Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 143: Helping The Police With Their Inquiries free porn video

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Thursday, April 28, 2005 (Continued)

The trip to the station took only a few minutes. The cops made casual conversation with me, most of their comments being casual questions about recent events. I said nothing.

I was escorted to the interview room and had to wait a little while until my lawyer and parents arrived.

Soon we were ready to start. With pen poised, Mr. Walker said, "Start at the beginning, Mark. Go slowly and give me as much detail as you can."

"You want all the details?"

"Yes. You never know what might be important."

"That's going to take a long time. Wouldn't it be better for me to give you an overview first, so you can ask me details about important parts of it?"

"Let's do it my way, shall we."

"Okay. You asked for it."

I started. "I'll start with a little background material first. A couple of days ago Katelin and I ... You know who Katelin is, don't you? The daughter. The larger of the two girls sitting on my lap in the kitchen when you arrived."

"If I don't know something, I'll ask. You just describe what happened."

"Okay. A couple of days ago Katelin and I were talking. I have extremely good relationships with my sisters, and Katelin wanted better relationships with her brothers. I agreed to help her try to achieve that. I gave her a little bit of advice and I suggested I pop in to see her family briefly. Just to get a feel for them, so that when she talked about them to me I'd have a face to put the name to, and an idea of what sort of people they were. My intention was to have nothing to do with her family after that, beyond being someone she could talk with about them, as a non-participating source of advice.

-- "This afternoon, half an hour before dinner, is when we arranged for me to pop in..." I'd been deliberately vague during the background, but I went on to give him EVERY detail I could remember from the moment I arrived at the Eatons' home. I could remember a LOT of details! I ordinarily have three extremely good active memories these days, and I'd been concentrating very hard on remembering everything during my visit because I'd believed it'd be a short one and I'd been worried about not getting enough information from her family to form useful impressions about them. It took me five minutes to get from the first spoken sentence (Katelin's, "Come on! I can't wait to introduce you to my family."), to the second (Gunner's, "Haha! I wondered whether my stupid sister's latest BOY-friend was you. 'Martial arts expert' - ha! You're a pussy."). I described the house's exterior, their cars, the house's interior in the rooms I'd walked through, where I'd met the family, their expressions upon seeing me, my prior knowledge of Gunner and Wayne from school.

I gave him all of the conversation before the introductions started, and during the introductions themselves. I gave him my thoughts as they had occurred to me, such as not thinking highly of the parents for allowing Gunner to insult me the way he did. I included Junior's hand squeeze of course, as well as the lack of normal social etiquette as exampled by my having to be asked to be introduced, not asked to sit, and not offered a drink.

The introduction was taking a LONG time to recount. Before I got to Wayne calling me "Egg", the lawyer stopped me, saying, "Are you honestly remembering this level of detail?"

"Sure. I have a very good memory."

Mom chuckled.

"This is going to take a long time, isn't it?"

"It's taking me about four times longer to describe than it took in reality. Later on things get more complicated, so let's assume an overall six-to-one ratio. Probably ten to twelve hours to tell you, plus however long it takes to answer your questions."

"Okay. You've made your point. You'll have to speed it up."

I resisted making a joke about his "you never know what details will be important." Instead I said, "I'll give you an overview then."

I sped up considerably. I soon got to Wayne recognizing me as "Egg", and I had to mention it because there was a great deal of animosity from the boys after that, especially during our "Graceful" discussion.

He questioned my being a genius. "You're a genius?"


"Very intelligent?"

Several facetious answers occurred to each of my minds, but he was on my side, so I just said, "Yes. Very."

"Do you do well at school?"

"Yes. Is there a reason we are hung up on this point? How does my intelligence have any relevance to what happened?"

"If you're doing well at school I'll have more leverage with the DA, if it comes down to that."

"Early last school year I was advanced from 8th to 9th grade. This year I am doing 10th and 11th grades simultaneously, as well as several college courses toward a Bachelor in Mathematics. Next year I'll do 12th grade and finish my bachelor's. I'm on schedule to finish school and a four-year college degree at the age of sixteen, six years ahead of normal. Will that impress the DA?"

"I imagine it will. That's very impressive."

"Good. Shall I carry on?"


I quickly skimmed through the constant insults I'd been given, until I got to the point where I had announced that I was leaving, and the boys had physically blocked the door and refused to let me out. They'd ranted and raved at me, and I quoted some of the things they'd said, especially quotes that included their violent refusal to let me leave the room.

"Are those the exact words they used?"

This wasn't the first time he'd asked me the same question, so I answered more firmly this time, "If I quote someone, you can always assume it's 100% accurate. If I'm paraphrasing or I'm not sure of my accuracy, then I'll let you know."

I continued, and my lawyer particularly liked my asking, "Mr. Eaton. Are you going to tell your sons not to kidnap me, or do I have to fight my way out?" And his answer, "You're a big mouthed smart-ass, kid. This's your own fuckin' fault."

I also made a big deal about Katelin's running around the room, begging everyone to leave me alone, and how roughly she'd been turned down, including by her father.

