BethChapter 143 free porn video

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February 9, 2018

Dear Ms. Diary,

I woke warm, comfy, and in extensive contact with two of my lovers.

The eight of us packed ourselves into the smallest portion we could of our huge, new bed last night. I recall lying there in the drift between waking and sleeping, wrapped around Liya with Celeste wrapped around me, thinking that I loved that aspect – the closeness, the love – of our group more than any other, with that “other” including even our wonderful and varied sex life.

At some point, Liya must have rolled over, as her face was against my chest. I could also feel that nearly every square inch of my back side was in contact with some part of Celeste.

After a couple minutes of just lying there, enjoying my life, my sisters, my friends, my lovers, Celeste whispered in my ear, “I love this. I absolutely love this.”

I turned my head toward her and returned, “I was lying here thinking that very thing. And this is the very best part of it, at least in my mind.”

“That’s exactly what I was saying. You girls ... and the parents ... certainly satisfy my libido, but this ... Holding you closely while Kim is snugged into my back side ... This satisfies my soul.”

I pondered her words for a few seconds, then replied, “I’ve been trying to come up with that, but hadn’t. That’s exactly right.”

As we were walking across the backyard heading for breakfast at the W, Rhee said, “With the fence essentially complete, if it weren’t so cool this morning, we could have skipped putting clothes on just to go eat breakfast with the same people we spent naked last night.”

“Yes,” exclaimed Heather. “I’m definitely looking forward to spring and running around in our yard naked. I want Dad to throw me over his shoulder some time, carry me out here, and fuck the daylights out of my pussy!”

Liya replied, “That’ll get the cops called, fer sure, when every house within a quarter mile hears your screamers. However, I would like to see that.”

We were chuckling as we hit the back door.

During our Dad-made breakfast of pancakes and bacon that we all ate in the nude, Mom called for attention.

“First, thank you, all of you, for last night. That was one of the best experiences of my life. Thanks for your efforts to satisfy my kinks. When Carol and I started down this road, I couldn’t imagine anything remotely like last night. Again, thanks.

“Second, Charlie and I will be taking a ... sabbatical of sorts this weekend. We’ll be spending it by ourselves in the D house. I’ll be here Monday morning early, before heading to East Buttfuck ... or wherever this damned meeting is the boss wants me to attend.”

There was some chuckling.

“Particularly after last night, I’ll certainly find myself missing my wonderful family for far too many days next week. I might not say this enough to some of you, but I’d like each and every one of you to take this to heart, even you, Kim. I love you. My life is so incredibly wonderful because you’re all in it.”

Carol said, “I have announcements, too. Inez lands just after three. She, Celeste, and I will have a Mexican dinner ready for you when you return with an incredible gaggle of girls and boy.”

There was much rejoicing.

We picked Civia up on our way to Grass Valley, and she took the last open seat. We would have to shoehorn Char in somewhere when we got to her house. The size our group has reached has caused Dad to look into other vehicle options, but this is what we have now. As we began winding through a residential area, Civia squeaked in excitement.

“Sorry. I haven’t seen her in too long.”

“There’s no need to apologize,” responded Rhee. “Everyone misses her.”

And then Meka was pulling into a driveway. Char was obviously greatly anticipating our arrival as she burst out the door and was there to throw herself into Rhee just moments after she had gotten her feet under her after exiting the Sprinter. We had a squealing frenzy of greetings in the driveway, with Char hugging even Kim, who she knew only from the lunchroom.

I elevated both eyebrows at Char as she released Kim, and she responded, “Yeah, I’ve seen her only once and I’m tentative with people I don’t know. She’s part of the group, so even if I don’t know her well, everyone else does, and I’m mostly good with accepting your estimations of people.” More quietly, she said, “Besides, you’re lovely, Kim.”

A wide smile spread onto Kim’s face, and she replied, “When we get home and have all our blondes together, we’ll surely be able to take over the world.”

There was much chuckling.

However, Char looked seriously at Kim as she said, “Please, come inside so I can kiss my new sister without getting the town up in arms about lesbians and their ilk being the downfall of our society.”

There was much chuckling.

We followed her inside where Char made it a point to give each of us a short-but-intense kiss, after which, between pants, she exclaimed, “Oh, god. I’ve never done anything remotely sexual with anyone in this house other ... than myself. And, boy, was that fun. I’m so much looking forward to lots of that!” She squeaked at the end of that, then turned to me and added, “This has been the longest six weeks of my life. All the calls have helped, but that doesn’t make up for the lack of hugs, kisses, and other touches.”

We had a brief, Char-centered scrum, then got her, her two duffels, and a small suitcase into the Sprinter and headed home. We managed to get Liya and Heather buckled together in the middle of the back row, with their row mates being the three slenderest of the rest of us: Lana, Char, and me, and we were seated from Lana on the right, though Liya, Heather, Char, and me. It was tight quarters, but none of us minded, although Meka made a comment.

“Oh ... goddess. Four of the blondes are together back there. Liya, we’re counting on you to keep them under some kind of control!”

“Jawohl, mein capitan!”

There was much chuckling.

Brett was given shotgun, the front row housed, Brit, Civia, and Gracey, and Kim, Rhee, and Cera sat in the second row.

About 15 minutes into the return trip, with a loud conversation going on up front, Heather quietly stated, “We need to take Char to Armoire and get her a team shirt.”

Lana chuckled quietly and responded, “Yeah, she’s another one that’ll look great in that, with those high, firm boobs.”

Char’s face went a bit pink as she asked, “What kind of shirt is this?”

“You’ll see,” Heather replied. “All 11 of us wore them to The Cold Sweets the day after we got them. We ‘bout gave Katie a heart attack.”

“Oh, lord. I can just imagine.”

Heather looked at Char and responded, “Maybe you can, maybe you can’t.”

Since she was sitting next to her, Heather rotated as much as she could considering the packed-sardines aspect of the back row of seats, and kissed Char on the mouth.

After pulling back from Char, she said, “You’ll be nervous wearing it, like Kim was, but she got used to it.”

