FogChapter 4 free porn video

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Dan and I dated for several months until school finished for the summer. Our relationship was more erotic than romantic. Neither of us thought we were in love or that we would be. We enjoyed being together and doing things - not just sex. We did definitely enjoy the sex, however. Dan was a skillful lover and ready to try most things. He enjoyed both sides of oral as did I. We never tried anal but he did often tease my back door with his fingers and a couple of times with his tongue and I came to wonder if someday I might want to try things “the other way.”

Dan was a senior and had a job on the west coast after graduation, so we knew our relationship wouldn’t last beyond that. We both dated other people but after I started dating him, Dan was the only one I had sex - oral or otherwise - with. I don’t think he ever went to bed with anyone else either, but I’m not absolutely sure. We usually managed to find somewhere about once a week but not always. Anyway it was enough to remove my frustration.

Diane had become much more involved with Kevin and now thought that something more serious might develop. The two of us had become quite good friends and had no real hesitation in discussing our personal lives. I came to realize that despite what it may have sounded like, neither of us was really a “loose” woman. Yes, we slept with - or at least, fucked - men we weren’t married or even engaged to. But we never did so without getting to know the man and developing a relationship. No one night stands. No sex on a first, or even on a second date. We also both stayed away from heavy drinking and other substances. No interest along those lines at all, thank you.

We also found we had many things in common besides our outlook on sex. We both lived on the lake, we both loved outdoor sports like hiking, camping, backpacking, kayaking, and cross country skiing. As school neared its annual end, Diane brought up the idea of taking a camping trip. First she just mentioned that she wanted to do so to just relax for awhile. Then she suddenly said, “In fact, Kristen, why don’t we go camping together? We could take a week or so after school lets out and just relax.” Then she laughed and said, “You know, just ‘be at one with nature’.”

I laughed, too. “That sounds like it might be fun. It would just be better if we had a couple of guys to go with us.”

“You mean to take us?” she said with a totally innocent look.

I laughed again. “Or maybe we’d take them.”

She joined my laughter then turned a little more serious. “Seriously, I was thinking about going up to the Porcupine Mountains. You know, in the UP on Lake Superior.”

“Sure, I’ve been there before.”

“Well, we could go to the developed campground for a few days and maybe even go backpacking for a few more. How does that sound?”

“I’d like that. I’d have to figure out the logistics. Neither of us have a car here and I’m not sure I could take one from home for that long.”

She stopped and thought for a minute. “How about this. You said your parents are picking you up and driving you home. Right?” I nodded. “Well, there is a guy from Escanaba here with a car. He is going to give me a ride home. I’ll bet he’ll be happy to go a little out of the way and let you drop your stuff off at home. Then you could ride home with us and we could go over to the Porkies. We’ll find some way to get you home. At worst you could catch a bus.”

“He wouldn’t mind?”

“I very much doubt it.”

“My parents are supposed to take me home on the twenty-first. When are you going?”

“We wont be leaving until the twenty-fourth.”

“I could call my parents and say you’re bringing me home.”

“Yes. Then you could stay with me for a day or so before we could head over to the Porkies.”

“Your family won’t mind?”

“Certainly not. I’d like them to meet you anyway. Especially since we’ll be living together again next year.” Diane and I had decided to get an apartment together the next year and had found one which we would move into on the fifteenth of August.

“I love that idea. I’ll have to call my family to make sure they haven’t made any plans I can’t get out of, but that should work out fine.” Later I called and there was no problem. In fact they invited Diane and the guy who would be driving us to have lunch so they could meet her also. Diane’s ride, George, also had no problem so everything looked to be set.

Eric and I had been exchanging e-mails since we had arrived at school. Over Christmas we had gone out twice but it was more for friendship sake than romance. OK, there was a pretty nice goodnight kiss each time, but nothing beyond that. We were still friends - very good friends. We both knew our romantic involvement had ended in August and neither of us was upset over it. I told him about some of the men I had been dating. There was no one serious but I wasn’t sitting in the dorm every night by myself even if by then I hadn’t met anyone I was ready to sleep with yet. Eric told me about a girl he was dating - Amber - and that he thought they might become pretty serious. In one of his e-mails in early May he had said that he and Amber were going with each other exclusively and he thought it would probably become permanent. They were both going to be taking courses that summer and he didn’t expect to see me over the summer. I congratulated him on finding Amber and he wished me luck in the same vein.

Diane and I had decided to find an apartment together for the next year and had located one not too much of a walk from campus. We would be moving in August but had already put down a deposit. Since we would still be living together the next year I thought my parents might like to meet her and, of course, since I was going to stop over a day at her place before our camping trip, I’d get a chance to meet her parents also.

I had talked with my parents and told them that Diane and I were going on a camping trip to the Porkies and that she and a friend who lived near Escanaba - George something - would drive me back home to drop off my school stuff and pick up some camping gear. They suggested that the three of us stay overnight and that way they could meet my roommate. Diane and George were happy to accept. Diane thought it would be nice to meet my parents and George said that it would break up the long trip back to the UP. The drive over to my home would only take about four hours but then we would have to go partway back across the state to get to the bridge.

Anyway, Saturday, two days after my last final, found us heading west with the car stuffed with the belongings of all three of us. Diane had met George in one of her classes, but I never had before he arrived to pick us up. Diane had told me it was strictly for the ride - she had no other interest in him. He seemed a nice enough person and I soon saw that he was a competent driver, but I didn’t feel any particular attraction either.

Dinner went well and George was installed in a spare bedroom while Diane shared mine. Early the next morning I quickly loaded my camping gear into the car and we hit the road once more. I had told my parents we’d probably be gone a couple of weeks but we weren’t exactly sure how long. I’d call then and let them know how things were going. I also said that I might take a bus home to save Diane a long drive.

