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"Hi guys, come on in. Glad you could make it," Christy greeted, handing glasses of wine to Allison and Frank.

"Good to see you too," Allison replied, taking a sip of the Cabernet as she followed her hostess into the house.

A smell of incense was in the air. Some soft Celtic harp music played in the background. As they walked into the cozy living room of the small house the newcomers noticed that four appropriately colored candles were set at the four diagonal corners of the perimeter surrounding the rug, couch, coffee table, and straight-backed chair in the middle of the room.

"I'm purifying our space for truth," Christy said, tossing a pinch of sea salt, before lighting the candles with a long-handled gas lighter.

Allison nodded, while Frank said nothing. Anything to promote straight-talking was fine with him.

He put his glass down on the coffee table, before settling down into the corner of the couch. A moment later Allison joined him, leaning up against his chest as he wrapped his arms protectively around her, over her breasts. She smiled at this.

Christy took the straight chair opposite them, setting her half-empty glass on the low coffee table as well.

The small talk didn't continue for long before Allison got to the meat of the matter. "You sounded so unhappy over the phone."

"Did I?"

"If you didn't, then why are we here?" Frank asked gently enough.

"I did," Christy admitted, struggling a bit now to keep everything light and upbeat, and not succeeding entirely. "It's about Dan."

"Let me guess," Allison said to her longtime, albeit infrequent of late, friend. "After all these years that you've known each other, you woke up one morning recently and realized he was gone." It wasn't a question.

After the tears subsided, and Christy had made the rounds refilling the mostly still full wine glasses, she nervously sat down again, hands folded in her lap.

"I hate to have you see me like this," Christy confessed.

"If it wasn't serious you wouldn't have called," Allison said, getting up to go over and hug her friend for a moment in support, before returning to her husband of two years now.

Frank remained content to let the two fifty-something women hash this one out. This was a woman's issue, and he was mostly along to support Allison with his male insights, when asked.

Although he was mid-fifties himself, he still had trouble envisioning either of these women as being over thirty-five, since with very little effort either could still easily pass for that. It was almost as though the twenty plus years each of them had wasted wasn't going to be charged against them. But that would be a lie. Days gone by can never be recovered again afterwards.

Frank was also here because he and Allison rarely did anything apart from each other. There'd already been too many years of it to want to add even another day to that total. Besides, what was the point of being married otherwise, if you weren't sharing your lives?

He conceded the likelihood that he wouldn't have a single thing to contribute today, but that wouldn't make it wasted time. He and Allison were together, and every such minute was precious to both of them now.

Frank clasped Allison's breasts a little tighter, knowing he was welcome there now. That hadn't always seemed the case.

Allison wiggled a little in acknowledging response, even though most of her attention remained with her friend.

"That's it exactly!" Christy exclaimed. "I just knew one morning."

"You've always had that special connection with Dan," Allison commented.

"Like the one you and Frank have."

"Your's was always much stronger."

"If you say so. Your's at least works for the two of you."

"Let me guess again and say that Dan didn't call you and announce it was over. In fact, he probably hadn't said anything at all to you for several months."

"How do you know so much?" Christy replied astonished, even though she'd called Allison for exactly this reason.

"And you've gone through a lot of stuff already. Like, how could he leave me? How dare he leave me. Why didn't I want him when I could have had him? So many questions, with no one to answer them."

"You're a mind reader!" Christy exclaimed.

"Not exactly. Let me tell you our story, and you can decide how much of it applies to you and Dan."

"We were like you guys, except that we met and dated a while after college instead of during it. We both felt an immediate connection, but we didn't hop into bed because of it. We were together for about nine months, broke up for four, got back together for three dates, and essentially broke up as romantic partners for good after that."

"Ahem," Frank said quietly.

"I broke up with him," Allison quickly clarified. "Every time. Frank always wanted us to be more, and I think he was truly confused by my actions when I'd talk about how special he was, at the same time that I was holding him away. Like with you, every psychic I ever saw said we were linked, and I've never questioned that. Over the years that followed he hung around, hoping I'd change my mind, while I moved on to ever newer relationships. We'd see each other on occasion, exchange letters and cards, but it was really Frank who ensured that we stayed in touch. Pretty much like clockwork, if we hadn't talked in a while I'd hear from him. Sharing some piece of news he knew would interest me, and reminding me that he was still alive out there. And I made sure he never got too close. How am I doing so far?"

