Oh BoyChapter 18 free porn video

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My eyes didn't open until just after eight AM. We had gone to bed late last night. I had to smile as I thought about the girls bringing the two women down to the hot tub. I wasn't angry at them, just apprehensive. The girls meant well, and probably did get off on watching, but that hopefully won't be common practice.

I slid from bed, put my running clothes on, and looked out at the beach. The tide was out, so I was out back stretching when two women came up to me. Freddie and Nancy asked, "Can we run with you? Or at least follow along. We need to get in better shape and you'll make a good running partner."

They stretched with me and we began walking, followed by jogging, and then running. The two kept up and I could tell they were in decent shape. I told them to run with the girls in the afternoon instead of the early morning while we ran. A little breathlessly, Freddie said, "We should probably do that, but it's really hot then. I like the morning. Nancy will probably join the girls, but this is for me. I love to run on the hard sand like this."

They went their way and I went inside when we got back to the condo. The girls were up and preparing my breakfast. I jumped into the shower and was joined by Sherry, who as she cuddled, said, "Jeannie and I really liked watching last night, but we don't want to ever mess up what we have. Tell us if you get freaked by your two slutty women. We love you, and we want you to have lots of fun when you're home, Matt. We know you don't chase around on the road, so you should have all the fun you want right here with us."

The conversation and Sherry getting my interest up had us doing the nasty in the shower. I was thinking about how I could ever be anything but in love with my women, as I experienced a mutual orgasm with my love.

The girls wanted me to meet some people they had talked to about commercials after breakfast. We drove to a building that was a large appliance store in Tampa. The girls had talked to the owners, and they wanted me to make a couple of commercials in their store. They didn't want me to wear a uniform, but I wore a cap so everyone would think of my face as being a Ray. The commercial had me checking out refrigerators and stoves. The owner acted the part of a salesman and the result was Matt Williams buying his appliances from them, so others should too.

I made the comment that this was a little like false advertising, but Jeannie said, "No way. We called these people because that's whom the designer told us to buy the appliances from. You're already a customer, Matt." That made me happy. I liked the idea that I made commercials for people I did business with.

We ate a great lunch before the girls dropped me off at the ballpark. I did my workout, although I had done one yesterday. I liked doing my regimen just like I enjoyed running, practicing batting, and pitching. No one watched my batting practice today, but I continued swinging at low balls. I was just about done when Loney came in. He had me watch his swing until the coach came in and began working with James. I reminded Loney, "Tomorrow morning is the Children's Hospital gig. I have a car dealer and an appliance store owner coming for the publicity. I'll bet we can shame them into a small donation." That made Loney happy.

I went out to see if Scott was around, and he and Jim Hickey were talking. Hickey said to me, "Just who we were talking about. Go ahead and do your warm-ups. I may want you to hang out in the bullpen today. Joe said he wanted to play some other guys, so sit with the guys out here instead of sitting in the dugout."

"Can I still do batting practice and pitch for some of it? You know that's how I stay sharp for fielding, pitching, and batting."

Hickey looked at me and said, "You know that you are going to have very little value in the future if you wear your arm out."

"Hey, I'll still be a good infielder, and always good for DH."

The man looked at me and said, "Just let me know if you ever feel any pain in your arm, elbow, or shoulder. I think your workouts keep you in shape and from having any soreness. I sure hope so."

I warmed up with Scott who said he thought my four-seam fastball might be a little faster than usual. The forkball was diving, as well as my palm ball. I was lucky to have more than three pitches like most hurlers have. I didn't like my changeup, but it did the trick when batters were waiting for my fastball. I always hated to give that guy a curve, because the curve was faster than the changeup, but slower than the slider."

Rumors were flying around the bullpen because Alex Cobb was probably coming back from the DL. Sure hope he was throwing all right and that he could go five or six innings. The man has had his problems, with the concussion last year, and a left oblique problem this year. Everyone was counting the days until Hellickson was back, probably in June. Matt Moore was out for the year after Tommy John surgery, of course. The injury list didn't stop there. Zobrist dislocated his thumb, but we were blessed with decent utility infielders. Hanigan was on the 15 day DL with a hamstring injury. I'm surprised Joe hasn't come to ask me to catch.

