Mrs accidental profession OMG
- 3 years ago
- 35
- 0
The thing that I had nearly forgotten was that what I told my mother on the phone was only half a lie. I really did have a meeting with a guy from a gallery, just not that day, but the next- Saturday. Lucky for me it wasn’t until two, so even though I has slept till noon, I had (barely) enough time to pull my hung over, sex rumpled self together and get my ass to my appointment on time, and (hopefully) looking at least semi-professional.
The man’s name was Guy, and he was about 65, with short silvery gray hair. He was very handsome and sophisticated, but unfortunately for me, I could tell within moments that he was gay. Maybe at a later date, I could introduce him to Glen, if he wasn’t already involved with someone else.
Anyway, if Guy noticed anything was off, it didn’t show. He seemed impressed by me and my work. He wanted to put three of my paintings up in an exhibit called ‘Flights of Fantasy’ which was going to be showing for about three weeks, depending on the reception. He wasn’t going to buy them, but if they sold, we would share the profit 30% for him, 70% for me. He didn’t really expect them to sell, because type of showing usually generated more lookers than buyers, but the exposure would be good for me.
He told me to price them however I wanted, so I put $100 on them each, thinking that was pretty high. Just in case, I took photo’s of them and put them in my portfolio with the label, ‘Old Town Gallery. Exhibit: Flights of Fantasy. Price $100 each.’ and the date. Weather they sold or not, my portfolio was important both to document my progress, and to show other galleries or clients what I could do and had done.
Guy liked most of my fantasy work, so he left it to me to choose the three to include. I selected a willowy dryad emerging from a tree in a forest near a small lake, another with a colorful confetti burst of butterflies mixed in with pixies, so that you don’t notice the pixies right away, but when you do you sorta stop and go, ‘Oh!’ And the third one was a painting I had done using Zoë as my model some time before. The fairy stood with her back to the viewer. She had heavy almost velvety wings spread wide open while her legs where crossed at the ankle. She was levitating just a few inches from the top of an end table, and her face was turned so that you could see a full view of her beauty. Her expression was quite cheeky- cute and impertinent. It was one of my favorites, but I wanted to show it off. After looking over it for a good long while, I crossed off what I had written on the price card and wrote ‘Not for Sale.’
The first night of the exhibit opening, the local paper showed my ‘Not for Sale’ on the front of their Arts section. I bought at least five copies, clipped one out for myself and another to mail to mom. Then I clipped the rest and put them in a folder so I could toss out the rest of the paper. I called Zoë to tell her the good news, but she wasn’t home.
The second night, my dryad picture sold. I was amazed. Somebody somewhere had a ‘Nicole London’ hanging up in there home! I felt like I officially had made it.
A couple of days later my mother called again. She had gotten the pictures.
‘Congratulations,’ she said in a gracious manner before launching into what this would all mean for my personal life.
‘So what’s the guy from the gallery like?’
‘He’s gay mom.’
‘Oh,’ she was disappointed I could tell.
‘Well, what about the guy who bought your painting?’
‘I don’t know anything about him, if it even is a him. They don’t tell you these things.’
‘They don’t!’ she was shocked. ‘You mean somebody had your painting and you don’t even know who?’
‘It’s not my painting anymore, mom. It belongs to whoever bought it.’
‘Hmff!’ was all she said. ‘Maybe you’ll meet someone at the gallery?’ she asked hopefully.
‘Maybe, mom.’
‘Just don’t-‘
‘Give away the milk for free. I know mom.’
‘My daughter, a famous painter! You’ll have no trouble finding a man now!’
I didn’t know where to start with this one. ‘I don’t- I mean, I’m not famous mom. It’s just one painting.’
‘And two more up in a gallery for hundreds of people to look at. Oh your sure to find the man of your dreams. He’ll take one look at your talent and he’ll have to have you.’
‘It’s a painting, mom, not a personal ad.’
‘Well, all the same. Congratulations honey , I’m so proud of you!’
