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CHAPTER 1 : THE HOLIDAY OF A LIFETIME? It was supposed to the holiday of lifetime.... My name is, or rather was, Peter Diamond. I was holidaying with my wife Sally and our very good and extremely wealthy friends, Henry and Charlotte James, on their rather plush yacht. We had sailed into the Pacific Ocean in search of excitement and adventure and were all having such a wonderful time out in the vast ocean, spotting little islands, some inhabited, but mostly not. We spent the time fishing, relaxing, eating, drinking and swimming. After two weeks we had sailed far away from the coast and hadn't seen another ship for days. It was very exciting but also a little scary, as we also hadn?t had radio contact for a couple of days. However, Henry was an experienced sailor and we never really thought of anything other than enjoying our vacation. Henry was a big man, in stature and personality. He was about 6? 4? tall, very strong and well built. He really put me to shame when we sunbathed or went swimming as I was built more like our wives, 5?7? tall, slim and rather delicate looking with fine features and shoulder length fair hair that I usually wore in a pony tail. It wasn?t the first time that he had jokingly called our wives and me the ?girls?! However, I always took that in the light hearted way it was intended. Our two wives were both beautiful and both had seemed to have brought their entire wardrobes with them for the holiday, as they seemed to be in a different outfit every time I saw them. I always noticed when they had a new outfit on and was always eager to compliment them on their choice and coordination of clothes. Anyway, the holiday was going so well until the nightmare night when the storm struck! The storm had been brewing all day but that night it hit directly where we were! The waves were enormous! The yacht was pitched one way, then the next? all of us had to be on deck to try and keep control. Henry was shouting the orders, his deep voice booming through the darkness. We were all being hit and drenched by the massive waves as we struggled to keep control. We were all exhausted as the storm continued to hit us! Suddenly, we heard a scream and anguished cries. My blood ran cold as I made my way to where the screams had come from. The worst nightmare was happening? my wife had been washed overboard and had disappeared into the darkness. Although, she had been wearing a lifejacket, it was so dark and the waves so terrifyingly high, that we just couldn?t see her at all! I was in a daze and panic but the yacht was still being rolled and pitched as if it was a toy boat. Henry and Charlotte tried to comfort me but we still had to try and save ourselves from this terrible storm! There seemed no end to the pitching and rolling of the yacht until suddenly there was an enormous thud and we all were sent flying into the air. I thumped against the cabin door and lost consciousness. I came round slowly, not knowing how long I had been ?out?, my body aching and then I remembered I had lost my wife. I hoped that it had been just an awful nightmare and then I realised that although the waves were still crashing into me, the boat was no longer pitching and rolling. I hoped this meant that we could go and try to search for Sally. I was stopped dead in my tracks though as I saw Henry holding the lifeless body of Charlotte in his arms, his face betraying the pain he was going through. It took a while to realise that the yacht had run aground on rocks which caused it to stop abruptly flinging us about the deck. I found out later that Charlotte had hit her head and died instantly. The sun was beginning to come up and we could see that we had run aground near an island. We were both desolate from losing our beautiful wives but we felt we had to get off the yacht before it sank as it was only perched precariously on the jagged rocks. Thankfully the storm had abated which allowed us to think what to do next. What we had to do was get off the yacht and quickly! This filled me with some concern as I wasn?t a very strong swimmer but given the choice of either being smashed on the rocks or possible safety, I decided it would be better to jump into the sea and try to swim to shore. So after lowering Charlotte into the sea to her final resting place and reflecting for a moment, trying to console each other, we both took the leap of faith and jumped into the sea. The water wasn?t too cold but I struggled desperately and only found myself on solid ground after being helped by Henry for the last half of the distance. I crouched gasping on the warm sand as Henry gazed across the island. Where on earth were we? CHAPTER 2: OUR NEW HOME ON A PARADISE ISLAND? Henry took charge immediately which I was happy for him to do. I was really rather scared and being shipwrecked on an island not knowing if it was inhabited or whether it contained food or water. Henry marched up the beach with me following him as we began to explore the island. After an hour or so, we reckoned that the island was uninhabited but that it contained fresh water, fruit, wild plants which looked edible and some wild animals like rabbits and wild boar? we hadn?t come across any dangerous animals at this stage. After our initial survey of the immediate area, Henry asked me to begin gathering up sticks, branches and palm leaves etc while he would swim back to the yacht to see if he could rescue anything useful? I mentioned clothes would be useful, laughing, as both of us were dressed only in the shorts and t-shirts we jumped off the boat in. After watching him swim powerfully towards the stricken yacht, hoping he would return safely, I headed into the forest at the back of the beach to begin foraging for branches, leaves and food if I could find some. I was a bit nervous at first but gradually began to lose my fear and was pleased with myself when I discovered fresh fruit, berries and some wild root vegetables. I was carrying my find back to the beach when Henry reappeared? he had been able to swim back with only some bedding and some knives and rope. ?We will have to make a small raft Peter,? he said when I ran over to him? ?I?ll not be able to carry much back while I?m swimming.? He showed me the rope and immediately we began to tie some of the branches, which I had found, together. He was appreciative when I handed him most off the berries and fruit that I had picked. I reasoned that he would be using a lot more energy than me. Soon a small raft was built and carrying it to the waters edge, Henry tested it? it took his weight, so without any hesitation, he swam back out to the yacht pushing the raft in front of him. He reached safely and then disappeared into the boat? all I could do was wait for his return so I went back into the forest to gather more wood. All afternoon he swam back and forth with the raft bring back as many items that he could which he could find and that weren?t damaged beyond repair. After his final trip for the day, he was exhausted and aching. I could see that he was sore so I offered to massage his shoulders to relieve the pain, which he accepted. I should mention that I was a male nurse, who had also trained in aromatherapy and massage for patients, which is how I met Henry and Charlotte as they were both senior doctors in the same hospital. He took off his wet t-shirt and sat with his back to me as I massage his tired and aching shoulders and back for a while. Again, I was amazed at the physical difference of our bodies. His muscled rippled and bulged as he was being massaged. Mine were practically non-existant! Having completed his massage we set about going through all the stuff that Henry had rescued from the stricken yacht. He had brought back blankets, tinned food, water bottles, oil, knives, plates and cutlery, bedding, curtains, toiletries, a medicine cabinet, and lots and lots of clothing and shoes. Going through the clothing and putting it into piles, I noticed that there were lots of Sally?s and Charlottes clothes and then with horror, practically none of mine! ?What happened to my clothes Henry?? I asked him a little bewilderedly. ?Oh, there wasn?t much Peter? I think most of them had gone through the hole in the side of the boat last night? they may wash to shore eventually. Anyway, there are enough clothes here your size if you need to change!? he said with a smile. ?Oh yeah, I don?t think so!? I exclaimed, ?they are the girl?s clothes, I?m not wearing those!? Then we fell silent as we realised that both our lovely wives had perished in the storm. ?Well, at least we are alive and they are only clothes? he said quietly and left it at that. The next day or two were spent making a shelter to sleep in and a bed to lie on. Again I was surprised when Henry made the bed with branches tied together before laying two single mattresses, rescued from the yacht before it finally sank, on top. He sat on it gingerly in case it broke, but satisfied that it would take his weight, proclaimed with joy it was finished and rather comfortable! ?That?s good?, I said. ?Can you make mine now?? He looked puzzled. ?This is for both of us! We can?t waste material on another bed and anyway, it is big enough for us both to sleep on it!? There were no other surprises as we settled into the daily routine. Henry would go off exploring the island while I stayed at the camp preparing food, cooking meals and keeping the camp tidy. I also tended to the fire, making sure it didn?t go out. If any ship were to pass us, we could throw some oil on the fire to attract their attention and get rescued. More often than not he would come back with a wild rabbit or hare for me to cook. I always made him skin and clean it first though! Days turned into weeks which turned into months and still there was no sign of any ships on the horizon. We had not been able to salvage the radio equipment before the yacht sank so we were helpless really. The days were warm but the nights were getting colder. I was still wearing the shorts and t-shirt I escaped from the boat in, but it was really threadbare by now. I asked Henry if I could have some of his clothes which he had rescued which he agreed to but when I put them on, I was drowned in them! He burst out laughing and even I had to see the funny side though I was worried about the alternative clothing arrangements! CHAPTER 3: NEW BEGINNINGS? ?They are only clothes Peter?I know you don?t like the thought of having to wear them but it is getting colder and anyway, no-one else will see you. I won?t tell, honestly!? said Henry with a smile and a laugh. Reluctantly I agreed and went over to the basket when Henry had stored all of the clothes he had salvaged from Sally?s and Charlotte?s wardrobes. What a pain that my wardrobe had been the only one which had been damaged and all the clothes lost! Anyway, I had been cold for several nights so decided that it would be better warm and dressed in female clothing than cold. I had hoped I could find something plain or cotton but everything was so feminine so I chose a long black silk nightdress of Charlotte?s and slipped in on over my head and turned round to make sure Henry didn?t mind me wearing his wife?s nightdress! He smiled and nodded appreciatively and then we went to bed together after he checked that the fire was well lit during the night. I was amazed at how nice the nightdress felt with the cool silk shimmering against my body. I hoped I didn?t portray how nice it felt as Henry got into bed beside me! Not that I had much to be worried about. I wasn?t very well endowed in that department. Henry, on the other hand, had! A couple of times I had woken in the middle of the night to feel his aroused state pressing against my back as he slept. I don?t think he was aware but I did feel a bit sorry for him, as he was a very virile man. Anyway, I slept well that night in the nightie though woke in the morning to find myself backed into Henry with his strong hairy arm wrapped around me! It felt a bit strange but not too bad? after all we were both asleep and lying next to each other and the warmth of another person?s body was comforting. I eased myself out of the bed, first as usual, so I could prepare breakfast for us. I guess I had taken on the role of ?housewife? preparing the meals, making sure the camp was kept tidy and supporting Henry when he needed support. I was happier doing this than out hunting food or dragging heavy weights around. The sun was just coming up as I began cooking breakfast. I knew Henry would be gone most of the day so he would need a big meal. Fortunately he had managed to capture a couple of wild goats which gave us a good supply of milk. I was still huddled around the fire in my nightie when Henry emerged form the shelter in only