An ClochánChapter 35 free porn video

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It was shortly after Sarah's Clan's visit with the J3 people on freighter FLDC-3 that the rate of releasing people from hibernation was increased. Now, two weeks later, twenty people emerged from hibernation each day. Their first week was spent building up their stamina, exercising, and learning about their new environment. By the end of the first week most were ready to consider an opportunity to work on one of the Dóchas ships.

In preparation for moving to another ship the J3 people were provided with a list of staff openings for each ship that matched their career interests. After indicating their interest in a position, they went with a group to visit the relevant ship. During their ride the shuttle they were flown around the Órarduine formation, providing them their first view of the Dóchas class ships. When the shuttle began its approach to their destination, the monitor on the cabin's front wall changed to show the forward view. In the hangar they were greeted by their hosts as soon as they exited the shuttle. Their host clan then gave the group a quick tour of the ship before taking each of them to visit the department with the open position that they were interested in. After their interview they rejoined the group and their host clan to get a closer look at the facilities on the ship. Some of them participated in athletic activities. Although they had the option of returning to the freighter after dinner, they nearly always spent the night with their hosts.

Many decided to accept the position on the first ship they visited, but it wasn't unusual for a candidate to visit several ships before deciding on one. Once they made their decision, they immediately transferred to their new ship, where initially they stayed with their host clan. After they felt comfortable on the ship, they selected a compartment for themselves. Not surprisingly it was usually a compartment as close as possible to their host's suite.

It was set up so that a lot of the time during their first several weeks was spent in the learning center. On their first visit to the learning center they took a comprehensive knowledge and problem solving test disguised as an interactive game. With this information, the learning center AI provided them with a list of self-paced training modules. Once completed these would bring their skills up to the level needed to easily function as a crew member. For those who arrived with a certification, the testing verified their competency and followed up with a refresher course. The refresher course had the unique Órarduine procedures woven into it and provided a review on topics where a candidate appeared to be weak. Once they satisfactorily completed the basic requirements for their skill, they began working in their department for part of a shift. The other part was spent in the learning center until they were fully qualified for their position. Once fully qualified, they were encouraged to spend additional time in the learning center to expand their knowledge of both their new environment and to learn additional skills.

The work schedule for the J3 people was initially established to match their host clan. This gave the host clan the opportunity to include them in their various free time activities, but in such a way that they didn't feel forced to participate. Through this participation they met other crew members, broadening their connections with the Órarduine family.

It was almost time for dinner when Jill said, "Is everyone ready to go?"

There was chorus of replies, before Aoife said, "Judy isn't back yet."

"She was in surgery today," replied Jill.

"Yea, but that shouldn't have lasted this long. She told me they were only doing two procedures."

Jill had just stepped into the corridor when she saw Judy hurrying toward them. "Judy's back."

They waited for Judy at the door to their suite.

"Based on your smile, it looks like the surgery was a success," said Joyce.

"Oh ... It definitely was," replied Judy a bit out of breath but looking very happy. "You all go on to dinner. I'll be there as soon as I freshen up."

"We'll wait for you. Besides, tongues will wag if we don't arrive together." Several chuckled.

"Yea, right."

"So really, how did it go?"

"Much better than the first round. You know, after the difficulty we had with the first operations we were only planning on doing two today. Those went so well, we went ahead and did eight more. Since they weren't formally scheduled it took a little time to get started."

"So what do the J3 people think about this?"

"Well the ones we called in were surprised and happy. Their friends who came by later were ecstatic when they heard how successful we were. You know, after Serarck, Gao and Anming recovered from their surgery, Kathy, Connie and I discussed their individual reactions to the removal of the implants. We think they were bothered by them more than they let on, a lot more. Kathy compared it to being raped, and then wearing a sign attesting to it."

"I can see that," said Sarah. "Perhaps we shouldn't have told them about the implants."

"They already suspected," replied Jill. "On their home planets, all slaves wore a permanent mark to indicate their status. Usually it was a collar. In many places slaves were only permitted to wear a skirt that was no longer than 5 centimeters below their crotch."

"I remember seeing that now. At least they didn't remove fingers like we saw being done on Earth."

Aoife said, "I saw Serarck today. She is working in our navigation department. As soon as she saw me she came right over and gave me a hug. She was very aggressive and gave me a kiss with a lot of tongue. She told me that this was in partial thanks for rescuing her.

"I told her that we just did what any civilized people would do. She laughed, and then added that our definition of civilized behavior was significantly different to that of some worlds who claimed to be civilized. She then asked me to give each of you a hug from her. So here is your hug." As she hugged her spouses, she continued, "I told her that there wasn't any reason she couldn't do it herself. She indicated that she would be by one day to do that, and anything else we wanted to do together.

"She told me that her wound had fully healed. There was only a faint scar where the incision was made. With a little prompting she told me that the only time she really had any discomfort was during the first two days and it was minor, after that it was hardly noticeable.

"Before we went our separate ways, she sort of apologized for her aggressiveness during the hug and hoped I wasn't offended. Blushing, she told me she was strongly attracted to our clan and hoped that she could be intimate with us. I told her it could be arranged and kissed her."

"That explains why she was so friendly," said Judy. "Next time you see her invite her over. You might want to include her significant other in the invitation. As to the operation, even though removing the RFID chip was difficult, she recovered very quickly. We had similar difficulties with removing Gao's and Anming's RFID but they too recovered just as quickly. They reported post-surgery discomfort similar to Serarck's."

"So what did you do differently?"