And then she was gone. Funny how when I want to get off the line, she just keeps going and going but when she’s done- she’s just gone. I was left feeling like the only reason she was proud was because- in her mind at least- I was one step closer to the alter- and giving her those grandchildren she so was dreaming about spoiling. Oh well, at least she called. It gave me a chance to think about what a failure I was as a daughter, even while my career seemed to be taking off.
Just as I was about to let myself wallow in self pity, the phone rang. It was Glen.
‘I saw the papers. It’s just FAB-ulous. Do I get an autograph?’
I chuckled. ‘Sure Glen, whatever makes you happy.’
‘Darlin’ what makes me happy, you can’t give!’
‘Well, maybe I can. Would you like to go with me to check out the exhibit. I haven’t been there yet, and I don’t want to go alone.’
‘I thought you’d never ask!’
It took Glen about twice as long to get ready as it took me, so after I changed into the most elegant thing I owned and painted my fingernails and let them dry I called him back. No answer, I guessed that he must be on his way.
‘You look WON-derful!’ he exclaimed when I opened the door. ‘Va-va-va-Voom!’
‘Thanks Glen,’ I said, kissing his cheek. ‘You look wonderful too.’ He wore a salmon colored dress shirt with no tie under a navy jacket with matching pants. His leather belt was coordinated with his top quality Italian shoes, shined up just for the occasion. He also wore an expensive watch. Glen was a man who paid attention to the details.
Once in the door, he took my hand and spun me. ‘Let me get a good look at you,’ he said, making me feel a little giggly and little girlish. My gown was a deep blue velvet spaghetti straps with a modest neckline but I more daring low draped back. On my feet I wore silver sling backs with a medium-high heal.
There’s something about the attention of a gay man that’s surprisingly reassuring. After all- he’s not trying to get in your pants, so there’s no ulterior motive- but he’s still a man so his opinion means something different than if your girls tell you the same thing. I basked in his compliments for a moment. Who doesn’t love to be told they are FAB-ou-lous?
I offered Glen a Pepsi, but he was eager to leave, ‘Besides, I’m bubbly enough inside right now, just looking at you!’ he enthused. Did I mention exuberance? There’s nothing like it when it comes along with a compliment.
We were taking Glen’s car, so we went out to his black sedan and he courteously opened the door for me and even held my hand as I got in. I felt like Cinderella going to the ball.
It was about 7:30 when we got there, and it was just starting to get dusky outside. Inside, people milled around with plenty of room to navigate. It certainly wasn’t a crowd, but it wasn’t deserted either. As we entered, I saw the first collection, painted in flowing watercolors. There were about five pictures featuring garden fairies flitting around over various flowers and plants. They had a very soft and misty quality, similar to the Mona-Lisa.
Another grouping showed dragons in bold colors and scantily clad women in metal armor who were riding them, taming them or standing beside them. Another artist we passed featured ancient mythological motifs, mainly women in there everyday activities being approached by gods disguised as some animal or other. I noticed that the grouping was sub-titled ‘Rape and Ravishment’ and seemed to have caused a small
amount of buzz.
As we made our way through the gallery, I saw Guy walking toward us. He was dressed in black pants with a belt, a lime green t-shirt and a draped black sweater that looked like it must have come from a runway in Milan or Paris.
‘Ah! Miss London!’ he called out as he approached. Your work is an absolute smash!’ He was bold an exuberant in his speech, but then he lowered about an octave to a more conspiratorial tone. ‘Who’s your fiend?’ With that he tipped his head toward Glen and lifted one eyebrow, a combination of question and interest on his face.
‘Guy,’ I introduced him, ‘This is one of my dear friends, Glen. Glen this is Guy, he owns this gallery.’
The two of them shook hands, and I noticed that Guy gave Glen’s hand an extra little squeeze. ‘Won-derful to meet you,’ Glen told him airily. ‘Likewise.’ the gallery owner replied. For a few moments I felt invisible and then Guy turned to me. ‘I hope you are enjoying yourself. If there’s AN-y thing you need, you just holler.’ Just then a well dressed man walked by with a tray of campaign and Glen took two and handed one to each of us. When the caterer departed he said, ‘Well, I must be off, but-‘ and then he looked at Glen with bedroom eyes, ‘I’ll be seeing you around.’