I skipped all the goading I'd given her brothers, to save time and because it was obviously not relevant. Instead I said, "I was standing unaggressively in the center of the room, still drinking the glass of milk I'd had to request for myself. I told them that I'd finish the milk then call my parents to come get me. The boys reacted very badly to that, and Don, Junior and Gunner all attacked me. When the three attackers got close enough to me I dealt with each of them as quickly and cleanly as I could. Don was the oldest and scariest, so I poked him in the eyeballs hard enough to hurt him but not enough to injure. That temporarily blinded him, and he dropped from the pain. I dodged Junior's attack and punched him once on the side of the head, which knocked him out. Then I dodged Gunner's attack and I punched him once on the side of the head too, also knocking him out.

-- "That was it. All over in three blows. I didn't touch them after that. Mr. Eaton leaped out of his chair, and was about to attack me, but I managed to talk him into sitting down again. Wayne never moved, and he also helped me convince his father to sit down. He's the only nice brother."

My lawyer asked incredulously, "You knocked out Don, Junior AND Gunner Eaton?"

"Yes to Junior and Gunner; Don I poked in the eyes. He was conscious but out of action for a while. Not long enough, as it turned out."

"What did they do to you?"

"They attacked me. Are you asking what blows they landed on me?"


"None. I told you what happened. They attacked, and I dropped them one by one. None of them touched me. They TRIED to, but they failed. Katelin and Wayne can confirm that their brothers were attacking me though, so I was defending myself. I was standing in the center of the room drinking my glass of milk, they yelled violent threats and obscenities at me, and then charged me. I was talking calmly and quietly, the same as I am now. They attacked me, and I did the bare minimum I could to protect myself. As soon as I was safe, I even asked Mrs. Eaton to check Don's eyes because I was worried about them. They were fine though; fine enough that he could attack me several more times later on."

"Three guys attacked you, and none of them landed a blow, and you 'dropped them'?"

"Yes. And in answer to your next obvious question, No, I am not an experienced fighter. This is the first time I have tried to hit anyone in years. I've been attacked by bullies at school, even badly assaulted by them sometimes - the police will have records of some recent attacks on my by the school's football team that you should probably read up on - but I've never fought back before today. I had no choice today because those guys weren't going to be content with slapping me around and flushing my head in the toilet. They were violently angry and intending to seriously hurt me, as Don's stabbing of Gunner later proved. Don mistook Gunner for me, by the way. I HAD to do what I could to defend myself."

"So how did you win the fight so easily then? You don't expect anyone to believe you got that lucky, do you?"

"I've had three lessons from an Aikido instructor. Aikido is a martial art. It's purely defensive and doesn't have any punches, kicks or all the usual stuff you associate with martial arts. Aikido is more spiritual and mental than physical. I used my new Aikido skills. Unfortunately, none of the Aikido lessons I've had included what to do about more than one attacker, so I had to decide what to do for myself, and knocking them out seemed the quickest and safest way to end the fight. And - in answer to your next question - yes, THREE Aikido lessons taught me a great deal. I am a very, very quick study. I'm a genius, remember? As I see it, aren't the only really important facts that they attacked me and I defended myself by doing the least I possibly could?"

"Those are important, yes. But so is having a believable story. Yours is not believable."

"Katelin and Wayne will verify it. Call up my Aikido instructor and ask him how quick I learn. I can give you his number whenever you want. The only reason you don't believe me is because you've never dealt with anyone who learns as fast as I do before. I'm unusual, so my accomplishments seem so unlikely that they're unbelievable. How likely is it that a 16-year old boy will graduate college next year? Professor Williams is my girlfriend's father, and he's probably in the waiting room now. He's a professor of Mathematics at OSU who can confirm that I'm on schedule to achieve that. My beating three guys with so little training and zero experience is not likely either, but I did it. Regardless of any of that, THEY attacked ME!"

Dad said, "I have no doubt that everything Mark said is the truth. He is a physical genius as well as a mental one. He bowled 300 last Sunday, for instance. If anyone could learn how to defend himself from three attackers in three lessons, then it's Mark."

Mr. Walker said, "Why did Gunner Eaton deride your being a martial arts expert when you first arrived at the house?"

"Good question. Katelin's brothers and father all do martial arts. They're a very aggressive family. Katelin tried to build me up to her family by telling them something she thought they'd be impressed by. Unfortunately, with their being aggressively competitive macho idiots, all it did was make them want to attack me even more."

"So you beat three experienced martial artists without their landing a blow on you?"

"Yes. I wouldn't be impressed by that as I'm pretty sure none of them are any good at their martial arts. I knocked out Junior and Gunner with exactly the same technique: I stepped to their side as they were running toward me, and punched them on the side of the head. It wasn't exactly rocket science. When the father attacked me, I stepped to his side and punched him the same way. When Don attacked me with the knife, I stepped to his side and punched him exactly the same. They were so angry, violent and stupid that they simply charged at me time after time. I kept doing exactly the same thing and it kept working. I have a feeling that if I hadn't called the cops, I'd still be there knocking them out one-by-one, in the same manner over and over again. They really are an incredibly stupid bunch of people. What I did wasn't very impressive: I simply found something that worked, and I kept using it."



Mr. Walker said, "Let's move along. What happened next?"

