Training Melissa free porn video

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"Dad, I have to make a confession, but I believe something good will come of it.

It really is no secret that your marriage to Melissa is in shambles. You even sleep in separate bedrooms. This was such a happy house in the beginning. You married a vivacious, beautiful young lady who could easily be my sister and I was looking forward so much to a cheerful household again after Mom had passed away. It is so obvious that your relationship has soured, that Melissa is unhappy, and that you are unhappy.

Well, I may have found the problem. And if I am right, and I think I am, you will have your happy wife back again. The only problem is my confession."

"Son, whatever it is you will be forgiven if you really have the key to restore the harmony and happiness to this house. I cannot think of anything bad enough to not forgive you. In fact, I will grant you forgiveness in advance," was his reply as I had expected.

I pulled up a chair and sat down in front of him so I could look directly in his eyes and gauge his reaction to my story.


I spared him some details that were unnecessary to the understanding of the problem, details I judged we better left untold, at least for the time. But here I will tell all.

I had walked into the kitchen one morning where my stepmother Melissa was busy doing something on the counter next o the sink. While making some small banter she objected to something I had said with 'for this you deserve a spanking'. I replied that I was big enough to turn the tables and give her a spanking.

"Don't you talk to me like that," she had barked. I am your father's wife, your step mom, and don't you forget it." I got a little riled by the tone of her voice and made another reply, which was probably disrespectful because she said that she should keep a switch handy for me. She said this in a very serious tone like she really meant it.

It got to me and so the conversation was getting hotter and hotter with me finally telling her that I had enough, that we were close enough in age to easily be brother and sister. That I would for the moment consider her my sister, that she deserved a spanking and that I would do that now. Naturally I had no intention to follow through with my threat.

 As I threatened to spank her she let out a small whimper, stiffened, and then slouched over the counter. I could see her shaking and noticed that her breathing had become heavy and irregular. I was afraid I might have gone too far and hurt her feelings. I got up to tell her that I didn't mean to hurt her and I was sorry.

I let my chair noisily scrape on the kitchen floor, to make sure that she could hear me getting up because I thought that she was crying. But as I stepped behind her I noticed that she was not crying, she was having an orgasm.

'Melissa,' I said, 'you just climaxed, is that right?' When she did not answer I was more forceful. 'Answer me. I know you did.' She leaned heavily over the counter and she was almost in tears when I took her by the shoulder and this time ordered her to answer me.

Her answer came after a few moments in the form of an almost inaudible 'yes'. And like a lightning bolt it hit me, she does crave a spanking to set her back on her right path. I knew, because when I was a kid I lived with my uncle, and among his friends was a nice couple I liked very much. And it was common knowledge that the husband had to paddle her rear about every thirty days. She was then sweet as pie for a while until she started to get obnoxious and unmanageable again.

I ordered Melissa not to leave the kitchen until I came back. I went to my room to read up on spanking on the Internet. In most cases I learned, it was sexual frustration, which brought that on. I decided then that I would try to restore the household tranquility.

She was still obediently standing at the counter when I returned to the kitchen, making me wonder if she is a submissive. I commanded her to follow me. In a small voice she asked me, 'where are you taking me'. A real give away, I realized, she is a submissive who needs discipline. My father, her husband, is a most considerate and attentive guy, always wanting to please. Too much pleasing, I figured, could certainly frustrate her, and she wouldn't even know what the reason of her frustration was.

Once in my room I sat down on the edge of my bed and had her stand in front of me like a little girl in school being talked to by her teacher. I let her stand there for a while, not saying anything, just letting her brain soak up the fact that I was in charge and she was to obey.

I finally addressed her with a stern voice, "You were a bad girl. You talked to me in a most disrespectful manner, you had an orgasm while I was talking to you, and you did not answer right away when I asked you. I will teach you a lesson to behave properly from here on. You will be spanked right now, so get ready and bend over my knees." She was already half way bent over when I used my drill sergeant's voice, "I said get ready and you appear with your panties on. That will be another four slaps.

And since you obviously don't know how to take off your panties I will do that for you. Raise the hem of your dress to your waist and keep it thee until I tell you that I am done. Melissa did raise her hem as told. She was so embarrassed that her face was beet red. The first phase of her re-education had started. I rolled her panties down very slowly, then had her step out of them, telling her that she will not need them any longer today because she would go bare bottom.