George dropped us at Diane’s house and as soon as we had our stuff out he left for his own home. Diane’s house wasn’t on the lake itself but, like mine, was only a short distance inland. Her parents were quite friendly to me and again dinner went quite well with them asking about my studies and so on. As I had done with her, Diane shared her room with me. We were taking a day to get everything ready for the trip. We needed to buy food and a couple of other things as well as get her gear together. We’d be taking the car she used so we also had to make sure it was ready. Doing all of this pretty well took us most of Monday. Her parents had some place they had to go that night so we just went to Chili’s for supper. When we finally got back home her parents had just arrived and we spent a half hour talking about the trip with them. They had frequently gone camping in the Porkies also, so they were familiar with everything. Finally about eleven everyone went to bed.

Tuesday we all sat down to breakfast about seven but by eight we were on our way. It’s less than two hundred miles from Escanaba to the Porcupine Mountains park so we made it there by about noon. We went to the visitor center and then picked out a campsite in the main campground on the shore of Lake Superior. We planned to stay in the developed campground for two or three days while we made day hikes and then maybe go backpacking for a few more.

We set up our tent and then had a quick lunch from some of the deli stuff we had brought in the cooler. The temperature was in the upper seventies and the sky completely clear. Waves on the lake were small, just providing a quiet lap, lap, lap as they struck against the shore. Diane and I were both dressed in cutoffs and short tees. The sun felt so good that we ended up spending most of the afternoon just lying in the sun, either by the tent or, for a little while, down on the beach.

About seven we fixed supper and cleaned up. At this time of year in Upper Michigan and with the sky clear, it stays light until after ten thirty at night. We were both feeling the release from the pressure of school and the excitement of the trip and with the light sky we weren’t in the least sleepy. We decided to take a walk along the shore and spent the next two hours just walking at the water’s edge, frequently stopping to talk.

While we were talking, Diane mentioned that Kevin had told her he was going to have a surprise for her, but didn’t say just what or just when. Kevin and Diane had been going out with each other since the end of last October. I knew they had been having sex for most of that time - it was easy to tell when Diane came back to the room with that wide grin on her face. Besides we had become close friends and didn’t mind talking about such things. She had also said their relationship was becoming a little more serious but they weren’t ready to get engaged yet or anything.

I had managed to find two different guys I had felt comfortable enough to sleep with, although as I have said, we never did really sleep. One of them lived in a dorm so our few times were limited to a blanket in one of the heavily wooded areas of the campus. The other one, Dan, was a junior and lived in an apartment off campus. We still used the great outdoors sometimes but when his other apartment mates were gone, it was nice to have someplace inside during the winter. OK, we were friends and I was comfortable enough to go to bed with him, but neither of us looked at this as anything permanent. I’ve heard the term “fuck buddies” used around campus but I don’t think that really described it either. It was more than that but a lot less than love. I wouldn’t even say we actually “made love,” but we definitely did fuck.

With Eric I had found that I loved sex. Loved it in every way we tried, and we tried quite a few. During those two months last summer, Eric and I managed probably five or six times a week. Now it had been more than four weeks since the last time Dan and I had done anything and I was feeling the lack. While I could pleasure myself, it wasn’t the same, and I’ll admit I was just a little jealous of Diane and Kevin. Not seriously, but more of just a little envy. It wasn’t helped any when, after we finally settled into our tent that night, Diane started talking about Kevin and even chose to describe a few of the things they had done. She wasn’t trying to tease or anything. I’m sure it was just that she was missing him - and the sex - as much as I was missing such activities.

Wednesday dawned with a mostly overcast sky and a very red sunrise. Well, I wasn’t planning on going sailing (“Red sky at morning, sailors take warning.”) Still we made sure we took some rain gear when we packed our daypacks. After breakfast we packed a trail lunch and headed over to a trail leading to Lake of the Clouds and spent the day exploring this part of the park. There were some light showers during the day, but mostly they were just misty light rain. We arrived back at camp about six and, fortunately, the rain had stopped by then so we could fix supper.

Again we finished cleanup and about nine thirty we were just sitting outside the tent talking. We were just chatting, me facing out towards the campsite road and Diane facing me, when I saw a man walking down the loop past our site. He was wearing a hooded nylon jacket even though it wasn’t raining at the moment so I could see nothing of his face. Then, when he was up to our site he turned towards us and said, “Hi. Haven’t I seen you two before?”

Diane spun around and let out with a squeal. “Kevin!”

“That’s me,” he replied as he pulled the hood off revealing a wide smile. Before he could say anything else Diane was up and into his arms, locked into a hard kiss.

When they finally broke apart she managed to get out, “What are you doing here?”

He smiled again. “Well, I did promise you a surprise. Look, Diane, I knew about your trip here. I decided to surprise you. A friend of mine from school and I had planned to make a trip here, also. I figured I could maybe surprise you and we might spend a little time together.” Then he turned to me and said, “I don’t mean to spoil your trip or anything, Kristen. I hope it won’t.”

Before I could answer Diane asked, “Where are you guys staying?”

“We’re camped at site 74. Down the road here.”

“Is your friend over there, then?” I asked.

“Not right now. He had to run into town for something. You can probably meet him tomorrow.” He turned back towards Diane. “You, too, Diane. You’ve never met him either.”

Diane was staring at Kevin and I could see that right then she had no interest in meeting his friend or anyone else. In fact I was sure she was wishing that I had gone into town also. I smiled at her and thought that she would undoubtedly do the same for me and moved over close enough to whisper in her ear, “I’m going for a walk. You can have the tent. I’ll be gone at least three hours. Is that enough?”

She smiled and whispered back, “Yes. And thank you, Kristen.”

I turned back towards Kevin and said, “I’m going for a long walk down on the beach. I’ll probably see you tomorrow.”

Kevin grinned at me. I’m sure he knew exactly what was going on. “OK. And Kristen?” I turned back and looked at him. “Thanks.” I just smiled and nodded and turned towards the path over to the lakeshore.