I skipped over the irrelevant catching of flies and balancing a glass of milk on my foot tricks. I said, "I was worried about Don Eaton's eyes, and I thought I'd likely knocked all the aggression out of the boys, so I waited to see how Don was. Mr. Eaton was still very aggressive though, and he got worked up. Soon he hit upon the brilliant idea of waiting until his boys all woke up then calling the police and charging me with assaulting them. I pointed out that the whole family would have to lie to the police and maybe in court, and he said, 'Been there, done that.' I'm pretty sure he was telling the truth too."

"Really? What were the exact words?"

"I said, 'The only way I could possibly be in any trouble at all, would be if all your family lied to the police, swore false statements, perjured yourselves in court, and that sort of thing.' And he said, 'Been there, done that, smart-ass!', then he laughed. I'm pretty sure he was telling the truth, because both he and Don attacked me to get the tape recording back. Before you ask, that's the next thing to tell you. I'll get to that in a second.

-- "When Mr. Eaton said 'Been there, done that, ' I decided that my previous reason for visiting this family - to get to know them well enough to be a good listener for Katelin - was now unimportant. If the Eatons had really lied to the police and maybe the court, there could be someone innocent in jail. I wanted to go home immediately to talk with my parents about what to do next. Almost certainly we'd then call the police to report what I'd learned.

-- "I got up to leave, but I worried that if I called the police from home and sent them to the Eatons, the Eatons would just lie again. They could easily say that I was making up the whole thing, and maybe they'd even file assault charges against me and all lie to the police about that. Their word against mine when there was so many of them was a worry. So I had an idea which would help the police find out the truth about whatever the 'Been there, done that' meant, and would also protect me from the Eatons lying about me attacking them. In the center of the room, I pulled my cellphone out of my pocket. I'm very agile and dexterous, so I was able to turn on the tape recording function on my cellphone while I was pulling it out, but in a way they wouldn't have seen. I held it up in the air, theatrically keeping my fingers away from the buttons. I asked Katelin to read the screen, and she called out, 'Recording'. I told Mr. Eaton that it'd been recording for fifteen minutes, and that I had all the yelled threats from his sons, their refusing to let me leave, his encouraging them, their attacks on me, and his saying that he'd previously lied to the police and courts, so there was no way I was scared of his threat to falsely accuse me.

-- "My idea was to tell the police that I had the fifteen minute recording, even though I'd only started it fifteen seconds earlier, and the police would be able to fake Mr. Eaton out." I could see that Mr. Walker was very interested in this development. I continued. "Having made Mr. Eaton believe that I had a tape recording of everything, I told him that I was leaving, but he reacted by charging out of his chair and screaming straight at me, demanding that I give him my phone. I yelled at him to stop, but he didn't. I didn't think I'd be able to run away because he was already moving fast and I was standing still. I was caught flatfooted because I NEVER expected to be attacked by a father. Katelin's brothers' attacks were not so surprising as they're just stupid boys really, even though Don is over twenty, but Mr. Eaton's was a complete shock to me.

-- "Anyway, it was almost certainly impossible for me to get away, so I stepped to the side and punched him on the side of the head, just like always works with the Eatons. I knocked him out, thank God! Do you want me to keep talking, and tell you what happened for the rest of the time, or shall we try to listen to the recording? I haven't had a chance to do so yet, so I don't know what sort of quality it is."

Mr. Walker had no doubts, "The recording please. If you've got a recording of Mr. Eaton Senior's attacking you, then that changes things considerably. His version of this afternoon's events is considerably different than yours."

"Okay." I pulled out my cellphone, and had to play around a bit to find the function again. Under "Voice Recorder" there were two choices: "Record" and "Recordings list". I selected the latter option and three lines displayed:


The "3:00" worried me. Judging by its being below the date, it looked like the time the recording started (i.e., 3pm), except that I'd started it well after 3:00. Leaving that aside, I found the "Playback" option, and selected it.

We heard my voice saying, "I realized a long time ago, Mr. Eaton, that everyone here was your family and that there was only one of me. Junior attacked me before I'd been in the house a minute, and Gunner was clearly spoiling for a fight too. You did nothing to stop them. In fact, you later encouraged their violence. Long before the first time I was attacked I turned on the tape recorder function of my phone."

I hit the 'Stop' button. I said, "We've got a problem. The phone displayed what I though was the time the recording started. It said today's date and 'three, colon, zero, zero.' I thought it was 3pm, which was the wrong time. I was watching the display just now, and it was counting down from three minutes. I think the whole recording is probably only three minutes long! If that's the case, we're not going to get much."

Mr. Walker said, "There's nothing we can do about that now. Play what you've got please."

"Okay." I looked for a "Continue" or "Resume" button, but there wasn't one, only "Play", which started from the beginning again.

My voice repeated, "I realized a long time ago, Mr. Eaton, that everyone here was your family and that there was only one of me. Junior attacked me before I'd been in the house a minute, and Gunner was clearly spoiling for a fight too. You did nothing to stop them. In fact, you later encouraged their violence. Long before the first time I was attacked I turned on the tape recorder function of my phone."

There was a small pause, as I'd been moving the phone closer to Katelin for her to read, then my more distant voice asking, "Katelin, what does the display read?"

Katelin answering, "Recording."

My voice, "Recording for fifteen minutes and some seconds. I've got all your boys' taunts and threats, their attacks on me, our discussion of their attacks, your threat to lie in court about what happened today, and your boast that you've already lied to the police. So, please Mr. Eaton, feel free to call the police about what happened here today. I'm leaving now..."

