Imperfect Ch. 03 free porn video

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The thing that I had nearly forgotten was that what I told my mother on the phone was only half a lie. I really did have a meeting with a guy from a gallery, just not that day, but the next- Saturday. Lucky for me it wasn’t until two, so even though I has slept till noon, I had (barely) enough time to pull my hung over, sex rumpled self together and get my ass to my appointment on time, and (hopefully) looking at least semi-professional.

The man’s name was Guy, and he was about 65, with short silvery gray hair. He was very handsome and sophisticated, but unfortunately for me, I could tell within moments that he was gay. Maybe at a later date, I could introduce him to Glen, if he wasn’t already involved with someone else.

Anyway, if Guy noticed anything was off, it didn’t show. He seemed impressed by me and my work. He wanted to put three of my paintings up in an exhibit called ‘Flights of Fantasy’ which was going to be showing for about three weeks, depending on the reception. He wasn’t going to buy them, but if they sold, we would share the profit 30% for him, 70% for me. He didn’t really expect them to sell, because type of showing usually generated more lookers than buyers, but the exposure would be good for me.

He told me to price them however I wanted, so I put $100 on them each, thinking that was pretty high. Just in case, I took photo’s of them and put them in my portfolio with the label, ‘Old Town Gallery. Exhibit: Flights of Fantasy. Price $100 each.’ and the date. Weather they sold or not, my portfolio was important both to document my progress, and to show other galleries or clients what I could do and had done.

Guy liked most of my fantasy work, so he left it to me to choose the three to include. I selected a willowy dryad emerging from a tree in a forest near a small lake, another with a colorful confetti burst of butterflies mixed in with pixies, so that you don’t notice the pixies right away, but when you do you sorta stop and go, ‘Oh!’ And the third one was a painting I had done using Zoë as my model some time before. The fairy stood with her back to the viewer. She had heavy almost velvety wings spread wide open while her legs where crossed at the ankle. She was levitating just a few inches from the top of an end table, and her face was turned so that you could see a full view of her beauty. Her expression was quite cheeky- cute and impertinent. It was one of my favorites, but I wanted to show it off. After looking over it for a good long while, I crossed off what I had written on the price card and wrote ‘Not for Sale.’

The first night of the exhibit opening, the local paper showed my ‘Not for Sale’ on the front of their Arts section. I bought at least five copies, clipped one out for myself and another to mail to mom. Then I clipped the rest and put them in a folder so I could toss out the rest of the paper. I called Zoë to tell her the good news, but she wasn’t home.

The second night, my dryad picture sold. I was amazed. Somebody somewhere had a ‘Nicole London’ hanging up in there home! I felt like I officially had made it.

A couple of days later my mother called again. She had gotten the pictures.

‘Congratulations,’ she said in a gracious manner before launching into what this would all mean for my personal life.

‘So what’s the guy from the gallery like?’

‘He’s gay mom.’

‘Oh,’ she was disappointed I could tell.

‘Well, what about the guy who bought your painting?’

‘I don’t know anything about him, if it even is a him. They don’t tell you these things.’

‘They don’t!’ she was shocked. ‘You mean somebody had your painting and you don’t even know who?’

‘It’s not my painting anymore, mom. It belongs to whoever bought it.’

‘Hmff!’ was all she said. ‘Maybe you’ll meet someone at the gallery?’ she asked hopefully.

‘Maybe, mom.’

‘Just don’t-‘

‘Give away the milk for free. I know mom.’

‘My daughter, a famous painter! You’ll have no trouble finding a man now!’

I didn’t know where to start with this one. ‘I don’t- I mean, I’m not famous mom. It’s just one painting.’

‘And two more up in a gallery for hundreds of people to look at. Oh your sure to find the man of your dreams. He’ll take one look at your talent and he’ll have to have you.’

‘It’s a painting, mom, not a personal ad.’

‘Well, all the same. Congratulations honey , I’m so proud of you!’