his shorts, exposing his strong masculine hairy chest, before heading down to the waterfall to shower. If we weren?t shipwrecked, this island could have been thought of as ?paradise?. It had nearly everything you could ask for? a waterfall and pool where we could shower and bathe was a wonderful find and only a few minutes walk from our camp. The water was cool but fresh and clean. Henry had brought back all the toiletries he found in the yacht so we had quite a lot? especially those that our wives had? they must have been thinking of opening a shop somewhere. As there wasn?t that much ?manly? shower gels and shampoo, it was decided that Henry would use those sparingly while I would use the feminine fragranced ones. I wasn?t too happy with this but I used them sparingly too so I didn?t smell too ?sweet?! I was still in my nightdress when Henry returned after his shower and we had breakfast together. I was a bit embarrassed sitting with him dressed in female clothing but he didn?t make fun of me at all, just chatting generally and asking what I had planned for the day. I told him that after my shower, I was going to give the camp a good ?spring clean?. He then picked up the spear he had made and went out in search of food again. After tidying away the breakfast dishes, I gathered my shower gel and shampoo and pausing, picked up the conditioner. I noticed they were all passion fruit fragranced! ?Oh well?, I sighed, what will I attract smelling like a passion fruit and giggled to myself! I wrapped my towel around me and walked back to the camp actually pleased that I smelt nice again. I really should look after my hygiene better I thought to myself. Now what to wear? I couldn?t put on my shorts and t- shirt again as they were both threadbare and falling apart! I looked through all the clothes that Henry had brought back for me from the boat and sighed again. It was going to be so hard to wear these comfortably? one thing I noticed was that there wasn?t even a pair of jeans! Eventually I settled on a denim mini skirt and a white short sleeved blouse which apart from having slightly puffed sleeves at the shoulder and a scooped neckline, didn?t look too feminine! I grabbed a pair of white silk panties and slipped them on. I shivered a bit? they did feel quite nice to wear! I pulled on the skirt and fastened and zipped it up at the back? I knew it zipped up like this as I had seen Sally do it hundreds of times and then pulled the blouse over my head. The blouse was a little loose at the chest but there was nothing I could do about that! I began work and busied myself for the rest of the morning. I didn?t even think about what I was wearing while ?spring cleaning?, taking out and beating the bedding, scrubbing and brushing the stone floor and generally dusting and cleaning the inside and outside of the camp. I sensed I wasn?t alone and looked up rather startled to see Henry standing there looking at me. It took a minute to realise that I was dressed in a skirt and blouse and blushed a bit, flicking a stray lock of sandy blonde hair out of my eyes, before saying, ?oh, I feel a bit foolish wearing this.? ?Oh, you look great Penny, I mean Peter? and laughed. I saw the funny side and laughed too! He was standing with a brace of rabbits, which I was happy to see as we had lived on root vegetables for a while. ?Oh, that?s wonderful Henry, well done!? I exclaimed, ?Shall I cook one tonight?? ?Yes, that would be nice? maybe we could have a bottle of wine too, after all you have worked hard today and deserve a treat!? he replied. After he skinned and prepared the rabbits, off he went again to forage more firework. When he was gone, I completed the rest of my domestic chores, and put the rabbit in the large pot we had. I sprinkled over some of the wild herbs we had found in the forest and then poured some wine and water over it, placed on the lid and let it simmer gently over the fire. Meanwhile, I saw myself in the full-length mirror which thankfully Henry had rescued and exclaimed to myself, ?Gosh girl, you look a sight!? and laughed as I saw that the blouse and skirt I was wearing was dirty and dusty after my spring cleaning. My face was also filthy so I decided to go and take another shower. I grabbed a clean towel along with the shower gel and shampoo I had used earlier and walked down barefoot to the waterfall. I undressed and timidly stepped under the falling water, as it always felt cold at first before my body got used to it. After soaking and soaping myself for a while, I began to inspect my body. I was really slim as food was limited and fairly hairless other than a few wispy strands on my chest and under my arms. My legs were only lightly hairy. I guess I was just one of those people who didn?t have much body hair. I?m not sure why but on the spur of the moment, after shaving my face closely, I took my razor and shaved what little hair I had on my chest, underarms and legs. I didn?t think too much about it though as it didn?t make too much difference and stepping out from under the water, wrapped the towel around me again and headed back to the camp. It was getting late and the sun was beginning to go down so I knew that Henry would be home soon. Such a big strong man as he was, he didn?t really want to be stuck in the forest when it got dark either! I checked that the dinner was cooking ok and satisfied that it was, went into our shelter to get dressed as I still had the towel wrapped around me. I had sorted all ?my clothes? into ones that had to hung up and those which could be folded and stored. I had no idea what I was going to wear, after all this was only the second outfit I had to choose. I felt that as we were gong to have a nice meal tonight, I should make a bit of an effort and look smart so I chose a lovely purple dress which buttoned up the front and dropped to mid calf. Underneath, I put on a clean pair of panties. I then took off the bobble I was using to tie my hair into a ponytail and brushed my hair out. It was now about 3? below my shoulders? thankfully I was one of those people who had a full head of hair even though it was sparse everywhere else. After brushing my hair, I heard Henry return so I put my brush down and went outside to welcome him. CHAPTER 4: THE START OF SOMETHING? He stopped in his tracks when he saw me. It seemed strange but he quickly went inside and came out with a towel and said he had better go and shower too as I was looking so nice. Did he really say I was looking nice? Surely he meant I was looking smart or clean?! Anyway, Henry showered quickly, returning wearing only his underpants before going inside. It?s strange but he wandered around in only his underpants quite a lot. I got used to seeing his strong hairy body and his obviously well filled pants! He soon emerged wearing a clean shirt and trousers and shoes? something we didn?t wear too often. I was impressed? ?you have cleaned up well, good sir? I giggled. ?The least I could do seeing how gorgeous my dinner date for the evening is?.? And smiled. I blushed but took what he said as light hearted jesting on his part? I saw myself in the mirror later and realised that I did look quite feminine in that dress with my long blonde hair cascading over my shoulders. Oh well, just my luck to be slender and delicate looking, I thought but again didn?t think anymore about it. We did have a lovely meal though and the chat was good, whether it was the fact we had made an effort for once, or it was because of the wine but it was probably the best night we had had since we had been marooned on the island. I didn?t think at the time it could have been anything to do with it being the first time I had worn a dress for dinner. After dinner, I got changed into the black nightdress again and slipped in beside Henry. He was naked from the waist up as how he usually slept. I didn?t mind too much as I was used to having his hairy body in bed beside me and I was grateful for his body heat as it did get cold during the night. As I turned my back to him, as I usually did at the start of the night, I felt his arm slide around my waist which again I didn?t mind as he had to put his arms somewhere. I backed up against him to get his body heat and closed my eyes to go to sleep. I heard him say, ? I had a lovely night Penny? I didn?t contradict him, just nodded and whisphered, ?so did I Henry? and closed my eyes and fell asleep with Henry holding me close to him. That night in bed I could feel Henry become aroused several times during the night, pressing himself against me while he slept. I didn?t really know what to think. I knew he was asleep so he was probably dreaming of Charlotte, his wife who had died in the storm. However it made me feel a little strange. I missed the physical contact with my wife, Sally. I knew I wasn?t very well endowed but she didn?t seem to mind though she did tell me of stories that Charlotte had told her of how she was constantly being ravished by Henry with his huge manhood! I knew it was huge too! I was feeling it press against my back that night but I had also seen it in an aroused state! One morning I had followed Henry to the waterfall to shower after him when I saw him relieving himself while he showered. I stopped in my tracks and hid before he could see he was being watched. He really did have a huge penis which he was slowly stroking back and forwards. I don?t know why I continued to watch but I couldn?t force myself to leave my secluded spot, so I continued to watch until I heard him moan and watched as he climaxed continually for what seemed like an age! I had waited for a while until he had calmed down and then I wandered over to the waterfall as if nothing had happened, so Henry was not aware I had been watching him. So, that night I just accepted that he was a very verile man who would continue to get erections in bed. At the same time I briefly wondered why I didn?t become aroused too often? I thought as well that maybe it was the feel of the silk nightdresses that I wore that perhaps acted as a stimulant to him in his sleep. Anyway, I eventually fell asleep with his arm around me and his penis pressed against my silk clad bottom. In the morning, I woke up at dawn?s first light and got up to prepare the breakfast for us both. As I pulled the quilt back to get out of bed I unavoidably saw Henry in an aroused state once again! I don?t know why, but I was transfixed for a moment, looking at the outline of his penis contained within his boxer shorts! I shook myself though and shaking my head, got out of bed and slipping into a matching gown for the nightdress, ventured out into the cool dawn air to prepare the first meal of the day. CHAPTER 5: CHANGING? One day followed the next and we continued our daily routines; Henry hunting for food and firewood, me keeping our camp and shelter tidy. As the days went on, I became less and less embarrassed of wearing skirts and dresses. Henry also became used to seeing me dressed in feminine clothes. However, he seemed to like it as he always complimented me on the choice of clothes I had on. Quite often he would call me ?Penny?, his femme name for me. Sometimes, I would scowl if he called me that, and he would smile but sometimes I didn?t mind him calling me ?Penny? and after a while I got used to it. He ended up calling me Penny more often than Peter and I didn?t think anything of it! One morning while showering and shaving my legs which I routinely did now whenever stubble began to grow back on them ? well, hairy legs however fine just didn?t look or feel right wearing a skirt and I got used to them being smooth? I noticed that my nipples had become quite puffy and sensitive to touch. I had always had a little bit of breast muscle on my chest which gave the appearance of very tiny pert breasts, but they now seemed to be more pronounced! I wasn?t really worried by this disclosure and didn?t think anything of it at the time. It did feel a bit strange though. By the time I had dried and walked back to the camp, Henry had left for the day looking for food. I went into the shelter to get some clothes to wear and as I slipped on a pair of panties, I noticed the box of bras, which I had put to one side, as I never imagined wearing one. I still didn?t think I would ever wear a bra but thought, ?what is the harm in trying one on?? So I rummaged around in the box and found the matching bra for the panties I was wearing; a simple white bra. It must have been one of Charlotte?s as I didn?t recognise it as one of Sally?s. I didn?t know anything about lingerie but noticed on the label that it was a size 36B. I put my arms through the straps and put the cups to my chest. Then I tried to clip it together behind my back as I had seen my wife do on countless times. I tried and tried and was