The next couple of seconds were filled with the sound of Mr. Eaton's roars and his charge across the room. You could make out his demanding the phone.

My voice yelling, "STOP Mr. Eaton!" The sound quality muffled halfway through that, as I'd put the phone in my pocket.

We could all hear that Mr. Eaton did not stop. In fact, his roars got dramatically louder as he got closer to the phone.

A second later there was the loud of the impact of my fist on the side of Mr. Eaton's head, closely followed by the thump and groan of his body landing on top of Don.

Because I thought it was cool, I said, "He landed on top of Don. That was Don's groan."

A couple of seconds later my quite badly muffled voice, "Does this normally happen when you bring your boyfriends home, Katelin?" My little audience laughed at my joke. All four of us in the interview room were in a MUCH better mood now. I picked up my phone and found a way to turn the volume up the max, as the muffling was quite bad.

"No. I don't bring boys home anymore."

"Imagine my surprise. Wayne, I feel I should walk over there and knock you out too because you're ruining my completing the whole set, haha. I'm joking, of course, I'd never attack anyone; I'll only defend myself.

-- "I can't believe how STUPID your family is. I don't even have to vary my technique! I knock them out one after the other in exactly the same way. You live in an unbelievably stupid and violent family. To be serious now though, I'm going to leave shortly, but I'm worried about what's going to happen to Katelin while I'm away. Katelin invited me here, and I can easily imagine her getting blamed for this clusterfuck, even though ALL the violence was started by members of your family. Will Katelin be safe when these morons wake up?"

Mom noted my use of the 'cluster' word. Dad uses it VERY occasionally, and he's learned not to use it around Mom. I had no doubt I was going to learn the same lesson soon too. On the other hand, I believed my sincere concern for Katelin came over wonderfully.

Wayne's very muffled and distant voice, "Nothing like this has happened before, so I don't know. Maybe she should go with you?"

Katelin's voice, "I think I should go with you. Just to play safe. Dad's got a bad temper, and I don't want to be around when he wakes up." I LOVED Katelin's, "Dad's got a bad temper" comment!

"I'd let you come with me, but I'll also suggest another alternative: go somewhere else, to one of your girlfriend's houses probably. When I came here, I came in friendship and with an honest desire to help. You shouldn't be blamed for any part of what happened, Katelin, but if you leave with me now, then you're leaving with someone your father and brothers are probably going to consider as an enemy. I'm going home to talk with my parents about this, play them what my phone recorded, and get their advice. If they say, 'Call the police, ' I will do that. There could be a great deal of trouble in this house, and if you've gone off with the person these morons think caused the trouble, then you'll be an enemy too. It might be better if you go to a neutral place, but it's up to you?"

"I want to go with you."

Wayne said, "Katie, somewhere else would be better. You'd anger Dad, maybe even make an enemy out of him. It's not worth it just for a few hours of hiding. Go somewhere else."

I said, "Do you want a lift to someone's place, Katelin, or will you take your bike?"

"It doesn't seem right to leave you."

"I'm not some sort of Prince Charming who has slain the wicked dragon and rescued the princess. You're not my girlfriend, and even if you want to be, I somehow don't think your parents will be giving..."

I'd been watching the display, and the counter had reached 0:00 exactly as the playback stopped. I said, "That's it. That's all we got. There's NOTHING about Don's attacks, damn!"


[A little explanation for you: My family is cautious with money, so Dad had bought me a cheap cellphone. It had no camera and only a three-minute audio recording limit.]

Mr. Walker said, "First thing, let's get a copy of that." He pulled a Dictaphone out of his briefcase, dictated a description: "Copy of recording obtained from Mark Anderson's cellphone, April 28, 2005, of incident at the Eaton household."

He paused his recording, then told me, "I'll turn on my recorder, then you play that again please Mark. Would everyone stay quiet please, so it's an accurate copy."

We did as he asked, listening quietly to the whole recording again, smiling widely.

At the end, Mr. Walker checked his recording, which was fine. He said to us, "Mr. Eaton's version of events is totally at odds with that recording. Which means he is - as you described him - stupid, because you showed him that you were recording him. That's even why he attacked you. I'm not going to inform the police about this recording immediately, not until I know that Mr. Eaton has committed himself in writing. Once he's done that, any retraction and new accusation against Mark will have no credibility. I cannot imagine how you could possibly be in any trouble now, Mark."

The Andersons whooped it up, in our fairly quiet way. A great deal of smiling and congratulating of me ensued.

Mr. Walker said, "Mr. Eaton, in the excitement of the moment, seems to have forgotten about that tape. If he hasn't already, he'll shortly be signing his statement and I expect also making a formal complaint against Mark, as his story is full of accusations. If I have it pictured properly, Junior and Gunner Eaton were unconscious when you revealed that you were recording your visit, yes?"

"That's correct. Don was awake. I think that's why he attacked me so viciously, to get the recording back. Wayne told me later that the thing that Mr. Eaton had lied to the police about involved Don, so naturally Don would want to destroy the recording. Mrs. Eaton was awake, of course. She's a pathetic woman, as I said during my description of the introductions. She got worse as things turned ugly. I've got no idea whether she'll remember the recording, or think to tell anyone in her family."

