Shipwrecked free porn video

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A man and woman are shipwrecked on a deserted island.
Or is the island really deserted?


We were two days out of Hawaii, sailing a nice twenty
footer and really enjoying the warm tropical sunshine.
Just the two of us, heading out to New Zealand with
perfect weather. The boat was well stocked, and fitted
with good nav-aids, including a satellite locator system.
Sailing had now joined flying in sophistication of radar
and sat-nav electronics, taking one of the oldest forms
of travel into the twenty-first century.

Lena took every opportunity to work on her tan, since her
fair skin was prone to burning, we kept a chart of her
exposure. Exposure was the right term too, as she
sunbathed on the forward deck in the nude. San Francisco
to Hawaii had taught her to cover up, first against the
cold, and later to keep from turning lobster red. Now she
had a respectable tan, after almost two weeks of sailing
and tropical climes.

Her dark blonde hair was turning lighter, and her skin
darker. Each day, she became lovelier, and I never missed
the chance to tell her. She urged me to go "native" and
for a while I did. Unfortunately, the warm sun on our
bodies and the feel of the wind across heretofore covered
skin caused us to be inattentive to the boat. We agreed
that we'd wait until evening when the sea-anchor was
dropped and we wouldn't drift so far off course.

Late afternoon showed dark clouds across the entire
horizon. I had Lena take the wheel, while I checked the
weather-sat readouts. The little machine hummed as it
spat out the paper, and what I saw didn't look very good.
A large storm was moving across the Pacific, and the
reports indicated that the winds were running about 50
knots. I began plotting a course to take us away and
south of the storm, adding perhaps a day to our voyage.

Once course corrections were made, we watched the clouds
approach (as we too approached them) and we both were
confident we'd skirt the storm. It turned out that we
didn't go quite south enough, and towards dusk, the sea
began to swell and rock our tiny boat. Lena brought up
clothes and rain gear, and we both worked at keeping our
boat upright. She manned the wheel, while I kept the
rigging from fouling in the harsh weather.

The rain and wind were warm at first, but the fading sun
soon brought a chill to our soaked bodies. We worked on
into the night, trying to steer the little craft into the
waves to keep from capsizing. We both wore our life
jackets, just in case, and I made sure that the beacons
worked on them. Some sailboats have small diesel engines
to help in a storm like this, but we did not. We were
completely dependent on the wind, and now we had far too
much of it. Rain slashed and stung, both of us wearing
glasses had a hard time seeing. Not that there was much
to see in the darkness, but it still made our work

About eight pm, I struck the sails, as the wind was now
howling about us, threatening to topple our boat. I had
Lena activate the distress beacon on the bow, sending an
automatic s.o.s. to a satellite far overhead, then radio
our situation and to see if there was a larger vessel
nearby. The radio just crackled in silent response,
depressing us both.

I hoped that I was wrong about a nagging suspicion that
this storm was turning into a hurricane. Each time I
tried to set a southerly course, the wind or waves tilted
the boat over far enough for water to flow over the
decks. "Keep tacking" I thought, trying to set a zigzag
course, hoping that I could "zig" southward enough.
Lena's hand gripped my arm tight, telling me that she was
worried too. In the midst of the commotion, her arms
circled my waist and hugged me, easing the tension from
me. I looked at her and smiled, albeit a bit thinly, and
she smiled back.

Somewhere around midnight, things started to go wrong in
a hurry. First a wave crashed onto the fore deck,
snapping the main mast like a toothpick. I grabbed Lena
and pulled her down, just as the mast crashed against the
deck. Another wave washed it off the bow, taking a large
piece of the railing with it. Leaping forward, I cut the
rigging lines that were fouled and holding the potential
battering ram close to the boat.

I made the mistake of being in the way as one rope caught
my calf and yanked me off my feet. I groped for a
handhold, and found a rope, but it was speeding out to
sea, with the mast. The friction burned my hand and
through the sleeve of my jacket. The ocean seemed
determined to claim me and another wave slammed over the
deck, nearly washing me overboard. I heard a scream as I
locked my arms around what was left of the railing.

Lena turned the rudder hard over, and I rolled back onto
the deck, coughing seawater. Lena yelled for me to get
back quickly, and I felt like I was moving through
molasses. She said I almost sprinted over the deck. She
saw my arm as I took the wheel, trying to keep us
upright. The salt water burned and I hissed, but Lena
insisted that she wrap it quickly.

She came up with the first aid kit and wrapped my arm as
best she could in the pitching seas. I was proud of her
courage, and she gave me strength. That is until I saw
her face was drained of color, her lips pressed tightly
together. I asked her what it was.

"Water is coming in from the deck." She said. "There's
about two inches of water on the floor." Again, she
didn't say we were sinking, but we both felt it. I looked
below, and saw that her estimate was correct. I gave her
the wheel and went below, finding that the water was
leaking from several long, large cracks in the main deck.
The snapping of the mast had taken a toll on the little
craft, and now the waves were trying to finish her.

The boat pitched violently, tossing me against the wall.
I clambered out and found Lena struggling hard to turn
the wheel against the waves. I pushed with her, trying to
nose our boat into the next wave, praying that we'd be
able to ride out the storm. I looked up through the
darkness and saw a vague outline.