I could feel Char tense on my right side, and it looked like she was bucking herself up to say something, but I was surprised when she said, “If you’ve all done it, I want you girls to remind me of that and help me overcome any nervousness or outright fear.”

Heather looked at her lovingly, then answered with, “We can do that, but we don’t want to push you too hard.”

“No! You’ve been pushing me gently and I’ve gotten better about my ... tentativeness with you, but I want to get to where you are ... with ... all of this. You’re my second family, and I want there to be absolutely no barriers anywhere amongst us. Is Kim as ... shy as I am?”

“With a couple things, but mostly not, although her recent ... I guess, epiphany, about her with us has made her much more confident.”

“That’s what I want, that confidence.” Less emphatically, she added, “I want the confidence I have on the pitch to be the confidence I have in life. With ... my new family backing me up, I know I can get there, confidence in life you have, Heather.”

“Hey, the only reason I have confidence is due to the Go4 taking me in and giving me something about which I could be confident. I was not like this last February.”

“That’s exactly my point. You managed it, and you had much more reason to lack confidence than do I. I’ve got two parents who love me. Granted, I’m sure they don’t understand me as well as Beth’s parents understand her, but I’m in much better shape, familywise, than you were last year.”

“Okay. Yes. You’re right, but my family enabled me to find the exhibitionistic aspect of my personality.”

“Oh ... goddess,” Char exclaimed loudly, following that with a grin at Heather that I could see only because I was leaning so far forward to watch them.

From the far end of the row floated, “I’m charging you the same per-use fee I’m charging Brett for borrowing my tagline, Char.”

Meka pulled us in through the new gate in the new privacy fence on the new driveway and pulled back to the J. She parked outside the new garage to make it easier to scatter to our various tasks. Some of the girls took Char’s luggage inside the house while others did pre-planned tasks that would enable us to show Char the house’s ropes. Rhee and I had the task of escorting Char to say “hi” to the parents in a more personalized manner and to have a discussion that needed to happen.

Char was affectionate with the four parents, hugging even Inez while the aromas of Mexican food teased our senses. After the greetings were finished, we seven sat at the kitchen table, where Carol held forth.

“We’re all glad you’re here, Char. I can see you’re nervous, but there’s no need to be at this point.” When Char acknowledged that fact, Carol continued with, “Unless you want to reconsider, you’re now...”

“No. I’m nervous, but I don’t want to reconsider. Not at all.”

Carol nodded at her, then said, “Good for you. You’re now a member of this family. Although I’m fairly sure the girls tell you most everything, we’ve asked them to hold one thing back with which we parents can surprise you.” When Char reacted a bit in fear, Carol responded, “No! We didn’t plan this, but the timing is perfect, and we think that our surprise will help you, at least somewhat.

“As you’ve discussed with the girls, as part of the family, you may take part, if you wish, in the clothing-optional policy of the compound. We’ve designed the perimeter fence and the deck such that no place easily accessed outside the compound has a view of any of the deck, even the recent addition, thus the policy holds for anywhere inside the three houses and inside the fence. The exceptions to the policy involving the presence of other people. When Civia is expected and while she’s here, the policy is put in abeyance, unless none of the parents or Brett or other outside visitors are present.”

She looked a question at Char, who answered, “You obviously know that Civia spends much of her time ... naked.”

“We do. The girls keep us apprised of important things like that, but not any of the details. We trust our girls and we trust the many girls and one boy that have joined them in something of another family. However, while Civia is permitted in the compound without clothes under the aforementioned conditions, Brett is clothed at all times, as you girls will also be when he’s here.”

Again, she looked a question at Char, who nodded in understanding and acceptance.

“Have the girls informed you that they’ve told us that the girls all share a sexual relationship?”

Char’s face went red, but she nodded.

“They’ve told us none of the details, and those are not something that we’d ask about nor demand. Sexual relationships are very personal, and they should not be discussed outside of those relationships with anyone without the agreement of anyone and everyone involved in those relationships. We parents will never ask for any details. If you tell us any of those details, we will assume that you have permission from everyone involved to divulge those details, so make sure you, indeed, have those permissions.”

When Char again nodded at Carol’s unvoiced question, Carol smiled, then said, “The surprise is that the gang ... or whatever has petitioned for similar membership, and we have agreed. So, you’ll have their lovely, naked bodies to hide behind if you’re feeling too nervous about displaying your lovely, naked body to a bunch of parents. That means that so long as none of Civia, Brett, or non-family visitors are present, the hot tub is nearly mandatorily clothing prohibited. We can change that for you if you feel the need, but the others want that.”

Her face was red, again, but she answered, “No. That would be less of a problem for me than being naked in the ... the ... W where all of me would be visible at nearly all times. I’ll be asking my ... sisters, here, for help in overcoming my ... body shyness, because I truly want to get to their state of comfort with this ... all this.”

“Good for you! If you manage to get comfortable with our odd family and its odd ways, you’ll be able to enjoy it more here. Char, we’re very happy to have you here so you can be on the premier team, however, we’d be happy to have you here for any reason, even permanently.”

“Thanks, Carol. Thanks, everyone, for taking me in. I’ve so missed the friendship that I used to have with Beth and Rhee, but I’m thrilled with our new, even-closer friendship.”

The parents each told her that she was welcome, and then Carol said, “Two more items, both of which will probably get your face red, again, Char.” Carol paused to allow that to sink in, watched Char’s face go a bit pink, then said, “Guys have very close to zero control over sexual response, so don’t be surprised if you see Charlie fully erect or getting fully erect in your presence. You’re a very attractive young woman, and his cock will get hard in your presence, if it’s not already in that state before you arrive.”

Char went scarlet, and managed to keep her eyes on Carol, rather than letting them slide over to Dad.

Carol continued with, “The first time or two you encounter him in that state, you can be excused a bit of staring, as his cock is a wonderful thing. However, unless, somehow, you’ve entered into something of a sexual relationship with him, staring at it every time you see it is, well, gauche.”