Odorizzi was pitching, and that probably was why I was in the bullpen. He hasn't been able to get past the fifth inning without giving the farm away. Hickey and Madden probably wanted me to do a two or three innings of relief. We needed this sweep, and then go right into the weekend to beat up on New York.

I didn't have any toys or books while sitting with the social club, so I had a good time chatting with fans between innings. Someone came up with a Sharpie, and I was making the guys in the bullpen, including Scott and the Bullpen Coach sign some balls. I made sure the young fans near us all had a signed ball. If someone gets upset about my giving balls away, I'll go get some on my own. The bullpen had two buckets of balls and I only gave away about twenty.

I watched as the game was tied at zero through five. Gomes did the sixth, McGee the seventh, Peralta the eighth, and Balfour closed it for a one to nothing game. I was so bored I actually ran back to the dugout to congratulate Balfour before going in, taking a shower, dressing, packing food in my mouth and in some cartons. I reminded Loney that I would see him at the hospital at nine in the morning.

The girls were waiting for me and said that the game was really boring. They said they saw me talking to fans the whole game. I told them that I needed a baseball card or something like that to give to the kids who made their way down to the bullpen fence. They said they would work on it.

I drove home since I needed something to wind me up a little. Doing nothing all night is a sure way to have me go crazy. Hey, I'm a team player and I'm all for it if this is good for the team. I may go nuts, but I'm all for what's good for the team.

We actually ate all the food I brought home, walked the beach, and then enjoyed each other before falling asleep.

I was up at six thirty, stretching on the patio, when the two neighbor ladies came down. They asked if I was going to run the beach and I checked to see the tide coming in and knew we would never get back by the time the hard sand was covered. I suggested, "Let's run down the beach until we run out of sand, and then use the streets. We'll run home that way."

Freddie said, "Good, we can pick up some donuts on the way. I'm always dying for a donut."

Nancy didn't have much to say, but mentioned that she hoped the girls might be around this afternoon. I told her they probably would be after we got back from Children's Hospital.

I ate my usual huge breakfast, and added a donut to the mix. Freddie and Nancy ate with us, and the girls could see Nancy was in a funk. Sherry asked her, "How about coming with us to Children's Hospital with us. The kids love to have people visit with them."

Nancy said, "That might do it. Take me with you and I'll make Mom write a check for a donation."

Jeannie told her, "Save it today. There will be a big party and auction soon. You can help us round up prizes to be bid on."

Nancy seemed to perk up a little. I told everyone, "I'm taking a shower and dressing. We need to get it together and leave here by eight. That caused a scramble, as Nancy rushed out the door with Freddie following. Freddie had said she had some business to take care of this morning, so she would be busy.

Believe it or not, we left the condo at ten to eight and arrived at the hospital by eight thirty. That was record time to get there. I wore a regulation jersey with my name and number, except my name had 'Matt' on it instead of my last name. Loney showed up with one of his jerseys, and brought his wife or fiancé, Nadia, along with him who he was introducing to the businessmen we had invited as 'Fatima'. Nadia was embarrassed, because I later heard how the two of them had been playing that Fatima was the Genie in the bottle. Loney obviously liked the game.

We spent over two hours going from ward to ward, talking to the kids, passing out baseballs, pictures, and Rays paraphernalia, signing casts, but just smiling and chatting most of all. A Fox Sports cameraman and reporter showed up to video us with the kids. I made sure to introduce the two business owners who both said on camera they were leaving a nice donation for the hospital. I also introduced the girls and Nadia. Nancy was her happy self by the time we had been through the wards, as she enjoyed visiting with the kids and their parents.

We finally left a little after one, so I recommended that we all eat lunch at the Longhorn so Loney and I could stock up on protein before going in. The girls later dropped me off at the ballpark and said they would see me at the game.

I was working out in the gym when Loney came in. He said, "Just what I need, some exercise. I'm running in the morning, but that isn't enough, is it? You have me in this workout routine, and now I miss it if I don't so some lifting a few times a week."

After a solid half-hour of lifting, we used the cages for almost an hour and received some instruction from both the Batting Coach and Joe. That man loves the game and loves to coach. While we were going out to the field to stretch out and do some throwing, Joe asked, "Will you be mad at me if you're in the pen again tonight?"

