Perfect Union free porn video

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Chris sat in a plush leather chair in the reception area. Already on his third interview of the week, he had been waiting half an hour. He was uncomfortable wearing a tie, and he fidgeted with his collar to relieve the stress. Although he had a good severance package when he left his last job over ‘artistic differences’, he was starting to worry. He knew he was over-qualified for this job, but at the moment he didn’t have a lot of options. As he sat back in his chair, he noticed a young woman enter the office dressed in a trim cut grey skirt with matching jacket. The skirt accentuated her figure and highlighted a pair of lightly tan, sleek legs. He recognized her from the firm he had interviewed at two days ago. She was just leaving the office and he nearly bumped into her. He had a hard time forgetting her captivating blue eyes, framed with short, neatly trimmed strawberry blonde hair. She had smiled at him with them, and he had felt a stirring inside from the whiteness of her teeth and the sexy shape of her thin, but firm lips. She walked up to the reception desk and said,

‘Hi, I’m Kristen Ames. I have an interview scheduled with Ms Lawton from personnel.’

The male receptionist smiled politely, checked his list to verify her appointment, and then asked her to have a seat. She sat on the other side of the room across from Chris. After a moment, she noticed him looking at her and she smiled in recognition. Chris blushed slightly and nodded in reply. He was surprised that she was here, but then realized she must have been interviewing when he first saw her. Before he could say anything, a middle-aged woman wearing glasses walked out from behind the reception desk. She looked over the rim of her glasses at Kristen first, then over at Chris.

‘Ah, Mr. Johnson, sorry to keep you waiting,’ she said evenly. She glanced over from him to Kristen, then back. ‘I apologize for holding you up, but I just got word from the central office that we’ve filled the position. I’m very sorry, but I won’t need to interview you at the moment.’ She looked at Kristen and continued, ‘And Ms Ames, I’m sorry to say the same goes for you. I really apologize that you both had to come in. We’ve got your resumes, and we’ll contact you if anything else opens up. Feel free to call me early next week, when I’ll have a better idea of what our needs will be.’

Chris stood up and stepped towards Ms Lawton who shook his hand and smiled pleasantly. She spoke a few words of encouragement to Kristen as she shook her hand, then turned and walked over to the receptionist and began chatting with him. Kristen picked up the briefcase she had been carrying while Chris retrieved his portfolio. They smiled at one another as they walked to the door.

‘That’s the third no this week,’ she said as she opened the door for Chris. Her smile was sheepish and showed a hint of frustration.

‘I’m afraid my success hasn’t been any better,’ he said, returning her smile. Kristen noticed that he had a dimple on his left cheek when he smiled. His intense brown eyes glinted with something she couldn’t quite put her finger on, but she liked it whatever it was. He was about to turn and leave when she said hastily,

‘Hey, listen, it’s been a tough week for me, and I sure could go for a drink right about now. Would you like to join me?’

Chris paused for a moment, adjusting his glasses as he cleared his throat. Then he smiled and chuckled slightly.

‘You know, that actually sounds like a good idea. There’s a decent pub across the street. I used to be a regular there when I worked downtown.’

‘That sounds great!’ Kristen said enthusiastically. ‘Oh, by the way, I’m Kristen Ames. My friends call me Krissy.’ She extended her hand, with a pleasant smile coming to her face.

‘Nice to meet you Krissy,’ Chris replied. He took her hand and was rewarded with a firm, friendly handshake. ‘My name is Christian Johnson, but you can call me Chris.’

‘Oh my God,’ giggled Krissy. ‘Kristen and Christian are so similar. What’s the chance of that?’ Chris was infected with Krissy’s giggle and laughed lightly.

‘Maybe both of our parents hoped our names would keep us out of trouble. Too bad it didn’t work.’ Krissy blushed at this, but there was something about Chris she found very attractive. She wasn’t sure if it was his strong, masculine features, his curly blonde hair, or his large, white teeth that glowed at her when he smiled. His hands were firm and gentle as they shook hers, and she didn’t want to let go. Not wanting to be too forward, she let his hand go and stood beside him.

‘Ok, then, Chris, lead on,’ she beamed.

As they entered the pub, Krissy immediately liked the atmosphere. There was a subtle elegance to the rich dark wood of the bar and private booths. After the had both ordered and paid for their drinks, they found a quite booth away from the bar.

