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Shipwrecked By Drusila Chapter 1 For the second time nature's power had changed his life. This time it may have ended it. Andrew laid at the edge of the mass of fallen palm trees, his ankle throbbing. He thought back to that first storm and wept. He alone had survived the freak storm. It had started out well enough, an entire summer at sea with his family. His father had grown up racing sailing boats on the Great Lakes and when his business had taken off with the tech boom, he had the means to indulge in his love of the water. The year before it had been the Med, the Caribbean the year before. This trip was to follow the central/south American coasts, then cut across to the Galapagos, then across to Fiji. This was the most ambitious trip they had tried but his father had the boat and the skills for it. His oldest sister Megan had not come on this trip, instead deciding to get settled into her dorm for college she would be starting in the fall. His other sister Sarah, 2 years older than him did come. Andrew remembered spending hours in the Galapagos staring at the stone markers and their mysterious promise of treasure. He remembered him and his dad taking the zodiac out to a small set of rock outcroppings to see the sea iguanas. Three days later, they would all be gone. There had been no warning of the storm on the radio. Even if there had been Andrew doubted they could have outrun it and knew that any preparations for the storm would have done little. Andrew remembered waking up with sand in his mouth and waves lapping at his feet. He had searched for hours for any signs of his family. All he had found was his sister's suitcase. The island he had washed up on was small, one could walk all the way around it in 25or 30 minutes, but he discovered it had a fresh water spring on it. His interest in those survival shows on Discovery channel had paid off, he was able to build a crude hut on one of the two small hills of the island. Even with the fresh water, survival had been hard on him. Only a few of the palms on the island bore any coconuts, after the first 2 years migratory birds had stopped nesting on the island, crabs had become more scarce and fishing with no line or nets was difficult at best. His poor diet had left him thin. He had stopped growing in height, now at 17 he should have been close to 6' if not taller; instead, he had stopped at 5'7". The lack of nutrition had also seemed to slow or even stop his going through puberty, he had not grown facial hair and his voice had not lowered yet. Most distressing, however, was the fact he had begun to develop breasts. He would later learn that malnutrition could cause gynomastia in young boys. His original clothes he had been wearing that day had long since fallen apart from use; Andrew had taken to wearing the clothes from his sister's things. Who would see him wearing girl's clothes out here, he reasoned. They were also more comfortable and practical considering the swelling of his chest. Five years he survived on the tiny island, five years alone. Fate was about to throw its next curve at him. The tsunami had wiped out everything on the island. Only his hut had been spared, the small hill just high enough to keep him above the high swell that swamped the island. The spring had been below the waterline and was now brackish. He had gone into the mass of fallen palms in search of any coconuts that may have survived, but in his weakened state he had slipped, his ankle catching between fallen trunks. He was sure it was broken. Like it mattered, with no fresh water he would die anyway. He lay there for two days. Then he began to hallucinate. He saw a boat. He saw people. He heard people. In his delirium, he wondered if hallucinations made sound. His vision tunneled and darkness took him. Chapter 2 In the darkness, he felt rocking. He felt beneath him, he was not on sand anymore. It felt like cushions or a mattress maybe? Somewhere in the darkness, he heard muffled voices. "Hhhh" he tried to gasp out a hello. Again. "Hhh" He felt like his throat was on fire. He felt around, his hand alighting on what was definitely a pillow. He threw it towards the muffled voices. Thump. It hit something solid, the voices stopped but the effort had been too much as he slipped into unconsciousness again. When he came too again there was light. He could now see he was in a bedroom, from its size and furnishings, he guessed it was a stateroom on a boat, the continued rocking confirmed this. The light came from a small lamp on the table next to him. Also on the table were an intercom and a note, which simply read, use the red button. He reached over and paused a moment. He had been away from people for so long, he was unsure of what to think. If they meant to hurt him, they certainly would have done so by now. Gingerly, he pressed the button. Nothing seemed to happen. A few moments later, there was a knock on the door. "Cuhh" his hoarse rasp was able to get out. The door opened. A young man, only a few years older than himself he guessed, entered. "Ah, I see our patient has rejoined the land of the living." He was a pleasant young man; Andrew thought he looked Greek, or at least one of the Mediterranean nationalities. "My name is Nikos", yep, Greek. "This is my father's boat. We found you near dead on that small island. We, my father and I that is, study tidal waves and their effect on local ecologies. We couldn't pass up the opportunity to observe the effect on such a micro-ecology. So what is your name?" "An---", Andrew tried to clear his throat and speak again, "An---" "Well it is a pleasure to meet you Anne" Andrew tried to voice a correction but nothing but raspy croaks came out. "No, we can talk later. Please try to rest. I will have the steward bring in some food" Andrew spent a few more days in and out of consciousness. Aside from Nikos, she received visits from Nikos' father, also Nikos but insisted on being called papa. The steward would bring food and acted as doctor on board. Andrew's ankle felt better each day but had yet to test it with weight. Chapter 3 Finally, the day had arrived when Andrew was able to get up and leave the stateroom. Nikos let Andrew know that there were clothes in the closet. This was normally his sister's room when she was not off giving lectures. When Andrew looked in the closet, he found all very feminine clothes. However, after years of wearing them he thought nothing of it, grabbing a halter top and skirt (which he