"GET DOWN!" I yelled, and I grabbed Lena and pulled her
to the deck underneath me. Something slammed the side of
the boat, ripping away the top of the cabin, the wheel
and most of the communications gear. Wood split and
cracked and I felt something large and heavy roll across
my back. A wave hit hard and we slid towards the edge. I
grabbed Lena's life vest and the railing and hooked my
feet into what was left of the cabin. We stopped.

I pulled her to me and we crawled up, seeing that our
boat was now very crippled, her cabin partially smashed
and water beginning to flood her below. I grabbed a
duffle bag that had survival equipment, and pulled a
small raft from under the afterdeck's compartment. "Time
to leave!" I shouted over the wind. Lena's face told me
that she knew it too, but didn't want to go. I didn't
either, but it was time.

A wave rocked the boat, and a roar filled our ears. The
world suddenly seemed to be yanked from under us, Lean
falling against me and both of us falling into the
flooded cabin. I held on to her as the boat rocked again,
tilting at an impossible angle. Wood complained about
stresses, and I was sure that it was all over.

The darkness of the cabin felt like a coffin, and I tried
to stand. I realized Lena was limp in my arms and new,
real, fear clawed at my insides. Struggling against the
angle I tried to reach the deck, holding Lena in one arm.
I felt the steps and pulled hard, trying to get us both
out of the sinking boat. The boat pitched the other way
then, and I felt us both flung into the air. My arm
complained about the weight it was pulling and I gripped
Lena with every ounce I had left. I held my breath,
hoping that we wouldn't go too deep and I could surface
us before Lena drowned or I did.

We hit sand.

The jarring impact stunned me, and I thought we'd landed
back on the boat, for a moment. The gritty sand in my
mouth and face took several seconds to recognize as land.
Water rushed up to our waists, and I pulled Lena up onto
the beach. I fumbled for the flashlight in my pocket, my
hand found her neck and felt for a pulse. It was there,
strong and steady. The light played across her soaked
hair and face, showing a small gash near the hair-line.
Not big enough for stitches, but the idea of a concussion
didn't make me feel any better either.

I checked her for broken bones and other injuries and was
relieved to find none. I scooped her up in my arms and
carried her up onto the beach, laying her well away from
the water. Wind whipped sand into my eyes and I peeled
off my rain jacket, tucking it around her to keep her
warm. Against the wind and rain, I could see the Mary
Jo's shape in the gloom, at the shore laying almost on
her port side.

I found one of those chemical light-sticks in my life
jacket pouch, and I tied it to Lena's hand so that I
could find her in the dark if I became disoriented. The
green glow made the whole thing seem like and eerie
dream. I staggered to the boat, wanting to salvage what I
could before exhaustion set in or before the tide hauled
her under.

All things considered, I did pretty well. I was able to
get plenty of the food items from the boat, along with
charts, maps, and a sextant. The radios were smashed
completely, and I checked the LORAN locator beacon on the
fore-deck, just to find that the mast (or something) had
left a ragged hole where it had been mounted. I even
found our survival duffle bag on the beach where it had
washed ashore.

The beacon unit was trashed by the rocks along the shore,
but many things were still useful. I'm not sure where the
energy came from, but I kept slogging along until the job
was done. My watch said it was 03:00 a.m. Hawaii time. I
piled all our equipment and supplies high up on the
beach, and checked Lena again. She hadn't moved, still
lying in the same position I'd left her. Her pulse and
breathing were still strong, and since the wind was
letting up, I decided that I'd set up a lean-to shelter
for now.

Rain still fell after the winds died away, and they were
the warming rains one is used to in the tropics. The
spare sailcloth made an excellent makeshift tent, and I
used some branches to support it over Lena. Wearily, I
crept in the shelter next to her and laid down, putting
my arm around her protectively. Chaos reigned in my mind,
trying to deal with the storm, Lena's injury, a
shipwreck, and being lost in the vast Pacific. I feel
into an exhausted sleep shortly, hoping that this would
all workout.

I awoke feeling hot and wet. The wet I thought was from
the rain, but as I moved, I realized that it was a steamy
hot day and sweat was soaking me, wrapped as still was in
the rain gear. I reached over and found that Lena wasn't
under lean-to with me and panic filled me for a moment. I
crawled out and blinked in the bright light, looking
around for her.

Shaking my sleep fogged brain, I looked again, and my
heart sank when I didn't see her on the beach. I turned
towards the ocean and saw the Mary Jo, her cabin a
splintered shambles, laying on her side well up on the
beach. Something moved near the cabin and I saw Lena's
blonde hair as she climbed down to the beach. My legs
carried me over towards the boat, complaining about the
exertion. She hadn't seen me yet, and as I hit the wet
sand she turned around, looking at me in surprise. She
ran over to me and stopped, looking at me as if I had
just reappeared from thin air.