"Don't worry about that. As I understand the situation, it's mainly Don Eaton and Mr. Eaton Senior that matter. Junior and Gunner Eaton won't get more than a slap on the wrist. Neither of them actually struck a blow on you, at any time, did they?"

"Not really, no. Junior squeezed my hand extremely hard when I arrived. Otherwise they only tried to attack me the once, and I knocked them both out before they did anything more than verbally threaten me."

"Is your memory of the words spoken so accurate that your quotes could be presented to the Eatons as a believable transcript of a tape recording?"

"I would think my memory is pretty much word perfect. I was paying a lot of attention to what was going on, and I have an extraordinarily good memory. If I'm a word or two off, I doubt any of the Eatons would detect the inaccuracy, if that's what you're thinking of?"

"Yes. With your permission I'll give the police a copy of some of your juicier quotes. They might want to use them to, 'fake out' - using your term - Mr. Eaton, to find out what he'd lied about previously. He's going to be highly vulnerable when they play him his assault on you, as they'll claim it to be an extract of the much longer recording you told him you'd made. A few well-placed quotes from elsewhere in the 'transcript', and he should collapse. None of that will work if he has a lawyer, but people like he seems to be often don't think they need one. For now, go on with your story please."

"Okay. After knocking Mr. Eaton out, I talked to Katelin and Wayne for a while. I thought I was safe, because the only bad Eaton who wasn't unconscious was Don, and I erroneously assumed he was just a stupid egotist who would stop his competitive posturing after seeing that I'd dealt with four of his family so easily. While I was talking to Katelin and Wayne, Don got to his feet and stumbled weakly toward us. I invited him to join our discussion, and he limped around to do so. He walked behind me, and when he was in the right position - right behind me - he viciously attacked again. No warning and from behind. Even his limping had been an act. He's a vicious coward. His attacks - a nasty punch and a hard swinging kick - would've been extremely painful if they'd landed." [They would've been a lot worse than that, but I didn't know that at this time.]

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"I am so bored," Warren moaned. "The computer not interesting enough, Snugglebear?" Sophie joked. "After a while, it kind of pales, you know? I'm caught up on my studies, especially considering I haven't been to class in over a week." "We've got the wheelchair coming for next Monday, so you'll be there then come hell or high water." "Which is good, I'm far behind enough as it is. Of course, we'd been missing a few days this week anyway because of Skate America." "It...

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Deputy PorterChapter 143

I was glad that he didn't ask me what the two men looked like. It would have been a problem I'm sure since Karl was one of them. The handed me a plastic bag, from Walmart of all things, with a 9mm automatic pistol inside. The serial number had been removed. There was a box of shells inside a well. The box still had the seal in place. I noted that Karl got one as well. There was also a large briefcase looking fiberglass case, whicht Karl was handed as well. "I suppose I should wear the...

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My Little VentrueChapter 143

~~Jack~~ “So you let Tilly go?” Elaine asked, chuckling as she stepped in past the door. They were in his mansion, and Mulder and Scully sat on his shoulders, eying the much, much older vampire. Idly, Jack noticed that neither of the birds crapped anymore. They’d always been smart enough to not do that in the mansion, but apparently it wouldn’t have mattered anyway. “How do you know that?” “Do you think I came to this city alone? I have eyes and ears everywhere.” He eyed her. She...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 143 YumiForms of Love

(In front of the wreckage of the Aoiya, Omasu hands Kaoru a cup of tea.) Omasu: Here you are, Kaoru. Kaoru: Oh--thank you. Misao (climbing to the top of the smashed roof): They really wrecked the place. Okina (similarly perched): Ah, this is nothing compared to what happened in the Boshin War. Omasu: Will you two get down from there! (You're hurt!) (Kaoru broods over her tea.) Hiko (sipping sake): You worried about him? Don't be. The Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki I taught him can't...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 143 Its About Time

We had a beer but only one. I would have stayed and drank myself unconscious, just to see what kind of men I was dealing with. Every person, about to go into harms way, handles it differently. Some get roaring drunk and some have a good meal and go to bed early. It looked as though Alex planned that everyone go to bed early. "So when do we leave skipper?" I asked Alex. while I looked up at the very small coastal freighter. "Tomorrow before noon is the plan, but I'm not the skipper. I...

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BethChapter 143

February 9, 2018 Dear Ms. Diary, I woke warm, comfy, and in extensive contact with two of my lovers. The eight of us packed ourselves into the smallest portion we could of our huge, new bed last night. I recall lying there in the drift between waking and sleeping, wrapped around Liya with Celeste wrapped around me, thinking that I loved that aspect – the closeness, the love – of our group more than any other, with that “other” including even our wonderful and varied sex life. At some...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 143

The fire was roaring in the fireplace and Jeff, Dave, Bill and Frank sat near it drinking coffee and just "being men" as Diana liked to say. Art walked in and paused, "Mind if I join you guys? Sandra and Bobby have gone to help in the kitchen." Jeff motioned for him to come on in. "I told you that you're one of us. This is your home. The only places that are off limits without knocking are our bedrooms. Now get your butt in here, grab a cup of coffee and sit with us." Art took a cup...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 143