had decided would be much easier to put on considering his tender ankle). However, he had decided he would communicate his desire for male clothes when he had the chance. His lips were still peeling from the sun damage, so he used what he thought was a lip balm. He failed to check himself in the mirror or he would have seen it was lip-gloss he had applied. His hair was quite long but having no scissors at hand he left it as it was, another thing he would request. The boat was much larger than Andrew had imagined and for a research vessel, it resembled more of a yacht. The stern of the ship had a large deck area that was set up with tables and chairs. The entire crew was here. Andrew became quite nervous; he had been away from people for so long. One at a time had been ok, but there were over 30 here. Papa came to his side, seeing the discomfort in his face. "Please my dear, come sit. The crew wanted to have a party to celebrate your rescue." Then he added quietly in his ear, "Being Greek we like to have any excuse to celebrate" Papa smiled, it was infectious and Andrew could not help but smile. Nikos came over and offered his arm to help Andrew to the table. He even held out the chair for him, Andrew thought it felt nice to be pampered a bit but did feel a little funny about having a guy hold a chair for him. Andrew also noticed that the entire crew waited until he was seated before sitting themselves. Papa raised his glass, "A toast, to Poseidon for sparing Anne from his watery domain" Andrew grimaced at the name Anne again but everyone was having such a good time he decided not to say anything. Only the steward looked his way and gave an understanding look. The lunch turned into dinner and well into the night. Nikos talked to him at length about their research and about his homeland in Greece. Papa, it turns out, was a shipping magnate and the research vessel was his way of indulging his son and daughter's passion for science. Throughout the party Nikos seemed to edge a little closer, Andrew felt comforted by the closeness of another human being, it had been so long, alone. Chapter 4 The steward came to his rescue around 10pm, stating that it was time to change the bandages on Anne's ankle. Back in the stateroom, the steward closed and locked the door. He turned to Andrew, "I know you are not a girl." Andrew had a look of relief and fear. "Don't worry, I have told no one. I have been treating you for almost 2 weeks now, of course I found out." "I....I...are you going to say anything? I mean you knew but haven't yet" "I see you have recovered your voice" "Yes, only a day or so ago, but I've been so nervous to actually say anything." "Well, to answer your question, I don't know. I don't know why you haven't said anything yet yourself" "Its just that I've been alone for so long and everyone seems to be caring for me more than if they knew I was a guy." "Yes but it is not right to abuse the hospitality of your hosts" "I know. I just need......time" "I will think about whether to tell or not. Now let's get that ankle rewrapped" Chapter 5 Andrew finally fell asleep, the sounds of revelers still going on on- deck. Andrew awoke the next morning to knocking at the door. When he opened it, there was Papa; he had a pained expression on his face. Andrew's heart sank, the steward had told, he thought. "My dear, I have terrible news, Theo (this was the steward) fell overboard sometime last night. We recovered his body this morning" Andrew was in shock. He feared that if they knew about the conversation last night, that they might think he pushed Theo overboard. Papa mistook this look as one of loss, hugging Anne, "There, there, I know he is probably the one person you have seen more than any other over the last many years" But Andrew hardly heard these words, he was trying to think how he could get out of this mess. Andrew decided the best course of action was to keep up the fa?ade of being a girl until he could leave the ship. Theo had been right, it was disrespectful to his, or rather her, saviors but what else could he do? Papa hadn't been kidding when he had said Greeks use anything as an excuse to celebrate. Theo's funeral, a burial at sea, turned into another night of revelry, more subdued that the other night but a celebration nonetheless. In the 2 days since the accident it had also become know that Anne had recovered her voice. In conversations with the crew, she learned that they would be making port early; due to her rescue and the loss of a crewmember, but it would still be at least a week. Anne spent much of the time on deck in the sun. After so many years, living outside it felt too cramped in her cabin. Whenever Papa or Nikos would try to find out who she was and when she had been marooned, she always feigned amnesia from the trauma. She also started to take an interest in the work that was being done onboard. Having a 6th grade education, much of it was well beyond her understanding. However, her daily observations of the island for the past 5 years proved to be valuable information. Other than remote cameras, how else would they get that kind of information in such a small desolate place? Nikos spent more and more time with her, interviewing her about the island and how she survived for so long. For her part, Anne enjoyed his company. He was the kind of guy she would have been best friends with if she had been around to go to college and met this guy at the dorms. She also came to crave....the feeling of closeness to someone. "You are an amazing woman Anne. To have survived all by yourself for so long. Most men couldn't have done it. And on top of all that you are so beautiful" Anne's heart skipped a beat. She didn't really know how to respond. On one side, she was a he and was being told he made a beautiful girl. And on the other, feeling wanted. All she could do was smile back at him. This was all Nikos wanted, to see her smile for him. He leaned forward and kissed Anne gently. At first, Anne was caught up in the emotion of the moment, returning his kiss, feeling it fill the voids she felt for so long. Then reality set in. He was a guy.....kissing another guy. He was only playing at being a girl until he could get away. Anne pushed Nikos away, turning her face away to hide the tears welling up in her eyes. "I'm sorry. I should not have kissed you without asking you first. Please forgive me" Through her tears, "please just leave me alone." With that, a dejected Nikos turned and left the room. Anne stopped trying to hold back