"Oh God! C'mon babe, let's get you back in the shade and
lay down." She said, both chastising me and sounding
worried. She moved to my side and slipped under my arm as
if I couldn't support myself. I pulled her to me, my arms
wrapping around her, holding her tight. She seemed to be
afraid of hugging back, as if I'd break. Then she held me
tight, melting into my arms and kissing me hard and

After a few seconds, I felt weak and my knees started to
buckle. She kept me on my feet and helped me back to our
small shelter. I sat in front of the lean-to, dizzy and
feeling weak. Lena opened some canned fruit, and
proceeded to feed me by hand. Her eyes betrayed the
concern she felt for me, but I was too tired to ask her
why. After I had my fill of sliced peaches, she insisted
I at least drink some of the syrup for liquid (that a
girl... drowned me with kindness). She finished off the
peaches and told me to lie down and rest.

"Wait a minute." I said. "I thought I'd be taking care of
you. I'm still worried you might have a concussion." She
smiled and kissed me on the cheek, her hand on my chest
making me lay back down, partially in the lean-to.

"Sweetheart," She began, looking into my eyes. "You've
been out cold for a day and a night. And your back looks
terrible. I thought you were really hurt bad, internally.
I was scared to death I'd lose you."

My back did feel very sore and tender, but I'd thought it
to be from the exertions the night before, two nights I
corrected myself. I sat up, feeling the stiffness in my
joints and back. I looked at the cut on her forehead, and
it seemed tiny in comparison to what I thought I'd seen
in flashlight.

"How, are YOU though?" I asked. "Any dizziness or
headache?" I kept quiz-zing her on her condition, feeling
elated when she said that two aspirin had taken care of a
slight headache the morning after the storm. Then I
chastised her for taking the risk of climbing on the
wreck of the Mary Jo. She laughed, but I was serious. She
put her hand on my chest and told me that she had slipped
in after the tide went out and the MJ was firmly
grounded. No risk.

Lena fumbled in the duffle she'd carried out of the boat,
and found a pair of metal mirrors. One she gave to me and
the other she held behind me so I could see my back after
she pulled my shirt off. Someone had painted a long
diagonal purple, black, and blue strip about a foot wide
on my back, and in several places I had minor abrasions.
It looked a lot worse than it felt.

"Now do you see why I was worried about you, Mr. Tough
Guy?" She said in a sarcastic tone. I asked what happened
the next morning, since I'd rudely slept straight through

Lena had awakened in the lean-to sometime after dawn,
feeling warm. She sat up, and her head pounded its
objection. She saw me, face down on part of the sailcloth
and tried to rouse me. When that failed, she checked my
pulse and breathing as I had done for her. She checked me
for broken bones and when she lifted my shirt, she
thought I was seriously injured. She made her own
assessment of our situation and checked over our

All the long talks about survival came back and she set
up driftwood for a signal fire, and drew S.O.S. in huge
letters in the sand. She'd explored a bit of the nearby
jungle like forest, then sat close to me during the warm
night until she fell asleep. This morning, she had
decided to move us up nearer the forest, and that some
minor items needed to be salvaged, including the two
metal mirrors. She knew they could be used for signaling
planes and boats. She was just coming out of the boat
when I woke up.

"Jeez... You mean you actually listened to my survival
suggestions?" I asked a bit tongue-in-cheek. She stared
at me for a second, giggled, then she wrapped her arms
around my neck and kissed me warmly.

"Welcome back to the living." She said softly. We talked
about what to do, (the only thing we could...wait), and
finally we slowly moved the lean-to up nearer the shade
of the palms. We re-d****d the cloth and made a fairly
spacious living area out of it. Our supplies were stacked
neatly inside and out.

This was hot, sweaty work, and we stripped down to bare
skin, resting in the shade frequently to prevent
overexposure and dehydration. The drift-wood was moved
closer to the 'tent' and we settled down as the sun began
to fade. We were on the northern edge of an island, and
the trees intercepted the sun's rays as it set, casting
rays of warm yellow-gold across the beach.

Dinner consisted of a can of fruit cocktail, and this
made us both aware of the need to explore the island the
next day in search of fresh water and food sources. We
crawled into our tent, using seat cushions from the boat
as pillows, and curled up, holding each other and falling
asleep quickly.


The next morning, both our stomachs growled, protesting
the lack of food. Dressed in shorts and deck shoes, we
explored our island, leaving markers so we could find our
way back. Not more than 200 meters inland we found a
small clean brook of fresh water, and a small pond.
Around that grew both palm trees with their coconuts, and
bananas. Not much further inland, we found kiwi fruit,
lime bushes (probably from British ships in the 18th
century I guessed), tomato plants(!), and even g****fruit

The more we looked, the more the island seemed to be a
greengrocer's fantasy. We found radishes, cucumbers,
celery, and the biggest surprise of all, about an acre of
water-melons growing wild. Gleefully, we carried fruits
and vegetables back to our camp, and while Lena sorted
and began to prepare a meal, I fetched some fresh water
from the pond. I came back and took a small fishing net
from our pile of equipment and waded into the surf. Lena
watched as I made a few clumsy attempts at looking like I
knew how to use it, then finally tossing it clear.

Much to our surprise, I netted about six fish on the
first shot. They were a tasty addition to our first meal.
When I waded ashore, I came back to the tent and found
Lena, kneeling naked by the fire, cutting and chopping
some of the foodstuffs we found and using a small portion
of our supplies to accent them. Together we cooked a
tasty meal of fish and vegetables, each of us 'snacking'
on the fresh tomatoes and celery.

