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She couldn’t walk another step. She was soaked to the bone and the salt from the seawater was making her itch. The cold water was also responsible for her stiff muscles that were screaming for her to stop and rest. But she knew she couldn’t, if she stopped she might not get going again. She’d read all the books about survival, if she stopped she would probably fall asleep, if she fell asleep she might never wake up again.

Someone has to live around here! I saw the dock earlier. She would have seen the smoke too if the misty drizzle hadn’t cut the visibility in half. Of course if she had seen the smoke she would have seen the shore and wouldn’t have wrecked her boat. The worst part about it was that no one knew she had gone out sailing. If she died no one would think to look for her for days. The price I pay for running.

She continued to walk until her legs couldn’t carry her anymore. Her knees buckled and she barely felt the sting of rock scraping at her palms her body was so numb. Curling into a ball she thought to herself, I’m just going to rest here for a minute. I won’t fall asleep. I’ll be fine in a few minutes and keep going. Just a few minutes…a few minutes became hours.

She dreamed of dogs barking and of a man’s soothing voice telling her everything was going to be fine, that she was safe. She felt like she was floating, drifting on nothingness. Only to softly land on a bed of feathers that lifted and surrounded her in warmth. She dreamed of fingers of sunshine smoothing over her arms and her back, loosening tight muscles and soothing away fears.

She felt like a duck roasting in an oven. Her hand blindly searched over what was causing such warmth. She felt something close to silk against her fingertips. Since touching it felt so wonderful she let her fingers trail deeper into it until she came up against a firm barrier. It felt like skin. But that was impossible, she was alone in the woods. Dismissing it as a dream she decided to go with it. She flattened her palm against the silk and warmth, letting her hand glide over it, trailing lower until she felt something much more coarse. Her fingers quested further to find what felt like satin wrapped around something hard. Curiosity made her hand close around it.

‘You’re in deep water if you keep that up.’ That voice was too clear to be a dream. Her hand shot up to his chest to lever her self up and look at whom she was draped over. Her eyes met a man’s face. He was relaxed, his eyes at half-mast and a slight smile on his lips.

‘Who?’ She croaked. Her voice was hoarse and her throat burned. ‘Who are you?’

‘My name is Mark.’ As he spoke he slowly lifted his hand to brush a lock of hair that had fallen forward, tucking it behind her ear. ‘What do you remember?’ He asked softly.

She was vaguely aware that he was stroking her back. It felt right, familiar. She didn’t know that he had been there all night stroking and rubbing her aches and pains. Giving her warmth to keep her alive.

‘A storm came out of no where. I was headed back to this little nitch I’d found earlier to moor the boat. I was going to wait it out and head back to one of the harbours in the morning. I’d started to bring in the sails so I could just motor in. A gust of wind caught me off guard when I was bringing in the Genoa.’ The expression on her face showed that she was indeed reliving her night of terror. She began to tremble as if cold. ‘The jib was ripped out of my hands and the sheet wrapped around part of the mast. If I didn’t cut it loose I wouldn’t be able to bring in the main. I grabbed a knife and bellied my way to the mast. But when I cut the rope the boat pitched.’ The memories of fear flowed though her, shaking her to the core. She could have been hit in the head and drowned. She had been so lucky.

‘It all happened so fast! I brought my arms up just in time to block the boom from hitting my head. It threw me over board… after that I don’t remember swimming to shore… or how I got here.’ She looked away from him as she reached for some thread of control.

‘One of my dogs found you laying unconscious in the woods not far from the house. You were so cold your lips had turned blue. I brought you back here and got you out of those wet clothes and under the covers.’ He watched her blush as she realized that they were both naked. ‘The blankets weren’t enough so I climbed in with you. You could’ve died last night.’

If I don’t get out of this bed right now I’m going to end up kissing her. Good way to make an uncomfortable situation worse. My questions about what she was doing out there all alone will have to wait for later… He slid his arm out from under her and slipped out of bed. As he stood up he grabbed the towel he’d used to dry her luscious body off and wrapped it around his waste. Remembering how she had looked in the soft light from the bedside lamp made his blood rush out of his head into his loins. So he wouldn’t frighten her he kept his body turned away from her as he spoke.

‘Well at least now I know how you came by those bruises on your arms.’ she gasped in shock when she looked at the purple bands on the sides of her arms. ‘Ah, your throat must be killing you. How about some tea or soup? You must be hungry?’

