Mistis Adventures Part 102
- 4 years ago
- 42
- 0
December 7, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
[Written December 9]
I was at the kitchen table with Gracey and Heather when I heard my phone ring in the living room. I whispered an expletive intensely and ran to get it, but the damage was already down as Rhee and Liya were both rousing. I grabbed the phone and saw that the call was from Celeste.
“Hi, Celeste.”
“I’m sorry for calling so early, but I’m going to have to cancel tonight. Olanma just called me and offered ten hours of time today to help her make some database fixes and proof a large data set. Since I’ve got morning classes, I can’t begin helping her until nearly noon, so...”
“Oh, we’ll miss you, but I certainly understand your priorities, and they’re in the right place. Fortunately, we’ve gotten to see you this week, so we won’t go through too much Celeste withdrawal.”
She laughed, then said, “Thanks for understanding. You know, the number of people I know that understand what I want and the way I’m going about getting to it, is small, and most of them are in your family. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the support your family gives me. That’s one of the reasons that I really enjoy being there. School will be out and Olanma will be gone next Thursday, so there shouldn’t be any reason for me to cancel. I’ll look forward to Heather’s text about the parameters for next week’s competition. Even though the whole thing’s rather silly, I enjoy the camaraderie it encourages with you girls. Although it’s very enjoyable, I don’t need to win the prize. I just love the connection the competition makes between me and you girls. You’re all much younger than I am, but I feel really connected to you. I had such a good time on Tuesday and look forward to seeing you all next week.”
“Thanks, Celeste. See you next week.”
Liya commented, “Aww, that’s a shame. What came up?”
“Olanma offered her a bunch of hours today doing database stuff.”
“Oh. Good for her, annnnnd...” Liya smiled, then said, “more chance for one of us to win the prize!”
We were all in the kitchen having started into cold cereal when the Moms joined us.
Heather said to them, “We didn’t hear anything last night. I assume that means that Inez isn’t a screamer.”
There was much chuckling.
She continued by explaining about Celeste, finishing up as we heard the upstairs toilet flush, and then the shower start. Fifteen minutes later, they were coming down the stairs; we were all waiting in the living room, the Moms standing by the Monstrosity. As soon as Inez saw them, she took three quick steps and enfolded both of them in her arms.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you! That was probably the best night of my life!”
The three mothers hugged for a while but broke the clinch when Dad’s phone rang in the bedroom. He was in there for a little while, then rejoined us.
“Carol, could you take the girls to school? Horace would like to meet with me before I head in. He said it probably wouldn’t be long, but I don’t want to have to leave to get the girls to school if we’re not finished.”
“Of course, My Love. I hope you had a good night, too.”
“I did,” he responded with a grin.
I finished my homework in my 2nd Bell study hall. Heather was with me because her Calc class at the university was over. She would miss the afternoon today, excused by the school, to take the final exam.
The five seniors again beat us to our table. Well, tables, I guess. I wonder if they will be more regular, particularly if the sleepover goes well.
After all of us had arrived, I said, “We’re on for next Saturday after 10 am. We’ll be fixing lunch to have it by 11:30, and dinner that night is home-made pizzas.”
“Suh-weeeet,” exclaimed Katie. “Home-made pizzas there are so good and so fun!”
About ten minutes later, Heather finished her sandwich, then stood.
“I’m off to see the wizard. Wish me luck.”
“Hah,” Rhee snorted. “You don’t need luck. You’ve got it cold.”
Gracey mock-slapped Rhee on the shoulder, then said to Heather, “You go, Girl. Light it up! We’ll see you at the pitch.”
Once Heather was walking away, Meka quietly grunted and shook her head.
“I’m doing reasonably well in AP Calc, but I really have to work at it. I sometimes wish I had her brain.”
“We all do,” replied Liya. “However, she probably wishes to have your size, strength, and bod, as do most of us that are ... less endowed in more than one dimension!”
“I’m not much bigger than ... Oh. I get it.” Meka shrugged, then said, “Yeah, I’m tall, but you actually look more endowed than I do because yours look bigger on little ol’ you.”
Rhee added, “And take it from me, they’ve got to be more comfortable while playing soccer at that size than mine are ... or Hope’s are. Of course, she doesn’t generally do a lot of running during games,” after which she grinned at Hope.
After some grinning and chuckling, we discussed more of the details of the sleepover, then parted ways for afternoon classes.
Somehow, I got out of school today with no assigned homework, so I rode with Meka when she took the BBC home after our workout at the pitch. Brett lives the closest, so Meka always drops him first.
As we approached his house about five minutes after we left the pitch, he said, “If you’d all be willing, I’d like to invite you in, even if only for a couple minutes.”
Meka looked at him in the rearview, then said, “I’m good. Brit, Cera?”
Cera responded, “Oooh. We get to go in our favorite boy’s house!”
There was much chuckling.
Brett led us inside but pulled up short as a woman walked into the room.
“Aunt Ginny! Umm, I didn’t know you were going to be here. Is Lana here?”
“No, she’s at home. I came to talk to my sister. She’s out getting a few groceries. Please introd...”
Brett put up his hand to stop her, then said, indicating each of us with a hand, “Aunt Ginny, please meet my friends Shameka Johnson, Beth Williams, Cera Martin, and Brit Whitcomb. Gang, please meet my favorite aunt Ginny Webster, who is my favorite cousin’s mom.”
“It’s nice to meet you girls, although I have to say that I’m a bit surprised that all four of you are girls. And, for what it’s worth, I’m Brett’s only aunt and Lana’s his only cousin. Well, only first cousin.”
After only a couple minutes of small talk, Brett’s mom came in the room.
“Oh, oh! Wow! I thought I recognized that Suburban. I’m disappointed I wasn’t here when you arrived. I wouldn’t have gone shopping for anything had I known you girls were coming in today. I’m his mom, if you couldn’t tell, and you’ve obviously met my little sister, Ginny. I think I can do this.” She walked up to Meka with her hand out, saying, “You’re obviously Shameka. Brett said you were tall and pretty, but I would have pegged you for Shameka out of this bunch, anyway, as I know Beth, and the two others don’t look old enough to drive.”