I gave her a long look and finally told her to take her position on my knees. Next I instructed her to announce the count in a clear and loud voice after each slap. I alternated between her cheeks till they were slightly red. After all, I didn't want to hurt her.

When I finished I asked her, if she would try to be a good girl from now on. She eagerly nodded her head and said, "Yes sir." I had more to tell her. "Every Wednesday will be a training day. You will not wear panties or a bra. You will obey my orders without back talk, and you will obey immediately. You will have your hair and your face done as if ready to go to a party.

When I will let you rise in a few seconds, you will kneel in front of me, you will thank me for your spanking, you will tell me that you deserved it, and that you will obey my orders from now on without a question. You may get up now."

She scrambled off my lap in a hurry and lost no time to get to her knees in front of me. She remembered everything I had told her and recited it properly. I praised her and stood up but did not step away. She looked up at me but did not dare move. Finally I barked, "what id the matter with you slut, don't you know what to do when you kneel in front of a man?"

Her fingers were on my zipper immediately. Next came the belt. She fumbled with my skivvies for a moment before she pushed them below my knees. She used both hands to hold on to my dick when she slid it between her lips. She was really eager to please, using her tongue, then trying a bit of deep throat and holding it there. When she tried to massage my balls I stopped her, they are tender and like to be left alone.

Melissa developed a nice rhythm, changing the tempo, making this an interesting performance. A masterpiece it was not, she did not feel the changing needs and likes of my cock as a real pro does, but it was enjoyable as such and especially since she honestly trued so hard to please. I made a silent note to train her further so that she can better please my father when I am ready to turn her over to him as a finished product. I also made a mental note to check the other sex related areas. I loved my father dearly and he deserved my best efforts.

When she was finished I praised her performance and promised her more practice lessons to develop her techniques to a higher level. I also t old her, "you must always look up into the eyes of the man you are pleasuring at that moment; we males love that. It should be a smiling look, which says 'I am your woman and I love what I am doing for you and I enjoy giving you pleasure.'

You may also ask him how he would like to finish; in your mouth for you to swallow, or shooting into your open mouth, or on your tits. In that case make sure he can watch you rubbing his cum all over your tits, especially your nipples and the aureoles. Many men (and many women) delight in facials, or cream pies. In that case you can heighten the effect by picking up some cum with a finger and then putting your finger in your mouth. This has its full effect only if at the same time you look into his eyes with a smile.
You are now dismissed. I will later give you a list of clothes etc you will buy for yourself. Now go back to work."


This is as much as I told Dad. He looked at me as if I was a man from Mars, shook his head, and then said, "Well, it couldn't get worse around here. So go ahead and do what you think will work."

To make certain Melissa understood our current relation during the training period I bought two colorful soft collars and matching leashes from a specialty store on the Internet. On the Wednesday after their arrival I placed both collars and leashes on the small table in the corner next to the window. I then called Melissa into the living room. I pointed in the direction of the table and told her to bring her collar and leash. She brought them with a big question mark on her face.

I had her kneel next to me and fitted the collar and attached the leash. "There will be times when I want to show Dad how you progressed with your training, or just to keep the collar on you as a reminder to you about our relationship during your training.  

You will report to me every Wednesday morning, bringing your collar, but not the leash. You will kneel next to me as you do now so I can fit you with your collar. You will then present yourself and prove that you are not wearing any underwear or bra. After this I will inspect your hairdo, your make-up, your finger and toe nails. I will give you your dress details on Tuesdays."

I fastened the leash to her collar and told her to get up. "When you are on the leash you will never walk on my left. That side is reserved for dogs. You will walk on my right, none step behind me. When we leave the house you will likewise walk a step behind me. You will walk when I walk, you will stop when I stop. You understand?" She answered meekly with a 'Yes, Sir'.

I started to walk through the living room and to the end of the hallway and returned. I did not have to yank the leash once.

On a Wednesday three weeks later about an hour after our morning inspection I walked into the kitchen where Melissa was working at the kitchen table. It was time for a compliance test. I called her to me and told her to kneel in front of me. She immediately kneeled in front of me and went to work on my zipper and my belt and started a blow job. By this time I had taught her several routines and I was pleased to see the results of her training bearing fruit. She was beginning to learn what a dick wanted at just that moment and she was responding accordingly.

It was time to give Dad a progress report on Melissa. Saturday afternoon I poured him, and myself, a glass of Tawny Port and served it to him in the living room. I caught him in a good mood and started right into the subject.