‘So how long have you lived here, Chris?’ Krissy said pleasantly. She sipped at her Jack and Coke as he explained to her that he’d lived here ten years, had recently quit his job at a large, successful advertising firm, and was now looking for work.

‘If I had a choice, I’d focus on my painting. It’s so hard to break into the art market. Most galleries aren’t looking for serious work anyway. They’re more interested in feel good art that people want to buy.’ The serious look on his face as he talked made Krissy smile in spite of herself.

‘You sound like an idealists if I’ve ever heard one,’ Krissy observed cheerfully. His attitude just seemed to make him all the more attractive to her, though she couldn’t understand why. He wore his passion openly, she decided. That seemed to say something to her, and she felt a stirring between her legs. She blushed when she realized what she was feeling.

As the conversation continued, both of them began to loosen up as they relaxed. Their drinks were having a pleasant effect on them, and Krissy began to flirt with Chris in a subtle way. Chris, although he didn’t realize she was coming on to him, began to look in earnest at his new friend. She had taken off her jacket and he could see a lacey, white bra through the sheer fabric of her off white top. He showed her a couple of works of his he’d brought in his portfolio. She stood up to examine them more closely, and when she bent over he noticed a very pleasant cleavage enhanced by her push up bra. He felt his cock stir and realized she was really turning him on.

‘God, Chris, you’re a really talented artist,’ Krissy said seriously. ‘I got a master’s degree in art history before switching to an MBA program. I can tell you that your art shows a unique flair that is hard to fit into the standard art styles.’ She particularly liked a piece he called Perfect Union. In a flow of subtle colors, the painting depicted the intertwined bodies of a man and a woman. While clearly depicting both sexes, it was not entirely clear where the man stopped and the woman started. She found it deeply sensual. Chris felt her warm body close to his as they examined his work, and the fact that she was extremely intelligent heightened the effect of her sexuality on him.

‘Do you have more examples of your work at your studio?’ Krissy asked enthusiastically. ‘If you do I’d really like to see them. I’m especially interested in seeing the original of Perfect Union.’

Chris grinned widely and collected his materials. Soon they were driving to his house on the east side. Krissy left her rental car where she had parked it for the interview, and Chris agreed to drive her back when they were done. When they entered his apartment, he apologized profusely for the clutter. She helped him pick up a few things, and then he took her to the spare bedroom he used as his studio. Paintings were stacked against the wall and on a large table. Some were completed, while others had been set aside awaiting inspiration. Krissy noticed the original of Perfect Union framed and hung on the wall opposite the window. She was immed
iately drawn to it and was surprised to realize her nipples were erect as she viewed it. Chris noticed her studying it, and walked up next to her.

‘I leave it hung there for inspiration,’ he explained. ‘There are some very personal and deep feelings I put into that painting.’ His voice trailed away as he gazed at it. He noticed that Krissy had moved close to him as they stood there. As he turned towards her he was surprised when she through her arms around his neck and started to kiss him. At first, he didn’t know what to do, but after a moment returned her kiss and began to run his hands down her back. She pressed up to him, pushing him against the closet. Their tongues hungrily probed each others mouths as their sudden passion ignited. Surprised by the intensity of her passion, Krissy felt a growing moistness inside herself. Oh my god, she thought, I want to fuck his brains out! The thought shocked her. She had never experienced such intense longing for anyone, man or woman.

As Krissy pressed against his groin, Chris could feel his cock hardening. His hands fumbled at her skirt, and he succeeded in pulling it up over her ass. His hands groped her firm buttocks, and he slipped them underneath her panties to spread her cheeks apart. This drove Krissy to a higher urgency, and she began to unbutton his shirt, She finally tore it open and he struggled to slip it over his hands. By the time he got it off, Krissy had torn off her own blouse and unfastened her bra. They stood looking at each other half-naked and panting for more. Krissy reacted first and unzipped Chris’ pants and had them down around his ankles before he could do anything. She pulled his boxers down to reveal a modest sized cock that was rock hard. She dropped to her knees and pulled him closer. She began to teasingly lick the end of his shaft, slipping her tongue between the small slit at the end. Chris began to run his hands through her neatly trimmed hair, massaging her and trying to coax her to take more of him into her mouth. Instead, she licked his shaft up and down with her tongue, coating it with her warm saliva. Chris closed his eyes and bent his head back slightly, unconsciously arching his back and pushing his cock towards her sensual mouth. She began to take him in, sucking on his erection and nibbling it gently. She fondled his hairy balls while she licked and sucked, slowly taking more and more of him deeper into her mouth. Just when he thought he couldn’t take any more, she reached around and grabbed his ass, pulling his cock all the way into her mouth. Her fingers began probing his as, and he felt one delicate finger probe deeply into his hole. He was worried that he was going to cum right there, and started to wiggle free of her. She backed off and looked up into his eyes with a hungry look. It was his turn.