getting frustrated and on the verge of giving up, when the bra fastener clipped into place! I adjusted the bra on my chest, easing the excess flesh into the bra cups, to make it feel more comfortable and I was shocked? the bra gave me the appearance of having breasts and a cleavage. I took the bra off again and looked at my chest. Sure, there were the little mounds of flesh I had seen when showering that morning, but not so much that a substantial cleavage was visible. Then I looked at the inside of the bra and saw that it had moulds inside the cups? now, I understood! The moulds helped push up all the flesh on my chest to give the appearance of breasts and a cleavage. That reassured me somewhat so I put the bra on again, fastening it much easier this time. I figured it was the bra giving me the appearance of breasts and not my body. However I stood and looked at myself in the mirror for some time staring at my ?new breasts? and cleavage. I then put on a new T-shirt style top and a denim skirt. The top was rather tight and clingy and realIy accentuated my new breasts. I wasn?t really sure how to think about this but decided that as I was wearing female clothing, it would probably be better that they fitted properly. Thus I wasn?t too upset that it appeared I had a more feminine figure as I had been getting frustrated wearing blouses and dresses that didn?t fit properly around my chest. The material was always sagging and didn?t look right. Now the chest area was filled out, I felt much happier! The top I had put on had quite a low neckline but then, most of the tops had a lowish neckline so I didn?t think too much about it. I finished dressing and began my work for the day. Today was clothes washing day which I dreaded. I kept Henry?s and my clothes separate. I was constantly fetching and boiling water over the fire in the large tin tub Henry had discovered on the yacht?. it was a god send really ? and by lunchtime I had all of Henry?s clothes and my panties washed and hanging on the washing line, that Henry made for me, to dry. I then put my skirts, blouses and dresses into a tub of clean hot water to soak while I prepared some lunch as I knew Henry would be home soon ravenous with hunger as he had been busy planting seeds and root vegetables for the past week or so. It was backbreaking work so I tried to make things as comfortable for him as I could when he came back to the camp for his meals and to relax. When he returned at lunchtime I was bending over the cooking pot dishing out his meal onto the plate. He stopped at once looking stunned! I didn?t understand his reaction and carried on getting his lunch ready. He sat down and I took his plateful of food over to him. I sat down on the sand beside him and ate my much smaller portion. Well after all he is a big strong man and I?m a much smaller delicate woman? I mean man! I don?t know why I thought I was a woman, that?s just so silly! Anyway, as he ate his lunch, Henry paused regularly to look down at me. Eventually I realised what it was! He was looking at my cleavage. ?Hey, are you looking down my top Henry?? I challenged him. ?Well, now you mention it Penny?? he said and smiled, ?It is hard not to!? and smiled again. I bent my head down and saw what he had been looking at, blushed a bit and smiled back at him! ?Well you have to admit it makes my top fit better! It looked so silly before I thought? ?Oh, it certainly does that Penny? he replied. I was going to ask him why he always called me Penny now rather than Peter but was a little scared. I quite liked him calling me ?Penny? as a sort of pet name but didn?t really want to know if he saw me as a woman rather than as a man! I knew I did all the domestic chores around camp and had to dress in the women?s clothes that Henry managed to retrieve for me from the wreckage but that didn?t make me a woman. I was a man just like Henry?. Well, maybe not quite like Henry. He, after all, was tall, strong and handsome! He oozed masculinity from every pore of his body while I was much more delicate and not very strong. However, I think I was important as I kept the camp tidy and clean and kept my man well fed! Oh, did I say ?my man?? What I meant was that it was important that I kept Henry well fed and comfortable as our survival depended on his providing the food for us to live on. After his lunch he went back to do more digging and planting and I went back to washing my clothes by hand in the big steel tub. The warm sun dried all the clothes quickly so I had hung them all back in the wardrobe space Henry had built for us and was checking on dinner when he returned home. I smiled and waved to him when I saw him approaching and he smiled and waved back. He came over and kissed me on the cheek and then went over to the cooking pot to smell what I had cooked for dinner ? leaving me stunned that he had welcomed me with a kiss! He went down to the waterfall to have a quick shower before dinner while I went inside the shelter and put on a nice flowery dress and brushed my sun bleached blonde hair. Happy with how I looked, I went back out and served up the dinner. I don?t know why I had become so precious with how I looked but I liked looking my best by this time? always checking that my hair was brushed and that my clothes didn?t look dirty or shabby. The rest of the night was very relaxing? we just sat and chatted by the campfire as the sun went down. It began to get colder so I sat a little closer to Henry to protect me from the cool breeze that was gently blowing across the beach. We both must have been very tired after our hard working days as I awoke some tired later to find myself cuddled into Henry who had his arm around me while I had my hand on his lap and my head against his shoulder. He must have sensed me stirring as he yawned and seemed to wake up too! ?We must have fallen asleep? I yawned as I eased myself away from his arm around my shoulder. ?Yes, we must. I don?t know why you were so tired for though, dong a bit of housework!? Thankfully he smiled but I still gave him a playful thump on the arm! ?I?ll let you know that washing all those clothes, fetching water and making sure our home is kept tidy is hard work too? you ungrateful man!? and gave him another playful thump on the arm for good measure. We both fell about laughing as we got up and walked back to the shelter to go to bed. CHAPTER 6: DISCOVERING AND REALISATION? The days continued. Henry worked so very hard providing for us that I was getting worried about his health. He was older than me by nearly 10 years. Whereas I was middle 30s, he was middle 40s and although a fit strong man, who played sport a lot in his younger days, wasn?t used to the gruelling tasks he had to perform. I was too busy keeping our ?home?, as I liked to call it, clean and comfortable to help him. To be honest, I wouldn?t be much use anyway. I wasn?t very strong physically and I had watched him working on a few occasions whenever I had taken him refreshments and knew I wouldn?t be able to do what he did. Sure enough, my worst fears happened. Henry fell ill with a fever! He just woke up one morning drenched in sweat and couldn?t move. I got out of bed and realised that my nightdress was also wet from his sweat. I slipped it off and changed into another nightie and dressing gown before going to get some water. I managed to get him to sit up long enough to get him to drink some water before he collapsed again and went to sleep. While he slept fitfully, I got myself organised. I gathered up some vegetables and began making soup. I needed to make sure he ate healthily to get his strength up again. Then I showered and got dressed. By now, wearing a bra was second nature and to be honest, I think I needed one as I felt I was definitely developing small breasts. I had no idea how this had happened. Maybe it was wearing female clothing made me feel more feminine. I know I always had a little bit of growth on my chest but it definitely seemed much more now. My ?breasts? seemed to completely fill the bras I wore. I was really confused but not too unhappy about the situation. I quite enjoyed having breasts? they did make my clothes look better on. After dressing in matching bra and panties, I pulled on a thin pink top with a scooped neckline and a denim skirt and went back to check on Henry. He was still sweating profusely and gibbering a bit?. It was difficult to make out but it really sounded like he was saying ?Penny? over and over again! I?m sure I misheard him as it wasn?t very clear and surely he would have been saying his wife?s name in his delirious state! I knew I had to do something to try and help him so I went to check medicine case that Henry had salvaged from the wreck of the yacht before it sank. I opened it up and there were loads of different packets of tablets and pills. Thankfully, I was a male nurse in a hospital so I recognised some of the medicines so looked to see if there was anything I thought could help reduce Henry?s fever. I was looking through the boxes of medicine and thought I saw something that might do the job when my eye was drawn to some other packets of pills. I lifted the pink box up and noticed that it was open. I realised at once that they were contraceptive pills. I was going to replace them, thinking they were our wives pills when a thought struck me! I opened the packet and pulled out the strip of pink pills. They were half used and the day of the last one used was yesterday. This could have been a coincidence but then I thought, ?has Henry been giving me female contraceptive pills while we have been on the island?? He was in control of the medicines as he is a doctor and was insistent that I took the cocktail of vitamins to keep me healthy each day. Was he slipping a contraceptive pill into the cocktail? I was stunned, staggered, confused and angry all at once. I just didn?t know what to think! Was this the reason that I felt that I was developing breasts? Why my nipples were puffy and sensitive to touch? Why I didn?t mind wearing women?s clothes all the time and actually made sure what I was wearing was coordinated and looked nice? Why I was happy fulfilling the ?female? role on the island, cooking, cleaning and tending to Henry, while he was so obviously the man on the island? I thought for a moment ? why I even had some thoughts of Henry which I couldn?t explain when I saw him parading around naked or in his boxer shorts? I was so confused. What could I do? I heard him moaning in pain and my thoughts turned to him again. I put the packet of birth control pills back in the case and picked up some medicine and prepared it. I gently woke Henry up and managed to get him to drink the potion before he fell asleep again. I sat down beside him wiping his brow with a cold cloth while he slept, my mind in a whirl. I couldn?t understand why Henry would do this to me. Then I caught my reflection in the mirror opposite the bed. There I was, dressed in a pink top, a little cleavage showing, a faded blue denim skirt resting mid-thigh, showing my smooth tanned legs, my long sun bleached blonde hair framing my face ? a very delicate, and dare I say it, feminine looking face, wiping Henry?s brow like any wife or girlfriend would! I was shocked! Was this really me? A tear trickled down my face and I didn?t know why. I was always an emotional, caring person but lately seemed more so. I realised now that maybe the female hormones pumping through my body were the reason, but maybe only partly the reason. As I have always been frail and sensitive, perhaps, this was the natural me? Maybe I just needed to be told I was the person I was? Henry was sleeping more peacefully now and his temperature seemed to have dropped a little which I was thankful for. I didn?t want anything to happen to him. What would I do if anything did? I certainly couldn?t cope on my own! I then realised that this was how I was meant to be. I was dressed like a woman, I looked like a woman, I was emotional like a woman ? maybe I was a woman. I certainly had few masculine traits left, if I ever had any! I made my decision quickly. I rose from Henry?s bedside and went over to the medicine case, picked up the packet of contraceptive pills, pulled out the strip and looked at it. Yesterday?s pill had been taken, as had the previous weeks. I looked in the case and saw lots of packets, all opened and all used. I must have been taking them, unwittingly, for months. I also saw that there were months, if not years, supply still left. My hand shaking a little but ever so determined, I picked up the strip, punctured the foil and popped the pink pill into my mouth and swallowed! I wept a little as I realised what I had done but felt at peace with myself. I wiped my tears and looked at myself in the mirror, straightening