"Yeah, Joe, I will. I sat on my thumbs down there all last night. I didn't have a book or game, and you can't watch grass grow in this stadium. Isn't there anywhere you can use me?"

Joe was standing in a defensive posture and said, "You're pitching tomorrow night, so I want you to be fresh. I'm trying to protect you after losing so many on the DL. I have three rookie pitchers, actually four with Archer, but three pitchers who are new to the rotation and Odorizzi is already acting like he has a sore shoulder. I can't afford to lose another pitcher."

I shook my head and softly said, "I know how to take care of myself, and I don't overthrow. I know to say 'enough' when pitching batting practice and how to be careful when I'm doing infield practice. You know I'm better than either of the guys subbing at short and second. If not there, let me bat as DH. You really don't have a decent DH right now."

With a smile, Joe said, "I wish I had your energy. You must have been a terror when you were a kid. You're still a kid, but I mean around five, six, and seven. Did you play baseball then?"

"I've been playing since T-ball at five. My dad taught me to love the game and to try to be good at it. I didn't understand at all if I didn't play back then. They rotate kids into the game so everyone has a chance to be in the field and bat, even off a tee."

"I can see you doing that somehow. Okay, I'll let you DH, but you have to be careful in case we need you to relieve or play a position. I really need your start tomorrow. You and Price are the only ones that can go seven innings and Price's last outing left something to be desired. Use Scott to loosen up and work your pitches. That's another thing. You have so damned many pitches that I don't know what to call half the time. I'd let Hanigan call the game, but you're going to have Molina again tomorrow. You even speak Spanish, and the guy loves you. You can talk to Escobar while he sits out and rides the pine tonight. He'll hopefully be in shape to play tomorrow."

I did my warm-up routine with Scott before moving to the live batting cage. I hit from the left side first tonight, as a right-handed pitcher was pitching to us. I really didn't have any trouble with righties, but then I didn't have any trouble with lefties either. The theory is the right-handed pitcher can't control the ball as well against a left-handed batter, and the other way around. I threw right-handed, and I didn't care where you batted from. I had pitches for either.

New York can be deceptive, but they were suffering from the same injury bug we were. The pitcher couldn't get the ball anywhere near the strike zone my first at bat. I walked after four pitches. The man in front of me walked and the man behind me was actually thrown a strike, but you knew he was being told to take the pitch. It didn't make any difference; the bases were loaded after two more pitches.

The number eight hitter in the lineup came to the plate with a whopping .188 average and .000 with men in scoring position. Son-of-a-gun if the guy didn't hit a double down the right field line scoring two. Foley, the third base Coach held the guy following me up just to be sure we didn't lose the man on third.

New York had a reliever warmed up and brought him in with two men on and nobody out. Molina, the chubby catcher, hit a long single to centerfield that scored two more, but we didn't do anything else now that we were back to the top of the lineup. We held the Yankees in the third and I was up again. The reliever threw to me this time. I thought I got enough of the ball to put it out of the park, but the centerfielder made a jump and caught the ball in the web of his glove over the fence. We blanked the rest of the third. The game was still four to nothing in the seventh, when our pitcher began giving up singles and a double that gave them two runs. Joe brought a reliever in who promptly gave up a home run, giving them a five to four lead.

Our reliever corrected whatever he was doing wrong and got out of the inning, but the damage was done. In the eighth, Longoria batting in the cleanup position doubled up the left side. The number five hitter struck out, and it was my turn to try and get Longo in. I recognized the reliever they had in, but I couldn't place him. Hickey didn't show me a pitchers' book before I went to the on deck circle, and that was unusual.

The guy was grinning at me, so I smiled and nodded back. He was a lefty, so I batted right. The first pitch was way inside. I had to jump back to keep from being brushed. I wanted a strike, not play keep away. The next pitch dug the dirt in front of the plate and the catcher mishandled the ball. Longoria was able to get to third without a throw.

The pitcher had a very intense look on his face, and wound up and paused before throwing. The ball came out of his hand directly at me, but I recognized it and hit the ground face first. That was close. The pitcher actually laughed as I got to my feet. That's when I recognized the asshole. This is the guy who fractured my wrist. This was the pitcher who bragged that he put me out for the balance of the season. Oh, please give me something to swing at. I wanted to put a fastball in his gut, but I also wanted to get Longo home.