And then she was gone. Funny how when I want to get off the line, she just keeps going and going but when she’s done- she’s just gone. I was left feeling like the only reason she was proud was because- in her mind at least- I was one step closer to the alter- and giving her those grandchildren she so was dreaming about spoiling. Oh well, at least she called. It gave me a chance to think about what a failure I was as a daughter, even while my career seemed to be taking off.

Just as I was about to let myself wallow in self pity, the phone rang. It was Glen.

‘I saw the papers. It’s just FAB-ulous. Do I get an autograph?’

I chuckled. ‘Sure Glen, whatever makes you happy.’

‘Darlin’ what makes me happy, you can’t give!’

‘Well, maybe I can. Would you like to go with me to check out the exhibit. I haven’t been there yet, and I don’t want to go alone.’

‘I thought you’d never ask!’

It took Glen about twice as long to get ready as it took me, so after I changed into the most elegant thing I owned and painted my fingernails and let them dry I called him back. No answer, I guessed that he must be on his way.

‘You look WON-derful!’ he exclaimed when I opened the door. ‘Va-va-va-Voom!’

‘Thanks Glen,’ I said, kissing his cheek. ‘You look wonderful too.’ He wore a salmon colored dress shirt with no tie under a navy jacket with matching pants. His leather belt was coordinated with his top quality Italian shoes, shined up just for the occasion. He also wore an expensive watch. Glen was a man who paid attention to the details.

Once in the door, he took my hand and spun me. ‘Let me get a good look at you,’ he said, making me feel a little giggly and little girlish. My gown was a deep blue velvet spaghetti straps with a modest neckline but I more daring low draped back. On my feet I wore silver sling backs with a medium-high heal.

There’s something about the attention of a gay man that’s surprisingly reassuring. After all- he’s not trying to get in your pants, so there’s no ulterior motive- but he’s still a man so his opinion means something different than if your girls tell you the same thing. I basked in his compliments for a moment. Who doesn’t love to be told they are FAB-ou-lous?

I offered Glen a Pepsi, but he was eager to leave, ‘Besides, I’m bubbly enough inside right now, just looking at you!’ he enthused. Did I mention exuberance? There’s nothing like it when it comes along with a compliment.

We were taking Glen’s car, so we went out to his black sedan and he courteously opened the door for me and even held my hand as I got in. I felt like Cinderella going to the ball.

It was about 7:30 when we got there, and it was just starting to get dusky outside. Inside, people milled around with plenty of room to navigate. It certainly wasn’t a crowd, but it wasn’t deserted either. As we entered, I saw the first collection, painted in flowing watercolors. There were about five pictures featuring garden fairies flitting around over various flowers and plants. They had a very soft and misty quality, similar to the Mona-Lisa.

Another grouping showed dragons in bold colors and scantily clad women in metal armor who were riding them, taming them or standing beside them. Another artist we passed featured ancient mythological motifs, mainly women in there everyday activities being approached by gods disguised as some animal or other. I noticed that the grouping was sub-titled ‘Rape and Ravishment’ and seemed to have caused a small
amount of buzz.

As we made our way through the gallery, I saw Guy walking toward us. He was dressed in black pants with a belt, a lime green t-shirt and a draped black sweater that looked like it must have come from a runway in Milan or Paris.

‘Ah! Miss London!’ he called out as he approached. Your work is an absolute smash!’ He was bold an exuberant in his speech, but then he lowered about an octave to a more conspiratorial tone. ‘Who’s your fiend?’ With that he tipped his head toward Glen and lifted one eyebrow, a combination of question and interest on his face.

‘Guy,’ I introduced him, ‘This is one of my dear friends, Glen. Glen this is Guy, he owns this gallery.’

