No Shoelaces Today free porn video

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No Shoelaces Today! By Jordan Holder All I really wanted was a pair of shoelaces, but I couldn't seem to find the dusty old shoe shop--you know, the one that every mall has near an undesirable entrance, where the rent is lower. One of mine was frayed and about to break, and I didn't want to have to try to tie the ends together. Better just to replace it before that happened. I couldn't believe this mall didn't have a shoe repair shop. I tried one side corridor after another and found a pet shop, a cookie store, foundation garments for overweight ladies, and everything but what I was looking for. Finally, behind an escalator, was the last, rather dimly lit, part of the mall that I hadn't yet gotten to. And there it was, near the blind end--Shoes R Us. No, that wasn't it. My eyes, or more likely my brain, was playing tricks on me. It actually said _Spells_ R Us. I had my hand on the door handle before I realized that I'd been the victim of an optical illusion. I was ready to turn and go but then decided maybe the proprietor might know if there _was_ a shoe repair shop in the mall. So I went in. The place was about as dusty as the kind of shop I was seeking, but had all sorts of odd items and curios lying around. In a way like a shoe shop, which had jars and bottles of polish and waterproofing and dye, and shoe horns and stretchers and such in cases, but in this store, the variety was incredible. Old clocks. Carved dolls. Tons of jars with labels I couldn't quite read, but probably were not neat's-foot oil. And on and on. I was alone in the place and was just about to ring the bell I finally located on the counter, when a voice from the back shouted, "No need to ring the bell, I'm coming. Be there in a moment." I moved my hand away from the bell and backed away from the counter in surprise at having been anticipated like that. A gray-bearded figure appeared through a draped doorway that led to the back of the shop. For a moment I thought he was actually wearing a cobbler's apron, but then it looked more like a bathrobe. That didn't seem appropriate, either. "Sorry, Greg. No shoelaces here today. And the shop in the mall closed up last May." My mouth fell open. I hadn't said a word to him. And now I had no idea of what to say. "Come now, Greg, you saw the sign. At least the second time you saw it. Who would be running a shop of spells but a wizard?" "I...I mean...a wizard? Like for real?" "Of course. We generally cover our tracks pretty well so it doesn't get into the newspaper, but there are a few of us around." "Uh huh." I gulped. "Well, maybe you can magic up a pair of shoelaces for me, then. That's what I want." "'Fraid not. Like I said, no shoelaces here today. And that's not what you _really_ want, anyway. You want something else, or you wouldn't have been able to find this place." He was leaving me behind. "Honestly, I just need a pair of black, 27- inch shoelaces. Wax dress kind." "Oh, now we're talking about what you _need_, not what you want. There's a shoe repair shop in the strip shopping center about two miles east on Samper Road, OK? But are you _sure_ you aren't interested in doing something about what you _want_ while you're here?" "Frankly, I don't know what you're talking about," I said. "Everybody wants something. Money, power, and sex cover almost everything. And most people have some hope of getting what they want by ordinary means. When what they want is out of reach that way, some find their way here. Magic is a good way around things like lack of ability, for example. I remember one young fella who was an execrable actor but wanted to be a movie star..." The wizard drifted off. "OK, OK," I interrupted his reverie, "but what's that got to do with me?" "I think it's obvious. There's something you want that you can't have. As I said, that's how you found the place." "What do mean, something I want? I have a good job, money in the bank, no debt, and I don't dream of power. Just the damn shoelaces!" I turned on my heel and walked to the door. When I reached for the knob, it moved up eight inches. I reached for it again, and it scuttled across the door to the hinge side. No matter what I did, I couldn't get my hand on it. "OK, enough of this. Let me out of here." "I think you're being rude to walk out in the middle of a conversation," he said. "Come back here and let's finish what we were talking about." The futile chase for the doorknob was making me feel pretty silly, and I didn't seem to have much other choice, so I returned to the counter. He had taken out a large crystal ball. "Isn't that pretty hackneyed?" I asked. "Yes, but my cable's out," he answered. He looked into it (I couldn't see anything, not even mist), muttered "Doggone reruns!" and banged on the top a couple of times. "Ah, there we are--premium channel: Greg's Head." I still couldn't see a thing in the ball. "Ah. Ah. Oh. Oh, my. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Shame!" He looked up at me. "This isn't good. I wouldn't have expected it of a respectable-looking person like you." "What are you talking about?" "You're a pedophile!" "I am _not_," I said heatedly. "You take that back or I'll..." "I wouldn't." He gave me a menacing look. "The last person who took a swing at me is spending the rest of his life as a penguin on an Antarctic ice floe. It's cold there. And boring." "Well, I have _never_ touched anyone underage." "No, but you would certainly _like_ to," he said. "Hmmm." He looked into the crystal again. "I see that you help out with your church youth group. There's this girl, Heather, isn't there? I don't have to look to know that you have turned red." "So? A middle-aged bachelor can have fantasies, can't he? That's not illegal. I don't have pictures or anything." "As I said before, you wouldn't be here if it were just a fantasy. Maybe you got here just in time." "Just in time for what?" "In time to keep you out of jail," he answered. "What do you mean?" "Your fantasies