I called time and backed out of the batters' box and said to the catcher, "I have a history with Mr. Montana. Why don't you go out there and tell him that I'm going to hit one at him so hard that he's going to puke his guts out in front of forty thousand people. I'll make sure he's suspended for at least the rest of the season if he hits me again."

The Ump told the catcher, "You better go tell him. I remember the way the man bragged that he took Williams out. I'll make sure he's suspended."

The catcher walked, not trotted, out to mound. He talked to the pitcher long enough for the Yankee pitching coach to come out to see what the problem was. They were almost yelling out there, but then the coach left and the catcher came back. I asked, "Is he going to throw at me or what?"

"Don't know. Just watch and be ready to either swing or duck."

He threw what would have almost been a batting practice pitch. I didn't waste it. Instead of sending it up the middle into the pitcher, I put all of my wrists, arms, and hips into the swing. The ball came off the bat with that satisfying solid 'whack'. I didn't even look at where it went, but began running for first. The crowd told me what I wanted to know. I had hit the light banner around the top of the stands and shattered some of the LEDs.

Our team now needed to hold them, and try for another insurance run or two. We didn't get another run, and we were able to put two on in the eighth, but didn't bring anyone home. It was up to Balfour to finish it. He had been hot lately, so he got up and threw like a closer. He had two first pitch groundouts and a first pitch popup. Game over with a six to five win. We did the high fives, and I was congratulated by my personal cheering gallery. The girls, Freddie, Nancy, and two older ladies from the condo came down to say nice things to all of the players. It was Loney who asked in the clubhouse, "How many women do you have? I saw two new ladies that are definitely talent come to see you tonight.

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Cathy now found herself with a real and genuine problem on her hands. In the first place, among her set, in order to get to the prom, you had to put out in order to get a date. That was the heaviest date in the whole school year. When she was a virgin, Cathy had resigned herself to no prom, but this year she wanted to go. In the first place, she felt every bit as womanly as any of the other girls in school. She realized how much of a lover her brother was, when she compared him to Wayne....

1 year ago
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A Year In My Life Part I 4

A Year In My Life Part I - 4 Tuesday, January 2 This morning I learned something about Kate that I didn't know. She was a good cook. She had made us, and her mother, a very nice breakfast. And, as I was helping her clean up, and her mother was having another cup of coffee, Kate said, "Mom. Gwen and I are going to the mall this afternoon." "That's nice dear.... Did you say Gwen?" her mother said. "Yea." "Gary, I thought that you only did Gwen for...

2 years ago
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Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Chapter 03 Seeding The Sisterhood

'What the hell!?' She felt moisture on her breasts and her hands flew to them. Sure enough, her fingers were coated in milky discharge as she felt her areolas. Her nipples were lactating copiously. 'Ugh... why?!?' She wiped her fingers on the bedding. It was so dark in her room that Jessica couldn't decipher the long, black habit lying atop her office chair. She had discarded it immediately upon returning to her room, but kept on her red leather bondage brassiere. She had been too...

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Life on Another PlanetChapter 11 A Second Job

Monday, September 26, 2011 7pm It didn’t surprise Jesse to find a large attached file on an e-mail from Sue Chen. He opened it and looked over the details. The file was 137 pages and a little over 60,000 words. Quite a substantial paper, he realized. Regrettably, it was formatted in some fancy script that he didn’t recognize, making it difficult to read. He thought this would be a hindrance to anyone trying to grade it. He looked up Sue’s phone number and called her on his cell...

4 years ago
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Yes Sir Pt 01

‘I’M HOME!’ She called as she walked through the front door of her dad’s house. Not that anyone would care really. She had just came back from college for her winter break and had just driven all the way back home to see her dad for the holidays. It had been a tough couple of years since mum had passed away, and Dad was really struggling. It was freezing outside and it took a good five minutes just to release her tight young body of all the layers of clothing she’d had to wear to stay alive!...

1 year ago
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RawAttack Bella Rolland 07302019

Hey guys, Tyler here. Bella Rolland was an absolute blast!! She is tall, curvy, friendly and has an insatiable sexual appetite. We had met briefly under interesting circumstances, I let her stay at my place after she was stranded at the airport but never fucked. Now she is here at the Spizoo house to shoot. After her scene, as always, the camera stayed rolling. She felt a bit indebted to me for the shelter I provided weeks earlier and a girl like her shows gratitude in a very specific way. This...