Sandy and Inez chuckled.

“Given that he’ll frequently see you naked when in company of other girls he’s not used to seeing nude, it may well be quite a while before you see him in any state other than fully erect or heading that way, so please get used to seeing it.

“Oh,” Char exclaimed. “That reminds me. I forgot to congratulate you, Inez, on your recent marriage.”

Amidst chuckles, Inez replied, “Thanks, Char. I’ve managed only the immediately post-wedding consummation of that marriage, since I’ve not been home long enough, yet, today to have another romp in bed with my new husband and wives.”

Char went quite pink, but came back with, “Then I wish you a wonderful evening with your ... spouses tonight. I don’t know what sex with a guy is like, but I understand it’s all the rage, so there must be something enjoyable in it.”

There was much grinning and chuckling, as Sandy said, “You’ll do well, Char. We’re glad you’re here.”

“And that,” Carol went on, “provides for a wonderful segue to the next items on our agenda, as well as something I hadn’t considered mentioning. That is, as Inez just displayed, there can be some sex-based banter here, almost no matter who’s present, with Civia being a very important exception.” After a long, pregnant pause, she added, “Brett is not a similar exception.”

Carol looked at Char until she nodded in understanding, but Carol said, “I admit that we allow it around him primarily to see him turn red. We do have some low pleasures, here.” She smirked at Char, then went on with, “As you might imagine if you were to think of it, the clothing policy here encourages ... sexual excitement. This is your warning that you could walk in the door at nearly any time of day and find some number of us in the midst of sexual activities, even sex. Now that all the construction activities are completed in these two houses, the four of us will generally be the only residents of the house, so there’ll be no reason to keep our bedroom door closed. Of course, that door opens onto one of the entrance paths to the house from the back door. Additionally, the sex we enjoy is not confined to the bedroom, so you could encounter some number of us having sex nearly anywhere. If you don’t care to see or watch such, you’re welcome to go elsewhere in the house or leave entirely. We’re not shy ... Well, Inez might be for a while, but the rest of us are not, having some experience with our girls eyeballing our loving. If you wish, you are welcome to watch, particularly if we’re not in our room, just be courteous. Any sex not behind an interior door can be assumed to be fair game for watching. It would be best if you didn’t tell anyone outside the family that such happens.”

That last sentence snapped Char out of her dumbfounded amazement and responded, “I’d never do that! That could get my best friends’ parents in trouble, and I’d lose not only the welcome of the ... compound, but also the new, more-wonderful friendship I have with Beth and Rhee. I swear!”

Carol eyeballed her for a few seconds, then smiled and said, “Good. Thank you. Liya or Gracey will instruct you on the use of a phone app to access these two houses and on the screens at the entrances that provide information on the state of the house you’re entering. They’ll also show you the hidden physical electronic-based keys of the two houses, which are in different places, as well as the code you’ll need to input once in the house to terminate the alarm process initiated by using the physical key. We’ll hide a key for the A ... the Arthur house once its new doors are installed.” At Char’s blank face, Carol added, “You’ll see. Regardless, you’ll have unlimited access to both houses, unless we put a black block on this house for some reason. We don’t know that we’d ever do that, but the mechanism exists.”

As Rhee sent the text informing the gang that we were ready for them, I asked Inez, “What needs to be done?”

“All the fillings are ready; we just need to start frying tortillas. We’ll need a lot, so we’ll run a pan on each stove, corn on one, wheat on the other. As you can see, there are stacks ... tall stacks of small tortillas. Although we’ll be crowded, we’re doing dinner like we typically do home-made pizzas.”

I nodded, stepped to the appliance we use most as a warming oven, but which has a central-front burner and a grilling system in the back half of the stove top. I turned the burner on and oiled the pan. The stack there was of corn tortillas. On the island was an incredible number of bowls and plates of various things to put in tacos, including cilantro, various ground meats (including lamb), tomatoes, onions, olives, various cheeses, etc., etc., etc.

I saw Carol pull Kim aside when she hit the kitchen and I wondered what that was about as they vanished into the master bedroom. I was still frying corn tortillas when Kim stepped up to me and whispered in my ear.

“Did you know they were going to offer to buy my car and then let me use it nearly cost-free?”

I shook my head and said, “But they made Meka and Celeste the same offer, and both took it. What do you think?”

“When I turned 18, Mom and Dad signed it over to me. It’s not worth all that much ... I think, but it would still be a large deposit in my account. I think I’d like to sell it to them, but I can’t think straight right now.”

“You should talk to Celeste. She’s got a bit more experience dealing with finances and has had a little experience with the result of her selling her car.”

She looked at me, then said, “If we weren’t expecting guests momentarily and if Civia weren’t in here, I’d give you the best kiss I could manage. My life just keeps getting better and better. Oh, I know a lot of it’s not your doing, but if you hadn’t been on the team, there’s no chance I’d be here, now. If you and your ... sister-friend-lovers didn’t hold court in the lunchroom and attract Meka to it and get her to enjoy her time there, there’s no chance I’d be here, now. If you and your sister-friend-lovers weren’t willing to host Hope’s wanted sleepover, there’s no chance I’d be here, now. And if I weren’t here and now, it would be because I’d still be stuck in my disappointing life with a disappointing boyfriend that I could never seem to tell to go away and wonder five or ten years down the road why I was so unhappy.” She looked into my eyes, then whispered, “I’m falling in love with you, Beth, and I am very much looking forward to making love with you for the rest of my life. As I’ve told you before, I’m all the way in and as soon as I learn more of Lana’s kissing tricks, I’m giving you that kiss I so much want to give you right now.”

There were tears in my eyes as I looked down, flipped the three tortillas in the skillet, then looked back up at her and whispered, “I don’t know what to say, Kim, except I love you. I’m very much looking forward to making love with you for the rest of my days. I’m so glad you’re here with us.”

She gave me a quick, one-armed hug, and departed for elsewhere in the house. I stared at the tortillas in the pan through watery eyes.