"I would like to talk to you about Melissa," I started. "Your wife is making such good progress that I will be able to turn her back to you soon. Training her was easy, she is really trying to please. But you should also know something that surfaced during the last few weeks. She is not only a submissive, she absolutely loves to be embarrassed. That really turns her on, and she stays turned on for about one day.

Maybe it is now you who has to be trained. You will have to act bossy and somewhat mean. I know that is against your nature, but it's necessary if you want to have a sweet, sexy and doting wife. You can be the sweet loveable and loving husband most of the time, but you will have to become a stern boss at times.

Also, I have to make another confession. It will be difficult for me but I have to tell you. Just telling her to kneel in front of me was not enough to properly train her and make sure of compliance. To make it short, I had sex with your wife, my stepmother."

He almost scared me when he burst out laughing. "Son," he answered me," this is wonderful. At least somebody fucked that beautiful, cold wife of mine. Sex with her stopped quite a while ago, when she wanted her own bedroom. I love her so much and so I am glad at least she was given some good sex. You should continue. If she enjoys, and you enjoy, I will be happy. My time will come, thanks to you. I never dreamed I would thank my son for having sex with my wife, but I just did," and then he laughed again till tears rolled down his cheek.

After he finally got himself together, he wanted to know how we could embarrass her really good so she would be turned on so much that he would have a chance with her. All of a sudden his face lit up and I knew he had an idea.

"Let me invite Tom. Then you can parade Melissa in front of Tom and Linda with her collar and her leash, walking a step behind you. Let's see how she will do being watched by my friends."

Later in the afternoon Dad came to my room to tell me that they would be here tomorrow evening. Then came the shocker. When Dad told Tom what the occasion was Tom confided that he and Linda had also troubles and that she was simply unmanageable and always in a foul mood. I forgot that remark immediately; this was Tom's problem, not mine.

The next day, Sunday we had a pizza and a bottle of Pinot Loir, sitting around the kitchen table. When the wine and the pizza were gone we moved to the living room, where we opened another bottle of wine. Dad suggested that he and Ton sit on our large couch and make Linda comfortable in the arm chair next to the couch. She had a most puzzled look on her pretty face. She was probably wondering about the seating arrangement, normally it was Tom and Linda who sat on the couch.

Everyone sat down except me. And since I remained standing Melissa also remained standing. She looked lost and perplexed.

I told her in a stern voice, "get your collar and leash." She hurried to get her stuff and then kneeled down next to me holding up her collar. After I fastened the collar around her neck, I attached the leash and told her to get up. She at once took up her position one step behind me on the right. I made a complete circle of the room so everyone could see how well trained she was. She was utterly embarrassed having to walk with a leash and a collar, her face was beet red.

As I was walking I watched Linda. She had gotten somewhat fidgety, and I noticed that her hand was pressing down on the spot where I judged her clitoris to be located. I looked closer and noticed her breathing was heavier, and her eyes were noticeably dilated.  A second later it hit me, she was turned on, her clit screamed for attention. Melissa is not alone I suddenly realized, here is a twin. Didn't Tom also complain about Linda? I believe he did.

I gave Melissa a 'stay' order and walked over to Linda. I stood in front of her, studying  her for a while, which made her very uncomfortable. Finally I said in my stern tone, sharp and clipped, "Linda - get up." She complied at once, and I was sure now that I was right. I put my hands on my hips and commanded her "get your collar and your leash, NOW."

When she came back she stopped at my right, slightly behind me as she had seen Melissa do. I ordered her down on her knees. Without being told she reached me her collar. Once the collar was in place and her leash attached, I ordered her to assume the Lotus position and to look up at me. I studied her for a while before I told
It was a joy to train Linda, she was compliant and easy to handle, especially after I had to punish her early in her training. I don't know if she and Melissa compared notes, but her blowjobs improved rapidly.

After I showed the two ladies how two girls can have fun together without males, Linda and Melissa enjoyed getting together several times to pleasure each other. I also taught them how to make their loving into a very erotic show they were to give on the last day of training. They also had to memorize a list of rules they would need in their new life after training.

Their last day arrived on a Saturday. Dad and Tom were again seated on the couch when I entered with my obedient trainees on their leashes. After circling the room I led them to the couch were each had to courtesy and then stand with bowed head for ten seconds.