my hair and said quietly to myself, ?yes, Penny, you are a woman? I am a woman!? CHAPTER 7: PROGRESSION? I studied myself in the mirror for a while looking at my face. I thought I was reasonably attractive looking. I had lovely blue eyes, blonde hair, full lips and a small nose. I had always had fine features so this came as no surprise to me while I inspected myself. While I flicked at my hair, and looked from side to side to look at my profile, a thought entered my head. I wonder what I would look like with makeup on? I knew Henry had recovered the wives makeup, thinking it may come in useful for something at some stage, so I went in search of it. I had remembered seeing it stored away previously so it didn?t take long to find it. There were two large boxes of it. Obviously, one box was my wife?s, and a lump came to my throat ?.what would she think of me if she could see me now ? and the other was Henry?s wife?s. I opened both boxes and was amazed at the mountain of makeup in each ? there was everything and more that I had ever heard of. I?d obviously watched my wife applying her makeup on occasion but had never studied what she had done, so to be faced with all this make up was mind boggling! I looked in both makeup cases to examine the contents. My heart panged a little when I realised that Henry?s wife?s makeup seemed to be a more expensive brand than my wife?s. I lifted out some items and saw that there was concealer, foundation, loose and compact powder, blushers and bronzers, lipsticks, lipglosses, eye shadows, eyeliner pencils, eyebrow pencils and mascaras. I also found brushes, of all shapes and sizes, and tweezers. There were nail polish bottles in a variety of colours, false nails, perfume, moisturisers, makeup remover pads and wipes ? even hair remover creams. In a bag beside the make up cases, I even found boxes of tampons and sanitary towels ? at least I wouldn?t have to use those, I smiled to myself! I reckoned there was no time like the present so, a little nervously but also excitedly, I took my dead wife?s makeup case over to a mirror. There was good natural light. I had just shaved earlier so my face was smooth and I pressed the pump of foundation and let the liquid flow into my small hand. I dabbed it onto my face, forehead and nose and gently rubbed it in evenly and carefully. Then I thought about my eyes. My eyebrows were fair and faint, though a bit thick, so I used the eyebrow pencil to define them better. Next I tried eyeliner ? my hands were shaking a bit so it was a bit splodgy ? next blue eyeshadow and finally a coating of black mascara successfully avoiding poking my eye out with the wand. I then used one of the large brushes to apply some blusher on my cheeks and finished off with some loose powder to seal it all. I had remembered my wife telling me about this once. Satisfied, I picked out a pink lipstick, opened the tube and dabbed it tentatively onto my lips. I looked at myself in the mirror ? I certainly looked more feminine but my face was just too full of colour. However, it was a reasonable first try but I decided it wasn?t quite right so I washed it all off and started again! Over the next couple of days, while Henry was still ill with fever, I practised putting on makeup to see what suited me and what didn?t. I used the tweezers and shaped my eyebrows into a feminine arch and was really pleased with them when I pencilled them in with the brown eyebrow pencil. I realised quickly not to use too much makeup, just a little foundation and blusher. I found neutral shades of brown eyeshadow suited me better than blues and that really any colour of lipstick suited, depending on what I was wearing. CHAPTER 8: INNOCENCE? After a few days, Henry began to recover from his illness. He woke up around midday. I brought him some light vegetable soup to try and help him recover his strength. He sat up in the bed and gasped in amazement when he saw me! I wasn?t surprised at his reaction. I was wearing a white cotton sundress, and had brushed my hair with an off centre parting so it framed my face with lovely blonde layers. What amazed him most was that I was wearing makeup! Apart from my usual regime of foundation and blusher, I made sure my eye makeup was perfect with an array of brown eyeshadows and mascara. I then used a pale pink lipstick and matching polish on my finger and toenails. I felt oh so feminine and girlie as I helped him drink his soup! ?Hey, it was worth waking up to see you like this Penny? he laughed after he finished his meal. ?You look very pretty. Why have you decided to wear makeup after all this time?? ?Oh, it?s just sometime I decided I wanted to do Henry. After all, I?ve been wearing the clothes and taking on the feminine role for months now. I just wanted to treat myself and try and look my best. Do you really think I look pretty?? I was a bit scared of his answer but was quietly pleased when he replied, ?Oh yes, you look stunning. I would never have imagined you could look so feminine as you do!? I rolled my eyes in mock bewilderment and went outside to clean up but shaking a bit as it was the first time he had openly declared that I was beautiful. That day he got out of bed and went with him to the waterfall, as he was still a bit weak on his feet but he desperately needed a wash! He put his arm around my shoulders and I held him around his waist as we walked slowly to the waterfall. Maybe it was my imagination but I was certain I could feel him caressing my shoulder, at times, as we walked. Eventually we reached our destination and Henry sat down on a rock beside the cascading water, exhausted, and began to remove him clothes. He struggled to get his shirt off over his head, so I helped him. Then he stood up and in one motion, pulled down his trousers and pants and stepped out of them and faced me totally naked. As before when I had spied on him showering, I found it hard to avert my eyes from his naked manhood and his male physique and I think Henry sensed this as he expanded his chest and posed a bit, before the strength in his legs left him again and he had to sit down. I made light of him being naked by declaring, ?you?ll catch cold if you continue to prance around with no clothes on ? come on, I?ll help you over to the shower? ?Oh Penny, I don?t think I?ll have the strength to stand under the shower for long ? it?s maybe best that I wash myself sitting here and then just get rinsed.? I agreed and putting some shower gel on the sponge, wet it in the nearby pool and handed it to him and watched him soap his manly body. I tried to avert my eyes when he began soaping his penis and testicles but I think he saw me looking. I think I may have blushed a bit but he didn?t make an issue of it, instead handing me the sponge and asking if I would soap his back. I too the soapy sponge and holding onto his shoulder for balance, began washing his broad back, from his neck down to his waist just above his bottom. In explicably, I could feel myself stiffening a little in my panties as I did this. Thankfully I was wearing a floaty sundress so it wasn?t visible but it made me feel strange and a little scared. Why was I getting turned on washing him? I had washed lots of men when I was a nurse in the hospital and it never affected me before! After washing his back, I noticed that he hadn?t washed his bottom as he had been sitting down, so trying to make a joke out of the situation, I exclaimed, ?now, don?t be getting used to this!? and gave his bottom a quick wipe with the soapy sponge. ?Now go and stand under the waterfall and rinse all that soap off Henry. I have to say it?ll be nice to sleep with a clean man again!? and laughed. The rest of the day was spent just lounging around and chatting before we went to bed. I removed al my makeup and slipped into a nightdress before getting in beside Henry. As he had done for the past few weeks, he cuddled up behind me, wrapping his arm around my waist and before long I was asleep. Anyway, the next few days passed relatively uneventfully as Henry began to get his strength back. He didn?t stray too far from out camp and was always paying me compliments but not in an obvious way. I realised I had come to rely on him to provide for us. I started fussing around him, asking him how he was and if he needed anything. CHAPTER 9: THE INEVITABLE? On the fourth day, he was well enough to go back to work. As we were getting back to our normal routine, I was anxiously expecting the next event to happen. Henry announced that we should get back to taking our vitamins again, so after having breakfast, he went into the shelter to get them from the medicine cabinet. I was a bit worried. Would he realise that I knew that he had been feeding me female hormones? What would he do if he found out that I knew? What would I say? Henry came out and handed me a cup full of tablets and pills. I took it and noticed the little pink one among the others so he was still intending to give me the hormones daily. He didn?t say anything. Perhaps he didn?t realise that I had taken the pills while he had been delirious with fever. Maybe it was just a coincidence that the day on the packet coincided with the actual day. I didn?t mention that I knew so just obediently took a glass of water and swallowed the concoction of pills, knowing that more female hormones were flowing through my feminised body. After I took the pills, he said he had to get back to his crops and kissed me on the before leaving. I put my hand to my cheek and bit my lower lip, confused about the feeling coursing through my body. He came back at lunch time looking a little worried. I noticed his demeanour and was about to ask what the matter was when moved his hand from behind his back and presented me with a beautiful bunch of wild flowers which he gave to me saying, ?just a little thank you for everything you have done for me? and gave me another kiss on the cheek! I just melted and thanked him and returned his kiss by giving him a little kiss on the lips before blushing furiously and making an excuse about having to sort out the lunch. The atmosphere was electric over lunch. I knew Henry fancied me. I had grown to love him. I just had never been in this situation with a man before. Although he was a giant of a man, he seemed to be scared of declaring what he felt for me though through his actions I could tell he loved me too! Before he went back to work, he bent to kiss me on the cheek again but I turned my head just in time for our lips to meet. Sparks exploded in my head as I felt his rough lips press against my smooth full pink lips although momentarily as he withdrew and headed back to work. My heart was now pounding. I had never felt this way about a man but I wanted him so badly and I could sense he wanted me! As soon as he disappeared out of view, I decided I needed to plan my afternoon. I check our fishing net and saw that there was a couple of good sized fish trapped, so that was dinner sorted. Now I just need to be sorted! First things first, I gathered up my girliest shower gels and shampoos and went down to the waterfall again. I inspected my body and made sure I was totally hair free other than a little patch of pubic hair while I had trimmed and shaved? I didn?t want any stray hairs peeking out from my panties ? and then as best I could made sure I was clean inside too. I could sense that we would make love that night and I didn?t want any nasty surprises to ruin the mood. Finally, I had a long shower, bathing using my sweetest body gels, shampoos and conditioners so I felt silky and clean when I finished and was patting myself dry. I wandered back to the camp feeling like the happiest girl in the world, though also a little apprehensive too. Did I actually think, ?happiest girl in the world?? Yes I did and that is what I had finally come round to thinking what I was? a woman! I spent the rest of the afternoon, after preparing some vegetables for dinner, pampering myself and trying to make myself as beautiful as possible. I rubbed a perfumed body lotion onto my smooth body, moisturising and took extra care on applying my makeup. I used more dramatic makeup than usual and after I had finished was really pleased with how my smoky eyes, the feminine arch of my eyebrows, my smooth face and bold, full, glossy red lips looked! I had used matching red nail polish on my toe and fingernails, which were long and filed into a feminine shape, which framed my tiny hands! All, I had to do was choose my lingerie and dress for the evening?. I wanted to look perfect for Henry so that he would be under no illusion that I had dressed especially for him. I looked through my lingerie drawers and decided on a matching lace black push up bra, thong panties and as a last minute decision, the matching suspender