The two of them shook hands, and I noticed that Guy gave Glen’s hand an extra little squeeze. ‘Won-derful to meet you,’ Glen told him airily. ‘Likewise.’ the gallery owner replied. For a few moments I felt invisible and then Guy turned to me. ‘I hope you are enjoying yourself. If there’s AN-y thing you need, you just holler.’ Just then a well dressed man walked by with a tray of campaign and Glen took two and handed one to each of us. When the caterer departed he said, ‘Well, I must be off, but-‘ and then he looked at Glen with bedroom eyes, ‘I’ll be seeing you around.’

When he was out of earshot, I grabbed Glen around the arm and pulled him toward my exhibit. ‘Wow! He’s got the hots for you, what do you think?’

‘He’s QUITE a number. But I’m not going to get my panties in a bunch just yet. He was just flirting. He’s probably like that with all the boys.’

‘We’ll see,’ I said hopefully, leading him around in search for my paintings. At last we reached the spot.

‘Here it is,’ I announced. The tall rectangular dryad picture had a sign above it announcing ‘Sold’ and I felt both pride and pang. I wouldn’t be getting it back, it was going out into the world on it’s own. I felt like a mother sending her son off to college, and I guess I realized how my own mother must have felt. No wonder she calls me all the time. There would be no phone calls for my painting however. After I left the gallery, I would probably never see it again.

‘What’s this?’ Glen asked, breaking my reverie. ‘Getting sentimental already?’

‘I think I’m experiencing separation anxiety.’

‘But don’t you give your paintings away all the time?’ he asked gently.

All the time? No not all the time. Sometimes. I can’t afford to be giving paintings away left and right but I know what he meant. ‘Yes, but I always know where they are going to end up! That sounds silly, I know.’

‘No. It’s not silly. But cheer up honey. You’re a working artist. You’re a success! You’re fabulous!!!’

That made me laugh. ‘Thanks Glen. Let’s go look at some of the rest of the exhibits.’ It’s good to have a friend who can make you laugh when you come close to having an emotional breakdown in a public place.

We looked through the other displays. Many of them where quite impressive and humbling. I felt awed to be in the same group with artists like the one who’s Ferry mural depicted fairies rowing what looked like human souls across a stream in various watercraft formed from flowers and leaves. The only hint that it wasn’t a photograph was the nature of the subject.

Then there was the scandalous grouping of Flower Women who stood in a garden with flowers between their spread legs. The flowers were obviously a part of them, attached to their anatomy and planted into the ground. Was this meant as a statement that we are being held down by our anatomy? Or just an example of how nature repeats the same beautiful patterns throughout? The women were labeled by names such as Lilly, Rose, Violet, and Jonquille. It was beautiful with amazing effect, but slightly disquieting. Every exhibit or course must feature some erotic art, something controversial to get people talking, and of course to prompt at least one critic to claim that ‘all art is erotic.’ This was certainly all of the above. It was beautiful, shocking and provocative. Looking at it, I felt dwarfed, and completely untalented. My pictures were so provincial, so devoid of metaphor or hidden deeper meaning. What was I doing in this gallery among all of these great talents? I was a fraud.

‘Hey!’ Glen said, pushing me with his hip. ‘Your just as good as this Flower Woman is! And don’t you be thinking any different.’ I smiled and we walked on as an argument began to break out about the merits (or lack there-of) of sexually shocking art.

‘I don’t want to see that,’ I heard one man comment as I departed. ‘And if I don’t want to look at something, it ain’t what I’d call art!’

‘Ah, everybody’s a critic,’ Glen said with a smile. I was glad to get away from there just in time to avoid the entire discussion. The last thing I needed was to get embroiled in some heated debate about what are was or what it wasn’t. To me, art just is. I don’t think it really needs to be defined. But it’s a hard side to adequately defend on the spur of the moment. Most people don’t quite understand what I’m talking about or they start saying stuff like, ‘Are you saying anything can be art?’ and then they start listing weird out of the way things for me to pronounce as art or not. Like feces paintings or twisted mangled metal or a bare light bulb in an empty room or performance art. Hey, I don’t get these things either. But just because I’m a painter, doesn’t mean I was appointed the last word on what is or isn’t really art. From my experience, most of us who actually create art are a lot less willing to define or limit art than those who don’t. I really wonder about this sometimes. But it’s best not to say things like this- they tend to alienate your audience.