‘Umm yeah. That would be great, ah and maybe something to put on?’ she watched him with eyes shaded by her lashes. She could see the muscles of his back and shoulders rippling as he moved around. She saw strength and power, and yet remembered how he had gently caressed her. He could really hurt me…she thought. But despite her fears she had to bite her lip to keep from asking him to come back to bed so she could touch him more.

He tossed her a quick look over his shoulder and stifled a groan. She looked so damn sexy. Her sun streaked blond locks were in curly disarray around her face. She was biting her lower lip and had a slight flush to her skin. Her hand was clutching the sheets to her breasts. Hmm think of a cold shower Mark. Get it together!

‘Sure thing. Just give me a few minutes to find something that you won’t swim in. I’ll be back.’ And with that he grabbed a pair of jeans off a chair and headed out the door. True to his word he came back shortly. He had a bowl of veggie soup and some tea on a tray, draped over his arm was a shirt of some sort.

‘Do you have a name?’ he asked, smiling at her as she sat back up. Once again clutching the sheets to her breasts. She watched him set the tray on the bedside table before answering. When he looked back at her with question in his eyes, she smiled slightly to cover her wariness.

‘My name is Arianna.’ Her voice was quiet, shy but husky as well. Mark smiled at her in response. Staring into his eyes Arianna realized how easily she could trust him. I must have hit my head or something… I don’t even know him. God I hope he’s not attracted to me… I could never defend myself against him.

Mark cleared his throat as he straightened. He averted his eyes and handed her the shirt he had found for her. She hadn’t done such a good job of covering herself, a dusty pink nipple teased him from a fold in the sheet. His mouth started to water. At least his jeans covered some of his bulge. I better hide this better or she’ll freak out. Mark walked over to his closet and got out a shirt. It was long enough that it would hide anything that the jeans didn’t. When he turned back to Arianna she had put on the shirt. It was almost as bad as having her in just sheets. It was a button up shirt with a collar and she was rolling up the extra long sleeves to her wrists, the top three buttons of the shirt were open. Teasing him to want to look underneath. Silently cursing in disgust at himself he looked away.

When Arianna looked up and saw Mark’s look of disgust she quickly finished with the sleeves of the oversized shirt and buttoned up two more of the buttons. So much for him being attracted to me, he can’t even stand the site of me. It’s ok, nothing new to me r

‘Um I’m sure you want to eat, and have a shower. The bathroom is just through the doorway there. There are fresh towels in the cupboards. If you need anything I’ll just be out here ok?’ There was concern in his voice but when he had looked back at Arianna she had looked like someone had punched her.

‘Thanks. I’ll do that.’ And with that he left and she got over hurt that she had no business feeling.

The food and tea helped her throat and stomach. She gingerly shifted out of the bed, her legs still felt like wooden blocks, the muscles tight from the cold. She gritted her teeth against the pain that shot up from her feet as she began to stand up. After a few seconds she attempted the first step. And met the floor with a loud thump.

Mark heard a very unladylike curse shortly after a thump. He rushed into the bedroom to find Arianna attempting to push back into a sitting position. He rushed to her and scooped her up. Her body was tense and he could feel her struggling to push away the pain and stop from crying out. He didn’t say anything, he just sat on the edge of the bed and cradled her against him. His hands began to knead the coiled muscles of her thighs. He kissed her forehead when she whimpered from a particularly large knot, whispering soothing nonsense to her. After a while he lifted her again and set her on her feet. He kept a firm hold on her until he was sure her legs wouldn’t give out.

‘I’ll help you get to the shower. There’s a bench in it that you can sit on.’ He gently guided her to the bathroom and had her sit on the ledge by the tub before running the shower for her. She watched him move about the room, his movements were smooth, no wasted energy. ‘ok the water should be ok. There’s a towel hanging just inside the stall so you don’t have to reach far. Do you need help getting in?’

‘No. I think I can manage now.’ Her voice was barely a whisper but he still heard her. He crossed the room to her and cupped her chin, lifting her to meet his eyes.

‘I’ll be close by if you need me.’ He gave into an urge and let the pad of his thumb caress her bottom lip before leaving her in peace. Arianna let out a shaky breath, her stomach had just flipped and her heart stumbled.