We finished our meal and lay back together in the shade,
feeling full and happy. We walked to the fresh water pond
and bathed each other, feeling the tensions ease from our
bodies, and the passions begin to burn. We kissed while
in the pond, feeling our heat, even through the water.

Lena's legs floated around my hips, wrapping around me
easily. Her arms around my neck made me feel excited and
I eagerly pulled her to me. Kissing and holding each
other tight, we stood in the pool, our bodies joined
underwater, and melted into each other. We stayed in the
water a long time, close together, touching and caring,
not wanting to leave. We did leave eventually, carrying
our clothes back to our small camp and leaving them in
the tent.

The day was getting hot and I applied some sunscreen
lotion to Lena's fine figure, making sure that her
sensitive areas were safe from sunburn. This lit her
fires, and I obliged by rubbing my stiff shaft against
her oiled thighs and stomach. We laid down on part of the
sailcloth and began to suck and lick each other's
sensitive parts. I lapped her flowing juices eagerly
while she tongued and sucked my shaft. She bent down and
sucked each of my balls into her mouth in turn my cock
pressing against her neck.

"Cum for me," she said in a husky tone that excited me.
She licked me like I was covered with honey and her
tongue found my anus and the sensitive area between there
and my balls making me burn with desire. I slid a finger
into her pussy and sucked her on her clit, feeling her
hips sway and rotate sensuously.

Her soft breasts seemed warm against the sides of my
stomach and I licked from her clit to her hole, tasting
her delicious cream. She sucked me into her mouth, her
tongue working around the head. I could feel her saliva
running down off my balls as she kept trying to swallow
me whole. I slipped two more fingers inside her and felt
her tighten around them. I moved all three fingers in and
out, pressing outwards against her ring of pleasure.

Her hand circled my cock, pumping up and down, pulling
the skin up to her lips. Lena's hips were rocking with a
rhythm all their own and her cream covered my face. I
could feel a bubbling rise deep inside me and knew I was
about to cum. I slid a finger into her asshole, pressing
it against the three inside her dripping pussy. My tongue
flicked her clit and suckled on it. Lena came hard and I
felt a rush of her slick cream flow into my mouth,
tasting sweet and warm. She moaned and panted her
pleasure rocking her hips against my tongue and fingers.

My own orgasm started and I cried her name loudly. Her
hand pumped me furiously and thick gobs of sperm gushed
against her face, lips, neck and hair. My hips were
thrusting and shaking with the waves of pleasure she
pulled from me. I lay back, exhausted by this woman,
feeling her pussy clench my fingers tight. She began to
kiss my cock and balls, and finally laid her head down on
them. Her pussy was just within tongue distance to my
face and I kissed her soft, wet pussy gently. We laid
there for a long time, just feeling each other's bodies

I reapplied the sunscreen to Lena, telling her this time,
we wouldn't be so quick to "wash" it off. She giggled.
Naked and hand in hand, we walked off to explore our
island. I loved the way her breasts moved and bounced as
we walked the beach, and I told her that some day I
wanted to cum on her tits and then walk down the beach
with her. She smiled and said she'd thought of that too,
and would I mind if my face was covered with her cream
too? Well, what can you do with a wonderful, lusty woman
like this?

We walked for about a mile, then climbed up on a rocky
outcropping to survey the size of the island. Our island
was small, roughly oval shaped. About three miles wide by
five or six long. Maximum of 18 square miles in the
hundreds of thousands in the Pacific. Where we stood in
the warm sun was about two thirds down one of the longer
sides, and the highest point was a smallish mountain that
looked to be an old volcano, long dormant. We stood there
and scanned the horizon, looking for planes or ships,
seeing none.

I moved behind Lena, and circled my arms around her
waist, pulling her back to me and smelling her hair. She
sighed and leaned against me, her hands caressing the
fronts of my thighs. My hands slid up and cupped her full
breasts, lifting them slightly while I kissed the side of
her neck and nibbled her ears. I felt her behind press
against my stiffening cock, and I moved, laying my cock
up the crease of her wonderfully shaped ass.

"Do something for me." She said quietly while I licked
around her ear. I asked her what she wanted me to do.
"Fuck me up here. Fuck me hard, fast and loud. Show the
whole world how much I turn you on and how much you like
to fuck me." I paused for a moment, thinking about her
words. Then I turned her to face me, tears welling up in
both our eyes, both of us realizing just what each of us
meant to the other.

"Yes." I said, kissing her and holding her tight. She
melted into my arms, and I held her to me, never wanting
to let her go. Her golden skin warm and inviting, her
grey eyes alluring, and her whole being making me want
her. We walked a short way to some grass growing near the
sea, and together we laid down. She was on her back, legs
open for me, and I slid into her easily. We lay there
kissing and not moving for a long time, holding each
other and trying to take away the fear and worry we each
had. We moved slowly and lovingly, treating each other
with tenderness. Our carnal desires began to burn
brightly and we started thrusting our bodies together.

