slave clothes, the same shapeless, homespun garments all the females wore, and then enjoyed a good meal. When I was done, I got a piece of cornpone and a slice of ham and went back to the girl's room, a bottle of red wine under my arm, prepared for an hour of pleasure.
She refused the food, throwing it out the window, and I smacked her face, back and forth, bringing some blood to her nose. Then I pulled off her rude dress, tossed her up on the bed and climbed up beside her, still fully clothed, my cock feeling like a piece of cast iron fresh from the smithy's forge. I freed it. She squealed when she saw it again, curved up like a scimitar.
"Melissa," I said, as I grasped her fine breast and pulled her to me, "I am going to do this. I deflower all my slaves. It's my duty. If you cooperate, it will not hurt very much. If you do not," I snorted, "well, they will all hear you screaming and know what is happening."
She looked at me wide-eyed as I felt her young pussy and slipped a finger into her. 'Please," was all she said. She was incredibly tight but quite dry.
My cock is not particularly long however it is quite thick and very strong, but I must admit, I had to put most of my weight behind my blunt ram to get it into Melissa in that sunny back room. She writhed and bucked, beating at me with her small fists as I spread her legs, one on my shoulder and the other in my grip, but when I popped through her labial defenses she only gasped and arched, arms out wide, eyes closed. I sank it all the way, right to the balls, ripping her open, and she inhaled and fainted, damn her, mouth agape. Just went limp.
I pulled out my bloodstained ram, washed it off at the basin and then dripped some water on her face. I got back on her, braced my boots on the footboard, got her thighs above my hips and when she regained consciousness, had a good ride, gallant and satisfying, going at her full tilt, galloping if you will.
She was, of course, very tight and although she tried to lie inert and just let me take her, I must have hit some sensitive places for she gasped and groaned, and before I came she had surely lubricated her nether passage thoroughly and her hips were moving in concert with mine and rocking from side to side. She was snorting out each gasping breath, looking quite stricken as I plunged and plunged.
She was going to be a fine piece, of that I was sure. My cock had seldom delved into such a wonderful hole; her innards convulsed and rippled very pleasantly. Training was all she needed.
I fired my cannon in her, several times in fact, and then humped her until I began to soften. I pulled loose, let her legs fall, crawled up her lean body, dragging my tool between her firm jugs and slipped my dripping cock into her gaping mouth. "Clean me off, Melissa," I demanded, and she shook her head from side to side. I smacked her flank sharply, and she sucked and licked a bit, enough I that I could let it pass.
I stood at the bedside, looking down at her lovely body with my spend oozed from her nether lips and her breasts showing my teeth marks, my thick manhood a bit sore. I didn't even recall tasting her tits but I must have. I wiped my dripping cock with her hair and then bent and kissed her bruised mouth, tonguing her deeply.
"You are no longer a girl," I said. 'Now you can be useful, but remember, you are a slave and you must be obedient. I am going to let Amos have you as a reward for his loyal service. Remember that, loyalty is rewarded. Wrap your legs about him and do him well and you will be all right. This is your duty. Understand?"
She lay there sniveling and shaking her head, her legs widely spread, one knee raised, her thighs already showing bruises. Her nose had stopped bleeding.
I called Amos, told him I had just deflowered the girl and asked him if he would like to use her. He smiled, showing me his cruel teeth. I asked him to be as gentle as he could, but also told him he was to enjoy himself. "Try not to hurt her." I said as I followed him into her room. She was sitting at the side of the bed, bathing her battered groin and holding up one breast to examine the damage I suppose.
Amos quickly disrobed and took off the soft slippers that he used in the house. I had seen his huge cock before, as well as his muscular body, but I was always impressed, and I had watched him fuck some of my females before, mainly as punishment, but I was looking forward to this joining with extra anticipation for I knew that once Melissa had served Amos, she could take any man. I must admit, I felt as I often did watching a stallion cover the mares when I saw what he was going to shove into her; it was a mighty horsecock indeed.