They then sat down in the Lotus position and in unison recited their promises to their husbands as I had taught them. I made them stand, removedTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Melissa grew up in Baghdad by the Bay (San Francisco).She had a normal c***dhood, all the normal sc****s, bruises,victories and disappointments. The geography of SanFrancisco eliminates back yards and playing with wagons andbicycles as a c***d because the hills are so steep. The climate iscold and damp enough to require everyone to dress up more.Hairstyles suffer because thick hair goes straight and fine haircurls up. You see far more hats and gloves in the Bay area thanany other area of...

2 years ago
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My Sweet Melissa

I’ve been sitting here crying for the last few hours. I know a man isn’t supposed to cry but I just can’t help myself. You see I love my wife very much. I love her with every fiber of my being and that is why I can’t understand why I make her do what I do. I met Melissa my junior year in college. She was just a freshman and we met at a fraternity mixer. I saw her the moment she came through the door. She had an innocence and a vulnerability that made we want to hug her...

1 year ago
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Strawberries For BreakfastChapter 2 Melissa

I love crystal glasses. The sound of crisp clear ice cubes ringing into a tall, heavy-bottomed cut-glass tumbler is as sensuous as nylon-covered legs whispering against each other. The feeling is rendered even more delightful on a sunny Saturday afternoon fresh from a round of golf. The pristine sound of ice dropping into a glass on this particular afternoon was overwhelmed by a staccato of conflicting sounds. Garage door opening, car driving in, garage door going down, all heard through a...

4 years ago
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Ben and Melissa

Ben Holden fumbled with his key ring as he exited the building where he was a paralegal for Milford and Saxe. He had thought to go directly home, but was eyeing the donut shop across the street. It was 6:00AM and he was flat burned out and hungry. He'd been up all night with some of the rest of the M&S high priced staff preparing documents and making last minute calls overseas for the firm's top litigator Dirk Grimes. To say it had been a long night would be an understatement of heroic...

1 year ago
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My Sweet Melissa

  I've been sitting here crying for the last few hours.  I know a man isn't supposed to cry but I just can't help myself.  You see I love my wife very much.  I love her with every fiber of my being and that is why I can't understand why I make her do what I do.    I met Melissa my junior year in college.  She was just a freshman and we met at a fraternity mixer.  I saw her the moment she came through the door.  She had an innocence and a vulnerability that made we want to hug her and protect...

2 years ago
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Cum cover Melissa

"Yes! Yes! Give it to me!" Melissa Miller urged the man sprawled on top of her as he drove his cock in and out of her pussy. "Make me cum! Make me cum!" Jay Wood was in no hurry to reach that point, admirable though it was. To do what she wanted, he would have to keep fucking Mellie until she was close to an orgasm and he was also ready to cum. Then, at the right instant, he would yank his cock from her pussy and finish by stroking it with his hand until he sprayed his semen on her face. That...

1 year ago
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Stranded with Melissa

Melissa made her way through the thick foliage and found herself at the edge of a pristine lake, the gorgeous crystal water surrounded by a clearing of soft deep green moss. Shaking, she removed her clothing and, taking a step up onto a rock that bordered the waters, dove in to the cold haven, shivering at its icy temperature. Floating in the water, she let her outer protectiveness melt away and began to sob. It was hard to believe the plane had crashed over 3 days ago. It felt like just...

3 years ago
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SequelChapter 14 Virginia and Melissa

"You no good fucking cunt! How dare you?" I'm rarely that loud. I had rung Melissa's bell, perhaps a little too insistently, but I didn't think so. After the Venetian blinds rustled at the window alongside the door, it had opened to reveal Melissa Johnson, with her grandmother standing near her. Her eyebrows went up and her mouth opened when she heard my opening tirade but she said nothing. Emily reacted in similar fashion. Melissa looked past me to note that I was alone, then spoke...

1 year ago
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Christopher and Melissa

Christopher Richman. He was without a doubt the most irascible, intractable man she had ever known. Why else would he persecute her so, skulking around her stage door, always with that same amused smile lifting the corners of his immaculately trimmed mustache? They’d hardly spoken in over a year, so what had excited this new attention, this grand patronizing between the dark, dusty curtains of Booth’s Theatre? Why her, why now, she wondered, as night after night she recovered from the...

4 years ago
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This story took place a few years ago when I was 18. Up until that day, I had thought I was just a normal girl with an average heterosexual sex drive but it all goes to prove that if you allow yourself not to be tied to what is considered normal, then, anything can and will happen. My name is Joanna, I’m from central England, I’m about 5’6 tall, with shoulder length dark hair, hazel or green eyes, an English size 10 in clothes, with 34 ‘b’ cup boobs. I was on holiday in West Australia,...