"Yesss!" She cried, "Give it to me hard and fast!" I
pulled up, lifting her legs high and sliding my knees
next to her hips. I slammed into her again and again,
impaling her on my cock. "Ohhh yes! Fuck me like that!"
she said loudly. Suddenly I knew what she wanted. She'd
long been quiet and shy, and now she thought we'd not
survive here very long, so she wanted to let go totally
and let her lusts and desires free to the world. Our own
relationship was quiet and gentle on the surface,
passionate underneath. Now we could let go totally and
enjoy our needs for each other.

"God I love to fuck you!" I yelled to the heavens. "I
love to cum inside you, fuck you over and over all
night!" Lena moaned and raised her hips to meet mine.

"Give me that hard cock!" She cried. "Fuck me! Fuck me!
Fuck ME!!!"

We slammed our bodies together and I felt her starting to
cum, her pussy spasming and gripping me tight. I thrust
deep into her, making her gasp. Her body shook and she
moaned loudly. As her hips rose and her stomach tensed, I
grabbed her shoulders and pulled her upright, letting her
full weight bury my cock in her sopping cunt. Holding her
against me, and leaning back, she shook and spasmed,
crying and moaning. Her juice ran down against my balls,
and she slowly started to breathe normally. She lifted
her head and looked into my eyes, searching for
something. She could feel me throbbing inside her, still

"Oh, baby, you mean so much to me." I said. We kissed in
a long passionate deep kiss. Our tongues met and danced,
and she held me tight. She slowly began to rise and fall
on my shaft, and I could feel her wetness running like
water down my cock. Finally she broke our kiss and looked
at me again, this time with a lustful gleam in her eye.

"Fuck me again." She said. "Give me your love. Cum inside
me. Cum all over me. Make me cum with you. I want you. I
want to fuck you!"

She pushed me back and took over, her body bobbing up and
down on my hard pole, her hips swaying and her breasts
heaving as she repeatedly rammed her-self down on me. I
opened her floodgates with my words.

"Ohh, Lena! Fuck me. Tell me how much you love it!" I
said. Lena slammed against me then her pace changed,
speeding up and becoming wilder. She started shouting.

"Yes! I love to fuck you! I love to fuck! I love it when
you cum! You always cum sooo much! I love it when you
suck me and lick me all over!! She started thrashing on
my cock, her body convulsing and slamming against me.

"Cum Lena! Cum for me! Cum all over my cock!" I yelled to
her. She came down hard and leaned back, driving me deep
inside her. Her cunt contracted hard and her ass cheeks
squeezed together over and over. Just as she started to
calm down, I couldn't stop, and my sperm flooded into
her, filling her sopping cunt with a warm gush. She came
again and both of us laid there, shuddering and moaning,
joined, coupled, mated. I grabbed her and kissed her like
never before, and she responded the same. I held her in
my arms, our sweaty bodies lying in the sun, feeling
light and drowsy.

After about twenty minutes we slowly got up and started
back to our camp. We detoured into the surf to rinse off,
and I watched as she walked ahead at one point, the
sunlight glistening off the cum on her thighs and ass. We
walked along the wet sand, letting the sun dry our ocean-
rinsed bodies. When we reached our camp, we settled down
and held each other for a long time with-out saying a
word. That night, we made love, gently and tenderly until
we both were satisfied then drifted off to sleep in each
other's arms.

About a week later, we'd settled down into a routine of
gathering food in the morning and catching fish just
before noon, making a hearty lunch and then a cozy nap.
We would usually awaken from that nap in a lusty mood and
savor it until just after a light evening meal.

We'd decided that the stars and moon should witness our
passions for each other, and we'd fall asleep outside by
the fire. We also started building a small hut, and the
work was slow and tedious. Lena proved to be the better
one to figure out the way to tie things together while I
hacked at small trees with a hatchet or wire-saw. We'd
both taken to wearing little clothing, saving it for when
(or if) the weather turned cool. Most of the time we went
around in skin, except around noon, when the heat drove
us to shade.


Two weeks after coming ashore, we'd completed our hut. We
were both very proud of it, although it wasn't much to
look at. I gave us shelter and a place to store our
supplies. It was roomy enough for everything and the two
of us to have a separate sleeping area. I'd rigged one
wall that faced the water to lift up so that we could
keep a fire outside (and fortunately the wind usually
blew it away from the hut.

We finished stowing our supplies and then went to the
surf to rinse off our sweaty bodies. We were both happy
that we had something more permanent that just a piece of
cloth over our heads. Lena and I frolicked in the ocean
and after sun-drying ourselves we came back to our camp.
It was late afternoon, and we thought about a small
celebration on some tomatoes. Lena was about to go inside
the hut for them when I stopped her.

She looked at me puzzled and I smiled and picked her up
in my arms. We were both healthier and trimmer that we
were two weeks ago, and I easily took her across the
"threshold" of our hut. She giggled with delight at the
mere suggestion (on second thought, strike the word
"mere"). I laid her on the bed, sailcloth stuffed with
leaves, and began to caress and lick her salty body.

She called me an immoral tease, a brute and lots of other
love-words before I found her clit and sucked it hard.
She let out an "Ohh" as I rolled her clit around my
tongue. Her nipples rose into hard buds, and I pinched
them with my fingers. I let her rock against me until she
was ready to cum, her pussy soaking my face. Laying
between her legs, I looked up over her sparse blonde
bush. "Cum in my mouth Lena. Let me taste you."