Waiting for Laura when she got home after her delightful and exhausting evening of fucking with Shavon and the incredibly delectable Vondi was a message from, of all people, Alison Sax. "Laura. I'm coming to San Francisco for a show. Be there tomorrow night. Dying to see you. Call me at the Ritz Carlton, I'll be there by four. You know what I want. [Then a loud whisper.] I'm wet wet wet." Laura felt her heart actually flutter, and a fantastic, unexpected twinge deep in her pussy. After...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 143

These are compliments of Fmwarmac A mother and her young son were flying Southwest Airlines from Kansas City to Chicago. The son turned from the window to his mother and asked, “If big dogs have baby dogs and big cats have baby cats, why don’t big planes have baby planes?” The mother said, “Well, maybe that’s something you could ask the stewardess.” So the boy asked the stewardess, “If big dogs have baby dogs and big cats have baby cats, why don’t big planes have baby planes?” The...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 143 Cruising

What else is there to do on this boat besides play grab tit in the pool and throw grapes at girls who want to show of their wet pussies, but aren’t ready yet to do more than that? I had that question answered as I looked off to the side to see a pair of jet-skis racing along beside the cruise ship. Further out into the ocean was one of those speed boats pulling two people parasailing. Now that is an interesting thought. How would it feel to ride a jet-ski wearing only a life vest or hooked...

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Runaway TrainChapter 143

“Thank God!” Jill said. She had come out of the house to greet us as soon as we turned into the driveway. “Why aren’t you answering your phones?” I slid mine out of the sling and looked at it – off. Liz glanced down at the one in her hand and her face told me it was in the same shape as mine. “We’ve had other things on our minds,” Liz said. That caused Jill to pause and look at me. “Is everything still good?” she asked. “Yes,” I said. “Maybe,” Liz answered. This time I didn’t give her...

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Double TearsChapter 143

“Shadows and light deceived us, but sounds we followed true.” —David Bowles, The Deepest Green WITHIN AN HOUR of all of us arriving at Donna’s farmhouse, there wasn’t much clothing to be seen. Who needed to see what people were wearing anyway? Well, I did notice that Cindy had a matching lavender bra and panty set on. I looked at her little butt cheeks that weren’t really covered by the panties and wondered if her mother even knew she owned that set. I didn’t dwell on it unless she...

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Veronica Leal 150 143000

Veronica Leal is a pornstar but does so much with her brand of pornography. This petite Columbian girl is involved with events, cosplays, and porn videos. A quick glance through her Twitter profile shows me that there's more to this girl than her porn. Veronica is into showing her some of her wild sex videos alongside tweets and retweets that deal with some real-life shit. These tweets deal with what's going on around her in her life and pieces of news stories.Veronica's Twitter is home to 160K...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 164 Liaison Meeting Pipeline Mathematics

Sunday, May 1, 2005 (Continued) Julia started the meeting off with, "I'll begin by saying that I had a few wrong ideas when I started the Liaison system. The biggest error I made was wanting every suitable girl at school to fall for Mark, to want to chase him, and to treat him the way I thought they should. That caused me far too much frustration and work. So many girls failed to understand how wonderful he is that I felt I was banging my head against a brick wall most of the time. I...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 420 So Many Options Major Themes

Friday, July 25, 2008 and on There aren't an infinite number of w's. They are finite, just as the x, y and z dimensions are finite and bounded. The w's tend to have evolved thematic commonalities as a consequence of the properties of the synchronization process, but some random events have caused diversions which no practical amount of synchronization can bring back toward the average. There are w's where Earth is empty of humanity. In some cases Earth is no longer habitable because it...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 25 Theyre on to us Guys

Wednesday, April 6, 2005 (Continued) We lay on Julia's bed, holding each other with our faces an inch apart. It's a wonderful position to talk with your girlfriend in. Julia asked me, "How has your evening been?" "Some things stand out. First, learning 8-ball so quickly was interesting, to put it mildly. Your brothers were shocked, so that was fun. Dad and Prof bet on me before my first game. Talk about having faith in me! When they gave me half their winnings your father said I...

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Blythes Machine 3 the Chinese MenaceChapter 2 Back to the Police Station

In the Custody suite of the police station Susan was arguing with the arresting officer. "How the blazes can this Jack Adams be the one responsible for the murder? He reported it. And what is he supposed to assault?" she demanded. "We did a ballistic check on the gun he gave Brice, they match up with the bullet in that Professor Blythe bloke. His gun, his bullet, he's guilty." The officer replied. "Okay then, what about the assault? Who did he assault?" She pressed the second...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 381 DCup Gets Picked Up Even Farther

Monday July 2, 2007 (Continued) Because of her gullibility about God, seducing D-Cup had gone even better than I'd expected. Possibly even so well that a bit of caution might be a good idea in case we overreached ourselves because of how easy this seemed. Applying an even more determined go-soft after her wonderful throwing of herself at me, I said, "Thank you, Nevaeh. I'm impressed by your commitment, but I still want to ask you some more questions to get a better understanding of you....