Emma and Maren arrived shortly after, and Civia raced to the front door when the doorbell rang.

The kitchen was crowded, but the 19 of us had a fun time trying different filling combos, and gabbing about the different combos and many other topics.

At one point, I was talking quietly with Gracey when we overheard a conversation behind us.

Char said, “This is incredible! I’ve never had so much ... fun just eating dinner.”

Maren, with similar excitement, responded, “I know,” after which she turned to Civia and asked, “Do you always eat like this?”

“No, we usually eat in the dining room. I’ve never been here for taco night like this, but it makes sense. Like with home-made pizza night, we’ve gotta keep cooking food, else most of it gets cold before anyone can eat it. I love dinners like this. I love being here on nights like this. I just wish my mom and dad could have joined us.”

At one point, Emma cornered Char, Kim, and me, and said, “Thanks, Beth, for inviting us. Maren seems to be greatly enjoying this, and I definitely am. It’s just so ... enjoyable being here, with all this conversation and excitement.” She glanced at Char and Kim, then added, “Despite having three different families over the course of my life, I can say without exaggeration that the two most enjoyable dinners I’ve ever had have been right here, in this kitchen.”

“As you said, Maren is having fun. If you want, we’ll keep inviting you. We invited the Paleceks, but they had something already going on tonight, some social thing with the company for which Kalina works.”

She looked at me, glanced at my conversation partners again, then answered, “Please do. Not only is this fun for Maren, but it’s filling a hole in my need for enjoyment. I must sound like a real leech to you girls, but...”

“No, Emma,” responded Kim. “I’m a recent addition to this incredible bunch of people, and they’ve done for me exactly what you’ve said they do for you. I’ve enjoyed this so much that I’ve moved here, with my parents’ agreement, although I am 18.”

Char said, “This is my first ... dinner like this, and I’m having a great time, and, like Kim, I could use more of such, and I’ll be moving here in March to go to school with my crazy friends.”

Emma looked at Char for a few seconds, glanced at Kim, then turned her head to me and asked, “Is Char another one like all the rest of the girls? Attractive and smart?”

I smiled at her, then at Char, and replied, “Yup. Attractive, smart, and highly skilled. We seem to attract them.” I grinned at her, then said, “Char was on the same team that was Rhee’s and my introduction to soccer when we were all nine. Char had played the previous year, and the two of us gravitated to her as she knew more than we did, and she was notably more proficient at the game. We were friends for two years, but her family moved to Grass Valley and we lost track of each other. However, we played her GV team three times last summer and got back in touch. She came to watch us at the state tournament and wound up helping the team out in many ways. We’ve been conspiring to get her back with us, and this opportunity fell in our laps, so she’ll be in school with us in spring quarter and playing on our soccer team starting in March. We won the state championship last year. The addition of both Char and Civia could enable us to repeat, as they’re both exceedingly good at what they do on the pitch.”

She glanced around, then said to Char, “Then, welcome back to Elkton.”

“Thanks. I don’t suppose Maren plays soccer. She looks like she might make a good midfielder.” When Emma shook her head, Char asked, “Do you think she might like joining these girls for their after-school workouts or helping out with the premier team come March?”

Emma looked back at me as I tilted my face toward the ceiling and closed my eyes briefly, then responded to her unvoiced question, “I don’t know why I didn’t think of that. She’d be welcome with us after school, particularly as Civia is part of the workout group. We also do weight training on Wednesdays with Dad at a gym. She’d be welcome there, too, if she’d be interested. Dad would cover the required membership, since he gets a pretty good deal for bringing so much business to the place. Oh, and those memberships are family memberships, so you’d be welcome, too, if you have an interest.”

She just stared at me for a while, then shook her head rapidly to clear the cobwebs and replied, “I’ll have to think about the gym thing for me, but I’ll encourage Maren to, at least, try the outside stuff with you. She likes being outside, and she’d probably consider being outside with her new best friend worth having to do the things you do there. And I’d like her to have something to fill her time after school before I get off work. She’s mostly responsible, but I just don’t like the thought of her being there by herself so much. She needs to have friends and do fun things.”

Kim stuck in her oar with, “It’s not too strenuous ... Well, except for wind sprints on Tuesday. We use the sessions simply to stay in shape and to keep everyone’s wind up for spring soccer. We’ve also been teaching some of the team assistants – some of whom have not played the sport – some basic soccer skills, as that will help them be better at being team assistants. Maren would be welcome to learn along with them. We’re not trying to get them to the level of playing on a team, but if they wanted to learn enough more to enable them to try the sport out for real, we’d have no problems with teaching them even more.”

Before Emma could respond, I interrupted, saying, “We’ll be having a pick-up game at our practice pitch tomorrow morning. That’s the pitch just a block from Civia’s house. If you and Maren don’t have anything going, why don’t you come and watch. We’re meeting at 9 and will probably play for an hour or two, depending on various schedules and how long a break we take in the middle.” Before she could respond, “I know we’re just a bunch of kids that you met incidental to your job, but we like Maren and you, and I know Civia would love to have her new friend understand why she’s so into soccer. Civia really is brilliant.”

Again, she stared at me for a few seconds, then a slow smile crept onto her face as she replied, “I’ll ask Maren, and if she’s interested, we’ll come.” She breathed heavily, then said, “Thanks for thinking of her. I’m afraid the past year or so has not been good to her because of my problems, and I’d really like her to have a more-normal childhood while she still can.”

Kim snorted, then said, “Sorry. I wasn’t laughing at you. I was laughing at your characterization of ... these girls as normal. They’re far from normal, but only in the best directions.”

Emma grinned at Kim and riposted, “I’m fully aware of that, which is why it makes me happy that you girls are willing to ... take Maren under your wings, even if that’s sort of at one remove.”

“Okay,” Civia said as we walked into the J, “I really, really like her. She’s so fun. I was stupid to keep her away so much.”