Even though I’m hadn’t been a commercial artist up till now, I still have a sense of concern for the audience. I think every artist secretly wants to be loved- for there work and for themselves. When someone doesn’t like you, they tend to be harsher toward your work, and when someone doesn’t like your work, it can feel like a personal rejection, even when it’s not.

Amazingly, I also found some artists whose work was on display that I felt was inferior to mine. Not in a snobbish way, I don’t think but in a sort of reassuring way. It feels ok to be in the middle area between the adequate and the awesome. I guess that’s pretty much how I feel about myself as well. I’m not completely untalented, but I’m not the best. I’m not rich, but I’m not starving. I’m certainly not ugly, maybe even beautiful, but not perfectly so. I have faults and flaws and I do my best to hide them and to emphasize my strengths, but I know they’re there. I know that my breasts look perky because of my under wire, not because they really defy gravity. I know that my belly looks best covered in a one piece than on display in a skimpy bikini. But I also know that with the right outfit, I can make it look like you’d want to see me in that skimpy bikini. I know that with just a touch of plastic surgery and some braces I could have perfectly straight teeth and a cute little nose, but I’m pretty much ok with being imperfect- most of the time. I know that I could die my hair blonde and my sex appeal would sky rocket. But I’m happy with my black tresses even though they could use a trim and even though it’s not what the TV and magazines tell me is ‘in.’ I’m not perfect, but I’m good enough. And I’m thankful for what I’ve got.

My friends- they’re flawed too. How can an imperfect person have perfect friends? They aren’t the hippest, or the smartest or the richest people in the world either. But they are open minded, fun, generous and forgiving. Those are the things that really matter, in my book.

I had a chance to meet with some of the other artists while I was there, and that helped to ground me to. It always come as a slight shock to me (even though it shouldn’t) that they are people too. Some are young, some are old, some are jerks and some are nice. Some are attractive and some are not. Artists are not all
the beautiful people like they always seem to portray them in the media. They have about the same proportion as the rest of the population. For some reason it often comes as a shock to see the painter of really delicate lovely images and they turn out to be a bony, angled gnarled old man with a crooked nose and yellow teeth. But it happens- it happens a lot.

Kristin Slate, the painter who created Flower Women was a young college student with an neo-hippie activist sort of feeling about her. She was full of ideas about how the world should be, about patriarchy, about oppression, about women in all corners of the world sold into slavery or doomed to lives in corporate bondage. I found her fascinating. She had been involved with a lot of service work with various organizations and had lots of stories to share about the places she’d been and the changes she was trying to bring about. While I was engrossed in listening to her, Glen excused himself to go do a little bit of man-hunting. There’s never a shortage of gay men at an art gallery, and I couldn’t expect to keep him to myself the whole night.

Kristin knew a number of the other artists and introduced me to a few. Becket Winter had a beautiful pen and ink display with some very intricate drawings of lesser known mythologies. I was amazed at what he could do with the use of only black and white. ‘I do use colored inks as well, but the black and white always get the best response. Plus, in an exhibit like this, they really stand out. That’s always a plus.’

Massimo was a foreign sounding artist with no last name apparently necessary. But I got the feeling that his accent was fake, and Kristen agreed with me later that he was totally pretentious. His paintings used darker colors, thick outlining and obscure subjects. His style was somewhere between realistic and abstract and almost gave the impression of stained glass, if stained glass were completely opaque.

Cassidy Keen was the painter of some lovely watercolors in a series called Magick. They featured swirls and other patterns that were quite lovely to look at. Cassidy was a short heavyset woman with thinning gray hair. She wore a blue button up shirt un-tucked over a pair of jeans. She has a face that reminded me of Cinderella’s fairy godmother in the Disney movie, and a sweet personality to match.