have progressed to _wants_. The next step after that is _doing_. Followed by police, prosecutors, and prison guards. Prison isn't kind to child molesters." I didn't believe a word of it, but I figured I'd humor him. "So what do I do now?" "Let me see." He peered into the crystal again, then took out what looked like nothing so much as a TV remote control and pointed it at the crystal ball and clicked it. Then he looked again. "I see. Yes, that will do." "What will?" "Answer some questions," he retorted. "You actually do love this girl, it seems." "Uh, yeah, I guess so." "Well, that's something besides lust. Probably what got you in here instead of the police station. Next question: You want her to love you?" "Yes." "But you really want to sleep with her, right?" "Uh..." "Answer the question!" He sounded angry. "OK, yeah. I want to sleep with her." "In fact, you are obsessed with her body, right? You want to be able to explore every bit of it? Answer me!" "Yes, dammit." "And you know this is never going to happen, since you are more than thirty years older than she is, right? Unless you do something against the law?" "I guess so. So what are you going to do, make me younger? Make her older?" "Do you think it would be fair to take away her youth just to satisfy your lust?" "I guess not." "I don't think much of teenage sex, either," he harrumphed. "Well, the crystal thinks this is what you need, in that case." He reached under the counter and produced an old-fashioned alarm clock, the kind with the big dial and the two bells on each side of the top stem. "An alarm clock?" "Yes, one of my specials. $21.95 today only. After today, the cost to you goes up to whatever the bail bondsman charges. This shop won't be around." That sounded pretty ominous. I winced. "You say this will keep me out of jail?" "More than that, it will give you everything you say you want. You get to sleep with Heather, enjoy her body, and I guarantee you will both love each other." I looked at the clock. The numbers on it were backwards, with 11 where the 1 should be, 10 where the 2 should be, and so on. Only the 12 and 6 were in their right places. I paid him the $21.95, and he put the clock into a paper shopping bag. "OK, now what do I _do_ with this?" "You wind it up and set the alarm for exactly six a.m. Then go to bed at exactly midnight." I gathered this had something to do with the fact that those were the only numbers correctly placed. "Then what?" "You stay out of jail. Guaranteed. Good-bye, Greg," he said with finality, and made shooing motions toward the door. This time, the doorknob stayed where it was. I walked out into the mall corridor. When I looked back, there was only a blank wall where the store had been. And as I left the corridor under the escalator, the corridor too disappeared. The paper bag in my hand, heavy with the large clock, was still there. Well, if the store were gone, the wizard, if that's what he was, wouldn't be notifying the prosecutor or police. I wondered if he could be right in his assessment that by tomorrow, I would be on an irreversible course towards a life in prison. I made my way to my car, put the clock in the trunk, and drove down Samper Road to buy my shoelaces. The store was where the old man had said it would be, and my right lace broke just as I was untying it to put in the new pair. So that was all right. When I got home, I almost forgot the clock was in the trunk. I went back to the car after going inside and got it. Taking it out of the bag and putting it on my nightstand, after moving several other things out of the way, I began to wonder if it had all been a joke. But how could the wizard, if that's what he was, have known all that. I'd never said a word to anyone about Heather. Had someone seen me looking at her with too much interest? And why would that someone mention it to the proprietor of a magic shop? None of it made sense. Including the idea that there were real wizards. All that stuff about jail was preying on my mind the rest of the evening, however, as I made dinner and got undressed for bed. I usually turned in at 10:15 and got up at 5 or so for work, but as that hour approached, I decided that the worst that could happen was that I would feel like a fool, and I'd be an hour later than usual for work. Since I usually came in way early, that wouldn't matter. So I deactivated my clock radio and wound and set the big alarm for exactly six a.m. Then I watched all of the 10 o'clock news on the Fox channel and followed it with the news on the NBC outlet, which led into the Leno monologue. The Michael Jackson jokes didn't seem too funny tonight--what was funny about pedophilia anyway? I turned it off and realized it was 10 minutes to midnight. Quickly I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and got ready to turn in. I snapped off the light just as the big hand on the windup clock reached vertical. Now what? The loud ticking didn't disturb me as much as I thought it would, and I fell asleep. *** Well, I can't actually say the wizard lied to me. Because the next morning... "Heather! Brittany! Time to get up! School bus will be here in an hour!" The woman's voice didn't sound like my clock radio, nor was it the expected alarm of a wind-up clock. Heather had certainly been on my mind, but who was Brittany? Next to me in bed, someone stirred and sat up, stretching. It was definitely Heather. I knew that cute face and that blonde hair from my dreams. Waking up in bed with her should have had me unbelievably horny, but I felt...nothing. Not even when she leaned over and hugged me. Which felt very strange. "Come on, get up!" she said. "My turn to pick out what we're both going to wear today! I just love being identical twins!" I think I fainted at that point. "Brittany! Brittany! Are you OK?" Heather was shaking me. "Should I get Mom?" I took several deep breaths. "Yeah, I guess so." My voice sounded almost exactly like hers, except that it was in my head, not coming through my ears. I sat up, and felt breasts moving on my chest