"I'm embarrassed to say this, but we aren't certain. We are still concerned about infection or other post-op complications so we asked each of them if we could implant a biometric monitor. No-one had any problem with it, although they did ask a number of questions about it. We told them that all of us have a similar device in us.

"Okay, I'm ready. Let's go to dinner because I am starved." Just then her stomach grumbled.

"With that noise, we should follow her at a safe distance," said Alison. Several of them chuckled.

"Hey, I said I was hungry," replied Judy as she walked quickly down the corridor with her other spouses hurrying to catch up.

As they sat down to eat Joyce said, "Have you noticed the changes in the J3 people?"

"What changes are you referring too?" questioned her spouses.

Alison said, "I think Joyce is referring to what happened right after our visit to FLDC-3. Serarck and Zhaos approached Molly and Kathleen and asked if it was possible for some of the folk from their clans to stay fulltime in the hibernation release area. Both Molly and Kathleen immediately thought that there was some sort of conflict between the J3 people. Serarck surprised them by anticipating their reaction and simply told them that so far everyone was getting along fine. Serarck and Zhaos then explained the reasons behind their request. Since then at least six Órarduine are in the compartment all the time."

"I've heard a lot of good things about those who have moved to other ships," added Jill.

"Zhaos chose to come to our ship," said Erin. "When he is not working he spends a lot of time with Serarck, and they frequently go back to FLDC-3 to lend a hand."

"I've seen Anming with them quite a few times. She sure has taken a leadership role in the hibernation release project."

"Yes. It will be interesting to see if they blend in with our family like others have in the past."

Maeve said, "I think it may take them longer to build strong interpersonal relationships. This is for several reasons, but lack of telepathy is the leading one."

"Good point. We should be alert for any issues resulting from a lack of that ability."

"Let's go back to the RFID topic for a moment," said Alena. "Judy, will the medical group be able to catch up on removing the RFIDs?"

"Shouldn't be a problem? Now that we have a workable procedure, all the medical groups can assist. It will just take a couple of clock cycles to acquaint them with the procedure."

"Okay. I just had the impression that only one group was doing this."

"Up till today, yes. Beginning tomorrow, we will remove ten more RFIDs as we demonstrate the procedure to the other medical staff. Our medical AIs will record each operation. We plan on using those recordings to create a training module for the future, as the techniques we've learned can be used in other situations."


"Is Kathryn's Clan still coming over?" asked Jill.

"When Kathy and I were chatting after the last operation, she said she was looking forward to it," replied Judy. "Tomorrow is the start of their unscheduled break, so they will be here when we get off. Actually, Kathy is coming over in the morning to work with us."

"Cool. Briana told me that they were fine with us being late since we had visitors. I told her 'thanks' but we would be on deck on time."

"Good," replied Rusty. "We need to set the example. We could get some extra rest tonight, then we wouldn't dip as far into our reserves if we don't get quite as much sleep tomorrow night."

"We're game," replied his spouses.

"They're planning on staying overnight, right?"

"Yes. They will leave for their ship right after our morning meeting."

Sarah's Clan was on the bridge of Dóchas when the count-down timer chimed. They were now just two clock cycles from J4. Everyone glanced at the clock as Joyce said, "Cool, just four more weeks till we arrive in Celia System."

"I don't know if you've noticed, but our freighters are nearly full of satellites for our sentinel sphere and components for our settlement," said Claudette. "With so many of the components ready for installation, we will be able to quickly finish the structures once they are built. Amy's Clan thinks the component availability will really accelerate putting our settlement together."

"Did you see the proposal Security is working on regarding the sentinel sphere?" asked Sally.

"I am not sure."

"They are looking at the benefit of sending several cruisers ahead with sentinel satellites. The plan is for them to arrive about two weeks before we do. After a brief survey of the system, their assignment would be to begin placing the additional sentinel satellites in the sphere. Expectations are that they can complete that, and have it tested, by the time we arrive."

"That's a great idea," added Joyce. "The teams there will like the company. And if that can be accomplished, then we can begin adding the detail to our topographic survey of A-Celia while we are assembling our habitat."

"Well from what I saw, it didn't look like they could carry enough satellites to bring the sphere's sensitivity to the level we desire."

"Sally, the plan I saw a couple of clock cycles ago," replied Terry, "had seven cruisers making the trip, with each carrying 6 satellites."

"What about their Star Fighters?"

"They were going to fly rather than ride. That way there would still be room for each Star Fighter to periodically dock with a cruiser. Enough extra pilots were going so they could switch off."

"Okay that would work, but wouldn't six satellites pretty well fill up the hangar space on the cruisers?"

"The Star Fighters could enter the landing bay far enough to change crew and resupply. The advantage to doing this is that we could fill out the sentinel sphere to 61 points. That puts the points about 0.35 ly from each other."

"If they can work it out I'm all for it. That is about half the density we set up in Sol, but I understand the detectors on these satellites are more sensitive."

"Significantly more sensitive."

"Security is evaluating whether or not we need to have more than 61 points," said Terry. "Currently, they think anyone trying to sneak in will approach using planets or asteroids to mask their presence. In that case, a few more points in the sphere's top and bottom third would provide more resolution without a lot more investment."

"What about Celia's Sentinel Navigation Buoy array?" asked Rusty.

"No one has queried it since we have been actively monitoring the Celia system with our probes and recon trips."

"Good. Do we know if it is collecting data on our activity?"

"Yes. At last check, it is functioning correctly."