When he was out of earshot, I grabbed Glen around the arm and pulled him toward my exhibit. ‘Wow! He’s got the hots for you, what do you think?’
‘He’s QUITE a number. But I’m not going to get my panties in a bunch just yet. He was just flirting. He’s probably like that with all the boys.’
‘We’ll see,’ I said hopefully, leading him around in search for my paintings. At last we reached the spot.
‘Here it is,’ I announced. The tall rectangular dryad picture had a sign above it announcing ‘Sold’ and I felt both pride and pang. I wouldn’t be getting it back, it was going out into the world on it’s own. I felt like a mother sending her son off to college, and I guess I realized how my own mother must have felt. No wonder she calls me all the time. There would be no phone calls for my painting however. After I left the gallery, I would probably never see it again.
‘What’s this?’ Glen asked, breaking my reverie. ‘Getting sentimental already?’
‘I think I’m experiencing separation anxiety.’
‘But don’t you give your paintings away all the time?’ he asked gently.
All the time? No not all the time. Sometimes. I can’t afford to be giving paintings away left and right but I know what he meant. ‘Yes, but I always know where they are going to end up! That sounds silly, I know.’
‘No. It’s not silly. But cheer up honey. You’re a working artist. You’re a success! You’re fabulous!!!’
That made me laugh. ‘Thanks Glen. Let’s go look at some of the rest of the exhibits.’ It’s good to have a friend who can make you laugh when you come close to having an emotional breakdown in a public place.
We looked through the other displays. Many of them where quite impressive and humbling. I felt awed to be in the same group with artists like the one who’s Ferry mural depicted fairies rowing what looked like human souls across a stream in various watercraft formed from flowers and leaves. The only hint that it wasn’t a photograph was the nature of the subject.
Then there was the scandalous grouping of Flower Women who stood in a garden with flowers between their spread legs. The flowers were obviously a part of them, attached to their anatomy and planted into the ground. Was this meant as a statement that we are being held down by our anatomy? Or just an example of how nature repeats the same beautiful patterns throughout? The women were labeled by names such as Lilly, Rose, Violet, and Jonquille. It was beautiful with amazing effect, but slightly disquieting. Every exhibit or course must feature some erotic art, something controversial to get people talking, and of course to prompt at least one critic to claim that ‘all art is erotic.’ This was certainly all of the above. It was beautiful, shocking and provocative. Looking at it, I felt dwarfed, and completely untalented. My pictures were so provincial, so devoid of metaphor or hidden deeper meaning. What was I doing in this gallery among all of these great talents? I was a fraud.
‘Hey!’ Glen said, pushing me with his hip. ‘Your just as good as this Flower Woman is! And don’t you be thinking any different.’ I smiled and we walked on as an argument began to break out about the merits (or lack there-of) of sexually shocking art.
‘I don’t want to see that,’ I heard one man comment as I departed. ‘And if I don’t want to look at something, it ain’t what I’d call art!’
‘Ah, everybody’s a critic,’ Glen said with a smile. I was glad to get away from there just in time to avoid the entire discussion. The last thing I needed was to get embroiled in some heated debate about what are was or what it wasn’t. To me, art just is. I don’t think it really needs to be defined. But it’s a hard side to adequately defend on the spur of the moment. Most people don’t quite understand what I’m talking about or they start saying stuff like, ‘Are you saying anything can be art?’ and then they start listing weird out of the way things for me to pronounce as art or not. Like feces paintings or twisted mangled metal or a bare light bulb in an empty room or performance art. Hey, I don’t get these things either. But just because I’m a painter, doesn’t mean I was appointed the last word on what is or isn’t really art. From my experience, most of us who actually create art are a lot less willing to define or limit art than those who don’t. I really wonder about this sometimes. But it’s best not to say things like this- they tend to alienate your audience.
Even though I’m hadn’t been a commercial artist up till now, I still have a sense of concern for the audience. I think every artist secretly wants to be loved- for there work and for themselves. When someone doesn’t like you, they tend to be harsher toward your work, and when someone doesn’t like your work, it can feel like a personal rejection, even when it’s not.
