The Violet Coast The Seduction of Melissa
- 2 years ago
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"The Running of Melissa"
Melissa couldn't believe it. There was no way ? no fucking way ? Jeff couldbe this crude, this insensitive, this fucking rude! Here, in front ofall her friends, her jock ex-boyfriend was acting like all other jocks andignoring her while he ?hit on' one of the slutty cheerleaders. He actuallyhad his hand under her top, visibly fondling her breasts! And, not thatjust her friends were here to see this spectacle ? oh no. He had to pullthis juvenile, macho stunt right in the middle of the most important day ofher life: her first college dance: a ?prom night?! (Not truly a prom,this was one of the collage's theme dances, allowing students to relive theproms they had before or enjoy a first one if they had been passed over inthe past). People she never ever bothered to look at twice were now snickeringat her, some pointing and she was caught there ? pinned by their stares ? reducedto nothing more than another used up trophy on another jock-pig's trophy case. Andit had all started out so promising with Jeff, too.
~ ~ ~
Almost four months ago, they'd met in the library and he had started up aconversation with her. Melissa was cute but not one of those ?fake beauties? thejocks usually went for. No, she was purely, simply pretty with a figureand poise of the dancer she was. Her liberal arts degree was within graspand she already had plans arranged for her employment after graduation. Heryouthful good looks were going to assure her of a promising career in dance. Addedto those skills were her naturally taking to the uneven bars and floor gymnastics,which would make a high school substitute's job something to fall back on betweendance shows. Long brown hair was her only standout feature but it frameda face that was lovely even in its simplicity. Her breasts were ratherlarge for a woman who had worked out as much as she had and her medium heightmade for a striking presence. But none of the jocks gave her a secondglance because she looked far too studious to be the kind of fun they werelooking for. They wanted sluts get their needs satisfied and they foundplenty at college where, unlike high school, the girls were more willing toseriously experiment with their sexuality. But there was a jock standing nextto her and he was interested in talking to her and her alone!
They barely got started before they were tossed from the library for talkingand laughing. Melissa didn't even notice she was ignoring her badly neededFrench studies, mandatory classes where, unlike physical ones, she usuallystruggled. And Jeff obviously didn't care whatsoever so they sat on thelawn beside the library and talked for hours. By the time the libraryclosed, they were in full darkness and both needed to get home. And likeone of Melissa's most precious dreams, Jeff moved to her slowly and took herinto his arms. She closed her eyes and lifted her face to him and hekissed her lips, gently and sweetly. Nothing crass, not even slightly ?forward'but he held his lips to hers for no more than 3 seconds and those seconds werethe most wonderful she'd had in her 20 years. When he parted from her,she couldn't yet open her eyes, wanting the moment printed indelibly in hermind. She heard him chuckle lightly and cautiously looked up to see hewasn't actually laughing at her; he was laughing because he was genuinely happy. Thewarmth of Melissa's smile must have touched Jeff because he returned it and,with a small squeeze of her hand, he walked towards his home. Melissastood there a while; completely blown away by the day's unexpected turn ofevents and giggled like a teenager. Hugging her books, she almost ranhome.
In the following couple of months, their relationship grew closer withoutthe usual pressure for sex and Melissa was quite impressed by the way a jockcould present himself as a gentleman. She'd never dreamed something likethat could happen, much less to her. It didn't matter that he was constantlyasking her for help with his classes; he obviously needed the help and shewas more than willing to provide it. Besides, the trade-off was beneficialto her as much as it was to him: the girls who looked at her with naked envyor outright astonishment boosted her esteem so high that it changed her overallappearance. Gone were the half-assed attempts at dressing on the daysshe just didn't do anything but dance. Now she put on makeup and styledher hair before and after sweaty workouts, just to make sure anyone who sawher was duly impressed by how good she looked bit both with Jeff on her arm and withouthim! Life was just freakin' awesome those days.
Life was so awesome in fact, it was she who first broached the subject ofsex. They had been light petting for weeks and it build a massive feelingof anticipation in both of them. But neither had even suggested touchingeach other's bare bodies until now. Jeff eagerly agreed it was time forthem to take it to ?the ultimate level? (as he called it) and they went toher home and her bed. Melissa needed to be there rather than any placeelse because she badly needed the comfort of her own environment. Whenshe told Jeff she was virgin, he almost passed out. ?What?? How?? Really?' weresome of the hysterical things he said, fumbling for the proper words. Melissawas laughing so hard by the time he regained his composure, she was cryingand doubled over in pain. Jeff joined her and that comfort level, thattotal destruction of any anticipated ?mating dance' brought their bodies closertogether in an embrace which melted into a long, passionate kiss and neitherof them knew how they undressed or wound up laying beside each other.
Jeff was apparently quite eager (Melissa judged by the ridged pole he washolding between them) but he was considerate enough to ask her if she was sureshe wanted to do this, wanted to surrender her maidenhood to him: a jock whowas struggling just to maintain the grades he needed for continued acceptanceinto the sports programs. And Melissa didn't hesitate to say ?yes'. Shereached for him without any pretence and pulled him tightly to her breast,then above her while spreading her legs to receive him. Without eventhe slightest foreplay, Melissa was creamy wet and Jeff slid into her completelywith the slow and gentle patience of a man far beyond his years. Therewas only a slight pain as he broke through her hymen and into her vagina forthe first time and both of them were pleasantly surprised by the ease of hispassage. And they made love, slowly and passionately for a long, longtime before Jeff began to fuck her. Melissa noticed the difference immediately:the change in his muscles, the sounds he made, the strength and speed of histhrusts. With a roar, Jeff came into her wet and willing body. Shemilked his cock as it spasmodically gushed its contents deeply within her womb. Nevera moment did she even consider the fact that she hadn't achieved orgasm; shewas so thrilled to have finally proven to herself she that could make a mancum inside her. The feeling of power was exceeded only by overwhelmingfeelings of love for Jeff. When he calmed above her and looked into hereyes, Melissa just knew he felt exactly the sameway.
Obviously, she didn't know it at the time but Jeff wasn't even close to feelinganything akin to love for her. All he wanted was the grades. Hell,he didn't beg to fuck her sooner because he didn't even like the way she looked! Melissaonly realized it was a one-way affair in the week before this shitty dance. Byhappenstance, the scores for finals had been posted that week and Jeff passedthe courses he needed to pass ? just barely, thanks to Melissa's intense tutoringbetween hours of what she thought was love making. In that week, Jeffstarted out as cold and turned downright nasty as soon as he felt he didn'tneed Melissa's help anymore. It got so bad that they had a huge fightthat led to Jeff's admission that she was just a way for him to pass classes. Itwas a just a happy coincidence that she had turned out to be a virgin but hetold her she wasn't the type of girl he could have a ?meaningful relationship? withand told her it was over.
In stunned silence, Melissa closed her eyes and sighed. She should haveknown all along but she fooled herself into believing she was the luckiestgirl in town. But much, much worse, this week she'd taken her testand she, too, had ?passed?: she had been six weeks pregnant before she'd suddenlyspontaneously aborted. It was all for the best as she knew that now wasn'tthe time for her to start a family. And now she knew it wouldn't havebeen with Jeff anyway. Without a single tear, Melissa opened her eyesand said ?ok, but I want to go to the ?prom dance? with you. Just onelast favour, alright?' Jeff had looked considerably pained but agreedto take her as planned.