3 years ago
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I Hope We Dont Get Caught

Not too long ago, June 13th to be exact, sixteen year-old Skye and eighteen year-old Preston had recently gotten out of school for the summer. Preston was about to move away to Vermont to attend college while Skye was stuck in boring, old Wyoming, as she would describe it as. Despite this, Skye decided to invite him over to her house for the night, just to start off summer vacation. I mean why not? Her mother and father weren’t going to be home for most of the night. It was around 10 o’clock...

4 years ago
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Regaining my self awarenes I began to notice the beings of this planet wich roamed it with stealth and confidence, thier beautifull presence colideing with thier homeland planet. Looking at the ground I noticed the green lush grasses tall and wavering from the flowing soft winds. Creatures with wings charged in and out of the grasses flying to thier destinations. I hoped to see more of this world from higher altitudes then the ground stuck in this thick liquid. My eyes would never get tired...

1 year ago
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TabooHeat Amiee Cambridge Cory Chase Free Use Summer Stuck In The Bed

Cory Chase is wearing a red, white and blue bikini while Amiee Cambridge is wearing a solid blue bikini. They walk into the bedroom and they start to make the bed together. All of a sudden Amiee yelps that something is pinching her, and she can’t get her hands out from the bed! Cory tries to take her hands out as well, but the two of them both have their hands stuck inside of the bed now! I hear yelling coming from the bedroom, so I walk into the room to see what’s going on. I untie...

3 years ago
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Bob and I used to work together, so I had socialized with he and his wife Ellie on a few occasions. One hot, humid, foggy summer evening, while I was watching TV, the door bell rang. I wasn’t expecting anyone. It was Ellie, dressed in very short cut-off jeans and a halter top with no bra. I could see her hard nipples through the halter material and her tits were almost hanging out. Ellie had short, light brown hair, was cute and had a nice, slim body; she had to be in her early thirties. I...

Straight Sex
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Adventures of Carrie Waiting 1

The Morning Carrie could feel the coolness caused by the extreme moistness between her legs as she walked down the sidewalk. Since she only wore garter belts and hose and never wore panties, the breeze swirled up under her skirt and caused little tingles on her naked lips. She had awakened this morning in a totally horny state. Her dreams all night long had consisted of one sexual encounter after another, from a high school remembrance in the back seat of a car to imaginary encounters with...

3 years ago
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Toyland A Zansasi Highway AdventureChapter 9 Loophole

That evening Darci and Jeannie returned, their eyes bright with all they'd seen and done. Both were full of stories about their adventure. It was all we talked about for days afterwards - in-between a lot of getting reacquainted, that is. We moved into the farmhouse together shortly afterwards. I kept working with the Toymaker, while waiting for my map to go active again. I'd discovered a single flashing green pixel down in the corner that convinced me the Map is still working - just...

4 years ago
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The lodge part two more couples having fun

After the 3 of you had finished licking our cum from each others pussies and calmed down from your orgasms it was time for a drink.We asked the young couples what their plans for the rest of the evening were, it was early evening now. Their plans involved getting pissed and making use of their hot tub, we suggested they could do that here if they wanted. The four of them agreed to stay round here for the rest of the evening. We all decided to stay naked, no point putting clothes on, to then...

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Restraining Amy

Amy suddenly farted – or at least, it sounded like it. And it also sounded really wet.She gulped, sheepishly looking around to see if anyone noticed. Luckily, the lobby of her downtown Los Angeles apartment building was empty save for the front desk clerk, who was far enough away from her now.It was just past 10pm on a Friday night. Amy hurriedly walked into a corridor where the elevators were located, carrying two paper bags full of groceries.Another wet, squishy sound emanated from Amy’s ass....

1 year ago
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I Think I Can

‘I think I can, I think I can,’ Kate chanted to herself as she dragged her broken body through the pasture by the creek. She had ridden off a cliff and both her ankles were shattered. Her shoulder was broken and she was bleeding from numerous cuts where she had slammed into the rocks. She knew if she could just crawl down stream far enough eventually she would find a house or something, anything. The pain was intense. It robbed her of sentience as it throbbed through her. Two thousand yards...

