The Weekend in Room 316 Chapter Two
- 2 years ago
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Thursday, August 10 to Thursday, August 31, 2006 (Continued)
Because I was following the thread about Ava's parents, I missed mentioning a few things.
The first, second and third things that missed mentions, and missed being acted on, were all birthday related. Donna had been due a visit from an alien gynecologist/sex-therapist on her birthday; Ron's twentieth birthday had been on August 18 (I obviously had to celebrate Ron's birthdays from now on, not Mark's); and Julia's eighteenth birthday had been three days later, on August 21. Events had conspired to disrupt all of those.
Donna's alien visit had been held up until the settlement. My and Julia's birthday celebrations had both been knocked out of consideration by Ava's parents' deaths. The hospital had warned us about Katie just before my birthday, but I hadn't been planning anything for my birthday anyway as there were too many other distractions. Katie had died the day before Julia's birthday, and there was never any possibility of a celebration after that.
But life was about to be resumed. It was summer, we were INSANELY rich, and we were owed some parties. Something had to be done. I mentioned the need to Julia, who I knew was already thinking the same thing. She immediately seized on it, "That's a GREAT idea! Ron needs a coming out party, so we can..."
"Ahh. Ron would rather not 'come out'. He's perfectly happy being heterosexual. Trust me on this; I know him VERY well."
"NOT that sort of 'coming out'. I mean coming out TO SOCIETY."
I knew what Julia meant, but it's sometimes fun to tease her. "Are any of society going to be homosexual? Because if they are, I'd rather 'stay in' than 'come out'."
"I mean a party to celebrate your joining our family."
"Oh that's different! I like joining your family, especially when I join it from above. Are we going to throw a party so people can see me joining you? Can I join Carol and Ava too please? White people have REALLY good parties!"
Teasing Julia is good fun right up to the time when she realizes she's being teased. Fortunately she was in a very good mood, because she just yelled, "Get him, girls!"
I got to practice my "joining the family", so party planning got put off for a while.
When it did resume, it'd taken shape in Julia's head as a major event. It was going to take a lot of organizing, so I hid behind Ava. So close behind that some of me was even hiding inside her. Julia was going to need to talk with the parents, so the rest of us might as well get back to something that's even more fun than my coming out, like my repeatedly sliding back in.
Vanessa told Julia, "We're too busy to have a big event like that for Ron. If you want a party, it'll have to be just a kids-only event." Poor Julia (speaking non-fiscally) got to work planning a BIG kids-only event.
Donna's alien visit was much easier to arrange as it merely required telling everyone over dinner, "I think it's safe for my friend to come to check on Donna's sexual maturity. How about we meet in the games room ten minutes before breakfast tomorrow morning?"
Donna immediately demonstrated that she had been maturing, by worriedly asking the other girls to help her choose what to wear. They agreed, understanding that it was an important decision. God knows how they'd decide what to wear for an alien gynecologist, because I'm pretty sure that issue wouldn't have been discussed in any of their secret female classes.
[Men really should pay more attention to these things. A few days ago I saw in the paper that a man ran into the reception area of a hospital, yelling, "My wife's having a baby in our car outside." What he really should have said was, "My wife - wearing a chartreuse skirt and white blouse - is having a baby in our car outside," because that would've saved the doctor from running outside, opening the car door, lifting the woman's skirt and putting his hand on her panties, and then realizing that he had the wrong woman. The correct one was in the next car.]
During dinner, another worry occurred to Donna, "Umm, Ron, will your friend recognize you? Now that, you know?"
"Yes it will, Donna. I'm more worried about its recognizing you. You've changed very much over the last year."
"Really!" exclaimed a happily reassured Donna, who was quite proud of the 'growths' that she'd achieved during the last year.
That night I spent a few hours very carefully searching the games room with a sight blob. "Sight blob" singular, unfortunately. Using thirty blobs would've been so much faster - damned superimposition! I wasn't yet at the stage where I could use two sight blobs simultaneously. I could shut my eyes and pipe the sight blobs' information to each of Visual Processing Centers A and B, but I feared missing a bug. Given what was going to happen, I especially looked for a small camera lens. I'd almost be tempted to leave a microphone behind if I found one, because what they'd hear would confuse the hell out them.
The only weird thing in the room was the piece of electronics we were still hiring from the LA debugging company, which would've been an amusing place to hide a bug. The device logged a wide range of radio frequency transmissions, so it would've detected the transmissions of a bug planted inside it, nonetheless I made a mental note to move it out of the room before our little ceremony.
The next morning, a well-dressed, hair-brushed, nervous Donna stood in the center of the room, while the rest of our little clan were spread out to either side of her.
I told Donna, "It's on the way, so it shouldn't take long. Ahh, here it is."
I had a bit of fun pretending to have a conversation with it about my change of appearance. Including my telling it, "It's a long story. It'd be easier if you read it straight from me."
A messenger blob merged into my brain for a few seconds longer than normal, then zipped back to the Boss Blob. It thought about it for a few seconds, then another messenger zipped back briefly.
I said, "Yes, it is a very primitive form of government." Which didn't really work as a joke because not enough of my families are into science fiction. Moving right along, I asked the Boss Blob, "Donna would like to know whether she's mature enough for sex yet?"