All it took was for me to slide a finger inside her, and
she shuddered and raised her hips, pressing her pussy
against my face. I tasted her and wanted more, teasing
her clit and then her pussy lips. When she finally slowed
down I held her and kissed her gently, telling her that
I'd never let her go.

She purred against my chest and caressed me gently until
she took her turn trying to please me. She licked my
balls at first, then down to my asshole and the cheeks of
my ass, back up to wet the head of my cock with her
tongue. She rubbed my wet knob against her nipples and
sucked me long and deep. She'd found my secrets and used
them to bring me to the edge repeatedly, until she knew I
had enough. Today, she teased me longer than normal, then
she laid my cock in her cleavage. Without moving or
touching me, she told me what she wanted.

"I'll bet you could cum right now. Cum with your cock
between my tits, watching your sperm run like a river out
of your cock and all over me. I want to see you shoot it
up and I want you to watch me try to catch it on my
tongue." She said to me lustily. "I want to feel your
sperm flowing out of you, spurting all over my tits,
warming my nipples and then I'll rub it all over with
your cock."

My hips were quivering and I envisioned what her words
said to me. I could feel it rising, and I couldn't
believe she was going to get me off just by talking.

"Go ahead. Give me you warm cum. Spurt your creamy cum
all over my tits and neck. Make me wet and warm. Let me
bathe in your thick cum, wash my hot tits with it. Cum
for me baby, cum all over my tits, cum now, cum!"

I couldn't hold back and a surge made my cock twitch and
shoot hot and very thick cum. The first couple of gushes
shot into the air, landing on her breasts and my stomach.
The rest shot out, straight up, landing on her tits or my
cock and running warm and wet down her cleavage.

I felt her rubbing my cock across her nipples and licking
the head off. When I looked down at her, her breasts were
shiny and a drop of my white cream rested on her cheek. I
pulled her up, and feeling completely given to this
woman, I licked my sperm drop from her cheek and kissed
her, giving it to her as an offering.

We finally did have those tomatoes, and more, as a
celebration. We slept inside that night, feeling warm and
secure. The next morning, I was awakened by her shouts of
joy and went to find her holding a crab that she'd caught
along the beach. It was a large crab and we feasted on it
for an unusual breakfast. The rest of the day was spent
looking for more crabs, then in fishing so that we could
try to smoke some as reserve food, just in case. We
finally finished that day, tired but happy.


Almost a week went by and this time Lena found two crabs.
We kept one for dinner and had one for breakfast. I
remarked that this wasn't too bad, but perhaps next time
she might find a platter of prime rib? She laughed and
said she'd settle for chicken.

After breakfast, we fished and found plenty to smoke and
plenty to eat. Towards mid-afternoon, I sent her to the
pond for some water to boil our crab. She came back a bit
nervous and I asked her what was wrong. She said
something had moved by the pond and scared her, asking if
any predators might be on the island. We talked about
this over dinner and decided to look in the morning.

We did look but found no tracks around the pool or the
stream so Lena then decided that it must have been one of
the larger parrot like birds. Paradise was beginning to
be relaxing and we were adjusting to a simple live of
getting food, keeping our hut in good shape, and enjoying
pleasing each other. We were finally resigned that we
might spend eternity here alone, and that suited us both
just fine.

We were preparing to explore our island a bit more
several days later, and we finished dinner talking about
where to look first. The sun was low, but at least an
hour from sunset. We talked about walking around or
through or crosswise to explore, trying to find the
easiest way. Lena was voting for around when something
cracked loudly in the bushes just a few meters behind

She jumped and I caught a glimpse of something fleeing
through the bushes. I grabbed the largest knife we had
and raced off in pursuit, Lena not far behind. I could
see the dark form moving quickly through the foliage
fading in and out of the shadows. I raced on, trying to
find a way over to intercept, but seeming to loose ground
at times, making it up at others.

I turned around some bushes and saw my quarry flash past
and realized I was chasing a person! Thoughts of natives
filled my head, and I worried that we might be in danger,
and I thought of Lena getting caught. She was right
behind me, her shouts directing me one way while she went
the other. I saw Lena's form go around a small rise as I
went around the other side. Just as I turned the corner,
our fleet footed spy ran headlong into me.

Lena came racing up, and stopped. We looked at our
"native" and we were both stunned into silence. On the
ground, looking fearful was a young girl of perhaps
eighteen years. Her appearance was remarkable. Not just
that her hair was a light golden blonde, or her deep
brown all over tan, but just the fact that she was here!
She was terrified of us and who could blame her.

Two people, standing stark naked around you with large
knives couldn't be considered too friendly. Her wide blue
eyes stared at each of us in turn, and she stared a long
time at my limp cock. I lowered the knife and held out my
hand, telling her in as gentle a voice as I could that we
weren't going to hurt her.

"W-what are you doing on my island?" She stammered in
perfectly good English. Then pointing at my cock, "And
what are YOU?!"


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September 16, 1976 Cathy stared at the check for $6,893.33, unable to believe that she was actually holding that much money. The house had sold for $44,000 and that was her share of the sale. Sandra had a check for the same amount. Neither one could believe it. They each had another check for $163.23 which was what was left in the account which had held the money to fix up the house. Benny said, “You’re going to get hit with capital gains, but it shouldn’t be that bad. You’ll need to...