Amazingly, I also found some artists whose work was on display that I felt was inferior to mine. Not in a snobbish way, I don’t think but in a sort of reassuring way. It feels ok to be in the middle area between the adequate and the awesome. I guess that’s pretty much how I feel about myself as well. I’m not completely untalented, but I’m not the best. I’m not rich, but I’m not starving. I’m certainly not ugly, maybe even beautiful, but not perfectly so. I have faults and flaws and I do my best to hide them and to emphasize my strengths, but I know they’re there. I know that my breasts look perky because of my under wire, not because they really defy gravity. I know that my belly looks best covered in a one piece than on display in a skimpy bikini. But I also know that with the right outfit, I can make it look like you’d want to see me in that skimpy bikini. I know that with just a touch of plastic surgery and some braces I could have perfectly straight teeth and a cute little nose, but I’m pretty much ok with being imperfect- most of the time. I know that I could die my hair blonde and my sex appeal would sky rocket. But I’m happy with my black tresses even though they could use a trim and even though it’s not what the TV and magazines tell me is ‘in.’ I’m not perfect, but I’m good enough. And I’m thankful for what I’ve got.
My friends- they’re flawed too. How can an imperfect person have perfect friends? They aren’t the hippest, or the smartest or the richest people in the world either. But they are open minded, fun, generous and forgiving. Those are the things that really matter, in my book.
I had a chance to meet with some of the other artists while I was there, and that helped to ground me to. It always come as a slight shock to me (even though it shouldn’t) that they are people too. Some are young, some are old, some are jerks and some are nice. Some are attractive and some are not. Artists are not all
the beautiful people like they always seem to portray them in the media. They have about the same proportion as the rest of the population. For some reason it often comes as a shock to see the painter of really delicate lovely images and they turn out to be a bony, angled gnarled old man with a crooked nose and yellow teeth. But it happens- it happens a lot.
Kristin Slate, the painter who created Flower Women was a young college student with an neo-hippie activist sort of feeling about her. She was full of ideas about how the world should be, about patriarchy, about oppression, about women in all corners of the world sold into slavery or doomed to lives in corporate bondage. I found her fascinating. She had been involved with a lot of service work with various organizations and had lots of stories to share about the places she’d been and the changes she was trying to bring about. While I was engrossed in listening to her, Glen excused himself to go do a little bit of man-hunting. There’s never a shortage of gay men at an art gallery, and I couldn’t expect to keep him to myself the whole night.
Kristin knew a number of the other artists and introduced me to a few. Becket Winter had a beautiful pen and ink display with some very intricate drawings of lesser known mythologies. I was amazed at what he could do with the use of only black and white. ‘I do use colored inks as well, but the black and white always get the best response. Plus, in an exhibit like this, they really stand out. That’s always a plus.’
Massimo was a foreign sounding artist with no last name apparently necessary. But I got the feeling that his accent was fake, and Kristen agreed with me later that he was totally pretentious. His paintings used darker colors, thick outlining and obscure subjects. His style was somewhere between realistic and abstract and almost gave the impression of stained glass, if stained glass were completely opaque.
Cassidy Keen was the painter of some lovely watercolors in a series called Magick. They featured swirls and other patterns that were quite lovely to look at. Cassidy was a short heavyset woman with thinning gray hair. She wore a blue button up shirt un-tucked over a pair of jeans. She has a face that reminded me of Cinderella’s fairy godmother in the Disney movie, and a sweet personality to match.
I was having a wonderful time meeting with some of the artists who were there that night. And Glen was apparently having a great time to. Occasionally he’d flit over to me with some little tid-bit of gossip or just his high hopes for the direction things were taking with Guy. It seemed they were really hitting it off.
By the time we left, Glen had Guy’s phone number and I had made several valuable contacts. It had been a good day. Gen seemed to agree. We were both in high spirits as he drove me back home.