Boss Blob moved in front of Donna, paused for a second, and then two pyramids of diminishing-sized light blobs rapidly grew out from its 'chest', in an exaggerated parody of growing breasts.
I chuckled, adding, "Yes, Donna has grown since last time."
Donna was too nervous to chuckle, but she was pleased that the alien had noticed her tits.
Another messenger blob zipped to me. I translated, "Don't be nervous, Donna. It's about to check you."
"Okay," said Donna nervously.
Boss Blob ejected a very small blob that flew toward Donna, stopping in front of her right breast. It paused for half a second, then zipped across to be in front of her left breast, paused, and then increased in size by a factor three.
I said, "You're MUCH bigger than last time Donna."
The nice, warm, sight blob merged into Donna's breast. It spent a couple of seconds apparently checking that breast out, then moved across to the other one, then down to Donna's groin. Personally, I'd be extremely uncomfortable having an alien fly into my vagina, but Donna stood her ground well. It hadn't hurt last time, and everyone here now wasn't concerned.
The inspecting blob reported to Big Boss, who sent a messenger blob to me. I translated, "It says you're very healthy Donna. For a human, pretty too. Time to check your thoughts and emotions now."
An inspection blob left Boss Blob and moved toward Donna's feet. I called out, "We keep our brains at the other end, remember?"
Another messenger blob came to me. I announced, "It wants to check Donna's feet because it can't believe we don't keep falling over. It told its friends that Donna likes running, and they think that's very strange so it wants to look at Donna's feet so it can tell its friends how they work. Isn't that amazing Donna - you're much more than a world-famous runner; you're a GALAXY-famous one."
She wasn't very amused, but maybe she'd appreciate it more later, when she wasn't so nervous.
After checking Donna's feet quickly (as the joke had fallen somewhat flatfooted), the inspection blob moved to Donna's head.
It rummaged around in there for several seconds, then reported to Boss Blob. Boss Blob thought about it for a couple of seconds, then sent me a messenger blob. Everyone looked at me expectantly; very much so in Donna's case.
I said, "I've got some good news and some bad news, Donna."
"Oh no," from Donna, who must've been hoping for only good news.
"It says you're too young to have a boyfriend yet, and CERTAINLY too young to be having sex with a boyfriend."
"Oh," moaned a very dejected looking Donna.
Another messenger blob came to me. I said, "It's asking why are you sad? It knows you don't really want a boyfriend. Isn't Patch better than a silly boy?"
"Yeah, but I wanted to, you know, with you."
Another messenger blob came to me. "It says it's sorry, but English sometimes confuses it. It says 'boyfriend' is a silly word because it means different things at different times. It wasn't counting me as someone who could be your boyfriend. I'm too special to count that way."
"What does that mean?"
Another messenger blob came to me. "It says that's mostly up to you. You're too young to have boyfriends because that can get very emotional and cause trouble. You've seen your girlfriends get very worked up about a boy who turned out to be too silly, haven't you?" That was a safe bet.
"Yeah. But what's that got to do with me?"
"I'm getting to that. It says you're not emotionally ready for a boyfriend, but you might be ready to try sex, if it was done in a way that was safe and not emotionally binding."
"I know this sounds confusing, but it's important. Let me put it this way, if you and I had sex, would you fall in love with me, get all mushy and lovey-dovey, like some of the Ducklings and Cuties did with Mark?"
"Of course not! I just want to have sex with you." Donna was convincingly definite about that. Even puzzled that I hadn't known it already.
"It knows that, but it knows that girls can change their minds after having sex for the first time. Girls often think they've fallen in love, like some of the Ducklings and Cuties did." Another messenger blob came to me. I added, "It wants to know if you think you can treat it just like a new way of goofing off?"
[[As an amusing aside, girls truly do often fall in love after having sex with a guy for the first time, whereas men often fall out of love and even out of interest after they score with a woman the first time. The genders often operate in different directions.]]
"I just want to try it because everyone says it's fantastic with you and I love you. Not gushy love. You know what I mean."
"Sure. And if it turns out to be great, are you going to want more?"
"I just want to try it. Umm. I guess that if it's good, then I might want more, but I don't have to if you don't want me to?"
"It thinks that you could have sex with me, PROVIDED you can treat it like another way of goofing off, not want to do it too often, not get mushy, and get your parents and my girlfriends to agree."
Things had been sounding very good, right up to the mention of "parents". Donna's happy expression collapsed at that.
It was time to let Mom take over, so I did a little departure scene for the blobs.
I hadn't done it well. Not badly, in that all the points we'd wanted to achieve had been made, but clumsier than they should've been. I think because I hadn't spent enough time with Donna over the last year. I'd spent more than three months away from my family, and even when I'd returned, it'd been as Ron and always worried that my behavior was being observed. Donna had changed a lot over that time, and I hadn't seen it happening. Either that, or my clumsiness might've been because I wasn't all that eager about having sex with Donna (I was conflicted about that), or it might've just been that I'd been clumsy.
Mom took over well though. She surprised Donna by saying, "Steven and I will let you, Donna, but there are some rules."