"Right on target. But why did you hold him away? Everyone could see that you guys were great for each other. Far better than any of your other boyfriends I've known of."

"Easier to ask that question of someone else, than of yourself, isn't it?" Allison riposted deftly. She'd already been in Christy's position, and knew it too well.

Christy took that comeback like the physical jolt Allison had intended for it to be. Christy actually stopped to think about her reasons for what she'd done in the past, possibly for the first time. Allison and Frank each sipped their wine to give her time, while Christy's glass was already half empty again.

"It took me a long time to understand my reasons," Allison finally said, picking up the discussion again, before stopping and correcting herself. "Sorry, old habits. It took me a long time to admit my reasons for avoiding intimacy with Frank. I'd known them all along, but didn't like the answer. So I pretended I had all kinds of other reasons instead. That he wasn't sexually appealing. That he didn't turn me on. That he wasn't compatible with my intended career. That other, more exciting, people intrigued me. The truth was, I spent a whole lot of time with a lot of really lame men, none of who would ever be able to hold a candle to Frank when it came to knowing and caring about the real me."

"But what was your reason?" Christy wanted to know. "The real one?"

"I'll get to that in due time," Allison promised.

"Anyway, one morning I woke up and just knew Frank was gone. I don't know how to explain it otherwise, but I don't have to. Not to you. That's why we're talking now."

"Right. Go on."

"I was panicked. I felt he must have died somehow. I shot off a deliberately casual e-mail, and agonized over the hours until he finally replied."

"You could have just called him?" Christy offered helpfully.

"And how often have you called Dan recently — or ever?"

"Ouch. Point made."

"My point is, even after I got his brief reply — and I hadn't let on why I'd actually written him — I couldn't get over the feeling. Frank was still gone, even though he'd just e-mailed back to me."

"That's it exactly! Dan is still gone, even though he's alive and fine, at least as of the last couple of days."

"Well, girlfriend, I think what's happening to you is exactly what happened with us."

"Well don't keep me in suspense."

"Frank had left me." Allison still had trouble saying those exact words. "Love or hate, interest or antipathy, those all will maintain a relationship. Apathy and indifference won't. Not that he told me he'd left," Allison added, giving her husband a sharp jab with her elbow. It was kind of hard, however, to give any kind of effective jab from her current position.

"I'll own up to indifference, Allie Cat" Frank said quietly. "But the apathy was all yours. As for not telling you, why make a big announcement that a relationship that was barely a flickering candle flame any longer anyway, was now over. That's nothing but the artificial drama of manipulation, and a neurotic cry for attention. Besides..."

"Yeah, I know. When you leave, you just leave. I've left more than my own share of bad relationships in precisely that same way."

Frank reached for his wine glass before settling back again.

"So you didn't really know that he'd left yet?" Christy asked eagerly, sitting forward on the edge of her chair now.

"Oh, I knew. I just didn't realize what it meant. All I could say for sure was that a warm and comforting piece that had been part of me for seemingly forever was now missing."

"So what did you do?"

"I started e-mailing him. If I hadn't heard from him yet that month, I made sure to send him a little note by the last day of it. I even had an permanent entry in my calendar to remind me."

"And... ?"

"Oh, he wrote back every time. It could take two days to a week for his reply to arrive, but there always was one."

"That would have driven me nuts!"

"It did. I swore every month that I wouldn't do this again. It was his turn to write first. I told myself that if he wanted to leave this way, then so be it! Every one of his replies was so unsatisfying. I wanted more the moment I'd finished reading each one. But I couldn't stop."

"Done that too. What did you do next?"

"Do you know my friend, Nancy? The one with a Master's Degree in Human Communication?"

"I've heard you talk about her."

"I called her up and rather cried to her over the phone. She had me come over right away, and bring all our e-mails."

"Go on."

Frank looked interested as well now. It seemed he hadn't heard this part of the tale before.