~ ~ ~
And now, he showed his true colours in the worst possible way. Melissawas humiliated more thoroughly than she'd never dreamed possible. Andthis time she couldn't help bursting into tears. Some of the girls whowatched her moved to her, to comfort her. But many, many more and allthe guys seemed as callous as Jeff and she got no sympathetic looks from them. Theyeither broke into uproarious laughter, pointed at her or both. Therejust wasn't a way for Melissa to take any comfort within sight of that assholeJeff and she bolted from the room, from the building and from the school'scampus, running through lawns, gardens, and central squares. She didn'tknow where she was going and didn't care. She was getting as far fromthis disaster as possible. Thinking about how horrid it would be returningto classes from now on, Melissa sobbed anew and could barely see as she ran.
The school abutted a rather dense wooded area ? a state park that was actuallyhuge in scope. Along the easement between the school and the park rana bike path. In was onto that Melissa finally left the vicinity of theschool to which she knew she'd never return.
The path wasn't alight by anything but the nighttime sky after she left thesurrounds of the campus lighting but the moon was full and she was able tosee well. The path led in the general direction on her apartment butit took a long, meandering route. ?All the better', she thought thensuddenly stopped. What had she been thinking? She could easilywalk the 15 miles home; in her excellent physical condition, she could havewalked 50 miles without even feeling it. But 15 miles was something shedidn't usually walk because it was far too time consuming; she drove toschool ? just as she'd driven today. (Jeff had been such a jerk, he onlyagreed to meet her there, refusing to drive them or even go in her car). Hercar was still in the school's parking lot! She slowly turned around,looking towards the place where she completely forgotten about her drive homeand dropped her head to cry again.
It didn't take her long to realize she'd have to go back and get it but itwasn't going to happen tonight. Nope, tonight she was going to just gohome and get away from Jeff and the school. Turning back towards home,Melissa began walking into the dark.
Her pace wasn't particularly brisk and she settled into a rather slow andcomfortable gait, not caring about how long it would take to get home. She'dget there when she got there. And worry about going to classes in themorning? Hell, that was finished for a lot longer than tomorrow. She'dtransfer her credits to another college and start anew. Next time, she'dbe damned it she'd let anything got between her and her classes. Nexttime, there wouldn't be a fucking ?Jeff?, no matter if there were one who'dbe with her or not.
The walk was going well and she was now almost enjoying the comfort of thesolitude when she heard a noise from the trees beside her. She stoppedand listened, her apprehension growing by the second. The sound wasn'trepeated. What had it been, she wondered. Quietly she began walkingagain and in moments heard the noise once more. Now quite alarmed, Melissaturned to run and stumbled over the long hem of her gown. She knew shewas going to fall and curled to roll with it, just as she would have done ona mat in gym classes. Her fall couldn't have been more beautiful: almostwith the precision of a ballerina, Melissa rolled over her gown and broughther feet under her immediately. She turned to face the direction of the soundand screamed when she say the huge shape looming over her. She coweredand shied away from it; almost falling backwards over the same damned gownhem when she realized the huge thing was just a gnarly old tree. Feelingas stupid as a child spooked by the dark, she arose, brushed herself off, andturned to once again continue her walk home, a bit more briskly now.
The sound again. This time, Melissa recognized the sound as a dry branchcrunching but not breaking underfoot. The fear now was under who's orwhat's foot (or paw)? This was too much for Melissa to take and she beganrunning as fast as she could in the same direction she had been heading. Pacingher, the sounds from the woods continued. In total panic, Melissa redoubledher speed with energy she didn't know she possessed and almost flew down theshadowy path. Luckily, it was paved and she need not worry about stumblingagain. But the path curved often and, some of the curves led towardsthe woods in which her pursuer hid. She tried not to think about thatand ran on.
Suddenly, the noise beside her turned into a crashing sound and passed herby with ease, running ahead of her direction. Melissa stopped abruptlyand pondered turning back when she saw it: the shape was unmistakable. Alarge timber wolf stepped onto the path before her and growled. For abrief second, Melissa froze there, eyes wide and reflecting sheer terror. Thenshe relaxed and thought. She knew what to do; all she needed to do wasdo it. Reaching down slowly, she gathered up a rock that fit well inher hand. She stayed down, the worst possible posture for facing offa wild animal. But her eyes had become keenly adjusted to the night andshe could see the slavering mouth of the beast as it slunk towards her. Itgained confidence with each step and was almost at a trot when Melissa threw.
One of the things Melissa was good at was baseball. Not that softballshit girls were always steered towards but the real thing. She wasn'tjust good at it; she was excellent and her fielding skills came to fore now,when she needed them. She caught the wolf directly in the face, crushingits upper snout soundly with a reassuring crack. The wolf screamed asound that actually scared Melissa worse than anything did yet and her screamjoined its. Then the wolf was gone like a shot and the silence in thewake of his departure was thundering with only the sound of Melissa's heart. Shestood once more, rubbed her hands through hair and down her face. Coveredwith sweat, she realized just how stupid it had been walking beside a freakinforest, alone, in the middle of the night! There was nothing she coulddo save walking towards home and safety.
Soon the cold began to set in and Melissa realized she was in trouble. Itwasn't going to be killer cold out tonight but it was going to be very chilly,nonetheless. Wearing nothing but a gown that didn't even allow for abra, she wore nylons, moderately high pumps (which had allowed her to run well,though), and panties. There was nothing between her and the cold nightair but her resolve to get back home. Melissa picked up her pace andcontinued the long walk towards safety.
The rest of the night passed uneventfully and, for that, Melissa was extremelygrateful. As the hours of darkness surrendered to the first hints ofa new day's sunrise, she had managed to get within a mile or so of home, stillbesides the forest but much less afraid of it now that light was coming.
Walking beside a particularly beautiful stretch of the path, she stopped andlooked towards the dawn, feeling so much better than when she started thisfoolish walk that she was now just very, very pissed at Jeff. Her handson her hips, she looked as though she'd have killed him with a glare and mutteredto herself about what a punk he'd been and what a fool she'd been to not acceptthat fact.
She was still muttering when the hand covered her mouth and her arms werepinned behind her with enough force to hurt badly. Melissa yelled intothe hand that smelled mildly of soap and heard the meaningless, pathetic soundher voice made. Again, she knew what to do: just like all the smart girlsher age, she had learned how to fend off an attacker, even when she'd beencaught this unaware. Feinting a reverse head butt, she stomped her firmshoe's heel onto the instep of the foot between her legs and heard a satisfyinggroan from her attacker. His grip loosened immediately and she was ableto shift from his grasp, turning to face him. Melissa barely turned beforeshe was slapped hard enough to bring tears to her eyes but, thankfully, notto break her nose or smack into her ear, which would have caused intense pain. Hereyes watered badly enough so she didn't even get a glimpse of whomever herattacker was and it allowed for him to grab her again, this time pinning herarms behind her back without stepping between her legs to bend her backwards. Thistime, he pulled her backwards, keeping her off balance until she felt herselfbeing dragged semi erect towards the trees.
OK, now she knew what was going on. This was some fool thinking he wasgoing to take a piece of ass from some unsuspecting person forcefully. Hedidn't know what he was messing with and Melissa offered a very good semblanceof a violent struggle while being pulled through the front line of trees andinto the gloom of the forest, where the dawn's kiss was still unfelt. Shefaked her struggle while being pulled deeper and deeper into the woods, farenough so that she couldn't see the path anymore. Now feeling a bit ofpanic, she knew people had gotten lost in here, some of which were found afterdays of wandering. A few had been found a bit too late. Everyoneknew the beauty of the forest needed to be tempered by a healthy respect forit. It would do much good to escape her attacker just to get lost allon her own.