the tears. She realized she was crying more than when she had lost her family in the storm. Chapter 6 Nikos kept his distance for the next few days not wanting to upset Anne. For her part, Anne tried to find other things to help with, to keep her mind off what had happened. But, every time she saw Nikos, feelings of longing filled her. She would always look away to avoid letting Nikos see she was looking. Each night she would cry herself to sleep thinking of Nikos and the kiss they shared, still repeating to herself that it was just her having been alone so long and that she had no experience in such matters. But every night she was unable to convince herself of that. The day finally came; they would be making port late this afternoon. Anne couldn't wait to get off the boat. Not because she didn't enjoy the boat and its research, but because it was too hard to avoid Nikos. She did not want to make leaving any harder than it was going to be. Lost in these thoughts she didn't even ask who it was knocking at the door before just saying, "Come in". It was Nikos. "I...ah...I just wanted to make sure you were all packed. I spoke to my sister; she said to tell you that you are welcome to take some of her clothes with you. She was sorry she didn't make it here to meet the boat and meet you." "Thank your sister for me", she said busying herself with refolding the same item 3 times, so that she would not have to look at him. She felt his hand on her shoulder. "Please stop a moment. I wanted to apologize for the other night again. I was out of line. You were just so beautiful and vulnerable I just could not help myself from wanting to kiss you. To help comfort you." Still not looking up at him, "It's ok, really. I overreacted too. I just have never had these feelings before. It's all new to me." "So you have feelings for me?" Anne cursed herself for saying too much. "You and your father, the whole crew even, have been kind and generous to me, but I have been alone too long to get involved with anybody." "I understand. My father has arranged for a car tomorrow to take you to the airport. He has arranged to pick up the tab for anywhere you want to go from there." "Your father is wonderful. I will find some way to repay you all someday" "For my account, I will settle for letting me take you to dinner tonight" "Nik?" "Please. Tomorrow you will be gone. I only ask one more night to enjoy your company" Anne considered long and hard. She did not want to make this harder on anyone, including herself. She had fallen for this man. She knew that the trauma she went through meant she shouldn't jump into anything but she could not deny how he made her feel when he looked at her. She also realized, since the night of the accident, she had not referred to herself as male. Whether she wanted a relationship or not was irrelevant. The fact that she was a boy meant it couldn't happen anyway. But, it was just one night and how else could she ever hope to repay the kindness she had been shown? "Ok, I will have dinner with you." Nikos smiled. "Excellent. I will arrange everything" Chapter 7 The boat pulled into port. There were a few reporters at the docks waiting for the story of the marooned girl. The crew made sure the reporters never even got close enough for pictures, for which Anne was eternally grateful. Anne was trying to figure out what to wear. The closet did have a few things but nothing seemed quite right. A knock at the door, "Yes" Nikos opened the door. He was in a nice pair of slacks, white shirt, and tie and diner jacket. Anne had to admit he looked very handsome. "Let's get going" "I thought you said 7pm? I haven't even decided what to wear." "Yes, you are fine the way you are, for now". Anne puzzled at the remark but took his offered hand and followed him out. On the dock was a limo waiting for them. Anne DEFINITELY felt underdressed. She balked a little. Taking her hand, "trust me", Nikos encouraged. She followed him to the limo. The limo pulled into the high-end shopping district and up to a woman's clothing store. Inside a woman was waiting for them. "Nikos darling" She greeted offering her hand to Nikos, who took it and kissed it. "Lovely as ever Elle. May I introduce Anne; she is the one I called about" "Pleased to meet you Anne. Please follow me. I have some things chosen out for you to try." Elle lead them to a curtained side room with a sofa on one side and a 3-panel mirror on the other. In between was a coffee table with a silver tea set, steam escaping the spout. "Help yourself to tea Nikos." Nikos sat as she led Anne through another doorway. Elle handed her a robe and told her to go change into it. Still bewildered Anne did as she was told. When she returned, she was lead to a salon. "Nikos said you grew up on a deserted island." Looking at her with a critical eye. "Yes I can see you need some lessons you poor dear. First hair. This is Paulo, he will be cutting it." The two then conversed in what sounded like French to Anne, gesturing in a way that indicated to Anne that they were discussing how to do her hair. In the end, Paulo kept most of the length, cleaning up the bangs and layering the sides. He also added highlights to lighten her hair. While Paulo worked on her hair, another woman who's name Anne never got, started working on her nails, filing, shaping them stating that she would be back to paint them when the dress had been decided on. After the haircut, yet another woman arrived with a large case of make- up. Anne liked this woman, as she explained everything she was doing and asking Anne's opinion in such a way as to let Anne feel like she was having a say in the final look and at the same time telling her what she should be picking. Next Anne was fitted with lingerie. This was a big step. Before, all the underwear she had worn, feminine as it was, had been boring utilitarian underwear. But these were silk and lace and felt so good against her skin. She was thankful that her lack of puberty kept her little secret from getting out. What followed was a parade of trying on one dress after another. She would then model it for Nikos. She found herself craving his approval and saddened when he voiced a dislike for any of the outfits. The final decision was on a black Versace calf-length flowing silk dress, perfect for the warm tropical weather and showed off her legs. Anne giggled to herself that she was thrilled at the thought of showing off her legs. She was also thankful that Nikos had thought ahead about her ankle and Elle had