I was having a wonderful time meeting with some of the artists who were there that night. And Glen was apparently having a great time to. Occasionally he’d flit over to me with some little tid-bit of gossip or just his high hopes for the direction things were taking with Guy. It seemed they were really hitting it off.

By the time we left, Glen had Guy’s phone number and I had made several valuable contacts. It had been a good day. Gen seemed to agree. We were both in high spirits as he drove me back home.

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Bare Pussy Beach My thirteen-year-old daughter came barging into the house all excited about a beach that she had just been too. She called it Bare Pussy Beach. She said that there were lots of other girls there and some men. There was all the beer that she could drink too. She looked like she had had a few. Well since Kimberly was only thirteen I was quite concerned. Then I wondered where her sister was. She told me that Laurie was out on the porch where the men had left her. I sat...

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Almost Fucked

Everyone in my family knew that I was a deep sleeper. I had slept through an earthquake, slept through loud fireworks in front of our house and other reasons that didn’t even make me glitch in bed. Everyone knew the fact that having an alarm clock in my bed wouldn’t bother waking me up, the only way I got up was when I myself was done sleeping or when someone shook me. That’s right! So, every morning before I went to school, either my parents or my big brother would come to my room to wake me...

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Sex in Gurgaon 8211 II

This story is about my D………., let me again describe to you how she looked, has assets of 38, 30, 38. I want to tell you that her main attraction parts are her eyes, her boobs and her lips which are so soft and very juicy. She had very big breasts & her smile always made me horny. She is my Neighbor and Wife’s best friend because they delivered the baby in the time difference of 20 days only. I always use to stare at her big breasts and a very cute ass which looked even cuter when she use to...

3 years ago
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Picnic For Two

A young woman went to the park on one sunny day. She was setting up a picnic for one. Just her, a large basket, and her picnic basket in a park full of people, pets, and kids. She set up the plates, the food, and dining ware on the red and white checkered blanket. Then, a tall, handsome guy cutted through the park going on his way home when the young, sexy, full-figured, 225-lb. girl all alone. As he got near, he noticed that she was eating all by herself. He stopped by her blanket. He looked...

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The Heat

By : Robin9 Hi this is Robin I would like to narrate my own experience which happened a few years back. I came to Delhi bout the same time and was really looking forward to my time in college. I had rented an apartment close to my college and was staying with 2 other room mates. Initially it was very frustrating as most of my friends had gone to pune mumbai or banaglore where getting an admission was easy, Especially the girls as their parent thought of Delhi to be a very unsafe city. Virgin...

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Making of a Sissy Maid chapter 56

Making a Sissy Maid - Chapters 5- Reminder - Chris loves his mother and secretly longs to wear her sexy lingerie. Out of the blue his mother meets the very handsome and wealthy man of her dreams and soon marries. This introduces Chris to his new and somewhat dominant sister-in-law who recognises the sissy in Chris and transforms him into a pink frilly maid. Chapter 5 - Chrissie and Eve For that whole weekend Eve, his new sister-in-law, had kept me dressed in his pink maid's...

4 years ago
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Lost Empire 640

0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace – Zimmel 0098 – Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) 0125 – Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 – Rodrick 0403 – Johnathon 0667 - Marco – Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0908 - Tara – Mara -------------------------- Ungrown - unnumbered ------------------------ 4 - onboard Shelby 0805, 0808 in re-gen, 1000 - Sherry 0250 Tendra 0999 - Zan - still lost -------------------------------- Known and OR...

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Ed BiggersChapter 21

“Hello the roof!” shouted Dan from the stairwell. Ling had told him the men were upstairs waiting for him so they could watch the sunset together. She also said there was something the men wanted to discuss with him. He guessed the topic of discussion. “Come on up here, Dan,” said Leroy in response to the man’s call. Sitting in his chair wearing his blue jeans, work shirt, boots, and cowboy hat, Ed could have been the poster child for relaxation. Ed put down the glass of iced tea he was...