She didn’t slow down a bit, as she turned to Cera with her hand out and said, “You’re Cera, right? You’re a cousin or some such of Shameka’s? Yes?” She stepped over to Brit, hand out, “And you have to be Brit.” She looked quickly around, then added, “It’s so nice to meet you, given that Brett’s hardly said ten words about girls in 14 years and, now, you girls are most of what he talks about.”
She glanced at Brett, then gave a loud aside, saying, “Brett doesn’t really talk ... overly much about you girls. He’s not his mom. Part of why he’s fairly quiet is that I probably talk enough for the whole family. The whole extended family, if Ginny is to be believed. But don’t mind me. I really am glad to meet you,” the last said as she shook my hand. She glanced again at Brett, then added, “Of course, I’d like to meet the rest of the gang of girls that has befriended Brett.”
“Mom, we’re not getting married next week and we’re all still in high school. There’s plenty of time.” He showed us the grin he was giving his mom as he jerked her chain. “Dad suggested that I invite the girls over, and this seemed a good opportunity to get the process going of you meeting them all.”
Fortunately, Meka stepped up, figuratively, saying, “And we’d like to meet this near-mythical cousin of his that did so much for his confidence with girls and, particularly, taught him how not to interact with girls. We need to thank her, as Brett has become a friend at school that we all enjoy. We like his sense of humor, particularly his cutting wit.”
Ginny responded with, “We’ll be here for a few days around Christmas, at least. Perhaps then.”
“Thanks,” replied Meka. “We’d like to work that out, but we’ve got to go, as I’ve got to get Cera and Brit home so that I can join my ... second family for dinner tonight. Beth’s Dad is cooking, and I refuse to miss that!”
That was the perfect tack to get us relatively quickly back out the door and into the Suburban.
“Wow,” Meka exclaimed as we pulled away from the curb, “I can see one reason Brett’s quiet.”
“Yeah,” replied Cera. “Holy moly, Batman!”
I said, “That reminds me. Where did you pick that phrase up? I’ve heard you use it before, but I don’t recall it in any of the Batman movies.”
“Gramps said it was campy. My grandfather. Apparently, Robin says it a lot, or things like it, at least according to him. Oh, and that’s in the TV show, the original.”
On the way back home after dropping Brit, Meka asked, “Might I partner with you in the shower. I brought my outfit for tonight.”
“Of course, Meka. You don’t have to ask.”
We decided to start with washing her hair. After I got her head rinsed, she washed mine, and then we started washing me, and I started with my face. As I began running the loofah on my chest, I was surprised to feel her hands washing my back, rather than the loofah I knew she had. I did not know why she was washing me that way, but I quickly decided to say nothing, as I did not want her to switch. I lost track of what I was doing when she got to my lower back, as she had gone just a little way onto my ass. She stopped, so I held my breath, but I could hear her soaping her hands up again. I tried very hard to keep the low moan quiet and deep in my throat when she soaped up my cheeks with her hands.
I was going crazy, her hands felt so good on my butt. I had to berate myself to get to doing my part of the task, so gradually bent over as I washed the fronts of my legs. Meka made damned sure that my butt cheeks were clean, but she eventually washed the backs of my legs. Then, I had another decision to make. After we turned to trade jobs, I inhaled deeply and decided to do as she had done, so soaped up my hands thoroughly and began rubbing that soap all over the back of her lovely body. As she did for me, I spent extra time on her ass, and she did not object. However, once she was rinsed and facing me, nothing of her moved, except her eyes as they looked at my face, then farther down. I was at a loss to know what to do, so simply reacted by stepping into her, softly put my arms around her and pulled myself into her, putting my forehead on her left shoulder.
We held each other for about a minute, before she said, “I meant what I said on Tuesday, that I was considering this ... family. From my ... emotional talk with Rhee a while back, I know at least the ... parameters of this family. While I don’t want to do anything ... Umm, before ... Well, not before ... uhh ... I’m ready, I’ve come to ... really like ... really appreciate... [she inhaled deeply] everyone in this family, and I really like ... you five girls.” She inhaled again, then added, “I’m sorry I didn’t ask about ... that ... about washing you with my hands, but I wanted to see what it was like ... see if ... it did anything for me.”
After ten or 15 seconds of silence, I lifted my head off her shoulder and looked at her.
“And,” I asked.
She nodded her head shallowly, then whispered, “Yes. I ... enjoyed that; both ways.” She lifted her eyes off mine, looked to her right, then said, “I don’t want to do much more, but ... may I kiss you?”
I inhaled deeply in response and stared into her dark mocha eyes for a few seconds, then nodded minutely. She leaned in and her lips met mine. She moved her lips slightly, holding the kiss for about 15 seconds, then retreated while her eyes locked back onto mine. I looked a question at her, and the corners of her lips turned up. I slowly closed, then opened my eyes, then gave her a small smile and hugged her just a bit more tightly.
She subtly indicated that we should let go of each other. When I acquiesced and we stepped slightly away from each other still looking into each other’s eyes, she said, “I won’t ask you to keep this secret from the others as I suspect you girls keep no secrets. However, I’d prefer you be as general about this as you find comfortable. I certainly won’t object if you tell them that I am, indeed, considering the family.” When I nodded, she asked, “What’s up with Celeste? She’s not part of the family. Right?”
“It seems obvious to me that she wants Charlie. Is that how you guys see it?”
“Absolutely. While we don’t know when, we’re all certain that she’ll be a family member sometime soon, probably early next year. Would that be a problem for you joining the family?”