as I did so. Then, as I swung my legs over to get out of bed, I furtively checked between them. There was no doubt what the wizard's clock had done. I was a fifteen-year-old girl, just like Heather. In fact, exactly like Heather, if her comment about identical twins was now correct. Convinced I was all right, she had gone back to the dresser and was tossing clothes onto the bed. "Let's wear pink today. I think the guys really like the sweaters. Hey! You're supposed to get done in the bathroom while I'm doing this. What's the matter with you?" "I think I had a nightmare," I improvised. "I don't think I really slept well." "You could have fooled me," she said. "I don't remember you waking up in the middle of the night. Anyway, if you don't get done, I'm going." And she left, padding down the hall in her nightgown. I started going through the clothes on the bed. There were two of everything except socks, of which there were four. Knee-high. Including two bras. I'd always wondered if Heather was a C or D cup. Now I knew. D. So was I. No wonder the guys liked the sweaters... "Geeze! What _is_ the matter with you today?" She'd come back from the bathroom. There was no putting it off. I went down the hall the same direction she had and found the biffy. Somehow I managed the task; there seemed to be some memory I could tap into of Brittany's life, even though she had never existed before this morning. I guessed that Heather and her Mom, and just about everyone else would have new memories, too. Powerful clock. I washed my face and came back to our room. Heather was already dressed. "Come on, slowpoke!" I was actually nervous about getting undressed in front of the girl I'd been fantasizing about for months, but she took the decision out of my hands and pulled my nightgown right over my head. "Honestly! Am I going to have to play Mom?" I had no trouble putting on the panties, but I wasn't up to fastening the bra. No wonder; I looked at her--a D cup was really not the right size for either of us. Mom probably didn't want to face the reality of DD bras for 15-year-old girls. Heather helped me fasten the three hooks. I did OK from there with the sweater, skirt, and stockings. Where were the shoes? I let her get them out. It was a relief to see that they were fairly plain loafers; I didn't want to have to manage heels just yet. "Come on! Don't you want breakfast? I'm starved." I followed her downstairs to the breakfast table. Dad was already eating, and reading the newspaper. Mom was making some eggs for us. I felt like I was in a 1950s TV program; did people really live like that still? I was starting to apprehend more and more of Brittany's memories, and I guess that at least _we_ did. I let Heather do most of the talking at breakfast. Mom was OK with my explanation about not sleeping well for why I was so quiet. And then it was time to catch the school bus. Yesterday I'd owned a new Mazda; today, I was too young to drive. There were two bookbags by the door. Which was mine? Oh. The one with the "B" on it. It was _heavy_. At least for a teenage girl. I followed Heather out the door and down the block to wait for the bus. *** By the end of the day, I was pretty well tapped into being Brittany, with Brittany's memories. Unfortunately, a lot of the detail of being Greg was gone. Oh, I could remember being him and what he'd done with his life for some fifty years, but I couldn't remember much of what he _knew_. That morning, as I rode the bus, I'd thought high school would be a breeze--been there, done that. By the time I got to third-period geometry, I couldn't remember _anything_. Except what Brittany had "studied" in her manufactured memory. The other thing I noticed by afternoon was how _old_ all the teachers were. Even though they were in their thirties, and I'd been over fifty. The thin ice I'd been skating on before was coming through to me. The Brittany me sure wasn't finding any of those old men attractive. On the other hand, what was left of Greg was arguing with Brittany about whether some of the seniors were cute or not. As Brittany, there was the lure of the "older man." Like _two_ years older. As Greg, I wasn't going on dates with _men_. No way! I still wanted to sleep with Heather. The weirdest experience of the day was PE. Well, not the athletics. Showering with forty naked teenage girls. Greg wanted to look; Brittany didn't care. It was the last class of the day, and I was much more Brittany than Greg by then. About 10 girls got to sit out the class because of their period; I realized that sometime soon, that would be Heather and me. Greg didn't want to so much as think about it. *** Well, beyond this point, it's pretty much the diary of a teenage hottie. Which is nothing new. I worried about making tryouts for cheerleader (of course we made the squad; who could resist identical twins?) and having a date for the spring dance. Greg was mostly gone. Oh, I could remember being him, but I wasn't much like him any more. So the wizard gave me what I wanted: Heather loves me--like a sister, of course, and I love her pretty much the same way (with just a tinge of Greg). And we sleep together; Mom and Dad were planning on just one child, and there were things they couldn't handle financially for twins, like separate bedrooms. So, we'll be going to the state university, not any private college. I wonder if Heather would have done better alone, without a twin sister, as her parents had planned. And, yes, I get to check out her body any time I want to--just by looking in the mirror, because my body is the same as hers. Of course, double-D cups aren't as interesting when they are yours. I still expected to be a teenage boy when the clock alarm went off. I should have paid more attention to what the wizard said, because he never promised anything that specific. And he did say he was against teenage sex. Heather says she's waiting until after college, when she gets married. I guess I'll do the same; I don't want to lose her before I have to. I love my sister so much...