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 273 Fooling Mrs Norris Dianas and Claires Mother

Thursday, July 28 to Thursday, September 1, 2005 Back at home, there was a great deal of catching up required. For example, Katie West had been laid low by her treatment, but had bounced back (that's what it was supposed to do), and now seemed fine. She wasn't fine, as the chemotherapy had only been a delaying action, but she looked better if you ignored that she was wearing a wig. Carson was also booked in for something similar soon. We'd talked to Ava every day while we'd been away,...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 430 42000 Marks We Go Clothes Shopping

Tuesday, July 1 to Thursday, July 10, 2008 It was much easier to get the non-Mom members of my family onto my side. I went running with Donna the next afternoon. We had a long conversation about topics that I knew were important to her. Naturally there was a lot of talk about sex, as Donna was very curious about it anyway and had been bursting to ask me about what she'd observed. She already knew enough about sex to know that she'd seen something very unusual. She was also amazed that...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 89 Homosexual Clothes Make Girls Faint

Thursday, April 21, 2005 (Continued) We were cutting getting to class a little fine, so Julia, Lily, a couple of the Liaison rejects and I went straight into the classroom as soon as we arrived. I was thinking about other things (recalling the wonderful stripping race, if you must know), and I automatically paused to let the girls traveling with me enter the room first, then I entered after them. Classrooms are always very noisy places just before class starts. There's lots of catching up,...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 380 I Pick Up DCup With Some Help From God

Monday, July 2, 2007 Carol and I went for our drive shortly after midnight, driving to D-Cup's home, stopping a block away so I could do some snooping. I searched the house quickly to find out if she was there. After a quick glance in a couple of wrong bedrooms, I found her in the third. I took that as confirmation that God approved of my plan, which was good because He was going to be helping me. I looked around the house more slowly to get a feel for the Smiths. In a word - and it's not...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 226 Without Boss and Goon

Thursday, May 19 to Saturday, May 21, 2005 First a brief report on events in Corvallis. Thursday morning Julia had called my cellphone to tell me what to wear to school. When I didn't answer her call to my cell, Julia called her home's landline. When no one answered that she successively called her parents' and Ava's cellphones, alerting my family with her increasingly frantic concerns while the phones were ringing unanswered. Thus the discovery process started thirty minutes earlier...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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2 MILFs Theirs Teen Sons

So enjoy the story. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I always considered myself to be lucky to grow up in a vacation wonderland in New Hampshire, and even luckier to be able to live there as an adult. My father established a lucrative real estate agency in Laconia, and we lived in a beautiful home on Lake Winnipesaukee. My name is Ellen, and when I was five years old and just going into the first grade, an Indian family bought the home...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 326 Finishing the DHS CIA Lawsuit and Other Miscellany

Friday, December 1 to Sunday, December 31, 2006 (Continued) Early December, the jury finished their deliberations in our $242 trillion civil lawsuit. The trial itself had gone very much as expected. The DHS had picked me up without a warrant - end of story! That was a breach of my Fourth Amendment rights. The DHS's claim that they had acted under the Patriot Act and so didn't need a warrant was a dead duck of an excuse, and had been openly laughed at when their lawyer advanced it in...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 310 Keeping an Eye on the Other Side

Late-May to Thursday August 10, 2006 The Government's lawyers didn't rush away to get the just-modified agreement signed. It was never going to happen like that, Vanessa assured us. She would've been disappointed had that happened, as this was meant to be just the first round of several. She was hoping to get the Government dancing to our tune, and they weren't on the ropes enough for that yet. Despite Vanessa's saying she'd be very disappointed to get exactly what we had told our...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 319 The Trap Turns on Them

Thursday, September 7, 2006 (Continued) The assault on my home had been derailed and there was no immediate sign of it restarting, giving me time. Time was good, because sooner or later other people would start arriving and that would prevent the assholes from using deadly force. I decided I needed to quickly read the contents of the satchel to find out how deadly the Government's plan for my families was. If the orders were deadly, I might have to do something extreme now. If the orders...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 422 Refuges Stables and Other Aliens

Friday, July 25, 2008 (Continued) I teleported us to the stable. "Stable" is misleading because internally it's more like a very large, luxurious, natural animal den, although with some internal walls, shelves, etc. I told Donna, "Your new pets are outside." Donna ran for the door. I told everyone else, "Follow her quickly because you'll enjoy seeing the expression on her face." We exited into a lovely highland plateau. It was covered in thick grasses and areas of multicolored...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 82 Lunch with the First Fourteen

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 (Continued) Julia and I headed back toward the girls who were waiting for the honor of having lunch with me. They'd sat in the same classrooms with me almost an entire school year and I'd not noticed any of them feeling particularly honored. I should have made myself honorable by making girls cry years ago. Julia had already told me who she'd gracefully permitted to have lunch in my august presence, and I'd seen most of them during the morning. Seeing them all...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 210 My Date With Mackenzie The Magic Part

Thursday, May 12, 2005 (Continued) "Please give me a few seconds to prepare. I need to tie the hair that Diana so kindly donated into a knot." Diana and Claire giggled, with Mackenzie joining in with a small chuckle too. Plus small smiles from the parents. I made a small loop in one end of the hair, then wove the long end around and around the loop, pulling the loop a little smaller as I went, until I ran out of hair. Hair being somewhat stiff, the tension in the loop kept it in a loop...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 316 With the Pressure Off We Start to Do Things

Thursday, August 10 to Thursday, August 31, 2006 (Continued) Because I was following the thread about Ava's parents, I missed mentioning a few things. The first, second and third things that missed mentions, and missed being acted on, were all birthday related. Donna had been due a visit from an alien gynecologist/sex-therapist on her birthday; Ron's twentieth birthday had been on August 18 (I obviously had to celebrate Ron's birthdays from now on, not Mark's); and Julia's eighteenth...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 146 Lunch with the Two Nice Eatons