“Are you kidding? She’s gorgeous! And funny. And fun. And interesting. If I weren’t ... already involved and had met her in some other situation, I...” She grimaced in thought, then added, “After Heather ... got me thinking about girls again, and Celeste became a friend of your family, I’ve greatly enjoyed her here. We’ve talked on the phone a few times ... about women in sciences and about how things have been for her in college. Even though we’ve not talked about anything remotely related to ... uhhh ... relationships, I guess, I’ve certainly felt ... attracted to her. Celeste Montgomery as part of this family would be a selling point for me; a minor one, but a selling point. Neither you nor any of your sisters should take that to mean that I’m more interested in her than you girls. I’m not. I’ve spent a lot more quality time with you five, and I’ve come to feel ... very strongly about you. Celeste is an attraction, certainly, but if I decide to commit to this family, it will not be because she’s part of it or not.”
Since it had come up a couple times when the Go5 discussed this subject, I decided to ask her.
“Whether you join the family or not and whether she does or not, would you be interested in sharing that house with her? Carol has told her that the other bedroom may be available. Has she asked you about that?”
“Carol hasn’t mentioned it, but I’ve thought it a possibility, and I wouldn’t mind sharing the house with her. Of course, it might be a bit tricky if only one of us were a family member.”
I nodded, then said, “We could continue this as we’re drying.”
She grinned at my grin; we exited the shower.
Meka donned a somewhat simpler outfit than she had worn on Tuesday, as it was a soft short and a t-shirt. While it did not leave uncovered as much of her back side, it revealed a bit more of her front side. However, even the covered bits were noticeable. The obviously old and worn pair of sweat-pant shorts conformed to her like mine did on Tuesday, even so far as her labia being somewhat obvious. An old, tie-dyed crop-top t-shirt completed the ensemble. The T was cropped short enough to show just a bit of underboob, and, of course, her large nipples protruded obviously, even though they weren’t erect.
Rhee wore the cropped t-shirt I bought her so long ago. At least, so long ago relative to our sexual lives. She surprised me with something I’d not seen her wear, but she said it was old. “It” was a very worn and very tight set of white leggings that hugged her body very tightly. They were probably opaque when new; they were no longer. I looked down, just to be sure, and that glance confirmed that at least three of us tonight were showing lower lips.
Heather was not. She opted for her oh-so-tight t-shirt dress that she had recently asked Liya to modify slightly. Liya had taken a wedge of material out of the bottom foot or so such that the hem was much tighter than the waist, resulting in it stretching tightly across her cute butt, although the hem rose from in front to behind revealing nearly two inches of lower cheek.
Gracey and Liya walked in trailing Inez behind them. Inez was rocking a tube top that I recognized as one of Gracey’s. While it showed no boob ... skin, it certainly showed boobs, it was so tight. She was also wearing one of Gracey’s longer wraparound skirts. She saw me checking her out, so lifted the skirt’s hem and said, “Commando.”
Gracey had chosen one of her t-shirt dresses, specifically the one that Mom and Liya had altered to have a huge window in the front that showed most of her belly and the entire inner parts of her breasts inside her areolae. She made that thing look incredible, her boobs being perfect for it. However, Liya stole the show, wearing a two-inch-wide tube top centered on her nipples and a four-inch-wide skirt that bared a bit more than the top third of her ass and only barely hid her pussy ... but only if you were not really short.
Meka said, “I think you’ve got the winner, Liya Girl! You look nothing short of amazing,” which caused Liya to blush noticeably, despite her dark complexion.
We wandered downstairs and helped in the kitchen, eventually sitting to a scrumptious dinner of baked salmon, couscous, garlic bread, and a diverse salad.
As we were approaching the end of dinner, Dad said, “Attention please. I have an announcement that is both sad, unfortunately, and interesting.” He held up his hands as we girls began asking what was sad, then said, “I talked with Horace this morning.” He turned to Meka and said, “He’s our neighbor to the right as you look at the street. Harry’s condition ... Oh, that’s Harriet, his wife. Anyway, her condition has deteriorated somewhat, so they’ve made the decision to move into assisted living near their son’s house in Texas and they plan on being moved in before Christmas.”
Dad couldn’t hold us off then, particularly Heather, who really liked both Jacobsens; she began leaking tears. She stood from her chair, walked around the table to Dad and began trying to get in his lap. The conformation of her dress was causing her problems, and I saw the thought process run across her face. It was obvious that she realized that everyone in the room knew about the family, so she hiked the dress up, briefly flashing her pussy; climbed into Dad’s lap; and curled into a ball.
Dad put his arms around her and gently rocked her, whispering, “I know. Emotions suck sometimes. But, as you know, perhaps better than all the rest of us, the positives make it worth dealing with the negatives.” He looked up and around, and added more loudly, “Horace was particularly concerned with Heather’s response, so told me to tell her that she was welcome as a visitor there whenever she could get there.”
That opened Heather’s floodgates, as she sobbed loudly. While the rest of the Go5 were not at all unaffected, Heather had spent more time with them than had the rest of us.
When she began subsiding, Dad added, “He said that all of ... and I quote ... our girls were welcome there. He also said that, while Harry’s deterioration is of concern, it’s not something that should greatly impact her mobility, but they figured that if anything else were to come up ... with either of them, it would be best if they were somewhere with on-location assistance.
“And that gets to why he asked me to come see them this morning. You and we had told them of Meka’s situation, and they asked if we could do the same for them.”
All of us looked around the table. In the process, I was elected.
“Would we keep the house? Meka’s wasn’t handy; the Jacobsen house is.”
“This is not final, as we have some dickering to do, but I see no deal breakers, and the Moms and I have already talked. If we buy it, we’ll keep it. As we’ve all noticed, a house that was somewhat larger than we needed when we had only a daughter-and-a-half and there were only the two of us in a marriage, has become a bit too small for eight-and-a-half of us. I didn’t complain, nor did anyone else. Personally, I’ve loved having the whole family here.” He looked at Meka and said, “And you, if you would wish to be closer, but not too much closer, you could live in that house. If you choose to do so, we don’t know what we’ll do with the other house, but we feel no rush to make a decision. I suspect you’d like to be able simply to walk across the yard to the hot tub.”
There was some chuckling.