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Yvette In Uniform

I came up to my window and lifted the blind a tad. "Oh, there you are, step-sis, in that blue and white cheerleading uniform. I'm sure you're walking at a normal speed, but you seem to be ambling very slowly. I know I shouldn't be attracted to you, but in that uniform, you're smoking hot, Yvette. You have a smooth-looking belly, and your shaved legs and arms don't hurt either. I'd love to have you here in my bedroom," I moaned, jiggling around.I watched her until she disappeared into the house....

2 years ago
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I slowly stroke ur hair, sweeping it over ur shoulder gently brushing ur neck with my finger tips, and gently kiss up ur neck until i reach ur ear, give it gentle bite and breathing softly on to it then kiss my way back down ur neck and across to begin slowly kissing up the other side ur neck breathlessly to ur other ear sweeping ur hair out of the way as I go, while i gently run my finger tips up and down the back of ur neck and through ur hairMy hand on the back of ur neck slowly moves up...

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Wanna Makeout

Dave and Kim had dated early in their life, before they actually new what dating was and after their breakup became close friends. It was after Kim’s boyfriend, John, who was also Dave’s best friend, left for Germany to study there for a year that the jokes began. It started small, jokes with John before he left that Dave and Kim would hookup while he was gone. These jokes always would upset John and make Dave and Kim chuckle. The jokes continued after John left, and even after Kim and John...

3 years ago
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fucking her mom with aunty

visit on or to read more top rated stories like theseMy story begins during that one fateful trip my aunt made to visit my mom and I. I was 19 at the time and my mom and I lived alone in our condo overlooking the water. Our house was nice, a big pool and a hot tub downstairs (my mom had a great job and that left us very well off). I also had a problem. After many years of masturbation I could not make myself reach an orgasm. I thought I came close a couple of...

1 year ago
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Chris and Mr Lucas

Chris, a 19 year old who has a crush on his , walks in his college room and sees Mr. Lucas. He just stares at him with a nervous look on his face. Lucas notices Chris standing at the other side of the classroom and smiles while waving. Chris waves back and doesn’t stop staring at his beautiful face. “Is there something I can help you with?” Asked Lucas with his deep, sexy, and alluring voice. Chris tried to stay back on planet Earth and walks over to Lucas revealing that he has beautiful green...

3 years ago
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Stories From My Youth Chapter 2 Dorothy

As a teenager, I lived in a relatively small town. My parents ran a farm, so every Saturday I helped them out on the farm and in return, they paid me a few dollars. This helped me out quite a bit because the job that I had in those days didn’t pay well. Every Saturday night, my old school friend, Dave and I would drive the twenty-five miles to the adjoining town which was a good deal larger than my hometown.Like most teenagers our interests were two-fold, we enjoyed a drink and we sought female...

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A wet hot summer

This is a true real life story. When I was twelve I passed the summer at my grandparents house in the country. I used to pass the day doing my homeworks and reading books. Nearby lived my aunt with my cousin. One day my cousin came to visit my grandma and we played in her big garden. She was 14 at that time and she looked gorgeous with red hair and pale skin. We was playing as I said and all of a sudden she told me she had to pee. We was deep in the wood and there was nobody around so I told...

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The Jackson School for Girls

                                 THE JACKSON SCHOOL FOR GIRLSRose Jackson sat down at her desk, and seemingly looked into space. She put both her hands over her face and gently started to cry. Over the last five years her life had changed so much she did not recognise herself. Here she was at 41 years of age the principle officer of the Jackson School for girls, an institution for young ladies for the sole purpose of becoming victims for old men and women, who were not only able to abuse the...

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be careful where you sit

to start off with i am a white chubby guy who likes the taste of cum and wearing panties and tight pants, also i have a nice round rump. on a rainy evening i got my panties and leggings on and went to my local adult store. i walked in and went right for the booth area. i found a booth with a curtian open and went in and sat down. i didn't notice there was someone already in it and i sat right down on his lap. he was bigger then me and black he was wearing a dark grey t and jeans. he grabbed my...