"She sat me down, handed me some wine, and looked them over. Then she told me a devastating truth: 'You're trying to continue this conversation, and he isn't.'"

"She could tell that from just a few e-mails?" Christy asked incredulously.

"She did," Allie confirmed. "And I bet all yours look the same as mine did."

"In what way?"

"I'd send out short snippets with a bit of news about me, and asking a related question in return. A short friendly note. Frank's replies weren't any longer than my notes to him. And while he'd briefly answer my questions, he never asked any of his own back in return. Additionally, Nancy pointed out that for a number of my e-mails, his replies had exactly the same number of words in them. And that wasn't good for a growing relationship."

That left Christy deep in thought. Frank and Allie could see she was mentally counting the words of her own electronic missives, and not liking the results.

"It seems so obvious," Christy finally admitted, "afterwards."

"I know the feeling. It was right in front of me for months, and I couldn't see it either until it was pointed out."

"So what did you do?" Christy asked hopefully.

"Made another boneheaded mistake," Allie admitted ruefully, setting down her nearly empty wine glass. Christy's was already empty. Only Frank had half a glass left.

"I assumed that what had always worked for me before, would work again now. Show him a little interest. Hint at how special he is to me as a friend. Suggest we might see each other again soon. A bit of this, and he'd come running back again with his tail wagging."

"And that didn't work?" Christy said in a brittle tone that spoke volumes about her own efforts in that direction.

Frank did the best to keep his face impassive. He knew the answer to this already.

"Not in the least," Allie confirmed.

Frank had to fight himself from smiling too broadly over this admission.

Allison continued, "I told him we really should get together again sometime. Nothing. I picked an event up here that I knew he'd like, and invited him to come do it with me. Told him that I needed a date I could trust. I learned a real lesson on that one."


"Frank opened up enough to tell me why he'd quit doing that type of activity with me years ago. Pointed out how when we were in public among other people I knew, how I ignored him — or really, whomever my date was that night — to play to the crowd instead."

"Did you really do that?" Christy asked.

"I used to," Allie replied, ashamed. "And you do too. I've been out with you on some of those occasions. I used to feel sorry for your dates."

For a moment Christy looked shocked.

"If you don't want the truth, girlfriend, we can talk about something else," Allie offered.

"No. Go ahead," Christy replied, visibly firming up her resolve. In her house, with her two close friends, she could manage to face this.

"When I told Nancy about how this was going, she pointed out that Frank had provided me useful information, which I had spaced on completely. He didn't like the way I treated him in crowds. Well duh! So I asked him out to a private dinner. He passed on that as well."

Christy gave Frank a sharp look, as though she could somehow look through him to see and understand Dan at this moment. But he just picked up his glass and took another sip. It was a good red.

When Christy returned her attention to Allie, Allie continued. "I finally bit the bullet and told him that maybe we should spend the night together. He passed on that as well."

Much as she tried to hide it, Christy's stunned expression said it all. That was the ultimate offer. The final fallback position. The one thing she could count on as the offer that would never be refused. How could that be refused, and the world still remain on its axis?

A moment later Allison was equally stunned to find out that Christy had never let Dan share her bed at all.

"What?! Not even once?! I mean, we only did it a couple times while we were first dating, but we'd tried it. How can you have never done it with Dan at all? Even if it was bad, that's better than not at all! If you both agreed it's bad, you might still be friends afterwards."

"Was it bad for you and Frank?"

"Frank never thought so," Allison replied quickly, forestalling any possibility of a more embarrassing revelation from Frank. "I just didn't think about it much at the time, which is probably why I was able to tell myself it wasn't that important. My problem," she said, quickly moving on, "was that I treated my relationship with Frank like a light switch. I believed I could turn it on or off any time I wanted, and that's a terrible way to think of another person."

"And now you found out that you couldn't turn it on again."

"You nailed it," Allie confirmed.

Christy suddenly redirected her attention to the only man in the room. She had a burning need to know something, and she realized she finally had someone she could actually ask for the answer, and likely get a real one.

"How did this happen for you, Frank?"

"How'd what happen?"

"What made you leave Allison after all those years?"

"Was walking by myself one afternoon and a small voice said to me, 'You're nothing special to her.'"