Dad coughed lightly, then said, “The big gap between our houses is another entire lot, which we would also buy. If we buy, we’ll modernize and remodel the house, and that could take until late February, depending on permits and availability of the crew we had here.”
“Oh. Maybe we could see Emma, again,” I interjected.
Dad did a minor double take, then shrugged and said, “You do know that Emma was given the task of supervisor almost entirely because you girls were here, and they wanted to avoid even the barest whiff of problem.”
“She told us that. While it’s not the best reason to be given a shot at a supervisory position, it got her a chance.”
“Yes, it did, but Niklos told me that it worked out very well, that he’d be giving her more responsibility. He thanked me ... well, I guess, you girls, but he said it to me. He thanked us for being forced to use her as inside lead, thus found a new supervisor. Anyway, the final part of buying that house would be enclosing the two back yards together inside a privacy fence.”
“Oh, wow! That would be great,” exclaimed Heather. “I so want to make love with you, Dad ... well, and everyone else, in the back yard!” She frowned, then added, “I hate this. I’m so happy to get a situation in which I can have sex outside a lot, but it comes at cost, a heavy cost.” She frowned again and said, “I’ll miss them so much,” after which she broke down and curled into Dad again.
“Yes, and I’ll miss them, too. Horace was my best friend at the university when he was still teaching and he and Harry are certainly our best friends in the neighborhood, not that we interact with many of the other residents. However, Heather, there’s one more benefit, in case you want to hear it.”
She raised her head and looked at him, as if asking whether he were just trying to mollify her.
He responded, “Yes, I’m serious. Certainly, you’ve noticed how tight the quarters are in the hot tub when we have ten to 12 people in it.”
“Are you serious,” Heather asked.
“Yes; a larger ... much larger hot tub.”
“B-but aren’t those really expensive? I remember looking at such online and this one is expensive. Larger ones are individually designed and freaking crazy expensive.”
“Perhaps, but look at how much we use it, and how many of us use it, and I’ll bet you all would have liked to have had a larger tub for your sleepover next week. Inez and Nira will be moving closer ... Huh. Why didn’t I think of that earlier? Inez, you and Nira were planning on sharing a house. Right?”
“We were. How many bedrooms?”
“Five. One in the attic, three upstairs, one in the basement.”
“Umm. Only one upstairs bathroom?”
“Yes, but that’s one of the main things we would change. Would you two be interested?”
“Okay. There’s no hurry, as we’ll buy it, regardless, with the assumption that their wants and our wants can be brought into agreement. I’m sure that you two and we three can figure things out after the fact, seeing as how Nira will be on this side of The Pond for only a week until April. If you two wind up wanting it for sure, we can hold it until after Nira’s gotten back and settled in, again.”
“It’s not a done deal, Gracey.”
“I know, but it would be virtually perfect. Liya and I could have our nuclear-family thing and still have the greater family right here! We’ll need more or larger picnic tables and there’re probably a lot of other things that we’d like to have in such a large, communal back yard. We need to think about this all very carefully, so that we can set it up correctly at the beginning.”
“Are you volunteering to be back-yard lead?”
She barely hesitated before answering, “YES! We’ll want fiber out there. While I can think of only one reason now, I’m sure that I or we will come up with others before too long. Like I said, everyone needs to think hard if this possibility becomes definite. I’m sure my ... wife will have many ideas.”
“You know, that’s more than enough yard for a regulation goal.”
“I should have known Rhee would come up with that,” Dad replied. He frowned slightly, looked at the ceiling, then added, “We might be able to do that. We’d have to figure out how to deal with the wear in the grass, though.”
Rhee added, “If we did put up a goal, we’d probably want to have at least a few playing with us that aren’t family members, so we’d have to be even more careful about making sure everyone here knows what’s going on here at any given time.”
She got a lot of head nodding and other forms of agreement.
After conversation lagged, we began kitchen cleanup and then went to change in the BRH bedroom into tubwear, if I may coin a term.
Meka said, “I spent a little of my time on the way to see Dad last night by getting a sexier suit.” She frowned severely, but in such a way that we were certain she was playing, then said, “You girls ... and Celeste, of course, are turning me into a girly-girl.”
There was much laughing.
“Hey, Girl,” Liya said, “if I can learn that I’m sexy and learn to like flaunting it, you, who must have known she was very attractive from the get-go, are permitted to flaunt that hellaciously sexy bod. God, you are enjoyable to look at, like this, or even with clothes on. I look forward to seeing what you got.”
“I ... I’m going to change in the bathroom, as I want you guys to get the effect all at one go. Is that okay?”
“Of course, it is,” Heather stated. “You’re near family, very near family. Hell, I’m sure that all five ... six with Civia ... already consider you a sister. If that’s the way you want to do it, have at it. We’ll certainly enjoy looking at your bod in anything you consider to be sexy.”
“Thanks, Liya, Heather. The more I’m here, the more certain I am that getting out of that house was good for me. Throw in my ... six new sisters and it’s no contest. My life, although aspects of it still suck big donkey dicks, is so much better than it was two months ago. Thank you, all.”
Despite the serious reason behind her statement, her outré phrase caused some snickering.
Liya kept the skimpy tube top, simply replacing the skirt with a small bikini bottom, one in which not quite as much of her ass was visible. Heather opted to match Liya, going with her narrowest tube top – one inch in width, and a bikini panty that was not quite as brief as Liya’s.
“Aw, hell with it. I’m going tube top, too. I’ll be back,” Gracey said as she walked across the hall to her room.
“I’m in,” Rhee stated as she went back to her armoire, as I did the same.
Meka returned and did a quick pirouette.
“Oh, no way,” Liya exclaimed. “If Meka’s going thong, I’m going thong.”
Once we were all in thongs, and five of us were in tube tops, Meka asked, “Doesn’t it seem weird to you that you’re fussing over clothing bodies that Charlie has seen naked many times?”