Liya immediately responded, “I know exactly what you mean and why you did it. My childhood ... my earlier childhood was very different from yours. I had no friends because I was so angry with ... everything. A couple girls tried making friends with me early in middle school, but I blew them off. Then Gracey tried. I don’t really know why I’d blown those other girls off and didn’t blow Gracey off, but she and the other two changed my life, and here I am, happier than I’ve ever been. Sometimes, as I learned, you gotta take a chance. Maybe it doesn’t work out, but, goddess, is life ever better when it does.”

Same as Beth
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 143

I was up early; my mates were coming tonight for the fund raiser at Dayton Ohio. It was a sold out event at the coliseum with sixty thousand seats, plus all the floor space. Dayton was home to Wright Patterson Air Force Base and the Air Force museum. It was also part of the steel belt that was recovering after steel jobs went abroad to Japan first, then Korea and later China. ` President Thomas - being from Kansas - had a special place in his heart for what was known as the rust belt and...

4 years ago
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Double TearsChapter 143

“Shadows and light deceived us, but sounds we followed true.” —David Bowles, The Deepest Green WITHIN AN HOUR of all of us arriving at Donna’s farmhouse, there wasn’t much clothing to be seen. Who needed to see what people were wearing anyway? Well, I did notice that Cindy had a matching lavender bra and panty set on. I looked at her little butt cheeks that weren’t really covered by the panties and wondered if her mother even knew she owned that set. I didn’t dwell on it unless she...

2 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 143

A group of eight cars arrived at the rented house in the San Fernando Valley. The sun had been up for only a couple of hours but everyone looked fresh and well-rested. The crew from "Cotton Panty Chronicles" had arrived well before dawn and set up their props. It was another cliché straight from the porn handbook – a college party. The producer was impressed when Sahara Rain told him in no uncertain terms that there would be no real alcohol on set. There could be empty beer kegs and booze...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 36 Jill and Keisha

December 19, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “What time will you be in?” Elyse smirked. “By noon. Nobody is supposed to be here before then.” “Have fun!” “Have a good morning at work!” She left and I went to find Kara who didn’t teach on Thursday mornings. “Be careful, Snuggle Bear. She could change her mind.” “I will. Are you grading finals today?” “No, lab notebooks. Finals are tomorrow for my Freshman chemistry class. Where are you going to be?” “Probably one of the guest rooms,” I said....

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My Mistress My Lover Ch 2

The box was to be my punishment, but I could already feel my pussy becoming damp in anticipation of whatever my mistress had planned. "There you are, slave," my mistress growled, that evil look in her eyes telling me what I already knew. This was to be an event for her pleasure, not mine. As I reached her chair, I stood unflinching as the bull whip struck her hand. My fingers tightly grasping each wrist behind my back, legs shoulder width apart, eyes to the floor, I awaited my orders....

4 years ago
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I Was a Teenage Weird WolfChapter 12

Mattie had spoken prophetically, I was as busy as a prize dog breeding show bitches, just to take care of Mattie and Sasha. Since they were both pregnant, a spike in sexual need was to be expected, but my bitches needed me more than expected, almost constantly, so that I didn’t get any work done. We had to bring in two Beta males from other clans to make up for the work I usually do. All the other females were happy because each of them got fucked more often, as a result of extra teenage...

4 years ago
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Second Time8217s Charm

Hey, guys, It’s me again. Thanks for the good wishes for the previous sex story and some good experiences from few readers. This sex story is about my first girlfriend who welcomed me to my sex world. She’s average looking girl but anyone who sees her will be aroused by her curves. It was a rainy day and as usual, we texted each other the whole time. Till that day we hadn’t talked about sex. To kill the time, we were playing Truth or Dare. To my excitement, she came up with a wonderful question...

3 years ago
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Kendras First Girl Experience in Boston

Kendra and I have been together for a while and she has shared her fantasy a few times of always wanting to have experienced being with another girl. She often talked about how she missed her chance in college and now that she is with me, she’ll never have the opportunity. We talked about trying to find someone we knew in the neighborhood who might be interested, but Kendra always worried it might be difficult after the fact and it has remained a fantasy for years. My job requires me to travel...

First Time
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 34 Sectionals And Regionals

They were a little nervous. They didn't expect to be, but they were. It was, after all, their very first competition. For all their blather about not taking it seriously, they did want to skate well. Placements really weren't all that important. They though they'd like to make it to sectionals, which would take a top 4 finish out of the 7 teams competing. Outside of that, though, they skated for fun. Even so, they wanted to skate clean and skate well. All of their family members would...

2 years ago
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Vennoas Adventures in SaltmarshChapter 6

Vennoa yawned. Even the sun was still asleep. The party was back at the docks, looking for Wolgar’s ship. Luckily, the fishmongers hadn’t set up shop yet this early in the morning, so the air was crisp and salty, without the tangy feel of fish. In the distance, Vennoa could make out some ships approaching the dock. Probably the fishing boats were heading back with their haul for the day. Even if she detested the smell, she had to admit that Ehs had been right about the freshness of the...

4 years ago
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First Anal Sex With Handsome Online Friend

A few years ago, I went to Chennai in search of jobs. After a long search for around 2 days, I got a job in a company. I was 22 years old then. The company provided me with accommodation. There were 3 other guys with me. It was a boring few months. I had to work from morning 8 am till evening 8 pm. Sundays were the only holidays in a week. It had been months without masturbation also. I had decided I won’t masturbate myself after I had experiences with sucking cocks. So, I decided to install...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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13 January 2007Chapter 3

Wendy and Aaron had resumed their erotic fun in Barney’s Bar. More drinks were ordered to quench their thirst as they grew thirsty for more fucking. She sat in his lap, pose open to reveal her bare pussy to any who looked. Aaron slipped her tits from her dress, and she let them remain in view. As she cupped his face in a long and sensual kiss, one hand fondled her tit as the fingers excited her pussy. A song that Wendy liked began to play, so she guided him onto the dance floor. She didn’t...