belt. I didn?t often wear hosiery but thought tonight called for a pair of silky smooth stockings. The wives had lots of unopened packets of tights and stockings, which Henry had recovered from the yacht, thankfully, so I chose a pair of nude stockings with a lacy top. The dress I had planned to wear was a beautiful red silk dress , whose hem would rest just above my knee. It had thin shoulder straps, a zip up the back and a delicious low neckline which would hopefully show off my d?colletage to perfection. My hands were shaking slightly as I picked up the luxurious lingerie, pulling the tiny thong up my smooth legs and over my hips. The little string disappeared into the cleavage of my bottom and now I was so glad I had trimmed and shaved my pubic bush. I pushed my tiny member, my clit as I now liked to call it, between my legs and made sure all my pubic hairs were hidden behind the black lace of the thong. The thong was oh so thin and the smooth creases between my pubis and thighs were clearly visible. Next I lifted up my matching bra, put my arms into the straps and brought the cup up to my waiting breasts. I always loved, and still do, this moment as the bra encases my breasts. I reach behind and easily fastened the bra clips together. Then I reached into the cups and pulled my breasts up, so they were supported by the bra giving me a deep full cleavage. I bit my lip when I saw my full breasts, encased in my bra, in the mirror and hoped that henry would like them! Time was marching on and I was not yet finished. I put the suspender belt around my tiny waist and let it sit above my hips and put the garters through my panties? I didn?t want to have to take my suspender belt off if I wanted to take my panties off ? for anything! I then carefully opened the packet of stockings and gently rolled them up my smooth legs, fastening them the to garters at the top of my thigh. Lingerie on, I unzipped the red dress which was hanging up and stepped into it, putting my arms through the armholes before smoothing it down my body and reaching behind, zipping it up at the back. Although tricky, I was thinking, ?next time Henry can zip me up!? I was finished dressing but then thought, I have to finish the outfit off, so I looked in the shoe store and picked out a pair of black 4? heeled sandals, I slipped them on and fastened them and satisfied that they fit, thanking that my feet were the same size as our wives, began to walk about the shelter to get used to them. I chose some lovely gold jewellery including beautiful drop earrings and a dab of perfume on my wrists, neck and cleavage and I was ready for Henry to return! CHAPTER 10: THE DATE! I was sitting nervously, expectantly on the patio decking Henry had made outside our shelter when I saw Henry approach. My heart skipped a beat! He was so tall, rugged and handsome looking. He smiled when he saw me and quickened his pace to reach me sooner. As soon as he stepped onto the terrace, I was instantly in his arms. Our lips met and we kissed passionately. I loved the feeling of being held in his strong manly arms. I was so frail and delicate that I just clung onto him as he kissed me, held me and caressed me. I could feel that he desired me as his manhood was pressing against my tummy through his shorts but it was to early for that. I wanted to be wooed, wined and dined that night before I gave myself to him! Reluctantly I eased myself out of his arms just as he whisphered, ?you are so beautiful Penny?. I smiled back at him and replied, ?Thank you darling ? but you aren?t! You are filthy after working in those fields all day, just look at the state of you! Go and get a shower! I want my man to be at least presentable!? and gave him a cheeky smile so show that I really did desire him. ?Yes ma?am, right away ma?am? he replied saluting me playfully, ?can I have one more kiss before I go though?? I laughed, ?on one condition, go and bring me a couple of nice fish from the net and prepare them for me please ? I am much too well dressed to anything so yucky tonight!? ?Of course darling, I?d do anything for you? he replied. ?Ooh? I replied, ?I might hold you to that tonight? and giggled girlishly, as he went down to the sea to get the fish. While he went to shower and make himself presentable for our date, I went inside and touched up my makeup, replenishing my lipstick that had mostly been kissed off by my eager new boyfriend! He was soon ready, dressed in a white short sleeved shirt and khaki trousers and sandals. I think I actually bit my bottom lip when I saw him, so sexy and powerful, I thought he looked! I welcomed him back with a hug and hand in hand, we strolled over to the dining table where he held my seat for me while I sat down. I had opened a bottle of champagne, which I had chilled in a nearby icy cold spring pool all afternoon and so we made a toast ?to us?. For once, Henry served the meal, a delicious meal of fish, sweet potatoes and vegetables with a tomato based sauce. It was delicious. The meal and the occasion were wonderful. I couldn?t have imagined a more romantic setting or time for my first date with a man?. the man I had grown to love over the last number of months. The conversation never lulled. We talked about how we felt, how I felt as a woman, our dreams, would we ever get off the island? Soon the dinner and the last drop of champagne was finished and Henry rose, took my hand and led me over to the swinging seat which somehow he had brought back from the stricken yacht. He sat down and held out his arm. I didn?t need any second invitation and slid onto the seat next to him, wrapping my arms around his middle while he pulled me close. CHAPTER 11: PASSION! He lifted my head with his fingertips and we kissed again, slowly at first, savouring the moment and the taste of each other, and then more passionately. His free hand went to my breast and he gently but firmly caressed it through my dress and bra. Shock waves rippled through my body. I knew my breasts were sensitive to touch when I had touched them, but having Henry touch them was something else! My nipple stiffened so much inside my bra that it hurt. What felt like electric shocks travelled down to my groin, my tiny ?girlie clit? also stiffening as my man caressed my breasts and kissed me. As we kissed he expertly unzipped the back of my dress and slid the straps of my shoulders letting the front fall to my waist, exposing my lacy bra. He looked in wonderment at me. ?Your boobs are fantastic Penny?, he whisphered as he kissed me again before caressing me again, easing the cup of my bra to one side exposing my naked breast, my pink nipple standing erect and expectant. I felt like saying, ?thanks to you darling? but didn?t want to ruin the moment?. we would have that discussion another time. He didn?t need an invitation and his head swooped down and took my engorged nipple into his mouth and suckled on it, pulling it gently between his lips. If I thought that Henry touching and caressing my breasts felt wonderful, having him suck and kiss my breast and nipple was mind blowing! While, he sucked and licked my nipple, I found that my hand had automatically reached down to his groin. I found that I was squeezing his manhood through his trousers, amazed at how big it felt! He was breathing heavily and I was somewhat on heat! I stood up and with a wiggle of my hips, let my beautiful red dress slide elegantly to the floor. Now I was standing in front of my man in only my matching lacy black lingerie. I had one breast exposed and one covered, so I simply unfastened my bra and dropped it onto the floor and rejoined Henry on the swinging seat. ?Your breasts are amazing Penny?, he sighed. ?Well, I would like them a little bigger darling? I replied, but they will have to do for now, subtly letting him know that I knew about the hormones, while I undid his trousers and reaching in, pulled out his cock! It was big, huge in fact, as I wrapped my tiny hand around it. Thankfully it wasn?t too thick and my hand was just about able to close around it feeling its throbbing power. I had never touched a man?s cock, in a sexual manner, before and this was a big occasion for me as I slowly stroked my hand up and down its length, marvelling in how it felt. It was so hot and strong and hard. I bit my bottom lip looking at it, my eyes drawn to it. All the while, Henry was fondling my tits, my nipples stiff with yearning and anticipation. I couldn?t stop myself. Licking my lips, I slowly lowered my head towards Henry?s phallus, my tiny hand wrapped around it at the base, and, pursing my lips, kissed the shiny head. It quivered at the touch of my lips. I licked the large purple head delighting in the taste of my man before opening my mouth and letting his hard cock push past my glossy red lips. His hand caressed my naked back while I bobbed up and down on his cock loving the sensations of his dick pulsing in my mouth. His hand swept down my back until it came to my panties. I was only wearing a thong and I felt him ease the string away from my bottom and felt his fingers push into the cleft of my bum cheeks. I was getting so turned on, I was moaning as I sucked on his cock and felt Henry push against my bottom hole, or ?pussy? hole as I thought of it now, with a finger. I felt so feminine as I felt him push his finger into my tight rosebud. I had used lubrication when dressing in anticipation and was glad I did now as Heny?s finger slid in quite easily. We were happy now slowly pleasuring each other but I didn?t want him to come too early. I wanted him to deflower me that night. So reluctantly, I lifted my head off his lap, taking my lips away from his cock and kissed him. CHAPTER 12: CONSUMMATION! I spoke in a quiet girlie voice, ?I don?t want you to cum here just yet Henry. I want you to make love to me in our bed for this first time. Just let me go and make myself ready for you? and walked over to our shelter, my heels clicking on the deck, knowing Henry was gazing at my bottom, frustrated but knowing he would soon be in bed with me! When I disappeared into out shelter, or boudoir as I now thought of it, I quickly took off my heels, unclipped the garters and pulled off my stockings. I undid my suspender belt and pulled down my panties. Standing naked in front of the mirror, I could see myself in the candlelight. I smiled as I thought I looked pretty and knew that I would soon be making love with my boyfriend. I quickly reapplied my lipstick, dabbed a little more perfume on my neck and pick out a sheer white ?babydoll? nightie. It was beautiful, made from pure silk with thin delicate spaghetti shoulder straps. It rested just on my hips. My little girlie ?clit? was visible but not for long as stepped into the matching white silk panties. I combed my long blonde hair and now I was ready to invite Henry into our bedroom. I stepped outside into the cool evening air and stood before my lover. He was stunned. ?Penelope, you are a beautiful woman and I love you so very much? he said, his voice betraying the emotion he felt. ?OH, Henry, I love you too darling. Come in and make love to me.? I held out my hand which he took and went into the room together. When we went in, I let him go and lay down on our bed, which we had shared for nearly a year but now the bed where we were going to consummate our love for each other. ?Mmm, dressed in virginal white Penny?? he said as he undressed. ?Yes darling, I want you to take my virginity tonight!? I replied. Henry was standing in front of me now in only his boxer shorts, which he slowly eased off his strong muscular hips and thighs and let it fall to the floor. His huge cock sprang out and stood pointing at me. I lay back on the bed and beckoned for him to join me, licking my lips and opening my legs. He knelt down beside me on the bed and took me in his arms. We kissed tenderly and then I squeaked, ?Make love to me please Henry ? make me your woman? He moved in front of me, never taking his eyes off mine, and reached for my silk panties. I lifted my bottom off the bed to help him ease them off my hips and slide them down my thighs. My legs were slightly parted, my tiny girlie clit semi erect, which really is all it got after all the months of taking female hormones, my eyes full of love and lust for my man! I could see that Henry?s eyes were full of love and lust for me too so, instinctively, I opened my legs for him. I wanted to be on my back the first time we made love. I reached out with my arms to draw him close to me and felt him lifting my bottom up a little. Then I felt the weight of his body on top of me. I gasped, as this was a new experience for me, but he supported himself on his arms to not crush me. With my hands, I lowered the top of my babydoll nightie to allow him to see and play with my