To Donna's delighted surprise, the rules turned out to be much better than parental rules usually are: Only if it's okay with Ron, Carol, Julia and Ava first; only in Ron's bedroom; not with any other boy; keep it secret; and no more often than once a month.
Donna wasn't the least worried about getting permission from us, so Mom was effectively giving Donna the green light (the other-colored lights having left through the ceiling). The look of delight on Donna's face was so quick it conveyed her lack of attention to the restrictions.
Mom emphasized, "Carol, Julia and Ava get first dibs on Ron, Donna. They're his girlfriends and they go first. Even if you've got everyone's permission for you to have a turn one night, but Ava seems sad that night, Ron should cancel your fun so he can be with Ava. It'll be just like he's playing basketball with you: if one of his girlfriends needs him, he's going to stop goofing around with you to look after her. All right?"
"I know. THANK YOU, Mom! I'll be good, I promise..."
"Not so fast. When Ron's friend comes back next time, I'm going to ask it to tell me if you've ever broken any of the rules. If you do ANYTHING sexy with another boy, I'll find out about it. Even if you've just THOUGHT about it."
It's hard to imagine that there could be anything worse in the world than a strict mother with access to a mind reading alien. Mom gave Donna a second to appreciate that she REALLY would have to behave this time, then Mom added, "Do you still want to do it, or would you rather keep your thoughts private from me for another year?"
Even a person as impulsive as Donna knew that wasn't a question to be taken lightly. She thought about it for a couple of seconds, then smartly asked, "How long would I have to obey the rules? Just for a year, until my next birthday?"
"Don't you wish!" answered Mom. "Until you're of legal age, four birthdays away. UNLESS you impress us so much with your maturity that we relax the rules earlier, but it'll take you a long time to convince us of that. We're going to be watching you VERY closely and having some serious talks with you after your first few times, AND I'll be asking Ron's friend the next time it comes. You're very lucky that Carol has been so mature and responsible that she's made this possible for you, but you're a very different person and we won't hesitate to cancel this privilege if you even look like you're thinking about misbehaving."
There was never any doubt which way Donna would go, but Mom made her sweat over it first. Mothers are very good at that. Once Donna had made her choice and the necessary number of promises, we went up for breakfast.
Only once a month was terribly infrequent. That's only twelve times a year, and years are a LONG time, especially if having sex is as much fun as Donna had heard it was. After discussing it with the other girls, Donna decided to bust her hymen (this Donna still had it) and wait a couple of days for it to heal, so she could enjoy the first session as much as possible.
So three evenings later, an amusingly nervous Donna and I went to bed in the spare bed in the lower level of Mark's Wing.
In some respects it was an ironic experience. My heart wasn't really in it, which diminished my enjoyment a lot; but Donna's putting her heart into it was what I most wanted her not to do. I wanted Donna to treat sex like the goofing around that we used to do, so just for fun, to enjoy spending time together, give each other a bit of attention, and especially in ways that don't intrude on the rest of our lives. [I wrote that "we used to" goof around because I'd done virtually none of it with Donna since I'd turned up as Ron. I couldn't risk playing sports outside with her when the baddies might be watching how I moved, and my deliberately being clumsy would've annoyed Donna. Now she was busting a gut (or a hymen) to try an indoor sport.]
Our treating sex as a new goofing off activity was what I wanted Donna to think, but I couldn't think that way myself. I was too worried that Donna might turn into an immature nuisance the way she often had in 3B-land, and I was too aware of the parents looking over my shoulders, metaphorically speaking. Not only was I aware of my responsibility to Donna, but I was fully aware that the parents were aware of my responsibility too. It's funny how psychology works: if I'd seduced Donna in secret from the parents, that would've been exciting and nerve wracking, but taking her to bed with the full knowledge of the parents took nearly all the fun out of it. It's amazing how good parents are at ruining fun; they don't even have to be in the room at the time!
Although my taking my responsibility seriously diminished my enjoyment, I hid that from Donna. She had a great time. Because my mood doesn't suit doing so, I won't write any details about our evening. Long story short: I still did my usual routine of going down on the girl first and taking the time to learn my way around her buttons, and then spent a long time pushing them. Donna had come to bed with a whole lot of questions and ideas for things she wanted to try, but they got blown out of the water for the first couple of hours. Only after we'd calmed down did she remember to start asking her questions, by which time she already knew quite a few of the answers.
I actually enjoyed the cuddling and talking afterward more than the act itself. I enjoyed seeing her so happy, I enjoyed answering her questions in ways that I hoped would lead to more happiness in her future, especially if I could teach her not to get clingy about me and not to chase other guys for sex. Ideally Donna will just think sex is a great way to occasionally goof off with me, and she'll otherwise forget all about it. That hope of mine was off to a worrying start because Donna thought sex was FANTASTIC! She even said it was worth the long talk she'd have to have with Mom the next day - I'd have to have one of those too - which made me try even harder to dissuade her from 'goofing off' with anyone other than me. Feeling responsibility is such a damned nuisance it even forced me to say lots of things I knew Mom would approve of.
[Happily, Donna didn't get all mushy over me. She thought sex was GREAT!, but the idea of her being my girlfriend was silly. Besides, she was too busy with Patch to have a boyfriend.