"That was it?"


"You never told me that," Allison said, turning now to look at him.

"You've never asked."

"I think I was afraid to ask."

"Well you know now. That was it. A simple five-word epiphany."

"I don't understand it," Christy said, breaking into their discussion. "How could you ever believe you were nothing special to Allison after all those years of friendship?"

"I guess that's why I'm here after all," Frank said, finally entering the main part of the conversation. "Allison does know the reasons why I'd had enough, even if she didn't know the trigger for them. But I might as well let you hear it straight from the horse's mouth."

"Go ahead, dear," Allison said, settling back more comfortably now. She knew what was coming next, and also knew it had to come from a man.

"You women like to make a lot out of friendship. Like it's the be-all and end-all of a relationship. Men don't see it that way. I was nothing special to Allison on that day because of all the people who had followed me into her life who were clearly more important to her than I was. People she dated. People she slept with. The one that she married..."

"That was a mistake, which was soon rectified," Allison said abruptly.

"But that didn't bring us back any closer together," Frank continued as though the interruption hadn't even happened.

"Ones you went in to various partnerships and business ventures with, and complained to me about afterwards. Basically, everyone who came after me who you chose to spend time with when you could have spent it with me instead. All of them mattered more to you than I did. Even when you were alone at times, that was better for you than being with me. No man will feel special under those circumstances, no matter how nice the words he hears each rare time we do talk."

The pain of those words showed on Allison's face. She knew it was true. She'd held Frank away, until he'd finally quit coming around. Although he never held this over her now, and spoke only for Christy's benefit, Allison knew she'd live with those actions in her past. The only good news was that she wasn't doing it any longer.

Having made his point, Frank fell silent once more. But Christy wasn't ready to let go of this go. She turned her attention back to Allison, hoping to find out by proxy what she didn't want to face up to directly.

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"Sandra! Hey, Sandra! Wake up!" Sandra heard while someone was shaking her by her shoulders. She slowly opened her eyes and saw the guy that had been sitting at the reception desk standing over her. "It's your turn now," the cop said. Sandra yawned and asked, "Have I been asleep for long?" "For about fifteen minutes, I would say," the cop answered. Sandra stood up and groaned a little when she felt a kink in her back. "Are you okay?" the cop asked. "Yeah, just a little bit...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 102

We went to the New Year's Eve party at the club. I'd been hoping to avoid it, but the boys wanted to go someplace and it was easier than anything else. It did have the benefit of having anybody I'd care to wish a happy holiday all in one room. Robert brought the mistress, not the wife. Mohan brought the kids - and the girls kept calling all my boys 'aunt' all night. Paul Miller-not-Hollis brought a 'friend', with whom he shared a rather 'friendly' midnight kiss in the men's...

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BethChapter 102

December 7, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written December 9] I was at the kitchen table with Gracey and Heather when I heard my phone ring in the living room. I whispered an expletive intensely and ran to get it, but the damage was already down as Rhee and Liya were both rousing. I grabbed the phone and saw that the call was from Celeste. “Hi, Celeste.” “I’m sorry for calling so early, but I’m going to have to cancel tonight. Olanma just called me and offered ten hours of time today to help...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 102 The Great Kyoto Fire End

Houji (to the soldiers): Don't panic! They're just hand grenades! Even if they hurt the outer shell they won't touch the interior! (The grenades strike the hull, touching off an explosion that rocks the ship. Everyone is thrown to the floor; and the waves toss Sanosuke into the water.) Sanosuke: Katsu, you son of a bitch. You made me take something that dangerous? (How was I supposed to use those for self-defense?) But, it turned out to be a pretty good present. All right! (swimming for...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 102 Ava Has a Tough Morning

Saturday, April 23, 2005 I woke up at 4am as expected, and felt fine. It didn't look like Ava had moved all night, so she was conveniently still on her back. I reached over to turn on one of the bedside lamps, put a rubber on, then pushed the covers down, spread Ava's legs, and moved so I was between them. I went down on her, to get her as aroused as I could, and even to get her off if it went that long. Her being asleep didn't change most of her body's reactions, which I knew well by...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 102

Saturday was more of the same just plain busy. If anything more busy. There were always lines for the tanning booths even starting at 7am. The Marathoners were in use as soon as the doors opened. They were booked most of the day for two weeks out. There were even more demands for the gift packages. The office was getting calls from Delaware Pennsylvania and Virginia inquiring and booking the marathoners. The out of state calls were sent to us from the manufactures web site. One group of 8...