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A Mom Son Marriage Story

My family is normal family as like every family in our country consisting of myself dad,mom and my sis . My dad Ramegowda is about 56 ,my mom Vijaya is 42 and my sis Pooja is18 and my age is 20 at that time , lot of years as been over after the great ultimate thing is happened in my life, so here we head to start, I am going to narrate this as a novel. Its a rainy day Rathode is still in is bed his father is going to dheradhun to see is daughter where she is studying ,ever month ramegowda...

1 year ago
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Nanbanin Akka Mulaiyaal Ennai Idithaal 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en nanbanin akka udan nadantha sugamaana kama anubavathai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar muthu vayathu 26 aagugirathu, en nanban enaku call seithu avanuku thirumanam nadaka irukirathu kandipaaga nee vanthudanum endru azhaithaan. Sari machi naan kandipaaga varugiren endru soli vitu avan thirumanathirku sendren, avan thirumanathirku selum pozhuthu avan akkavai paarthen, avan akka oru item enbathu enaku munbe...

3 years ago
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Brittanys Biker Bash

It's about a year since the last time I wrote a story of one of my lil adventures to post here, although there has been plenty to write about had I desired, but you know, time and distance blur events and were I to attempt to reconstruct events of other occasions at this point in time I would probably not be able to recall the kind of small details that make a story really breathe and live, so onward and upward. A quick synopsis: This is the story of how a cute lil TS (namely me)...

2 years ago
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“You fucking little slut. You love this don’t you,” he said, slapping her in the face sharply. She gasped. “You little slut, I’m going to make a real whore out of you. Master’s got a plan for the little slut.” She was terrified and excited at the same time. Was it a new device? A new role? What did Master have planned for her? He removed her from the stocks and tugged her chain forward hard, bringing her to her knees. She eagerly followed Master on all fours, feeling scared as well. He...

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Pussy power0

The worst of these was my step-dad John. My real dad had been great- we had played and laughed- he helped me to ride my bike and swim in the creek, but he had died suddenly when I was 10. That was hard, Mum and I struggled, there was no money and although I tried to help, Mum still found it almost impossible to cope. It got so that I was woken at night, first only once or twice but then every night and sometimes several times each night by the creaking of mom’s bed. Low whispering voices with...

4 years ago
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Sylvias mom part 5

Everything was progressing very quickly between Sheila and me. They were, in fact, moving almost too quickly. Our sex life was fantastic. Sheila was a dream lover and she had done everything I had asked of her so far, yet I was still very apprehensive about how things would be once Sylvia returned and if we could get her to agree to our proposal of she and Sylvia sharing me as their lover.I really did not want to hurt Sylvia in any way, especially emotionally. She had already been through the...

2 years ago
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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 39

I woke up in bed with a groggy recollection of how I got there. Turning over the clock read 10am. Getting out of bed and dressing, I was still a bit drowsy even with getting up so late. Walking in the kitchen, mom and Erin were sitting at the table. “Barnim, I thought you were going to get me a present?” “Well, seeing as you have no patience whatsoever, let me go get it for you.” Mom took a long hard look at me, then said “I’m going to make you some pancakes, then we’re going to have a...

3 years ago
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Stefan Damon Part I 0

Mystic Falls, 2011 Chapter I: Awakening “Get up! Get up! Get up!” I wake up, with the image of Damon screaming. “We have lots to do today, come on, sleepy heads!” “Damon!” I almost forgot about my girlfriend, Elena, rapped in my arms. She began to wake up, too. “Oh my God, Damon!” she screamed at him. He rolled his eyes and continued his speech as if nothing happened. “We have lots of research to do, come on get dressed!” “Get out of here, Damon, and we’ll get dressed,” Elena...

1 year ago
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The Belfast Crab

When she hit my life, I was living in Belfast and she blew in like a hurricane. To this day, I’m not quite sure where or how I first saw her, the memory is hazy now. I think I had gone to a friend’s house to borrow something, his latest girlfriend was there and we were introduced. Somehow we left together. We ended up having a drink, then a meal and later that night, for the first time, she shared my bed. She was an insatiable lover and I was just as besotted. Note that I said we shared a bed,...

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PinwheelChapter 2

I awoke to Raz’s loud grunting, annoyed, I rubbed my crusty eyes and rolled over to complain. She was stood between our beds, stretching her limbs and doing some manner of meditation exercises like yoga, each stretch or position punctuated by a grunt. I opened my mouth to protest, but my eyes lingered on her body. She was wearing skintight shorts and a tube top that almost failed to encapsulate her considerable chest. I hadn’t paid too much attention yesterday, but now her lean, svelte figure...