1 year ago
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Graduation Cruise Vacation

My name is Stacy. My twin brother Matt and I had just graduated High School. After the parties and family get together, my parents surprised us with a Caribbean cruise vacation. Matt and I were booked for side-by-side cabins in the lower decks of the ship. The trip consisted of 7 nights with stops in St. Thomas, Salt Cay, and St. Maarten. Matt and I boarded a plane leaving Newark, NJ headed to Cape Canaveral, Fl. A few short hours later, we were looking at the biggest ship we had ever seen in...

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Beverly Takes It Rough

She sat on the bed beside me looking slightly uncomfortable. She knew that her husband was in the next bedroom over with my wife. She hadn’t really wanted to do this, but she loved her husband and it was what he wanted. I turned to look at her. While she was slightly overweight, it was not so much that she could in any way be considered fat. She had curves in all the right places and filled he white sweater nicely. Her blond hair was cut short and at 5’2″ she made me feel...

2 years ago
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Blackmail In The Cabin Part 2

“Stan?!” cried Lucia. Her mind began to race. What was he doing here? Of all the people to run into, why him? The only way it could have been worse was if Stan’s sister Terri was here. Oh, how she loathed Terri. Terri was a total slut, whoring herself out to get guys’ attention in high school. And she had always suspected she had stolen her boyfriend from her. Not that she would have still been with that loser now, but it was the principle of the thing. And Lucia was pretty sure Terri had been...

3 years ago
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April and AugustChapter 3

On the seventh day, Marshal Sean arrived to inform them that they were all due in court the next day for the hearing on the girls’ old Master. Jacob, Jason and both girls were required to be there. That night Jason required considerable time to calm the girls down as they still feared their old Master. The next day in court the charges were read aloud by the Royal Judge. “Master Daren, you are accused of punishing by whipping two underage slave girls without a hearing on at least four...

1 year ago
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Sins from my Stepmother Complete Book I

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual or past events and individuals is entirely coincidental. All characters are 18 years of age or over.IMy name is Teddy Carlson. I’m twenty-two years old and I fucked my stepmother. Not just once in some momentary lapse of judgement. But again and again…and again. Before you judge me, there’s a few things you need to understand. First, Dad and I never exactly got on like a house on fire. He was the CIO of a large hedge fund which meant that he...

3 years ago
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Amazing Birthday

Best birthday everHello every one hopes all u doing great and enjoys my storyWe all get drunk on our birthday and enjoy every second and get those feeling next day hangover or sore well I was sore from sex and not a big drinker but had fewFriends took me to movie I was wearing one piece shorts top jumpsuit in white no panties and lace bra in white high heel scandal we were group of tranny and black guysAlways fun. Anyway after movie we get to one of friend home we were drinking guys drinking...

2 years ago
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Wes and LesChapter 9

I kept holding on to Les. Her heart was pounding and she was breathing fast but she settled down after a couple of minutes. A couple more and she opened her eyes. It took a bit for her to get them in focus and then she looked at me and smiled. "Hey big brother. How are you doing?" "Oh, I'm doin' OK. How are you doin'? I was wondering if you were going to make it." "Me too. But I'm sure I'll be OK after a while." Now that I knew she was OK, I gave her a peck on the head and got...

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Sarahs Quest Chapter Four

Sarah, married and a mother of two, has taken a whirlwind journey of sexual encounters. Her friend Helen encourages her to experience one last erotic adventure. Each time Helen and I met, she gave me the gossip centered around the people I had met at her party. I learned that Artemis was fucking Athena even with a thirty year difference in their ages. Apollo and Ares are gay and expect to be married as soon as the state makes it legal. She told me that several men from the party kept asking...

4 years ago
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Life that Lipstick Split in Half

Heather Bentley gently sneered at her boss, Eddie Garcia, ‘Women’s basketball isn’t REAL basketball.’ ‘Sure it is,’ he said adamantly. ‘They can’t do slam dunks but that just means they have to depend more on skill. That’s why I watched that whole game.’ Heather pursed her orange-lipsticked lips, then shrugged, dismissing the subject. They were in the green-carpeted office of Eddie’s pre-owned car dealership. ‘Pre-owned.’ He liked that term: it sounded so much less tacky than ‘used.’ Eddie...