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My Little VentrueChapter 102

~~Antoinette~~ High within her tower, Antoinette perused the latest information she had acquired through her network of spies. Pictures of Terra Den and its enforcers were cropping up, far more than she wished, as were pictures of the various Xnomina thralls and ghouls, moving against them during daylight. Forever a frustration, that a Kindred’s movements and actions were limited to the night, while their far less capable thralls and ghouls could move about freely whenever they desired....

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Its My PartyChapter 102

Later that night... Time: Monday, October 4, 2019 12:06 AM Doug walked into the one small bathroom near the lobby were they were sleeping for the night, and just a few meters in front of him Jessica was sitting on their sole toilet. “Oh, sorry,” he mumbled and he quickly turned around. “I should have knocked.” “No problem,” Jessica called out to the closing door. “The door is probably soundproof anyway. I’ll be done in a minute.” Doug was surprised to find Jessica waiting for him when he...

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MageChapter 102

I observed Oonagh doing a subtle scan while looking around the Council headquarters; outwardly she was looking quite amazed. With us were Hermes, Róisín, Marnie, Kyra, Adsila and Arwen as well as Saress, who was Oonagh’s guardian. “Be careful scanning the wards. I’m told they’re not very forgiving to being probed,” I murmured to her. “Ah, yes,” she replied, with a slight blush at getting caught. “Everyone does it and everyone gets the warning,” I chuckled. “It is most impressive,” she...

1 year ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 102 All the Good Ones Are Taken

EMT Eddie called a half hour later. He listened to the story, then said he needed to think about it some more. I was glad that he didn't waste my time. It was less than an hour later when the Cable guy called. "I am supposed to install cable to one of your apartments, and the lady doesn't answer her phone," The cable guy explained. "I know come on in. I'll get you started." I tripped the electric lock, but only after I checked him out with my on line camera. Since there was just one...

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AS WE NEAR THE HALFWAY POINT OF THIS EPIC STORY, LET’S RECAP: Michael Robert Thomas (Jr) was born in the early summer of 1998, learning during the WINTER season of 2002 that his father had died under semi-mysterious circumstances. Near the same time as his death, Michael developed a love for music, dancing around whenever it came on the radio, TV, or his mother giving musical lessons to students throughout the area of Vincennes, Indiana. Besides that, she sang, professionally before Michael...

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Family LettersChapter 102

Dear Sister-in-law, I seem to still get letters that Will sends to you. I guess that somewhere deep inside every AI is a bureaucratic ganglia that insists that the world has not changed. I wonder if they, like some companies and more government agencies I worked with, would not still be using couriers who ran on foot if possible because horses are a newfangled idea? Okay, that is a bit paranoid even for your brother who seems to be positively paranoid. Yet here I sit with my spouses lost,...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 102

This one compliments of larry A Little SEC Humor A guy from Tennessee passed away and left his entire estate to his beloved widow, but she can't touch it till she's 14. Did you hear that they have raised the minimum drinking age in Tennessee to 32? It seems they want to keep alcohol out of the high schools. Q: What do they call reruns of "Hee Haw" in Tennessee? A: Documentaries. A Tennessee State Trooper pulls over a pickup truck on I-64 and says to the driver, "Got any I.D.?"...

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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 102

The same town car that had driven Rita, Camille and Estrella during the day pulled up in front of The Vista, one of the most prominent social venues in the area. Andy waited for the driver to open the door before getting out and assisting Regan to the street. Regan wore a simple black cocktail dress with purple sequins. It was cut low enough to display just a hint of cleavage and stopped at mid-thigh. Her heels added three inches to her height and her legs glistened in black silk stockings....