"So Joyce," said Claudette, "you're anxious to begin exploring A-Celia."

Joyce laughed and then replied, "Yep, just like you and everyone else."

"Well we certainly have a lot of details to take care of before we can all begin living on A-Celia," replied Sarah.

"Are we now skipping the habitat stage?" asked Alena.

"Sarah's Clan," said Amy, "may we respond to Alena's question?"


"Our plan has us going through a habitat phase but for it to last for a very short time. We can do this because all the data we have shows a very favorable environment. It is very similar to Earth and our home planet. Our primary concern is antigens. All the Órarduine have received a set of immunizations so that they won't have an adverse reaction to A-Celia's antigens. Even so, we need to carefully monitor our response to make sure that they are effective. This should be complete in a couple of days, but it wouldn't surprise us to have missed a few.

"Our initial plan for settling A-Celia is ready for review. In it, we are using construction robots almost exclusively to build the first buildings and the tunnels connecting them. They will be overseen by the logical bipeds in our family as they won't have any antigen issues. Our current plans call for all biological bipeds to wear environmental suits until the antigen issues are resolved. This is included in our presentation for our next Command Staff meeting, which is tomorrow, right?"

"Yes. We're going to do it virtually."

"Good. Then while we are at J4, we can have a family meeting to go over the details. We think we have captured everything but there are undoubtedly some significant items that have been overlooked."

"Knowing you guys," said Alison, "those items won't be very significant."

"My, you have a lot of faith in us."

"We just know how good you all are and who is assisting you."

"Thanks. Now we need to comb through the plan again to make sure we live up to your expectations."

"Don't do that. It will spoil the fun."

"What fun?"

"The fun of finding an overlooked item. Realizing there might be something missing really gets people to read it closely."

"Good point. The last time I checked, the outlines for the proposed economic system and a potential form of government were also pretty well along."

"Yes," replied Sarah. "We should go over those before they are presented to the family as well."

"Agreed. That discussion is set for one week after we depart J4, right?"


"We should set a date for them tomorrow when we get together."

"Fine. Are you doing your dream-walk tonight?"

"Yes. We plan on including a few of our children."

The next morning Amy's and Briana's Clan arrived at the dining room just as Sarah's Clan did. Amy said, "So are we all set."

"Yes. Everything looked fine. The probes are there waiting for us. We didn't think they were supposed to arrive before us."

"Yes," replied Briana, "they were to be there 2 clock cycles ahead of us."

"Oh, okay. We looked them over and none of them are showing any signs of tampering."

"Great. Did you give Star their coordinates?"


"What did your children think of taking a dream-walk?" said Amy.

"They thought it was an interesting experience," replied Sarah. "The four who have now done it with us want to try it on their own to see if they can do it."

"What did you tell them?" asked Briana with a concerned look.

"They could try, but they needed to have one us, or someone agreeable to us, with them when they did so. We were pretty blunt when we explained the risks to them."


Aoife grinned, "So expect to be asked."

"Well we will need to take a bye on that," replied Amy. "That is a skill that has eluded us."

"We didn't know that," replied Judy. "We were under the impression that all the command staff clans could do it, as well as several security teams."

"We can do it for short distances. We are just not very comfortable with it."

"Well," said Briana, "we are comfortable taking dream-walks. However, like Amy's Clan we are fairly limited on the distance we can reach."

Sarah said, "We usually form a circle with at least our arms linked or over each other's shoulders. We've tried other ways but that seems to be the most comfortable. Sometimes all of us actually participate in the dream-walk. Other times, just a few us actively participate while the rest stay in the background. When it is just a few of us, we can either go further with the walk or extend the time."

"So, maybe strength is based on the number participating."

"It would make sense, based on what we've just shared."

"Hmm, I think I'll talk to our sister clan. Perhaps we can try it together."

"Briana, that is an interesting idea," added Amy. "I wonder how well the other Command Staffs can do dream-walks?"

"Well, we do have a staff meeting shortly," said Jill.

"If we have time, let's bring up the topic. You know, I am not sure that we know the capabilities of each group. In fact we may be presuming too much."

"Good point; that could have some unintended consequences, and not necessarily good ones."

Everyone in the group nodded their head in agreement.

Entering the conference room, Sarah's Clan was a little surprised by the layout for their staff meeting. As Amy had told them, there were two models of the island on A-Celia. Actually seeing them was a surprise even though they had closely studied the 3D models.

The two large models were in the middle of the room. One model was of the whole island. The model next to it was of the area where they planned on placing their settlement. Sarah's Clan went to look at them more closely.

The island rose abruptly from the ocean to some 300 meters above sea level and covered an area of 512,000 sq. km. From the sea all that could be seen were high, shear, rock walls containing many crevices, some large enough to offer some shelter. In some places the rock wall transitioned into mountains whose peaks rose above the top of the rock face by 1000 meters or more. There was only one break in the rock wall around the island which was on the southeast side. The break was only visible as you approached from the southwest, but to enter it you had to approach blind from the south southwest.

Beginning at the break and extending back toward the east this area had two rock walls. The rock wall coming from the west was about 1.4 km behind the one coming from the east at the break. These two rock walls formed a gorge that ran some 65 km before the interior rock wall abruptly stopped at the bay. At the opening, the outer wall began as a pile of rocks at the break-water, and rose until it was some 200 meters above sea level. The water from the bay drained through the gorge to the ocean, with no place to put ashore between the bay and the ocean.