Chris puller Krissy up gently but firmly and stripped her skirt and panties off. He stepped out of his pants and began to kiss her again. Her mouth was moist and warm, and his erection pushed up against her abdomen. He bent a little and grabbed her thighs, and she jumped up into his arms, her legs straddling his waist. His hard dick pressed up against her moist pussy, but he didn’t try to enter. He carried her to the table, roughly pushed some canvases off, and set her ass down. Then he began kissing his way down to her large, firm breasts. He took each nipple deep into his mouth and sucked hungrily. She grabbed his head and arched her back, letting out a whimper of pleasure each time he sucked hard. Keeping his hands on her breasts, he used his fingers to titillate her nipples. When he got to his knees, he pulled her to the edge of the table. She slid off the table so her feet just touched the ground, rotated her hips and spread her legs widely exposing her wet pussy. His lips moved across the stubble of where she usually shaved her pussy. The stubble made him even hungrier, and his tongue fell on her open pussy with a passion. He grabbed her ass and pulled himself closer as his tongue and lips sought her clit. When he found it, he sucked it into his mouth, running his tongue down its length. He worked his tongue as deeply as he could into her pussy, and felt her juices dripping onto his chin. She began moaning and calling his name. She knew she was about to climax. But just before she did, she opened her eyes and saw the painting on the wall across from her. Her organism hit her hard as she stared deeply into the painting. She cried out, but her eyes never left the canvas. Her orgasm was so total and complete that for a moment she lost use of her legs, and her body slumped against his. She slid down and threw her arms around his neck, panting heavily. Her eyes glazed over as she stared at the painting.

Chris gently helped her to stand up. His own urgency for release began to consume him.

‘Are you okay Krissy?’ he asked, trying to put aside his own hunger to make sure she was all right.

‘Oh my god, YES!’ she moaned, still shaking in the tremors of her afterglow. ‘I want your cock inside me badly’, she pleaded.

Chris led her to the bedroom and laid her on the bed. Before he could mount her she rolled over on her stomach and arched her ass high in the air.

‘Chris, I want you to fuck me in the ass,’ she moaned. ‘Get your cock wet from my pussy, then I want it in the ass. I want you to fuck me hard in the ass.’

Chris’ urgency caused him to penetrate her pussy rapidly, pumping hard and getting his cock covered with her cum. Then he carefully took his cock and placed it on her ass hole. She used her fingers to guide him inside. He slid his moist cock deep into her has and gasped out how perfectly it fit in her tight hole. She used her fingers to stroke her clit and pussy while Chris began to fuck her asshole. Each push into her tightness heightened his arousal. He felt the semen rise inside him. Krissy began to cry out again yelling ‘Oh fuck! God damn it, Chris, fuck me hard!’

Chris’ cock swelled inside her until it was as hard as he ever could remember it being. His cum charged up through his penis and sprayed deep into her ass. He yelled out and jerked back, pulling his cock out of her ass. He continued cumming, coating her buttocks and the small of her back with semen. When his orgasm was finally over, he collapsed next to her exhausted. She continued to stroke her pussy and clit until she came again. Despite the fact he had just ejaculated, Chris’ cock remained stiff. His breathing was ragged and her cries of pleasure made the muscles at the base of his cock contract again and again, as if to force out every last drop of cum.

When Krissy finished her second orgasm, she burrowed up against Chris, kissing his neck and cheeks. He rolled his head weakly to the side and took her tongue into his mouth. They lay there kissing for a long while, Chris’ erection still very much present. After a few minutes, Krissy said,