After what seemed far too long for comfort, she was wrestled to a very smallclearing and deposited heavily on her back in a soft, loamy bed of leaves. Knowingthis was her second good opportunity, she bunched up her legs, rolling overher shoulders in an effort to kick the asshole in the nuts or face. Unfortunately,he wasn't awaiting an effort for her to try to hit him. He was on her,his heavy chest coming down hard and fast towards her face from over her head. Melissaturned her face to the side just before he enclosed her, covering her entireupper body with his and planting his head almost between her legs. Hisweight was far too much for Melissa to cope with and she realized that immediately. Helay on her, crushing the wind from her chest, flattening her breasts painfullyunder this rock-hard chest, and wrapping up her legs at the upper thighs witharms that left as though they were chiseled from granite. She was completelypinned in a matter of seconds: nothing she could do about it. She usedher arms to try to reach around his torso, punch his kidneys or just pinchand scratch but she was overwhelmed by the lack of ability to inhale, whichreprioritized her efforts.
He didn't move and Melissa was beginning to struggle for air. Stillhe didn't move and there was little she could do now but beg for him to lether snatch some air and quickly. But, when she tried to speak, Melissarealized she'd waited too long and had struggled her last usable air from herlungs. She couldn't make more than a small squeak and saw that her lifewas now totally out of her control. Still he didn't move and as the blackspots began to swim before her eyes, Melissa knew she was in trouble much deeperthan she'd ever been in before. As she passed out, she thought just onething: ?Fuck you, Jeff?.
~ ~ ~
When she stopped moving, Adonis lifted his body from the girl's chest andhad a look at her. He liked what he saw and grinned.
Adonis wasn't his real name. It was the name his detractors used whenreferring to his massive physique. He looked like the very image of theGreek god: muscles rippling almost everywhere but none looked as though theywere over-developed. His body was just what most men secretly enviedand Adonis knew it. He came to love the name he'd been bestowed, wearingit as a defiant act for inferior people. In fact, Adonis was considerablysmarter than he let others know. Letting them think he was just a muscle-boundidiot served his purposes. Speaking rarely and never interacting withothers in public, he was both feared and revered by those who whispered hisnew name out of earshot, never knowing he both heard them and gladly acceptedtheir moniker.
The girl's face was slightly blue but she was breathing when he checked. Healso took her pulse and nodded. Brushing her hair from her face, he sawa plain looking girl with the discernable appearance of spunk. He likedthat. Her breasts were very nice, indeed and he brushed a hand acrossthem, noticing that her nipples remained erect from her recent exertion. Healso liked the firm figure of her midriff and, that combined with the lusciouslyfirm thighs he'd held moments ago, led him to accurate ascertain Melissa wasan athlete. His smile broadened.
Lifting her dress, Adonis gazed upon the crotch of Melissa's simple whitepanties and rubbed a finger up the small slit in the middle of them. Thewarmth and dampness he felt there was exceedingly inviting. He pulledthe panties to the side and bent closer to look at the cunt he was going touse. Lightly shaved, it showed the closely cropped hair of a woman whocared to see her body but didn't have the immodesty to allow it to be completelyuncovered, even in its nudity.
This last bit of temptation was all it took for Adonis to get into action. Hequickly pulled Melissa's panties off, leaving her nylons in place. Openinghis pants, he pulled them down, along with his underwear, only far enough toexpose his large, fully engorged cock. Adonis loved that cock. He'sused it so many times in situations like this one that he'd lost count. Mencouldn't help but stare at it then look away in shame when he showered in thegym. He didn't mind the men's stares; he knew they thought of him asthe most ?complete? man they had ever seen and he reveled in the notion.
Adonis lay over Melissa's unconscious body, held himself just above her ? almostin a push-up position, and waited. He didn't need to wait long as Melissacame to in a few minutes after. The look of disorientation on her faceslowly dissipated into a look of sheer terror. She felt the coolnessof the morning air between her legs, saw her gown pulled up to her belly, andworst of all, saw the man who was planning to rape her. His face wasperfect, like someone in the movies or a hit television show. And the musclesshe could see in his arms were the most powerful she had ever seen. Therewere many times when she'd gone to the 24-hour supermarket out of the townto buy one of those trashy novels. They all featured a man like thiswith a woman looking as though she was both enraptured by being in his presenceand fearing for her virtue, knowing she's going to lose it one way or anotherbefore he'd leave her. Inside, those books always ended with a womanin bliss after being ravished in a way which would be considered rape if seenby someone else. Now, she was a character in one of those books and aboutto lose something other than the virtue she'd given to Jeff and maybe her life,too.
Melissa screamed, hurting her lungs that were still starving for air. Shelay where she'd been forced to ground, momentarily overwhelmed by the sheerhorror of what was happening to her.
Adonis smiled and listened to her scream with intense pleasure. He wantedit, needed it, deserved to hear it because he was fearsome and loved to hearthe fear in his victims. He hoped she would fight and wasn't disappointed. Melissadrew her body up as far as it would go beneath him and tried to beat him awayfrom her. Adonis allowed her to beat his chest until she realized hedidn't feel the least bit of pain from her efforts. With wild eyes sherambled,
?Please! Please don't do this! Please! I'll give you anythingyou want! Anything, but please don't hurt me, not like this!?
Adonis' smile grew broader and he began to lower his massive body onto Melissa. Herpanic increased dramatically and she burst into tears, begging him to stop,to let her go, not to do what he was about to do.
Adonis actually grinned at her tears and continued to lower himself on her. Now,with his chest rubbing against her heaving breasts, Melissa screamed againand again, knowing the odds of being heard deep in the woods were slim to noneunless someone happened along. And that wasn't likely since it was fartoo early in the morning for anyone with common sense to be wandering aboutin the forest. Overcome by fright, Melissa tried to close her legs andslammed them into the massive ones lowering between hers. Still screaming,his weight began to push her down into the forest floor, in the same positionshe'd allowed Jeff to enter her. Wildly whipping her head back and forth,she felt the first contact between her thighs and it felt like a piece of warmlumber. If it was possible, Melissa's eyes opened yet wider and she gaspedknowing what was going to be forced into her.
Adonis left no room between them and positioned his cock against the girl'scunt. He could feel the wetness there and wondered if it was sweat, cumfrom her sexual excitement, or piss. He didn't care. He just pushedforward and sunk his cock into her with slow, steady deliberateness, savouringevery curve and ripple of her tunnel. And with each passing moment, hefelt the tightness of the girl's hole steadily increase and combine with violentcontractions of her trying to both repel the invasion and crush it to preventit from moving further into her. Adonis loved this part and closed hiseyes a moment to limit the sensual input of the rape to just the feeling surroundinghis cock as it fucked its way into her.
Melissa gasped again with total agony as she was pulled open from the inside,impaled by this huge, sadistic man. Knowing there was nothing she coulddo to stop him from completing his penetration, she once again pleaded withhim to stop. She even offered to allow him to stay right where he wasand just hold his cock in her. She promised to let him keep it thereas long as he wanted. She wouldn't fight it; she wouldn't scream anymore. Butshe never felt the slightest slowing of the entry of her vagina. Evenwith the substantial amount of lubrication she was inexplicably creating, shewas being pried open like an orange's peel.