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The Human ElementChapter 3

An unfamiliar scent woke Argent from his sound sleep. Sitting up in bed, it took his a moment to recall just where he was. As the events of last night played back in his mind the scent grew fainter. He head the door in the next room close, and footsteps receading down the hallway away from his room. He opened the bedroom door, and found that there had indeed been someone in the room, and they had left something behind. A large covered tray was on the table nearby, and what looked to be shirt...

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JulesJordan Gia Derza First Interracial Dredd Welcomes This Teen to the Dark Side

Tiny teen Gia Derza takes her FIRST BLACK COCK in this sexy scene with Dredd. Gia’s new to the industry but is quickly making a name for herself as the hot, new, no holes barred go-to slut. She’s teasing by the pool in her jean overalls and sexy thigh high socks. We follow her around as she strips off her clothes until she only has on the socks then Jules hands her a Hitachi to play with to get herself nice and wet for Dredd. He shows up and immediately buries his face in...

3 years ago
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The Haunted House

As usual, this is a story containing graphic sexual content. If you are not legally allowed to view such a story, don't download it, read it, touch it, lick it, eat it, burn it, use it for toilet paper, or even stand near it. Permission is hereby given to archive this story on any site so long as this disclaimer is attached, no fee is charged, and I am credited as the author (I've actually gotten hate mail for having claimed to write my own stories, because other people have made...

1 year ago
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Coming From BehindChapter 2 Moving Out and Moving On

My last two weeks at the office seemed to drag on forever. I had long since finished the paperwork and it was now up to the legal department to cross all the t's and dot all the i's. The formal signing date was coming the next week, ten am on Tuesday. I was looking forward to seeing the last of this project. Felicia had already shown the apartment to three different people and thought we could expect an offer, although she worried it might be a low-ball one. She was a pleasure to deal with...

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MommysGirl Liz Jordan Pristine Edge An Unfamiliar Bed

Liz Jordan looks worried, so her stepmom, Pristine Edge, joins her and asks what’s wrong. Liz reveals that she has an upcoming field trip that will be multiple days long, and she’s worried she won’t be able to rest in an unfamiliar bed. Pristine is reassuring as she suggests that they rest in each other’s beds this week, so that Liz can get used to being in a different bed. Even so, Liz frets that she won’t be able to rest AT ALL, so Pristine says that she’ll...

2 years ago
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Slutty Day

Slutty Day As a closeted CD it's sometimes hard to find time or a place to play. I usually meet my dates and dress at their place, or get a hotel room, but my car died and I haven't been able to afford a new one yet. Needless to say, playtime has been even more scarce. Compounding this, I don't live alone so I can't usually host. I did have a rare day with the roomies gone recently, so I just had to take advantage. I got up early, placed a Craigslist ad, did an all over body shave, and...

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Not much to do on a bus late at nigh except try and sleep, why did his car have to pick the middle of Manhattan as a place to fry the alternator. Sid had called his wife up in Sullivan County telling her he would be home if and when and would call her form the bus depot in Monticello. Finally the bus pulled out headed for the Lincoln Tunnel and the first stops in Rockland County. Sid relaxed. “Going far?” His seatmate asked. “Monticello.’ “Don’t believe I have seen you on the...

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Eleanors Descent 06

It was Saturday night, the night of Teresa’s . I arrived at 8.00 pm, to find the party in full swing and about thirty people present. I squeezed through the crowded kitchen and made my way to the living room, meeting Emma along the way. She kissed me full on the lips and whispered “Still can’t get over the excitement of last Saturday night, it was awesome!” “Where is Eleanor?” I asked. “She is in her bedroom!” Emma replied. So I continued but now heading for Eleanor’s bedroom. In case someone...

1 year ago
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A change meeting at a party

The minute I saw her standing at the party, I knew I wanted her. My friends had called me around 9pm and asked if I wanted to go to some house party near by. I figured it'd be fun, so I agreed to go. We got there and the music was pounding through the walls. Guys were passed out on the front lawn, girls were streaking through the halls, and horny teenagers were rushing upstairs to find abandoned rooms. My friends quickly found girls to hook up with and I was left alone. I wasn't much of a...


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