The shower did wonders for her body, but there were still some very stiff muscles. Instead of her usually graceful walk she was awkward and clumsy. Despite the hot shower her feet were still cold and swollen from the walk in wet deck shoes. She quickly searched Mark’s dresser for a pair of socks. They were so big on her feet that she had to roll them down to her ankles to keep them on. The heal of the sock was rolled up with the rest of it. As for the shirt, it came down to her knees.

‘How very attractive I must look.’ she muttered to herself as she left the bedroom in search of her rescuer. But instead of Mark she found herself surrounded by two dogs. ‘Oh aren’t you guys cute.’ She cooed as she bent over to rub and pet, sending the dogs into ecstasy.

‘Their names are Hizdawg and Idunno.’ Mark’s voice made her jump. He was so quiet she hadn’t heard him come up behind her. She straightened and gave him a sheepish smile.

‘I didn’t hear you.’ She appraised his body from head to toe with a slow sweep of her eyes. ‘You know for someone so big you’re awfully quiet.’

‘I don’t need to make a lot of noise. I have these guys to do it for me.’ He saw the tension in her body and the strain in her jaw. She’s probably terrified I’m going to do something to her. ‘You know, you don’t have to be frightened or worried while you’re here. I’m a gentleman to the core. You’re safe here.’

He watched her blue grey eyes widen at what he had say. She quickly looked away from him, a slight flush came to her cheeks. She bit her lower lip, trying to keep the laughter welling up in her from spilling out, but it was no good. A bubbly giggle snuck out before she could cover her mouth. Why am I laughing? It’s not funny! I should be terrified of him right? But strangely she wasn’t.

‘I’m sorry. I can’t help it.’ she looked back to him with laughter in her eyes. ‘The thought of you hurting me is like the cow jumping over the moon… just pure nonsense.’ Her laughter subsided as she took a few timid steps closer to him. Without thinking she placed the palm of her hand on his chest.

‘I’m not afraid of you. I don’t know why, but I’m not.’ She licked her dry lips before continuing, ‘but you do make me nervous. I don’t know why that is either.’

Placing his hand over hers and rubbing her fingers with his thumb, Mark felt a sense of relief wash over him. ‘I’m glad. I don’t like the thought of someone fearing me,’ he spoke quietly. ‘Did the tea help your throat? If not I think I have some throat lozenges.’

Ariane smiled. ‘It’ll do for now.’ Reluctantly she freed her hand from his and began pacing the great room of the cabin. ‘I don’t suppose you still have my clothes? Not that I don’t appreciate your shirt, but I need to go find what’s left of my boat. See if I can salvage anything. And maybe I could use your phone, call my insurance agent to come deal with this. Get me out of your hair faster.’

Mark cut off her pacing, stepping in front of her he took her chin in his hand. ‘You took a beating yesterday. You need to rest. Let me worry about your boat.’ He felt her breath break as he rubbed his thumb over her bottom lip, swollen from her constant biting. ‘Let me take care of this, let me take care of you…’

She let out a shaky sigh. She couldn’t remember the last time someone had offered to do something for her, let alone ask to take care of her. Oh this is bad. I barely know this guy and he’s making my heart melt. Her palms were sweaty, and her knees had become jello. She could hear her heart pounding in her chest and wondered if he heard it too.

‘You know I can actually see your mind working away at your answer. Go back to bed and rest. I’ll get what I can from the boat ok? Do you remember where your last heading was?’ Mark moved his hand to the nape of her neck, kneading at the tight muscles coiled there. He gave a small tug and Ariane leaned into him so he could use both hands to liquefy the knots in her shoulders.

She felt like she was in heaven. ‘Hmm Mark that feels so wonderful. My whole body aches from the cold still. I never knew I had some of these muscles till I got out of bed this morning.’ She purred like a cat as Mark smoothed his hands down the centre of her back, circling his thumbs over the knots between her shoulder blades.

Mark felt Arianna’s body go limp against him. Her hands came up to his chest, fingers kneading him like a cat. Her head was tilted back, pure ecstasy was washed over her face. Oh my god she is so sweet. She is practically melting under my hands. I wonder if I could get her to let me give her a full body massage. He stifled a groan from that thought. Ok time to go… enough torture for now. But the feel of her skin against him was haunting him. He really wanted to unbutton her shirt and run his fingers down her back with out any barriers, maybe a little oil.