3 years ago
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Cheza Reuben

Reuben!! Why did you turn that off, I’ve never heard those noises before, I don’t know why, but those noises make my mouth wet, & get me excited. She exclaims. I realize my parents never told her how the whole sex thing works, they had pulled her out of sex ed. ‘cause they did such a shitty job w/me & created more problems than they had fixed, but never could find the right words to tell her. Sure she was 19, but there seemed to me that most of the few girls at her school were virgins &...

4 years ago
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Meeting Devonte The Jamaican

It all began with role-playing with my husband, I thought. One thing leading to another until you're past the point of no return.The sweet aroma of coconut lotion infused the room as the sun sank low casting long shadows across the floor from the balcony window. The tranquility of my environment couldn’t calm the anticipation bubbling beneath the surface of my poised demeanor. In front of me, my husband sat in a chair with his pants and fruit of looms bunched around his ankles. His only...

2 years ago
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My Innocent Wife

Hello readers this is raja from new Delhi. This is the first time that I am telling you the story that really changed my life. This story is dedicated to all the ladies of Delhi. Do tell me how you find the story. After 2 years of marriage, my wife, Neeta and I, were facing disaster. We both enjoyed each other’s company, and most of the big things; career, finances, and family, were not an issue. We decided long ago not to have kids, so we could concentrate on our careers. The problem was...

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The Roleplay Part One

Leigh was high on adrenaline, waiting for Michael to open the door to his apartment. She felt bad for having to leave Nick and Jayne but she was craving some intimate one on one time, knowing they would likely be enjoying the same. Watching him turn the key, she bit her lip as she looked around to check that nobody she knew was passing by. The pleasing click of the lock, Michael gestured to her to enter before closing behind them. Although she was a good twenty years older than him, the last...

2 years ago
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A Jaded Gift

"Ah! The Windy City, it never changes," Mike said aloud as a cold blast hit him. In early November the chilly winds gust off Lake Michigan and all that one can do is turn a collar up against them. Mike would have liked to have had his Melton winter coat on such a day. There had been no room in the suitcase for that, and where he had just been there wouldn't have been a need for it. Earlier that day he had landed at O'Hare from Shanghai, almost at the end of a lengthy trip at the behest of...

3 years ago
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Father in Law

The first time I met my future father in law, Ali Arif, something clicked between us. His eyes flicked over me from head to toe as most men's did, for although I wasn't a classic model beauty or particularly well endowed I seemed to radiate something that attracted their attention. Most times I felt totally unclean after one of those inspections, undressed and somehow violated, but with him it was different. I actually found myself enjoying his frank inspection, even puffing out a little more...

1 year ago
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Khaandani Randiyaan 8211 Part 12

Jab meri aankh khuli toh subah ho chuki thi. Aur main abhi bhi nangi haalat mein wahin hall ke mattress pe padi thi. Mere badan pe admiyon ka chhoda hua pani ab tak sookh chuka tha. Aur usse mere badan pe safed nishaan pad chuke the. Maine thodi taakat juta ke apne badan ko uthaya. Aur wahin baith gayi. Meri choot mein abhi bhi kal ki chudayi ki wajah se thoda dard ho raha tha. Maine fir aas paas se apne kapde uthaaye aur unhein pehenne lagi. Peeche se mujhe ek aawaz aayi, “Babyji aap naashte...

2 years ago
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Sibling Rivalry

Adapted by Ylloh Kcinner ADAPTOR'S NOTES Thanks to American author Holly Rennick for permission to adapt this selection from "Writer's Notebook" for publication in my country (a part of the former Soviet Union). We wish to practice American English and receive a NATO air field. America is our friend. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous American leader. Holly Rennick is a famous American scholar of English. Because my country is very cold, we prefer hot literature. We say, "Wow, man! This...

2 years ago
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New Beginnings Adams StoryChapter 54

The next day turned out to be an interesting day. I woke early and ate breakfast with my daughters while Emma and Bethany slept in. Asana and Bizana were up and going even before I got out of the bedroom and to the kitchen. The two of them greeted me with a bright cheery smile and a 'Good morning Master'. I just smiled back and them and remembered my thoughts from the night before. It put a smile on my face and that smile caused both women to beam even more with pleasure. Over breakfast I...

4 years ago
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Punch Drunk Love

I have been with Michael for nearly five years and we like to go out partying with friends having a BBQ every Saturday. Michael drinks of choice are Corona’s and Jager bombs! He and our friend Chad could polish off half a gallon of Jager in one night….just the two of them. They have been my favorite nights because both of us loose our inhibitions. We hold nothing back. I’ll be honest I’m generally quiet during sex so is Michael. I don’t drink a lot neither does he but he holds his own when he...

3 years ago
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me and my stepdaugher

Well lets see I have been dating her mom for going on seven years now and the whole time she was always strutting by me in tight fitting cloths . I would image n I was making love to her as I had sex with her mother . See the only working shower in the trailer was the one in our bedroom .So one day I was laying on the bed and she came out like usual in nut hen but a towel wrapped around that hot young body of hers as she came around the front of the bed where my head was she told me there was...

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Nowhere Man Book OneChapter 53

Arriving back at his home territory, John was apprehensive about what would be the result of his delay and coming back with another wife, a presumed future wife, and an eleven-year-old ward. The tribe’s duty guard was delighted to see John. He declared, “Hey! Great to see you back, sir. Who are these people with you?” “Hi, there. Toma, isn’t it? You have got yourself a job, I see.” “Yes, sir. Chief Numa reckoned I was trustworthy enough to guard the tribe.” “Well done, young man. My...

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sister in Law and the Ministers Wife

sister in Law and the Minister's Wife.My sister in law is Jane sings in the church choir. Through the choir she has become friends with the minister's wife Angela.Angela is the defination of a MILF. 34 D bra (I'm guessing that but I'm usually right), slim waist beautifully round buns and legs to die for. Angela has a great sense of humour. The only negative is she is very prim and proper. It follows that Angela has only ever had one man (as far as everyone knows).Jane decided to try to get more...