Each subsequent month, usually on the exact anniversary of the first time although sometimes events delayed it a little, Donna was eager for more. She had a list of new things she wanted to try, plus favorites to repeat. She treated it as great fun, and never got clingy about it. She didn't like the "once a month" restriction, but everything else was perfect. She maintained such a good attitude that I relaxed and started enjoying myself more and more. It even got to the stage that I was looking forward to our sessions. It was impossible not to, seeing how much enjoyment Donna was getting from them, and seeing that there were no negative consequences in the rest of her life. Donna did not turn into a too-frequent pain, or any sort of pain at all. She'd matured in the intervening year, which I guess was only to be expected considering how traumatic some of it had been, plus living with Vanessa, Prof and Julia had effects too.
Bottom line: it worked out perfectly. We both had fun sex once a month, and Donna didn't seem to generalize how good it was with me to every other boy. Boys weren't on Donna's radar at all. She had two very clear priorities:
First - because she'd matured - clothes were more important than life or death. I know that, because Donna VERY frequently said, "I wouldn't be seen DEAD in that, Mom." Usually in response to Mom holding up something Donna had worn a year ago. Donna used to indiscriminately wear any pair of shorts and a T-shirt, but no longer. How quickly they grow up!
Second, Patch. We were all very happy that Donna's affections continued to be given to a gelding.]
Which takes me to the second thing Donna wanted to spend some of her money on (after clothes): another horse. "Company for Patch," Donna said. None of us had noticed that Patch was sad and lonely, but Donna assured us that he was.
Our usual family excuse of, "We can't afford it," had lost quite a lot of its credibility recently. Dad had a valid objection though, "We don't have enough land to keep two horses, Donna."
"Can we buy some from one of the neighbors?"
Saying "No" wouldn't have been particularly accurate. Dad said, "You've got enough money to buy some land if you want to, and we'll let you use it for something as sensible as that." (Donna's money was in a trust that required Mom and Dad's consent for Donna to remove more than a very small amount.) "Is it important enough for you to spend your own money on it?"
It was for a HORSE! Donna gave Dad an "Are you crazy!" look, but managed to restrict herself to just saying, "Of course." (She hadn't yet asked how much the land would cost, but it was for a HORSE!).
We have a neighbor to our west whose house and property are very similar to our own. Paying a couple of million to give a horse grass to eat was somewhat excessive, even for "a HORSE!"
To our south was a large farmer's field (about four times larger than our property), and to our east another but much smaller field (about two-thirds the size of our property). For what Donna wanted, the small field would be ideal. It was small for a farmer's field because it was on the inside corner of the road curving south, so it wasn't as efficient as the large rectangular fields. Both fields were planted with broccoli and were owned by the same farmer.
We'd dealt with him when we first moved in, to get permission to cut down some of the bigger trees just outside our southern boundary. He'd been amenable then and he was even more so now, because everybody in town thought we were wonderful people (apart from the few haters - there's always some - that were ignorable). He didn't have a residence on Peoria Road, but he'd still scored $25,000 because he lived within five miles of the bridges.
He agreed to sell to Donna - Mom and Dad had taken Donna with them, as it'd be one of those educational experience things for her - but he said that even with all the help we could give it, it'd still take several months for grass to establish itself well enough to carry a couple of horses.
Donna wanted the horse NOW, if not before, while Mom and Dad worried about Donna's losing interest in horses entirely once she got into boys. That surely couldn't be too far away, considering how much she'd enjoyed sex with me.
The farmer knew a thing or two about horses because his daughter had been like Donna about ten years ago. He suggested two horses could be kept on our existing property if we supplemented their feed for a few months until the new field was capable of carrying them. And he suggested the new field be rented rather than bought, so when Donna outgrew horses she could simply return the land to the farmer.
Mom and Dad agreed with his first suggestion - Donna didn't give them much choice about that - but decided to buy the field rather than rent it. Maybe one day it might be a good idea to add it to our existing property, or it could be sold off on the open market. Most likely though, the way things were unfolding, was that we might have to build on it. An office if business took off, and/or a place for a permanent security force to live, if it looked like we'd need them permanently. We still had hired guards patrolling our property and we weren't in any hurry to get rid of them because they were being kept busy rejecting media and random strangers, some of whom were worryingly random and strange.
Mom and Dad took care of the process of valuing the land and the crops that'd be plowed under - performing a social service, given my opinion of broccoli. Donna knew her trust fund was increasing by half a million dollars per month, so she didn't care how much the land cost; it was chickenfeed to her (and horsefeed to Patch). Donna concentrated her energies on finding a friend for Patch.
Donna found several candidates that met her various criteria (well-trained, healthy, in the right age group, and other horsy issues). She had each of them spend a trial period with Patch to see how they got along. Donna watched very intently, to see 'who' Patch liked the most. It turned out to be a mare. Somewhat smaller than Patch and very bossy, but Patch seemed to like her. Donna didn't like the mare's existing name, so she changed it to Penelope (I'd been too chicken to suggest "Julia").