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Rinu Hi I'm 25 year old boy and here is my story with a married colleague. This girl Rinu(name changed) I met at my office, in a new team. She looks like parneeti chpora and was of my same age. I had a small crush on her the very day I saw her but came to know that she was married an year ago and had a girl child born two months back. We became friends overtime and I would take her out for tea most of the days. We used to have some funny fights and I never miss a chance to touch her body...
AffairWatching the streets of London go by, Mary sat in the passenger seat of their car. Two days earlier Jeff had sprung the surprise on her: that he was taking her to France for a fortnight. Mary was, of course, thrilled with the idea, and had packed in a hurry, taking time to call her mother and some of her friends with the good news. She’d had to do some juggling of schedules at work, but in the end she’d been able to get a couple of weeks off. The only fly in the ointment, as far as she was...
Chapter 24 Herman Watson was a strong man and had loved all three of his boys equally. Mel was the studious one, Mark the dreamer, and Matt the wild one. Herman probably wouldn't be too surprised by Matt's new personality because Matt would try anything. He might not even mind that he was now a girl, because Herman was pretty liberal that way, as long as it didn't hurt someone else go for it was his mantra. Herman was a pretty special man. Brenda held his hand for quite sometime....
Author's note: For those people unfamiliar with the English education system, GCSE's are individual subjects usually studied by children between the ages of 14-16 and a core of subjects are compulsory. A-levels are taken after GCSE's, they are two-year courses, and a person's passing grade is important in determining whether or not they are accepted onto a particular university course. Although Nottingham Trent is a real university, some of the details used in this story regarding it are...
Chapter One: Two Sisters in Need of Their Brother's Seed By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Las, God of Lust – The Aquamarine Palace The storm howled around the...
My beautiful wife is a bit shy, but sexually very trusting. I get a huge rush from showing her off without her knowing. Like last Saturday when our lazy morning at the apartment turned to lust. Before long I had her bare-butt naked and at the edge of a climax. The more turned on she gets the more adventurous she gets, the perfect time to suggest a little light bondage!She readily agreed knowing this would lead to multiple orgasms! I slipped a blindfold into place making sure she couldn’t...
I became friends with Old Man Walters after I’d come upon him with his truck broke down on the way home. He was looking for some extra help on his farm, and I was looking for something to supplement the shitty security guard pay. The bonus for me, was that Walters’ Farm was a get away for city people. There were a few cabins on the property that could be rented, a lake to swim, fish, and kayak in, and horse back riding. With a winery right up the road there was a constant stream of...
All throughout the world there are innocent souls too naive to know when there purposely being lead down the wrong path. And there's just as many people ready and more than willing to take advantage of those people. Below you can read about various stories of innocents being corrupted in lewd ways. Or write your own tale yourself.
I found this story and want it to happen to me!!My wife and i went to visit my mother in law for the weekend, my wife went to out with her friends and her mum went to the shops.... so thats what i thought, i thought whilst i was alone i would have a wank so i stripped totally naked in the livivng room playing with my little boner, i suddenly felt like i was being watched and noticed out of the corner of my eye her mother stood watching me wank, i thought she would leave but she kept watching...
My honeymoon with Judy was going great. We moved out of the room in Kerala and got into the car. We were waiting at the traffic (guys who might have gone to Kochi might know the traffic condition). That’s when I got this brilliant idea! I shared the idea with Judy. Me: Ma’am. Have you heard about roleplay? Judy: Yes Varun! Why what happened? Me: Nothing. I just want to have roleplay with you. I mean it’s my fantasy. Judy laughed and said, “Yes but what kind of role play can we have?” Me: What...
I need your touchAfter a long day of work, I finally walk through my front door. My shoulders and neck are aching, wishing your hands were kneading them, soothing the pain with firm but careful fingers.I sigh, leaving my bag by the stairs. The house is empty. Running my hands through my hair, I kick off my heels and make my way up the stairs towards my room. It's too quiet, so I put on some music and start to undress.My clothes feel heavy as I take them off, first my blazer, then my shirt. The...
