Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 9: Committing Suicide For The Second Time free porn video

Mid-September to Tuesday, February 22, 2005,
My vague plan - made back when I started pulling ahead of my 9th grade classmates - was to take as many Advanced Placement subjects as humanly possible in my senior year, which would make that year a busy one. But that was over two years away and what to do about the intervening period wasn't obvious. (For those of you who aren't American or who live in dimensions that use a different nomenclature, in most dimensions students in American school grades 9 through 12 are often called: freshmen (regardless of their gender), sophomores, juniors and seniors respectively. This dimension was typical in most school issues: those grade names, the dates school terms started and stopped throughout the year, class times, etc.)
Although I had done exceptionally well in my 9th grade final exams, I didn't bother to ask to be skipped another grade, as I was sure the Principal wouldn't agree to that. I'd encountered him around school a few times since he'd advanced me, and he clearly hadn't enjoyed being proved wrong. A better man, such as Mr. Barrett, would've celebrated my success, but the Principal wasn't a "better man". Whether he was bent out of shape because I'd somehow got the better of him via my mom, or he didn't appreciate that I'd inconvenienced him, or some other reason, I didn't know. But I did know that he scowled at me whenever we encountered each other so I didn't bother asking him permission to jump another grade.
I couldn't get motivated to think of what else I could do during the two years until 12th grade. I was going to commit suicide again sooner or later, and there was a 50% chance I'd be leaving this dimension, so why bother busting a gut to do anything? I knew that was probably poor logic, as whoever I merged with would probably think the same, but that "probably" gave me the excuse to be lazy. I was somewhat distracted by the thought of my dying and the new life that'd create for me, and I was more than a little lazy after the long summer vacation, so I basically did nothing about it.
I started 10th grade just as any other student would, although I was still only fourteen, my fifteenth birthday being a couple of months away in November. I hadn't thought things through as well as I should have - mostly because I hadn't bothered thinking things through at all - because I soon found myself bored stiff at school. There just wasn't enough challenge in 10th grade.
I spent some time in the school library reading ahead of this year's work to check that it was going to be as easy as I thought. It was. I read some of next year's textbooks too, and they didn't look hard either. I figured that as I'd done two grades of work last year, I could do two this year, so I decided to also work my way through the 11th grade material.
From the office and teachers, I got detailed information about what each of next year's classes were going to cover during their year, and I just worked my way through it at my own pace. Some subjects had a very detailed syllabus, others less so, but whatever they had guided my reading of their textbooks.
I found out what the 11th grade teachers' schedules were and I'd occasionally pop into their rooms before or after one of their classes to ask a specific question about something that had me blocked. I never took much of their time, and they were helpful enough. I even read through the 11th grade English material, but I mostly just read what was required rather than did anything about it. I certainly didn't bother writing any of the stupid assignments.
Even though I had two minds, it was still challenging. One way of looking at it is that I was doing two years' of work with two minds, so the equivalent of a year's work per mind. That would imply that it should be as challenging for my average intelligence as for any other average student, but that wasn't the case at all, for three major reasons:
I didn't have to write assignments or take tests for my 11th grade work, so that saved a lot of effort.
I could progress at my own pace, not the pace of the slowest student in the class.
I could sit in a 10th grade class and pay attention to the teacher with one mind (actually less than half a mind because teachers are so repetitive and slow), while the other mind-and-a-half did my 11th grade work. I could get considerably more than two classes' worth of work done during one class.
Mostly I was doing 11th grade work to relieve my boredom while I waited for my next déjà vu, but I also vaguely intended that at the end of the year, I'd ask the Principal to let me take both sets of exams. Then we could look at my results and maybe get his permission for me to jump from 10th grade straight to 12th. If he refused, maybe I could talk him into me doing 11th and 12th grade simultaneously. I didn't particularly care either way because the next déjà vu would be coming along sometime around then.
I expected to wait a couple of years, and even then wasn't sure I'd go through with it on the first chance. Some circumstances were unacceptable, such as in the middle of dinner with my family; while other circumstances were undoable, such as in the middle of a PE class as it'd take me too long to get to my jar.
On February 22nd, only eight months after the movie theater déjà vu and fifteen months since my first merge, I was shopping for some new pants (I was fifteen now and my body had filled out a bit and grown a little taller), when I felt déjà vu.
(To avoid a VERY disjointed dialogue, I'm leaving out the VERY frequent and annoying breaks, restarts, confusions and repeats caused by the synchronization process. A verbatim transcript would be even more confusing because each of my minds tried talking to each of his, so there were often two attempted conversations going on simultaneously. Communication was almost impossible, and I'll spare you from having to read through pages of mess to extract a small amount of meaning.)
One Of My Minds:
One Of His Minds:
Another Of His Minds:
One Of My Minds:
Another Of My Minds:

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