It was much darker this night than the previous one, largely because of the cloud cover. There was still enough light to see and I had a small flashlight with me in case I needed it later. I made my way out of the campsite to the shore and noticed that fog had started to form. Not too surprising with the rain and warm air that had moved in. The lake was still quite cool in June and when the moist air met the cold water, fog was the inevitable result.

The gray mist was forming off shore over the water but was fast sliding towards the land. In the distance I heard a fog horn begin its lonesome call. I felt a shiver go up and down my spine. I loved weather like this. I was sort of glad I had let Diane and Kevin have the tent to themselves for a while even though a quick image of the two of them naked and locked together flashed through my mind. If I couldn’t have that, a walk in the fog by the lakeshore was probably the next best thing.

I continued on down the shore away from the campground. I was soon beyond the lights of the developed area and the only illumination was from the small amount of left over sun light and perhaps a little moon glow as well. Whatever, my eyes had adapted enough that I could see fairly well. The waves were quite small so avoiding the splash wasn’t difficult.

I think I walked for maybe forty minutes and then I came to some large rocks at the water’s edge. These were the size of a small cottage and I climbed up to sit on one some eight feet off the ground. Here I was in shadow, leaning back into a corner formed by two stones, and I just rested, my eyes closed, listening to the waves and the distant fog horn.

I sat there for some time - probably about twenty or thirty minutes - and then decided to move elsewhere. I started to climb down, my face towards the rock, my back towards the path along the shore. Just as my foot reached the beach I thought I heard a sound from the direction of the campground. I started to look around when a deep voice called, “Hi.”

I let out a small squeak and the voice immediately said, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you. I just didn’t want you to turn around and suddenly see me. I thought that might scare you more. I suppose I guessed wrong.”

It was a pleasant sounding voice and by the time he had finished that little speech I was calming somewhat. “No, that’s quite all right. I was just startled and overreacted. Sorry.”

“Well, I’m sorry I startled you, then. By the way, I’m Don Houston.”

“Hi. I’m Kristen Blake. I’m up here with my roommate for a break from school.”

“Really? I’m also here with a friend of mine from school, although he’s not my roommate. I’ll be a sophomore at State this fall.”

“You, too? I go to State also and I’ll be a sophomore this fall, too. Biology major.”

“I’m an ECE major myself. Were you at State all this year? I would have thought I’d have noticed you.”

“Yes, the whole year. But there are twenty thousand other girls on campus, so I doubt you would have noticed me.”

I saw his eyes sweep up and down as he looked at me. “No, I’m definitely sure I would have noticed you.”

I felt my face grow slightly warm at this comment but managed to say, “I doubt it, but thank you.”

He laughed. A nice laugh that for some reason sounded rather sexy. “No, while there’s not a lot of light right now there is enough that I can tell I would definitely have noticed.” Then he changed the subject. “What are you doing out here now, anyway? There’s not a lot to see with all the fog.”

“I love the fog! I just wanted to come out here, just let it roll all around me, and listen to the fog horn over there.”

I could see him smile. “Then we both must think alike. I love fog, too. It’s relaxing to just let it flow all around you. Not just the sight, but the smell and taste and the way is it feels on your skin. Not to mention the way it smothers all the sounds.”

Now it was my turn to smile. “Yes! I’ve always loved fog for as long as I can remember. Same reasons.” Then I hesitated a little bit. “Besides, I expect my roommate and her boyfriend might be using the tent. She didn’t even know he was up here and he stopped by and surprised her. I thought it politic to go for a walk and let them have the tent for awhile.”

I could see Don was staring at me rather intensely. Slowly he said, “Is your roommate’s name Diane by any chance.”

My mouth dropped open then after a second or so, I managed to say, “Yes. And is your friend, by any chance, named Kevin.”

He laughed. “Yes! He said he was going to surprise his girlfriend and I went into town so he could have our tent if he wanted. I came back earlier than I expected and decided to go for a walk in case they were, er, occupied.”

I joined his laughter. “I told Diane I’d be gone for at least three hours, so I’m sure they are busy in our tent.”

Still laughing, he said, “Then my tent must be empty.” He added - very obviously teasing - “Maybe we should go back and put my tent to use.”

I laughed again also and teased right back. “Well, I suppose we could always play cards or something.”

“Strip poker?” he asked with a wide smile.

I managed to reply, “Noooo. I don’t think so.” But I again felt my face grow a little warm. This guy definitely attracted me, although I couldn’t say exactly why.

As our laughter subsided I said, “Kevin said I’d probably meet you tomorrow. Seems he was off by a little bit.”

“Well, I certainly don’t mind meeting you a little early.”

I smiled and shook my head. “It definitely doesn’t bother me.”

For a few long seconds we just stood and then Don suddenly said, “Look, neither of us is going back just now. Want to walk a little more? Maybe stop and get to know each other a little?”

I felt a wide smile cross my face. “I think I’d like that. Have somewhere in mind?”

“Just a little farther down the shore. I believe I remember a nice place to sit and watch the waves.” He gave a short laugh as he looked around at the now thick blanket of fog. “I guess tonight we can just sit and listen to the waves.”

“That sounds good to me. I love sitting in the fog, just letting it flow all around me.”

“Then we already have something in common. I grew up along a river and I’ve always loved it when the fog rose. Waves are still something new to me, but I’m coming to love them also.”

“What about fog horns?” I asked.

“You mean that deep tone from over that way?” He waved his arm in the general direction and I nodded. “I’ve only heard them a couple of times but I can’t think of a better sound to go with a night like this.” Then he gave a short laugh. “I suppose I’d appreciate them even more if I were on a boat out in this.”

“Yes, they do have very practical uses, but I just love the sound.”

We had started on down the shore, just walking very slowly, side by side. I suddenly bumped a small rock with my toe and very slightly stumbled forwards, but Don caught my hand to steady me. Then he continued to hold it and I had no urge to pull away myself. We continued walking, now holding hands. I don’t know just what it was about him, but I was definitely finding myself attracted to Don.