only flats and sandals chosen to try, no high heels. A quick return to the salon to get a coat of pink nail polish and they were off. Chapter 8 The restaurant overlooked the ocean. The table Nikos had reserved was on the deck, which jutted out over the water. During the parties on the boat, it had been easy to keep from drinking but when the bottle of champagne arrived, she found she could not say no. They made small talk during dinner, each very reserved knowing this was their one and only date, tomorrow she would be on a plane and he would be back at sea. "Where will you go?" "I have a sister; I thought I might try to locate her." In reality, she still wasn't sure what she wanted to do. Megan was her sister but what would she think of her brother now? But, she was a boy dressed as a girl, with a 6th grade education, what alternatives were there. Nikos sensed that the discussion was causing her discomfort and left it there. The date went better than Anne could ever imagine. They talked and laughed. They danced under the stars. Anne felt safe in Nikos' arms, She knew there would be no tomorrow. She tried to put that out of her mind and concentrate on tonight. Chapter 9 The time came for the date to end. She felt like Cinderella at the ball and the clock was on its 10th toll. They sent the limo away and walked on the beach back to the boat. When they arrived, Nikos escorted Anne to her room. "Stay" "What?" "Stay with me Anne. I enjoy being with you more than anyone I have ever known." "Nikos, I can't. I enjoy being with you too but, it just can't work out between us." Tears were rolling down her cheeks; this man had asked her to stay with him forever. It was what she wanted more than anything, but knew it just could not be. "Please. Annie", she smiled at the nickname, "I love you." Annie broke into full tears. "No I just can't. You don't understand I am really a..." Nikos silenced her protest with his lips to hers. Annie held him tight returning the kiss with her very soul. And when Nikos' hands caressed her bare back, she simply melted. Her kisses became more passionate; she clung to him the way she had clung to the sailboat wreckage that fateful night. Between kisses, Nikos just kept repeating, "I love you" Nikos pulled the tie holding the top of the dress, the front falling between them. Nikos caressed Annie's bare breasts. Annie moaned with pleasure into his mouth. Their lips parted as Nikos guided his lips to her nipples. Annie had never felt anything like it before, intense pleasure from deep inside her. She felt his hands on her ass, gently massaging it. She ran her fingers through his dark curly hair. Without letting his lips leave her breasts, Nikos undid his shirt. Annie had seen him on deck without a shirt before but this was different, she saw it with an eye of lust. Lifting his head so they could kiss, pulling his body against hers. She felt the hard bulge in his pants pressed against her. She wanted to satisfy him but she knew she was not a whole woman, so she did the only thing she could think of. She slowly dropped to her knees. She undid his belt buckle and pants, sliding them down. She ran her hands up his strong thighs towards the hard cock before her. There was no doubt she wanted this. She did not feel gay, she was not a guy about to suck another man's cock, she was a woman who wanted to pleasure her lover. Slowly she kissed it, letting his scent fill her. She gave it a long lick; Nikos' moan telling her she was doing it right. Several more long licks each greeted by the same moan of pleasure from her man, yes, HER man. On the last lick she let her lips slide over the head, the slight salty taste did not bother her, it reminded her of her time alone on the island, but now he was her island. Slowly her lips slid down the shaft as far as she dared. She started to pick up a rhythm of sliding her lips up and down while stroking the portion she could not swallow. Nikos began to rock his hips, fucking her mouth, Annie trying to relax her throat to try to take more of him in. "Oh Annie! I love what you are doing, but I have no desire to be selfish. I want to make love to you right now!" Annie let his member fall from her lips. "I.....I can't. I want so much to make you happy but I tried to stop you I....I am not a woman I am a boy." She starred up at him. What she saw was not anger, not revulsion, what she saw was love. "All I know is I have fallen in love with you Annie, no matter what you are. I still want to make love to you." Annie just smiled, lifted the hem of her dress and crawled onto the bed. Nikos climbed up behind her, pulling her lace panties to one side. Slowly he pressed the head of his saliva-slicked cock at Annie's outer sphincter, firmly but not too hard letting her sphincter relax. To Annie it hurt, she didn't think she would be able to perform for him but she was going to try everything. At that his cock slipped in, her sphincter wrapped just under the head. He waited letting her adjust before slowly pressing further. Slowly inch by inch until he was all the way inside her. The two lovers stayed that way for some time just feeling the connection between them. Annie felt emptiness as Nikos pulled back, leaving only the head in. But it did not last long as he slid in again and slowly out. Not the fast frantic fucking of two high school kids in the back of a car, but the slow deep rhythm of two souls mingling, enjoying every tiny sensation. Annie leaned her head back so she could kiss the man making love to her. For his part, Nikos massaged her breasts, still slowly sliding in and out of his sweet Annie. For what seemed like hours the two lovers went, until finally Nikos began to tense up, Annie too felt something growing inside her, a feeling of total ecstasy. Nikos thrust deep one last time, let out a cry and filled Annie with his love. Annie felt his warm seed inside her erupting in an orgasm of her own. Both lay exhausted, Nikos still in her. Nikos asked again, quietly, "stay, stay my love. I don't want to ever be without you." "I want nothing more but, how can it work?" "Don't worry; my father can make any arrangements that are needed. You can stay the way you are or you can have surgery, your choice. I will love you either way". Annie never felt so loved, so fulfilled. She knew he meant every word. She lamented the fact she would never be able to give him children, but she would give everything else she could. "I love you too Nikos" "So that is a yes?" "I am yours now and always. Yes I will stay."