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Daffys story Midnight to 4 am today

I'm not at home. I haven't been home for over 25 hours. I haven't worn clothes for nearly all of that time. I have a laptop that I can write my stories on and I can go online when He does not require me. And I am happy with how this is all going. The previous chapter of my story ended with me getting what I thought was the fucking of a lifetime from a fat black man named Derrek and his friend Michael making things just a little weird by joining in a little and telling me some strange...

2 years ago
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Who Do You Want To Be Today

A story of a machine I am sure we would all like to get our hands on. Who Do You Want To Be Today? By Catherine 1 I got the call at about three in the morning, waking me. ?Sir, this is Helena, Dr. Strauss? assistant here in Austria? He spoke very highly of you.? ?He spoke? Has something happened?? ?Yes, he passed away earlier today, and you are mentioned in his will, I never realized he knew anyone outside of Austria.? ?Well, it was a long time ago; we worked on a...

2 years ago
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The Road to Today

I was from a small town in Vermont. I went to a small liberal arts college in Maine. I was athletic, slim, but all guy, with one small exception. I loved to wear ladies panties. I had even tried make up and a wig once or twice. The wigs were Halloween wigs and the make up, left over stuff in the family bathroom. Other than that I just figured I was a normal over achieving heterosexual, who took on far too many commitments and far too many problems belonging to my family. You may have one...

4 years ago
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I got caught masturbating today

It was bound to happen eventually, when your 21 and a virgin you masturbate alot, more than once a day normally. I start to get blue balls if I go more than two days without a good cum. But anyways, today I was down by the pool house that my family owns, my sister had some friends over and they were inside. I had to get out of the house to concentrate, I couldn't take their drunken antics anymore, so I go outside and open up the door to the pool house. I go inside and find a nice spot to lay...

3 years ago
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Hair Today

“Hair Today...” “You’re ... you’re breaking up with me?” Ginger looked across the table at the obviously stricken Gabe. He was so cute, especially with that look of shock on his face, that for just a moment she regretted what she was doing, but then sighed and nodded. “But ... why?” Ginger opened, then closed her mouth again. After a moments reflection she decided to be brutally honest. At least it would forestall any further argument. “Well Gabe, I just ... I just don’t think you can keep...