“No,” Heather responded. “We take our ... methodology in keeping Our Man happy from Sandy. She’s given us lots of pointers and suggestions from knowing Charlie for so long and so well. She wants us to succeed, so we know she’s not duping us. ‘Appropriate packaging’ is something she has stressed frequently. Charlie likes us naked, but he also seems to like unwrapping us. Besides, it’s also another way for us girls to bond over sharing the same boyfriend. A lot of this is for us, too. I certainly get excited seeing Liya in such a short skirt that I can see almost half her exquisite ass. I’ve been on fire since we dressed for dinner, and I love that feeling.”
Meka looked at Heather for a long while, the rest of us waiting to find out where she had gone in her mind.
“I hadn’t thought of that ... either that. Do you like it more or less when Celeste or I are involved?”
“Oh, way more. You two are both so fricking sexy that I’m on edge – and I mean on edge of orgasm – when both of you are here, like on Tuesday. The outfit you wore was simply stunning in how it took your sexy back side, its strength, its firmness, its allure to a different plane. You’re quite pretty, and while I know prettier women, I know no one with a back side – I mean from shoulders to ankles – that is sexier than yours. When you show off most of it ... Wow! Just like tonight. Yes, you’re in a bikini, which is expected to be sexy, and your body deserves that bikini. However, when one is not expecting to see 90 percent of the back side of someone as lovely as you, the effect is so much stronger. Tuesday, I found myself thinking a LOT about running my hands up and down your back and legs.”
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Rodney and I settled in to wait for the boss, or at least the rental boss. I had time to assess Rodney in full daylight. He walked with just a slight almost unnoticeable limp. He was not quite six foot tall and probably one hundred and eighty pounds. He was the color of coffee with just a touch of cream. There was some white in his gene pool for sure. His hair was too short to be in the least curly. As I think I said earlier he looked like he might have been a gym rat. Joan Pacer arrived...
"Sandra! Hey, Sandra! Wake up!" Sandra heard while someone was shaking her by her shoulders. She slowly opened her eyes and saw the guy that had been sitting at the reception desk standing over her. "It's your turn now," the cop said. Sandra yawned and asked, "Have I been asleep for long?" "For about fifteen minutes, I would say," the cop answered. Sandra stood up and groaned a little when she felt a kink in her back. "Are you okay?" the cop asked. "Yeah, just a little bit...
We went to the New Year's Eve party at the club. I'd been hoping to avoid it, but the boys wanted to go someplace and it was easier than anything else. It did have the benefit of having anybody I'd care to wish a happy holiday all in one room. Robert brought the mistress, not the wife. Mohan brought the kids - and the girls kept calling all my boys 'aunt' all night. Paul Miller-not-Hollis brought a 'friend', with whom he shared a rather 'friendly' midnight kiss in the men's...
Saturday was more of the same just plain busy. If anything more busy. There were always lines for the tanning booths even starting at 7am. The Marathoners were in use as soon as the doors opened. They were booked most of the day for two weeks out. There were even more demands for the gift packages. The office was getting calls from Delaware Pennsylvania and Virginia inquiring and booking the marathoners. The out of state calls were sent to us from the manufactures web site. One group of 8...
~~Antoinette~~ High within her tower, Antoinette perused the latest information she had acquired through her network of spies. Pictures of Terra Den and its enforcers were cropping up, far more than she wished, as were pictures of the various Xnomina thralls and ghouls, moving against them during daylight. Forever a frustration, that a Kindred’s movements and actions were limited to the night, while their far less capable thralls and ghouls could move about freely whenever they desired....
Later that night... Time: Monday, October 4, 2019 12:06 AM Doug walked into the one small bathroom near the lobby were they were sleeping for the night, and just a few meters in front of him Jessica was sitting on their sole toilet. “Oh, sorry,” he mumbled and he quickly turned around. “I should have knocked.” “No problem,” Jessica called out to the closing door. “The door is probably soundproof anyway. I’ll be done in a minute.” Doug was surprised to find Jessica waiting for him when he...
I observed Oonagh doing a subtle scan while looking around the Council headquarters; outwardly she was looking quite amazed. With us were Hermes, Róisín, Marnie, Kyra, Adsila and Arwen as well as Saress, who was Oonagh’s guardian. “Be careful scanning the wards. I’m told they’re not very forgiving to being probed,” I murmured to her. “Ah, yes,” she replied, with a slight blush at getting caught. “Everyone does it and everyone gets the warning,” I chuckled. “It is most impressive,” she...
AS WE NEAR THE HALFWAY POINT OF THIS EPIC STORY, LET’S RECAP: Michael Robert Thomas (Jr) was born in the early summer of 1998, learning during the WINTER season of 2002 that his father had died under semi-mysterious circumstances. Near the same time as his death, Michael developed a love for music, dancing around whenever it came on the radio, TV, or his mother giving musical lessons to students throughout the area of Vincennes, Indiana. Besides that, she sang, professionally before Michael...
Dear Sister-in-law, I seem to still get letters that Will sends to you. I guess that somewhere deep inside every AI is a bureaucratic ganglia that insists that the world has not changed. I wonder if they, like some companies and more government agencies I worked with, would not still be using couriers who ran on foot if possible because horses are a newfangled idea? Okay, that is a bit paranoid even for your brother who seems to be positively paranoid. Yet here I sit with my spouses lost,...
This one compliments of larry A Little SEC Humor A guy from Tennessee passed away and left his entire estate to his beloved widow, but she can't touch it till she's 14. Did you hear that they have raised the minimum drinking age in Tennessee to 32? It seems they want to keep alcohol out of the high schools. Q: What do they call reruns of "Hee Haw" in Tennessee? A: Documentaries. A Tennessee State Trooper pulls over a pickup truck on I-64 and says to the driver, "Got any I.D.?"...
The same town car that had driven Rita, Camille and Estrella during the day pulled up in front of The Vista, one of the most prominent social venues in the area. Andy waited for the driver to open the door before getting out and assisting Regan to the street. Regan wore a simple black cocktail dress with purple sequins. It was cut low enough to display just a hint of cleavage and stopped at mid-thigh. Her heels added three inches to her height and her legs glistened in black silk stockings....