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Sasryan Sobat Kela Sagla

Hi friends mi Sonia (name changed) coz hi majhi real story ahe mhanun real naav nahi lihnar. Mi ISS almost 5 years pasun follow karte majhya eka friend (Roshni) ne mala sangitlela iss baddal hi majhi first story ahe. Tar mi first tumhala majhya baddal sangte mi Pune la rahte nd married ahe nd majhi age 23 years ahe nd majha lagna 3 years purvi jhalay nd mala ajun mule nahiyet mi 12 paryant shikle majhi figure changli ahe mi thodi Fatty ahe jasta nahi nd majhe mister police ahet mala asa vatla...

2 years ago
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the taste of the first creampie

it gets me everytime..everytime i see a photo of a creampie my mouth starts watering,and my mind go back to the first time i've eaten another man's cum from my gf seems like yesterday.. we are in my room and we haven't seen each other the night before. she climbs on top of me to sit on my face,pulls down my pants and start jerking me with two fingers as usual.she arrived to my home just minutes before with her bike and having my face buried in her sweaty lycra pants was already driving...

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Susans first bondage

She checked her instructions carefully for at least the tenth time in the last half an hour, the  printed sheet now crumpled from repeated folding and unfolding, Number 17 Naysmith drive, left out of the station, down Arkwright street for three hundred yards and turn left at the Red Lion into Merethorpe Gardens and then second left.The high arch of the honeysuckle shrouded pergola gateway loomed above the street, setting No 17 apart from it's  matching stone Edwardian town house neighbours, she...

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Angelet bekommt es

Angelet und ich arbeiten zusammen. Naja zusammen, wir arbeiten in der gleichen Firma. Das mit uns beiden geht schon länger. Nein es ist keine Beziehung, wir sind gute Freunde und wir haben guten Sex. So wie es heute wieder welchen geben wird. Auf der Arbeit haben wir uns schon viel geschrieben und heiß gemacht. Also werde ich heute noch zu ihr fahren und sie mal wieder richtig rannehmen. Sie ist devot und ich extrem dominant. Wie praktisch..... Ich komme zu ihr in die Wohnung. Ich ziehe meine...

1 year ago
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Clarence and Millie

We sat at the table, her holding my hand me bawling like a baby. "Clarence stop it now. I mean it. It is not the end of the world. I told you because I love you. I do not want to lose you. I do not want you finding out the wrong way about; well, about the things I am doing with Marcus," she said. I'm sure she thought her tone was supportive, but she was killing me. "Millie, you're my wife. Is what you really want a divorce? I mean after all of these years, Millie, twenty-one years!" I...

2 years ago
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Camping and a Spit Roast

I went on a camping holiday with a small group of friends and it was awful, it was raining, muddy, and there was nothing to do but go to a pub that was nearby. So one night everyone's passed out drunk, and I'm wide awake so I go back out to the pub, and I stay there with my thoughts for a little while, everyone's leaving and it's all feeling very glum, then two girls walk into the pub. The one girl is fairly tall with a very curvaceous body and a noticeably large behind, while the other was...

3 years ago
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Grandpa and I

Grandpa and I - A new love I had been orphaned when I was only 16 and my grandparents had taken me in. It was quite a different style of living for me. I had been brought up in the city where everything was literally at your fingertips. Gran and Pa lived on a hobby farm of about 20 acres just outside a small town about 300 miles from my original home. As I said, I was 16. I had a trim curvy body and pale skin. My hair was a chestnut red and my eyes green. Grandma and Pa were in their late 50s...

3 years ago
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Georgia Part Three

Georgia – Part Three “I have a better idea,” Mel – or was it Melissa? – replied softly. “Let’s put this on him.” I wondered what “this” was, but soon found out, as they slipped the sleep mask over my eyes, and tightened the band around the back of my head. Then I felt the strap across the back of my neck being loosened. I moved my head then, and was rewarded by feeling Doris’ clit against my upper lip. It was hard, and felt as I imagined a little cock would, complete with foreskin sliding back,...

4 years ago
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Danielles Ass Stalker

Granted, she was just walking inside her house to take a nap, but there’s a lot of history to get behind here. This guy has been stalking Danielle for approximately a year now, his whole life ruined because of his hyper-obsession. Did he have an undiagnosed mental problem? Probably, considering he threw away his wife, kids, friends, all of it just because he saw this chick at a coffee shop ONCE. Afterwards he even talked to her a bit in the parking lot, some small talk, but that was it. He...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyMaid Alesandra Busty Maid Gets Railed

Bruno called up a maid for one simple reason. To catch her on film cleaning in the nude and then convince her to let him get his dick wet. A maid with giant tits named Alexandra showed up. Bruno couldn’t resist any more so he went off to his room to jerk it as she cleaned. The whole time he was hoping she’d walk in on him. And that’s exactly what she did. Once she saw his cock it was easy to convince her to do everything else. He paid his maid an extra 200 dollars for that pussy. Bruno lammed...

1 year ago
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Gabatrix MinervaChapter 12 October 3rd 2349

Seven months would pass on like it was nothing at all. The UHN Tyson would continue with little to no problems at all. It had been quiet as it always was on the ship. The incident with the shuttle would be remembered for some time. However, even that would fade into memory and record. The UWA, on the other hand, abounded with activity. Jupiter was not precisely the place where a war was happening, but it was happening in other places. The Itreans were making their moves. Systems left and...

4 years ago
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The skate park part I

I’ve been in pharmaceutical sales for about 6 years now. The pay is fantastic but it has cost me my marriage. I wine and dine the big medical practices and in return they prescribe a lot of the medications I sell. The larger practices I treat to some expensive dinners at a local restaurant inside a fancy hotel. I found myself booking a room there when I planned on these outings since I consumed a lot of alcohol, along with the staff. The hotel eventually gave me a great rate on a suite.After a...

3 years ago
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Happy Birthday My Cuck

Getting home from work was really annoying today. I was in a rush so I could get ready and change so I could go out tonight. Today is my husband's birthday and he and my family are already out in a specific restaurant waiting for me. I get inside the house and instantly take a shower before I put on some new cloths. When I finally finished I recieve a text message from my husband Nate."Honey, you're parents just came here from Bolivia. When will you get here?""Soon baby, I am putting on my...