Melissa There are moments, in an otherwise unhappy life, when it all seems to go right. Perhaps the stars and planets align just so, or fate’s roll comes up a double six, or it’s just plain dumb luck, but it seems that at certain moments the world just arranges itself so that, for once, I win. The day I met Melissa was a day like that. She was absolutely stunning, she was absolutely fascinating, and best of all she was absolutely interested in me. That last is rare indeed for me, but the...
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Melissa grew up in Baghdad by the Bay (San Francisco). She had a normal c***dhood, all the normal sc****s, bruises, victories and disappointments. The geography of San Francisco eliminates back yards and playing with wagons and bicycles as a c***d because the hills are so steep. The climate is cold and damp enough to require everyone to dress up more. Hairstyles suffer because thick hair goes straight and fine hair curls up. You see far more hats and gloves in the Bay area than any other area...
Melissa grew up in Baghdad by the Bay (San Francisco).She had a normal c***dhood, all the normal sc****s, bruises,victories and disappointments. The geography of SanFrancisco eliminates back yards and playing with wagons andbicycles as a c***d because the hills are so steep. The climate iscold and damp enough to require everyone to dress up more.Hairstyles suffer because thick hair goes straight and fine haircurls up. You see far more hats and gloves in the Bay area thanany other area of...
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Quickie Sex very good this video very thanks for who to has uploaded this video, i see this video here above always very glad and, after have putting it at full screen, i masturbing myself and i come always nice hot also because it's the same visual that i also have had the lucky of to have in a nice situation like in this video in a trip of commission with my sister. It was the second time that i and my sister did a trip of commission, and also...
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Chapter 19 She made her way to the west end of the room, just as two security guards came bursting into the room with their weapons drawn. Fortunately the rows and rows of servers didn’t make it easy to see from the end of one row to the next and they would have to search each row. Using her telekinesis Elizabeth held the door open and quietly slipped out just before two more guards shuffled through, barely missing her. The entire building was on lock down, she would have to be careful. The...
Kal, Ikuno, Bea and one of Aradelle’s vines approached the spectral wolf’s remains in hopes of finding any kind of information. Two long black streaks of decayed plant matter starting just beyond the edge of Aradelle’s clearing led them to where it had met its end. It was easy to see, however, that any hope of evidence pertaining to who sent it and why it was looking for Ikuno had dissolved into a bubbling, smoking pool of sickly yellow blood laced with black streaks. “Any ideas?” asked...
As Mom lied there smiling and not saying anything, I thought for sure she was holding back laughter. It felt like forever before she finally spoke. And when she called it beautiful, I regained some confidence and composure. Then, she brought her left hand up and ran her pointer finger along the shaft to the tip. All I can do is freeze and let her do whatever she wants. My breathing has gotten more rapid and heavier and she notices. (Jessica) "You okay with...
I’m sure that everyone in the whole world has heard about “Wife-Swapping.” I’m sure that very few have actually done it. Well I’m here to tell you about “Sister-Swapping.” Very few even know about it and even fewer do it. I don’t know if I actually invented it or not but I sure started it in my area. It all started a couple of years back when both of my parents were killed in a freak accident. I was nineteen years old and in charge of my four younger sisters. I had a banker, a lawyer, a...
She marched us into the den and we all sat next to each other. Rachel said, "I had to go into the sex shop to buy a vibrator for Brianna. Tell him, Brianna." Brianna blushed, "Jordan, Rachel said I had to tell you. Before the hurricane, I had a boyfriend in Pensacola Beach. I liked him a lot. About two months before the storm, Jacob and I began having sex when Mom was working. After two weeks, with my coaching and the Internet, he made me feel very good and I wanted to do it every...
So this finally happened. I just had a breakfast in bed, and it was served between my maid’s long legs. A little background first. I’m 28 year old man, happily married and living in Mumbai. Don’t get my wrong, me and my wife have a healthy sexual relationship and we do engage in fun every once in a while. But unfortunately, I have slightly bigger appetite for sex than her and she’s slightly more traditional when it comes to sex while I like to try new things. So I try and find different ways to...
This always seemed to be a good place to be when he needed to collect scattered and confused thoughts. It probably had something to do with solitude and a major change of scenery. Everything he saw back home reminded him of Grace and even though he knew it was the best thing for both of them the memories still tugged at his heartstrings too much to feel OK. He knew it would take a while as Dave had never accepted change very well but he had never walked out on someone he loved before either....