‘Let’s take a shower. Don’t forget to bring your cock with you.’ Chris laughed contentedly. A shower sounded very good at the moment. He got up slowly as she turned the shower on. As he walked, his hard on stuck straight out in front of him. He felt its weight as it swayed slightly when he walked. The sensation gave him great pleasure. Krissy was already shampooing when he stepped into the shower, and he enthusiastically helped her scrub her scalp from behind. Krissy felt his cock brushing against her ass as he scrubbed and she felt the hunger for more of it rise inside her. After she rinsed her hair, she turned and faced him, standing on her toes to help lather his hair. She felt his erection against her stomach and she pushed into him to him. He put his hand under his cock and pushed it up so she was able to press her naked body into his. Warm water wrapped their embrace in a steamy, wet blanket. They kissed and licked each other for a few minutes until Krissy found a bar of soap. She lathered herself up spending extra time on her breasts and pussy. Chris took the soap from her and continued to lather her, working on her back and ass until
she was covered with white bubbles. While she stood under the shower to rinse, Chris massaged her breasts, back and ass. She spread her legs to rinse her pussy and he knelt down put her leg on his shoulder. He started licking her pussy and clit, while using two fingers to probe deep into her vagina. She began to moan and her nipples stiffened and hardened. She began playing with them, increasing her pleasure. This continued until she reached another orgasm, relishing the feel of her fingers on her nipples and his hands and mouth between her legs.

When she recovered, she pulled him upright. He was smiling a bright, mischievous smile, which she kissed deeply, grabbing his cock in her hands. She grabbed the soap and began to lather him up, running the soap in between his legs. She lathered his balls and cock, then started stroking his cock with the soap in her hand to keep it slick. He stepped under the water to rinse, but she kept stroking his cock harder and faster. He grabbed the soap from her hand, turned her around and pressed her against the shower wall opposite the shower head. She spread her legs widely and rotated her hips to give him access to her pussy. He entered her, still hard and ready. He began pumping hard into her pussy. The tip of his cock rubbed against her clitoris sometimes, and she began to finger herself, feeling his cock as it plunged into her again and again. With her other hand she again began to play with her nipples, working herself up to yet another climax. When she came this time, she nearly screamed in delight. She couldn’t believe how many times she had cum that night. Before tonight, she felt lucky to have two orgasms while fucking.

Chris felt Krissy’s orgasm as her cunt gripped his hard cock. Her cries of pleasure pushed him to the edge of another orgasm. His dick ached from his erection, and he felt a little pain as more semen entered his cock. While she was in the middle of her orgasm, Chris’ own climax began. The sensation of his second ejaculation was just the slightest bit painful, but this made his orgasm more intense. He groaned as the muscles in his groin spasmed, pushing more cum out of the tip of his penis and into her pussy. Her hands felt the cum as it leaked out, and she rubbed it hard against her clitoris, causing her orgasm to prolong and reach a second peak. After his ejaculation finished, he continued to grind hard into her until she could hardly breathe. When he finally stopped, they were both covered with sweat and steam. They embraced passionately as Chris’ erection finally began to subside. They rinsed again in the shower, both of their bodies red from the exertion and hot water. When Krissy stepped out of the shower to get a towel, Chris took on long, last rinse before shutting the water off. They toweled themselves dry quietly, taking turns drying each other’s hair. They walked hand in hand from the bathroom to the bed, and burrowed down in the warm blankets. They held onto each other for a long time, relishing each moment of sensation as they drifted off to sleep. Who could have imagined a more perfect union than theirs?

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Blood Moon The Union

"Only those willing to walk through the dark night will be able to see the beauty of the moon and the brilliance of the stars." -Socrates Villegas There are things that go bump in the night. Vampires, bloodsucking beings of the dark. Werewolves, bestial beings of the moonlight. They have lived alongside humans throughout history. Well known during the Dark Ages, they became but a myth, only to be discovered once again as industry advanced and their attempts to hide became outclassed by human...

4 years ago
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Religious Union

When I was young, I was taught a number of religious principles that have stayed with me over the years. Most of my young life was guided by those religious ideals. I wasn't a zealot, but had accepted that way of life as my own. It was how I made my decisions in life and I led a wonderful childhood. Of course, I'd had my scrapes as all kids do. There were times I picked the wrong friends and gave in to the peer pressure more than I should have. Overall, though, I was a good boy. I had a...

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Mother and Son Union

TGIF. It was almost seven in the evening before I finally closed my office door. I left hospital administration, walked down the hall to radiology, took the stairwell down two floors and exited into the parking garage. I found my car and drove out of the garage thinking about tonight. My 17-year-old son, James, was staying at a friend's house and my husband, Allan was in Chicago on a business trip. Tonight was the night that I would meet my lover at my house, for the very first time. We had...