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First Time For Everything

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[This is my first solo story I've written, so it may take me a bit to get into the flow of things. This story was inspired by a fellow author on the site Grimbous, so apologies if there are some similarities, I wrote on one of his stories and hoped to continue with some ideas I had going forward there but I'll be making this into my own thing with its own focus. My next update will be a lump of chapters, just wanted to get this one out to show I'm working on things, but feel free to let me know...

4 years ago
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The Siblings chapter 4 The First Time

This is the fourth chapter. In it, they finally have sex, but its done in a way that shows the love they both share. Its a bit more erotic than the previous two, but its also a short chapter. Read, enjoy, and PLEASE COMMENT. Thanks. I own nothing. All belongs to Michael K. Smith. Also, Im assuming here hymen was broken during masturbation, so dont complain that it isnt mentioned. K? ___________________________________________________________________________________ The First Time by Michael...

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New Neighbors Lessons pt2

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On the RunChapter 6

"You can't just leave me here?" Oliver asked and Jamie looked at Emma. "I could, ya know, cause a distraction here." "You know what to do. And you know the building," Emma replied firmly. "Weren't you listening on the way over, I explained it twice for you." Oliver grunted and Jamie shook his head. "Told ya he wasn't up for it. Bet ya he pisses himself on th' job." "Shut up," Emma snapped. "Now, I have a way-in and out I want but if we have to take a detour out then you...

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The Seafarer

The click of wheels on cobblestone drowned out their silence. Each drove her closer to the docks but further from home. The rhythmic trundling of their closed carriage slowed and became disruptive. Melissa tensed as animate voices began to bleed through their carts darkened walls. As they advanced, the mass of uncouth, loud, and grating tones surrounded her and her mother. She snaped back as one appeared beside them. "Alex! Gah! Get back here or…" it bellowed in passing. Melissa's mother...

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Park after Dark part 2

Having discovered my initials on the table at shelter #3 left me paranoid. I stopped going to the park at night and found myself looking around to see if anyone was looking at me funny. It helped having college homework to keep my mind off it. I still masturbated every night of a guy stuffing his long hard throbbing cock into my tight ass and shooting his cum inside me. Fingers were no longer good enough in my ass and I began to experiment with larger objects. I moved up to using the handle of...

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Surprise dare with an unexpected result part 2

“Truth or dare?” appeared on the screen. Really, on a Tuesday morning? “Ok, dare. But you know I have to go to work today.” What are the odds this is a bad one? “Wait a minute, I never asked you truth or dare so now it’s an automatic dare for you! Let me think about this one after what you made me do last time.” Then I signed off and got ready for work. I was still confused about the last time we played and she brought me to a female strip club and then a tranny bar. Although I ended up having...

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No Shoelaces Today

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After Five YearsChapter 18

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Silken Domination

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Sasu Maa Key Instructions

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From an Outie to an InnieChapter 15

The Aboriginals of Australia are an interesting people. They have managed to hold on to their beliefs and old ways in spite of attempts to make them more civilized and Christian. I find their view of the world and creation, in what we have come to refer to as “Dreamtime,” to be fascinating. Depending on where the tribe is from the creator(s) differ. I’ve barely scratched the surface of the history of the Aboriginals of Australia, but to understand that there is a civilization that has roots...

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Joyce Dickinson part 7

"Pour some wine Joyce I'm gagging here girl"As if by autopilot, Joyce opened the screw top bottle of very chilled white wine and poured two glasses. "Arrrggghh. That's better" said Sylvia as she took a long gulp of the refreshing Sauvignon Blanc. "Been looking forward to that" Joyce sipped her drink and watched her friend finish off drying her hair. "So...what have you been up to today....anything exciting. You shipped a nice well hung black stud in while I've been Joyce...

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RajahChapter 4

The voluptuous young blonde stirred restlessly on the rumpled guest bed. Her eyes fluttered open and fought with the darkness that permeated the thick stale aura of the sumptuous room. Strange odors wafted through her nostrils, causing her brow to wrinkle slightly as though in deep concentrated thought. Her tongue circled her lips, tasting the slight pungency of a sticky moistness around them. Her eyes adjusted quizzically to the darkness and followed her form lying on the bed below. It was...

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Neighbors Day One

I was always a bit of a loner through school. I was average looking, nerdy, shy, and anxious. I had a few close friends, and had a few boyfriends through that time. Sure I had had sex before, not many times, and other than being told I was really good at giving a blowjob by two of my exes, I was pretty inexperienced and naive. My mother was a strict Christian, so if she found out she might kill me. My father had lost his faith, being paralyzed after a work accident, and though we shared a...

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A rude black stud at the motel room

While we were resting on our marital bed there after two hours of good sex; I asked my sweet Ana why she was so horny. She smiled and admitted she was so wet and horny because one of her good girlfriends, Laura, had told her she was dating a black man on the west side of town.I thought this bitch Laura was happily married; but Ana told me she was going to split up with his husband…She and Ana were close friends and then my loving wife was shocked about the thought of Laura fucking a black...