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Well, it hadn't been just a dream, Millie knew. She was too sore all over for that. And her father's jizz still oozed from her fucked ass and pussy. Yet, somehow it was all so disconnected. After she'd soaked in the tub and put on fresh clothes, Millie went outside in an attempt to get her bearings. Her father was putting the finishing touches on the yard he'd mowed and she wasn't sure how to confront him. "Hi, hon," he called with a big grin, kneeling up from a flower bed to...

2 years ago
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Cum AgainChapter 3

Walking into the room was Marcy, saying, “Sorry for barging in. I told him what you asked me to tell him. Later!” “Fuck me, please give me a baby please?” My gorgeous sister said to me. I knew she said that mainly to get me to cum inside her quicker, which I did. After a shower and a change of clothes we walked downstairs to the fragrance of macaroni and cheese, A college student’s favorite meal. “I’m really sorry for walking in on you,” Marcie said. We all ate for a while when Marcie...

4 years ago
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About a Bisexual

My name is Jesse, and I am openly bisexual. A masculine bisexual. I come from a family were nobody really cares about your sexual orientation so, as soon as I turned 14, I knew it would be alright to have sex with girls AND with boys. I was a very premature guy, so I had my first gay experience when I was 15 with one of my friend who was 2 months younger than me. I was a top, which means I fucked him, and I was the one getting a blowjob. I absolutly loved it. When I was 16, I has a three-way...

2 years ago
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EvilAngel Rose Delight Orgasmic Anal And Gaping

At pornographer David Perry’s flat, pretty Rose Delight exposes her bald pussy. She sucks his big cock and whimpers as he drills her pink pussy. David switches holes, stuffing his dick into Rose’s puckering asshole. He fucks her to an intense anal orgasm. Rose climbs on top and bounces her butthole on David’s throbbing prick. The dirty girl gives him a rim job, and she strokes his spit-soaked rod. David’s boner teases Rose’s sphincter, and her asshole gapes! She...

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We are at home and the k**s are sleeping over some one’s house. I am on the couch playing games on my phone, and she is on the other couch laying down watching a show. She asks me that do I want to eat. Not looking up, I say whatever she wants. She says what do you want to do. Again, not looking up from my phone, I say whatever you want to do. At this point she comes over without her shirt on, straddles me, takes the phone away and say, that will to be hard to do because I want to eat and do...

2 years ago
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Personal Cock Slut

Sometimes our sex is soft and tender, making love. However, sometimes it’s rough and raw, hot fucking. I received a text on Friday mid-morning from my man at work.  He wrote, “I’m horny. I need my cock sucked and fucked. Some woman will have my cock in her mouth and pussy this afternoon. Are YOU interested?” I replied, “Yes, I am. I want your cock, I need your cock! Just tell me where and when.” He then wrote, “Hmmm, doesn’t sound like you want it badly enough. I’ll have someone else do it.” I...

3 years ago
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Attitude Adjustments

Kim was now a dark soul. How that could happen to a twelve-year-old, I’ll never know. She was a loving child until her father lost his job at the factory he had worked at since leaving high school. I chose to leave for the service, choosing the Air Force over making envelopes, packing bacon, soldering condenser coils, or any number of other dead-end manufacturing jobs available. I don’t even know if the two events were related, I mean the job loss and the personality change Kim underwent....

4 years ago
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First Time Surprise Part Three The Conclusion

It is silent except for the humming of the refrigerators, and the sound of Allen's slow and intermittent labored breaths. The pattern alternates between, quick intakes, whooshing exhales, and extended held-breaths altogether. I can't wait to make him moan. Allen's hands are kneading my breasts experimentally, while his eyes haven't left my chest since I gave him permission to explore. "Just be nice to them," I had told him. So far, so good. I sigh contently. Next lesson. "So what do you think...

First Time
5 years ago
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Breaking The Beast Ch 1

I wasn’t supposed to be there night. I was supposed to be at home, in my bedroom studying for a test I had the next week. So, how did I get there? Jordie. Jordie is my best friend in the whole world, and she is the one that dragged me out to the new club opening. Apparently, it had been the talk of the town for a year, but according to her I live in such a deep, dark, hidden hole full of old books that I would never know if something new came along. To be perfectly honest, she was kinda right...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Vickys Pink Diary 02

Part two His cock is back in his trousers, and we walk back home. I'm still in a daze, and wondering if I'm going to wake up in my bed and find this has all been a dream. No, this is Vicky walking home, on her Uncle's arm again. My hand still tingles where it was jerking his cock, and my wrist aches too. My head is down under the umbrella again, and my stride is slower than before, and not as unsure as it was when we first set off. Car headlights pass illuminating my legs in my black tights....