2 years ago
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BackscatterChapter 5 First Union

Alvaro laid Megan on the bed and then lay beside her. They wept and caressed each other, their minds overwhelmed with caring love. And then the miracle of sexual desire occurred. The transformation took them both, the caring love evolving and transforming to an erotic love within a few electric seconds. They were both eager and almost desperate to express their new commitments with their bodies. They quickly shed their pajamas. Naked flesh pressed against naked flesh, the need to couple...

3 years ago
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Backyard PrincessChapter 3 Royal Union

When I awoke later that afternoon, it took me a few seconds to get my bearings. It wasn't the fact that the room was unusual; I still hadn't gotten used to my own room in my new house, so this wasn't all that different. It was the fact that I had something warm and soft pressed against my side. I glanced over and saw Sarah's face only a few inches away, so soft and beautiful with her eyes closed and a smile on her lips. At once, all of the memories of the day's events came back, and I...

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Picnickers FChapter 2 Union

Early the next week, Andy invited her on a picnic for that Saturday and she accepted. They got the same order, drove to almost the same location. It was a bright day, and he parked under the trees and spread his blanket in the shade. After their first kiss, he turned her around to hold her. She could feel his erection against her back. He bent down to kiss her neck. His kissing her there always turned her on. “You go ahead,” he said. “I’ve got what I want to eat right here.” He nibbled at...

4 years ago
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Fatherdaughter Date MothersonChapter 10 Union

The following week was quiet after Brad and Marjorie Reese had succumbed to the sexual whims of the three teenagers in our household. Misty did not go home during the week; her parents were away. The rest of us were blessed. She was unusually affectionate. Brad and Marjorie had joined us for a nonsexual dinner on Monday night, and they were traveling Tuesday through Friday morning, albeit in different directions in the country. No one broached the elephant in the room at Monday’s dinner –...

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Frontiers Flint MurdockChapter 9 Western Union

Cayuse and I, feet up on opposite sides of the sheriff’s desk, were sipping after-breakfast coffee that Rosie had brought us from the Bighorn. He said, “Take a ride, jefe?” Talkative this morning. “Sure. Where?” “Sodbusters.” It was outside our jurisdiction, some miles south of town. But things from the outside often slopped over city boundaries. And if Cayuse suggested it... We got our mounts from Livery Lou and wheeled them left, past the Holy Redemption, past Matty’s Bar, past the...

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Loving In SilenceChapter 6 Family Union

Roger had done what his wife had demanded of him. So when he looked up from his discarded boxers to read her hands asking him if he was ready his wicked grin appeared and he reached for her. She squealed and missed his hand, but felt the slight touch of his fingertips against her flesh. She winked and crawled onto the bed. He watched Joyce's small body make its way across the soft blankets like a snake getting poised to strike. His cock jerked and he forgot that he held their last addition...

2 years ago
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The CommunionThis story is fiction. A lady, who was a lay minister at her catholic church, asked me to write her a hot story. She loved her niece and church outings with the teens. So, to make her happy, here’s a coming of age story with a little twist. Enjoy, but if you are looking for i****t or pedophilia, keep on moving to other sources. My name is Jean, and I am the leader of this congregation. Ours is a conservative church group with a vision that focuses on strong family relationships....

1 year ago
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The Vampire Kiss Chapter Six Unholy Communion

Chapter 6: Unholy Communion by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Aurora's words of defiance echoed through Heaven. The crystal foundations reverberated with her defiance. Aurora had rebelled. She was tired of Heaven's rules allowing Hell's success. No longer would she play the game that led mankind to ever increasing levels of depravity. She would guide her tool, the vampire Damien, and use him to right the wrongs. She would see Faust destroyed along with all the others whom polluted the...

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The Photographer Part 3 The Reunions

As I had mentioned previously, Crystal and her husband, Jesús, asked me to stay the night. I agreed for several reasons. Most importantly, my pants were around my knees and Crystal had my cock down her throat. Of course, getting my hands on her gigantic jugs was another incentive. I had just finished shooting video of their swingers party, and although I was tired, I wasn't so tired that I couldn't perform in bed. Yet, I never imagined how much energy it would require. I left my clothes behind...

2 years ago
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Family ReUnions

“So how does this look?” Aoife turned toward her husband, one fist on her hip, posing like some clothing model for a cheap mall store. The lacy white tank top and skin-tight white shorts showed off her petite figure. Rick’s eyes lingered as they studied her, then he smirked. “Like you’re planning to blind everyone on the beach.” “Hey! I actually have a tan, thank you very much.” She pulled down on her shorts just enough to expose a very faint line between creamy pale skin and slightly darker...