Adonis continued his slow, steady entry and finally hit something that stoppedhim from proceeding further. The girl screamed in what sounded like utteragony so he knew he'd hit the bottom of her cunt. That wasn't good atall since easily half of his tool was outside her. He frowned and leanedforward harder. This time, the girl almost choked on her tongue. Gaspingfor air, her eyes rolled back in her head while she struggled even more intenselythan ever before. This was all Adonis needed to get completely aroused. Pullingback, he withdrew his cock, feeling the girl's tender interior tissue pulledoutward with the friction of his retreat. Leaving just the head insideher, he paused a full minute before laying down on the girl, holding just enoughof his weight off her to allow her to breathe yet feel the taughtness of hischiseled upper body against her heaving tits.
And then he began. With a moderate speed, he fucked her, ramming hiscock into her cervix repeatedly, watching the horror and the pain dance acrossthe girl's face. He felt perfect: feeling cunt wrapped around his contentedcock and enjoying it immensely. Without the slightest pause, Adonis rapedMelissa continually. Her strength ebbing, Melissa was finally reducedto massive sobs while whipping her head back and forth, moaning ?no, no, no!' ButAdonis just continued to fuck her. For what seemed like an eternity,he raped the girl's hole with nothing akin to passion; he just moved his cockin and out of her to enjoy the pain he was causing. Sure, the fuckingfelt great ? one of the best cunt's he's ever raped ? but this wasn't aboutpleasure, not yet. This was about total submission from inescapable strength. Allhe wanted right now was Melissa's complete humiliation and surrender. Andshe was doing one hell of a good job showing it! Adonis couldn't keepthe grin off his face as he slid into her hole and back out again. Shewas soaked in there and he just knew she wanted to be fucked as much as hewanted to fuck her. All girls did. After all, who wouldn't wantto be raped by a handsome man with a massive cock? He was selective anddidn't stick himself into sluts, even to rape. But he knew this wasn'teven close to a slut. This was prime pussy and he wanted to ride thisbitch for as long as possible.
Melissa, still gasping for air, finally gave up and lay prone, waiting forthe conclusion, hoping against all hope that it wouldn't include her murder. Themonster inside her had never said a single word before raping her unmercifully. Heseemed almost inhuman in his silence. Also, oddly she felt his pantsrubbing her inner thighs. This creep didn't even bother to pull them off beforefucking her against her will! What kind of creature would just casuallyscrew a woman while still wearing his pants and t-shirt?
Melissa knew she was wet between her legs and knew it was from her. Whatwas she doing? Enjoying being raped in her gown (Shit! He hadn'teven undressed her, either!), while looking up at the best-looking man shehad ever seen? This was a horror story, a nightmare come true and herpussy was so wet the violence of rape wasn't even physically hurting anymore! Howhad she been able to withstand a cock far too big for her pussy to hold? Itwas impossible to ignore the obvious: she was being taken long and hard buther body was beginning to feel damned good about it. Of all the disgusting?
Adonis saw when the realization hit the girl: right when she started cryingagain. All of them did eventually. If she was a ?good girl?, shewas humiliated by the fact that her body wasn't under her control anymore;it was under his. That was when he stopped simply fucking a woman startedenjoying her rape. He brought his head down next to hers and pinned herarms over her head. And now he raped for the pleasure it brought him. Hardand fast, he pounded the girl, wringing every bit of honour from her. Hefucked her as if she was his to use, a hole for his gratification only. Heraped with passion now and used his body to mash his cock as far as it wouldgo into the girl's cunt and then push it further, slightly bending the massiveshaft where it wasn't able to gain entrance into the overstuffed orifice. Thepounding actually scooted them forward in the leaves, making a lengtheningrut marking the escalation of Adonis' fucking.
Melissa was shocked by how much pressure she could feel inside her body. Itfelt almost as if someone were pulling her in half, separating her by tearingher apart at the pussy. Jeff had been large enough for her to enjoy sexwith him but never to please her as much as her masturbation did. There,she used a vibrator, which was far too large for comfortable insertion, butshe slammed it against the lips of her vagina, dreaming of being fucked? fuckedexactly like this! Again floored by terrible realization, Melissa sawthat she had been fantasizing of being raped just like she was being rapednow: a beautiful body on a drop-dead gorgeous man, a cock so big it had tobe forced into her. She had dreamed of rape because she couldn't imagineanyone ever making her happy in a bed that looked like he could have had anywoman he chose on the planet. She looked into the eyes of her rapistand cried out with shame even as her orgasm stealthfully overcame her. Staringinto the rapist cheek, Melissa came so hard her head hurt from the scream,this scream as much from pain as pleasure wrapped into one. And, whilehe smiled beside her head, he continued to fuck her as violently as possibleuntil?
?he stopped. He'd stopped with such immediacy she thought he'd had aheart attack or something. He lifted his head and looked down at her,not smiling this time and Melissa feared for her life. She began thinkinghe was just fucking her until only she came while he didn't so that he couldblame her for his frustration, killing her in the process. Her eyes openedwidely and she screamed once more, both from the contractions of her continuingorgasm and from the dread of a death deep in the woods. Again, even inher terror, she thought, ?FUCK YOU, Jeff! This is entirely your faultand I will hate you for as long as you live'!
Adonis drank in the look of desperation in the girl's eyes and pulled hiscock from the cunt he'd been raping. I stood over the girl, looking downat the ferociously red lips between her legs and noticing all of her cum runningfrom her still orgasmic pussy. She'd really needed that rape and he knew it. Now,for the really fun part!
He pulled up his underwear and pants, covering his still-erect cock. Melissajust lay there in alarm. But he didn't move after he got his pants closed.Still Melissa couldn't move, paralyzed by the sight of a man who would probablykill her in seconds.
Adonis took a step backwards and Melissa's heart jumped. What was hedoing? And why was he doing it?
He took another step backwards and pointed into the woods. Melissa swungher head around not knowing what new disaster was lurking behind her. Butthere was nothing there but more woods, slowly lightening with the morning'sheavily filtered light. Swinging back to look at her rapist (thinkinghe's be right over her with a huge knife), he had remained where he'd steppedand, once again pointed into the woods.
With extreme hope, Melissa realized he was actually going to let her go! Sheslowly reached for her panties and he shook his head so she left them on theleaves and ever so slowly lowered her gown covering her raped pussy, her thighs,and finally her calves. The man never moved and Melissa knew she'd getout of this with her life. She struggled to her feet so wobbly she almostfell, still wearing her pumps and nylons. She looked over her shoulderagain, turning back to look into Adonis' eyes and ran. She didn't runthe way he'd pointed; she ran about 90% to the left, hopefully in the directionshe'd been dragged. She really had no idea which direction was correctbut she sure as hell wasn't going to go the direction that monster had silentlysuggested.
She never glanced back but ran as quickly as she could over fallen branches,rocks and tons of leaves. On and on she ran and still she saw no signof the pathway. In fact, she saw no signs of anything but more trees. Shebegan to despair but ran on, nevertheless.
Adonis had predicted her tactic of running the ?wrong' way but he let herrun a while anyway. Her instincts were very good; she actually was headedin the right direction and he couldn't let her go too far or she'd reach hergoal. But this was the fun part: the chase! He waited until hefelt the overwhelming urge to pursue her and waited some more. He torturedhimself with the knowledge she could actually get away from him. Buthe knew he was faster than she was and he'd fuck her again, this time, he'dfuck her right! He ran after her.