‘You know the tub in there is a Jacuzzi. Why don’t you indulge yourself while I’m gone? See if you can loosen up some more.’ Reluctantly Mark eased up on his massage and rested his hands on her shoulders. She looked disappointed, or was he just seeing what he wanted to see. Without thinking he leaned down and brushed a light kiss over the top of her head. He felt her tremble, heard her breath break again.

Ok I’m treading on thin ice here. She is vulnerable, grateful. I’m sure she wouldn’t even let me get this close to her if we met under different circumstances. Mark eased Ariane away from him, putting some distance between them. Breaking the intimacy.

‘The laundry room is just over there. Your clothes are in the dryer still. Where did you leave your boat?’ he asked as he let her go.

Dazed, Arianna stared up at him, then where he had pointed to the laundry. She had to clear her th
roat before she could answer him. ‘Umm, I was on the south west of the island I think… maybe closer to the southern tip. She’s the Star’s End… if she’s still afloat there’s a duffle bag inside with my other clothes. In a cupboard beside the nav station is a waterproof envelope with the insurance papers in it. I’ll need that to get a hold of my agent.’ She took a deep breath. ‘You’ll have to open up the engine room, the door is the stairs to the hold. I need to know if any water is leaking into the boat. And if you could…’

Mark placed his fingers over her mouth, silencing her. ‘Don’t worry about it… I’ll take care of everything.’ That said he walked over to the doorway, grabbing a gortex coat as he opened the front door. ‘Feel free to look around while I’m gone. I’ll leave the dogs to keep you company. I’ll be back in an hour or two.’ And he was gone.

Arianna turned to look at the fireplace in the room. The two dogs had decided to take a nap in front of it and were practically on top of one another. She couldn’t tell where one started and the other ended. Smiling she began to look closer at her surroundings. Sunlight streamed in the windows, making the wood glow like amber. There were big comfy pieces of furniture spread through out the room. Warm colours blended with the cool greens of the forest outside.

She circled the room, touching things as she went. A sculpture made from soapstone, a silver picture frame that held a snap shot of Mark and some unknown person. There were large pillows off to the side of the fireplace. Perfect for leaning on if you snuggled up to the warm firelight on a chilly night.

The fireplace itself was a work of art. The masonry was exquisitely done. The hearth polished granite, the mantle a rich golden wood, oak she presumed. She had a vision of Mark lying in front of it, on his stomach, naked, wearing nothing but firelight and his head cradled in his arms. Arianna saw herself sitting astride his thighs, her hands running up and down the length of his body. Feeling the muscles flex and relax to her touch. As Arianna dreamed of this she felt her nipples harden against the fabric of the cotton shirt. She felt a tug of passion in her stomach, felt it move further down and nestle between her thighs. Startled at the train her thoughts had been on she couldn’t help but laugh at herself.

‘Of all the times for my sex drive to kick in.’ Arianna made a sound of frustration as she headed to the laundry room to get her clothes and then on to the bathroom. It had been a few months since her painful break up with her ex. She was still licking her wounds from the pain of finding out that someone who once wanted her so much that he would move heaven and earth to please her suddenly wanted to hurt her with that same passion. He became someone different, a monster. The memory of the beatings she had suffered still brought tears to her eyes.

‘Ooohhh. I will not cry. I’ve cried enough.’ She sat down on the edge of the tub, rocking herself, chanting the words over and over until she felt under control. When she was feeling calmer she filled the tub and turned on the jets. She saw that Mark had some candles around the edge, a lighter near by. She picked one up and sniffed at it.

‘Lang-Lang.’ She said to herself before lighting them. As she eased into the warm water and bubbling jets she thought to herself that it was kind of strange that a guy would have candles in his bathroom. Let alone ones that smelled of Lang-Lang, an aphrodisiac if she remembered correctly. Mark must be really sensual if he went to the trouble to have these in here. Unless he entertains a lot.

Arianna pushed that thought from her mind, for some reason the thought of him with someone else left her feeling unsettled. Instead she let her mind and hands drift, melting away the stress of the last two days. Her thoughts kept drifting back to Mark’s hands and the feel of them on her body. Through the haze of her dreams she remembered him touching her arms and back, placing her fingers inside his mouth to warm them.