Mom and Dad put Donna in charge of paying all the bills for her new property, getting it ready to support horses, and all the costs of feeding and caring for Patch and Penelope. Oops, make that "Penelope and Patch" (Penelope always insists on going first). Donna was writing out some pretty big checks for a 14-year old.
I mentioned above that almost everybody in town loved us. It wasn't just in town, but Benton County and the comparatively few Linn County residents that lived within a five-mile half-circle of the bridges into Corvallis. Each Benton County residence got a credit of $25,000; more or less, depending on which local government's jurisdiction they resided in. In Linn County, they got exactly that amount, as they were being paid directly by the Federal Government. There'd be a very large number of Benton County refund checks going out shortly. We'd done it so the refund wasn't proportional to their property value, so everyone would get much the same amount, proportionally benefiting the poor and medium-income families the most. If the Mom and Dad of a couple of years ago had gotten an unexpected $25,000 check, they'd have burst from happiness, so it was just as well the emergency services were getting new ambulances.
The Mayor of Corvallis and assorted other councilors from the various local governments had booked an en masse meeting with the Anderson parents - as it'd formally been Mom and Dad's lawsuit without any Williams legal involvement - to thank them. I begged the parents not to allow any stupid statues for me (as Mark), or other immodest displays, then happily avoided the meeting.
Each of the local governments was required to pay out at least 75% of their money, so they could retain 25% for their own plans. The councilors were feeling very appreciative, and wanted to show it.
Corvallis had received an additional $350,000; $250,000 from the President, $50,000 each from the DHS and CIA heads, but that was meant to used for some sort of "memorial to apologize for governmental and presidential treachery toward its citizens." [[The DHS and CIA bosses had their payments VERY quietly reimbursed by the Government as soon as the media attention diminished. The Government had apparently felt it was unreasonable to hold its employees financially accountable for their decisions. That was clearly a dangerous precedent, and was in no way comparable to the laws the Government had passed holding company directors personally accountable for their decisions.]]
Fortunately, the parents were very insistent that they didn't want the "appreciations" to be about them, or even about Mark much. He could be mentioned, but they wanted the memorial to be a reminder of the evil that Government's could do if not supervised closely. They also didn't want it to be expensive; costing far less than $350,000.
Vanessa suggested that they hold a nationwide contest asking people to submit designs for the memorial. Vanessa could write up a design brief, and also provide the prize: a free round trip anywhere in the world in her new jet for as many people as it'd hold, plus $10,000 cash. (Vanessa hadn't finalized her choice of jet yet, but she knew it was going to be a damned good one.) The Government would be paying for the gas too, which ironically meant they'd be paying most of the cost of a prize for someone creating the best anti-government memorial. Vanessa's idea would generate several waves of publicity, which suited her nicely.
The mayor and councilors left happy.
Particularly happy were the residents of SE Peoria Road, as each residential property owner got $125,000. If we'd chosen, we wouldn't have given them that much, but that'd been the way the Government's increasing offers had worked out and it hadn't been politic for us to interfere with it, especially not to reduce the payments. They, especially our immediate neighbor, had been significantly annoyed by the congestion on our road and the throng camping out on the verge, so some of the $125,000 was deserved.
There were a FEW local residents who weren't happy with us - not many, but some:
Those who'd sold their property a few days before the effective date on the settlement contract were annoyed that we hadn't announced in advance what we were doing.
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Friday, July 25, 2008 and on There aren't an infinite number of w's. They are finite, just as the x, y and z dimensions are finite and bounded. The w's tend to have evolved thematic commonalities as a consequence of the properties of the synchronization process, but some random events have caused diversions which no practical amount of synchronization can bring back toward the average. There are w's where Earth is empty of humanity. In some cases Earth is no longer habitable because it...
Wednesday, April 6, 2005 (Continued) We lay on Julia's bed, holding each other with our faces an inch apart. It's a wonderful position to talk with your girlfriend in. Julia asked me, "How has your evening been?" "Some things stand out. First, learning 8-ball so quickly was interesting, to put it mildly. Your brothers were shocked, so that was fun. Dad and Prof bet on me before my first game. Talk about having faith in me! When they gave me half their winnings your father said I...
Sunday, February 19, 2006 (Continued) 5B arrived in 5A's head, increasing its population to thirty two. Just that fact alone is going to make life interesting. Plus we are going to be meeting LOTS of other Mark Andersons, thirty two more of them every seventeen hours - the Universe is WEIRD! We'd had an unconscious (meaning "natural" rather than "asleep") maximum NP force of 51.2 kg two merges ago. Now that'll be 51.2 x 8 x 8 = 3,300 kg. We've had ten months of practice, gaining 5%...
Sunday, May 1, 2005 (Continued) "Me too," offered Lily, to my surprise. To my further surprise, Lily looked positive eager while expanding on her offer, "Yes. Call me ANY TIME, Mark. I have car, can come any time you want fuck. If your date finish 3am too late Julia or Ava, call me. I WANT you call me. I ALWAYS come for fuck you. If you want, call me middle date. I wait in parking lot. Fuck me in car if you want. I do what you want. Day, night, any time. I come anywhere you...