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My Slut Wife Sally Part 2

------------------------------------The Morning AfterI awoke about 11 o'clock the next morning. Bob was already up and gone, but he had left me a note on my bedroom door. As was his way, Boss Bob had taken over, and as usual, of all the details had been considered and deftly handled. "Dear Harry; I called the maid and told her not to come in until two o'clock. Have Sally up and dressed by that time. I gave the maid the day off just as soon as she straightens things up. She should be gone by...

4 years ago
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A Grandfathers Lust An Overture

Like every night, he finished watching the news at 11:30, turned off the TV, and walked through the house to ensure the doors were locked and no windows were left open. He peaked into the quest room. There she lay, his granddaughter. She had come to live with him while her parents were figuring things out. Their home was hostile and Cynthia was internalizing it all. She had been struggling in school. A senior now, she was striving to get scholarships at U, 25 miles away from Pee Paws house....

3 years ago
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Secretaries Revenge

Secretary's Revenge by Cindy V. Femdom, TV, humiliation "Here's your bonus check, boss." That was Nancy, my beautiful secretary, handing me an envelope with my check. Long, silky blonde hair. A wonderful face and body. She would selectively accentuate one part of her body at a time. Sometimes she would wear a short dress and heels to call attention to her long and perfectly proportioned legs. Other times she would hide those gorgeous legs beneath an ankle length skirt, but her...

1 year ago
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I have been fantasizing about this forever and we have been building up to this day for weeks. Anal has always been a desire that the two of us have talked about and it was not too long ago that I started her anal training. I mean, I'm being generous when I call it "training", because it just started. I went from eating her out as usual to licking her asshole like the horny freak that I am. I couldn't think of anything else at the moment. She looked so fucking hot and even though I love the sex...

2 years ago
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The Reanimators

Jonathan threw open the french windows and staggered out on to the back lawn, trailed by a billowing cloud of white dust from inside. Trousers around his ankles, head and upper body drenched in a red fluid that looked very much like blood, his face a mask of abject horror. He didn’t waste valuable breath on the scream that desperately wanted to escape his lungs, he merely shambled in blind terror towards the back gate. “Hey Johnny! You okay there?” A dusky caramel voice asked. Jonathan wiped...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 320

Eileen's eyes had popped open shortly after 1:00 A.M. It took only a second for her to realize why; her stomach was clamoring for attention. Surely my stomach didn't growl loudly enough to wake me. Then the feeling of hunger hit. Oh, my. I thought the business about stocking my refrigerator for a meal during the night was bordering on the ridiculous, but now I understand what Diana and the others were talking about. Coming to her feet, she hurried to get rid of the tea she had drunk, then...

2 years ago
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A Day In The Life

I walked in the door after a week at corporate headquarters in New Jersey. It wasn't my favorite place to visit, but I did enjoy the lifestyle my position provided. "Hello, Gorgeous!" I smiled as I strolled into the kitchen, surprising my wife preparing dinner. "Did you miss me, or did you find a little something on the side?" I had been suggesting to my wife of 17 years that she try having sex with another man. The thought always gave me an incredible erection and seemed to fuel my...

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Angies New World AdventureChapter 4 Finally Angie Loses Her Anal Cherry

At six thirty am, Bobby was awoken by a strange sensation; he almost felt as if he was in a dream and someone was gently sucking his cock whilst almost tickling his balls. He opened his and stared down towards his feet, there was Angie on her hands and knees with his cock disappearing into her mouth and her hand working feverishly on his balls. “Good morning, Angel!” he managed to say but Angie never missed a beat sucking his cock as she was and he received only a smile as...

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Powercut Ne Sexy Didiko Chodneka Mauka De Diya

By : Akashdas145 Hi friends of ISS. I am Akash. I am 5ft 10 inch, slim. This is my first story. Please give comment and send me email in . Today I am here to share a true story of life with you. It is the story of that time when I was in my 12th grade. I just gave the board exam of 12th grade. So I was free that time. Now I am going to narrate this story in Hindi for better understanding. To ekdin main shopping mall mein ghumne chala gaya kyunki us time main free tha. Actually mera ilada tha k...

2 years ago
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The Assassin

Annälisa could be described as a stereotypical Swedish beauty, with her stunning Nordic good looks, long blonde hair, soft blue eyes and that curvaceous body that promised everything. The trouble was that her looks were a problem in her line of work. She was too noticeable. The best assassin’s were able to blend in with the background when they needed to, whereas her eye-catching beauty attracted attention wherever she went. She overcame her difficulty by embracing it, turning it to her...

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We all do it, masturbate that is, every day for some, once a month for others, but a recent poll said that 90% of all the women in the U.S. masturbate and the other 10% are liars! Now, being a very liberated lady of the 90's, I admit to having an on going love affair with the middle finger on my right hand. Unlike the very unpredictable male, my trusty middle digit is always, ready, it's never tired, it never wants to talk when it's over, and best of all, it...

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Hot gay threesome

This incident happened when I was sent to our estate in a rural area. I was the manager at the estate. It was quite far from the city and I was alone with two servants Romi and Raj, they were young and also had the duty to do the household work. Raj was a bit effeminate and plump, he was also naturally hairless, and Romi was slim and tall though not as tall as me. There were no women about, in the evenings and we were quite isolated. One night as I had a heavy hard on and was finding it...

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Through The Wall

As most of you know, this past summer, I worked part time for a local escort service. Most of the time, I did out call, where you go to where the client is. A couple of nights a month, I'd do in call, that's where the client comes to you. When we did in call, it would always be at a motel that I'm familiar with. The owner is a friend of mine. Normally, it would be myself and two or three other girls. The service pays for the room.On this particular night, there were four of us. This motel is...

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Our New Life Part 2 Corseted

Our New Life Part 2: Corseted By Charli She went through a curtain into a back area as all the marvelous corsets and other garments on display held my attention. In a few minutes she returned with another woman. This was Rhonda who very soon would introduce me to traditional corset training. She was quite tall and had an unbelievable figure. She had large impressive breasts and a very small waist. Her hips and derriere were of average size but perfectly shaped. The...

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Amelie part 2

Later that same Wednesday, Amelie left her small, but cozy apartment and took the bus down-town. The incident had been an eye-opener to her. She had not really thought about such things before, but she was keen to learn more about it. At that time, the internet in the building where she lived, was having stability-issues, so when she got off the bus, she walked back a bit and turned down a narrow side-street. There was an old and very friendly second hand bookstore that she had visited on...

2 years ago
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Me and Charlie Blake

I lay in a swing-chair, my arms folded softly over my belly, feeling the tips of my long golden curls. The sun is warm as it seeps through my skin, heating my whole body. My eyes are closed and I can smell the sweet scent of the garden around me. Yes, this was bliss, this was my life, my perfect happy life. My soft eyelids flutter open as I hear the heart of all my happiness approach the swing I am on. A gentle hand places itself on my head and I giggle “Hey.” I say it like a little girl still...

Straight Sex
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Sharing Phone TimeChapter 6

We stuck close to our new routine for the next couple of weeks. I would get naked and masturbate and suck off Tim, and he would finger fuck me to an orgasm. Except for a few minor differences. I spent a little more time rubbing Tim’s cock on the outside of my pussy. Tim spent more time feeling me up. He would play with my boobs, pussy, and ass as foreplay before putting his fingers in me. When I called Bill, Tim would finger fuck me from behind while reaching around and pinching my...

4 years ago
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Tranquil Waters Part 1

Prologue: I'm driving away from my dusty driveway in the hot Oklahoma sun, watching as my mother, Natasha Still Water, stares longingly in the distance. Two things she couldn't deal with, me being Two Spirit, and another thing she didn't know, I am kinky. BDSM was a foreign word to me, I barely knew the term, but I knew it was a part of me since birth. I just wanted to experience it with someone...My mother had to take care of my older brother Joshua and younger sister Aiyanna. Our father, Brad...

4 years ago
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CaitlinChapter 8

"Please Master, I'll be quiet." "We'll see won't we?" Devon stood back, she looked so beautiful bound by the black restraints that contrasted silver shinny nipple clamps. He had already humiliated her, now he would work on self-control. "I want you to tell me exactly how you feel. We will do several things this afternoon and if I feel you are lying or hiding anything you will be punished. Do you understand?" "Yes Master." "Okay, tell me how you felt when you heard the first...

2 years ago
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The best bitch ever

jen was relaxing in the hottub wearing her favorite red lacey bikini when all of a sudden jake, her neighbor and long time interest jumped in beside her. jen was surprised to say the least, especially since she had never spoken to jake except for the occasional awkward "hi" when passing on the street. she had taken an extreme notice in him since she first laid eyes on his tall, muscled body. she loved the way his eyes and his hair had the same deep brown color, and how, try as he may, he could...

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Maid for the Job Chapter Three

Maid for the Job Chapter Three I overslept, and when I woke up at 8.15am I panicked, thinking that my boss would be annoyed at me being late to serve her breakfast. As I quickly shower I remember that there is no need to be stressed, today's my day off and the most pressing engagement is a shopping trip. This calms me for a moment until I realise that 'shopping trip' means going out dressed as a woman. Getting out of the shower, I wrap the towel around myself and open my wardrobe...

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Me and my brother in laws wife part 2

Continuing from part 1....where Ankita filled my mouth with her love juices.....she was looking all spent and i could understand that she nevr experienced all of this ever before and i had my plans to more pleasurable fun together...She wanted to get up to have water from the kitchen and wanted to hence wear her dress.....i reminded her that it was one of the rules that she agreed to, to not wear anything.....she looked at me aghast....since our kitchen door is of glass and is visible from the...