Melissa suddenly saw a miracle: there was a thinning of the trees just ahead! Itmay be just another clearing but she didn't think so. In a moment, sheknew it was the edge of the woods. She almost cried out with joy andran harder towards freedom.
Adonis saw her less than 60 seconds after he'd allowed her to run. Hismilitary training had given him all the techniques for silent running he neededand he was almost upon her as he changed his gait, making the noise 220 poundswould have made from a lesser man's running. She heard it immediatelyand turned back in terror, knowing the sound of the rapist's approach was fartoo close for her to make it to freedom before he caught her. And shecaught her heel in the hem of the gown again. This time, she was movingway too fast to stop her fall or even go with it. She twisted hard asher foot became trapped and fell mostly on her back, fortunately between rockswhich could have killed her if her head had hit them.
Adonis saw her fall and almost cried out, thinking she'd hit the rocks. Butshe missed them by inches and he felt great again. This rape was charmed,he thought! And he planned to get it going again right now!
Melissa had knocked the wind from her lungs and she struggled for air so desperatelyshe never saw the rapist walk up to her and open his pants again. Shewas still trying to get air into her body as he gently pushed her on her back,cradling her head with all the care of a mother with her child. He pulledher dress up again and knelt between her spectacular thighs. This time,he didn't tease her with letting her freak out under him, knowing he was goingto rape her. This time, he allowed her to get her breath and mountedher immediately, shoving his cock all the way home with true violence.
Melissa saw her freedom snatched away and turned her head towards it. Shewas mildly shocked to see how close she had come: the trees parted rather completelyjust more than 50 yards away and she could see a passing bicyclist on whathad to be the bike path. Knowing she had almost reached her goal broughtmultiple emotions: her frustration of missing the chance of getting away; herrevulsion of the man raping her yet again; and vile, overpowering anger. Thislatter translated into a hard turn of her head, catching her rapist by surpriseas she bit at his cheek. Just barely reaching him as he pulled his headback, she scratched him and left a short red line across his face.
Adonis felt the bitch start to turn just before he was ready for it. Hejerked his head away but didn't quite make it in time. She snagged hisface with a tooth and he knew it left a mark. She marked him? Shehad the gall to put a mark on Adonis' perfect body, his fucking perfect face? Thelook of rage in his eyes caused Melissa to shriek and he slapped her, harderthis time. It stung like a whip and left almost the exact mark on herface as the one she'd left on his. This pleased him greatly.
Melissa felt the now familiar probing of the penis head against her lips andjerked back from it. It hurt like crazy, rubbing against her extremelytender pussy! And then it was over: he ripped into her so hard and fastshe didn't have time to feel the entry passing her lips. He hit her cervixhard enough to make it feel as though it was almost pushed it into her belly. Theforce of the entry was so violent, she cried out involuntarily and thrashedher head. As she whipped her head towards the path again, she saw whathad to be a jogger. Hope! She screamed repeatedly; the rapist allowedher to while he fucked her with all the strength his massive body could muster. Whywouldn't the stranger come to her rescue, she thought? I know he canhear me, he knows I'm in trouble. He can probably see me being raped;it's not so far away that he can't tell what's happening here! Then aparticular violent thrust snapped her attention back to her tormentor. He wasglaring at her with a look of pure hatred and it just brought out the samefeeling in her. She turned her attention back to Adonis.
?You fucking piece of shit! Raping a woman is the lowest of the lowand you aren't worth crap for doing it! I hate you, bastard! Ifuckin' HATE YOU!? Blaring her abhorrence at him with renewed passionpleased Adonis. He just continued to glare at her while fucking her wildly. Melissawas still wet and it didn't look as though she'd lose her moisture any timesoon. It was amazing how hard she tried to free herself while she remainedas wet as a woman in heat. And Adonis loved every drop of it. Hesmeared it the entire length of his cock even though only half of it couldbe speared into Melissa at a time. The splatter from his forced entrysplattered her juices everywhere between their lower bodies. Plenty ofit reached the entire length of the prick sticking her like a pig.
Adonis broke into a full sweat and he reveled in it. He always perspiredheavily when he was working out and he considered rape a serious workout. Indeed,he was using his entire body in the attack and it caused him to heat up withexertion. The sweat dripped from his face and chest onto Melissa's faceand the front of the gown she was still wearing. It rained down on heras Adonis began to increase the rhythm of his raping. As he sped up,the fall of his salty drippings began to seriously drench the front of hergown. It would have been very cold being this wet in the woods at morningtime. But she was heating up herself and, this time, she felt the orgasmcoming. She fought it by punching the rapist with all the power she hadleft, knowing it was futile but continuing anyway. But nothing stoppedthe relentless fucking of her pussy and it was becoming increasingly aggressiveby the minute.
Adonis felt his orgasm coming and redoubled efforts to bury his massive organcompletely within the bitch's cunt. He succeeded in getting it a bitfurther into her abused hole but still not as far as he would have liked it. Hewas having fun, anyway, and this kind of fun needed to be enjoyed even if itwasn't perfect. He ploughed away in her pussy and strained towards ecstasy.
Melissa gave up her fight to avoid her pending orgasm and it washed over her,forcing her eyes to roll up in her head, her body to arc then convulse so intenselythat she shook like a rag doll in a pit bull's mouth. She flopped sohard it pushed Adonis over the brink and he held is cock in her as far as itwould go and came. The cum shot so hard and fast from his penis thatMelissa felt it like a fire hose. She could actually feel the streamof jizz gushing over her cervix and she bawled again, thinking this was howshe'd get pregnant again: under a huge rapist who was using her body like acheap whore's would be used. The thought brought tears to her eyes andabject disgust to her heart. She felt the nasty prick twitching insideher and was surprised by yet another volley of spasms from another of her uncontrollableorgasms.
Feeling all the release he'd held back when he'd raped her the first time,Adonis moaned loudly and pushed out wave after wave of his cum as deep as itcould go into the cumming girl. She'd astounded him by the repetitionsof orgasms she was maintaining. He was thrilled to rape so much pleasureout of a helpless cunt and stiffened his cock before ramming it into her onelast time. As the remainder of his seed filled her, he looking into theface of a woman utterly emotionally destroyed. His satisfaction was absoluteand he pulled his cock from her fuckhole. He watched his cum squirt fromher cunt, as there was no way for it all to stay inside her without tapingher twat shut. It followed from her lips to her ass, down the crack andto the ground in small, thick rivulets. The flow continued for a whileand he watched it until it reduced to a trickle. Then he climbed offthe girl's prone body, pulled up his underwear and pants again, and stood overher until the last of her orgasmic spasms subsided.
Melissa finally got control of her body and lay on the forest floor, totallyexhausted and in massive pain. Her pussy felt as though it had been gutted,her thighs had deep muscle bruises she'd feel for weeks, and the rest of herbody felt like it had been rolled down a rocky mountainside. She lookeddown at her gown and saw that it was soaked with sweat from them both and clingingto her like a wet t-shirt, clearly showing her large breasts through the thinwhite material. With her nipples as taut as marbles, she looked likeshe'd had the best sex any bitch had ever had but felt as though she'd beenbeaten down like a dog. She raised herself up to her elbows and lookedbetween her legs. The white smear of cum was everywhere, even above herpubic hairline and onto her belly. It looked horridly vile but she didn'tcare. Right now, she was concerned more about what she'd experiencedduring a violent rape and she was mortified. The fact that she's nevercum while Jeff fucked her for weeks but she came while being raped repeatedlywasn't lost to her. She didn't know what to think of herself other thandisgrace over her body's reactions. She closed her eyes and began tosob quietly.