In order for a boat to enter the gorge, it needed to begin its approach from 3 km out, at a 30 degree angle to the break. Once the river came into view it would have to turn toward it and follow it into the bay. The point where the river entered the bay was close to where the river from the western side of the island also entered the bay. The flow was toward the eastern end of the bay, and due to this flow the boat would tend to drift toward the rock wall on the right. To avoid hitting the rocks or running aground it would need to bear to port. On entering the bay a wide band of sand could be seen, this began at the mouth of the river just passed and extended about 2.5 km along the bay shore. At this point the edge of the bay consisted of large rock boulders and short sections of vertical cliffs. The cliffs varied from being just above water level to a few meters high.

All the water from the interior of the island emptied into the ocean via these two rivers. Inland the river from the east was connected to a series of streams in the east and south central areas. The river from the west was connected to a series of streams in the western and northern areas of the island. The western river had a larger flow than the eastern. Much of the land along the rivers consisted of gently rolling plains, sloping toward a creek or small stream. Some streams began in the rugged valleys on the sides of the small mountains.

From the bay the land rose slowly for more than 60 km before it began to rise rapidly to form a line of hills. The ridge formed an arc somewhat parallel to the island's perimeter, but varied greatly in height. Even so it was clear that the ridge ran from the river in the east all the way to the river in the west. There were wide waterfalls on both rivers where they flowed over the ridge and down toward the bay. Behind this ridge was a wide valley that ran almost three quarters of the way across the island from the eastern river to the west where the land sloped up from the river. The location of forests, brush, streams, fields, and animals that probably existed on the island, were shown for each valley.

The interior of the island rose in steps as one moved north. The steps were masked in most places by tree covered ridges, but were evident in the rivers. Above each transition the river formed a lake. Some were very large covering more than 100 hectares. Where each lake became the river again there was a either a waterfall or a series of rapids.

In the north central area of the island were five large plateaus each covering more than 900 sq. km. The most central plateau rose a few meters higher than the others. It was also high enough that the ocean could just be seen over edge of the island. The southernmost plateau had an area marked off indicating that a more detailed rendition was shown on the other model.

The second model was of a section of the southern most of the five plateaus. This plateau was located toward the center of the island. A large area of this plateau's center was cleared for their settlement and a short distance to the southwest was one of the larger lakes.

The clan was examining the model when Aoife said, "This has much more meaning to me than the 3D images we've been using."

"I agree," replied Erin just as Amy's Clan entered the room. "Are we planning on placing the settlement on this plateau?"

"Good morning," said Amy's Clan.

"Good morning," replied Sarah's Clan.

"Yes, our proposal is that we place the initial settlement on that plateau. The settlement details will appear as we go through the presentation."

Rusty said, "Great. I think the models provide a better perspective of the island's terrain than I get from the holographic images."

"Even after all the times we have done this, we still have that difficulty," replied Jim of Amy's Clan. "That is why at this point we prefer to use a model. There is an inherent spatial relationship that virtually everyone has difficulty sensing even with a holographic image. So we have placed duplicates of these models in each conference room. When you go back to looking at the holographic images after studying these, you will find you have a better sense of depth and detail. The images have a lot more detail than can be shown in the models."

"Command Staffs, are we ready to begin?" queried Sarah.

"Yes," replied the others in turn. As each clan responded, holographic images of them formed in each conference room. Visually it looked as if all eight clans were in the Dóchas conference room, but in actuality only two were there.

"Star, is this conference setup new?" asked Alison of Sarah's Clan, referring to the images.

"Yes. This is the first meeting to use it, and you can thank your engineering staff."

"Won't this consume a lot of additional resources?" asked Claudette of Sarah's Clan.

"Actually, it takes less. There is a duplicate of this arrangement on each ship. If there are problems, we will switch to what we have been using. The advantage to this is that you can see more than just the head and shoulders of all participants."

"It is certainly life-like."

"Yea, but I don't think the hugging and kissing part is very life-like," replied Siobhan's Clan.

When the laughter died down Sarah said, "Again, Amy's Clan, these models of our island are fantastic. These should definitely give us a better feel for the proposed site layout."

"We agree," replied all the clans.

"Before that though, we have a couple of items to cover. First, our transition out of FTL is now set for 21:30 hours tomorrow. This is primarily based on the observations during our dream-walk last night."

"Was there a particular reason for the change?" asked Eleánóir of Keriann's Clan.

"Only that it places us closer to the probes we are picking up. This new position should also give us a better view of the surrounding universe when we are in our 3 axis defensive array. Without the change a significant part of the view would have been blocked by a rather large star.

"I guess we should have included that in our advisory. This will keep us from having to change locations, which means we may be able to move up our departure date."

"Okay, you just said the magic words, 'departing earlier.' It is music to my ears."

Several chuckled at Eleánóir's response.

"Molly or Jackie, would you update us on the status of the J3 people."

"Counting those released and those in process, we have released exactly 817 from hibernation as of yesterday," said Jackie. "About 2 dozen have been causing difficulties. They are all Tigsuma. Fortunately only a few were activated at a time. We are not sure whether this was a coincidence or orchestrated, but it really doesn't matter. Initially this group was hostile toward everyone, but they were even ruder to the J3 people.

"The first three were in their second day of recovering from hibernation when Serarck and Zhaos came over to help out. As soon as they entered the compartment holding hands, the three Tigsuma began berating her for associating with 'that breed'. It only took a few comments to set Serarck off. She responded in kind but never raised her voice. You didn't need to know the language to know that they were not polite words. The three Tigsuma were soon shouting loud enough that they tripped the compartment security monitor. Not fully understanding their words, the AI erred on the safe side and summoned a Security Team to investigate. We thought the Tigsuma were going to physically attack Serarck and Zhaos, but you really don't want to tangle with either of them.