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Arlene and JeffChapter 102

A LITTLE LATER MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 21 At breakfast, Joyce, still in her uniform, was quiet, obviously tired, as she listlessly ate her food. When she finished, Diana urged her toward the door, shushing her protests about helping with cleanup. "Go get some sleep, Love. You work; we don't." Diana locked eyes with Jeff, then nodded toward Joyce as she left the kitchen. Jeff kissed his Queen and hurried after Joyce. A couple of minutes later, in the big walk-in closet, he took her gun...

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Making It WorkDay 102

I woke with a smile and a stretch. My body had the delicious ache that came after a night of passion. I hopped out of bed, leaving John snoring quietly and shut myself in the bathroom to get ready for the day. I thought about Jules' mental health hearing as I showered. They would be going before the judge in just a few hours. Jules didn't have to be present, but Deborah and Doctor Valverde would be there to represent her interests. Her parents and whatever legal and mental health experts...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 102

Jason Rader was nervous. At varying times during the past few days he had thought this was a hugely bad idea. Other times he had been excited at the prospect of performing in adult films. He was no stranger to pornography. His older brother had introduced him to the joys of magazines when he was 12 and the computer his family had purchased for his 14th birthday had added to his stash of pornography. He chose UCLA because he wanted to try it but when he got out to L.A., he changed his mind....

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Undercover RoseChapter 102

Since my new schedule seemed to be set until noon anyway I began to enjoy the few afternoons off Steve allowed me. I wasn't supposed to be working at the farm any longer, but things kept coming up. I began to wonder if the term of the lease was going to be enough time for him to pick up all the nuances of the pot business. Of course that got filed in my mind under 'Not my problem'. I wasn't at all surprised when at breakfast on a Friday, Steve asked, "Rose are you going to be busy...

2 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 102

A few days later, she ran into Rob in the drugstore near work, the same one where she had initially encountered Barbara, starting an ongoing conflagration. He was looking through the magazines. "Did anyone ever tell you you look like Stephanie Seymour?" he asked her, showing her a magazine cover. "Only hundreds of people," she said, poker-faced. "It's very nice of them." "She can't compare with you," Rob said, looking her up and down. "Only a man who's fucked me in every...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 2102 Becoming Adults

Whitney was in transit the first week of October. That meant that she had seven days to get from Fort Leonard Wood to her permanent duty station. Her path led through Bloomington, of course, but only for a few days. Then she would catch a plane in Indianapolis. “Where are you going?” I asked when she got home. “Stuttgart, ” she said. She looked into my eyes. It dawned on me what she was saying. “Stuttgart? As in Germany?” I squeaked. She nodded. “What does permanent duty station mean? Like...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 102

It was a Monday morning. An onshore wind had blown out much of the LA smog today, and the view from Harris Harper's office was all that the Los Angles view should be. Like many other people, he didn't want to get to work this Monday; he preferred to just look out the window, and wish that he were elsewhere. That day was drawing closer, now that the retirement plan was falling into place. He heard his door open, and turned around to see Dale McMullen walking into his office, carrying two...

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MagicianChapter 102

To get within sight of Niðavellir it had taken us ten days to warily cross the distance from where the Seers had felt it was safe to drop us off. Morgana had had to order Tu’tar to remain behind as there was no way we could explain a Mazdani in our party of ‘slaves’. If anything the fortress was even more intimidating when seen in plain sight. Everything about it was designed to aid and protect the defender from any number of attackers. Within and outside the structure the Sidhe had gone ......

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 102 The New Guy Torirsquos Prom Dates

Mark Sheila sat in one of the chairs in front of my immense desk. Why someone thought I needed an ‘Executive Desk’ that more closely resembled the deck on an aircraft carrier was beside me. To move papers across it to someone, I had to almost throw them and hope for a tailwind. The two of us had been going over the chart of accounts for our family finances. She normally handled all the bill paying and home financial things for me, but once in a while she’d give me an update. We were meeting...