4 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 3 GrowthChapter 22 Confrontation

Eight people were in the van as it pulled up in front of Amanda Tyler’s apartment building. Those in attendance were Joan Coswell, Dale Harnett, Alice and Dave Prentiss, Derek and Emily Wilson, Clive Henderson, Esquire – Joan’s divorce attorney, and Sgt. Jeffery Wallace of the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Department. The latter was officially the process server of the divorce papers on Brian Coswell, Joan’s soon to be ex-husband. He was also there to ensure that no fights or worse broke out...

1 year ago
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On Golden Lake Part 1

Author note : This is a work of erotic fiction, and is not intended for viewing by anyone under the age of 18. All characters and events portrayed in this story are fictional, and any resemblance to actual persons or events is coincidental. Comments and helpful criticism are welcome, and may be emailed to [email protected]. ***** The warming rays of the July sun washed over Megan's lithe, outstretched body. Her skin was a glowing bronze color, and her dark brown shoulder-length hair was...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 18

I'm sorry it has taken me so long to produce out a new chapter. I had to stop writing for a while due to some family issues, which are now, thankfully, settled. Thank you to all of you who have emailed me asking how thing are going. I really appreciated those messages. I hope you haven't gone off the story in the meantime. Previously, Nin had persuaded James to come along with her as Scarlett to meet with Joe and Nancy, two Americans who wanted a foursome. The session had finished and Scarlett...

2 years ago
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TeamSkeetLabs Angel Youngs Concept Family Cuck

“Hi Ale, for Family Cuck, can we add something to this description in the beginning: What is family cuck? Family cuck is the act of a man making another man (who is his family member) a cuckold by having a sexual relationship with his wife. This is the family version of a traditional cuckold porn scene. You bring your hot girlfriend Angel Youngs to meet your brother Anthony Pierce one afternoon, when you notice that your girl is kind of flirting with Anthony! She says not to worry, she’s...

3 years ago
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Game Night Changed My LifeChapter 15 The School Week

Monday morning started out great. I went to the bus stop in a great mood. I had a great time with Leslie the day before and I was looking forward to seeing her when I got to school. At the bus stop my friend Larry was already standing there when I arrived. "Hefe! What's going on?" "Hey, Lars. Not too much, really. I had a great date with Leslie yesterday. How about you?" "Nothing going on, man. I just did house chores all day yesterday. I hate the weekend sometimes. You'd think...

2 years ago
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NEIGHBORSA STORY OF SECRECY AND SPYINGFICTION BYAMANDA WRIGHTERCOPYRIGHT © 2010CHAPTER 1The heat was stifling outside. Even the pool wasn’t helping today. It had to be at least a hundred and ten degrees. I swam in circles, trying to force myself to stay focused, but it was so HOT. I finally gave up and climbed out, trying to ignore the heat from the concrete that was baking the bottom of my feet. I grabbed my towel and dashed towards the house. Right before I went in, I caught a glimpse of...

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BigTitCreamPie Anissa Kate Anissas Creampie

Anissa Kate was showing off her beautiful body at the pool. She had those amazing, big natural breasts and a cute ass. Jonathan Jordan joined, took off his pants, revealed his giant dick and as a reward got a nice blowjob. They went into the house and continued the blowjob. Then he got the fuck the titties. That felt good. They fucked. Doggie, spoon, riding, you name it. Then Jonathan came deep inside her pussy. He kept coming and coming. So he pulled it out and shot some leftover cream on top...

2 years ago
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The starlet and the prison guard

(First name = you, Last name = starlet's name) You are a guard at a jail in the Hollywood area. It's not a bad job, all things considered. The vast majority of the prisoners are non-violent offenders, who are only in there for a few months. The serious criminals go to one of the bigger prisons elsewhere in the state. The occasional celebrity makes an appearance at the jail, although you've yet to have one in your area. From what you've heard though, they make the worst prisoners, from the...

4 years ago
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Karma Aint Always a Bitch Ch 03

First I would like to apologize for the length of time with no activity. Real life reared its ugly head. Now that I can work on this a bit, I started working Chapter nine up, and went back through to check a few things, and found myself looking at some necessary edits. They are clarifications and streamlines mainly, with one foreshadowing element added. In the interest of full disclosure there are a couple of things that you should keep in mind when you read on. I started this with the initial...

1 year ago
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My autobiography Part 2 Certified whore

I still had no idea why my brother would not let me become the leading lady in his films and neither would my father. I had made dozens of films with other directors, fucked innumerable men on screen and in real life. I had a very high sexual drive that bordered at being called a nymphomaniac and a fetish for a gangbang. At 20 I had about a hundred porn movies to date, most of them featuring group sex scenes, all of them having anal sex as an indispensable component and I knew they were...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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On my way home from work one summer evening, traffic was horrendous so I decide to to take a route along the ocean to avoid the congestion. This route takes me by a very popular beach, its a little longer but never any traffic. Cruising along a the beach highway is somewhat desolate, but a scenic easy drive. I see up ahead a young woman in a bikini top and very short cutoff shorts. She has her thumb out hitchhiking, being the gentleman that I am, and not seeing anyone else around, I pull over...