For the next twenty minutes we continued to slowly walk, talking about our backgrounds. I found that Don was from western Pennsylvania, a small river town, as he had said. We found we had a lot more in common than just the fog. We both loved outdoor activities. I might have guessed about camping but Don also enjoyed backpacking and cross country skiing. Not surprisingly, he also had spent a lot of time in canoes and kayaks. He had never tried snowshoeing but had SCUBA dived, a sport I wanted to try some day. He had even done a little technical climbing.

We came to the spot Don had mentioned and found a nice bench-like rock shelf against a small cliff face. Someone had even dragged a piece of drift wood over to make a foot rest in front of it.

We sat down, side by side, and it seemed so natural that I almost didn’t notice when Don put his arm around my shoulders. We continued to talk, the conversation becoming a little more personal. I told him how I had had a steady boyfriend, Eric, in high school and he, in turn, told me he had gone pretty steadily with a girl, Sue, then also. We did discover that neither of us was particularly attached at the moment.

I also quickly discovered that Don was pretty bright - not surprising in an engineering major - and he got the idea that I was also a serious student. Since we were both science majors of some kind, we spoke a similar language which let us get a picture of each other a little more rapidly than we might have otherwise.

We continued to talk and get to know each other. At one point Don glanced at his watch and found we had been sitting there for an hour and a half. “Really? It couldn’t have been that long, could it?”

“Sure doesn’t seem like it,” he replied. “I guess we get along pretty well, eh, Kristen?”

“It does seem that way,” I said. Then I added, “I wouldn’t mind staying a few more hours but I expect Diane and Kevin might begin to wonder about us.”

“Probably right. I wouldn’t mind staying here either but I suppose we should be starting back.” We stood and dusted the sand from the back of our pants. “Kristen, I’ve really enjoyed the last couple of hours.”

I turned to face him. “Me, too, Don.”

For several seconds we stood just facing each other, holding hands. Then Don quietly said, “Kristen, would you be offended if I kissed you?”

I felt my pulse pick up a little. “Not at all, Don. But I might if you don’t.”

We moved to bring our lips slowly together and soon they were pressed warmly and firmly. For probably twenty seconds we held them like that before we separated slightly. Then almost in a whisper I breathed, “Again,” and we once again closed the gap, this time pressing more tightly and holding the kiss longer as our arms went around each other. I felt myself wrapped in his arms, both of us cloaked in the thick fog, the sound of gentle waves and the distant fog horn in the background. I suddenly felt I’d like this to continue for much, much longer. It was another fifteen minutes before we finally pulled back and, still holding hands, started slowly back down the shore.

The trip back to the campground took a little longer than it might have because we stopped several times for a little more kissing. When I thought about it I was surprised at how natural this seemed. I mean this wasn’t even a first date. Not really a date at all. But it felt as if I had known Don for quite a while already.

At last the lights of the campground began to show through the thick fog. We stopped for one more kiss and suddenly I said, “Hey. Want to have a little fun with Diane and Kevin?”

“Sure. Just what did you have in mind?”

“Well, let’s not mention that we met tonight. When they introduce us tomorrow, instead of shaking hands, let’s ...” I stopped and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a nice, hard kiss, even opening my lips.

Don returned the kiss just as strongly and when we pulled apart he took a deep breath and said, “I certainly won’t object to that. Even if it doesn’t surprise them it will still make me very happy.”

His laugh joined mine as I breathlessly replied, “Me, too.” We moved on a little farther and then with one more quick kiss, separated and each headed towards our own tent.

I stopped at the rest room and then moved on to our campsite. I could see Diane had the little LED lantern on inside and I guessed she was still awake. I was sure Kevin had left but just in case I called out before opening the flap and netting and moving inside, hopefully before any extra bugs could make it in.

It was still pretty warm out and Diane was lying on top of her sleeping bag, dressed in a night shirt. Well, a nightshirt and a wide grin. “Hi,” I said. “Have a good time?”

“Definitely! Kristen, thanks for giving us the time.”

“That’s all right. I love being out in weather like this. You know I love the fog as well as the sound of the waves.”

“I know, but thanks anyway. I’d be happy to do the same for you some time.”

“I know you would.” I was digging out my own night shirt and in a few more seconds had shed my shorts and tee and slipped into it. Then I asked, “Are we going to be doing something with Kevin and his friend tomorrow?”

“He suggested we could meet for lunch and maybe go on a short hike.” Then she looked a little concerned. “That is, if you want to. Look, Kristen, I know you didn’t plan on anyone but me for this trip. I don’t want to force you into anything.”

I smiled and shook my head. “Don’t worry about it. If his friend is anything like Kevin, I’m sure I won’t mind. Did he tell you anything about him? I mean he’s not a six foot six motorcycle thug or anything, is he?”

Diane laughed. “I can’t imagine he’d be anything like that but we really didn’t spend a lot of time talking about his friend.”

“From the smile on your face I would guess you didn’t spend a lot of time talking at all. Probably busy doing other things.”

She actually blushed a little. “I guess we didn’t get around to a lot of general conversation.”

I laughed. “Seriously, I’m happy for you, Diane. Now if I can just find someone ...”

She smiled and we finally turned off the lamp and settled down for the night.

It had been fairly late when we had settled down but we were both awake by seven. A quick trip down to the showers and then breakfast. As we were cleaning up I casually asked, “When and where are we supposed to meet?”

“Oh, sorry I didn’t say. Kevin said they would come down here about eleven and then we could either have lunch here or go to one of the picnic areas. Got a preference?”

“Not really.” Then after a second I added, “If you don’t care, one of the picnic areas along the shore might be nice. Be a little more away from people.”

“Yeah, I agree.” We looked over what we had in the way of food and decided there were still enough hotdogs and chips left. There was also still some fresh fruit and vegetables. If the guys didn’t care, that would work.

Once we had everything cleaned up there were still a couple of hours. We got water bottles from the cooler and then just sat at the table talking.

“You definitely look a little more relaxed this morning, Diane.”

“I feel more relaxed.”