"The sudden arrival of the Kara's Security Team interrupted the verbal combat. Pat of Kara's Team asked what the problem was. One of the Tigsuma rudely replied that it was none of their fucking business.

"Pat and Kara looked at Serarck. She told them that one problem was that the Tigsuma didn't believe how they had got here. She had offered to show them their hibernation chambers but all they wanted to do was complain and insult her.

"Kara told them that the solution was easy, they either listened to Serarck, or they were immediately going back into hibernation.

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Crime Night at the Museum Ch 04

Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. This story takes place in the fictional town of Chrystal Heights. This is not significant in any way other than I hope to continue creating stories involving this town. The people and events in this story are fictional and do not represent anyone or anything from real life. Synopsis:...

4 years ago
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A new maid

"Life can't get much better than this," Jack thought aloud as he laid around his family pool. Jack was the heir to his family's vast fortune and constantly thought that this made him better than everyone else. This was especially true with regards to his younger sister. Jack was 19 years old and loved to threaten his younger sister, Jackie, about how if something ever happened to their parents she would find herself penniless and destitute. The thought of his 18 year old sister...

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An Alien Abduction Part 2

Introduction: Rebeccas already resigned herself to letting these aliens try to breed her…but things are about to get a whole lot more interesting She had been living in this gray prison cell for days now…maybe longer. She had no idea what time it was ever. Sometimes when the creatures came for her it seemed like it was the same day…sometimes it felt like it had been days. The human man who had come to see her had come again, but he hadnt explained much at all. For some reason she hated him...

3 years ago
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Married Lady Does A Sin

Hello ISS readers, ,my name is Valkyrie(name changed). i am 21 years old. this story is around 6 months old. well i wouldn’t say its true and all. read it and you people decide. My sister is married and has a 3 year old son. she leaves in Sahibabad in a m.i.g. flat. there was a couple who leaves in neighboring flat. husband was a lawyer and wife was a teacher who was forced to be a housewife as her in-laws didn’t wished her to go for work. they were married for 6 years but didn’t had any...

2 years ago
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Collision Course and AfterChapter 30

For two years, Tom Spathsky had been traveling the country, stopping only to work and to move on. He started out touring the US on his twenty-fifth birthday. He had bought a small RV and was self sufficient, for the most part. He ran out of money two months into the trip and decided to work his way across the country. He had the occasional breakdown he had to pay to get fixed when he couldn't do it, himself. Sometimes, those took a lot of money. Still, over all he was having a good time....

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The Prom Part 6

Summer was slowly coming to a close and Renee sat on the edge of her bed, thinking about what she was going to say to her mom. It had been a summer filled with surprise after surprise and now there was going to have to be a decision made. As she sat there staring out the window she heard a knock on the door. She looked up at the door and said, "Come in." Carol walked into the room and immediately sat down beside Renee. "So dear, what have you been sitting here thinking about? You look like...

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Beach encounter

Beach encounterIntroSince I am quite talkative guy and like to write long mails, finally decided to write hot story. I have some experience in reading (Nifty archives), but wanted to contribute in writing also. If u r on this page, hope u read my profile before, but for those who haven’t, let me make short introduction. I am in late 30ies, looking twinkish, light athletic build, green eyes, brown hair, smooth body except legs. Havent been with a guy, although want that very much, but that’s not...

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With a little help from my friends

My girlfriend & I are both in our early 60s but we still are sexually active.We fuck every day but she refuses anal. I try but her arse is too small for my 9 incher. We recently moved into another village & were invited to a local pool party to meet our new nieghbours.Everything was going well until the drink came into play. Slowly. one by one the woman there started taking off their tops & showing off their floppy tits.Most of the folks there were also in their 60s so we felt well...

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Original Sin Ch 03

Damon tried to concentrate on the paperwork lying in front of him on the large mahogany desk. He had managed to turn his brother’s ranch into a very profitable business. Having given up a very promising career in a high- profile petroleum company as an executive engineer to take over Johnny’s ranch and fulfill his promise to his brother, this was the least he could do. He heard something and lifted his head to gaze outside the window. A wicked smile curved his lips. ~*~ The van halted...

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Mrs Denvers Double Spanking The Aftermath

Elizabeth Carson sat in the car. She was far from comfortable she had to be acknowledge to herself. The 36-year- old was suffering the effects of the 24 fierce red lines across her bottom given courtesy of Mrs Denver’s senior cane. She got herself as comfortable as possible before driving off. She drove carefully as the stinging distracted her but thankfully got home without incident. As she drove she reminded herself she suffered the humiliation of being spanked and caned to prevent her...

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The Love Monk or Zen in the BedroomChapter 8

Except for Natty's vague reference, throughout the long journey they didn't discuss the problem that had upset Natty and Joseph and sent them on their way, or what their plans were once they reached Montreal. All Karen asked for was the address to SHE's place once they reached the outskirts of the city. Living in Vieux Montreal, a central tourist area, they ended up parking a couple blocks from SHE's apartment where Karen secured their luggage under a tight tarp in the truck bed....