4 years ago
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Weekend Discovery 2

Simone's eyes grew wide when she realized that the stunning blond she was sitting next to was, in reality, her boss and the object of her most intimate desires. Now she had seen transvestites and drag queens before, but none of them looked this good. She was sitting just mere inches away from his face and still couldn't see any trace of Andrew Lippincott. Without warning Andrea leaned forward and gently placed her lips on Simone .When their lips touched a bolt of pure desire shot through...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 27 Katiersquos Torment

“Oooohhhh, Fuuuuccckkkkk!” the hot wife panted, “Fuck me!” Katie moaned, “Harder!” Her husband increased his pace as he rammed his hard cock into her wet aching pussy. The hot wife grabbed the headboard of their bed while on her knees. Her wedding ring glistened from the midday sun that peeked through the window. Her eyes focused on her large diamond on her finger which represented her commitment to Fred as his cock maintained a steady pace inside her moist slit. The hot wife regretted what...

3 years ago
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Good Girl Gone Bad Part Three

Arriving at the stables, Marco opened the door and, with a sweep of his arm and a mock bow, he stepped aside. Binky walked in, closing the stable door behind her and bolting it. Marco pushed her against it and pulled her denim mini skirt up to her waist and traced his fingers across the top of her knickers. Moving both hands round to the back he cupped her buttocks. Marco’s hands were so large they totally covered her. He pushed his hands to the side, opening her cheeks, before kissing her,...

Straight Sex
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Mommy Show Me How

Title: Mommy, Show Me How! Summary: A single mom helps her 7 year-old son discover the joy of sex. Themes: Fb, incest, young I am a single mother, and I work a normal 40-hour week as an office manager. While I'm certainly not "poor," I do strive to be extra diligent about doing a good job, and I work very hard for my money. Consequently, I don't really have time to waste in the dating scene. It's not that I don't think about men or have romantic and even sexual...

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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 69

It was before my walk on day four of Janet’s recovery, when she decided to write again. She was going to do it no matter what I thought. That is when I knew she was ready to try it. “Okay you can try it, but it may be a tough slog for a while. This is your chance to prove yourself. As long as you fight the good fight, I will not give up on you. But know now, I’m not married to you. I don’t need the money bad enough to take any shit from you. I walk three times a day and you will walk at...

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Offene Rechnungen

Verona 40, braune lange Haare schlanker Figur und einer Körbchengröße von 75 DD lebte mit ihrem Mann Franky in einem exklusiven Haus in der Nähe von München. Ihr Mann Franky hatte haushohe Schulden bei mehreren Gläubigern. Trotzdem führte er seine Frau einen Abend in ein teures Restaurant. An diesem Abend trug Verona ein schwarzes Abendkleid. Als sie nach dem Essen zurück zu ihrem Haus fuhren und die Tür öffneten, wurden sie beide von hinten ins Haus geschubst und wären fast hingefallen. Sie...

4 years ago
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Within The Family 8211 Part 1

Hello ISS Readers. This is David Jones aka David Rajan, and this is my story. I hope you enjoy it. This is the story of how it all began. This is about my first sexual experience which also turned out to be my first incest experience. Let me tell you a little about me and my family. This may bore you a little but it is vital to the story. I was born to two environmental scientists living and working in Galway, Ireland. Actually, my dad was an Indian who fell in love with a British girl(my mom)...

2 years ago
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Kids are curious. That's all. That's what started it all. I wasn't being weird. I wasn't turning gay. I was just trying things on. I was just feeling the silk and the other fabrics and the silk. Don't most 16 year olds try things out? Doesn't everyone want to be pretty? There was a blue dress that my older sister Jenny had left. A simple blue dress, but it mesmerized me. It was a simple shift, but it fit me better than most of her stuff. It felt sensuous. It felt delicious. Hour...

5 years ago
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Train Ride3

I shouldn't have had that last drink. I couldn't recall why I'd gone out in the first place. Sure, it had been Toni's birthday but it wasn't as though she would have cared if I'd been there or not. Of course she probably wanted to con a few drinks out of me. I was just a spare wallet to her. I shoved 10¥ into the ticket machine and snatched up the card, running through the security check, smacking the cars againdt the gate and heading down the stairs to the metro. "Please make it on...

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Grant and Thelma Ch 01

She took the spotlight, in her silver and white resplendent dress. It was a nice contrast to her mocha complexion. Her short, boy length hair was adorned in elegant finger waves, and she wore a small white flower in her hair. Grant Wellington, sitting at one of the tables near the lip of the stage was so close, he could see the outline of her face. She looked frightened, and green, and he half wondered if she’d make it through her set. How his life had changed since he’d moved from his elite...

3 years ago
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How I made my wife become a slut

I made my wife into a slut. It took nearly a year, but now she fucks anyone I want, anywhere I want, and anytime I want. Vicki wasn't always a slut, but she wasn't shy, either. When I met her she had just turned forty, but looked more like thirty. I was six years older than her. She had been married before and was divorced about a year when she came to work in the same office I do. I noticed her immediately because she was so damned good looking. Five four, about 115 pounds, a 36 D chest (as I...

4 years ago
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Freezing to Hot Part 4

For the next several weeks I continued to meet Roger at the bus station three days a week, which keeps me warm and well fed. My morning meetings with the older guys in the shower continued on a daily basis. Most of the time, it was just me and the two of them. I would suck one, while the other fucked me. However, one day the young man I saw on the first day, arrived just after me. He immediately dropped to his knees and began sucking me. “You have been such a good boy we thought you deserved a...