Same as Fog
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I stood rooted to the spot as she kissed me, her tongue even darting briefly between my teeth! "Danny" she pulled her mouth away but still held onto me as she wept, "That is the nicest, daftest and downright silliest thing anyone's ever done for me" Which just went to show that women cry when they're happy, I think! "Now you'd better go and get out of that ridiculous get up, before you get another dose of flu!" I laughed and turned to go but she stopped me again, "That was...

3 years ago
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My Surprise

My boyfriend Dan and I always cook dinner together, bumping into each other and rubbing against each other “accidentally” in the kitchen as we prepare dinner. It’s like the preview to the main attraction of bedtime activities to come later. Tonight, Dan is rubbing against me more than usual and he can't seem to keep his hands from copping a feel each and every time he comes near. Each time he gets close enough to me, his lips graze my neck, my cheek, my lips, he presses his already hard,...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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AssParade Gia OhMy Work it Out

Gia OhMy walked into the living room as her sister was working out with her personal trainer, Peter Green. She decided to lure him in to her room with her perfectly plump booty. From there, she showed him all her wonderful attributes before almost getting caught by her sister. Eventually they fucked in secrecy. Her tight pussy was penetrated in several different positions until he sprayed jizz all over her face. Finally after getting his nut, Peter ran back to continue training Gia’s sister all...

3 years ago
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Triple Play Part 2

We now return to Triple Play... Missy and I had decided to meet with Adam again, only this time we were prepared. Since I had connections at most of the big hotels in the area I'd gotten a Bridal Suite at one of the swanky downtown convention halls. It had a big heart-shaped bed, a huge Jacuzzi/tub and plenty of space to play in. We were killing some time in the tub which was full of bubbles. It was a nice luxurious soak with champagne, candlelight, and girl-talk. It was wonderful! And...

2 years ago
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Helping My Mother 8211 Part 2

Hi Everyone! Its Amit here, I am from Punjab. Today I am going to narrate the 2nd part of my story to Helping My Mother. Those who haven’t read the 1st part, I highly recommend to read it because this is a continuation of the 1st part, you will enjoy highly if you have read the 1st part. If you have any query, complaint or a compliment, you are most welcomed to e-mail me at I try to respond to all of you. Frankly, I was stunned by how many people mailed me about my story. I was surprised by...

2 years ago
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The Love Life 8211 Part 1

Hello readers. This is your Mukesh back with my real experience, more than an experience it’s my life which is 100% true with my darling sister.This is my sixth story here in ISS. I wish you to like and support this story also. So before getting into the story, I would like to thank all of you people for your tons and tons of love and support without which I cannot come this much. I am overwhelmed by your comments and appreciation. I need this love and support forever. I apologize for all of...

4 years ago
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Busted Chapter 2

Allie and I both wanted to wash Eve in the worst way, but it was going to be a few minutes before we could, so shot were we from that monster cum. My cock was a limp wiener on my thigh, my balls like a couple of almonds in an empty bag. Allie was no better off. Her eyes were dilated full out, and she wouldn’t stop kissing me. It had been a while since she had broken up with her last lover, and apparently there was some need there. Fine with me. Eve understood. She really wasn’t all that steady...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Eleven Nineteen

I love South Padre, Island, Texas. I was sitting on the beach, all by myself, late on a Saturday evening, just about sundown. My girl friend and I had just finished off a lollapalooza of an argument, driven mostly by the beer and the sun we had self -indulged in for several hours. I knew better than to try and stay in the hotel room and reason with her, so I sauntered out to the beach to watch the surf pounding the sand.I was about to go back to the hotel room when a lovely, and I do mean, very...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Conjugal Visit

"What's your name?" the guard asked."Tamera Wilson.""And your relationship to the inmate, Mr. Farn?""I'm his girlfriend.""Oh," he said, breaking eye contact. "So, you're here for a conjugal visit then?""Yes."He failed to comment further and let me into the back. I kept smiling the whole time and felt giddy too. I wasn't sure how he'd react, but I was more than curious to find out indeed."Okay, you've been stripped of all metal objects and things of that nature, Ms. Wilson," the guard said,...

1 year ago
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The FreshmanChapter 18 Jasons Ghosts

There was no question that Cecilia needed to talk to Jason about Heather Jones. However, that would not be until she had some time alone with him, which wouldn't be until after Thanksgiving dinner at the earliest. Thanksgiving dinner was the next hurdle everyone had to get past. Cecilia prepared herself psychologically to face the upcoming ordeal. She no longer was concerned about another fight with Jason's father. She knew that at least it was possible to talk to him in a civilized...

3 years ago
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My Wonderful Obsession 36

My Wonderful Obsession Part 36: The Curtain Closes What an amazing, awesome week that was! I could live it over, I'd do it again - in a heartbeat - and a hundred times more, too. And even though it brought with it a lot of emotional turmoil, I'd take it any day over the week that followed. But there I go again, getting ahead of myself! Anyway, this particular week began with our 'Kiss Me Kate' dress rehearsals, where we discovered we actually had something worth performing in...

4 years ago
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Her SurrenderChapter 4

Sloane could feel herself slipping away. Since the night that Jack had made her lick Cupcake’s ass, she was spending more and more time at his house. She saw the look on the blond woman’s face when Jack beat or fucked her and longed to feel the same way. She’d had glimpses of it when Jack spanked her or fucked her face, but couldn’t help but dream about going in deeper to that place. Every moment that Sloane wasn’t with him, she thought about him. When she masturbated, she thought of Jack....

2 years ago
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A three way behind the pines

There's a beach nearby where I live which is famous for it's dunes and pine forest where people can fool around. Even if now it's not as easy and hot a it used to be...I was on holidays so I decides to have a try and look for some fun behind the bushes. But I was to early so there was not many interesting people there. i decided to go to the shore and lay on the sand for a few minutes just to see who was there. I took everything off, yes it's a nudist beach. And like ten minutes later I saw a...