Mid- to Late-September 2007 I'll stop describing the details of my Voyage of Discovery in order to devote some chapters to a "Social Interlude". I'm sure you understand that I - 8B, the just arrived minds - need R&R (Rest and Recreation) even more than I want to experiment with my special abilities, as required by my job as the Voyager. That's especially true for the minds that had rolled the twelve 6s to start the Voyage. R&R and experimentation were both good reasons to pause...
Monday July 2, 2007 (Continued) Because of her gullibility about God, seducing D-Cup had gone even better than I'd expected. Possibly even so well that a bit of caution might be a good idea in case we overreached ourselves because of how easy this seemed. Applying an even more determined go-soft after her wonderful throwing of herself at me, I said, "Thank you, Nevaeh. I'm impressed by your commitment, but I still want to ask you some more questions to get a better understanding of you....
Wednesday, April 6, 2005 (Continued) Julia and I quickly showered the parts of us that most needed it, then dressed and went to join our parents in the living room. I had no idea what to expect. From Julia's comments it seemed that Prof and Vanessa were very happy to help me, but I didn't know what they were going to be telling my parents, or how Mom and Dad would react. When we entered the living room I nervously looked at the four parents. They were smiling and relaxed, which eased my...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
Saturday, February 4 to Monday, February 6, 2006 There was good and bad news. The bad news was that I woke up feeling like shit, was naked, strapped immovably to a hospital bed, and was connected to all sorts of instrumentation. That was especially true of my head: some sort of flexible cap was strapped to my now bald skull, with metal pieces pressing against my skin in many places. The good news was that I woke up. I was in what appeared to be in a small, single-person hospital room, with...
Thursday, July 28 to Thursday, September 1, 2005 Back at home, there was a great deal of catching up required. For example, Katie West had been laid low by her treatment, but had bounced back (that's what it was supposed to do), and now seemed fine. She wasn't fine, as the chemotherapy had only been a delaying action, but she looked better if you ignored that she was wearing a wig. Carson was also booked in for something similar soon. We'd talked to Ava every day while we'd been away,...
Tuesday, July 1 to Thursday, July 10, 2008 It was much easier to get the non-Mom members of my family onto my side. I went running with Donna the next afternoon. We had a long conversation about topics that I knew were important to her. Naturally there was a lot of talk about sex, as Donna was very curious about it anyway and had been bursting to ask me about what she'd observed. She already knew enough about sex to know that she'd seen something very unusual. She was also amazed that...
Monday, April 18, 2005 (Continued) Dinner was very welcome as I had forgotten to have my usual post-school snack. I had just established a good rhythm when Carol told Mom and Dad, "Oh, by the way, tomorrow at school I'm going start telling people that I'm a lesbian and Julia is my bi lover. We'll start holding hands and kissing in public." #1: #4:
Sunday, November 4 to Sunday, November 11, 2007 Everyone in my families dropped out of everything: Carol and Donna stopped attending school, Julia, Ava and I stopped attending OSU, and the parents stopped going to their workplaces. For the parents, that statement was true only most of the time because if I was spending the day with Mom and Dad primarily, then Prof and Vanessa could do some urgent work that day, but it had to be VERY urgent. The girls were out of the education process totally...
Tuesday, April 19, 2005 (Continued) Dinner was a great success. How could it not be? Carol was beaming with pride at having cooked it so successfully, and I lavished her with praise when my mouth wasn't full. Either situation made her happy, and me too. Carol said, "I think I can cook this by myself now, especially if I get Julia or Donna to help me." I wasn't going to criticize that comment at all. Carol's chicken cooking ability put her above petty concerns such as logic. I regaled...
Thursday, April 21, 2005 (Continued) We were cutting getting to class a little fine, so Julia, Lily, a couple of the Liaison rejects and I went straight into the classroom as soon as we arrived. I was thinking about other things (recalling the wonderful stripping race, if you must know), and I automatically paused to let the girls traveling with me enter the room first, then I entered after them. Classrooms are always very noisy places just before class starts. There's lots of catching up,...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestThursday, April 28, 2005 (Continued) The trip to the station took only a few minutes. The cops made casual conversation with me, most of their comments being casual questions about recent events. I said nothing. I was escorted to the interview room and had to wait a little while until my lawyer and parents arrived. Soon we were ready to start. With pen poised, Mr. Walker said, "Start at the beginning, Mark. Go slowly and give me as much detail as you can." "You want all the...
Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...
Thursday, May 19 to Saturday, May 21, 2005 First a brief report on events in Corvallis. Thursday morning Julia had called my cellphone to tell me what to wear to school. When I didn't answer her call to my cell, Julia called her home's landline. When no one answered that she successively called her parents' and Ava's cellphones, alerting my family with her increasingly frantic concerns while the phones were ringing unanswered. Thus the discovery process started thirty minutes earlier...
Friday, April 22, 2005 (Continued) Julia waited while I turned to my studies to finish them off at a good point. I was in the middle of learning something new in Calculus, and if I stopped now I'd have to start the next session with a review before I could complete the concept. It's much better to stop once the concept is comprehended. As a result of my working through two courses now I would rarely get two perfect stopping points at the same time, so I was just hoping not to be in...