Iam always so horny and feeling good at night driving away from my neighbor , driving north of town on the edge of the industrial zoneI always drive the same route, checking bus stops for a lonely worker going homemy hearth always pound fast when i finnaly see onemaybe in his 50 , tired looking black daddy the kind of guy i like to please in my back seat at nightsucking on a stranger black cock , happy to relax , is work done , getting comfortable in my car getting sucki love to park close and...
The look I got from Tanya on Monday morning, when I claimed my seat in Religion, was one of pure contempt. Well, fuck her. I had already gotten the same treatment for Jill the day before. You'd think that after I had saved her from another asshole, albeit a much richer asshole than the last one, Jill would be a little grateful. But no, as far as she was concerned, she wasn't drunk at all, and if she wanted to parade around half-naked in front of strangers, that was her business. She was...
My parents had rented a house for the week. My brother (the second oldest of four) was graduating from the academy and his wedding was planned to coincide. There was going to be a gathering of family, most staying at the rented house and just a few deciding to opt out for motels. We arrived at the house in the afternoon and were greeted by some of the celebrants who had arrived before us. Others continued to show up throughout the afternoon and into the evening. There was much catching up on...
Hello guys, Rahul here based in Pune. Average looking Indian guy passionate about travelling and photography. I have been a regular reader at ISS , finally, I have decided to share my sexscaped. I provide escort services to fund my travel, to ladies who are deprived or unhappy with their sex life. I even had threesome experience with young couples from Pune and Mumbai who wanted to spice up their sex life. Not just sex but I also offer consultancy to spice up sex life. And I even offer...
They sat facing each other at the tiny table in the narrow kitchen with its metal cabinets, sharing sections of the paper, avoiding each other's eyes. They drank orange juice and ate cereal, sipped acrid coffee. "I guess we should make some decisions," he said as she poured them more coffee. It was strange, his mind was clear, his ever-present regrets had evaporated. No ghosts at all this morning. Very odd. "You still subscribe to the Post? Pretty expensive when you could get it at...
I was getting nervous. It was already 8:15AM, and still no Darla. Maybe I had gone too far by teleporting out like that in front of her. Had I scared her? Was she terrified of me? I was getting a sick feeling in my gut just thinking that might have happened. I poured myself another cup of coffee and went back outside and sat on the camp chair I had put back outside. I shouldn't have done it. Damn it! What was I thinking? I sipped my coffee. There it was, the sound of a car. An old beat up...
Claire's Place Synopsis: "Claire's Place!" The sign read across the top. Below it read: "Home cooking, and honey, if you leave here hungry, it's your fault." A cute sign on the side of a road hardly used since the new freeway. A perfect sort of road for a slow trip on a bicycle, and a perfect place to stop if you're hungry and Carl stopped. Starting off again, however, was going to be a lot harder. Players: Claire and Carla Simms; Sheriff Emmit Baker; Susan Day; Old Doc...
I am so so sorry. I said looking at him pleadingly He looked at me and at his palm.. Its cool he said and smiled a bit I was just about to walk past him when he touched my shoulder What are you doing walking on your own by the way he asked me Nothing .. Just taking a walk He looked at the direction I was coming from and that which I was going before he offered to walk with me No really thank you. I said sizing him up. He was at least 6"3 tall and had a very large build. I on the other...
Stunning tattooed blonde, Anna Claire, Clouds, shows off her irresistible charm and enticing charisma in black lingerie and stockings. The slender lass can’t help herself from feeling horny as she gradually takes off her lingerie, revealing her perky tits and pink pussy. Anna lies on the bed with her legs spread apart, ready to take in a big cock any time. Moans of pleasure fill the room as Anna gets fucked missionary style. Anna gives the cock a sloppy blowjob before riding it in cowgirl...
xmoviesforyou... Turning, the General called out, “Sergeant, see that my wives get home safely.” “Yes, Sir,” the Sergeant responded, snapping off a salute before hurrying to get their luggage. “My office at the Retreat, or shall we use the Lieutenant’s office here?” “Let’s use his. I want him to be part of this, anyway.” The General stopped to kiss his wives tenderly and quietly tell them something, then followed Jeff toward the Security building. A few minutes later, Whitworth rapped on the...