3 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 94 Reunions and unions

“Hey, handsome.” Alyssa kissed John’s shoulder as she slipped her arms around his waist, cuddling him from behind. Faye had dimmed the lights in the bedroom, which made the violet glow from the twins’ eyes all the more apparent. John turned away from the Maliri girls and glanced over his shoulder to smile at her. “Sorry, I was miles away there.” “I don’t think you have anything to worry about,” she said, looking down at the bonding sisters. “Tashana’s so much stronger than she...

4 years ago
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Imperfect Ch 03

The thing that I had nearly forgotten was that what I told my mother on the phone was only half a lie. I really did have a meeting with a guy from a gallery, just not that day, but the next- Saturday. Lucky for me it wasn’t until two, so even though I has slept till noon, I had (barely) enough time to pull my hung over, sex rumpled self together and get my ass to my appointment on time, and (hopefully) looking at least semi-professional. The man’s name was Guy, and he was about 65, with short...

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I met him in an online chat room and within twenty minutes we were telling each other our deepest secrets and which way we preferred to get or give sex. I think it was my suggestion to go over to his place, but he was not against the idea and before you knew it I was scribbling his address and door code on the pad next to the computer. It took me all of ten minutes to drive over and another three to get into the building and up to his condo. Within those short minutes in the elevator I had...

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I met him in an online chat room and within twenty minutes we were telling each other our deepest secrets and which way we preferred to get or give sex. I think it was my suggestion to go over to his place, but he was not against the idea and before you knew it I was scribbling his address and door code on the pad next to the computer. It took me all of ten minutes to drive over and another three to get into the building and up to his condo. Within those short minutes in the elevator I had...

Oral Sex
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It'd been sixteen months since Jessica broke up with me, and I was drunk. She'd been everything to me. Blindingly clever; a great cook; my best friend. She'd been a lab assistant with me under Professor Kingston while we both studied graduate chemistry at university. She wasn't the prettiest girl on campus, but she was cute, and funny, and as professor Kingston loved to point out with a chortle, we had great "chemistry." And then, after a year of dating, she left me. For her...

4 years ago
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PerfectMatch Part 2

It was almost midnight when we finally pulled up in front of Mimi's building. My building, I reminded myself with a shudder. As I climbed out of the limo, the rich man handed me "my" things. "Purse, keys, and mobile phone," he said, tucking the latter two into the former. All three were cheap-looking and garish, bedazzled with various combinations of sequins, faux leather and false gemstones. Notably absent from the collection was any kind of driver's license, passport, or other...

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Class Reunion

Chapter 1 It was fast approaching the Winnisimmet High School reunion season. The biggest reunion was the fabled class that graduated John Finn, Melanie Lopez, Willie Pena, Paul Douglas, Katie Eliza, and Juan Alvarez. Those six people had played key roles in changing the face of Winnisimmet in just over six years and were all anyone talked about. Each had their own reason for gossip. Melanie adopting her nephew was a heated debate as some saw it as wrong while others saw it as being...

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The Vampires KissChapter 6 Unholy Communion

Aurora's words of defiance echoed through Heaven. The crystal foundations reverberated with her defiance. Aurora had rebelled. She was tired of Heaven's rules allowing Hell's success. No longer would she play the game that led mankind to ever increasing levels of depravity. She would guide her tool, the vampire Damien, and use him to right the wrongs. She would see Faust destroyed along with all the others whom polluted the human's world. She would rediscover Paradise that had been Lost...

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The Priest Teaches His FlockCh 67 Communion

Chapter 6-Getting His Sword Ready for Communion "You may get up Sally," moving the crosses from between her legs. Sally allowed her legs to close, grateful that the painful aching in her thighs were finished, but fearful of what would be required of her now. She knew that she would have to make him shoot his demon seed. He had talked about her taking her communion, not understanding what he meant. She laid still, her legs together. She was afraid of what would happen when she pulled her chest...

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SRU High School Reunion

This is written for the third anniversary of the SRU universe. It's a little late, but somethings can't be helped. The first story specifically designated as SRU (although I spelled it all out the first couple of posts) was posted to the TSA-TALK mailing list on October 8, 1996. At first, I wasn't sure if I would have the time to write an anniversary story. There was the crossover series with the Altered Fates universe to consider, although that project now looks dead. And I didn't...