Friday, April 29, 2005 (Continued) Carol and I arrived at the boys and we sat in front of them. While I was opening my lunch (it'd never left my hand, ESPECIALLY not after the disaster that had befallen an earlier incarnation of it at the Duckling visit), I said to Wayne, "Katelin's telling her story. Judging from what I heard she's telling the long version, so I've probably got a while to talk here. When she finishes she'll call out, and you and I will go help her answer the girls'...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 139 Half a Lunch with the Ducklings

Thursday, April 28, 2005 (Continued) The rest of the time before lunch didn't have anything major happen, mostly just some friendly chatting with quite a few girls, including more 11th graders than normal - some of the politer ones that'd been to our lunch yesterday. Several girls asked about lunch today, checking that Julia and I were still going to be busy elsewhere, as Julia had apparently told them yesterday. I noticed one of the football chasing guys listening in to one such...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 189 Dinner With the Chengs Creating a Family Heirloom

Saturday, May 7, 2005 (Continued) We parked in the drive behind all the other cars, got out and started walking toward the front door. I commented to Julia, "This is a VERY nice looking house." Julia answered, "After I've seen inside I'll give you my guess of what it's worth. That way you'll have an idea of how your place will compare." Ava muttered, "Millions of dollars. I still can't get over it." "Shh, here comes Lily." Lily rushed up, but with Carol and Julia on my...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 194 Dinner With the Wests

Sunday, May 8, 2005 (Continued) I won't describe this small dinner party in detail. It went well, and for the most part was very predictable (e.g., Katie predictably apologized for the dinner not being up to yesterday's standard. We predictably insisted her dinner was wonderful, etc.). I'll mention some of the good parts of the evening. Early on Carson and I were chatting in the living room. To make conversation, he asked me, "How's that business idea of yours coming along?" I...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 253 The Aquatic Center Arrival and Playing With Savannah

Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) The Aquatic Center chapters will be slightly non-chronological, to follow each thread in a consistent, logical, masculine manner. Corvallis's Osborn Aquatic Center is very nice, and not just because it sometimes contains many dozens of bikini-clad girls. Inside there's an Olympic-sized pool (165 feet/50 meters long) and a smaller, warmer one. The deep end of the big pool has a low and high diving board, a rope swing and a zip line. Outdoors there's a...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 190 Dinner With the Chengs Laps of My Lap

Saturday, May 7, 2005 (Continued) The Chengs had a western style table large enough for all two dozen of us to sit around. There wasn't any seating order imposed, so we could sit wherever we wanted. I quickly moved to an area of the table where I could observe the doors into the room, as I was worried about Tony turning into another Don Eaton. The seating developed into three groups: a third was Chinese, a third adult Americans, and a third was me, my sisters and girlfriends, all of whom...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 209 My Date With Mackenzie The Dull Part

Thursday, May 12, 2005 (Continued) The rest of the day was the same old same old, until my date with Mackenzie. I arrived at Mackenzie's house to pick her up at 5pm, and was met by all three sisters, In front of everyone else, Claire rushed toward me with her arms extended for a hug. So much for her keeping a low profile. There was no point in trying to avoid her hug, so I crouched down as I would to accept a hug from a child, and let her run to me. "Hi, Mark." "Hello, Claire." I...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 423 Refuges Beaches and Some of the Options With Copies

Friday, July 25, 2008 (Continued) I teleported us to one of the beaches that was part of Refuge. "I must admit that I showed you the aliens mainly because I find them fascinating. I'm having a huge amount of fun learning about them and watching them in action. They've got some very different perspectives on life and have made some amazing scientific breakthroughs in areas no human has ever considered. If you want to, Julia, we could have the largest, most profitable company in the world...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 244 Carols Cuties Carol Manages Them Wonderfully Well

Sunday, June 19, 2005 (Continued) I made myself a comfort sandwich while I tried to work out what I'd done wrong. I remembered Julia previously telling me off for talking too long. Girls who're already eating out of my palm don't need to be led in tiny steps, which had been what I'd done. Knowing where I'd gone wrong didn't tell me what I should've done though. I couldn't have bluntly told them not to be jealous, not to be early or late, and not to rely on me driving them around....

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 243 Carols Cuties I Mismanage Them

Sunday, June 19, 2005 I woke, got dressed, and went downstairs for a breakfast. I'd only slept for 2.5 hours, but my last meal was several hours ago, plus my body expects a breakfast after it wakes up and I wouldn't want to disappoint it. Back in my study, the first thing I did was quietly move the scrolling keyboard off the desk to put it on the floor behind one of the computers, where it couldn't easily be seen by anyone in the room, and certainly not by anyone peeking in from the...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 104 Let There Be Light

Sunday, April 24, 2005 We'd gone to sleep about 11:30, and I woke at 4 o'clock, so about four and half hours sleep. My first problem was figuring out what to do for three or so hours. Get a snack obviously, but what to do after that? Schoolwork, I decided. My basic study plan had been to do my college work in the wee small hours and school stuff in the afternoons. Unfortunately (with tongue firmly in cheek, and elsewhere) Julia had recently been 'making' me have sex every afternoon....

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