Wish Shift: Chapter Twenty Seven The Things That Bind You Year 1 A.S. Day 157 Jenny looked up when Derek opened the front door. She was in the kitchen going over some of what she wanted to do with him during the next week. She put down the pad of paper that she had been writing ideas on down on the counter and walked into the living room to see why he was back so early today. She had been busy over the last few days. In fact she had only really left the house when she had to. As...
After my shower, I towel dried my hair, brushed my teeth and dressed in a pair of simple white cotton panties and a camisole. I had fully intended to wait up for Mark, but after lying down on the couch I quickly fell asleep. I woke up to the sound of the metal door slamming closed as Mark came in. He did what he always does and walked into the kitchen to get himself a glass of water. I walked up behind him and slid my arms around his waist and rested my head on his back.
Tony was just about to make his way out of the station on a borrowed walking stick, feeling quite aggrieved and very tired at the way in which he had been treated and wondering how he was going to make it back to the Feathers. When he saw PC Fay Tonks walking towards him, her lips parted in a welcoming smile. She was about 5ft 6" tall with short cropped blonde hair, aqua blue eyes and a lovely athletic looking body. He guessed she was probably about twenty three years of age. She had a sort...
I was in the middle of nowhere, the tire on my bicycle had a puncture and it was getting late. My plan to cycle across Western Australia had hit a snag and with the nearest town over 30 miles away I was starting to wonder where I was going to sleep for the night. To make matters worse it had been raining for more than an hour - everyone thinks Australia enjoys constant sunshine but this is a myth - and I was drenched. But I didn't panic as something usually comes up and sure enough a white ute...
“…8…9…10.” I put the bar back where it belonged and took a few deep breaths. After taking a drink from my water bottle, I walked from the workout room towards the living room. Just as I got there, the door opened and a chill burst into the house. My sister, Vanessa, walked in from her run. She stood in the doorway, taking off layers until she was down to her undershirt and spandex pants. She was hanging up her jacket in the hall closet when I emerged from behind the couch. I stood in front of...
IncestTo fully appreciate the story it is better that you have read day one prior to this chapter. It is 07:20 when the wife leaves to go to work and as I take my place in the attic again, I open the window just in time to see the college girl in her window in her skirt and bra, putting on her blouse. I am in just my bathrobe, which I slip off, sitting down naked next to the little table with my box of hankies on the ready. Next door to the college girl there is a light on in the bedroom of Brian and...
On this particular day we were in the usual coffee shop but we were served by the trainee, he was a young lad, Lee, 22, and just out of university, as he lived somewhere close to where we lived, Helga asked us if we could give him a lift home, we said we could and Donna and I sat at a table. She said to me "We could knock another off the list here", I said "Ok".As we got in the car Lee was chatty about his life, saying he was working at the coffee shop to earn money to go travelling. Donna said...
I would like to thank LadyCibelle for taking her time to edit my story. Life was great and I loved my wife more than anything else in this world. We had passion in our marriage and we enjoyed spending time with each other. Don't get me wrong, we had an active social life with friends and family. Before I go any further, let me introduce myself. My legal name is Stanley Oliver Smith and my parents (George and Barbara) selected my name because they wanted my initials to be S.O.S. Notice I...
Beautiful Blonde juicy chested shared wife Lindsay chats it up with her favorite black bull bbc lover Scotty, while she dolls her self up for her monthly hotwife session. She reminds Scotty she has a satisfied marriage but lucky for Lindsay her husband lets her get some extra hard black cock deep inside. With that Scotty leads her to the table for a sensual massage before Lindsay deep throats his hard cock. Lindsay gets on all fours perking her juicy big ass up and ready for him to slide in...
xmoviesforyouWelcome to Impregnatar. The forest is alive around you as you wake up. Your head hurts. You're cool... Probably because you're naked... But a creeping humidity makes your skin sticky. You'll warm up soon. Your hair is matted by it. Your armpits and groin and all your fleshies are a bit more.... Moist... Than you'd like. A mosquito buzzes in your ear. Who are you? How did you get here? Forest birds squawk overhead in the trees. Something moves in the leaves nearby. Ferns dance; was that...