1 year ago
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Sex With Teacher8217s Wife

This happened few years back. He was our Hindi teacher. He was very rude but was teaching well. He always beats up those who are do not study well and makes fun of them also. He lived in my friend’s village once I visited my friend’s home for attending his grandma’s funeral. As usual, body was kept for visitors till late evening and around 8, the body was burnt and I headed back to our village by bidding good bye to my friend. On the way I saw my Hindi teacher laying in the bus shelter…talking...

3 years ago
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Brain Hack Incest Chapter 01

I guess you can call me a regular eighteen-year-old high school student.Or maybe irregular. I don’t really know what the fuck other guys my age get up to, not really.I sit at the back of the class, away from the jocks and bitches.My only friend, Kevin, was the only other guy I know who kinda got me. He was equally eighteen and a fucking virgin.“Tom! You gotta check out this girl I found last night!”He practically shoved his smartphone into my face. He had an obscure adult website running, a...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Tonya Harding SlaveGirlChapter 13

Tonya was half-asleep when she vaguely noticed that the room didn't seem to be quite as dark as it had been, but in her misery, she paid no overt attention to it. The room was fairly well-lit by the time the Doctor walked in. "Are you OK, Tonya?", he asked, "You seemed to be having a bad dream or something." "Nancy shrunk me...", Tonya replied, her voice shaky, "She put me in a maze with some rats... the rats raped me... and then... then Nancy took me... she took me... and... she...

2 years ago
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Caught in my pantyhose outdoors

The other I was feeling frisky after buying some new pairs of pantyhose. It was a gloomy day and cold, so I figured their wouldnt be too many people out. I know of a spot that has some trails. Its usually doesnt have many visitors during the summer months, so I figured their really wouldnt be anyone out hiking or jogging at this time of year. I decided I needed to wear a pair of my new pantyhose outside and take pics and maybe a vid. I put on a pair of pantyhose and a dress. i then put a shirt...

1 year ago
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Swinger Sex Party at the Roberts House

[Story] Swinger Sex Party at the Robert's House by Melissa RobertsYesterday evening my mother said to me, "Melissa, my br*other Paul, his wife Cindy and their son Andy are coming over at nine o'clock for another swinger sex party like we had last month. Make sure there is plenty of ice in the recreation room bar because you will be making drinks for everyone again. Your br*other Michael has already put several video cameras on tripods so we can make another DVD."Mom, can we switch partners this...

1 year ago
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Summer CampEpisode 21 Sink the Swiss navy

Both girls had tears in their eyes. "How ... how did you manage? I mean ... Lisa, Pete... ? "I'll tell you a secret ... even Jennifer, the head counselor, is involved. She's the one who brought all our stuff over in secret so that Hartwell wouldn't find out. The only thing that bothers me is that today is our last day here; tomorrow, we have to pack up everything and go back to camp." "We do? I had completely forgotten about camp ... Ugh ... bathing suits..." said...

2 years ago
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The Bounty HunterChapter 11

Anna closed the door behind her as she entered her apartment after her daily ritual of going to visit the local bar for breakfast every morning. Life had finally gained some semblance of normalcy and routine once the whole affair of the Bounty Hunter was over. She thought that whole episode to be over as she had finally found closure. Of course, the Bounty Hunter knew her real name but she didn’t think he would bother with her. From what she had heard on the forums, he had his own share of...

3 years ago
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My uncle and I enter the hotel room. All is quiet except for the noises of our feet. I walk to the bed and begin undressing, smiling to myself as I think about seeing him nude again.He turns on the TV, for he needs the noise at all times.When he looks at me, struggling with my bra, I lick my lips and gaze at him hungrily. Then I lower my gaze to the center of his shorts and again lick my lips.Man, I want to suck it, I think.After dropping my shirt and bra on the floor, I struggle with my jeans....

4 years ago
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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 26

Malfoy awoke. It was the second time he'd awoken - he knew that much, at least. The first time could have been five minutes before, or five days. He remembered hearing movement in the room where he lay, and opening his eyes, seeing someone dressed only in white. And then a welcome return to nothingness. This time he felt like he would stay awake, or at least that he could if he wanted to. He wasn't sure if he wanted to. His head pounded, keeping regular time with his heartbeat. Aside from...

2 years ago
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UniversityChapter 39

"Barristers must be lunatics!" I said. We were a week or so into the term. "Why?" "I'm reading old case histories. It's hard to imagine that I'll care about any of them once I pass the bar exams." "Trial by ordeal." "What?" "You're going to be joining a club. Instead of a simple test or a hazing or something, the insiders make you undergo an ordeal. Several years long. If you give up, you're out; if you can't do it, you're out. Anyway, it's most likely better than...

3 years ago
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My Neighbors Down the Hall Part 1

"Hey, Neighbor. Can you help us out? We didn't have money for movers and we were trying to move our stuff in. We ran into some trouble, though," one of the girls said hurriedly as she was trying to keep an eye on the things they had in the front yard. I replied, "Today is your lucky day. You just hired a moving man for the day. My name is Paul. Let me close my door and I will be right there." As it turned out, there were four girlfriends moving in. Their names were Maria, Selena,...

3 years ago
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How I Spent My Vacation Ch 02

With this, Betty lifted the tiny girl up off her lap. 'Go and get my hairbrush, it's sitting on my bed' Louise's eyes widened when she realised what was about to happen. 'Please Betty... please I can't take anymore' 'I'll decide when you've had enough' snapped Betty. 'It's not a matter of what you think. What you think doesn't matter anymore. Of course you don't want to be spanked. Nobody wants that. But you're weaker then us, so we can do what we want to...

4 years ago
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The NannyPart 3

Athena ran from her room, with Danielle right behind her, only to stop suddenly just outside the door. Her normally deserted hallway was now full of people! Servants carrying bedding were running here and there. Expensively-dressed women with small children in tow were going in and out of the rooms located along the hall. In spite of her outlandish attire, Athena was surprised when, with all those people running about, no one gave her so much as a glance. [It is at this point, gentle...