A LITTLE LATER MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 21 At breakfast, Joyce, still in her uniform, was quiet, obviously tired, as she listlessly ate her food. When she finished, Diana urged her toward the door, shushing her protests about helping with cleanup. "Go get some sleep, Love. You work; we don't." Diana locked eyes with Jeff, then nodded toward Joyce as she left the kitchen. Jeff kissed his Queen and hurried after Joyce. A couple of minutes later, in the big walk-in closet, he took her gun...
I woke with a smile and a stretch. My body had the delicious ache that came after a night of passion. I hopped out of bed, leaving John snoring quietly and shut myself in the bathroom to get ready for the day. I thought about Jules' mental health hearing as I showered. They would be going before the judge in just a few hours. Jules didn't have to be present, but Deborah and Doctor Valverde would be there to represent her interests. Her parents and whatever legal and mental health experts...
Jason Rader was nervous. At varying times during the past few days he had thought this was a hugely bad idea. Other times he had been excited at the prospect of performing in adult films. He was no stranger to pornography. His older brother had introduced him to the joys of magazines when he was 12 and the computer his family had purchased for his 14th birthday had added to his stash of pornography. He chose UCLA because he wanted to try it but when he got out to L.A., he changed his mind....
Since my new schedule seemed to be set until noon anyway I began to enjoy the few afternoons off Steve allowed me. I wasn't supposed to be working at the farm any longer, but things kept coming up. I began to wonder if the term of the lease was going to be enough time for him to pick up all the nuances of the pot business. Of course that got filed in my mind under 'Not my problem'. I wasn't at all surprised when at breakfast on a Friday, Steve asked, "Rose are you going to be busy...
A few days later, she ran into Rob in the drugstore near work, the same one where she had initially encountered Barbara, starting an ongoing conflagration. He was looking through the magazines. "Did anyone ever tell you you look like Stephanie Seymour?" he asked her, showing her a magazine cover. "Only hundreds of people," she said, poker-faced. "It's very nice of them." "She can't compare with you," Rob said, looking her up and down. "Only a man who's fucked me in every...
It was a Monday morning. An onshore wind had blown out much of the LA smog today, and the view from Harris Harper's office was all that the Los Angles view should be. Like many other people, he didn't want to get to work this Monday; he preferred to just look out the window, and wish that he were elsewhere. That day was drawing closer, now that the retirement plan was falling into place. He heard his door open, and turned around to see Dale McMullen walking into his office, carrying two...
To get within sight of Niðavellir it had taken us ten days to warily cross the distance from where the Seers had felt it was safe to drop us off. Morgana had had to order Tu’tar to remain behind as there was no way we could explain a Mazdani in our party of ‘slaves’. If anything the fortress was even more intimidating when seen in plain sight. Everything about it was designed to aid and protect the defender from any number of attackers. Within and outside the structure the Sidhe had gone ......
I hugged Reina and pulled Belle close to hug her with us. “I really enjoyed our trip. I feel like I’ve made best friends with two good friends while we were together.” “That’s a good way to put it, Josey. I feel the same way and I know Belle does too.” Belle told me, “Be sure and let us know when the cattle-train leaves Fort Dodge, and we’ll bring our horses over.” “Do we need to bring some of our other horses from the Montague Farm?” “No, we’ll have plenty. Rick went to a friend of ours...
From dorsetmike short and sweet. Seen on a nun’s gravestone: Returned unopened An April Fool Day contribution by mixerman478 Defense Attorney: Will you please state your age? Little Old Lady: I am 86 years old. Defense Attorney: Will you tell us, in your own words, what happened the night of April 1st? Little Old Lady: There I was, sitting there in my swing on my front porch on a warm spring evening, when a young man comes creeping up on the porch and sat down beside me. Defense...
"Come on guys, tell me where we are going," I pleaded. "Nope," replied Michael. "Tamara wants it to be a surprise." We were heading south on Eubank towards I-40 when the limo slowed and turned left into the parking lot of the bowling center where this story started. "She didn't!" I exclaimed. Tamara had mentioned that she might want to get married there. The limo pulled up, Sam exited the front of the limo, and opened the back door. I hesitantly stepped out. Mike walked ahead of...
I drove into the yard of a small house that had trash scattered all around it. The gray Chevy SUV was in the drive. I looked to be sure that it was the one in the hit and run. I parked my Honda behind it, then hit speed dial to call Wilson. "Wilson, I'm not sure what county I'm in but figure it out and call the Sheriff. Tell him I'm sitting in the driveway of the guy involved in the hit an run thirty minutes ago and he might want to get a car over her before he leaves. Before the deputy...
As re-scheduled, rather than originally planned, I stayed in Middlesbrough on the Friday night after work, rather than joining the mad rush to the station. With Julie intending to be in Reading that night, rather than sharing my bed in Stamford, there was no longer any great incentive for me to stand in an overcrowded train full of grumpy people all the way from Darlington to Peterborough. It actually turned out to be a good thing on another front, as it was the Wilton works Christmas Party...
This is the last post of 2019. Happy New Year and have safe travels. The next week went, just went fast. One more week and the first wing of the prison would able to house prisoners minus some of the luxuries of life. At least they would be out of the barbed wire and mud. The first wing - A wing - was one hundred and fifty cells. The Matamoros utility crews would have the water and sewer hooked up by then. The sewage pumping station was sitting on a trailer waiting for them to place it. The...
“And like all good plans, it required a crazy Ukrainian guy.” —Andy Weir, Artemis BETTY MARVEL, Cindy’s mom, had been busy. When Mom and I got to her house, we were met by a full contingent of people who had something to say about our future. First of all, Jannie, Vinnie, and Mr. LeBlanc were in a heated discussion regarding the kind of music appropriate for us to be playing. Riko was taking Cindy’s measurements and was being lectured by Betty about what kind of costumes were appropriate...