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Birthday Par Chudai

Mera naam raju h.Main ek punjabi ghar se belong karta hu. Humaare ghar mai bus main aur mummy rahte h.Papa ki death tab hi ho gayi thi jab mai bahut chhota tha.Mummy ka naam sweety h aur papa ki death ke waqt unki umar 24 thi. Meri mummy bhi sabhi punjabi ladkiyo ki tarah ek dum mast maal thi.Mummy ko chudai ka bahut shok tha. Papa ki death ke waqt mai 5 saal ka tha.Papa ki death ke ek saal baad hi mummy ne unki maut ko jaise bhula hi diya.Us waqt main 6 saal ka tha par mujhe achhe se yaad h ki...

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Prick Van WinkleChapter 22

As time went on and Bob was slowly forgotten by the world again, the need for him to stay at the cabin waned. Still, it had been such a peaceful place that he had Sally make inquiries about buying either a cabin or a lot for the family to build one on to use as a get-away place. One of the original cabins, larger than most, had fallen into disrepair over the years as the owner aged and spent less and less time there. Bob was able to purchase it and had contractors go through it, updating the...

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Daddy and Daughters First Time

It was summer and Friday night; I was home alone. My girlfriend of two years and I had broken up two weeks ago. My daughter, Carrie Sue, in her first year of college, was out with girlfriends. I was in the family room, having a few cocktails and about to watch a porn movie I hadn't seen since Carrie Sue's mom and I watched it shortly before she passed away. I'd got some of my best blow jobs after we'd watched that movie together. I had finally taken off my sleep pants and sat naked from the...

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First time creampie couple

I was recently in Montreal on business, and I took the opportunity to find two fun couples online in hopes of a hot bi three way. The first I'll tell you about is a married couple (not married to each other) that are actually coworkers who registry fuck at work. They sent me several a pics of them having fun at work, her flashing him her pussy under the desk and even some creampies. We emailed back and forth on what we'd like to do, and my goal was set to enjoy her freshly creamed pussy. He was...

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The phone jangled unceremoniously as dawn’s glow enveloped the flickering remains of the star studded heavens. It was Uncle Harvey, and he needed someone to watch over his remote acreage while he was in the hospital. Harvey was older than history, refusing to succumb to the trials of life and the advancements of modern technology, spending the greater part of his day wandering through his heavily wooded property to feed a flock of chickens and a few head of cattle that free ranged there. ...

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Robert The Randy Married Bobby Part Eight

I raised my smaller body off his larger muscled one and straddled the strong thighs under me. His eyes were closed and I admired his nude physical beauty. He definitely had it all going on. The cut cock lay semi rigid against his lower belly. A moist cock head glinted at me and, leaning forward, I placed my tongue on his right nipple. Sucking gently I felt it harden and pucker as its owner gave a slight shiver at my tender touch. Gently running my lips and then a wet tongue over the brown stub,...

Gay Male
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SSBBW Paula and FA Jason

This story is bound to make any guy who loves extremely fat women, get a stiff. This is based on a true story and actually happened to my mate Jason (above). He was working as a pizza delivery boy about five years ago, and that's how he met Paula (above) an extremely obese 33 year old chick, weighing over 530 pounds. They ended up boyfriend and girlfriend and stayed together for about five years. As I also love very fat women, I just had to tell his story, because it's the best one I've ever...

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"Amy, Amy, Amy," I sighed. "How many times have we been in this same position now?""Many times, Master." Amy Richards knelt on the floor in front of me as I sat in my recliner in the living room of my home. Amy was my submissive, and I her Master. However, her submission was still a difficult concept for her to put into practice. Her heart was in it, but her mind and will still needed a little convincing!"Yes, we have. For various reasons, I'll grant you. You seem to always find new ways to get...