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Sex With A Client In Hyderabad

Hi, guys. Thanks for the response to my last sex story due to which I am writing this new one. Hope you all like it. Let me introduce myself to new people who are reading my sex story. My name is Rajesh. I am from Hyderabad. Dick size 6″. Height 6’3″. Let’s start the story. I had posted on a reputed site about my massage service for everyone in Hyderabad. I was not getting any response from there for months. I was only reposting my ad every time. But this time, I was lucky. I got a response...

4 years ago
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The Game Of Sex 8211 Part V

Farm house poche par dekha waha do gadi aur bhi thi parking me main utri aur viberator chut se bahar nikala aur apne ko saf karke uske sath andar chali gaye waha do jawan ladke aur ek ladki thi wo mere dever ke dost the jinhe me nahi janti thi tab devar ne mujhe intro karwaya ek ka name mittul tha aur dusra jitesh aur wo ladki mittul ki behan minal thi jo ki waha unke sath thi ascharya ki bat thi jab wo mujse Gale mili to usne jor se meri gand daba di me use dekthi reh gaye tab usne kaha kya...

3 years ago
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Still Some Wishes

Up until I was forty years of age I was pretty much heterosexual because I was married and afraid to bring an STD home. As I am moving deeper into my middle years I am coming to the conclusion that I am more gay than straight. Not that I don’t love sex with women. I do. There is still nothing more welcome to me than a warm wet vagina. But male-female relationships are too complicated. Trust me, I have plenty of older women eager to play with me, but the younger ones no longer find me appealing...

1 year ago
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Dost ki maa ko maza diya

Hi to all indiansexstories readers my name is Amir and my age is 22 years I’m working in a MNC in lahore Pakistan. Mein ISS ka bahut bara fan hun yeh mera true incident hai.This story is abt me and my friend’s mother who is name is Sandhya (Fake) she is mother of my best friend Uzair. I will write the story in hindi so yeh 4 yrs pehlay ki baad hai uzair aur mein bahut achay friends thay mai akser us k ghar. Jata rehta tha aunty bahut sweet thi woh hamesha mujhse bahut pyar se baat kiya karti...

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Military Hospitality

My husband and I were stationed in Italy. He was in the Army and we lived in military housing on the fourth and top floor. There were two apartments on each floor. A new couple had just moved in and after hubby left for work I went down one flight to welcome my new neighbor. Military communities, especially overseas, are very close. Everyone helps one another. I knocked on the door around mid-morning and wondered what she would be like. To my surprise, an extremely well built and nice looking...

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This Bed Of Roses JR

Copyright© This story takes place in and around Julesburg, Colorado from the late 1880s to the early 1900s. "This bed of roses that I lay on Where I was taught to be a man This bed of roses where I'm living Is the only kind of love I understand" Bed of Rose's Statler Brothers The Best of the Statler Brothers ©1987 UMG Recordings, Inc. (Don Reid — Harold Reid) Dutch Moffatt My life changed that first day of the big storm. Later people came to call it the Christmas Blizzard of...

1 year ago
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My Journey Book 2 ExileChapter 5

I woke Monday morning and stretched, yawning sleepily. I checked the clock and grinned. I’d slept the whole night. I bounced out of bed and went to the bathroom to get ready to face the day. I shaved, brushed my teeth and then jumped in the shower. I went to get dressed and put her shirt on to round it out before going upstairs. Lilly was eating cold cereal at the kitchen table and I plopped down, pouring myself a bowl. She looked up and frowned at me. “Isn’t that the shirt that Emma was...

2 years ago
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Love On The RangeChapter 2

“Mister, you get off my mother right now.” He turned his head to see Tawny standing there with that damn Walker Colt in her hands. It was pointed dead at his head, and it wasn’t moving an inch. There was an ugly look on her face. Right behind her was Beth, and she wasn’t smiling either. She had the shotgun. “I said get off her. I don’t want your stinkin’ guts to get all over her when I blow you to hell.” It was plain that she meant it. A chill went up his spine. His dick shriveled. Maude...

3 years ago
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Ab mere boobs ek dam azad ho gaye. Hari ne mere left boob ko bite karna shuru kar diya to Sheo mere right boob ko choosne laga. Main unse baar baar request kar rahi thi ki mujhe chhod do lekin un sab ne meri ek na suni. Mere bahut jyada zid karne par Vijay ne mere muh par ek thappad zad diya aur chup rahne ko kaha. Main bahut jyada dar gayee aur chup ho gayee. Keshri ne ek jhatke se meri panty nikal di. Main ab ek dam nangi ho gayee. Keshri ne meri chut ko sahlana shuru kar diya. Vijay ne apna...