1 year ago
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Kya Palace LariSota 02

On the run from the Lord Emperor, Kya and Ashelob have made their way to the surface of the planet and are now looking for a way to get off world. They made their way down a lane filled with markets, people trading or selling and buying all type of products, Kya saw none of this, she was aware of only two things, Ashelob’s hand firmly holding into her arm as he escorted her through the crowd, and the other guards who she had noticed soon after they had emerged, and who she thought may now be...

2 years ago
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Bla Book 3 Wrinkles in TimeChapter 16

Alicia quietly pulled the door closed and turned around. Her husband was right behind her. She put her arms around his neck, at the same time feeling his hands on her waist. She smiled as she kissed him. "He's asleep," she whispered quietly into his ear, almost giggling like a teenager sneaking off with her boyfriend to do the 'big naughty!' "Perhaps we ... have a little time ... to make a little ... brother ... or sister ... to keep him company," she gasped between ardent...

2 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 07Chapter 6 Janice In El Paso

The meal progressed nicely very similar to others I had been to over the years in other places. Everyone was friendly and I enjoyed talking to many of the men and women in the community. Covertly, I watched Charlie and Andrea. She looked like no girl I had ever seen. Interestingly, she seemed to enjoy Charlie's company. He came by my seat during desert and whispered, "Wow! She's smart." I whispered back, "Just be you. Watch out for other guys who might be jealous." "Yes, mom!" He...

2 years ago
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The Dancer

I hadn’t been to a titty bar in a few years, not since the one near my house closed. But then I found a new one, not too far away, and decided to escape to it a few times. Turns out the beers were only $3 and the girls were generally pretty and friendly.On my fifth or sixth trip there, Kristine asked if she could sit with me. She was pretty and tall with an amazing body, at least as far as I could see. She hadn’t danced yet. We chatted about things, found we had a few common connections, and...

Straight Sex
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Chatting with Julie

Chat Night Guest: Julie Edited by Anne-Mal Julie can be reached at: [email protected] On Friday, July 30, 1999 6PM Carol Collins had a chat night. Well Julie and I had a conversation before that chat. (Julie) Hi Anne! (*Anne-Mal) Hi Julie! (Julie) Are you ready for a great chat? (*Anne-Mal) I am always ready for a great chat! (Julie) I'm on the old PC. I need all the help I can get. :( (*Anne-Mal) Maybe you and Bash should compete to see who is the best author,...

2 years ago
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The Freiburg ProjectChapter 36

For some reason, when Rummy drove them into the Hoch und Tiefbau car park the next morning, Helen was glad she'd decided to follow his example and wear the rather uncomfortable vest. It wasn't that she was worried about another attack, she told herself... "I have to tell you, Rummy; I'm still uncomfortable coming here." "Can't blame you, Helen. So am I." He looked over at her. "I'm not your regular rugger bloke, you know. I know when it's smart to be cautious." "Well, I'm...

3 years ago
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The Survey

While doing some general cleaning in my apartment I take a bag of garbage out and notice that it has snowed quite a bit. The roads are covered and there was so much on the ground that it was hard to open my door. I put the garbage in the box and decide to go in and turn on the radio for a bit while finishing my cleaning. While listening I hear them warn about heavy snowfalls and tell people to stay inside, I notice a bottle of Irish Cream in the back of one of my cupboards and think to...

2 years ago
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Brothers roadtrip part 1

I sat up in my bed and opened the curtains to the window above my bed, the sun had already gone up and lit up my room. I sat in my bed looking out the window for a while, everything outside was covered in dew and a light fog painted the horizon. I threw a quick look at the my floor, it was scattered with bags and clothes. I never knew what to bring on trips, packing and unpacking my bags at least five times before feeling satisfied with what i brought with me, how ever, i always brought too...

1 year ago
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Mere Hubby K Dost

hi dears aik br phr apki sumbal hazir ha taraf ki muhtaj nhn. (main sara or woh panch) k bd bht arsa hogaya ha k koi story n likhi isi liye likhny ja rhe hun aaj main abh apne piyaray viewrs ko zara bhi intezar nhn karwaongi main janti hun or ap logon ki mails bhi arahe han k ajkal main kiyn nhn likh rahe sbh se pahly tou ma chahungi k ap log mujhe mubarak dan kiyn k jis insan ka naam ma na apni story ( piyar had se barh gaya ) ma zikr kia ha yani zulfi mera cousin woh abh mera husband ha meri...

1 year ago
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PromiseChapter 10 Private Rain Festival

SOFíA POURED A FRESH GLASS of wine for all of us. She held up an eye dropper. “Are you feeling lucky, Michael?” Are you feeling lucky, punk? Clint’s old line ran through my head, but Sofía’s smile and the sparkle renewed in her eyes made me think otherwise. “What’ve you got, Sofía?” Her smile got bigger. “Just a little surprise. It’s from Gladys. Javier and I have played with it before, in fact, but don’t you ever tell my aunt, OK?” She didn’t really have to explain. I knew what she...

4 years ago
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Eden RescueChapter 6

"Well, Carlie, it's time." He smiled, and leaned over to kiss her forehead. "Good luck, Grandmother." "I hope I don't need it." Pushing on the armrests with both hands she stood up unassisted and turned toward the door. They were in the "green room"—the waiting area—of the most popular worldwide late-night holograph show, on which she'd appear within, now, only a few seconds. It was a painstakingly arranged, and widely publicized, appearance. A week earlier she'd called the...

1 year ago
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Moms Bikini

100% fiction! Our family has owned a waterpark in Northern California for several years and it is basically our whole life operating it and the attached tanning Parlor that is open year round. I have never really paid that much attention to my mom’s looks over the years because she is just that Mom. She has her own style. It’s basically just casual. I don’t want to call her a plain Jane because although she fits the mold, she takes really good care of herself. She always has found time to keep...