Gay Male
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Moms Husband

Paul was Jill's mom's fourth husband. They were chosen for sex and when she got tired of them she found another. Jill was home from college for the summer and left alone with Paul daily. One day when she was in bed asleep he came naked in her room and got in her bed and quickly tied her hands to the headboard then began to rub her tits and pussy. He pushed his hard cock against her leg and lifted her gown and began to suck on her nipples. She could not get free and he two fingered her cunt. He...

1 year ago
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My super hot n naughty wife

A few years back me and my wife discussed trying something different. To have a 3some with another straight man. Out of all my friends kyle was the only one who thought alot like i did and thought of it as sexual fun not anything more. I let carly my wife make that decision. A little about my wife to give you an idea how hot she is. natural dark brunette 5ft2n half natural 34dd tits dark brown eyes sweet firm round brown bubble ass, and her mouth was is pretty as her slutty shaved pussy. Full...

3 years ago
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Wife Swapping On Our Honeymoon Is Very Naughty Part 2

Fucking Rose, while Jim fucked Sue, was mind-blowing.  Never in a million years would I have ever imagined letting Jim fuck Sue.  Jim is such a jerk. Sitting with Rose and Jim, as we watched the video of Sue fucking the stripper at her bachelorette party, was surreal.  The video that showed a big cock stretching Sue's pussy is X-rated porn quality. Rose never should have videotaped Sue.  But I'm glad she did.We still had over a week before our wedding.  And seeing the video of the topless...

4 years ago
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Melting Away SlowlyChapter 3

I 'slept in' the following morning since Santa had already come. Heck, I was on semester break. Martha had already left for work by the time I wandered out to the kitchen to get my first diet soda of the day. There, held on the refrigerator door by a magnet disguised as a cupcake, was a note reminding me to look at the sink in Martha's room. I took it off, crumpled it and tossed it into the trash. Then I fixed some breakfast, ate and started my day. Maybe it was petty of me to just...

4 years ago
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The Light Behind The WorldChapter 13 Relocations

The second half of the school year passed quickly. We continued to chip away at establishing some sort of foothold on that other Earth. Mostly it was just a matter of a little better organization and timing. We weren't really thinking about finding gold so much as just being able to move around, being safe and exploring. The resources my Dad started bringing to bear began to make me wonder just a little at whether all the McKesson wealth had remained behind in North Carolina as I'd always...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Vacation Chapter 21

Chapter XX I   Mike having recovered from his sexual bout with Janice went looking for his wife. Upon entering the master bedroom he was greeted with the sight of Carol, naked on all fours with Ed, who was propped up against the headboard with a pillow behind his head and Terri laying next to him with her eyes closed. Carol was giving Ed one her best blowjobs as she knelt between his strong black legs sucking his cum coated cock attempting to bring life back into the thick black member....

3 years ago
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An Act Of Kindness

I caught the flash out of the corner of my eye. Looking up from my desk I swung my chair around to look out of the window. It was raining hard outside and I had been so engrossed into my work that I had not noticed. I looked at my watch and was surprised to see that it was past six o’clock already. I leaned back in my chair and stretched my arms out over my head and yawned. Looking back down at my desk I shook my head and decided to finish the rest of my work on Monday morning. ‘You’re the...

2 years ago
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The Entity Part II

This is the second part of the story. Be sure to read The Entity first. The Entity Part II By Quicksilver I locked the door to my apartment and sliped the key into my pocket. I really needed to clear my head. The events of last evening and this morning were crazy. Sandy left about an hour ago and I pretty much just sat on my couch in a stupor, reflecting on recent events. I still couldn't believe they had happened. For...

4 years ago
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Naomi and Julian

At twenty-nine, Julian would be what you'd call a catch. Six-foot-seven and two hundred ten pounds of tight, lean muscle and model looks. He had been a college basketball star at Stanford, but the one-dimensional, white three-point shooter couldn't make his mark in the pros. What a forgettable three-year NBA career — plus another two seasons in Europe — did for him however, was set him up monetarily.Endurance had always been his athletic strength, and his financial freedom allowed him to...

Wife Lovers
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What She CravesPt1

Caramel is an attractive, sexy, young woman with a healthy sexual appettite. Her own body turns her on as she looked in the mirror. Her full, round breasts were thirty forty D’s. Her waist was small and her tummy flat. Her hips were firm, her thighs shapely, and her ass sexy and inviting. The girl is a hottie that needs a long hard cock! She lusted for a throbbing, thick eight inch piece of man meat that she could suck, fuck and ride for hours. It was late Monday night. Caramel was alone and...

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Massage And Gigolo Services To A Divorcee In Bangalore

Dear Readers, Thanks a lot for all your appreciation and comments and feedback, because of which, I am posting my third sex story in ISS. For those of you who doesn’t know about me, I am a 29-year-old IT professional from Bangalore. I am a trained massage therapist too and offer massage and therapeutic services to females in and around the electronic city in their doorstep. Now I am going to share one of my experiences with my client. I had posted my ads in locanto saying the services that I...

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