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Sexual Encounters in RPG forest

A man is walking peacefully through a forest. (or woman) (or an older teen (16, 17)) You are out in a strange, alien forest alone, and have only the shoes and clothes on your back to protect you from the wilderness. At this point, the climate didn't seem too hostile anyways... You aren't exactly sure why you were in the forest again, but you knew for certain that you had to survive, no matter what. The sun was out however, so you could assume that you were still on planet Earth, although you...

3 years ago
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Cousin Ki Chudai After A Long Time

Mera nam maani he me 24 saal ka hu, and me engineering student hu final year. Meri family Dubai me rehti hi me yaha akela ek flat me rehta hu me yaha study k silsile me aya hu.Ye story meri or meri cousin ki he, jiska name gazla tha she is 27 years old, Uski figure 32-28-36. Bhot mast lagti thi.good nature.thori sawli thi. Now coming to the sex story. Jab me 19 saal ka tha and me bhot comedian type tha wo mujhe bhot like karti thi har time mujhe mazak suj ta tha, Hum dono ghante ghante ek...

1 year ago
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The new student at UA

(All characters in this story are at least 18 years old.) (Authors note- I have alot of stories running so if you like this one be sure to leave a like or comment so I know it's in demand, aside from that please enjoy!) You are a recent transfer to the class 1A hero track at UA college. Many students dream of such an opportunity and now it's yours. You are already behind your classmates in experience so you will have to do everything in your power to excel. Who is joining the class this...

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Wife Gives In At A Party

Kim was a pretty woman in her late-twenties. She was married to a long-distance trucker named Larry who was seldom home. Kim was sure Larry loved his truck more than her and she didn't care much for Larry either. Kim got pregnant she was still in high school. Now that her youngest c***d was in grade school, she wanted to get an education. Larry thought she should stick to raising the k**s, watching game shows and meeting his needs after a road trip. When Larry played linebacker in high school,...

3 years ago
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Solo HMT Adventures 07

Oct 6, 2009 Heavy Metal Thunder Solo Adventers #7 Introducing the Blond. Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on October 2009 The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are...

1 year ago
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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 24

Lanikai and Kahoku woke up the next morning in the same bed. They were not suffering from any hangover since they had not gotten totally inebriated the night before. However, they had consumed enough to rid themselves of any inhibitions which led them both into their first encounter with incest. They could remember everything which left no doubt that they had taken a step which could not be undone. They were not shocked about their behavior. They were both adults with previous sexual...

3 years ago
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So far, I’ve visualized a gathering of people at a large house. I’m upstairs on an upper landing and I see you right away. You’re wearing a long dress, emerald green (a colour that I think suits your hair colour and complexion), with a low-cut bodice that shows your curves off to my advantage. You are having an argument with a man who storms off and leaves. I get the sense from you that you are relieved and are not going to leave the party and are going to have a good time while you’re...

4 years ago
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Fun Days With A Reader

Hi, ISS readers…. I am Lima ,once again to submit a hot experience ;) I have submitted a story in ISS before “a wonderful train journey” and i got lot of feedback from so many people and some of those made me really wet and among them there was a mail from Mr.Rohan…. He wanted to be friendly with me so i was also attracted to him….Through mails,we chatted a lot asking about general things like job, studies and so on… And he said he was from andra and settles in chennai…. And i am also in...

3 years ago
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Am I going crazy

Hi, I’m Bethany, a pretty desirable girl. I’m part of the cheerleading team and probably one of the top students in my school. My nice rack and bottom really sells my look, my smarts help boost my image. However, I might be turning a little insane. This is about the school janitor, Steven. He is a pudgy short man with a grotesque face and is not really a favorite by students, especially any of the cheerleader girls. His perverted nature is just too much, he makes dirty comments about us and our...