Flashback – Masha and Tatiana – Secret location As we left the room to search for the location where the FSB agents were killed, I totally slipped into the character of an old grandmother. I hunched over, walked with a slow shuffling gait aided by my cane on one side and Tatiana's arm on the other side. In my mind I had become an old grandmother. Tatiana whispered, "Masha you are a master of disguise, I am going to miss you." I replied in character, "Ehh! What did you say child? You...
When they arrived in Durant, the sun had been up a few hours and Eli herded them to the hotel. The fireman and engineer went with them as the local railroad workers filled the reservoirs with water and oiled the locomotive for them. This was the first chance Eli had for more than a few words with his Bucks since they’d boarded the caboose in Abilene. Eli and Moses sat across the table from them in the dining room and looked at each of them as they talked to their brothers and their...
It was Thursday. That meant swim meet. This week was at home, which made it nice. Sara and Chris were in the stands as was my sister, which was a surprise to me. The meet went well, our team winning five of six. Only a couple of weeks left; we'd probably place somewhere in the top five in the state, as long as we didn't fall apart. I got elected to drive everybody home. After my shower, I headed out to the parking lot. The three of them were standing near my car, talking to a girl I...
Flashback – Masha – The evening Louise described me as a chiropractor. I was not familiar with the word so I asked, “What is a chiropractor?” Gwen replied, “They are sort of like doctors who adjust your back, like you did to ours.” Louise added, “However, I’ve never known any of them to do a foot massage.” Gwen reached around, touched her back and remarked, “Yes, that was almost better than getting my back cracked. Where did you learn to do foot massages?” I smiled at them and said, “I...
The venue hosting the No. 1 party seemed a little small when we pulled up to the curb. The Music Row reporters were stationed out front with their cameras and microphones. The dark SUV we arrived in was nondescript and the driver Liz had selected for the evening wasn’t one of the faces that normally showed up around her. It was a pretty big surprise for everybody when the door opened and Liz stepped out to the curb. She looked great – if I do say so myself. Liz wore a pair of tight white...
I'm lost and knock on your door and ask to use your phone. You motion for me to come in and as soon as the door closes you grab my shirt and force me to my knees. You tell me that I'll not say a word and that I'll obey your every order. You grab me by the hair as you pull your soft cock out and force it in my mouth. You call me a fuckin' fag and tell me you're allowing me the honor of pleasuring you. I feel your cock harden and fill my mouth as you continue to verbally abuse me calling me a...
It was one hundred and twenty years that had passed since the introduction of the Yuki family to the Coalition of Deities. A simple decision and agreement had long had its consequences long ago that were both good and bad. It had been mostly a positive one that had benefited the Coalition. The Yuki rats had become a vital resource of manpower and scientific endeavors to a Coalition that relied heavily on magic to push things forward. When humanity had thrust itself into the twenty-second...
I woke up at my house the next moreing. sandy was still asleep. I whent to the shower and got in and then got clean and whent ot for a ride.I seen a church with nones walking out of it. I whent in side to repent and see if i could be fixed as i sat down I started to pray.thwen i whent into the booth when it was my turn to confess and talk to father jack. and he said it would be best to stay away from them so i said ok.and drank some water and left then i whent home and sandy was watching tv i...
I remember the last days of my business, the legitimate one, the courier firm, watching the work dry up and the customers going down like ninepins, laying the guys off one by one, self employed guys, hanging around the office, instead of being out on the road, some just gave up of their own accord, others I had to suggest they looked elsewhere. The trouble was as the legit side of the trade dried, tapes, CDs, documents most of my business was break bulk pharmaceuticals, packages in Jiffy...
First thing, I went looking for Tracy. She didn't see me come up behind her. I figured a little payback was in order so I gave her a hip check. Her head snapped around, and when she saw it was me, she got a big grin. "Hey, sexy boy," she purred. That got everyone's attention, and I actually blushed. She winked at me as she turned to go to her locker. It was nice to see her smiling. After school, I went to baseball tryouts. There were a lot of guys and even a few girls trying out. I...
Fillmeup2's Fantasy (I want my man to fuck my friend inside a gas station restroom)She gets inside of the car."Thanks for the ride guys." she says. We are all headed for a weekend at the beach. She is one of my closest friends. Mike is at the wheel as we laugh and get our buzz on going down the highway.I start to doze off,from the long ride.Finally I can no longer hear the radio and I have drifted off into tranquility.My friend has been drinking a little too much. The conversation between she...
These are the stories of how I, a recently divorced guy in his early 40s, got to love the feeling of young, hard cock up my ass. It all started while Shane and I were sixty-nining side by side. I was enjoying the sensation of Shane’s throbbing cock in my mouth while he slowly and expertly blew me. Shane moved a hand from the base of my cock and began to caress my ass cheek… Actually, we need to go back about two weeks before that… I’d been divorced for a month when I realized that my freedom...
About 20 years ago, when we were in our early 40s, my wife and I went for a walk through a small forest near my son's elementary school. It was an early summer evening, so school was out, but there were two groups of adults playing softball in the school yard. We could hear their yelling and the occasional "ping" of the aluminum bats.My wife is an attractive brunette, 5'5" with blue eyes, a great smile, and a delightful English accent. Sex has always been a source of great pleasure for both of...
Melissa smiled as she hit “Send” on her phone as she walked out of her classroom to the parking lot. She took off her English teacher glasses and freed her hair from the low bun she wore while teaching. She was slipping out on her lunch hour and couldn't wait to see how Shawn responded to her text inviting him to join her for a quickie. She climbed into her car and headed home, her body already tingling with anticipation. She had just turned onto the highway when her phone signaled a text. “On...
Quickie SexMonica let herself be afraid. With her hands cuffed behind her and her eyes blindfolded, she had little choice. One second, she's feeding the cat and trying to figure out what she wants for dinner. The next, she's grabbed from behind and plunged into darkness. Two strong hands grabbed her wrists. She felt cold steel. Monica tried to move her arms and heard the metal links clink behind her. She was helpless. Monica was helpless and afraid.The two hands grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her...