4 years ago
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The end to teen and the business man part 3

It was like one long mini orgasm. It felt like I was In constant state of being on the edge, about to come. It was a feeling that would and could and did, become addictive. As Jon's full, thick, veiny, delicious, manly and beautiful cock continued to pound into me, my precum continued to leak out of me. With each thrust, my semi hard cock flung back and forth, maintaining my ecstasy. With his hands gripping my hips, and his cock deep inside me, Jon said, "you like my cock in you, baby?" Calling...

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Skin Deep III Chapter 7 In The Spiders Web

Chapter 7 In The Spider's Web Along Came The Spider Brad Loudon watched through the one-way viewing wall of the small room where Michelle had been brought a few hours after regaining consciousness from her encounter with a Dunlap's F-Tazor. Her hands were secured to a brushed-stainless steel table by electrostatic manacles that were held in place by a powerful magnet on the underside of the table. Michelle's legs were secured to the floor with...

1 year ago
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summer job at the camp

My mom and dad wanted me to work during summer after I turned 18So i got a job up north at a camp, my job was easy, all I did was supervised boring k**s game and make sure they stay in the designed area until the monitor came back or sometime doing the referee , disputing a goal or a penalty shot.evry night i would wait for my bus and make a 50 min ride before getting home, then every morning mom would drop me back or sometime id take the bus againhis name was Josephhe had a nephew of 13 he...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Hot Maid Fathima Part 1

Mail id : Fathima, the conservative muslim girl age 28 worked in my house. She, not only worked but stayed in my home, she was abandoned by her parents. My mom decided to protect her until she’s married to someone good. For 10 years she lived with us and we treated her as family. When I was young, she took me to the movies and garden etc. She never went to school but knew how to read and write effectively. She used to join me during my studies. Now coming to her body, she had a milky...

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Femdom Training for your Man

Quick and simple guides to help turn that selfish and controlling man into a loving affectionate slave Training his mind is just as important as his body. He will need encouragement. Constantly remind him how he's given himself to you and how you cherish the sacrifice -- but he needs this training to really become yours. Associating arousal with pain and frustration is vital.There are some things that are mandatory tools to train your mate. These fall into the core categories below. These are...

4 years ago
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Mystery Shadows And Desire Part 1 The Stranger Approaches

‘Oh my God! What is about to happen to me?’ was the silent scream echoing through Catilin’s mind. Her heart was pounding, her mouth was dry and beads of sweat stood out on her smooth, naked body. She had never been so afraid in all her life! But at the same time she had never been so completely turned on. Caitlin could not see a thing through the pitch black darkness in the room. However, she could hear the sounds of breathing. Not only her own panicked gasps, but the deeper and harsher...

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virginity finally broken 1

This was the time when I was just turned 15 and my temptations were growing daily . Daily masturbation to porn was my thing . I was about 5,1 , little stocky and a built body. The first thing I knew was I couldn't watch normal porn . I have always only watched lesbian porn and after that a new fetish had arrived in my mind which was MILF porn. I started loving those things but even in real life I would only get horny for hot MILFS. That day finally came ! My mom and her friends had...

2 years ago
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Showing Myself because I want to Pt 2

by Vanessa Evans Part 2 After increasing our carnal knowledge of each other, right there in front of the window, I said, “How about we go out for a walk with me wearing one of the dresses and we can see what reactions we get. We can go to the park first where there won’t be many people.” Josh liked that idea so I put one of the dresses on and out we went. For me. I just felt like I had a summer dress on with the gentle breeze reminding me that I had nothing on under it, something that I...

1 year ago
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Private Hime Marie Domination

Today on we have the pleasure of introducing you to Hime Marie, a sexy American teen of Latin origin who has come to Private Gold, House on Naughty Street for a wild fuck with the lucky Kyle Mason. Watch Hime get kinky and show off how she loves to take control, blindfolding her man and treating him to a sloppy blowjob. Then enjoy this new girl in action as she hops on that big dick for a ride and takes it hard a deep all the way to cumshot over her tight sexy body. Private at...

3 years ago
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The Hotel Room

Danny was ending his day and he visited the hotel to pick up wi-fi and sign out after his final meeting. He had stayed in the hotel before and knew he could work quietly. He completed and looked at the time and decided he would delay driving at present to let the congestion subside a little. Then he was approached by a well spoken and dressed man and asked if he might be interested to know that in a room in the hotel a naked woman was waiting for a stranger to enter the room and have sex with...

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Ryans punishment

Ryan was slowly driving her mad. Not in the blatant, in-your-face, sort of way that other students sometimes pulled around her. That sort of behavior at times was normal, even expected the second semester of their senior year. Oh no, Ryan drove her mad in other ways, and on purpose. It was sometimes just the way he looked at her, his eyes looking as if he was staring right into her soul; like he was reading her very thoughts. Sometimes, she admitted to herself, she was rather glad he wasn’t...

4 years ago
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"Don't hit me. Please, for God's sake don't hit me," Jerry Smith begged. The man Jerry was pleading with was Ben Stillman, known as Big Ben on the street. The nickname was due to Ben's size, he was 6' 6. If he'd had been shorter, he would have been called stocky; he weighed 270. Instead, he was considered muscular and not someone to mess with. Ben was holding Jerry off the ground with one of his big hands around the neck because his boss, Moe Farrell, had ordered him to collect the...

3 years ago
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Backstage Pass 2 First Fuck

Harold unzipped her track top and pulled her arms out of the sleeves. All clothing was folded neatly on a little wooden side table. Then he pulled her T-shirt over her head and removed it. Her white bra didn’t quite conceal her full breasts. She looked eighteen or nineteen, compact and well built, not skinny or obese, but pleasantly plump. I was aroused. As he worked, I asked him, “So what happens after we fuck her? I don’t want to be involved in a murder.” Bill shot me a quick look....

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