Adonis was immensely pleased to see the girl crying after the rape. Theyalmost always did and it was only truly good when they did. If they didn't,he needed to do something mean to them and he didn't want to be mean to thisgirl. She had done all the things he needed her to do and she was stilldoing them. He gave her a few minutes then said,
?Get up?.
The first words he'd said to her pulled Melissa from her self-loathing andback to the present danger. She looked up to see the bastard standingover her again, the front of his pants wet from being so close to his cockas it raped her. But what really startled her was the hardness stillpresent under the wet spot. The son of a bitch was still erect aftercumming like crazy inside her! But the sound of his voice almost meltedher heart. The sound like honey draped over cream came from his mouthand she was amazed to hear such beauty from such a beast. She sat therewith her mouth agape.
?Get up?, he repeated, this time with the hint of pending anger permeatingthe sweet voice.
Melissa dragged herself to her feet and, once again, was mildly amused tosee she still had her nylons and shoes on. She lowered her dress againand waited for whatever he chose to do to kill her. She was resignedto it and she wasn't going to fight anymore. She'd face her death withthat single shred of dignity.
Omg, no. No. Not possible. No freakin way was she goingto be able to run with her entire body so sore she could barely stand, letalone walk, and certainly not run. But there he was and he was sayingit again:
?Run, you fuckin bitch or I'll rape you again right here, right now?. Thevenom in which these quietly hissed words were spoken chilled Melissa's souland she reached deep to find enough energy and will to turn and run. Assoon as she started, she stumbled and fell in a heap. Looking back, shesaw that he was smiling but still standing there, waiting. Again pullingher abused body to its feet, she started to trot until her legs worked againand she picked up the pace and ran. She had no idea where she was runningthis time except she knew it was the wrong direction to reach the bike path.
Her eyes clouded over and she suddenly realized she was about to pass outso she stopped and bent forward while being supported by a tree, putting herhead between her legs. The blood returning to her brain revived her somewhatand Melissa was able to stand erect again. She turned to look back anddidn't see anything behind her but trees. She knew this meant nothingbut she started to run again. And again, she heard a noise from behindand she slowed to wait for her rapist to grab her again. When it didn'thappen, she looked back and saw nothing but a squirrel scampering up a nearbyoak. Despite herself, she smiled remembering the wolf and turned backto run? slamming into the chest of her rapist hard enough to fall backwards.
He was upon her in less than a second, opening her legs, opening his pantswhile kneeling between them, letting the fully erect penis fall forward andaim at the pussy it had raped twice before, lifting her gown one more timeand laying on her while driving his cock back into her cunt. Melissaexperienced another explosive orgasm and she lay helpless on the ground asAdonis raped her with renewed vengeance. He reached up, grabbed bothher wrists, and pulled her a small distance forward. There, he let goof them and grabbed an exposed tree root with both massive hands. Hepulled his cock out of Melissa and smiled into her face as he slid his tongueinto her mouth for the first time. Melissa started to gag when he pulledhis entire body forward, rubbing it painfully against hers and, using the root,did something akin to a horizontal chin-up: ramming his cock into her cuntso hard that it moved them both forward inches. The agony on Melissa'sface lasted only a second before her head turned to the right and she passedout.
Adonis wasn't pleased by this. He needed his victims to experience thefull potential of his perfect body. He began slapped her?
?and Melissa came to still being slapped. Her head lolled around likea drunk's and her eyes didn't focus on anything at all. Adonis saw thatshe was as fully conscious as possible and started to rape her using the rootagain. After a long time like this in which Melissa lay completely immobilebeneath him, he tried his last trick. This one always got him off thebest, and he hadn't even scratched the surface of that yet. Fuck no! Hereached beneath Melissa and grabbed her ass, fondling it roughly for a fewminutes. Then, he slid his hands towards her thighs and through all thesticky cum he'd left inside her but had it drip out when he ?pulled the meatplug? from her cunt. He pulled at the back of her knees and lifted themstraight up in the air. He thrust into her a few times like this, enjoyingthe pain of having his cockhead banged against the girl's cervix again. Hestopped and rested a moment. Melissa sensed impending doom and criedout for him to stop. She didn't have the strength to lift her arms soshe just lie on her back, legs in the air and spread lewdly.
Adonis waited for the girl to plead with him and she did, just as expected. Sheknew what was coming and she dreaded it: he was going to fuck her with nothingbetween his cock and the bottom of her cunt but juices to make the passageas easy as a hot knife through butter. And he knew she knew how muchhe wanted to rape her into insanity. He wanted to get her to scream onelast time. She didn't and his displeasure was obvious. He let goof one thigh and pinched a nipple hard. Melissa groaned loudly and lookedas though she'd pass out again so Adonis stopped. He needed to get herfear to return another way. Sliding the free hand down again, he grabbeda cheek of her ass and began crawling the fingers towards her asshole. Melissa'seyes popped open and she gave Adonis the satisfaction of hearing a true screamof terror. His fingers stopped short, regained purchase on her thigh,and he used sheer strength to raise his entire body up onto his toes, usingher body as leverage. Nothing touched between them as he pulled his drippingcock from her cummy hole and poised it above her. Aiming it carefully,he said,
?Fuck you, bitch? and let his entire 220 pounds fall down on Melissa's body,impaling her cunt further than it had been raped before. This time, Adonisgot what he wanted: his entire cock slammed into Melissa's wide-open pussyand went completely inside. Where it went, only Melissa could say becausethere just wasn't enough room for it. Perhaps it stretched her cunt inchesbeyond its deeper limits. Maybe it bent double and just expanded thewidth of her hole. Probably it hit Melissa's cervix hard enough to dilate itand enter. The pain both the raped and the raper felt was incredibleand Melissa's caused her to pass out again. Adonis' pain caused him tocum like a waterfall. He screamed to the treetops and pumped cum outlike there was no end to the flow. His body writhed and twitched ? justas Melissa's did even though she had passed out. And he laid on her bodyfor as long as it took to completely drain his cock and balls. Long beforethat happened, the cum found its way around the tight fit between cock & cunt,flowing in a river from the girl's fucked twat to the rich loam of the forestfloor. Both bodies spasmodic, waves of orgasms cresting and crashingthrough Adonis' satisfied one and Melissa's unconscious one.
Adonis finally rolled off Melissa and rested next to her. He would haveslept but he still feared this one, knowing she'd kill him with her bare handsif she couldn't find a rock suitable to crush his skull. He waited untilhis heart rate slowed to 60 beats per minute and stood over his fucktoy fora final time. He dearly loved the look of her battered gown still onher body. He loved the way her hair matted against her sweat-coveredhead and face. He loved the way her large tits rose and fell, now visible overthe top of the gown. (Sometime during the last rape she'd been exposedand he'd missed it happening while in the throes of bliss from another rapedgirl.) And he loved the sight of cum flowing from a cunt rapedwith the might of Adonis. He loved that best of all.
Sighing, Adonis closed his pants a final time and walked away from Melissa'sstill unconscious body. He didn't turn back even once. Reachingthe bike path, he started jogging. His sweaty body looked as though he'drun miles to this point and the one guy he passed immediately after he cameout of the woods nodded to him, probably secretly admiring his magnificentphysique. The guy had an odd look on his face but he was another joggerand he went his way as Adonis went his.