1 year ago
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Bobbys first

Bobby was a can say that just by taking one glance at his sorry ass..he had black hair, was a little bit overweight, face with 8 or 9 big pimples from exessive masturbation... yes bobby was a pathetic boy, 18 years old now and never had sex with anybody, but he sure did masturbate like crazy.And recently, he'd been even more horny than usual and masturbated over 3 times a day... And to be more inventive he used to get in all sort of senarios to get his self more horny. He had a...

First Time
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Perchance To Dream Pt 3

After a beautiful afternoon of lovemaking and some sodomy, Melanie has just revealed to our hero, me, that debonair and dapper gentlemen only twenty-some-odd years older than her, that she is sleeping with my daughter. And she told me this as I was cooking her dinner!I took the tongs and carefully placed the chicken breasts back into the bubbling sauce. As I ladled the sauce over the chicken, Melanie seemed to think I went deaf.“Did you hear me?” she asked.“Yeah, I did. That’s awesome. She’s a...

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The Chest and Wardrobe

This is my third submitted story to Fictionmania with "The well of my desires" and "Cyberterix Model 1X-RS-F"?being the second. It has been many years since I wrote those first two, and am planning on writing more. I am actually in the process of writing a sequel to the second and have a 4th and 5th story planed. I hope you enjoy this story as it takes a little bit of myself and places it into the story. The only difference is, I am a M2F TS woman now The name I write under is a pen name...

3 years ago
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An Affair Observed

It all began on a pleasant April morning. It was a gorgeous Saturday. The windows were open, in deference to the unusually mild temperatures. The birds were singing, the air was fresh and clean-smelling, and Norman Rockwell was going to town. I went into the kitchen to begin breakfast. I normally drink coffee, but occasionally I go on a tea binge, sometimes lasting for a couple of weeks. I filled my favorite teapot, one left to me by my grandmother, put it on the stove, and readied the bags...

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Fucked My Hot And Sexy Cousin

Hello, guys, I’m Karthik from Bangalore and I’m 23 years old. This indian sex story is a real incident where I fucked my sexy cousin who is 28 years old with really big boobs. So during Diwali holidays this year I and my family decided to go to my uncle’s place which is in Mumbai and celebrate Diwali there. It was after a long time we were all meeting. We all had last met around 6-7 years back in a wedding function. Suddenly we all decided to spend time together during the festival. So we all...

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A shy guy who fucks a hot girl

Our night together was getting hot and heavy as we were french kissing in the club. I couldn't help but feel the heat between your legs as I was rubbing your pussy through your jeans. I could have sworn they were getting wet from all your excitement. I whisper in your ear...I WANT TO FUCK YOU RIGHT NOW! You know how much I love to fuck you with my big cock. We arrive at my apartment, this way my sweet, I have a nice surprise for you. We walk into the living room and the first thing you notice...

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Fake Male

Fake male by pamela quirk "hey, jerry! Long time no see!" Jerry turned in the bustling corridor. "Hi, jim! How's it going?" "Great! Say you look like you lost some weight." "Yeah, my doctor told me to lose 50 pounds." "Wow! I'm surprised. You were never heavy." "Thanks, but I had some medical conditions i've been dealing with." "Sorry to hear that!" "It's all good now. I'm fully recovered and back at work." "Was this anything to do with your trip to the...

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Rising Star Lawful Execution

I think I told you that my agent, Flick Caterham, had landed me a part in a new tv series called ‘Lawful Execution’ to be directed by Chesty Morgan, real name Cassandra, with whom I’d worked before when I was much lower down the food chain.So there I was in my dressing room getting ready for my first big court scene. I was playing the part of a barrister which, for those whose legal system is more sensible than ours, is a lawyer trained to represent others in court. For reasons totally unknown...

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me and my step sisters day1

Come the following Wednesday Tim went to pick the girls up from the airport. They showed up at about one. When the door opened and I saw them for the first time my jaw dropped. They stood at about 5feet six inches. They had moderate boobs which in my opinion was perfect because they were perfectly proportioned to their asses. They had all the right curves and proportions. I quickly looked away and tried to hide my huge boner that had made a little tent in my pants. Tim then walked in...

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Anjaani Raat

Ye story start hoti hai yuvika naam ki ek married lady se jo apne patti (husband) vijay ko bhot pyar karti thi. Yuvika ki shaadi ko 2 saal ho chuke thae or wo ab maa banna chatti thi,uske saas sasur bhi unn dono par bht zoor de rahe thae!! Issi bich vijay ka transfer ujjan ke ek chotte se gaon mei ho gaya!!.Jab wo dono waha settle huae to vijay ki company ne unhe rajesh naam ka servant diya jo yuvika ki ghar ke kaamo mei madad karega!! Vijay aksar apni company ke kaam se baar chla jaata tha or...

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Cat FightChapter 27 The Last

TERMS tinton - 2 1/2 seconds specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours minton - 2 1/2 days daycon - 2 1/2 weeks Malant - 2 1/2 months quant - 2 1/2 years galant - 2 1/2 centuries Metson - 2 1/2 inches maclon - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson - 2 1/2 acres unit - 2 1/2 ccs Tac - 2 1/2 pounds Mayan Terms p’uchik - spank nohchil - Chief Ahau - King k’aat - Claim k’iimil - Death taak’in - gold Characters Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan, Cit-Chac-Coh King Tomco Traxor - Bill’s...

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For Three Transgressions

Though the overhanging black expanse of a new umbrella kept the pouring rain away from Amos Jefferson’s head, it could not keep his face free of the saline moisture that had formed about his ebony eyes. As he stood silently, the gusting October wind began to whip the raindrops sidelong at the lower extremities of his pants. Tilting his umbrella to compensate, Amos noticed that the dribbles of rain on his mother’s tombstone had formed a rivulet. Nearly an hour had passed at the grave site during...