Mind Control
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GirlsWay April O8217Neil Georgia Jones Kristen Scott Dream Pairings Mrs Mrs Smith

Secret agent April O’Neil is married to secret agent Georgia Jones, but neither knows the other is a covert spy operative, until their next assignment. Their two separate agencies issue the same directive at the same time, to retrieve a briefcase from a third-party agent Kristen Scott. April beats Georgia to Kristen’s motel room, where Kristen is seated on the bed shackled to the briefcase. April convinces Kristen she’s a call girl sent by her boss to reward her for all her...

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my wife storymy life storysuhagraat

Meri wife story-meri life story(suhagraat) Hello dosto , mera naam sunny sadisuda hoon. Meri age 25 year hai.kariban 1 saal se net surfing kar raha hoon. Surfing karte2 mene kai sex stories padhi.mujhe unmese kuchh real lagi aor kuchh juthi. Well ,stories padhne ke bad mujhe bhi apni sex life likhne ki ichchha hui.aor me apni pahli story likh raha hoon. Haan ,to mene bataya ki me sadisuda hoon. Mere ghar me maa-babuji, bhaiya-bhabhi ke alava koi nahi hai. Meri biwi 23 saal ki hai . uska...

4 years ago
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The Thanksgiving Dinner

I sat there and looked around the room as the turkey was being carved and shook my head in disbelief at the way things had turned out. I grew up next door to Matilda and Michael. Matty was sweet on me and Michael, who was two years older than me was a bully. So, Matty and I played and Michael and I fought. Sometimes he would win and sometimes I would and we ended up having a rough and tumble kind of friendship. Matty and I did the usual childhood things that curious boys and girls do; we...

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Andrea Dannielle Twin Sisters

Introduction: Twin sisters explore each other… Leahs twin daughters, Andrea and Dannielle, couldnt have been more different. Even though they were identical, they were complete opposites. Andrea was very girly. She loved makeup, spa treatments, and shiny dresses. Dannielle, however, enjoyed soccer, burping, and sports bras. Despite their significant differences, Andrea and Dani were best friends. They did everything together. Andrea went to all of Danis soccer games, and Dani tried to contain...

2 years ago
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Ron And Ronnie Chapter 15 Ronnies Cheating Way

I met with Miriam and she gave me the script for the pill for when Sue came home. She said that she had a very busy couple of weeks ahead so we set a date to have lunch together on a Thursday in three weeks time. Afterwards, I headed home. It was getting late so I had a meal and went to bed.Again when I awoke the next morning, it was eight o’clock. I felt totally rested more so than I had for the last couple of years. I wondered why but after consideration I realized that I had been aware that...

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Pados wali bhabhi

Hi, I am Ashish. I am 26 years old and now I am woring in tata motors. I always want to sex with any girl but i have not any girl friend. Today i am telling you about my sexual relation ship with my bhabhi. She is 35 years old . But she is looks like just 25 years old young girl. She has also a daughter who is just 15 years old and studing in class10th. Aaj main aapko apni true strie share karne ja raho hoon. Agar aapko meri kahani pasand aaye to mujhe mail kijiyega. Mujhe aapke mail ka intjar...

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I had spent the morning doing some modelling for Leticia, an artist friend of mine. I’d been her model a few times already, which was something I enjoyed, as she was a really interesting person, and sexy with it. She’d offered to pay me but I really didn’t want to accept money, so somehow it was agreed that I could have sex with her as payment in kind. I’m pleased to say that she didn’t seem averse to the idea at all.The end of the session had arrived and she suggested I came into the house...

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It was a long morning at work and I had just come down from checking the morning deliveries in the warehouse. I stop to speak to the guys on the dock about this chick I had met a few weeks ago at the club when we had all went out. One of the guys was asking me if I had seen her since that night. Yeah a few times I told him but we suppose to get together later tonight. She was hot that night I met her. I was so horny that night and she knew it and teased me the whole time. Man all I been doing...

2 years ago
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After the Energists Mikes and Tempes NIS WeekChapter 9 Iron Man

NIS Day 3 – Halloween Party, Labatt Guest 8:03pm, Wednesday, October, 31, 1979 ‘Boom-boom-boom-boom ... Boom-boom-boom-boom and the opening bass riff’ to Black Sabbath’s Iron Man rock anthem pounded through the stereo speakers in the Labatt’s guest house. While Tempe and I couldn’t see it from the master-bedroom, our friends at the party whooped it up when the computerized voice growled out, “I am Iron Man!“ After another two rips of the booming drums and bass, the introductory music...