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My wife had her dads baby today

Last week, Nicole was getting cramps and told me she thought it was close enough to call her dad so he could be here for the delivery of his baby. I contacted him and he drove 1000 miles this weekend to be here. You should have seen the looks on their faces when he arrived. Those two were total bliss. I took care of my own two children by taking them to the zoo and aquarium, leaving Frank and Nicole to be alone for the day. I know they had to have had some wonderful pregnant sex with...

2 years ago
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Born Today

Introduction: Harry Brock teach the hard lessons to his unfaithful young wife. **co-writing with my friend from Imagefap, Reddwarf** **base from the incident in the movie named Born Yesterday(1993)** Born Yesterday was a 1993 remake of a classic movie starring Melanie Griffith and John Goodman as Harold. At the end of this movie, Billie (Griffith) had left Harold. This is the tale of what happened to him afterwards. **the tag consensual sex is for chapter 2** Chapter 1 Holly was a...

3 years ago
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If You Go Down To The Woods Today

Cantering steadily up the bridle path, enjoying the warmth of the afternoon sun on her back, Sadie silently thanked her late mother once more for making horses a priority in her life. Without her encouragement she would never have known the exhilarating freedom and joy that came along with the peaceful calm of her favourite past time. Patting Jolly Roger soundly on his muscular neck, she reigned him to a standstill and slid off him. A handsome, black, eighteen-hand thoroughbred, Jolly had been...

Straight Sex
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One more for today

I was driving in New Hampshire for work one day around ten years ago, a simple summer day trip but that meant about five hours of driving. After work was done for the day around 2pm I started my drive home and was in not hurry taking back roads thru mostly small towns and woods. I stopped for some caffeine and I bought a soda. I sat in the car going thru my emails and making a business call when I noticed a guy in a Snapple truck unloading crates. I had parked along a curb and I could see him...

2 years ago
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If you go down to the woods today

We have been holidaying in France for many years,and when visiting friends drive through a beautiful small forest,this year i said to my wife that i always fancied having a good fuck in the woods with her,she said that sounds nice, so one day after seeing some friends for lunch and a couple of glasses of wine, i suggested we could maybe stop in the wood on the way back to our gite, she gave me a cheeky smile so i thought Great lets go for it !!!I found a suitable space to pull over and we both...

2 years ago
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My daughter in law shocked me today

I have always thought my son's wife was a lovely lady. She has a gorgeous face and her body is to die for. Five foot three and weighing a tiny one hundred pounds. She has never been anything short of a classy lady and great mom to my grand daughters. Always modest yet extremely sexy. Over the past couple of years she has began modeling for a few clothing manufacturers. Nothing to Racey , very short shorts showing her pretty little round ass is as far as it went. She started getting tattooed...

2 years ago
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Fucked For The First Time Today

I put a listing on CL today for a Alpha top that was verbal and wanted a tight boi hole. I had a few men send me messages.I picked one with a nice 7" cock photo. I started by cleaning myself out then Lubbing up and using a toy on my hole to help loosen me up.After a good ten minutes of stuffing my boi pussy with the toy and my fingers it was time for a shower to relax, I couldn't believe how excited I was.I got all cleaned up took a shower, then lobbed my hole again with anticipation. I then...

1 year ago
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Not Today

Can Tim stand up for himself?"NO!"Everyone froze. The whirl of activity that had ruled this nightmare came to a screeching halt."NO MORE!"The roars had come from me. Everyone looked shocked. My voice had a volume and command I had just not been able to muster during the events of the last hour. But it was there now, and I was the center of attention, once again.Directly in front of me on the patio table, my "darling" wife Cindy was being pressed under the body of Monica's husband Jake. Just...

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How I became the woman I am today

I used to be a shy and innocent k** in highschool. No one really wanted to be my friend, no guy thought I was hot or something like that. I was feeling kind of down at some point. My parents were pretty worried that I was always indoors, and nobody else except my teachers called to contact me. I was frequently crying and feeling dissapointed. It was the loneliest time of my life. But oh boy, things were about to change in my senior year. One day, I was sitting in front of my highschool,...