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A Night at the Reunion

A Night at the Reunion By Bill Hart Pete arrived fashionably late at the hotel, where the thirty-year reunion of his Forrester High School graduating class was being held. When he'd first received the notification in the mail, he hadn't been certain whether or not he'd wanted to attend. Quite obviously, his name had appeared among the many on the "We Found Them" list, but there was another name - this one listed among "Those Still Missing" - that had grabbed his full...

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os HS Reunion

o’s High School ReunionHigh School reunions are often a source of surprises; the homely ?fat chick? turned into the gorgeous swan, the tough-guy, troublemaker, is now a cop, the science whiz is a shoe salesman. There are, i’m sure, similar surprises at every reunion, but can you imagine the girl known as ?The Ice Queen?, and voted most likely to be a virgin when she gets married, returning to her high school reunion as a sex slave; Hard to imagine? Well, i’ll try to describe how it went.i...

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The Reunion

The invitation read: Come and reminisce with the Class of 1985 S.R. Butler High School Saturday, August 20th, 2005 7:30 pm to 11:30 pm The Courtyard Huntsville Hotel 4804 University Drive N.W. Huntsville Alabama 1-256-837-4114 Now, I hadn't been real fond of high school back when I was going to high school, but I tossed the invitation onto the table as I left for work that day. I tried to put the invitation out of my mind and concentrate on my work. As a computer programmer, I need to be able...

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Fortieth Reunion

The world seemed in never ending turmoil as the decade of the 60's drew to a close. Vietnam was an ongoing war and the peace movement was in full swing. Woodstock was fresh in everyone's memory having provided our generation with the hope that as we graduated high school we could actually affect change in a world of unchanging politicians and nineteenth-century morals our parents had grown up adhering to and tried to force on our generation.After receiving the diplomas we'd work twelve long...

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25th Class Reunion

I have to be honest, when I first received the, 'hold the date' notice for my twenty fifth high school reunion, I deleted the e-mail almost instantly. As a forty three year old mother and career woman, I had left my school days far behind me. My family and I lived just over one hundred miles away from the town in which I grew up and I rarely went back to visit, particularly since my parents retired to Florida a few years earlier. If fact, I had not even thought of my alma mater in ages.I know a...

2 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 77 Reunion

Saturday, June 25, 1983 Intellectually I knew that my family’s meltdown was not my fault, but rather the fault of my insane brother and his equally culpable mother. I was as much a victim as anybody. Emotionally, I knew otherwise. They were all the same people as on my first trip through, only I was different. That made it my fault, ipso facto, ergo sum, quod erat demonstradum, etc. etc. etc. Intellect had nothing to do with it. Marilyn helped me. She simply couldn’t understand my family;...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 19 Miras Assimilation into the Family and Family Reunions

Introduction: This is a work of fiction. It contains sex acts with children and adults. If this is not your cup of tea dont continue to read. This is an ongoing story. Being Chapter 19 means that there are 18 other chapters prior to this one. Please read the entire series to get the whole story My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 19 Miras Assimilation into the Family and Family Reunions Characters Introduced: Mira, 25, FBI agent Phillips young wife, 53, White, Dirty Blond with Blue Eyes, 36C...

1 year ago
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The Devils Pact Chapter 39 Reunions

Introduction: Mark and Mary are reunited with their loved ones after their ordeal. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Thirty-Nine: Reunions Visit my blog at On September 30th, 2013, amidst blood and fire, the Tyrants reign began. In the name of Peace and Security, they put mankind beneath their Oppression. To fight the Darkness, the False Gods, Mark and Mary Glassner, shrouded the World in Night. excerpt from The History...

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This weekend was my 20th year high school reunion in New Orleans. I still can't believe it's been 20 years. I must admit, I had a blast - and by blast, I mean lots and lots of … moments. It was so great to see everybody again. I have to be honest though, the highlight of the weekend was the trip back - and I'm not talking about the bus ride either!Well, as you can imagine, people were posting away … the reunion. Some of the pictures I saw of me after the fact would really shock you. You know...

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What If The Reunion

What If? By Karen J. Roush Prologue: What if life had been different? What if had been born a female rather than male? Or perhaps even more confusing what if I found myself female in certain situations with full female consciousness, awareness, and knowledge like I had been born and raised that way and had simply progressed to that point of my life yet fully aware of my maleness and male life? I got to thinking about...

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