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The Pee Play

The bar finally calmed as night slowly became dawn. The evening had been rowdy because the men had not received liberty in two weeks because of the holiday that had overtaken the city. Each legionary was to be given one day’s liberty over this weekend and Dismas and Gestas had a firm plan that involved a lot of wine and hopefully a prostitute if they could find the money. The two Roman soldiers were auxiliaries and were not paid a soldier’s wage. They were born in neighboring Syria...

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Eds New Life Original versionChapter 07

I wake up to a new variation on the Judy alarm clock. She’d slipped my morning woody into her and is gently humping me. I make note to have her teach everyone this way of waking me. Oh, yeah, what a way to start the day. I fondle her breasts and kiss her neck. She speeds up. Judy says, “My clit’s still a bit sore, but the rest is OK, this position is delicious, so you just lie there and let me fuck you.” “Hmm, yes. Please, Miss, can I have some more?” Judy giggles and speeds up. I’m on the...

2 years ago
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Coach scores more than a victory

Author’s note: This is work of fiction. Since she moved in next door, I’ve always been on good terms with my neighbor Claudia. If I went away for the weekend, she would take care of my dog. If she went away I would take of her cat. She was younger than me, about 35, but in great shape. I gave hints from time to time that I wanted to be more than neighbors, but she hinted back that she was bi. We left it at that and continued a neighborly relationship. One evening Claudia came over quite...

Group Sex
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SiobhanChapter 3 Matilda

Taking a page from Josella’s story, they parked the Suburban out of sight, and Mishka walked in shadows to the grocery store. A walkie-talkie speaker-mic was clipped to his collar, and a shotgun was carried at the ready. As he approached the store, he saw two small blond figures sitting on a shaded porch bench in front. He stopped, when one of the figures called to him, “Hey mister, can you help us? We’re hungry, there’s no one around, and we don’t have any money. Mom never came home, and we...

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Check Up

Check Up It had been a while since I was to the docs and today was a yearly check up, just turned 24, was scheduled for a basic physical, probably some blood work, ect. Really there was no big concern, relatively good health for the past year, 5 foot 10, 140 lbs of muscle with very little body fat, always a good heart rate and blood pressure… and of course a ragingly good sex drive! I am a transgender female that opted out of taking hormones and instead going down the route of laser hair...

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It Begins

This story is copy written by the author authorization for any use other than personal downloads is prohibited. This story is based on real events to some degree. Some of it is; something that maybe should have been but just did not happen. It Begins By Cheryl Lynn It was a Friday night and bitter cold outside. I was having a Jack Daniels and coke, feeling an itch that kept getting stronger and stronger as time went by. Finishing my third drink, the...

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BethChapter 96

November 25, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written November 28-29] After a cold-cereal breakfast, the seven of us threw frisbees around in the back yard – and in the Jacobsen back yard – in a cold, but calm morning. Meka showed us some of the finer points of various throws, and we became more proficient at it. We quit around 10 to warm up in the hot tub, then six of us hugged Civia good-bye when her parents came to get her just after we finished lunch. Meka bid the Go5 adieu to study at...

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Erotic Movie Scene Leads To Sex With Cousin Sister

Hello ISS readers. I am Rehan (name changed for privacy) from New Delhi and I have just completed my 12th grade. A little bit about me. I am 19 years old, 172 cm tall with normal colour and athletic body (as I am a sportsperson). So this story is about how I had sex with my mami’s daughter. This happened two months ago, in April, when I went to my mami’s house for spending my vacation. My mami’s daughter’s name is Abhisarika (name changed) and she is 1 year younger to me. My cousin sister is...

4 years ago
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Our first glory hole

When we first began she was very shy and would only want to be there for short times. Now she is willing to browse the store looking at porn and even some of the more adventurous toys. She has even gone as far as having conversations with strangers in the stores. A few years back on a trip headed north we found a lions den on the side of the interstate. As normal we pulled in and had a look. It wasn’t the biggest but she noticed right off that it had something none of the other did, an...

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Miss Mays Atonement Part 1 of 2

Miss May's Atonement Part 1 of 2 Belladonna [Author's Note: Based on an idea by Mitzi and Gastoni] Brandon Stewart sat in silence beside his wife while his attorney read the settlement proposal from Martha Duff's attorney. Brandon's gaze briefly drifted to the stony look his wife was giving him as the attorneys tried to settle the sexual harassment charges against Brandon and the company he had founded with his wife. Sarah Gordon glared at her husband while the attorney she...

2 years ago
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She Likes to Watch

Ever since Rhea found out I was bisexual and heard some of the stories about my past encounters, she had a fantasy. She wanted to watch. If I went off to visit my gay lover, Jim, she would tell me how much she wished she could be there watching. Even though she loved it when, upon my return, I would tell her all the details of my latest tête-à-tête, there was still something lacking. (She’s a very visual woman.) I asked Jim if he would be comfortable with her watching but he said ‘no’. He would...

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Lovely Tyrant

Introduction: The older girl who lives next door runs my life. Even though I hate it she is so damn pretty and my mom really likes her. Hey Trey, wait up, I hear Miki call to me from somewhere behind me. I turn back toward school to see her long brown pony tail wagging behind her as she runs to catch up to me and I cannot help but get hard watching her big breasts bounce with her hair. I got a project for you, she announces as she slows up next to me. I groan knowing trouble when I hear it....