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Male Model to Mature Pornstar

Male Model to Mature Pornstar by Kelly Newman Modelling had been a hard career and Craig had come to accept some harsh truths. One was that it was one of the few professions where women made more than men. Two and more importantly, it favoured the young and now in his late 20s his career was on a downward trajectory. Certainly, by all accounts he still had the body of a male god and some of his peers had moved on to the world of personal training, but it just didn't appeal to him. He'd...

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Dirty slut

Another night with my slutty girlfriend we were at pub having fun I dared her to be really naughty We were chatting having fun her lil skirt mmmm take ur knickers off slut she started to leave but I grabbed her arm and said here do it here other men around us could hear what we were talking about a man beside us told the slut to take them off now looking around slut reached under tiny skirt and pulled lil g string down just as it got to her knee's the man beside us started to tell the slut she...

Group Sex
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Introduction: Family traditions are the best Tom awoke to the delicious feeling of Julie kneeling between his legs sucking his dick. He pulled her up into her lap and kissed her. He caressed her hair and down her back as their tongues dueled in loves fight. Pulling away, he recommended they get a shower as he had plans for them for today. He asked if she was interested in going swimming again. She laughed Skinny dipping? He said no, he wanted to take her to the beach. She squealed in joy....

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Daddys Lil Bratt

I was sitting on the couch watching another stupid episode of Two and A Half Men when my roommate came home. She stood there staring at me for a moment. "It Saturday, you know." She said annoyed. "Really? What tipped you off?" I replied. She rolled her eyes and went into the kitchen. I ignored her as she went about making her snack or drink or what ever the hell she was up to. Later as I was shuffling through the channels she approached me with a plate. "Here ... sorry. Its just ......

3 years ago
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Rutu Ko Ki Pyaas Bujai

Hello indian sex stories dot net dosto yeh mere dusri story hai jisme mein apni ek frnd aur mere all time favourite Sex partner rutu k baare mein experience share karne jaa raha hu. Rutu waise dekhne mein mast hai ek dum gori uski chut aur nipples bhi itne hi gore hai jitne k woh khud hai. Chalye dsto aapke rutu ki figure k baare mein batata hu, waise toh rutu ki figure kuch khaas nai hai uske boobs b chote chote hai aur uski chut jo k ab bhosda ban chuka hai aur mere khelne ki chiz ban chuki...

2 years ago
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100 Days a Slave

A few days ago, I received an unexpected phone call from my family's longtime lawyer, Mr. Shears. It came as a bit of a shock, as he had never once gotten into direct contact with me before. I was a little hesitant to answer but when I did, he quickly explained that my father had accumulated a substantial amount of debt to a small local business. He said it was urgent and important for our family to gather together to consider our options. The news of my father being in trouble didn't really...

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Wake Up

A wonderful dream ruined as the obnoxious alarm clock sounds offtaking out my angst on the clock I ever so gently shut off the alarmlooking over at you I see that your slumber is yet uninterrupted remembering that you don't have to go in early today I let you continue to sleepcarefully slipping out from under the covers I stagger towards the bathroomexamining my face the mirror shows this night's growth of facial hairturning the hot water on I begin filling the sink splashing my face with the...

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Life and times of a Late Bloomer

[Backgroud]So for most of my teens and early 20s, I was COMPLETELY lame with girls, like insanely so. I was diagnosed as autistic when I was 20, so I thought "hey, I have an excuse". Except that for someone who does what I do (makes music) and has the social circle I have, it was not right! Made conscious effort to be more comfortable around girls and one night, nearly a month before my 24th birthday, it paid off....----------------------------------------------------------------------I'm...

3 years ago
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Palm Island Nudity bi surprise

I worked hard the first two years of my career and the compqny rewarded me with a trip of my choice of several destinations. I took the choices home and Cindi, my wife, instantly picked Palm Island. I didn't know anything about it but it looked like good fun on a secluded beach.Cindi was 23, 5'6", 110 lbs, and smallish firm titties and a firm butt.I'm 6'3", 185 and athletic. I was 24 at the timeWe flew to Miami and then were transported via a coach to a ferry that transported us to Palm Island....

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