My wife Alexa decided that we should take a weekend trip up to Napa from San Francisco to get away from the city for a few days. She was always dragging me on these little Northern California road trips because she said that it’s good for your mind to have new experiences. I am more of a home body myself and would have just as well spent the entire weekend at home browsing the internet. But Alexa is pretty willful, so I usually let her have her way to avoid a big fight. We did a one of those...
CuckoldMcCock resolved the questions of precedence during construction as he usually did. He asked the Navy; it was just that Navy wasn't aware of the question. Using the black 'puter, McCock accessed the procedure manuals of the major Naval Shipyards. He would examine the manuals of mainly the smaller vessels, flivvers, launches, pinnaces, cutters, shuttles and rarely those of the space going vessels of the fleet. He would assess the procedures and selected the one which had the best fitted with...
Hi, Friends, I am back with the second part of my previous one. As elaborated in the first part a brief introduction of myself. I am Kajal working as a secretary to one of Export-Import company. I am damn hot and sexy looking woman. Me 25 Years old with figure of 34-26-34. Now moving forwards as once both the waiter and my boss finished fucking me, waiter left and my boss asked me to have bath in my room and be ready for the meeting. It was almost 7 in the evening. So I move towards my room and...
She had taken the girls to school and herself to teach there. I was supposed to be looking for work online, and I was, but not the way she expected. As soon as they were gone, I took out the stash of special things from my car's hidden pouch. A quick, tight face shave, some clumsy make-up (more for the feel than the look) and then I dress out in some lacy thigh-highs, a thong-like panty, some tight strappy heels, a borrowed bra (from wife, no she doesn't know) stuffed with hand towels...
By his-slut and billy69boy (Sequel to “Meeting Her”) Looking down at the floor, she spoke casually, as if we had just completed a leisurely stroll in the park: “Well, Sir, I am a bit hungry.” “Ah, yes, my sweet, some dinner would be just the thing. I’ll check on our reservations downstairs, while you freshen up,” I told her. “I’m sure you remembered to bring your special blue dress with you,” I called out to her as I threw on some shorts and a t-shirt. “Yes Master, it’s hanging up in the...
In this fantasy, I find out about a local BDSM community and that they meet on Friday night at a private club In this fantasy, I find out about a local BDSM community and that they meet on Friday night at a private club.? I decide that I am going to crash their party and see what I can find out.? When I go to the door, it is unlocked, and I am easily able to walk in.? There is a bar on the opposite end of the room and at least 50 people there.? I stroll through the room with confidence,...
THIS STORY IS FICTION AND SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN TO ANYONE IN REALLY LIFE It was two weeks since his 14th birthday on a bright August morning when Victor ran afoul of the Bad News gang. He was walking through the forest abutting the high school football field. In those woods there were regularly maintained path smooth enough for bikes and strollers and these main walkways were often crowded on nice days like this one. But Victor was feeling adventurous that morning and decided to strike his way...
I walk into the livening room and see you asleep on the couch upon closer inspection you left you or blouse wide open and your boobs were basically hanging out of your shirt silly I say and was about to walk of when suddenly in your sleep you start to say dick please then I stop stopping unsure what I heard turn around and you say it again dick please I walk back over to you and the you say dick now so I walk over me being only in a house coat you reach up and start rubbing my thigh then you...
Masturbation“Why is he not coming tonight?” She sounded so disappointed. I tried to make a joke of it. “Oh, he's going to cum tonight. Just not in one of us.” “Your joke is cute, but I don't think it's funny. I was jacked up anticipating Paul coming over.” “Sorry, babe. I couldn't resist. Paul has a date with one of his girlfriends tonight. He didn't want to change his plans so we are going to plan for next Friday.” Marge had stopped fucking herself with the dildo, but now she resumed her deep...
Out of AfrikaA Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van, Satinlvr_mwf andWunderboi******Chapter 44 - Retirement comes in a Rush******Our story thus far:The continuing story of the Town of Hawksville's acceptance of the massive black African-owned and operated Rhino Industries Inc. This is a continuum of our OOA tale with a follow up on the 75-year-old lawyer, Rush, who is Rhino's lead legal authority, and his busty bombshell wife Rosie, who is thirty-three and developing a...