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The Minx Part III

After being asked to keep an eye on my neighbor’s 18 year old daughter while her mother went away for the weekend, I didn’t expect to find myself ending up in bed with her. But that is what happened as she went from jerking my cock and giving me a blowjob, to myself going down on her and eating her pussy out to a wonderful orgasm. But things were about to go that further step…. I moved up to the side of her body, as my cock was already beginning to get hard once more, which she noticed. ‘Did I...

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Girlish DelightsChapter 12 Harem Life

Passing through a door at the far end of the room, they came into a large pleasant area, again roofed with frosted glass in which were gardens with terraces, pools and small gazebos which seemed to Princess Elaheh to tempt one to stroll or to sit and chat. The courtyards were bounded by the fronts of indoor pavilions with decorated eaves, beautiful tile work, and elaborate carved shutters. "Father, why is the roof enclosed? Surely it would be nicer to have this open to the air?" "Oh,...

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A Game of Nine Ball Reposted

The Martin’s lived out on Farmers Road in a new subdivision with their family Wes and Peggy, both in high school. They belonged to the Country Club and played golf on the weekend and Bridge on Friday nights, every Friday night. Wes was a baseball player on the varsity team and Peggy was a mid distance runner on the track team. Both were very good at their chosen endeavors and for a junior and sophomore, excelled to a legendary status, with Wes, the elder of the two, being placed on the...

2 years ago
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Indian Fighters Cock CutterChapter 5

Cassius' wound was bad enough that he had to be left at home when they started their next round. Of course, this made Cissiee happy, but Cassius felt like he was letting the team down. John assured him that his presence would be missed, but they would get by. They had hardly gotten into Mexico when they saw a plume of smoke off in the distance. This might be some of their business, or it might just be somebody who needed help. Whatever the reason, they felt compelled to investigate. They...

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Thickumz Jenna Foxx Thick Laundromat Lust

Leave it to a bodacious black babe like Jenna Foxx to turn laundry day into a fun time. Today, she is doing a couple loads when she gets the bug to do some twerking. She has a little fun, shaking her ass in the laundromat and getting her pussy nice and wet in the process. Then, she makes her way back to the hotel to strip down to her birthday suit with our stud. She gets down and sucks on his huge cock, enjoying every inch as it slides in and out of her hungry mouth. Then, she pops her silky...

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my stepmom slut

i just finish licking the ass of my stepmother it was fucking hot to please her she is such a fucking dirty slut .She like to get her bug fat ass lick clean and i have to admit this morning was a dirty job to do.She make me do dirty stuff that would in a normal time discuss me but she is so fucking hot and pervert she make me do everything she wants dirty old slut!!!! this morning after making a dump she ask me to lick her ass clean this was the first time i had to lick her fat ass that dirty.I...

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I looked at my sister in startled amazement. She had, sort of, in round about words, just offered to have sex with me. I think. I stared at her. She blushed slightly and dropped her gaze to the floor. "I'll see you tomorrow then," she whispered. "Uh. Okay, yeah tomorrow." I managed to say. I turned and left, walking down the garden path towards my car, not seeing anything around me, just hearing her words over and over again in my mind. "Okay then, why not tomorrow," she had...

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THE family ROOM

The family Room I think I was quite lucky to have found my husband, Josh, since he is just the kind of man that would fit in perfectly with my family. After attending my college classes, I would usually go to this little diner where he worked. At nineteen, I had never been allowed to date. This made starting college even harder on me. For the prior three years, the only sexual contact I had was with my father, my three brothers, and my grandfather. Obviously, i****t is taboo in most families,...

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Raising Little Tabby Jack

She’d been catatonic from screaming and crying for hours when the SWAT unit had charged into her home and rescued her from the three home invaders who had brutally murdered her father and mother. It came out as they were interrogated they had particularly enjoyed raping the pretty thirteen-year old as her mother was forced to watch. Both she and her mother had been strangled and raped repeatedly. A concerned neighbor with acute hearing had thankfully detected Tabby’s shrill screams of terror...

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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 28 Gail

Sunday Week 10 Continued Jill had yelled out to Dave when he turned and walked away while she and Peter were boarding the ferry to Dunk Island, "goodbye my love, goodbye." Dave returned to his 4WD and drove back to the RV, got himself a beer and sat on his roof sun deck, sipping it slowly, trying not to feel too sad. He reflected on the wonderful experiences and pleasure he had unexpectedly had during the past two months. When his beer was finished, he climbed back down and busied...

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Married Into Petticoats Chapter 2 of 5

Married Into Petticoats a story by Prim The story so far: Simon, just married to Monica Barber, finds himself dominated by his new mother-in-law, Veronica. She makes him strip and put on her coat, in which he is tied helplessly. His two stepdaughters, Shannon and Sophia, apparently knew this was coming, as did his own wife. Veronica's doctor friend Catherine arrives, and has Simon inhaling medications that weaken and soften him. Then the two of them take him upstairs to...

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A Genny Story Prudence

  Here is another adventure that Melly and I had while on vacation. It isthe only threesome that we have ever had (together). I don't know why wehaven't done it again, we just haven't. As always I would love to hearfrom anyone that would like to write. If you do write I promise that Ialways return e-mails,A Genny story.... PrudenceI am Genny.It was the second winter that Melly and I lived together. We were lookingto escape the Michigan cold, and Melly has a cousin Joe that works in DisneyWorld...


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