1 year ago
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When Threesome Inspired Foursome

Earlier I had posted a story of having sex with Neha and Monica at amusement park. The adventure continued with more fun at Neha’s house once. This time it was a foursome sex between me, Neha, Monica and my friend Bharath. Now, Bharath is my best buddy. We used to study, play and enjoy together. We used to watch porn together sometimes and masturbated in front of each together. So we were comfortable seeing each other’s private parts (This no way means we are gays!). He got to know about the...

3 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Rogues Sultry WomenChapter 16 Patrol

Zanyia – The Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My tail swished back and forth as I rubbed my cheek into Master’s leather jerkin. I loved the smell of leather, the feel of the smooth yet rough material on my skin. I shivered, squirming on the saddle, the harder leather rubbing on my juicy pussy—it always was juicy—while my little nipples tingled against his back. A purr rumbled from my throat. Such simple joy filled me as we rode through the spring-green fields around the city...

3 years ago
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Sammis Test Of Obedience

Sammi was a submissive 24 year old, five foot ten tall with 36B sized breasts and a size 12 frame. Her long shoulder length hair was naturally dirty blonde in colour. I first came across Sammi when a long distance Canadian Dare player called Vicky introduced us via email as she was resident in England. Sammi was slow to follow up the introduction and kept me waiting weeks before she sent me a resume of her experiences. We eventually arranged a meet and following my instructions, she turned up...

2 years ago
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Learning Together

I am sure would have been different if she were fifteen and I was only twelve, but just the opposite was the case. I was almost three years older than my pretty little sister. I had just “enjoyed” a serious growth spurt and had reached almost six-one and about 165 pounds which was Ok but the big thing, no joke intended, was that my genitals had matured wonderfully and impressively. At least they were impressive to the guys I showered with at school. It was hard to measure because it curved...

3 years ago
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Alice meets Veronica

Alice came home one evening after two weeks in Cabo really excited to see her cousin Sophie. Sophie lived with Alice seeing both of their parents had died in a car accident together. Alice was 20 and had been her 18 year old cousin’s guardian since then. But now that Sophie was 18 she didn’t think it would be a problem leaving her at home alone for two weeks while she was in Cabo partying. How wrong she was. She came home to an empty house finding a note with an address and saying that Sophie...

3 years ago
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Strangers on Flight 2345

The waiting at Gate Three A was more than Zoe could deal with. What the fuck was taking so long? Not only was she tired, but the annoying baby screaming bloody murder behind her was beginning to give her a headache. She glanced at her watch and figured they would be calling seats at any time, she’d hoped. Just then an airline rep came on and made an announcement: “Good evening passengers of Flight Twenty Three Forty Five. We appreciate your patience this evening and will be boarding shortly....

1 year ago
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Sharing the good times of my wife I pt 17

My parents had come to stay with us for a couple of weeks in the spring and we had all planned to go to the local race meet on Saturday. It was a huge event with most people dressing up in suits and the latest fashion for the ladies. Cherry had purchased a red pant suit with a blazer that sported one large black button at the waist. She wore high heels and matched a fascinator to the outfit that made her a very attractive package. We enjoyed our day and all had way too much champagne. During...

3 years ago
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My Slut Sister

HI ISS readers I am the recent visitor of Indian sex stories and I found this site is the best to share my sex affairs. I ve been longed for many days to share the sex affairs that I had with my elder sister. My name is Krishna and I am 18 and my sexy sister name Saranya and she is 20 and she has 36(breast), 28(waist), 38(ass). When the incident took place I was in 12th and my sister was doing her II year college. We live in Chennai and since we have only two bed rooms one is occupied by my...

1 year ago
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Not alone

Sharon stood alone at the far end of the locker room, not taking part in the horse play that was taking place not more than forty feet away, while almost shyly she shed her sweaty gym clothes, wrapped herself in a towel and slipped off to the communal shower. As usual, she had waited until everyone had already showered and were in the process of dressing before making her move. As the hot jets of water coursed over her body, she was unaware that another girl had taken a spot next to her and...

2 years ago
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The Champions Prize

The crowd gasped as the Green Knight swung his two-handed pole–axe down against the helmet of the Black Squire; the ringing blow echoed across the tourney field as the young squire fell to his knees then slowly pitched forward into the sandy earth. The Green Knight turned and surveyed the field; six opponents lay sprawled in the dirt. Only the Red Knight remained. Pausing briefly to acknowledge the crowd’s cheers, the Green Knight stepped up to the weapon rack and selected a triangular shield...

Straight Sex
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American PaganChapter 6 Prestidigitation

Ten days after Gloria's initiation started, there was a knock on the main entrance of the temple. Livia went to answer it. At the door was an elderly man, at least in his seventies. He was wearing a heavy coat, appropriate for the brisk December cold, and carrying a stout walking stick. Since believers were coming in and out of the temple, at all hours, to help in the initiation, all the clergy were wearing their priestly garb all the time. Livia was wearing her sheer full length...

3 years ago
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Rachna Bhabhi Mere Piche Pagal Bani

Hello dosto, to kaisi lagi meri pehli kahani, cute Rachna bhabhi? jinhone meri pehli kahani nahi padhi unko main apne bare main bata du. I’m Jay from Surat. I’m 32. I’m 5’10” and a body builder. I’m an engineer. meri kahani main maine aap ko bataya ki maine kaise rachna bhabhi ki chudai ki. us din waha se jane ke bad muje kahi chain nahi pad raha tha. ek taraf se bahut bahut hi khush tha aur ek taraf ye bhi soch raha tha ki maine kahi koi galti to nahi ki. dar bhi lag raha tha ki kisi ko pata...

2 years ago
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A New Start in Life Part 7

A New Start in Life 7 Hi again thanks for your reviews, I will incorporate some of the idea's but as far as a working holiday in Australia, I don't know enough about that beautiful country to carry that off without making some momentous mistakes. As long as I get comments and suggestions who knows how this story will progress, I have, in my mind a rough idea which way the story will go. As for less shopping? What girl doesn't like to shop, especially a 'new girl' who has to build her...

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