Saturday, August 18, to Friday, September 7, 2007 The following Saturday was Julia's nineteenth birthday party. It was a VERY formal affair, with a string quartet, lots of flower arrangements, weird finger-food, fancy wines, and - of course - elegant dresses. My girls all needed new ones, with Donna really needing one because none of her existing dresses had a high enough neckline in Mom's opinion. The girls in Corvallis take fashion very seriously. Having the right attitude - the one I...
Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...
Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...
Tuesday, May 10, 2005 (Continued) Julia and I headed to our lockers to collect lunch. I ate mine quickly, while walking to the car. Everyone should have a Chinese sex-slave; they make damned good lunches! We met Carol at the car, then drove to the bank. Carol got in the line to deposit her and our parents' checks, with Julia keeping her company. I went to give the bank manager the completed "Dependent Child's Subsidiary Credit Card Application Form." He received it, saying, "Good....
Friday, December 1 to Sunday, December 31, 2006 (Continued) Early December, the jury finished their deliberations in our $242 trillion civil lawsuit. The trial itself had gone very much as expected. The DHS had picked me up without a warrant - end of story! That was a breach of my Fourth Amendment rights. The DHS's claim that they had acted under the Patriot Act and so didn't need a warrant was a dead duck of an excuse, and had been openly laughed at when their lawyer advanced it in...
Late-May to Thursday August 10, 2006 The Government's lawyers didn't rush away to get the just-modified agreement signed. It was never going to happen like that, Vanessa assured us. She would've been disappointed had that happened, as this was meant to be just the first round of several. She was hoping to get the Government dancing to our tune, and they weren't on the ropes enough for that yet. Despite Vanessa's saying she'd be very disappointed to get exactly what we had told our...
Thursday, September 7, 2006 (Continued) The assault on my home had been derailed and there was no immediate sign of it restarting, giving me time. Time was good, because sooner or later other people would start arriving and that would prevent the assholes from using deadly force. I decided I needed to quickly read the contents of the satchel to find out how deadly the Government's plan for my families was. If the orders were deadly, I might have to do something extreme now. If the orders...
Friday, July 25, 2008 (Continued) I teleported us to the stable. "Stable" is misleading because internally it's more like a very large, luxurious, natural animal den, although with some internal walls, shelves, etc. I told Donna, "Your new pets are outside." Donna ran for the door. I told everyone else, "Follow her quickly because you'll enjoy seeing the expression on her face." We exited into a lovely highland plateau. It was covered in thick grasses and areas of multicolored...
Wednesday, April 20, 2005 (Continued) Julia and I headed back toward the girls who were waiting for the honor of having lunch with me. They'd sat in the same classrooms with me almost an entire school year and I'd not noticed any of them feeling particularly honored. I should have made myself honorable by making girls cry years ago. Julia had already told me who she'd gracefully permitted to have lunch in my august presence, and I'd seen most of them during the morning. Seeing them all...
Thursday, May 12, 2005 (Continued) "Please give me a few seconds to prepare. I need to tie the hair that Diana so kindly donated into a knot." Diana and Claire giggled, with Mackenzie joining in with a small chuckle too. Plus small smiles from the parents. I made a small loop in one end of the hair, then wove the long end around and around the loop, pulling the loop a little smaller as I went, until I ran out of hair. Hair being somewhat stiff, the tension in the loop kept it in a loop...
My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...
Friday, April 29, 2005 (Continued) Carol and I arrived at the boys and we sat in front of them. While I was opening my lunch (it'd never left my hand, ESPECIALLY not after the disaster that had befallen an earlier incarnation of it at the Duckling visit), I said to Wayne, "Katelin's telling her story. Judging from what I heard she's telling the long version, so I've probably got a while to talk here. When she finishes she'll call out, and you and I will go help her answer the girls'...
Thursday, April 28, 2005 (Continued) The rest of the time before lunch didn't have anything major happen, mostly just some friendly chatting with quite a few girls, including more 11th graders than normal - some of the politer ones that'd been to our lunch yesterday. Several girls asked about lunch today, checking that Julia and I were still going to be busy elsewhere, as Julia had apparently told them yesterday. I noticed one of the football chasing guys listening in to one such...
Saturday, May 7, 2005 (Continued) We parked in the drive behind all the other cars, got out and started walking toward the front door. I commented to Julia, "This is a VERY nice looking house." Julia answered, "After I've seen inside I'll give you my guess of what it's worth. That way you'll have an idea of how your place will compare." Ava muttered, "Millions of dollars. I still can't get over it." "Shh, here comes Lily." Lily rushed up, but with Carol and Julia on my...
Sunday, May 8, 2005 (Continued) I won't describe this small dinner party in detail. It went well, and for the most part was very predictable (e.g., Katie predictably apologized for the dinner not being up to yesterday's standard. We predictably insisted her dinner was wonderful, etc.). I'll mention some of the good parts of the evening. Early on Carson and I were chatting in the living room. To make conversation, he asked me, "How's that business idea of yours coming along?" I...
Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) The Aquatic Center chapters will be slightly non-chronological, to follow each thread in a consistent, logical, masculine manner. Corvallis's Osborn Aquatic Center is very nice, and not just because it sometimes contains many dozens of bikini-clad girls. Inside there's an Olympic-sized pool (165 feet/50 meters long) and a smaller, warmer one. The deep end of the big pool has a low and high diving board, a rope swing and a zip line. Outdoors there's a...