The sun crested the crown of trees and shone down on a rapist. And Adoniswas pleased, too.
Claiming Melissa H. Dean? Copyright H. DeanThe right of H. Dean to be identified as the author of this book has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 and 78 of the Copyrights and Patents Act 1988.All rights reserved.PrologueMelissa was a tiny thing. Her hair was a lustrous, Stygian black that fell nearly to her waist. She was busty for her size; muscular but curvy in a sort of Marilyn Monroe kind of way. When she smiled her full lips parted to reveal the most perfect set of teeth. I was...
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In the shower that morning, she was having a fantasy about Jordan (again). This time he was in the shower with her. The hairbrush she was using to penetrate herself was his dick. He was moaning and talking dirty to her, ramming her tight pussy from behind. Too soon, Melissa’s mother yelled upstairs for her to get out of the shower. She was still wet and hadn’t climaxed. She dressed in a provocative outfit, booty shorts that said “Juicy” on the butt and a low cut purple tube top that...
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Melissa punched in as usual for her day job, yawning in spite of the energy drinks that she guzzled to stay alert. Her other profession was an open secret, but as long as it didn't interfere with her performance at this one, none of her supervisors would take any notice of it. She was popular with many of her colleagues, after all. There were exceptions, of course. Crystal, for example, hated Melissa. She viewed blondes like her as the deadly enemy of the rest of womankind. Heather had a...
Melissa's Story It was my duty, but I really did not want to do it, however I had no choice, and besides, it would, I was sure, have a very pleasant result in the long run. But I hate crying women, despise them. I knocked on the girl's door and let myself in without waiting. She was still in her bed, the covers loosely bunched about her hips and her luscious body nearly bare, dark hair spread widely across her pillows. But then the sun was barely up, painting her gold and red. I felt the...
At eighteen, Melissa was hardly sexually experienced. This was a small college town in a state in which abortion was not legal. A girl of her age couldn’t just walk into the family doctor’s office and say, ‘Hey, I really want to fuck! Put me on birth control pills.’ When she started college in the fall in the big city, she was sure she’d be able to get on the pill. Her first, ‘lover’, if you could even call him that, had been an upper classman at the university in town. They’d really only had...
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"Dad, I have to make a confession, but I believe something good will come of it.It really is no secret that your marriage to Melissa is in shambles. You even sleep in separate bedrooms. This was such a happy house in the beginning. You married a vivacious, beautiful young lady who could easily be my sister and I was looking forward so much to a cheerful household again after Mom had passed away. It is so obvious that your relationship has soured, that Melissa is unhappy, and that you are...
IncestMelissa grew up in Baghdad by the Bay (San Francisco). She had a normal c***dhood, all the normal sc****s, bruises, victories and disappointments. The geography of San Francisco eliminates back yards and playing with wagons and bicycles as a c***d because the hills are so steep. The climate is cold and damp enough to require everyone to dress up more. Hairstyles suffer because thick hair goes straight and fine hair curls up. You see far more hats and gloves in the Bay area than any other area...
Melissa grew up in Baghdad by the Bay (San Francisco).She had a normal c***dhood, all the normal sc****s, bruises,victories and disappointments. The geography of SanFrancisco eliminates back yards and playing with wagons andbicycles as a c***d because the hills are so steep. The climate iscold and damp enough to require everyone to dress up more.Hairstyles suffer because thick hair goes straight and fine haircurls up. You see far more hats and gloves in the Bay area thanany other area of...
I’ve been sitting here crying for the last few hours. I know a man isn’t supposed to cry but I just can’t help myself. You see I love my wife very much. I love her with every fiber of my being and that is why I can’t understand why I make her do what I do. I met Melissa my junior year in college. She was just a freshman and we met at a fraternity mixer. I saw her the moment she came through the door. She had an innocence and a vulnerability that made we want to hug her...
I love crystal glasses. The sound of crisp clear ice cubes ringing into a tall, heavy-bottomed cut-glass tumbler is as sensuous as nylon-covered legs whispering against each other. The feeling is rendered even more delightful on a sunny Saturday afternoon fresh from a round of golf. The pristine sound of ice dropping into a glass on this particular afternoon was overwhelmed by a staccato of conflicting sounds. Garage door opening, car driving in, garage door going down, all heard through a...
Ben Holden fumbled with his key ring as he exited the building where he was a paralegal for Milford and Saxe. He had thought to go directly home, but was eyeing the donut shop across the street. It was 6:00AM and he was flat burned out and hungry. He'd been up all night with some of the rest of the M&S high priced staff preparing documents and making last minute calls overseas for the firm's top litigator Dirk Grimes. To say it had been a long night would be an understatement of heroic...
I've been sitting here crying for the last few hours. I know a man isn't supposed to cry but I just can't help myself. You see I love my wife very much. I love her with every fiber of my being and that is why I can't understand why I make her do what I do. I met Melissa my junior year in college. She was just a freshman and we met at a fraternity mixer. I saw her the moment she came through the door. She had an innocence and a vulnerability that made we want to hug her and protect...
"Yes! Yes! Give it to me!" Melissa Miller urged the man sprawled on top of her as he drove his cock in and out of her pussy. "Make me cum! Make me cum!" Jay Wood was in no hurry to reach that point, admirable though it was. To do what she wanted, he would have to keep fucking Mellie until she was close to an orgasm and he was also ready to cum. Then, at the right instant, he would yank his cock from her pussy and finish by stroking it with his hand until he sprayed his semen on her face. That...
Melissa made her way through the thick foliage and found herself at the edge of a pristine lake, the gorgeous crystal water surrounded by a clearing of soft deep green moss. Shaking, she removed her clothing and, taking a step up onto a rock that bordered the waters, dove in to the cold haven, shivering at its icy temperature. Floating in the water, she let her outer protectiveness melt away and began to sob. It was hard to believe the plane had crashed over 3 days ago. It felt like just...
Erotic"You no good fucking cunt! How dare you?" I'm rarely that loud. I had rung Melissa's bell, perhaps a little too insistently, but I didn't think so. After the Venetian blinds rustled at the window alongside the door, it had opened to reveal Melissa Johnson, with her grandmother standing near her. Her eyebrows went up and her mouth opened when she heard my opening tirade but she said nothing. Emily reacted in similar fashion. Melissa looked past me to note that I was alone, then spoke...
Christopher Richman. He was without a doubt the most irascible, intractable man she had ever known. Why else would he persecute her so, skulking around her stage door, always with that same amused smile lifting the corners of his immaculately trimmed mustache? They’d hardly spoken in over a year, so what had excited this new attention, this grand patronizing between the dark, dusty curtains of Booth’s Theatre? Why her, why now, she wondered, as night after night she recovered from the...
This story took place a few years ago when I was 18. Up until that day, I had thought I was just a normal girl with an average heterosexual sex drive but it all goes to prove that if you allow yourself not to be tied to what is considered normal, then, anything can and will happen. My name is Joanna, I’m from central England, I’m about 5’6 tall, with shoulder length dark hair, hazel or green eyes, an English size 10 in clothes, with 34 ‘b’ cup boobs. I was on holiday in West Australia,...
I have written this quickly because I just have to get it out and I am horny and find it difficult to type while masturbating. One hand typing is not easy!I took a trip to a small town called Lillooet. There is a gorgeous lake called Seton where I spent all day Saturday of my visit soaking up the sun and enjoying the views. One view that I really enjoyed was a young First Nation girl who was beating the heat while swimming in the cool water. I watched her for a while, she appeared around 18...