Hi guys! This is Rahul. I`m 22 presently. This happened 4yrs back when i was 18 yrs old and was studying in college…I never had a manly physique…I was more like a girl…I have what they call male breast and i usually try to hide them by wearing loose shirts and t-shirts…My breasts are so big that you can easily grab, squeeze and play with them…! I also don`t have any hair on my body! Now in the mid break i decided to go to my uncle`s place…It was an over-night journey on bus…So i boarded the bus...
Gay MaleHarem Girl of Gor Chapter Six: ' Tarn-Five-Elipse-Fathom-Eighteen-Cable-Nine' I was dancing in the mosaic tiled room before the two men who conversed together as they watched me move. Aside from them there were two musicians in the corner providing the rhythm and melody for my dance. One sat with a czehar - a Gorean eight stringed instrument shaped like a large flat box which is held across the lap when sitting cross-legged and played with a horn pick. The other set out a beat on a...
I laid on Seth's bed, facing him in the dark, my face turned downwards, buried against his chest and fabric-softener-scented t-shirt. I kept closing my eyes, wishing that I could just fall asleep as his fingers moved up the back of my shirt, rubbing gently at my lower back. Things were easier when I was asleep. I could think about nothing and still wake up with a hard-on. Being awake... right now, being awake was a problem because my mind just wouldn't quit. Too many thoughts. Too much in...
Ned awoke from his deep sleep feeling refreshed and ready to face another day of duty at the Total Woman Academy senior facility. Yesterday, he had solved Destiny’s dilemma but along with the previous days of facilitating Brooke maximum impact at the fund raiser, he was worn out. He wandered the grounds which were unusually alive with excitement. There was a whirr of activity throughout the facility. The kitchen was bustling to prepare the banquet meal for this evening’s annual event. The...
A first-person true story, as told to me by my female friend Veronica (with permission). I’m twenty-four and work for a large corporation. Kevin, my extremely attractive supervisor, started coming on to me within a week after I signed-on. Yes, he’s married, but so am I. He fucks me on a regular basis whenever we travel together on business, but lately that’s not been enough. Because of schedule conflicts, Kevin and I weren’t able to see each other this week, he leaves on Sunday and will be in...
Kitchen Girl took me in the night when her humid warmth engulfed me and she pulled me to her and we moved together smoothly and still mostly asleep. Our bodies knew what they wanted and we let our tongues and lips and hands speak for themselves in our leisurely joining. In the morning outside under the shower she leaned against the wall and spread her legs and pressed her butt back against me. The water turned cold and I felt the goose bumps on my skin but I didn’t care. Kitchen Girl...
At six o'clock Louise knocked on Annette's door. "Time to get up, you two," she called. "Peter will be here in an hour." "OK," called Annette. "Golly, darling, we've been asleep for the best part of three hours. I'd better get my skates on and go and help Lou with the supper." She pulled on her dressing gown and went off to have a quick shower. Harry stayed where he was waiting for her return, which was worth it. She had lost all her inhibitions about nudity in front of him,...
The lush English countryside passed in a blur of yellow and green as the express train whizzed towards London. Sitting in a business class carriage near the front, Rachael shuffled her conference speech notes and rehearsed the talk again in her head.It was the millionth time she had read through her speech since she departing a rainy Edinburgh that morning. MediaTrax 2018 would attract the biggest movers and shakers in the industry and being asked to deliver a speech on the future of social...
LesbianWe had been roommates for over a year by the time things started to change between us. Out of the blue, she became clingy. She was jealous whenever I brought a boyfriend home or when I play flirted with my best friend around the house. I just couldn’t understand what was going on with her. One night, after a fight about having my boyfriend over and making-out with him in the living room, she stormed off to the bathroom & started showering. But I wasn’t about to let it go so easily. I...