Thursday, April 5, 2007 (Continued) I was flying toward downtown LA's tallest skyscraper, the 1,017-foot Library Tower, intending to start a press conference on its helicopter pad. It was about fifteen miles from the pier to the CBD (Central Business District; a.k.a. downtown), and I was flying it at about eight hundred feet and 30 mph, to let people see me reasonably clearly and to give time for word to get out so I wouldn't have to hang around the CBD waiting for the news organizations...
Saturday, May 7, 2005 (Continued) The Chengs had a western style table large enough for all two dozen of us to sit around. There wasn't any seating order imposed, so we could sit wherever we wanted. I quickly moved to an area of the table where I could observe the doors into the room, as I was worried about Tony turning into another Don Eaton. The seating developed into three groups: a third was Chinese, a third adult Americans, and a third was me, my sisters and girlfriends, all of whom...
Thursday, May 12, 2005 (Continued) The rest of the day was the same old same old, until my date with Mackenzie. I arrived at Mackenzie's house to pick her up at 5pm, and was met by all three sisters, In front of everyone else, Claire rushed toward me with her arms extended for a hug. So much for her keeping a low profile. There was no point in trying to avoid her hug, so I crouched down as I would to accept a hug from a child, and let her run to me. "Hi, Mark." "Hello, Claire." I...
Friday, July 25, 2008 (Continued) I teleported us to one of the beaches that was part of Refuge. "I must admit that I showed you the aliens mainly because I find them fascinating. I'm having a huge amount of fun learning about them and watching them in action. They've got some very different perspectives on life and have made some amazing scientific breakthroughs in areas no human has ever considered. If you want to, Julia, we could have the largest, most profitable company in the world...
Sunday, June 19, 2005 (Continued) I made myself a comfort sandwich while I tried to work out what I'd done wrong. I remembered Julia previously telling me off for talking too long. Girls who're already eating out of my palm don't need to be led in tiny steps, which had been what I'd done. Knowing where I'd gone wrong didn't tell me what I should've done though. I couldn't have bluntly told them not to be jealous, not to be early or late, and not to rely on me driving them around....
Sunday, June 19, 2005 I woke, got dressed, and went downstairs for a breakfast. I'd only slept for 2.5 hours, but my last meal was several hours ago, plus my body expects a breakfast after it wakes up and I wouldn't want to disappoint it. Back in my study, the first thing I did was quietly move the scrolling keyboard off the desk to put it on the floor behind one of the computers, where it couldn't easily be seen by anyone in the room, and certainly not by anyone peeking in from the...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Sunday, April 24, 2005 We'd gone to sleep about 11:30, and I woke at 4 o'clock, so about four and half hours sleep. My first problem was figuring out what to do for three or so hours. Get a snack obviously, but what to do after that? Schoolwork, I decided. My basic study plan had been to do my college work in the wee small hours and school stuff in the afternoons. Unfortunately (with tongue firmly in cheek, and elsewhere) Julia had recently been 'making' me have sex every afternoon....
Sunday, April 17, 2005 I woke and checked my clock to confirm that it was 5am. I felt perfectly well rested, so I had a feeling I was going to get more hours per day. Cool. Now what to do with them? I didn't want to wake the family, so I had a quiet pre-breakfast snack. Then I returned to my room and finished reading the Aikido books, unfortunately without learning anything useful. Then I got into the Driver Manual, using different minds to quiz each other. That got boring because I...
Sunday, June 12, 2005 (Continued) The first of Julia's questions started even before I'd pulled a T-shirt out of my drawer to mop the chair with. Julia had many questions, and more kept occurring to her, so our question and answer session spanned several hours. There were a few temporary interruptions - for our leaving my home and going to hers, while we had sex in her bed (I learned to proximity sense some new emotions), while she did some studying, and while I had a chatty phone...
Monday, April 18, 2005 I awoke feeling fully rested. Good, two nights of only five hours of sleep and no problems so far. A quick look outside let me see that it wasn't raining, so I put on my running gear and waited outside the girls' room. I half-expected Donna to sleep in, guessing that Carol might have kept her awake too long last night, but I heard movement and a couple of minutes later Donna emerged. She closed the door behind her, then whispered to me, "Carol's not coming with...
Saturday, May 17 (Continued) to Saturday, May 24, 2008 Our head didn't explode from the sudden arrival of 160 new minds, most of whom were duplicates, so that was good. Now that my fingers had done their job so well, I uncrossed them. ^ [[(a) Copies of those minds had spent fifty hours in my head over the last couple of weeks, so there was no "sudden arrival" involved. (b) It's not as if duplicate minds were matter and anti-matter, especially because they're not matter at all. Nor are...
Sunday, June 12, 2005 (Continued) After dinner it was Carol's turn to visit me for 'studying'. I patted my lap, and was very pleased to see that she was happy to climb on. I hadn't expected her to be anything other than happy, as the attention I'd been paying to Carol over the last three weeks had produced a Carol who thoroughly enjoyed my company, attention and compliments. Carol asked, "I don't understand what's going on. Why are you being so affectionate to me these days, and...