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Three Square MealsChapter 102 Some Things Are Best Kept Secret

John felt soft fingers brushing against his leg, the touch gentle and inquisitive as those fingertips explored his muscles. The girl caressing him was hesitant at first, then grew bolder, a second hand joining the first in caressing his thighs. Glancing down he spotted a purple elfin face looking up at him with an expression caught between excitement and arousal. “It’s time to wake up,” Faye whispered, sitting back and letting her hand glide down his leg as she withdrew. He carefully...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 102

From dorsetmike‎ short and sweet. Seen on a nun’s gravestone: Returned unopened An April Fool Day contribution by mixerman478‎ Defense Attorney: Will you please state your age? Little Old Lady: I am 86 years old. Defense Attorney: Will you tell us, in your own words, what happened the night of April 1st? Little Old Lady: There I was, sitting there in my swing on my front porch on a warm spring evening, when a young man comes creeping up on the porch and sat down beside me. Defense...

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Six Times A DayPart 102 Shop Around

Alan felt bad. Horrible, actually. Physically, he was a wreck. First, he'd pretty much fucked the afternoon away, and that was only the culmination of a very busy sex-filled day. His body was exhausted. His penis was lifeless and sore. Not only that, but now he had to bicycle back home from Kim's house, and it was a long and hilly ride. But worse than all that, he felt bad mentally. He knew that he'd screwed up. The plan for the SA-Club had been to surprise Sean with the display of anal...

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Bowling for HeartsChapter 102

"Come on guys, tell me where we are going," I pleaded. "Nope," replied Michael. "Tamara wants it to be a surprise." We were heading south on Eubank towards I-40 when the limo slowed and turned left into the parking lot of the bowling center where this story started. "She didn't!" I exclaimed. Tamara had mentioned that she might want to get married there. The limo pulled up, Sam exited the front of the limo, and opened the back door. I hesitantly stepped out. Mike walked ahead of...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 102

I drove into the yard of a small house that had trash scattered all around it. The gray Chevy SUV was in the drive. I looked to be sure that it was the one in the hit and run. I parked my Honda behind it, then hit speed dial to call Wilson. "Wilson, I'm not sure what county I'm in but figure it out and call the Sheriff. Tell him I'm sitting in the driveway of the guy involved in the hit an run thirty minutes ago and he might want to get a car over her before he leaves. Before the deputy...

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The Second Year and AfterChapter 102

As re-scheduled, rather than originally planned, I stayed in Middlesbrough on the Friday night after work, rather than joining the mad rush to the station. With Julie intending to be in Reading that night, rather than sharing my bed in Stamford, there was no longer any great incentive for me to stand in an overcrowded train full of grumpy people all the way from Darlington to Peterborough. It actually turned out to be a good thing on another front, as it was the Wilton works Christmas Party...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 1102 Hosea

I held Donna, my stomach rolling. I hadn't felt like this for months. Not since... Fuck! Dad was on the phone and Mom held both Donna and me. I sat at the table and she fell into my lap hugging me fiercely. "That son-of-a-bitch she's been dating beat her up. She's got broken ribs, arm, and nose. Brian, you have to come and help." "What can I do, sweetheart? What can I do?" I already knew what I'd do. I'd go to Evansville and kill the bastard. I'd done it before. I could do it...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 102 Just Like Magic

As the Pageant gown Jessie Harper was wearing fell away from her shoulders people in the audience were expecting to see her lovely naked body come in to view. They all expected to see her young, tight breasts pop out into the open followed by her midriff, then her soft, round hips with that little tuft of pubic hair sitting just above her vagina. That would be followed by the garment falling away from her bare legs until she was standing, once again, completely naked before a very...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 102 Spring Break Mission ndash Recreation

Everyone was told to leave this TV room so that it could be cleaned. I bet it will need good cleaning if the other boys came at least as many times as me. As I headed out into the main area I was invited to play pool with a small group of four girls and three boys. I told them I really had no idea how to play pool, but they said I could learn as we went. After being told the basics I caught on pretty quickly. I have always been good a geometry, so I had no problems figuring out the shots...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 102

This is the last post of 2019. Happy New Year and have safe travels. The next week went, just went fast. One more week and the first wing of the prison would able to house prisoners minus some of the luxuries of life. At least they would be out of the barbed wire and mud. The first wing - A wing - was one hundred and fifty cells. The Matamoros utility crews would have the water and sewer hooked up by then. The sewage pumping station was sitting on a trailer waiting for them to place it. The...

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