1 year ago
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18 Today

Julie had just turned 18 and was looking forward to graduation. She had just 10 more days of school and she would be going off to collage in the fall. She had a full summer planned for herself, which included a large amount of time with her older sister Kathy. Kathy was already in collage and they were going to be roommates again. Just like when they had been growing up. Their parents had never figured out why they did not mind sharing the room that had been their bedroom since they had both...

3 years ago
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shocked view at the Hospitol today

Had a test on the 3rd floor of the hospital today. In the waiting room I stood and looked at the other offices. Looked at the 2nd floor window and could see an office. Some medial coat wearing man, I think a Dr comes in and sat down. Working on his laptop and taking notes. A scrubs wearing women comes in and rubs his neck. Can not hear the words, but joking. She pulls a cabinet door open and looks around. Had she looked up she could see my head. Being tall allowed me to see the room clear. She...

2 years ago
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My Young Sissy brother for Mens Cum today

sharleesisterboyMY Young SISSY brother in Heat for Men's Cum, today!You used to prance around the house in your white underware, when Mom was gone, shaking your cute ass at me till I caught you, roughly, in My Big brothers arms and carried you to my bedroom floor. You giggled all the way, till I tossed you down on the dirt floor and you tumbled and smiled up at Me and lay on your tummy with your legs spread wide for Man-Cock. You know what I like to do to You, but, instead, I tie your wrists...

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not today

You come home and walk in the front door and find me in thigh-high boots, a thong and a corset. I let you shut the door behind you and command "On your knees, Slut!". You look down and in one swift move, you grab me by the throat, startling me and instilling even a little fear. You see it in my eyes and I feel your thumb stroke my jaw bone, letting me know, I am safe. You pull me by my throat to you and whisper in my ear "Not today, Bitch." You walk behind me, switching your grip on my neck,...

3 years ago
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shower thoughts for today

This was my mind wandering about my good boy during my shower today. Your licking my ass and giving it a good reddening as I was bent over the back of a couch. Then you slid your fingers inside and began to rub one of my sweet spots that send me quiverring and gasping for air. I arch my back into your hand. You then slide up behind me and slide your cock in. Deeper and deeper it plumments into my moist pussy. I'm gyrating my hips on your cock driving it deeper inside me. I reach behind and...

2 years ago
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If you go down to the woods today

If you go down to the woods today.Kim got into the car as Bill pulled up. She scanned the street before she got in to make sure there was no one around who knew her. He’d insisted on picking her up from outside her house. She had dressed as instructed. Her blouse was black almost see through, showing off the black lacy bra she wore underneath. She wore a skirt and the dreaded stockings, which always made her feel uncomfortable and a complete slut! Her panties matcher her bra. She wore the only...

4 years ago
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Walking Funny today

Yesterday started out slow for me I was doing laundry and I heard the phone ring so I answered it it was my friend mary she asked what I was gonna do later so told her I didnt have anything in mind and asked why and she said she has a date but her dates friend was tagging along and she wanted some alone time with him and wanted me to go with them to keep him company and I said yes I would go she said great and that I would like him he was Cute she then said she would be by in an hour so to get...

4 years ago
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My Best Sex Ever Till Today

M reyan from jaipur age 23 year . Height 5 ft 9 inch normal body ton m nt much handsome just average looking .. Me yaha kuch bhi jhut ni likhunga log kehte he 10 inch ka he mera to 7 inch lamba 3 inch mota he apko chota lage pr jis chut ne khaya he satisfied huwi he …. Ab me story pe aata hu ye meri pehli story he jo ke tab kiki he jab me 18 year ka tha bsc ke 1st year me tha bachpn se sex ka diwana hu to muje us time bhi kafi knowledge tha but praactical bas hatho se bathroom fars pe girane...

4 years ago
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the lady who creamed me at the beach today

as usual i went to my favorite cafe down the beach this morning :) yep lucky i was i had to ask a your lady if i can borrow 1 of her chairs as there was none at the table i wanted to sit at , yes she replied :) Cool i said so i sat at my table she had some loose legged shorts on me well i could not help my self i had to bend over in the chair and have a look up her shorts :) any how she caught me looking , i dont mind , my coffee came i sipped on it she went and bought another for her self and...