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BugsChapter 9

Jeff reflected that hunting was a lot more fun now that he had companions on his expeditions, again. Up until about four years ago, Jeff had been hunting alone because Julie had to stay at home and look after the kids. At first, he had been reluctant to let Mary join him on the hunts for fear that she would be hurt. However, Julie persuaded him that he needed to train somebody to take up the hunting duties if he was ever incapacitated. A sprained ankle that kept him from hunting for nearly...

1 year ago
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How It Started

It all started one night a few years back, when my friend was at our house playing cards with us. Just your normal card game, not strip poker or anything like that. As it was a hot night, and we had no air conditioning, my wife was wearing a pair of silk pajamas. These were a button down top, with a pair of shorts for the bottom half. My wife has blonde hair and, at that time, 36C tits, and a sweet ass that got plenty of looks from guys. As we were playing cards, I accidently slid one of her...

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Life on the Run in Skirts Chapter 1

Life on the Run in Skirts Prisons come in all forms. Most are made of brick and mortar. Once outside the walls you are free. The prisons of the mind are escape proof; all you can do is find a way to live within the ramparts of your mind. CHAPTER 1 - A married man when dealing with his wife can be right or happy, not both. At the moment, Ellen was sprawled across her bed in a plain white ankle length flannel nightdress that was buttoned up to her neck. It was her standard...

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Last to know conclusion

Chapter 4: the saga continuesWe decided we both felt a bit more normal having got things off our respective chests and were both hungry enough to eat now. After showering and dressing quickly, we went down to the restaurant before it closed. I also decided that while the meal was being prepared that maybe we might stay another night or two. While we waited, I excused myself and went and organised another couple of nights. As luck would have it, it was quiet this early in the year and they...

2 years ago
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Sue My Cum Loving Wife Wih Two Cocks

Mike was holding onto Sue's hips slowly fucking her creamy pussy. Carefully pushing more and more of his long, fat cock up my wife's cunt. It was so exciting watching his massive, young cock pumping back and forth between her glistening pink pussy lips.Sue was wiggling her hips around wildly, moaning fuck me, fuck me over and over. She looked at me and asked if I was enjoying watching her getting fucked. I assured her that I loved watching Mike fucking her. I moved my hands all over Sue's...

1 year ago
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Sweet Girl From The Club

Hello ISS handshake for boys and boobs shake for girls. Hope my previous stories gave you some erotic time. I’m here to narrate another story. This story is about how I got to fuck a sexy virgin girl whom I met at the club. It was just a lucky day for me because I don’t go partying often. I had been to a club with my friend who wanted me to meet his new girlfriend. I met them and wished them luck. They were already high with lot of drinks and they were dancing, drinking and having a great time....

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Slaves Market TakenChapter 11

Auction Claudia can’t believe what she is hearing or what is happening to her... Around the table are three men, one called MM, the other called “One” and the third, “Two”. They are having their meal with a fat lady in her 50s whom they call Cara. They arrived about an hour ago, in two helicopters. MM had arrived first, by car. She quickly realized that he was responsible for this whole nightmare. Events are unfolding with appalling speed. Jake made her sick by groping her from his chair...

2 years ago
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The Master DownstairsChapter 15

After that flurry of activity over the weekend, both Kristen and I needed to take a few days of being normal. I was starting to think I needed a vacation from being a Master, let alone my job. That ended when Jeremy called saying he wanted to update me on some of the things he had been working on. I told him to come over tonight and we could discuss it. Work didn't cooperate though and I got home a bit later than expected. Kristen had Jeremy kneeling in the corner of the kitchen with his...

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An evening to remember

My wife came home from work irritated about who knows what and went straight to the bathroom to change out of her work uniform. I finished up my plate of spaghetti and put the dishes in the sink and cleaned up the stove. "Bad day at work honey?" "Can you just shut up and let me have some peace? After all, I did just get home from work and all I heard today was bitching family members complaining how they can't see their loved ones because of covid ." "I guess this isn't the best time...

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The Emu the Kraken and the Fool for Love

The opaque waters were calm, so still that they reflected the Milky Way back upon itself. Millions and millions of stars conspiring to shape the twinkling Emu that sparkled on the surface of this remote desert billabong. The creator spirit soared overhead, her image rendered small enough to catch my downcast eyes.Through the night air, just heard, came the haunting notes of a far-off digeridoo. Soulful, earthy; the loose vibrations of one set of lips expanding to fill the wide-open spaces of...

Monster Sex
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How Does Your Garden GrowChapter 8

“So, are you really going to wear just a top for the rest of your life?” Colleen inquired of Jenny, who shrugged a bit. “Actually, I think that I might go full nudist eventually. It’s a step in that direction. But for now, until further notice, strictly bottomless. It can and will be lots of fun, I think. I’m going to love the looks on men’s faces when they see my tattoo as well,” Jenny giggled between bites of her Caesar salad, the appetizer in the rather nice, home-cooked meal that Tom and...

1 year ago
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Untitled StoryChapter 5

Doctor Bones slipped something she had already cooked into the oven to warm up and told me, “I will be right back after I slip into something a bit more comfortable. Pour yourself a drink. The bar is right there.” I was a good boy and followed her orders although my instinct told me to follow her to the bedroom to get a good look at Doctor Bones’ bones. When she came back into the kitchen, she was wearing a lovely yellow apron and absolutely nothing else underneath. I could see everything...

2 years ago
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This is new story

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce justo odio, fermentum quis metus non, fermentum fringilla velit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum luctus turpis ipsum, ac interdum est tincidunt id. Etiam lacinia ex accumsan blandit sollicitudin. Donec ac facilisis lacus. Nulla id vulputate risus. Curabitur gravida eros quis eros malesuada, at aliquet mauris venenatis. Ut eu tincidunt nulla, sit amet egestas augue. Etiam eros risus, vulputate non...

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Santas Helper

This is a follow up story to my wife's 40th birthday present. To review briefly, we shared a fantasy for years about having a young man enjoy my wife's hot sweet nectar and finally with some teasing, I got it set up and she enjoyed a young black college man. I watched them but she didn't know it.I suggested that perhaps we could repeat the event for her next birthday but that it should be a threesome with her enjoying me and a lover. She jokingly suggested that perhaps it could be sooner,...

2 years ago
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as My Lover Slept

I enter our bedroom and my lover is sleeping. Her sexy leg is half out from under the sheet curled up beside her. I crawl in bed and gently kiss her ankle and nibble her calf, I kiss my way up her leg as she moans and stretches. I pull the sheet off exposing her nudeness. Her ass is sublime. I cannot wait to feast on her delicious soft ass. I nibble behind her knee causing a giggle to escape from her lips. I suck on her thigh and playfully bite her again as I caress her thighs with both of my...

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Reluctant Model I

The Reluctant Model I "How did I ever let her talk me into this?" I thought for the hundredth time in the last twenty-four hours. I was standing in my wife's sewing room wearing a pink, halter-top sun dress while she pinned up the hem and I wasn't just wearing the dress; she had dressed me from the skin out! I was wearing a padded girdle with a built-in waist cincher, a long-line, padded strapless bra, and a pair of hot pink open-toed four- inch sandals and that wasn't even the worst...

2 years ago
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Home for the SummerBooty Call

One evening, Amy called me. It had been a few weeks since "that night," and I had hardly seen any of the girls, including my sister. I had been working an intern job at a law office downtown, and they had been taking finals and were now enjoying their summer vacation. "Hello?" I answered the phone. "Hi." I recognized Amy Chen's voice. "Hey Amy. You want Megan? I don't think she's here right now." "Well," she replied, "I actually wanted to talk to you." I was puzzled, and...

3 years ago
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A true story of love, sex, lust and passion.I was 18, a few months before my 19th birthday. My work had sent me on a six month full time college course. The college was in Reading, west of London. As it was too far to travel from home every day, I looked for lodgings. I found a room in a house which was within my budget, there was also a cooked evening meal so that was a bonus. The house was owned by Anna, a widow in her mid forties. Her daughter had moved out and she wanted to earn some extra...

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Miss Blind America

*Dedicated to Wayne P. over at SOLDG* This is a true* story; all characters and events described are based on factual accounts, although some small portions of dialogue have been altered for dramatic effect. Certain manufacturers or their representatives have paid a substantial fee to, or performed many hours of cunnilingus upon, the author for the shameless promotion of products and services. Any persons who believe this are invited to forward their most recent bank statements, along with a...

1 year ago
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Private Mia Blow The Date

Curvy, tattooed, big tits and a big ass too, that’s Mia Blow, a sexy woman who has come to Life Coach looking for some professional dating advice and as always Kevin Karma is up to the task. Once the dress and perfume have been chosen, the sexual tension between these two explodes as Mia jumps on top, puts her big tits in his face and gives him a taste of her juicy pussy. Then watch the rest of the action on where this curvaceous beauty shows off her deepthroat skills before...

3 years ago
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Holiday of a Lifetime Part Two

I was sixteen years old and with my best friend, Simon and his parents Katie and Victor, we were spending the summer holidays on the island of Majorca in their huge luxurious villa. Another couple, who were friends with Katie and Victor were also staying with us and they were called Wendy and John.Earlier in the holiday, I found myself in the unbelievable position of being alone with Simon's mother in the villa's swimming pool where she actually seduced me into making love to her. Actually, it...


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