1 year ago
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I have written this quickly because I just have to get it out and I am horny and find it difficult to type while masturbating. One hand typing is not easy!I took a trip to a small town called Lillooet. There is a gorgeous lake called Seton where I spent all day Saturday of my visit soaking up the sun and enjoying the views. One view that I really enjoyed was a young First Nation girl who was beating the heat while swimming in the cool water. I watched her for a while, she appeared around 18...

3 years ago
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This story took place a few years ago when I was 18. Up until that day, I had thought I was just a normal girl with an average heterosexual sex drive but it all goes to prove that if you allow yourself not to be tied to what is considered normal, then, anything can and will happen. My name is Joanna, I'm from central England, I'm about 5'6 tall, with shoulder length dark hair, hazel or green eyes, an English size 10 in clothes, with 34 'b' cup boobs. I was on holiday in West Australia,...

3 years ago
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How I Met Melissa

Chapter 1 It had been a long and frustrating day at my stand in the vast exhibition hall, lots of enquiries but not one firm order! I'd counted at least fourteen invitations to dinner, twelve requests for a drink that evening and at least two blatant, "come with me and I'll show you a good time" offers. I'd responded to the second one from a middle aged man with a paunch that looked like he was pregnant by asking politely, "Why, is there someone else coming?" Jenny, the girl on the...

2 years ago
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Anal fun with Melissa

Melissa and I had become firm friends, you could even say we had become boyfriend and girlfriend. I had just turned eighteen and we spent most of our spare time together. Our parents seemed thrilled that their children seemed to get on so well. We had started messing about more often and had sex a few times. She loved to tease me and we often ended up having sex. Most of the time we hung out my parents were out. This time was different, my parents were just downstairs. We were sitting in my...

1 year ago
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Holly and Melissa

This is Holly. I'm 19 years old, married and kind of sheltered in my husband's world. Last week my husband went out of town and I slumbered up for 5 days with my girlfriend Melissa. She's also married. Her husband is off fighting the war in Afghanistan. That's me sitting on her husband's bed. Oh, and I should say off the top that, yes, Melissa and I have made up after she betrayed my trust and told my husband that I had dumped his cum in her pussy. My husband made my life miserable after...

2 years ago
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Mel stands for Melissa

'Mel stands for Melissa' I could tell this plump, chubby cutie was just starved for attention - sitting there at the bar in a tight fitting skirt - edge of her pink thong clearly visible - black thigh-high nylons with her legs crossed. She had glanced over at us a few times, smiling and looking away - tending her drink, which looked like a tequilla sunrise. The bar was mostly empty that time of night around closing time - and my two buddies and I only shared a few...

3 years ago
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How i met Melissa

 Chapter 1It had been a long and frustrating day at my stand in the vast exhibition hall, lots of enquiries but not one firm order!I'd counted at least fourteen invitations to dinner, twelve requests for a drink that evening and at least two blatant, "come with me and I'll show you a good time." offers.I'd responded to the second one from a middle aged man with a paunch that looked like he was pregnant by asking politely, "Why? Is there someone else coming?"Jenny, the girl on the next stand to...

2 years ago
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The horny old Melissa

Melissa who's old enough to be my mother, I always thought she was an austere lady, evaluating by the non-pornographic sites she attends. I thought she was a woman of the kind who goes to church, and about sex she would be a lady who only fucks with her husband but with lights off and dressing her blue sleeping shirt up to her feet. In fact, Melissa was exactly the opposite of all of these pubic woman conjectures, and I found that in a curious way.I was working as a plumber when I was called to...

1 year ago
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For four months now we had been going out, and I knew that she was the one. Melissa was her name, although I called her Lissa. I was dating the most beautiful girl I had ever laid eyes upon - shoulder length deep brown hair, auburn eyes, a slender and delicate body. It was late, and we were cuddled together on my couch watching reruns of the old comedy series Get Smart. I asked her if she wanted anything in the kitchen, she replied no, but I went up and started striding toward the kitchen...

First Time
4 years ago
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Memorable Birthday of Melissa

Melissa, who was a student. She had a good looking appearance with black hair, standard body and pretty face. She was sitting in her class, listened to the teacher talk about Math. However, her’s mind thought about something else. That day was her birthday,which she reached the age of 19. She was unimaginable thoughts about the event she did on her birthday, that was her secret. “ Mrs. Susan “ , Melissa said. “Melissa, don’t you understand anything ?” The teacher asked. “ I’m tired, I want to...