This story took place a few years ago when I was 18. Up until that day, I had thought I was just a normal girl with an average heterosexual sex drive but it all goes to prove that if you allow yourself not to be tied to what is considered normal, then, anything can and will happen. My name is Joanna, I'm from central England, I'm about 5'6 tall, with shoulder length dark hair, hazel or green eyes, an English size 10 in clothes, with 34 'b' cup boobs. I was on holiday in West Australia,...
ExhibitionismChapter 1 It had been a long and frustrating day at my stand in the vast exhibition hall, lots of enquiries but not one firm order! I'd counted at least fourteen invitations to dinner, twelve requests for a drink that evening and at least two blatant, "come with me and I'll show you a good time" offers. I'd responded to the second one from a middle aged man with a paunch that looked like he was pregnant by asking politely, "Why, is there someone else coming?" Jenny, the girl on the...
Melissa and I had become firm friends, you could even say we had become boyfriend and girlfriend. I had just turned eighteen and we spent most of our spare time together. Our parents seemed thrilled that their children seemed to get on so well. We had started messing about more often and had sex a few times. She loved to tease me and we often ended up having sex. Most of the time we hung out my parents were out. This time was different, my parents were just downstairs. We were sitting in my...
AnalThis is Holly. I'm 19 years old, married and kind of sheltered in my husband's world. Last week my husband went out of town and I slumbered up for 5 days with my girlfriend Melissa. She's also married. Her husband is off fighting the war in Afghanistan. That's me sitting on her husband's bed. Oh, and I should say off the top that, yes, Melissa and I have made up after she betrayed my trust and told my husband that I had dumped his cum in her pussy. My husband made my life miserable after...
'Mel stands for Melissa' I could tell this plump, chubby cutie was just starved for attention - sitting there at the bar in a tight fitting skirt - edge of her pink thong clearly visible - black thigh-high nylons with her legs crossed. She had glanced over at us a few times, smiling and looking away - tending her drink, which looked like a tequilla sunrise. The bar was mostly empty that time of night around closing time - and my two buddies and I only shared a few...
Melissa who's old enough to be my mother, I always thought she was an austere lady, evaluating by the non-pornographic sites she attends. I thought she was a woman of the kind who goes to church, and about sex she would be a lady who only fucks with her husband but with lights off and dressing her blue sleeping shirt up to her feet. In fact, Melissa was exactly the opposite of all of these pubic woman conjectures, and I found that in a curious way.I was working as a plumber when I was called to...
Chapter 1It had been a long and frustrating day at my stand in the vast exhibition hall, lots of enquiries but not one firm order!I'd counted at least fourteen invitations to dinner, twelve requests for a drink that evening and at least two blatant, "come with me and I'll show you a good time." offers.I'd responded to the second one from a middle aged man with a paunch that looked like he was pregnant by asking politely, "Why? Is there someone else coming?"Jenny, the girl on the next stand to...
LesbianFor four months now we had been going out, and I knew that she was the one. Melissa was her name, although I called her Lissa. I was dating the most beautiful girl I had ever laid eyes upon - shoulder length deep brown hair, auburn eyes, a slender and delicate body. It was late, and we were cuddled together on my couch watching reruns of the old comedy series Get Smart. I asked her if she wanted anything in the kitchen, she replied no, but I went up and started striding toward the kitchen...
First TimeMelissa, who was a student. She had a good looking appearance with black hair, standard body and pretty face. She was sitting in her class, listened to the teacher talk about Math. However, her’s mind thought about something else. That day was her birthday,which she reached the age of 19. She was unimaginable thoughts about the event she did on her birthday, that was her secret. “ Mrs. Susan “ , Melissa said. “Melissa, don’t you understand anything ?” The teacher asked. “ I’m tired, I want to...
Chapter 1 Growing up, I had an older cousin, Hank, who taught me some things about life. Maybe not the meaning of life and all that but, well, he taught me about sex. Since I'm a guy, named Richard by my parents, but, of course, called Dick or Dickhead, or Dickwad or Dickbag, or Dickbeater, or Dicklick, oh, you get the picture, you may wonder but Hank and I were and are straight. There was never any stuff going on between us even though he was the one that first told me about masturbation. I...
Working on an ambulance provided me with an opportunity to get lots of women into bed. I'm not saying that working on an ambulance is cool (it wasn't), and I'm not implying that I walked around with a hero complex (I didn't) - it was just that I constantly came into contact with hot female nurses, doctors, paramedics, respiratory therapists, ER techs, etc., so there were a lot of fish in that particular sea. This is a story of a girl whom I dated for a short period of time. I'd been...
This episode deserves a brief setup. If you have been following the Boy Toy series, you know who the women are. If this is a new read for you, this will be helpful. Veronica is my wife of 30 years now. She is, was, the niece by marriage to Melissa Thompson. She is the only niece or nephew of any form to Melissa Thompson. Even though not blood related, Melissa still took her under her wing and treated her like a daughter- niece -employee- friend…if that makes any sense at all. Melissa...
Ah, Melissa. That’s a name that brings back fond memories of a time of passion and illicit romance. Even now, I can taste the hint of cinnamon on her lips and sense the subtle fragrance of an obscure flower that was the essence of the perfume she wore. Melissa and her husband, a stoic and foolish man whose unpronounceable name I have chosen to forget, lived in the same apartment complex as I. Even so, she might never have come to my attention if not for the fact that we did our laundry at the...
Finishing Melissa By Apathy Lush The rhythmic abrasive sweeps of the nail file drummed a tempo above the shock I swam in. A bank of glossy red hair fell in front of my face as Veronica removed one of the big pink rollers, it looked pretty. I'd never considered myself pretty. The tugging soreness at my ears kept nagging for my attention too, the huge gold hoops swaying in tune with the slight movements of my head. They'd done things to my face. Veronica said something, I didn't...
I approached the counter and asked the clerk if there were any messages for me and he checked the box for room 305, took out a slip of paper and handed it to me. As I was reading it two men who had been sitting in the lobby when I walked in got up and headed for me. I read the note. It simply asked me to call Detective Howard Miller and gave me a phone number. The two men walked up, one to either side of me, and the one on my right asked me if I was Frank Thomas. "Yes?" He flashed a badge...
Wednesday, June 17, 2015 It happened again today! This is the third time! What is going on! It was lunchtime and I was rushing across the intersection to get to the bodega. I suddenly yanked off my jacket and just let it drop to the pavement behind me. All around, woman began stripping off their clothes and just tossing them aside, as if undressing in public was natural as texting on your cell phone. Unlike any of the others, I knew what I was doing but couldn't stop. The other women were...
They had kidnapped the colonel's wife. That was all we heard. The staff officers did not say who had done the kidnapping or which colonel had lost his wife; they simply said to Foster's company: go fetch her back. So we dispersed after a glance at the oval miniature of the dark-eyed lady and a brief description of a twenty-some-year-old who stood about this high (the vain captain held his hand shoulder high) and weighed perhaps eight stone or so, so he said. There were likely ten thousand...
Staging ambushes became our specialty. Since most agreed that I had the best Pennsylvania rifle in the company, I was often the bait in our trap. Once we had spied a small camp of the enemy pickets or a foraging party at work, my job would be to step out in the open, fire at them a time or two, aiming for the officers of course, and then run for it once they got moving toward me. If we worked it right, we could bag up to a dozen men and horses that way, replenish our supplies and send a...