1 year ago
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VigRX Plus

VigRX Plus has been around long enough that there’s a good chance you’ve heard of it even if you’ve never had issues with your ding-dong. They’ve sold over a million boxes since 2007, and the company itself has been around for a couple of decades now. Longevity is always important for a company hawking dick pills, as I learned the hard way from buying sketchy truck-stop formulations with names like Black Rhino Turbo-horn XTRA and Manly Stamina Blaster. Now that the rash is finally going away,...

Male Enhancement Pills
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Eye Contact Turned To Sex Night

Hi, I am back with another experience. you can read my previous stories from my username. For new readers I am Rahul from Chandigarh. I have a good height and good built body. I have a long and thick dick of 7″ inch Coming to the story …it happened in past winters when i went to shimla with friends. We reached in the afternoon and checked in our hotel. In the evening we were roaming on the mall road shimla and later on the ridge my eyes found a girl. It was a holiday that day and a event was...

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DaddysLilAngel Chloe Couture Anal Workout

Chloe Couture is in the living room doing her yoga routine when her stepdad Tony starts complimenting her on her flexibility. Eventually he is disturbed by how provocative those poses are in her tight leggings. When Tony tries to retreat, it becomes obvious that Chloe is trying to seduce him and that it’s working splendidly. Turning around, she rubs his hard dick. Then Tony urges her to turn her back to him once again so he can squeeze her ass and rub her twat through her yoga pants....

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Hubbyrsquos Susprise at the Christmas Party

Becky and I have been married 22 years. Becky is a college educated housewife, with maid service! Her normal schedule was to be up early, coffee and a power bar, dress in her running outfit then out the door for an hour or so run. Then she would come home take a shower, get dressed, go to the club maybe do the nine holes or a round of tennis, a shower at the club, lunch with the girls at the club, head home and change for the evening.My name Paul I’m a graduate of the US Naval Academy, ex Seal...

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FamilyStrokes Milu Blaze Pleasuring My Stepsister In Her Hijab

Gorgeous ebony babe Milu Blaze is usually quite devout, but when her stepbrother comes home and sees her without her hijab on, she gets in big trouble! To make her feel better, her stepbrother slips into her bedroom and consoles her privately. But soon, the intimate moment gets even more taboo! Milu pretends to pray while her mom checks in on her, hiding the fact that her stepbrother is secretly eating her delicious pussy. She sucks her stepbrother’s dick and then bounces on his huge pole for...

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The Young Master and his Ebony Slave Part One

Introduction: A married woman, basically seduced by a young man. What could be sexier than that? Another day&hellip,in my pathetic life&hellip,in this sad pathetic world. Sighing to herself like she did at the end of every work day, Denise Noble gathered her things from her locker, slammed it shut, and made her way to the bulletin board to clock out. Hey Denise. Rough work day? Her co-worker Amy had just came to relieve her. Her long blonde hair was tied up in its usual high ponytail, two...

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Cuckold Husband And Nymphomaniac Wife 8211 Part 1

My name is Saheer. This is my first sex story based on a real incident. I am married and I have a very beautiful and sexy wife. My family is a loving and happy family. I am about 30 years old and my wife is 2 years older than me. She is extraordinarily beautiful. Although she is plus sized, her figure is curved and balanced. Her body stats are 38-32-36. She has supple big juicy boobs. Her ass is so curved and sexy that any guy would want to ‘eat’ it. Our sex life is somewhat good. But I have to...

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Gambling Debe

I am Steven I am 5’8 165lbs. and I have a gambling problem. I already owed Shawn my bookie $9,000 and I decided to place a bet on a game that’s was to be played Saturday. Shawn is a black man about 6’2” and is physically fit. The game was a sure bet so I bet large. The game went the other way and I ended up owing my bookie another $1,000 to make it an even$10,000. When my wife found out that I had placed a bet she got very upset because she told me to stop betting on games. When Sunday came...

4 years ago
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My first time

My first story. And it is the true story of my first encounter with a CD. With a click of the mouse, I had committed… I was going to meet a cross dresser just a few miles from home. Could I go through with it? Is it really what I wanted? Who was I kidding? Of course I wanted it. Now it was time to just suck it up, princess. I took a quick shower and the dressed in my tiniest, sexiest briefs, painted on designer jeans and a white, button down shirt. I was as ready as I would ever be. During the...


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