I'm now 32 years old and I work as an air traffic controller. Not the life I'd expected, but I make a decent wage and I enjoy my free time. I'm also a private pilot and own a small two place airplane. My sister, Julie, is 2 years older than I and was married for several years. One day she came home and found Mr. Right snuggled in bed with a woman he worked with. Julie and I are now both single. From the time I met Julie's husband I knew he was a total putz. He used to call me Karate...
"Steph!" my dad called. "I'm going to the shops. Your mom says you need to get new underwear, are you ready to go?"I froze. Underwear shopping with dad? How embarrassing! It was bad enough to go with mom. She always made me buy such chaste and sensible things when all I wanted was lace and slutty underwear."Can't I just have your credit card and go with Tori?" I asked him."You've got to be k**ding? After the prom dress incident?" he looked at me as though I was insane. I'd been given dad's...
Selina was waiting for Jeff when he and Diana came out of the Grigsby's suite. "My Prime, I request a few moments of your time." "Sure, Selina." Diana reached to kiss her husband's cheek. "I'm going to check on supper. In a few minutes, I'll send someone to escort our guests to the dining room." "Okay, Babe." Then turning to Selina, as Diana walked away, "If you're worried about what happened, it wasn't your fault." But Selina was shaking her head. "I was cognizant of...
Emily Willis has not been performing well in school so her parents hired a hard ass tutor for her who was nothing less than annoying and mean! Instead of doing the work she was given by him, she just doodled a crude drawing of her tutor with a dick on his head instead. When he came to check her work he found the doodle right away and was not happy at all. He then threw all traditional education techniques out the window, bent emily over his knees, and gave her a stiff spanking with a heavy...
xmoviesforyouIf you don’t know about me, my name is Bradley Parker. There is nothing extra-ordinary about me, which I can tell you. I am just over 6 feet with black hair and black eyes. I just finished my junior year and will be a senior after the summer break. This year has been especially tough for me as my parents got an ugly divorce. Though I didn’t live with them in 3 years it really affected me, as I was an only child, and the thought of not celebrating Christmas or Thanks giving together bothered...
Because Alex is a teenager all he did was either sit in his room and read comic books or masturbate to sluts on the internet. He hasn't lost his virginity yet so you can imagine how much sexual frustration is building up within him. He hated going to school because of one reason and that's being bullied. Every day he went to school was a nightmare for him because the jocks were picking on him like a Hunter who found his pray. Alex was tired of the jocks picking on him and wanted the torment...
The drama has unfolded, but is it yet over? Revenge is a strong emotion, but who will be the one to give it and the one to get it. This is a story full of Characters, with two lovers at its centre, please enjoy and be aware there are some scenes describing nonconsensual sex and violence. * John and Josh walked down the road towards The Old Bailey, the mass of press and camera’s spilling out onto the road. Taking a deep breath the men walked on faster, moving through the area cordoned off...
Standing on the balcony over looking the beach, wearing my light pink sundress feeling the early morning breeze caress my soft skin. I feel my papi come up behind me. He gently strokes my straight black hair before pushing it to the side, lowering his full lips on to my neck and kissing me softly. “Good morning mami,” he whispers against my neck. I reach back and run my fingers through his short black hair, “Good morning baby.” I turn around and look up, staring deep into his brown eyes before...
Baby of the Family By The Princess "What the hell do you think you are doing?" These words were yelled by me to my wife Sandra. She was sitting in our bedroom at her dressing table applying her make up. "Just putting on my make up dear," she responded in a little voice. "It's Wednesday night, why are you getting ready to go out?" "You know Mark, I told you a week ago that a few of the girls I used to work with at the hospital are getting together for a reunion...
For the first time in ages Samantha slept through the night. No nightmares. No sweats. There were dreams but none of them made any sense to her. All the figures were shrouded in a light fog and she was unable to make out any distinctive features. The only thing she was definitely sure of was that one of the things in her dream had been a dog, a HUGE dog at that. Something was familiar about the animal but it was lost in her dreams and she'd be unable to remember what it was once she woke up...
Out here at “beautiful” Pebble Creek U. (a.k.a. the State U. of New York at Stony Brook, home of mud and fluffies), we have a fairly active science fiction club, the Science Fiction Forum. Now, in addition to the standard library and games and MUDding and whatnot, we have some pretty wild people. Most of them are “active” fen (as in, go to cons, filk in their spare time, do weird murals on their dorm walls type of fen). We tend to kinda sorta of live in the Forum...
Sierra was a Shooter Bitch at a bar in the central United States for about four months. The smoke and drinking lifestyle got to her and she had to quit. She was told to have a very specific outfit for being Shooter Bitch. It consisted of the shortest shorts you could make out of denim. They had a zipper but the top button was cut off to make a little wedge or opening above the zipper area. The shorts were old and frayed and short. The shorter the better. They stopped just below the...
"To find the derivative of something like x^3, take the exponent, put it at the front, and subtract one from that exponent. That'd be 3x^2," a voice said in the back of Elen's mind. 16-year-old Elen Cavendish sat in Intro to Calculus, half-listening to the teacher. Finding herself utterly unable to concentrate on the teacher, she turned her attention to more interesting things; like drawing people, flowers, and whatever else came to mind in her notebook. The boredom of sitting still for the...
Your Sisters watching. We had decided to continue letting her think Sue was my sister. Thats ok she doesn’t mind. I undid her blouse and slid my hand inside her bra. She reached round and unclipped it. Thats nice. Can we go up. We went upstairs. I slowly stripped her off and lay her on the bed. I climbed in the opposite way round to 69 her. Becci was sucking me like there was no tommorow. Then Sue came in and climbed in the bed behind becci. What’s going on why is your sister joining...
I was sitting in the break room at work a few days ago when a page came over the intercom for me to answer a customer call. In that I was on break, I called the desk and asked if someone else could answer it for me, but was told that the customer had specifically asked for me, and told that I could begin my break anew if I took the call, so please to do so. Being a long standing employee, I of course did so, and now looking back I am certainly glad that I did.