She raised her eyebrows at me. “You don’t mean...?” She nodded. “Fuck me in the arse, Paul. Ram it through my back door. Bugger me. Bum me. Use the tradesman’s entrance. Plug the chocolate pipe—” “Okay! I get it,” I said, grinning as I wondered how long she’d spent looking up all those euphemisms on the internet. “I get it, Ness, but are you sure about this? You know it can hurt like all bloody hell, right?” She nodded. “From experience. But what if it’s done right, huh? What if it’s done...
I met Madeline during my senior year of college and detailed our first time in my last story. The way we met was due to the radio show I was producer director of at the school and Madeline was my Arts reporter. This was the original format show which spawned Evening Magazine on television. This meant we spent many dates going to the theater and concerts around town. After the first time we made love, we became exceptionally close and I moved in after we graduated that year in June. We lived in...
AnalTwo weeks went by. Tomorrow is my birthday, and luckily it is on Sunday which means I can celebrate on the exact day. I was wondering (who doesn't?) what presents I'm going to get from the family. A few days ago Dad asked me what I really knew about sex, being a virgin. Like every other boy, I know the very basics and not much more. He said, in a very general way, that I should be taught and prepared for life so that I won't be a failure as a lover when I start dating. Anyway, I planned...
TNA Flix? What does it stand for? Ass or tits? A question as old as time itself. Hell, the ancient Egyptians probably had hieroglyphics depicting this very argument. Though I gotta say, Egyptian babes have some of the plumpest asses that I’ve ever seen. I know what side I’d be on if I were a pharaoh looking for some good pussy. This argument still rages on as strong as ever today. And it’s always that one friend who never gets any action who brings that shit up. Like, dude, come on. Anyway,...
Free Porn Tube SitesAs the early morning sun peeked over the trees, Calix sat immobile. The morning sun wasn't warm; it was cold, the cold of late winter. Detroit was having an unusual winter; normally by mid-December the snow could be counted in meters. Here it was, late February, almost March and there'd been only a dozen centimeters or so of the stuff spread out over the previous months. It was almost as if the city sat on the precipice of madness and the weather couldn't decide upon which side to...
Hi guys. I am back with a new story about sweet love making. Thank you all for your love and appreciation for . I love responding to each email/chat. It gives me more motivation to write new stories. This story is a bit different. One of my fans liked my narrative skills and gave me an idea to write about a married woman making out with an old friend. We actually had a role play sex chat on this (Wink). It went pretty hot, so I wanted you guys to enjoy it too. The angel of this story is...
Vorwort Vor kurzem war ich in unserer B?cherei. Dort sah ich ein M?dchen, gerade am Beginn ihrer Pubert?t, gekleidet in einen kurzen Faltenrock und Strumpfhosen. Schon das war ungew?hnlich, da die allermeisten M?dchen bei dem Wetter Hosen trugen. Aber sie hatte Sachen an, die f?r ein viel j?ngeres Kind waren, vielleicht halb so alt wie sie war. Ich konnte mir kaum vorstellen, wie ein so gro?es M?dchen so eine Strumpfhose - aus dicker Baumwolle, leuchtend rosa, mit niedlichen Bl?tenmuster - fr...
12Luke spent the next three months working on completing his dissertation. He isolated himself from his social circles; focusing on his final presentation. His friends began to wonder if all was well with Luke. Luke wasn’t the kind of guy to kiss-and-tell. He left his friends to their own points of-view and opinions.He did not receive many messages from Meg; Sarah, however, was in constant touch with Luke. Though there was sexting and sexual content exchanged, there was more to Sarah. Her...
IncestZelda came up out of the restless nap with a certainty something was not quite right. She and the Indian girl were sitting back to back so they wouldn't be attacked from behind. The Indian girl was still breathing deep and regular in a sound sleep so their plan to alternate watches didn't have much success at all. She held the sharpened spear across her naked lap with the pointy end up at an angle. It looked like Running Eagle had dropped her hastily made weapon into the soft loam under...
Hi, firstly salute to all the ISS authors and readers a special mention to authors for entertaining me with all their hilarious stories for more than 5 years. Its my first time writing so please forgive me for my mistakes, my name is basha 5’8″ slim and fair with brown eyes and 6″ dick. So the story goes like this. This incident happened to me approximately 3 years back, my first fucking experience with my cousin I am 20 now and the story will be developed since past 6 years. I have been in...