3 years ago
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Good Morning Dear Guess what Ive turned you into today

Good Morning Dear, Guess what I've turned you into today? Somehow I should have known there would be problems with a wife who earned advanced degrees in both human sexuality and occult studies. It was a common misconception that Gwen's degree was in practicing the occult, whereas if you let her explain it was studying the history of occult and pagan religions. It helped that she didn't project an air of strangeness, she seemed as any academic woman with just a touch of an elitist...

2 years ago
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I hate Menards But not today

I had an interesting day today! I hate going to Menards with a passion! That usually is followed by a big mess in my house I need to clean up! But I was dragged there this morning to start a new project for shelves. So my husband asked me to go with him because we haven't done much together away from home. I decided to wear a shorter skirt and blouse for the trip. I like wearing that sort of thing to 'guy' places because I like the feeling of eyes on me. We got there and the list began. My...

4 years ago
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Met A New Granny Today

I went to the grocery store just to grab a few things today. I'm stroling thru the store and I grabbed some cabbage, red potatoes, and some corned beef. Now I'm looking for some to drink to go along with it when I see this gorgous mature woman. She had on a short sleeve button up top and you could see her bra straps and bra from the side as she walked. Her breast were very large, I followed her to get a chance to see her ass. She was a pear shaped woman, but had very nice hips. You could...

2 years ago
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Hair Today

Hair today - gone sometime? Jan looked at the reflection in the mirror. What came most readily to mind was the old statement that it takes a lot of what is artificial to be a natural girl. The sparkling red toe nails showing through the peep toes of the high, spike-heeled black velvet shoes were most certainly manmade - and held on by very unnatural superglue. However the long shapely legs, shown to their best advantage all the way up to the hems of the brief satin hotpants were...

1 year ago
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If You Go Down to the Wood Today

If you go down to the woods today... It was Saturday evening when the five foot two Andrea, entered her bedroom she shared with her master Ray. Already laid out on the bed were the clothes he had intended her to wear. Andrea had received a phone call from her master and partner Ray, telling her he had something special planned. She was instructed to go shower and shave her cunt freshly, she was warned to not play with her 36DD tits or her cunt but instead to efficiently wash herself then go...

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If I Should Die Today

The name is Jay Vincent. A big and tall young Black man living in the city of Brockton, Massachusetts. I live in a town full of morons. And I absolutely hate it. From the dumb-ass women I see talking on the phone or checking their makeup in the rearview mirror instead of paying attention to traffic while driving to the punk-ass guys and girls I see smoking ( or selling ) dope on street corners with their pants hanging low, I hate them all. I hate the cop who drives by in his or her squad car...

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My Life Stories Yesterday Today

I had to be in NYC on Tuesday for 9am. While not a terrible commute from central Jersey, it would require getting out of the house earlier than usual, so I investigated taking a hotel room there for Monday night. Problem was, it was the combined Valentines-Presidents Day holiday weekend and rooms were either scarce or very expensive. Over the weekend, I was out with a friend and explaining the situation to him, when he said that Jonathan, the elderly man I invited to your party last year, lived...

2 years ago
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On the Drive Home Today

I keep telling myself I have to stay away from the truck stop.  The police watch the place, and I have actually seen some poor bastard get arrested a time or two.  My friend Ricky laughs off my hesitation.  ‘As long as you stay away from minors and you’re not selling drugs, friend, you’ve got nothing to worry about.’  So, the truck stop it is.  When you’re in the mood for some random, anonymous hook-up, when you’re up for ‘pot luck’ sex, this is the place. I find a spot in the parking lot and...

1 year ago
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If you go down to the park today

I hope you read about Ffion and Zara, the married lesbians you probably guessed that this was a fictional tale, but a naughty idea that just might happen one day. What happened below, however, is true, and all the hotter for that. I’ll let Ffion take up the story …At the beginning of this summer, I was working a lot in the city where I live, and I made a habit of taking lunch in the nearby park under a nice tree, shading me from the hot sun.One day, I noticed a girl walking nearby and looking...

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Lets have a gay day today

The sun is rising, the birds are singing and the morning dew is glistening in the garden. You wipe your eyes and are basked with light coming from your windows. You were hoping to stay in bed a bit longer, but if you stand up to close your curtains you won't be able to fall back to sleep. You just moved into a new neighborhood and worked your ass off to move all your stuff into your new home. You're glad to be living alone, but somehow the solitude tastes bittersweet. Perhaps it would be time...


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