2 years ago
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Helping Melissa

Chapter 1 Growing up, I had an older cousin, Hank, who taught me some things about life. Maybe not the meaning of life and all that but, well, he taught me about sex. Since I'm a guy, named Richard by my parents, but, of course, called Dick or Dickhead, or Dickwad or Dickbag, or Dickbeater, or Dicklick, oh, you get the picture, you may wonder but Hank and I were and are straight. There was never any stuff going on between us even though he was the one that first told me about masturbation. I...

2 years ago
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Exgf Melissa

Working on an ambulance provided me with an opportunity to get lots of women into bed. I'm not saying that working on an ambulance is cool (it wasn't), and I'm not implying that I walked around with a hero complex (I didn't) - it was just that I constantly came into contact with hot female nurses, doctors, paramedics, respiratory therapists, ER techs, etc., so there were a lot of fish in that particular sea. This is a story of a girl whom I dated for a short period of time. I'd been...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a BoyToy Part 14 Veronica Melissa

This episode deserves a brief setup. If you have been following the Boy Toy series, you know who the women are. If this is a new read for you, this will be helpful. Veronica is my wife of 30 years now. She is, was, the niece by marriage to Melissa Thompson. She is the only niece or nephew of any form to Melissa Thompson. Even though not blood related, Melissa still took her under her wing and treated her like a daughter- niece -employee- friend…if that makes any sense at all. Melissa...

1 year ago
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My Last Morning With Melissa

Ah, Melissa. That’s a name that brings back fond memories of a time of passion and illicit romance. Even now, I can taste the hint of cinnamon on her lips and sense the subtle fragrance of an obscure flower that was the essence of the perfume she wore. Melissa and her husband, a stoic and foolish man whose unpronounceable name I have chosen to forget, lived in the same apartment complex as I. Even so, she might never have come to my attention if not for the fact that we did our laundry at the...

2 years ago
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Finishing Melissa

Finishing Melissa By Apathy Lush The rhythmic abrasive sweeps of the nail file drummed a tempo above the shock I swam in. A bank of glossy red hair fell in front of my face as Veronica removed one of the big pink rollers, it looked pretty. I'd never considered myself pretty. The tugging soreness at my ears kept nagging for my attention too, the huge gold hoops swaying in tune with the slight movements of my head. They'd done things to my face. Veronica said something, I didn't...

3 years ago
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Goodbye Melissa

I approached the counter and asked the clerk if there were any messages for me and he checked the box for room 305, took out a slip of paper and handed it to me. As I was reading it two men who had been sitting in the lobby when I walked in got up and headed for me. I read the note. It simply asked me to call Detective Howard Miller and gave me a phone number. The two men walked up, one to either side of me, and the one on my right asked me if I was Frank Thomas. "Yes?" He flashed a badge...

2 years ago
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Panic in Philadelphia Melissa

Wednesday, June 17, 2015 It happened again today! This is the third time! What is going on! It was lunchtime and I was rushing across the intersection to get to the bodega. I suddenly yanked off my jacket and just let it drop to the pavement behind me. All around, woman began stripping off their clothes and just tossing them aside, as if undressing in public was natural as texting on your cell phone. Unlike any of the others, I knew what I was doing but couldn't stop. The other women were...

1 year ago
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Rebel in the SouthChapter 17 Melissa

They had kidnapped the colonel's wife. That was all we heard. The staff officers did not say who had done the kidnapping or which colonel had lost his wife; they simply said to Foster's company: go fetch her back. So we dispersed after a glance at the oval miniature of the dark-eyed lady and a brief description of a twenty-some-year-old who stood about this high (the vain captain held his hand shoulder high) and weighed perhaps eight stone or so, so he said. There were likely ten thousand...

3 years ago
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Rebel 1777Chapter 26 Melissa

Staging ambushes became our specialty. Since most agreed that I had the best Pennsylvania rifle in the company, I was often the bait in our trap. Once we had spied a small camp of the enemy pickets or a foraging party at work, my job would be to step out in the open, fire at them a time or two, aiming for the officers of course, and then run for it once they got moving toward me. If we worked it right, we could bag up to a dozen men and horses that way, replenish our supplies and send a...

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