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Horny for Mum part 3

Sorry for the slow build of part 2. In this part I get to see mom masturbate. Mom decided it was time to get a job as I entered the 6th grade. As I mentioned, dad’s insurance policy provided us with the luxury of mom raising me and my sister without having to work. I was t****e and Wendy was a s*****n year old sophomore. We were old enough for Mom to not have to waste her time at home and she felt the extra income would be good. Mom had a friend that worked for a title company and...

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Moms Milk

My mom and I had pulled through some rough times together and it made us tighter. I just figured that was how it always would be. Of course, it’s different for a kid of eleven than it is for a widowed mother trying to provide for her kid. “I’m gonna be your new daddy.” “Bullshit. You’re just gonna be the asshole that comes between me and my mom,” I thought to myself. I was thirteen when my mom remarried. A difficult age under any circumstance. I had handled things pretty well, all things...

4 years ago
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Understanding Auntie

Understanding Aunty by anonymous Writer "So that's why the lingerie in my dresser drawers always seem like somebody's been rummaging through my things!" My aunt said as she undid my pants and pulled them down to reveal I was wearing a pair of her lace trimmed, pink satin panties! She then pulled my shirt up to see I was also wearing her matching lace trimmed, pink satin camisole! She became a little angry "And my best lingerie too! You naughty boy!" With that she...

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Evening Classes

To anyone observing their fellow passengers on the number fifty-two bus, he was just another office worker going home after his nine to five job in the town. Anyone looking a little closer might have observed his smart black suit and white shirt and surmised he was a shop or an office worker. They would have made an assumption about the lack of a tie that it had been taken off as soon as he left the place of work and placed in his pocket ready for tomorrow. In fact, they were wrong on all...

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A Sexy Experiment

Dan Lesterman was just your average 23 year old guy, his childhood friend Jessica Waters was a quirky scientist who loved to pester him. There was something about her, she was the same age of course, 5'4 with B cup breasts and an ass you just want to spank. Dan was like pudding in her hand, always eager to please her, doing any favour she asked of him. They slept together once, but it was just an experiment to her, to see what it was like first-hand, she didn't have much interest in him. Dan...

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The Point 2 Chapter 3

Mark checked in with the boys at the weight room the next day. He wanted to get a quick workout in and he wanted to see Luke and Maxi. When he got there, they had clearly already told Zach about what had happened the night before.To Mark’s surprise, Zach didn’t seem to be too upset to hear about their threesome. Zach asked Mark if he could talk to him in private. Mark obliged and they headed to a secluded corner. Zach said that he had been thinking about their recent conversations and that he...

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Earths CoreChapter 16 A Way Out

“‘Everything’, you say?” One of the women in the group accompanying General Logan, slender and young looking lass, blurted. “What insanity! What gall!” She emanated fluctuations of the fourth Martial Mortal level, coalesced with fiery attribute energy. “Am I?” Zax emitted a vicious glare at the woman. An invisible undulation traversed the distance between them in a blink of an eye and sunk into her glabella, while Zax watched in expectation. “Argh!” The woman groaned in pain. For a brief...

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I was of course shocked at what she was doing, ….but then again…I would love to see my sister Jodi undressed myself. She had a killer body, nice tits and her and I ….well….we kinda liked to cop feels on each other once and a while. I had only seen her once semi-naked in a very shear nightgown, and I could see enough to start a hardon going each time I looked at her now. We both were afraid to go any further as it could lead to trouble with mom. We had one close call when I was...

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Grandpa and MeChapter 3

Mom was naked on the bed. Her eyes were closed. Her legs were up with her feet planted firmly on the mattress. Sweat sheened her skin, which had a faint red glow. Her left hand held open the lips of her pussy and her right middle finger was sloshing in and out. She was moaning softly and her muscles were tightened and relaxed rhythmically. Grandpa stopped in the doorway to stare at her. “Isn’t she magnificent, Rick? God, what a woman. I’ve always thought she’d be a hot, squirming creature...

2 years ago
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Reality check for boy 23

I had always been fair with new boys.  Some were older.  Some were as young as 23, but all of them had never experienced total female supremacy like this.  We wanted to give the new ones a designation appropriate for a biological male who was experiencing a new situation.  Virgin seemed to indicate that sex was imminent, and that was certainly not the case.  We played with sissy, but that would indicate a boy who wanted to be a female.  We liked to think of them as boys - lowly, cowering...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 27 Facing the Music

November 22, 1987, Chicago, Illinois I dropped Tasha at the IIT dorms, leaving her with a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek so as not to give anything away, and then headed towards Hyde Park. I assumed Jessica would be in bed, so I had a few hours before I had to talk to her. I’d briefly considered saying nothing, but deceiving her struck me as worse than confessing that I’d violated our agreement. I could only hope that she was as forgiving as Kara had been back when I’d had my ‘dumb boy’...

4 years ago
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Melissas RiteChapter 26

Jason ducked into the garage as soon as the door had risen far enough to admit his bike. He unhooked the bag from the handlebars and shoved it under his mother's car. That would hide the book sufficiently for the time it would take to check his email and let his mother know he was going out again. Jason was careful to wait for the garage door to come down before he left the garage. "I'm home, Mom," he called out in a casual voice before heading up the stairs. Halfway up, his mother...

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